The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, November 24, 1864, Image 2

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Bp - 9tto~- nurdcr?r fftcr perpetrating the ^eefi, fired the bed end thereafter the the Utter was eoeeU t oped in tame, he gate the alarm, it ia anpjflfe. jpted with a tiew to e-e*te the imfrennon Kyi v em, ti^tMtanee* lo'prove hia ?': erbohtifity wore dieeorerrd yid^britig him ie trial, the remftt or which w*m hie onng wietjo*. and aeetenee t^eaecotion on Fri^ awaiting the solemn penalty of the Violated Septh CarellM Chnfeteaee. The ArtBOAi Conference of lhiav body," Witneaed at Nawberry on Wedneaday last, end adjonrm-d o? the 21at. The following are eomo of the appointments wbioh egg.- "%tll be intcroeting to our reader* : Sjpabtanhvhg pjmicr?- W, fl. flperleuburg?\Y. T. Capes*, Alex. W. "WtllfWr. eapernamersry. SpnfUnbarg District?V. A. ?herj>e. Cokiwhury Circuit?W. P. Mouson. FenfeUi Circuit?J. W. Kel!y, J. T. ^Iwne District?W. A. McBwein, J LihColnton'Circait?P. Tiley. Newberry?-J. W. Humbert. . Seutee Circuit-?IL A. C, Welker, J. TV. Wight men. |R| Dtrlington?W. A. Geese well Jtemberg Circuit?A. J. Seokee. Greenville?R. B. Alston. Grecpville Cirooit- -R C. J v/wvipr v/irwin^Ot Liiro. f$>arlot to 'Circuit?B. Ol June., J D ... Xomlnatlou far Governor. Mr KDlTqH; Wc publish below the Mominotinci of oof distinguished townsman for the bifb'snd reeponeibie office of (ievern(f. We heartily approve the uouiinaHoo. Knowing the nmn, we fee> satisfied * the selection would be for the good of the Lsv ; \ commonwealth. The Guardian aaya, |r_ ?*It is undeniably true that the state of "?JjjV cor country demands in its rulcraend com? ^ aellota prudence, wvgacity and practical wisdom?Ono who is thoroughly cottver~v trnat with the theory and practice ot law, X. ,?dept in a knowledge of the xweMwitife > ?i?d wants of the people, who world n*? ^ e^teend a?d advocate rr forma, not lor expertinent, bat tor the public good, whose oharaeter lor publie benevolence and dthtwtcveeted patriotism has Ikjcu developed i 1b bf fM? greet contest fox/reedom, a man of ?xv?t eMeridnps, of moral and civic worth, who has never eonght office or de HUM it, eft ?nain? Mini oferotian, a jtoidq m?h, sod a pn? $ #ri(rt. :SiMh man we iiqj!d>?,r tiorcrnor, it and sarh a niao in bi MpaON ik?BO, ll>q. sllirf ni?f ia therefore fuggeeted -t?.r tins . vieehta neitoobible oft *, and iueete fke an - .purfal of MANY SOLUIK..S. # <J#r.J!>r?ww## re*fdem?V~rifnf Cunton. < Gs .^b,been burned bj tlie Yankees. Gen. WJtcelcr iouglit the Yankee* near obliged to fail back?the TsjlvSss nsrt ijiiSiiiiMM to 4?wiv.'0 or <?v.? lea ire pie inil ifwiww. lit all reetempon tWAM* 4>? yt^OM S^P s*em, ,?* >j***#e? bjr A smelt be*-shaft, fire leet hmg. With. ML IrK Mri 4?lMW>, 4?i^|wy fife*t three bandied pound*, ie attached to one end, i Mutl ode it Hid other, leer then Half iu> weight. Set In e*oW of* wheels are three eoneeve chisels, aud. one hi which doae the work of {Jening the - heel, While the others do oil the work of the bottom of the d*oe"eole. The block 01 Wood b then Aitaljr feet-nod .to e oeet ji frame/with two utn^lea npoe the oeteidc with the pettero of the shoe sole scoured upon the Uwor edge'of tie frame holdit.g the blook. The first operative then pre mm thu block agatnat the wheel, whon the bottom of tho shoe-sole ie instantly completed. The blook is thrown wpon the table, 'end taken op by the'op jjpetive it thf opposite end of the ikiti, placed in the. frame, "ith the pattern of (ho tepi Men red in like winner to the Jower edjte of the frame, and then preen ed again?t the aecond wheel, when tKo mrehaitieal work of the bottom and top la finiahed. Ik in .then thmw# off to an other wheel, where the edjrra are round ed off, and pa*8ed "where the laat ia cooiued to the ahoe-eolc, whore it receir, iU form and ahapc, a a we aee them. It ia then tranalerred over to another amah wheel, where the grove ia made, aroumt which ia talked the leather. 