The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, March 08, 1866, Image 5

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To Iron Manufacturers WE arc fully prepared to furnish complete plans for the erection of 15 LA ST FURNACES, STEAM FORGES, ROLLING MILLS HEATING nml PUDDLING FURNACES, and all necessary details for the pruduction or Railroad, Bar nucl other Merchantable Iron. Also, for Improved Rcvorberatbry Furnaces for Smelting, and Duncan & Kay's hot or Cold Blast Self-Acting Cupola. KAY, VEAL & HKWKTSON. Architects and Engineer*. March 8 C 4\v maT" The Spartanburg (S C.) ami Charlotte (N. C.) papers, will insert once a week four times and send bill to this otticc. BUSINESS NOTICE. | AVISO located at the head of the Grecn1 I will? and Columbia Railroad, at Freshley's Station, 7 miles below Alston, wc are prepared to receive and forward to Sbelton Depot, the present terminus of tho Sparlauburg and Union Railroad, ALL FRKIGI1T that may be entrusted to our care, by our own wagons. W. SHIVKR will be and remain at the station to facilitate the forwarding of all articles confided lo us, going to or coining frotn Shellon's to the head of tho road for any point below. W. & E. SHIVER. March 8 0 :U IN EQUITY?SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. Ex Fartc, The Solicitor of the Western Circuit. A Bill to Perpetuate Testimony. All!LI. to perpetuate Teatintouy having been tiled in tliis office, in conformity with an Act of the General Assembly entitled "An Act to provide a mode by which to perpetuate Testimony in relation to Deeds. Wills. Choses in Action and oliicr Papers and Records destroy ed or lost during the recent War." It is ordered, on motion of J. 1*. Reed, Soli. itorof the Western Circuit, tlmt leave he granted to all persons who have lost Deeds, Wills, or other Records, ("hoses in Action, or any other Papers, of which they desire to preserve evidence, to nvuil themselves of tl?e benefits of said Act, under this llill, by giving written notice to the Commissioner in Equity, mid proceeding to take the evidence as in any oilier case of a Rill to perpetuate Testimony. T. STOBO FARROW, c. *. s. n. Commissioner's Office, March 1st, lSr>6. March 8 0 2m NOTICE TO CREDITORS? IN EQUITY?SPARTANBCRO DISTRICT. P. F. Stevens, Adtu'r. and Ann F. Smith, vs Henry A. Smith, et ul Bill for l'artition Relief. &c. IN pursunnce of an ordorof die Court of Equity in thin cane, all persons having claims against the estate of GEORGE A. SMITH, deceased, are required to present and establish their claims before me according to lav* within Three Mvnth* trom this date. T. 8T0U0'FARROW, c. e. s. n. March 8 0 3m COM MISSIONER'S SALES." Sl'AllTA.NBURG DISTUICT. In Equity. Jane II. Carson, Adm'rx, vs Geo Carson, and others, Minors by their next Friend. Bill for sale of Land and Dower. JN pursuance of an Order of the Court of Equity, I will sell at public Sale, at Hpartan uurg i.uuri noiiHc, on n.i L.r.