The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, August 16, 1866, Image 5

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w* From Eurcye*. London, August 11.?Napoleon demands from Prussia the rectification of the French frontier by its extension to tho Khine as it eras marked prior to its disturbance in 1814. The military and naval preparations which are being carried on in Frnnoe, induce the belief that the Emperor will wake war if his demand is not complied with. Tho demand has caused great excitement in Berlin. A semiofficial journal in Berlin recommends Prussia to reconstruct Gerraauy as far as possible on the basis of a preservation of the vita) and constitutional rights of the States, as each are to be auncxed to her. The Austrian-Italian Iruco has been extended ten days. Peace negotiations will take place at Prague. Couut Bairal and Gen. Monales are the Italian plenipotentiaries. , The New ? ork Ilerald's special from London of the 9th says there is great excitement this evening caused from a supposed attempt to blow up the two Houses of Pariiaiucul. Ten Eackages of gunpowder, with the fuse pattiully urnt, were found near the entrance to the Lord Chamberlain's office. The House of Lords and members of Parliament have visions of another Guy Faulkc's riot. There were l.OoO death* from cholera in London last week. London. August 11 ?An armj-tice has been agreed upon by Austria and Italy on the basis of the cession ofVcnctiolo the latter. Napoleon has tuked froin Prussia an extension of the frontier of Kracco to the lthinc. No answer has yet been given- The Empress of the Mcxioaa Empire has arrived in Paris and asks aid for Maximilian. The King of Prussia, at llorlin, on the in reply to a congratulatory uddrcss, said that Prussia had drawn the sword not only for her own independence but for the reorganization of Germany. The first hnd been achieved and the second tuay be obtained. Berlin, August 0. ?At the sitting of the Chambers to-day the members cheered the King and the Prussian victories. Count Stulbert was elected President The Upper House of Prussia has positively declined the proposals of Russia for a Congress of the powers which signed the treaty of Vienna Vienna, August G ?It is expected that a definite treaty of peace will soon be sgued by the Austriau and rus.'ian plenipotentiaries at Prague. Italy was not included. If the difficulty relative to au armistice with Italy is not arranged willttu a few days hostilities will be renewed, Florence. August 0.?The Italian and Austrian Generals iftet at Corniorn in Austria to negotiate. France lakes no part in the pending armistice. Austria and Italy, if it can he arranged will hold a separate peace conference with tue concurrence of France. Mace beat Goss in a prize fight match in 21 rounds. London, August 8.?Affairs between Austria aud ilaly are again assuming a threatening altitude. Livertjol, August 8.?The ship Danube, bound from Bristol to the United States, was bound at sea. [The crew arrived by a Mobile Tcssel. Washington, August 9. Major Generals Hunter and Dclatiold have have beeo placed on the retired list. Gushing, James and Johnson, Commissioners to revise the United Stales laws, have received their commissions nmI ?*-ill uutm ii |'u 11 l I1C UlSUUIll'gC of iheir duties on this 1st of ^September. The order of tlte War Departmcui reorganising the Military Department was promulgated to day. Among them Scoticld commands the Department of ihe Potomac, embracing Virginia and Weal Virginia, with headi[uur tcrs at llirhmoud ; Siukcls the Departuieut of Mouth, including the Carolina* , Thomas the Department of Tennessee, embracing Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Aluliainy uud Mississippi, with hendipiwrtets at Nashville; Sheriden the Depart incut of the Gulf, with the Slates of Florida, Louisiana ami Texas and Arkausas, including the Indian Territory. Saratuua, August U.?There are ODU delegates to the Union Convention. .Judge llcuier Nelson, War Democrat, vrns elected temporaly ehairtnan. The delegates will be composed probably of an eiptal uuinber of Democrats and Republicans. By direction of the Secretary of War the ] provost marshal general's bureau will lie