The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, November 15, 1866, Image 3

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" ' i I Sbt (Siuolina / r 4 ^ Spartan. - - ? u MattflHoluiHctlt*, 'York Tribune the Massachusetts election: , of course went ovcrwlicm- Pukpaf For tho Carolina Spartan. A. Ha per or Fl no Cut, LEI> Exi?KBH8LY Full JUDICAL SmOKIM Ex-PiiKflii>KNT U.wm. ? A ?li j Fortrr** Monroe. <luU-?l Novein B ' I lint * t lie jiarolo granted JclTunioii * % W' if palcli from | MAIl] bor ?>l, save I i DaVis, K0TI.0 * rv- ?r.t. - ? * - UIKD r? *. a.% o P. M. W4LL4C1K, F. M TIUNMIEK, Thursday, \<>veinb< The blKlrh t C As thcl-o lias lioou much ci no little ilissntisfuctioti cxprei : mg'y KepuUlicnn=^r= - ccl at 00,000. Tin } Editors. heads n,,d so,ne n< ' lure, but not oiiouj Qr(JPit,y |lCro Jr 15, IStiti. . ,, . * lo I lie Mns.suchiis nutt Copperheads, as n iiu vernal ion, and ; *rwM wur? cXcctc'1 <,cd in relation to ! w,,en hc wro,? ?' i 11 n ? a -the uinjority being rcporturc nrc a very few Copper- You') ?grovs chosen to llie I.egis, , . , , ? Your ;li nicillicr to do any liHrui. j jtl classes I lie negroes elected t Kncli lotts Legislature with the Bf iiueh as to say, that the ne- ^Yc by t lie Democrats. Now ic paragrahh, he knew that The < , .. i:~ <ri... - I w. nr harry ncfrKroL. re held our martyr chief in chains ? n hold him captive still; greedy souls great pleasure gain, binding dowti his will, clanking Of the galling chain aught to yotir hearts new cheer ; mercenary moan of inward pain, gnt the bigot's leer. rery guard yod placed about, months ago, giving hint llie priv grounds of (lie fortress during t been extended, through Kxecuti in lite removal of all 8iirvui)l*nc ! and of the guard front his root j Hall, at night. Instructions t< ! have been sent front Wushingtoi ; Burton, Commandant of the Fo j his imprisonment of anything li ; paving the way, it is generally p i his final paroie nml release. A | over him, hath during ihu day ni ?.? vu ?'? "I*., oy a K.;fit STSV- iHK1" Starts! M""MAR1' e over him us, in Cnrrol '',e ?lh instant. > ihis effect ' nl ,he residence of M ii to General j ^^IthKT K. Tl'CK, rt, divesting CROCKER, nil of this ike severity, >rcsuined, for "*.?.? 11 the guards t-QBIIHE . r? ?iuiib, Esq., Mr. ON. of RuiLcrfoid Co., ANN rOTTEIl, of this by Rot. V. A. Sliarpe, r. J?bn McAheo, Mr. ?o Miss ASGELINE Disfrict. J! IRCIAL. me organization 01 (lie above it would bo ngrcenblc to our 1 not read tho new Cons', it uioi publish that pari of (he iliini directs the General Assembly 8iblc, to establish for each lJis an inferior Court or Courts, t District Court." The follow" referred to: "The Ucneril Assembly rl court, wo think ' rcailors who have ,Udiortl . of the State, to h>' K Toteei Article, which <V,l-v w?n- ,{"?r, aa soon as pes- '"'*1 "f Ilftdical lie trict in t lie State, ~~ Til? I o be styled -The ? 8CpmB ,U( m nS is the clause men, i(] ?)c ni(lUel Tho Committee nj m!L as noon an < .iv. i nv iii'L'rucs were ! " , i . ? I Wl.ll( s, nun were elected wholly j nnd Mr Urceloy knew it per- : His | thin is only one of :i pyra? : With At 'ciilU-iit lury. v . . lour ? lire destined to disappoint- .j-jt r ol' locating this institution. They pointed by the Legislature ^ I" .? ,-viiiiuici ><? cninii mill (town ; b pacing o'er their daily rout, ey wore tho studied frown, irivatc moment* (Ihey Were few) tre cured l?y some poor fool? curious eyes the ours gap thro' liini we loved to rule. great men counseled his release ; ey strove to hide your shame; quoted law and talked of jieacc, save the nation's fume ! I inji removed, he now enjoys perfi I tuclK'd liberty and every possil j comfort nti<l pleasure, while held ; in the fort. it is said he has exj | gratification at tlii* action of the 1 and already Contemplates vaentiti nnd taking up his residence with In 'he casemates a- signed lo hint his arrival here." ? ? ? ? .lodge Clifton, of Mississippi, ell ill ire. rceclltlv livid tltut ler?:il ctly uitlrani- Columuia. Nut C>.?t l>le means of no lo 32 currency.?C? as a prisoner buriie|._FtolJB__#l2 >res8c<l great Government, 0,!!" ^u'i' g Carrol Hall m . Mrs Davis. 