The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, June 19, 1862, Image 4

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Kjjft ' -*r pU--. gKli. m -<%]*??? ??* *v 1^?. 'i'riV.iioitAl'H ? *.' j V THK LATEST FROM CHARLESTON. i From tko Southern Quartl'ino. BATTLE OJT JAMES ISLAND. ". Cham-aston, Juno 10. , \ saver* battle look place this ijwrnirij on i ftUneA 1*1* ad, four mile* from the city. Ttic advanced with Ave regiment* to hmhuII our tteccraiojwilta baliciTfi with ihc buyuricL >|. T. G. IWmar eumnMA'1?il our Itiittrriw, i with a lew hundred of our troop*. lie united ill the enemy g<A within clm-o ratine, when he. opAivil g?*p* and musketry, literally tROWHljfUoWJI WiO udv:|HOtng YatlV - C'*Uil.n. ThV rccmy reeled uud tied, but pte?*?ittjr wcr,reinforced b_) artillery, and ugnta formed ?md chargetL They were again, rvpulvd with great's!-?ngl?f?r. A third liiDit t my advanced and enduhvni'iid to flank th* battery, l>ut were again bcaU-u buck. when we advanced in yur*uit Ayw our w^rk* Icllliug and rupturing many. Our victory is complete. Our !<,** is twelve kilobaud twenty wounded. Cluirlrtliin troops were chiefly engaged The enemy's l?ss , is w?H jet Ascertained, but wsj ce'tefniy sever-" til hundn d in killed, wounded nnd prionm t-?. 1 A batch of thirty pri??OD?s have just becu brought to tlic city. Killed -(.apt. (.twin, of "I.auuir'u Artillery, KT|d Iilfttt.d.ircfn.""l'f tlin iVnukiuiften Lml.i I n tan try. ffouit^C'l-X'oL I,ulnar, badly, and 'manv other*. %* Jut/a/-.-/- Guard*. -lulled lsaa.: Yo'en'in?; Ai^vttuit Poeiiatiki. Y. vuiuJjjd ilertt Vtitantfri*, Hiirry Jw-vtlle, nttd.R. -Brans. The buttle this morning w is jtrommnevd by our generals, to )m\r been a most desperate one. OurloM is heavier tbau nt reported, including several valuable 90mpatty ??lfl cer*. A portion of the e treaty's force fought tit W gallniitly. Thc"47t,h Now York l(igtilaud*-rs assaulted ?ur batteries with empty nni-kctw They fought obstinately nnd retired. baviug fifty dead in ditches, und carrying elf their w?mndvl. Viic enemy's gunboats nnd land bittcrios Co-operated in the attack. The cnotny's loss is about four hundred in killod.trOntitled and captured. * Uicauosr, Jttuc !f>.?Tiic force aith which lien, ftuart aocoutfliahctl his brilliant reooti jfotsanoe Consisting of the 1st and 'Jilt Virginia cavalry; Jetf. iHuis' I.egiou of cavalry. UobVs r l.egioti, and three piece* Stuart's Arlilleiy . 'I'ho expedition left Tuylorsvillc Frida* diorti- J tig. Touted a squadron of Yankee cavalry nt t)ld Church. und caplti red andburnt throe Fed. e al transports at I'utttejTs ttvillf, 011 the U'amuuWry Hirer, loaded with commissary und ordit-ince stor?*.- He thence proceeded to Tunt'all .*, on the York Rlv<*r Ktiilif>ad, cnptu.?-i a ??f Yankees, and fired into and riddled . n t ruin dl'cttrs. The engineer, who was killed, fell off the engine after putting sn a full head. fateam. The train dished ?n towards lite I'amunkey River, near Taylnrselllc. lie also captured iind?burnt one hundred wn?on*. l>ud. pel with commissary stores, and rettiritc I to Richmond this morning, bringing three hut I drcd muffs And horses. t I'll t* I'nfHiyN Heslgnsupttn <'1| .* t futiowga Kh I>;in J hi yesterday, iu announcing the fact hut the enemy had retired from before Cli?tt- ; tanoouftT wo expressed a doubt as to his fit* ; mre designs upon that important point. *Yjp arc now p&Usliod .into his designs. The Attempt, and a formidable one it will be, will soou be made to capture thai city. Tbo . videnco ii before us: ' From the best nuth- I brity, we learn that the wornj are encampcd tvuie cighteetvuiilcs below Chattanooga, i opposed sitfe of the rircr?the lor j ires that attacked that city on 5*at urduy. and i Sunday Laviflg falVn buck that 1 ir I That force i now eng god in sawing lum J her, and appear to b - working art though! they wore making Gal boats. With them ^ is .t gunboat, some lw > atid a half tniton bo low their present encampment. It is a Caibotit, with tiationury power but on for propelling it,- and has fit re? pieces of can non on board. The object of this er;.tl. doubtless, being to tow flyl> under oovor of itjj guns, in crossing the river with tri?ops j ^.tch ia the p illion now ofthc enemy, and j euoh are his preparations for another ad . upon Chattanooga. We hm also advised that lion. I^irby j ' Htutlh is in Command, in person. of our lorcces at Chaltanooga, and that great [ eOnOdenco is rcp?>.-ed in him, and his abiti j t,y, with his forces, to defend auocc.s&fuil} that cil/. The citizens as well* as tin j m;t? J-' * " ? .. rm.tij mure ;ue wioiUIJlieil P.Ot tU ntir- ; rcivl' r ihe city, but to hold on to k, let the t neniy shell it as much ns thoy please?* j, patriotic and gallant determination, which, \ \\r truel/ will result i-i the do Teat of th> enemy's designs. V,ui.should Mitchcll he largely reinfor f;ed?should lio bring to bear on Chattanooga more than one gunboat?should ho Mu-evcd hi getting poHession of the city ' what will b?'tbe situation of ftoorgia? Wo j by '.b-ergia's bcinjj cut olF front sup plica of wilt, coal, provisions mid the oh- < HrUelioti aivl partial de>trtfctiou of' the '< ^idte roa l; th' sy boifig certain oouwjquen ' I ecu of the capture of Chattanooga; and turn i i consider the consequences to the State ! i from the raids ut' tho enemy. tjur mountain country will become pnture lb-Ids for the cm:toy to feed upon, and ( T'lnunei* it>; and as he gathers strength ! < from tcinforeciiiMits, he will be an ccrU iu - , t ? advance into tin. interior, and towards j | Atlanta, a: he is an enemy frying to mb L . jugate us. This can, aj beforo iriii?.:i I etc-1, only be prevented by the nrganiza ' tt'ju of a force to oppose his progress, and ; it niu.k comb from the mi! it a of the !