The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, November 19, 1863, Image 2

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A In |ttclaa* mat 1?Hi a Career ami lis |iqael. A late icaue uf the Cincinnati Enquirer planes us in poascaion. of the following interes tine uurtoti v? :r A few luoutha since a Inalienably dress d pcrsouaxe arrived in Cicinnuti, per rail* road, and secured a suite of rooms st (lie Burnet House, aud registered hw iieuie as "Louis A. Belville, Russin." llis suavity of manner, clegunoo and neatness of dress, no end MPpuarancc, and indeed everything (eitokfnfd that the nearly arr ved guest of Col. Satmdura wan mm mairmui. UlM ii)tolii^ao?. if not those uttributes of * nqpufamty uow-a-duys.ttlhuencc and wealth. Uu maimers was reserved but firm, bin sonversation bland, yet wiui?M'^r ?^ w?',y* fair days elapsed bet ore hs extorted from the wsidsnt guests of tho houoe, both oivio r And military, a soliuitude to uiako his acquaintance, which was'somewl^.to difficult In accomplish apparently. Onco made, however, the wily Kuwnan, by hissosiul abUity and lavishnese with wumncy, au complely eiuruiorcd his new uc<)Uuiittuntoa, tint they, to use s vulvar expression, "tied to him," urged unOgajncd his introduction to their fcuiulc friends, and, in eliort, in AUguratcd him as the priuou of o?eiery in Ciooinnati. Parties WTO given that this fereigu rt^e-outative might loom out more specially as the bright particular star, lie Was feted to his heart's'content?no pains * being spr id to give him ovat.ons that WOttld houor *a higher personage in the Ctsdeot European society than thst which no was alleged iu bo- Yut.kco cutiosit., i.iTi i- i . iaiNu l<j iu nig rue t pitcli as to the probable mission of this gentleman on the American continent, and the solicitude in finding out cu'-minuted in the question being put to tiro tiublctuon. With his usual keenuesa and uouchala'ioc, he responded promptly that recently iu Kuasia he hud become inveigled into u quarrel with his Government of a political character, but of fcuch a serious nature to the fciuperor banishment from the country was the conscqueuco. His intentions were to come to America and become one of her citizens, and, utter a residence here ol three ycata, return tu Russia and enjoy all the privileges that kingdom without fbar ol moleiUition. His oil huud method of briefly alluding to his complicated foreign diih Culty succeeding iu satisfying his American friends and gaiocd for him n sympathy that was really wonderiul. 'flius - eoatinued for several days. Stuff officers ol the vnriuua generals, resident and transioat,. were uot content in their strolls through the city and evening promenades villi -t- ? ? *? ' ? ?j ..kxiwi, uuitM .nr. Jiciviliti was J op? of thoir number. At tho various mi'i- ! tary headquarters ku ints city lie was a wci ? 'Ui? ?nd eom>tanl visiters, an^bcing deep Jj interested in our domestic difficulties, fend sympathy zing with our government iti * the complete success of the Federal arms, many of the contemplated movement* w-.rc ooatided to his keeping. Ilia suggestions were frankly given and thsnkiully received, ludced, uo American citizen and to the manor born could have learned one-tenth of the information imparted to this stranger Russian. By tho sido of generals he visited tho fortifications, camps, etc., discovered our teal strength iu the field and at nosts. and the destination of our armies, qio , etc. Hi* knowledge cf the American Stitcs Wu *?tnn?Bhin?lT limited, *lid to pttt liouUl- I # 0 v , ixo woe a military necessity on the part of those with whom he conversed. Ho purs ed in and out of military prison* at all I lines, aud had a carta Ucuulie to visit any portion of this department A teeming indifference to accept the many compliments that were tendered to him, and the declination of scleral offers, gained for hi in a confidence with our military chieftains nml their aids uuiuaiugly marvelous* At their | (request, he went to a hishiunatdc boarding house on Fourth street, adjoining head ! quarters, and nunc hut military ofh usra aro entertained. Occasionally he .would leave the eity for a few da^s to visit Chicago, St. Louis and other Western and Northwestern cities, and to become more ianiiliar with the American country. Although his absence was brief, he was missed by his dcores ot friends, who we coined his return with unmistakable affection. * Ono of these abseutings was unusually long, and considerable misgiving was en tcrtuinnrl n? Ma f"'l',rn - T1?.' IV M'V f * *** V * W 1 VHA* l,,lle#> lest an accident caused (he delay. A few i days since, his absence was accounted lur, | the latest bubble of Qm-en City omithlcucc 0 was exploded, and the Russian nobleman turned out to bo nothing lucre or Us? iIihii a rebel spy, whoso discovery was thus made: 11 is last trip from Cincinnati to Lex ington, nor