The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, May 03, 1866, Image 2

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* * . m m * # She (SrttoUua jtyartott. SP AUTA N li U 1( G < F. M 1'llIM.UILR, KDITOUTliurMday ,?ftluy 3, 1SUU. BSri'lie uuuiU of .Mrs. 1U ri.i.ii s school arc I due our thanks for a piece ot' very handsome cake from the feat ivo board of Tuesday evening. Garrison Removed. The Garrison of this place, under command ofCapt. Walker, which lias been hero lor several months, and so well behaved, were removed, wo understand, to bo seut lo Anderson If we arc Co have any, we would have preferred that Capt. Walker should have remained. Spartanburg & l iilun Itullroud We learn that President Jrrra has obtained the sorvioes of Mr. M. to superintend i the reooi-structiou of the lower cud ot the road, between SUclton and Alston. Mr. Micelt's experience extends over a.I kind of rnilroad work, lie w >e for several years o the Ba.ti- j more & Ohio ltailroad, mid for the last seven ytars was employed on th- Blue Kidge Itoad, wliere he is said to have proved himself an rf ficiont m stinger. Under the skilful management of its cnerg-tie Presideut, wiili bo experienced a Superintendent at tlie head of nsuflici.nt number of linnd*. we have goo 1 reison to ex pect llie entire duo A roid in opei it ion very noon?good autLority says by the first f Ju.v at the outside, which gives considerable mat* gin for all possible contingencies. The Coiuiiibiu Carolinian. We wore much pleased the visit of ili>*lately revived cotcmp irnry. which is now being ' published i/o.fy r/i by F. U. dc Fo.s J tain, with (Jul. J. A SrxttRV 01 ilio Knoxvl.' j Jttjitfer, aw f!i or in chief. nssisli'd by IIknhv Tuition. who is w 11 known throughout the State. Our renders must not coutuund "The ' Daily Carolinian,'' of Columbia, with the "Tut Daily South Carolinian,'' publish in Charleston, both by the same proprietor. Tliey are both excellent papers. The Carolinian is published at $0 a year, being llie cheapest daily in the State, una coinaiu the latest telegraphic local au l foreign u ws. It is quite an acqui.-ition to out exchange list, and well supplies the great desideraiuin ot a daily Columbia ex change. Wo appreciate tin* courtesy extended to us, and in adJi ini to our weekly visits in return, we in*u<* lailv trinket for the unbounded success of the Carolinian. Peuibol Col J. IV Goni. It is a sad^duty to announce the death of this true patiiot, who served through the whole war with a devotion to country that endeared him to oil who wire a-soctated with hiut in the <iisoliarga of his duties, and won for him the love and grui.iude of those at home who know liitu. lie wish a brave mau, with which was blended those noble qualities of the patriot and gentleman. We knew him as u soldier ouly by reputation ; as a citizen, wo knew him personally ; and, as all who catne under the genial warmth of his good nature and gentlemanly bearing, know him to admire many noble qualities. Lt-Cel. Qoss was of the Valine!to Sharpshooters, commanded by Col. Walki.ii of our town, who have written for themselves a ine- j moir to which culogiuiu can add nothing. The 1 members of ths regiment from our district will be pained to hear of the deatli of their former comrade in arms. Colonel Goss lived at Union C. II., but died at Petersburg, Va., on the oth ult.,while there on a visit. TUe TcnI Outli not Motlllicd. A report frotu the Commit toe on the Judioia ry, on the Message of the President, transmitting communications from the Secretary of the Treasury and Postmaster General, sugg -ling a modification of this ontli, otliruii that true" i men can be found in the Southern Slates who j can fill all the offices of the Government in s nd Slates, "and none others should be selected It is so, true uten can be found, but none s ;?ilsr, we hope, as to subscribe to an article which fastens upon them the crime of perjury, by ? disclaimer ol all iheir past acts and sympathies. I It is true that there ure those who wou'.d dis- ! charge the duties of po.