The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, April 09, 1863, Image 2

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^jr*i nV?*j^-i 'ifr"'r' ijUed pcr^cec oa tU *o*'?f Mtit party, ?t tx*?ible, to ?<ml|ctr and 4cfcjj1V fettth. Che mots! awl parte AvcrWen ylUOcd alaaaat at*4uUiy ?t*W of th^ rfrgjjfrii ^rfinjw a* pec ted, tYtim ^tfrrwwrtio^of the *^MIn theM corneaio# trottingfr?t the tu&hoZ preparation htr a rigera? pro?antic? of the unholy t?> The poet moi^hli j?? ho?o ehptfohed oH typo o jgace from foreign interreofion or ner> ?tftt?onJ fWp exbnoetKMi of the mpy'i Pen and meant; or froaa M?h reaiatancc, W? lb* part of hit Webatott, to Linootn's . tyrannical rule. With hit control of the "fEne, Aid power of draft, there will bo no lank, of men lor hie arttiee. It d?a not dhnM* a>i jd?r it elMt oat ep^lOae fact tbat there < an be no raMOOable bore ~rf miM atiRlii* tl- l? .. , ? x-~v?>i ?uif jui? iwm of office. It only remains far ih? people of.-this Coufederaey, through thttNivw awl thoir constituted State and Confcder ate authorities, Id taake adequate prwpetaa itao to repels ueoeMfally the vaudy attack. m thftr baitde are their ova destinies, t With a eoentry rich ia all the reauuroee which oouatitate the wealth ef a action ; > mr finest ?pe M Govcroeaeet that the vjPforld ever Uoeld; a redact, eultlvated, and enlightened people j ao ami perhaps - toot eurpnwed, at any reded of line, in all * the qualities which 'wmtw Creeps intinoible; . extending lbr all tbM tat in every age tie held dear; it u their taise on to go deahukiiq every preparation, submitting p choerfcllj to every saorifioe, end putting forth vigorously every effort neoeewry to ' secure the great boon which their fathers 4 o hequaathed them?Independence. This state of our fproign Relatione, end - tafportnnt developments in our own interf ternai policy, which I shell proceed to indicate, have induced roe to convene your .fadiee. Such as you, in your wisdom, may devise to meet the emergency J shall hearrflv codesvor to carry into ef i it is much fcarod, that while your Act v to limit the production of ootton to three sere* to the full hand will restrain such as, * (wing overflowing granaries, contemplate *\fitfeholdiog Their grain from market end planting cotton almost exclusively, it has "yet induced many, us I am imformed, whe 'proposed planting little if any cotton, to ' plant the fbll number of acres allowed by ' flaw. ^ And this is justified upon the ground that your statute is equivalent to an an-, wounccmont by the chosen Representatives | of the people that such a course is not on . '"patriotic. If this feeling prevails ex tun? ' It will be readily pnnseived what must be tha result. All fertilisers will be put on the ootton lends, to atimolata them tothe highest production, while the corn lahds will be thus proportionately intpov ?r?rtied. To my first nasaago,ia January last, in commending to yonr favorable con sidcrution the (lootgia law, I recommended ' a reduction of tha namber of.acres below " fbree. With the lights now before ns, I rOoommer.d an amendment of your Act so a* to prohibit the planting over a half, or ?t most, one acre 10 the fOl( band, and that the hands to be enumerated shall only be vwch as work in the orop. 1 invite your first attention to fh:a subject, and recommend, iii the event a farther rostrietion is 'imnosod. that the two *??!??* ?,k- 1 - ? ?| n? >??UJ MIV Act iimucJiatoly a Per its passage. Tin- spirit of speculation hat recently loadc siioh alarming strides in thia Stat* a* to render youf interposition noeeeaary to arrest the evil. Large stuns are la reeled * in floor, corn, baoon, and other articles of -nriioe necessity, to the monopoly, almost >ofsucli articles in {certain sections ot the country, and they are withheld trom market, or are being exported beyond the limits .of the State, to the great enchantment of prices, and .to the manifest injury of the oonaamert, especially the families of those whose pradu iog force it in the army. Un tier those circumstances, I have called into exercise the power Conferred qpor. me by the Constitution, to prohibit, tor thirty days, the exportation <p provisions from the Utata, hut with some modifications which I Nit W6re due to our mor ??wl ? ' Conft* Jerat? Government. I have not gone, so. far beyond the retention of these article* within-the limits of the State, and your acttoo 14 requisite to eoebla me to oarry fully iota offset this clause of the Constitution, ss aUo to ooutieue the prohibition without interruption, if you should deem H advisable. I recommend the passage of au Act which will authorise the Governor, through proper agents, to dispose, at their market value, of such artioloa ae have been of juay be seised in tmnritu, and after