abol tubed immediately and the archives turned over to the Assistant Adjutant General Townsend by the 20th instant. The Mexican minister lias received dispatches from the Juarez. Government, dated Chihualtua, July 28th. Juarez declines the services of Santa Anna because he was one of the .originators of the {plan of foreign intervention in the aifairs of Mexico, and cannot be Depended on now, bnenuse the Mexican people have lust confidence in liiui. llis pre sence there, it is further staled, would be an clement of discord uud trouble. Nrw Ori.kak*, August 10.?Gov. Throckmorton wns inaugurated Governor of Texas at Austin on yesterday. His address is of a conservative nnd conciliatory nature. There have been twenty-four dent lis from cholera for the twenty hours ending at six o'clock this morning. Mayor Monroe performs no official ncl? or makes appointments without consulting the military authorities. Gov. Welles issued an address fo the Loyal Louisiaians, speaking in scathing terms ot the ex-Con federates, and approving ihe Convention of 1864 ; placing Ihe whole responsibility of i the late riot upon the Mayor and police, and endorsed negro sutTrage and embracing the Radical oause. G. & C. R. R.?Tint But no*.?We are gratified to iearn that the Railroad Bridge over Broad River is expeoted to he oompleted during this month. This will coutrihute towards a reduction of freight as well us of traveling time, we presume, and it will therefore be a benefit to both the commercial and traveling public. We hope it may also prove of advantage to the business interests of the Company. [Greenville Mountaineer Washington Coi.i.kgb.?The Staunton Spectator states that tho contributions to tho "Leo Endowment" fund arc increasing constantly, the endowment at present reaching nearly $200,000. Dr. John Kirkpatrick, D. P., n native of Virginia, and President of Davidson College, N. O., has been selected for the Chair of Mornl Philosophy. It has been determined by the faculty to build a handsome residence for the President, Gen Lec. Til* C*or*.?Monday last being salcday, a large number ot the citizens of the District assembled here. We were sorry to learn that in various sections of the country, that the corn crop U still suffering, from the continued drought. Cotton is backward, but may yet , do well, with good seasons. ? f'nionnlle Timet. I 1 Notice. I I have placed my Notes and Accounts in the hands of WILLIAMS, EVINS & CHOICE tor settlement ; nil persons who do not mako satisfactory arrangements may expect to pay Costs. R. E. CLEVELAND. Aug 16 29 4t i7 O. O. 3?. A REGULAR MEETING of MORGAN LODGE will be held on Friday evening next. Business of importance is expected, and all members are earnestly requested to attend. By order of the Lodge. ALEX. II. SMYTH, N. G. J. M Et-rom?, Scc'ry. ? The Philadelphia Convention. PHILADELPHIA, AugUSt 12. The great wig warm for the National Convent ion will bo completed by Tuesday. It is the largest structure ever built for a political gathering. A large uuuiber of delegates arrived ; among tlietn Reverdy Johnson, Montgomery Blair, Stockton of New Jersey, Ferdando Wood, Cowan, of Pennsylvania, aud many other distinguished persons. The Executive Committee have rooms in the Continental Hotel. There was quite a stir (o-dny over the report in the New York Ileruld that Gov. Curtin, of Pennsylvania, had secretly called for 2t),U0U militia for service during the time the Convention sat, nnd thai trouble will probably ensue. This is believed to be u canard. There is no reason to suppose the Convention will be disturbed. Gen. Dix or Ueorgc Arhburue of Massachusetts will preside. Philadelphia, August 111. Upwards ol six hundred delegates to the Convention have arrived. Among the most noticeable persons arc Tburlow Weed, Dean Richmond, Secretaries Randall and Browning, Gen. Stecdumn, Cornelius Wendell, Fernando Wood, Vullandighuin, Governors Orr, Sharkey and Perry, and A. 0. 