The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, June 19, 1862, Image 3

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'jrI,uuitAPnir. THB UTfiS? J?ROM tHUUI.ESloN. v. from tfcc Southern Uunrdinn. BATTLE OH JAMES ISLAND. k v ; / . Cha?i?stok, .Juno 10. \ navcra battle took plvs this m.jrDiwj <-ti fatties.i?Uad, four utile* from the cixjr. Tt?o enemy utranced with five vrgtmcut* to hiuruII I N- out? SttfOrcaionvlIU bat'erres whh Ibc bnyanoL \ 'VI. Y. U. Kumar cotantah'led our h*ttrri??, j v iHi a! few hundred of our fr*>-- lie wuited iuVftC enemy got wltliiu cloee range, when he. opened wi?h grape and nmakcti-y. Hterislly tnqwmgdowo too udt.wiouig Yank ? <"?uo.u. YltVeucmy reuJed and dod, but prwaiiiMf worv ", *e'u? Vr>od by artillery, and iiguiv formed and charged.., They were agiihi, jrgpujscd with groatlor. A third lUhe tlhy ndvjvpccd and endoHvrti'od to Hank thabattery, l>ut were again treated baek, when we advanced m pursuit fivui our w^rka killing and -rupturing many. Our victory nl oou^doic. Our Iom is .?ttreiv* killedvittd twenty wounded. CharlcRlon troops werechieflv engaged The anenir's 1n*s J is tint jet ascertained, but was ce-tafnly several hundred in killed, woumUd ond prisoner*. l lm'ch of thirty priaonors have just lurou brought to 'he city. Killed-Lap'. Owin, of'I.auttir's Artillery, and Lkut.#drconr*l?f this Washington W<ghi infantry. WottL-Uod?Col. Lamar, hadly, and a "Ittany ei tiers. ? . .Sum'.-t Guard*.- -Killed -Isaac Vnlau'in-. ,Xi?j?ovtus IVbtiaski. ounded.?-ilcrtt Valentine, Hurry Ji.-ville, ahtl-K. Leans. ? The battle 'his meriting was pronounced by bur generals Hi hate been a most desperate ?>ue. Our loss is heavier than at Hrst reported. .invri-hl ?dlllitKlu ?>AHiv.aA? L k' '' A portion of the ca\.'nij''B force fought gallantly. Thc*47tK Not VoTk Highlanders assaulted wur batteries with ciupty nni-kot* They fought obstinately oQ?l retirol. leaving fitly dead in ditch*?, un.d carrying off llictr ^' undvi. Yltc. enemy's gunboats and land bnttcr'nw en-opet atod in the attack. *Th? rnio J??y'a In** ia abobl four hundred in kiliad.ftonded nud captured. * Uichuosd, Juuo 1f?.--Tiie force with which (leu. Ftuart aocoinplisficd bis brilliant reootijfotaauoe consisting of the lot and Utli Virginia c*vairyt detf. i?a?is' I.cgion of cavalry. Ho1?Vk , l.cgioti, and three phwea Stuart's AriUici^. i The expedition left. TsyioraViUc Fridaa thorn- j ng, routed a squadron of Yankee cavalry at Old Churti, and captured an J burnt thro? Fed al transports n< Futiiey's mill?. 011 the uuk.y Hirer, loaded with commissary utu1 ord.. iuuicc stores. He thence proceeded to Tun- 1 stall'.?, on the Yotlc'RtVi'V U"uih7>ad, cnptined a number <>t* Yankees, ami fued into and riddled . h train Ot cars. The engineer, who was killed, fell off the engine after putting en a full hoa<L ?fateaui. Tlic train dished on towards the I J'auutnkey River, near Tarloravillc. Ho also capture! and1 bffrnt onehuudred wagons, Nndwith commissary stores, and returned to Richmond this morning, bringing three hut dred muffs dud horses, Jl'he Knemy'a l)exli;nsu|Min ?'?|.atItuiowftn?Its Uanftcr. f>n yesterday, in announcing the Diet ( that lip*enemy It .id ruti red from before Chat-: t.moogn? wo. expressed n. doubt as to his fu- j mre designs iipon thut imperial.t point. Wy arc now puti^Led as to his designs. 'Hie attempt, and a formidable otic it will be, will soon bd'inuuc to capture that city. Tho evidence is bftTofona: ' Fruui the best authority, we Icarq tint the WHHuy nre encamp cd tvuie eighteetrniilts below Chattanooga, i>u the oppose' slUo of the riser?-the tor -ets that attauvhd that oity air Fat urdaf and ?Snuduy lait havittg fnlVn buck thai I nr. That force L> now ehggod ii?" savtrwjg luui her, and nppoartob? working ns though n ,-v, umanig umuoavs. un incm ^ i.- ;i gunboat, ootne tw > and a half mile* by ; low their puaent encampment. It in a j fiatboiit, with hiutionarv power but on for j propelling it,- nud baa fhre* pieces of oau i non on' board. The object of this era doubtlow, being to tow fly> under oovor ol its guns, in eroding the -river with troops f-hinh is the position now of the enemy, and euoh are bis preparations for another ad Ygflty upon Chattanooga. SV'c are also advised tliat Gen. 5>?rby -^mithisio command, in persou, ufo ir lorceti at Chattanooga, and that great eonddenec is rOposcd in him, and his ability, with his forces, to defend suocosbluil} j that city. The chitons as well* as the j military thore are <letoroiined not to aur- j render the city, but to hold en to k, let the j enemy shell It as much as thoy please?? 1 patriotic and gallant dotcruiination, which, I tee truot, will result in the defeat ol tin- t . ; i . i enemy ?*aesign3. liut should Mitchell l?c largely rein for ; red--1-should ho bring to bear on Chn'U- j ' nooga more than one gunboat?should he MK-eved in gcttmg po-ricssion of tho city? what will he the situation of Georgia? We pass by Georgia's bcinjj cut oir from sup plies of suit, coal, provisions mid the obVIrUotion and partial destrifctiou of the Mate road; ihcsy boing certain uoiu?eque?cos of the Capture of Chattanooga; and turn j consider tho consequenoos to the State ! from the raids of tho enemy. Our mountain country will bccomo pas j luio livlds lor the enemy to feed upon, and | tutiunrr in: and ua he ??:?iti?>r^ <aroi>.