The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, August 09, 1866, Image 5

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Eartbly Hopes. BY VE8TA W. CUDWOHT1I. One by one, as stars set at night, Earth's brightest hopes depart. Though long they linger, uueaffe their light, Pointing life's landscape all too bright For the peaco of tho trusting heart. Thus one by one the-drops of bliss Leak out from the silver oup. Leaving the stricken its emptiness, Or worse, the dregs of bitterness, As fr pledge for their trust and hope. Loved onon ? lonvin. nn? V... ? - Youlb and its gladness flee ; What Is the nest when the birds have flown? When the fruit is gathered, the harvest done? What is the refuse to thee ? Thy days are passing one by one, For thy life-work what shall thou win ? For earth hast labored, for earth hast sown, Its flowers are withered, its beauty gone, And death is the wages of sin. Miscegenation in Wisconsin.?Loet Friday the usual quietness of our Maiu treet was suddenly disturbed by the arrival of two ooloved gentlemen from Luke Mills, with a white woman hanging on the arm of each. One couple was married, and accompanied tho other for the purpose of being present at their bridal. Judging from the appearance of tho unmarried couple, as they marehed up through the streets wo should think, on thiB occasion at least, true love really tan smooth. They at once erocecdcd to the justice's office, followed y a crowd anxious to witness the ceremony, at which tho woman seemed surprised, and inquired the reason of it, saying that when she married her first husband there were not so many present. Squire l)ueasso gave them a few words of advice, and declined the honor of lying the knot, when the woman declared she would not marry a white man if sho had to travel 1,000 miles. ? at the same time tapping tho ebony check of her betrothed, and ho approvingly uncovered his ivories. After several attempts to procuro the services of some proper individual, they left, saying something about this being a copperhead town.? IPa/ertoiew ( Witccmin) Republican. An army friend has given us an anecdote, in conneotion with tho capture of President Davis, which wo havo not seen iu print, and which is characteristic of the ready wit of the Irishman. Of its truth, (we mean tjie occurrence of tho anecdote, of course) there is said to bo no doubt. Here it is: "A member of a Yankeo Regiment, which had captured President Davis, marching along, with his command, amid j groat exultations, and enjoying a high do gree of personal cxhileration, incident to tho occasion, caino across an IiisLman. leaning on his spado. 'Well," said tho Yankee, "wo've got your President." "Well," said tho Irishman, "then we're even?the dovil has yours." Sumter Watchman. New Kind of Collateral.?Imagine one of those ragged little mudlarks, j who sweep tho crossings, (and spatter all vrho don't pay, accosting a gentleman dressed in the height of fashion : TVT..JI 1 i'xuuivrn?r icase, sir, give me a cent?' Swell?'Sixpence is the smallest money I have, my little lad.' Mudlark?'Vol, sir, I'll got yer change; and if yer doubts my honor, hold my broom !'?[Punch, improved. mm i i mm ? Sweet.?A lady said to a gentleman who accompanied her and her sister from church, 'Why, it rains?send and get an umbrella. 'Why said the beau, 'you arc neither sugar nor salt, rain will not hurt you.' 'No,' said the lady, 'but we arc lasses. lie sent for ono immediately. "The Maiden's Prayer," written by Mr. N. P. Willis, begins thus : "She arose from her delicious sleep. And put away her soft brown hair." This maiden must have lived prior to tho advent of the waterfall. At present, the maidens put away "their soft brown hair" before going to their 'delicious sleep.' ? ^ A lady once declared that she could not understand how gentlemen could smoke. - n ??uduiuwjij siioncns mcir lives," said she. "I don't know that," replied a gen tlenian. "There's my father who smokes every day, and ho is now seventy years old." "YVell," was