The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, May 05, 1864, Image 3

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- She 4*?Una Jlpartan. ** X awbTmi Tkxradaju May tf, I8C4. % Oar Paper. frm o^iwl ftfltr lit* let of January 1864 fae eabaorlptiou to tt:? "Suarluu" will be five 41 dollars. ^TAX IN KIND! - "Whoa ih* Former or Planter, wltull foil to deliver hi* Tax** in Kind no required by low. ha la required to pay Art limea I lie estimated ailu* of tha portion pot delivered, to b* c>d ? tiwotia the manner according to the Act pro? many persona in thin District hove failed I* reiurii their Tax in Kind, or to report thereon aad many who have ow signed their origi _ r... .v wv?av? ii? uorroy gi.en, #* Miirt U do to mrly, the Uw wall bo ripW?7 enforced against thero. ? ' T. O. P. VERSION, ' . J. B. CLEVELAND, J. M. ELFOIU), Assessors. V. fl. Aay person knowing of any one in hi*' 'neighborhood w4fc have fniled to a true report of any article of Tax in Kind, either f>t*e ef the assessor* would be giad to liear from them. Ae it la but just that all should pay their mite. May A 1 4t DMTWa take pleaaure in announcing that r the Episcopal Church ia our town i* abont to he completed, and we understand, will bs eensecrated on Tuesday^**It, ftt 10.J o'clock. The legislative assembly of thnt Church -?UI else meet in it en the day following, and MUgfeuAwerticea wM be continued during the Ipetch el Nr. Lonf, ol Olilo. We pehliab this week eptraots from this bold amA vigorous speee as delivered in the Fc M uengreis. It is refreshing to sec the truth fbcrleealy proclaimed mid to rendsentiments e eatholio in spirit and redolent of u ?..und (tkdgment and elevated appreciation of the true j dittos of things. It i* no superficial team - I log of pnnsing events or their future rosulio. I With philosophiu eye he surveys the pa^l and , present history of this bloody war, logically ' tarn tip its fearful consequences and with a oral heroism unsurpassed,*enunciate* lit* sol- j mn ceuviction* of their truth. No woudorit( tiered ^ho bile of the Iitock Republicans. Wo ore not astonished thot it f-ll like a thuudcrbolt omong them. Not surprised that they crowded bis heelssdiko hungry curs. Not nosed at their wriggiings, agitations and torgivisations. Ihe vols ol censure which they | passed, was a shift which titey alone would re- ' art to under tho stinging sensations which its rrath and bold dslirery prodacsd. Instead of moating manly argument by urgumont, they bad recourse to a vote expulsion first and' 1 thereafter, to vote of censure which evinces la ka result that the spir.t of traih still holds a tliffit dominion over tho Congress ot Abraham Liaoola. The most pleasing feature iu the' speech, aside from the severe thrusts which ! Kentucky received, is the reception by h:i#of ihe truth that no party can favor reconstruct ton, that we mus: acknowledge tho independence of the Houth or exterminate the whole rvoo. Thi? ii * ' ' ? ?. . ?? uvvi uuc. J?Ov (DO IN jrl ll tad West say so?and we are content War democracy is as objectionable as Black Hcyublieaaisin Both have the satue ends in wiew, though the means propose 1 are ditlerMt. We like Mr. Long is a democrat. 8ugor. A friend writing from Clinton to the (tunr- I dien ea business adds the following interest- ! Ing suggestion : "1 hare found that exposing Borgho Syrup in Tery shallow Yessels to the | air causes it to cry*talite, or form sugar. This j has beea none in a small way only. When 1 ; have carried the experiment further, I mny report results hereafter. In the meantime others wight be trying the experiment. Success would be a great achievement just now." Slack Subnlltulcn. The Yankees ore not to be cut done in ir.ear. * sees and dirty work, while we are at war with | them. The New York Herald, of a lute date, t ?.w ?niBmucci, me 1 iitikoca lire coin iff into our border Suites, ami purchasing with little gold and a few green hack*, negro men, taking them North, aud putting them into the Tsnkee army as substitutes. Rskovai. or thb Tubabi rt Norr Division. ' ?We are requested to Mate fur general information that the removal of the Treasury Note | Division, of tho Confederates States Tieasury * - Department, to Columbia, South Carolina, wiil delay for two or three weeks the issues of now natee. About ninety ladies. nttMchod to this division. will leave to-morrow morning? K-.chm*n d ? J iirtr, ?6lh April. Dtltcr, April CO.?A large forre oftbeetreinj, eonsistingof infantry, cavr.lry and artillery, attacked our pickets on the Kitipgnld road litis ' morniag, capturing ten and wounding several. , * " The pickets retreated nearly to Tunnell 11:11, ! when they met reinforcements, turned upon the Tankeee, antk after a sharp engagement drove the enemy hack. Lose on either side small. The affair is regarded eimj ly us a roconnoifaaoe to dlsmcr ?ur posfiton. Tlie enemy ! was^also reported moving out