The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, April 10, 1862, Image 2

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and adnuniatcriug with diligence apd pleasure to tholw wutj are enduriug v . the aifleomiont and hardships of the camp ? awd the ffeld; while *11 who set ? proper % eliwd* Spa? IW Ulwti^, i? dtAuco of wltf<*h im arc bat& ? and suflhriag, era i watching eagerly the ooarae of tffoote. and ' eooakler alf other into rests inferior to those | threatened by oar lively and Mood-thirsty these slave# of greed act. only concerned about the suooess of their speculations, aod all indifferent to the nobleness of our and the thickening dangers, are laboring day and night in adding to their Our aoidiora iu tb? ran ha are performing grievous tabors, suffering numerous and hoary evils, exposing tticir livos to the shifts of disease and the missiles of the &e, fur thu- mfceaable pittauco of slevea, tfcdUra * month. They arc defending property, laud, home. honor, everything that makes life worth having, and while thus uolly viiduiibg and doing, their meagre wagon are stolen by the ravening Wolves, and their loved ooes at home are jjaHigod to stlui themselves in the. necessaries of lifej because of the disgraceful exactions of opuloul Rpcculators and monopolists. Not content with etayiug at home, wsVh experiencing noue of Ot% evils and ca I la mi to* produced by this uuoalural war, those v?* crable creatures appropriate the earnings of the very men whose vulur and nobility of soul afford tiioin the opportunity of making money, and burden the Wives 1 of these gallant own with a crushing Weight \>f anxiety and woo. In ordinary times hi who takes advantage of one's necessities, though the atrait t<> which tho needy is reduced, bo caused by improvidence an<i extravagance, iff accounted disreputable; and the usurious money changer iu all civilised countries is unfit to associate with tho honest tradesman whose business is conducted <m\ principles of honor and juiti$o. How much -J*** tk? Of^M, and' how with mora deserving of aooru ?14ett*UUon are the## hirpeta, who, in timo of war, when their jvuet/y la beloagursd by a crafty, cruel ard pewarful enemy, and is straining ?r?y v ruieclo to drive back and puuish the awarmmiC hordes, in the irraititieatien of their insatiable greed of gain, are increasing the difficulties of that stupendous atrugglo, eariehiog ibemselvea at the exprnao of an impovinhed country, and turn* ing blood, aud tears and groans into money? Such creatures arc a blot upon humanity, an oficnoe to God and man. No matter what their name and social position, how fair tbuir character, how .profuse in then professions of patriotism, these base rain* dad u*>n should bo marked and visited with universal acorn and execration. Bv adroit management and mutual un dsNtanding these extortioners succc ed in realising enormous profits by the aul j of articles that comfcrt and life make absolutely necessary. They are 6pr,cululing largtly upon all kinds of provisions, playing cunningly into O'tic another's baud The suoeca> vrith which they ure pursuing their wioked oomnteioo is felt by the nation from one end to the other. These indispensable articles have n ade fcarfu? etridee. They havu olearvd tenor twenty Knta at a aingle pound Iiumeuse profits are made in the pa*wge from the hands of one cxt irtionov into the hands of another. They arc Lauded together in this infamous work, aud are enabled, by their coiabiuatione, to conipa3? their selfish tuds. How much father will Sheso Shyloeks go? "When will they stop? How long do ^ uc intend t'o beer the evils inflicted upon us by the^e human eomioranta? Is it not high time for the military to put forth the arm of it* power? Is not aomu action imperatively demanded? The pric** of arti elca at prime necessity hare been reported in ifavr Orlaaua and Richmond. 