-dal and revenue officers ! who would be far from taking this oath, ami whose fidelity to the general government w uld i be more reliable than any who would take it. Wo would regret very much to have Southern men among us filling these offices who would take this oath its it is now required. We would feel that they were incapable of acting with honesty to ourselves or the federal g ivurument. This committee in their report very clearly 1 foreshadows the true purpose of filling llu e offices with "loyal" men, who cannot be found in the South, or leave them vacant. These "loyal" men might he found in New England, and placed in all offices of profit, thus "mak ing treason odious, and close all official doors against traitors. This would bo very concilia- i torj. It can be dono and it is likely they will j continue to do everything m rob and humilinie I our people. This is ihe spirit manifested by the dominant party. We have already heard of some Pennsylvania!! being sent dow n to Alabama to not as mail ?g in on one of i lie prin ciple railroads in iliut .-Mate, baciu-o no one could be found in the whole State who was loyal" enough 10 take the oaih. 'Ibis committee says the President s duty was very plain, if he regarded it necessary to dispense with this oath?"to ask Congress for a removal of the obstacle." Tins is nothing more than a taunt to the President They say after fun her argument, "if the test oath should be so fur modified as to en tble an ci rebel to take it. the "loyal" men would Ho pushed out of the way. and Ihe uurnin in He tow its offices upon the disloyal. The inconvenience of the w ,nt of the postal ac tio- cannot make our pooplo I gulp down thio "iron wrdge." wc hope notcr. | The Flint of Nuy. May comes upou us with its profusion of flowers ami songs of birds, and Spriug, "With the pnint brush of Nature, now touches the canvas of earth." To this bright face of Nature ' is added tliecAi.A of Flora, t lie god Jess of flowers, coronations, pic nics, and pleasant parties of tlie little people, to whom this gladsome day "bring" joy to the soul." The commemoration of this ancient deity of Italy is common thro ughl the Hurl 1, and in fact, froiu the earliest times, some fb^tivxl was got to u up in the Spring to ? xpress the joy inspired by the t'ow era. Nothing more natural, nothing more ? pleasing than such a celebration, when "fourth gotli nil the court, hot most und lest, to fetch the fluvris frealie. nud branche and blooiue.'? Tuesday evening at the ruliuelto Hull, was hide"! a uala to our people. There Man llu tlku's school in nu appropriate programme. ' ire itctj our town with a most delightful entertainment, at which the muse of -IIauuy IlorefUL" caught inspiration, and gives us a chaste and modest effusion,' which gives our readers in "smoother verso and easier strain,"' every thing we could be expected to say of the proccc iitig" of the festive evening, thus rendering superfluous a wotd from us, uioro than to note as due t ic admirable and accomplished lady and skilful cfitfrrss, to whom all present are indebted for the rich profusion of mcst delicious vian 1? which loaded the table. In this department of the evening's < u'i imminent, uo ordinary taste was displayed. The eight elegantly dre-scd cukes, with die names of the "MirhJs [ of Honor,*' also the * Floras' " cokes. Flouting Islands. jellies and jams of all descriptions, I I tropical liuiie, French and j mind cakes highly i ornamented in every way the exquisite taste o' j Mrs. Irwin could suggest. The valuable as| si.-tunce o! Mr. Smmiii; in decorating the, hall, i and assisting :n arrangements generally was no doubt highly appreciated by the school. thirty people ate indebted to Mrs ItrTi.m for a veryj^ pleasant evening. The following is what 'Harry" says : The cxeitcrutni is intense. D?.Ail Itrt'. t it, were you ni ihc Feast To see Qt k i v A odd l \ erow ned 1 Frown "I tji kkn'??c Mai ' her little Court In beauty sat a. ound : \\ hilo strains ot music swelled around, The Fairy's might be seen. Arranging uiutteis in d ;c lortn To crown their little Queen. And now, while deepest silence reigns Hold Harry takes his stand. With niatply grac and noble nicin The Maypole in his hand, With llerald's power he proclaims Tlie fairy feast begun. And tir.uily plants the tloral pole, '1 hen speaks, to every i lie : Dear Frik.sus, We've come to crow a our Queen And you have come to see, Wk'i.i. give to her the power supremo And hope, \ov li. l uppy be. Ai> 1 now sweet uiusic fills the air, " A rosy crown we've twiu'd for Thee, I *'To Tare. t<>vrel Queen, n '?ic imii compare, I ' We lend Tine forth lo mirth aud glee." ! Tlu* maid* of Honor, then hi ise. | In acoeirs sweet, they loll the tale, How Addri.i fiiii has iion tlio prize, Then crown her Queen ? t* Sparta's v ile. AnJ ii'iw it sight presents iI.10If, Such ?i on o il In is seldom .