The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, September 03, 1863, Image 3

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mwi~r rriin ?woU?ia spartan, VBSi W ^ kTox^JU, Tenneiier Th? Cmrvlimian of September 1st aeya : Pa? opfera rtato that there < uo doubt but that KuOKTille, Teuneseee, ia occupied by the Fed* WtheVawi partletflnta. It ia preeuaa W.-WM Itnoa BroWn low trill at onco resus MaUtloJVhig.' *V? Kmioh to Dlitrmt. Iwnitry Memminger haa made out a state Btat ef Treasury notes to August 8, 1868, 4iM says the amount Issued up to this date U '9028,114,406, and the total amount funded it 9464,464,670?(a circulation *817,846,670. Far tbe' CfroMna Spnrtan. A fUra \n lite Rear. MO WORST YN SMIKS AT SCR OWN DOORS. v 'ItnOfitB. Editors : We hare now before oui a most striker verification ofjbeolc iaexlm * Brcry Mfa is a wnrm friena in t Wight day t but night scatters the soalles! ' sycophants " Our late reverses and the" sup 'posed oritioal condition of our Gorerumen have tried men's souls. We need no ornculai suspenses now to inform us who aro the friends had who tbe enemies of our cause. The mar Whe pre Hots the downfall; nay, proclaim! the dee/A of the Confederacy, that lie may dij up treasures for himself out of its m&uimotl frars?is he its friend? The man who rips Open its ucliest Sores, ilirirrnralat iia wnrai maladies, ml warns others to stand aloof? that with ears shut against the eries. and nost barricaded against the stench which he himseli has raised ?he alone may coin millions out 01 tkr^fBrering vitals ! Can there be any doubi Of his present standing? Any question as tc the side which lie would take, did the encinj come within his reach ? Such mciT arc cnc sales of tho deepest dye?more injurious thai: %hele regiments of the invading foe! It it Vine thai a registry were made of such-nnmcs sad that they were taken care of as the worsi ? ef incendiaries, tho most deadly assassins ! If it be treason to encompass the life of & Gov ernment, how can they be reckoned itinoceni of the deadly offence, who with the Qoeerumeni domd! and proclaim its desolation inevitable! Those who advise rteonttruelion?what do tliej bat advoca'e the worst of all despotisms, in preference to our own free, enlightened, constitutional government ? What more just, then, than that they should bo sent at once where they can have it to their heart's content ^?beyond the fine* f Those who, now that tht ear of State is by all the power of the Government, aided by millions of patriotic titUcns, urged forward to the summit of triumph?arc found behind, oiwqqinn its icheefs !?would s .thousand deaths exceed their deserts ? Those who, after all the atrocities that hare beeti perpetrated upon our unoffending and helpless citizens ; in view also of tho terrific efforts which the enemy are still making to destroy our cities, desolate our whole land, and exterminate its inhabitants?advocate unconditional osbmittion to the yoke of bondage and the iron heel of oppression?how should they be regarded but as datiard*. loo mean to live upon the hallowed earth of freemen! In the name ef all thai is sacred let such live itack be looked after, and prevented from polluting Confederate atmosphere with such demoralising, contaminating, ^ygian breath ! If ?t Um command of an angel of the Lord, the bitterest cartes were pronounced ngainst Meroz and its lagging tyrujKithuere with the enemies of Israel because they came not up in the hour of peril, *'to tho help of the Lord againat the mighty" ?-what may not those expect who not only refuse in any manner to aid the Government of thoir oountry, but prevent, or dissuade others from doing it T It is treason now to despair of the Con fed eracy, or utter a sentiment unfavorable to our fine! and speedy triumph. ' The cause is God's afed it must prevail* After havinw ?rn??p<t the Red Sen?guided through it by ?n Aimigh ty band? it ie treason ngainst both earth and heaven, to sigh for Egyptiau bondage, and refVise to tako full possession of the promised land! The call now is waxing louder and louder for every man to itand in his lot?allow no retrograde movement?