The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, December 06, 1866, Image 3

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I r - ?? * 1 1 , _ Presents. | SO ? J'l I I UT1IKHN I "*TT*r QroiiMor & McJunki 0 ' 4 - ^ n. I ~ * '; ! *?& - f 1 % CON8I8 Children's Toys And. J< j A* TINQ OF DRX> , Fancj Articles, Jwelry, : IT . ^ UENNBNAN'8. rG HOUSE. c tll( OM MISSION AND FORWARD Morcliants, GERVAIS STREET) COLUMBIA, S. C., VTOULD respectfully inform their fri f\ anil the public generally, that they end personally to all hushicM iutiqst jin. They will buy COTTON on ord 1 1 it, or any of the products ol'the Com ^ DRS. B. & J ^wFPEJt THEIR P J OES to llio citi snt country, \l | be found constantly in //X*)\ during the day. un l Jt,tKI silo W offord College ( tv/O Feb l.? i)K.\V7T . L. WOFFOED ROFESSIONAL SERVIIzens of tlio Village and One or both of us w?M i (he uiTtce at the STOllK, at our Resilience, oppoChurch Street) at night. 1 3 if ; Dec 0 SOU f EXPRESS ' EXPRESS F< SOUTHERN EXPRI opened en Otlice i an now prepared (o f?> 21 w ^ heTn COMPANY, ?M )R\V.4l!DKKS < A iSS COMPANY having ' n the Palmetto House, rwaril Freight, Money its nnuinoie i?rm.< nnj nouie ill tlie n-y ui c also prepared Iu ST(It E or h Mill Col ton, to lie Hold either in Chur'.e: w York, or Liverpool, living futiiilinr willi all neccssiry del.-ii at ion to the Iiiteriml UeveiniwTax, t V it to our care will he forwtrded wi: lay. Planters nnd others will find t to tliei est to cut rust to us the truns.i lion of t sitioss. A. U 11A ES A It W. BplcJC X} ^ /^wi Fi:ns MIS i i ??i h. j;J V-J ,u 'ko Citizens ol ^rol X%7 *r ? r*tt - >it- jmuciico or Medicine rit his ofliee) Dentistry I Kl.M J'SII IMll'U BTOKK. 3 tf Kennedy :o: I ?J3SSIONL SERVIDBJ 'Spartanburg. 1 _ lj ana valuable Package United States by Patsi of Messengers, Goods, to the care of the S COMPANY. Chariest? point, will be forward* and Express charge (losses equitably adjus Parties having freight, ages to forward, will p I to House, Tuesday. ' Sunday. I will be on i ?s to till points in the "IT'TAT/*^ 2tirot Trains in charge K I \ It by Steamer consigned outhern express whom in. Savannah, or any .. :d promptly, ami Ship collected on delivery, (Opposite ( ted and promptly paid.) money, valuable packlease call at the 1'almet- E. D. Ki'.G, rhursday, Friday and J. j. CASS1L the rond Moudny, Wed SeDt 'JO & CASSIDEY, CSALE DRUGGISTS, MEETING-STREET, ?har[rslon Hotrl,) ifirloston, S. C. M. I)., North Carolina. / )EY, ? j r .*14 1? I Nov lO 4I WCFFOKDS & SJITH ARE {ECEIVING ii fresh nnil si>el ?(ncl , Ijllll im U'liii'li lllOV ornkiiu.' niu.1 VTN'o. i r>;i 3i ?m*t in{i* (FOKMKRLY JOHN ASH MI GKOUGK ('. GOODRICH, ) I'll 11.11' WIXKM AN, f- S. JOHN ASlll'KST, j Direct IinjM.rtors o t of DT>TJGS, . . tv iuaUil^J ^ QCV^V Attorney VVriLL attend ton S(i-co4, W the citizens of > - n < nn \ ? favor liitn. Ui>T ic CO.) UFFICE-OTE June 21 tilth Carolina. - _ " ._ ~ LAW COPA1 f II A VINCI associau >'? |lt | lA |',ir U X JL..UUII.NU, r at Law, >11 business witli which Spartanburg District R BOOKSTORE. 