paying all expenses incurred out ot the pro. oecds, to retain a certain proporfton, to be distributed among the Soldiers' Hoards of Relief, the remainder to he returned to the owner-?or such other appropriall lojislat?on as )\>u uiay deem better adapted to the , case. 4 also xioomiucud that you adept some letns*wt?mi tp-anest the purchase stud monopoly of articles of prime nsenmiiy, even when h is wot intended to export tbcra beyond the limits of the State. The monopoly end witoholding from market of awpplisa is t??at dotvisoenUl to the true UmkusIi a v?r m baa not been mod Id modem times. * Vour A at, mUhd SSth December laat leeeppieas tbe nddag-disSflUtkn ofnpiriu from the eerad grainsof the State, thoetrh stringent in ice penalties, doe* no* aeceotnpltah its ojoot 1 010 informed of nntneroOMftoLtUortft of its provisions in various aortietw of the State, bot have eat jet heard of the .first proseaution Indeed, 1 leer" troet non.c of the ui<nt respectable iMtiirm Ihet no one nee me milling to be cotuo en informer. ft might bo well to give -the informer one heif the fine, bat 1 atu frfce'to confess that I doubt rtsaaooeas even tSStn. Some very worthy citizen* of the FHfctc Ism orgjd tbe Axeoative to'employ ndertte ftr the petneee of suppressing unlicensed distillation, which of course he lflh not the power )e do. Tliie in a crying effl, and mostly fclt in the grain-growing JhHricta, where the distilleries have hero ttrierctanmeptabuadint. The complaints fOWaefrora tbe MidMI are eo numerous tnat this subject ooostitmaa one of the principal objects of vonr ooevoeation. The ponuit* authorised by nic uader ?WlSli?^aoli of whvle State. Poi ?Iiy Dktrwdhsve been. mod detb* fetid ttolariom of the ?**> tracts, thosigh a* elu'hL tag- ^tym* ** * *^N t?hr the eOetraots I havfc. endeavored U gaaadia every poeel -le way. 1 an noi ease hat that aUdietitlp?HNi for "medicinal .pafftnars alone," should he limited to a single District, any the centra! Diatrkt o! the Qttfe, under the ?hsrfce of a ooir pej^nl Ajaanl jakiMl ofinfrnl nf fka ]nh?nA, ^^n^^mwavsa ^^e aea^a utlve Rat the trial made of the present system does not enable oio to mnke nay definite reeummeedetioo on tMa point. TKia entire subject is commended to your eeruset oomidnwioBi ami I trail yoo will devise khm means by which the un dike distillation of he eercale (and I would addraotoses) way be, for the pi-meat, ef factually suppressed. The enormous protits on whiskey afford, apparently, an irte sistibln iodueeuient to distil grain, and the unwillingness of the eitirens and oihiciala to givs information and prosecute i? such that the consumption of grain by diet ilk lion, without any permit, is a great evil. II supplies which the country affords are weeded for our armies in the ftetd and end our people at homo. There is no tied* to the capacity of the Oontpderate Sliilat noar In nmrlnn* ??-J r- | ?T ""t""1 ile to oirrT on the war for en indefinite period. Wht>? our soldiers ere proving thomseivss stjfoal to the enemy everywhere, we at home may ruin our cause by an unwise failure properly to develope our resources sod preserve our supplies. The two greet questions with us ere finances and oaf supplies. The Confederate Govsrhmsnt is endeavoring to regulate the former?the latter the State Governments mud the people themselves most regulate; and upon them rests a heavy responsibility. The Act to supply negro labor for ooast defences, experience has shewn, oannot be niade effectual for the accomplishment of its objects. I have ascertained, from the United States Oensus of 18b0, an abstract of which is herowith transmitted, (kal ?- ? ? - a. IU?I nvii umniuUf H HOW irrMllpM (DO Act, oontamed then at least five times as many road hands as are called for by the Coufedent'e General, and at thisjuncture, doubtless,'contains tnore Not over ouchalf of tho rond hands of any one Winston has heretofore been sent to the eoast. If, therefore, each division would furnish one* half of its force not heretofore sent down, (that is, one-fourth of its whole force,) it would afford largely more (halt the number oailed lor. But the scerwd division, the only one whose time so far has arrived to respond to the?cali for its half, has furnished leas than one-fifth of the number oailed for by the Confederate General. While a distrust as to the treatmeut of the ne grocs, and also as to their prompt return, deters some fiotn sending their portion of the labor, the fine is too light to comp.l any. If that were adequate, the prooese el collection is too alow; each fine, by law, having to be sued for in the Court of Geetwron-Pleaa, after being asaosaed and u- ? ? oimvuvj luvuuiuuiimiuiier. adu wnen collected, there is still no authority fur the Ceuiuumionere to pay the sum to the &tate Agent, who