The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, October 11, 1866, Image 5

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' Bvralaf Boat lonf. ft W1 * 101 /ill a JOBXION. The shadows creep along the deep And up the silver river, While softly through the central blue Faint rays of starlight quiver. 80 fade life's light, so falls its night. And mantles all in sadness. Till stars of love shine out above And All the soul with gladness. The homeward mnin we slowly gain With every ear-stroke's cadence. And leave a shore all peopled o'er With fhir.v men and maidens. 'Tie thus we glide on Time's dark tide, To labor's solemn measure, Death's shore to find, and leave behind The Flowery isles of pleasure. a? mtsss??u?????? Idleness. There is too mach idleness in this country. It is breeding vice and immorality. T? -:?u ? a* mi Hiuug vui jono wmi viimiums. v>nuic has been on tbo gradual increase Cor six months. This comes of idleness; and idleness comes in a great measures of that abominable idea that a white man cannot be a gentleman and work, lie must get money, for that is indispensable. But how? That's it. Young men have not the dis position to work, and by patient CCviiOiiijf I secure a basis for business operations. They must have it uow. This suggests expedients. Those lead to temptation, and temptation leads to crimo. llcnce we have murders, horso thefts and breaches of trust. Why should a young man consider it degrading or even undignified to work ? President Johnson purchased his present residenoe iu East Tennessee with the proceeds of his labor as a tailor. One of the ^ wealthiest bankers in New York commenced tbo world as a gardener, selling to the huckster the products of his own labor. Gen. Pat Cleburn, at one time the head of the Arkansas bur, subsequently the ruling spirit of a powerful army, began life ns a day-laborer. Judge lteugan, Postmaster General of the late Confederate States, was once a woodchopper on the hanks of the Mississippi. The world is full of such examples. But where can we point to a sue eeestul man who spent his early youth in hunting business which he considered to be more gentoel than mauual labor? Who baa ever heard of a man succeeding who pent his early manhood "waiting lor something to turn up ?" Young man if you would succeed, go to Ieor/e. it you cannot obtain a clerkship, take something else. You had better be rolling barrels, or plowing, or building fonoe, or ohopping cord wood, or carrying the hod, than doing nothing. Quit depending upon your frieuds. Strike out for yourself. Learn at once the greatest of all lessons, that of telf reliance. llave a bead, a will, a purpose of your owu. Go to work and watch your opportunity. Tko soil upon which you have been reared never refuses a competence to thoso who are willing to dig. Then, if you can do no better, dig. It will pay to dig Nor is there anything undignified or vulgar in it. It is honorable if you choose to make it so. Then dig and watch your opportunity. But don't staud idlo and "Wait for something to turn up." A Quaker Woman's Sermon ?My dear friends, there are thrco things that I very much wonder at. The first is that children should he so loolish as to throw up stones, clubs and brickbats into fruit trees to knock down fruit. If they would let it alone it would tall itself. The second is, that men should be so foolish as to go to war to kill each other. If let alono they would die themselves. The third and )u;-i thing I wonder at is, that young men should be so unwise as to go after young women. If they would stop at homo the young women would come afier thcin. Burns, going into chu:ch on Sunday, and finding it difficult to procure a seat, was kindly invited hy a young iudy into her pew. The sermon being upon th terrors of the law, and tho pre;*her being particularly severe in his denunciation of sinners, tho lady, who was very attentive, became much ugitated Burus, on perceiving it, wrote with his pencil on a blank leaf of her Bible the following: Fair maid you need not take the hint, Nor idle texts pursue ; 'Twn* only sinners that he meant, Not angels such as you." Sacrifice of Property ?The following faots arc "straws," and we cannot assign to them too much significance : A gentleman who has just returned from Carroll County, in this State, stated in the presence of tho editor of the L? ftmn.r., itcporter the other day, that a good lot of land exposed to sale was sold for eighteen dollars. On saleday last, two hundred and eighty acres of land lying in Goshen District, El bert County, were sold at public outcry for twenty five dollars. A horse was also put up and brought?nothing. Couimont is Unnecessary.?Macon Telegraph. A California paper says that Mr. Ed win Forrest means to reside in that State six months, for the sake of procuring a divorce from Mrs. Forrest, to whoui he bos keen paying alimony of $3,000 a year ever since the celebrated suit in this city years ago. ^ iai i ? A gentleman whose father had been ' hanged, was accustomed to refer to him as 1 'having died suddenly, by falling through < a platform and breaking his neek, at a ' ferga pnbke meeting.' 