the reply, "if he had never smoked, he might have been eighty." A pious negro, somewhere in this rotrion, whilst invoking Divine blessings in impassioned strains, prayed with great fervor, that vice and morality might "cover the earth as tho waters cover the great deep." This is true. A person was boasting that ho was rorung from a high family in Ireland ? "Yes," said a bystander, "1 have seen some of the samo family so high that their feet c^uld not touch the ground. The Petersburg mine "crater" is now in the midst of a luxuriant cornfield, and is itself planted in melons and l'ru t trees. A correspondent who has been there writes : "Tho immenso excavation inadeby tho ex plosion is now nearly closed to the surface, as it was converted to the uses of sepulture, and contains, as I was assured,about 2,500 dead bodies." Nineteen individuals who formerly held positions in the rebel army, left Chattanooga recently, en routo to Anscria, to join th# Imperial army. An Uneasy Predicament. We were the witness of a ludicrous incident which occurred in this city a few days since, for relating which we crave the indulgence of tho gentleman directly concerned?deeming it too good a joke to be lost. While sitting at our desk, and Inboring assiduously, with pen, scissors and paste, to make out a readable paper for our pat rons, we were suddenly 'frightened froui our propriety,' by the hasty eutrance of a gentlcmuu, exclaiming, 'For God's sake, help me to see what's the matter ! I've got some dreadful thing?scorpion or tarantula?in the leg of my pautaloons! Quick ?quick?help me !' We instantly roso lrom our chair, half frightened ourselves. Our friend had bro ? * ? ? i Kt'u in so 6uuuuniy an<i unexpectedly upon , us, and was so wonderfully agitated that we knew not whether he was indeed in his 6euses or not. Wo looked at him with a sort of surprise mixed with dread, and hardly knew whether to speak with, or seize and confine him for a madman The ! latter wo came near attempting. There i he stood, quivering and palo, with one | hand tightly grasped upon a part of his pantaloons just in the hollow of the knee. What's the matter?' asked we, at last. 'Tho matter !' he exclaimed; oh, help me ! I've got something here, which just ran up niy leg ! Sotue infernal scorpion or lizard, I expect! Oh, [ can't let go; I must hold it. Oh, there !' he shrieked, ! T lelt it move just then ! Oh, these punts I without straps ! I'll never wear another i pair open at the bottom as long as 1 live. Ah ! I feel it again.' Feel what ?'we inquired, standing at the sauio time, at a respectable distanco from the gentleman ; lor we had just been reading our Corpus Ohristi correspondent's letter about snakes, lizards, and tarantulas, and oegan to imagine some deadly insect or reptile in the leg of our friends unmentionables, as they are sometimes called. I don't know what it is,' answered the gentleman; help me to see what it is. I was just passing that pile of rubbish there, in front of your office, and felt it dart up my logs as quick as lightning'?and he clenched his fist more tightly. If it had horn flip lippk nl'nn nnnnrtmtn lrn h^linvn ho would have squeezed it to a jelly. By this time two or three ot the newsboys had come in; the clerks and packing hoys hearing the outcry; stopped working and editors and all hands stood around the sullercr with looks of mingled sympathy and alarm. 'Bring n chair, Fritz,' said we, 'and let the gentleman be seated.' 'Oh, I cau't sit,' said the gentleman; 'I can't bend my knee!?if I do, it will bile or sting mc; no, 1 can't sit.' 'Certainly you can sit,' said we ; 'keep your leg straight out, aud we'll see what it is you have got.' ' Well, let mc give it one more hard squeeze; I'll crush it to death,' said he, ami again he put the force of an iron vice upon the thing. If it had any life left, this last effort must have killed it.' He then cautiously seated himself, holding out his leg as still and as straight as a poker. A sharp knife was procured; the pun's were cut open carefully, making a hole large enough to admit a hand; the gentleman put on a thick glove and slowly inserted his hand, but he discovered nothing. \Yc were all looking ou in almost breathless silence to sec the monstrous thing? whatever it might be; each ready to scamper out ol harm's way should it be alive; when suddenly the gentleman became, it passible, more agitated than ever. 