The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, December 13, 1866, Image 3

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? V ' , * '^ ?* A % < ','. , , V^' Wv* Xr > ^ * v"* - m . ? ?+ ,m n ^ % m 1 * ** K # #* '- -- ? * * ** m . ' ' v -V,. Mr -*,v! ' ' " ' " - ' . ... ^ * ' * ? W' " J * I I - BY F. M. TRIMMIER c ail Devoted to Education 1} i a , Agricultural, Lir;i>'ft/cfti _ Sffi rr/tf<7 Mechanical Arts. If AS fcs no T t t i - M a . .. -a?xsssnaMHM* N AnvANm , * m VOL XXII " [I. s 7 H E I oration o race. C< tw??t ? 11 i% PARTANBU UCt, S t the coudit on of the colored i jnjrrcss, however, yet hesitate I to y of these States to ropres Mita . C., T II U il S DAY, yiri ! L. ' J n the ,!.. > oi" .*< j>:e out ;Iv< my n??il ?'! t ? ,v't. ' . t!:i "<> cit DEC EME E U 1 3 , minus? M*o ?!unlroy?.?i. V? i^Iii ?^ii - IV tin >rJt ;o lu> c ?!i'i.i v'lt.'.i, i !:: no ?.y I.M-: ' lovs i"i I jjrulitudo 1 S G G . ? "V ?~ ~ r rnriir i?i 1 - mini? ?;i sj-.'ke ?hwe Glc; iySvjii, roliovtl The barque Ei . vol.ii,tartly h; I70 i;Mrmun NO. 46 aiiliijfsi. rcrhurd, from Bremen, immigrants nrrivnri in IS P U B L > THUUSDA Two Dollars ( RATES OF n?. <ap;>0i r I8IIKD KVBtlY of the eij .Y MOBNING, ^C2ti?j A T preseiitat Specie) in Advance. t0"n<? rr failed to " - Hepresen ADVERTISING. whose in See, had it in ?i uiiiii mwui'n i ui? jhth mouth of the session that an i was m ule in favor of l'onn".-soe. mission of her Senators ami Ito? ' ives. 1 deem it a suit cot of'pro- I itrct that Congress has thus ft: I admit to seats, loyal Senator.-' r.inJ j tati cs from the other Str.tes, < habitants, witli those of Ten: es | ' cnp;a;re*i in the rev?"'!' >. i n : i i ? . -uiri mt .. u. H':i . avo will t olo '.-. l .v power.' 1 1 : rhit'on. *?>r t<. cot. mjiMcii v.-11 i tiio (' ; ' i : "i : ln*.Vi? :tr" tvilorct 'I ? j" : i i ;; l'l t'ul (Vn-ff l I ". Il i I is 111;'.' o| t!\" election rit'?i. tod <j jutS'Mis of its ir.iM . * ."<<1 with the concur !; > r! ; wu-; i-ir-Vi oionioor Wieti i or i pc! ;Q'-rt [ r?s ireu lroiu tuj ourttn 01 i> iiii iho in ail within i ! * not 'U'.tim; .1 11."oi>, ill: nil ilic Federal In ion ;.s tic only "'nith? *.w.e :?resci-!liiiil ! y Jt-Ilor 1 the ii 'ti ,:i t > tilde tr Irs country [ nil i- :n;i?>'e- el' tl.cir ?Jmi.-fiti i i'iiv, a union fit' sciuiui? ! ;ocl i ju.iiiy ausficio'is t<? th??<r *- 'ii( fv. . iicKH'ii . i t;:. i'i : in*'. \ Charleston ^u< t?..- ;>;?! . o! our | r\nts intend to s J ' ? tIn' j i?.;:Vr mostly contv iv'c? ul 3-ifcty, I jlios already reside nni tin rules ot ^ colony of I'o 11)011 tO thu true (ho \\ ilderncsa, r?' n, sitid pro jjroUnd between th lit and action ^cc> ;(00'kc: and t !ia|?j)ini>s and a j?0bsh exile in .1 ?' ' ; Cfieti ol J -i ?-- ?1 Inesday. These imtui>ettle in oouth Carolina, ectcd with German fainnt here. lea arc about locating in famous as the battlele contending armies of Irunt. (Jon. Tochman, tli'i country, is at the Insertions, 7 PRESID'T JOB Fettow Citizens < of Representatives , the Congress of th uncinuu, *?i, ouiiavijuiui Italia, ill , ? , number, 5 cents, in Speoc. The seats ">" of llepre INSON'S M! E. " by Itioir < election ; t// the Senate ami House t? accent ;?After a briel interval, sion, it i c United States resumes | pbshed n un: in mi cno luinn or i r?? wn lie i. remain without rcpiCjiitntiou. ! I i of fifty members in the lluuf>,j sentutives, ami oi twenty mom- j i te Senate, are yet vacaut. Not , 1 jwn consent; not by a failure of j | l?ut by tlic refu.d of Oonirress j ? their credent a Is. Viieir I'tuiis- , t believed, would have aecom- i uueii towtrdr' tl.e reinoval and ' i ititilutKc pr?