The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, April 09, 1863, Image 2

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WKftNOtS iGSSJfeK. Exxcrpvs D?akt0ut, Colombia, April 8,1863. *GentU*non of the Senate rtmf UoHte of Repreeentativet : ?inse jour last adjsnromsnt, a mi?rhty stride (toward* doapotiaui has been made by the Government of the North, indicatirs of a fixed purpose on tbo part of tbe dominant party, ** possible, to oon/|u?r and deitroy the Jjctith. Che sword and pnrae 4mve been placed almost atMolutoly at tha tiiapo-'ftl of their President, in uttor disre* ?piro < f the Federal Cooatitution, making hiin virtually a despot. So iar from thia eaetung a spirit of resistance, aa many vainly expected, from ever wwtion of the '*'Sdrth there couim now nothing but the note of preparation lor a vigorous prosecution of the unholy war. The most guniguinu must hatt abandoned all hope of peace from foreign intervention or negotiation ; frotr exhaustion of tho enemy's mien and means; or from attch resistance, uh ma pan ox ms aumects, to Lincoln's . tyrannical rale. With his control of the 'purse, a'ud powor of draft, there will be no lack of men for his armies. It daap not ? become us, then, to shut our eyei^b the fact that there < au be no reasonable hope ' of peace with his, during his term of office. It only remains for ths people of this Confederacy, through thenisolvea and their constituted State and Confoder ate authorities, to make adequate preparation to '*epel successfully the vandal attack. In their hands are their own destinies. With a country rich in all the roeuurous which constitute thu wealth of a nation ; the finest type of Government that the World ever beheld; a refine I, cultivated, and enlightened people; an army perhaps dot surpassed, at any period of time, in all the qualities which make Creeps invinoiblo ; contending for all that man in srvery age has held dear ; it is their miss on to go VH <n?iug every prepiniion, suomitting cheerfully to every sacrifice, and putting forth vigorously every effort neoessary to secure the great boon which their fathers bequeathed them? Iudependenoe. This mate of our foreign relations, and important developments in our own interterna) policy, which I shall proceed to indicate, have induced tue to convene your bodies. Such as you, in your wisdom, uiay devise to meet the emergency 1 shall heartily endeavor to carry into el feet. It is much feared, that whilo your Act to limit the production of cotton to three acres to the full hand will restrain auch as, tiating overflowing gmuariea, contemplate ' withholding their grain from market and planting cotton almost exclusively, it has ' yet induced many, as I am iroformed, who nfnrvvoiirl ?*Iont Ik1 ? 44 muiu it uny cuiiyn, to plant the full number ot acres allowed by uaw. And this is justified upon the ground that your statute is equivalent to an announcement by the chosen Representatives of the poople that such a course is not un patriotic. If this feeling prevails extensively, it will be readily perceived what must be the result. All fertilizers will be put on the cotton lands, to stimulate them - to the highest production, while the oorn lands will be thus proportionately impoverished. In my first Message, in January last, in commending to your favorable con stdcnilion the tleoigia law, I recommended a reduction of the namber of^acres below three. With the lights now before me, I recommend an amendment of your Act so as to pronibit t|ie planting over a half, or at most, one ncre 10 the full hand, and that the hand.* to bo enaroerated shall only be such n? work in the crop. 1 invite your first attention to th:s subject, and recommend, in the event a further restriction is imposed, that the two houses ratify the Act immediately a Per its passage. The spirit of speculation has recently made such alarming strides in this State as to render yout interposition necessary to *rrest the evil. Large sums are invested * in flour, corn. bsmon, and other articles of prime necessity, to the mouopoly, almost of such articles iu Jcertain sections ot the country, and they are withheld trout market, or arc being exported beyond the limits of the State, to the great enchantment of prices, and .to the manifest injury oi the consumers, especially the families of those whose produ iug force is in the array. Un tier these circumstances, 1 have called into exercise the power conferred upon inc by the Constitution, to prohibit, tor thirty days, tlie exportation of provisions from the fttato, but with souie modifications which I felt were due to our sister States and the Confederate Government. I have not gone, so far beyond the retention of these articles within the limit? cf the State, and jour action it) requisite to enable tue to carry fully into effect this clause of the Constitution, as also to ooutinue the prohibition without interruption, if you should dcein it advisable. 