>ii> i from-tcinforoeutMils, he will be as ceftetu tn advance into the interior, and towards Allah la, as !? > is an enemy trying to nth. j'igitle na. This can, aa wo btforo inlim HUd,onlybc prevented by tho organize ?ion ofatbrei to oppose his progress, and ' it ymist come from the mllita of the 8t- te | l.iko Virginia, every uiarmMe to bear arm^, { that eau be armed, wiTl have to take the field. | Oar ptoplo must prepare for llii*?they j , niTot gel ready. J he Governor will hate ! to enforce hia. orders to the roiliU offcer? oj Uic Ft ale to organize and bo ready for ; th? liold. We are no alarmist, and have no de.hfe. to create excitement amufflr the people;* but wc arc. not "blind, nor will we ; cliui enr eyes to tho truth ibat Georgian- j ?jn |>cril, pjiould Chattanooga j.?ll into (hi j hand ? of fho Acmy. As ''sentinel* upon 1 . the wakch-tower?" we therefore, with the! eignr be/ore ih, "aouuil the nlartu."?At i hint a 1 Yth. Itnrpn in Xa.shVllie. Wc le.iM an authentic. source th'if great excitement was created in Aushville, . a few days ago.hv tho report that John H. j Morgarf had arrival in tho city over night, and was boldly stopping ai a woll known i boardiu";hou>0; The Federal paoruot mar J ,<lt!il invmcdia'ely ordered out a large taroe L tor bis capture. Tlio linu^e was Riircpund ' id in apeh a manner nuto render hia escape | impossible, and the ollber wlu> had charge j .m mc iccuiig secure <?t" his game, demanded, withacmio show of politeness, that ?ht notorious #Joliii N. Morgan .should be brought out ami deliver" <1 ijp to the lil???lciar torce quietly, in order to avoid MuotUlt- d. The gnihnt f-':doralvt wan , v, .?i:<-\vhiit. chagrined when hewn* inform d that suf-li n prtoe** woi^jd be highly dctri nuittal to thfl health of Jo!ln 11 IUokoan, 4 Uo hud arrived the right previous, and >y{) it ti.r /'/.? l'1? ?. pntriotio woman ( ' . ' vvred nmno npon 'rt/lf 7;*vi*trr. w&lw #*valm? Jfpavtan. syir?iifAy?"caPSt i Tliur!t<1ti>^Jtt|i* tO, iH?a. t TUG SriHTAKDl'Rti KXJ'KESS, ' W? regret (lie suspension *f our Coti^npora* c ry, wiili whom our intercourse h?? hren of h tho moat plcasgut and agreeable character. d Upon no subject of general interest bare we u differed in aeatimviD iu any decree l? M to a impair'editorial h.ip?nony. Smoothly wo hare t! flowed along. though tlie life rlream of our rerpfotlve pupam bus been tftfdbly obstructed, f by II* avidity of oqr render* for doily new* J The "Diill*" bus well nigh supplanted the wenVlv" in ?vr\ secdon vfiiicSiate. Whether ^ a i istrb.o Uaielle is an entity qr non-.enMly i* becoming a problematical question. The Law. ^ recognises thoir cOalem o. "but tlu> people, in warlirnoe" dissenting from our legal fathers, ?re much inclined |o ignore their being alto* C getlter. But w* Is thla right; doct a paper no' gi*e character to the District ^ind, is it * uol a value bio advertising medium, if drticicnt. I in all other qiUlitlcj.. While onr news columns 1 are a iittlo rapid and Out to th? render of our t daily publication'*, iif looal Interest we "Certainly, can cWbi ?quality if "o? nw iwl- . q,?noo. But whctligr interesting nV not at t , this bin >rly junctur.) In om history . w? tntst, | and would appeal to our friend* and ilia Pia. trict nut to incur the sliamc of suffering cv<?ry , ( tiewRgpper light to go out tor the wnnt.otjj patrowag-*. Kvery person e.incoi vjs that he hi* cone noble virtues, eouto of th- oliarnc u 1 teriawics of Cuatar, even if it is an honorable' amhiiioti. So think we, and to leel we in ' reference to the "Spaitaa" hml hence prcmnir ' to solicit an extended circulation through onr ' friin<l*. If they will vitalize us, more full}, ' hv striding us their names, in a short liioc we J ' shall bo able to 14m a? *q strong uinii with 1 armor on; ooino out double-winged and take 1 bolder and higher flight. . ' OliM IHSTKICT PKiO. 1 Tho lint of those killed; from our District, io ' the 4<attle of I'hioahoniiny, or "Tile Se*e? l*ine*," as It is termed, i? quite extensive, vnA 1 shows that our young men, gallantly, met aii<^^ egno anled, entirety hy >I? xican Artillery. 1 i ?oJ, upon wblel , W4* left a battery, of the Uni- ) ] t.?d Statei, he, with three others, v luutt ered tin , .lu* ? rakiug, tnurdrvon* fire to withdraw the j , wttorjr, or, fill a roldiers grtve. The effort , was made Hrtd gloriously performed. For il he . reqeirad * hiit'i encomium from the nftirc' in , rornroixnd. After that Struggle was nvi-r, lie rrt- t turnn-1 to our I?i *t? ?? t. km I engaged jti the ] p??wfid pursuit of k tuerclt^ti'. In his mor- j ornli'o business, he ni*?y\ rmnmatidej the i i conttJrocn of hia pn'rnnr for 4ii* uprightness 1 > .1? i wan, mid. aortf-jy a* n fiuaneicrigpSueh ] is the brief biktory of ooo, win.** lit?, ohaen | tar, end p:i.ri?.ti.tni desorva nu fiumhle tribute ' j from those. who knew him well enon^h t? ap- , pieoiatc hid eirtue-, and pardon hi . f*ult?. ! ,. ?* ? - j ,| HI K I Oft Kit. J? Among the killed otj (lie YaoVao ?tiic in th? ' p t>i*til > ?>f iha Cblekahominy i? the name of j Thomas I'ranCi? Meagher, tin ' nitwit l*ndrd and highly applauded" Irish patriot, who di?I*?t so tiiuoh in New Y-?rk to urouse the spirit of Jt hid frrh brothers against us. He Jed the Six ,c Iy ninth Krin regiment into the f'ghtal Msiihi- ^ ana, ilnd I hen ran tiw.ny to Washington, ox- , claiming that " the Southerners hud Won their | fi IttjJ'pemlencti." Reoerrriug from his fright, a t ol-ittel Mpngher was made a brigadier, and '' raised a brifnttaff bit (tiutlrywru to slaughter Southerners, and lqd thcdt " to the' liiiknho- s winy t? full thorp Itiinolf, 1 t. t resisted the f?e. Amung them are Martin .1. Smith, .I. J. Foster, T M. Mirtfn, flcirge F. | HoughiUm, Captain J. Q Carpenter, 1'. Ilonner, , .R. It. Harris, M. Lipscomb, Mi'Uercl!, WtaT i 11 Duali.. I f hey Are gentlemen of high respehahility ' j and fminww.