The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, June 19, 1862, Image 3

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Tiii<i;uitA.i*iiK'. j . TI1K UTUST FROM CIIAUIXSION. rr.Ti the Southrru tiuKi>li/iii. BATTLE ON JAMES ISLAND. C'lLVM4?i>TO.Vt .J lint* 10. \ avctv battle tyyk I'We this rayrniwy <>n ; nines. l?Uad, four uuK-hfroui the city. Tt?c fnemj u-lvtutccfi with ttv^ivgitni'illt to Hssiinlt tuif !$t,i>ri>?i?nvill? bultcucs with the b.iyoncL i vl. T. 'i. Anmtr otniiinfHled our butteries, villi ? tew Uundre<l vt ear lr">>i?. lie wiiisi 'ii the enemy got within clo 1 ran^e, when hc.ynCMcil villi iti'iipif and nm*krtt \. literally IiK^t ni^'Uowp Wtw utlranotng \hiiU ? c?untii. The enemy reeled mi'l lied, but pi sanity wer?reinforced by Hi'iit|erv, an>l ?i?r! > formed and charged. Tuoy wore again, ropulv-il v*itl? groarsLi ugh! or. A third Inn** thoy advanced mi'l endrnvni'ud to tlsnh tho battery, hut were again beaten baek. we advanced tn pur u'll from uiir w^rka killing a-id -.iptiiii.ig ltmny. tbir vic.tory is complete. Our 1oin? i? t wt^Ve killed*aud twenty wound- I. ClmrlrMnn troops wcrccltieHy engai'ed The enemy's W* , i? not jet Ascertained, but ? is cctefnly Aovar( ! tiundnd in killed, wounded tin-1 prmo ?. i . \ bn'oh of thirty pri'ou*.i ha\o ju.t been l>i .nigh; to the oity. Ktlh l (.apt. (.twin, of Lanuir's Artillery, told Lieut. ?rcen," of tlio Washington U'ghi Infantry. IV'.mi'Jc l - Col. Lamar, badiy, and litany el hers. * ru>n'.r *7unr'f*.- -hilled Imvij Valati'in-. ,\or-i.sti;? |V>bli:<-ki. V. citnded tiertr Valentine, Hi rry Jb-vtlle, iiiid.K. Lvan.-.. 'I'ltc hutile this m-ruing w is pr.'tu'tiuci-d h.v Otll' geueVHl.t In have been a lU'jSt desperate (tur loaf i> heavier than at first reported, including several valuable company ntWcera A portion of tlie CtTuniy's force fought in "! gallantly. The 47t.h New York Highlanders assaulted ?ur batteries with empty nni-kct"? They fought obstinately and retired, leaving titty dvnd in ditch**?, and carrying c.l their vMtedel. The enemy's gunboats nnd land bst'Crioa en operated tn the attack. "The ni". joy's hilt* is about four hundred in killed.vcounded nu I captured. * UtCJivosp, June If>.- -The force uitli which licit. Htuari accomplished his brilliant recoti itoiaaiioc consisting of the 1st and iMh Virginia rivalry, .1 elf. Haiis' l.cgion of oavalry, UobV; Legion, an I three plores Stuart's Artillciy* The expedition left Taylorsvillc Frida* (horn 1 tig". routed ii squadron of Yankee cavalry at Old Church, and captured and burut three Fed< ai (ran spot is at I'ulncy'd mill?, on the L'-tmunV.i v hirer, loaded with commissaryuni' oriiiAUce Mores. lie thence proceeded io Tun. stull's on the York Ilit-N- Uaiiifnid, cnptu.**b ,i number of Yankees, and liied into aud riddicd . 'i train dfctirs. i'lie engineer, who w.i* kille I. f. dl off the engine after putting en a full hend of Meant. The lui;i <1 nhwl ?m tow-arts ilm VuiQuntiejr Itivcr, near TsytniMvillp. lie :ihi> captured nmUxirnf ??ue Siuudi-i-d uagoiis, fd wjih coin in Input v Fiorf?. and tvturiicl in lUclntioDtl this nu'i ning, bringing l!irr? hu ? Hrcl muffs An 1 honrs. I'iichijN i)esii;nsu|>on < ?l xituuooprn Km Danger. On yesterday, in announcing ttie fact hut thceucmy lia'l retired from be tore < h-ti taimognT wo expressed a doubt as to li'u lutore designs upon licit importui.t [ <>ii t y ii'C now stytUUcd ?>at.?bis design-, The attempt, and a formidable one it w:l! lie, will oOuii be tnttdc to capture tliat city. Tlio vidence is before us. Frutn the best uutU- I ciity, we learn that the energy are nncs?mpcd tome eighteen wilt s below Chattanooga, cn. tie oppovle side of the river?the lor- i rr tliu: attacked thatcity on saturday kmc! i iSuiid.:} la.-i. Lavirt g falVn back thuc I .r That force i uow trig god in sawing luui : her, and appear lo b' working as though j they were making flatb >ats. W ith them ; is .t gunboat, aome tw and a lulf miles be , low their piisont encampment. It is a i faiboat, with s'utiouury powir but on for propelling it,-nud has fhre? pieces oi nan j non on board. The object of this <-r;.tb doubtless, being to tow f y> under oover <?| [ its guns, in r. c-ing tli - rivr with troops i-bieh is the p : biori n o.v of the enemy, an 1 j fcu h are his preparations for another id . v iiiVV upon ChalUuitioga. i\'c are also advised tit >t ibn. I>irby j frhuilh is in command, in person, of our j toreccs at t.'hu i.inoogw. and that great eoiO: lonee is rcp<>-< tl in him, and bis abili ! ty, " ith his fore'--, to defend vicvc.-tduil) , that city. The citiju us is wolf ai th? military there are <lot rtiiined not t.? ?ur ; i ...'.i. . i < imi'k-1 uie vuy, oiii 10 no lit on to R, let the | enemy rhell it as much as thoy pl?.ise -a i patriotic md gallant determination, wlreh, h-* truo', will r*. .suit i*i the d.afcat ?.?l tin enemy ? u? -igns. IfUlsho'iiiT Mitchell l?c largely reinf>r ; r. i - sh**ui I lie bring to hear on (_ hat:.a- ! nior<* than <>nc gunboat?should he Mi<*ctr<l m g <ti?g p*>-rj^saion oi the city v hat wnl the situation of Georgia? Vi e I iiu hv G-ergia's beinvj cut off from sup plies of suit, coal, pro\ nsioti- mid the oh sirUcliou an I partial <hMrtfction of the '* tatc road; th* so being certain oou^oejueu com of the capture of Ghattanooga; and turn i consider the conserjuences to the jUat? i from the raids of 'ho enemy. t)ur mountain country will brc??n?c pa lure ft- Ids for the enemy to tupon, nod , Tun>in?*r in; and a:*, he gathers strength j from 'I'lioforoeu.eutr,, h will he a* ccrUdu t i*l< tic? inl i iio interior, and towards | Atlau'a, a he is an enemy trying to ,. V. 1 jugate u.j This '"in, as wo before inii'n ' ntt d. only he prevented by th nrtraoi/u 1 ?iou of a force t * opp --o his progress. and ; it ran i com from the uitlita of the St*; .A*: Virginia,r\ery uirmaide to hear aim*-, that can he ;r m I, wiTl has** to tike the field Utir ptojlo must p.