^*l?A 1 , ill Al'lill/ next, the following Real Exult described in the* pleadings iu this case, the sale of which wax pox!polled on last Salceday at ve?iucst ol Parties : A TRACT OF LAND, containing 700 Acres more or less, in t lie vicinity of ling liaek Mountain, near the North Carolina line,?known as the Mills Tiaet.'1 Terms or Salic.?Credit of one and two years with interest from day of Snlc, except costa of the^e proceedings which must he paid cash ; Purchaser to give bond with two approved sureties with mortgage of premises to secure the purchase monev. T. STOBO FARROW, c. k. s. n. March 8 fi 4t BEADQIJABT?R<s 2ad Svb-Dtst., Military District, Western S- C, CIIESTKRVILLK, S. C., Feb. 19,18CC. General Order 1 No. (>. I Ai.i. citizens, white and colored, in I his Sub-Dint, comprising tlie separate 'Districts of Chester. Union, Spartanburg, Lancaster, York and Laurens, are hereby forbidden to carry concealed ti roar ins, or deadly weapons of any kind, upon their persons; and all disorderly persons, vagrants or disturbers of the peace, are forbidden to carry such weapons either openly or concealed. AH persons violating this order will subject themselves to punishment by tine or imprisonment. or both, losing, their claim to the weapons thus carried. All Ofliccrs of this command, and soldiers 011 duty, are hereby authorized and instructed to arrest and diaurin any person d scovercd vio lating this order. Hy command of Lieut Col. B. B. MURRAY, K. X. Low, I/.rut. ,J- A*$'i A ({jutant. Official : .1. WAI.KKIl, C?pt. Com'ng U. S. Forces Spnrtnnburg 1 ?i?t. Mch 1 6 -w IIE ADQT.TARTE H S Military District, Western S. C. FOUllTH SF.l'AHATE I1KIGA DK, I'OU'NBIA, 8. C., Feb. 10, 1806. CmrBT-AK \ nu.?, | IT is reported that lawless men in this District, who havo been una aro comniitting the grossest outrage* upon white and blacks, nml who lave. in xomo instances, fired upon United States Soldiers; stolen Government property, &o , nre harbored and aided by the citizens of the Districts in wh ch they operate. All those persons who thus aid and harbor such lawless men, will be arrested and held in close confinement ns accomplices, to be tried by Military Courts: This will not be considered as applying to tho future only, but to the past. The authority of the Government must prevail. Hy order of Brevet Major General A. AME8. J. A. Cl-ARK, A. A. n. C. 6 Art. A,St. A>t/1 (Jen. OvrtriAi.; J. WALK Kit, Capt Corad'g U. 8. Forces, Spartanburg Dint. Mch 1 5 Jw ... . ?.1 ? i'..111" 1 j MERCHANTS HOTEL, ClharJlo2^0)^\, So O* Ohcnju'sl and best Hotel in the Slate. Transient Hoard, $8.00 "p day. Weekly 14.00 *$ week. March 1 . & If A. ILLINCr, Millinery and Taney Goode, AT MEW VORK PKtC '3, 2G2 KING ST11EE1\ Opposite lUifuin St red, C'liARI/ESTO\, SO. t'i. March 1 o If JACOB SMiS?L&C0., ' Bakery and Confectionary, CO UN Kit KINO & PRINCESS STS., CHARLESTON, S. C., CONSTANTLY on hand alarpe assortment of 11ISCU1TS an.I CRACKERS. CANDIES ami jJskssSjkf I CONFECTIONARY. All goodsOMIBBS* warranted and orders tilled with dispatch, and j j sold at the lowest market rates. I March 1 6 8ui HART CO., (Successors of S. N HART & CO.,) j 1' South East Corner King & Market Streets, CHARLESTON., S. C., IMPORTERS OF 1 Foroign and Domestic Hardware, CI TLKUV, GUINS, Bar Iron, Tin and Plated Wares, Will receive orders for R. JIOK & CO'S Circular Saws, and GEO. PAGE it CO'S Portable Saw Machines. I). 