'At tu t tabic thej are numbered, aftd diairiWvu to the ecvcrnl compartment*, haudromclv corded np, rcadjr for boxing. One of the nartnera. Mr Wwd* , 7 * " ? tin -avcra! interesting particular* of the or igin of this Machine. It requires from 1O00 to 1200 feet' street and black guu timber, to furnish blocks for one day The logs are sswed at the Hiviwgsvile Company Mill in long slats, and taken t?a circular taw in the shoe-cole auinafado ry, and there shaped to the variety of aise>. umm). Wsa!*o'e*rn that Mr. Poole is the inverter of this useful machine. We are pleased to know that he is realising gr**? wtid** tion of having pat it into operation. ^ liteiperiencraautd^obseryation will ef onum suggest improvements and ite profits enable him to extend its usefulness through out the Confederacy. 'I he well known business 1 tab)ts el all the gent Unpen con neCted with the ei<t?r|?<i*c, is s gnaranter ihat every thing wilTUt done; to give, tb? public the fall benefit of its working capacity. Of the utility of these shoes we would fiKaorSA (rnm ?:" L '' ?? *v >tv?w vuHvvi(wi.Hin wmi inm*) wn? nre wctufog theiu, that in point of oouifort. lightness aud durability, thay are equal l?> the best style* of heavy shoes. Impenetrable to raster and co>d. they keep the pt? dal extremities uniformly warm, being it* no nay subject to the transition, heat una ?eld we leaf from exposure to the fire *hen within or * it bout doors They do not <n any manner set aa eluga to the f>et either. The loenmotion of the Wcurcr an euay and graceful aa if the' fiumt hemlock constitute! the ground foundation. Ol theif?jtecessity thsra is no dont<t*. owing to the high prices of sole leather and the didu-uly of obtaining it, even if our "tanneries <*?uld supply the At demand, it u eete a want i which ia imperative and could tint olht-r! ?i(* Ha inntiliiiit **i<t ti*n?. .. v i>v?vo n?rrrrr jMj.?iff.n, Poni.K & Co , ile^iv the thank* and jiat ronage of the ahoelcM public for their op ergj and eflorta. If there it one who doubt* their aubaorvienoy to the pnrjkm'* of thin great invention, wo would adviao ? trial of ih.ra wooden fvlea. It u tn? th t are a little nicro elainrrous than the leather ahoc, hut noiwithoiirrdinpr, an fon eat man need hot fear to wear them. Tho nootirigant or evil intrnr might have ami;? avruplea about their adaptation to hi* pur 1 suit, r.o ether cm or seed ???*?i their excellcneica. We are glad to rape**, that all tho difA?nttii? inaUA.t.l iviariiiai iv pruing upw maoninery into operation. he** over ooinc by the skill end ingenuity of the inventor, and that they are now fropered to meet nil orders wbiob tney be forwarded to the company.> rrdcrs hove i.lready been filled, end shipped for di*?aut markets. Also orders are still on file, which will (#im? mediately filled. Hundred* of pair* lure been sold at the Fuotoiy, and are in constent use throughout the District. The price f2.60. We notice another another thins* Mr. Poole is now preparing anew pattern VI n IHWVII IIVUH7I ap^ai UUOU 111*11 H1W|J manufactured, particularly for while |*fw pie. 