<or every uinu who has the eoul of a man within him now to play the men ?utterly excluding from liia ears every other watchword than this : Death or victory ; independence now and independence forever.? Taking this position, and discharging our whole duly as it may devolve upon us-'be Ood io whoin we trust helping us ? triumph peace, and prosperity, will soon be ours.1? Unittdye Hand. Divided! No! Blotted bt that word fiom the soil of the Confederacy? or rather transferred let it be beyond the linet along with all of Lincoln's minions and sympathisers I LEONIDAS SPARTAN. CtJAtti.F.soN, August 31.?The batteries on both sidcli, last night, kept up a heavy and uninterrupted firing. This morning, the firing continues, hut was skwer. Last night, while the transport steamci Sumter was rcturnin^ftjroiii Morr s Island with the 28d !"outh .Carolina Regiment which had been relieved, she was opened upon by mistake from Baterry Bee, and sunk. Bevoral soldiers were killed and wounded or drowned. I1ATK8T.?About noon today, twomoni ton approached and opened fire on Sumter but were aoon driven off by Fort Moultrie and Battery Qregg. At 2 o'clock p. m., ?J the monitors stood in close to Fort Sumter firing briskly at that po-o, l'opt Moultru aod Mattery Oregg for nn hour. Th' figln ww severe, Moultrie anil our Sullivan's Island batteries firing very rapidly. Soot after 8, the monitors withdrew?-mine huv ing been struck frouuently Occasions firing from the land butteries is heard to night. \ ? -m m m Richmond, August 25.? Inforuiation was reoeived this morning of he capture ol the Yankee gun-boats Sutlcllite mid llcli aoee, off the mouth of the Kappahunnocl. on Saturday night, by u smull party ol ~ marines, under command of Col. T. Wood of tbo President's 8ta?T. Tlio gun-boats luln/. -.1 ? - ??? vw>u iituci, \ \\\ c cap tared after slight resistance, by the Con federates, a bo approached ill our beats, * Several of tho crew killed and u nuaiboi wounded, anions them Lieut. floge, of the Navy. Various trophies were scoured frosr1 the captured vessels and about 60 priaoUPfts, who ore now on their way to Hich aoad, inoluding Copt. Robertson, of the Rattelhte. , An officii-! report (Voni Taylor Wood, Lieufecannt Commanding the recent cxpeditiq^to the -month of tho llAppahnnnock, coflfron tha rapture of tho Satellite kr, ' ? f * 0 Lilt tr KUIM WoMlH Of Coap?nj$., Boigtabt Legion, sine* the *ar bogtn, up-to August, IBM. Wounded, print* W. A. Chapman, head,* Kdisto Island, 8. 0. Wounded, Sergt. J. M. Daniel, ankle. Rappahannock, via Culpepper C. H. i 1. j fn .i,. , V n - nvunucu, prim II. V/. mm, nip, n?pp?hannook, vik Culpepper 0. H. .Killed, Bvrgt Jno. H. Windle, leg lorn off, S?ppihinMek, Tit Culpepper 0. II. Killed, private James Ooseett, breast, Rappahannock via Culpepper C. II. Wounded, private N. B. Camp, leg, Manaa?as, via Culpepper C. H. Wounded, private J. M. Seajr, head, Manas 1 las, via Culpepper.C, H. 1 W unded, private Lewis Bocae, Arm, Manas' sm via Culpepper 0. II. Wounded, private Win* J. Woetin, breast, Manassas, via Culpepper C. ft, * Wounded, private Laoj Weathers, head, leg and hand, Mamtasa*, via Culpepper C. IT. ? [ Wounded, ptivate P. A. Ramsour, breast, t *Jfinassas. via Z. il , Wounded private J. W. Nelson, I ead. Manassas. via Culpepper C. II. I Killed, Sergt. J. 0. Harris, head, Manassas, via Culpepper C. H. , Killed, Sergt. John W. Martin, leg, Manas, gas, via Culpepper C. II. , Killed, private E. W. Turner, head, Manas, ias>, via Culpepper C. II. , Wounded, Lieut. J. A. Tollesoii, arm. South , .Mountain. I Wounded, Sergt. R. 11. Tuck, Shoulder, South Mountain. , Killed, private T M. Tuck, 8outh Mountain* f Killed, private W. R. Miller, South Mounp tain. I Killed, prrvate Jno. L. McCVriooh, Soufh , Mountain. , Wounded CapU J. M. Beet, head. Sharpsburg. , Wounded, private A. J. Tolleson, leg. Kin, ft on. N. C. Wounded, private J. W. Dye, licnd, Kiuston, ; N.C. i Wounded, private J. W. Godfrey, urra, Kin. ston, N. C. t Wounded, private rink Cole, knee, Kinafon, f N. C. Wounded, priveto R. Brannon, knee, Kin ston, N. C , Wounded, Capt. J. M. Boat, leg, Jackson, Mississippi. Wounded, private J. W Caldwell, arm. , .Jackson, Miss. Wnumlptl. tirivnfA H RnrrKt UAbjwi , Mississippi. Wounded, private Wm. ficlclier, fobt, .Tnckson, Mississippi. CIIvV?COAL. WANTED IMMEDIATELY 1.0C0 ltushels of CHAHOOAL. for Unve< nmont u>?. f.r wiiich a good price will he paid. W. D. MILS TEH, Agent. I. O. O. F, f A REGULAR meeting of Morgan Lodge No J\ 19. will be held Friday evening next 1 at the usu il hour of meeting. Members wilt ' please attend. I J. M ELFORD, Sec. i Sept 3 -3 ltr. FOR COXCSRKSS. *ar We arc authorized to announce Hon. JAMES FARROW a can /idnte for re-election to the Congress of the Confederate States, as Representative from the 5th Congtessional , District. 