1 recouiinend the passage of au Act which will authorise the Governor, through proper agents, to dispose, at their market value, of such articles as have been or iuuj be seised in tranntu, and after paying all expenses incurred out of the pro ceeds, to retitiu a certain proporfton, to be distributed auiong tha Soldiers' Hoards of Relief, the remainder to be returned to the owner-?or such other appropritw le^isla tion as y^u may deem better adapted to the case. 1 also ri commend that you adopt some legislation to arreet the purchase and monopoly of articles of prime neoessity, even when it is not intended to exnori (heiti beyond the limits of the State. The Mtono|?oly s?nd witoholding from market ol supplies is most detrimental to the true interest* of tho whole eountry, now involved in each a war as has not been soon in modern timed. Your Act, ratified 18th December last to suppress the uddue distillation of spirit* from tho oorrml grains of the State, though stringent in its penalties, does not aci*cuinplish its ojcot i am informed of nmnerooa vtoUtiona of its provisions in various portions of the State, but have nat yet Iteard of the .first proaeeution Indeed, I iMTn from some of the uk^ renpeotsblc citizens that no one seema willing to becotuo an informer. It might be well to give (he informer one half the fine, but 1 am freo to confess that 1 doubt its success ever then. Some very worthy citizens of the Stnte have utgod the hxcetrtivo to employ ngents for the purpose ol auppresM.ig un licensed distillation, which of course he has not the power te do. This is a cryinp evil, and mostly felt in the grain-growing ilirilrictd, where tho distilleries have hero tofore been wast abundant. Tho complaint* fO'mc from tho-o sections are zo numerous tnat this subject constitutes one of the principal objects of vour convocation. The poriuiU authorized by too uadet the proviso iu the Act to distil a Homes i quantity, for medioiotl purposes alone, ie as pot probably far short of the absolntr medioinal wants of the whole State. For many Districts there have been, and tknb'lces will be, no applications. 1 regret to soy, that I hear ruiuors of underletting* and violations of the contracts, though not K> any tangible form, wh;oh early stops will be taken to investigate. The s-lc under the contracts I have endeavored to guard in every possi le way. 1 aw not sure but that all distillation for "utodicinal purposes alone/' should be limited to a single District, any the central District of the State, under theoharge of a coir relent agent, subject to the ooutrol of the E*oeutive But the trial made of the present system does not enable mo to tn-iko any definite reooiuincD'Ution on this poiut. This entire subject is coinmeuded to ' your earnest oonsiderution, ond I trust you will devise some means by which the un due distillation of he ucrouls (u:id 1 would i 'add molasses) may be, for the present, ef factually suppressed. The enormous profiita on whiskey afford, apparently, an irre sisliblo inducement to distil grain, and the unwillingness of the oitirena and n&icials ' to give intormatiun and prosecute is such that the consumption of grain by distill* , tion, without any permit, is a great evil. All supplies which tiro coantrv affords are needed for our unities in the field and and our people nt home. There is no limit to the capacity of the (lonfpderate States now to produce everything requisite to carry on the war for an indefinite period. W hi'e our soldiers are proving themselves equal to the enemy everywhere, we at home may ruin our cause by an unwise failure properly to derelopu our re sources and preserve our supplies. The two groat questions with us are finances and our supplies. The Confederate (Jov rnmaut is endeavoring to regulate the former?the Utter the State Governments and the people themselves must regulate; and upon theui rests a heavy responsibility Tho Act to supply negro lubor for coast defences, experience lus shuwn, cannot bo made effectual for the accomplishment of its objects. I have ascertained, from the United States Census of I860, nn abstract of which is herewith transmitted, that each division, as now arranged the Act, contained then at least five titnes as many road hands as are called for by the j Cou lederu'e General, and at this juncture, ' doubtless, contains more Not over ouc- j half of tho road hands of any one "ivisiou . has heretofore been sent to the coast. If, therefore, each division would furnish onehalf of its force not heretofore sent down, (that is, one-fourth of its whole force,) it wouKt ntioru largely . tore itntu tiie number culled lor. But the second division, the only one whose time so fur has arrived to respond to thecali tor its halt', has furnished less than one-fifth ot the number called tor by the Confederate General. While a distrust as to the treatment of the ne groes, and ulso as to their prompt return, deters some fiotn sending their portion oi the labor, the fine is too light to couip.l any. If that were adequate, the process ol collection is too slow; each Que, by law, having to be sued for in the Court of Common-Pleas, after being assessed and imposed by the Commissioner. And when collected, there is still no authority fur the Commissioners to pay tho sum to the State Agent, who might therewith procure other labor. Some uiore expeditious mode for procuring the labor, and im*s ing and collecting the tines, will .bagoro I k. ...I, -l J t uv n\!V|iiuu iv dvcuic IliC DUl'l'WLOI IOC scheme. 