>t t<. , l.iko Virginia,r very inan*ble to hear arms, : ! Ii:it can he iirniod, wiTl Hav* to take th" field ' thir pcoplo must prepare for tbiv tlrey j # hit t get ready. 'I'hc Governor will have ' to enforce his .orders to the roilifa offcer* ' of Uic Slate to org anize and bo ready for ' the fj. Id. We arc ny alarmist, and have :' no dt are Jo create excitement amun-> ?Vn ' people; but we arc not'blind, nor will we chut ; or cjes to tho truth iliat Gf nririak ?ji? peri), pjiould (. 'hitttannnga ).,il int.? tLit luti'Jo of the dfcomy. As 'rtc.n'incl* up^n . . the wafceh-tower/' w? therefor'*, with the . signs before ml,'''tsonud the al irtu." ixtn'.o infc?/'*/t111!>. I I Morciitt i >1 "Vusli v 111**. 1 V/c K itn { :.*i authentic source th'it ;< g'cal cxcUcmont was c.eatcd in isasirvtllc. < . a (ow days tho report that John II. j? Morgart had nrriv?-?l in the cify over night, t and wn? boldly stepping at a wall known f boardiu^bousO. I ho l-'e^cral psoruat mar 1 j .-ha! iintnoJta'ely ordore 1 outa large t?>ra?. j. lur his capture. The house was surround ' i J in such a manner nx torendorhis escape j impossible, and the ofleer who had charge j , ??r the expedition, feeling secure of his i ^ game, demanded, with aonto show ?.f polite- ; in\s.s, that the mtorions John H \i,' ahouM 1"' brought out mid delivered up <> he t'cdcraf loice quietly, in older t?> avoid htuodfth-d. Tho iridhnt J\dora1:>t wan ; 1 MitmrvrhflC chagrined vduui he w;w inform d that i-ur li n prhct F* woqjd bo highly detri- *' an nf il to tli$ health of 1! !Uo??u.v\, ' iho hud arm -d the nl-hf previous ???d ' 1 ;l fir f>i> p^triotio woman ,r vyrrd nuwo Upon H -rt/lr 7*<yi:*t<r ? ?lu' fltovalimi Jtyartan. s jjp'jk stjv a ?r a ifWm ; TburH<lW)^ Junfi lt>, iMd'J. i jiii: viiTAMHiii; fiXl'KBll, Wo lagrei Uie auapension <?f our Cot?ynpor?? ( rv, with nboni our intercjurto hi* hrpft or I Iho n?o*l ph-a.uiui itUii agreeable chu.tuter. i Upoti no auhjoi't of gonml interest li?t? op , differed in s?ntinu'ijt iu any degree ?. ? 10 i impair editorial hapmoity. J&sioothly Iiotc i tl<>wed along. though the 1 fe tdrvaui ot' our i respective papain Una been trrtubly obstructed, Ii_v t\tf midily of our reader* for daily news TIip "Piill*'' bin well nigh supplanted th?* weChly" in ?vry secdoh vl'llic^ialp, Whether a I isti'-t tf.iipHe is in entity or run .entity is heeo-niiig a problematical question. The recognises their e ..(Mauve. *"but tlyj people, in wartime*'' d'sseuting from our legal fathcra, are luiteh inclined to ignore their being altog?t!?ei\ Hut we ink Is thla right; doot a paper not give <;h:ira< ter to th?* District ^ind, Is it not * v.?iuh??ic aovertiMng wcitmn, if Urtu*ieni j in nil other v.'hih- nni' in ? mlunma 1 are h |(itl? rapid and Out lo the remler uf our dsily p?iV)li<*niion*, i;f local iutcrert we ' ccrt?inly, ran claim nqualily it* iiol pre < mitiynco. But whet hip in?tre#?'tig nv not nt thi.l Mo >dy juncture Ill out ) *?',. ; . wu trityi, i and would appeal tn our friends Ht?d lb* l?is- I irict mil to incur the shame of buffering cv?rv n?wa^ip?r ll^'ht to go out lor the truo'. ot 1 patrnoHg*, Ktor.y person o?ncoi via that he ! li.i*. count nolilt virlnou, oomio ol ih- chariic- g torini-ic* of Cwttar, even if it is un honorKbl# f amhiiioii. So think we, and fo trol we in | reference to the "Spatlau" tuul limce pixstmur ' to solicit. en extended circulation through our i friumh. If they will vitalize tis. more fully, 1 liv ai itdlng u> their names, in u short titoc wr j -hall be able to t^in a? % strong uirni with i nvinor on; coma out douMe-ttitigrd emi take I holder "tlil higher flight. oi a iHSTiuirr i?kvi>. The list of those killed; from our District, in the 4>?ttle of t'l?ic:ih<'<niny, or "Tile Srre^ j I*ine<," as it is termed, i* "putc oxteiieirc, an<^ shows that our young men, gallantly, met an ^| resisted tlie for. Among tlient are Martin .?. 1 Smith, .1. ,1. Knster, TAV. Mirtm, 'luirjc I". Ilouchstorj. OtptainJ. Q I'arpmtor, 1'. lionner, ! IV II. Harris, M. Lipscomb, ^li'l)"rcl!, WuiTj II Bush.. They are gentlemen of high respectability ' and social eminence. B-ing w.-J| d. -oended,^ true patriots, end, thoroughly imbued with ti ' once of our .rights an i wrongs. they hesitated not tn immul tic themselves upon the nlftr of i our common country. The mud of them being iad, upon wliicl , w <- lift .? hutery, o,' ihe f' i- j od Snui, h", 'Ti'h ilire others, vilunir<>r?d an t?r * rtkiiig, nuirilevnti/ l'rr to withdraw the ! it?'ore, or, lil? ? roldinrs gr ive. The effort I itus ni'lf mw| jjtario!i?!y p?rf .. med. l'or it he , i? Hirf1! fuo.ioijunt from Mir office' in j , oim-tand. Alter tint sfru;r;;;e was ov?*r, lie re- ' i urno-l 'o our f'i.Ur'ui, no I engnged in ihr o>*r.-fiil pursuit of k n|<fri*1e<nt. In hi* mor- j irnlih- hfllTptli lit* lillNJll, ri.'oniotitlr 1 Mm j j lottfiJroc* of hi* pn'ron* for hi' upright rr>* ii :i inn", niul. wott :? a* o fiu.inrie 'jHU^uch t ] a iiiu briof hiktorr of ono, w io-o lit?, oho | i, Hiid patriotism deserve nit hurthh- tribute I j V??rn those, who know him weli rnon-h t-? opnrrinir hij siriue-, smd pardon hi., faults i , 171: ?t ?:i* \nnn?* (lie killed ?>n t'.?? Y.t ?' <?*' iiic in t'i? j mitta ?>t' ilte rbiekehomlny i? ihr nupio of J 'limnn* FranCi* >Je?gher, tii?. ' "mnvli land-d n<i hi^'t'y applauded" in<li pitti-it, who did 0 much in Nrw Yurk lo nroui*e ilte ?pivit o!" , 1 li It brother# eg it*. He Jed I lie Sin < \ ni.itIt Krin regime**! into'In- 4"ght?t Niton' ^ :i>, itr. ! Htm ran nw.ay t" Washington, ?i j tainting thai 44 lit wotith *eo?r^ hud *.,n their ' f tj peodenct*." RcooTeriiig from hi* frfr'it, ? c ni l Mpaghrr /'a* made * brigadier, t. I 1 it- eil a brigade-of hie O'.uhtrvtaen to -laughter iMHthftrnoi*, atl lei tl "t.l en ? ?li ' iih.'kabO- v. aine it full iIitc In.itTiiti i i. I planters by | at ion, t ?