6uoh a ooura* ie loudly called tor by the suffering coi jo unity Charleston, and wo tru*t that mcncuroe will be adopted right early 1<>r the oorrection of thcao crying oviU5*w? from iUK North ?-The North ?ro papcra bring u* the first thrao "General War Orders''' #f Prosident Lincoln, who aa wa? mentioned jo our paper of yesterday, haijiut #Muwcl lhc ecramnnd dr. jac f* *a woll aarfcjurg of the Yuukee army tnd usTj. By thoeo orders it wilt be aecn that Gon. McCh-ihn'a command ifl now oortftfltfd to the "Department of the Potomac," or the region lying between the Po? towifte ri*?r and tha Blue Ridge mountains; that Gen. Hallock ia to have the supreme r^oiotand of the "Departmcut of the Mia muri," embracing all of the United States fwcca Waai of u north and south line to he v drawn "indeflnilely" through Kuoxvillc, Tenntse.- ec ; and that a new "Mountain Depart wont," to include the whole "rebelli maa territory" between the departments of ficncrwla.llalleek and Model!an, ie to he lb4 -not 1** avft. ? ' -- ? * *' * tv mo liianaprjiiiuiu OI mat pVOcioo? knave, "AIjjm General" John Char loa i'rctbont. Greenville. I he editor of the AahoTiUd (N. (7 ) Xetrt hat recently paid a flying visit to thib phve and says, on his return, of the town ; "Greenville, we must hot forget to My is a charming place. Wc a)iall,if we live, oer Lai nelly travel in that direction again. Jn fact we w?ro pleased with everybody and everything, ft is * nice place, fllled vith nice people ? V"SS? ?2 - Vs 5? - r lA." >x. A ' ': ' - ; % ' . 1 i\S5?^>y ,*5>l f<a ?-^ wwr^r - tA*i***kTn.^tfi* l6*w A* UiiviJiUv^flS \h4?Mutn.^mto.tia^?fi?'d?r># u*. %;*n^ liihiiJ jh-^ * fum^tvoucv. ( ? 'ih ? requested t? tiki* that * publto jiraytr mooting will be bold lb the Melhodtsl Ctorub, tn this pteae on *vory Wednesday it 12 o'clock M. CooUMnoeittg en the 9ih iui??t. N" Itreet 'fax. Tbe attention of the community la called to i)?? advertisement iu tKfcr paper in regard to Town fax, a snftoknt titna hu boon aliorrclod by the indulgent Council, to pay, ein&e the lot ' of March last an now they give it ill farther tV> **d any failing to do their duty muit jj . eorvplain bring double laved. luteal- I . E. Fleming. inin gentleman is agaih in our mi dot, to obj tain Volunteers for the formation of an Artillery Company, to.go into immediate Service Ho ii autboriied by the Bocrotary of War of the Confederate State*, to form such a com pane, and rcspoctfnlly Bollots all partial to that aro? of the service to unite with him. The usual bounty will be paid to each Volunteer upon hi? enlistaiont. II<> has vucoacded, we understand, In getting the names of twenty five or more responsible and intelligent men. With such a nucleoar. he surely cannot fail, living a* he does in our midst, amllinownan be i|, to tbe entire' community, as a gentle matt andofficer. TwcIvq rncnths experience in the army of the Potomac hx? given him the reputation of being one of the beet and moat efficient drill officers in the Infantry service. The ' company, if formed, will to attached to (he ? Hampton Legion" ia Virginia, and supplied by Uuglish guns of th* tirst order. To such as prefer servico in the Old Dominion, ac wulJ appeal, in boh&lf of Lt. Fleming, at Spartanburg C'-oUrt llouvo, where he may he found.-until the 15th instant. He hopes to be able to report to Col. Hampton a list that vdj I entitle him to a position ia an organization rondered illustrious in tha past. Lteat WKlieripoon Among the various recruiting officers of the Plato who bare warmly appealed to the oM " Iron District," for a contribution to the " Regular Army" of tho State, ia the gentleman above named, a native of South Carolina. He has been with us for several days, and so fur has succeeded in procuring sevci al names. To each rocrgit he pays a bounty of sixty dollars cash. If personal appearance and affability