-? u'-i his en lilies ??: ion, he ui.iy at <he ti'iieu.ed meted ; or should there any fji is to lus < li?rioiiii v, it is credential >e roterred lor investigation to tl iropriatc committee. H' adui'ttci scat, it must be upon evidence, satis .o the House of winch he thus bee net.liter, that he possesses the re :?to titu i ei ti and i .! iii.nili ! dec? tiio *rny I'M (: nVcrtlHI 'tif si ??? ro : >':i "?!' ' voniinetl to the -j.h? it: it ion ' t i i.ite itilicn, ami justly am S tllliy ! tliill OI!C iJoYCmillCIlt is IK (io an? m;r cur (>nion pros 1 to a ' sions of the rights ami j owc factory i Stato.i. in thus attciujitin oincs ;i (ioncral tiov i n men t strou ?juiMM wuiik. Its true strength Ci ations in* imlivitlu.ils ami States < > Mi always be "vm" w w,u"j/ r ol it.* a;.pro Dobbs says thai i forcibly tiri;i>d tuaids. Tlicy i it to be main ?clres that they do erved by invo- ,llc' market is clost rs of the several A law exists it < to make unr drinking on the fi is, we make it service It rmiH tli insists in |eav ing in an ale house ts much a> lats day. or other holid I beauties genoraliy die ?et such a va uc on them in't fiud a purchaser till jd. i Germany to prevent inbbath during Divine us: "Any person drink! during service on Sunlav. in-iv lemillv Hpnart rits annual lcgislati and merciful Pro^ pestilence which vi its calamitous tract our country. Pen< civil authority hav to.exist throughout ted .Stated. In all thority has supei vo labors. An nil-wise Kiroiifjtue tidcnce lias aluted the isitcd our shores, leaving Siaiej 'S upon some portions of ;;reat prii je,order, tranquility and utionot , e been formally declared puople on the whole ol thOfUni- tion, utni ol thosStatcs, civil au- mentation, 'ceded the coercion ol I naneo wii ning oi o(l? .clatinns as oiio poo- i eiuoved serious came l??r discon ! , 10 pavt ol* the inhabitants ol the :e It would have accorded with the ; teiples enum ia". I in the dochir t American independence?that no i i?iht to b ar the burden ot taxa i yet be denied the right of ropre- * It would have been in coiiso t ill the express provisions of the n t loln.-u: I a lu?":--ion as a niciiibi Vi.'.t of duo I'lo s to tlic <i.jv< r ta ivtuniol to Ins constitu n s. tl iduioii!-li<d thit uotiu iiut |' i .tis 1 10 1 oil "I Si itc> wsii bo alloMTud i it tbc I ,'isl itiv.: f.mucil i ii tiie oiil to.' oolitic-.I |mi v i- .iiid mora! or >1 (miiiuto s arc il'.ii' .v. !v oxo l.e in'or. rls of lf?> litj to li: : liuivt Old ti lull'V to till' i'ldoil- f* I >?> t I.: it, I'm -ii'K: to themselves; in ma iimt;nt, not in its power, but in i icy arc not in it? cutitrol, but in oval t>> in t in biiiiiiiii; tin: States i voic 'be centre, but leaving ca. nation. '? truvted in its prop renin !lu nee I In -o are the t achings rteii in Iccils ami services have ;n. iiiiicii' ti iutis, ami who, loti-_r. ince, I < nil,. tllllll t!il? ^t'.'MiM III' 11 * ft king itself lelt. w thout paying." is Ixmi. tiofiicv; The Tuskegce ( its protection; readers a^iinst inJ more cinsclv to out to them to rem . h to move on gno<i judgment Itr iniiiona! ?rhit that State. an<i sti ol men whose cil in that tjtiurtei i'lo them illus tarmil."