fur iruin which, in a skirmish, ho was taken prisoner, with other rebels, iu arms. He was removed to Johnson's Island, from which place he sent u latter to one of his friends in this city, to go to j his late boarding house, settle his bill, and get his trunks, which was to he tor- t Warded to him on the bland nl*?v? ?.t i ?j This imparted being to the military ciich- j generally, tbe terrible truth flushed aerimtheir minds lor the first tiiuc that tin y had been entertaining atul giving inipor taut iiuloriuutioii to a spy (nun the Confederate tinny Measure* were iiuuiedi ately taken to fasten upon this sharper . BellvUle the ohnrge of being a spy, and ltistriot Provost Marshul Kouney has been fiont to Juhuseu'a island for that purpose t That the crime Cull surely Hie estutdished tluro is no dcubt whatever, in which 1 event the late ' Russian noblcinan, ' 1a-wis j A. Bulk ilia, wiil be required to forfeit his life as a penalty tor his late fashionable but exceedingly bold and intrepid earner as a rebel spy. We venture the assertion that but few of his late acquaintances ?>ll acknowledge thai they ever knew ?uch a man, although the wiiole affair is trouted by the knowing ones as the great joke ol tlic season. I P. d?Tl.o above was written on l-'ii day last, and to have appeared in | tfuudhy morning's i.-!?ue, but wax unsivoid- I ably crowded out by the prow of other matter. Since tiiu above wa? in type, | Provost Marshal lloancy has returned from Johnson's Island, bringing with liim the spy Bcllville, who is at pro-cut lodged in the McLean barracks, on Third struct, to await the further action of the authori tic*. llis real name has not yet been de v eloped, the probabilities being that lie 11 villc is fictitious. The Mat shall lias further learned that ubout two aula half years ago, JielU i!!u entered the ret.el service undt r John Morgan, a portion of vrhoac command, of which liolivillo wax a weinW, was detached and orders? i.c port to Uuuiiilirrjr NinhaJI. Ocu. Uar shall made lJeilrilles M<juaiutaucc, and learning hut he euu'J speak five different languages. and beiuir exceedingly ktircwd,, ho biui to come North in tin* capacity of a rebel cpy. Hvllvillc w?-nt I to Waclifu^ioii, No** York. Ihaton, Ililtii oiore, St. Louis ami all tho leading oitica ami poMs. and adroitly auctvod iu gaining the coutidoiicu of all the militarp- authorities, Iroiu President Lincoln down. The information he guiited at tho capital from the War llepartiusut and Cabinet officers wart of groat iuiportaoce, end was ooutinuully lot wurdod South bv tho uml fMrrntititl I railway. When lit had occasion to visit! | I lie armies, he woulii purohanoe stoics tor i the Uuion troops, and us a suiter or airent ' , 'or the l^uitsry commission, always hud tree pusses o every part of the Fe'Jurul vuuips. Such was his knowledge ot* all Our movements thut no sooner were they i determined upon by our commanders than the enemy was pstcd at once, and our plans checkmated or frustrated. It is truly it arveloni" how successtul he curried c.n his o; orations, lie is now kept in close military Confinement. ami will In. brought before a military court martial to be convened by Gen Hurnsidc, and tried sa ; a spy, find if oniiviotad, of which there is ! no possible doubt, he wiii sudor death Ly shot. Trll>ul?fcof Resprct. At a meeting or Company G, Charleston Haltalioii, held at their camp, on Thursday, October 22, 1862, Capt Wm. Ulakmon' wus eailei to the Chair, and Sergeant P. 8. j MONTiioMtllY requested to act as Secretary, the following preamble and resolutions woro unanimously adopted : Death lias invaded our ranks. A gallant and accomplished officer, and several of our comrades, have yielded up their lives hi (he dni'enue of their country, it is b^4 { proper that we shuuld place on record our I estimate of their cburacier, und our grief at I heir L?a. First Lieutenant JAMES 11. GAltl)NKK was au officer yfeducation and ability. A warm advocate ol the of SouthI eru independence, lie served with the Eifle Regiment at the coiuuictieciuent of the war. At the call of the onlvdcracy for troops troui South Carolina, he promptly tcered in the "Charleston Light Infantry," ('apt.Tllo.MAS V.SlMONS, and was appointed otic ot the Sergeants of that column;;*!. Such was his Wull-?