1*. Nicholson. and Scnntor Guthrie. There is considerable excitement about the admission of Vallnndighuni I aud Wood, peace democrats. There is no J reuson, however, to doubt that all will be adjusted to-uight. Fernando Wood will decline to go into the Convention if necessary to the harmony of it. The programme is yet un| known, but no third party will be formed. | The Convention will probably adopt a eerie* of resolutions, endorsing the policy of the President and denouncing Congress. An address will be issued to the country which will embody the principles set forth in the call of the Convention. It. C- Wiuilirop, of Mass., or Ueu. Dtx will preside. Washington, Delaware, August 11.?The Republicans nominated James Riddle for Coventor and John L. McKitn for Congress. Cincinnati, August 11.?There were 3b deaths front cholera yesterday. Nkw Oiilkans. August 11 ?The grand jury made a report of the testimony ott the late riots. It says, speaking of the convention, that it was nil assumption of power by these men was flagrant, open, defiant, vio at ion of the laws ; it was an insolent and lawless attempt to subvert the government ami destroy the Constitu tioti, and under the laws of most countries would have amounted to high treason, and would be made punishable with death. Cincinnati, August IS.?Fifty four deaths on Saturday nttd (18 on yesterday, of cholera The Hoard of licalih declare the disease epidemic. Nkw Oiu.kans, August 13.? Cholera deaths for forty eight hours, ending litis ntoruittg, 50. London, August 13?The armistice between Italy and Austria, which expired ou Saturday last, ha* boon renewed for four weeks. The otlicial Berlin paper opposes the claim of France for the extension of frontier. RaLPIoii, August 10.?The Convention today cho>e as delegates to the Philadelphia Convention, W. A. Graham, George Davis, 11. C. l'uryea, and George Howard. St Locis. August 9. ? Fort Lnrtnarie advices state that tin- Indian war has recommenced The Indians killed several white men near Fort Kcno and stole a great number of cattle ; they also killed 35 whites near Fori Cuuuou nttd destroyed several trains. Several attempts to introduce white labor in the cultivation of cotton, in Alabama, have been made and failed. Reliable white men enuiiot be worked by the month in gangs. MARUIK1) On iho Sil. i,.?t..... K.. I v? i--.- *' ? .... ......... * j ?. in. i.hrunw, r*sq*f Mil. WILLIAM IIOUTON to MRS. LOUISA PARIS, nil of Spartanburg District. COMMERCIAL. Coi.i'miiia, Aug 13th, 1800.? Cotton.?18to -4; gold, 23 to 31, currency. Corn.?$1.05 to 1.90 per bushel. Fi.oon.? ?12 to 20 per barrel. Nkw VoltK, Aug. 13.?Oolil 49J; Exchange nominal 100J a D>9A; Cotfn dull at 31 a30. Livrri'ool, August 13.?Cotton market closed firm. Sales to day 12,000 bales; middling uplands 13^d. AnnouiicciiieiitK. The friends of 11. F. IJAMMETT respectl fully announce him as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the election to he lieltl the second TUESDAY in SEPTEMBER next. July 20 20 tdc The friends of LANDRUM C. K'/.KLL respectfully announce him as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the election to he held the second TUESDAY in SEl'TEMDEll next. July 20 20 Ide i The friends of JAMK8 THOMAS respectful ly announce him as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the election to he held the second TUESDAY in SEPTEMBER next. July 26 20 tde j I am a candidate for TAX COLLECTOR for ' Spartanburg District, nt the ensuing Election, | to be held on the Second TUESDAY in SEP- i TEMBEll next, nnd should he pleased at a general turn out of tuy friends to said election R. C. POOLE. May 31 IS td DRESS MAKING. ?:o:? THE undersigned proposes to execute all styles of MANTUA-MAKINQ at short notice, and for reasonable prices. Dresses of the finest texture, as well as those of coarsest faltrio received. In fact every kind of sewing taken, with the hope that eutire satisfaction will be given. My friends will please call and give tne a trial. Residence at Mrs. Dr. Vernon's. MARY 8. COUNCIL. Aug 16 2*J u Sole Tradov. 1"WIE undersigned, the wife of JOHN RL AY LOt K, by occupation a fanner, residing | in Spartanburg District, South Carolina, six ! tuiles North of the town of Spartanbnrg, hereby gives notice to the public of her intention to exercise and claim the rights nnd itu inunities of a sole-Trader, (or free-Freedealer) 01: and after the expiration of one month from this dale. MARY ANN RLAYLOCK. Aug 10 20 It Equity Sale. Elizabeth Dearden, vs. David D. Moore, Nimrod Moore, Extr, and others. Rill for Partition, &c. TN pursuance of an order of the Court of Eouitv. the following rw.r??nnl .....