* have witlniia'.vn Sanlnrd Conove IWI l.,li ?.? - - v? j :o?j -fyAla.) News cautions its ijceuieuts recently hold ovu to Texas. Men of ivc just returned from ate that the cr> ps rep rt- ^ are confined to a few r, the witness charged arms, and the pee action, are maintn in full activity an The enforcement < 1 obstructed in any i powerful to be sup; course of judicial animosities eugem rapidly yielding tu ces of our free ir >|dc, by their voluntary ^ O'lstitui ining their Govoiniucnt : t 1 d complete operation:?, tftate, w of the laws is no luu<rer prived ol state by combination too j d'hei e pr? pressed by the ordinary *?oeure i proceedings, and ti?3 every dered by the war ure ea<,lt > the beneficent infiuen p??rtant v istitutinn.H. mill in rli(i I the t\)n?t ion?that each State should have t )uo representative, and that no t thotil its consent, shall he do- s its equal suffrage i t the .Senate. I jvisions were intended to secure ?. to every State, and to the people i Siate, the ri^ht ot representation t Llou?e of Con^res;; atld so itn i t .as it deemed hy the tiauiera ol I r tution. that the eoiialitv oi the I i ^ ... J . -... ion, so vitally affecting tin* t -tor.; lie I tn n and the jxo inai' of ot ;eiit t'?riu ot U ovcrniueiit, icy c ?nv lerctoiore ex grossed have undergo :haiiire; l>ut, on the contrary, their c ivod lias been confirmed by retted e line. It tlie admission of loyal nn 0 seats in the respective Houses ol ;resH was wise au?l expedient a ye 1 i< >>.i ...?J i ' * I ? - ; ? tion ol country the rich legacy c.r lr pre- their w -ilmu ami ih?:ir pat iction> >_: fresh inspiration from isc iim id us emulate theiu in love lorreet respeel I'm the ('oustitutioii jii ami :: * * Miiber.- Tn the performance of 3 i IpO.i lit-.' iV tll?' ''<>li-(ili|lit :ir up' >in. :v l i<? the Kcproci . . i i . >. i > i .. .. ... | with |>i*rj?ry i" the their wxui.fdc* l>av.s with Mr l.i rn.:i-i.> Draw? yCj m jail He dt i their lessons, c,.n?. He hr.s beet ot country and j and naa been i and I he laws j jury. It i-S Stated * j indicted lor pflrjur i d'?ty imposed , q>jie v,,tCs whii ,11. 1 have thus j \n jhe sever itatives ol t,:c j j^uthern >1 r? 1 ! plot charging Jefferson ncoin's assassination, is L'ci ires that ho is inno? s Uiisuecr-vjtul in getting prcsuntdd by the grand also that he has been yrh havo been thus far ii annual conferences of iniltrvitn fka m?. t kindly effects commerciil intOTrc ration of trutcrnu earnest wish ot evi will hav accotnpl tionui achicvcinen sad events of t!<o only thdir instruci our onward curvet flfiH linifnH mnmlA unrestricted social and I States in An entire r?*ho ! "Its' not il feeling must be the * omutut :ry ptUiiotie Iteurt Nv'e consent, t lished our grandest nu ?'i the Na t when, forgetting uecn past, and rcineiuberiug S.aies wi Live lessons, we resume ^ctf* of tin as a Iree, j::. tpeiv? nurreotiot 1" " ? . .? ! Wi'l'il Hi... ,? j - --- , ho Senate should i?c proservi-d, | t oxen by mi amendment ul the i i ion can any State, without iu ' i jo itemed a voice in thai branch ' i tioiial Legislature. It is true, it ' t I assumed that th?* existence nt" the 1 i is tcruiiiietcd by the rebellious ; air iniiuoitaiUs, uud that the in i i ha villi!' be- i i. the, ! i . ~i . ... ... . i. i I ? .. u lot .