\ w?re nnl -<j con- i spioimisly mi.ved up, with the movements of lie l>iH'rirt as to Migunli/c their lives by pMil ic;il ntifec -ndcnM, so mueh a.-, their d<-athh hy tiio heroism tttoy displayed near the Capitol of t he South. 1'nfliitching. brvnely and heroically, they fbi-ed the cannon, m'l wiihstoejd the hail- ! storrr ?l murkelty and sum-M arms. Ti > nqurr was (heir perpo**, to >lii>, I their dr'eruiiniitio.l, rat hex' than, the Yankee J flwg should ?!*; responsivrly to tho victorious | shouts of the multitudes, that. encompassed, ' defiantly, the beautiful City of Kichinoirl'n leaving-the quiet scenes of h<?me they paused not tho painful trial. .They disregarded tv ' the notes of the war-trump, or closed thrjr cars to the inviting of rains of inertia) iniisjc. At the first sound of the buttle < ? v. they rallied to the strindur 1 of .their Beloved R-ottih and, upon the "wing* of the ? iml," I hastened to her resc e. With them no cuuse ] of <l?day prevailed. Voting, active, vigorous, ; p ittantic, thry slaved not to listen, to the i whisperings of pleasure,- or vl?M lo the en- i ohamrueuta of the parental Avtwid*. Boldly they lushed i nto tli? fray, uid, boldly, met the I incmy who sh-w them. Some of <>t thc:n ?m! from under the shmlow i>f the monument that ina. W?tlicb. tile ground ot thatlo.epon.-'; others from jHiint.4, ? ? r.em^ vs In in.-piration from s ho vtisanguled plains of the Cedar Spi inge I and Blanket ofks. Kucli 1> a-I a revolutionary hiftoiy in parentage ov locality. Front sin-h : horn.'- w?, i? i ample, ?\p - tcJ mtn-lr, from them a* Spf'iOh srr are cnuhied to gather the b*wie gut-land, tor the adornment of nor Di;- ! irie.i hr >w. Asi-lr from ihe?o young borons, it h cine." J our ptliiful duty to apeak of Captain Q. [ ['arpeater, from the nmgliliorlia >d of?hLime ! stone Spyiiu*. 4* For morn than Ut'vc month-*, he command t'l h company of bruvo.e equal to any that ' ro.npnro ftie I 'nnfoderato nvu?y. Courageous ! himself, ?1| trusted him. its fhet would the i impulses of their own ns:ure. Capt. Carpenter had not merely u homo reputation for murage. On the hattlc field] of Mexico, ho . wpiired a reputation for soldiery, more coloring than hrtk-a. A natiie of Lirtrolnfon, ' North f'aro|lu?, lie uiig-atei tj thi? Pjstiict, j many yea a ago Hero he married and lierg ! lia lived, pivvious to the ? :r of Mexico. ,xt i the outlur.-' ?f -int tror, |m volunteered to ! U't'cnd 'he " Star dpo-igle mfr," as he lias j lines, hntToiy fought and d;c 1 for tha support if tho hara andDuring tbr Mexican w m, to p n t.e fo. such ho ?.o, ctin-cd too; e iUi* ! or heroism. In niv of iho bultlco fought aetween the City of V'vaCnw and Mexico, h' ' [igrforititd a feat, t"h?t should pe**pe.rnai?- ! .. in American history. At r,i>mn hiidpe vjmmanded. entirely hy M? xicau Arf;ll?*rv. ' # * j ?III I M'?M \ *mmfrnmtmmmmur W1IIHT. A few hrudi of ttoo ohcat vus ?lic* u;*, f ihe oilier riiy by Mr. J. B. Tolleeon, Inlveii ' from tlie fvcM of Mr. Jumtn Tapp. It i* railed the Gale irhcat, and t? one of the fme>t varletlee wc ever mw. One of tlife Lcudi mvasure*.- ( aix iuuhce in length, and aariua to be well fUl- ^ ed. About a quart or le*a of tlti.a r. lieM wtr , ^ hroujfht from fleotgia, and sown list vvnr in riiillri. 1'roan tlmL miidU nitaniifv hr vo .i'y.,,1 1 I over two bushel*. Tlio < til ire product *hi | ?t?vrii 11??" year, *ud promise*. judging from I * 11?* sample* before ?9, to y;cld abundantly. 1 So I'm* too, it in not. in the slightest Ucgtce ?f n fee tod W\ nisi or smut. Lot our fanners My ir^J * Change or Schedule. 1 >Ve invite attention to the tdvcrtisemcnf of f Mr. T. B. Jotcr, the worthy and popular Prcei. f lent of tho Spartanburg *ml Citron lUllroitd. ! { It will he s*en. tlint on ThkiiUj and.Fridny, j , the cars will leave Spartanburg at 9.45, A. M., j c and return nt"7. HO P. M, On tha other days of ( j tho wetk, they will leave i\t '2.15 A. M.? and ' ( arrive *j at'present, 2 1*. M. ; , ion t,ovi:ii\oK Thebiiunnuni,,-ltioi> nominating Rx-lnrrrtior Win. II. Gist, *? a Mtitab!>> successor to Gov. . ' "Pickens, I??a been ricc'vcl too lute for ptibli- j ' cation. ' We hare no objection t> th<* iiotnint. i ' tion, ae tlie ' Spaut v." i-laitr* the honor of having firrl ligges'cl hta nutnv f ir that rcspoti ( ?hh> poriiion four year* ngo. If he should to> j1 clvtltil, i.? ihot c uvdtugir the Convention will j in^m^re and qw'ntvplr him. y Conscripts L We notice in the ColutnUA papers, that 1 Governor l'icketis li?? diH-iilvtl that when the , rail Ik made for I'otisoripl*, all who hnve been i discharged - no matter by whom discharged, t hctween t*w- age* liable uuder the n<'t of C'otiy. t script ion, must report to tin: Camp of ftistruc-' t tion, tool if thetc found on eaiirnin^'ion unlit j fordu'y, their discharges will be forthwith , renewed and transport on furnl?hod home. It will be seen in our advertising columns, j hut the roll- are now complete. nud Iihv. bect> i , turned over to the Confederate olfieer. from I ( which, we suppose, t he ' Conscript* will be^ iniu order wrl out. , M\ | W . ?.\ 'I'O RM IIHOM). I \ Soldier who was piutcred near a fat inliOMS'j ill Virginia, liar hoen boasting to ii lady, j that he would soon he in Richmond, was > aken prisoner, and lit parsing her door on j hi.* *ny to Richmond, she said smiling. "I am : glad, sir, you aro at last to bo gialifte 1. . { i A P.IIVOLT. I The Yankee* in S'.irf.ilL .. iT i iii ntantgtni; ''IC nogrne-i in l!i;it pK? o. t> it'CWP that h lor^e niiinh.o' wore confine I .11 ' the Knir Urmtn'Is. when they revolted, over ' powered tin- ptwrd, and *it(- only mcuitJ by . Cie prompt arrival <>!' r. P'imvnri! regiment '* Fr?ni the had'habits id die Yankee* they are led lo believe they are a "upcrior rnp'to liirm. p and they refuse litem as in islet*. 