were guarantees of success, he, abovo aU ethers would excel tu strengthening this brach of military service. Devotod to this peculiar corps, he is unceasing in hie efforts, j to augment its valuo and oiplein its details, and operations: The " Regulars" are regarded by all as tho basis, tha substratum of military governments. Upon them the commanding officer, in times of danger, looks for steadiness of deportment and directness of action. Others may vacillate, but tho ' regulars nevor, is a recognized truth among all masters of the science military. Ilenco Scotts partiality to this potent arm in time of ba'tle. The drill instructive and discipline which they undergo, is eo thorough that it amounts to an education, the results of which toU with terrible havoc upon the battle held. If tbero ia ona arm of the public service more efficient and potential than .nAit..- :? i- -v.. -r .1 ? * ?#* > ? * VVIIOIU ? v ?I4 IfiQ iO|U* law. If then, there are any who deeiro to connect t^omselves . villi this fited <rg&nixa. tiou ?a our Confederacy, no baiter opportuni. tjr than the present till he afforded. With the Confederacy as tho theatre of war, our" rights, independence, honor and political integrity :U etato, who will hesitate? To the adrortiseiueaLofl/Uut. Witherspuon, wo would, therefore. respectfully direct attention nod urge all inclined to join hita, to do so, at nm, j as hia Map-will be rfhort. Croat Col. ElforU's llegiiuoot. The Greenville EnUrprin .loams thai Col Clforu's Regiment is at proaont enjoying wry good health, neatly all who were sick with the measles and mumps having recovorod, tad that almost twice tho number of ruen are to bd^seeti on dices parade than wore able for duty \ luouta ago. lh?y have lueTCd down tho country fire ciUes, oa tb* Toogado rivtr. ? ^ m 1m**i i Tribute of UoN|>oct. i L'Aur 0?cos, near Combauk* Fss*r, \ April 3. 15*.:. / At a meeting of the Paooiet Volunteers, 13th Ktfiuiout, held oaths 1st last, t.'apt. Ooraptoo beiug called to the chair, aud Sergeant W. It. t/Shields being requested to act as Secretary, tho following preamble aud resolution* w?ro unanimously adopted: Whereas an all-wi?e Qod, has in his in?nite wisdooi, visited our Company with the afflictiht; hand of loath, and ruuioved from us Oiuciai ranaa our uign'?* appreciates ontt esteemed Lieut, ft' 11. (JtWwell, who dfcd of Typhoid Fever, at White Hell Hospital on the i&ih ultimo, end whilr we ere called upon bj the eQdoaring tics of M<*iial affection to pay him our tribute of respect, we fool that ono lire bi^n se*?r?d from us in whom were happily Wended tho estimable qualities of a gentloinnn, with those of the patriotic "Soldier One, who by bis affable moaner* and gentle manly rtomumcr, elicited the universal respect of Lie Company, and tho highest regard of all *ho knew him; Therefore KttoUtd, That while ere hereto bow with humble submission to tbe inscrutable doipg* of Him, who ruletli all things for good, we el so unfeigned)/ lament tbe death of oar worthy e. mrude. and feel that we haro loflt eoo, who would hare defended valiently those saored rights, bequeathed to u# by'our noble aocos tors. HuohtJ, That we do earnestly synipathuo with tho parents and relatives of the dcoeasoit, in this. their hour of end sQiction. Acjoltfi, That the foregoing preamble and 1 resolutions he published In the G**oUn? Soar ! tart, and a coot of the same be ?ebt to Mrs. CftHwel], th? motb?r of dec-oKaed* W. P. COMPTON, Chairman. TT. D. 0'Sui?Lb?, SacraUrjT. Tt?a OhrWfitcm Courier givon thr Udiei in the vicintij <>tNaiaroth, in tbia Riatriot, oraditfrr I t*f n f'ri^erpr ?f r - -'i&r* V. Ifyvu to ae? >-our?lrea l^rmh' av?j <bd?u??