mi^bt therewith proen re other labor. Some wore expeditions mode for procuring the labor, and imw*ing and colteotiog the fines, will .bajioV) be adopted to secure the Buccm^pf the" schema. Somo Commissioners hare doubted er lew than a quorum of the B-wrd c fill vacancies. Many Commissioners beC ing in the army, it may be well for the Legislature at ita present session, for this particular purpose, to fill the vacancies, aad so to amend the Act that one or more Commissioners may appoint the number requisite to constitute a quorum, the vacancies to be fi-led from among such as are exompt from road duty, if necessary. I hersaith transmit s copy of a rcoent oorrespondenoo with Col. John S. Preston, eommandant of Cooseripu for .South Caro Una, upon e subject which I presume will give rise to no enibarrassnieat. My sotioo in the premises, as the executive of the State, has been token in accordance with Lh? (lintat?. r?f mr k/?a# : ...I 4. L... ?-r ?.w-.-i wt m.j wwv uui a? some members of the Legislature enter tain views differing somewhat from toy own as to the construction to pe placed up on your recent Aot connected with the subject, I have deemed it proper to lay the matter before you, for such action as you may consider advisable. Upon your own deliberations, and my humble efforts to carry out your di-ciunn? 1 invoke the blessing* of the Aimiuhty. -*1. L. SONIIA38. Whftt Oen. BiufY'i Army Acennpllahed. On Katurday we published a common i cation prepared tarcfully by one lining a knowledge of the entire campaign, and endorsed by one holding hi^h and rcspon *ib!c civil position. AVe have heretofore published similar statements and defenom of this much abused General. Reference to the tabular statement wliich accompanied the brief article will show that in edd'tipo to having destroyed and captured 74 pieces of artillery, 83.100 uiusketa, 1300 w -Rons, and 6600 horses ml milt AH thia t??' ? ??? ? v uoof at iiur ism Auguu, killed, woundctd ^ and captured over 60,000 of the enemy, while hia own force never amounted to 50,000 men. Ii not this a glorious rcoord ??Should it not safisfy the inoat osaeMng ? If it will not. what, in the name of sense is required 1 In it expected that r > inferior 1' shall always whip and capture one that in superior, and take and occupy immense territories ? It has seemed to us all tho tints, and tbif exhibit confirms us in the opinion, that Gen. Bragg and his noble army aoeompUshed a great and glori ms work; that the capacity of the commanding General haa always been underrated, whik himself and hi* brave army and tho service they performed, ham never been appreciated Private oitixens and public journalists, seated in tbetr cosy and warm private apertmei'ta, plan campaigns f?r generals and am ies on bleek mountains and deaert wastes, and try to raise a storm of indignation against these general* snd armies because they fell short of their expectations: Dot history snd posterity will we trast, do fall justice to those ie the field aa well as those is their pleasant parlors. A (tines OemmonussUh # # , . the tttliM jPywrUH. ; frABTf^ioiioi Tkarttej, April , lMt. | PltflCVLAR JTOftCE I Our IrltMb tn ?g?i? *?tMod thet ib? C.\8 H I I* hmrtlMy required for all Advertlatag and > M Vwk rfoueat thte oAoe IN hope thle I will he re*e*hrred. i waStSt i -5000 Trsaft^uTss; eat QMk priee will be pelJ. % i Mareh 26 % if We ere eerrj to ohrenlole the lose hrv Ire oe ItilinUv alatil Ual af m aalk a? ? , t*? kandred bushels. the property of our worthy eiiisea. Henry Dotld. uq. ; Bqildw the burning of the or b. other t^urlot ud enormities wore eoooitud. Wo karo no doubt that it it tho work of an Incendiary. KmgroMweot Bill. I, Wo give this now low of Ik* load to our roodore, as information to nil those who haro looked | ap their corn oribs end smoke houses against their friends nod neighbors, and Confederate money. We shall see whether they will sell to their neighbors at their own pries, or to the .Government at the Impressing Officer's pi ice. Ws hope the effect of the law will be to make i the corn more plenty, if n >tat a lower price. It cannot go higher under present circumstances. Expected Attack eaChnrleitea. 1 Our community was a good deal excited , < yesterday morning by tho reoaptioa of advices 1 that the enemy's gunboats were approaching ' i Charleston. Passengers by the Sunday aight'l"' < i train agreed in this statement although differ- ! lag ae to the number of vosseta said to ha la . I til*. C|pt. Thomas had rooeivod orders I* < i repair at ?Mt to lbs scon* of oonflict with his 1 toBpnj. They loft by tbo ms ing trtla, at- . tended to the depot of the 8oath Coroliao , K oil rood by mony anxious Moods. Mooy another? many * sister was tbors to speod the ; y? alb fill soldier on bis troy. Seme ore *erj young, - mere boys we might soy?but Uiej go with high epiriur end animated by a daunt less courage. ! \ihliv nuinnrd ttnonntlail iLe ? ? * -?