1 tar We are authorized to announce A. WINUO as a candidate for Sheriff of Sparfati' burg District at the next election ?on the Ld Monday in September next. f June IS 12 tc Wanted to Hire. D IBEItAL wa(;e? will lie paid for lit" ! .1 .A tccn or twenty hands to work on ' GOVERNMENT STOKE HOUSE near i Alston Depot, junction of S. ?V U. A (J. ,1 I C. 11. 11. Two or three Carpenters are desired with implements for hewing, Ac. | S (V MR A MS I Cu plain au A. C. S. 1 Sept. 3 23 tf 1 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA* * ItrAKTAXBtTHO Ot'THICT. ' Citation fur Letters of Administration by Jno. * Katie Bomar, esq., Ordinary. ' \\l HEREAR Hi RAM MITCHELL ban filed * v It its petition iu uiy othoc praying t bat letters of Administration, on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights nnd credits of < apt W II .1 MITCHELL, dcc.'d, late of the State of South Car Una should he granted him. i Tlie-e are therefore to cite nn<i aomcnish all and singular, the .kindred nnd cieditors of the said deceased, to he nnd appeai in the Court 1 of Ordinary, for said District, to be holden on Wednesday, the Oth day of September, to show i cause if any, why the said Adiuinist rat ion should not be granted. Given under my hand and sea! ui otfice, H is 2Cth day of Xugust, A. I) . 1SH3. JNO. EAKLE BOM All, o. s. p Sept 3 28 8t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. SPAKTANBUKO DISTRICT. W. R. FOWLER, applicant, vs. J. F. FOWLER, et al defendanis. ' ; Petition for sale of Real Estate of Thomas W. | Fowler, dee'd. i appearing '<i my an!lafaction that Ab-a ' I A '0,? B,.bo ft"d wife Elizabeth Bobo, and 1 J7*F. Fowler, delenduntn in thin raw, reside | without thin State : it is therefore ordered that | they do appear and -object to the division or ' rale of tbo Real Estate of Thos. \V. Fowler, > dee'd., on or before the MOih day of November * next. or the coneeot of the ?nme will bo enter I ed of record* Viivon under my hand and seal of office this ' August 10, 1868 J NO. E. BO .MAR, o. s. n. 1 Sept 3 *23 3ra Wnr Tax > ol too. | A LL persons who are, or huvc boon IX engaged in distilling fruit or grain since the 24th of April, 1803, or have sold 8pirituuu" I/tqaora in any quantity i since that time, must call ut lay otfioc on f or belbre the , lb S -pi. (inst,) make their registry, pay the specific tax, together with , tiic tax or all sales. Lawyers, physicians, dentists, photographers, hotel, inn, rating , house, or tavern ko -pent, howling alley or i billiard room owners. l>ruggi?ts, butch cr>. bakers, pedlars, confectioner*, livery . stable keepeis, cuttle bio'tcrs, tobacconist, . commission mere'.-nts, and commercial brokers, jujjlerg . ad exhibitors id' eh we, i nnd retail and who. -ale dealers will rejrisuir. pay Iho ep'-oitto 'a* and ^cncrnl tux j on such business by the above ttmC." Should any fail to register nnd pay the tax by the ah<>ve time, will have to pay 'double the epceitio tax, end a like suni for every HO days of such failure. J. ... WEHBKR, Collector 27th (Spar'a nlwir^r) Collection Di$t. Kep* 8 SCT It i ^"sTATfir^ Executive Department, Charleston, Annual 25. 1863. WHEREAS, THE PRESENT (JONI TION OK the oouutvy requires the orj^a ixution of an activo and efficient b<nly troo|m who inay tnWo the field upon a 11: meet's notice .o tnoct with promptdcsh^i sudden incursion wi ieh iuuy ho made tho enouiy into our Stale; and whereon i the purpose of *able th ?t the entire arn tearing population over 16 years of uj ! not in or liable to Confederate serv?^ I exemnted th? re from for public piirpos mould i?e ordaini ed into eics: Now, therefore I, MtLMl' G!! I,. B(J II AM, Governor and Com in Ch hi and ovur the State of i.. u.ii v'arolt call upon the people of the State to at ot organize themselves in accordance with I orders heieunto annexed from the Office the Adjutunt and Inspector General, so to afford our own and the women and el drcn of our brethuo in arm?, the most eft tual protection mid security. The seeo organization called for Is in accordance w the recommendation of the Pre-ldent to l Governor, and is upproved as the best ganization lor all who may not he inelud in the organization of "Volunteer St; Troops. * M. L. 13UN11 AM STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Ai>j't and Insp'ii Gkneiiai.'s Office Chahlbhton, August 24, 1803. [GENERAL ORI>ERS, No. 30.] I TO CARRY