\ IC-ing w??JI ^d^sccnded,* irne patriots, *ml, thoroughly imbued with n : funv of our.rights uud tliey hesitated not to initnoi ?'c themselves upon the a1! ir of j i o?ir r.?mttir?n country. The mo?t of them being s planters by occupation, l.ty were not -o con- i t sp'uiionsly mixed up, with the uioronienn of , | the Rietrirt as to signalize their lives tjy po\it J t icnl nntee-tHrnts, so much a?>, their death <",! > I lito heroism ttioy displwycd'nenr the Capitol ?jt 1 the Smith. Cnflincbing. brvu'dy and heroically, t they fiiccd the cannon, and withstood the hailstorm ?f*nnirhe|ry and small arms. To.conqurr was their purpose, to die, their dvetunnatio.i. rather than, the Yankee ' flag should flap respnusHcly to the victorious 1 shouts >'){ the mnl.iltt las, that encompassed, ' defiantly, the beautiful City Of Richmond ' In leaving-the quiet scones of h??mc they j' pauAed not to ooatfi ler the painf'il trial. .They J' disregarded t\. t the notes of the war-trump, or i closed their ears to the inviting strains of ! nmrtial inntie. At the first sound ofilisbittVe fry, ihoy riMisd to the standard of.their tb*. ! | lured ?oulh and, upon the "whips of the wind," | ( hastened to her ream c. .With them no runic j of delay prevailed. Voting, active, vigorous, I patriotic, they stayed not to listen, to the1 whispmtogs of pleasure,- or yield to the en- i ohammeuts of the parental firnaide. Rol.ll v t list? i dashed into the fray, and, boldly, met the enemy who slew Lhcm. Some of o! them went \ from tinker the ih?dnw ??f the monument that ma lf??hch. Itle ground of lhaGowj?rn.-?; Athfre from jwiint,-*, so nwtt^ iw to catch inspiration from tho vnna.nguled plninsof the Cedar Spting? and Blaoksto<*ks. JJacli Im l a revolutionary hift oiy in parentage or loonllfy. from such ! haroo-- w?, n ?, *nple, *icp e.-tcJ much; from them .1* ^part-iijN. ire arc enabled to gather the ' ( Uerolr g.nlund, tor the adornment of our Die- 1 ( iriot briar. Aside from the?e young her-vs, it h.'omef | our painful duty to apeak of Captain .?. Q. r Carpenter, from the n-ighlmrheod of the Lime stone hpriiu*. ? ? for more then twelve month*, he command % Ad a company of braves equal to any that j 'oo-npnra Hue Confederate army. Courageous ! himself, hII trusted hitn, as they would the ' impulses of tboir ova nature. C*pt. C'arpeu- I ter had not merely a homo reputation for courage. ("Hi the battle fl.ddj of Mexico, he"j icpiired a reputation for soldiery, more cn- I j luring than A nnii^e of Lineolnfbn, ' ( "North Caroline, he Migrated to thie Pjstrict, ( many vwh ago Hero ho married and hers he livwl, pivimn tp the v <r of Mexico. At the outturn! of ifeat war, lm volunteered to , defend the " Star Spangle^ B innOr," as he ha* ?rr\ee, bravely fought and d;ol for the support of tho baro ami ?tu ?During the Mexican w tr, ! no p iv?,e for such he * ?v comcrd moi? dm- I j ?h? or heroism. In one of tha battles fought -j between tho City of Vet's Crut and Mr tiro, h* j' performed a foat, ' that should perpetual hi. ! i^nir in Amerlian history. At some hiidpr | , J w , j , v*^s ; , * ' * ? ' ' .in nmT^nit.i ' ' . WIIE4T A few heads of tlftc wheat *m u.?, ho other day by Mr. J. B. Toileaon. token torn the f\cM of Mr. Joiuee Tapp. It is called ho Oale Wheat, and is one of the finest rnrltiee wc ever caw. Olio ot thfc head* measures! ix iuohca in length, end neriua to be ire!) fUl-' J. About a quart or less of U?i? wheat was rought from {Seoigia, end sown last yrur in aills. From lluil <un?H quantity he reut'.*e<l* Vcr two bushel*. Tho rut he jroduci wee own thl* yenr, *u?l pnnnlm, judging hom he samples before us, to jrold {tbuinhtntly. io far too, it is not. in the /tightest degree* fce'od b\ i net or smut. Lot out formers try it#] i'hillieo At' Rohealiil*. We invite attention to tho ? dvertiaement of dr. T. B. Jeter, !?? worthy and popular Problem of the Spartanburg and l:ily>n Railroad, t will bo seen. that on Tuesday and. Friday, h? cars will leave SpfoTfanbutrg at V.4o, A. M., tnd return at*7. "0 I*. M, On the other days of lie wetk, they will leave nt '2.16 A. M.. and irr'wrV a.i at'present, 2 P. M. for kotknkou The luiiumunicnttau nominating Kx-Qovernor' IVin. 11. t?int, a? a tollable successor to Gov. Pickens, line been received too late for pttbli" We hare tin objection t? the noinina* top, ?< the himut v. ' claims the lion to* of raving flrsi fiij|?(?j'e'l Iim name for that rcxpon ihlo position four years ng??. If lie should bp dee'ed, i.tihtdc Ho danger the Convention will iitcrtet e and qmn1v}>lt hitn. i'ttnst rlpls We notice in the t.'oluiub'a papers, that Invcrtior Pickens ha* decided that when the all is made for I'uuscripts, all who hare bcrn Uncharged - no matter by whom discharged, between l!w; age* liable uuder tlie act of Con^ icripliou, must report to the Catnp of Ristrucion, and if there found on eanminp'ion unlit for dtry, their discharges will he forthwith renewed and lr?r.Mporl on furitl?he<l home. It will be seen in ottr advertising columns, hut tho,polls arc now* complete, and iihvc been urne-l over to 4lie Confederate olficer, from ivliicli, we suppose, the O'Uiscrlpt* will be ioou erdsrtul out. , A iw . OX to ruhhom). A s.ddier who was qu altered near a f.nmtousi in ^irgini'i, liar hoen boasting to ii lady, hat lie would enou be in Richmond, was *ken prisoner, and in passing her do<?r on ' Is * ?y to Richmond, she said smiling. "I am ^ad, air, you arc at last to bo graiitic 1. a iiuvorr. The Yankee;- in Norfolk have a bcrious.liine n managing the negroes in that place. It looms a large number were confined ill lie Fair Grounds, wlieu I bey revolted, overaoworcd the guard, and were only (ecarrd by ?'ie prompt arrival of r, Delaware regiment i'r?ni tho bad habits of the Yankees they are ml to believe they arc a superior rapeto them, itid they refuse them aw misters. muttcy. A regimri?l of Federals sent from Norfolk o reinforce UleClellau is reported to have \lllf illif-.t lin t I tiul !.