'By heavens !' he exclaimed, 'it's inside my drawers. It's alive, too I leel it!? quick ! quick !?give mc the knife again !' Another incision was made?in went the gentleman's gloved hand once niuro, and lo ! out Came?his ici/e's s(?<-kitty ! How tlie stocking ever got there we. are unable to say; but there it certainly was; and such a laugh as followed, wo haven't beard for many a day. Our friend, we know, has told the joke himself, and must pardon us for doing so. Though this is all about a storkiiiy, wo assure our readers a : ... * ' /i '? ii ir* iiu e/fiin/ icuyunc. ^ ?-?? An Incident.?A "rob," who had long languished on the sweets of a forced idleness, consequent upon his occupation having terminated with Lee's surrender, began to look about linn tor something to lie, to do, or to suffer. Thinking himself sufficiently reconstructed, lie applied lor work atone of the Departments, presided over by a Federal officer. "Iluvo you been in the rebel service?" he was asked. "Yes, sir," was the reply. "In any battles?" "About eighteen pitched battles, sir." "Kver killed any Yankees?" "No sir: never ki'lcd any." "How do you know that?" "Well, I couhln't kill any of them." "Why was that ?" "Uocausc they were all in the rear speculating; but 1 guess I stayed about a thous and Dutch and Irish." We did not learn whether the candor of this "reb" secured him a place or not, but it certainly was deserving of some rec ognition.?Xorfol,k I'injintan. Tho rose of Florida, the most beautiful of flowers, emits no fragrance ; the bird of Paradise, the handsomest of birds, gives no song; the cypress of (.5recce, the finest of trees, yields no fruit. A Clyde, New York widower, with seven children, was recently married to a Rochester widow with five. Roth parties were igQQTint of the other's having chil drcn. mmrn* ?S&ifies* RANGES, FIRE BRICKS &c. ADAMS, DAMOIV A. Co., i HAVE REOPENED BUSINESS AT THEIR OLD STAND, 16, Broad Street, Charlestou, S. C,. .1 hd ketp Constant/;/ on Hand I COOKING STOVES i or nir. Latest Improved Patterns, i Range's Gratos. Mnrhlo Mantles, Tinners' *j Machines ami Tools, Plumbers' Materials, Iron an?l Hr iss, deep well Force and Light Pumps, Sheet Lead, Lead and Iron Piping, Railroad Force Pumps. Also the i Great Labor-Saving Washing . iHHC ii i 11 c nnu n r 1 11 g c r. 8tX^AU Order* attended to icith Dispatch. Mch 1 5 ly_ I "PHILIP FOGARTY & CO. I Wholesale Grocers AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS Comer of Atlantic Wharf & East Bay, P. FOGARTY, 1 ?v , . on 6. FOGARTY. / Charleston, 8 C. Agent? for BOYD BROS. ?V CO'S Cream Ate. Melt 1 5 ly PL. Floming; WILLIAMS & COVERT, (Formerly LK 11. Williams & Co.,) TOBOLSK ALE Pr.AI.LnS IN llats, Cap?, Straw and Millinery GOODS, SO. 122 MEETING STREET, Next door to Charleston Hotel. CH ARLESTON. S. C. Bg)? We also have a branch of our house in ! Charlotte, N. C., wlicre we have a large stock of llats, Caps, Straw and Millinery Goods. D. n. WILLIAMS, II. c. CALVERT. May 24 17 _ 3m CHARLES BELLOISE & CO., OasisiJssiiaiBi ri-jToIii.-ij, AND llE.VLK.liS IN Ham<, Sides, Shoulders, Smoked Beef, Tongues, I FLO172, lii'TTUIL ( IIEESE, I.IPh i.'i: i: ^ emu ct> ? niui ,, . v I JJ'JUU, I O 1 v..V PL ICS, Ac., &c. 120 & 1JJ LAST BAY STEET, Comfyn.ten's SolicittJ. II. BEL LUIS*, } CHARLESTON, S. C. :o: Wc woiihl respectfully notify Merchants tin* we are strictly in the Provision Hiitinrts, anil are onuLled to supply the trmlc at lowest prices. Mch 1 6 ly ROBINSON Ar XKLSOX," pi Wholowillc 111141 Retail Dcnhrs In 3x}iXE3> ?i TRAVELLING 1L\(JS, Ac. ttot; king stki;kt, j .Wnrl>/ opposite Vicloriii llotf.l, C'lini-lestou, South ilirolliia. J. 11. ROBINSON, A. NELSON. March 1 ly " I JAliT & CC>., (Suoce mji-i to S. N HART A CO.) South E i-i Corner King A Maikct Street. . ( i i.iull'S ray, a. c, IMPORTERS OP Foreign & Domostic Hardware, i ci; tiacky, gunh, BAR IRON, TIN AND PLATED WARES, Will receive ortlers f?