1 Gleanings. What are the two smal eat insects mentioned' in the bible T The wicked fine and the widow's mite. Matchless misery has been defined to be having a cigar and nothing to light it with. Ho only is independent who can maintain himself by his own exertions. Why is whispering a breach of good manners ? Because it is not aloud. The Indians on the plains call our breech-loaders "heap shoot" guns. You had better find out one of your own faults than ten of your neighbor's. Why aro ladies the biggest thieves in existenoel Because they steel the pe'ti coats, bone the slays, and crib the babies. A word of kindness is seldom spoken in vain. It is a seed which, even when dropped by chance, springs up a flower. Why cannot a deaf man be legally con victed ? Because it is not lawful to con deinti a man without hearing. As we grow older, it ij with hearts as __:?u i t- -i i--;? r - .L " n ivii iiviiu3 m uuir; tor one 111:11 WO UliU real, there are nine that, are false ! The moan seems the ino-it unsteady of all the celestial luminaries; she is contiuu ally shifting her quarters. Troublos arc like bahies?they grow bigger by nursing. But babies arc nut, therefore, always troubles. Some hearts, like the evening primses, open most beautiful in the shadows ot lite. Man passes his life in reasoning on the past, in complaining of the present, and in trembling tor the future Poor Caudle said lie dreamed that lie had an angel by his side, and upon waking up found it was nobody But his wife. Kinder is the looking glass than the wine glass ; for the former reveals our de fects to ourselves only?the latter to our frieuds. 'What are you kicking my aog for T 'Because ho is full of fleas.' 'Fleas, the devil ! Why, that dog sleeps with me.' Ye3, darn you, that's whar ho get 'em.' "All flesh is grass," sighed Spriggles, after dinner the other day; and the wretch immediately added, "ofuil grasses give me a gra?*s widow." "My wifo," said a wag the other day "came near calling me honey last night. "Indeed, how was that ?" "Why she called me old beeswax." An editor describing the effects of a squall upon a canal boat, says : 'When tl e gale was at the highest point the unfortunate craft keeled to the larboard, and the cantnin and anotlipr nn&L- nf iul>iulr.i.r -- . J j overboard.' 'Excuse iuo madaiu, but I would like to know why you look at me so savagely V paid a gentleman to u lady stranger. 4(}h ! 1 beg pardon, sir; I took you lor in} bus band,' was the reply. 'Well, Tom/ said a blacksmith to hia apprentice, 'you have been with uic now three mouths, and have seen all the differ eut points in our trade. 1 wish to give you your choico of work for a while.' 'Thank'ce, sir.' 'Well, now, what part of the business do you like best?' 'Shuttin' up shop and goiu' to dinner, sir.' A poverty-stricken Frenchman, being aroused by bis wile one night with the cry, '(Jet up, Sacquc9, there's a robber in the house !' calmly answered, 'ilush ! don't let us disturb him Let him ransack the house and if he Gnds anything of value, we'll then get up and take it away lruui him.' The following direction was ou a letter which passed through the post office : Wood John Mass. A shrewd postmaster finally decided that it was intended for John Underwood, Andover, Mass. Kissing don't hurt' it don't require a j brass baud to make it legal. Don t jab I down on a bcautilul mouth as if spearing lor frogs. Don't grab and yank the young lady, ns il she was a struggling cult. Don t muss her hair, snatch down her collar, bite her cheek, squizzlo her rich riebons, and leave her mussed, rumpled nud muxed. Don't flavor your kisses with onions, tobacco, gin cocktails, lager beer, brandy, e?c , for a maudlin kiss is worse than the itch ' to a delicate, loving, sensible woman. Two French peasants were discussing , the continental war, when one attempted . to cxpliin to the other the nature ol the telegraph. i'ter repeatedly failing, lie was struck with a brilliant notion, and exclauneij : Imagine that the telegraph is an immenso long dog?so long that its head is at Vicuna and its tails is at Paris ! Well, I read on it* tail, which is at