-? ? U.,.1 1..V.. t . c ? i ? ???v.n an??i ir'"rv hey were reduced to ohedv-nco. They li iv# tad esperienor til XttrfnllT of Isiionism being v myth ut the South, .and that the peculiar iulitutiuu l?? ! better be let alone. * ItlEJlPIlt*. 1 he surrender of this pla<*c wu.s made to ill* Vrtrikees by the Mayor on th ? <>ih instant, jftrr * battle witli the pun bouts on thr liver. L'ol. Fiteli conrmiiuds thefity. Anil) .Jolinson, The Lynchburg Brpuhli 'an r"-p";-t.i t'.lf hal'ml (imiirnor dens. ?! ? wa? shot by licurge Br<?wn, :? ..on of Mon Moil S Brown, whom Johnson had imprisoned for not tuki.ig the oath nf allegiance.? -t ? *- vMeii. Turner i shlty . This distinguished General n it it great favorite with the. soldier* in the t dlcy of Vir gitiiit. Ho vrns Htnuhed to Ooocrnl Ji'-Vioii.'s army. He Iih? hcr.n m romnrkablc rntin ' gh oiit.thf revolution. In its commencement* tc -oronianded a small bo ly of Cavalry. For nearly a ye?r, he \tas known as the dashing Col. Ash by, nnd became well known in the Yankee . amp*, us the Morgan of th? valley, Ilts brother whs killed ">n a skirmish with the snrmy ?' Ruth, nnd G'-ti. \.<lib\'w?\e * uum^d in attempting his r?.-rs?. He promised to i?vfng? hij^dcath with thr live- of a hundred Vankee.s with his own hand, a t olt which be i'od nearly performed, when li? met liit il-nth is a de-pcrute charge .t the bend of hi* Regiment, * He wsm a native of Fanquier'county, Virgin .a, and ? ? about thirty-eight years of age. Jj, personal appearance he w as not commanding, but rather hniall of stature, wiili a long black beard, and small black ryes that were re insikuble for lheir piorciug depths lfe wn~ he idol of the neon'e of the Vallev nnrt ?nn? fould have fa'lcn who will be mote regretted by thr.n, if <re except the gallant loader of the urmv, J *CKf 6s. Ilia i?sni'?it'~ ro"l in ?h' CnncAit; lluryirg Orouud, uesr Chmlottsvilfo, A irginla. . ? . h'oldlrri ltd tasoclntlon. . 'At -t metCng of tho .lMwciuiiu'i he'd on Kvday llthJuu*-. Mi*. I'ruf. Ihincan in he rhttir. ft being mcertsinwd that Mrs. I>r. I.. K i.ttrdy owing to ill health, was unable in nectitil tho office of I'ro.-i'Unf, to which rhc ? as elected. ? It was ordtnd. Till sit ileuiion for Pros' lent >?o held at the O'-xt regular meeting. Frilay "J?fh June, Mild that all members ortahlr 0 attend, ho. requested fo r'ti'Lth^r re?'t to the Palmetto M ill, by I o'olorkJ'. M. A wi lcr field of ltfcfnlnera than ever before, ? How o} en to the Society, 'lie wants of fur Ick. and wounded vrint be supplied. The ,adie- thankfully acknowledge the increasing iber:. i'v of the locate r? lot Ik society, both n money, and tn Koepilal stores, ?n<i they solicit contribution from nil interested, e*pe. 1 iHv of par'ly worn, tinder clothing, shirts, lowers. old linen, lint, bandages, brdding rid art it la of nourishment for the sick V ninrtual attendance is oarne.lly required. Mrs fl. .1 T>K VN, Cor. Secretary. Ciiai^ijroooa, June 1.1.?Tha enemy's enir force of infantry. cavalry und artillery, rrdor Morgan, (Federal,) it is reported, i'<t*??d 11 ig ? tr. k tlnp ye.ctaeday to' Petrsll'i 'alley, twenty miles West of Cumber land lap, tlivrutctiirg the Filler In the rear and Our for?M ar?-|?ri-p>?ring*|o mc?f !*-m. Hire hundred of the unemy "s cnvetr.y err report! rhm merninp til Ha?tic Crrrk, w t-nty-^cv . milr? fron> i 1. < :? the ppnulln ri'ir nfeke rl*r It i' *?ippo*erl they uttrinpt to Invnilf t'sil T?nner#ee f n? i^li there yuiut* * >er '* ir? wi>1 h- >. !r IihKI t I' rp"? V j7(J //Co (IjvWHt J OF THE 36th REGIME t NOT . NOW IN SERVICJE. * I desire to ItAiftfct !u s few were recruits fur t Jv-. Lsjtfun"" Fork Volunteers, f>tl? I M. V. Recinieiit. and J cell umib v< u to noma - - - T forward nnd Ml up ? ? rank?. I You all are wcji ?ir?r# that those of you between ilio age* of IS a'?4 a?*? will have to go tl.onlv Into fertiet at Utt ?nmu of Instruction, where jr^u will l?o among strangers ond enmpunio* With wli'.m you will bare no acquaintance or ^it crest. t'au you prefer to go there, sstjir j>r< ssure. to going, with me as Volunteers, to the company, inwhich, Jronr neighbors and old reboot-mates' arc resisting manfully, the rile invaders of our itil? Henceforward" ws will fillip our Companies, not fci?h Volunteer*. but with conscripts, mid for this reason I ray to yon. 'hiyt this is your last chance to Volunteer. N?w, motif sow, you hare to choose between thin camp of In.truc tion and this old company, in which, hjr frientlj ship, kindred or aMnchkti*n, you arc all InterI cSte-l. t t'oina young men an?l let us go cheerfully to j thr h?ddj where our old companies are proJ t.ecijng our homes, punishing tho hated invaj ?!? rs of our roil and the wrould be destroyers i of our oxi?ten?-e an a p.japle, aod as patriots I dare or as umrtyrs di4 for our i?or*eo>it?