The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, May 17, 1866, Image 3

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afcAmti ~ . v*y 11.?The Senate hag, passIhe Appropriation Bill, after striking out the amendment heretofore adopted, preventing turtles from receiving any pay until oe Affirmed y the Senate before the passage of the Bill. Senator Corwan made a.apeeeh, declaring that those urho ihlerpeaed to prevent the 8oulhl ern States from being represented were disnnionist, and'that opposition to restoration wa? snperinduced by fear of losing political power. Noarouc, May 11.?Judge Underwood went North last night, tsking with him the indiutment'against Jefferson Davis. Late vesterday afternoon, the grand jury of the United States Circuit Court in session, brought in n true bill ngainst Jefferson Davis for treason, and adjourned until the first Tuesday in June, to meet in Richmond. Tub Habbab Corpus Aot.?A Committee of eonferenoe having agreed on the amendatory habeas corpus net it one passed both Housessud only awaits the signature of the President to beoome a law. It protects every officer of the Federal Government, who, acting under orders, v nuav ! kuuou us urourary arrests uuriag the war. It also remove nil suits brought bjr aggrieved parties against such officers from the State courts to the Federal courts. As has been before stated, it transfers over two thousand of that Kind of casos from the Kentucky local oourts to the United Btates courts. The bill provides that the production of a telegram or order by an officer for such au arrest is sufficient for his defence in the suit. memorial was presented in the Bcnato to day from citizens of Maryland, praying that they may be indemnified from assessments made on them by the Maryland authorities for thehuilding of a school house for the education of negro ohildren. The caae seems to be an outrageous one, and is a specimen of mauy doubtless to be heard from the Border and Southern Btates. Kbhtuokt.?-Judge Ballard, of the United States District Court at Louisville, Kentucky, issued an order for the arrest of Qcn. J. C. Davis, the new military commandant of Kentucky, for interfering with tbo course of publie justice in disobeying a writ of habeas corpus ^ in the case of Henderson. (Jen. Davis resisted the'execution of the order, which is made returnable in May.' Attachments were also issued against Generals George H. Thomas, R. W. Johnson, and General W. D. Whipple, Provost Marshal of Tennessee, returnable at the next regular term. Separate attachments have been ordered to be issued against General S. C. Davis and Lieutenant Colonel W. II. Cooper for resisting the United States Marshal in the discharge of his duty. T.<? Marshal has notified President Johnson or condition of affairs. WasmxoTOit, May 14.?Mr. Chandler, of New York, offered a resolution, cudoroing the President for having by his veto povrcr, pro# Km si.? * '?? * * ...v liw^iv v? me cuumt j irum iuc acis of wicked and mischievous men. u The House refused to entertain the resolution New Yobk, May 9.?Advices from Panama, etate'iralters quiet during the bombardment. The Spanish Admiral refused to receive from the Danish Consul General, a note to the effect that the Danish Government would hold Spain _ accountable for damnges to properly and citiJ sens during the bombardment. Active pre / partition* for the reception of the flp?n:*b, were being made by the foriificai ions.x Washington, >lny 9.?The Precedent has approved the bill tor encouraging telegraphic communications between the Uuited States, the West Indies and Bahama Islands. The House passed that section of the Tax Bill, fixing the duty on cottou at live cents. The House was occupied in debate on con stitutional amendment proposed by the Reconstruction Committee. Several members delivered thirty miuute speeches on the proposition. Itcymoud, of New York, was willing to accept the report, provided the third section was strioken out. MoKcc, of Kentucky, gave it his approval. The United States Circuit Court opened yesterday. Judge Underwood delivered bis charge to the Jury, and dwelt on the necessity of bringing the