The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, November 15, 1866, Image 1

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I . m m w & f m rm yf nm x\ 4 ' - * ^ m jn to? ; } ' i w*}h t 'h V " " \\ 4 BY F. M. TRIJ VOL XXIII. 1MIER S PA ] I M rn & Devoted to EduAg RTANBU RG. S. C. a ii i&a id 1ricultural, Manufacturing . THURSDAY. N ? !T i?i l? 7 and Mechanical Arte. OVEMRRU 1 R i * it M W a $2 00 IN j ft ft A \DVAN CE VA A A T H K cMt&ssrA a IS F V I) L I t II E II THURSDAY M A T ; |'lc8 of our (Joy invested with sn yhy tl,,is rrcf the blaok man, i 1 kvekt over the virtuoi oifiVTTVf- man who comes * ia hard to concc I At j.. ?rn incut, before he can be stitiith io'u rights and privileges, an lion crence should be given to era. 1 ii his ignorance and vice, a If ill is and intelligent white repugi here ironi a foreign laud, of the ivc. i that tl L o i;_ i _i__i J 1 I.. - mal amendment is more revolting t ion I do mind than eitiiar of the otli It is, in flu* trin? sense of the wore <>f attainder and rx post facto law,s lant to the scntiiuenta and feeling trainers of the Federal Const it utio ley declared no such law should eve 0 virtuous, however corrupt and 1 their leaders uiay be. The Exc I, partmcot of the National < Jovi o with us, and will do ull that. 11 s tvj luuuitain the Constitution and n rights of every section ol the Un r is every reason to bc.ieve, too V V V ? malignant Tbe Ten Comi cuti e l>c- An old nuthor thus rhj urnment is In Heaven shall dwe win can do That know and keep i the equal To Aid our young read inn Thorn "acred ' bidden* ten," w ?, that the U8C tU*tl,ine? nrtf of tlin ramalAvn nf ? liv/. *2 niandmeBti pines a divine truth : 11 all christian men > his biddings ten. crs to remember these e transcribe for their original 1/ written in n < U 2- CI Two Dollars (Specie) RATES OF ADVEB One Square, First Insertion Insertions, 76ccuts, Smith ('nrnllnn mill & 11 vuujr nuui by legislative; en . have all the rigl men in pcrso. t i T1S1NQ sue* and bo rtioij property, inboiii i, $1; Subsequent *.en .<ro. Tlmy in specie. penalties or put white men. In the huuio enactn the Railli nl .1 .. ii vyuruiinu hum ui'ciuruu, uu actmcnt, that negroes shall by on its mid privileges of white honora md properly. They may liill wi I, pur base and dispose of of by a i, and be tried, as white an Et are subject to no gicuter temptc lishnicnt for crime than I dai lies all the Southern States ' unny. lent has been or will be J agous <eu. ii punishes lor past ottcncei e fell swo ip, tens of thousands t t?le men. The conception of such us nover before, probably, though in Kn<;lishinaii, 01 the defendant c iglishuian. It eertain y was not al d by the Kn^li .1 Parliament in th t and oloodiesi days of English ryi The only incident in history ana to it, is the wish of Nero, that a .judiciary Department ot' the (j? >t will oppose its silent and peac a to the tyranny of Congress; and t nut despair. >t 1 ho lourth section ot the p t luendment to the Constitution, w c antees the Federal debt and r the Conicdcratc debt, is as untu | ; it is luttlo No Southern Siuti II repudiate the one or assume overnmcnt im,d. by one Richard C clul power They belong to the year we should >t> the quaint spelling of crnizcd. reads: roposcd a- Have thou no other \ | Uuto no image boi f?ar Take not the name < repudiates Do not the Sabbai jcossury a? Honor thy lather an > wis ties to And see that thou the other. From vile adultery 1 ? ? viu (ittriou lU Cillghrintinn, the ricar.? 