-d > country. _ i The dilemma is before you : to one or the other y-.u mpst and will go. If you prefer the I .former - -if you had rather go among strangers jktxl under military preV?rir* to where you can ever be sutislied, and lot slip this your goMcj^. opportunity ?I hep remember what I say. you will regret the choice thus made'to tho latost breath of your lives. It is beet that you should i^ho with tin. best for yourselves, best for your children ami kindred, be*t foT ?your name* i herenfteri mid .more than all, it is bet for j deur country that you should be with us.? j This vtjti know and cannot deny. If you hare | hearts, then, ready to^aharethc toila and pri- j ! vnii.>n* which so many of your countrymen ! j cheerfully endure, and b? ' men who know j .f[youi ] rights and knowing dare maintain I liein," you cannot fail to respond to thi* Tlie last fork in the road is now before you: c ur the ?jtber you must take?if you take the right, which is smooth and plainly murke.l, it will lend to fMme*nd an easy.Conscience; j Lut if the other to shame and trouble within I yourselves nnd to a just suspicion on the part J ot otli?rs. It is, hownror, for you to decide ; j j it is not, I wish it were, in inr p.mcr to cdtoosv j for you, but, remember, whatever* you do. j j posterity will he your judge. All, therefore, who may desire to go wi*b I in", mint he at Spartanburg Depot, ready to take the cars for Richmond on .MONDAY j M'JKNIN'O NKXT, while those win# Iihi e ; already been juiuter?*>l into leriicc, must not j ! fail to report nt tlio rune time and plo#?e. T * W11.1.1 AM CHOICE, .1H. Captain Co. K. nth K'g s. t'. | ( June :0, lfMJU. J .l.nlfst Surfliri'H m ntl K-:nr<?|??'a? UicnMO<*n, June 1 f.- The N'rtt Vo*k llei ih>. of the IUt! ? winch has been rect ive l tn-rr. , contain* Banks' official raport of the ins. yh j th-J HW l?iv?*|nn of the Fifth ?/orpr< 1?*.A nnee ] 1-front Stnshurg to WiiIinm*poi-t, on >!? ' -Mth iitoi 25th May. The report ?>?-eupieb two vol | >imm ofsmall type." .'fcankn -<ays: Hy c ?ni-_I hi .?11 <l It on n suffered in the attack. the ; r.niie it neeitni^liOicii was a pit m i t. i> *t j ' mhreli ol nearly silly mile- in the ta d the , I enemy?defeating hi* pi?n- mul go; .^ l.-nt : battle wherevertnund thir ln;* ? 14 -y* killed, j l.V? wounilo I, iiti-l Til missing. \ I our gi:t?A j were saved." ! There are no accounts in the Herald >! ; the defeat of Fremont *u-l Shields by .l-tck j ! ton. The departure of l.ord I.yone for Knglan-l . produced greil sensation in \\ arhihgton I h.< j Herald's correspond tit l.nut, ! 1 upon the invitation of Seward, t.? essinc tinj l.ngbs'1 t ahiuet rluit the war can not h?- -.t long . daa:;on. 1 The N?*w York Herald ?l' llir 11th, x-i_\ ?, tt,e* Richmond Dispatch gives .4 terrible record ?>t I tin- ln?s ot the rt-hel officers at the battle o? 1" iir ! j Oaks*, including five 'Ion cr*Ji and twenty-three I t*'olonel?.* 'J lie Herald diet not pmit den- 1 1 pnlrhi'.t of the article, which t|tcwe it t# be . j sheer fab idea tin ii. Premonl telepmplir-l t-? ; I Stan'on 'hat he engaged Jackson's entire force I on the 8th instant. The b*tJ% larte.l. -with I1 g-eni obstinacy and violence, fire hour*, the lost on both sides luring very great. The Fed enl lows watt heavy among officers. The Fed- j ! oral troops fought >i0?*aaionaHr, under a niur 1 j tlcrous fire. with greatly superior nptihera. The bayonet and canister shot were n?c'l free j j ly. and viitli great etfe t, by the Federals. Milrov luni the centre, Svhenck the right, , Stnhl, wiih all his .brigade, thelelt ; Birncker s j ! Hohelcn's and Steriiurteker's brigades coV'pb,o.l iKo */ ??rv.-.i ' ?' o.. o ~ . ? .ivi ? ? vi I ric* oi f) ' Ne* York w?? bndly cut np,.lo?in2 .T(K?>?. The J total Idkh is ctttinoa'id it I fWWt or H'<0 killed, ! 1 mounded and missing. The iYder:>l force*#; I w en-greatly ont nt nil point*. but j Iimv- occupied the rv'*el Hue* and forced fh*>o 1 to rrlrenl. " ? "I"i?? I. *n*lr>n Times. of May I!*. ?.*ij < T,Mi?n'iJ| war right in desnrihing th's *?r a hipjnli fl , this i* iii?s biggest. job of tl?e kind rrrr scan? ! on more nyiety days' huiint's-lisnlni kii?*wu I to be imminent mill rtnacd in severity any hitherto fought. The Tunes say s the jyocln [ mmion ol Hotler realize* all aver toM of the j tyranny by ?*Mlnr]f ?r*ur tIte vMiqnirU<l. The l ! of nlnviiry endured by ne'gro?. in New Orleans can?o?f Vinmc absolute ib*t now i j offtrcd bj the whites in i list rity. : Tho Philadelphia Pntjuircr, ot th? Itttli, has | . received a d< spntch, dated Chicago, .lilur 11 : j which say.* ftuneral Mitchell won another ei? j | lory at l hnlian.> >??? l'U? rebels were ropi-.^ plflely rouiotl, attev two 'UjV hard fighting. ' Meagre sccpnnls arc jircn of .lackeon'? vie' tory over Shield* at Poir Republic. -Thndes. : . patch reys our men opposed them nt every | step, but their nuinbere were en inferior to ih enemy?their bciog five td one ?they were j compelled to fall back three or four miles, with | henry loss. , ,-crrtiarv ? lta?r )l-KS KHinTliy IO ISsHe one hundred mi>l 6?">> millions legal fender note-, and n bill for that object hns been reported fro hi ih? Committee ot Ways and llnnn. A grand t'nion demonstration was nnnnunred in take place in Norfolk on ihr iVSlh. (iov. J'ierpont expected to be present. Seward hue gone fo Nrw Tork, to br absent several days Kevtnly .lobnson Is going to | ( Nti* Orleans as Commissioner of the Stalest , [ pn.tiucnf. Toe steamer Afriea. wit); l.ivcr)?ool dites to j the Cist, has arrived at H%hfax. I lhc French amijr in Homo is about to be rei du~rd to a single division. Tl e Lngiiuu conservallva party hare cnlle.t. ted all their f<>rei f.?r the p irpoxe of upsetting I Lord Mmcrstnfl "n the retrenchment filtration; | a ministerial cris's i* therefore doomed iinmit j ! nent. Mr. Lindsay pare notice that he ahonld j oall attention to the relation* of Lng'.ond pith | France and the Confederate States on tlie 27th 1 'June. Nothing was sail about intervention or recognition. Captain llerry sretl known a.s the f(-rmt?r V commander of the New York and Charleston , , steamer Colombia died nt the residence of his brother, in Rrookt/n, on ?he8d inaf. Captain 1 Retry ens th* hi t nvin ?1 at entered Charleston harbor tinder fi? Palmetto flwg lie nt, i >,pri!'