*114 t Alien 'JU XHJ Ins unom ileus 0 )11 litiou is n lit n n ilio exact ciniilii:<Mi oi iliL'so Sta iio jtic.-i .it time, it is lawl'ti to e lioin from rcp cM, 1 u<> hit the question will be c!?aii_e<i ill11of rune. Ten years hence, i ite.s re nam as they ar , tnc ; i rc-dilation \? 11 r?o no st-oi^e "f excleiUlii.. 'h IIV. II -l.i ' - M.'l I I I ,!(.! I I* 1|>II' s; ow?i. 'I in . i'. ii" ami li?rri?; t- U 'II' '0 V II I -I - SIU'IIIS t I xciini- i'>* ::;>i!iit a n??w uii'lei not 'i-i ryi.i i.rJi-al. ami usy cm 1>, tli lial tim ]n'i il n> iy la? m i ihcsi inal.y 5 i* o I. wuhovt iii* ;?ht ii 11ai *! ! ill ami *y?iii,.'iry r?tli. i Hon are ho-t to r, 'I'h 'iiu ii viv 'i i 1 ti it< inril ruin ion imorui.tMoii ... ;< flairs as the h* " T* n Muirc. Our 'f\,?f r-oin- ha most Methol. /.H-t J.myer is. ^ moesslully and to Uenenl O. i airinjr its orig- .Somebody ou^l Ylic interests ''' 'bo NN ileox Con be promoted b_, , and j ui a?M tiniw. ilto I biiii unttl 1.0 if .. _ : > . .L e majority of the proponaino of the Church to ft Church, ami the proof lay representation iniferences. it to tumble the editor i ity iVe?vs int > the Ala>uple of ofpijj metal areis to keep cool, lie ? r-r4th December, l>(j ed of the measures tuted i y the Exec gradual restoration the iosurrcctiou oct with the General ional Governors In ventions called, I Representatives cl a. J o...? M (uvoo<i;:u t?? I* ; 15, Congress u?.-* m- iy a-> ->?i j which had hecu insti ( tiv?*, citi ative with a view to the J * ?ovc-t tiiii of the States, in which J di-*>'inetin curred, to their relations luscd to : Government. 1'iovis- pa'itdo wi id heen appointed, con ?\>-tciii, a iiovcrnors elected, and ,l,e " ,r> iosen to the Congress ol 01 ' i|UCroj~ w\t.' lie#. ill i". ' ai .o, anil judicial dcpaiii.n'i.;> 1 , iMit liuvi', huwuvcr, with i ,*ss ami uuiiorin con.s s> 'iicj. ro j auction uti ;i>.-uuij.ii'.n so iucoai- 1 t til- tin: iiur.irc wl our Uc^ulil can lii'i v, ill: II. uoj t,-j u! ' t throughout t.'io iVlollt lv_l-iillli>|i ; | lllu UioicillUbll' 1.10'. 111.i k I - 'I OfjWIil Ml'.ti l t4l, ' I... - - ?/ iu h?ty ..." :.V 1*'^".7^ 0 t!i-lJcration of (Jo. pc. s lif i-:;r? s as sli .11 i nIvT'* ik\- xpciliiMit. i I;hinv ?>t no moasu e !y (K'liiaud-1 by evufy <<. i*ii> . of inn . . il inti ri*>t, i-c.ii*; 1 jn?li (juul jusiioc, tliun (he snlmi moii ? ... loiaTs If .ii iio.v uorwpiv1 1 i-> u'viitio C'.HsuiiMiai ' tif v. ? ?? i i?? ??r .: ?? i ?,i or.r ?i rtllli tl ll 'lii r ? sue!. !' petiee ?orM.'.i;: .;ir ary u. arlv aec > :j?ii>I.i-i?i.r of i! in in 't U" oiuleavor to prose;* .loiiler wceu the to ordinate P. |. .'V au !ovcm.::; it. iii:.t?vu*h in it t loyai "ay cotiiially e.> .m i ite .States ?ii 8ccurin<? the tnnintaimii I'roto. 'titution, :;ij } r. - . alion > t <hi?? r-tiot-M, '7 "-cii.itfw ui in ! o f ursiiii. ' > -i '?f Heath ? to tIi<* > deeo in so - :.r?t ends, 1'iat ' Hull can harmony he where he pleases, annenfs of the l,'n,^-s *o >eep whei s propersphere the rats t with the other as ha ! ie > of the Con- 'J lie case of a cl of the I'tiion, death is ?;'ven in e aociuruttun ot Hall's that h-wband and wife -?9 puiMto rooms, declaring nloep-'bow, when and but for himself, he in* re he can defend nis wife iiiJ nil other nocturnal I: is ;.