1689, and arc written (he lime, which modGod but me : ir thy knee; >f God in rain; h day profane, d mother, too; no murder do. keep tlice clean; Program ii STONG LETTER FROM 1 F. PERRY, AGAINST T TIONAL AMENDMENT. One by ono the lcadii South are taking positio publicly against the const a la * ?1 mnue. 11 won K ION. BENJAMIN bi,t,sl>' tho Surt pose to nrotect 'IIE CONSllit*- justieo to him in and property. The right to tig men of the political right, < n squarely an.) towe|y com mi , , as to them shall national amend- tcrlcr i(1 US1 1--. u,.r.? .... ' - I seelu lHut tins ought to then li hern people of our pur llieui i the negro an<l do ample traeiso all ol' his rights of person the le howevi hold office and vote is a ever (i which belongs exclusively South, inity, and to be regulated tli^t in seoui proper, without in- port tli y way, by any other pow and w< ad but one neck ho that lie could on iff at one blow. It propones to of and disgrace forever, not only at adiug nun of the South, but ul ir humble they may to, who hav ded any civil office in any of th rn States. This section declare > one who has taken an oath to suf ic Constitution ot the United State is afterwards aiding and abetting i it II, al any future time, ;* nwjori t gross should be disposed to di || natiuti by repudiation, this sc< |, part at the Constituton woul e their action. They could relu? e lect, to levy taxes or make upp 1S to meet the debt as it becomes < , out violating the Constitution. 3 il it did vto ate the Constitu i, would he no barrier to a corrupt Ana steal not, the ity of on- Bi-nr no false witnes ( honor the What is thy neigh Ition. ;is a Write these thy laws d not slay And let me not frc ic or neg- ? * -??? ropriatious The Mobile Kxp due, with ?Copying what the N And even 0j- t|ie "'Knights ol An Hon, t ut pCJition to Cuba, th Congress. 1 ' ugh i Itj state be mraa, is, shun that blot; bor's covet not. i. Lord, in mj heart, >m them deport. edition to Cuba. orthern papers ray ibia" and their cxe Mobile Reguter went. jli gives us pieuai oar readers the folloivin from the Hon. H. F. Per gueenvillb, s. c-, oc Charlc* W. Woodward, Esq. My Dear Sir :?I b: of receiving your letter a expressing a kind interest of the Southern States, a n .1 1.1 -.1. IIu IU IUJT u?.ui? cr> 'J'licre IS III g manly letter in the world w! KY : been imposed on tober 20, 18G0. votil,? nnd cxc , Philadelphia : Xo'.ther" , ,, , their earliest id the pleasure n, , . , .. , 1 io deprive the tew days since. .* . J .... same ri^ht. woul in the condition , . , . and tyranny, nd urging ihat .1 , ,, n n ... their part, voluu jt a civilized community the wa here restrictions have not dor tlu therighsot holding uffieu, The roisjng polit cal power, es, m? States have done so froiu trates, ;ory up to the present day. ccrs, a Southern States of the vision d be the grossest injustice man w Vnd to consent to it, on vision tarily, would be self degre mate o r, shall hereafter hold any office un . State or Tinted States. (joveniors of th? States, the Jude jnibcrs of the Legislature, tnagb constables, State and District otli re all, forever excluded by this pn 'j'o suppose that any Souther ould voluntarily adopt such a pre i? indeed placing a very low esti n Southern character. The snUie , j iii currying out their purpose, as I by the sad experience -J the pn r. gross iii disregarding und truiupl , Federal Constitution. \ 'i lie tilth section ot the propos , meiit declares that 44 t'ongress ? power to entorce, by appropriu , Hon, the provisions of this artic j. we have a power given Cougrc r strov all 'he rights of the Statei > we know, says : useiit Con Wo don't know inuc ing on tho tions which arc to sail Now Orleans, but tha cd amend from this port is now a shall have The fleet, now lying to iegisla- pond near the inouth sic." Here very formidable one, c sua to do of no less than two wa Pt>n. h about the ezpedifrom New York and it which is to sail bout ready to start, at anchor in a frog ot Dog River, is a insisting as it does ish tubs and a slop l. a i- -t ouuiu ^.iiuuiia auuuiu ?tu< tional amendment proposi You also expressed a wis views in reference to this i ltticul question. It has been said that a be dishonored except by I may injure hiui and oppre can no more dishonor hi in in famous that they can del iiui inv ugiisuiu 1 . uation ami lnluu L'd by Congress. , . . , I be second sc in to know uiv . ? ... . StltHtlOllal aniein all absorbing no . in. ? 