*)7- *t?. vvxviivm 'VSmSmSiSSKCS^> t? Uy? ktarJ doTionclikUout loud m4 T*r*r to o^?r of dfc&tUylr indirectly, for when, flour, corn, baupnwr other etsehtialr of human existent, ; upon (heir own aooeunt ? Art they buying ' upon their gut capital, or hare (hby money , fttrBiebad thorn by gentlemen who bate coma 1 here for m-euiou. aud who feel disposed to make expellees during (heir eojouru ! Do tlioy con- 1 dpnm speoulalors > and extortioners, and, at tbe>*uine time, aid n class that smells disgusting in tbshr nonrib; by raising the price of mercenary articles? 1 Wo are astonished, snrpriseJ, and mortified go tee that men, who hart professed a warm and liberal .patrielism and especially, a geuer- j ous heart to the ati*ce and children of soldier's engaged in buyiug provisions, absolutely a?. ooesary for their support, for tho small per ant the oepllaliet givoe them. We aro fearful, If oalled up<>n, that we should bo able to indigitate just such a class in our midst. If so, what can we, or tboeo who assail them, eey ia their behalf? Can we trust him who I damn* his neighbor for extortion, an<l, at tho same tioue. elevate* himself to a position of pecuniary independence by the use of other men * money for apait of the profit*! I.ef^such philanthropist* hid? their head", and oease the wagging of their tongue* ngnkist the tnanufacturera who aclf cloth, iron, or naila for what they regard a* above their value ! The man who cherishes the spirit of speculation,, by purchase and resale of the absolute neces sarics of life, fui a per centsge, is worse, ia ; our judgment, than ho, or those, who mnnu j faeturo and sell, npeuly, at cxborhitaut prices- j lie u vs>rtt than the dittithr?more reprehensi bio than the heartless manufacturer, n fitter subject for the curses und withering scan and contempt of the mother, child, ami friend of the soldier, ban tlio cold and heartless speculator. The Alls Ufglaioat, 8 C. V. Kl Wo are gratified to learn that six Cotnpanes ef this Regiment have been formed into s Battalion and chosen officers. Col. Jenkins . has been elected Lieutenant Colonel, and Capt. | Joseph Walter, of the Spartan Tviflos, Major j It is pleasing to Major Walker's friends j to learn that his aiorits as nn officer have : met with so distinguished an appreci- J ation. The eoufedeot hope is expressed . by those familiar with this Regiment, that : the residuary [Companies will, if they havo not . re-enlisted,aud re-unite with the Battalion.thus , changing it into a Regimental erg.iuuation. i A. New Governw, ]( Tbo New Yorh ncruld savs that in case of j the subjugation of South Carolina, she will j be tl?olsred a Territory, and that Chariot'. Mumnor is the most prominent candidate foi f Governor. For Mississippi, J.ohn I\ Hale is j iho prominent candidate. We havo heard ol j these gonilerueu before. The Uolcombc Lftfluu. This magnificent Legion havo had a slight j foretaste of the feeling* of the b.iti'.o field, i They hav? u<h " snutTcd tho battle en the broeie," but face to face Hare met the fuo in j conflict. Although the engagement wai not u i very sanguinary *one, yet, several of the Van- j dais were made to bite the dust by the ttner- j l*insf aim fc??w w ' I ???. iu.iiK9U?ii. IIUCU WO COU31J j r, that upon lldislo Island thuro were a*se:n- I Lied at tha tira.?, an invading aruni, numbering eight thousand or uioro, while, our forces were not more th&n pne third?that the enemy wan embanked and well protected?that the march against him wan attended with thick peril* and difficulties, that the assult had to he made in tut open field, we think the affair deserve? to . be characterised as a ;allant one and reflects | up>>n the soldierly qualities of our uion tl.o highest credit. Tne number of prisoner* ta ken, ?? beliave, wero about 'eighteen. I pan their persons were fouud loiter*, grave, gny, and ludicrous, and some that oontaiuod lucid descriptions of the tophngraphy, climate aud productions af the Country Prom the Couritr we extract a portion of an editorial relating to the extent of Oon. Beau*' command