>r R. 11012 A CO'S Circular Saw., tin 1 (SEO. PAGE A CO'S PortaMo Saw Machines, j P. D. CoIIBN. 1). S. II MIT. P. MoB'JAN. j March 1 h ly ST ATI-: (>K SOCHI CAllOUXA. Bennett, Applicant, v>. John I*, Casey, wife Mary, an 1 others, Defs. j I Petition for sale <>f Heal Estate of James lien- j licit, deceased. I T appearing to in}'satisfaction that John E | (Itiscy, and wife Mary, M unset Moore, and ' j wife Sarah, defendants in this '-ase, reside ' without this State : it is therefore ordered that they do appear and object to the division or sale of the Heal Estate of James Bennett, do reused, on or before the 21st day of Neptcni bcr next, or their consent to the same will he entered of record. (liven under my hand this 18tl? day of June, A. Lb, 1806 JNO. KARI.K IU)MAR, o. 9. n. June 21 21 8m Dii. w. t. w;sskl~~ I \\71I.E continue the practice of Medicinev T Surgery, and (at his otlice) Dentistry OFFICE?over ttr.iMTsit nnt'o stork. Feb 15 tf SULLIVAN & WINSMITII, ATTORNEYS AT I.VW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, SPARTANBURG, S. C. OFFICE NEXT TO POST OFFICE. C. P. StU.ivan. J. C. WtXRMITn. W. MAGILL FLEMING, Al I orney nt Law, j i TTTII.I, attend to nil business with wh'ch ' J If the citizens of Spartanburg District rray fuvor liim. (?FFICr?OYER BOOKSTORE. June 21 21 12ot HUNT Ac BRO. Shipping, Commission & Forwarding Merchants, Aocoiuiuodation Wharlj J. li. HUNT, Jn. } C lia, ,CM,on' S> (Formerly of NEWBERRY, S. C.) :o Promptly forward all Merchandise consigned to us arriving iu t fie City from ? t r;i v o fob rax bo ts Mr will give strict attention to Sale anil Burchatc. of Cotton, Bice, Flour, <jc. Liberal Advances on Consignments. llr?erkxcks.?ft. W. Williams it Co., Charleston. S. C.; Hussel it Ellis, Wilmington, N. C.; liiglow & Sargent, Baltimore,; Lutlibury. Wickershnm ?k Co., Philadelphia,, N. L. McCready & Co., New York : Llav & Walter. Bos ton; 0. W. Garmany, Savannah, Ua.; G. R Wilson, esq-, Norfolk, Vn. Mch 1 5 Cm WILLIS ^CHISOLM^ FACTORS , COMMISSION MERCHANTS ASP Will attend to tlic purchase, sale atul shipment to Foreign ami Domestic I'orts, of Cotton, Rice, Lumber and Naval Stores. Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. C. E. WILLIS, ALEX. U, C11IS0LM. Mch 1 5 tf J. A. HENNEMAN TAA'jtm itiAiEasa AND JEWELLER. Spartanburg C. II., So. Ca. HAS JUST RECEIVED A S E I. E C T ASSORT M E NT OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, PLATES WAR! AND Fancy Goods. ALSO A NEW LOT OF EIGHT-DA V AND TWENTYFOUR IIOUU CLOCKS, A FIRST-RATE ARTICLE. WAUUKXTED TWO Y GAIIS. Spectacles for all Eyes and Ages. WATCHES. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY neatly repaired, and warranted. J. A. HKNNEMAN, At the Old /'luce on Alain-Street. Feb 22 1 tf W. I>. 3XilsleiRESPECTFULLY announces to the public, i that lie has nguiit commenced the Tinning Business, ami feels liiinself well prepared nnd qualified to do all kinds of work in his line, with ncatne-A and dispatch. He ha* a large stock on hand, of every thing usually found in an estiibli-hmcnt of this kind All articles of TIN WAKE, wili bo kept on hand, thereby rendering himself able tosupply the wants of any who may call on him. He is prepared to do such work as ROOFING. GUTTERING AND REPAIRING. He will work and sell, wholesale or retail, LOW FOR CASH. All work warranted. SIKH* NEAR THE SPARTAN OFFH E. Feb 1 1 tf C. C. IIUG GINS T A IIA) U. H aying returned to the town of Spartanburg, he takes occasion to inform hi ? triends I hut I lie is prepared to do work with neatness iltd dispnteh. lie respectfully aska L s'llrii't* ?it l.nltli 11 fiini rrr? r*??.l iiloil.roj 1* -> l>oi endeavors to give satisfaction to iiis customers. lie