1 seutatiou shall b< bcr of voters in i man can never ? . , . , . ... any male nihil nmsclf, Others . J , . . . . twenty one are i ss him, but they J , . . . , . J any cause whate and render mui J . . . .. . . . . merated in the lame virruc, and .... , . . . ' . . I his makes it in ly. who tri ction of the proposed con Goner; linen t declares that ropre own lil e in proportion to tlie nuui- ?!' his each Stale, and that it and di; >itants over tho a^e of icquirt excluded from voting''for t he pt ver, they shiinol be enu- .iisgrat basis of representation life, It l;u r.itive en tlie Sunt lierii l .trerv 11!uii(ly fought under tin: leail of hi il, and who would have .sacrificed hi le, at any time, for the proteclio commander, is required to dishnuo spruce hi in in p-uce. Tiic sou i ;d to vote the iniuiuy of his lathei iople are asked to repudiate am 50 ihose whom they have, througl louoreil and glorified in honoring SnlH Iti'l'li iw fooin i h/mI "?" s | traiizc ull power in the Nations s , iiK'iit. i. nder the pretext that a n abridged tne nrv ileges or tin tut r citizen by refusing suffrage to tV s | Congress may, under this secti< . | universal suffrage to that class u 1 Under the pretext Hut some urn |( i deprived by State Courts of his , ' property, they may give the Uni .1 ' ( allirls ?l 11 lt*?t lnrimliAf?/.M "II 't vv ? v/uvnw, V-UV.II Ul lUL'U il (Jov rn? .iiid a double barrelle State has eoutidentiy believed t unties ut u will sail as soon as the >e negroes, can yet his shirt hom 3ii, declare woman's, J^et the Qu it persons, tremble. e has been liberty or The Money-Ori>e ited States stated that a clerk ot l;?; i -r vr it miii nuu oriCKOacs i cornstalk. It is hat the expedition commanding officer e from the washer ecn of the Antilles r Systkm.?It is one of the business truth an J honor 1 he sa of m p?up!c Or a nation ?i sue an honorable and patr cannot be disgraced by tlx and oppression* of a stron ever t)ruiiuical and cxai may be. The Southern people u of all piliiieul power in ti property may be conGsc: me may be said . Tt J Mates to irive hi i mist luey pur . . J ' a larere portion o lotio course they . 1 . j hi it t lie negroes : insults, wrongs .. ' . ^ this constitution; f P-r;. h"w or.. otln= 1,1 Pow<-'' jirt-juiliucil mind , , , In all of the lay be ueprtvvu , , ,"',T . r . proportion ot tli be L u 1011, their ' ' . A , . i nemo-h, who arc iited, ana their ? ? their representation lor irons tl t their population, or per- Iroui a to vote The injustice ol most < il provision to the South- sueh a be manitest to every uii intellij, I low a Southern States, a lar-;e tnis si leir population consists ol anil se utterly incapable ol hold expect , ..v. ?1:.: .......i - < " heir council*, her Legislature, am II public offices, her wisest, best am experienced servants Was eve proposition before submitted to ai em, virtuous aud Chrisii ?ii people ny honorable man, who relleets <> action ol lite pro; >?ed niio'mlinctii es its bearing an-f con*o?picnees, ea or counsel its udoption is, to in :..... i. : 1.1 _ mm . .? ? . | - _ . ??_. v J III IOU ll.( l<M| VJ *. ail ,j | iii liiu ?St;ite. The legislative, ,1 1 and judiciary departments ot , ! (joveruuiciit may, under th.s a i, 5 entirely swullowc?