-? ? . ? . IS I p"v|>vny belonging to I lie estate of SAKAH MOORE, deceased, will be soid at PUBLIC SALE on THURSDAY, the Gib day of September next, ; at the place where she resided at the time of her death, near Glenn Spring!*. Said property is described in the pleadings in this case as consisting of HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, FARMING TOOLS, IIOI'non, Catt le, IIO{;K, TERMS OF SALE: Coats of these proceedings to be paid in cash?the remainder of purchases to be paid oil the ist of January, 1867, with interest from the day of sale. Purchasers will be required to give bond with approved sureties to secure the purchase money. T. STOBO FARROW, c. k. s. i>. Aug 16 29 3t Dr, L. C Kennedy OFFERS HIS PROFESSlOXL SERVICES to tho Citizens of Spartanburg. FebJ 1 . 1j ^Witing* School. A LADY competent to give WRITING LESSONS, is anxious to procure a limited number of pupils. Apply to the Editor of the Spartan for terms, name of teacher, &c. Aug 9 28 2t IVotico t o Dobtoi's. FIRSONS indebted to the c-tate of RICHARD B. SMITH, are hereby requested to meet me at the Court House, on Salesdays in September and October, (or the purpose of making settlement. All who fail to make settlement with tne by Sale.sday in October next, will dud tl'.eir notes in the hands of an Attorney for collection, (jive attention to this and save cost. 8. F. SMITH, Aug 9-28-td Administrator. ON CONSIGNMENT North Carolina Floui*, IVortli Carolina Corn, INox-tli Carolina Bacon, *A T TWITTY & CO. August 15, 1h<H5. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA SPA RTA N BURG Dl-TIUCT. Citation for Letters of Administration by Jno F.utlc Boniar, esq. Ordinary. In the Court of Ordinary, j V\7 HERE AS HENRY DODD has filed his ff petition in tny office praying that Letters of Administration with Bill annexed, I on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights ami credits upon the Estate of JANE RKANNON, deceased, late of tlie said Di-tnct aforesaid, should he granted him. These are therefore !<> cite and admonish all nnd singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary, for snid District, to be held at Spartanburg Court House, on Monday, the 2i>th day of August instant, to shew cause, if any exists, why snid Letters should not he j granted. Given under my hand nud seal, this 6th day of Aug. A D.. 1866. ' J NO EA11LK BOMAR, 0. S. I). Aug 26 28 2w STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, bPARTANBL'KO DISTRICT. Citation for Letters of Administration by Jno. Earlo Uotnar, esq.. Ordinary. In the Court of Ordinary "VI7II ERE AS ROSA STEPHENS has filed v her petition in my ottice praying that Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, lights nnd credits of NANCY CA8TLKUEIMY. deceased. | These are therefore to cite and adtnouish all 1 I and singular the kindred and creditors ot the 1 eaid NANCY CASTLKUKHHY, deceased, to he and appear at the Court of Ordinary, for said j District, to be held at Spartanburg Court House, on Monday, the 20th day of August instant, to shew cause if any exists, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this Gib day of { August, A. D., 1866. JNO. EARLE BOMAR, 0. 8. D. Aug 0 28 2w Surveying and Engineering. rilHE undersigned offers his services to Rail| road Companies to survey and locate Railroad routes; to furnish Maps and Reports, Specifications, Estimates and Plans of Super- j structure. Ho will measure and report in de- , tail contract work and heavy Graduutiou. lie will execute Topographical Drawings and lay ' off the Drainage of lulaud Swamps and bottom lands for farmers. Particular attention will be given to any , business entrusted to him by Engineers and ( officers of Railroad Companies aud others in- , tcr. sted in Dri lge building, and especially to Fanners who desire to reclaim their swamp , lands or to establish their boundary lines of , old surveys. Ho will also superintend personally the construction and building of Railroad bridges, or any other Bridges that require the services of ( an Engineer to plan nnd construct. Parties | having business or desiring info-mation will j address the undersigned at Campobella, Spartanburg District, S. C. . J NO. BANKSTON DAVIS, 1 Civil Engineer, Surveyor aud Draftsuian. . Aug 9 tits If 1 MARBLE YARD 1 AT t UNION C. II. i All Work Sent Free of Charge to N]>tir(tiiilMii'{f C. II. rilHK SUBSCRIBER has received a supply i X of l'l ALIOS and AMERICAN MARBLE, and is prepared to do any kind of monumental work entrusted to his care, at as low rates as can be done in dr.