mi ay lie found at his Shop in rear of J. i \ lt< 11!MI'S STOKE, where his customers will timl plates of the latest fashions. Fell 1 1 If iw 11 sORrne. HAM NO just returned from a trip North and West, takes this method of informing hi> lormcr l'atrous and Friends, that he is now prcpuicd to till all orders with neatness and dispatch in the very LATEST STYLES, as cheap as any one for Cash or Darter. My shop is over the store of FOSTER Jk JDDD S, opposite the Court House. The latest SPRING FASHIONS have just been received. WM. LOCKWOOD. Feb 1 1 tf FARROW & DUNCAN. ATTOllNKYS AT LA W and Solicitors in Equity, ?*iyd>tlice in Ifrick Building, upstairs, over former Office of James Farrow. J asics Paruow. I). R. Duncan. April 15 11 ly W11,LI\ MS, EVINS <fc CHOICE, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW, SrAIlTANBURG, S. C. Geo. W. Williams, Yorkville, S. C. J no. H. Evins, William Ciioice. June 14 20 fun LAW COPARTNERSHIP. HAVING associated C. J. ELFORD, o Greenville, S. C , with me in the practice jflaw for Spartanburg District, under the name md style ol ELFORD iN ELFORD; all business ntrusted lo my care will receive the prompt mil faithful attcution of said firm. J. M. ELFORD. April "> 10 Oinoi | DRYGOODS STORE 1 Toppe Ac Smyth J WOULD respectfully inform the LADIES \ that they are now receiving their 1 SPRING STOCK, j CONSISTING OF White Long Clotli, Drown Shirtings anil Sheetings, While and Drown Linens, Merrimack,. Amoskeug, Schwabeand American CALICOS, warranted fast colors. Jaconets, Cambrics anil Victoria Lawns. A complete and choice assortment of Needla- , WORK and Linen Setts. Needles, Spool Cotton,. Working Cotton and Thread in every variety.. J ALSO, a great assortment of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, Liens and) Hosiery, Bonnet and Lute-String. Ribbons,. Thread and Cotton LACES and EDGINGS. i 11living open connected for a long time with' , the Dry Goods business, we arc confident off giving satisfaction ALSO, on hand a general assortment oS BOOTS and SHOES. Tin Ware, Hats and Cape*, and a general assortment of GROCERIES, ah the UP TOWN STOKE. FREDK. TEPPE, ALEX. n. SMYTUN. B. State Money Bought. April 26 13 tf_ NEW SPRING GOODS. U 0 WE HAVE just received from Charleston, a fresh supply of J BOOTS, SHOES, PRINTS, J and many other articles too numerous to mention, which we offer at cheap rates. CALL AND SEE US. U it J. L. WOFFORD, No 4 opposite Court House. April 5 10 If N E WG_00 D S. WE arc now receiving a capital assortment of GOODS, selected by a member of our firm in the Northern market. GENTLEMEN'S AND LADIES DRESS O O O I> 8, LATEST STYLES OF LADIES' IIATS, S IT OBS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, tar CALL AND KNOW OUR PRICES. VANDIVER, BLARE & CO., M.ij 21 17 If Aow Enterprise ! soutiikkn?1mpoeting AND MANUFACTURING DRUG ROUSE, PRATT, WILSON & BROS., No. IiiiiK' Srcct, CHARLESTON, S C. o 1 The Proprietors are Native Southerners.Vo tuch tnlrrj>ri.if South of Philadelphia. Will Southern Houses give us their Patronage t WE OFFER AT RATES THAT COMPARE FAVORABLY WITH NEW YORK PRICES. ALL DRUGS, ('IIEM 1CALS, MEDICINE8, SPICES,&t\, THAT LEGITIMATELY BELONG TO OUR LINE OF BUSINESS, AND KEEP ON HAND ONLY THE BEST tar Packages ftut up to suit uouuuy xraae.-w N. A.Pit ATT, Chemist to late C. S., Niter and Mining Bureau, L. W. WILSON, P. It. WILSON, Chemist to late C. S., Or Department. April 11 5 1 j Merchants Hotel. (DlhSlTlSSiGn, So (Do * Cheapest ami best Hotel in the State. Transient Board, S3.00 day. Weekly " 14.00"%! week. March 1 5 tf ^Y. ILLING, Millinery and Fancy Goods, AT NEW YORK PRICES. 262 KING STREET, Opposite Uufain Street, ClIARLGSTOKi, SO. CA. March 1 6 tf DRS. B. & J. L. W0FF0RD OFF KB. TIIKIR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the citizens of the Village and surrounding country. One or both of us will be found constantly in the office at the STOKE, during the day, and at our Residence, opposite WofTbrd College (Chnrcli Street) at night. Feb l j 3 tf