500 Bli&l sliortlv after ! Tilt) be 8oi?l at the | North Pncolette, nvK an ex- ' NOVUM l?KK. Tcrius t ?7?lr-s- tut..* npproYeJ eurdic3. nnc .'otton?20 lo 22 gold, IRS?$1.70 to 1.00 per to 18 per barrel, c. premium. iels Corn VERNON PEACE on on Monday, llio 26th !2 months credit, with 1 intorcet frotn <ln v possible, establish lor each Di un Interior Court or Courts, District Coutrt," the Judge i resident in the District while elected by the General AhscmiI and shall ho re. eligible, wl have jurisdiction of nil civil one or both of the parties are and of all criminal cases win is a person of color ; and tin bly is empowered to extend ti the said Court to other suliio io procure si Hulls strict in the fctsite to l>c styled the "u-iu ofa Pen.tctit r-'hereof shall he Columbia. Hut it in oflico, shall ho have selectC?1 a s|?? ^c i11 m ' the river bottoms i uch Court shall , _ , , . causes wherein n",,pc b*'1 Wcn cl persons of co'.or. a spot to crout> cli orein the accused have chos?*ti one hi ; G.cnc.rft,1. Ass<m" Thus, instead of * lie luriMliction of ntA .? teniiary convicts. ililc place 1'or the establish- j inry, have selected one near \ Tlicit unfortunately happens, they Th at, on n cnnal running tliro' tear Columbia. If litis com- ''*|'l ' n?rgcd with the selection of bisus ill and fever, lliey could not An etter adnpted to the purpose. I'-ngl ihtninintr I lie labor of Pen'. . . . l>it< 1 it is likely thai the State I mi : me same innniic (inwcr, linli mined Southern llnnirs, : vengeance would noi lotto an 'tour? vy crave liitt very bones ! "vcollcd Kajmleor. lived ? ruled a nation too. 'tor cuino. lie 1??~r bis all, id so, poor tools niay y<>n ! and crushed her captive prill id ymi are cm-iiiii|T ours ; lib ! I bunk G?'d. <>ur love for liiin | wi-ri* such, and a valid tftliltr, teres!, wlicit made. That the Aci Tint 1;iit)r such notes a legal tendc tut tonal, iiii*1 that the power t notes is derived from the war j Government. lie also held tha sion of the statute of liniitation war was constitutional and valid, suit ran he maintained to recovi the consideration for which was money. Nor can any suit he t ri-rnvor nn ti in?ti? "'<*? > ?? > ***? ?. M._PI;inK in- sale' JAXE I nl Congress , . r was cotisti- Nov,u 1 o i-^uc Buch Spoeial lowers ol the ~ * t the susnen- a ~a ? |J s .lining the ; A- * ?S ' ami that no riTAKKS this fnvoriil cr on n note | J ming his patrons Oniife.leratc , Inrgo, tlint he has ad.1 ?2L?! T ATT OTJTWI CAIISON, Adm'xr. 12 iVotice ! ! E E C O ilc opportunity of infori nt)<i the community at ctl to the 1 T>TTPT*TT?nn It will be seen that (lie C that ilie General Assembly .</?. therefore, the duly enjoined < is not optional, but is imperii members on oath to carry ou of ilie Constitution. lis orp ^ tails ouly, were committed to which may bo altered or n"m< crclion of the members m th (institution says, 1 W|H *l,c r,m ** Jt''e: iU establish, fic., I I""4!'!'1'' lor rogue ill the Legislature ' I,1C legislature wi live, binding it}, ! ""I Into. 'J lie it the provisions l,4r,,or ?d"|'tt?d in aniznlion and dc- j i""1 i<lual,f c,,I,vo I he Legislature, R,,d w*"p lmwor* snded nt the dis- ! ",0 oroUO,n>' eir next session. | ,io" ?"?'