INTO EFFECT Tl FOREGOING Proclamation of ! Excellency the Governor, it is ordered tl the following Volunteer State Troops be ..11. .. '? cepieu imu pitviw, vu: wnr uc^niicht .Mounted Infantry to consist often Coin nics, two Companies of Cavalry and i Company of Flyinjr Artillery. Tlie Ct I panics oi Mounted Inlantry to Consist not less than seventy ?iufit and nut tin one hundred men, exclusive ofcouiuiissi ed officers; of Cavalry, to consist of not 1 than sixty (C>U) and not more than cio| (N't) men, exclusive of coiiiinisnoiicd fleers; and tlie Company ol Artillery i less than cijjhty (^O) and not more one hi dred (lOthmen, exclusive of commissioi officers. When the Companies of >lou e l Infantry and Cavalry have heen orir: itcd- and accepted, Ficid Officers will election under older troni this office. II The Com panics authorised to rnis?sl umier the preceding paragraph this order vv i I he com nosed of effect1 men who arc over the ajre of sixtivti yea ] who are not subject to, or who ar<- exen from Confederate Conscription, tind who | nut bolonjr to the urbanization 1mi< ly ord cd nf troops fur ktcnl di-lincuainl,;x hiui.i special service. These troops will br rr til by Hie State?the Artiitevv to i.avi llattery of four pieces?but they will [> vide themselves with hor.-es. Their | (to bt'bin when they are ordered into at: uj service^ will bo the same as that allow in tlie Cutifederate service I Ti>" *'?'t?rr?-f?r cents per^1 ay fur each lu r e. They v hold themselves"in readiness ! !:e tield a moment's i otice, and to do s-tv >ee in a part of the State, under th orders ol t Governor. The Companion will he aee? eu in ord* r in which their rolls ami ii-i? Officers aire prcscnlc>l at th s Office. ;? tlu'V will de iH.ieh ' l to the. "Militia It, I I tnents in which they are raised, until 01 I cd into >crv i 111. in addition to tin- above, nr-ani tion, Companies urbanized m aeeord u witli the Act id I'lin^i' > ol the ldth Oe ber, 1 St) , (IuTi w ith published. will be ccptcdon furnishing tlieir roils as ivijnii by said Act. And one ol siid Coir pan in each tJudiciul Ihstricta con-isting of t less than eighty men. exelu ive el'offiei and having it* rendezvous at the Coi llouso of tl.o I'istrict, will ho armed the Suite. The remainder of the Com] :u : i .i i mcs win promo ineiusiMvps \vi n an Ammunition, as far as th- im-'iis of t Slate will permit, will be furnished air the allies. Hv cotuui ti l, A C CAKUNUTOX, A.?j' t and Inspector timcial of S t'. No. -S.? AN ACT to au'lmrizc t I1 formation ot volunteer companies for lo defence. 'Ilo Congrrs* f t Ci>' ('mi/lili'ratr Stn , of America tin rmtrf. That for the pi | pose of local defence in any portion of i Confederate Slates any nu:ul*er <?f pern not lc>s tli to twenty, wto are over the u of forty-five yea~s, or otherwise not lial to military duty, may assoei iti thctnseb as a Military Company, elect their o officers, and esfaltltsh rules and rcoulatii for their own trovcrnuiout. and shall Considered as belon^mu to the IVovismi Army of the Cos federate Stales, serri without pay ir allosanctii, and entifli I when captured by the ctiuniy, to all I ; privileges of prisoners of war : I'mvnh | ihat such Company shall, as soon as pr i licuhic. transmit tlu-ir n.iuinr ...II I of the nuiiii'S of the officers und priva thereof, to the Dover nor of the State, t Commanding < of the l>c|iirtinc or any Hri^adicr-bJenoral, in the Slate Confederate service, to he forwarded tot Secretary of War; but the J'reaident j the Cotninander of the Military :>istr > may, at tiny time, disband such Com] I nion That in the States a . Districts >>i which the Act entitled " . I Act to further provide lor the public < fence," approved Apr 1 10, 1 So-, and t j Acts utiieti Jatory thereof, have lieon si ' ponded, persons of any a^c, resident wit in sueh States or Districts, may volutin and form part of SUvh Ooinp nnes, so In JIH K UP I) HUSpellSIUIl Ulliy eoilM.U ' ! /Vf ifnt, That no person shall become :t me l>cr of such Company until he shall ha first Nikon the outh of allegiance tr> t ' Confederate States ??t America in wi itm | a copy of which .-halt l?i tiled with t in list ei roll of said Company, *u ubo prescribed. DcJ' Capers of the Stale copy tlir times. Sept. 8 ^3 fit PoSTT VMUGb uuidi JTV IIOUIRR pencil, vhIi a dark soli ami ?i.. ' ; ft. Any nnc finding and rstufr.'