slowly from ! Cleveland yesterday iu lite direction of Kcd 1 Clay. 1 Banks liae bjen defeated the second linu, end utterlj routed by Kirby Smith. llis lose is haavy. Gen. Price has whipped Steele hi Little Rock, and driven liim lmck to iiic Miseiwtppi river. It ia slated that en overwhelming majoriij of dhf Republican members of b-j(h branch ex of Congress are apposed 10 the re-electieu of Liu. eela. aherp ekirmish tneb place a few days ' fine# at Watau^u Dridgo, Kami Tennessee. A large force of Tankers nt locked fieneial IV. A Jackson, and were repulsed with considerable loee. A hundred more Yankee olfieur? captured at Plymouth aro expected daily ut the Ltbby Brisoo.The cancellation of the vl>l .eovrenry ie pro- I grossing at the fate ot $*<0,nOti.tiuii pei month. AH the hettpiialH in and near Richmond have been lately cleaned out. Four men belonging to*!he "Iron Clad Min etfnla," lately pinying in Richmond, no re cup- ! tured in Gloucester county, making their way | te thconemy's lines with forged Hi tieli papers. Rave any readras of the Spartan tried the i Sorgho meal for bread ? It has been tried i and approved. The Yankees Cf.ugi ess has. passed a rt eolu tion direonng the committee on the Conduct of the Har to m...ii?w im/% ?k* ? - ' mors atleuding the recent attack upon Fort , Pillow, and. whether Fort Pillow con <1 have [ been reinforced ; ami tliat they report tho facts' [ , * as sooa at possible. Mr. AMlhmier Hieing*, of Forrythe county. N C , camntittod sulci.Is on tho 141ft instant I be hanging himself. lie leave* a wife nnrl j eight children. Cause, tear ot being made to ( enter the service. He was one of those who i toreitbed ttobitifwev < F^vT^IA MObTI^ K U tub ercknt riaur. Plybuvtii, N. u., April 21, 18C4. I enibraee this early opptjmmlty to tend yo? a ttrfaf account ofthe attack uml capture of ?lii* place, mid omeotthe actions of the boys of tlx I OKI Cockade. !, n* your rrni>lcn well know, is ;-it uuud on tlie south Hide ?f the Jlosuoke river eight miles from its mouth, in Wnshingtot I county. It hnn been in the quid posscbSiot i^pf (lie Vatikc- s fur some t inc. and ia one of tki aioet strongly fortified pine** In Mor'.h Carol! nu. ltut the God of Ihtittea41:1* given the vie tory to the right, and we nr* now in the quie 1 possession o it,#with the Confederate baunci dying from the rautpnri* ol li*e fort. - Twenty three Ituitdr.d prisoner*, with th< ! Brigadier General commanding t Weasel, j I?rg< ! quantities of quartermaster, commissary nut | sutler's stores- and shout tweuty five *>r thirlj ' piece* of ariillury, fell into our possession. tmr lose is small wuen w consider the lerrl We tia-ault our forces hrnl to rnnke on the worki af the enemy. We litve to muurn the ' loss o ?oin?hr?vc uien and officer?. The town is surronuded by immense forlifi cations with u largo ^imre tort immediately a front, commanding all the roads, mid contain ing five large guns. To the left ot the town approaching it. is situated another fort, will twj gnus commanding the country for a milt around. All the trees have been cut down, ami 1 I hero retr.tius an op u plain to the ru*?? ol I tlapir guns. Through this our liova had tc charge, capturing fort after fort in Jetuil. nmi | exposed to the rnkmg fire of their guns. [ The attack w.s well planned nndns well execu ; ted, nud rettcots ereni credti ni?ni 0 ?- ?1 h.wlu- has already won fbr himself a reputation | in the army vt Northern Virginia, uml the cupj Hire uf Plymouth adds at- y^-r feather to hi? I war plume. Theata-k. tWinencid 8und>iy j rcning, the 17th mix.a }ud ended H'cdne* I day morning the 2wh ?t !.<<> clock. Titus you J tee w? h ul Huiiiethiiic Lo <lo General Wcsect, | who commanded the Yankees^ stubbornly rej aisled. fighting from fort to fort, uml alter the town *?! captured, retreated into Fort Wil1 tan, and only Mir rend e red naitdib* booming ot our gnus. The lUtitck <> the tdNrn was made by the Drigado I General iiiitiM.m, oy yesterday .t.orutng. the ill), at day ligln, and all joined i in the praise n|'in g ill intry nnJ 'VuceeHS, aw I they had to ckarge, work, and tight hand to hand in the Street* as they drove Hie enemy bot'orc fltetu tuto their latge ?trougliulj, Fort Williams. The Umncli Field Artillery from your city (now l*egram's Battery) conducit- I i:ae f nobly, and suffered I'ruttt the lerr tie fir* .if the tor in in the open fiehl|.-igiit hundred-yard t distant. 1 *etid you a li.-l at the wounded, teti in number, and . ain happy to say it had no uieu killed. Might of the norsc-i were kill d nod s -ven wounded. The destruction <>1 property in the town is awful to behold. Cairsons are blown up. dead horses *ud lucii til. up tlm sunsets, and the place is cotoplctely ri idled by c.uiuoti shot. * . Hut before 1 el axe this desultory letter, 1 must do justice lo the Navy, which so ably performed the-part* assigned oil. ('apt. Cook, wiili his iroitclitu A be. .n.. -. .it fought himself. Acleaned out the rt* r, sinking the guiihoal Soul It Si-Id. tnountiug six guns, aim disabling two others, which finally escaped. b?: i les capturing several lug Ituuis and lighters ? I .Mil sorry tp ntnto t!iil l.i ul Col. Crunch who commanded the artillery, was seriously injured by* in horse tatting inio u ditcli, ns<l breaking his 1 g h*law the knee, after ibe town ha l been surrendered. 