> up by Ootigro f ; Atuericau Union made one ^rai i, ' dun d empire. t< 1 ! he proposed amendment w: ? in it ted to the ('resident I'.ir hi y as required by the (Jonstituti ivi^uuuii [ iiuuscs ci new i one i executive cently to iiujuire the the State S4,8UO ou California. >ection, be it would be three per ss, and the principal! directed hie ud consult- known banker, to sec i not Ue obtained. The is not sub- tiHtuo given him oall s approval, Kclley, and was infori on, before could be sent by posto ? ?? wes sent out reprice of u draft of lie ascertained that cent or $144. His a to go to a well? if better rates could clerk mistaking the ied on Post Master ned that his money fficc orders for $24.. Most distinguished and gibbeted 'in the gallows, b be rendered intanious in such barbarous and inliu Such a course will only d der infamous their op p res? I do not concur with y that the constitutional uiu adopted by three lourtlrs c am sure this will not be t \m>^ i cal l ights. At t l>y their labor, history by any otherwise tako man conduct.? country and cu iahonor and ren- ^0,theru States tors. groes, and thei ou in supposing would not seiiou Ond lent will he taUOn ,,i (Jongreif the. States. 1 \,e tliat one Mjetn he case. I here i. -? '* ^ w? ^Avtwiiciui^ aujf |>um l- III l II vx , lie suiue time they use ude, .to uu white persons, who woulii adoptn their pluees, occupy the or and Stivate its lands, in the finely they have very lew ne hold a r exclusion from voting lltl isly ulleet their reprcsen all sli 's. The consequence wouhi possihl on of the American Union, u? till ; ?. 1 - l i iiicuuiprciicusiuie. I nai any ^ouill ii> should voio for it or favor it .mi is a coiilc-ssion of his own di>lior inlauiy. Such a uian would wi betray his country, li s own lioust ml Ins (tod. Je 8 luthern States wore so lost t nine as to adopt this section, il i e that youn-i men mi'.'lit he lbuti all the Stale offices; hut they cotih , uuiu^ suuui;iiuu iu i i e Dime IjI s unci they should not, therelon ur regard it at all as a pr pose 1. lionul amendment fur their a . Eleven i?t tea were excluded i gross when it passed, and the ? never sanctioned it s Uut I fuel well assured that uid nut expect ur wish the rat; I | this amendment I.} the States. gisiaturos, i uis was nn um-xpcct a, consider fairs ; money orders h d co iatitu but afte- due consider! doption ? proposed to send to fro 11 Coti- warded by means of I President rate was just one-half < ^ Congress A Fact Worth Y ilieation ol t|10 groUnd) erect l.ui 1 ',e Peo chinerv and nnt a cntr cd erudition of afud been thought of; ition the sum it was California was fortliese orders The jf one per ocnt. [sowing.?To buy ldings, supply maon finimllo are thirty six States in tlu and this will require the amendment oy twenty set tion ot the amendment bj defeat it. It is tnurally tain as any future event ci on human action?that Georgia, Virginia, Noril buma, Florida, Mississi A rL .ii)vi-m ;inil l\ Willi ^nui wean. > Federal I nion, would have a u?o adoption ol the Iiaiiotiul legi*lati ;et.. The rejoo Xl?e proposed 1 ten States will aj Constitution i certaiu?as cor c|ioo?e betwc in be, depending representation in Sou h Carolina, eir negro ? to ? Carolina, Ala- ternatives, no So ppi, Louisiana, Ior a moment to nntilMt v ii iiuu a large ]ii)|iuiaiion, not it1 st inadequate influence it> hold on. on ?cci amendment of the l'Vder ted in lorces the Southern Staler unrepr sen giving up their equal test oa i Congress, or perinitttng The vole. Between these a! provid uthern State eould hesitate cd t?y choose w hen the is>ne i> of Con present their State in Congress o ny otlice under the lotted State: uunt of their having aided and abel the war. The r tatcs would still t> esented in Congress as long as th th is