1HTIXY. A rejiitnom i?l' Federals sent from j to voiulur.-o DrCltllitii i* reported to hive mutinied mi l dial (iiitr Iml l??eo sh >t h-f>nfc % ' ' w they were rcduc-d to obedseuoe. Hicy li ?v^ t hail eiperiniiseat Ai?irt'i?lk* of Fiii?nisni bi''ijj < a ni)lli ui die Smith, .in l that the j ,iI>a. . ianlitutioii hail better be |?t alone. * |1 phi*. 1 he rurrcntl-r of this pl-i^e w ?- made to the Yankee* by the Mayor on die tldi instant, i nftrr a battle with iheptjn bouts jh the liver 1 Col. Fitch command* thet'itv. A n?l> .IwlttlKiin The Lynohbiirg RepnhHean rop.^-t.* i ..< , ( Federal (}inernir 'lo* i. M? *i' shot !>,, [ George Hr"vro, i ?hu of Hon Neil S lirnwti. ' whom Johnson had imprisoned for ii"t f.i!.i..p I the oaih of allegiance. ? -I >* - T_ J.Oil. 'I'nrne r t htn T'm distinguished General w?- a great favorite the. .;obli??r- iu the vtiln ?f V:r gittis. I'e vrns Mttvivlie?l l?? General .l ii'kM'iij' 1 army. He h'?? lir.e.n m lotnaikahle man ? 1-. ?:|^->j ( out,the revolution. In it* eout:noncerncnt? Lc ( e.omntunded h ?tmtll holy of Cavalry. For; nearly :? year, lie wti known as the Hashing ' ' Col. A.'lihy. n'fl hee.ume well known in the Tanker e.atnp*, us the Morgan ?>f the v.illrv, i < Hi* brother ?nt killed in a skirmish with the-' < enemy m T?iiti . a~ I G- n \.*!tb\'w.?? * uiuled ' ' in uttempfing his r'-CH". He to i Tt'Ctip- b's^flrath vith the Ii>.?? "f -i hundred ] Yankee.. with hisosrn hand, a t t?k whi<h tie had nearly perf-wmad, when h? tn;t Itis d?nth ' ' i t a d?*per?te charge. at the tirud of h^s ll?g>men'. He trt.t ? native of Fauquier'ceunty, Virgiu ! 1 .a, mid a us about thirty-eight years ?f ?K**- U' personal appearance h? w as not commanding, ! but riiilior utiull of ..iMltire, with a long block i board, and rniull blark eyes that w? . ? m markuble for their piercing depth* i/r cut the bi??l of the peop'e of the Volley, and n.*n? t ( have fallen who will be niot e r?-. retted i Ky th?in, if' M except the gallant leader of the ' nrmv, J ackios. Iii:; ??M'?it'~ notv re t itt 'h f'niscAify ' ] Burying Grouml, near 'Jhnilottbvilfo, \ irgin- ' -,..1 I' ... -??!* foltlli'rs *li! iiMirlittlftn. 'At ? : e/til;u rue t ring of t ho ?\*?iu:uii i. <i be! J J f ?t. t-i.i. t... - ? . . . ..... Mi.- , i r..T, tnim'un in j r!:r phiiii li briii*; uh it'i ctI that Mrs. Mr. T.. ?' K* nnnlv nwi*>^* ii* ' .??I?l?. ?:r ?jnitbl? 1 to uppi-rt ibo nffiov of I'rr.-i'Un?, t<> whi'h rh** ' * as l Irctnl. } ( It .*?* ordirrd. 1 hat Hll ilrulion for I'll**-'*- t lent bold at ihe regular mooting, Fri- ' rlav ..lf,th Juno, miuI ilml all monihorf onahlr j Ip ?li?*n I. I ivqilfhlftl fr'l >h*ir if.v, tr> il , , I'uhn It II ill, by I ?i*elr> k 1". M A wi !cr firbl of mrfulnr*h ll.nn ever before, i? n .iy n) on i? the Social* 'lie wants of ^>nr | tick. Ho i woiui'lod prut In auppUtd Tbc l.a'lip- ilmiiklnllv a.-knoMlb* tncroH-ing iLei . il* *if ib? loraii r* fitli* turicfy, I?*>'b f in monov, and *n Hoepilal Mores, un<< tliey . ' lolicil ti?>nlribmi< n trom nil itHcreMcd, ripe- , :' iMvof partly worn, under clnth'njc, shirt*, j Ir-iwer:*. u!<l linen, lint, hnnd.t^rs, bedding j *' irid nrti?le of nourihhro?nt fm the sicli \ Minctna' attend mm i* earnestly required. I j Mr* H. I I>K\N, t or. .Score .vv. I ? t'u ?w < soon *, June I.",. ?The tnerov o en- ] o ir- force of infantry, cavalry nod artillery, I ir-drr Mmct'in, f Federal,) it i* rcport'-d, J :ro%?ed r.if ( WI k ?? ij. ye.ei^rdny to IVwell ? r ill ley. tacitly r? > 5 - h WYef of ("iirohrrlnnd 1 ?, ?}., flireutctiin3 ilie I tttcr in fho rear and vfintvilY. Our forcer ore |>r?[ uing^o nic?t ' c> li? n?. Vice hundred of tlie enemy i cavalry , n ere reported tltia tivrnin;* nt Hatilc ('reek, h irenfy aerttt nsdc* from libit > nonga, ? :? the ' B nnnti'i! ride if "he r1 It ujpi;. I tin v ?c rilj ntlrmpl lO invade Ft-' Te'inPe.-ee I TO I ir id. tlie-e y lutJi En t n - M b* j hold < li III " ?pi ] J ? *' ? tin, rw- HI gna mm imaa J?Jo fftc (i/wui _ /// /; )F THE 36th*REOiM?;,T NOT . NOW IN SERVICE. * . I <lesu*e to lulister lu A few inrre recruits for (> 'nmpnny K., Lavetm Folk Yo1um<?ctc, 5th 1. (!. Kegiment, and J cell \ij?oU yiu lo ooine orwnrd and fill up it* miiks. You nil arc weV l?w*r? that those .,f you l>e- N ween tlio age* of It? a?i4 tV?'? will have to go P lioitly Into service ?l Uk of In struct ion, j j( rhcrr you will l>o among stranger* and com A mo ion wi?li wh'in joii will have no ar<|unint- '? nrc or erect. fan yon (-.refer lo go there, 1 unler (?r< HMitre. i? goinjr, with ni* us Voluy- jc cere. (o tho company, in which, (our neigh- ? mr* and old school males arc resist in ? man tilly, the rile invaders of our soil? Ilcnce- j j! ftr viril1 ?n will fill tin itir m,.*? ?1,?* I r?th Voliw'f ro, hiil with rouMfrlplf, nit<1 for j J his reason I ?kv to von. 'h?\l this j* your last ! K hance Volunteer. N"w, xtunr now, \mi I ' yi iave 10 choose between ibis ramp of In-true a ion and i hip oM company, in which, hy friendhip. kindred or aMAr'vi?n, you arc all inier- j Med. I'ntne ii'ii'iJ men and let u? t?o ehoerfnllv to J . J a he heM, where our old companies lire pi oecting our homes, punishing tho hated inva! rs of our roil and the would he destroyers >1 our o*i?ien? c ?n a p.wple, and as patriot* j lare or as martyrs die for our persecuted 'ountrv. i ' ' - s The dilemma is before yon : to one or the : ? itbcr v?u myst and will go. If von prefer the "newer -if you had rniher go among strangers , i?id under military prcboir* to where you can . ^ |cver be satisfied, and let ?din this your g'ddiij j >pportunity ?then remember what I say, you ' rill regret the choice thus made to the latest J jveaih of your lives. It is beet that you should 10 with us. best for yourselves, bes-t for your ! shildrcn and kindred, he*f for your names i icrcuficri mid.more than all, it is be t for our { tear country that you should he with u.?.