The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, May 31, 1866, Image 4

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The Mrth or Or?e? Erta, Um ? eta of the Say." at ins. Horrrci., suion. Wed nM ooodesolnshin, I'd turn jeee attinshin, To what I would menshin * Erin go green; And withoot hiaitayshln, I'd show how thnt nayshin, Beeame ?r er?*shin the gim. an' the queen. It happened wan morn in' Widhout any warnin', That vaynus was born in the beautiful say 1 An' bo that same token, (An' sure 'twas proTokin'}, lfer pinions were soakin',an' wouldn't give play So Niptune, who knew lier, Began to pursue her, h ordher to woo her, the wioked ould Jew 1 An' he vory nigh oaught her, Atep of the wether, Great Jup iter' daughter, who cried Poo-to-loo. But Jove, the great laynious, Looked down and saw Vaynus, An' Niptuuo eo haynious, purshuin' her wild. So he roared oat in thundher, He'd tear him aahundher, An' sure 'twas no wundhur, for tadn' his child. So a sthar that wor flyin' Around him aspyin', Be sated widout sighin' an' hurled it below, Where it tumbled like winkin, On Niptune, while sinkin' An' gave him, I'm thinkin', a broth av a blow ! An' that aflher was dry land, Both low and and high land. And formed a swale island, the land iv me birth. Thus plain is the sthory, As sint down from glory, That Erin so ho&ry's a heaven on earth. Thin vaynus jumped natcly On Erin so sthately? But fhyntod.bein' lately so bothered an' prissod Which much did bewilder, But before it quite killed her Her father distilled her a dhrop av the bisht. An' that glass so victorious, It made her feel glorious, A trifle uproarious, I fear I might prove ; oinoo how can yees blame us, That Erin's so famous, For boauty, an' murther, and whiskey an' luv! "WIT AND HUMOR. The man who was struck with an idea, has prosecuted it for assault and battery. A woman is sometimes struck with a man beforo marriage, and by him afterwards. Why is a foolish young la y a careful housewife? Bocauso her <( waist" is as little as she can make it. The smallest shred of the Pope's shirt, if boiled in milk or soap, is said to bo an effectual remedy for tho cholera and other diseases of a similar description. There is a man in India so thin that, when the sheriff is after him, he crawls into his rifle and looks through tho touchhole. Upper-Class Examinations.?Qucs. Give an example of the degrees of comparison. A. Positive, Teach. Comparative, Teacher. Superlative, Tea chest.?[Punch. A celebrated wit was asked why he did not marry a young lady, to whom he was much attached ? " I know not," he replied, "exocpt tho great regard we have for each other. A citizen down east was dubbed " the little rasoal I" A friend onoo volunteered to ask him srhy ho was called " the little __?.1 !?? tt nn_ j:..: i_t. r >?ovBi * - xv viutu uguusu iuc iruui my neighbors/' Baid he, " who are all great rascals!" A confirmed tipplor was bothored how to honor his birthday. A brilliant idea struck him. He kept sober. It is said that tho hair, if rolled up in tho Mew York Tribune, puts on it at ouce a Tory crinkly curl; and if one of Steven's speeches bo used, it assumes a crisp in etantor. Tho saying that "there is more pleasure in giving than receiving," is supposed to apply chiefly to kicks, mcdicino, and advioe. "Is your horso perfectly gentle, Mr Dabster?" " Perfectly gentle, sir; the only fault ho has got, if that bo a fault, b a playful habit of extending hb hinder hoofs now and then." "By extonding his hinder hooft you do not mean kioking, I hope ?" " Some people call it kicking, Mr. Orecn, but it's only a slight reaction of tho museles; a disease rather than a vico." A man who advertised to give "tho be jt of sound, practical advice for fifty cento, that would bo applicable at any time and to all persons and conditions of life," on application by a victim, "per mail," sont tho following: "Never give a boy a dime to watoh your shadow while you climb a tree to look into the middlo of next week. It don't pay." A good