continued. Constitution of the I'uited State es that amendments may he propo? a vote ol two thirds oi hoth House gross, and when adopted hy thret r : pic were made to believe that intended to lecmistruct tlie I n I I was a tui> tlirowu out to the i e ' amuse till the tall elections ' t. ' Congress does not intend to ! States reconstructed till after s ! dential election in 1868. Tin , States are to he kept out of t ,s i till alter that period, in order to . j radical triumph J 1? : ?. on^rcss wjtj, |, ?otus to weave ion. This costs forty dollars. \\ >vh de." to luall t,liu.t knows the u acre over. can arrive at the cost have the spindles. 1,00U spind the Tresi y.,rn about 2UU bales ol } Sou hern Thc saute person can * he Uuiou many spindles it will r< insure the I uolIon crop ot the Soi I i > u? I UllUIU^j the jam into cloth, i ith this fact, any tiultiplicatiou table, 1 ot any number of led will convert into I' cotton per annum, sasily ascertain how njuire to use up the uth at a given an? *L ! a. . I States?will not dishonoi adopting the proposed c uicudmerit. There are r you say " Northern States the requisite number to u nient." If adopted, it mi of i wo recreant States of tl Tennessee. This cannot You state that you gri ...ill i... : i . torceil on tlicin. r themselves by j ,j,e national con onotitut.onal a- j \'ou vury prop r ^ot, therefore, as Southern States enough to utake houses of Conj;r< dopt the amend- tjou for thoir nej ist he by the aid a majority of the Ite South besides | (l Sou h Cart occur. a hundred thou :atly fear worse : whito persons. .1. L' 1 ! * * * l'i<juul representation in lourth; inei.s hi list be ?ivcn up. coiue ly say, that already the I his c are in a minority in outh coiitcu sss, and a tall represents amend ^roes would not <:ivc tlicui supplys House of Representatives represi ilina we have largely over securit sand more negroes than incuts. It universal suffrage lire adontu j ol ila* State Legislature, shall In a part of tlie federal Cotistitutiot I a use of the Constitution evidcntl iplated a lull Congress when siiel meiits should be proposed. It wii ed that all of the States would b ;nted in Congress. This was th y against the injudicious amend 1 >111 the proposed aiiienduient wa d whilst ten Stntos u-nrn ..vr.ln.l.. The object of the Ka lical lc , 1 perpetuate the power oi their pa y they think they can do by negr f, ami by that alone, lint they v < to put that plunk in their platlu c J sent. It will be inserted two yi When Stewart proposed utii'yt _ and universal aniesty, the lendi s Hadieal party expressed their i rl to adont it I bi-v wer? ivillin , uti ikhu^u, auu iiuw an era is to quired to do it. Wil ,rt}"- ' about it 'i o mi tirade, ? <? rcrc airaid A Certain Cuke r:u at pre- reported that several iars henco. are sufferers from corni ul suffrage tor the fact, and therel ?rs of the report as it roaohed oi willingness tiiue Neither disting if 111 (itrtra i*ai? el?o rr? ruffam ? jiJucti capital id re? 1 the rjaJer think for Corns.?It is citizens of Raleigh i. We cannot vouch 'ore merely give the jr oars from time to :uishcd chiropodists. I 1 i_ ICIIIJM Will UU I III |il?t II (III I amendment be not adoptc rity bus ilio South that t nay not be i in jawed, if th adopted i' We have no gui that the Southern mem be ted to their acuta in Cor Miueudinent is adopted, kind is intimated; and, oatn is exacted, it would I iiic oouiu ii mo vailed, the ciitii >d. What seen S,atc would be ii he worse terms hey could olei ic amendment is j^tate one ot the urantcc whatever i Pouters and Ke rs will be admit j 'j'he satno State litres?, alter the | would be, uius Nothing ol the MiHsiiuMppi- Ai whilst the test i States there wou JC impossible lor I similar ennditim re