-? 1 h I'll is voif know and cannot deny. If you bare | , it-uis. then, ready to share the toil* nod pri- j v .Mtiotis which so many of your countrymen a llievrfully endure, and he n:cn who know . * your] rights and It sowing dare maintain I hem," you cannot fail to respond to this The last fork in ihe road is now before you : e or I lie other sou must take ? if i ou tnkc . * j s lie right, which i? smooth and plainly ' id, it will ] cud to fame ami aj i ene v. conscience; ;ut if the other to shame and trouble within yourselves end to a. jun -uspicion on thr part >t utliHrs. It Is, however, for you to decide ; j t is ii"t, I wish it were, in my power to chno?v ri?r you, hut, remember, whatever* you do, ; ' m-lerity will he your Judge. Ail, I hcriTore, who may lo go wi'h ! lie, must be mi Spsriitnourg Pepot, ready *' ' ^ ukr the ?;mi < fur Kir) iimnd on ,\i()M>AY ' MORNlN'ti NF.XT, while iln-sc who lias* ? klivady been mnetered into service., must n.U 'ail to report ftt llio vune time and pi***. W11,1,1 \\\ CH<HCK. .IK. Captain i"?. K. nth It'g f. A". ] June iO, 1 | !Vortl??*r?i ttntl Knroix mu \ t iv.a. . - r- | IltCUM"*n, .inn* I I.? The New York flrr ?! ' I'the lUtli, wbioh has Imn-ii rett' ive l m-rr. , roaiains Kinks official report iff the ma < h ..t J ' h.i Kirn l?ivi?lnn of the Fifth t hirps i?'.l rniec -1 1 rrom Strishtirg m Willi*ni<p.iyt, on Mm _f 1?li e itul '26th May. The report occupier ? . ' itmns of kimhII typo." .IhnU -*ys: My < >n. ili.iixl has n a iirt'itrci lit the alt tick. ,i the r.uiie it acrnnipli?licl Ta-, a pn -I i -l U iiihrch ol'nearly silly mile- in ?lt?- fa tlie , 1 enemy -detesting hi.- pi ?n? am! gi 1. m battle w liereveiMoiind < ?ur ! . ? ? , mil-- I. l.V? woundc I, ??ml Til inia-iug \ I mtr ocT* MveJ," There arc n?> ? *? < ? ??it * in the II t'rt1 >! the ile!*? *' ni" Fremont ?u i rshleM-. h_. .1-icK ( o.n. The depart lire of I,nrii Lyons h>r Kn^'irrl ' produced gl'inl Sfiisjli.'!! III \\ .udrnjrL.ii I li Humid'? correspond i.i ru. that lamn on** i'|...11 the invitation <n Svward, .? ?ssii-< tin- . l.uglish t ahiitet thai the war ran not he >( f i:t a:ion. / The N?*%v York lltoald of the llth, sri_\ - t\?P Kititnoud Pn-pnteli giv.-s a torriMu rre>>r?l <>i tin* 'o-s >t tin: ri I..-1 officers at the battle t I' lir . i>nkincluding five loticr^ls an 1 tuni'v t??r--?* Colonels.* Jhc Horn I does n ? piuit do pntrhe.s of th* srriejr, which ?h. ? ? it ?o >,. . ih"f>r fabrication ' rcnoiP telegrnphr J to . >ta*t'on that he engaged .In'-ksmi eentire (< uv an tli* 8th instant. The b*tt% l??te.|. wit'li [?- si ohjnioacy ond Tlolenc*. five hour*, the loss on both ai'fes Ihoii^ very ^roMl. 1 he Krd eril Iors was heavy among officers. Th* Fnli-nil tr-iops L-uaht <ie<metunallrt tinder a nuir ' dermis fire, with greatly tnpejdor ntiniiiers. I he tmyonet and canititr shot were n?? ?l irce \j . and a ith great etfo<t. by the Federals. ; t Milrny liau the. cmire. Sehtnek the rich?, -t hi, w> h all his h.lgad*, thclelt ; Hlrncl-er s UoIicIcii'h and t*t*rtinr?cker's hri^rmle.s coV?p?- a el ihe reserve?at least dO.ftni. The Hth i N + York *?a. bndlr rut iip,.h>*in^ A(M^? The 'jtal loss is rati to a i d Ml btMi <>r *" n 'ttlh*d, < Toundcd Mti l missing. The Federal forc*<#j arte greatly out numbered at all poiuis. hnt i have occupied the rvl'el ljues arid !<>rxe?l tlle.u ' .1 O vrlreai. > The 1. >n<lon Times, et May '2a. r.ij < t >u?oi|^Li? i\ns right in de-ctihioy Mi s ears* a big joh ni i. the niggrsf j'b of the kind rrrr ?t ? i) more tiyiniy 4ava busine*s ? hatihv * ] 'o be imminent ~"il *.>e^.l litherto fought. The I'mie* say * the jyochi t nation ?>| liut.lef realize* ali ever told of ti ?< vranny hy a victory ioi;r the taminixri*-!. Tin* 1 ate ol slavery emlnrri by ne"gr<>e- in Ne"Y? Jrlcins crio?i??? be junto absolute ilmn th*t ii'if ; nil' r.- 1 ly fhc whifr^ in t!i*t rity. The Philadelphia hntfuircr, ?t th* l'itli, h i* ; rooeived a d. *pateh. dut. 1 Chicago, June 11 ' C which ?;?Vi flonornl Mitchell won anotht r vie ott nt ' hniiAi/.. >? ?. 1 <iu rr.lioh wiifo < ;h-, . plolely routed, alter I wo daya' hanl lighting Meagre ncop'int* are given of Jacki-<-n'a vie- i< ory over Shield* st Port Republic. 1 he do*. : jJ patch *ays our mun opposed then r.t every f iii p, but their numbers were m? inferior to ?h nemy?their being ftvr. to one ? they were impelled to full bark three or four mile.*, with i imvy lose. *; Secretary rhu-o a-k* ati'herity to i ..-Tie one t] lundrort end 6fty millions legal fender note-, il ind m bill for that object has hern reported a i. u ?h" ComtliMee ot Ways and Mean*. h \ grand T'nion demonstration was nnnoun eil to f*ke place in Norfolk on the Ik'ih. (iov. 1 i'ierpont esperfed to he present. Seward hue gone to Now Tork, ,r> he absent rvcral day* Hevcrdy Johnson is going to hit Orleans ns t otnniiseioner of the State Th a.'tnienf. * . 'Fiio ytcamcr AfY-ea, wiir. l.ivcrpool dite.t to he hist, hue arrived at Haiti's*. , J 1 ho Frtnch at roy in Home i? *bout to he re- . Itioed to a eingh liviri >u y Tl e lingliuii conservative party have cnlle.t?d all their f .ret tho p irpoie of upsetting . .oid Caliper*? 'it on Hte rctrpnehinent '{ii'viinn; y > minifter:al eris'f i? therofore deemed iinmi* ent. Mr. Lin'U ty pare notice Htut he ahonl 1 all attention to the relations of Cnglnnd yith ) 'ranoe and the Confederate Statet on the t27th line. Nothing wa- rail about intervention or ; cognition. 