~r::rd reputation for conspicuous gallantry, that, on the division of that corps, he was elevated, by the free suifragcs of his companions, to the position ot First Lieutenant ot this fuinrmnv l.?. , J . ?V cure's, Seco-sionvillc uml 1 lattery Wagner, the held aud the camp, were all testimonies of his genial and kind disposition; of his hfuvefy and unquestioned abilhy. lie died on the Oth of September, lb6d, ut wounds received in (he rifle pits on Morns' Island. His lite blood was oftend up a precious sacrifice on the altar of our sacred cause. Hiivu'e \V. G. HAWKINS had just cutercd on die duties ol camp lite. Scarcely on the verge of manhood, he yet dedicated his young lite to his country. He had but u short time lultilled, with fidelity, the duties of his p siti'in, when disease laid its heavy hand upon him, uml ho quietly passed away, leaving an aged father and mother to mourn the loss of the last it thr?? sous who oicd in the service of their ^,un. i lr*' . _ * I! HrivjU* AllDS was an old and highly respected citizen of Spartanburg District. Though years had fuirov.ed his checa and frosted his brow, he was not too oid to shoulder his ritle tor his native land, lie was silled hy the encuiy, with his itfle in hand, and with his lace to the foe. Deuce to his ailtes, und may tlie memory ( of his strict attention to duty, and earnest devotion to this Commonwealth, ever survive Private CANNON SMITH was endear- , ed to Os by luniiy ties. Affable in demeanor and obliging in disposition, he had ever a kind wold und a pleasant smiiC. He knew no such word us tear. Dure hi principle, it;* vviftM lit* .???-! ?? ?? ..W VW* HUM IIIVIO|KU lil UCIIUII. While on duly ut Morriii' .aland, ho wan !? lin k l.y a truculent of shell, and sinking uuJer the sevoru nature oi' hi*,, wound, gradually yielded up hi* lile, without a inui innr or o iiuplaitit. , Wo uiouiii tiie loss of all these, and yet 1 wc have a inulancholy sat ist'ueioin in the ' ehuruuier oi their lives, and in their (>ulri? ^..v unKn. no n, tncrctoro, Rev ived, That the Company deeply do- , plore the decease of Lieut. Jamks li Gauonku, titid of Private W.G. Hawkins, n. kliwaruh and v anson S.mjtu, and (hat the luithlul soldiers, and true? hearted sunnnrUjrs of the cause of liberty. Rev. laed, T'lut we tender to their .-urviving iclutivcs our wui in sympathy in tnuii-1 Had tn-ruavcunmt. il. That us u murk of our respect fur their memory, that these proceedings he published in the duily papers of this city, and in tin; Carolina Spartan. WILLIAM, CL A UK SON, Captain Co. O, Charleston Battalion Chuii man. I'. >. MuNTOUMCRY, Secretary. ? I>ird at liomo. on (he 15th September lout, MIIS. SUSAN WALK Kit. wile of the lute Ahsua in* Walker, of this District, in the 70th year of her age. Mrs. Walker's death was produced from a Inchtrftl urui. which wan occasioned by a full eotno five weeks before her death At tlrcl the evident produced no alarm, but the uou-iiii pn?\on.i lit of the iujnrvd arm. began 10 create rOiuv xriuin tjipruluiiHiuiii iu i he utiud oi her Irieiids tmiue time before her death. It was however hoped, Rs site was in good health at the time ili< r?rei*ed the injury, and possessing ft strong constitution, for one ol her age, she would he able to withstand the shock and finally recover. But under such a protracted, severe u.ttfeiiou, her health and const tuition .garo way, mid she sunk into the embraces t.f death. Mis. Walker scorned to have w II studied the her i Motion-tup to the world, her family, and the church: for w iIt- she was a worthy member of society, nhe was also a zealous cliris. liao; and hs a mojlnr, her*children icgurded nun mii >nniniroiiM affection. -''lie' 11 til been a nmuiher ofilio Uiip i?i Church about | Ht'iceu Tcur*. She fir a unite I herself to the ' l'adget's Creek Chuicb. in (jnion I>tt*ti-ict. | where she remained until the year Ih.O. when j she moved with her family, into the vicinity ' uf Ce<lur springs Cliureh, and wue united with 1 iiimi church at 1 he time or her death. Not- j W!th*t*nditig Die.ue l'rovidence had honored i iter wiili long life, and useful days; yet the community h in loth to give up one. ihiu gave such a living exhibition of real piety, as was seen in all Iter deportment. U. Higff" Might Men ot War, ordered by the Navy Department at Washington to prepare far sea at New York, arc now reAdy to depart.? Kiev en ollira are nearly ready for sea. fcir 1'Hgi dier-G ueral Corcoran, U. 8. A , | wliu-e wi.edied three month* ago, waamarri d I on the 2uib instant, and Uis bride is with him In iP" Weiv rf ?! ? P?>fopv.a ?he Carolina spartan. uali< Tliurtdajr, Korember 19, 180S. PUrilDLlH IVOTICG. Our friends aro ?g*iu notified that I Its CAS1; is invariabljr required for all Advertising ant Jab Work dona at this office. Wa hope thii will be rainouibcrod. J. Allien Lee Will lsavs for Columbia on tlio 20th instant.? Mr. I.aa is connected with the College llospi tal, and will take charge of provisions or elo thing, left at his resideuoe near Wofford Col lr?t. ? Ladlett'H AxMoclaf Ion. #i The Ladies' Association of Spartanburg, ae knowledge a donation of one bolt of jenns fron Mrs. (Jharles Kcrrison. A full meeting of tbe member* of the Sooie ty is earneetly requested on FRIDAY? the i.Otl instant at 4 o'clock, at the Palmetto If all The Ladies of the community ond vicinity will ple*?e bear in mind the rope? led and ur gent calls for socks for our soldiers. ITElI As winter has appeared in our