'litis accident is muck to tve rogreiisi us lie is a gnlhtnt otlicei ami h.1* distinguished hair-ell tor the able and etfeotive niuuiier ill which lis handled his coin mand. The h;ss of his services%vill be seriously full ft this juncture of our ntiuirs, hut 1 sincerely hope he inay be - soon rest red to he ilth. lie led the artillery charge for more thnn a tnile on horstdicck, iitui only hud stopped when a vic'ory h-:d parched upon our banner. Yours ae^-ver, CLAUDE. ^ From the Charleston Courier, rropoguti?ii by Cutllnirs. In view of the scarcity of seeds of all kinds, let mc sugjretit to your loaders an easy mode of projiog*ttiug Irish potatoes and toiuatous ; 1 tin mi by cuttings. When .L- . me potatoes hum come out of the carl h three or tour inches, on si rainy day or after a t-lmwer take up alt the roots except the one which is to remain, and set tlii-m out us you would tomatoes ?r cabbage plants, or sweet potatoe drawers ? 'Jhey will grow and boar as early as those that are left cn the potatoe. It you wish lo incoase your Irish potatoe crop still more, when thebusli ;onitiH-nce* to branch out cut or break u number of these branches frm i four to six inches long, ind set them out. as it they had roots to ihcni They will grow readily, and will bear po tat oca later than the others. Cutting-, of the tomatoes also grow very readily. In transplanting cabbages, tomatoes and other plants liable to destruction by the grub or cut worm, a bit ot paper wmpjed around the stem previous to plant mg, ami extcu.liiig an inch or uior ? above the surface ol ike soil, will cffectuall v protect ilieni. All farmers or gardor r* km * what ravages they can coiuu-ir, in the 6prim; especially. This simply pio cess, re<|:iiring very little additional trou ble, will mii'u much disappointment and labor ol replanting. The paper can reihain until its rots away. A. C. TlIK CoNKKhSION OK AN A Bol.ITIONTST. ? In "A Trip to Cuba," written by ... H. Dana, Jr., o| Boston, all out and out Abolitionists, he is Ibrccd by being brought into contact with the negro, to make this confession : "The negro of the Nor'h is an ideal negro; it is the negro refitted by white culture, derated by white blood, instructed even by while ininuity. The ncgr> among negroes is a course, grinning, flat-footed, thick f-ktiII creuiures as Uu'ibun, lazy, as the laziest of brutes, ehielly ninbitious to bs of no use to anybody in tbe world. He bas but the tai g'blo instincts of nil creatures?love of life, ol ease, of offspring. for all cIho ho must go to school to the white race, and hie discipline must be long an<l laborious. Nassau and all we law suggested to us the uiiwu come question whelh cr compulsory b" better than none." ? rnmm ? Lincoln has appointed Com mission or* to sell land in the rebel States, and the following is the result a* lar as \vc have heaid from: lit South Carolina, 103,574 acres of land were sold tor 5-7,309 ; in Virginia t'?4UU acres were sold lor 51 10.407 ; in Florida 134 acres tor ?hi,0'J- ; iu Tennessee lau s were sold lor 852,500. The cipeniei in the District ot South (Carolina are 4l5,8U5 ; Florida, 814.400; in Virginia, 90061 ; in Tennessee, 57 122. Thk Mahiktta 1'ai'F.r Mii.lh, though among the very best in the Confederacy, and though the (iovernrnent and newspapers are clamorous ?or paper, are not work nig up to (heir full capacity. The cause ot this is the vr.fht of hands, some of their best paper ltfAcra having been conscr b od into the service. This ought not >u to nr. uuveiiiment should iiiihi'MUtiugiy dotail the licet* ry l??r? e keep t ve-y mill hi 'he Couioderaey in w.ik. to it* full eapeeitr. k ] ^S^rrtlpoi^^ th? ?iO vnnnuli llepubllcau. IIijjjliljr inlercf?ti*ij5 aod important Intel, ligenco haa been received heVe Irom the ? north sidc*of the Potomac in relation tol t (Jen Grant's tHmpu'gn in Virginia. * It is ' reported and believeil that his movouient ' | upon Richmond will be by tlnec columns j | --anyhow by%two. One of these oohmnjp, i starting from his present linos on the Kup9 I pahi nnock, he will had himself. The see I ond will move umlw ?rui IIOIUV VMJ I ??T south-side or James river, nud will seek to r 1 cut our communications ut Wcldon urJLV* i tereburg; anil th? third will move up the 9 Peninsula from Fortress Monroe under 9 llcast 11 utier. Should there ho aiiy error | in this statement, it consists in placing ' liuruside on the south side of the James, as the information to hand leaves it soisei what in doubt