-epire for '!>]<- - they i , nrtvt get ready, The Governor will have to i*uf>jcu his .orders to ihe nnlit.i ofTcerof the State t-? * rr -mi r? and he r :idy f?r th' li> I I. W'e ur*- no alarmist, and have no or .ir* to create excitement ;im?n.' th* people;-but we are. uot'hluid, nor will we , lull or ryes 'o fhr- truth iliat Gmrgiub j in piri). sjunld (. Julian * gu t.dl into tin luud. of the my. As sentinel* up* o t the wair.h tower," wo therefor**, with the j sign* V 'or*: umid th*? alarm " -.1/ . I'int'i Infr.H'j* a 111'< "t'H'g'lii i*t \Msb v life, Wo h iv.i ! '.n . uthentie source that g-eal exeUcment wa.i c.xatid in ua. uvmu . a few days ago, hv the report that John If Morgan had arrived in the uify over night, and wn.s boldly stopping at a well known tioardiu-^hou-e. I ho ! '? ) r.d psnvoqt mur .Ji il iintnodia'ely ordure 1 out a large h>roc ! t'jr ln.? capture. 1 he li tu?-e ira surttmnd ed in .-ii<*li a manner ns to render his escape | impossible, and 'he olTc r wlu> had charge i of the expedition, feeling secure of his j, game, demand*-*!, with some show of polite lie.-.s, tin' tin* notorious .John 11. Morgan - .should h<* hrou ;ht out hiuI delivered up to 'In: b'edcraf toice quietly, in orJcrt" av id Munich *1. Th* gallant J\de?a];M * as . ' *1. ' eh gtioedwiun l.e wa* inform ' umi f'w> ii proc> .? ^ i ! ?' 11i^?1 >' ?1< yi. ut-il to tl^ li.xilth >1' -John I! ' ibobud arrit niglff i.vvl.u-, an?l M * ; } I i triotio wt nun ,1 v. J ii'iinc ?'} <? ? 7Z>,'i*trr She spartan. si? A K f A Kr a w ??h TliursOuv, June THE SriUT.4\Ol llti i:\IMtLSS, Wo regret U<<- lutpoasioa -?f our '.'otemporerv, with whom our intercourse 1> in h*on of tiio modi p]>'n>aut Hud ngrcc-*?t>lt- cl>ir.tulfr. I:poll i'? siihj'*'t of K'Mionl ii|fore,f liai* t?e ,i?. .... .. v..--.. v - ...V -V r-. ..i- ... impair lntmony. ^monthly wo have flowed along. though the life stream ??t itir I*. ~|?oc:w p:i]iBi'K l?us l>i ?n trrVildy liy tl* aviilit v of our rollers I >r daily news Tin* ?v*# has well nigh supplanted the vti; -VU' |i|?vr\ /...-ioM "Mlic- Whether m i istt; -i is in entity or lon-.tnHly i* hccnuig a prnMiMouMfHl question. The recognises their i>(iM<tilUO. "but tlyp people, in war time** ' dvstwuit ing from our legal fathers, ?rf much inciitiKil l<? ignore their Iming g' tber. Hot s? csj. js thin right; dour a paper n<?! git - -hirti' o th" Mist net ^tnd, is it not a valuable a>!v?Ttisitig if deficient in nil OfllCI quallto-i. While in ws roluOII>3 are m lilt'* vapid and lint in the i mi-It of ?ur dsilv public*'ions, i;f local imere't we CCfi?*itilv, ran eluir equality ii" >t pre ? %?ti?nco. Hot wlntiiei interesting r?v not si this b'.j ).|y j'tnvl urn in oitili'-'<;. w ? f i-'. and would appeal to our friends nud the It'sir;rt not in ineti;* the shame of miTering every Ucwswiper light to go out tor the want. ?>t pat.rniiags. K* !.? | n ..on e.utcoi vja that hifi.i* ("une 'inlilf vinri<~4, ol ifi- cliarnc t*riiiHc? of tjiemr, even if it is in hot torn hie ambition So think wo, and r<. led w? in relei once to the "Spmt* ?" and In nci prc-uinr t? solicit an extended rircul.liinn through our ti t Mnla. If they will vitalize us. nun c fully. hy ? n ling u> thair names, in n :<li >rt t itni* we "hull he nhle to 14m a* t\ Mr?>n;r man villi armor <m; not donlde-vittprd mittl take holder wtitl higher flight. OK>;* iKVi itUT im:U>. The Hit of those killed; twin n.i. llictricl, in the 4>a'fle of 1'hicah.nniny, or "J'lie Severn Pines," M ' i| tenoitl, ill quite oxtetifivc, amB shows that our young men, gallantly, met ati.r rosined ilm f?e. Among th?*m are Marlm .!. Smith, Foster, T AY. M irlin, 'l? > ge I*. Houghal-n. < nptain J. tj t'arpciiioi, I'. Homier, K It flan is, M. J.ipscntnb, Mi'D'tvI!, Win* II UukII. . J hey are gcni'uuirii of high i(.tp?^8ttiliij and social ei?ilnen?:x. B'dng w.-)l ^.5 ><ucnded, true patriots, no.I, thoroughly 'minted with 11 "..ft.-" of .nir i.ghts ami ?i orgs. they liesil ltd n<?t to imtnol ?'c them -elves upon the n't ir of oi?r r .nnnoTi e 'untry. The tn?<l ->f them b?dne planters by <n>ttioti, 1 <\ Mure not -> conspioi?uidy mis< 1 up, with tho moveim-nt s f the lliatrirt as to sigunlirc their lives by polit i -ill nntT mHi-tu , s-> tnue'i a-, ihrit death t, by to*- heroism ttiny displnyrd near the '."apit.d of the Smith. l'nfliuching. hrv i<-ly and heroically, they ft'cmJ the enntion, and wiihstosjd the liailaiorm >t nnisheliy and smell arm Ti nqurr "as their purpose, to .lie, their rietctuiinalio 1. rather than, the flag tU spoli?ivrly to tho \ i 'tm ions shouts 'if the multitudes, that enootiipasvd, defiantly. the b autiful City of Khthin'url In leaving-i he quiet scenes ?.f h.?m? Ki'.t.fd not to ir i l r tho pain*" il trial. .They disregarded a, t 1 lie notes of th<- wur-hu*np, ? ! closed 'Jnir oh.s to tlic invitiitg kIimmm >"! msrtibl music. \t tiie f.rst sou ml ?>t the h 1' tie v they rdbed to the standard of,their IV-'. * il #-ottih mill, upon 1I11 "wings 0}' i|,f. ^ | hastened to her rcse. e. Viih theni no n?u?e of delaj prevailed, d oling', active, vigorous, pitrimiu. they stayed not to listen, to the rhispoi tugs of pleasure, or yield to the enohautnieu's ol'lhe parental hi esid". Boldly t hey lathed into tli? fray, tuul, boldly. tart the enemy who sl.w them. Some of thctn ?rn! from under the sh?il<.?r ..f th>? monument that iua Us 1 lie b. tile gronud of 1 ha <>? .vj?eu.?; Athsra frn.n points,^ a.-to c*t,-a in.qtii dion fr-nu * !n> en?