.tut tl wilt liberally wrwrded H II THOMSON Swpt. R | Claim Agent. IrpirF. following tH-moov are requested to call ' and receipt for money* I hare received for olaim- J. M. KLFOHD. Tito* J lluvtii. I Thoe J Rolliae, John While I .1 M T.eonMaa Ciwli, Wiley Vnugbn I I'Hwo.i ("ash. II. M. Mct'arlt^il. I A K Smith J. 1). Kii/jeraUl. J. M, Smith, Sept 8 'Si If THE EXERCISES OF MRS. EWAKT'f SCHOOL. IV' ILL bo resumed on TUESDAY, 1st of )f. V> .Sept :in ier. Thankful to Iter patrons ; in. for past favors, she solicits a continuance of - the same. n.\TKo or TriTiox : Latin, with all the English branches, $1.00 ny per month. by Primary Department, ? . . 3.00 lor Contingent Fee, . . . . 60 us- j Au8 -1 ^22 If 4?t | PlR flCVL&R I?6t1CE| Our friondi arc again notified that the CASil is invariably required for all Advertising and ob Work done at this office. We hope tills .' .. will be remembered. tef I iia, THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA tee ? . _ ! oi \iit\Nnma lmstiuct. J lie Citations fi?r Letters of Administration by Jno. I')arl? Bottiar, o^<j., Ordinary. VI T II HULAS JAMKS WILSON baa tiled \j bin petition in iny oflice, praying lC." that Letters of administration, on nil and lH'i singular, the g>>nds and chatties, rights and iili cri'tliii* of WILLIAM DAVIS, dee'd, late of ho the District aforesaid, deceased, should bo or granted hint. I . These arc I here for? to cite and ndmonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deed., to be ami appear in the t'rurt of Ordinary, fr.rsnid District, to be liolden on , Friday, tho Itli day of September next, to show cause if any, why tHo said Admiulstra tion should not he granted. I Qivott under my han l and seal of ofScc, this 20th day of August. A. D , 1M'.3. JOHN LAKLK BOM AH, 0. S. I>.' August "_'T 2'J 2t IE| ~ STATE OF SOIJTII CAKOLINA! lis ! I j ADJ'T. AND IN8P. GKNF.RL'B OFFICE, "J ciiaiu.kston, august 22, 1 s?>:3. f ac:. fOKNKit \I, ORDKRS No. 3f> | T TI1K COMMANDING OKSICKUS ?a" JL OK Til K RKfilM KNTS lately or^ " c pi nixed lor liocnl Defence an?l Special Scrvice in the State; arc required to furnish 0 Major O. D. MKLTON, Coinuiaudaut C*?n[ scripts S. with complete Hulls of tho ",l* j persons in their r< snective commands be ' j twcc.n the :?ees of forty and forty-Gvc years; '' ! land tlie t'oTiiinudinj; Olficcrs of :litia He-'iinciits and other Slate organizations, " l will furnish to Major MKDTON complete '"J Rolls ol all persons in their rniumunda bo11 twceii the t ees of eighteen jiiJ forty five n t- ? years. 1,1 ****** l?v command. A. C. (IARRIN(JT()N I ( I A lju'uiit ami 1 nspcctor-ljcncral Sjuth ,(J. iV.n.Una. i r-f-rf Tapers of this State will publish three u< times. Is' I August 27 _3t__ 1 THE ST VTE OF SOUTH CAROLINA r-i sr.iUTANMJRa lUSTRK'T. iIm j II. WOFFORH \NI> U. UOFFORD. Ei>. 1J(. . Applicant. e a 1 ,sJ. W. WOFI ORD, anil other*. Do einlants. r<?- i Petition for Final Settlement an 1 Decree. n\ i ? r" H. WoFFORD AND ..FllKMI All WO I* FORD, el | lix'r-.. Applicants. ! f " ? - _ ,jjj i f. V . W(AFFORD, et nl D.-feinltnftO' a( t l*oiIiton for Final Settlement anJ Decree. I a liV ! III. WOl'FO'tP. Vlministruiar, Applicant, l'f I S. W. TF'w'KKR. el ??1 I^f-'R'lanls. i id i , I I' :?t>pe > .(? to mv ?atisfn<*ti?:i tl?it .1 \\ . ' I "? ..a-'tl < White airt her chiMren jfi* heirs of Ju<t \ Tnekon dwriMtl; .1 W i- fiM'.-i-. R t GiMu.ii Mart In l"?*wuU, Mary fotell ..ti t Vui?n<i* Potfril, iho lioirs ?t law / ( < ! Vin *y Tucker, dueo??.-l ; the heir* at law J 1 Vi. Turki-r, d-ccaved. and the heirs ot 111 lliri n Tuekcr. dui^'nsoJ, a'nt? in the .iiiovu stated cases, reside l>i!)'oii<l the limits tic- <>t th'.s Slate ; it is theiTtoeo ordered that they "oil appear at the Court ot Ordinary, to he It>_>!<! >u ie.s l*-?f S|?ariaii'?urg District, at Sj arlatihurg t uurt Motis... on the 6th day of November next, to " show enuso if any ex ts why final settlements ir*b of said estates should not be made and decrees ill t rendered thereon. by J NO. EARLF. P.OMAR, O. S. D EJ A?? 4 VJ 3m_ [THE STATBOF SOUTH CAROLINA. j SPARTAN ifl'IKi DISTRICT f" W T ItKIANT AND WIFE LUCY, appl.canls, I vs. ADEN Klltliy. ft. al. Defendants,* Petition for sale cf real estate of Jeremiah ' he I KiH,y ,lec ,L | T appe iriug to n?y satisfaction that Aden L' I 1 K rhy, and the lepal heirs and repicsen" taiives of Emantud K rhy, dee'd., names not 1,'s, reside without this State. It isthereur. j lure ordered that they appear and object to the |i0 1 di ision "?r sale of the red es'ate of Jeremiah I KIrhy, dee'd.. on or before the 110th day of i ( next, or their consent to the same lit' will be entered of reiord. iilo , Witness my had and seal of ofl'.ce, July i]8, ;e? 18(5H. " JNO. K Roil A It, o. s. t> j August 6 IV Um In j SPARTAN HI HO DISTRICT. TIH>\| \s HriUiKSS and others, ComY?Im tTt:t fit.