leaders of the late rebellion to a speedy trial. A private letter from Newborn. N. C, says that at the United States District Court, now in session in that city, a whita man has just boen convicted of passing counterfeit.national currency, a black man having been the principal, if not the only witpeaa against him. The writer, speaking of such testimony, says: ? This marks a new era, in th: history of North Carolina, under the civil rights principle." Washington, May 8.?The Senate for a conaiderable part of the morning Was rngnged in a diacunaion ou the joint resolution forpieventing the introduction of the cholera. The Legislative Appropriation Bill was reported. The House to-dny was engaged in discussing the constitutional amendmeut of the Reconstruction Committee, that being the special order for the day. Thaddcus Stevens led off in support of the committee's report; said that only nineteen loyal States were wanted to rat ify the amendment; repudiated the idea that the views of States lately iu rebellion should be counted in its adoption. Several speeches, each thirty minutes in duration, were made on the subject, showing decided differences of opinion among the Radicals on the commit tee's ?n^t Tl.o Uni.u? - ?-? . V|/V... ?v ? v?uv loiuavm ?u j?uoi jiuur miu allow the consideration of tho Tax Bill by a rote of 61 to 82. The following dispatch wan received in Washington, Ma/ 6, dated Vicksburg, to tien. II oward : An assistant sub-commissioner of the Bureau, Lieut. J. B. Blanding, was assassinated at Grenada on the night of the 30th ultimo.? Ever/ effort will be made to ferret out and bring the murderer to justioc. THOS. J. WOOD, Major General. Pauhoxkd.?President Johnson has signed the pardons of Oen. Harry Hays, of Louisiana, and J. B. Latine, of Cb&rie&ton, formerly rebel agent in Europe. Jodok SHirray, in the Circuit Court of Nel sen last week, decided? 1st. That contracts made during the existenoe of a d? J*cto government were valid and binding, notwithstanding the subsequent overthrow of that government. 2d. That the sale of a slave in Virginia, in thp 'Confederate lines, prior to the 10th of April, 1865, was valid and binding, notwithstanding the emanoipation clause in the Alexandria Constitution Tha 10th of May, the anniversary of the death of Stonewall Jackson, wan observed generally in Virginia, by a suspension of husinoss, and by an ovation to our departed heroes. ?tet , A negro woman in Mississippi confesses to starring bar fear children to deaih, "a she . : WM tired of supporting the brats." ? j Another Veto.?President Johnson has ) written a veto message on tlio bill admitting < Colorado, but has not yet sent it to Congress. ( The Senate, after a w-rm contest, confirmed < ex-Sheriff Parker, of Sew Orleans, ks surveyor , of that port. The Louisiana Radicals hare labored earnestly for his defeat. The New York Traot Socioty has turned over to the American Missionary Association the oonlrol of the 1200 colored people at present lirinir on th* Mini* * I A.l;n?in? ? - ?o ~? Onions, whtoh a year ago were in demand nt $1.26 per bushel, are now selling at Bristol, Kbode Island, for two cents a bushol. The highest price that can bo got is ten ccuts. The excess of westward bound travelers over eastern bound, that passed through Chicago during last mouth is estimated at 10,000. This \ , is au index to the flaw of emigration to the West this spring. The 1 ir linn squadron is composed of 71 ves! sels, 26,820 horse power, carrying 1197 guns I and 20,027 sailors, The transport squadron consist of 24 ships, of 4G90 horse power, and niauncd with crews numbering 02.0. No deaths of cholera hare occurred iu New . Yorkcityorat Lower Quarantine since Friday. J Dr. Rissell's report, dated on board tbe hospital ship on Friday evening, shows that she then had one and six patients on board. The New York Tribune says tlint the Oer- ! ' mans in America, over 6.000,000 in number, are about to form organizations to promote the establishment of a united and Republican Germany. Wc hope the "G K." will not lollow I in the wake of the "I. U." Sax Francisco, May 8.?Intelligence from ' Los Angelos states that Fort