??li?leljf ' ----- - it cxi'i-nsc in keeping up a 8. It is l<> lie Iiope'J tluit Steel 11 look to this matter it* it is " ( Ion re ore tunny oilier places pr every way for its location, Titer uieiit to ruilroiol facilities Vic cannot see the necessi- ' "!! ' \\? of placing such an inslitun the centre of the State. ' iilives :ni crushing hours I up your hearts wish new designs, u cannot do much more ; out ihe very sun that shine, oin off his prison lioor. c lives within that shattered frame, spirit tried and true ; 1 it he given, unr r/urk from it. juhl cure your whole cursed creed. Tlie lleit'Rf B.lection*. - b-"-" ?? the hire of u substitute in (lie nrniy. -9? The English bench lately <lec minister that it was a principle <> that a counsellor. in questionin should address him in ordinary t language at respect such as is , one gentleman in conversation ' * that such lawyer has no right to private business or moral charm ' Confederate ' ,)iat of RENOVATING ! HAND CLOTHING ol j his sincere thanks fo' nlcd nl West already bestowed on )i f eoniinon law ' attention to merit a c< ,r a witness, | j; B.?The LATESl ones, and in hnnd. employed by i >;ov 15 null another; ? 1 question the | PAVILIO ter of a wit? | 1 a. " ? w vc JT iiuoinXiOS nnd DVEING SECONDr nil kinds. He returns r (lie liberal patronage im, nud hopes by strict intinuance of the same, r FASHIONS always oh 42 tf_ N HOTEL, .lius, it is lioped, will he att< is much dissatisfaction with in its details and bearings classes of debtors and credit) pic have just grounds lorthci think it would be a very impo ry change, to give the right Superior Courts of tire Distri parties may reside, and not c< to the Court of A nnt*il< in I'.. & ml till to. There m the organization ' HJoi'llM on (lie different ! (;c??ernl electioi irs, and the poo- j in ",e S,n r discontent* We ! ^ ork? Delaware, J if ant and snluta- j noip< N'iaconsin, > of appeal to the n,,t' Nevada. (lit cts in which the , materially utnpcl t hem to go j ,I:IV<? Kivou " ??? 1 1.:.. i.. . 1 far as tliev lmvn i m i i ^ IJosi SI'll KlcClloti*. have el (Illegal is took place on iho GtIt in- llu> tes of Massachusetts New in Host ilnrylan<i, New Jersey, 111 i aher ii J cliigin, Missouri, Kansas patches result was not ex per t i*l to "j the strength of parlies. We p|uce 0 itlier column, the results as is a He nnmn Ia h.m.l l??. :? ri? pIit us, November 7. ? Tlic Kepubliea ecleil the Congressmen, which is :i h ion. Two colored men arc dvcifd risluture. one in thurlestown ami o on. Later ami fuller returns <lo n ic tesull its inilicuU'il in lust night's <1; 9. Lot is, November 7. General Piles to Congress in tlie first District, I llog.hi. the present member, whi publican gain. IS. F. Loan has be i..l i' - I m---, iiu> iiiriuur 111:111 11 If npjill n> I solutely affect his reliability, or 1 *11 | 111 liiiml; mid that a witness is j answer questions put to him in ,,c I or annoy111 manlier. ?it Paper making has been the in . business in the hist half-dozen Unitrd States. Some of the mills 1 jl hundred per cent and more T 1 1 promise to lie of lon(j continu L" mills arc stiriiiirintr 110 in :ill .In mil niev an- i 'w " s'p1;: the above p an insulting |a open for the accomm I'u ost profit able B0AllD. !>? day, yearn in tlie A. Buttebfikld, M i have paid a ,. ... hi.-. Joea not &?!> "? endent. unce l'aper Fov 15 liillU V A ? -9 A V>?1^ , %J. OPUUIt HOTEL io<lat ion of the Traveling ibiic . S3.00 tra. II. L. BriTKRriEi,Dj Proprietor. 42 3m onsos, the great incouvcnicnci going to Columbia, would op any uppcal whatever. Many si be cut otf entirely from this \ ?he would rut tier suffer wr< appear at Columbia to obtain unnecessary and heavy expo rights could be vindicated a A small debt would soon bee luiuuia. Ill iiiom 1 u and expense of ] win bo s<,?n ",:|t crate as a bar to I ,0 l,e Memlty to tl t poor man rould ' *'r ,,0,',inB- 'I he aluable privilege | 0,1 lo ,ho*? e,cctl ?ng than have to | wl*??'