<*. vs. JOHN HI'KOKSS.Lucinda Abratfi?, William Burges ami others, Dependents. 1 !' appearing to my satisfaction that Emily Hurges, Mary, Dec7an, Virgina Hu- ; ges, minor children of James Burgess, j rcpresented hy Thomas Burgess, guardian , o</ ii'trni, John Burgess, LuciuJa Abrams, j W illiam Rin g ss, Joshua Burgess, Eleanor ! u' Jones, and hei husband Lewis Jones, 1 Oeorgc Ku>tcr\vood and his wifo Mary 1 la.-U'i'Xverd, John Jones and his wife A- 1 maiidu Jones, heirs and lognl represents lives of William Burgees dec.'d, rcsid) j " front aii>l beyond the limits of this State. It is on motion of ('onijduinniitM Solocitor, 0 ordered that they appear ami plead, an,s j swer ty do inn r to complainants hill of com- , 'l plaint within three months from the pul>- 1 ,>r ligation of this rule, or the same will be "P taken pro cniifsso against them. " I T. STOItO KA?;HOW,c. F..8. n. 111 1 Spartanburg C. II . August 10. 1803. i August 13 80 8in igj 3NO T I O VZ he 4 LI. person* holding claims ngainst the Vo j\ Esia e of ANDREW IIOXNKit, dec d, cm present them properly Hitesied. to cither one of .lie undersitfi.ed tor selifotnent. 00 ' ) IKtNNKIl.t .. . El>to lloNNEIt, ; Lso1 ALSO, those holding claims against the Ks. I late ol Dr. I'. IHlNNEK, deo.'d. tiro roi|uestcd , |> i.i pre en I them properly attested to the until dersigned, and tlios.j indebted to said Estate, ; ' aso comj lot ward and tunjyi. settlement. I.D .at' INN i: K. hint It* 1- 'I > j liaaasgasaMi PEOCLAKATJOH. r|l !IE ACT OF AS8Btf*LY, passed JL wiili the view of enabling (he Executive to"f?rni*h *urU labor mm the Commanding General of this Department might deem necessary lor Const Defence, having proved ineffectual for the acootnplisl nieut of its object ; and tho .danger to Charleston at this moment being so imminent as to iuipcll hiiu *o impress tits' labor of such persons as have not heretofore furnished their quota: Now I, MILLKDCE h. BOX II AM, Governor and Commander-in-Chief, regarding the labor called fi?r of the last importance to Charleston and the State, and also to tho success of the great cause which all have so much at heart, do approve of the step* take a hy the Commanding* General to obtain tho labor necessary for the preservation of the country, and ! call upon all Commissioner! of lloads to afford tho AvreH'- anoointcd by him cvory . facility in ascertaining and applying to such cprsons as have not heretofore furnished their quota. The thank* of the country nrc due to those patriotic citizens who have sent down voluntary labor. An earnest appeal is again made to such as have already fur nM "1 lub"r- whether voluntary or under the'law, to send for .7.-^ now, and prompt ly, all that they can spare. 1 have, in -addition to the call of tho Commanding General, the assurance of -C hicf E ngineer of the Cotifodciate Army, now in this Department, that ho deems u large increase of labor essential to the completion of works necessary for the defence of the city. Given under my hand and the Seal of the State, at Charleston, the 27th [l. S.]dny of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three M.L.BON II AM. W. II. IIliNT, Deputy Sec'ry of State. ' 3fc$rOharlot,ton and Columbia papers' publish three times, aud other papers of the State once. Sept. 3 23 It THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. Citation for Letter* of Administration by Jno. Karlc Bonrnr, Ordimry, IVIir.i LAS MARY SMITH Ins filed her * e*. :>oi\ in my Office, pray inn lor Let tern nl idiuinipir ition of ihe L>t:it?- andcfTeet* I I .! !. I. I'll, dee'd ..lute of ibo District nt'ti . -should not be grnrttcd her. Tne?e nr wire fore to cite mid admonish all mid Hiiigtil.*., ' lie kindred and creditors of i lie said Jno. L> .Smith, dee'd., to be mid appear in ihe ' ourt of Ordinary, for snid District, I to be bolder, on Mc lithiv. the Tih ?liiw nf i (ember next, (u show viiin if any, why the ! said Administration -liuuld not be granted. Hi veil under my and ?eil of o:hce, this I 24lh day ot August. A. L> , 18t?J. J. K. BO.\l.\R, o. ft. d. Aug 27 22 2t . f*:*<>.<><> HeAvard VY7 ILL be paid for the apprehension and | T ? delivery of UEORH K MORIK ?