1 ? ? - - ? i?.4 Captain Herry n-etl known a- th* f.-rrior km runmandcr of the New York and Charleston j Tamer C. lntnbi i died at th? residence of his ;.?her in HrnoMyn. . u ihsHd inst. Captain riry uasthofii t nvm M at c.tere 1 Chsrle? n hurbor tinder he Pal met to flag lie w i , j onri >ie. t "i t t ti- - i ? < - - - - ?* i w t .* r?i 'H ' .!(" . ' . a r. v * f-l V - -i? ?* 0 The Bristol Advocate puMidic* a letter from soldier of Southwestern Virginia, now in j( liclcaon'd army, descriptive of the defeat J*1 f Bn.uK' army. The following la an ex- JJ net: I never expect to witness another auch a :cne in when we through W i lie beater, o pen v*u describe it. The utmost confusion revelled. The ladle*.eau?e from al( pnrti of lie to'ijn with wnler. bread ?tud meat, halloo. i*g foi'Jvtf. Ihtli, fii'swa' Jackson, (IvWnel ^ siiby, the Southern Confederacy, alM "the k ?\e." We drank. but told them we had no ni imc to ?.nt. The> oten patted tin <m tin Ictcka f nd told in to go ahead: ntni with *11 di In- Si enliven we "fairly flew, ' overv man for him-' b ftf. | iir.jjiewMi mo 1 him-cr so iinr<l ttiut tbry it lircw iilf kT?ap?ack* and coat9, mid took to li tip fields imd w<?<nl?. scattering xnr.-t *nd artrldge boxes alt over the field*. Our coni>uuy tinned ileelf < ntircly with long-rang* tills ol'different kind4, tint tln v I itr? nine* ceii taken awuy front u4, it being difficult, to S >.*1 cartridgeo to lit. I ? i- I Wnnti'd to Hire VT t tie Female College a good WASH Kit AN1? IKONEK. without childrpu, also F gud to Hitpnd to Children. ^ A.llETHUSV .Time 1'I " 1?> '.f I PiiItIio S;ilo. will ofiVr fo^4*1e ia 'ale^dav next before S [ my office a kjL/r M^rSl AT rKESSKS innlcM ; r ' f ln?f..ip jij^'v-'t(F -'xf-i.) Persons'wishing,'It ucli artiolfWtTltl da we!! to nttpiid the sale. g I. M, FI.KO|; 11, Agent. si .lone l'J 1"? iiw S I H >SL 'OJMIC K\[ i ' \l.f* person*. in nrronrs for Postage will jdeaeo call and settle. .1 A. l.KE, P. M. June 19 15 ]t. ^ NcgpopiK to llirc. o ?1K\ KI'A I. person* having inquired for tie- 1 gi ?>? ., hp ploughmen. I now request II ll'titVre wajiting hand Either. Ploughmen, *' Inryptitpr, or Cooke, to tea ve their application* ': ri*h ine, end 'tale that lioir many ure wanted. s I have almost daily applications to Jmpw rhere tiegroe* can he hired. J. M. KLFORD. j Jun- It) Id tf ' IN< w Scl?p<lule. t i|>ai fc Union Railroadi'montii i t;. s. r. .fene 12. I8o2. , Vl'TKU l! * 1 -"? It inyt , i he I'Viwcngcr Trains Mill ?? Sp.irt milotrg ?\ II.. on Tl.'Bfl >M'S nn l FnFI'W'5. ?i I'. "? A. M., nnd nr- | iv? Mt Alston at -'*> 1". M., connecting witli ^ ho t>ii'i ini''o Il iwii Train. I.unvo .V it on at I! 1? 1*. M., ami return t>> par I i nbnrg at 7* -"JO I'. M. ] On thftothpr tlrty- of fTio Mork, will learc tjir\vl.'ol?jirg ('. II., v | 1.", \f , ami reach 1 V' 1 on OA \ )l., connecting will* the reenriilo l'(> Train. f l.cnv< Alston nt ;!?? A M.. ami retorn to I 5j<;iv nnhnrg m 2 i'. \l. ! ( l nns. r,. jktki:. iWt June li' 15b tjw ? CHEROKEE SPRINGS,. SPAIITANBURG-DIST. S. C., ' iAJIKSI* Springs arc now open fur tbc reception oil I oc'itm io'Iiiiion ot sii ^ or". Si'.iaN'l n a I'r.ilthy locality. -i tghl ' nil - iiottli of iii<" t'\in Spartanburg, itiry >0-r iii'liifinriii; to mir 1 . innuiry fi in?'irpo.-*< ! by any l"l' health ami Comfort. I tic i ir li i-'? e.?nfi'lvol that lie will ica'ilf in | Iimhii lii- \ -iipr-, nti'l thai fiioiipmi j ,i- rrtir-oiialili- a im? #.* the tjnies ?ill per- i ' Severn I r 11 ill* ? i tfi? ?C;isi fi on 1< i- ivn ilile 'ft tti.- * If i, t;ANTi;i*u. 111.- oln-ti- pi i"'i?y in be bought in lra ^ : i' 1 ? - it - ! l p,| "iiirri i? ?n:elc to iho ^ nlisfiibrr it on roily ?l.-iy. 1'uriher jiaitieu I: lilt :i "> I n hen aU?*<l for. * r t? \n vur.i.i.. j' I hi III I .-CHI I', t ? Jilfiv 10 1 . if 1 ST\TK CFS01TI1 PKOUM/^ -?* - , ,\t >1 ?Npl?i'Et ron <ti.NKnAL ? Oinrn. I ti . Com IM?, Jtino 1*', "| . JJMIR AJ. *>U!'I;K , 5 Tilt enrollr>u^Fthe I'onfKd'nff % ' .i-rripf'-u^Kee^viN in^ hern completed | 111 turned ovcnp^lif '.'"nfclfnte officer, no ' 'uvtitio.?t-e..s ojj^j^roptioA ? 'leveal'ter l>o i.iif?l front < ^V-rpt u, |ioi.tol)t w!io?re ; 1 nf.j?M to Fliilc *erv'i?? H\ Comrnnnd: t U'l J.Mt >T |?KS wshvrk, VltuiriM and la pernor < ' nc r*l of S. 1 unr,lU v !?" If pnO . I r?. li paper in 11<o .StVe publifh once# Mil .-nil attention. jr r >i v r'riM:ssi:s 1 \A Iliivo for N'fAV ftATToN AND 1 * ^' V IT'*'7?^' v. ill :oil tl.c ?ntuc at * * m. r.Lionn, Agent. Jape 12 1J If J STA'fK OK SHI TIi CAROLINA ! SP\HT\Sni'Ri; M.STKIlT. ' ?ti- n ' r of Adrrntstrnlion by .Tno. ! (1 liarle ItoiuMv, ? ?.j . i l'urr.r \> }. S. I'tf'U.K It*? tiled hit- pe ? f t'Tiojj in rny oftioe. praying th?? Let J ri of Admiitio ration, on nil nno (singular the js in 1 olmtilc-, right.-* nud cro'lits, of J. II. fooi.n. laicof ibcTiiririoi afor?fi?i<l, deed.. > 11' ..'l (I' f'. anted illlll. ' J Tci?e in therefore t.> eilc md admonish ill j j n 1 sinuulir. the. kindred and creditors of th* * aid <1 I., to he and N)>pMr in ihc Court of 1 ii lidiivirv. for e?'<l Mi-tr^t, to bo. holden on a lie 27th dote of June in.'tunt, to ;>h >w cjusa jf ! * ny, Why the said Administration should not S e granted., < liven un ler my hind rind s*.il of office, this Oth June A D. 18R2. J. KARLK, flOMAR, o. ?. n. Juno 12 11 2w ltcci'uilillff Sffvlcc. e< J T J Jl. C? NMNH1II\M. Company R, " [ j* ipt. H. M LANDFORD, UdLfS. l\, lUfi ifni, will uemain a few weeks, atlr?:t. until te 1 ith Jntt., and will re fire any number of eeruifs. * A Hol*NTY OK FIFTY ROf.LARS will be iid itnd Transportation tickets furnished, ddress or apply at Olcnti Springs. June * I? 2w MAIiBl.t: Y.AUD N0T1CK. j )i:if?ON"S wishing to purchase. MARBI.K *' tor their Ircoa-ed Friends end Relatives in do so, l?y applying lo Mr. WM HCNTKR. sr .nithon/#)] n^enf. . .. _ HA*E A PALMER. j TI April 3 j if J MATTRB?HEa. jh' I NY on.