/ UHlu<t ? ??J ?t the attack having commenced, and of some I landings having been effected on the neigh boring islands- We believe that no attack < has been made up to this hour (11 p. m. Mod- i day night), though we learn that eight iron i clad vessels are already over the bar and slow- i ly approaching for the death struggle. We have no dispatches yet upon the subject, but i are iuclided to credit thia statement i Sotuktrn Guardian. \ Port .YlcAJItater. * PctsuxxK," of the Charleston Couritn, notes the following iaeiJenl in his letter from Genesis Point, dated April 2d. and we publish it to show the the different way? of patriotic ' "men in these times of trial. We have a num. bar of juu such instances to our own State, ! which we intend to Iny before our readers as ' soon as we can supply ourseives with paper to j justify their publication in our regular news- t > form. Tit y will prescut a lainvn-ahle contreat with those who have locked up their corn { cribs aud smoke-houses against their neigh- ! bora aud trisuds, and will not sell for love or j mousy. Wa ho,a the impressment ae( will have a/avorabie effect upon thosa who hare i j _ ?v. v. . uv.rei iiiira?i|ueniij , 1 found, showing the damagt-ig effects of our j 1 fire-, >nd since that tiiuo the Yankees have flerer attempted a landing on Kilkenny river. Io addition to this nooitiing lite wliieh C'ept. i McAllister leads, he has tor in shed the most i valuable information to our oAoers with reference to the eneinjr and their movements. On ' one oeeeeioli he l?jr in e small boat within one t hundred and Aftj yards ef an iron-e'.ad, watch ' ing he movements of those on bo-ird. In the I late battle it was three of hie men who..from the opposite marsh firsd on the officer, supp >eeU to be Capt. Worden. promenading on 1 the deok of the Montauk, and brought him down. The elegant roaonion of ("apt M , three rtr tn?r mllu t?i? <1 ??- - ?. .... \*vm* i i uiiii, ia *iwiyn > open 10 ill* soldiers, and whatever ia required far ihoir comfort in eioknes* or in health they 11 ' find it given liter* as freely an ai home. These 1 , 1 facta I gleam from gentlemen in the fort. I j i understood further from th*ro tha- such is the ! feeling of attachment between hia company | and himself that, out of one hundred end thirteen men, h* be* never, during the long time ; they ha been ia ?*rviee had a daeertioii or u court martial, and rarely had occasion to utter 1 an angry word. Although a man of princely wealth ha aadura-i a>l tha KtnLliina Af i.t i men, end ta frequently in (he eaddle twenty out of twenty-fuur hour*. 1 leatn further (bet he ba? been repeatedly offered a Colonelcy but haa nobly toline l on the found that he > wee more ueef'ul to Ida eountry aa a atrv.ple i Captain. 8ueh ia a hasty pen and ink sketch : i of a Georgia p'anter, er aa the ladies generally , ( knew liim?* Unole Joe I" ' The alornaa oi adversity are wholesome. 1 though, like snow mono*, thoir drifts are I n?H a1 way a seen. [ When ayoong]ad\ hems huudk rchiefa , for a rioh baohclor the probaty eorc that i1 cite m?j reap denied their neighbor* com. and thai they j will now open their crib* to them er a lair nriea-jfcforc the impressing officer a.iall arrive ' dJLdngue, to take away what ha* beet. detiiod \o the women and children of our District . *VCept. McA'lister has taken a uoble pari in deletion of hi* country, and in a beaut ful il i Auiratiuu of thai daring enterprise which h:ia marac eritei the spirit of our troop* ever since the war commenced. Thai fort will now have a place in biator.T. and the heron McAllister will b* ae?ocia-?d tn it* brilliant page*, a* ?as who distinguished ft'tosok in thudclan.v of bums <uid couutry. The presiding jeuiu* of the plata i* Captain j Joseph *?oAll?*ter, the owner ot ilir plant, it ton | on watch the Port ia situated. and a.ier whom j il ia uauioiL What he tta* done to entitle h in ! 10 this appnl!a>ion uiny be told in a lew brief aenlow ea. A the boa of an independent organization | numbering one hundred an t thirtee . uien he ' lia? for two year* pretectal and picket ted twenty-ihree mile* of country. 8even mouth* j of this lime he Haa supported his command frn m kt u amiwwia ? ** - 1 1 * * ..... .... munilB. uu III* 1 ?(II OI Alt- I itiist. 18oi. * party of the enemy attempted to | land ou the K-Uceny river (winch is not far trout this ?|>ui) and brought a giiubxit up 10 ' I Kilkenny landing lor ihe purpose- Selecting I i thirty of hiewuieu, Capi. tloAiii-ter ordered j litem to dieiuuunl, -lie flat on the bntf?there being noproieclion -end wait lor the discharge i of hie double barreled guu as the signal for a geucral eoU-y. The eneiuy approached in , I barges. Waiting till these were fairly beiweea j lbs gi>.ib.