801110 Commissioners have doubted i er leas than a quorum of the B?ard csi^ : fill vacancies. Many Cotumiasioncrs be-*( I ing iu the army, it may be well Tor the i Legislature at its present session, for this particular purpose, to fill the vacancies, and so to amend the Act that one or more (Jomnrasioncrs may appoint the number '{ requisite to constitute a quorum, the vjcau| ciesto be tided from among such as are exompt from road duty, if necessary. 1 herewith transmit a copy of n rcoont oorreapondencc with Col. John S. Preston, i | commandant of Conscripts for South Caro ! ! Una, upon a subject which I presume will ! give rise to no embarrnasuient. My aoI tion in the premises, us the executive of the State, has been taken in accordance I with the dictateo of my best judgment; but I as some members of the Legislature enter i tain views differing somewhat from my ' own as to the construction to pe placed up on your recent Act connected with the 1 subject, 1 have deemed it proper to lay the matter before you, for such action as you \ may consider advisable. IT.* I ?:t vpuu juur uwii uunocraimns, an?J my humble efforts to carry out your decisions 1 iu\oko the blessing* of the A-mighty. M..L. HONIIAM. I What tien Rriifff,a Army Ac-j contpllNlaed. On Katurday we published a com muni-1 cation prepared fcarcfully by one having j a knowledge ot the entire campaign, and endorsed by one holding high and reapon ! sib!e civil position. AVo have lieretoforc i published similar statements and defences : of this much abused General. Eelerenoe to the tabular statement j which accompanied the brief article will : show that in addition to having destroyed and oaptured 74 pieces of artillery. 33.100 J muskets, 1300 w cons, and 6600 horses and mules, th<s General has', since last 1 August, killed, wounded and captured over 60,000 of the enemy, while his own force never amounted to 50,000 men. Is not this a glorious record ??Should it not : satisfy the most oxaehng ? If it will not. | 1 what, in tho name of sense 16 required ? Is it expected tlmt an inferior ' shall always whip and capture one that in superior, and take and occupy immense 1 territories ? It has seemed to us all tho time, and this exhibit confirms us in the opinion, 1 'that Gen. Bragg and his noble army ac' oompliahod a great and priori >ua work ; ? that the capacity of tho commanding Gen1 erul has always been underrated, while 1 himself and his brave army and tho Bur- ' vice thoy performed, ha* o never been apr predated 1'rivate citizens and public journalists, seated in their rosy and warm ' private npurtinci',:i, phin campaigns for generals and arn >* on bleak mountains ; and desert wastes, and try to raise a storm of indignation against these generals and 1 armies because they fell short of their ex peotations. But history and j>oeterity will ? we trust, do full justice to those in the field ib well as those io their pleasant parlor* j Att?n:a Otmnfonu+al'.h | 9k( tftarouua <9p.uuu. irTi"* a wis 0"if?. Thanday, tprll 9, ISOfc. Pl?riCVL4R WOftCE. Our friend* ere ?g*in notified ih*t the CASH i* invariably required for all Advertising and Job Work done at tide office. We Uope this will be remembered. WANTED rv( kJ W k rv/v.iui? ttAUQ, vtnltd *J\M Mr M O.Hce, for which the highMi cub price will be paid. % , March 26 2 tf | Incendturl*m. We arc sorry to chronicle (be loss by fire on Saturday night last, of a crib of oorn, containing ab iut Uro hundred bushels, the property of our worthy citisen. Henry Do-Id esq. Besides the burning of the cr b, other (injuries and enorinitios were committed. We have no doubl that it is the work of an incendiary. Kmpmsuenf BUI. We give this uew law of the land to our readers, as information to nil those who have locked up their corn cribs and sutoke houses against their friend* and neighbors, and Confederate money. We shall see whether they will sell to their neighbors at their own price, or to the Government at the Impressing Officer's pi ice. We hope the etTect of the law will be to make the corn more plenty, if n data lower price. It cannot go higher under present circumstances. Expected Attack on Charleston Our ceiumunity was a good deal excited , yesterday morning by tlie reception of mi vices that the enemy's guuboats were approaching Charleston. Passengers by the Sunday night'I train agreed in this statement although differing as to the number of vossels