-eon, Fight liitie nymphs wlm-r prattling tongues I'uii hardly say ' Ot k I *iu\ Qij.i.n." In inuaic sweet tl.ey mi\ they've come, To oiler fioweii lo "Qu. u of May" For their own s.ikes, they've hither run And here, their eh hlisli homage pay. i (Oh Ood his time thai Kdcti hiootuod \\ lien our first parent* reigned ahmc before the deadly serpents dime. Hml glistened on the llumau form.) I Tlic little darlings l-'iowera throw beneath sweet Addria's feet. And siugiug sweetly as they go Make room while others greet. Watch how that little manly form. With inurtial step and air. His j>n<rf he feels is to perform, Ilia Koi.i: to speak with ca o. I "Fair Queen npon your Hoynl brow, | We've plae.-d the Frown ol State, And in your hand tlie Sceptre now 1 place, in Koyal Male Among the 11 >wcrs heretofore lull have our eipial heen, Itul where you bloomed as ove before. You now must reign as Queen." | Au 1 thu- from step to step they go, All truthful homage pay, Like ai*runs on the s age below 'lhvy each have had their any." bin b!e*s my soul, call up the fays, Titer, "s treason in ihe vale! Two iittlo tlowrets in different wnyj Cunts stepping up the dale, A little i.ti.v asks a riNK U'l . i.. ,.? .v. . .1 ... n nit. iiv iiii'iixsi *'i i iiv "i y f And Header dear. what do you think ?Vo In-nd lo our dismay. In scornful wr.uh I lie 1'ink replies, "III Mlil li. lit .Will Ii -Wi:? i bloom. These tin lo gir.s may think they're wise, Hut they'll never caioii this v'oou." , The lilt lo chides I lie I'iuk, In accents si oft ami low. And arm in hmii, liie little pair To pay their homage go. i (Thus Woiimn governs Man below, , And guides at her will, I louud litis out Home time tigo, And I believe it si ill.) Clod bless the darling little flow ra. And w'th Ins tieshmnj dew llasprlnkle o'er lite e bitter hours, 1 That they may bloom anew. , And in conclusion. Header dear, Excuse the childish versa, For had I wi >n* what mashood thinks, I might h ive done u worse KNIG3IA. I *m computed <>f fourteen letters. My 4. 6, 8, 0. ?i? an animal of chaso. My 13, ft, 4, i.? one of the seven colors. Mr 11. 13. 7, 8. It, Is used much in building. ! My 8. 7, 3 is a luxury in Summer. My 12 3, Id. is a latin noun. My 2, 12, 14, is a kiml of carpet. My 2. 7. 8. ft, is produced on the coast. My II, fi. 7, 4. ft, is a lady just married. My 10. ft. ft, 4. is used in gardens mostly. ' i My 1, 12, 2. was u trade carried on with (he , Indians. < My 2, 3, 11, is what I am. I My whole is a memorable battle fluid in f Virginia. t % Fur the Carolina Hpatlan. " Tlie Irrepressible Conflict." To inquire into ike motive and language ivhicii prompt tjomc men, who stand out frout their fellows ns rate* t>r prophets; beacons, to warn us of dangers cr ijuc.i fatui, to lead us into diihculties, is a tusk amongst the recondite problems of investigation; still the busy mind conjures up to ittsuid the past, nud makes capital of the tangible ' We were led into .the-e speculates by icvicwing the import of the language expressed by mnchlvuliau Seward ? I " the irrepro siblc cotiflicl.'' At what stand point did this Mepliistophclos, (his Northern ! name) view the condition of affairs station.'.j and dy uniuical ? Did lie borrow our great states- : man's idea?" the iiupeu ling crisis ?" Mr. Seward with his Northern education and prejudices, when bo came Soul let o teach, found I himself sinidst the jarring elements of conflicting opinions. The young and adventurous pushing iheir bark on tire waters, must have ; sonic object ; they must avail tbeinsclvc-1 of a'; ' the circumstances around them or tie the will- i ing Sacrifice of a blind destiny. "There is a 1 tide in the affairs of men"?he is wise who j takes this tide and carries his hark to Itsjiort. Sawaril clothed is #1.? .mi-li ??r 1 ' prejudices, spent his tii?ie in conjuring tip atrocities, seemingly committed upon his black aRiliatiuu! l'lie doctrine, " all men are born free and e<|Ual, and of inalienable rights," covered him like llie )>lood of Nessns! The tocsiu fimt sounded hy the iMigfish Thomson oti the New Knghiud shores had been so furiously