?er public f his rights at an j *?*??<" I'reai.lciit use, when those j or add f,,cl 10 u ind had at home. ! Persfculi'"> ' on.e a lame one ! amonR ?hc K?dic? the Democrats, who prole** r, ..... " 11.: lie South, have gained little t j greatest importance attach- bury is ions with u*,. was to know olson t cclitig m the North woiihl Mu.t Johnson's administration, <0,,J*rc , lias :i??t ic flames oi ranaticisni and |tu."d raging with demoniac fury are elei ils. We do not think tha, Kldrid| ? w vu..(;ivn ilic ol'vviii 14 im iiinc-.ton, November 7.?The r iiilic'tie heavy ID-publican losses So i evidently elooieil Governor, anvl N.c o Congress. vai kik, November 7. ? In the fit ssiuhul District. l'aiiie. Kepnblicti 10 majority over Itrown, Democrat, hi, /tih ami ?Jtii Districts, lie publico iMc?l to Congress. In the lilt Dislrii 50, Deinoorat. has JJOOO mnior tv. less lliari four are now building ti c - ^ t| A mcrehnnt signed tlie temper I hut his friends seeing no itnprov habits of liie, remonstrated. as ii lie defended his honor, and to wip *' produced the document ho hud showed that it was invalid, us it ' government stamp. ? .. ? ?i When- an Kirvtuian wants to it ii -lyoke. | Copart ' rpilK subscribers 1 mice jdedgp, JL tlicm l\ 8. tJMl emciit in his hcrcnflei be conduct* i duty hound, style offfUPFURm J >e off nil stain. It. signed, and Oct 31 was wit built n ? WOFFOR] A mnrrv !?<? I? nersliip. taring associated with ITI1, the business will d under the name and * SMITH. & J. L. WOFFORD. 42 tf DS & SMITH RE at this rate. From these and tioiis, the right of appeal shut all cases, from (he District Cot of Common Picas and General Another feature of the 1 they now exist, is cxtreinly qua!, and we may add, that indications of partiality in i structiou. Debts of 0110 hut: i?,? other consider*- ,1|p volc c:ls|. >s ?>' ild tie allowed in of l,M' holers of il jrls to the t'ourts Pu,,lic;^? fleeted, 1 Session. measures of the Ki tistrict Courts ns * ',:l * * whatever co unjust and une- oxt'''?',fd by the I there nrc strong ''ol1 ,rt '',c wu"Cj'll Is present eon- portion of the llcj ulred dollars and Republican patty tended to endorse the course Hai.i hut party Manv of the He1 J giussiu will not sustain the extreme prank tdicnls. We infer therefore, W \-i nipamtive leniency tnay he hitelii^ Radicals, will owe its adop- 'hut ed Conservative snirit of a 1 success utblican party proper. The ,n however, as a whole, are our jrre.-s a iMor.K, November 7. ? Kcitirn? fire .-tern counties, comprising ihe Itti to n;il District, indicate the re-election 1 homns by 20(H) majority. iiiM.roN, November 7. ? Tlic Nation ;enccr lias a l> illi.nore special, sayii l> Conservatives to diy, not\i it l?.-iaiulii loi'^e circiiiiislauurs, achieved u j?re i. Tlic majority in the city is estiiual ). ltotli Conservative members of Cot reelected, and the entire l.egislati not allowed to see the face of I beauty is vouched for hy u (r'uud u' Some Virginia tobacco lias just .