said to be ia , view, t apt. Thomas had received orders to repair at once to the scene of conflict with his ' company. They left by the even ing train, attended to the depot of the South Carolina Railroad by many anxious friends. Mauy a Mvtnvi Hinuj n n.nivi wj?? I ll?rO ?U BprCU I 110 j youthful soldier ou Lis way. Seine are very young. - mere bays w# wight say?but tliay go with high spirits and animated by a daunt less courage. Many rutnors prevailed during the day of the attack having commenced, and of some landings Laving been effected on the neighboring islands* XVc believe that no atiack has been made up to this hour (11 ).. in Monday night), though we learn that eight iron clad vessels are already over the bar anil slow- j ly approaching fur the death struggle. Vic have no dispatches yet upon the subject, but are iuclided to credit tbia statement Southern OuurJian. Fori McAllliiler. " PeasossK." of the Charleston Couritr. | notes the incident in his leitur from j Genesis Point, dated April iM. and we publish j : .- -I. .1 i- - it?r. ? - .i iv biiiik me me ui'iernu wiijrj oi patriotic men in ihe^e tunes of trial. Wo have a num. ber of jU"t cuoh iu^iauoeH iu our own State, which wo Intend to lay before our readers as oou v? ere can supply ourseive* with paper to joi.iiy their publication iu our regular nc*? form. Tit y will present a lnuteu'aMe conirast with those who have locked up their corn crib." and amokc* houses against their neigh bors aud friends, and will not sell tor love or uiouey. W'e ho, the impressment will have a favorable effect tliosa who lia-e denied their neighbors corn, and thai tliey will now open their cribs to tbcai at a latr pricvjfaforc the impressing officer s.iall arrive us, to lake away wliat has b.-ei. d-noJ \o the woitien aud cnildrcn of our District 'Vl'apl. McA lister has takcu a noble pari in drtenc^ of tiis country, ami is a beaut ful il dgstratiuii of that daring enterprise wlii-.b h.ia cwarae ecue 1 the spirit of our troops ever since the war coui.neuCfd. That fort will now have a place iu htsiorr. and the tieroi: .Mc Allister will bj associa r-| m its hr.llia it pages, as one wuo disiiiiguistie i 0.nisei; m iho deten v of lio.ue and country The presiding jeuius of the plate i* Captain Joseph McAllister. ttie owner ot ih- plain itton on wnicb iiim K.iii ik ?h,i,i-.i >? i ?' ? - - ?" nuwiu ii >? named. lie im-> done 10 entitle li in id tins apptd'.u ion uity be told in a lew brief kenieu e?. A (lie Ueu of an independent organisation numbering one hundred an i ibiriK . men lie ha* lor i wo years protect? I mi l picket ted i went j - ill rec miles of country, haven month* of this lime he has supported bin cotnniand from his private means. On (he 1'Jili of August. Ibb2. a parly of (tie enemy atiempied 10 land on die KlKonny river i winch is not far Iroui this spot ) una brotiglil a gunboat up 10 Kilkenny landing lor the purpose. Selecting ibirty of Ins* men, L'api. Uc.Un icr ordered llieiu 10 dismount, lie tint on the b ntf?there being no protection -and wan lor the discharge of hie double barreled gun as the signal tor a general voli-y. The enemy approached in barges. Waning till these were tairly between I be g.'.b .at and iii>< hide com ma lid, die Cap (aim rose, and taking aim at the othcrr in die b"w of die bum, who was stun ling up 10 give ibe orders bred both barrels. The Yankee tnrew up hu hands and exclaiming " Oh (jod ! Oh tlod!" fall over into tne water. Tw midshipmen also tell with their heads forward. The rust of die Southerners now firing, the contusion was complete and the two Yankee barges were quickly^nptied of iheir contents, loose who were alijumping overboard and musing i heir way back lo the gun bout as best they could. Several bodies were subsequently found, showing I lie damaging effects of our fire; nd since that tiiue tbe Yankees hate fferer attempted a landing on Kilkenny river. In addition to this r-cotiiing lite which Capi. McAllister leads, lie has furnished the most valuable information to our officers with reference to the enemy and thrir movement?. On one occaaioti ha l*y in a tmall boat within one hundred nnd fifty yards of an iron clad, watch ing the movements of those on boird In the late battle it was three of his men who.-from the opposite tnarsh fired on the officer, sup p >sed to be Capt. Wordon proinenafing on the deck of the Montnuk, and brought him down. The elegsnt mansion of ('apt M , three or four miles from Genesis Point, is always open to the soldiers, and whatever is required for their comfort in sickness or in health they find it gtveu there ae freely as at home. These facts I gleam from gentlemen in the fort. I understood further from them tha- such is the feeling of attachment between his company and himself that, out of one hundred and thirteen men, he has never, during the long time - i ? ?--j - - < uviii. in K?