political power ot (lie I rum : it the hands of t ho negroes never ? ut to every oftiee in the State I :ir own caste, and send conseq presentatives to Congress, j by llie of affairs, deplorable as it j the he t. likewise take place in ! he, an id in all ot the Southern fen or Id be many counties in a never , ? ia>irrniN <>h>i>i>>il t.. ?l... i '? ill icprcsrulatiou in Con^rcs*. I could ha C I ecu proposed to til legislatures hy a lull ('undress, am uently should not now be re?;arde in *s constitutionally submitted t "islaturcs for adoption. It shoul il will be, rejected unanimously l?_ eleven ol the Southern States, am can become a part ot tlie l edern ? . I ? J " * t the plu-'sure of huntting rebel e | eluding Southern members, it I j be nccmnp'ished. J I have thus, my dear sir, j;ivi t, views in reference to the cot ,1 ! amendment. Let me conclude I y you that as feeble as S utli Car II be, and as " powerless" as you ,| ,4 to protect herself," site is, tie ! ... : : i . ii ? n mil PIIHII' i (uvi r?j UUt s ami ex- nor caustic, nor any c this Could forded them more th For their relief, we p n you my remedy, which is pron istitutional oacious by one who I >y assuring tried: olina may "Take twenty cents say she is and apply it to the cot vcrthelcsa, morning. It will caus uiuiu-uugeu Knives, >ther thing, has afan temporary relief, uhlish the following ouuced entirely cffiuis tried and seen it worth of acetic acid rns every night and e no pain, and pro the Southern States tu lie Congress, except by tiiosc honor and disgrace them, guarantee that Congress n: the Southern States as c< ces, and appoint I'rovis over them, with instruct! " loyal" conventions, elect negro suffrage, and hav Constitutions, bv which ! represented in Legislature and who would dis- I 'j\, .suppose t We have no wouid voluntari ?ay not stiM hold i j,, tj,e National (. mquered provin- i she is insoi ional Governors an(j rCckless of ions to convene sUi<l that Tet ted by universal . so> Never was c formed State > jp tlic constitute all shall he en- I 1 1 ?.\? HIV tilling all county nfficca. Win hat any Southern State j reject it ly adopt such a provision Souttie 'onstitutiou, is to presume : will be isible to her own honor, but we her own safety. It may 1 in" tin Inesseo has already done and th; there a greater mistake, pressio >iia 1 amendnn lit had been have n i Ul IUII. it will be the consc<|uencc of tlii >n, is wholly immaterial to tli r 11 Statis. Vou say thai worse term enlorocd on us. Tins mu> he a< shall have the consolation ?>! know it we ilul not voluntarily adopt them at mnidst all the tyranny ami oj n which may he heaped on us, w lamtained our honor unsullied, am ui'iu iu iii.iiiiitiiu, iiiuiusi ;i11 lit s siuiis. hoi honor unsullied, and v 1 voluntarily, accept her own deg h 1 am, with great respect, youi II K. I ? - ^ wm i. The Cincinnati Commercial ti ' : ground in favor of the ahsorf e Mexico, and thinks that such I inevitable. Perhaps it is, hut \ lt opprcn- : -tuces u certain cure, wi 1 never, ; corn uiay bo entirely redmion. finder nail. I h*v? t rs. &o., to succeed."?Kaleigh KKilY. ? ? Interesting TO ikt-s strong Clayton, ol Mississippi ttion ol all recently hold that le?j;a a result is anj a valid tendc re ituacine ...i. .. ? - on?