<at aud his liiile couiiuand, the Cap taiin rose, aud taking aim at the oihcer in tbe b-?w of ike boni, who wee man ling up to giro tbe orders fired both barrels. The Yankee turew up hie hands and exclaiming " Oh tiod 1 Ob God!" fell oeer into the waier. Tw? midshipmen also fell with their heads forward. The - rest of the Southerners now firing, the ' eoufusioa wae complete and the two Yankee : I bargee were quiekl^^nptied of their eontente, ' | those who were alt* jumping overboard and ntaaiug tbeir way back to the gunboat as bvet 11.n,.?U t t?i:- 1 1 VIRGINIA ;ukrrspundkiSCK. Dot Post on tmPiao>wati>, ,?rfb i8?b, 1863. J><wr tipmrtnm t 1 htrt bethought me to wri pea a letter from the |?i?krt poet, a poeltiea j tbe 8u 'oik tide of the Bieekwater, ud eboi three milee from our regular oaeampmau Though I Jo not, like yourself. sit In the ten torn end within reach of pen, ink. paper ai more than all, Webeter's Unabridged Dietloi Try. etill I %in in the quietude of tbe pine thiol at, wita mj blanket, haversack, word, jevii companions, pencil and blank book ; then wl net Mite? Joaephos tbe Jew bright hggapj led toon mt scent v ananlv of i??ti m?t Ak, now I naraWr Robinson frosoe niit>< semagal Sine* In hu MNmtd eomau down here, Qm. JibUqi has established * ' rat mv wrt pjiti on this ikU of tho Blaokwator having raoently beep tike a< vanes lino. I suppose you have been advis< of the attack the Yankees made on Col- Josef Walker's regiment a few days sinee. Tho Pa mstto Sharp Shooters are tooa&ed directly it oated on the Blackwater at Franklin statioi The enemy as though he Intended to cart everything before him by storm came upo them in great fury, opened a battery of arti lery and made a frightful charge upon tfc boys with light companies of onvalry. Tfa artillery was planted at long taw and did e damage. I vu in for nod, howorer. that ill cavalry made quite a gallant charge, oomin within forty or fifty yards of our men. Bi the great advantag* for effective warfare: wbi? the infantry men with a good Enfield rile hi over a cavalryman with pistols and sabre wi manifested on this as upon ether v W few rounds from oar guns even shbr'entt MktFfer and'roat them, bold chargers and ga lant knights, who thought te frighten the boj beyond the river and write a tale of their wot derfnl exploits te their friends at home. Thel project proving a failure, the artillery an cavalry made a 'general stamp ds together i the directionrof Suffolk. They wete fellowe lix or seven miles, bnt the pursuit being fruit #?? * ??? uur ivrcu reiurnca 10 ifliir original pos lion, and now occupy them with uninterrupts tranquility. The 6th regiment was marc he to tbe scene of action in doable quick tiau but the affair was concluded before we rcaohe he field. The engagement resulted in a lot lof several of the enemy killed, quite a numbt wounded and a doxen or more taken prisoner! Our own loss was one taken prisoner and oc ilighty wounds I. It Is reported, with wht truth I cannt say, that Burnside isiu commas at Suffolk and that he bas 30,000 men und< bis charge. If this be the ease we may expet active.rimes this spring. The regulations o the out posts aro quite atrict and but littl passing through the lines by citizens or soldiei U allowed. The recent mow which, as ft north as Richmond was fourteen inches deef extending this far 8outb, failing t?i a depth i 5 or U mcbes here. It has all melted tfa u?w. however, and the blossoms of the peac and plum are o rning to the genial warmth < the Spring run. The birds and frogs have n np "heir and aii animate beings, ma excepted, are merging from tbe seclusion t win er to enjoy the pleasures and ble?Kiiif that Providence has ordained for His creature! I.trgi' quantities of shad are keinv r?n?iii the various fisheries on (ho Black*.iter, wliicl I need Ksrtdj mention, are eagerly rougl ?nd d.-trou et) by our men. Lt. Brisnt. of C< K., and myself, * th twenty fire or thirty me *rf 'u chm go of litis post a. present. We at w.iliin s lime's throw uf the re-hlrnro of 'o-nnnly I'm in?r w/iu like nil the K. F. V t UeepH s I -w good things ?u Laud for his fr end in spite of blockades and herd time". Join sin, I believe. it is) *>n:d thitt the fnundslio of oouiont must sprmir np in a man's ow mio I; and bo who li*? little knowle Ige ? ou nan niture its to seek happiness l> clmn? ing anything l?-.t Ha own di*po? tion will wau his I t? m f'nitW* ?flo is rtt'l .nulv piy tli griefs which ho purposes'to remove." Now oo not wholly dis-tgrue with the celebrate sage from whom I jitote, hut I must he allow e?l oh^O'trs '-that cvhht?