*n,uii?'l plains of the t dar >pi ing* and Blanket nekv ivich had .a 1 ??ve!uti innry hitto y hi parent ig' or locality. I'ront such hero - w-?, v? 1 ,rtapl?, ? . n e *lc.l mm it; frotn them a- St)*ct tn*-. we are en tl?lcd t > pathrr the hornir gtrjand, tor the ad ?rnnnut of our l?;;1 riot hr v. ^si 1.- fr?nt the-., yntng bero"S, it h eome? our )>*i ilill fluty ? ? ept ik of < nf' nn ? C'. <' irpeofcr, from the HfigMMir'u* <J ofih? ' imc .Itfltie SfH'illrf*. For tno.ethn!) u?'ic month-, he command ^ 1 h enrrtpanv of brnvpfl equal to ;iiiy that ? ? >.npo'.? flu? ' n|lf<!;dAr?t4* MViny t'OUnigCIMR himself, m'I tru*tc.l hi'n, m thej would 11)e irii)>'ilacA of thf.iro\?\i tn'inr, (Upt. Fitrpcutpr li.i'l not merely a homo rcpn'-'itivn for enrage. t Mi ?hr hiftle fl.-Mj of Mexi-f, be n-?pi?r?'l >t rrj'U'otion for * old I erv, mire cn tii''?o* ili*i A n.'iti>e of Liwilnfeii, N-.rili ' r-'.iiua, l;e I t> thie P;stiicf, rnnny yo.i ? agi Hero ho minied hp 1 hers Im lr r I, | iv i -<m the * tr "f Mexico At he on?lure' of 5nt vrv. 1 vMuufecred to I -tv-nd ?h?: " St?r Spa i.~.!ed Dnia"-," t.hc li?t ;\ hraf'y fought an'.l d;< 1 for the r.'tj y r? '.f ?tui t??i?l ii"'-. I) trln^ tb? Mexican it no p n t,o ffi< H'teh ho v?a<. c".:,i od rr.'ie flaring or he i umoo. In m- of th l? ?i?'t n.r1 between 'ho '.t> of V. va (,'rut mi i Mexico, hporfornip'l a font, that : liAu 1 jifpotn.-n, i^i?o in American hiMnr;- At '.nniti hiilgp rjr, ? entirely hy M'i cmi A t,il-:y. ami. nnoii w'.iio.l , %*? left a battery, n the (" ifed .^'tites. h", "i'h I j) roe oth* l S, v lttn't ercd "in .1 u r-ikltig, mn'rtlevnri fire to witlitfrav; the MHt'ovy, or. lilt* roldierj gr ive. Tin- effort n\Mv|i giorioufly per.' inrd, F'iv n It" reoeirod i? hl/i rii" fPiiuni /VOPi the oflict ill ofnoiand Attrrfhat sf rugg'-r vn> nvn-, he urnn.i to our I'i.?lri?t, no 1 rnjjnyed in the p?-np. iiit pursuit r-f e luerci- . In lii* inoe (vnfi't- I'll<tn? .-ih, )i, ro'umiMidri] l lie coiiti iru)-* of I)in |x".v?- I .r Li . < i in?? iiI'd. iii*-'!' 'x< i fM.anri< *ut'h i t tun hriuf Junior/ >! one, ;? ; i e!ii t ir, mii'I p:i.rt?.ii*m (J'-sorv* >im !iur.iM? ?>ilnife fsorri there, wli" knew Liin ?r?li fn?iti,;h ! > .ippir -iuir 'ii.i vinur-, nn-1 j>nr! n Li. fault? .11 k i(?ii ?:i: \ imn,; flic killed on l!i?' Yin'-ce J- n i'I? Imltl '>t' ilia iliomiov i* ihr r.m.o of T't? una IVanCi* Mtwghfr, * 1?? ,,rriu<'li liud i iii4 hljblr applauded" Iri<li j?-?11i*>f. wbo i?! ... nue'i in Nrn York In nr.iii.-e ?li?* pi lit <>: |ti I i ! |i;'i>tlicr:< ng.iin.Mi im. JI ' Jed llir Six 1 \ ni.i'li Kiin regime m intntli. 'g'ftif ^I nr.! Ik-n I VV nnliingloii, <x dunning nit ||> ' w.)iitli?rn*r.4 hn<l w> n tlirir lud ii?-' Ui'cuv fr??in ?i- fii:*''. :i'l Mpaghr.' '1- iiih'I''. l. o;? i . i. 1 -i. < .1 h ? trade cl Lin j"'iutr; inn i t i" 'if. .11". * I I* I ! O - ill ' I' U^Amini I ' iL"it % t ?? V* i i?<n. m WHEAT. j A few lirwij of tioo nhcat v*i us, ' the other Hay l>y Mr. J. It. Totlcson. tnkeii front the f\cM of Mr. James Tepp. Il is railed the <Jalrt'trhcnt, ami {? one of tlie fme-t varieties we ever siw. <Jne cf thA heads measures six inches in length, und neriuj to be w- !! fUU ' el. About a'jttarf or less of this wheat . hr?tt/ttl from 'Jeotgia, end sown last \.ur in I 'liill.-*. From tliul miuII <jnnntitj lie tv.11.<? 1 ' iivi-r two btwhfl?. T!t<> itiiire |r<vlue.i wh? i?irn lit'* year, *u<l |iriiinlw, j'nlfling Pom | the simples liffuro us, to y'eM ubuml.uiily. Itio far too, it is not. i:i tins slightest ilcgir? af f.iCtc-1 Wj iiiil or smut. I.-t our farmers try it.? ? . ?* ('h;nihr<! of Schedule. We invite attention to Site Mlvvrtiiteroent ??t | Mr. T. It. Jeter, ilie worthy ami popular I'rcti lent of i) ?< Spartanburg ami I'dp?n H?}lr?a<l. I Ii will he e?en. tlint on Tito, lav tin 1 Fri'lsy. | tho cars will leave Spartanburg at lt.4.*?,A. M.. | and return ?c7. "() I'. M, <bi tlmotherd-?y? of I the wroth, thev will leave t*t o 1 "> A. M., mid t . . l urine its at present, 'J I'. M. I'oii iiori'RAoit 1 'J ho ?iiutnuni,,,ition nominating F.x m or J Win. II. tiist. h? a . uitiihh* sueeessor t<? Gov. rl'irheos. had In-en rieeiacl ton late for pnhli| caiiett. W( have no objection t> tho tioni'n-. 'ion. hp ihe "Smiitv. ' clnitrit the lu?n ?r of baaing fb t H/.0-M*,. I 1,.. .. ,f. f .r that ropo:i ihle j o.-iiioii four year* If ho di-uld b?> elected. i I hot c uo ! ?ii^i r I he t'on v?ii?i?:i will interfere and ytintvp'e hitn. # I'ttnst ripts f Wo notice in the ''alumina pipers. that ( 'joveruov Pickens h*<- dccidod that when the onll is made for (.'mi-eript ?, all who have been iliaitbar^i 1 - no niVi'T by \r|inin disohnrjgeil. j nciwcfn :ige< liable uu l-r I!*?? .n*t of Con-, I script imi, must rv|>>ur to tin <Viiiij...f nislrtiction. utid if theic found on eantniiif'ion unlit ' lor du y. their discharge* will he forthwith 1 resifwt'il Miid t rur.S|K>t t on turn'"hcd home. ( It. ??i!t tn s??'ii in our n-I% rtisiug cnliiiiiu?. , 'fit ho roll- arc no v.* .'. tojih-fp. and hav. beet. turned over t*> tin- t on federate olfii r. from i which, we rupposc, the t' inscrip's will he >: ?ii"ii ordered yut. . M L ? - / . 0.\ T(? RH I(HOM). I \ I i it who was >|ii uivveil war a fiimliour in ^ir^iuii, hrt her a hoisting to a la I v, ^ 'hat In* wr.i''l conn he in Ktchmoud, was laVvi prisoner, an<l in pa-sine, her ilo??r on i hL? hy t? liiohnmti 1, *'.< -aid entiling. **1 am glad. sir, y-nt ire k' li-t t?? ho gtattlic 1. i ft in oi;r. The A ird.e. - in Norfolk li tvv a ;*i>. ;-tiuie in managing the ncgrnc- in ill i* pi t' ?epni?. h large ntnnho wc.c oontlnc 1 .ii l tint Fair ISvotinds, when they revolted, mm* powered the guard, "ltd we're only hy U-'ie prompt ni rital of r. I* daw-arc regime til From the ha i habit* -1 the Yen tiers they arc loj to htdiexc they are a superior race to ilicm, and tluy refuse them a? mi.