Paris, j and it will bark at Vienna. I>o you un j derstund now, stupid, what the telegr ph 1 is like?" "Oh, yes!" replied the other "I have an idea now what the telegraph must be." The Knoxvillc Commercial says that negroes from Georgia und other Stages South, are emigrating in large numbers to East Tennessee. At one station a negro came up with his bundle and was accosted by a sable brother : ( "Dat's you, Hill, wbar's you gwinc ?" "Dat's tnc sure?Ps gwinc to East Ten nesseo sartain. Day's got more corn up ilar den all de rest ob de world. Niggers 1 don't bab to work so hard up d&r, and Go- ' vernor Brownlow'e gwinc to leto Mil vote | dar, too." * Miscegenation, The wandering course of Brownlow, Hamilton end ?. omp&oy?who ore to follow the Torch-and Turpeutine Brigade, with instruments to survey the land, preliminary to the grand distribution?shows that tuey are very poor ' surveyors;" but their own advocacy ol thedootrine of miscegenation is evidence that they are good "levellers;" as witness this speech of Horace Maynard, at Athens, Teun., on the 2lst ultimo : "And I tell you, gentlemen, that in a short time all this complaint about negro equalitywill be done away with. Sotue months since it was said that the negro would not be suffered to testify in your courts ?that his oath would not he granted him. But how stands t o matter already ? lie :e not only permitted to testify ill your courts with impuuity. but there is every evidence that he will soon be on a social equality with the white man in your State. Yes, gentlemen, inwi short lime he will marry and intermarry in your families, li in a little objectioiuiblo to day but you will soon get over this, nud lie persecuted negro will be welcome in your parlors This will be the result of the political and social changes of the next lew months. A Yankkk General Bcati.n nr a Negho.? A correspondent of the Metropolitan llecord, writing from Luke l'rovidence. La., says: In Isaquena county, Misa , General Andrews, of .Massachusetts, has bceu endeavoring to run a plantation. A lew days since one of the descendants ot' Ham, in the employ of General Andrews, was exercising his family prerogative by a -ministering, according to the law and customs of old puritan Massachusetts, n severe lesson of corporeal punishment upon one of his own children. The General, coming along, ordered hitn to desist, which Sambo rofusea to do, asserting at once the privilege guaranteed by the rivil (lights Bill. Hereupon the General undertook to coerco the arrogant darkey, who on the other hand, "couldn't nee it.'' A skirmish ensued, aud alas, our gallant General was most wofully used up, retreating in a demoralised condition, dismayed and disgusted with free niggers, Southern plantations and all. lie told some of the mouthers tltai ho had expended thirty thouMuiri dollars in starting the cotton planting adventure, hut would give it up. He said lie had fought four years to make the nigger free, ntid was now willing to tight the remainder of his life time to put them back into sltwcry again. \*m 4D Tnn Cestual I'ACtric Road.?The Central Pacific Railroad of California is now completed a distance of eighty miles cast of Sacramento, and in a few weeks the whistle of the locomotive will be heard in the Sierra Nevada When they have once crossed this range ol mountains there will b" a road similar to thai ou the Platte, a level river bottom, the Hum boldt. and until they reach the western range ol the Kocky Mountains there will be no scri ous dittioulties to overcome, and if the energy is displayed, until the completion ofthisgigau tic and monstrous enterprise, that there is ai present, seven years will complete the grcatcsl work in the world There is at present up ward of eighteen hundred miles of railrcm frout Boston to Manhattan, Karsas; and whet the Pacific is completed, there will be on? (almost) continuous route upward of 3,00( miles iu leagth. American genius. Amcricnr industry, American perseverance, can accom plish anything. There is nothing that ihesi combined have ever succumbed to except per petual motion, and that is to he discovered it: this gtcat country, if there is such a thing. A German in Savanna , arrested for somt offense, pleaded in defense "katt sheieduol uun ucuinviivu lousier gcorgessen. I iiejuclgi not being utile to see it in that light, lined hm five dollars. Bkick Ppmeroy savs that is the most wick edest and heart leafiest judge we have read o within the limits of the "unconstructcd" portion of the land we live in. lie ought to hi placed in "durance vile," corked up in n freed man's bureau for ninety days, then conipellet to listen to llrownlow's innocent prattle ninetv more; and finally have lien, the cock-eyct spoon pilferer, look pleasant nt him for uitietj more. Oh. most injured German, we comiuis ferule thy wrongs over muchly! 