* - In bve days the rer oved with the ried it and found it I'royrcst. Lawyers?Judge , says an cxchango, 1 tender notes were sr, stopping interest l. _ I .? /I titled to voto and hold oi gard to caste or color, to every one who has uidod the " rebellion." The first section of thc< mendment proposes to ma the negroes in the Southe out regard to moral clian merit to Republican princ ..n e : - - | KUDIIIllll'U 10 U?0 Hce, without re would hu^e been tho exclusion ot' ut them. It was or countenanced jfy 0J" her Login ruptly elected, ai constitutional a? degraded by No ke citizens ol all coin inanities the rn States, with? iniauious men, w ictcr or attach? j uty by sncriticini iples, which arc I 0f their country. people oi I ennosee, it iio?er < i rejected by nine tenths The i adopted only by a minor of Con latine, unfairly ami cor-' have b ml thoroughly debased and and du irthcrn influtnee In all ving 01 ru are unprincipled and the pr> ho seek power and imtori ern pi ; honor and the interests Ouc-hi I nfortunutely lor Ten- deenlv sun lose our sell respect. Southern States may he kept uu gross. Who cares lor that ( \\ een out for rlie la-t t\v< Ive uioiitln ling all that time have hceit iiupro ur comiitioti, a11 1 rapidly reslonn; ispcrity ol our country I he North ople are nearly equally divided i't of ihem are our irictuls, wli .sympathize with us m our mistoi tin- Mexicans would li^lit to tin t he fore tlioy would allow tlietns e drafted into such a jjovernmen i now. It would be well lor the. 1 learn how to govern what con 'A have tin their hands before the i- to extend their empire. m > ? In Ohio a machine has lately I nil II uiaut'i 1 UilV I i lust ditch niakmir such notes a 1 elves ti> be atitutional, and that t as this is not?.s is derived lacohin* to 0]'tho < tiivcrmnent. 1 mtry they suspension of the statu iy attempt n?g t|l0 war, was cons ? m James Orr, of Sprin bocn intro just shipped Irom l.ifl no .vui oi i ongress egal tender was con the power to issao from the war powers He also held that the ito of limitations duititutional and valid, '^liold, Illinois, has bun, St. Lawrence IW|UUCU ui an iuio!^iiKr? 1 zciis, after a residence uf I Unitod States. No ntutte may be the character of liar, a rogue and a imirdci an American citizen by tl and entitled to all the rij gee of citizenship. Bui German and Englishman the court that he is a ma ivno occoino eiti J ncssoe, *i>*" seurn ivo yeara in the heen thrown up r how inlumous through which ? the negro, as a ^ot into power i rer, ho becomes aiK] fraudulently tiia amendment, human nature, : i^hts and privile- iiiluinous in histi t the Irishman, not again oeoui must first satisfy State, n of good moral | Thn third ?n?.i and dregs of society have tunes, by the horrible eivil war large i he has passed. Men have States. 11 thiu State, accidentally it' mTV , who are a disgrace to should md who will ever remain the oili try. The same thing an- That I r in any other Southern should must, : It.kit t ll<k n?A%\ACj?/l A/\t> ? 4* *' \\ ltli this halt, we constitute majority ill the people of the I'nitci It will he passing strange, indeed third oft he people ol this Kepnhli continue tortile, with a rod ni iron icr two thirds, tor any length ot time this tyrmny and usurped powe continue always, is impossible. I md will, have its end I lie masse uunn i>y wiiicu a well sixteen w ami one inch in diameter may ' forty minutes The machine sit ' pi|??\ The water thus produce c be pure and cool. ' "Now, then, my hearties," sai 1 captain, "you have a toujth in 1 you I'ijiht like heroes till you * gone; then?run I I'm a little tee' deep county, V., 5;UU(J bo dug in varieties, for the pur iks an inch the grounds and avon d is said to the gruve ol Abraham ^ m A mechamo at Albs <1 a gallant von'ed a now cotton g itrie before merit of being portabh ir powder's taye of cotton, it is als latue, and bv this ^ iu than by tl 1 trees of evergreen pose of beautifying lues which surround Lincoln. my, N. Y., has in(in, with the great i. A laiyer per oen* o claimed, is saved he one now in use character, and *cll attach< id to the prinei k*vn vi viiv Kjvru - (i| lilt' mri iran pcupio are noncst an 1 ll sturt nuw." | while the length o! the staple is preserved