-teia. MITIXT. I A i giineiij ot Federals sent from Nm mlk ' ta rwintnrm TWH.'lellii.i i- n*p u*'.* i to hive ' mutinied nt?d that airly h id li'"*'i -h .t h ' re ; they tvet<* rctlue-d to ohed?-ii"-. i'hev h iv * . * had ?tpcrictiee ..i V.irtiilk' of ' li'Uii.m h';nj? the South, .m l tl> it the j .tiisi 1 in.-ti'u'to.t had 'tetter he lot alone. " I _ MIlll I'll IS. The surrender of this p 1 a * c * i- :na ic t . tl>? Y it.U'"" tiy the Mayor ou the ii instant after ? hatt'e with the gift boats - ?? the liver ' d. Fitch r.nniinutids tliet'itj. And) .VolinKoit The Lynchburg Prpuhli '*a r-p t i Federal (i itornor dea l. 11- slmi ! ,. (io-ltfe lir-vrn. ?l| f II.>11 Ni Io I r n whnrn Johnson had imprisoned it r t fiic o#un ?n iitU'gMltf**. -?J - V" {; '?. 'I'iirn*%r 1 . T'tii liieiingui.-.hoil tiem-ial ? ? ? g'-rat .-favorite niththo .jMii?r? in the v i!'i i <>f V ; (jillil. I'o ?vn- alT.1 hod III ?.fi'0<Tnl ill' 'k??i I .? I avmy. H>- lii? lin-n m I'vii^ikahle mm i i yh ontvlhi v? v..'n-io:>. In it< :'? I c r. immnn li'-l a -'hhII holy ??f <i iva'rv. !' ? tii illy i yen-, lip w i, krionn as the Hi hi-i;? CM. A;ltby. n?t-l became *v'.l k -onn in ihc - Tatilee camp*, ? ? the Morgnn i-f th< vnlli-yJ IP.- hri-lki-i a a* killed >n i -V wi-h tee rnrmv n? I?iM , m l (5 ; \ ' a ,\.> n > j I'l*--I I * * .t in niiempting lii?i r?-CM? Mi' jniuii 1 to **Ti'C:ip- h vith the li\.-- "f i hundred ^ ankimI'i hi* own h.m I, n > <-\ whi h Itr | Kill newly nerf rm.'1 1, irlinn h- -n ' hir death | i i a Hi--j-rriiii- charge at Mie 1? :??! >1 hi? It p . litent, He wa* ? native of F??i<jnii"[~nun?y, Y:rg:u , a, ami i>in Hiv-jt thirty l ight yc-irs -t ig.- U. pet'tcDal .ippi-irancc he m a? not v 'mi:iaii l;ii;, hilt rather mm 11 of . ;.ilun-, wiiji a .<-n ^ M.ik i board, un-l FPiall blar-lt cc* that wi c j markable for thi-ir jiiorciag deplIim 1 f? I iinl c-f the j-c- pie of tli" \ alloy, an t n ??? | o.-n- l have fi-lon ?li.i will be mo?o inpre'tcl I ' y t h? Mi, ) Xii-pt t!ii- ? I| II * r. t h-ader of the armv, iCKf I Jt:. i-.f i'tit-' now re t in Mr f nlvci%ifj Iv.ri : -n : tund, uear '.h-iile't... ilfe, \ irg-n? I . hobJIi-rs ?IH l<pittr|a(lt)n. * .A i a ?e-/ii?.ii innling <.f th- -\.i&uC':it i> -i he' 1 en Kt'iil.iv J IthJ'i' M I'l-if. iMincnn in 1 t' r eh tii 11 being a -.-or t *? i r.r I that M'l Ih. ?.. t K i. ni <1 \ en j"; ' ^ -i - I.i-u111?. mi' nnal>le to i.-i-i i-i the nflici of I're.-I ilit, ( ? whirh Ml..j w as t levied ? k It waa ort.'tr<7. an Irution for I've"-' -lent '? held at the n- \t regular mc-lipp, I rij day '?'h J line, ami thai all members niahlr to a; terrl. h rotjitt. Ictl '? -t'I tU' ? ? '? tot! Palm It 11 ill, hi l clo k P. M I \ n i li-r-field of ti.-rfnlncT s than wr lipforc, I i"? n itt nj ea in the >, oiet, ti e v ni:? i f ^nr -iok. and wmtndcit ; ? /. ' In uppli'd The ' l.adi'- 11 ?nkfrilly .vknoM'?dge Imcroan'.ng liter, i' ' ?" lo- r? f - 'h n < % . b??t ' in money, and in H -pilal -t.i ca, am, tln-v >nl:rit t'li!tibiiti ritiom all itfire.'tfd. rfj-.e. < . iMv -f parly worn, under c'.?th:n;r. ; li*ri iln^rTii, u!*i linen, 11 n t, hip'l ir'i 'wiling rid article "f nnurishmont for ?h< it'% \ puni i'is' rjitcn'1 mrr- i,, carne-ll) rr juir?"l. M H. 1 l?K\N', ?? . Scarc'ary. -r ? i'ii ' n sf 'M .time 1 --T'ie cnci#) *> en(fvro i t ininnir * . cavalry utvl artillery. rtli-r Mnii iii, !'??lrr*l,) it ireport '!, r>i-n*<<'<><! l'-i;- i i- l ini ; 'FKTdity to Powell ? V.iH. . iwo'.ti ii'il' V.?yf of t umhrr!n?'<| ?' . itotlin : tin* I itl?t in r? "iir n'l'l Is i o ?vil Our t'oif. - ir? pr< f o.ii^do n.rtf 1 < m. 1 vr 1 nntlrnl "t il>e my < cavalry were vcpojt' 1 tlu.i morning at hat tic cok, (n..nt> scv . ni:Jr? i :i tl.e i.|.(io?i 'tr i t thf i1 1 ; t '' " will :: i ' Inta ' ! ' Tti n Y 1. tlir-<~ ' ' 1 " 'I ||? ' 1. .Ill t in" *-- ? i .m?-v - MUM MinMta 1 i J?Jo I In 'if on'Hi _ Urn OF THE 36th UE01M?i.?T NOT . NOW IN S1HVICE. - I <lrsire lo Tnneler In * f* w in*r* r? ?.ruit"i for (' tmpnny K., I.uwscu 2\?ik YoluutevM, ">il? 8. lUgimcnt, uti'lj ?*?ll upou yiu to come ! ft>r*rftr?l ami liIT lip il * rnaih?. ' Ynu nil ?ra? vq)| ?<nr? 'lint tlioor <.f you li?. ; iwicn iho of If t? art X't will htvr i?j jj-> j ilioitly lnt<? porvirc of the i-mhji ??f Instruction, where you *'111 l??<*ng strati gem an J enmI |ianio>? witlj wh in yam will have no nfouaintI nna'c or inn-re. t. 1'nu ?nu t.r?-f?r t., .? > ti.... <? w ? ' " ' "" " V " i um<It |>ri I" Roin;r. with me a* W'.up! teer*. to I Ho company, in which, your ncigli' Intrn and old rcho?l mater are r*?i?li?j( man J fully, tin; vile invader* ?>f <?ur eail? Ilencci forward we will till up our ^orapouirii. not With Vnliini*?r?, hut with conscript*. nod for ' thi* reason I ?nv to you. 'hat tlii< i* your last ; chance Volunteer. N"W, tttmir m<w, you I have in clioo*e between (bit* camp of In-true lion anil litis oM company, in which, hv friendj ?h;p kindiod or ?a?oc'xti?n. you arc nil inter CMfi. i t'oTMc yming men and let ti? ;; ? cheerfully to ihe held, vthcrc our old companies nre pto !rr;ii!tj? our hutm**, joininliinp the hated invit ! !" ? of our .-oil ati'l the would he dcMroverr I *. i ot otir eti-'on* r it t p.*?ple, and a* patriot* 1 dare ?>r as'yre iio t?>r our por*ec.iiti'<l c nntrv. The dilemma i? before you : to one or the ' other you niyst anil will ??. It you prefvi the J torn rr 'f yen had rntber pa among strangers ]k''d under military |>rA?nrii to where you can Jcver he antsh-d, and let ?dij> I hit your g' Meg I opportunity ?then remember what 1 say. you | vr'.ll reprct the choice thtt* made to the latest ! !>te:?ih of your lives It i* beat that you should -J he with ii*, hi .-t fur yM?rn'lvf?, he.