| i l?c lll??l a !lu?f n loll or .1 court martial. and raruly had occasion to inter an angry wont. Although a man of princely wealth lie endure t ad the hardships of hi* men. mid te frequently in the aaddle twenty out of twenty-four hours. I learn further that he has been repeatedly offered a Colonelcy hut has nobly ecline 1 on tho gound ilia' he was more useful to his country as a simple Captain. Much is a hasty pen and ink sketch of a (ie.iigia p'unter, or as the ladies generally know liiQi? Uncle Joel" The fttnrms ol adversity are wholesome, though. Into snow biontn, thotr drills are Out a1 ways acen. When ayou!^ lad\ hems huudk-Tchieti , for a rich bachelor tLo probaty bq*\ that. I .ho may reap ViKUiMA sORKhMUNDfciNCK, Out Post on tiie lit. vl-it w ater, March 2H?b. 18G3. itrar Spartan : I h ire bet bought iue to WTitt 1 Tou a letter from (bo picket post, a position the Su oik aide of the lllackwater, and aboul three milts from our regular encampment Though I do not, like yourself, sit in the sane tern atid within reach of pen, ink, paper antl more than all, Webster's Unabridged Dictionrry. still I am in the quietude of the pine thicket, witu my blanket, haversack, sword, jovial ( companions, pencil and blank book ; then wbj uolwfite? Joscpbus the Jew might liavc eR vied even my scanty supply of iastroineftte. ' Ah, now I remember Robinson Crusoe and takt ooumge: Since he lias assumed con in'in J down here, Qen. Jenkins has established "event! new out-p>sts on this side of t'jerivsr, the Blackwater having recently been the advance line. I suppose you have been advisee ofthe attack the Yankees made on Col.. Joseph Walker's regimont a few days sinec. Tho Pal< metio Sharp Shooters aro iooated directly located on the Ulackwater at FrankTin station The enemy as though he intended to carry everything before him by storui came upoi thetn in great fury, opened a battery of nrtil lery and nisdc a frightful charge upon the boys with light companies of cavalry. The artillery was planted at long taw aud did u? damage. I was informed, however that flu cavalry made quite a g illant charge, coming within forty or fifty yards of our men. Iiu1 tho great advantage for etfective warfare: whicl the infantry ?on with a good Enfield rifle hat over n cavalryman with pistols and sabre wai manifested ou this as upon other <?d 'ins. A few rounds from our guns even stt*-' cut tc ssattcr and*rout them, bold chargers and gnl lant knights, who thought to frighten the boyi beyond the river and write a tale of their won dorful exploits to their friends at home. Thaii project proving a failure, the artillery an<l cavalry node a 'general atamp de together in the direction(of Suffolk. They we>e fallowed nix or seven miles, bat the pursuit being fruit lens our forces returned to their original post lion, and now occupy tlietu with uninterrupted tranquility. The Oth regiment was marcher! to the scene of action in double quick time but the affair was condu led before we reached he field. The engagement rosultcd in a lost tof several of the enemy killed, quite a nuiubei wounded and a dozen or more taken prisoners Our own loss was one taken prisoner and out slighty woundo I. It Is reported, with what trutli 1 count say, that Burttside is in command at Suffolk and that he has JIO.OCO men undet Lis charge. If this be lite case we inoy expect active.times this spring. The regulations o: the out posts are quite strict and but little passing i hrotigh lite lines by citizens or soldier' U allowed. The tcccni enow whicli, as fat north as tlichniond \va? fourteen inches deep (>Xt<>ndinir 'his far South, falling t.. n ilt?niI. ,.i ? o " " " ** " * ' 5 or ti inches here. It has nil melted away j u?w. however, and the blnsHotn* of the pettcl 1 uti l plum nre o ening to the genial warmth o the Spring .-tin. The bird* and frog* have sei ttj) 'heir oho. us and nil animate beings, mar rs< opted. are merging from the seclusion ol wili er to onjuy the plea-urea and blo-i-itigi | that Providence lifts ordained tor IIis creatures ' l arge quantities of shod arc being caught a | the various fisheries on tlio If lack sr.tier, which . I need scarcely mention, are eagerly -ought ' and d.-voii ed hy our men. I.t. ftriant. of Co K., and myself. wilt twenty live or thirty met nrr ot liiii post a. present. We art . w.lliin :i at on. s threw of the re-idenre of n g.-a-'cn.inly farmer wjio like all the F. F. V s, i.e *|?s ? I w go al thing- on hand I ?r his fr end? in spite of blockades and hard time-. Jotm I sun, I believe, it is) said that "fh found allot I of centum must tpnntt np in a man's <,wi min I; it ltd lie who lit* a Itiiic ko iw!e Igr u i ou nan n uuie i< to seek IniMdnc-.s b chatty | i"g nnv I little b ! his 'Wtil* po . tint Will nj.ti 1 his 1 to in f .titles* * do is in I olv p'.y (Ik . grief- which he purposes to remove Now I i <j i riot wholly disagree with 'tic cclcbraiet. I sage front whom 1 junta, bill I must be allow C'l '*i oti-o vc Cutl cthoiz'. Hot line-, utrniiu i <>C?a i<l>l In. I fi?li. *ea?on?