\V. to the Sheriff of Spurt an ui g Distriff. Said Morrow in n member, of ffompany F, IJJth Regiment, S. C. V., and deserted his command about the loth ol las; April. Hv is 18 years of agc.o feel high. dark complexion, dark hair, and eyes dark. A C. COl'KLAXD, Capt. Co F., |.%h F?*gt. *>. C. V. Aug 20 Si tf !|4:K).<m> Reward. 1-AOU the appreherfsinn nod delivery to the ^ Sheriff ol Spartanburg l)i?t i ir?, S. C? the r.1 a- <u?o4>*r< um Company, to wit: IVivule* J. A. fllllrrlN, res lenee near l.eidvll'e I'. O. J \S. BITCH, near Keidvllo P. (). And JOHN J. MARSH. Spartanburg C 11., S. (I. Will be paid $*30 reward for each. J. K. BROCK.MAN. C.apt. Co. H.. l.'lth Regiinent, S. C. V. August 20 21 2i Oloioi Aifocyv ^ T the request of many. I w.U leave again /V f r Richmond. V i , on or ab >.it the Idtli <>t September, for die purpose of attending to claims du to deceased#.;niters. Ftddieva disciuirgeil. and thoee <>n extended furloughs. 1 shall visit the different companies that htTYg lift this Hi oriel to obtain Captain's ccrtUioUcs, hose interested, and those not having heard from their ol-tiiii* aire uly filed for months past. will lio well to call oti me a:id uiitkc inquiry about litem. ' I urloiiglK* I stldi.-rs mtist Live t'acir furInuglia rttcnileil i? die l?'tli or 1 oiIt of Ocio'.er. hiorhirgd *ol?li;i'S rnnst j>r?-cnt ifr'.r ilischtrijce t'JO J- M. KLFOKl),-Agent. Angus HI 4t Town Ordinance. llo it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Spartanbti'g, ibat from and after the passage of this urdinauce it shall not be lawful fur any negro slave or Free person of color to own or hold in their own right a horse or horses, uiule or uiulcs, waggon or waggons, to be used or hired for their use or benefit; under penalty in case of vtoiution~ of this ordinance that such horse mule or wagon shall bo seized and sold and tlie funds accruing from the sale of Mich property be appropriated for the tiuhlie L'Oinl t?f ?ln? He it lurtlier ordained. That from and after the passage of this ordinance, that it shall not be lawful for any negro or negroes to occupy any house or houses within the corporate iiuits of the town of Spartauburg unless o tied by riieir respected owners in their own right, or unless some ri sponsible white person remains in charge of thetu on the premises, or spoeial permission be granted by the town authorities. I'nder penalty in case of a violation of this ordinance the owner-; of such slaves, or guardians of free persons of color shall pay the sum of not tes&than ?f? pr. day, lor every day such offence is committed. When ms, the goats roaming at large within the town of Spartanburg have been often complained of by the citirons, and have been reported to the town authorities as a public nuisance. Therefore, be it ordained, that from and after the passage of this ordinance, that in the event that any goat or goats be found at lurge, and without tho enclosure of the owners thereof between tho hours of sun set in the afternoon, and sun-rise in tho morning, that tho owner thereof shall he ind'utcd to ho made to- answer in n c.?urt ' common pleas and gencrul sew ions, * that the said goat or goats shall be i. nindt d and sold at public out ory i?y I hi li 'iitics of tlio town, aod alter I ;iyii ? f a the proceeds o( such salo all ? xpci iccroing the;eon, the balance to he ,ij by said authorities to he disposed of as they may think right and lawful. Kutiliod in (Vanoil, A ugust 24tli, 1353. J. 1>, ULKVKLAND, Intcndant. J. M. Kkrou>, Clerk. BA&S W'untcil at t Iiits Oftlce. . -NEW STOir ;$ fpFT 'y Vfr1,1 Ml I ?OMid*Mbb replenished th* 8to?k rf Goods otrpH *>y Mnm. Twitty. would res. pretfull/ ask hi* friends sod the public to glee him * call M the aid si and ?f those gentleaiea. Among (he uew goods jest received are ' . ' 10 pie ess FINE FRENCH I'jllNTlL 10 FINE UltESJJ MUPLlN# ?' ? ' 20 " FINE LONG CLOTHS. I Few ' 1BISU LINENS. ^ AMortuMt of DRUGS. , Flue CombS) f Dr<>Mlnff Combs,' * Tootli Brushes, Kngrllsli Plus, Toilet fifoop, dee* ALSO a large lot of escelleat SMOKING TOBACCO, auiT many other articles. I Persons wishing to 'purchase would do well I to call early. ^ ? W. J. WINGO. March lit?1?tf | la tbo Court of* liqulty. 