whether lie w?lj operate f , against our lines o< communication in that dir^Vtion, or march up the Peninsula, in , the latter event, the enemy will coma at . us in two columns, each one starting frotu . a different point aud having a distant 1 base. | I do not feel at liberty to mention |ho , source from which this information *a-> > ' o^aiucd, ixif the channel through which it I was ttouiiiiuuit utcd ; but tor the present you nmy rust assured th ! you have tlie %?y to (Grant's plojectcd Virginia campaign. I Frtpu ill tlapidau the news is also tin . porta lit. Grant is certainly cauceut rating i his forces in front of J<ee, as Sherman is iMgioentrnting his in front ot Johnston. As thrf'^^^.jijid towns on the Mississippi a id in Y??nV iw^c and Kentucky have near. ly a'l been sirifH <.f tlmir garrisons for ti e ) ! leinforCi-rflC'tt of the latter ; so have n o-t I in .Maryland, oil the co?o?U#tir V irgul'., a.. - 1 JNorth t'arolina, and perhaps some ev u ? f ! I hope on the cu*Us of South Carolina, Georgia and i-lorida, been deprived <.r l' their l.?rce* lor tic 'reinforcement lor the former. Indeed, the enemy m:t* be >nnt to have only thr?s armies now in the I: d ?that under Grant. that Under Mieruian. and that under Hunks, hich there in reason to believe has I ecomc cxtricildy en| tangled in the network of rivers, bayou* awatnps and ennehreaks by vt.j?-|i the v . lay of It. d river is retieul ?ted. In allotting this po icy, the enemy give up in una month, in a measure, all rltey have stained in three years. Hut their necessities leave ihein no choice. IMaylng Oputiium.^ __ A very reuiurkab-c case ufctire of a still joint was recently cflVcted by the surgeons ' tit one ot tlte hospitals ot thin city. 1 he | knee joint ol a soldier had been tor several i months altogether unbcndatiie, ami he li..d been lor thit reason assigned to post duty. Tlie burgeon ol tlie l'o-t, tor some reason, was le i to believe that u euro could be at? fected, and lie directed one ol his u^sist-'] ulw... f(1 ,,,,, ;|, I .1 <? { ..?V IX I'VII HIV man UllUer nil! ItlUUeilCC ut i Chloroform. I lie opportunity was taken : wti n the subject vva.s lound asleep, ami an 1 iiibtantuneuus bending ut the joint was tin? j 'csult. In order thai the patient ini^lit have no doubt ut the perfcotness ut his cure when tie sliuu^return to consciousness, the le? was dnwn up and tied Willi a Handkerchief. I pun coming tu his sou sen, and to u realization ut Ins condition, the pa.icnt struggled manfully to straighten and slitfen his log, hot it was "no go ." llis limb was sound, ami up tu *he jttein j lie went lie hut* played his trie!: *'l sue-1 ccsstully it) it we are assured ill it some ut i , his comrades who have been associated with | liiin for uionths, h mostly bclieec that ii 1 was the Chloroiorm that limbered his log. f (:lMttanr?qn , - - ? A Most r Mka81-uk,--A j meiiibiT ot Co'iori ss lioiii Tennessee lu.? now in liis pocket tlie draft ot a bill which I 1 nvr no iu iiiirnuuce at llio cailwtt |HX>sllllU IllCUU'lit Ol U.C 1)0X1 SCsSloU, W ll It'll, ll adopted, will out sp, c. 11:: 11 < 11 Ott at ill* Luces, ami inflict deserve i pui.isliiiicnt up uii she sharks who have been preying upon the wants and necc sities ol the peoph . The bill provides that every one shall be eon.pel ed, under oath, to report the amount of the sales and the per cent, profit he lias made, and that all profit beyond what is jllst and reasonable shall be regarded a tax colleeted lor the Government, and ''aw < over to the Government i hose who r. i>- j ed their prices upon the parage ol the 1 currency bill to cover the depreciation ol I the money, and continued the saute j rices j ' after the one.third was deducted, are p r- J iticularly provided lor. fSucli a law is Lm 1 > ' I', needed, and we believe wou.ii tend to a 4 greater extent (?) reduce the present exhorlofant prices than any thing that could be ! it.vised ?Mm c Mi H'btt. Barbarity of Nnuiiu Sol.hlfns.? We t are jH'rnrtted (says the Southern Obs rv- t or) to make the lollowiiig extract IVoin a 1 t letter, written by a lady in Yazoo City to j I a Iriind in Alabama, relative to the recent j j visit of th \ ankees to that cry : I .i... ? .. c ?i iru'ir'i vcrj iiiucli to see them t*?rin j on account of she uegioes. Motit of the i I men w *rc itcgiocs. 'i he_v, a.s kuIiIutb, mi-> I I tfic most ferocious ami unrelenting of liui man brill.!#. We dreaded their conung i ( as of wiltf heist* ()n last ve-'k they loofr , .an old lA.ui from near rSaiariia?Col liar i ris?nod 1*0 t 111111 to death wiilr a feme . rail, 'ilu-j captured iwn oi out scorns j and, after shouting Ho n. knocked t hum hi I In* h- . ! Such l)4r*?rilU'.<* a? the- i_, . . . ' committed. Knapsacks I)!.hcakih:i> ?Knaj *uek# have fallen Mitogen? al disuse ami iii?