<l with a 'Imp u thi apple wa. er.' ire na wc-iUy mix liari.-- so c?oi teti'm'nt \ti ou' f; nioie putioCnriy ao wb?r I t..?? i. ?u kpjit so long on bread an I went ? j all lolJ.?0 K. CLAUD. ! Capture of a IVderal Xtcumcr. Kiciimo.vp. April 1.? i'litt following otfieia ' dispa.cb w.o recent 1 lie re ibis morn ii*iz: 1 II unere, near Uerwicii's Il?r, darcl 11*. via Natchez, April 1.?To lien- ooper 1 hue it.e uouo: io report the capture of the Fed er?l giriUout Oikje. ai ibis point. In da v. Sin mounts fie* ilcan guns. The boat was not ?e i riiJliblr injured, uud will be in.iued.alely pu | in service. The eueniy s loss in Lille.l, wound | oil mid prisoners amounts io on. hundred ami fitly. ( [Signed] It TWL'Hl, Brig Gen. VLKTIIKR r vtlTlt'CL iRS. I'oht Mi i>bo\. April t?I ne New Orleani Km of the -l*i columns tlie particular* of tin capture of the Federal gunboat Diana, ou Sun d?y last, a few tnile* above Braspoar cit3*. ot , lb* Alcbtalaya llayou, by a portion of Sibley' ' command. The Diana was commanded bt , Captain l'e.ersou, and bad aboarJ couipiny A ltfth Connecticut, and company F, 16th Ne? i Vork-iu ah one hundred and twenty officers privates and sailor*, all of whom fell into ou hand*, together with a boat, tuountidg ana 8: pounder rifled Parrot, two ft'd sinoo'h bore* , and two I'd pounder gun*. The boat was bad ly injured. The report oftbcjguiis durihg tin engagement was distinctly hcar^ at ltra?pea City Gen Weurelli common ling, immediate ly sent the gunboat Calhoun to assist the Pi ana. Having no pilot, she grounded, and caini nenr sltarinu the same fate. The South win' raised the wa'er, which released the Calhoun The Confederate loss unknown The onemj lost two officers and three privates in killed. Chatta*oooa, \pril 3, 5 p in ?Major Dicl McCann. with one hundred taen, attacked flu Federal train on the N. aud C. Kailroad in I miles of Nashville, aud killed forty two am wounded sixty-seven. Tha loss on our sid< was one killed and three wounded. Tha part; also captuacd wagons, Ac., and returned it safety. The Abolition Convention at Louisville noia inatod Jostah II. liell for Governor. The Federals arrested three young ladies, o Sumner county, on the 1'Jth ultimo, charge < with placing obstructions on the Louisvilh railroad Several citiious of Stunner count; were also arrested, aud confined in Uie (Jour llou?e at Gallatin* The Yankoo cunbo&ti are asain reported a Florence. Alabama Su battle iu front. Thorc has been hear] skirmishing at linionville. Passengers l>y thi etentng train report the capture of serera wagons and prisoners on Wednesday. Keren two prisoners capured by Forrest at DreutWoot reached here this c* wing. Yickabtirg. April 2.?The enemy made t j reconnoisnncc up Yazoo viror yesterday. an< I threw a few shelK i* fai ! :->Vui9 Veihirj j in sight below nib si Al'K OKjJOiiTtl CAROLINA SPARTAN BO HQ DISTRICT. Citations for Letters of Ad mlnist ration bj WJno. Earle Bomar. e?q.. Ordinary. HKREAS SUSAN AH LINtMBY has r filed her petition in my ofiioe. praying t '. that Letter* of administration, with the will (j untirted, on all and singular, the good* and p . chaMle*. rights and credits of HBNRY LIND- {, SEY. dee d, late of the District aforesaid, de- ^ i ceased, rbotthl he granted her. I These are therefore to rite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ef the j said deed., to be and appear in the t>url ef ; Ordinary, for said District, to be holden on I 1 Monday, the 2<>fh day of April ifest, to r show cause if any, why the sfcld Administm- j lion should not be granted. Oiren under my hand and seal of office, tills 6tb day of April, A. D.. 1808. i J. KAIILE 110MAR, o.s. D. j April _9_ 4 2w r-osxr BETWEEN the residence of Mr. Charles <j West, on Church Street, and Col. Legg's I i ou Main Street, a bunch of SMALL KEYS, ti ! confined by a chain. The finder will b? suitably rewarded ou leaving litem at this office. April 0 4 tf " ORDINARY'S NOTICE. TI VERY Ordinary in this Slate, (except the ' 1\J Ordinary of Charleston District) shall g keep his office opon from 9 o'clock on the even t i ing of every day in ?llie w?ok, and on every t Monday esd Friday during the remainder of the year, A. A. 18A9, Sec. v4 ' In icordance with the Act of Assembly, > ! above cited, my office will be opcu every ModI 1 day end Friday, also every Saturday of each t "ec,t i J NO. EAULE IlOMAll. o. s. t>. ' 1 I Ordinary's Office, April 0, IRdd?4?fit 1 | ? ; TAXE3S. TAXBS! < T WILIj if not providentially hindered collect L I TAXES at Spartanburg C, II., oe Balaa- ! * ' dayin M*y next, tind on Salesday in June, and ! 1 - on Thursday the 10th April, nud on Tharsday , 23d April, and on Thursday the 7th May, and on Thursday and Friday tho 'J 1st and '-i.'d of May. On said Friday. 