'lbo bottom* will bo narrower, to nod in haoJeouic ahupo, and bet tea a apt* d tt the loot of the white population. We had have a pair of thin quality sent us in a few days, when we shall 1* gratified 10 eixiw them to any one who has the euvioaity to soo that*. *. . .syt - - "*?: ? '&*' .? i*,\ - r ~ dt? wrong. Besides the; o( Atlanta, Mari tto antfTlouie, it is supposed they hsve . bwmod Ifontioftllo sod lliltabero. ?Uil Supposed <fe?t>hfr>eri?an will take \pdtrtsnviU? in his present routs, and fry to iibcrats the 20,000 -prUonsr* oonAM Ihiipe. v. * He*. Hon bam* has issued a;i offioisl noMee for the members ot the legislature to meet nroamttv st lha Conitnl. on klondnr. - rx w r v ? i ? " " ^ ' jfc ;?U* ?8(k instant. " Cw. Brown U? owWrcd out tlio Militia #f that Crete. the ?e*Ur? ot tho and Jodgte are invXfcHo the trenchc* . it Jiuov TW Lo^i#?Ulc Journal of the I *?y* . f , ^ 'Yhtm? ie *ful^ with a foorth &V&IS Sitl'Tiir ilSPlI 4W?e??R place; there are Uerxed ' privilege** an? siwooththe rough oornors : nf ibat gruat'aorrvw which t??r Mtow i? (M M* <tf ttn?h. U Death, under the J*>* ??^u *ww Kin, r brroge griefV how iataaaiKd, how agouta* Jug to a feni j Mt be that jcriof which mingi JfVwUfc th* death of I loved # m ! *<* - ""^L- < Jo BUT B. SaKIMUIM, ?ft? twenty one daja ? !' suffcrieg, did among enemies and . woom'W "*!'' f"* hhkhono and kindred No love lit eyoe were there to 1 shear him; so Sweet familiar voice whiap rred hope} no gentle hand wiped away the death dew (Vow hie forehead, nor chwed Lin eyaa whun ha yielded up hia spirit to tho God who gav* it. Par away Iron* wife and chi dren, parent*, eistera and brothers ?oli>we in but agony, this bravo aoldior passed aw y. . The name, the acta, (he rtrteee of swell loan should bo recorded; and iliuae who knew hitn will rst(k hiiu high among the peinotwand sterling men of this revolotion. Fosses* od oi high aooiai eirtues. modesty, wariuth of heart, aad great ftrtnneee of eharaoter, he made friend* everywhere Though young, he had already made Ilia mark, ana b?d fair ler a brilliant future. In the Legislative ha Lorbia State, iu the eump end on the bait'>e field, no eian ha* aerved tbia young Confedctfcej more meal* ouaiy and un*e>fi<hly than he Hia total abnegation of aelf t?"at?eahtl by sets with* out nutuHer. He responded to the first battle err : and with other lir*?* from hi* District, fought through the glorious Manass** and the lesser engage incut* which immediately fallowed it lleuehiiif that year with shattered health ?alter having assisted to place the first stsi* of glory upon his oountry a eaoutheon ? ?he o?*u d u.rt be induced, even by tuedi e?I adviser*, to with draw Iron the army r *nd seek a poattioo lea* trying-to an itu paired constitution. No 1 the ranks was tii* place, mod his desire to fight to the bit' ter rnd. Unambitious of honor for himself, he reJuned all advancement; and frequently has he said to the writer ??t this feeble tribute: -'I have no ambition higher than my eoun try's treed<in?; I seek no greater privilege than, aide by Side with toy. Comrades, to raise Tny arm* in her Icluoooi'' The d y b-d'orw the buttle which cauaed bis death, , he wrota to his father; *'The enctuy arc advancing slowly, and we are anxions to meet thein. You know [ was anxious to . get where'there wa* oxcit-nimt, and now S ,L- L. _t %? - " * * 1 * *m itie i mm jhit ,?i?y umi nnp 'W our rnetmea ouvk a 1?mui an they naie ne ar U?m1 bctore." ite went into thar fight, and m the hottest of tho engagement, with uplifted sword end ahourm ??t riefory nu hi* hps, he fell far in ? e oattle'a front. 