\ potatoes, turnip* egjts atJ'l fried fi-ti, seasoned with a drop o' tb apple waer.' ire no weakly auxiliaries to m, ten!m?nt |u our c% e; mote p u tieularly so who una toe* h eu kept so long on bread an i meat oil u>U,-0 K. CLAUD. Caplu r of a Federal Steamer. HiCiiMOvP, April 4.? rim following otfioii dmpa-ch witn receivy.l here this morning: tisadq.iarierd, ueir Berwick's Hay, >lare 29, via Notches, April 1.?To Quit, coper litre the uonor to roport the capture of the Pet er*l gunboat uiaaa. el till* point, to ilay. Sii mounts tive Heavy guns. The boat was not m ricwtsly injured, and will be immediately pi in service. The euemy s loss in killed, woutu od and prisoners amounts to on. hundred an fitly. [Signed] R. T \YLOil, Brig Gen. FlRTtiKR r ART t(' C L \R9. Port I1i?i>?os, April 4?The New Or lean Era of the 21m contains the particulars of tb capture of the Federal gunboat Diana, on Sut day lost, a few miles above Bruspwar city, o the Alchtutaya Bayou, by a portion of Sibley command. The Diana was commanded h Captain Pe.ersou, ami had aboard company A 12th Connecticut, uud company F, 16th Ne York-in al- one hundred and twenty officer privates and sailors, all of wboin fall into ov iuuviv, iv|mncr wim h mourn tag 1110 C pouuder rifled Parrot, (wo f?'J sinoo'h borei and two 12 pounder gun*:. Tbo boat wm bai Ijr injured. The report of tbe'gnns durlhg tk engagement was distinctly bear^ at Bra?pe? City Gen Weitselli commanding. imruediau ly sent the gunboat Calhoun lo assist the D< ana. Waring no pilot, she grounded, and cam ?enr sharing the same fate. The South win raised the water, which released tbo Calhout The Confederate lose unknown. The enem lost two officers and three privates in kilted. Chattanooga, \pril 8, 5 p in. ? Major Die MeCann, with one hundred men, attacked th Federal train on the N. and C. Railroad in miles of Nashville, and killed forty two an wounded sixty-seven. The loss on onr sid was ono killed and three wounded. Tb? pari also eaptuaed wagons, Ac., and returned i laftly. The Abolition Convention at Louisville none inatod Joaiah II. Kail for Governor. The Federate arrested three young ladies, < Sumner oountjr, on the l'^th ultimo, charge with plaeing obalruotions on the Loulsvil] railroad Several aniens of 8umner count were alsp arrested, and confined in U>e (Jout House at Gallatin* The Yankon gunboats are %gain reported a Florence. Alabama. Na battle in front. There has been heav skirmishing at linionville. Passengers by th evening train report the capture of severl wagons and prisoners oo Wednoaday. Seven two prisoners capured by Forrest ait Rroutwoo reached here this evening. Vicksburg. April 2.? The enemy made rveonnoisanoe up Yaioo river yesterday, an threw a few stelL a* fiaid-T'wlMuf ?fe>hjn in sight bclo* TJ^XWISB 'SCT&NaII LSDST ha* f to Yf W h*r patMaa in / oflN, pnybi lg Am Letters of sdnrinletretioa, vjth tbo will (J ^ totted, ?n not singular, the goodi and w ut cWt too. rights tad oredHe of IBMST LlNU- L * SET. dee d, lata of At Motrin afereeaid, do- A o oeoat'l. rbottld ho grouted bar. ,j Tbeoo oro therefore to oito iri adbaalih ?U , ud oiognUr, lb? kindred aad iraditoN of the aoid deed., to be ao?l appear it tbo ?>?rt of l- Ordinary, foraojd Dial riot, to bo boldon on tl Monday, tbo 20th dny 4#. April list, to show nun if ony, why the olid Admiaietra- j tion should not be orantod. ft*. Oitw Badtr ny band tod Mtl oftAM, ibis b*- fitb day of April, A. D., 1868. A J. BAULK BOH AH, o. . 9. d _AprilJ> 4 H LOST, r' T>ETWEBN rcaideuoe of Mr. Cbarl?t J *- n Wool, on Church Street, tad Col. Lofg*a id on Main Street, a bunch of SMALL UTS, u ,h confined by a chain. , The ftndar wtll be mitably mttdodoo leuyiug them at this office.' >- April ft 4 tf " !: ORDINARY'S NOTICE. T^VKRY Ordinary la thi. R/?t >B 1% Ordinary of Charleston District) shall g 1 - Coop hU office open from 9 o'clock on tbe coon ^ it iog of svsry day in Uhe week, nod on every t] _ Monday and Friday daring tho remainder of the year, A. A. 1889. Sec. *4 10 In coordaact with tho Aet of Assembly, > above ci?sd, my office will be open every Moag day and Friday, alao every Saturday of each ? J NO. EARI.E BOMAU. o. ?. p. f Offion. April 6, 1883?4?8> J * TA3CS19. d?A3tSIS| o '* T WILL If not providentially hindered collect I TAXES at Spartanburg C, II., on 8alie- * * day in May next, and on Saleaday la Jane, and " I- on Thursday the 10th April, ana en Thursday r_ 28d April, aud on Thursday the 7th May, and en Thursday and Friday tbe 'flat and 2*id of ' May. On said Friday. z2d May. tbe Village" U 'r return* will be taken. The Tax retorns muni a (1 be made, and the Taxes all paid by or On said ? a salerday in June, as the Tax Books win ba oloaed at that titne, and Executions issued " ngainst all defaulters. Owners of staves are required to give in all their working hands at i at the time of makng their