pealed, that it became mental pabulum to the Northern teacher; lie cstima- : ted the population, >ior:li and South; ntimeri- | c il strength every day enlarging, provoked the 'irrepressible conflict ?" It cauic, and fori four long years the Southern soil -naked tip the blood of qver two millions of human beings Idea?the Napoleonic belief - that impulse he - ! hind n strung will, suggested to our Northern teffchcr to return North and to preach his crusade: werospect this man's will. Wo have heard from good authority that Mr. Lincoln di 1 iti . tend to pacify the seceded Slates, but the fan I fUieal " l'eter the Hermit,'' moulded the minds | of the others?' the irrepressible conlSict'* had Come. The next morning dawned upon the inception of the impending struggle. The proclamation for 75,IHHl troops fell like a thunderbolt in winter upou the astonished citizens | and foreigners in Washing! m. f oreign Ministers had been assured by gentlemen in higli position, that there would be 110 war ; we solemnly believe that Mr. Line. In never intended to drive (he country into a war, but Seward ha 1 his idea ; lie had his legions ul Muck He publicans to bolster up bis ik'I.-. and wall the . strong uriii of Dcmouiacal faith, he cut the . ' guardian kuot." Time has consigned the past to history ; otic revolution iias disappeared -hut the nce.ui ol stiite is not yet calui?the billows are angry and surging?the white-cups are still t'oainiug ?the horizon i* ngain lurid with tiorteiitoii glare! This time however, ii come* to the North and tlie Seer ha- again raise 1 hi- v i in a speech Joliicrpil some month* !* ?.? at New \ oi k, he dealt out the 1 IIS H \TAH h.i. I, J "nil would be wellThe 1 -tij^lipapers nr gur pood result from it, as I hey look upon Mr. ward as the ruling spirit of America's present history, lhit let us pause here and turn the mental \ isiuti to 1H61. lnd not thsame apparently j ionic language. p forth t tlie L'niied Stale- and the World, that ..'.I would come right - the ebullitioii of Soul hern senti ' mclits woo d so- n subside and the bonds of aiuity would eventually be stronger. The ve! ; vet on the t:gcrs claws was only then shown ; just so now?the pacific speech is to turn j away too close a sorutiay of the show, whil-t lie machinate* hi- own schemes rea ly to spring upon the weaker side. Mr. Seward 1 must be "(tut /<?.??>, iiui " The physi-.g- j tiotny of the mart plainly indicates an imperious ! will, coupled with the austere, jitestical jug ' glitig of an Ignatius I.oyola. Another iiiipen- | ding crisis we prefer Mr. t'nlhoun's e-sprcs j sion, is upon us; thirty years ago -the french : writer Alexis l'e Toeville t >resh i l >w, d the : results which have taken place an I predicted J further the culmination of a rabid u! g-irchy ending in the stt 'tig povcrnment of an llniper<?r. V? e await the future! I he simplest Ihitiket hovvcv.r. cm d.-c-rti tliit the piny , now govertiit.g the Lulled State- is ru-liiny ' every thing nit-> c- tifm-.-'ti ? their w.tichvv. I v/.'hv, h(jt'i'i fi'i!irii< as i,e trench n< w ha| pilv expresses it ? ti atis Artillci ic, < av nlrie, The Iflaek llopuh ic ins, Mr Ivlitor rrtuiMii u- .a their pertmalicious, a I herenco to pa* y ac -ui to Milton ? description rvf the licvil and his logins "Hevil with devil , damned tirm c ncord hold- ' m'o Thad lens | Stevens reply to a man of -rrat pic* 1 mm y -nr Botiscienci?stick to your party !" M)inip"w j i-r is in otieratioti to ?t-nd tics mm t.. ti- i proper and befitting upbore- time will show ns ! V i( S V Kit lit >.\S. K.vtrixo NfcWH nioM I i mi, ir Tnt -Tln? Omaha tNeh ) Republican of April l?, in a double leaded editorial, soys: We learn to day by telegraph that I he great est exeiteinenl prevails among th? Mormons, ; and a fixed determination on their part to dine nut or exterminate all tiontilcs. Might nieti have recently been assassinated. four on ye* i lerday, while the editor of the Vedette, with all other ticntiies. have been notified to quit the. country, or tare worse. 1'lnourds arc post ed up in .Salt bake t ity, notifying all iietitiles to leave iininediately. We predict exriiing newa from Mormon l<>m, mid apprehend that the military will find ere > long that the sea' ol war ! :?