Goodwin, in Ari- i zona, was tnken by 2000 Indians, and its gar- > risou of one hundred and twenty incn put to I the sword. There was one exception, tlie party who escaped was out hunting at llio time, i and saw the tight at a distance. A farmer in Maine applied kerosene oil to a ' very valuable pair of four year old oxen to kill licc. Roth of them were soon after sick, and one of them has died. On being opened, the smell of the oil was quite strong, and without doubt it caused the stcknees and death of the animal. A portrait gallery is to be formed on an extensive scale during the l'uris exhibition of 1807. A building for the reception of portraits will be ereolcd in the Champs Elysacs, and (bo celebrities whose likenesses arc to form the gallery will be grouped according to ages they illustrated, and thoir portraits will be classed by centuries. ? * ?>? ? One or the Vhk-Aoamitrs.?The skeleton of a moustcr animal was discovered in a miue about seven miles from the Dubuque, Iowa, ou the 27th ult. The animal could nut have been less than twenty feet in length, and may have been much larger. Some of the joints ineuaur- i ed five and a half inches in diameter, notwilh- ' standing they were greatly wasted away. prite kmknce or CorrrE.?The Cincinnati Gazette says that "pure essence of coffee" is now made in that eity out of the "cheapest, j dirtiest molasses," which is boiled until it . ropes, cooled in pans, and when hard, broken up and pulvorized. Ground rye is then mixed | with it ; after which it is boxed up each box . being sold at eighty cents, and labelled "pure . essence of coffee." The Secretary of tbw Treasury preseuts his ' 1 monthly statement of the public debt as follows: 1 Debt bearing coin interest, SI, 186,092,841.80, ' bearing currency interest, SI. 188,31:1,541.62; 1 matured and not pros ntod, $877,729 64; bear- I ing no interest, $452 892 765.64." Total, $2,- | 82t,67G,871.6i> The amount in the Treasury is $i37,087,t>28.82, und the debt less cash is ! 1 $2,089,689,812.78. There is a decrease since last mouth. Another Piece or Ramca Rascality Con- ? SKMMATisnTbe iniquitous net to limit the eloc- | tive franchise in Tennessee, which has caused t so much excitement in the Legislature of that State, was finally passed in the Senate on the 2nd. It disfranchise* nine tenths ot the people of the State, nud is one of the most reckless and unprincipled outrages ever perpetrated upon the liberties of a people. Eternal infamy 3 will cling around the names of those who have thus trampled upon the rights of the people and so ruthlenaly defied and set at naught the ; 1 spirit of our free institutions. iHAllRIED On tho 10th iustanl, by Uev. Pr llroadus, * Mr J. R. DBUMMOND. to M^k E. F. ALLEN. Our congratulation to the parties and thanks for the ttry handsome cake. On the 1st inst., by Hev. M. C. Rarnott. Mr w. I) BROWN, 10 MI36AUNBS I'. W. If AM METT. I COMMERCIALColumbia, May 15.?Coiion, 17 to 'JO, gold; ' 20 to 20, currency. Corn. $1.06 to 1.75 per bushel. Flour, $11 to 16 per barrel. Oats, $1 to 1.10 per bushel. 1'eott, $1.8uto 200 per bushel. J Nkw York, May 14.?Cotton firm?quoted *t 84 to 85 cents. Hales for the week were ' 80,000 bales, a! n decline of one half cent per pound, elotir g dull. Gold 30$. CiiAtu.KsroN, May 12.?Cotton, Ordinary to good Ordinary, 24 to 20; Low Middling, 28; Middling. 20 to 30; Strict Middling, 31; Good Middling, 32c. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons having claims against the cs- , tatj of WILLIAM BRANNON, dcoeased, 1 are hereby notifud to present them at once, 1 v for aettlemcnt. And all persons indebted to q said estate to make prompt payment to the un- ' r dcrsigucd. ELI AS WALL, ri Adm'r. with Mill annexed. | ' May 17 10 8t t o Estate Notiee. | n ALL persons having demands against the g Relate of JAMES SNOlJliY deceased, will present thorn duly'altested ; tin I all persons indebted to said estate will make payment v I 1VO L'lllll' umiiti _i? ; V Uiiv. I.tiimu iiV/.'ian, wiiu ll* Illjr Kill Doriied agent. E. C. BA LLENGKK, Adminietrntrit. May 10, 14 8t * \ ' - % * . j c v 4 Lecture. r| iHE eitlsens of Spartanburg Dietriet and 1_ surrounding country, are respectfully in . formed that MATTHEW DAVIS, an aged .gentleman, who was burnt out in Columbia, will iclivor a Lecture in the Court House, this [Wednesday) evening, 10th inst., at 8 o'clock, upon the Elegance of Woman ; touching upon 3arsh, Neoml. Queen Vaspaius, Mary, and L>tiie?. Xho discourse to be .strictly religious. H%_Admtttancc 2b cents. Children freo. May 17 10 It WAR DEI'AKTMENT, ) Adjvtast Ukxekal's Osrica, V Washington, April 23d, 1600. J General Ordere, .Vo. 25. Order relating to graves of U. 8. Soldiers. 