-1 for your < children and kindred, fct fur *your names liei r. and.mote than all, it is Jie t far .vir |.':?r country that you should be with us. ? This yoti know and ratitiot dt ny. If you have hr in thcti, ready i?i share tlie t 'Is and pri1 vat;, tie which * many of your c< mi lit iy tn - n 1 cliee. fully endure, and he men who ktiowj^ymu ] rights ami kauwin; dare ntnintaiti 'I them," you cannot fail to respond to this oij^ The last fork in the road ia r.ou l e Co re you ; or tin oilier you must take?-if you take the right, which i? "in with and p'ainly tii.ukr.l. it will lend to fame ami an ea-v c.iii.-r enee; ! hut if the other to .sh.ano and trouble within . yatrsclvis anil to n.iu'l -uspicion on the part | ot other*. It is. however, for you In decide ; t it '.s not. I wish it were, in my power to choose for vol. Inn. remember, wlfati ver* you do, 1 -ity wilt he your judge. therefore, who may de-ire to go wi?h no*, must he at sipaeiiinc trp Pepot, rt adv to t ik? the ems for Kit I moid oil ,\ltt,\ I' VV M'>KNlMi N K,\T, while those s in have V.rc.idV he.-n iL.utsi ...I * ; iii i>> report ai iho ?.iir,o lime and pine*. W U.I.I VM CH"l?'K. .U:. Captu'ii '??. K. ofh l!'g ,h. r. V. ;9, Ihtill. |.l.nte*t WsnrtWerni nml linropciiu \t- ?V?. ! HicnM'-??fn, June I I.- The New York fin i! ; ?f the I Ot l?. which I v bwii roc i\.-l .1 1 . ' contain* Hank* otJu inl itiport nf'tbe mit .-h 'h.J l'ir?*ton .?r Iho Kifth l.'orps I* t nire ' -from >?r ?Hhur(f i<> Wilhnm j? > *. mi tii.l Ji'iih Mny. The report >M , ; limns ol' type ll.tiUc a>- Viv mi ! i|Minl ! ?c Ti ?' "littered in the altar*. 1 .1 m. r.-tilc It arr<in'|i i-Ji*_." f:.\ a p.. 1 1 .| >l mitich 1 nearly *i\t\ mile* m ?li<. ?a * tin: CIIPI'lV dolCaUlg til* J.I III- Mill! g I __ It'll ! it tie w lim -\ or (.nm l (? r ! . ? 1 > .:p itili- 1. 1"..". wiiurvic I, Hii?l 71 i minting \ I our jjnim nff avrtl." Ihpro lire n<> ?'"fi 11 ol 1 in the II r?'. 1 ; 'lie ?if -it l'iciui.iit hu i Ship I ! _. 1 n-!t n.c departure of ?. <nl l.,-n- l-r K>i?'m l i'i;to! grc-l iti.ii iii H a-1 "i,^- .11 : II . ithl'f correspond 1.' -ay- that I. \ n . i ? 11 iho .iiTitnl ion of' Srwnrd, as-u > > 11 1. .'.''i 1 ahiitt'f chill the w.n can !'. . ' llii" Ni-H' \?i? lIomM 'i| llir 1 lih, . ? U; '. in 11 1 I), spit toll j?icom 1 tori i'd. revel I tho '? * ot the ci Ih'I olhcor* 11 iho h.ilt'c I lir 1 ink in eluding >i - '*1 : .rah* an 1:\>tn>> 1 .r o.i''.' tiol? * J lie liora i does 11 ' pit..! a. pn?pi ,?* r,f I ho <ir!T'*!o, which rh> > - |i IP ihoor fihcloiii.iti. 1 ro noiii tple^rttpiio ! * > mti' n that he prip-ip'Pil .litcknon p onu o 1 ic. . ..n tlio Sih inpiaiii. r1"' In-1 p. I. ni'!i f? . *, . 'i-oilacy aii I ?io)o?rp, tiro hours, 1 1' 11 hoili no let he.rig v?r_v great. The ht I c 11 Iop? %r.?o h- :i\ v .tini.rg nthecrs. The 1*0.1 ml Ir.i'.ps f ;:jht .ceapiotinHr, under a nun IcrouH tire, with grcntly Mipej-ior m.n.hoi. Iho Imyorioi an-I otvri?ier -hoi w?re u?cl trr?* .. and o it 11 j;ro.ii elfor I, by the rclortiU. Miltvy hfiihe conirf, Scltenck t'.c J sh\ ."?i ?lil, w > !i all his hiig?.|o, 1 lieleli; Itli ncKcr Kohelen'rt nriit MrriHicirkpr's hrig?-1c- c?Mo| oil the reserve ? ni Ich?I 80.1 im'. The ' N? w Yuric '* ? hmlly cut tip,.lo?in2 :<'?* ? I ho ":il is cm truil i il ol IK Ml or hi JS k'hoii. 1 wnundmd nml mhuin^. Th* Fed or a I forced , w "i ? gipnily oui nil-' t.oro.l iif ni! p.oui*. I 1 htivo occiipic'I li e ! ' oi |iu?-? tnd t>>" ?h| 'ho .1 to I ? ! ? ?! I i I'hI. n.Ion 1 in:es. ctMny '!>* '-J c.n* 110i1i in ilo-ojjsii.j. >, t ?nv a \i_; j .1 i 1 in i? the bipgpst j'lh of the kind crop ,.r ? 1. 1 more nyioir ! iy? hu?ine4< ? 1>h i- * 1 f.i i'?- in tniconi "":11 > \oee.l in sovev"1 hitherto t'oitght. T u- rnnpp >i|i li p, >cln 1 aivoti ol Holler retlite': nil eve* toM ' i> iwnnny hy .1 v?it-ry he s?in|'ii?.fi*. 1. T' ' - Hie Ot clnvcry pmiilceii hv ncpi.'O- in 1 ? 'cans canti'.t '?r jooi 0 at>.-oIulp ilian ih*i n >w 'ill. re 1 t r I >o whin s i > i!.-i Hi.- Pht'ath'lphi.i limpiiur, <?t ih1-tn, h ? r. -ei v< d a ?h spateh, dut 1 Chicago. June 11 i which ?.?y.t ObiierHl MilchiII ?nn another r' titt r?t <. hitH?D?<>ga< i ?o ri-hrls , <:r r .;n. plotuly routed. n;tt' two lay*' hard tightiog Me*gro account"3 ate given of lack* n \ lory ovrr Shield" 'l J'oit f?"1 hr despatch !>?y? iiur men ojtwl then t.t ever icp, but jheir nutiiheta were ? > inferior ? . lb'enemy ?iheir being five la one- 'liry wore compelled to full hack three or four mile.*, with hrnvy loss. Scrrrtara Con-r a-h* nuhority t" i lie one hundred and fii'f.t ntllion* legal tender rote-, sod a bill for that object has hrrn repcrtf I 'i - i ih" Comi i* < H its and ilcn\ giand t'nion demonstration was tnnnnn ced in take j 'aco in >orfolk .?n the 1 k'ih. < '. l'i? i p>-nt exported to be prr. ent. Sco nd n?* )!"ii to Nr w T>?? k, "> be i b?o t i ilm < Reverdy Johnson is going to Ntii Orleans ns t oinmieoicner of tlir St a' o f> t :">?r ?' ri?? ideatnor A'rVh. wn Liverpool .I?te ? to tlir let. lie* arrived at Halifax j 1 h'- Fr* nch i'o>y in Rome it ^bout to be ie*1*? rd t>> a singh liv.-i .|i II i linirlifcii ci i *r Talive party hare. ml!e.:all their f-for the p trposr of ujn-cti ng l.ord I'slioe'st >n - n Hie r trenchment <ju? ?i imi; h miniMerial oris'* i? therefore deemed iionut tient. Mr. I.ind <t j-axe notice that he ?1>omI I nail attention to Cir ir lntiotis of Fnglnnd yith France and the Confederate St?t? < on the C7t!i June Nothing ? o ?ai t about intervention or recognition. f it tain Herrj tr| known .i th* forniar Commander of tin N.-w York and t *li irlesmo s'e.innn folnmni die ' it rhe reside no? of h ? h" . ther In 111 o.V I. . n V.I lax Ci ?>.! " ' "!" " ! " Bm r V ? .1 - I ' } f)I ' . "I ' it I .li'l'f I ' !' ' I ii ^i * it mill- f. i'iiltnrifti fli?vr h<- m ; ! t I 1 r,v -fi f'vv i .t i ?? , tr !