<- > <f | it in the Confederate nriuies, .11.0 111 ih-ri- 1 j sion of tlirin the soldiers call them "hind j , organs." M believer a company or ri _ i ? I uieni in .'rin marching with knup?aek? slung,' the taunt :*suir to Inflow : I mv. vou've got jour organ#, when- -> vow luon kevs { \ ou lelt tiiein hi bin I. . xp<vtin^ 10 ' Hnd bigger and better inonk< ,n w n 1 cie,' ' iVc. A blanket and oilcloth, twisted into ihe shape of .a boa constrictor, and >lun- a' n the shoulders ts the li^b' equinaim* hcuvj, rapid marching, now. ? - The lion. Alexander Long. who delivered the speech in Congress which cea'td such :t flutter among tie? Ilct lit icons, t? representative torn the county end uy d , (Mucin untii. lie is about f>>it> y ars if , age, flui d complex inn. quiet in bis manners and exceedingly temperate in Ins habits. St. Louis, April 25.? It is believed that (Ion. Lee would not venture on an of? fetisivt uiovemeiit. The Tribune's special despatch says the u nth anny corps is now j 4<\00> t trong I t IV- t The CBHttro We have some additional particular*-wi the capture dri'lyiuoutli by Gen. iloke. The force engaged on oor aide w-a Hoke's brij-ude, commanded by (Ml. Mer? Veer, of the 21st Ga? Kantom's brigade, voiiiiuiutded by Giiu. Kan* 111, and Keiu>or\i (Virginia) br.gadc, couuuatidedrby [ Vol- Terry. j \)ii Sunday afternoon, about -1 o'clock, ; our tarccs, under the oommuild of Geo. Hole, arrived in front of l'lyiuouth, the fortifications being plainly visible through 1 the trees behind which the Confederate* were drawn up. The let Virginia regiment, commanded by Major Norton, was through iorwnrd as skirmishers, and the eiieuav's Dicketa holii?<t f?* lificat ions. J u?t an tho firmjj commenced a white object wan seen in the 6eld in front, which was supposed to* be .? flag of trace, but whioh proved on iuspection to bo a i target planted there thy the Yuikcu* lor artillery practice. In the same held there were several targets planted, and by previous practice the enemy had gotten a perfect range of all the approaches to their works. The Yankees opened on the skirmishers with the large guns in the tort which they were approaching, ip.^hieh , ?ras mounted a loU no ndcr I arrolt ami H . .. . . - 1 men ^uiuiuumu. :>o a.-sault was made on >umlay afternoon, though the skirmishers wei? kept out. During ttie afternoon a gunboat came wot from behind the tuwn and started up tlu.? river.with u pleasure party on boaid. Our artillery opened oti her, but, though struck,"ehe proceeded on up the .river, I landed her passengers, and that night at? <einpu.*(i to drop Uuwn to the town fcjhe was ug in ai tacked by the ertiilcry, and by a- me sharpshooters posted on the banks lor the purpose, but without stopping her. On Monuay our lorces held the position issiiuied Sunday evening, the euouiy shelling u* tuinnisly at times By this slid? niig the following casualties, ol which we have heard, oecurnd in thel-t Virginia reginnnr : De a.<i e Mc.Minn. wounded rn , the side, suppos d luoria ly ; frank Joseph-, unkic crushed ; I hco. J. ItukrUuii, it eight places, ah ; Lieutenant 1'aylie, luce, slight. On 'luesday, it seems, heavy fighting occurred, w it It Varied ?ucoes* ami > > nesilay iiioriiin<r tin* place was carried bv assault, liuktt(H bi i^aile euterm" and, chur^ino with the Iwyoiict upthe princi- , pal .?trocls. I'ol. Mercer who Ivd thctu, was killed. I'uriug Tutsdny our art'deiy, including -the Fayette Artillery. ?.f Kich? u.-viiii, was planted within i j(J yards 01 the lot tificat ions and opened arc. flic hay cite Artillery, it is stated, eu tiered heavily Iroin the enemy's fire. '1 he gMiiboat which wont out ol the Ho | iinullu ti is said made short work of the ) shipping, in front of the town. | Sunday morning our c.iValry pickets . loilnd a negro spy coming into our lilies ! ! wcariiijj tile dress oi a lield hand, and hav- ! ; ing a led handkerchief lied around his licad, I niler this dress was found the lull uniform of a Yankee soidter- 'J he negro was hung on the spot. [_.Major General lloke, the hero of l*ly. in ut;i, i a North t urolina, who wCnt to Virginia as a hipn eiiant in the l'irst rcgi mcnt wfnch left North Carolina under t?.e coniuiand of the gallant and distinguished i n ii ti..? o u-. . ....... * * ii. in.i. i ins le^imsnl piir i BcuV Butler a blow l>o no dotlbt will re j member ail his days', for lie has neVi r since I ut Iiiii.doit' within j;Uti shot ?.'t our linos j ijcnviul lloke lias hi oil sucifssivt-lj^vcry l ^i.ido, l oin (.ii uienaiil to Major Central ?t may now bo Maid (hat he has the satis[tiction ol having struck the first ami last, ami loti^ to he remembered blows the enemy has received in ilus war.?Eds. i.ii:aiii.ian.] <}uiek Work. Auckland, in Curiosities of Natural , History-) says: When in l'aris I paid a visit to the horse I slaughtering place at Montfauo >n ; there 1 saw froiu titlecu to twenty horses, tied up j in u row, all to be killed that day. ! was t-Md that eoiiutinns ilHy say double that | nun U r. The horse Lcirij; killed