'Alter the omiteat. and when >nr wounded wese being tvnmvad, occurr 4?l in inetdeni worthx^ be placed on ,re . cord, as attesting how beautifudy t> the ast the un*c Hi-lines* ol hi- vhuractar i.loomed out. Some ol his comrud s ware bearing hint off, when a aq?ad o? the c:.nmjr'a cavalry were seen nppru:?ohing 'J he ?juek eye of Sanders saw that the* would all he captured if they {Ksrsisrrd 'n t ying to bear liiin off, white uneticutmcr d they might escape Almost in tone* ol coinmsnd. lie sai l : "Hoys, put me down and inn for your lives; [ am wounded, and of In tie us? to any one?Hie country needs ymr services!' With sorrowing hearts tlicy left him, aud he became a pri^ oner. ?vu*e that he was wounded and a priso ner, i.o tnrther intelligence reached his family. For som) time his fate was ?hr uded in mystery ; then camn tidings whieh revived hope in their oreasta ; hut, recently. a letter troin the ??n? of his ?nt tenuis duj-hed tnutcup from their lip* and -ubaututed tor it one of wmtn wink! an ) gait. ?he was dead. gone, perfected through suffering, to Heatvn. The announcement ot hi* dcn'h cotur* with H|?p.lliii^ lorce upon hi* family. bruising their hcurts, and creating a void never lo be filled on earth. Wo cannot mitigate I ho agony which an d?ep a griuf create* ; but we deeply sympathize with them, aid commit them to tho keeping of th a niorei fa Father, wftio aluue can heal the heart a wound*. * Tlioy have one consolaU?**: hi lif# ns toon a. glorious one, -n-i hi* ceath m a .a Miuuiont upon who c unspotted tr -.1 succeeding veneration* n ay re ?liuoon*tituie* true greatness, una learn to emulate so beauttlul an example.. A Fuiend. Notf.? Young Sanders went to Virginia with a twenty day furlough in his poek_i i. i ?u ? ? .. . . ? i c>, which no wuu (i urn use iiner lie le .rneij his company whs ordered off, and two exemption* in his pocket plicit he went into the liicht. In conreclion with this obituary we append the following lett? r us ap propriato to the euhjt-pt: Oct 28, 1864. Mr. ft*, rrll Sant/ers : Mr Pr.AR4$lR: Allow mo to offer my heanlelt e<?nd?ienco and sympathy to you and yours in (ho Mid be cavemen t and Ions you huvo all sustained in the death of so fine and promising a young rami as your *>?n. War, with its desolating hitnd, has thrust in its SiOklo of death and ruaped into its harvest many a promising son of South C-roltna; and standing prominent amo< ? thein w;*s the na.. e of John IV Sand mis. Men of hiuh standing in the halls of our Legists turc spcuk in tho warmest terras of the in* \tellect ol htm who now lies honed in the laud of strangers, an* tinny of thorn from Charleston hare tnld me that lime alone was wanted to expand his intellect and tunke him one ot Carolina's brightest jewels. lint, hs i? ?nnr: m.iw t hn ><?! rait lijthtly on lilt manly lorui II ih l<wa to toft all is his eternal jja.n; anil you have tho eunHolution of know in ho died a christian* I know hint well, l-o'h a* a b'?y aud man. He died where (if be had chosen to) he need riot hsvo been; hut hi* was a nu'uie i that could not stand still and see in* ooun ' try hleedittu and torn, and not contribute his mito to her defence Like u true heertod patriot, he has scaled h s devotion to her cause with h s h. ai t's bltxid May the Altnifhiy the Universe onto fori and console you in your and affliction, ie j tho earnvat wish and prayer ot yours, with i high regard and ssteefc. Jf. IX F, ?'