<- ' v! > r a ' ? l*u??lnft 1 iirough Wlachcalcr. The Hrl-dol Alitor lit' pulili^liM a letter fewm a soldier of Southwestern Virginia, now in Jackson's ?iui), descriptive of the defeat \ of Bauh? sirnij. The following is an ex- J tract: I licrtr crptci f?? witness another audi a recne us when w e i u-s-d through iViiirhuttf. No pen ran describe it. Tli?* utmost confusion prevailed. Tim from all pari* of , ihc toVn with water, lorn-1 nod incut, halloo. in'g for .Itttf. Jt:aa !.<?. 'leiivrn' Jackson, t'olone'. J | Asliby. ilia Soul bet n Confederacy, "the I hoy*." We drank, hut told them wc had no i lime to ?.nt. i hey t-ten patted lis <>d tlie hack* 1 and told us to go hIisiuI: mid with an dt incentives we fairly flew. ' every man for hitti-' 1 self. W e.piesscl the ^ aiikeeR so hard that they J i threw .!f I.tiao'a.-t.* ami i I I the li?ld<? hixl w<wl?, scattering gun* *'u' cartridge l?o\e.s all over the fields. Our comI | any tinned itself ? ntircly with long range gun* ol different kind*. hut tiny tare since . been taken hwmv from tl*, it being difficult to X_>t cartridges t>? l.t. i' AVJIIII <MI (O 4 T the Female t*?>llt?g? a good WASIIKIt , ? ANI? HUtM'.K. without childreu, also a gi. 1 to attend to Children. * i \. hktih/ne. .flllic 1 ? I". ?.f ! 3 wi'.l ..ft. r o? salesdar next before : | my ofti-i- a ATTKKSSKS (' .less | | a .'.I bi'l .ie i!i.) Per- >tn wi-diing micIi arti"-lc^5Cill do well to attend the ante. .t. M. tl.FOI;li, Agent. .lime l'J Id 2w | 2 M >ST *< i * I.I. per on.*. in arrears for Postage willt ! |*h acall and settle. .1 A. I.KK, I'. M. June 19 15 It ."Nt'^pocs t<? I lii-o. MK\ I-*IS M. persons having inquired for tifgi ?>? *, aplouirhtnon. I now rcquct j k i tha'Jarc wnpting hand Fill er. Ploughmen. Carpenter ort'oolts. t?< 'cavc their applications t wrth lee. :?ud * title that how many arc wanted. ' .is 1 li.iw nlu.i'.at daily uypliealiens to where negroes can be lined. J. M. KLFOKP. .Inn -19 Id tf Schedule. S|?;it ltinl?iit*{r & I'niou Railroad. I'mmnvu :.l. S. (*. inn?; 1 J. I*dJ. I I 11 > ! .tit if -t , tl:ePassenger Traitis Y W r i ?e.i? Sp.i'-::m?M|r)J I'. II.. <?n Tl'liS I' \ VS .-til l PR1!?\\S. HI ?? t.iA. M.t an I nr. ' rive at Al?t. *i .at ?.' 11". P. M., connecting with ; tin* 'livi nvl!!i> T>i * n Train. leave V-tciat 11 1<? P. \1., and return to Spartanburg at 7* -1 P. M. tt-l '} , other 'l\ - of ftie work, will lc!?vo i spat I.. . vrg i II.. "t * I 1 " \. M. and reach I A'- on at ft.'? \ >,| , connect:t.g with the UreenTtih l',> Train l.e t\\ l<j..n at A M., and retiTrn to Spar nnhiirg ? I'. \|. 1 IIOS. P.. JllTKi:. Pre?*t j CHEROKEE SPRINGS,! . SPAIITANBURG-DIST. S. C., ' r V^51 !'.>!* ,k'|trinti art* m>w i?pcn for ih?* I ;.ii .Hi I i.'f iitu inilaliul >! x Dl i i n*. J-i'.iat' "I *'t I'r tllliv l c:t!it). ti/ltl {in!1 - ;i.n?!i I itir ! \i n Sjt.trt .nitiiirg, l tirv ?0-r iifln?"i'ii'i)'- in attir 1 iv ruti'itry ft 1fll<D utii'ii pai'i .| liv MUX li'i" li>-itlilt nil'! i In- j.'iiii'l'i >i- It i-l. i-nnfi lt-itl tli.-ii lie wi;! i h" a'' I | i' In v stiH'-, I; I t! tnoiljj' n j u [ . -i-niDtli'.' i :st- i|< thi' tini-s ?'!! jx?*rj'?i?. Sf\ r .1 < 11 i s ?. f t,! ft,.f f-~ ?ra< i ft t-n ^ i . in ? , t.WNTKV.T.I. j I i: ..! x f f-l \ I i . -! I- Hp llnllplit (ft I I.X ' i: ?' ' t m t , j-fi '-iii.-ti i- t? ib" j ' n'tiirrihrr it ttfx futly '! tx. Further ptiticil' J III In: hrTh i':i' i'"l flTi * i. \ \\ rur.i.i.. ! i-HI- I' I' !'i't 1 > I / STU'K CFSfllTHOKPMNl/S t iU : \: ' 11> i xmi 11 - ft' r -n lit kiiiruit. , t'.i J I 1'.! x? J till 1 li-'i.'. *| ?I::NKI: vt.*?RI?I:U I'ill. i-ii.'nl'iiu* inj)ff ,lir t'onff fitTi'r j[ % i n-i-ri ,i" in,- Wm i-umplfcl ' nn i turn o y'V?!i ' iit ? k'r tti- rfficcr. no titli .:i f'f'' 'I'1 'jeieafter bu i.x ii'.i ! i } t ?'i j 11'iti w'io are -til.jfft i t { 'laic M-i'xii'n I(\ commxitil: ? WIJ.MOT ? ' rinSAUaMHRB; V-li'.ia nt mi l in (i ' ur ' ?' in a! of S. ' !' 1.. It k I < p.-ijior i i ; publish once Li i I . , t ion. ^ ,M VT'l'lf i tSSlis ! ' 1 I. . . ' t"r A N!. W fOTTON AND' V IT!;! /rf , .1 :?*li tiie c:ituc at * .1. M r.l.KoUD, Agetii. 1.1 1J u If S I AI K <ir S.OI'TII CAROLINA :.r xuTAxnrRti IM.-TKD T. i . ,t. i by Ann. ! i i! .i l.> I'.' iumv --j . ? rdivarj^ 1 1 ' ill'KiMs; | V. I'(? M K lia.< tiled lii>. tc ? ? 1'iir.n ! my oftieo, praying that l.rt ?<-. - : A im i->- i tiuii, ?>n ni' ?n i ringulnr tlit* ; ! - i ' 1 !> i' 'r-, ri^lit < -i\ I ero'lits, of A. II. | I I't'Ol i:_ Iiitq of tl?r I*ifiri''t aforetai'l, 'lecl . 1 l ' .i t !. ;i iinlvil iiim T < .?* ai<- tin ;< t ii> r'lc -in?l M<l*nr?r?i?h fill j in 1 >i?'i nlar. the L'rulrr 1 ami crtdl'nri of tlm i a. I 1.. i.? '..e an.l appear in the Court of 1 i Ui -iin.iry fur .1.401 to be. holrlen on 1 llio J7tlt day of .limr 'n.-tfint, to h >w rauie if 1 1 a ni., wliy ihr s*vl". rjipn *hnul<l not .1 4 r granted. 'iivcn no It mt hand anil .<".il of office, tliilOt'i Anne A I'. IfWil. A. I'AKLH. I??MAK, o. t>. t?. Anno IJ It 2i? Ki'crnitinp; i*v'Icm*. < Sr A II. C? NS'V.H\M. Company R., | j j' ij't. b. M I, l.VDKHKP, AiIjv t'., Uegi nion', will sen.*:n a few wi cks. at Ira:t. until j the I nh jn?t., anil will re tie.. any number of lie Tuilj. A lltil NTV t?r FIFTY !>OM,ARH will be 1 1 ??*l mi l Transportation ticUets furnished. A'Mr?<>a or apply it (?lcnn Springs. .' '.:to 1 18 SW MARBLE YARD NOTICE. 1)' ifSONs ni>Jiin^ pfir<*h?Mi MARBLE * for dtf>?r l.. < vrl I'nawi* tnd Relative* im< ptyi ij to Mr. WM HUNTER, I ( :i' :iurhori/?<l IIA Hi: k PALMER. f April A I ?f ! M VTTRENSES. i NY on? in n?" I <-f M.iTrilESSES, wi'l , ^ t\/> r. ' ?o .'nil 'ipon ^ MR .? IV HARDY. I ' f . y* " *v . * Livmr Ftrk toliiie?n. A few mere recruits will b*. taken for the ( f\ tboTteoaiMiijr. This is your last chance f 0 Volunteer. Those (hat here been mustered nto service'will be reedy to take the cere on t| ho morning of the 23'1 Inst., for Richmond. |S^.l)ounty paid nt Klfhntond. _ WILLIAM CHOICE. 