- been Ironstone I from the South In the I.and of Prophets. a ? ??? ^ In accordance with instructions trgtn the iVnr I>epariuient. Major General Augur has eleased Willi uu b. Hamilton, y\ h wasan -stsd in New York on the siispi* tun that he was he notorious guerrilla (Juantred. He has been urtiishcd with free tran?portatiou to Washing Oil. MM womb???a?1?????i????a CltnrleNlon Correnpundvnce. ChaiilksTon, S. C., April 24, 1800. Surmise?Decision ola Military Tribunal?flov i Orr looked tor?l'oymtubki Profilers?Wea i ther?Newspapera ? liusiuesfe?S. & LT. K. It. ? Dull limes?Amusements?Thermometer I Polities?Cot ton. 1 I wonder if the readers of the Sjtirtan would like to hear from Charleston.'' Thus soliloquises one of that journal's well wishers. How ever, "let me feel the pulse." So here goes from n neophyte in newspaper correspondence. Mi ' iiizen- are all agog uow upon the decis ion of the military tribunal which has been in session lor some time p?ii. in the case ofStuwers, Keys and other*, tried lor the murder of some federal soldiers in Anderson. Blowers and Keys were convicted yesterday of murder, and sonlenced to be executed at Castle Pinekney, on Friday the -7th inst. Strenuous efforts are being made on the part of uur citizens to obtain their re p'te until they can be tried before a civil court. To that en 1 (joV. Orr lias been telegraphed for. He is expeced down this evening to intercede for them, and procure f fr mi I're-ident .loliBSott, <! poasib v, a suspau* siou of the sentence. The l*oynnu*kl Brothers* musical nri'stes created during tlu ir stay in our c'ly. ipiite a furore. They gave two concerts, at each of, which the elite and fashion of Churl eat on en- ' gregaicd. Conuoissenr* protio meed them to be remarkable performers. The proceeds of the entertainment * were turned over to the City ' Father*, to be dispensed among the needy and helpless citizens. How is the weather with you ? We are ha* iug a ino.?t delightful time?taking yesterday as a sample. Not that Winter is lingering in the lap of Spring, but rude, noisy, blustering March nrctend* to H??eri bii -- ? ?we" I April. Veatcrdty. on my wu) up Uroal St., I ! fell that nothing human could save me from j being "blown up," an 1 resigned myself to Che undignified embrace of old "Heaven ' fore fend destruction from me!" was my brief, but penitent lal prayer. 1 assure you tlie naviga- j tit?u *:ii> heavy. A Stiff head breeic blowing, what was to be dun* but "tack." viz: more on that peculiar r ig tag stylo so indicative of inebriation 'Tis utiil thai every evil has a corresponding good, but who has yet reaped any ad vintage from March winds? Perhaps those who have studied the theory winds can answer. Tltey may be blessings in disguise. For my- j elf, "Ihey are welcomes! visitors when (hey lake their leave." 1 see you have two paper* iu Spartanburg This looks like enterprise. I chanced to come across the Sj-irr-m some lime since, ami was much | lcti?ed with its dress and arrangement. We found it quite interesting, ami wish lor it a liberal patronage. Is business lively in your town ? 'Tis not very brisk here at this time; still ourincieh.nits are not idle. Always something on i hand. When will the S. A F. K iilrottd be finished ? i Th.i- i- a "stupendous question." Some iudi viduals have been indulging in the lmpe of taking alhrough pas igc on the cars from thin p'u ? to S| artanburg by the first of May. i I'nine Hum -r said two months ago thcroao t would be complete 1 by that time. .Magnificent i ami glaring delusion. No one baa temerity etiollyh now. to conjecture when that happy coiisutiima;ion will take place. "|magitinti<-it's utmost bounds, In wonder dies away " () iftij .r>, i> What a dnll sea-on. No amusements. Thermometer varying between : o.Sit and T.ob, from time to time, sometime* a: short intvvuls of ittue. Politics gloomy; , Ci A. C. K tiKvcnvt. Hitkckinhii*uiv.?'i'lie Fon du Lie Press, to correcting a statement recently made by the I'etet stiurg l.xpress in rcfercuee to ^ vicncr.u it; ucKinriilge, says: t.ct.erat Itreckiimdgc is living n quiet, retired lilt' iii Toronto, 1 >111 when Mi* iiict Iti >> n f?'\v weeks .1/ >, m ?