midst, cloth ed in icy habiliments, the question tislTiralij suggests itself how. and in what mode, is fuel for the winter to be obtained. All arc auxiom for supplius of this important ar;;^'re> Tin prices, like every thing of prime nee ssity. art immoderately high. To pay tlietn requires heavy and an elongated purse. As nyiny in our town and neighborhood are incapable ol meeting this stem demand, philanthropy inquires what can be done for them ? Scarcely able to live and obtain food and raiment, the question of fuel becomes one of vital importance to them Inillnlitii 1 --v? j. ? ?.. * ?.uui v cnii U9 DU1 Utile. The only reiuedv then is association or conhined effort. Thus behoving we wmiM suggest that a Fuel Society be formed by those who are alwnyt first in every good work?our worthy and cliaritablo women. They alone can succeed in such null tors. Contributions to purclinse wood and supply the needy of our town, through this agency, can be ea-ily raised.? 'tVI!.' th? iuvostiaato the extent of wants, and exert themselves to meet the demand From Chat'lmfon. Charleston, No embe- 16?11 a. nr ?I ast night, the enemy's shelling continued henry Between 5 and '? this morning, four monitors moved up to w;ihiii six hundred yards of Fort Sumter and opened lire. Our batteries on Sul liruu'a Island and Moultrie are now engaged, keeping up a steady fire. Two of the monitors have m red back some distance. Tliey wers struck several times, and it is thought have been injured. Tl?o Charlestou papcrn give ft horrible account of Yankee treatuient and the wretched condition of the negroes on' Msrrti Island. Since their arrival their regiment has last over f-ur hundred by sicklies* and death. Dead) of an aged Clflxeit. AYhilefoord Smith, Sr., un old citizen and very estimable gentlemen of this place, departed this life on Tuesday Uji. lie had tc-iJed in the place for many years, and had endeared himself to all around turn hy his many virtues. Hi- funeral was oreach: * ^ ;'|ie ^re byte ian Church this norninj;. alt, l?v a iatj,e Cuuill tulTdkiuJt IvUiiim stiij fri??hi which he hod been an eve -ipiary member. lie wes the father of t'.c*. Vi i.i- ;>t>i?nl Smith, of the V 'iodl.1 C-<U> cU. ? JrtciwUU Jiitstrjtr ut, id., it. a .4 .??' Order. We call kluniiuii to the following paragraph^ copied from an advert scmeni l?y authority of lien. Beauregard speceial order No. 2oo as being of sutu:interest to our readers : ' Ylll. Any person who shall arrest or cause In be arrested and do tvered to any Enrolling Othe r (.I a l'letci.-i a deserter, skulker or any other peras.'i or aolJtcr absent without leave, shall be e itillu > to t e lawful money reward due lor such service on the pioductiou at these Headquarters of proof of the fact, and utay claim and shall rt-fieive a furlough for 20 days ui mijr uuo specified Kinsman. friend or connection lor each and etorjr deserter, skulker aud absentee so arrested." Fno.v Nnntiixux Yiruima.?Tlie news irom the line of the Rappahannock yesterday, represents i Lai the enemy were moving in the d ree lion of the lower fords of the lt.ipidan, which is heleived to indicate alt advance on the old Fredericksburg line. There had been nofurth prfi.Jiliiig, and it *h- thouhi thai this change of base on the part of Meade would postpone mi engagement for the present. A'k /im'Vk/ Dupalch; 18tA tint. Sherman's corps i* reported to hare arrived at llinitsville on its wny to Chaitniieogn. It may he sow as the advance of the corps were reported, some uays since, to have arrived at Florence; hut it connects wtin the dispatob to the Mobile Register front Okalona, Nov Tib. which represented that Sherman had been beaten back by General Stephen I) Lee on ti.e Memphis and Charleston railroad west ofTuscuutbta; and, also, a statement of the Missmsippinit Extra, published at t'oluinhus. Miss , that it has private intelligence of a tight m North Mississippi. hn weru General S. It. Lees lorces and those under the Yankee General Sherman, - thai the tight was stubborn, Gut finally resulted in the dot- a< of the Yankees wnh cous durable lu?s, and. at last accounts, Jsheriiiuu was retreating. The fight took place bouiewhire near the line of Memphis and t harluston railroad. General Chalmers' command took pail in the fight. [Hunt Conf., 1*2;A GrtmiLM again :* Kkntickv.?The Lou isvillo Democrat announces that a forte of guerillas are ng>iiu at work in the Suite. T:..^ from - (> to 7(K). ami are commanded by lb#y*?oiorioiih" Kichardson. It says : They entered the town of Columbia, Adair county, O!} Till-solay night, rohhoil the slores ol I heir tfooiltM niiil slide all the good horse* in |he neiKtdbaeWi.od, when they loft in the direr lion ?r Grfwft laburg, Green county. On Wed u - 'ay wer^ifu they reached (Ireen-'^uro and cafi^rcd >j??' WSC> any um tnnce.? )ler? iney^BBt? Tobb," .. ?torrs utul carried off all the gedd'ti rses in - neighborhood ? 