-51,000 per hundred pounds. til m ? ? "15 There are 80,000 white citizens "K who cauuot vote under the presc L"' In California, n Chinaman c 11 - against a white man or a negro. lis wife?her | T) EC Ell1 INO n fro iV whic ? ' hi i!ie (Mil Stand dire been ?old for House, where they w serve their friend* *n>l A tine lot of fancy of Tennessee ^ov in State laws ZZZ ~ C* ntt'Her At innot testify C O .M M IS S IO X A I "W/T r>t?r*l sh and select Mock of h I hey nre now opening ctly opposite the Court ill be happy to Bee end I ciiHiomers. CANDIES just arrived, 42 tf unkin, <I> FORWARDING ?voa, iimy uc collected Uirougl istratc's Court, at any time, one hundred dollars have thej law a delay in the Superior Co of which have been sua|tcudc( of giving more time to debtors This is very hard ; although ninny ntcn of large menus oh well as men of small means, therefore, to the nil no a( ? this find a Magwhilst debts over ,he* have Snilm idvantages of the ,hey l,:,vo not B" urts,the holdings wa3 "7'80U' 1 1 lor the purpose ,>olnoon,'R ,mve G of large amount!'. a*?**-but these it be true, that b* rotu 8 a,rea* ?? - . . cans. In Massacl c small debts as , .1 , . gamed 2-.OIM) ; in and arc subject t, . 111,000; Wisconsi rciurtis no tar, show Unit j "- vei. I. In New Vork however. , . . ... V i .- ? lined. as their majority in , * have now they claim ahout l'JOOO. State. lined in Maryland and Del- Ni.w gains nave hce:i overcome place tl y made in favor of Uepuhli ' 11M nisetts the lleiitiMicnn* h ive i ' "''J'' ' ' ! land ?:< New Jersey ll.lMV.) ; Illinois |,ut g i 11 8.0IKI. and SO oil- The 1 \ an V\ i ue returns irom tlie various corn in Invor ?>t the Conservative-*. oxsts, November 7.?The liojmblicni increased majorities t hrougimut t Ymtk, November 7.?(\>in|>etetr. juil^ lie Republican majority in litis Mate The Tribune claims more. 'I'lie II itim lust three Cotrgt es*niett in the ii unities. Ibxlge, llttniprii lined three in the river counties, vi vcki? in ulttiMi ni" U .. r. i i ,M A Fkw Wouit" Aitorr I'iiysic.? people t? know wli.ov ilu-y cnn p lis uinc I>rngs :uid Mi-iljiines. Mess lie Wimniim t'o.. nt tlieir Old So House, No. 1??:? Meeting street, ? (>> t '., ure oliI iiml experienced l>r a, keep oti hand not king hut rcli t._ Tlieir stock is the most complete the l'otomnc. Trllmte of iti'sio -It is well for GKltV AIh urehnsc pen- C0LU.M1J th t?00'irieli utlierti Itrng TXTOULD reapeotfu 'hnrleMon, S. yy uud the public | uggisls, and ' attend personally to a able articles. ( tltein. They wih buy one South of ) r-ell it, or any of the i I on as fttTorablo terms r hhhhm ; They are nl?o prepai WAUL) Cotton, to l>e i STREET, l.\, S. C.t lly inform their friend* generally, that they will II business intrusted to COTTON ou order or roductg of the Country, is any house in the city. e<i toSTOHK or FOU-? nld either in Churltnini.. does not make (lie luw les forced and immediate collecti will drive hundreds of poor li aud their families from their li ?thus rendering them uitci making bread for their ckihli the power of the Legislature District Courts?the foustitiil their establishment. But, sot s onerous. TIie ^?h, as a whole. on of ?nn?H sums I Srt,,,l, ; ,,e ini Jworking men |U*"ce- H"llieir 1. tumble dwellings ! almled' 11 wiU n<" rly incapable of I du' Bu,> if,h en. It is not in | 1,ls PlcdScs' 1. to abolish the ' u,,I?"n,y ?n,l cow, lion 1,as ordained I 8,,a11 c,"?c-*?d < ely, as it is their ' nftl,,re ?'^ings. have the upper haml of the : ' ctl not expect any thing .the iin.l is stayed, or their t:i:tlice ; mai->t ii ho by any thing we ran say ; at from e l'rcsid Mit should stand up j ''''"''It. ... . . ' Mnsaac e may chccl: them t i their : ,. I i* irdly career, until a change i cans i sonic it must, in the very elected As we have no part in the "emoei J ... , ....... ... .. ill i IIV 1,11?Ui iot ; ilobrrlMin, in pi.iue < ! IUi i the Tenth, ami Cornell, in tlx- place 1, in tlie Thirteenth. The Kepnhlio: :y in llii- Stale is variously cstiniati i oiitHt to l">,tilHi. Illinois has in majority, Wisconsin I.h,(M)0, ui ilni^eii* iO.UHO. In New Jersey ti M-nnnl Delegation stini'ls four Ucpnh iitnl one Democrat. Siigrcnvca w in the Tliinl 1 >i>tt ict. In Delaware 'alio Governor uml Democratic Cm 1 , ^ The Committee to \\ hum were ot' l*re tmlile iiinl Resolutions on I> 1*1 I'usiiV, deceased, bog leave to ri L'1' lowing: LM) ,,j Again we unfoM the sol ,, , (>nce more it becomes the mournf |j. 0''nK duty 1 '|e Craftsineii on e.