21 12m RTNEESHIP. ~ ,a r. i pi hiwtrinl nnilAxlK^woma nesday and Saturday. JOH ^ Spartanburg, Decent CLEVELAND, V ARE now receiving FALL AND WIN Pirchasfd since Their Stock cot N S. WILEr, Agent. n . ber 4th, 18t>6 4o-lni KCftl 1111 fATKiTsTco:, ^ ; their second Stock of V T KOHE1 TER GOODS, the late Deelioc. 0n thc Asists in part of n51 the Per z :i_ |?r id Personal Properly | set SAT.B. > hold at i lie Inie residence of IT ALKXANDKU, deceased, lSlli December next, sonal property, consisting of > *-J ? VF"" "I" ' t!ic Old Stand directly oppoAe the Ci use, where they will he huppjlo see ve their friends and customer.-] \ fine lot of fancy CANDIES ust arri jir,*? tbcinicail"'* und CliAULliSToS, S. ' Nov 15 4 J notice r oei VI. I. |>CtSOU* i II* I l-l <1 Cll ll> KIKl'.V \ WILSON, or lo i dividual account, arc requested OL1) STAN 1?, (brick Kongotan incut, where 1 may be found foi to intend lo this husine-s. We nuri st yle of ELPOIll) ? C. entrusted to my care i fun a,u* attention c j TORS APril 6 ^CeifFironiu?! SULUVAN& to call at our ATTORNEYS AT LA (1 ui:tkc settle a short time |>f EQUITY, SPA hope our old /lnlli in .. : ELFORD; all business vi 11 receive Ihe prompt it' sui<Lfirm. J. M. ELFORD. 10 timoa rwiNSMiTur iV AND SOLICITORS E TANB** - G, S. C. ' Dry Goods, HARDWARE, C A HEAVY READY-MAD A laivi BOOTS, ?Groceries, Horses, BOCKERYVVARE, STOCK OP E CLOTHING, 9 iiutg D lOt .Of FUR Mules, Cattle, Hogs, minnf TOOIN, ISO AD WAGON, cisinith^M TOOIH, HiiOLIi AND KITCHEN 1 MTURE, &o. r| ,>uv iu ISopt. 18,1^1:so. HSSDI.UTloN OF CO I'AKTjiKltSlIl ^11 K Co-pnrtner?liip lu-reloforilcxifiirip dcr iIik nunic of VAShlVlvK. HLAK friends and customers luive not hut will come forward and aid they can, j>ay us a jiart cash, a for upon account. A. II p. WAUjrit jEhfis un- * h & c< Time is Mt>i forgotten us. "rriur. imai i us n.s much :is c p SuLLIVAX. mil give notes KIIUSV. FARROW. ATTOKSE A ilAdl'jJi Solicitors J5t^?TOrticc in ltrick ' lev?" former Oflice of Juntos U UrJr'HJK. J. C. WlXHMITH. & DUNCANr Y S AT L A W NU in Equity, Building, upstairs, over I Farrow. BAGGING AND R KEROSENE OIL, SUGAR AN MOLi Also, A large SHOES AND IIATS, ^ f|?ract ol OPE, 700 acres. mi SALT, djr-t"D COFFEE, 1 Nov 29 \SSES. 1 tot of \*nE.\T. | ? .1 f Laud containing over arc inc ore or less. Ilre made khown at the sale. lull A. ALEXANDER, JONAS BKKWTOX, Executors. 44 :iw C n n??.T tty IIIIIIU.'II c?n>cm, UII h ultimo. All iudehted hy n<*e or acco earnestly requested to mule early it to C VN'NON. BLAKE & lllAtNETT, authorized to settle the btfeiucas of : tirin. TI1K UNDERSIGNED, under the name and qvie of i.lNNO.N, BLAKE & BURNET will continue as l p i \t i i i ue mnt, T UST received t!ic celeliraln 1>?V- WATCll, i lu' most durable who I'i'uc Keeper, ulso a lot of import* ,llc AMI THE BEST OF CL warranted to give satisfactii n, for cash. Constantly on baud I Jewelry of every I) ' an assortment of Fancy (loods, ' Silver and dated Ware, &e. 1 AMERICAN Jamkh Kakkow. and reliable April 15 .OCKS!CI,ES' WILLIAMS, EV aud sold low ATTORNEY spartan; ascription, Geo. w. William foild Articles, J*o. II. Eviss, William Choice. D. R. Dlnca*. _? ij_ INS & CHOICE, r'S AT LAW, BURO, 8. C. s, Yorkville, S. C. - The highest market pr BACON. LAK1>. FI OF COUNTR ALSO ? Purchase Give UN I Deo 6 4 Lt R. S. CATHCART, | Columbia, S. C. ices given for cotton, tilo 01 ,01'K. and nil kinds i if L IS y produce. Southern Bank Bills. a. Call. ? 