1ST. All persons engaged in the cultivation of land, who may have tlio graves of United States soldiers located upon their lands, are hereby forbidden to mutilate or obliterate the traces of eucli graves, by ploughing or otherwise, or to disturb the iiord-boards, stakes or fences arouud them. 2ND. All officers on duty as l'rovost Marshals, Post Commanders, or otherwise connected with the military service, arc instructed to eetid information of the locality and condition of such graves, and of any breaohof this order, to the Quartermaster General. By order of the Secretary of War, E D. TOWN'S F.N D. Assistanr'Adjt. General. Official: [S'gned.] O. II. HART, llv't. Brig. General ind Assistant Adjutant General, ri d. Qr's Military Post of Uui<uiville, Spartanburg. S. C., May 15, 18GG. Official: J. 11. BVRN1IAM, Lieut, aud Acting Post Adj. May 17 Id lw MAY 17 tli . T WITTY & CO., ?THIS DAV OPENING? LADIES' HATS, j MISSES HATS, MENS' & 150VS HATS, SHOES?of all kinds, HIIJRONS, FANCY HOODS, PKHFUM ELY?variety, TOILET SOAPS, IIAKDW AKE, GLASS WARE, CROCKERY, TIN WARE, SUGAR, COFFEE, Ac., TEA, OYSTERS, SALMON, SARDINES, PRESERVED FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY,; NITS, FINE SEGARS, Ac., Ac. May 17 10 if SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of nti order from John Baric Bo mar, judge of ihe Court of Orditmrv or Spartanburg I>i?Uriet, State <>f South far tliua. I will fell before the Court House <loor, ?t? Salesday in JUNK next, all that tract or >arcel of land situated in said l>ibtrict, and oiinded by lands of Harvey Wofford and wi 1>w Hill, containing 104 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, sold us the real estate of Margari t iliudniuu, leceascd, tor partition and division. TKHMS.- \ credit of twelve months with uterest Irotn day of sale (except costs, which mint be paid in cash.) Purchaser giving note ind goou security, and a mortgage .,f the >rcini*cs i! deemed necessary to ihe Ordinary, o secure the j> tyment of the j urcBase money. J II W.ASS1NGAMK, S. S. U. Sheriff's Ofiioe, May II, It#- 'It ii> sui t a a c : l:. Fire, Lilt* itittl Aecitluntttl. .T. M. ELFOR1), Atfont, )f the Underwriters' Agency ol Niw Yo:k. CONSISTING OF Till' Gbrmania, Hanovia, Niagara and Republic. July one set of papers necessary to prove a loss. Losses promptly settled at - the place where policy is ISSUED. AGKNT KOK TIIK James River Fire Insurance C mpany of Kichmond, Virginia AGKNT FOR TIIK ^outbern Mutual Life Insurance t'-u. pat v of Columbia, South Carolina. AGKST K'tR TIIK Travelers Accidental Insurance Company the oldest of the kind in Unite 1 Mates Ml necessary information gratuitously given, and terms of Insurance reasonable. OFFICK adjoining Spartan Office, on | I'ublio Square, .Spartanburg. S }q)' If iii?!?cni leave (tr iers will* !'. M. 'I KIM. MIKH, hi S) nil iu OHice. May 17 10 tf Wool Cardin HAVING thoroughly repaired our WoOL CARDING MACHINERY AND ADDED AN ENTIRELY NEW SET, hereby increasing our ability Jo <lo work >roinpt!y. we invite nil whw feel disposed to ionic, and not their w<>ol carded THE SAME DAY, After the first of June, we will have u con evunce waiting at CEDAR Sl'RJNtiS ST A 'ION, on njburg uud Union Railroad, to eceive wool sent up by the train on II ....,1 l.turJ..., I IM , IIIII.1UIIJ till II .1IIIIIIUIIJ, f cnch week. We guarantee work to give satisfaction ns to [Uality aim! dispatch. The heat of oil for reasing furnished, KRP.K OP CHARGE. ?T K 11 M 8? 