-i _ls ami liolil pleasing eotniiitmieatioti .. \irtnesol o workman, who, bavin u_ | block below, has, bv our great ti -*-* Now York, or l.ivcrjim referred l!ir lk-inp familiar with Hamilton relatiou to the Interim eport the fol- I y," 10 our caro wil1 : delay. | Planters and others einn Record. terest to entrust to us til. yet prati- business, rth, to speak j 0. A. (iUAESAR on the bright Nov l."? g squared the ? rand Master, ST Vl'f OVviMl* 1. :ill necessary details in I Revenue Tux, Cult on he forwarded without w ill find it to their inthe transaction of llieif W. S. McJCNKIN, 42 tf f II c i nm t . province lo make rules their government, ihcy will e* prerogatives in clothing them ers as will fulfil tl c benign p origin. In God's name, in th if the people must have law cheap and merciful laws. The convene on the 26th of the when wo have every confident rcgtiliUkmn for l"eacral 1 Lercisc their high *tUxr*' ,l,a" olur w , _ ... , snfo io us?ii will i with such powurposcs or .her enl reU,iun* wilh i^so hard limes? k'8"\ _ . let I hem have The 1'rc.ntl s Legislature will The IVe-hytcriai present mouth ; in ihn past week, 1 cc thai our Leg- leges, in the prose and little more in our home " ,"4. unities are pleased to vouch- J j ,it accord most with our pre?- Ft-ntou the North?to say little ami The Co 1 the sati ? ? ?? ?- I Rotu ? > (<>rl;t ia?<liur<-Ii h.-t-- < a Church at this place, with- ' dO.tMiu . ... rieil t-vi tave enjoyed unit-uuil privt ' J 1 i incioance anil labors of the Rev. n,.t....... en hit etccte'i i'}' iimh) majority. wliii ill <>t /?t>0. r dispatches from New Vork say tli s tnajoritv will probably 1 each I representation will st.u lie as in ilie |ucsctii Congress, riis from Illinois indicate iliat the St.a lainly gone lle|iiihlican hj upwards majority. 'I'lio Uepiiblicatis have ca oiy Stale ill it olocletl ycsieriluy wii eil majorities, except Maryland ai ,|( neeu CHllC'l to gluiiuiis labor i above. A lew, aye. a very few days si '' I'u-fv moved anions us full of III vigor ' 10 all outward n|>]icarnn? ' and upright man, ' liitie did we few weeks would consign lii-> on ?* , to llie buiely eoiuilry lirave Yard o! I of his Merlmg eliaracter, his n >' j and unit* Miming worili, we tieee th ; tbe services ? t tlie poor and unb "I j tails in perpetuation that wliieli i? the Ludse ? Sl'ARTANlJUI nee and I?ro. Matthew 1'. (?osveit, m only lilo and , vs. James Ifcnlej, an 7hi;?k^lmtl lV,i,um for 9:,le .of.Up iter casement _ . ' i I T appearing to in lied integrity 1'llKIlE i hot employ "nines tint known. Alnr Deling pen, it lu"' ,u r ''usbund Willi, every lie'iri >n isteis. lllld her linsl in v.iuuiiindj u; DISTRICT. ml wife, Sarah Gofisett, id others, Defendants. ^ al Estate of John Hen-' cceased. y Hniisfaction that the RAM AGE, deeeased, y May, Ginsey lioeact', un Qodsett, Anna LeItaud Noah "mi uo an nicy can I impoverished condition of 01 word more. It would greatly penses of this Court, by not jurors. Tlie C'litiI'lc.sloii This enterprising and excel comes to us enlarged l?y the n columns, and very handsom o ameliorate the ! !? 11. Chapman, li ir people. One ntid the llev. A curtail t lie ex- , The nerviest were having so many l?od*s? people were j their future pilgrit ? - 1 added to the meinh !Hct\tt. ^ administration oft llet.t paper now hu!i inor|linRt Wlls addition < I eight j _.,s R0,0mn ely arranged in i ? ?. 