5 tf ?i Ufa r. ii. bomar, On Mail Spartanburg, 8. c. ROCERY STORE I OK hr" K:? WHITE, ... I i. near Church-Street, cjiicis in vxeuurai luerciuuui llic store, one door west of OLKVEL.t il.KKK & CO, where I lie v ore nuw vint? and offer :.t llie latent cash roles i iiiHialineut of (heir ^ALL STOCK isisting of PHI NTS. Brown find Bl<*a K>MESTIC8, SHOES. LADIES' II \T SALT SCO A It, COFFEE. PoWDKll, SHOT. LEATHER. SODA, 1ZC, S 1* K C T A C Ij E LM), TO SUIT ALT AG US A 2 ' re" BMi^Wutclic.s. Clocks and Jew . the sit reasonable price* and y J. A. 1IKNN al I lie old |>luce, ot "? Oct 26 88 J* PAVILION HOI CIIAl iLKSTO.N ? June 11 \'I) EYES. olry repaired NEW SC rarranted. Q. cfo XX. 3E K.MAX, and after the 1 i Main streel t. wil, run on M))N] >f and SATURDAY'S. Down Trains leave Spi r, !S. C7- Leave Unionville,.... Arrive at Alston, '20 Cm H EDULE lailroad. 7ih instant, the Trains DAY'S, WEDNESDAY'S irtanburg Court House, G. !?>, u. ni. 0.30, iv. m. 2.20. D. m. WM&S? ? WHOLESAI COMMISSION 102 EAi CharleNt* BACON, PORK. BU T. X A LARGE .K GROCER STQCB ^MERCHANT, nARDWA >u, s. c. TTKlt, CHEESE AND it it L>L ALWAYS nE FOUND AND WELL ASSORTED pa in i [ OF GROCERIES, in* RE. J* CROCKERY, AMES' SHOVELS, NEW FLOUR. V orfnrral asoorinionl of STAPLE NOV DRY GOODS, are expected to a a a hurt time. Consignments of Foreign and Domestic e are solicited, 'o the disposal of ? ir prompt personal attention will he g GANNON, W. K. BLAKE, J S BURN >ept 20 24 * ? '-o THE ABJt'K rurtLl AXI) Is open for the accommodation o rrivo l'ubiio. BOARD, per day, 1 r<>rliicl, A. BuTTimi iei.i>, Mrs. II. L. | V S ?i per i til cudcn t. II' Nov 15 42 >1 A1MJ LE \ It tlUlhL connecting wilt the G , . Up Trains leave Alstoi f the Traveling c<?necling wUh ?1C G Arrive at Unionvllle,. ^".00 Arrive at Spartanburg Arrangements are Bl'Ttliii'Ikld. through from Chariest Proprietor. P!lia on ,his ro:lJ3m fept 20 ARI) a rccnvillo down Train. ti at 0.30, a. ra. reenville up-Train. 2 20. p. m. C. II., 5.00, p. m. made by whioli freight on nnd Columbia may be TIIOS. 11. JETER, Prea't S. & U. H 11. 31 If tt - ?-?> Particular attention Liberal advancements Nov 22 November TWITT! to filling orders, made on consignments. _43 4l ajj, I800. UPPER A ? & CO. A Lotof Liv BAGGJXG, ROTE AXD TWJXE, *r XD S OL E L EA Til Eli, Oil UHS Choice Western Bhcoii. [ill a* erpool Suit, La, x'ension t^ir* niiw'.INil now in correspondence willi a ) lira., well acquainted willi the l'e: oilier (Maitus rs Government, having | ed the same for uiany years in Wasliit v, ami having promised tuc their ui< istance. I am prepared to prosecul lints lor Pensions due be'ore the late 1 for JS unity tint to iharhitr /rj I . S. So well as Claims under lh He\ w. J. M KI.POKI). All AT % u old u isr x < > rv < r.siou . '^.u All Work St ill Free ol land Kpill't it iil>lll*4T < e all si HSt'lUUKU has rce< (w:ir? 1 of 1 I Al.MN au l A.MEIUC .'tinit m,d is prepared i<? do any kind 't'liue cnimsied (o his cure, ?t .