10 cents per lb. in specie. Curreucy nn l >artcr of all kind* taken at market prices? ut please understand?NO CREDIT. J NO. BOM A It Si CO. Bivingsvillc, P. 0., May 10 15-?m For Sale. j /^VDD FELL0W8 DRK88 KEG ALIA, AT i Vl OLIPHANT'B AUCTION ROOM. Alay 3 14 tf A~ LARGE LOT OF BOLTING CLOTHS, just received by CLEVELAND, WALKER & CO. I May 3 14 tf Cooking Stoves, Grindstones, 8ythe Biases, cutting Knives, and a general assortment of HARDWARE. Just received by CLEVELAND. WALKER ic CO. May 3 14 tf NOTHE TO CREDITORS. Anna Caroline Bo?t, Adru'rx. of J. M. Bost, v* Sallie R. Bost, and others. Minora. Bill for sale of Real Estate to pay Debts, Dower, Relief, &c. TN pursuance of an order of the Court of ; * n i? ? -? , on j'ui suns Having ciutmi oi any description nguinst tlie Estate of the lute Capt. J. M. BOST, arc required to present the some nnil to produce evidence to establish suiil claims according to taw before the Comraissiouer in Equity hy the 1st day of .tune next. T. STOBO FARROW, C. E. S. I>. May 10 IT, 4t COMMISSIONER'S SALES. IN EQUITY?SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. Anna Caroline Host, Adtn'rx. of J. M. Host, Deceased, va Sallie R. Boat and others, Minora. Bill for sale of Real Estate to pay Debts, Dow er, Relief, &c. IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Equity, I will sell at Public Sale, at Spartanburg C. II.. on 3ALESDAY in JUNE next, the lollowing real estate, situated in the town of Spartanburg, belonging to the Estate of the late Cap:. J. M. BUST, to wit ; A HOUSE AND LOT on Dean Street, the former residence of the late Capt. J. M. Boat. The lluuse contains C rooms und presents n neat appearance, cottage style, with a fiue oak grove iu front. The lot contains ri Acres 11101*0 or lests. There is a good brick SMOKE-HOUSE and KITCHEN on the premises ; also some other out houses. ?ALSO? Tlie old Steam >Iill Hniiso and Lot on same Street?the lot containing - Acres more or less. ?ALSO? A vacant lot 011 same Street, adjoining Steam Mill Lot, containing one Acre more or less. ?ALSO? A House and Lot on Church ?.trect, adjoining lots of J. A. llenuetnait and others. The house couiaius 1 rooms, and Lot about } of an Acre more or less. TERMS OF SALE: The cost of these proceedings to be paid cash, and the balance of the purchase money in 1- months from day of sale, to be secured by bond with at least two approved sureties and mortgage of tlie premises. T. STOBO FARROW. C. E. S. D. May 10 15 4t t a 1o 6 i rv : RAVING (tarnished myself with sill ihe facilities fur speed and neatness, 1 announce to my Patrons that 1 am prepared to till <i let s for SPRING and SI" MMEU Clothing ni short notice, utid in Ihe best style. A first class TAlLOU wanted. 1 also have (at my residence) a lady forec. conducted by an cxpetieuccd Tnilor, where 1 can have gotten up Coats. Pants, Vests, Shirts, &c., for prices to correspond with material. \pv'l 19 }9 If M. it. BEBCO. TAlIaOUIXi. HAVING just returned from a trip North and West, takes this method of informing his former Patrons and Friends, that hois now prepaicd io fill all orders with neatness and dispatch in the very LATEST STYLES, as cheap as any one for Cash or Barter. My shop is over the store of FOSTER ?Sc. J CUD'S, opposite the Court House. The latest SPUING FASHIONS have just bwnrtcoiitd. WM. LOCKWOOD. Feh 1 1 tf NO III MBUG! I*aj y out* Dollar and tlie umill oT your .Honey!! r|1HK Subscribers having loused J the SHOPS formerly occu pit d by David W. Moore, '-'-q m e prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITH Witltlv oh tho most reasonable terms, for CASH or PRODUCE of any ltiud. WOOD-WORK and Repairing of all kinds done to order. Al?o, a few ONE and TWOHoKSK WAGoNS on hand. ssrci\'K US A TRTAL.Jp* LEVI CLANTON, ?v CO. April 26 18 If DK. W. T. KUSSEL, \\MLL continue the practice of Medicine, ?V Surgery, and (at his office) Dentistry OFFICE?OVKIl llEIMISlf PROG STOBK. Feb 15 8 tf Marble Work. I WILL take, and have filled, orders for all kinds of Marble Work, at low rates, And delivered nt any point in the district. April 19 12 tf M. II. RE ECO. DRS. B. & J. L. WOFFOnD OFFER THEIR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to Ihe citiseiiH of the Village and M.rrouml ng country. One or both of us will he found constantly in the office at the