aad the mgsgement referred to. "Gen Evans' command extend* feotn Kan(owls'* to the Ashcpoo (User, embracing John's and VV admahtW Island*. ^where there are also Hospitals for the sick). He is fully lO.ifl.b e that he holds the key of Charleston. mid will do tout ton pottii-'t toptrcngtbeo hie position, and make of Adam*' Uun .mo th?r Thermopylae, himself being its Leonidas, before Charleston shall bo taken or invested by laud. I have been kindly fa&ored, by tbo General. ; with the ptruaul of Colonel P. F. ttutane aud Major Palmer's reports of the lata successful i exploits of tlx; lioloorahe Legion, under tUoir j field officer*. Col. 1'. F. Stevens. Lieut?uaatColonsl Shingler and i ujors Palmer and Oarlington, and Mriiont of Colonal Nelson's and Major Moore's oornmnnds and a detachment ol the IVa-jhiiigtoo Artillery, under Lieatrnaut Jatner Salvo, resulting in the killing, Wounding and capturing or twisntv-ons of the enemy. A Lieutenant Colonel is believed to have been among the slain. Mwjor Palmer's report a ?e* ' ample justice to his junior Major, (the Hon. A. J j 1 (iurlingtoii) a* well for his wHe council a* bt? gallnntry ncl efficiency in action, and to > Messrs. hdw. and llenrv Ne*bro *k, for their nervlces ae guides and at soldiers, arid to John l>. Mo ollongh and Mr. Irwin for bra'a and efficient aid. The report is a luoid nnd manly statement of the gallant achievement. It fall to Major P'a lot to bag the enemy." The itafiieKdiior in a visit to the hospitals re; gorde an interview with some of the wounded, I among whom, was Hansom Henderson of this ! lHstrict. Of hitn he says : "la the saino hospital was IUn?nm Hetvltrarnc a Kpartauburg Tulttnlger, with a alight wound ia the arm, ia hue spirit*. ?ud ready with the cxhatttd bat I, (which ??s taken by I>r. G ft*otn his (l>r O'a) pocket nod shown its,) to re- oad hi* rifle and cradkaway with it at tho enemy cn the first opportunity. Gallant fellow ! we wish htm a speedy change to carry o?t- hi* brave resolution. The Hospital is much in need of clothing, and flic attention of the benevolent and liberal is called to the fact.'' Tho price of Cotton ia lower than it has | been for sumo time, and the price of fac- i tory labor is also low. Why i? it, therefore, that *om? of the] I maker* of yarn and oloth nro charging vx-j ' orbitant prices to tbe mothers, wives and stera or our VnT" >n tb tioH ? j -T. J I I >. < *', * *>. I : .j- . ? . ?. -?? v'T '. . k-n. < finij a i _IL .... MauMMdaHMWflMB COKFE3TEHATB VICTORY I Moms, AprU fvo^tlM A*i*rtbf mi JTm.*tfr hu 4 ipelbk 4?m(?4 4*1*41 Corlnik April e, tU ISSi I couunuM fi?rccly mi fori***. i4? tuar ?uk~ < boroljr rtnisiisg iMr fkt?, ?1<U tb? &ontk thetn back. Our 1ms m baavy. (V?r m are i iu good spirits andtaereugkly ?MMl ap U I the work in baud. AU glit wall; tat tta Ala- < ^^ly5jU?? teyiady^y. 1 ata^vkaJBait ery. flS LaJlbJS5 1 Jvtrtiston. ua? of ttiesfrnt Donetau prisoner#, 1 by* wl?o escaped, it ?ouu Ml Lat^b.?TUc em my are in full rot real, and J M Confederates arc in hot pursuit.' I write from the enemy's camp, and ou Foderat paper. A Urge'nrtttjbcr of Federal prisoners have ale ] rendy been taken. We expect to OHptnre (be , greater part of the Federal army. Wc are driving thcta hack on lite river, and shall. kill or capture tbe en^re army. The battle is at ill raging with terrible fury Wc hate oaptured Won. l'rentlsa and a largo numb, r of offioor?. Weo. Albeit S.docr Jolmalon Jell at half-past two o'c'.ook. Ilia leg was torn by a abeli. and a minis ball struck U.m in tbe body. Fie died gallantly and steadily leading our viutorioua troops at the head of the army. Won. Beauregard now cotnunnda the army, lie says it la a second Manassas fight. Won. Budl wae not In titue to take part iu tbe action. Gen. Wrst- I ten was in colntuaud of the Federal forces. CuniNTB, Apt 11 C.?A groat battle cotnmen 1 ood at daylight this morniog. Tbe Yankees were driven back two miles. Our viotbriou* columns arc still advancing. The First Lou- J latatia have taken a Federal bitiory, and acre- 1 ral others have b-.en captured Wen. Wladdcu 1 liaa lost au arm. Col V> itliains,^of Memphis. i war killed. Wen. Prentiss has b.