retarns. d i B. C. POOLE, T. C. I d April 9?4?4t ?; PROCUIfAnON; a ? ^t... -. STATU OF SOUTH CAROLINA. . .. BXBCUT1VK DEPARTMENT. " Coli'MU, March 18, 1862. ir VT7 HERE VS I am credibly informed that ? \f large quantities of prntisions are being * >f exported from this State tor the purpose of Y speculation, by leuiou w hereof the price efproh virio ss lies been much enhanced to the greet >f discomfort of tho citixen* of the State; end fl whvrca* the present supply ii deemed imporD tent for the subsistence of the people end the 'f soldiers ol the Confederacy: P? Now therefore. I. MILLEIKIE I. DOM! AM. I- Qorernor of South Cerodo.a, hv virtue of the 11 power vested in lue under the Constitution of ' this sine, do issue 'his my pioclanintion. end " forbid aU persona, for the space of thirty days J" | froin this daie.lrooi esportiug beyond the tim t* n ' ..r si..... .... ?i. ? ? w, ....? ? om?t pur*, urfi, "? itirii, meal, whrtt. Hour, net*. pea*. potatoes, ? o other proTi-mn* of any description. The ?. following p r?>t?-< a?-e rxeepieJ *ii: QuarterI"*, outaiU* v*U?? and o;her a^eut# of hw ? tlutifc.ierile Government purchasing pros.-ion* 11 for the army. Wlio must exhibit ?nti-factory * 11 cvit) nee of their official clitMc er and author it jr. |>?t>on* from other ^talci wlio purring* f I for their own prt\ate u?e?ml consumption, and * not for resale. who shall make oath to that ef a '* le t before the next magistral*. previous to the M ' remote! of the article* ptircheM-d, wh ch oath j d the inagtstra e rli til pruacrtig and furnish for '* the use of the Solicitor of the Circuit when re ? ' (jnired; agin* of cmjntiss, town*, corpora- o '* tion* and Soldier* b tarda of belief of other a ' Stat**, who cUiioii tstti.Hfa.-lory proof of their a " authority to purchase audi provision* o behalf c ~ of such counties, town*, corporation* of Sol a ill err hoard* of Uelicf. for pubilo uae or for a d Ntr but.oti at coat* and chatgcsuad not for rcsal* or profit. [ Salt made by non resident* and cargoes *ntering cur port* Iroru abroail ire also excepted. ti Any of aaid article* that may be at pped in It IrtnuilH will be confiscated for the use of the ti 1 State. I It i* enjoined upon a!i magistrates and mili- u tia olfiocr*. and alt good c tiiena are appealed l? to, to aid in iltc enforcement of tubs prociama- | I r- uon. ,t fciven under my hand and the seel of ihe State, ! I hi Columbia, this 18th Jay of March, in [l? Jin the Tear of our borrt thousand eight ti ^ hundred and M. L, HON HAM. W. R. Httni, So?-retary of State. ti VII papers in the ijtaie publish one* a week fur one month, t >" April 9 4 ltn * NOTICE " ? TO LEGATEES AND CREDITORS. 11 * I rflHE Executors of the Estate of James Alj f exander, deo'd., do hereby gi*e notice ti L that tbey will act tie the Estate of their intes* tate on the l&'h April next, before the Ordina t ry of 8partanhurg District. All persona in > terested in the final adjustment of the business t tr of said Estate, will please attend on thai day. 12 ALEXANDER AI.EXAXKER) p t MADISON ALEXANDER, S " WLLIAJ1 ALEXANDER) 1- April 2 3 3t STATK OF 80rTH CAROM N AT SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. b I, Citation for Lettors of Administration by Jao 1 Earle Burner, esq , Ordinary. * * 117 IIEP.BA8 W. >V. HAM MET. has filed his TT petition in my office, praying that Let- * I. tere of Administration, on all and singular * . the goods and chattels, rights and credit a of c MARTHA HAM MET. late of the District , aforesaid deceased, should lie granted him. h These are therefore to cite and admonish a all and singular, the kindred and creditors of 1 9 i the said deed., to be and appear in the Court J , of Ordinary, for said District, to be holden on ^ Monday, the 18th day of April next, to * show cause if any, why tht said Administrsy tion should not be granted. a til*en under my hand and seal of office, thir 27th day of Marob A. !?., 1K03. I . 1 1J I U UitU a ?* v i..nviib m'fl A IV, O. I, T>, ? April 2 2 TUB ST A KOF SOUTH CAROLINA J a spartanberg district. e Citation for Letters of Ad minis! ration by Jno Enrle Bomar, es?j , Ordinary. 7 TTTHBREAS ? S NoHTII V, lias filed his J 1 VY petition H wty oitiee, with the will %nnoi \l. prayiaf; 'hat Letters of Administra- r iioo, n aU ar.ti singular the goods and ehat- " tels htsund orvdlUof WILLIAM NORTllV { ! ds< . ate of ike Uitiriet aforesaid, sfcotjid be | ' 7 grt Mtto. I s T o ?r? therefore to eitr and admoirteh all 11 tf aw' - ngh'ar, the Limbed and creditors of Ika 0 said in?