- I died to discover tile marks of l itre in u face m hich is indeed handsome 1 itmi int. li-cintil. So fir from hi* head being itonry, it n barely slreuked wiili gray, not tit ire so than mighl In* expected in it person ill hi* age. lie is treated with a great deal ol i res].ct-t hy tho Canadians .n fact. In- is a man that Mill command the respect and confidence of li?s fellow tnett wherever lie goea, or in whatevi-r position lie may he placed lie speak* hopi-toli\ of i lie future, att I were he at home, would he nn ardent supporter of tho President I I icy of reconstruction. m saw* ? - ?The full, wing explains itself *o well that we nr.- quite sure our renders Mill he suffic etitly j iiif-mied and delighted without further com ini'iit front us : lllivi'lls Ul l lltTMKNT or S? I r>1 r.MlOLIM. ) t hat lesion S. t' , April ?1, lbt>6. j (icneral Order.*, N->. ) In obedience to the order of the President of tin- 1 n.t- d States the execution ot the sentence nt the t'ourt in the eases of Francis (iainis Siom t-rs, .In*, t raw ford Keys, Kohert ke_\* an i lilisba Ityrein puhlished in (icneral Order* No. SO, current series, is hereby stis- j pen led until the furl her order of the President Jtv eouiiiialiil of Maj. (Jen I'. F.. Nickels, o 11 IIA If I' Hvt Prig. (?en. und A. A. (I. U heial : (>. 11. ll.VKT. Itvt ltrig. (Jen. and A. A. 0. j M 11 (li.Nk.iiAL t'osii:htsti'K.?The New Or- ' le ins Times of the 1M?I saya : I he venerable liisuop .\ncircw in n very feeling ami touching address, on Friday, to his hreiliren of i he Methodist Conference. now Hitting in this city, apprised tli -ni of hi* intend I do] irture yesterday, on several offices of ' private love and professional duty, to the sick j and ilic aged of his acquaintance, in Katun Ko ;gc and elsewhere. And he took the oc- j 1 fusion, as a matter of duty, to lay down the I l.piscopitl oflioe, which he has held for thirty j fotrr y? ur?. lie was of the opinion that, after j hating passed the age of seventy years, a man is no longur fit to act a* a liishop. I lie Conference lolerred the venerable Kisli- 1 < j s proffer >f his resignation to the Commit- ] tee on the Kpiscopacy. l)n Wit. Hammond?I.xtk Sikueon Or*- ( kkal, I S. A.? It is stated in souie of the daily papers, thai Dr. Hammond has gone to Kuropc, in charge of a grandson of the late ] S.iodi Astorl and a correspondent says that I lie receives for his services $III,IM)0 in gold, for six months, all traveling and subsistence exp nses liberally found, and $3,000, for each , ' month beyond -ix.? tin. l.unctt mn>l Oi/scrter. i 1 <7 A From Washington. Wasiii.kotok, April 25.?The new tux bill increases the tax ou cotton from tw6 to fird acuta per pound, payable by holders. The Senate discussed the bill for the admission of the now Slate, known as the State of Colorado. In the House of Representatives, the Senate amendments to tho House Bill relating tr the hahrat rorput bill, were not concurred in. and a Oounmttee of (!nnl'?M>iii.? ?--- ?* v. xtao BJ1JIWIUISU thereon. Statements ore published that the Attorney General, under instructions of the President, in preparing for the arraignment of Jefferson Davis before the United Si ate* Circuit Cobrt of Virginia All '.here is in the matter is thd tart that there hare been numerous cstirultatious not only ..with regard to Davis, but others for conduct growing out of circumstance* connected with the late war. The Reconstruction Committee reconsidered their S turday's programme heretofore telegraphed. They variously endeavored to hafmonise their views, and came very near adjourning mar dir. a motion to that effect being made by u Radical member. The Secretary of War has issued an orielr torbidd.'u nil persons Cultivating lttnd to pod winch graves of United f ates soldiers are located, from obliterating or mutulatiug trace* thereof, by ploughing or otherwise. T1IE MEXICAN qt'ESTlON. ? Tlic French Minister had an interview with the Secretary of State yesterday. It is said that he presented the formal adhesion of the French Government to the American principle of non intervention as explained by the Secretary of State. Tiie Emperor kindly and cordially replies to the United Slates, and engages to withdraw his troops from Mexico in three ? detachment* ; one of (hem next November, and the hi tiers in May and November, 18tJ7 The full and final correspondence between the t?r?? Government* which le<J to this important result will, it is Mficjieil, be Kent to (he (louse of Representatives this week, in answer to a call recently made on the Department of Slate, on motion of Mr. McKee, of Kentucky. MVSJXIC VISITATIOX. 