1)., of II undersoil villi1, .'i. sorvuti . A. INiiitkr, of York, S. t". j well it tended, und many ?>l cdifmd ami strengthened for diplnm: UlCllts ? imgc. f*oven persons were , . 8 1 hftve b< orship of ihe Church. The |cw wt>l he I. ?rd's Supper on Sal?- cent iw a deeply interesting scone Cl' 1,1 *' leneo resting upon all who "V,*, IV, nilirii will Ml"* I'.'IISIUeraiilC lui vi- j.: iins. ?" imi Mammii.ian.?The reports of iiie on lerslan'lihj: lu-l ween thctSovcr it l i nice 111<i the I uiieil Slatc.s. I li en mi prevalent in tins country tor L-k- past, seem to lie ciintiruii'il liy r wtVoin liurope. A I'-iris letter, piin H- I ii-lepumlciice I lei ego, says (lint it i! in I'm is tliut l lie t'lilniicls ?f ll . 111,1 \Vji-.Iiin ilnn I. ..I I..-I - ? ' itmo us will keep embalmed for /.' 1r Tlmt in his death liihnr below a good craftsman, 01 fit lo labor in company with ? ii " 90,? hn'orr. ' )(I lifolviil. That we deeply syn ;l 1 his bereaved relations, to whom c | universally dear. , /?< ?'/(></, That thi- l'rontnblo a j solutions be inscribed on our Kec |10 lislivd in the Carolina Spartan. \ir. 1.' 11 years. He it Hubert Mnerary, Blija we lose from r,ar.v- Mnerary, ae eminent lv Calhoun .Macrarv, and brethren . Andrew Yoi case, reside beyond 11 ipatliize with lf or(lcroJ l'"?? 'hey i he was one ,,iv,5U"? "r ^lo ef (hi Henley, deceased, ou md these He- l-ul,n,ary <>r ?hc ord, and pub- w''J be entered of reon Given under my ban wmvtii vemher Istlf, It Macrary, Klisha MaWashington Macrary, Kmeline Voting and her tug, defendants in this lie limits of ibis Stale ; do appear and object to e Ileal Kstale of John or before the 8th day of -4 j ir consent to the same d this 12th day of No- j every respect. The proprielo Jed a Weekly AVwj, which p grout interest. The A*ops has cd by censorious reflections on South, bemuse it happened h about the South drilling back through the amendment to tl We read the remark at the i thought, and still believe, that v* i-ro |?n*?*CllI. * " rs hive now ail- I courses from the 1 runiiscs to ho officiating, were ei been reproach- . occasion Many v its. tidclityjto the feelings, the kim! ? say something (rue ami worthy m into the Union ^ p-n* our pleasure u >10 Constitution. ,cn<i a portion of tiuio, au<l then l occasion to sa; , ii was only the pt.ot,ic in the won 0 warm and eloquent dts- umlci *t pnljtii by the able divines heliall i ninently appropriate to llie ''nvo rill remember with grateful ' r sollie |> 1 an 1 timely visit <?t" these s|(;, ? ,| inistcrs ot? the gospel It ami it n .ml valued privilege to at ',:l ' .1 . i to idact the services, and wo take ' , I lO Abuic y. that in mingling with this p,,(,| |n, shin of tin.I w<> iluiifi r...a i. ..... i uniting us lo I lie claims of Krnnce c if siii'h ot Iter sulijoets ill Mcxie? US in: *-ii" claims oflVclt'il liy the removal I'licli I'rolecloiale. This lelior givi irticulars of I lie .sailing >(' ilic Iransjio i.if arc (< take li.uck I lie French soMier 11 > > asserts iinii (ii'ti. (' i-tchi iu, wli n -.? 111 (n Mexico, li ail extensive piiwc i lie Kuiperor Maximilian in a |mimiu iic wiili ilignily anil safety, it lie sli.i n-clt mi ible In fulfil his cngageineii it j! wuVfi " L. N. OK NT I ?'l >1 j A MIKHIIXM'IIMMI s* rs The friends of J A M ES M. CI.j in fullv announce him as a Candida dl NAI5.Y for Spartanburg 1 >istrict, a i ' jn?. ear it y NOT 1I> /0iniiiHlG6t I ^ ' rilHOSK indebted f JL COSTS, to the lai i FARROW, Vol"NO ,Sc \KK respect- ROW k WIIITNER, i Lie for payment to the unders it the ensuing ^ LB BOMAR, O. 8. D. I 42 8m I ice. I or FEES or TAXED I v firms or TUCKER tc FARROW, and FAR. ire requested to make igncd V .t A8. FARROW, a t -* t*Ajiru3?iori oi an ojotmtfi?