STOKE, luring the day, and at our Residence, opposite Wofford College (Church Street) at night Feb 15 3 tf LAW COPARTNERSHIP. HAVING associated C. J. ELFORD, of Greenville, S. 0 , with tuc in the practice of law for Spartanburg District, under the narue and style of ELFORD \ ELFORD: all business entrusted to my care will receive the prompt and faithful attention of said firm. J. M. ELFORD. April f? 10 timos SULLIVAN & WIiNsMinir ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, SPARTANBURG, S. C. OFFICE NEXT TO POST OFFICE. C P. Brutriv. J- 0 WijtsMiTU A Fresh Lot of Calicos just received from New York bjr CLEVELAND, WALKER k CO. A Large Assortaeat of Klines end Boole, Ladice, Gentlemen and Mitsee lit CLEVELAND, WALKEK k CO. Hutfur, Coffee. Chocwr, Cnndlcs, Nut?, at CLEVELAND, WALKER, & CO. JACONET MUSLINS, LADIES SILK AND KID GLOVES, AND MITTS, HOOP SKIRTS, iuwt received by CLEVELAND, WALKER k CO. Inquire for anything you want it) the ttuy uf DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS. BOOTS, SHOES, 1IATS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY WARE, GLASSWARE. AC-, at CLEVELAND, WALKER k CO. I Allies' Spades and ShovelN, Axes, Truco Chains, received by CLEVELAND, WALKER & CO. W anted In exchange lor goodn, all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, such ns COTTON, CORN, BUTTER. EGGS, CHICK UN'S, BACON, LARD, RAGS, TALLOW, BEESWAX, AC. at CLEVELAND, WALKER, & CO. April 18-tf kiru/ CDDikin ennno ML Vf Ol I1II1U UUUUOi o WE HAVE just received from Charleston, s fre?h supply of BOOTS, SHOES, PRINTS. and many other articles too numerous to mention, which wc offer at cheap rates. CAI.L A?iD SEE US. U &. J. L. WOFFORDt No 4 opposite Court lloosc. April 5 10. if NEW STOCK OF HARDWARE AND GROCK1UES at It f.dccbo prices, just ar>iveil, atul being constantly received at j. \y. hardy'8. March 0 tf Hardware, ClROl'KGltY, Wooden Ware, Axes, warrantt cd. Mill and Cross Cut SAWS, Smith's Bellows. Broad Axes, Carpenters and Railroad Adze, Naylor's Cast STEEL, Window Glaas, Nails and Castings, aud a variety of articles in Hardware line. J. W. HARDY'S. 1 {aeon and Flour, SUGAR, Coffee. Rest Tea, Soap, Soda, Lircrpool and Table SALT, Eorax, Spanish and Carolina INDIGO, Cotton Cards, &e., at j. w. hardy's. lieing* Received I_T1NE Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, ^ which I ant authoiized to warrant pure and good, as Agent for one of the best Manufacturers in the State of Virginia. Cotton, Corn. Bacon. Lard, Ac., wanted, for v which Cash or Exchange will be given at j. \v. hardy;sl More, opposite well on I'ublte Square. HACK LINE FROM STARTANBURG TO GREENVILLE rpHE Subscriber will run n LINK OF I HACKS to and from the aborc named places, leaving Greenville C. II. every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 8 a. m. Leave Spartanburg, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, at 8 a. in., and arrive at Greenville and Spartanburg, at 4 p. m. This Line will form a connection with the Spartanburg and Union Railroad both ways. I will have good teams and careful drivers. Persons wishing to secure seats can do so by upplying to my Agents, JA8. A. ALLEY, Spartanburg, who will be found at No. 2, Urick Range on Church-Street, opposite the Palmetto House, and SAMUKL DONTlIABD, at Greenville. Persons wishing to take seats at Spartanburg. will apply to my Agent there the night bofore. C. C. MONTGOMERY. Feb 1 1 If Nli 11 Notice. 1.V0ELD give notioe to the public that I have purchased the entire interest of M. I'ADUJSn >u me hum, known as w?e ratterson Mills, on Peterson's Creek fire miles East of Spartanburg C. II. The Mill is now under* going a thorough repair, and in a short time I will be prepared to give perfect salisfaotioa and to feel myself meriting a pari ef the public patronage. The improvements 1 am making are such as warrant mo in promising good tarnoats of flour and meal. 1 have also a Saw Mill which is in good order, JOHN BROOKS. NOTICE. THE Copartnership of BROOKS ft PADGETT in the Patterson Mill Is this day dissolved. Persons having claims against or owing us are requested to settle. BROOKS A PADGETT. April 12 II it % - " .? 6