>' on n l?e done in th Siaio. lean xou 3. IX. A SING IK spark f\ ami all its cont int , paid before i he disast ? Iliir^C |0 you to rebuild uud a 3. II. yourself for life. Cived a supply ^Vi*o You AN MMUILK, . , \ exPpsura as low rates as e.arl>' R'^vc, and your furnish HE \L) ,ICS ol ,in un?i>ariiabK . xnsnureav may destroy your house ents, and n ?mall amount cr happens, may enable igaiu comfortably settle IllNHl'C'd may hasten you to au family left to the chari> world, a/rtr dullari will ARE NOW OPE y AND WEI STOC FALL AND W INING A LARGE ^ . .LAJBORTKD GnSt aUC M\ OF TWDKIII I iriciul* i permanently will cndeitvo Nov 22?4 INTER GOODS, lNEW SL inn I Meal always oil Hand. ?'1^ !CK TKl'l'K, would inform lii? imi old customers, ilint lie is now r _ loriitcd at the uliove place, i.ud I r t > give satisfaction to nil. ^ tin lUTilEKN MUSIC HOOK. H' ? rs. wiii, wiuii* <-i u. mil, it I y hear something about her IViisinn l> ting soon. J M. ELFORD Jcl 18 38 NOTICK. "^11K blacksmith books of l?u. .1 J. \ N(>\, deceased, are placed in my 1 ' sell lenient and cdleciion. All pe is indented, are hereby notified l?> se'tl no on or before the lirst >lav of Svpte M. T. O. 1\ VERNON, Ail'y ,V,I'K ainl FOOT STONES from ?10 ji J "P' wiirdi*. Engravings |>er 1? ciiniinunicaliuiiiulilri^sril u ite will receive prompt attention. \VM A. NIC r , Union C. II., August Oth lHti ' ? C. or "II U~G~( C I III* TAILO or sot au<l up- save such a uisaster. >0 let era. My when youjyui! at Union C. II. You 'IIOLSON, e A ' '"gl? pebble in t 0. from labor for month; _____ Miller for the want i 1 r AT O A ""'e'1' b'iek may ft 1 I \ N, recovery, $5 $10 or,4 xi KJ> to tItem for each week 11. amount you pay for oi death from the acci Will you not saw thetu IllHttfOtl '? lie road may disable you S and your family may if your daily earnings. ^ .11 and crush you beyond ?1<* per year will secure you are disabled, the full Insurance, and in case idenl it will pay to them Which will be very lowest i Special rx \ offered at the wsaible prices. RicI)mond lty r. Notice! tt^senti j|jj I III OS, ' J rST I'I blisbiu : ABOll; on, THE Collection of Sacred Music. | M. MoISTOSH, or Virginia. in", AI.I.V Southern in its main fca- W'( TABOR nevertheless contains a August 2 27 IN < ) l ICl l7 J*. P. P ) KSPKt.'TFULLY informs hi- o!<l cu ers iiiul ilie public generally, iliat h uuiicd his S1IOF. mil HOOT-MA KINO ss ill the old stand. All kinds of work th neatness. Prices reasonable, l edar Springs, Nov o, Im'.i;. Ji tf "I TAVIMi KKTL' UN I.I) TO ^ Spartanburg, lie takes occ ii.s frieu<l* (lnii 1 lie is prepared neatuen ?it<I dispatch. lie re u sliare ut publi. patronage. an stom i l?est endeavors i?> give satisfue 1* )|;|s I lOllH Tj*. Inis- lie may lie found At his She ilotie ! 1? A 111' 111.1! S STllUL, where I will timl plates ut llie latest t'ns 8 in rrnTTD Tin: TOWN of $-000 or ;?dUU itsion (o inform small amount, to do work with Arc Yon spec! fully asks ill pledges li s If nol, why not? liuu to his cus- several of the best t Slates, and he will gi >p in rear of J. thai will prove the lact his customers J. M. K I,FORD, hions. Accidental Insurance and heal in the L'ni T? A flAUT I l?. I all for the above same ^ l Injured? Tall on I ho Agent of Companies in the United ive you papers yratutluu* that am. snot ld ituuru. Agent for Fire, Life and Unmpanics, the safest ted States. 4l! O _ A.. ?. 