naturcd fellow who was nearly eaten out of house and homo by the eon slant visits of his frionds, was one day complaining bitterly of his numerous visitors. " Suro an' I'll tell yo how to got rid of them," said an Irishman. " Pray how ?" " Ijfind mnni'T t/l llin nnnr nnnc anil liftr. row money of the rich onos, and naythor sort will ivor trouble you again." Politeness is the religion of the heart, as piety is that of the rouI. It is good nature in action. It ronders whoever muy be its object contented und happy undci its softening infiuenoe. It consists in act< which show their source?the heart. Twenty thousand Poles want to emigrate t< this country, and efforts are being made t< settle them in Virginia. They are tired o: Muscovite rule. Courting In Right Style. ' Oct out, you puppy?let me alone, or, I'll tell your ma l" cried out Sally to her lover, Jake, who set about ten loot lrom her, pulliqg dirt out ol the chimney corner. "1 ain touchin on you, Sail," rcspondod Jake. "Well, perhaps you don't intend to, nutbor, do ye ?" "No, I don't." "Cause you ore too tamal rcarry, you long-legged, canter-jawed, slab-sided, pigeon-toed, knock-kneed, nwl-eyed, owl, you; you ein't got a tarnal bit o' sense; get home with vou." O-ll T 1 J tA l 1 !i . nuw o?w, x iuvc yuu auu cau i ncip it; and if you don't let me stay and court you, my daddy will sue yourn for that cow bo sold him totber day. By jingo h? said he'd do it. "Well, look here, Jake, if you want to court me, you had better do it as a white man docs that thing; not set off thar as if you thought I was pizen." "liow on earth is that, Sail?" "Why, sidle right up hero, and hug and kiss me as if you had some of the bone and sinew of the man about you. I>o you 'spose a woman's only made to look ut: you fool you? They are made to hug and kis9." "Well, said Jake, (drawing a long breath) if I must I must; for 1 do love you, Sail." And he commenced sliding up to her like a maple p^kcr going to battle. Laying his arm on Sail's shoulder, we herd Sail say? . "That's the way, old boss?that's actiu' like a white man ortcr." "Oh, Jerusalum and pancakes!" exclaimed Jake, if this ain't belter than any apple sass ever marni made, a darn site." Crackee 1 Buckwheat cakes?slap- jacks and lassees, ain't no whore alongside of Sail. Oh 1 Sail, how I love you I" Silent Influences.?Tho Ilev. Albert Barnes says : It is tho bubbling stream which flows gently?the little rivulet which runs ulong, day and night, by the farm house?that is useful, rather than the swollen flood of the warring cataract. Niagara excites our wonder, and we stand amazed at the power and greatness of God there, as he "pours it from tho hollow of liis hand." But oiio Niagara is enough for the continent or the world, while the same world requires thousands and tens of thousands of silver fountains and gently flowing rivulets, that water every farm and meadow, and every garden, and that shall flow on every day and night with their gcutlc, quiet beauty. So with the acts of our lives. It is not by great deeds, like those of the martyrs, that good is to be done, but by the daily quiet virtues of life, the Chris tian temper, the flood qualities of relatives and friends. A widow lady of Danville, Kentucky, took an orphan boy to raise, and when he had arrived at the age of eighteen sho married him, she then being in her fiftieth year. They lived many years together, happy as any couple. Ten years ago they took an orphan girl to raise. Last fill the old lady died, being ninety six years of age, and in seven weeks after, the old man married the girl they had raised, he being sixty four years of age, and she eighteen. wm " IIuruaii Foil Your Captain."