- in ne?'l of MATTRESSES, win | ^ <1? -?v!l tr> on!) 'ifton I dc T IV HARDY. I "1 f ' Liws?i Fer It Vol a alters. A fcw wcrr* mnilti will l>e .taken for the fl \ ?boT?compM?. Tbia is jour last ebnnee n Volunteer. Thove 11 u t b*v(? been muttered 1 tto service "trill be ready to t?ke the can on ie morning of tbn 28<1 Inat., lor Richmond. \m mullouuty paid at fUelimoacl. WILLfA'M CHOICE, 2 let Lieut. Co. K. 6th & C. V. r Juue lli 14 !it Htra.yed Mule J "JTIIAYKU from the subscriber, Hi Monday . last, a MULE, about trn year* of ago, of , tedium till', sorrel color, blemish in ono eye, / iiti mark* of gear. The mule was raised by ? lr. JAMKS JACKSON on Pacole't, and may ?< e making its way thither. Any iufonnatioa so as to enable me to get , will be thankfully acknowledged, and if derated, a liberal re war 1 will be ?!* ]> ? M. D. GOODWYN. r\ .Innel2.. 14 8w ~STATB OF SOUTH jWROUNST I PAP.TASBUUG DISTRICT?IN EQUITY. S* LUCY C. THOMSON, JJ T*. SUUAN A. THOMSON, ct. at. minors, &e., /V? Ami. __ XTKNSIVE SALES OF REAL AN1> PER- t? SON AI< ESTATE. fj |"N purmincc to the decree of the Court pf ' V.hmU%, I "HjdMU to (kc highest bidder ii Snhsatfcy in JftWXicit, the -tiiost Taluable 01 >t of land*' lyiJm MjarA near the Tutts of J" par'anburg. tg&Was been offered" for tnanyp ears. Person property should ? >ok to it a* ttiejt^^^^wdffahlc time to make a n ood inv?-lmeC^4Vr REAL ESTATE cm- v ists of two me?e House* in Town on Main fl treet, klweoa t!i? Rook Store and Dr. \ loodgion's new store on Main street. Ci A FINK . b; FLOURINO AND GB4ST WILL, Ij - WH i 157 if ros of Lnntl, n? (1|) ami half mile?* from the Court House liis has a beautiful- shoal, anil is considered ne of the best sites for Miiling'ii^the up counrjr A Tract of (VJf?| acres of land on hoi it side* , f l.awson'* Fork, two miles from the Court si louse, ro itaining one of the finest body's of) a [>w lands in ?lie District, with timber in abunance. , There arc never*! beautiful sites for bulldog near the town, with good tracts of woodand sttached; together with many fine tracts f land, : i.incti-en in all.) lying conreniont to j he town, desirable for farms und timber. A t< ;<n?ral Pf.ATE ofVhich m.iy be seen at any ime in niy office. f ALSO SIXTEEN NEGROES, dOSTLY Y'tl N'J AND LIKELY, AMON<! *' THEM A GOOD 1 Monitor* ot*!>Iaohinory J AM) I'lOLIiOW WAHE. lis wife an-l child a good Cook and liouvo V.,man. Ac. E A FINE LOT OF . m ^ I Ioiia?l>ol<lmid lCi(<>lit,ri J^ur- C :iiti|i'r, Forming Tools, iV<>. * A r INK H'X'K AIV W \NI? II AX PES?* 1 >r two hnr?r?,. an <l(.T) ('A KKl AtjKj'l iwn Uirxo U KiHN ASH IIAKSKSS. 1 OX \\\. 1 . )\ mi-l II \NIWAIIT. I *n t'arrbige Hurra*. J , g Slot K OF HOGS \NI? fATT!,R, and ?)U.N. WIIK AT, FOI>DL!l AN1> FLOUR. TKKMS 4H SU.K : A ercJit will I f jfiveu of 1, "J, au-1 " Vmiy; riili int?-re?t "from Uoy sale. to be paid ?nan,11 v. I'urch^r; l?? ? * : bond and npproved i.'Citrhy. Yl>y~e prt-tri-rli<g l? do : <> will l>e l!nwr?i to pay ! i-rn, an I tho creditor-i of the | ate ,H SH S'W. THOMSON. *?H U- permit j ed I,? off tlieir ilehle. T. STOHO FAIIUOW. i\ K. S O. j ? Jutir1*2 1y\ \ irtnrv of auihtu it;. veiled iryau t>.\ l? > H Mo ii{K, tv, will we'l at Sp irt*(|buTR a il.. <?n iSir M"'rl.iy in lilt orat. itkc ' I i,Mowing proji?n)r i ii . -Onr Block oHWd^flHjldlng * r$Ry mi .luil Slpert." ?' anj IV'jn'., .t lor and Jail, feri "in 1vct wide, ?li-"| into throe icui'ittfiitt, with a ha dement ! ,N tn] i*? 4tari<'t ?uHr i tor a family to lire and ; trrp .> -tore <?r u rhop. in on? ,>r which the { o.H t Iff ire i- now W?-pt Ms1"!, it wooden HtiiliU . N y;T adjoining, fftiiuinitip I r"oni.H. nod HMatilt j i Mir. witll tijjtna'l pi it ?>f latt 1 attached t'll t ^ d lor a rtnall family. ^ i I The l.ot on Kuiliartnrd and (IrccnviUeStrref, n a t'<-\? ft(i|>.- of th- I'uh'ic^S'pmrr. including mi 1 tvrwlling*, h S'orv House. ami W.,t W Shops f i?r :t t'lrtiagr F.?tablt?hmcnt, BUelittniili i iliop*. Si mi-1 I lie itMinl wuiVionsra. A ' ni cry valuable stand fir biiMDCM. A FINK TAN YtlUf . | ving half a tniic from thr r.njrt Ilo'tsr, with i en ncriM of laptl. -In Vafg, 2 T??ola, .( lama* - ,*i I Ihtl?. ,ritl| Btrjj Mi'l, Shop*, and two ?-v?i!in1; all in ncc or ready for use, wttlt a ,j im- stock "t leather nnd hides in Vio. * Sl Two tracts of Woo -Jin it I two taihr from the n ' ttri Hoi no, on th* |l-*irl (lip fto*dt'?>he s uniMinlinf .Vt il-? * ". ' I *1 ALSO rl\>n rVc'groeA, j?i IAI.E, MITCHELL, 911 ?S. JO>Lrif. w iNDr.KriOy, >AKA!!.. HARRIET, LAURA, I3/ HOWARD AN"I? ri,F.T?'llEK. J[; A I I UOUSK, TTTr l?..y Mitclfll and Joseph are fin,I rule *ANNK1U by trade. Klias is * g>*d 0 \RK1\iiK T?>l>rMKH, \ivlfr-i<in <\ gtvni ninrkuiiih. IVr*ons winltiiig to buy Mich properly j til! iJoSkII 'o attend on the day of sale.' I "I TkbMS OK SALK. |J The propcitv trill be gold on a credit of one j * nil ttro year.-', with interest/r-?in day of gale. i ^. 'Ufchaser* In giro bond and two good aeunri- j i l'rnpcrty not to be delivered till the 1 " arm* are complied with. j a fc-U- If any of the purchaser* *feh to pay ,r Ik- nionev it will he received. " " 8. POHO. | , *' A. lVINtit), Assignees. tT ) f? Jam 12 li :?t | * 8's!r? i ? t<: waui>. j v I'} I .N from the Subscriber i?m? time A 'n Sop'onikrr last. hi* negro boy JACK, ! grd about twenty five year*,' about 6 feet f? j * tchos high, of * brown complexion. ? he ' hn?? rew.ird will bo paid for the delivery of aid boy to his owner, or lodged at the jail of i partanhurg that h'- may be obtained. . A. HOLTSHOUHKR. "J Aptil 10 6 tf n( 1 TAlvK NOTICE. VI,I. Persons indebted to the Estate of RO- * ' SA C. SMITH, will plraec pay the Ex- Nj eutor at once. All persons having claims ^ g*jn-t raid Estate will deliver a copy of the ime as carlv as poeoihle, t?? OLIVER. R. MOSS, Executor. I April 17 6 i<tn , .1. A. KNStoVV, ; i ( 'omniiHMlnn Morohnnt, i J, NO. 27 VENDUE RANGE, ! s' ! ox ( HARWMON, S. C. ryiOMTT and personal attention given to i wi L **1? ?l Flour, Wheat, Corn. Baron, foi iJ Produco, an 1 Merchandise generally. ri Apnl 17 ft "m PROFESSIONAL NOTNR. j _ MHE CSUKR8IGNED, respectfully tenders j his sern. es as a PRACTICING plfYSI! \N, U> the ritiiens of the Town and >iotu- ! f. -I Hhnay be found at *11 time# at the re?i. 1 ncc of Mr?. C. F. CAMP. o? ttj ten aot en^e^e'l -Prof*?