13 Takes this fnvomi rning his patron? large, that he has add TAILORINI rthat of RENOVATING HAND CLOTH 1NO o his sinoere thanks fo already bestowed on li Hulinn In mnr i I n ? JLC I?2 O O c."",ce .fc,V? right Music tile opportunity of infor- officer of the t and (lie community at stirring ple< cd to the its marching a BUSINESS and DYEING SECOND .wus. froni Li I" all kinds. He returns C.t,l??' >, , r tlie liberal patronage M. ' 1' c lim, nnd hopes by strict ,s '? ' author mid ii lion of llie l>cnl Northern copy- | lis nmlior, for four years an Confederate army, composed many j r | os in moments snatched during . I s and counier-ninrchings in Yir |; dirge used nl tlic funeral of (ion. | sp n, (Stonewall,! May 17th, 13Gd j sir s pen, and is includedin this col- , mi 1 wi' ntosli," says the Richmond Whig, ' 0ft iWD throughout the South as an | ];l, anchor of finished excellence with Surveying and Eugiiiceriii; HIE undersigned offers hi* services to roail Companion lo snivcy and 1 ilroad routes; to furnish M ipsand Kc| ecifications, Kstiinales mid Plans of S net ure. lie will measure and report i I coinr.aei Work mid heavy Graduation II execute Topographical lirawings an the Drainage of Inland Swamps and h< ids for farmers. 1 ILUUXV, ? AND Xj-A.: Kail- list rcceived^>v ocAle CLEVELAND, WA l>orla, Executor's Not " lie I WILL be at l>r. W. II. Con ,1 |a. : Jl resilience of the late Williai ottoiu Is'- onti remain tintil the -<Uh for tlie purpose of closing the c flilV/Ui* Ctx>, l'ROS OP LKBK*ra_ t|HRl,ESTON \ ion rflllB publishers o 1C0< j | WEEKLY NEW; ,ns' ?lie former | 3ial-,np to the public n Conn, by ilic j puhlieaiion ot December next, \Vct (.tute of William j lie ?JU <?II1 PECTUS THE WEEKLY NEWS. f ihe " CHARLESTON i" hftYo grenl ploiihiire in thtti they coiuuienccd the ?lclv News. ""n. bT? The LATEsi hid. Vow 16 NOI 1 1 AV1N0 detertnii I 1 Stale of Oeorgi {led and empowered J. ? and JNO. II. KV1N8, J and Attorney. i/UilllimilliU Ul lilts KVtlllt'. . r FASHION'S always on a n,Us,C!l1 " * man ot Ins a 40 If he stands ai no one disj?i ft ^'le *u)?k L Southern or ried to remove to the wi,ic|, is no a, I have duly author- written form _B.CLhVKL.AND, Esq., u|| nietrcs i Ssq., to act as uiy Agents visrioiy of i department i A W IlTVIVr.M ...' ipuinlion rarely attained by any 1 |nl ge ia ill is country. In ibc South ! off ! ilie very head of t'hureti ntusic, | it.j uing ine position with him." | embraces every thing of value of )?| South-Western origin, much of 0j, w for the first time reduced to h ; Its variety is great?embracing ' H|( n use, in every key and every ,u, measure?with a full elementary | )t(l and fine collection of new anthems, , |l v i nmcuiar awoiiiioii win op given I sinoss entrusted to him l?y Engineers icers of Railroad t'ompanies and ullip sled in Bridge building, and osppcia ruiers who desire to reclaim their si ids or to establish their boundary lii I surreys. He will also superintend personally ihe 'notion and building of Railroad bridgi y oilier Bridges thai require the scrvii Engineer to plan and construct IV ving business or desiring information 0 an v ! " """ 1 ami '*" P?thoih in anyway in lei rs in. ,at ' aru notified in conic forwa IIV 10 ,lh,l P"}' np. Those having oln ivi\ 1111> estate, will present llioiu logallj ICS of JOHN O. COAN, Ocl '16 UU conrs, or IN EQUITY?SPAItTANBUIt "*."'1 E. I'. Smith, jr., an I others, will I Administrators. an<l i | i lie aim ol I tie pu noil to said cs- ! .. THE WGKKLY N1 nl at that time ' paper published in tl itns against the will contain interestiii r tor collection ket Reports, Agricnli Executor. ing for the Family Cii td Matter, Political New subjects of the day. tl DISTRICT. ter than any other W u u u *.i ?f *'orkvs. a. r. smith, Subscription terms others. . subscript ion received iili-hcrs wu: be to make 5WS" the best weekly te Southern country. It ijf Stories, accurate marlural Information, read rele, l'oetry anil Literary s, able Editorials on the It tins more readiug mat cckly published outsido i?only S3 n year. No without the cash. Not 23 Notice to Credit A LI, persons havin J\ Estate of H. II. ' hereby notified to prei en, by the 1st day of J that payment may be tlement of the said 1 P* debted to said Estate t meat immediitelv. ? JMCCvo HI 800 closely | 7 l4 7 " 'y Rot ten ii|>, ors and Debtors. rmcK, ukta K demands against llie ' an ')0 rilOMSON, ilcc'd., are wi" ho 1,ftiU lent llio name duly prov- '',c n'1 e ANUARY next, in order re'ail Pncomade before n final ret- Single co] Estate. All persona in- duct ion, fen ?re notified to make pny receipt ol on in sentences. u com tuns neatly ,t,| irinted pages, neatly ami tasteful |tll , well printed and b?und. it., :?! 8:1. $12 <Ki per ilbsen. lained through all booksellers, or ;d by I ho Publishers lo any part i ? d Sinlen, jiost frtt, on receipt of ties, for examination and intro- I 'I t to any add "ss, postage paid on I e dollar. ^ . J. IIUNTINOToN k CO.. K< dross ilio undersigned at ('aui|>ol>eH i, : aburg District, 8. INO. RANKSTON DAVIS Civil Engineer, Surveyor ami Draft am Aug 0 'J8 7\ o( ice. "IllOSE indebted for FEES or Td [ COSTS, i<> the law Arms oi TUCKI UtKoW, Vol NO FAIIHOW, and )W & WIIITNKK. are requested to sP>*r- | Kill for lVtriliioti. llcli I T i*|>j'vonri?ifr to my sntiifacli W I.ittlejohn, and hot- litis if Littlejohn, defendants in this . tuw of lliclmrd !?. Smith. r<? j without i lie limits ot tliis St lie ion motion of Winsmiili, Coin iXM? they do appear and plead. ui i.K \ to ill im Hill of Coin plaint, wiihi KVK- j from this dale, or judgment p make 1 lut iiii.itit 111 lit iliitm cf> &c. CATllCART, M'MJ ion tlint lattice \0 18 llayne str band l'inckncy Xov 22 on>*o. nt , ?ide from nnd 1 0X.O< * 111 <> ; it is ordered I pi's Sol., that 1 1*1. persons indch iswt-r or demur ' * * K()N II. K!N( n ilirre months payment to the un ro C"nfc <u will claims ng:unst "aid E i nroDcrlv attested to c LLAX & MORTON. l'liblishers. ect, Charleston, S. C. 41_ 4w r*N Not ice. te?l to the Kstatc of 01D1, will make immediate idersignod. All having Istatc will hand tlicm iu iither tho undersigned or II. ] No? 1 4 - FI. THOMSON, Ei'or. 10 tf Nov 22 Publishers nml Booksellers, Pn <50 Broome Street, New York. 43 2t yuicnt to lite umlersigued. J AS. F AR lit Not 8 41 I T. HTOllO KARROW )W. I Oum'rara. Offioa, \ it I No*. 0, I860. . , 0. K. S. I). j Farrow ami L>unca 41 ?Ilia I 20 n. JONAS BUEWTON. 84 If I