1 ?S^? ? Wl A few weeks after a late marriage, the litis band had some peculiar thoughts when puttinj on his last clean shirt as lie saw no appear mice ot a washing. He thereupon rose earli or than usual one morning and kindled a tire When hanging ou the kettle he made a noist on purpose to arouse his easy wife. She immediately peped over the blankets, and titer exclaimed : ' Mv dear, what are you doing?'' He deliberately responded, "I've put 011 tnj last clean shirt, and l'tu going to wash on>. lot myself." Very well," replied Mrs Easy, '-you ha? better wash one fo me, too!" -SMI 11 Emiguation to Liberia.?The National Intelligencer of the 'J-ltli instant, says: "Wt understand that the American Colonization So eieiy lias purchased the ship Golcoudo, l.Olf tons, and intend to fit her up to carry etni grant to Liberia. She is expected to sai! from Charleston, South Carolina, on the Isi of November. Upwards of a tliousaud freedmen have applied to the Society for a passage this fall Many others arc getting ready tc euib.irk next spring." The ' incinnati Gazelle that at a recent iui iiuiii ii i ii'k:iw:iv comity i;>. >? i ruts were killed, and announces a grand pic nie 10 lake place at t ireleville, Ohio, at which ilirce pre> niiums will be given to the township producing tiie greatest number of tail* of rats slain in each township of I'ickaway county. The premium* amount respectively to $500, $800 and $2,00, and will be distributed, of course, pro rata. Where tiie Figiitino Men Stand.?The Indianapolis Herald say* that the fighting Generals of the war are almost invariably for Johnson and a restored Union, while the "dead beats" invariably sustain Congress. On the one side we have Grant, Sherman, Farragut, Hose tier a ns, Rosseau, anil a host of other gallant and meritorious officers, while on the other tire arrayed Huller, Ranws, Neal Dow and such. It i*a contest of patriotism,aguinst plunder and pianos. ? ?? How is it??The Tribune and sundry of its Radical cotemporaries have been declaring, for months, that the ne.roes were, in reality, llie only loyalists South. Will the Tribune explain how it i* that a "Southern Loyalist Convention" is now in session in Philadelphia without one Southern negro? w?m The Radical* say of lletry Ward Roechcr, their late ulol, "This reverend traitor's aban iontnent of the negro to the mercies of the white oppressor is induced by the interest lie 'eels in the promotion of his eon as an officer if Ibe regular army. FOWLER, F Tiiankfhl to out* Patrons offer our services < CARRIAGES ROC KAWAY fmmf <?TS\U VJ^y ^CA^r WE HAVE C0NNECTE1 ; A MASJSS AND HAVING RECEIVED A 8UPPLY C LEATHER, WE CAN FURNISH, H \RN ANY MADE, N( i i ; We have on band an assortment of sites of AND COFFINS, rcudy made, or made to or IlERSK, which we will scud to Funerals, will Our prices we intend shall be as low as wc nient all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, at n ALSO "Ft CARRIAGE AND BUGGY TKIMMIN 1 SCREWS, CASTINGS, I i OCT 11 2J 1 l Commissioner's Sales. IN EQUITY?SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. 1 Jane Ilanna et. al vs. James C. llanna, et. al. Administrator. Dill for Partition, &c. IN pursuanoc of an Order of the Court of Equity, the following real estate, belonging to the estate of UEOUOK HANNA, deceased, wi 1 he sold at the late residence of , said deceased, at public sale on SATURDAY, the 20th October, instant, to wit: One tract of Land, containing: 340 ACRES, more or less, embracing the llomet stead of said deceased, iu lower portion of the t District, bounded by lauds of Wm. llunter, Jus. Ncsbitt, and others. 1 Also, ut the satne time and place, the follow1 itig lots at or near Woodruffs to wit: ; One Lot, with framed Store house thereon, containing one acre, more or less. One lot. with Dwelling -house thereon, containing one acre, more or less. One unimproved lot, containing two acres, more or less. ' TERMS OF SALE Costs of these proceedings to tie paid cash on day of Sale, and tlx residue of the purchase money on a credit oj one and two years, with interest from day 1 of Sale ; purchasers required to give bond with at least 'W> approved sureties and mort' gage of premises to secure the pnrchuse money. T. STOBO FARROW, C. E. S. D. Coiu'rs. Office, > Sept. 28, 1866. j i II/.I 4 Urt i An 1 Surveying and Engineering. i ' rpiIE undersigned offers his services to Rail' | road Companies to survey nnd locate i Railroad