.tie,| in l'o*f I.afayctte for alligr 1 sc<: . jion teudtne *. ii ? ., re|-sie) but a ' w tr rV? <ir c? !' ?ewpwmf 1'iMsiBf (brouih Wlacliflat?r. THa DrLitul A<t*ocatr publishes % letter (VMd a soldier of Southwestern Virginia, now in Jacltaon'e aru>y, descriptiTo of lUe defeat of Bn.u);4 %rin^. The following la an ex tract: A I never expect to witness another such a recti? as when we parsed through WinrlrtSte**. No pen tin describe it. Thr uliuo't confMton prevailed.- Thr Indie. came from all parts of the to'wn witli arntrr, iiw! and most, halloo, fifg for J off. Davis, Genera' Jackson, Colonel Ashby, the Houtbci u Confederacy, atW "the boys." W? drank, hut told them we Had no time to cat. They even flatted us ua the hacks and told us to go ultmul: and with audi Incentives we "fairly flew,'' ovcrv man for him-' *11. geeed tho ^ .uikeeit so hard that tbcj? threw blfVtiapsnfka and coats, and took to the fields hikI woods, scattering guns anil cartridge boxes all over the fields. Our com* puuy armed itself entirely Willi long rang# guns of different kind*, but they lave since been taken awuy from u*, it being difficult to got cartridges to tit. .* , Ml I1. - L.! Wanted to Hire A T the Female Collage a good WASHKK J\_ AND IRONKIl. without children, also a gnl to attend to Children. # A.PETHUN*. .Tiiticl'J * l?"i *.f I'ublu* Sale. I will offer fitc^nle ow ??le*day. next before my office a ATTRESmK8 (unless sold before P?rrs?n?" wishing. hucIi ariict^MTill do well to attend the sale. J. M. EI.FOIiD, Agent. June 1 3 lf? '2w I 'OST 'Ol' I ICR. < A I.I, persons, in arrears for Postage will /\ idea?'' call and settle. .1 A. t.KE, P. M. .June 13 1 *> Jt Nt'jrrocs lo Ilii-o. OKVK11AI, persons having inquired for hegroes, as ploughmen. A., I now request all lhaCarc wajitlng hand liitlier. Ploughmen, Carpenter, or Cooks, to leave their applications with inw. end stale that how many are wanted, us 1 have almost daily applications to Jturw where negroes can l.e hue*. J. M. KLFORD. Jwnp 13 1~i tf New Schedule. Sput tttnliuig Jt ITnlou Railroad. gl^iSE'Eie I'montiim, S. C. .htne 12, I8?12. VFTKU * 1>*? loth in?t .thcVtMcngrrTnlnj witl IruvoSp.irmaiiMirK H..??n 'fl'fis l?\VS and FRfliAYS, hi It. 4 "? A. M., and nr. rim at Alston at 2. 2T P. >1., connecting with ilif irei iivIHe Down Train. I.oam Alston at 10 1*. M., ami return t<? Sparlnnhtirg at 7* Hit 1\ >1. On thrwlnr ilsjs of ftie w ork, will lcam Sj>ail:?iil?itrg II.r at 1 l."? \. M , and reach .Melon al 0. 0T V II., connecting with the <imenv;ik' t",> Train. I.o.ivr Alajon nt-'A 30.1 M.. ami reti'm to Spartanburg a I 2 1*. \l. Titos, n. JETF.n, Pr-.- t Juno 11? lhw t>w CHEROKEE SPRINGS, SPAIITANBURG- DIST. S. C? rpllliSK Springs ar* now open for the ? rocoptioii it11 I nernni inflation of ii?i ? >! . Situated in a healthy locality, tight | iniIre tioifh "f the t>-wn S,?arta?t?urg, they iii<lttf?Hiootj to our |i|? i-onmry friend* un?oirpneac>l hy nny lor Jo-mIiIi and comfort. The pro,irl.-tur 1,-rU confident tlmi lto will he ahle to |de>??e hi.i v>ityu\?, and thai toon pint i toiroualilr i? ino ti* th?* tptu-s will jvrinjt. Several rt? in,, fur the season on, rraronalth; tt-i ni> \\ The iili?tf pi"pojty nil he bought on tea 1 sDiiiiltlf i-ims. it npptiralintr i*. made to tho *n1>?rriher at an early day. Further p.ntictilar tin ti shed nhrn called for. * F. CANTUF.l.l.. It.un ifcus I*. (). i Juno IT If* | STATE* CFSfUTH CAKOMNir^ I ' Mff iimmI \ t? Ti I 1 N f AMI Is*PC rn? llivi tui 'tfliti'" # Cni.cini t, Juno 1"?, I8G2. " i nr:\ERat., Tilb enrollnjt^r unjlw 'he Confederate ] . i"<>necriptiaMW^frxiny hern completed nn l turned ov<;nrt^he C.?nWfrite officer, no Cprfificatax offll^fropiiuA >*i!i het matter bo iasued front M^p^Ufirr 'V-rpt to pcrttoh.t who are subject to Stale service Its command: wilmot c. i?ks\r^srrb\ Adjutant and inspector Oriirm] ofS. C. 'June. IW v 1?"? It rs">... h-fli paper ii rI o Slate- publish odc.cj Lmd attention. / v >r vi Ti*. i?:sSEH: * ihivp Tor olN I'.Mf Xv.\1 COTTON AND VATTKM??*, will fell the same at i-fw p?>? ?. Ij w .?. M. I'.LFiflBD, Agent. ! Juy 12 U tf '"STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA sr vuTAxni Rt; district. fJtuti'it t'-r be?fer* of Administration by Jno. linrle Honinr, esq . Ordinary * vy.I1E1ICAS J, > _ i;<? M t; lat tiled l.i> Tt ? tition in toy office. pray wig that Ltd. tors of Administration, on all rnri singular tLt* go Js -rid rights nnd credits, of J. II. K. I'OOLB. la't; of the T?i?trlct aforesaid, deed., -houhl 1? fronted hint. T!iet>? ate theref*>r.- to ?*itc and admonish all and j-ittgular. the kindred and creditors of the . aid deed., to he and appear in the Court of Ordinary, for en'd Itietrjft, to be. holden on lite ?'7th day of June instant, to show cause if any, why the sayl Administration should not he granted.. tiiven under mr hand and s-mI of office, this ' 10th June A. D.18?2. J. KAKLK. TtO.MAH, o. a. n. Juno 12 II 2w Kocpuitiiis: Service. I T J. Jl. Cl'NNM.VOI!AM, Company R, j Capt. ?. M. LA.NDKORD, Sd2$. L\, Regi nient, will temain a few weeks, nt lcart. until | the 10th in*f... and will r<? -??? -* _ . ..... ......V ->IJ II'IIIHHT OI Recruits. A HOUNTV OK FIFTY HOLLARS will be paid and Transportation tickets furnished. Address or apply at Glenn Springs. .lt?n" S ll Cw MARBLE YARD NOTICE. I)KlfiiO\S niching to purchase MARBLE JL for tlmir deceased Friends and Relatives ?