and ihe -kin being taken off, the carcass ? cut up with hatchets ami thrown in a huge tun. big enough to contain the bodies oi several horsijs j when it i> lull, thu top is fixed on and steam turned into it. After a time , the lid is taken off, end it is found that j I lie steam ha-* <jmte separated ail fle?li ; the boticS, which are bc.tuliiulh j white. '1 lie bones ai% then picked out! and placed in stacks; the fl- sh is thrown : nit by shovels, and spread out widely on the floors, to which t lie air has Iree access i It soon bee .nics ijuitu hard and dry, ami is then sent < tl in sacks to ihe cln ui s; who, operating on it, soon c nverta it into prussiatu of potash, and this -'gain into i'lUssinii hluo. The bones are ground np ! in a mil! tor manure ( so that in M eonipai aiiv !y short space ol time, the m?r>e nav 1 ing worn out his energies in the service m man, is converted, one-half into Prussian ; blue, the other loaves ot bread, through I the inelium ot thft wheat which ubsortwin powdered skeleton, Thus the French iiiun practically carrica out the tl - a oi , liis orge, who, when he suielt the i sluiiaii, pronounced the following 'ie:na u. sins: h'lit ; . '.it lllli * i s<i:c I in- blood of an Kuglishinan ; l>c In- alive or be he dead, I II grind his bene* to make my bread. ? natiim or a mm Kksoli tion.?In I the Federal Seuutc. on the 7th instant,! Mr. Sai i.siii:ry offered the following : lhinl.Vt:i>, That the chaphiiu <ol the Senate he respectfully requested, hereafter, in pray find supplicate Almighty Hod in oiiri'idi ill. and not lecture Hiin.'ii fF ruiin^. II m w .it to do, or Mate to Him under I pretence ol prayer. Ins (the said chaplain's) I opioit n retcN nee to Ilia duty a* the Al? tmahty . and that the said chaplain h%(urthe '.o'ltcd. ah litoivaaid. not, mid< r the ' (.i ?yer. to lecture the Senate in relaf T .ii t?> t he question* before ihec^dy. The resolution was objected t" r . ? me of the Hlutk Republican members, who thought the prayers of the reverends a Pout riirh' ;ii t ine and color, and ir *! ? ? ? the table. Nr.w York, April 27?The itmmrr Greyhound ha* heen sent up tho .lames Uivcr ami ordered down tho French vessels which went to Citj^ Point about two weeks a^o. It is expected they if*tt return without tho tobacco. (Jen Foster ha* ttf^nlied for a commend in the held lie will probahlv be assigned to Uurnfid?> corps * ' Hi I from flr^MT ^ " Okanok-C II., April 27.?Two d?M t?.r? fmiu the'Hew York 2d borpa eoton our lines to4ay. Thwy saj tjraiit an Meade reviewed tliut Corps ou Ktiday lai and Hut ordsts to isere this weok wit Gve days r:-..iou? had boen issued tw /I Yankee army. Adbquict in front. *? Oua.nok C. II.. April 27.-^-Jlosby su prised a picket post of forty toeu in Hui ? . ttr s ? ? tarn ??oou, i' iirlu* county, on Sandi lust, capiuiing eighteen p?en. Tlie rt, escaped. During the day the enemy pu sued Mosby, re-cvpturing four horses an taking piisoncr Lieut. Hunter, corn mam ing couipsuy A, and wounding Lieut. N? sou of the seme oompeny. A flwbt h tween Mosby end the Xj">k*cs oecunrt at Lcwdtburi; on Monday week, in whit the Yankees lost three killed and revt wounded Our loss was ono men woimi ed. All the ^faukecs have left the valle Most of them arc coning to r*iutbrt Meade. Avcrill has g*>ne to 8outhwe Vireinia on a raid. Monde was reeei ing^ftitorccuient*. over the Alexandr Railroad*. Rich,moni?, April 27.?No sigo yet < a flat; of truce bmit with the returned pri ptn-m expected list week .Members i lloiigrs* lire arming slowly, and it in b ii ved Unit not in'or > th.ui h.ill u tjuoru will t?r l??We on Monday 1 lie President iiiesicigc will be t|nite short. The city ver^, quiet to ''ay, no uews cr rumor We Yfie'f clear and warm with indication ul a storm. The Late Exiv.umon into Fi.oki DA. '1 hp * -* - --- - i?y ir Yuiikvu Cotij{rev? i>> n?<|t? i*> uluihf fac ot the late ml florid-** hm made their report >io*t ut the facte at forth in the report harfc already been ftil atiiitiJIy ii ado knqwn. 1 lie comiuitU laid# make it appear that the object t the expedition wan to "cut off a r.rh sourt of the enemy'* . applies," "give an mitli lor Cotton,"'ami "ujiB a favorable field f< the itia?tuii*ut of negro troops." But th real object or tha expedition ia beat tol by the tollowing letter fioiu Old Ab< winch was brought to light by the invest gat ion : Executive Mansion, "l Wodiingtoii, January Iff, j Major (Jrnenil Gill more : 1 amlet stand an effort in bring in da I nine am thy gentlemen to recoimtiuo legal Stale (juvcriiment in Florida. Flo kIn ii in your department. and it i? not ui likely ihat yon may be there in person, ' avc given Mr. tiay a couinm mti ot >Ii jot unit Mint tin** to you with Mine hlan l/ook? anil oii.rr blank*, to aid in the' te Count met ton H.