>i*?any. I C? ) eVG?lM'! ,f r/ ? r,IJkv j ff i 1 ' ~ ^ i * ' 'V- * \ JJ * * / ?-/* * .i + " * _ N fcOO Hw OF WOM# [*> MAJLC WlKTJEft CKIFOSMfl for mx foUr"*? Jol^jr tui ?p?j6 Wf C,.',^!.'^, ktuwtu* Wtn?ifti'toig4 1 LI AkbI member* ofjur OmMirit \ report for Auty, withoutaUW^/M Cfca?> KM. Or ?Hby ?U1 t? preto*?d ytflfVei Captain Co. Charleston, Juae I, tWU,^ rAijfii: ivoxi^p; VLI. persoos baring claims igiiuil 49 WK1UHT, d.-??*s*d.?r? rsquirsdto^re . -at them early, property eUactod, ami al <rm>ni owing'-the itm?, are to pay p at once. . . * J. M. EI.F0R9.-Att>., forB. A. MAXWELL, fe'-er. May 22 11 Rto pariaoburs female At a lhay? ITIIE first Session of thl? Beboel will bp I" dosed on Friday the 80th iut. There will be no vacntiea between the Aanons, but the 2d, Will commence o^Motds* fit, Jwctf 2<1. ^ SARAH E. BUTLER. May 29 ' 12 to issoIvtion or ptBXtfEisar. ITI1B Copartnership heretofore enietiaa W* twren THOMPSON ?. Of.IPHANT. aa jrriage Manufacturer*, is this day dj^solced jr mutual consent. The entire business will e settled by JOHN THOMPSON, wb# la a*? toriied to collect all tKe ACCOUNTS, NOTES ad DEMANDS in faror of tbe Firm aad setoils liabilities. JOHN THOMPSON. ? N. C. OI.IPHANT. May 8 9 If .The btisinc.'? will be continued by 4he cvh~ :riber, and he rc?pe?tfulty aska the cuatiattnee of his customers and fri&ndb. JOHN THOMPSON. May 8 .9 ?f FOR ?Ai,E. 1 HOUSE and LOT in the town of Baar IsnVnirg, can be bought eo roannxfiWe ?rms. } full on C. J. ELFOKD, esq., or , or W. T. AKItOW, Agent. . mar 27 y 4 rt I>EXTAT, JVOTJfdK. I*"Y OSte arer Bobo, blvuda udCir* )J[^ l-nw Ttrrn Cub. mar IS?1? \y C. LtE, Dv Dissolution of Copart? |i4|^ IXIMS eopartncr?hi}? beretr-fora existihfetfb* 2 Iv.-cn St'LI.l VAN, IELFQRO it dissolved by ih? wi'h lravat .tf J. . WINSMlTH.^tq. T>i* bwiMM ef ?ka 'irm will'be >etile?Jhy J. M. ELF?iU>, 0^%, l>. I.#i I,. LViHy I T A VB ju- received, along. *i?k ? waiisSy ( J <>f o' her ^.todi, email quywitiit at i^(l Pnintj piiim. " iV . rr "' n .* C Jopp<M*ttN, ?4MV Fine, f^onibH, Ac* Spartanburg, S C., January I. 1862. MI iJ.iSYsnYT KRS. MASTERWjnt '7 ivre.i Street, opp-t^t'. (Jtntral hrrfxerrf#' UKS M \STKUM.\N baa on bnnd a good supply "f (H>OOW in her line. Y??o wajr \pe?r ih find tlipnint iil'PKftlOR QUA t.lT\. ho unlit-its the continued support of her . - Mrs M. ?? al?'? \je?u?t for bet idsferr. >b? I i -?.? (? M. A A ASH TON, of72. Marke??? tires, KmI-moo. y% AM IK TI RCiH 99 VlfiS <>f every ??yle and variety, and MM V II.lilt HORKBin in al?? r-incbM. ? i irJcrt. wjJI be punctually attended to. Him grwit many specimens cu hand, uno 1" ' It 11K 5TA1K OF S01TU CAROLINA Alexander tt in^n vt>. VryiomS. Hanfrr. Attachment* Ih.-bo F.dwnrds A Carlisle, 1 lain'ff** At*'J. II^HKKKVS the plaHrtitf did, on the bth \y day of April, tile hi*declaration again * ic defendant, who {a*it i# said) it absent fma? rid without the litnitjt of this State, end has urner vrite u<>r mtornry known within' tko ime, upon who>n a copy of (lie aeid de^b ra? on roi'ht be svr^cd : ? 1* ie thc-c1?rc ordered, That the said defe*. m' d? i|>p>:*r anil plead to the nM dttUnoh, ou or before the tiih 4iy of April next, hich will be in 'he year of our Lord one tkooind eight hundred ?ml?iily-tlint*;oUirreiM nal an 1 abso'ute jndgiucbl will .be given end warded ngaiwyi hiut. J. 11. TOLLESON, C.V- P. April "8 hj STATK.OF SOUTH CAROLINJ. * OFFICE OK COMPTROLLER OEN'L, \ 'w vni.tsms, Febrnarv 17, 1W2. j f HEREBY certify, the! JOS. M. ELPORD. 1 Agent of the MERCHANTS INSURANCE OJIVANY, of Richmond, V*., incorporated y the State of Virginia; kas complied with ie conditions andreqtttaitions oMbaAet of the eneral Assrmnly, entitled, to regu. ite the Agencies' {^insurance. Companies not leorporatej in the State nflLfloutk Carolina,** n>l 1 hereby License the said 708. N. ELORl>, Agent, as aforeesid, te take risks and ansae' all business of Insurance, in this 8tete, >v, and in behalf af .aid Company. This LimsK to continue until the. filing of neat Semi nnual Statement. W. LATAL, rollec <J tmerel. mar 20 2 . 7. If Notice. VLL Perrons are hereby notified not to trade for a NOTE between fertyiveaa i v dollars, .and one fer ten dollars. Alls ic same date, (date and maturity of which are >t recollected.) one in favor of Col. R.*Jf rine-nnd transferred to John McFarland. s said notes were to be discharged by ffilrar Ueis and accounts which I hold against Jea cFarland and which are to be considered payment in full. JOIIN THOMPSON. Jan 9?lOOt. 43 it n OJ'lCK. HHREBY inform my friend* and tuit?er? that I have volunteered hi the aerelceetf tVa ate. Tlios^who heve left WATCHES with t.wi',1 find them at my etore, When they wil delivered hy Mr. T. B. ANDERSON, wha U aUo have my notes and ewaaala h hand r collection A fine assortment of JRWE1~ If will he found for eale at hj etftUed .1. A. KENNEWAN. veh rr so tf T OTP VERNON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WTILL PRACTICE tn the Waatam ChtnH <\ Orrtcn?-West aarnar of Cel. W. W VKBTS' brick huildin* over the etara a rap & Cannon, end ?p?u*ite ffth Pltapatf oi?? Afvfl. If