1'rcsiilent Johnson, who is a member of the Masonic fraternity, has invited the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction to visit hiiu to-tuoTow morniug. \Djork.vxeat or cokcrxsn. It is the opiuion of prominent Congressmen that the present session of Congress will be closed early tu June. Apart from the subject of reconstruction all other business can be closed in several weeks. tjk status or titx souTiirnx statu It is believed that the President will soon, issue another proelauiation iti regard to the .itat us of the Southern States, including Texas, and staling explicitly (hat martial law is at an cud aud the writ ol habeas corpus restored. Tilt: H VlilCAL CIIIKrS AT VAR1AXC&. Messrs. Steven* ami Sumner are at loggerheads about a reconstruction policy. Thad. has jnst begun to understand that there are but three branches of the Government, two of them (the executive and the judicial) Working together, and he realties that the lime is at hand when the legislative branch must give in. The Senator holds out, while Tliad. upbraids hint because he has so little consideration for the life of the party. Wasuixctos, April 27. There is no doubt whatever that Mrs. Jeffer-on Davis received permission to visit her husbnud. The T rial of Uilt'f*. The following is from the special Washing-1 ton correrpoudoui of the New York Time*, date l April 23d: Attorney General Speed has under consider-1 aiiott ti * matter of the trial of Jed". Davis iu the I'niled Stales Circuit Court of Virginia, which meets on the first Monday in May, at Notfolk. unless Congre s *h . II. in the meantime, pass a bill changing the place of holding I he Court to Richmond. A proposition of this kind is -now being urged. It is not settles!, h-iWcTcr, where Davis will hetried.but whether Iir Hot he S'.iall be tried in it.o <?? - ~e V! giuia wi?\ l??- determined upon the nrrival of Chief Justice Out-*, who is expected hen-this w<-ol</ It Judge t hnse interpose* no objection* a eh irge against Ihivis for treason will be rub mittod to tin United States Grand Jury, to be enlivened in Norfolk i>ml Kichtuond, a- before go pleated. Tttt.tis or u?:r, wtsr omens. The Attorney -General lots also been in consultation with Judge Underwood with reference to the trials of \S i*e. bee and some sixty ethers who were indicted tor treason in the United Sihu-* District Court at Norfolk last summer. It is not likely that the indictment again*! Gen will he presecuted at the May term, if, indeed. the trial shall ever lake place. It i9 proposed to try first of the person* indicted at Not lolk, Henry A Wise, and in all probability that will be the only e?*c disposed of tin* eellion in Virginia, unless it be determined to try l>avis. and in that event no effort will be made to try Wise during the Mny term. The past few days ha\e been very prolific in prediction* of what the Reconstruction Committee were about to report, and many ridiculous statements have been put forth. Among others it is asserted that Robert I>ale Owen ha* nt last come to the rescue of the Committee and tarnished ii with sotuothiug which it could not furnish itself, vis: a plan upon which it could agree. That the Committee will shortly make their fiuul report is true; but nothing is known of the character of that report, beyond the general features of a constitutional amendment on representation anil fbo excluclusiuii of rebels from Federal office, which it is well understood, have been settled upon. A delegation of Knights Templars of the United State* called to niv their i/* ihe I'residentlo day. The Richmond Times slates that a terrier dog, the properly of Mr. McKiel, of Richmond, Vh . was acc.dently locked in the rubbish room, ami remained twenty-one days without food or water. When found it was reduced almost to a skeleton, but was still living, and has since recovered entirely from the effects of its long tasting. liousr. Flush is Food.?Markets for the sale of horse tle?h have been officially ostablished at Paris, \ i una, Stockholm and Copenhagen.? A* }' Md. Rtcord. Yhe first train on the Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad, arrived in Columbia otf Friday last. We are glad to hoar of the com-* i '.I'ii.'ti nf this Road. Iloinapatliy 'v signa'ly failed in (he treatment of Hinder lVrt, at Norfolk, England; a here U waa fairly tasted?Lvnion I.ance(.