-ot one to defend, lild being frightened to Wise-:::* a papers. The 11UI3 I MIIICU OlillCS. ed tor the colore abeyance; ?hc blocl custom,houses rc-c tcrual revenue put the people might c al income; postal autucd, and cifori restore them to tlx efficiency. The S i/ouns nan oceii open i-,'( ciucnt ol laws lon^ in ciiiuiimiii kade had been remove!, " 'b?s i stablisliod, and ihe in "out ui i in force, in order that fared w sontribnte to the nation >' operations had Leen re wu-ed U| Us were beinif made to prtssion, ?ir former condition ol ?r j'ti fates had been asked to ?r in lillVlll, IN.II illO".' ICII llOill 1** li | lies .i o ntjlliinir than fMjtrs i I1I1UI. At illi! V?-r\ V , ; the tvbtiium, curl) il.usn tic j | i? Ik ;? unanimity as run .?;;.olo as i jMiitirant, that the v ar W;.* n i Mil our part .11 u.iy spirit r.l uj>- , nor tor any purpose ol . .nnjui st 1 .tion, nr>r fiurpoMi' of >v ithrow lerfcrm^ \.uii the rents <0 v .. , alion, an i c\?rt ;t im? ,t salutli/ i ! ii tlio i\j i .O i ili-hincnt of t oac, Iia i ml I r If. lili*. It V.'tiu i*l U..1 y to ii'i.civ' ix.i* cuiiiidcticc ol till' hi 1.1' ?|1 <3 ill tin: vi;;??r 1 i lu-.r moil liiui;:!. it wuuiu ii". i i: ! - ly t i- ilicr ;ts a nation, an I o . >li uv to tiic \vori?i lli i . |i;r. : il iVf j> I hi I -I uf il < ioVf.lltiu lit i If .11 tllf V. lli (it I iif 1 I II at: i,.t-. the jvr .uiiy < 1 <<;r . i liny, A A ill.' \V 1 'tout \\ osll Ill.'tOil, I'Oo'luh.'T Vnuri- < ?i v oi '* :i iii f t i he l.oi.i.-eiilo ' 'iMirier ihle u> . i variety ol vea-i ms why ii.. i re J 1' 'nil shouM ;iot he toh'iat 'I. es?| . f V trl.iMTI S? .! i??4 fV> t iro institutions, child was at play lOllneighbor, v.hen a ;j. J - tit J. it up in a dnik rd the little U Mo*.?, th lire. cr and tell in pnro , sickened trotu the pays there are , , , ei c-J, ntul when uy r gvo suffrage Ict me die. L ntv po -ially in the again " r.l TL\;?t. I 'ru.. t i upon tike doorsteps of a man threatened to shut u:;i. This so frightened* at ho p\n into hi - moth xy-;--.3 on the floor. It fright an ! never recov? tng, said, Papa, don't or trill go on the stops V A t 1 f Ftake part in the h ing the Constitute ing the extinction one of the legitiui; necinc struggle, tar, the Executive it had accomplish within the sc j?e thoritj; one thing, to be done before i^h Junction of amend- j i?*bl\-hiu >n, and of their sanction I lu drteni i ol Alrioan slavery, as 1 l'u Conate results of our inter i i UJ -uunci Having progressed thus | I niou vvi t Departnient found that i fights ut cd nearly all that was I ?tid tluit of its Constitutional uu ewiiiplisln , however, yet rcuiuined j mst the work of restoration Continue 4 iilSlitU! nils lit I !ii i.?C StafiS, li'Ji I i ami in.t.main tiie su}'rciiii.'v <>l i lltUllmi, IIII'I uii li.WS I;.1 Hi U llliMVIII, *l!lll I Jil I -VI - l! lilt! j iili all liiO iliviiiry, itiuiiii) ami tiic 8i'vera I Siatcn ilium nil .1 ; | as soon a^ in si! .< j n Wi'n ..c , Sli, lliu M il' ml^llt I.I Ill unci's, S< ilititil - vvi'io j11*i it.ill 'i | lln'ir leans'.Uivu I .tirti-ni*. ii? I -!.< i jpnU iti 1 j iinoij 'c" o! iilj -r' . .0 ii i >nt?alli^<Tico. Our i u r* r ti i-_ .1 M. i v l. iiit' l j r : rii-ti i ill / il<'iiiiiii>tr.ito 15. :*?11 - v tr'in ii >:n-it Jii'i* ih, in .. mi?* i'-*oc"it rriiioiiii! .11-.?r-1? r-\ iii".u.i (' it -1. :t i i - <*:t II ur?Vfriniici:f i ii.i.- i.lit |J ii? 11 iiii'itiiiurs lr it'i flic li.iW' t?Xt lll tt:ti l|< |j; ( n|i ?l*i . I)' *i I. .. .. . , .. ... i . -?r~* i Ju" ro fir:; >v:i i'r >ni the ?