-en captured. < II. a . 1 1. - .1 * ? ..I a *ja IUVV uu-l r..?.v ' > niou in t lie held TK?*y I I had eighteen batt< rie* engaged, and were most- i !j captutod. Get;. buill hud c. portion of hid t'orcee at Duck litter. U'e have the enemy'* O imp, all their unimunition and store*. Tiie b> tie wad rot J severe The loss ia heavy oq both sidea. Tito fighting 1a still going on. Qen. Polk is iu advano-, and fighting. Ueneialit Prentiss, Grant, Sherman, McClcrtmnd, Wallace and Stniih, commanded the Federals. Ueu. Smith Rlt dick. Two thousand prisoner* were takrn, and sent to our rear. It ia reported here that our forced are fighting Hucll to day.- Clark and Col. Brown, ot Miss.isippi, and Col. ^lichard Lee, are wounded. The Federal* wet*) driven to the rtvcr, and arc attempting to crorfs on transports. Many prisoners arc still being brought in. Richmond, April 7.?The following official despatch pup received here this morning: To fc>. Cooper, adjutant -General: Battl* i-r Suilou. A pi i! ti.?We tl?i? mnr- ' uiug attacked the enemy iu a strong poaitian I iu frout of Pittsburg. und, nf:er a severe l>at-g lie of ten hours, thanks l>e to the Almighty, j| gained u c<-;iip!fte victory, driving the aneiuy || fiuui every position. The L?>.-s el la.tli eMtal jJ id heavy, iucluding the Iocs of our Comma?.dor-^ in.Chief, Gun. A. S. Johnston, who fell whiltNj & JUnilv leading his troops into tbo thickest of the fi^ht (Signed) O. T. BliV'.'RKOARD, General Ceromauding. We oan learu nothing definite of I'rico'a I at- \ tie in Missouri, although it ia sufficiently apparent that he has fought. Gen. Pike, with his lodiau warriors were *ln it, and done their duty nobly. IVom Virginia, UiCilKOND, April ft. -A latter to the k'n'/Kirtr : say# that Col. A-hby was fighting the enemy ( all day Wedocstlay, in Mboitandoah County? . first in the streets of Woodstock, and then in J Edingborough. He bad loit seven men. The; uneuiy is adruueiug. KicaM"M), April 6 - lUpcrta of fighting { near Yvi It tow a have been current all lay. It ! is reported aud go tie rally credited that the I enemy attacked our lines at hull past Hi. aided i by gun h at? The fighting continued till l'J I o'clock, wiitm the enemy ceased bring. Uur I troops maintained t heir position Report* *ro current that tho Virginia vrouj out to day, and demolished several transports. Captalu llorpan and (icn. nucll, boturo leaving Tuscutnhia, 1 bar ucd the jmr- ; ticulars of ku interview between tue c -dobrntod j Luj.t, .lobn Morgan nutl the federal Gen Hue 1 i Ut Nashville, which ie worthy of record u* it part rf the history of 1 lie times. The exploits of t'upt. Morgan are more like tho romantic : uud during teat* of the days of knighthood ami ) chivalry than anything else *e can coup iro 1 them to. 11 scouts that Cap?. Morgan, basing learned4 i it it (Ma Umll i- t i 'I. tenniaasd to hang lour I of tits men as outlaws, who had bceu taken {Vwustff in i?is snmorab(i sfiOttf pi .Mat ch S.m he prooubded with a ti.?g of >ruce and tea otjrT his men to Nasuvillo. t)n his way he met Gen. Mitchell witli :i lurg force of the en. uiy'scavairy, to whom ho made his object known Mitchell sstd lie was just going out to search for Morgan, and regrctod to meet with fciiu under i ><c protection ol a II tg ?