1st Lieut. Co. It. 6th S. C. V. * June I'J 14 21 Htrft.yed Mule I ^S T It A YKD from the 8ub?vribcr, ? Monday ^ last, a MI LE, about ttn years of age, of neditun size, sorrel color, blemieh in one eye, pith marks of gear. The inule was rnlved by ( Mr. JAMES JADKSON ou^Pacolct, and may <] lie making its way t bit Iter. Any information so as to enable inc to get it, will be thankfully acknowledged, and if delivetcJ, a liberal re war i will be given. Jl. D. HOODWYN. i June 12 11 8w 1 8TATBQTMVTtiMICOUHL SPAKTANDl UtJ DISTRICT?IN EQUITV. 1 LUOY C. THOMSON, J T!?. SI'SAN A. THOMSON. c(. al. minors, &c., fro Aw'. EXTENSIVE SALES OF HEAL AND FEIl- I SON AL ESTATE. I IN purwiacc to'he decree of the Court of L* K.ifwu^, I will^mtl to the highest bidder on Snl? 9 *lti v in JoWat'O'. the m<>?t Tttltiahlo ' lot of landa * lvi& w^anD near the To*n r.f ] Spartanburg. been vile red* for innnyp years. i'crraiijMpibr^^^CpH property vlionld look I" it :ti tto^mi^^U^hTahle lime f,? nrtko a i good invvtmefl^^We KEAL ESTATE ?<? ' ai?t? of two ^ere lioit.->cft in Town on Main I Street. Iteiween the limit. Si<.m i? . ? "? Ooodgion':' new store oil Main street. < A FINK . 1 FLOURING AND UR4ST WILL, I - Wilt 157 Acres of Land, on* (1|) and half miles from the Cour.t House This hns a bcnutifuV shoal. ami in considered one of th" hot altos for Millinsj'itohe np noun* try. A Tract of IVJf.J acres of land on both mop* of Lawson'* Fork, twS milcit from th* Ikxirt House, m itwining otic of the finest body's of-j low lands in the District, with timber in abundance. > There are bountiful sifes for building near the town, with good tracts of woodland attached: together with many fine tracts of land, i nineteen in all. ) lying convenient to the town, desirable for farms nntl timber. A n?ra! 1*1. \TK ofdrhich may be seen at any time in thy office. ALSO SIXTEEN NEGROES, MOSTLY Yor\t} \M) MKKLY, AMO.Nt! Til KM A T.OOP Moulder ol'>Iii.Dliint*i\v A \ l) 1 IOLLOW WAIIE. IIis wife and child a good Cook and llottso tVoinan. Ac. * A FINE LOT OF . J 1 I ousliold finil 14.1 < Fin*. Tiittn*<?, Farming Trtolx, ! A FINK UMt'K Vl\ \Y X >' J? MANUK5S. f..r > horse*, an ttl.D C.A RKlAXiK; 1 two horse XX tO'?N AND II.Xl'AKSS, 1 f>.\ XV A i i\ and 11 vNPf'AUT. t*n Carriage Hor.?es n g<n?f| STOi |\ Of HOPS AND C.ATTLJv, an<i <<tU.N. XVIIKXT, FODDLl; AND FLOI'fl. TERMS OF S XT.K : A credit will 1 ? trivcii of 1, and H Vearr; I with interest dYtim dry sale, fa be paid annti ally. I'nti-b tacr- t? gi*?- bond and approved ! a'cniity. Tln?*e prel?rr!?.g to do mi will be M aFovTed to pay d cvn. an I the creditor* of the J tali.-.II NIl'S W. THOMSON, siH b' permit" j te?l to .-""'tie tl ih?-'t debts. T. STt?Ht> FXUIOXXV. K. S P. I'?iiin?U?iou?'i"a Oi&cc, June b. 1'J ill .V -istio'noo'st S*j11<?. I) Y ,ir:itiv .faulhot.t. ;c?ted ir? Ui h> L* ) V* MtittilK. m will se'lat Sp.irtnybtirg it., on brsi Monday in till nevt, i U< following property. \ i , Our Block olDridf Building * iyW)? on .1 ^11 t. h- nn?l ftr Mm", mo-1 l'W-jppi hp);, ^ feet wi"Ir, di-'[ v ue<j i 'to three Icocoipnts, wtth a haKemrm ! i ml 'w -1 .?-? - * nltc 1 tor h fjtnily ?c? live and ki j .1 -in:-' or .1 .-hop. ill one of which ll'C : I'o.-t itf'tr-i- i. now kept \'s?. u woolen Htii'd iig ilj lining, cdtraining I r mnn. and a amok e li iim\ wi ii :i#s!t>all pi it of Inn 1 uttncltcd tut J -'t for a .-mall tnnii'r. Tho Lot on Itni tojrionl and ti.-pen vide Street. n ? t'-u step- fit ' I'ublirfSfpiurf. including ' liimllinK", h S >irc il*??i-and VVoi k Shop* 1 ti>r a t'.image l**tsltli?hnicnt, BlaeVcmith ' Sti-ipx, * ni'l the it-unl ?>ulhonrrg. A ' vfry ' iian1] f >r butAnc**. \ l'lNK TVN VVR.I) H i; / ',a'if ;l 'niir ft"*1' Court JIo'mo, with ' fin acre-- of 1 r?r??I. -|u T-iole, .1 i . I I'm) . itidi B.teJt Mi'l, Shop4, ?ii-l f%r?: j I>-v?>ling4 ; .ill hi n'c or ready for use, w;th * tini* .-fi'-k "t leather nnd hi i'.* in Vin. " Two tract* of Wooiltao 1 two nuKs from the ; C. tiri ilotie-, ' '! the Howard Otp Rog l,"4>ne i containing the o'b?r -V? acres. ' ALSO I T<mi rVrjxrocA, 1IAI.B, II IT? UF.I.T.. KM VS. JfVSLni. ANlJKKtfON, >AKAH.? HAHHIKT, LAURA. f II??WAKI? \N*I? FLETCHER. AliSO, I IIOFtSi:, TTTr hoy4 Mitchell and Joseph arc hr:>t rate TANNFflA by ti.idc. Kliaa i? a g **d ? Villi!- j A??K TiiUI MKR, Vo>I?T-?.n i\ good Black r*?n?? h Portsou* w tailing to hoy Mich property t?i!l 'lo*well ?o ivltend on the day <?t" sale. TKUMSOK SALK. Thr prr?pc:t\ trill he iohl on a credit of one and ttro yen-", with interest JV-nn day of tale. I'urcharrr? to |i.>i bond and two good *ni!nri?i;?. Property not to he delivered till the term- tr- complied with. If any of the purebagcr? wiah to pay j i'ii n tvv it nillbt received S. BO HO. j A WIKtJO, Assignees. ! I Jun 12 11 .'$t j sfjr> iti:\v'Aui). I) I ,\ away from the Subscriber some time i?i Sept tnv.b-r last, his negro boy JACK, tgrd about twenty-five year*,' about 6 feet f? ;?nk. i.f_t- -? " - - iiiv,ii, 01 * r>rnwn complexion. Jhe f vp ? n 't * ill be pai ! for the delivery of ?nid boy to his owner, or lodged at iho jail of Spartan hu~2 that h-. may be obtained. . . A. II'M.TSIMIWKR. April 10 6 tf | . TAKK NOTrCB. * 1.1. I'er-on? indebted to the Estate of RO. ' A \ SA SMITH, will pleaec pay the Kv >n!or at once. All person* having claim* j j ig*in ? raid Estate will deliver a copy of the tame as carlv a:- possible, t?> ? OLIVER H. MOSS, Eicculor. \j ril 17 6 dm , .J. ,v. EN8tOW, ( 'ommisNlon Morohnnl, NO. 27 VUNDVB RANGE, ' t < H \aye?