< 11 " > V tii<* c "ism of 1 ^ i >:. i , .|( >" it.", r iMTito :.oj-ulntio " -.wii Mac';* is nn fallows: 5 y ?lic ] Mtis'rxjsa ? v.liitcs " i h> 1 '.7'> Tloro ii?'?* i'"rtv ;.;tc? j i>i Jm Sf:i:\ in tMrtv two 'la.iiiji Macks fiavo a m V. xatvu 1 HI 1 i^urv I nt pnpulat on. ,4r<-'<i that coutlterh t ai pears that 1'irsl lia , . , no tea ?>i the I- irst " 01 whites n?.d cill,ia;j, ami the $ al lJunL oi New \ ; henries. latijii. 'l he count ei lit conntips etl co'es are pronoi ol' which the graving l.cinir tir.i ! i?| ;.i .raoce ?;ooj 'cparimeni nave uiscov? jits ct 8100 notes of the nk of Hoston. the 8100 l?ationul Hank of Cin? 100 notes of the Nationink City, ar in circu? erieits of the latter narnuneed excellent, the en? .1 class, and the jreneral The on y difference could be complete! mission to Centre Representatives f people had rebclle thority of the (ii n question devolve! Uuuses, which, I made the judges and qualifications flllll Mm pniiyiiliifot 1, an'l I lint whs the ad ! "ihur ss of loyal Senators ami i e eclrd : rem the States whose *l?mr St il against the lawlul an to cral (J overt) tuen t. Ths ^oro end. 1 upon the respective f'urco of *y the Constitution, are people w< of the election returns '"eluded of their own members, reel tax <>? nn/tn ...? .1 . I. . till fli<. | inslmcis, repiesi tit ilivo- w< ,? i mil admitted to their .1:1 1 ites I'lirm.iliy 'ii-i-i ii d tlieii j w 11 lid raw I'.vmii tlii' I 111 < >11. and 1 tavuriu^ to iiiaiutuiii that 1.j;it *?y 1 anus All of ilie States wliiis.' ( 're 111 insiirreetioii as St 1 e.., were | 111 the ajij'oiHuMiiwiit id tin- di id v?JU,Udll,i'UU aniiiialiy lain 111* 1 int.. I 1... .1. . t . 1 il, iit>v. ..v. .it!' : ;ui ?>|'}4- rrt:?ii.y iV-il^i, lit, i li: 11 tllil el. .IIIH'U lit tl in iuiti V If vvu .111 ailvijl 'l:o r . iii.. 1 iMii iitiiiti 1.1 St.,.--- i ilill ?*. n t'liii ^ 1.1 In'il, ; .1 III li. - I. iflivilli: K'ui I.; ii.r.v Ui.i i: 1 v ;.!? il t :tu ineni . i }.i. iUCtii-ii i. >' ij.;. \v!*icli h iVi-.ul icl mi .iitiv iv Nil ii ut tin: hi ai.u (lie t :it i ' v.?,?i l :?r?-:?s n i- i. :v me or s . in of wh*"'i the ',v : 'ire in h' :iu<i I 'll tin I n?< "7.7 17 whit ireM-n hlv-ks. Slip h:is i'>irtv p m l. I v seven i.f which the Mucks triii' lit jorifv I. iiit i S mill (hirolin.i lins "?91 i tiio | H-.V'Vjii Murh-t Sho lia? I to ii: | in twenty ol v.hich the b! u fee of j inni'irity. ninnop. in c^tit '?> '.va to cxi:.t is i i the majority -vi r-l "maintain n >m. mpI ?>- r>7^ is.) riirln hand std< ix c antics, in i that letter bein^ a arc in the urn- 1'. il ih-suc. * A more tcrrib *00 whites, and Xatioiml lntelli'^ci hirty Districts, cutve 1 th in is to ack > arc in the rods ot the Arlin^ lar tilt. tWiM'.iv ti'.'l iu the letter "r tn the itar the teinale figure on ? ol the lace ot the note, nperlcct in the counterle ppectacle, says the iecr, can hardly be conbe seen uithin a dozen ;ton mansion A circuI ilonri ntlil t llA a<> 1*1 . * in I attci tion of Congr I the Executive D?| I having been projn effort to pericct, 9 H the restoration of iween the citizens the Eoderul Qoien time to time, as tli ed to re<|uire, th ?v/i? tit. uiivu ?i iinr i -?