- <v 4A Ma. Edit#*: wi#ho?^l^kd8cl l.fontehant fUaaitfov 18th 1 typluatt.J. C. V., i* rtM&tilj now-J Jaaaxi ^no C*iy man jlPttM jl?? of| dmt o orspartanrarg tiisflriet, urtDaaimfr bg4W^^1>oa of A. Wx.soo, E*q. il^^jStoeherge the duties encumbent dbott j Sheriff. At^tho commotiojaiant S^v* * *, benobiy rotunmered to bujtle top'the rights sad Hbertus of hie aoantry, ft^d now carries about him the highest orides? sn "armless sleeve" that he to a brave and gallant soldier. Spartanburg District would ?Mainly honor her?If is electing-her patriot:?, wounded son to the oftaoeatuod.. Fathers, mothers sad your.g ladies of Spartanburg:' Lieutenant Floyd ha# lost an arm in yenr on mm, in nobly battling to are yon, and his bleediog Country from degredatlon and ruin, now show your high 1 appreciation for hie (pliant serrioes. You I _ *ii t>. - ? a -* wiu dot nooor jfonnelvM in thtyi honoring t!i? bravo. M ANY FRIENDS. From Georgia. : Augusta, Not. 21.-? A raiding pari; jif the enemy tapped the Central Railroad at Griawoidvnlle at three o'clock Sunday afternon. .A lua.bor train eras captured and destroyed. Nothing else ia known except tliat heavy firing was heard there a f.-w houra afterwards. The movement ot' Sherman upon Macon was aimply a feint for the parpoee of ouooentrating our foroce there. The raid upon the Central^ lload ia for the po^we of keeping them there, whilst the whole force of the enemy tnoVre upon and cadturea Auira.?t* or 8?mbb?i.i Sheiman did not tdfinec his infantry further down the Macon & Western Road than Griffin, bnt his cavalry came as far as Brownsville. He has orossed the Oomnlgee with bis infautry, and that Hne near Ind-an Springs, and the whole force of the eacmy is moving in this direction. Their advance was three miles from Union Point at 11 o'clock this inoruin^. Savanxatt, Not. 10.?Tlie enemy's advance was at V.'allafic, eight miles front Milledgcritle, this morning. This Infora ation comnt frern the President of the Central KaUroad. Another column attempted to crose the Ma. on and Western Ka-iroad at Forsyth, going Southeast, but are reported to have been repulsed. No*. 10?Latk'u.?Mr. R R. > uylrr, President of the Central Railroad. telegraph* lrom Macon tjjat the enemy'* cavalry burnt Monticello and IliiUboro* yesterday, and were nine nule* Irani the GriHwoldville station, on the Central ilailroad, laat night. Sherman'* path lead* hi in from Atlanta lo Macon. 1U3; Macon to Savapnah, 19U ; Atlanta to Augusta, 171 ; Augusta to Savannah. lo- j Augusta to CHerlca'on, 137 j Attatit^toljnpfrtmrgv VWfTlrtty: A Northern paper repoit us having 80,000 man at Florence, Alabama. The Chicago Journal aaja a t'u ploughed | .'fiL-ur of Sherman'* staff mates that he ha* J i,p. n ordered when his leave expires to re ji i:i command at Savannah. The Tiw.f contain* ? re;*rt of Sowaids speech titj[Aui/ai?ii on Monday. Ho ?jy> the war mt&t continue until w? or they give up the conflict, lie wants no arnrs tico, no cessation ol hostilities: no negpliiT 4 ' * tinns with rebels in arms. 