?A little newsboy, in Nashville, was watching a federal procession pass. After regardiug them very vindictively for some little time, he shouted with all his lungs : " Hurrah for Jeff. Davis." " Pshaw l" said a bluo coatod officer, " Hurrah for the devil, you mean." " Very well," replied the urchin, "you shout for your captain?I'll shout for mine." The Duchess of Newcastle, who was a great writer of plays and romnnccs in the time of Oharlus II., askod Dishop Wilkins, who had just announced his discovery of world in the moon, how she could get thore. "As the journey," said she, "must needs bo Tory long, there will be no possibility of getting there without stopping by the way." "Your grace," replied the bishop, "can be at no loss for a place to stop at, as you have built so many castles in the air." A Happy Household.?There isnoth ing on earth so beautiful as the household on which christian love forever smiles, and whon religion walks, a counsellor and a friend. No cloud can darken it, for its twin-stars aro centred in the soul. No , storms can make it tremble, for it has a heavenly support nnd a heavenly anchor. What is it that saps the morals of youth, kills the gem of generous ambition, desolates the domestic hearth, renders familios fatherless, digs dishonoured graves ?? Drunkenness. Hook Sai.t.?On Petite Anso Island, in the Southern part of Louisiana, there is a bed of rock salt covering oao hundred acros, which, during the late war, supplied , nearly the whole of tho trans Mississippi district. Twenty-one millions pounds were taken from it in throe months, yet it is reported that but a very small portion of the deposit has been cut away. Immediate stops aro uow taken to develop the tuino. i Hy laying a piece of charcoal on a burn, the pain subsides immediately. Hy leaving the charcoal on one hour, the wound is healed, as has been demonstrated on 1 several occasions. The remedy is cheap and simple, and certainly deserves a trial, ? , By reading, we enjoy the dead ; hy conf rersstion, the living; and hy contemplation, ouraclvcs. GEO. W. WILU4HS ft, CO., WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, CUARLBSTOR, t. C., OFFER FOR SALE LOW, FOR CASH : OAAA 8ACK8 LIVERPOOL SALT OvJww 600 barrels Pink-Eyed Seed Potatoes 500 eoils Hemp aad Manilla Rope 200 hales Gunny t?r. I Dundee Bagging ~* 1000 kegs Nails?assorted sites 800 barrels Coffee Sugars, A, 11 and C 200 bags Rio Coffee 100 barrels Classes and Syrap 300 boxes A anr.ntine Candles 200 kegs IlaturiL Powder 500 bags Shot and Lead 3000 bags Jarvis' Island Guano Coppcm, tllucstcne, Bladder, Indigo, Spices, etc. March 1 5 3m CHARLES BELLOISE <fc CO~ OamnumisaiiMii Mairolksinfts, ano is Hams, Sides, Shoulders, Smoked Beef, Tongues, FLO rIt, BUTTER, CHEESE, LAUD, EGGS, SOAP, STARCH, CANDLES, Ac., Ac. 120 & 122 EAST BAY STEET, Contifftiwenlt Solicited. DELLOll". } CHARLESTON, S. C. :o: We would respectfully notify Merchants that wc arc strictly in the J*rovmon Hueinen, and arc enabled to supply the trade at lowest prices. Melt 1 - 6 ly ROBINSON & NELSON, |Tj WholcHolo uiid Retail Dealers In ??dvs, aiaoss, raEiasa, I TRAVELLING HAGS, Ac. SOU KING STREET, Nearly oyposilt Victoria llotel, Charleston, South Carolina. J. B. ROBINSON, A. NELSON. March 1 6 ly AUSTIN, ANDKUS & t0~ "Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 131 MEETING STREET, CIIAltLESTON, S. C. SAMUEL J. AUSTIN, SEYMOUR L. ANURUS, BENJAMIN S. W. CLARK. March 1 5 "in ARCHIBALD GETTY & CO., W HOLESA I.K I)KA LEKS, Shipping and Commission Merchants, Nos. 126 AND 128 MEETING-STREET WAREHOUSES : \os. r>;{ aii?l 55 Ua.HCl-Street, Cll 1 HI. EST OX, S. O. A. GETTY, i:. A. SOUDKK, S. T. SOLDER. March 1 5 Am HART & CO., (Successor.-< to 8. N. HART A: CO.) South East Corner Kinp & Market Streets, cn.xiir.KSTON; s. c., IMPORTERS OF Foreign & Domestic Ilardwaro, CUTLERY, GI^s, BAR IKON, TIN AND PLATED WARES, Will rccciTe orders for U. HOE & GO'S Circular Saws, and GEO. PAGE A CO S Portable Saw Machines. D. D. COUEX. B. 8. HART. P. Morgan. March 1 5 ly Mci'chants IIolcl. <T\v?.rilssfc 8* (Do Cheapest ami lust Until in the Stutc. Transient Board, S".,00 day. Wcokly 44 1 1.00 \> week. March I 5 tf A. ILIJXG, >1 i 11 i 11 <r\ and Fancy Goods, AT NEW YORK PRICES. 