- State. 1 can furnish HEAD and FOOT STONES from $10 per set and upwards. Engravings $3 per 100 let ers. My communication addressed to me at Union C. 11. will receive prompt attention. W.M. A. NICHOLSON, i Union C. 11., August Otli Istjt). I ~ NOTICE. ! rTHIE blacksmith books of 1)b. J. J. VER- j 1 NON, deceased, arc placed in my hands I ' for settlement and collection. All tu>rsnt>* I thus indebted, are hereby notified to nettle the ' same on or before the firm d?v of September ' next. T. O. P. VERNON, Ally. ' August 2 27 tf J. 3V. KOHSON, COMMISSION M E R C H N T , NO. G 2 , EAST 11 A Y, CHARLESTON, SO. CA. , HAVING ample means for advancer, a business experience of twenty years, * noil confining himself strictly to a Commission 1 Business without operating on his own account, < he respectfully solicits consignments of COTTON, FLOUR, CORN, fcC. Reference.?Hon. S Bubo, Messrs. Foster ' & Judd. July 12 24 3tn IVoliiie. i VLL persons having demands against the estate of U. F. STEADING, dee'd.. will present lliciu properly attested j and those indebted will make payment to . MOSES FOSTER, Ex'tor. July 26?20?8t notice7 I riAHE subscriber, thankful for small favors, _|_ gives notice that his Mills are in good | running order, with new cloths. An honest | Mill, so culled, und good Miller, if there be i such a thing. Bring on your pood Wheat, well sunned and plenty of it, and we will givo satisfaction. D. ANDERSON. July 26 26 4w Notice to Creditors and Debtors. ALL persons having claims against the Ksli,!.. ,.f 1 UIMOII J > ?-'t ^ ? .??v ?>. ?t uutcuM-u, win present < them without delay, proven according to law to JOHN II. KVINS, Attorney at Law, or to the undersigned; and all persons indebted to n lid Estate wilt make payment to the above unmed Attorney, or to MRS. K. C. WINGO, Executrix. June 14 20 dmo Notice to Creditors. John 8. Kzell, Administrator, vs. Dolphin Martin, and others. Dill for sale of Real Estate, Rcdief and Partition. IN pursuance of an order of the Court of 1 Equity, notice is hereby given to all per- 1 sons having claims against the estate of Capt. 1 .Inn. M. Marl ill, deceased, that said claims < iiui-t he presented and evidence produced to ' establish the same before me within TiittEii MOM lis from this the 12th day of June, 18GG. < T STORO FARROW, c. e. s. i>. Corn'rs Ollice, June 12, 18GG. 20-3m J. I loMAIt ?sTcoT L) ESPKCTITLEV ask all who are owing ^ them either by NOTE OR ROOK ACCOUNT, to coll ami grille Our business arrangementa require an early setilerucut aud some money. _ ( ease don't forget this. | Divingsville, 8. C., July 11. 2f?-2m CORN. FLOUE. BACON AKTD XjAPLD, just received by CLEVELAND, WALKER Si CO. A new and fresh supply of Ladies and Gentle in it ii n . ii-'-i.-^ Him i iMHll't'U 8 OMUI'.S, li.MTEKS AND SLUM'Kits. at CLEVELAND, WALKER, & CO. Ladies' Hats, Bonnet Ribbons, LATEST STYLES. received by CLEVELAND, WALKER tfc CO. JACONI ;T, 1 )OTTED AND PLAIN SWISS, NANSOOK AND MULL lYlir.isliiis*, A NEW SUPPLY, at CLEVELAND, WALKER & CO. Fancy Mozambique, Crape Marett, ('bullies, ltlack and Colored Lawns, Fancy Jnconef and Organdies. Very elegant stylos and patterns, just received by CLEVELAND, WALKER A CO. dune 14 20 if j SALE. o I WILL sell St public sale, on MONDAY, 111* 1st day of November next, at ray residence, >u South Pacolct, 14 miles North of Spartaaaurg Court House, the following named property : 1 Tract of Land, >n the waters of South Pacolet, 14 miles North >f Spartanburg C. II., containing 117 Acres, ipoii which is a large quantity of No. 1 bottom. This Tract except that part now under cultiration. is good woodland and well timbered and * mitered, and under good fencing. 