'He characterizes the Democrats as a pussiltaniiaou.faction majority of the North. The New York Congressional dclega lion stands '2'1 l.'tiion, and 9 democra t. Fernando Wood beats llfooks llii v^tes.' The World claims Lincoln's re-e!fection', claiming, however. New York, Kentucky. New Jersey and Missouri for McCfollaa The Tribune cl.?iius onljr 301) majority in | New York. There i* one charge against General Kar-. ly?referred to by %, correspondent of the. C larlotletvillc Chroniolo?that of iiitoiu-* peruuee?which editor of the Chronicle ha* inquiredjnto. and i* entirely satisfied that it i? untrue, and il^aSbrd* hibt plcaa-j ure to emphMtioilly deny it. It ie reported that the TaTlaliassec cn? tcred tho Dolawaro breakwater on tho 3d. and das roy# l several vessels at -anchor^, then afterward* landed aWLjwis, Delaaa o, ai.d robbed the pooplo of a largo amount of property. Four vessels of war are new u pursuit of tho Tallahassee. ? The JJaltiiuora American contains ifea latest rcturus from New York. The telegraph says the Tribune claims for Lincoln | all the New England States, Pennsylvania, Deluwure, Now York, Maryland, Ohio, Indiuua, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Kansas, mating a total of 100 oly^toral rotes , xNOTlCK. TflHE Mactiincrv ?fJ M. BOST ?ill not he 1 ?uhi ai ili? lime mcntioued. N?* ii4 ". 80 If j U.I7- xveese BARUkitl HAIR CfiiKit. Will be touud at all limes over Col. Shiver's Store, r?-*>ty lo nerve the public in hie liue, and on roa*omtble terms. Gin- hira a eall. Nov. H 80 If LOST, ON Friday llih instant, on the streets of Hue place, a Linen Cambria, Hemstitch ll.v.V KERCH IRK, with iniliaU ?. A. W? era-I ; brota< red in one eornor. T>te tinder Will be | 1 rewarded by leaving it at ibis office. Nov *4 - 80 It *-? ~ Enrolling Office, SrABTAnnvao, 8. l?n November A, 1804. T)U R8UANT"to oruers recoived at ttaie office J[ all Hersoi s detailed in this District, aLo - ml tboee who have he-a recommended for Light Duty by spotpal Board at Columbia w II r .*nle voa< at tuts >RiS?unT0ft8 J IT tbe filhh Instant, for the purpose of being ergesrteeu in j lo a compel.> . J. H. MARSHALL. , Lieut, and Enrolling Officer. | Kov ti no it eleetfcta for ShaZlJffr be held on TVESDAfr* adages Her ? * -? . ' 99^ " y- iL-., SH6Bmn tfiU'8. ' : > f WILL wtl bifeN tb?C*<trt Hnm Iow 1 ot*8alesey HO Aern of Untie taoro Ofrdese, ^lna^ W tween North and Mfcldie 7,gw lag lands of Cj 8. N Jteiae, DaWil*' and others. Sold aatbe?ael<atiMO>S r* ?. Tanner, doneaaed. /ue |atiKita ayd ^ TERMS?A erodfeof >*?entbe. toft** froo date, pate h eart giving bend pod gv I security and a Mortgage ef the preailaae d? deemed leeesMrj to tile Ordinary to aooarir ! I (lie payment of lite parches* moecy. November 14, 1804. J. B. TOLLBSON, C C. P. mad aotieg Bbeslff. I Nov 17 2D 2l To tk? Voters of fporUib?i|. Fklt.ow Citizens: My name having been presented to ynlf ai ? Caudldalo tut' tbe offioe of Sheriff. I take thai mslhsd of accepting the Domination. 1 fyive lived ta your midst for over 45 years; You all know me. You all Uaov my merits and olaia|E, sud your dtdnoa in the oil alter BiU 1* satisfactory to me. This is the first tinio I ha*? ever asked a fsvor of the kind at the hands of toy fellow ettinena i our two win m uraietoiiy rcoeivco, sn? if clotted, I will do uiy best to serve y<Hi properly. t Vsry Respectfully.. . ALKX. J. W. LANDl To the Voters rf Sparta iHtofg. Fr.utnr OrriZENs: My aatne hu been announced by my friends as s Candidate1 lor Sheriff of your Diuriit I regret neecdingly that it is otit ef mypiwer to'omit you personally; for ibis, however, I trust the pstriotie voters of Spb'tanbury vill when they know (hnt f stn serving ihcai in the field- On lbs Oth day i ol December nexr yon will lie cafyd ojkju to choose a Sheriff for the nett four y< ais I hope th people will go to the j dlts d|p vote impartially. I nui mndy to submit ti? your choice, though at the same time would thankfully receive your support st the l h .a uanoi toz. Very respect fully, Your obedient ?crvat>t. P. W. FARROW. To the Voters of Spartaabarg Having been aniu unced a* a CaiidiJttr J f??r tint office ol Sheriff. made vacant hv 'he rcijrnut i*n nf ita Into worthy,inctttn ' ? nt, 1 cannot withhold my enuserrt tn on rr the field.. It i* tine that I a?n a yaun^ mm. hut wine to m dmbled condition (or field service, I Hatter myself that 1 nt?j be of acme use to ?b? District and Country in the position to. which I aspire. It it not for the purpose ol avoiding the ie?peiwihiliiies of the "Tented Field" F j||| J?