262 KING STREET, Opposite Bufain Street, (111 A IILESTO.'V, SO. ( 4. March 1 5 tf HPAI iTANiufna FEMALE COLLEGE. rilHE TRUSTEES are happy to announce _| that they have secured ihe service# of REV A W- CUMMINGS, D D, long and favorably known (o tho citizens of South Carolina n? tlie President of tho Female College at Asheville, N. C. His great success there is a sutlicicnt guarantee for his skilful I management at Spartanburg. I 'I'llE m:*T NKSMIOl a I will open MAY Bill, and coiitinuo /j 4n lent will ha * wrfjS^S aided by an able Corps of F.xpcri- sBQV j cuecd Teachers. All bills payable in advance, in spccio or its I equivalent in currency. BOARD and TUITION per Session, $150.00 TUITION to Day Scholars 40.00 MUSIC, including tweof Instrument, 45.00 Tho other Ornamental Branches at the usual rates. Contingent Fee, $2.00, and Washing 75 ' oents per dozen. Each Boarder will furnish a Tea-spoon, , Drinking Cup, n Blanket, a pair of Sheets, a ! pair of Pillow-cases, her Toilet Soap and Towels. SIMPSON HOBO, I'r fault nt lizard of Trust ft.'. March 22 8 tf Edgefield Advertiser, Darliugton Southerner, Columbia Phoenix and Charleston Weeki ly Record will please insert to amount of the j $1.00 uud forward I tils to llria ollicc. VH*. ""A '< W. X>. nfilattir Respectfully announoes to th? public, that be has tgain cotumenoed the Tinning Business, and feels himself well prepared and qualified to do all kinds of work in his line, with neatness and dispatch. lie has a large itork on hand, of ever/ thing usually found in an establishment of Uiis kind. All articles of TIN WARE, will he kept on hand, thereby rendering himself able to supply the wants of any who may call on liiin. Ho is prepared to do such work as ROOPl vi! fltlT 'PDINO tvn tioiiA rnivn u. *j v i * itii */ i?ni Aii\iii\j. flv will work and sell, wholesale or retail, LOW FOR CASH. All work warranted. 81101' NEAR THE SPARTAN OFFICE. Feb 11 tf Mill Notice. WOULD give notice to the public that I I bare purchased the entire interest of M. PADGETT in the Mills, known as the rattersou Hills, on Peterson's Crsek five miles East of Spartanburg C. II. The Mill is now undergoing a thorough repair, and in a short time 1 will he prepared to give perfect satisfaction and to foel myself meriting a part of the public patronage. The improvements I am making ore such ns warrant me in promising good turnouts of dour and meal. 1 have also a Saw Mill which is in good order. JOHN BROOKS. NOTICE. T11F. Copartnership of BI100K8 & PADGETT in the Pattersou Mill is this day disaol- ' ved. Persons having claims against or owing I us arc requested to settle. BROOKS & TADGETT. April 12 11 4t | DIAL & POPET (st'CCKSSORS TO ALLKN & DIAL,) fmporltrs and Dcalnr* m Engluh and American HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, IKON, STEEL, NAILS, CASTING8, MILL STONES, BOLTING CLOTHS, MILL IRONS, CIRCULAR SAWS, PLATFORM SCALES. SUGAR PANS, INDIA RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, Carpenters, Blacksmith and Tanners' Tools, Housekeeping and Furnishing Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Paints, Oils, Guns, llittes, Pistols, Shot Belts, l'owder Flasks, Powder. Shot, Ac. FRENCH AND AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS. IVhdrtaD and Retail, At the Sign of the Golden Pad Lock. COLUMBIA, S. C. March 29 9 2m J. A. HEN NEMAN SiiAl&Bia AM) JEWELLER. Spnrluuburff C. II., No. Ca. HAS JUST RECEIVED A SELECT ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, PlAT?D WARlf A N D Fimoy Goods. ALSO A NEW LOT OF EIGHT-DAY AND TWENTYFOUR HOUR CLOCKS, A FIRST RATE ARTICLE. W ARRETTED TWO YEIAH.S. S^ciaclcs for all Eyes and A^es. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY neatly rci'aircl, and warranted. J. A. HENNKMAN, At ikt Old I'laee oh Mam-Street. _Fch22 4 _ tf RANGES, EIRE BRICKS &c. ADAMS, D.OIOA & Co , HAVE GKOPBNEU BUSINESS AT THEIR OLD STAND, 16, Broad Street, Charlestou, S. C.< Ami litrp Constantly cm I laud COOKING STOVES or THE I,ut?