-*iM?ed. to bo and appear in ibe Court |* of trdidary. for eaid District, to bo hdldea on * * Monday, the 18th day of April neat, to i show oaase if any, why the said Ad?ia* i si rat ion should not be granted. j Given under nr hand and soal of office, ffcU 80th day of Maroh A. D-, 1*08. * WO EARLt ?0>JAR.v>. > n. i April 1 2 ?w , , dji? nwttoiet TWX nnfnifO luMiftM^rebuod ui I ooaMioraMy mMimi the toot of > (owl* m<4 by Xmw Twiujr, wimU'mi- ' MibOgr Mk Mo frloM* ud lb* jwbUo to (It# lot ??U ! tbtoU ?w4 oltltot gwkna. * .EMng Iko MI goodw J?Ot NMlvtd HI 10 ytoew FINE FRENCH FRlfcTS. , 10 ? FINE BRSM *08 UN 8. 90 " FINE LONG CLOTHS. Fbto f IRISH lUMttb. AaAJgrtaost.ofDRSrftS, Mne (po?b?, ALSO a forge fct ?f axeelfcat SMOKtSO "OBACOO, mTMy other ertiefoe. > Penwu^ with fog lo purebeae weaU Sft wail '"" AV. J. WITffOO. Mat* iA^-1?tf - ; J Mil tf ^KHWH ftTlTE. " 11/ 1 will offer for Ml0 tt tB? late r?oideft?e W SfP. SMITH, (deed.) la foe iownef partaabeig on Wednesday* iM 22d day e# iprii next, a part of Hie PentoMl It tat w of be aaid J. P.* Smith, eoatlsUng of 90 ugfttir weghom. Hornet a?d Mnleo. emus. BOGS, &c. >>d at (He arae time and place, we trill offer . jr bfce a lot ef eeme 15 NBUH0K8 So the igkect bidder. Among them tome good up , aaniry field bend*. TKRM8 OP SALS made town eft day ?f eOa. : ay parohaeer wisfbg to V?? Mb It Wiil be eoeived, %? t ftv A" ^ Lm mnui a> ouriu, isrtn. W. 0. A HAU L 6M1TU, Rs'ors All persona having clairtft against said Fife* will present then proper! r attested. And It persons due the mac will plenee enll end MileSpartanburg, S. C.r Meroh 2G, 1863. March 30 * tf HEAD^lSTfin jftW Kw nK. Vb#/S ?Lv JGh idfcTtr.TL BM ' "* r -* t *^Epr'l \ FIRST RFdIMKNT; B. C. VOW. r?A i&U I WW. . V Oft i ?*? ?? w'a. March 28th, 1868. SPECIAL ORDER KO. ? A LL officers and men of ibis command from f\ ."-jmrtaTiburg and I'nion District*. on e**e ef abimnce or furloughs are hereby noiiicd that after (he 10th April, no rewmuftxi*. ion for ttiMbion will be considered ?oI?m ;irtt> by an Army Surgeon, or Dr. J. C. Ii?mith, Ulaan Springs. By orter ef < TT. KlLPATRirK, Co onel Commanding. T. F. Wilson, Acting April?. t ?f KU>QLAm*R. lOMMlSSARY GENERAL'S pEp'T. S. C. Columbia 8. C., March 81, 1803. rAK foil, wing agents, hsring chrcuied aud fkl.rf ll.J* 'I -- - _ ..... ..... < > i/v) ii'inKui, ne utunrinnl latino ill iui soli lie quahiiv ?f pn it* in their otminwii, under ??gnlai.ous n-sviously published. , i The now advertistd are the only JJer? one legally anthorited to disitl iu this Stair, (her person* who inr.jr he distilling arc doing o iu direct violation ut theUw, nrr her* imwhie to its penalties. It ir tho uu.y oT all lead rs of patrol tw report violations of tlic Act, nd of sil magistrates to ssite and suppress tho tills of all sue porsoos : IV II Walker, Spartanburg C H?Spart&nbttrg district. J oh a Coat*, Newberry C I!?Newberry Die- * rici. W L Lcgctt, BcnneiUviRe?Marlboro D??rict. J 31 l>iti?, Beonetiaville?Marlboro Mis rict. AreLy M Smith. C1iap pel'a Depot?Laurens list riot. * N1I&. WE 1'rotbro, JoLasou ?? Barnwell Hstrjcl. Hastings Dial, Laurensrille?Laurens Dieriot. - II S Carter. Crcsa Hill?Lmrens District. Ttios Eakius, Abbeville C H?Abbeville Diarist. M C Tiggart, White Ifall?Abbetille Djbrici. X A Glover, Edgefield C 11?Edgefield bit riot. Joha D Dateman, Columbia?Richland Disrict. Robert Ferguson Rock llil!?York Di?lrict. Kuykendal & llrigg , Yorkville?York Die ri?-?. J ease Lay, Dickens .C II? Pickens Dierict. Thos J Dyson, Dyson Mills?Edgefield Dis riot. Wn West, Greenville C 11 ? Greenvllle l>isrlet. It Turner, Columbia?Lexington District. By order of the Governor JOHHI'lf WALKER, Lieut. Col. nod Commissary-Oeneral, 8. C. Not*.?As applications are granted and onds executed and filed in this Department, he names of agents will be adde#to the above tat. gg^The Guardian and District papers in rkleh the agents reside, will publish once and end bills in duplicate to this Department, with opj of advertisement. April 9 4 1 w NOTICE. r POREWARN any person for trading for |_ a note given by myself to W. J. SHAY. for twenty Dollars, dated March 24, ltttfi, which lote is paid in full. B. B. SEAT March & hi tr STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 8PAHTANBl*Ra DISTRICT, oseph Thompson and 8. M. Snoddy, Exeeuirtra annlinnnta v? It R \ mm! wife m al defendant*. Petition for final seulerrrtftt and Defer. [T appearing to my satisfaction that D. 6. Anderaon and wifo Francis J. Anderson, ud Ijaura Snoddj, defendants in this nana, eside beyond the limits of thil Slate. It it Iterefore ordered that they appear at the Court f Ordinary to be hoiden for Spartanburg tiatiiot at opart an burg Court House, oh the th day of June aeft, te show eaoee if any bey uan. why a filial settlement and deoTe* f the Ketate of John Sntxldjr, jr.. d- c'd. should et be made, or Iheir contest to the same will e taken /?? ren/asscy Given under mj hdhd Mid seal of dice his March 4, 1BGR. ^ J. B. BOMAR, o. ?. ?. March 5 fi 1 8m WB PAT CASH FOR RAGW. RAtiN!