-w , ess. In the meantime, 1 August ;"> lartnicnt, no other plan { March I, *8c'(I by Congress, in its , u' roprest is far as was pr cticah e, ? ' < d the tlie proper relations he ; ami they of the respective States, divided i niiient extended, from ; he divid ie public interests seem I pears in t c judicial revenue and to Ten net . ? >MM< r* nj in** ;ici | 11y the Vet and ley ill c a|> >0< tiuirni'iil iitntion t hereunder, a >?> reooo i ir presence us States in tne l uiuii. have tor judicial purpost s, neen , ito districts as States al m can cd. The iccoyuiti'ii up- < lie recent legislation in reference | <see ; wluuli evidently rests 11 j-on | 'Ill* A , X.'w ill' tl-? hi cut riil'hi' wnp,il In I to (fir : r??_i.. viu' |? ?* utn [llC 'ii V I.H'.ll 11.11- i.l W IT W.ill . i. 1 mil .ill trii"e? il our tlmoioi,.; tliil II t< I I rum iliii iuiihI* ol' u ir c 11 -. t In our elf .its to preserve tin* ui ii)veru;n>'iit, wliL-h m fit-n. u |>lt', by -t.'iiiit. tin* Static In tlie winch tli? \ licitl ;>riur to tlicr. i M"? lias H"?S.SO ' n< i ii | in.". (V.I I'l l I -; Sin* li h i ii in iv. iitv ol wli'ch the hi i> 1.1 v-il, hi ijcrirv. i in . - \ 1 i' ma has "?*??"? 271 w r\ in> ii 77'1 Macks She li h fif* ily of in Mventy i?f wl.'uh the I la He j > . in iji.lily. '* With t' e riyht of sulTra !i !lioa ... . J ? 0 whites nrt'l diameter, haa been >ntv counties. ;h>wcr arden, con at '.:s nrtt in the i-,,iii|i:irtmt;iits, am j recojitf.ele nr cast hites an<? titers as perished t v two counties, were nut huricd al eks are in the u?> as to have thei cnnitnateiy to^etii the nO'Tf.eS looked into this j . e -1 ?w|> miivi iuu oaiuu IU sunk t?y the side of the united and divided into d down to this gloomy the bones of such sol? in the field, nnd either t all or were so covered ?~ r hones mingled indisicr. At that time we gloomy cvern, a literal I postal systems ot the advice and cot necessary officers propriations made payment of their tion to amend the so as to prevent t within the I'nitet subject to their ji by the requisite the country, ami with tho? fuel itent of the Senate, the woa not were appointed and up merely si i by Congress for tin j ot course salaries. The proposi 1 ik ; 'J'en s federal Constitution, their plat ho existence of slavery the lixee I States, or any place nient upo urisdiction, was ratified definite a number of States ? ; the war w the tunc)loss nt" tin- Sun- , destroyed by tin; rehtdnon, lint , HHiiOiidcd ; and that principle is, , ?|i|dica lc to those Stales which, licssee, attempted to ti'.imiik'i! | cs in lite I uiuu. Too uclioti ot | utive Department ot tli : (iovem- \ it this .subject has been equally | ml urit'orin, and the purpose of > 'as soccitieallv stated in the nroe- i tVO stn>ul<l !> ' (Mil I''Us I) st, li:iviII JilC'l on:- nation froti. 1 <?riIs of Ifin* li.-iuti ^ration. we resorl '?> cnii i i 4it i in tlie ciitl utisulule ?11 -potism. ri ii.i ily for the reciirreuee of r-utiles, ili.- li.ivin^ < ivilli it oil ocei-ooii 1 >r lite exen powers of uuulitfii coiistiiuiiouoii ihouM lia-teu to loin^ legislation I... I... ..J I... wonlU It the rulers o! la if res siNmi il '',0 fertile portion r iliiti ili, State--, ui <1 lie atle to elect As a nf the iiiemherH of C'iuij: """ ,!tl Northern demagogues in j. South sh til'l accept this iso 01 . . wo humiliating condition, niu within of forcing it upon her ^ .. , ,,i uur;iiiiiu, inert; wi rj'o districts 01 . .... , hi one division. It. ?