1 hey robbed bhb .!> nil at t place of Sl*>, dKJ in Kentucky roolK. and S ' - '<> in greenbacks. Aftci cam tttliag .nil manner of depredation* they leftVniutrngin the direction ol Bardstowu At a late ni>ur oh Tuesday night tliey reach c<i Bardatowt Andetucicd the place without opposition, at, i,0 Mi I.' ,,iiiipa were stationed there. Here they Luincd (as our informant stales) the depot, togciher w,th a locomotive five or six cars, and some ten thousand bushels of wheat, besides a large quantity of produce and provisions Here, as elsewhere, they en icred the stores ami robbed them of ever thing of value that they contained. They out tin telegraph wires, hut did uu damage to tin train. Karly ve-lerdsy morning they lelt Bsrilstown, but In what direction tl.ey uiored we have not hcCn .uforimd It is the enem oeitet iii'ii i Ik y moved towards the Lvbauoc branch of the Naehrfde rout. i ^.*rr- ? Eight nten-ofj|rar?4<|nAtt<'il by the NaTy l>e pertinent at WtMnilgtaa.fO prepare for *ea ai New York, are now read/ to depart Elevec o>fcers ere nei.r',- Tve^J for ao* eaesEHaeeMHStitaBHHHHBe** Rocrpit Wanted. FOR Coiiptnjr " K" Pal met Sharp Khoat irri. A< y person nat quit* (18 ri|bl?ti / am old who it willing l&wn forward as Micl will rowiv* Seventy five W)IUn(tTS) la ad dilion to Ibt usual b un*/ of Fifty L?olUrt ($u0.) Apply at this ofllca. Jot 1H 84 St \ Administrator's Sale*. I T)Y permission of the Ordinary, I trill eel I) <>n Salcsday next. TIIKKK llKAl) Ol SIIEEF, the property of M, B. A. LKOU, de ceased. Tortus Cash 0. W H. LEOO, AdtuV. * Not 19 __ 34 J?w HOUSE AND LOTFOR SALE. Tie subscriber offers a eery desirable It well r.g House and Lot for sale, nt n moderate priea. The lot adjoins the Wnfford f'olleg grounds an l is sufficiently near the publl square for business purposes. The house co t tains six rooms with all necessary out buUdinj 1 with an exoellent well of water. J. MILES LEE Hat. 19 34 8t '; Nn!t ! Nalt! Salr I fjpilK undersigned lias on hand a largo lo J ? SALT, which he proposes lo extiliaiffa fur nil kinds o produce, ai I he highest price for produce, i application is mado immediately. W. J. WlNOO. , At Twitty's Old Stand. | 84 ll_ 11 Instate Notice, ! 1 A LL persons having -laiine* against the es IJL tate of WILLIAM LIPSCOMII, Jr., de ! ; censed, are hereby notified to present them dtt I 1 ly proven and a 1 persons indebted to said es i tate to make payment, to the undo signed. r WYATT L1P8C011B, Administrator November 2G 34 tf. Jr*nl>lic? Nalo! J WILL offer for snle lo the highest bidder al Spartanburg (J 11., on enlesday next. A . & LOT in the Village of Spartanburg, | formerly occupied by John A. Lec. The lloust I is a frame building confnining thace rooms, 1 Kitchen, Smoke Mouse, Stables Ac., on the 1 premises. The Lot contains tlnee uo es. , j ALSO 1 ' Four hundred acres of Wnod-lnnd lying with: I in three miles of Spartanburg Village. Terms Cash ! Purchasers to pay tor nancm W. C. liENNE IT. November SC 34 2t. Executor's Sale. WILL he sold at the late resilience ol JOSEI'II McMILLAN. ?en> . deceased, ou Wednesday. the vd day of DKt'KMUEJt J next, the following personal property, viz: 3 .MOaKOKS, Wheat, Corn, Fodder, Cotton, llOHSKS, Catile, sheep, Household and KIT HEX' FtJ N ITU RE, &c. S?M on a credit of twelve tiionlis, with in' teres! from date tor all sums over five dollars. Sums under five dollars cash JOSEPH McMlI.LAN, Jr., Exccu'or. Nov'r 34 2t*. SlierilPs Sales FOR DECEMBER, 1863. II >Y virtue of an Execution issued by the Tax Collector of Spartanburg District, tor the Confederate State* in 1 will sell befjrc I ho Court door at Spartanburg, i on the first V'oudny in December next. iJlKMJ acres of laud, more or lea-, or no much as will I pay said Tuxes?sold as the property of M. 1), ' LTcll.-y I ALSO. One half acre lot, ni'.rc 01 .-c.!. in } the village of Spuriaubiug. bounded by J. M. I .uaK.iu no" (iiiiti'H??old lur Tmei. at the suit i of i??-? Cw?f??*?r5t5 IJtuies, ,I,c property 01 | It T Smith. A I.RO Otic half acre Jot, more or less, \ 'oiiiihiUI hy A. Urawley and James Abbott? m.u ,.i lite suit of the Confederate Si a ten for Ttixcs, an the "property of J. M. Mmon. Terms of ealc cash. A. WJNGO, i>. S. D. [ NOT 10 34 t!t Oi'cliiin i\>*s Sale. WM. T. ItKYANT. aud Wife, applicants, is, AD M KIUDY, ct. al Defcudan a. In the Court of Ordinary. BY Ttritie of an order from thet'ourt of Ordinary of Spartanburg District. 1 will sell on Sulcaduy in December next, lha following Lots of Lund vi? : 100 noses of land ntorc or Ices hounded hy lands of Wm lleid deceased. A. W T. cltride. Mtid Stephen Kirby, sold on a credit of lv months with interest from dny of s.ile. Purchasers to give hotid and two good sureties with a mortgage of the premises ?.