-Tov, a, c. ; f |"bROMFT and personal attention gjren to i i tho salo of Fionr, Wheat, Corn. Bacon, f ad Produco, an 1 Merchandise generally. | April 17 B *tn PROFESSIONAL NOTlfB. " , IM1K UNDERSIGN ED, respect fully tenders I Ms service* an a PUAOTiniNO PHYSI! \N, to the cititens of t!?e Town and xioinv. <| " 1IK may be found at all tunes ?t the resi- i on -, of Mrs. t\ F. f'AMP, <?n Main-street I lienaot eogagedJ'T 'f-*--vnaa!ly J f } ??v' l?'-.' -f y Tit *v If / d /fy> y 1 W^TVTjdi> ** lOOlba OF WOOL, ?0 MAKE WINTER UNIFORMS for bj ,wmp??)r. Thf relatives sad frieo4s of company will poofer a confer farer W laviftg w?h FOflKER * JDDD. vfcg rool tuejr can spare for thpt paipfft, *bt wfll * them llis market value of thapaSM. A M FAB Captain Itorcna Ui&iYSkalrj. ' " tf ? Attention VkuoM fiMr#. 4 LL absent members ofmr Tfpagfr -will A. report feeduty, without delay, In Chaveston. or they will bo proceeded M Loserter*. - - ' J. c WIN8MIT*. Ctpuia Co. II. lit Begt. 8. C. T. ' Charleston, June 1. 1S82. rA BK A<)TI^)E. 4 LI, perron* having claims againstj. V i.V WRIGHT, decerned, aro required ? pro cut them early, properly attested, and at persons owing'the sa:n?, are rhqulfcted to pay ip at once. J. M. EI.FOKD, -Att'r., forK. A. MAXWELL, Ex'or. May 22 11 4a? Spartanburg Female Acadeay, r|"MIE first Session of thin Sehool will be f close*! on Friday the 80th iast. There will be no vacation between the Seasions, but the 2d, Will comnience on''Monday lext, June 2(1. SARAH E. BUTLER. May 29 12 lm DISSOI I TION OK P tRTJNEItSEir r|lllE Copartnership heretofore existing be* I tween THOMPSON Jt OLIPHANT, mm t jrrisgc Manufacturers, is this day d is sol red by mutual cpnsent. The entire bwdneas wQl he settled by JOHN THOMPSON, whe ie enthefiied to collect all tlfe ACCOUNTS, NOTE* and DEMANDS in favor of the Firm and setilo its liabilities. JOHN THOMPSON. N. V. OL1PHANT. May 8 It tf ?a .The bailnort will he continued by the subscriber, and he respectfully asks the cenUnnance of his customers and fttondfe. JOHN THOMPSON. May Hp tf FOR SALE. A IIOUSK and LOT in the town of Spartanburg, can be bought on reasonable terms. Call on C. J. F-LFOHD, esq., or or W. T. FARROW, Agent, . n.r V7 < ? ?. .. i *" c*1 >E\TAT ,NOT^bE? Mr Ottce id w or H?k<>, Kdwardin and CarHilf'" !? ?? <Hbce. T??? C*ib. mar 1H?1-4 y gg Life, !>.. 9. 9. Dissolution of CepartaejrafciP' risilt: Copartnership heiefcfwre tiblhc bb* J iw^i) SCLMVAK, KLFQRD A ?U*SaIITH, i* dissolved by Mi- wi'h Irawal ?f J. i'. WI\SMITH. Kvj. TO* huaineaa of Uka Firm will b - -eilledhy J. M. KLFHIU), Ka% I>. I^ifc I,. rL Avllt>' UAVF. jnsl recvitcd, along vi>ba?kn?4| ..f other tfmwll quantities at Hc^l Paint, ."MiHUJt'i', I jO^WOO?1, PillM. gC'Oppei'OM, Sm 1 M, Fine, < Vnnl>s, Ac. Spartanburg, S r.. January I. 1862. > I I I ? I , I M CTIV~ MRS. MASTER MATH C ftrr't Slrftt, opp <**1*. tJerurml kdvarct' MRS M ISTKIlMAN has on hand a Rood *iq?ply of llt'Of'S in her line. Thi may \p?*r ? ? find them ot C\(.'/'KU I OR QfTA l./TX. She soli. Ma the continued support of h?r ft iemls. Mrs M t* :t]y t \gi-nt for hrr rioters. theA|i-ffa M. A A*A *lltoN, of 12. Mirkff-i'ittt, bn-Mtoti. M Ml I'UTI KLRN or IfiS of fv?- v ?tjlc and variety, and ri\< Y 1IV1R nORKERl in alike hrnnchtv. # i rrdvr,-. w;)J l?c punctually attended to. Hast ^roiit mum oo**cttuu&s to hand. tune 1" It Til K STA'i'K OF SOITU CAROLINA Ate.-'itol- r V. mo.. \k. Fry'totcS. Hunter. Attachment. P- to Kdwnrds A Carlisle, I lain'flTd Att'y. "11 " HKKF.AS the pladtiitf did, on the Oth ) f d ?y of April, tilo b ft declaration again * llie defendant. whe (asit is said) ie ibetni (t?m :? : ! without the litoTi* of Ibis State, and haa neither wife imf attorney known within the same, tjpon whom a c< py of the said dccl> ration rot^ht be served : 1? i: thc-^'ore ordered, That the raid defim I tut <1 aj.p. iir and plead to the raid detlaratioh, on or before the Gih <Wy of April aeit, which will be in the yvar of our Lord one thou?ir??l eight liundrt I and siity-lhrce; otherwise final an 1 abso'ute judgravtat will be given and awarded ngiinst him. J. n. TOLLESON, C. t?. P. April 28 4^ STATKiOF SOUTH CAROUNlP ~ OEKlt.'H OK COMPTROLLER GEN'L, \ ?'w\Ri.K9io\, IVbruarv 17, 1862. / [HEREBY certify, that JOS. M. KLPORD. Agent of the MERCHANTS INSURANCE t OJ1VANY, of Richmnoil, V*., incorporated by tbs State of Vir^ini*; has rontpBvd with the conditions and requisitions qffliiAetof tb? General Assembly, entitled, i*Aif"lict to regu? 'at* the Agencies Insurance Companies sM incorporated in the State South Carolina,"* and 1 hereby License the said VOS. M. ELFORl), Agent, as aforesaid, to take risks aaA transact all business of Insurance, in this State, for, and in hehoJf ?t -aid Company. This Lioensr. t? continue until the filing of next Semi Annual Statement W. LAVAL, ' >>mpt roller <J stseral. mar 20 2 tf rVotice. ALE Persons are. hereby notified not to trade for a NOTE between forty-five en ti11y dollars, .and one fer ten dollar*. Alls ihe same date. Mate and maturity of which are not, recollected.) one in favor of Col. B.'N Frihe-unl transferred to John McFarlaatf. As said notes werr to he discharged Vj piker notes and accounts whioh I hold against J no. McPariand and which are to he considered ?s payment in full. ,10nN THOMPSON. Jan 9?Wfil Id ?f >oricE~ I HERE BY inform my friends and customers that I h*?? .---J -- -l __ . - in iae aernceof the state Thosi; who hare left WATCHES with ne.will hod them et my etora, where they wil ?? delivered by Mr. T. B. ANDERSON, who rill alao h:iTf ?uy notes and account* 1* hand or cblleotion. A fine assortment of JKWE1~ IV will he found for aole at ni f old itaed. J. A. HENNEMAN. ?h rr so tf T.O. P. VEENON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ITfU L PRACTICE in the Wartera Circ?* \Y Orric*?Wast oornrr of Col. W. W IAKFTK' brick building, ooer the wore o aran t: Cannon, and flffwiie the Pahpet) ' use A r'4' IV ? 1f