*o do ?o. l>y applying to Mr. WM HUNTER, om- authorized agent. HARE A PALMER. A pril 3 4 tf Si vr rRKHSES \ NY one in need of MATTRESSES, will do wt-ll to amii 'ipon MR. J. Vt HARDY. I .v-r '< 'J tf ' ^ ' it ^^ . m 9 V ' * / '1 ,. i em^st^mmssBssmssrn Uws? F#rk Tttutein. A few wcrre mmlti will b?,t?km trr the 4 I into serfice*vill bo rood/ to Uk? tbo ton on ?i ike morning of tb? 8U M., joe RiiWoond. l gn%.l,oun<y paid at Ufcmeod. -wiluTm cwmcB. * 1st Lleui. Co, JL 6th 8. C. V. i 1 _Jouo 12 14 Jit WrayedMiifc! STIMYKI* front (be subscriber, id Mfebitoy . lstst, a MULE, about ton years of ago, of " medium size, sorrel oolor, blemish in one eye, 5itb o*rk? of goer, The mule Was raised by | r. JAMBH JACKSON on^acolrt, set ae* < be ranking its way tbltker. Any ibfurraatkm so at to enable as lont it, will ba thankfully acknowledged. sad if3?livei cJ, a liberal re war 1 will be (IflB. M. D. GOWWTK. I .Htnel2.- 14 8w STATE OF* MCTHaMRollN A. SPARTA JtBUUO DISTRICT?IS EQCITV. 1 LUCY C. WOMSON, ] T?. SI 'HAN A. THOMSON, et. al. minors, Ac., TVo 'Awi. EXTENSIVE SALES OF REAL AND PER- I SONAI. ESTATE. I tK purwiacc to the decree of the Court of * Eimiijfr 1 wilUaU to the highest bidder uu Sake Any ia AflyjroU, I bo most Tiikiable ' lot of laadn* Iy'A Wgant near the To*n of J Spartanburg. t&AVsa bcoa offered" for injtna years. Personsproperty should look to it as th^mm^Sfflnihte time to make a i K<mm1 iar?'tm?b<^r REAL ESTATE cott- ' sists of two Wefe House* in Town on Muin 1 Street. l?etwctn the Rook Store and Dr. Ooodgion'- new store on Main street. % < A FINE . 1 FLOURING AND GRIST MILL, Wit j 151 leretsrijiiiil,' one (1J) and half mile.-< from the Court House This hns a beautiful-, shoal, and i? considered one of .the best sites for Milling'ii^the np country. A Tract of fi'JOJ acres of land on both side* of l.awson's Fork, tvi miles from the Court > House, i-ortaining one of the finest body's of) low lands In the District, with tinfber in abundance. ? . There are several beautiful aRws for building near tbe town, with good tracts of woodland attached; together with many fine tracts of land, (nineteen in all.) lying convenient to the town, desirable far farms nntl limber. A general PLATE of Arhich may be seen at any, time iu miy office." ALSO SIXTEEN NEGROES, MOSTLY YOl'XTl AND LIKELY, AMONG Tilt':\f i nnnn . .. _ - ?. a ~a i.1 JL A MZA ? \ 4 IL H?*r*?ns indebted to the Estate of ROJ-\ SAC. SMITH, will pleacc pay ibe ExI ecumr at once. All person.* having claim.* 1 *gnin<t raid Estate will deliver a copy of the same as early as poeeiMe, ??? OLIVER R. MOSS. Executor. I April 17 6 '<u> , j~ v. knstIow, Cujhmiairton "Morohnnt, NO. 27 VENDUE RANGE, CK.\KWmN, 4. c. FOMPT and personal attention given to the rale of rlour. Wheat, Cera, Bacon, ' ana rrouuoo, an ! .uertitendi-e generally. April 17 ft 2m j PROFESSIONAL NOTICB. rilHK L'NDEB8ir?NBD, raspectfdlly ton tier* J Ms sertiets kn k PRACTICING FHY8I(. I AN. to the citixam ?f ibe Town and tioin- , hy. HE may be found at all tune# at the residesv of Mrs. C. F. ('\MP. ??n >fain.street ben a t easegt4-f*t >f-"->iaasMy 1 KeH-r.. lPVJ 't "* Y T*.>x' 1 >r<?uld<'r of ^toohinory AM) IIOLLOAV WAHE. |j I] iii wife nn<l ?*hilil a good Cook ami Ifou50 Woluan. 4c. A FINE LOT Oi* . m I loiiKholdniKl ICitolaon JP*?n*ttil arc, Fnrmlnar Toolai, vtc. A FINE BOCKAWAY AND I! AN UK?.-, for l*i hor?c?.. an OLD OAnAUURn twv h<>r*e WAGON AND H A EiiKSS, 1 OX WAGON *H't II \Nt><'AICT. I * o (!*rri:ige Hum^ , Hgnnd RTfH'K OF HOGS AND f'ATTIJt, iw.d t OKN. WHEAT, FODDER ANH FWM'R. TERMS 4)F S\GK : A creJil will l>e ifiven of 1, ?u l " y?ar>; wiili infrr*it -(fum dt>/ islr to be paid >tnuuallr. I'urehnArrc lo gi*?i b<?ud mid approved ? ciii it v. Tbu*e prrterrlng l? il? . " ?i!l be ' \ allow mi to pay down. an I th? creditor.* of tfcc ' Uic.JI'NIW W. THOMSON. wiH U- permitted to .?"itle evfl <hmr debt*. T. 8 TOKO F All ROW. i\ E. 5. D. toiuiBiv?ii>*4t'a.)i&c^, JlVWi.9, v l'i-St I)A* itrtnre ..fauthority \c?tr4 i(\yi* b\ D.. i ) W MtltlKK, wr wilt bp.irt*pbi/TR I II il.. ??n the f?r.?i in till oral, Ac ! following pftptf-jr I it . -Unr Block ofiWcN-IWJdlng s Iriflfr).' on Jail S?r*rt, Store, and Jail, l<iR4fcM t<5^|C'WVilcl wide, <1*J into three lcni>mru!i, with a kiuwtni 1 nhJ t an atorh-e mltrl tor a family to lire and j ; kri-p : "lore or a eh??p. in ono ??f wMck ilx ; IVn '??icc 15 hi* kept Uao, ? >??>len Bniid- 1 i itdjoittiup. crfuminfnp I rmnti, and asmoke I It ?*, wirii njimall pUn of Inn 1 an itched >u ? led for ? amall tamilr. ^ * The Lot on Uuilwtrfnrtl and JrrcnviMrStreet, in * |Vw *tep.< of rU" I'ubtirfSumtrr. including iwn l>wwllir?na, h Si ore House. nml Work Shop* for n f'-trrittje r.?f alilishrucnt, Black "mil h i Sbo]*), S(.iW"? >inJ the mini outhoneea. A I very vtltt;il>ki aland for buMDraa. A FIXE TAN VOUf lyiiV half a rntie frotn thr r.?mrt Ho*me. with ten mt*.< of l^iil, 40 IVfi, 1! Toola, 3 lavas vi'l J Bat*. wi?h BarJj Mill, 8bop<, an<l 1 wo l>w?Min;j< ; all in n.