1 Tract of Landf >u North rucolet, 10 miles North of Spartanturg, containing 220 Acres, nearly all of whieb s good woodland. Killer of the above Tracts can be bought at private sale before the day above mentioned. I will sell at the same time all my personal l?ronertv pnmiuiinn >* * ?r? ? *iue v* Horses Cows, Hogs, Corn, Wheat, COTTON, HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, ONE TWO-HORSE WAGON, I will sell everything I have, as I am going IVest. Persons wishing to negotiate for one >r bot'.i of tlie above name Tructs of Land can lo so before the day of sale, but the personal property will not he sold till that day. Teums?Made known on day of sala. July 2?i?2G?td WILLIAM TONEY. Notice. It 11 kc this method of informing the public that 1 have leased HELL'S MILLS, for a erm of years, and have thoroughly refitted them. The FLOUR AND CORN MILLS are in fust rate order, and will make as fine an trticle of Flour and Meal, as any mill in the District, and will yield ns nuch to the bushel jf grain. All 1 want is a trial. 1 have built a new SAW MILL, and will saw up all the logs sent, upon shares, or for the money. I will ntteud to the Milts myself, and 8?ery man shall have his due. Keing a Millright by trade, I can keep the Mills always in a condition to giTe satisfaction. These Mills are located on Fair Forest, twomiles west of town. JOHN M. WILLIAMS. July ft 23 6. To all whom it may Concern. TlIK Books of Accounts and Notes due the' following arc now in my hands for colleelion. Pcrsous iudebtod, and desiring to save cost, will please cull early, a* they mutt be eol? lecicl. Folger A: Brawley, Est. of J. D. Wright, J. W. Garrett, " 44 II. Theile, Theile Sclioppaul, 44 44 J. J. Vernon, J. W. Kerr, 44 44 Govan Mills, 1 II. Adler, 44 44 J. M. Bost, A. Schoppaul, 44 44 Wm II Trimmiar, J. R. Poole, 4t 44 II H Thomson, L'anip & Wyatt, 41 44 J. D. Camp, Vcmou & Oeland, " 44 A. F. Goldung, Morgan & Moore. 4 4 44 J. II. Windle. You are herewith duly notified at an expense to the parties concerned, where yoa may call and cancel your indebtedness without suit. Call early uud save costs. J. M. ELFORD, Attorney for Parties. June28 22 2m IN EQUITY?Sparta.nboro District.. James Hanna, et til.. r*. JamM P Adinistrator, et al. Bill for Partition, Relief, Ac. IT appearing to (lie satisfaction of this Court, that Isaac 3. Ilauna and William Banna, two of the defendants in this case, reside from an?l without the limits of this State, on motionof Farrow, Complainant's solicitor. It it ordtrrd that the said defendants do appear, answer, plead or demur to this Bill of Complaint within THREE MONTHS fromthis date, or judgment will be taken pro eonfttto as to them. Comm'r Office, \ T. STOBO FARROW, July 20, 1866. / c. B. S. D. July 26?26?3m Notice to Creditors.. IN EQUITY?SPARTANBURG DIST. A una C. Bost, Adrarx. of J M. Boat, deo'd., n. Sally M. Boat and other^ Bill for Sale of Real Estate to pay Debts, Dower, Relief, &c. I]UrRTIIER time having been granted by or* der of Court of Equity for filing Clauns against the Estato of Capt J. M. BOST, dechl., all persons having claims against said Estate, are hereby notified that they must present said claims, and produce evidence to establish I he same according to law. before me, within THREE MONTHS from this, the 12th day of June, 1S66. Colors' Office. \ T. STOBO FARROW, June, 12, 1866. \ c. *. s. u. * June 11?19?3m. IASUHAIVCE. Fire, Lifo and Accidental. T. >1. ELFORD, Agent, Of the Underwriters' Agency of New York, CONSISTING OF THE Germania, Hanovia, Niagara and Republic. Only ono set of papers necessary to prove a loss. Losses promptly settled at the place where policy is isst KI>. AGENT FOR THE JamcB llivcr Fire Insurance Company of Richmond, Virginia. AGENT FOR THE Southern Mutunl Life Insurance Company of Columbia, South Carolina. ir.L'XJT LM ?D ftiw i ri? m. n r* Travelers Accidental Insurance Company the oldest of the kind in United State*. All necessary information gratuitously given, and terms of Insuranoc reasonable. Jgy OFFICR adjoining Spartan Office, on Public Square, Spartanburg. 8. C. geylf absent leave orders with P. M. TRIMMllill, at Spartan Office. May 17 10 tf Cnlloos, lllcachcd and llrown Nhoftting* and Hhirtlng'S, A FRESH LOT, just received by CLEVELAND, WALKER * CO.