8PARTANBURG DISTRICT. , ^ Wm West brooks Mid wife and others, Vs. . BUI for Partition &?.' Win. P. Covington an 1 wife and others. J IT appearing to fay satisfaction tbatWm. F. Covington. Wiliia Martin. Thoe. Marti?, and Lafayette. Msii tin, defendant* in.tbiq case,', reside fioin and without the ltuiiiJJ.ojf this, they are ordered to appear, i nswer or. . w. iiin bill of ooniplaiol within three, I demur to * * ? of this order, or the OMMI nionths from the Clun, # will be taken pro er-nfuno at to iu. T. ftTOBO FARROW, c.t ? ?>. Comni'rs. office, July 14, 1803, July 10 * 16 dm STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ROBERT (JAINS and wife Applicants. ? ^ MARY EDWARDS, ANDREW WHEELER ct al Defendants. Petition for sale of real estate of JANE WHEELER, deceased. IT oppearriug to my nuiUlnctiun tlint MARY EDWARDS widow of- AUSTIN KDWARL8, deceased, the heira of DAVID | W HEELER, deceased, name not remembered, ANDREW WHEELER. JOHN WHEELER. ALEXANDER WI IE ELK R and WILEY J01IN80N Anil wife MARTHA. Defendants in this case, gu^iilc without this Slate. It is ordered, that they do ap|>e:u* and object to ihc sale or division of the real estate of JANE WHEELER. decoasod cn or heforo the Oih day of NoTctiihor next, (.r their consent to the ?ume will he entered of redord, ti.veti under my hand and seal of o.T.ce this Plli day of August. A. It. lfO.1, JNO. EARLE IiOMAR, o. ?. ?>. Aug 13 20 Din 3 >CHertod I^ROM the t'arnp of the 22d South Carolina * Regiment, " Evans Brigade,*' near f.iviu^aton, Mississippi, on the 30;h June, 1803, T- I- Willtafiald ? - . . ?_ mi ? wt if nn tutlU^ of company C. ag?<l ib years, light hair, dark complexion, gray eyes, 5 feet 1.0 (poa* ofticc lloidvillc. 8ptrt*n^urg District. South CtraliiA. A row ?rd oT ?'!*> 00 trill be paid for nis arrest nu i confinement in the or delivery to John 8. 1'ccstoa, (Jo. ltiuthia, S. C. ?A I. 8 O ? Sec rind Licairnanl JOHN M. THOMAS of company C, who descried at the same time; g.'d '.'1 year*, light hair, dark complexion, blue eyes, or feet ti in. hes high. j(ntHco Pleasant Grove. Greenville District, South Carolina.) A reward of 3? >') (> will be paid tor his arrest am! confinement in the Spartanburg jail, or delivery to Col. John S. l'rcston, v oluiiibia, S. i* * Gamp of tlie 'J'J l South Carolina Regiment in Scott county, Mtss s-ipj'i, 1ST lx July. lHtid. .1 v \? ! -.-? UU^SEIX, I/gtit, F- 1. C ojutu 2'2il S. (J peg. ^pfoveil. Gj coniniiluu of Prig. Gtnrrn Kthh-". A. L. KV.VXS, A. A. G. Aug 0 19 If SU-MiTER SCHEDULE OF TUK SPARTANBURG & UNION R. ROAD. To Commence on B.ltli Instant DOWNTRMN. I CAVE Spartanburg C?>uri Hon*? daily at j 4.1?">, M., and ariTve nt Alxloa, 908, A. connecting with the up train, ur TRAIN. I.envc Alston daily nt 9.10 A. if . and return ! to Sp irtniihurg ?'ourt llou-e at 2.10 1*. M. ! On Tuesdays acd Fridays The <1 iwn train will leave 8p?rtapburg C. If. ; nt 9-10 A. M.. i\n I arrive at Alston at 2 1*. M. ' Leaving nt 2 llf? P. M , and icjiirn to Spartan burg C. II. at 7 -2 t. P. M. Uy litis Schedule detention at Alston ia j avoided, by going Mmtd -v*. Woduesdaya | Thursdays and Saturdays, ntid bye^oing down on Tuesdays and Fridays; and on these two days, persons coieing down on lite Greenville train can go up tins the same day. T1IOS. II. JETER. Pres. Ba^-So Freight will ho received unless plainly marked, and in good shipping order. April 30 6 If POCKET KNIVES! Jus received a Large Lot of FOCKKT KNIVES. PEARL. AGATE and HORN BUTTONS; HAIR PINS; DRESSING and FINE TOOTH COM US; TOOTH BRUSHES; LEAD PENCILS; MOURNING PRINTS; IRISH LINEN; LINEN CHECKS; PINS AN!) NEEDLES SHOE rX" II HEAD, GUM FOlfDEH, SUGAR AMD Coil***', llliM'lt Pepper, BLAC? WRITING INK, AC. All of which nrc in store and fur sal? by W. J, WINGO. : June 4 10 If INSURANCE NOTICE. ~ I AM now prepared to take any atnonnt frant ONE to ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS I INSURANCE ON C llCILUIXfiM, or Alio on tho lives of Slav ^ ef (ln ^ com[ auies,)and at k w ralC!4 , J. M. ttPORD : Kparlanbu-- May 2, DW8. tf May 7 6 AdiniHfctt'atorVi Notice. ALL person* having claims, (notes and accounts) against the estate of JAMES i H. HARRIS, jr., deceased, are requested to present them to the undersigned en or beforj I tlie 1st September nest, legally attested. All ! persons indebted to said estaio will make pay-, menl by thai day. ff. E. DEAN, Ailn'r. .1 uly 80 IK fit Atiminlsfrators's Notice. V1.L persons hoi J ng cinims ngairmt M%)or QOVAN driMased, will plofteo notify J. M. BIiFOKl), es.p, or the Almiatrntors, l>efore the 1st Nnreuiber next for ?etlleaien', or thie ootioo will plead in bax to oil i claims after thnt date. MIIS. NANPV R. M1U.S, T. K. CTRETON, 1 Aug o iy