*e or ready for use, with a hue stock of leather and hides in Cio. ' Two tracts of Woodland two miles from the foiift lionson the Howard 0 ?p Hotl^aine i I containing TO, the other 65 acres. ' ? ALSO i r 17on N<*?yroeA, I IIAI.E, MITClrtr.L, KL1 AS. josmi. I ANDKKrtON. hAKAlf,. I1AKKIKT, LAURA. HOWARD AN*1? KLKT^HKU. AI.SO, 1 IIORHK, ? TTTc l?oy* Mitchell and Joseph are fir&i rate TANNKR-5 by trail*. Klias is a go#d CARKI! AOK TttI.Nr.MKK, Andfr^ti a go??d Black i entith. Persons wishing to buy arnli property ' will do*well ?o kttrnd on the day of sale." TERMS OF 8ALK. The proper ty trill b'c Sfdd on a credit of one , and two years. with interestday of sale. Purchasers to giro bond and i*n good eeenri* %'n*. Property not to be delivered til! the term* are complied with. If any of the purchaser* wish to pay the money it will be revived. 8 BO BO. r A. W.INtiO, ^ Assignees. Juno 1? II _ 31 s^r? im;av vui). 1 I ") L.N away from the Subscriber some lime j in Sepionvirr last, his negro boy JACK, agufl about twenty five \ewrs,* about ft feet. 0 1 inches high, of a brown complexion. Jibe ! above reward will bo paid for the delivery of 1 said boy to his owner, or lodged at the jail of Spartanburg that h*: may be obtained. A. HOLTSIIOIWKR. Apsil 10 ft if rfa K'i,a v/k'nrrai^ rt> J? TAJpE^OTtap, ALL persons baring claim* *t?ia<<J. f WRIGHT. <rf,..fUr> . 1 tpmrfttualHir* lemwle AfHif, . TWE first IStuiM of tW* fiHyt sRI Vf I closed ot Friday the fifth fast. " There will fa* no vacation between JJw it** iion.% but tt>? 2d, Will commence oa^Hn<lji mt, Jnetd. . "fw? SARAH B. BCTJUBK. May 20 12 - lm BtSOUTtON OF rABiyCtSStf, flHB Copartrtrahip boretofor*esfctfacW 1 twee a THOMPflDJi Jt OLlPSApT, a? Carriage Manufacturers, b thW dtj dftntrtd by mutual cpnMnt. The entire helMla *QI be settled by JOHN THOMPSON, nha I ?*< tkerutrvl to collect all tKe AfOOlTXTH. fiOTBI end DEMANDS in favor of Ike Firm and settle its liabilities. JOHN THOMPSON. * N. V. OL1PHANT. fir. May8 * U tf .The 1)miners will be continued Willi scriber, mad be regretfully a she the <mUs?' mnce of his customers snd friMmkv JOHN THOMP8&L a Mmf 8 & * v M FORSALE. AI1QUSK mad LOT in the tobn offiMrunliurg, can be bought on wiisiW* terms. Omltta C.T-X KLFORD, esq., ?*.??? W. T. FA It ROW. Agent. . P??r 27 4 ft 1>KNTAT, NOTICE MY 0*ee is ev?r Rebo, felimctf* JwLCmr-' Htle's law tH&ce. - TetS Cwt? m.r IX?1-4/ ft LKE, IF, * 9. Dissolution of CepartatoA^h eoj>niinerd?i?> heretofore tsisiifjlf J twrto SirM.lVAX, VLFQ1UI SMITH, is dissolved by th- wi'trlrawW^m*X < . WINSMITH. Fv, TJ,e Hwism ??* Firm will br -etlledby J. >1. ELTHSlfcO* " J x I. jst I.. TwbJtr HAVF. jus! recrired, along wish <<f o'l.t.-r goods, amu.ll qttfniitisi st 1 i v ;<1 pninl , ... -I .Alucltlof, ' # / I vO^WtWXl, ' rv B Copji?#?, . - ' V?.- ' ' JKino, Cr>ni|>M, *r. Sj??rleahmg, S. C.. January l? I8C. S111.1 .T Si-iiiyr MRS. MASTER IMIf St ret t, opp >t*tc #Jtiwml Mjrtnii' Yf KS MASTKKWAS has on hand m good J51**?PPV oTOOOOS in her lis*. Ten t?*T expmn ? ? find them ot SJL'PKHIOR QUA I.IDi. She solicits die continued rap|mrt -of her friends. _ , Mrs M. Is ul?-? Vgi-ui fur her tiilrrr the Mi-ere M. A AASHT05. of.72. Marketrret, bavievot,. M % M1U TI'BEifl Of WIGS <>f nery style and TirUj, wi IM\< V II AIR W OltKBMis allfs branches. , - V ? ttrdtrs will be punctually at traded ttfj Han o grent many sm-cimaam cn band. > June IX * 1/^ THK 5TATK OF SOUfjT CAROLINA A1?. 1. - I' - - ~ ? I?X'| *" ' Itunler. Jb>bo Edwards fc Carlisle, I Uin'fi Ati'y. tITHKHRAS the. ftaMnitf did, oath* h?h day of April, file hl?4?cUrttipe ?f?i?d the defendant, whc Usit is said) is MMSfftwi and oithout the. limits of this State, cod Hm neither wife u<>f nitornry known within* ?ho same, upon whom a copy of the said dtdiu*. , ?ion n-t?h? he svf c : . ' It is tbe-e'dre ordered, That the raid defrt daul do appear and plead to the ttM dttkniio?. on orYtfow the 6th ddy of April nest, _ J which will be in the year of our Lord one thaoJ4tvi eight hundred amfsisty-threp; otherwise final and abso'uto j'ulgravbl will .be given and - . awarded against him. j. n. tolleson, c. u. r. April 28 _ ? *1 srvTK.ot' soiifn UROIJN*. OFFICE OK COMPTROLLER OEN'L, \ 'WAR!.K3H>*, February 17, IBS*. i -f HEREBY certify, that JOS. M. KLPORD. X Agent of the MERCHANTS INSURANCE COMPANY. of Richmond, Ve:, Incorporated .by the State of Virginia ; has eompRadwitb the conditions andyeqoieiiionco^^^Aet of tile < General Assembly, entitled, j/AjnCct ta r?|C? 'ate the Agencies g^Jknurewytinjwa'iM not incorporated in the State ofwttouth Carolina,"* and 1 hereby License the said %OS. M. ELFORl), Agent, as aforesaid, to lake risks aad transact all bnsifcess of Inauranoe. in this Stale, fee, and In hohslf of said Company. TkifLb cense to continue until the.filing of nest Semi Annual Statement. , W. LATAL, Csajitrellet 0 duel. mar ? - w Notice. ALL Persons arejiereby notified Ml to trad* far a NOTE hot wo?.n f?rij>ln?a ttl'ty dollar*, .and one for ten dofem. AH? the same date, (date and maturity ofwktefc too not recollected.) one in favor of Cel. B,'V Evlftw^nd transferred to John MefiHaaf. A? said notes were to ho discharged hy gfktr notes and accounts which I. hold against Jno. Mc Far land and whieli are to ho ecnaidotod a? naymrnt in full. I JOITO THOMWON. I Jan 9?43 If | NOTIOK. t I ttSRKBY inform my friends and customer! I that I have volunteered tat the serrteoof tho I Mate. Thos^ who have left W A PC IfM With H .lie.wilt find them at my toore, where Iho wft he delivered by Mr. T. B. ANDERSON, who will also hare my notes and Wcoowatsjp hwad for ehlleotton A fine assortment of JKWE1~ H Rv ^ sftga, I 77 SO ?f J T. O. P VERNON, 9 ATTORNEY AT LAW, IT 7" 11 I- PRACTICE tft tk? W?kw* Cdo* fl W Orric*?w*?t oorttcr ?f 0*L W. W EI ARRIS* brick MM)?M * ? .