- ...v I'uivunnr money MoM us the rest estate of Jotemiah Kir by. deceased, for par litioa and division Huong the heirs. A. WlSGl), n ?. t>. Nov 10 31 tf. O dinary's Sale. UOliEKT GAlNES and wife, vs. NANCY EDWA11D.3. AND HEW WUEELEit, and others. Defendants. In tlie Court of Ordinary. BY virtue of an order troin iho Court of Ordinary for Spartanburg District. 1 wdl sed on Salesday in December next, the following lots of laud, viz: One lot containing 165 1-2 acres umrc or less, bounded by lands of Su i.uel Morgan. Cay ton Dallinger, John Stages, and Mrs. Smith. ALSO, one other tract, containing 108 3-4 ACllES. more or less bounded by lauds of Perry Smith, Wni. Hallinger, John Wheeler, and others?sold on a sredit cf 12 mouths. I interest froui day of sale, purchasers to g-vc bond and two good aureus* ? >-! ? ? - .. of ilit' premises (o secure I lie purchase money ?sold as the reel estate of Jane Wheeler, Jeceased, for partition and division among the heirs. A. WINGO) t. s. n Nov 10 84 if Orclinary'w Sale. MAUY WIIITK. Applicant, vs. JAS. EUOI.N \\ III I E, ami others, liefciidaiiia. In the Court of Ordinary. 1)Y virtue of an order from the Court ol ^ J Ordinary I will seii on Salcsday in l)ec< ember next, ni Spartanburg Court Mouse, out r' tract I.AN1>. contain ng Hixty AcreK, j more or lr-?s. bounded by lands of John Simp' roii and others sold oil a credit of l'J months, a h inures! Irom day of sale . the purchaser* | to give bond and two good sureties, to secure I i he. purchase money ? sold as the real estate ol , John VV. White, deceased, for partition ami Idiv isiou. A WINGO. 8. S. I). Nov lit ?? , . ~ U i n ' STATE OF SOUTH OAKOUN A , MARTIN I* OORSETT, Applicant, vs WIL 1,1AM 0OS8ETT. el. *1. l>efend.iuts. In I he Court of Ordinary 1 ! Petition for ?ule of roul estate of (iabtiel ftos. sett, deceased. IT appearing to my satisfaction that William QoNsrti Coleman (?os-?eii, Simpson ftnsac'i , j ami the heirs ut law of Joseph Michael, d mime* not known. Defendant* in lltit I casr. reside beyond tlic limits <>t litis State I it i.? therefore ordered that tl.ey ?1.? up tint ( object to the division or stile of the e?lntc ot ti.tbriel tJossett, ec-used, on or before ili? 1 th day of February next, or their consent tc tlic same will be entered of record. ftivro under my baud nnd seal of office, No I ventber 12, 1^6.1 t J SO. KA RLE BOBAR, O 8. T? I I't ? ! HI 0,11 n ? -i STATU OF SOHTll CAROLINA. SPAHTAypUllO DI8TICT. 1 ClUlion tir Lc?ii|? ?f AdiMtiilratUft bf !') '' John Erale Iloatnr. Es'jr., Ordinary. Wr II KltE AS. JACKSON KOREttfg. bs*?. ed kit petition in my ofliee pntinj liwt letter* of Adiuiui*'ration, upon I lie nUIr - of ELIJAH CARLTON. dcce.uKed, on nil audi singular the goods and ch sties, rights and I credits of *aid decerned. Lite of said District, p should not he granted bint. J These nre therefore to cite and admonish ail ; and the kindred mid creditors of the ! said deceased. to be and appear in the Court of Ordinaty. for said District, to he hold, n on Monday 30th of November instant, to show . cause if any, why the said Administration should not be granted " tt i.'ness my hand and seal of office, this 'J2d B day of October. A. D.. IN13 o , w JOirN EARLE BOMAR, o. s. d. c I November 1U 31 2w s. SLAVE LABOR FOR TIIE COAST? DIViSIOiN IVO. 1. Sr . "J" THE Commissioners ol the Roads i -a. ami i tie i own authorit ies of the judi-j ciul Districts of Pickens, (jreeliville, Bpar-1 tan burg, Anderson, Union. Yoik, Cheater, y. Lauren*, Abbeville and Newberry, are tc- : j quired forthwith to ^uQinton all persona in . possession of slave? liable to Road duty} within the limit* of their authority, to deliver one fourth of their slaves liable to sueli duty at the Railroad Depots nearest the owners residence, on WEDNESDAY, * 10th December pro*., in time for the down . morning trains, lbr khiity days labor on the - fortification*. II. The Commissioners of floads and the Town authorities afore-sid will also impress and deliver at the Depots at the same time, one fourth of all mule free neuroc* between I the ages of sixteen and fifty, withiu the t limit* of their authority, tube forwarded for the same term of labor. III. The aggrcate of the calls made on this Division, including the present call, is lour months' labor of one fourth the Road hainls.? In pursuance, then, of the terms of the Acts of the Legislature, the Coiiiuiis-ioncrs of the Roads and the Tow n authorities will only require of the several slaveholders such an aim unt of labor as will, ... i, _ i.i i g r. ?vii uuuiai iu inai already luruishml. make ' up such awiKTs quo'a. the, one forth of i r ' their Hi Hid bunds l<r tour in tilth* I IV. '1 he inconsistency of calling for ( hands lor thirty tiny* which are detained 1 nixty t/ny*, is a matter beyond my control. The Act requires tuc to call for a term of ' service of thirty days, while the negroes 1 can only be discharged by orders of the I Genotal Commanding. 