> 1' : - ? -- - - ? ..... v* jMuiu an to in manner ol using the blank , mi J also m general view* on the subject. It is desir; ble lor wl to co-operate, but it irreconeiti blc didfuitiiceb ut opinion shall arise, yo are master. I wi-h the thing done in th uiost s| .cedy way as possible. so that he dune it ui.ty be within the range ut th l.?te I'roeluiiiution un the subject. The ?i< tail labor will, ut'couire, have to be don by utht-rs. but 1 shall be greatly obliged i yuu will give it such general super vivo as yuu can consistent with your mm strictly military duties. (Signed] A. LINCOLN. As might be expected, the committc gi ves us (he cause ul the disaster ot the el ( edition the same did convenient excusethat "ilic rebels greatly outi uiubcrcdthen and hud greatly the advantage ut post tlun," A'Vi I'krskvkkance Under Dimcui.TiKs.ellustratirtg what can t c uccumplisbed to wards n.sKing the Country sell'supporting even in the midst nt a desolating War, (jo< crnor Vance, ot North Carolina, (who, b the b), u Ucrslamis that tbc mission ??t Kuveritor !i.i> as uiueh to do with (he un 1 ei la I We I tare ut tits people, as with tli writing Ot poiiticomcUphy#ical messages in a leceut speech, narrated au instancu lb; came tin icr his immediate ohaervati.M where a poor widow, with three childrei toe eldest uioapaUie'ot taking care of th youngest, cultivated, la-t year, a patch * rented ground with the iiMistatioe of a lit tie steer hot much larger lliuti a cat Afraid la leave her tittle on. a at houie i her e thin, s .u wou'd lake them daily t the lietd, Liuild lor iheiu a s nail pen, co* er it Willi leaves to protect them hoiu th sun, uiid when she had plowed a disianc lroii; tier iitl.c brood, would move the pe to a inure conveuu lit spot, that she lUlgh w.iich over them and nurs her babe at th end ot u. weary row. She raised thre hundred and sixty seven bushels of cori had plenty to support lieiselt and cluldrer and soul to tit r uciuli lairs. ' 1 lie blow ot tnat wunan (continued hi K.\c? hciiey ) r.? worthy the proudest laurel that ever rewarded the virtue of the palju or testitied to the endurance of the Hero. \n A>irtM?i . el' t?ov Vance.?i e ar \i>n ; < 1 ilia :,i vm-sion Mesaenge (iic im,i'iiti'ip iiinocni 01 Uoverrio Vance's recuil aii'fresa to the North Can ima tn>o|KS ot t.ce's army: ^ t?en. ]ji c tirrirc'i at'er the speaking bt iruti. iiml lie < J<?\ ei nor paused till he -hnul he ootid uc cd (<> a seat on ifie plat torn There had ocen no cheering previouslj hut as the oi l licio stepped up where ih cmwd emtio "C mi l nf ianix? him. a spot tahenus iiiiii lo .tit i ?hou ursi forth to at knoA.ultfe tne grdiocaMi'ii u gave 10 se ImU ihere Vance resumed with a ami) ami the remark?'"I'ardon me, fellow ? dicrs, lor m>t joining in your cheer. M heart was in it, 1 assure you, but I expet tu iiywil all uiy breath before 1'iu done tall >?'g- * IIknry Clay's Ukmain*.?We lear from the Islington (Ky ) Olmereer th? ihc remains of Henry Clay, after an intei mcnt of twelve years, were removed Ifc week, u|>on the death of his wife, an placed side l>> side with liera. beneath th iieuutiful iiionumcnt erected to his menu rv tiie L'iui"ii>ii iv.? 0 ^ ^ j* VVIM? JWW with this event wo luuy bo pertnitleil to a lude to a single iuct. The wreath of tsi ?utrteUe* placed upon his ctdfin by hi friend, the gifted poetess, Mrs. Ana F Stephens, prior to the removal af the bod; iroiu W jslniiiitoo, was foufld to be in an a! most period state of preservation. beni| but lnt e faded, whilst a gold ring bCarinj the initials, "J. \V ," which rested ne? the wreath, was as bright as though jus troui the jeweller. An obituary in m? Uoiumbtis (Ohia Crisis states that a lady on her death bed recently was approached, and told that sh< could uot go to iieaven unless aha wai wihng to accept the negro as bar aqual. f , . j5 t^* SttJEga ^miSi^tT S& d ?*tL* B'?w> all of thle puj||. t)bitc^et fj " Di?d t(?fo|MliM <li'!l, BNr Riehaiotl 'k? >? March 90kh, HWt/lBUne I?. Meadow. third sew of Brajknu ud Catharlad MwJw,- i|?4 _+.' r- '27 years 8 month 24 days. The fourth ml I). lastone, of the brother* whtek hare 111 MS . - > ' immediately afiee gmirg iwielhrgie^ Ho ^ 7 w*? ateuibtr of otnponjr (K.Jlat Reguaeat ufet sl EapKars. lie bad proeeuted hlaaiif t?ie? ; . r- for Held aereioa. but being reacted hj tk? id Mcdieal Board, owing to the feebUasaa *C>ie t health, he afterwards atutebed himself ieibie I ElrilMr *-' oa'.so as muck M h? could. Ucjm bolorcd * of bio obwri ltd wwtdM to uV*ad prtoKl ioo-i Mr for a br?f%fod faitkfal ioldto of bio :h coutirjr as well as (ho Cross. Ho altaehod t himself to tbo PUIadctphU Baptist Cfcareb, November the 1Mb. I8W, bo vm worthy roetubor and promised, woeful |o .okorth owd J? community. Elias from o ebikl Las over booa bo ?ar; iiwdjr and sobor, and to eaapo bo argot leciod aoi bia pioua trails, bat was always r. found trying is do justice Ao Mod amd Mis country, lis was an obedient. submissive sow, sad loging brothers, adevoted and atoc|i?ists kadsad and a kind andindalgent father. HaL t-f b? no* sloops bis last sleep to rise seal* B %. the Judgment Stgrn, with all tbo?saiBta <? 