(hat ing before us, made if probnbl would ultimately ratify the A dernier resort, or be forced iut the ratification of a Constitutic the States. W^p could see no fcrence from the expression o ion, flint the Arewa was propel the change in the Consiitwlio entirelv u-r/.nrr . t lit* cwntH tm><s- ! ., i flint we fire ntnoni; Ic that the Souilr I ... ...... amenities ot lite at; Lmcndincnt as a | 0 submission by . . | I lie Cal'OCI mal majority by .1 J lie i.arolttuan i reasonable in ,, , . . Prompt to meet all 1 such an opm- I , . , COIlMllllllir tile lllti rc<l to nilvocate I ... .... mty of the Mate, ?n. i; thin Ic it', , lut v to the railwii C christians, wlm know tin* > ? 11 '? til how to ?li-i>i*i?thorn. , nan is i vlllv Kuilroutl. ; ly state ti ajienkinjj ol this r< n>l says: '"'I 1 ha I the (Iciiimiil* of tin* litnos, , 'to leave crests of the central oouitiiu- whose n active in the discharge of V line which he represents. * i r.iicc. i lie same subject is I rt"tI< lis leller 1 <> ilie Ijoiii1i.ii Ituily New e important addition that (leu i n>u n-l i neti d 10 uijie Maximilian in al?l .Mir lutes! accounts fro.u Mexico dircc that Maximilian litis actually ahdiente t tien. t'astclnaii has assumed the go t of the liiiipu'c. Maximilian iutcnilii tor Kurope on an Austrian frigut trrival was then e\|?eele<l. ?r?I?-r prohibiting persons from scckii | The friends of If. G. GAFFN li- fully nritiontice hiin s?s u Candii IGNAIIY lor Spartanburg Dial ' ensuing election. 'K j The friends of Dr. R. M. SMIT '' 1}* announce him as ft I'nndidatc ! It A" for Spnrtanhurg l>islrict, ni 1 If I'l !?? I 11??i BY, respect- I _ ^ lntc for OR-! Jr*. ] rict, nt thp | T> ESPKCTPULLY : Xa< t>rs ,l'"l * He put)] i . ' resumed his SHOE An II respectful- inoss at the old stand. lor 0111)1 XA- ! Wi,h "ea'n?88* Prices . Cedar Springs, Not i the ensuing | _ . - - I 'ICE. I Ilogers I informs his old custom' H c goner nil v. that h? has H 1 BOOT-MAKING bus All kimls of work don* reasonable. .r>, 1806. -413m ^ J!, ?w IU Vfv tcnco escaping irorn the pe whether wo uwicibtund his tn , is just the way to g,-i up a fu no nect -sily fur it. Many I,a into error hy ungrounded or :1 lions, hu the Ariel speak f advocates the adoption of the ] ing Amendments. M,, president II,, u of an hditor, . . ; cU mi annniiiiceini lives or not. Ii , , i oliiniloti K.iilron xs whou there ,8 ' , . ? , n, vmom <>f t ho Cm vo hi on driven I , , ilo:i vor I he same I o i ?luted> or itself wiieu it . , , On Hie <tli in.stai proposed retroll- ?ccralcd |Sirtl>opot New Orleans. , redress mi'Ctl has recently publish- (i> |,ul)j, Kill ilirti I hi! liri-envillc ami >oM 1>\ 1 will hereafter assume (he | >! ? mil v eminent ia\on coltoii, and iceiioti the consignees. Front ... . ..... sleep in ill, Itishop \\ ilmer was conLouisiana, at C.irisl Church, \ Ne for a "i ihrongli ilio voiii'M, in ou-es of till i hikI oilier properly confi nailed in I In- (iovcriiiiicnt lins liccii revoked ii:ny depot i iii cut i.l \\ u>hiiigtuii l>^ <1 i?l I In- i'rc?iik'iit. ? ice suys Hullor make* war n-i bo; cold went her?spoon fashion, w York milliner has jusl paid simp on the Fifth Avenue. i.| The friends of Dr. IIKN.IAMIK in respectfully announce lilin a* a i ollDINAKY for Spartunlnirg Di: i ensuing election. I The friend* of Captain F. M. respectfully announce him as a < Ml OllDINAKY for Spartanburg l>i j ensuing election. I .1. w. Il-fl ?? 1 BACON, \YOF FORD ; FLOUR. Candidate for TURl'ENTISK, strict, at llie B\ b, Oct 18 TK1MMIER CORN. FLO Candidate for ^3STX> 3 strict, at the ust received by | ri.RVET.A LRDY Ac CO'R. SALT, SUGAR, COFFEE, 1 OATS, PEAS, ss tr UR. BACON JJn W A I.WO t, nr\ * ? * ?WW V* vv? 1