- i . Ii... I..L ?1W c r*ed in my iw in the ?>y-i ?< !? ?>< por.nauant, physical dtmhilitj. to pet form a so' dirr'a duty. Thus ritual at i pnv not to rn? mc ir^}X'iniuir |*?UI??n. P^T Cnni';il ter and <|U*)ifieations mi* too veil known hcin?? a native *?f the District to rouaire a wo>d ofexplanation. Identified with 3**0 in nitcrcs , with yon deftly tiitirrsf#e?l k< I the irfuca tt'jw pending front the war in progress. I shni! ever remain ?i it ymt and share thai weal or vol- which oar utij developed destiny ws?Jr contain*. To any tliat 1 will W deeply- grateful lor ytun vote* is superfluous. My competitor* are .ill honorable tucti. If- either a* setcted l?r this office in place of luyae.f, be neeuti c! ; 1 w ill bow must humbly to your choice as I believe that the (.upular vo:tc "? ever uu 1 the side of right. Very ics; eetluily, JK. J. DANIKMfjj T? tUe Voters of Spartanburg Ihav" offered myself a* u candidate fyr j Sheriff Sf y??ur District, as the office j l is nour vacant an 1 you am called U[*w> *t,> select a saitahle r> to fill mid office. Having heretofore served one JerHt^of four r l)f>jM I f,?r?( IHrftlflml in I ..... . _ ? / "? ' wall acquainted with tho dutie* apportumtag lherctO| and !?*? I ctfiddeiit ?l ui y*Hlitie* to dischuifcc the aa ue. tSh<>ul<l >( he jour pleasure to rnc us the lav ore J spirant frbM the tunny that hare offered iheqpalvcs tor the Mi^e position. At or near ihe 6oaw?cnccii?ent of this Ion-- p o tractor) war, i nerved ?s air'ot&cer in the lath Regiment, C V., b"f owing to trf hcuUli and physical disability * mhe IK#- (w iltnni* <J' >!.?- ? of lh& Kegjment, T resigned my office, and returned hon>c lo recrwil my health, sinec then 1 have i-ereed as CbLmci oTtlu. 3t*h Rcguuon^ in acCo^Uneo wuh jhe srUhof 'many friends, tm<T again have met witU flurry call made upou ,i?a by jho Con fed eruto States, and hare been examined repeatedly by a competent board ofphysi-. cum in Vohirobm, and have been pronounced unfit for field daty, and w*? assigned to light 4oty?first as Cleric ^ia [ May. Can ley's office in Columbia, andiron ih.iro transierrod to the position I now hold aa (Iuioiium ry or Purchasing Agoni, which office lorbid* me , cut. vising ?he District, and visiting the e tixaws the root. These ihels aro stated as the question may arise, why atn I not io the field as a soldier? I hope my rem tons given wiN prove satisfactory to alt as I have even been willing to acrve my 0 untey or District in any capaoiry wnen estiva upon, ami thai t wa* able to perform, being proaoan oed uxmnnj times m unfit for Add aervios. 1 now offer to serve my Country and State, aa Sheriff, believing I eat) be of anie aer*Tice in such an otteo, than I enn be in the office I am now assigned ta fill, tot it i? lor you Follow Cittaewe and Friends to any, If it is jtmr plenoare to think otherwise and select Mime other fbvoicd friend moat cheerfully wHI t acquiesce in your views. Sh iui?i I be the favored one, I will most' fiiihlully serve yon and diaeturga th 4 tics of the offi. e to the alaaoat of my a II y and 1 hope to your perfee' sattslaetion. With kind thanks for many past Ta vors from you. I beg leave reapcci tally to aak t* oohuuuanoa of the same. ! J. HtJFUS POOLK. * Spartanburg, Nov. 20, 13ff4. 