1 V. Persons to whom it wilt be at all . convenient to contribute labor in advance i under this call arc earnestly requested to ' | do so; the law assures litem t lull credit for it on future calls, which will Coiue probably at a less opportune season. \ I. Owners are advised to furnish their ' slaves with rations to last to Charleston. VII. '1 ho Agents scut out to rotasive the negroes, aie , rohibited Irour furu.siting : substitutes. WM. M. SHANNON, Agiut Mate Jsouth Carolina. Camden, S. C., Nov. I- 1SG3. ' Nov. 14 3 4 4j Mr Carolinian, Courier and Mercury will publish onee a week each in daily and | i 1.1- . < , m.hwhj ior lour uct-ki., utho j.jip.-r? in i the Division mitt; n wcfH '1ol" same ItUlC. JACK FOR SALE. rpiIE un<k>r.-i*;tit-tl ?ill *.'H. at puM'c ou'cry. un Sale* titty in iK'coinbvr nrxi, it No. 1 | JvOlt, n.iiil to lif ilit- l.njrf-'t in tin* l>i*trict j itn l is l?l ^''in ? old i*i*i*?<Mia de<i''iii;{ io pur : cU'ijm* prupci'jr or iL> kii.'l, wouM lo ?(i> ? ? ttllW&il. THOMAS J. DOM A11. NoTfmbjr 12 33 tf. t'oBiuissiouer's Sale. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA rf. .Alir\NBCK(5 DI6TK1CT. in tlie court or t.qully? Hill for I'uriition, ,fcc TIIOMAS ARNOLD. and othera, ts. MARY ARNOLD. IN pursuance of nu order of the Court, I will sell to (tie highest liiihltr at Spartanburg Court House, ou salesday in DECEMBER neat, A TRACT OF LAND, belonging to the real estate of N1MKO!) ARNOLD, deceased, whereon he formerly re sided, adjoining lauds of Dr. H. E. Wotford, R. I'earsmi, J Wodord, mud others, ou Ferguson's creek, containing 450 ACRES, more or less. The land will be sold in three separate lots or tracts. TERMS OF SALE: Will be on a credit of one and two years, with interest Irom day of sale. i'urcha-ers to ! gire bouu ?TI!~ anoroved sureties for the pur| chase money, n epi so onicn us TT?I! the j costs of these proceedings, which will be paid on day of sale. T. STOMO FAR ROW, C. E- S D. Oom'rs. (Hlice. No* <5, 1K<?3. 33?3w STATE 01? SOUTH CA HO LIN A. Citation for (.otters of Administration by Juo. Eario Doiuar, esq., Utdiuaiy. i V%,r HSREAS WILLIAM SCOTT h*/ filed ? r his petition tu my othce praying that I letters of Adinitiisiration. upon ilie estate of i TO LI V ER SCOTT, deceased, on all and *?n gitlur the goods and tdiaiiols, rights and credits of snid deceased, late ol said District, should not he granted hint. riie-c are therefore to cite ana aamoni?h all and singular, the kindred and creditois of the said (l?c..a*?.l 1 1 ? ? " ' ??" nf Ordinary, for said District, to he hidden on J Friday, lit* -Oth day of November, to show P j o mse if uiiy, why the said Administration .should not he granted. (liven under ray hand and seal >? office, tl-is I Ctli day of November, A. I)., 1 (tft!l. JNO. HAKLF. BUM AH, o. s. i?. Vot 12 33 2t T11K S i' A T lf( )V SO IT II CA UN LI A A i Si mitamu ao District. Citations for lo'tiem of Administration by J no. E irle Itoiuar, osq., Ordinary , ' ' -% \J I IK IIK \S COL S. N. KVINS has filed y\ hi-* petition in ray otlicc, praying that I.oners of adminis!ration, on ail and sin! gulai . I lie goods and chillies. rights and credits oi OdU W. T. TASNKH, deoeiteed, 1 laic of the District aforesaid, thould not he | granted him. These are there fore to rite and admonish all t I and singular, the kindred and creditors of the , said deed , to In- and appear in tlio tVurl of i : Ordinary, frr said District, lo he holdwn on I ( Friday, the -d. ii day of November, in*K to' l show cm-e t! any. why the said Adininistralion should not he granted. ( ( (liven under my hah 1 and seal of office, this . ' 4th day nl November, A. It , IM'S. | JOHN EAHf.K DOM A it. O. S D. , Nov I'd .1 ! ft l^OIl HKNT. ,r|^HE residence of (apt, Dl'NCAN, below i i | me Depot, will be to rent (lie next yctr. Possession given 1st Jsuiurjr- Apply i j l>. DUMCAN. .Sri ;J*J 2l ,, KXfjflNGB ?THML HO. 1. THMumond, lL Oet lltfc. 1808. IliiolWwing eonfcdcrui * ' men are bomb/ lUtlfftd duljr e*chanced: * -1. AH officers and meo.eeptured and paroled at an/ timo previous to the first of September, 1508. Thin section, however, is not intended to 4n?lude>eor dflcehi or men captured at Vick>?burg, July 4th, 1868, except such as ? ere dccl ircd exchanged by Exchange Notice No. 6. Sept. 12th. 1888, cr are specifically named in thio oblige ? But it does not embrace aH dcnt'erfes aide at City Point, or other pUcc, Worsaeptember 1st, 1803, and jritb the limitation uboved named, all cajduresat Pert-Hudson or any other place, where-the parties acre released on nurole. 2. The iitffutGenwili Pentberton, 8t#? YCiinon, Uowcn. Moore, Barton, S. P. Lee, Cu to mines, 11 arris and Baldwin,. Sud of Colonels Reynolds, Cockrell and Ppckery, the offioera and iuen belonging to the Engineer Corps and "Sappers and Miner* and the iourth and forty sixth Mississippi Regitnwnfc, nil aaptured at Vicktbuag, Jalj 4th, lb03. ?' ' > 3. The general officers captured at Vickaburg, July 4th, L8C3, were declared exchanged July 18th?iJ8G3. . EGBERT OUJ4P, Agent or Exchange. Oct. 29 20 6t *a>~ Southern fwrers puiish six tiroes, and send hills to tlio War Depkftniiat. STATE 0F SOUTlfCAROUNAT t " ADJ'T AND IX8P. GENERAL'S OFFICB, Columbia, November 2, 1KI. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 41. I GENERAL OHDER8 NO. 84, here toforo isMied frora this office, prohibited persons between the aces of sixteen mid eighteen from entering >? ?? ? ...J organizations. except such an are auihoris ed und called fur l?y the Governor an 1 Coinmandor-in chief, and, in consequence of a Pard appearing in the pnper* under the itignuture of J. II. ANDREWS, inviting persons under the age of eighteen years, itnd persons not luLle to conscription, to join a company for service beyond (he limits of this State, said order is hereby reiterated, with ibu addition, that no under the age of eighteen years, and no pen-on now liable to conscription, undrt* the Acts of Congress, in this Sisle, will bo" allowed to enter ai y such organization*.? lty command : A. C. G ARLINGTON, Adjutant and Inspector General S. if. November 5 H2 ^ 2t. fieijr Paper* ot the Slate publish twice. ? G uan/iun. lij s a " - ? ? WAK IAK NOTICE. ' N A^SEriSOtt will attend at tha r??ii? f\ pluce* at the following limes far the puroi iec?i?in- return, of T?( m K id, and return* of nil mat citiir, nura**, nuticw, n~t u>e<l in null i.ntion ; und ..<?< owned al?o of t'l tWDWd Mild Kino* lilr - till ?r April 1 Hi>:<, to ill* lit d.iy >it' Nu??mli<r l^ibt. All {teiaona wlte have la.U-J lo uii'ke retnrna of prupn i?, m ne\ aud credit*, *?iU tu.ike them wniiv ihf Ag a-?r ia tug round?alio Id .*ny fail to Jo ; ? will he tthwigrit 'J-t per CCUI on their lax? U A-aesnor wul nlao Ulia return* fnr (iro-a .Saiva and 11.c ipla on all i(||iiiler?il buaiuers. 10 v.; : At A. C. Couiur. * educe da , 11.1. N'oitmlir. Vcrnourrille. Tnurad jr, 1'Jlli Nofcuibar. Johnsou'a. FriJ.y, loth November. Kuriun'*. Sntui day, 1-iiU November. M. E. Oclaud'a, Moudajr, 16;h No Tern her. Itui ry apriu|*, TuritUy, 17th Nn.rmbi*. 11 nun A,tiiii|ia. it riliieitditr. Ihtli November. W ilk.ii* a {Store. Tbursilaj, 10th November. Fingvi svillo, Fi nUy. -0th November. Cberiikw Sjirliiji, fiaiunlny 'Jtn November. l'aculett brpol, Monday, 2<ird November. i uurii s, iuesday, -Hh November. Munre'a Mills. YV ednesdny. 25 November. I'oud. Thunwlny, 2'iili November. Limestone Spring*, 1'ilh November. G let-it spring*. inut.-JAy 12th November. Ili'bt on. Friday IJlth November. Catftua' Old Field, Saturday, 14th Nevem* bcr. Gentry's, Monday, 10th, November. Waiuiit Grove, Tuesday, 17'h November. Cross Anchor, Wednesday, 18th November, llobbynvilte, Tltutttlity, 10th NoveiSber. Woodruffs', Friday, 'jOtli November. Casbville, Saturday. 21 at November. Ke'dville. Monday. 25d November, l'ollaril'a Mill, Monday, lt'.th November. Cannon's Store, Tuesday, 17th November. K Wab'a. Wednesday. 18th Noveaiher. McKelvoy'a, Thursday, 10th November. Maooiitaon's Store. Friday, 20th November. Webster's Store, Smut-day. 21st November. Hotting Mill, Monday, '.'2nd November, lttringsville, Tuesday, 2JJrd November. Cruwtordsville. Wednesday, 24ih November. The Hooks are now ripbu and will remain open at my other until 25th inn to receive tasas on property, money. Ac., and on gross sales and receipt* on llegistercd business. The duties of iny other are so imperative, that I a at prevented trom going round t* collect the taxes ?consequently all must cull at my ofhe* to pa/. J W. WKIWKIt. Ooilector 27ih Collection Diuriet. VoTnnh*r 6 32 tf. .Wanted to Hire. P liSKKAh want's will be paid for frfi A toi-M or twenty hands to jork oa GOV1-;KNMKNT STORK IHlflE near . Alston Depot, junction of S. A U. A G. & C. R. R. Two or three Carpenters are desired with implements for hewing, Ae. S. o. MKANfl, Captain an - A. C. S. Sept. 3 23 tf NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. HAVING been appointed the Agent by the I'M Cltiarfrmatler, for the receprioa of the Tax in Kind and having received *aeks for the sail Tax, I hereby give notice that 1 a at now ready to receive the l ax in Kind, and that packs may be had hy application to me at the Depot of the S & U K K. The Tux will bo received a* per assessment, excepting wheat, which as ill be received at the mill's as heretofore. JOHN n. HARDY. October 29 31 tf ESTATE NOTUB. A 1,1. person* n string ?lcniftDUs kgtiRii lb# tslklc of Jas. it. Ilurnelt, dcreated, new hereby notified in preseat them duly Mtiitea ; and persons indebted to said estate to r.r#ke payment to the midlbigned, E. K. fintNETT, AdfcV Oct SO 81 Mr LOST. A? .VI Confederate Bote ?u loet two or ft # weeks sinoo, in the vicinity of tbft Depot - it watt supposed to he count# rfeit. If ooy one has found it, they will he rewarded bf tearing it at this oilice. >o\ember ti G? '4w