1). Coins. L>. S. ITaut. P. Morgan. March 1 6 ly ARCHIBALD GETTY & CO., WIIOLESALE RE A REUS, Shipping and Commission Merchants, Nos. 120 AND 128 MJiKT 1NU-STRV.I'.T \VAK KIIOUsTCS : Xoh. 53 and 53 Ilaticl-Sf reel. CI/AItl.ESTO.Y, S. C. A. GETTY, E. A. SOL*I)F.II, S5. T. S0U1>EH. Mnrcli 1 5 Mm AUSTIN, ANDRIS & CO. "Wliolosale (irocoi'H AND I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1:51 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. SAMUEL J. AUSTIN, SEYMoUK I j. AN I) III ?. BENJAMIN S. W. (.LAKE. March 1 0 3 in ROBINSON it NELSON, jpn "\vik?>i?*Mnio I Retail BcnleiN In ???103* 3U?23> | Travelling: Basra. &c. w U ' JJOO KTHKKT, ?YV?r/y opposite Victor at Hotel, ClKiilrNfoii, South Carolina. J. II. liOUlNSON, A. NELSON. March 1 5 ly CHARLES BELLOISE & CO., 0 i zzmisaY*a HtSffislh&Bn is, , ANl> KKAI.KHS IN Hum*, Sides, Shoulders, Smoked Beef, Tongiiew, FL 01 R, 11 I' 7 '1 Ell, (REESE, LARD, EGGS, SOAP. STARCH, CANDLES, &C. &C., 120 & 122 East Bay Stroot, Consignments Solicited. II. BELLoVs, } Charleston, So. Ca. | : o: We would respectfully notify Merchants that | i we arc strictly in the Provision /Ituiness, and ' i arc enabled to supply the trnde at lowest pricen. j Mt-h 1 6 ly W. WILLIAMS & CO., WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, ill4RLF^TO\, S. C., OFFER FOR SALE LOW. FOR CASH : v / w V SACKS I IVI IM i.i.i ^ I < OUUU "?00 barrels Pink Mjetl Seed Potato) H 600 coils Hemp and Manilla Hope '2(H) bales Gonny ami Inmdee Hogging 11 Hid kegs Nails?assorted sires 800 barrels Coffee Sugars, A, H ami C 200 bags Uio Coffee 100 barrels Molasses and Syrup .loo boxes Adamantine Candles J0O kegs Hazards Powder 600 bags Shot and Lead i .1000 bags Jarvis' Island Guano. Copperns, Hlnestone, Madder, Indigo, Spices, etc. March 1 3 1m t i. bo&sbv, successors of nousrv, axt/:x$ co. !DATS Mill Stf&A'jV ULi'iiilS^ 25, Wayne Street, Clini'loNlon Soiidi C'urolina. March 1 f? 1 in HENRY BISCOFr & CO., I COMMISSION MERCHANTS,! And IIolc ill Z> !.'? .? i*i Gromit's, Wiiic^, l iquors, &c., TV<>. 14)7, l^asi 15;i.v, ori'. FRAV.KltS AY IIA 111 , ' c // a it l, /; .v t o yt ,s*. c. HENRY RISCHOKF. | C. Wl IJ'.URN. Mcli 1 Cm HUNT Ac 1? M>m Shipping, Commission &. Forward- ; ing Merchants, A<>oonnnu(lati<)ii AYlinrl*. J. H. HI NT, Jit. } t'lW'lMlon, S C. (h'ormtrbi at' Xh. II'/j/.'lilt V, S. <".) l'roniptly fonvnvl all M' rclinmlise consigned to ns arriving in ilie Citv frt ni xoRTiitnx a/: roi:/:/(.x roars IIV uill gtvt j/nrf nttmhuii Siilr ]'urc/ta>e of Cotton. Jio'r. /'i"'r . .j r. Liberal Advances on Consignments. lieferKM'KJ.?(?. . \N - .k Co., Charleston, S. C.; IXus.- ol & l.lli.-, W iliuitigioii. N. O.; Hijrlow & Snr^onl, llnltimoro.; I.n'hbiiry. Wn'kciKlia'ii ?y C<?., I'liiluilctpliiii., N. I.. M'* 'ready .v Co., N?-w York ; 11 iy .V Waller, lltm. ton; ti. \V. Gnrmniiy, Savannah, ti.i . <?. H Wilson, Norfolk, Va. Mcli 1 *> Cin PHILIP FOGARTY & CO. Wholesjihi Grocers A.N l? COMMISSION MERCHANTS Corner of Atlantic Wharf & East Bay. it l 11: \ n *rv i s. FoV..\U J v,' J Charleston, S C. . !?/< ?/* ' r HO Yl> IJK'.'S. \ C'Q'SCrtnm . I/* . Mcli 1 r, ly WILLIS & CIIISOLM^ PAOTOIIS, COM M 1 SSI ON ME K C II ANTS AMI * i/ /rr #. ^ i- . i i; i;.v/-.v, Will n!t?n<l to I ho purolin^c, v:ilo nn?l *l;ipnicnt to Foreign .iii'l l'omoptir I'orls, of Cotton, lliec, Lumber niiil Nuviil .Stores. Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. C. E. WILLIS, ALEX. It. ClIlSOLM. Mcli 1 if RANGES, FIRE BRICKS &c. | ADAMS, DAMON lV: CO. | IIAV15 RCUITNKD BMXLSS AT THEIR OLD STAND. 16, Broad Street, Charlestou. S. C.. .1 ml Kr<i> V -nst<intl't ou II mJ cooki \ s r< > v i?:s or rur LATEST IMPROVED PATTERNS, Range's ?11 at**-. Marble Mantles, Pinners' Miu-liiur- >;>' 1 T.v.N. 1'lumbers' Materials, linn mill I'.r.*-. licrji well 1 -ire ami Tight Uaiih] . . Sheet Lcn-I. heal fin.I Iron Piping, Rnilr :i4 puree Pumps. Alc<> the flrciil Tabor-Saving Washing Machine ami Wringer. .. All thx!' . i r itilt i Ihtf i mzn I m Mch I o Iv J.A.HENNEMAN c.Ci _ 'V/AU'UJJt (pJgaiAUta'Oi A2N1> .TKWKLL13IJ. Spnrtnnbui'K II., So. C'n. HAS JI sr It EC El VED A SELECT ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, JEWEEKY, PL A TED-WAS! A N 1> PaiM'y < A L S O A NEW LOT OF LIGHT-DAY AND TWENTY- 1 FOUR IIOLL CLOCKS, A FItiST-RATK ARTICLE. WARRANTED TWO YEARS. Spoctaeles for all Eyes and Ages. WATCHES. CLOCKS AND .1EWELHY neatly repaired, and wnrrnnle I. .? A. III'.N N EM AN, .1' thr (t[il I'lo't r>" ; "S.'r/r( r*i> a ?r I HEW ENTI SOUTHERN 1 A N E MM flCTl RIXP, nUrl if\ jtJ-rrJ ft it /in r ri t\ j ii it WJ I TV <>. saw Kl \<J CTT /MIIj B&T ? ? r ~i> # Tlio Propnoloi's sn*o 11 No such enterprise. South of Philadelphia their Pntron: \YK 0 IF Kit AT 11ATKS THAT COMP. YORK PitlCKS. ALL PULLS, C Sl'K'KS, Ac. Ac., THAT LKC, IT 01 It KINK OK UPS TNI ON HAND ONLY ?*?' Packages put up to su N. A. Pratt. Chemist to late C. S , Niter a P. B. Wilson, Chemist to late C. S., Ord. March 1 the southern: ? - ' ? Q -( 17 t ivr r 6 r? f X\ X XM U V& UL WHOLESALE DI No. 1;T>1 IMoctiujj Street, OPPOSITE CIIAULK K. 1?. KING, M. T>, ) ' o( North .IKSSK .1. CASSIUKY. \ ChKiuni *iu ]2, lSrG. 3WEIW S r TEPPE A At the Old Stand of Fogartics & House, Spartanl won.D ni:si'i;cTi ri.i.v inform tiikir f si'i'jf i/Liiiiiiij i.ji 'iiiii xi THAT A VISIT ??// t. nr.VA } tui v roi DRY ROODS. GROCE1 HATS AND CAPS and a ofxerai, variety of A X D IA R M Pit relator* will ftd-t 'it<e ii f themselves a 'co Frril. rl\?pi>?*. Feb 1 1 MMrHMLfifflMffl AND WOODS Jo W. H HAY INT. KKSIWIKD 1H "SI NESS AT " AONEW ft CO., OFFERS TO His ITIILir, AN ASS ajjtu zz M & A IkT I"\ * * T /"V y \ m I) VVUUJM KM BRACING ALL ARTICLES IN WlEli SBV**4 AT THE ^ ? b> a?; ^ COTTON, OR COUNTRY >/ r;v r /t 7; c1 FINE MACKEREL, SALMON, SAIL Will le pr<pared to fill orders of Cor at the loicv*' f<jvi Fib IRPRI8H MPORTIN > DRiii iiiiml c,ri)ii &eia -i <-/ '-w/ U -LI X-/ J J STItI^>K T roN, s. o. ?? ?? sitivo J^iont lit3i*Tie t. Will Southern Houses gi1 jge ? \RE FAVOR A ELY WITI IIKMICAI.S, UEMCINESj IMATEIJV liKRoNG TO A V T\ Tr t ' 1 ' l ? n , I' IA I 4 l.l THE 15 EST. it Country trade.-/?? nd Mining Bureau, L. W. Department. DRUG HO t -? - S 1SSXDE1 lUCGISTS, Cliai'lcston, k STON HOTEL. Carolina. | rOR36 S M Y T Stillinan, opposi >urgt S. C. R1ENDS AND T1I< SI miM SMS TTil U ? THE TH0VB1.F.. HIES. CLC s JIAED f IB Ab MOST NECESSARY r s e s. , I- I' 1 ^ 1- v ttire oj the (ihoi rJinghj. Aloc-k | I ais f; I 1 111 HIE OLD STAN OLD FIUKNDS L i ;< lirrr.n ni io^iaus, i 5N-W A N Ills? LINK OF , LOWEST 7 PRODUC dines, err 4 17i try J/t /W ~es poamtos.