1^ J * , >_!_ - i 1 S ^ . - .. MU' ?: *Mfp*AliM?pflfe|dpM ?nd *uch mnpfhtm't^eJl^^^JS^ Cv'ia "ir"?iw, J llUjll I llBlitt ?liru*#ehr?a ?Hb ?wfc uwb ?? ?? irom ?<ute service, wtricbtttoM^N^WNijglt hate be*? exempted bfCui2Sfej||r* ity u ofiwr vid n^ugcf iMr Ot "V plantation?. . ' "* VI. Cooipenics ooorenient to ffAMk will ?rK ?t J heir own weans at trsoifrlitl tion to that point. mnnta, aod all j^nct*T tdienraf aetroltex tU? officers commanding these CTWfrit^ to e barged with the iuiordialt ttlMNtr uf those orders without jVrthtr Mtteo. VIII Tbe Battalion of Sr*e Cadets" an 14he n t^vniui ofiMbpur.trd i?Mwy 0 tcrnauiUd Xy Cspiut^F F rede rial Kreimi, will hold' thtandrn to vreditNNO m. ?io take the field'at the ah Orient uatioe. IX. The Governor nd, Com ?sdra|%. Chief enjviins. aa a waiter of the las importance t\> ih* a drfcoaa, ??W pioiapt exccuton of tke?e uraer?, tn4 u? awriublttij! of iKc troops at tke (kmat 4ait'tKtiated without delay. Jtv command : " ' * * A r.oM;uN^( Adj'r ami i.mpc 'qr G* serai Sot 44 ' %80 . * 1? i'spc s of the {Nate ' __ _t ' ST ITE Or Wrn GENERAL < tUPEKS NO. 14. ? I The command in): officers of ocjBkpp? ' r I ni?t crjpjued ttttdcr orders fm? tki* office fur rrrriee beyond their trill forthwith return tot hi* office HilS tub of their respective companies, isdloding iltc nMtm r}' who hare herd *8il?i to the rolls since their origin*! organi*?? ! ;t*w ' * .4 4% .. "*3? * II. tirncwl and field officers having-S* ih'-ir tirf Ridlj above specified nil; al.<~6 make r'turna of the santr. I?1 IV ..... _V_ l!-LI 4'.. i?i * ? i.i'jhk in i >11 ?fr itniMI H? WI VR.HI in iaiil c?iniMiiiif?, audj^Ui lt?rc fnifr^T > ffp?.ri tlr.:ir nam**, Wjpcfl the emM(V|i|ies *h;ill bvi Ziffle rod ^ruv wth be Sfr?C i!<f. carried into cumjS owl trii-4'bj ettrti matliaj. in.j<br>ouue? ot the proriiiqdb jf . _ ihe Act ol ?bo Gcnerat Ametmriy. *>0! j IV. tjoneriti officers**nd ?hc command^io*: ntBcert ol Wegimciit# w{U ?IomI liMte orders. By mbiuik) : (Signed) "A, 0. **UH,130?IW. &J Adjt and hup'otr G?i|tl. U? A. Ai A. Get. f No* I? MT Pa^m of the SUifc aopy thr4 taps*. I * ? ' ? M m . '?M T> ? I * ' ** 1 SMfK UBM i ' ! FOR *HB C0.*8T?Df YI8&* JKM. r| COMMISSIONERS oi lnaJn"?pt I he Town Authorities within (Aft ?mdio al Districts *t Pickens, SpertawjNmfc. "Xi rest. wUorA *< eWowfii nron, York.OM*Hw, Lsurens, Abbcntt* and Xeiihif|Will turwvih summon all slaveholder* mHtibift their respective limits to tleGi.^ Q^SllAWYlH (Mi stares UaM# WTSoftd doiy ?t tHe Rsitamd PsssSs ftsntPI Ihti* residences on TUESDAY, Jfc?f*fc4*?r fortlfieu II. %rwt ihrmnrf.m tfciihie A Soai it Carotin* Ibtiltoai wiH ttHrtll >mr which l?v?f Chartet* m.%^! 4M*** ft* ua., oo 29th. NoMisbei. ' Those iWtnrcd on KikgY IKjMMftim * | Raiiroad wtU lake the Pnaaaa?w> !*. Tlio*c tMnrered m Greoowiltn A CM? biu lUulcuttd will take a train ?kWkl|km <jTc??u\r.Le at Sb oieck a. m., an ? v Thoac delivered ea "fn I laiit^^jpiTni ion iUUruotl will take the I'm?gae Tjmim dowo on awtnedlj. The-e <Mt?I m> la? JUftrw* 0 till take train down en aama dep .. thow delitrred <w will t-k in train ohiob lc?*eavWaJMfta at# liVnioek ** on on? day. ? ill. The a?not of labor itdM e* thin can iaaiatt ((JO) daj.? to ?fcJMl knu^ifjdSW; tH <? d^reetol to C^ncelar ??f ward the lletwraa atlW injttMyhy