routes; to furnish Maps and Reports, Specifications, Estimates and l'laus of Super' structure. lie will measure and report in de' tail contract work and heavy Graduation, lit ' will execute Topographical Drnaiugs and lay off the Drainage of luland Swamps and bottom lands for farmers. Particular attention will be given to any ~ business entrusted to him by Engineers mid ' officers of Railroad Companies and others in. tor. sted in Bridge building, and especially to Farmers who desire to reclaim their swamp r lands or to establish their boundary lines ol old surveys. lie will also superintend personally the conI struction and building of Railroad bridges, or any oilier Bridges that require the services ol an Engineer to plan and construct Parties h iving business or desiring information will . address the undersigned at Catupobella, Spur. t.anburg District. iS. C. 1 J NO. BASKSTON DAVIS, Civil Eugiuecr, Surveyor and Draftsman. I Aug 9 28 tf "state of soltii Carolina, SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. Lawson T. Mead ere, Applicant, vs. William Meadcrs and others. JT appearing to my satisfaction that Amos L. Rearden, Polly Ann Reardcn and Jane Bearden, three of tho Defendants resido without this State, on motion of Farrow & Duncan, Applicants Attorneys, it is ordered that they do appenr and object to the division or sale of the Real Estate ot George Meadcrs, deceased, on or before the 14th day of NOVEMBER next, or their consent to the same will be entered of record. J NO. EARLE ROMAR, O. S. D. Aug 28 80 8m IN EQUITY?Spartanburg District. I To.nna Uanna -S - - V ? " w<.uivi iniuua, ci u>., > j. <j;iuic:i V/. nanna, Adinistrator, et al. Bill for Partition, Relief, tec. IT appearing 10 the satisfaction of this Court, that Isaac 8. Ilanna an<l William llnnna, two of the defendants in this case, reside from and without the limits of this State, on motion of Farrow, Complainant's solicitor. It it order < </ that the said defendants do appear, answer, plead or demur to this Rill of Complaint within T.IRF.F, MONTHS from this date, or judgment will he taken pro conftsso as to them. Comni'r Office, > T. STOllO FARROW, duly 20, 18C6. / 0. e. s. d. July 20?26?din Ladies' Hats, Bonnet Ribbons, LATEST STYLES. received by CLEVELAND, WALKER 4r CO. I OSTB& ft Co. . for past Ihvors, we agalft is Manuflxcturers of" K BUGGIES, S, WAGONS. [> WITH OUR BUSINESS ai3)i3) jSJSAvyJiT9 >F BALTIMORE OAK TANNED HARNESS ESS, EQUAL IN STYLE OR QUALITY TO )RTII OR SOUTH. Patent Air Tight METALTC BURIAL CASES iler at very short notice. We also have a good !i a careful driver, when requested, can possibly afford, and we will receive in payinrket prices, OR SALE GS, PAINTS, OILS. VARNISH. BOLT AXES, IRON, NAILS, &c. 170WT PP WAST"!?!? fir fTi \ JL IV J?-?. -#-a. Wj X' v/v/* ^ 1 OTQWB8* SBAIFES* RANGES, EIRE BRICKS Ac. ADAMS, DAMON it Co., OATB REOPENED BUSINESS IT TfiEIB OLD STAJNTD, 16, Broad Street, Charleston, 8. C.? I And keep Comtantly on Hand COOKING STOVES or rnc Latest Improved Patterns, Range's Grates, Marble Mantles, Tinners' Machines and Tools, Plumbers' Materials, Iron and Dnss, deep well Force and Light Pumps. Sheet Lead, Lead aud Iron Piping, Railroad Force Pumps. Also the Great Labor-Saving Washing Machine and Wringer. t^n.All Ordera attended to with Dityatek. JMf ' Mch 16 ly r ? HART CO., (Successors to S. N. HART & CO.) South East Corner King & Market Streats, CHARLESTOX, S. C., IMPORTERS OF Foreign & Domestic Hardware, O UTLEUY, GUNS, BAR IRON, TIN AND PLATED WARES, Will receive orders for R. IIOE A CO'S Circui lav Saw9, and GEO. PAGE A CO'S Portable Saw Machines. | D. D. Couen. p. 8. hart. P. Moro*x. , March 1 5 lj ~ lcnr.ARTv Jte nr\ \ a jk v/ \j? a a %ju w v/# 1 W liolesale Gi'ocei*s ' i axd \ COMMISSION MERCHANTS Corner of Atlantic Wharf & East Bay. ^ P V. FOGARTY, 1 ^ s. fug arty, / Charleston, 8. C. Aptn/t for liOYD BROS. & CO'S Cream Ale. .mcli 1 6 ly New Enterprise ! soutiiernTmporting AND MANUFACTURING DRUG ROUSE, PRATT, WILSON & BROS., No. Kiny Sreet, charleston, S. 0. o The Proprietors are Nativ Southerners* Aro such enterprise South of Philadelphia. Will Southern Houses give us their Patronage? WE OFFER AT HATES THAT COM- ^ PARS FAVOR ABLY WITH NEW ^ YORK PRICES. ALL DRUGS, ] CHEMICALS, MEDICINE8, I SPICES, &c., THAT LEGITIMATELY BELONG TO OUR LINE OF BUSINESS, AND I lfKKP nv "hand" ONLY TECE3 BS30T *&>' Packages put up to suit Country Trade. N. A.PRATT, Chemist to late C. 8., Niter and Mining Bureau, L. W. WILSON, P. B. WILSON, Chemist to late C. 8., Or Department. April 11 5 lj corn; flour. bacon .A.isrx> TiA ust received by ? CLEVELAND, WALKER A CO. 1 ? 4