( the >uuthcrn all(1|ju.rt un,j rj0? ;i large portion | oslimated as (he I res*. And y? ' human I cings. mist thai the The Miss .Julia di-rading and ^ ?>* l?u?u,ru(l n ,, , , ria, is a sister ol 1 talk serious!) ofcurS,alu> 8lie < ould she ac- I c|,eri8hed this ic iTe pucu together skulls ^s in another, arms in in another, what were hones of two thousand ftrcjrg, who went with e^ro emigrants to LibeGeneral Maxey Gregg, has for several years lea ol ) ' iicfit t! Hi# tl>? I On the 18 th dir it was officially dc valid as a part ot United States. A1 the insurrection 1 amended their Cor them conform to I eff ctcd in the or declared null and Una fit anonao'i. ? y of December, 1805, | lamntion dared to have become ' 2-d of 8 the Constitution ot the solcinni 1 of the Status in which hereafter, lad exhibited, promptly prosecute istitutions so us to make res'oving die great change tlius , twocn tin ganic law of the land ; ; States, at void all ordinances and States tl MrtMitilinlii,#. ..II ) ! ruiliitilfl t\ 1 . f ' issued hy my predecessor, on the September, 1 H<. It was then proclaimed and declared that , as heretofore, the war will bo d lor Ilie object ot practically the Constitnt 101 al relition he ? United Stales and each of tlie id th1 people thereof, in which lut relation is, or may he, sua , ,i:. i.?k..a ?ee - " ! v? wuuuu'ii iihmj iry iiiu ' ution, and to return to tlie uncieii nark? established by our lath, rs 1' ;ii dunce of succeeding }ren< ration Vmstitiif ion, winch, at an ay ti c, intil changed by any explicit and a ic act of the whoie people, is same' ry upon all If, in the oj u ho people, the distribution or modil >1 the Constitutional powers be, i l onsii co|>t this dishonoring and i 1 ''|V' P?su'? ',rr ld?rilior degradi s Th f?r ^,0 would lit exists bottom of disgrace. ut lien ili^ ob A Montreal dispat ill ol i lion ol That a meeting has I ecu malum uidor the subject of the n any ( unatln to the i'nitcd Stuti iii>i:ustinp pro- : African race at th< ition would l)c ?1 cuinlort. and e.i ?o touched the ! eligible opporlum. chtirihlicd scheme. It tn?y ho the d ~~ u?> that far te. then ihe 27th saya: ration ? ! the black called to c->n ,,tie, " don't aee it anneXati n lit j ? | Mlll.v 11 UH ? >! 6 - ^uertfice ol her person* jI>race? this us the first y of carrying out her uty of tho white rsoe to ' devotion to the aineliorace, but if so, we, lor ?? ,.i . n^olk k.. v. PVWOIVU, ?d debts and oblij lutionarj purposes proceeded in good oi measures for tt i i-puuiiii iii^ ?t 11 J>iririj<i , ?' Cations created lor rcvo the State: of the insurrection, and j *'>? (Jove fai;h to the cnactn.ent j conclusivi ie protection and aracli-1 tbom as ? i ui.Mumiu. i m: reeugnirion O! j i by Il?o Judicial Department of . rruucnt has also been clear and h a in all proceedings affecting { States, had in the Supreme, Cir-1? virticular wrong, let il I>?' collected iincndmcnt in [lie way in which th ifitittion designates; hut let there ihaiigc by usurpation, lor it h the c iry weapon by which lreo (ioveri o Those who respect then ho no hon iruhlo; but he who ihi iistoni hiiiisclt will be held e 1UK1M8 | world I J ~ ?? been du>6#ured am ihcIvos will be I be firry tongue wi nk* lightly ??f ?' heap by " the An nroh yonngl iur kbe u?u bead he Ki.-IIHMitll UIUUIU IIB9 1 load's hideoiu by the thin it. udy should he an aroher r beau as ahe p.eaaea,