22d May. the Village 1 " return* will be taken. Tho Tax return* must ; a I be made, an 1 the Tnxe* all paid by or On aaid a , 1 salesday in June, at the Tax Hook* will be ! ' closed at that time, and Execution* issued ' ' against all defaulter*. Owners of slates are , ' required to giro in all their working hand* at I at the time of innkug their returns. I K. C. POOLE, T. C. .1 April 0?1-It ; PKOCLAMVn^.^ i BTATR OF SOUTH CAROLINA. | \ , BXKUUTl VK DEPARTMENT, (Nillmiiia, March 1H, 1&6II. |? i VJ7 HERE VS 1 nin credibly informed ihat f large qtinutitir* of provisions are being | a f ' ci|>orleil from this Suite l.<r tin- purpose of j : speculation, by reusoti whereof the price of pro- j 1 ! vi?io s h is been much enhanced to the great I ' j discomfort of tbn citixen* of the State-, and ) 1 ! whereas the present supply i$ deemed itnpor1 j tant for the subsistence of the people ami the I soldiers ol the 1 otifcderaey: ' j Now therefore. I. MILLEIK1E I. BONHAM. j Governor of Suiiih f'aro ioa. by virtue of the i 1 | power vested in iuc under the t' .nsiiiuiion of . this >tate. do issue 'his my proclamation, nud ' 1 forbid hU porsoiis. lor the space of thirty days I ' j from this datc.lro.n export in/ beyond the lioi ts ' of this Stair, any salt, bacon, pork, beef, ' | co n, ttieul whet*, flour, nee. peii?. potatoes, k . o other provisions of any description The , ... n , . .. - v t AW|MVU *u; irr- I ! inns cr?. i\?ni oilier a-cent* of ?H? ' I t?on% lente (iovcrntueut purchasing prov.-iona t ' t for ilit army. w'a ? ntvt?i viliiliii satisfactory ! ' 1 j cvid ncc ??t" their oUiiial cbaruc er and author ! ' it jr. parson* from oriu-r "*inte? who purchase f ' for tbrir.own private usen'td <* iti.uuipt ton, ami ; ' i not for r?M>e, who shall make lo that ef A p | Ip I before the licit niagiFli'itlc. prcviou>to the j ? ' rcinovel of the articles puicl.aeil, wIt eh oath i j ' I the mngietrn e -It ill |phs 'v; itid futlnah tor . ' I ihe ut? of ilie Solicitor of the Circuit when re j * | ipiired; agrtt * of counti-s, towns, corpora- ? ' I linn., att'l Soldiers B Minis of Relief of other * St'ite*. who exhibit sntisfa -lory proof of liieir I a 1 euiliori:jr to puco:ia?e HUcJi protistuna n behalf ! c o! such counties. towns, corpora*inns of Sol j a diet s Boards of Relief, tor public use or for s d sir but.on at costs and chaigca and not lor , resale or profit. i 1 I Silt ntatle by non residents ami cirgoe* an- j taring our ports Iront abroad are also excepted, j i Any of *uid iriiele* that may be at pped in | i famitu will he confiscated for the use of the I t I I Slate j li i* enjoined upon all magistrates nnd inili- . t i tin o'.fic -rn. ait'I nil pood e lixvus ore n|pculed ! id. to aid in <lie enforcement of ti.i* proclaim- I j lion. t ; Liven under my hand nnJ the seal ofihcStaie, 1 hi fulumbin, this 18th day of Match, in ' [i.t?]ia tlie year of our Lord o*-e thousand eight t ' huu lre l and sixty-three. Nl. L. HON HAM. W. R. llnnl. Secretary of Stat*. j t BMt>_ Vll papers in the ijtaie publish ones a 1 ' weak for one month. I ' April 9 4 lro NOTICE ? TO LEGATEES ANI> CREDITORS. >1 3 rpiIE Executors of the Estate of Jame* Al- I f I ? exander, deo'd., do hereby give notice t j that they will settle the Estate of their intestute on ilie lb'h April next, before thcOrdina j t ry of Spartanburg District. All persons in- j terested in the final adjustment of the business t r of said Estate, wdl please attend on thai day. [ ALEXANDERALEX^NEERt ? t M ADISON ALEX \NDKK, \ c j ? LLI AM ALKXANDEll J Z' I I April 28 3t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 1 SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. 'l | Citation for Letters of Administration hy Jao 1 Carle Beniar, esq . Ordinary. ! ' WHEREAS W. W. II AM.MET. has filed hia j petition in my office, praying that Let- 1 y . ; ters of Administration, on nil and singular 1 1 . the goods and chattels, rights and credits of 1 ' | MARTHA HAM.MET. late of the District , aforesaid deceased, should l?e granted him. ' I These are therefore to cite and ndmonish f 1 all and singular, the kindred and creditors of ; ' ) the said deed., to be and appear in the Court I of Ordinary, for said District, to he hidden on t Monday, the 13th day of April nest, to t 9 show cause if any, why the said Admiuitttra~ j f lion should not be granted, i Given under my hand and seal of office, this I 27th day of Maroh A. ! ., 18?'?3. J i.AKLE UOMAR, o. s. n. April- 2 2t I TUB ST A B OK SOITTH CAROLINA SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. Cifttlion frtP T.nllnrj AtlmltvUlwot*.*- V ? * p I * > IUMVU It J *IUO Ettrle R im*ir, es<j., Ordinary, ' ??7'HBKE.\SK. S MtKTHT, l.aa Iliad hi# . ' \f petition in try other, with the will 1 annex >J. pmyiwp *hwl Utter* of Adminislra- ' t Jion, n aU and singular the good* and ehat- ' 10N 'htsanri oredltaof WILLIAM NltKTllY ' do' ate of the District aforesxid, should be r grti Hltn ' i ^ e 1 o ac* therefore to cite and admonish all 1 | an*1 ugU'ar. the kindred and creditura of the ' said i?t*?i?s?