*Kt lni|>rotri] 9*nftcrn?, Range's Gratos, Marble Mantle*, Tinners' Machines and Tools, Plumbers' Materials, Iron and Kr.iss, deep well Force and Light Pumps. Sheet Lead, Lead and Iron Piping, Railroad Force Pnmps. Also the Great Labor-Saving Washing Mac h i n c and Wringer. Orders attended to xcith Mch 15 ly D. R. DUNCAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. OFFICE ON PUBLIC SQUARE, four doors East from the Court House. April 12 II tf a OilIV lilNG- & CO. RllOLE?4LE fiROCERS, Wines and Spirits Dealers, 88 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. JUST received a consignment of HOLLOW WARE. TltACE CHAINS, and a full as aortment of CROCKERY and QUEENS WAKE. March 16 7 3m MUSIC. MRS ISABELLA FALK, widow of the late Prof. E. A. FALK, will be glad to receive a few xcliolars in Music, al her dwelling place, on CIIL'RCII STREET, next door to Methodist Church. TERMS made known on application. A Large Assortment of Shoes and Boots, Ladies, Gentlemen and Misses virrif ivn ii'if trvo r /?a ^ A A*J ^[ ?J!, % " HACK I^IWfEl ^V. . FHOM r.-y.t SPARTANBURG TO GRBRKVILLE THE Subscriber will ran ft LUfB OF HATKR in nntl f*nm Ik* *ki?* places, leaviag OreenviUe C. H. try 1((W! DAY, WEDNE8DAY and FBI DAY, X|?.V Lnt? Spartanburg, TUESDAYS, THUR8| DAYS and 8ATURDAY8, at 8 a aad ? rive at QreenrUU and Spartanburg, at 4 p. na~ rhis Line will farm a coanectien with the Spartanburg and Union Railroad bath wwye. 1 will hare good team* and earefol drhraim. Persons wishing to aaeura aaata earn da aa> by applying to my Agents, JAS. A. AX LEY, Spartanbarg, who will ba found at Va 2, Brick Range on Church-Strest, oppaaita thw Palmetto House, and SAMUEL DONTILARB, at Greeneille. Person* wishing to Inks seats at Spartanburg, will apply to my Agent there the night before. C. C. MONTGOMERY. Feb 1 1 If JACOB SMALL ACQ* Bakery and Coifecllsiuiy, CORNER KINO A PRINCESS CTSi* (JUABLEST OX, 8. C, CONSTANTLY on hand a large assortment of BISCUITS tim and CRACKERS. CANDIES and CONFECTIONARY. All goods? ? I warranted and order* Allad with dispatch, and sold at the lowest market rates. March 1 6 8m WILLIS & CHISOLM, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AX? SliimJYG JMCEJYT&, Will attend to the purchase, asle and shipment to Foreign and Domestic Porta, of Cotton, Bice, Lumber and Naval Stores. Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. C. E. WILLIS. ALEX. R. CHISOLM. Mcli 1 5 tf philip fogarty a co. Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Corner of Atlantic Wharf & East Bay* 8. fooakty,' } Charleston, 5 a Agent* fur HOYD iiROS. CO'S Cream Ale. Mch 1 & 1/ fluin^!? ac bro., Shipping, Commission & Forward iog Merchants, Accominoda tlon "Wluirf^ J. li. hint, J a.} Charles*on, 9. C. {Formerly of NEWBERRY, S. C.) :o Promptly forward all Merchandise consigned to us arriving in Iho City from NORTHERN OR FOREIGN PORTS IIV trill girt ttrict attention to Salt and I'urehate, "/ Cotton, litre, Flour, .j-c. Liberal Adv antes on Consignments. IUrrimsrES.?G. W. Williams & Co., Charleston, 8. C.; Uusael & Ellis, Wilmington, N. C.; lliglow & Sargent, Baltimore,; Laihbury, Wicket-sham Jc Co., Philadelphia,. N. L. VioCrendy & Co.. New York ; Hay & Walter, lionton ; (1. W. Oarmany, Savannah, Ga.; G . R Wilson, esq*, Norfolk, Ya. Mch 1 5 Cm New Enterprise I southernimporting i vn MANUFACTURING DRUG HOUSE, PRATT, WILSON 6 BROS., IVo. Kluff Sroct, CHARLESTON, S. C. o The Proprietors are Native Southerners* Ao such enterprise South of J'hiltidelpksa. Wilt Southern Houses give us their Patronage f WE OFFER AT RATES THAT COMPARE FAVORABLYWITH NEW YORK PRICES. ALL DRUGS, CUEMICAL8, MEDICINES, SPICES,&c., THAT LEGITIMATELY BELONG TO OUR LINE OF BUSINESS, AND KEEP ON HAND ONLY TBSI BB3ST Packages put up to suit Country Trade.~?? N. A.PRATT, Chemist to late C. 8., Niter and Mining Bureau, L. W. WILSON, 1'. B. WILSON, Chemist to lata C. 8., Or Department. April 11 5 ly Henry BiscoITA Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Wholttale D aitrt in Groceries, Wjnes, Liqoois, & ., No. 107, EafttBay, orp. FRAZXRS WHARF, CHARLESTON, S.C. HENRY BI8CH0FF. | C. WULBURJf. Mch 1 0 ?Bi