0f Os-i, e o^ed in while robes for etersily,., lip Is fret an afi^poiuti* wife, a U-nd. r bade. A f* loving sisier^wnk vaat circle of relative* ami 1,1 kind fiiends to mourn li?? loo* ? . . ? nuyrv * not as I bow wit hout hope; for we btlitw it ihot he is in Heaven now with the rsdoatngft * r at rtit .a - m Par in-the old dominion nop . , V( | a 18 Jt He like lila other brothersnU*f . nd lie in Carolina iafl, >*' Kiadrad and frienda to c^ounj and woof. it Sicknitig and dying tborc bo lay, H Ilia loving wife waa faraway; { . He now aleeps in aholdiont grave * Tboro in the dual with rifle* brave b- But when the last loud trumpet sounds, >t To wake the nations under ground ; jf He with I bo sainted sons of God Will shoot frit grace and dpiag loom * A FRIENDS n , .... . >f CANDIDATES FOR THE LEU 18LATUR^.~ >0 We are authorised to announce Major H. <j| J MILLER, as a eaadiiinlo for the Legislate**, * at the nest ensuing election. We are authorised to announce SIM??GN " 1IOBO. Esq.. asaeaadidate for the Legialatu**,* at tbo next ensuing election. * We are autlioriaod to announce Laaulewnmt II II THOMSON, as a cand dale for Oho Loga iilature, al the nexLcaauiag eleeiioa. r We are authorised lo announce CafK. JOnjfi V. EVINS. as a candidate for the Legislator*, 1 at thr nest en*tiin* *' We are auihoriiea lo . nnouicv OoL Jdl. ^ WALKER ?> r forikt I.egielatagp, ~ at (be next enauiug.elect ion. * IC y We *r? tutborittd lo unouaec Col. WM. , SHIVER. Lixeandiiale for tbc UgUlaiur*^ I at the n"Xt cnminj election. ;i We ?re authorized to announce J. W. o WbDKK!!. ti* n c-indidate for the Leglalatnre, # at ilie next enduing election. u M e ure nut hoi ixcd t o announce WM] P >1 FOSTER. a? a cxud.dale for the Legiala!" ture, at the Hex' ensuing election. " Notice to Sodiers Board of Keliff. ' The Commissioners of the Soldiers' Burd of Relief will meet at Spartanburg Court Houm', vn the Jil Monday in May next. f lijr sriUr of the licurJ, GEO. W. II. LEGG, Sic'ry.& Treae. Valine ?* I _ Si llivax'i Islaxd, April Tih. KM Y?itt>g men under the age of rigbletn (IS) will be recrived in Captain Sparks' cavalry, ? company 1), an .died to the twentieth (20ih) ? Regiment, S. W V., n certificate showing that > the consent of the parents has been given ia r* necessary ; which certificate will also serve as ) a p*?*nort to the company. Each member fura ii'-h^s his own horse and receives twentj-foar 4 ('ill dollars per month. The* company is " armed with N??il Repealers. The place is very healthy and but littW probability of leaviug. Mr Ward, at Pacelet ' Depot, 'will give any information respecting J he cosapaay. 8. N Of lOO. r will give SVVATT LlPSCOMRE notice, * JL '',al after the 1st of Novcinl er, 1 will no " ! longer join fences with hiiu *ny longer Each u man must make his owu fence, and give seven feet Jrotn the line. This tho 2Gth of April, 1 H'Mt 1). ID Lll'SCOMB. April 28 &2 Sv ? To l?ont. A COM FORTAltLK Cottnge containing fear e r\ Kooins. situated on t hurch Street, nil e new and well enclosed. Apply for particulars to . J. M. ELFORD. M?rch 17 48 4t found s r N the Streets of Kuan aK.i.-? a> c.i.?i? lS _|[_ lut.amtll matun: of mouejr, which the iiwner can have hy identifying the sum* and .. P*J,nf f?r ?*?? advafc-'.isemcnt. Call at lhio (ifpl'#. Mar 10 " 47 * \ - . r Lime1! Lime 2 Lime!! ,r k 1' ih? kilm. Preuli Unitii now on haa4 ^ J\ of the best quality, for exchange oaly far provisions, leather, iron etc.. froia the proda? eers. Exchange only oa the ol?l rrieaa as > beihsidre. W. Ct'RTlf. rl Rah 1R A* _ .V W !* AViiteli Lout. ? T OST at Mrs M. B. WALKER'S lis i X j night of the 20th i istant, a medium sised .. L.iulKV WATt'H, Chatelaine and Key attached. Maker J. R. Losnda. London. Bo. 2018. When lost tha watch was wiAeat c crystal and not running. Any person leasing I- it at this ofitcaor giving any information leady ing to its recovery will be liberally rewarded. .( Feb %6 q 1 sand il railroad. NO KKR10IIT8 will be delivered frem tbe* l>epot at Sparttnbtirg until all cbargee . are paid. Storage will be charged fa every 1 instance, when it remnfae la the depet mere r" than seven daya. Goods shipped to the earn d of the Express Company, mast bo oonoigwod ? d to a Kaotor in Colombia. ? A JOHN W. IfARDT, Agent. h Fob 26 46 > >|f J For Hale. yea w A few good substantial Car f>.? riagee and Buggies will be eold ti . reasonble price to be paid Iwia any kind ui proriaiona. For further parties ? tare apply to, MA. nARVEY. April 21 51 It i Dental ^Notice. r f Mi ILL be in my office only three daye im t 1 the week, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. ..x ?. LB*. D. D. t. * I jomt ' A CAFTAIH'S Military Cap trimmed with ^\^go|d lace. By tearing it at thin office the i Coder will be properly rewarded. . I ttnrth I : U If * , ' 1