<l. to be and appear in the Court 1 of trdtWarj, for exid District, to be holden on ' ' Monday, the 18th day of April next, to ! show cause if any, why the said Admin- ; ' i t?tration should not bo granted. , J (risen under ray hand and seal of, thU 30th day of March A. P . IbOS. * 'V> 1 \KU AR.O e r. | I April I - ?? I p|, -1111?-J-'-I NEW STORE. CE undersigned having ebrcliucd end considerably replenished the Htoek of i owned bj Meeere. Twiuj, would resectfulljr nek bis friends end the public to give im s cell st the old sisnd of those gentlemen, .mong the new goods just reoeived ere 10 pieces FINE FRENCH PRINTS. 10 " FINE DKKttS MUSLINS. # *0 FINE LONG C .OT11S. Few ? IRISH LMEX3. An Aaprtment of DRUGS.?*Ino Combs, DreMing Combs, Tooth Brudhnn, Knffllnh Pins, Toilet Soap, dec. ALSO s large lot of excellent SMOKING 'OBACCO, end man/ other articles. Persons wishing to purchase would do well o call earljr. AV. J. WINGO. March 10? 1?tf SALE OF ThRSONAL ES'rATE." 1TJFR will offer for sale at the late residence > of J. P. SMITH, ? in ??- e Ipartanbeig on Wtdneiility, tb? 22d day of iprll next, a part of tha Paraonal Kstato of ho said J. P. 8niUh, consisting of 20 LIKELY NEGROES. Horses and MnleH. CATTLE, HOGS, &c. Lnd at the srme time and place, we will offer or lure a lot of some 1*> KBUROK8 to tho lighest bidder. Among them some good up lountry field bands. TERMS OF SALE made ltown on day of sale in; purchaser wislflng to pay caah it wiil bo -eccired. MART A. SMITH. Extrx. W. 0. & SA.M'L SMITH, Ex'ors All persons barring claims against said E?ate will present them properly attested. And ill persons due the same will please call and ettlc Spartanburg, S. C.f March 20, 18G3. March iC a .. tf headquirterr! FIRST RFGIMBST; S. C. VOLS. CAMH (SKAB) FRANKLIN, VA. March 28th, 1KC3. SPECIAL ORDER NO. ? A LL office ra an<l men of this command from /\ f-partanhurg and I'nion District*. ou rare of absence or furlough* are herehy tiotiicti thai afler the lt?il? April, no recommend*, inn for axtcitaion will be considered unless {iren by an Army Surgeon, or l?r. J. C. inith, (!Ionn Springs. Ry order of M\ EILPATRICK, Co unci Commanding. T. F. WiLeos, Acting A^ju't. Anril 3 " ,f ^ ii q OMMHSAKY GENERAL'S JiKl'T. S. C. Columbia S. C., Match 1S??3. 1A.\K t.ill. wing agents, having < is-cutel and fil. d thctr bond* in this In-, imrkdi, me ikiiunrited ! ? dirndl a in 8?ti I lie quun:ili if pint.* in iheir contract*, under r< gt.lai.wna iresluunl)' pubii-tird. The pait>e* now advertised arethc only fter* oils legally ailtliorue'l to distil iu thi? Slate, ither person* who nii v he distilling arc doing > in direct sivlanoo ?>t the law. are here anon ibie to itpenalties. It is iho dtt.y of nil lead m of patrol u? report violation* of the Act, >ud of all magistrates to neizo and supprce* Iho till* of all auc person* : IV II Walker, Spartanbure (' 11?Spartanburg yiatrici. John Coate, Newberry C II?Newberry l>ie \V L Lcgcit, Bennett**;I!e?Marlboro Disric?. J M Davis, BcDlH'Uiiville?Marlboro Dis riot. Archv M Smiik. Chappe!* Depot?Laurent >isirict. * N H 4k W E l'rothro, Johnson's? Barnwell Ji.Mrict. Hustings Dial, Laurensville?Lauren* Disriot. II NiVier, Cross Hill?Lnurcna District. Titos Eakius, Abbeville C II?Abbeville Dtsrict. M C Taggart, White llall?Abbeville Disrict. A A Glover, Edgefield C II?Edgefield Disrici. John D Buleinun, Columbia?Richland Diariet. Robert Kergnsou, Rock Ilill?York District. Kuykeudal A: Brigg , Yorktille?York Dis rit-i. Jesae Lay, I'ickens .C If?Pickens I?ioricl. Thos J Dyson, Dyson Mills?Edgefield Disrict. Win West, Greenville C II ? Greenville Disrict. B Turner. Columbia?Lexinirton District By order of the Governor: JOSKIMf WALKER, Lieut. t'o!. and Coremin'Mry-Uentnl, H. C. Note.?As applications are grntt'ed and >onds executed and filed in this Department, the names of agent* will be addcWto the above list. W*A..The Guardian and District papers iu which the agents reside, will publish once and end bills in duplicate to litis Department, with sopy of advertisement. April 9 1 1 w " NOTiCEe " I FOREWARN any persou for trading for a note given by myself to W. J. SEAT. for seventy Dollars, dated March J4. 1866, which lole is paid in full. R. B. SEAT March 6 61 tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. Joseph Thompson and 8. M. 8t?oddy, Executors applicants. vs I> S. Amlmnn ami wife el ul defendants. Petition for final sotilemtfAi and l>eoree. IT appearing to nn satisfaction that D. ft. Anderson and wife Francis J. Anderson, iltd Ijkura Snoddy, defendants in this case, *c*ide beyond the limit* of thil State. It ia herefore ordered thai tbey appear at the Court kf Ordinary to be holden for Spartanburg Distiiot at Spartanburg Court House, to the tth day of June tekt, to show cause if any hey can. why u heal settlement and dccfew kf the Ktuir of John Hnoddy. jr., d c'd. should not be made, or their consent to the Mtue will ?e taken yro tonftt< (risen undoi n?y h-Jnd and seal of office .his March 2, IR&i. J. E. DOMAE, o. s. i> March 5 hi 9m TiV ?AY r tsiPTOP BAO^. BA(#S!