>f truce. Mor gait, with a Uicauing look not to ha mi* inderstood, assured the General that no ore more limn hioiseji shared his regret and bit disappointment, and hoped that ?n ??j?f on unity would soon offer of meet jug hiui under inure favorable circumstances. Mitchell then gave 1 Morgan un escort, aud accompanied inm to Hindi s ijuarters. Ruel! w is greatly sir prised at meeting with tho bold partisan luce to lace, and. evincing tin little unviviuess. asked tu what circiiiusiauceH be was indebted (or the buuor ? !' this visit. Morgan replied that hit errand was a christian one; that hn Iim<1 busn tnl irmed that Gone ral Uucll had threatened to hung four of his mi n, w ho hod been taken prisoners, as outlaws, in violation of the rules oi war arid civiluat ion; t that he h ul thirty six IV lend prisoners in his j possession, and that if such was Huali deter- j min u. n, be should retali i < byhanrtnir nine I Ftxitral.t for every one of lus mou. Buell dis tainted un> such inira'ion, and said tie should nover violate the usage of oivilijoU warfare. Morgau then proposed ?a exchange of the thirty si* federal prisoners for his four uien, siyiiu that the difference in numbers was hut a fair valuation of tho service* of hie brave troopers. Bucil replied that lie wt.t cotnpalled to decline the offer, ns he dinld tint negotiate wjth an nth er inferior to him in rank 'That is unfortunate, sir," replied Morgan, "as I ho objection oould not hold good in any other souse, ' and the loVfvicw iheu terminaled. It wne after this that Morgan learned one of his men, nntnod Love, had been shot i after he was token prisoner I have alb" been put in p >-sc?sinn of the particulars of another most gallant affair winch occurred on the 10th inrt., and of which no mention has yet bo<-n 'nado On that day, Lieut. Barile Duke, the adjutant and brotherin-law of Captain Morgan, and equally aa-brfcve and ita ing, proceeded with eighteen uicu to isithin ihive and a half mile* of N.tshvilie aad half am ue of lieu. Melevks camp, where, concealing themselves, they dismounted, leavinir iKa l.f.fcl /a# . w^l- ? ...p ..v. .u |,v VI iiiiwi yji UQII uirn, while the tift en look position off from the turnpike, ami suueeeivd in killing twenty-three of the enemy's advauoe gu aid. among whonv wevo tliri?o lieutenant* and oni captain Tnrnirn of our men being cut off from returning to their horse?, were forced to ernes thn enemy lines by an old field. and passed within thirty steps of their picket*. who saw them from the pike, and who allowed them to go by, suppos iug thai there wits a large force au<l that they would capture the whole command. The three men, by making a circuit of half a tnilo. regained their horses in safety and the whole command escaped wliheut the loss of a man f f'r". ^*?v is FK"ayvr>' a?? :?sKr?W% *?1>i> rflwMwl? Ml ^My M?4?f ?M>r- i (^ MMrk* MtMhmtai ^U?iu?*aii? I ffaratga pvfuMtioa U ?Uf knhM 1 emriki State, wka upoa a mil far Militia, r% dam tSwanh* apca tM pmaMlab ?TfcnlMjM?m m>mwW Vy ?hm1i ia MOiMral}. uibU*t yaaaad mhk m Mtk uutaltj by Ik* LagMatara. aflkbriag Ubaaa gaallataaa to a raaliiailf W tk? m aid a*, 'Ht ia a bad ml# tbat trea't *wk 1 ^f* a^*?te^^OnwaviPa XtocyrWtfca ' SedCdSj5 * f STATE OK SOuifl"e > RaUNlTL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 00AMBER, Aran. 4,1802. THE fallowing pr?aiuhle *a<l rtaoluutm*, ailnnlxl il? II.? > assSS&SSSS^sr found llwir war to ?i r***?" I? behere have , i-i. t w J. 0 ,,,e "???>. *nd which ~,r I ss^awxasstr, t,,i. ft i??bS.0Uz "r "" '" K'"!b>o^.trutsusrr,"i??of* ofSw VT AU ro?i(lcni in oilv tboriAd .? ? ? "Pfomtod, who ..ball he au 52&r,:? 1. ? . ,Bl?V ' puMenston of the cu.-mr ssas?gs??s Kx'nier from th? niintwea of April 4 - orJ?r ?Ith^Gortrnor and Council. kAr>r,l 10 J" M08L-S' Jr ??rclarv. Ml. w ATE O^SO^ni HDI.I N executive council chamber. ! f I tui' r..ii ArntL 4, 18K2. I VhL 1 S ?'rv^bl* resolution. of be UuvtrnorMil Lhiuni-il i,. , i dcred for public^^y^ * b"" or* eprt acncmg ibew-vWea a* agent* of tL c,^'* I bH^uc- ''rr c and uninfecting ,.f lhi, g J"1 j Hi ^,|,t C.ul?4cr?,c ?ra,.??^ fcrjkj^a. ch,.,? of| to* ??.?.: Ln"ht' u:x"\r. ; r-b b.v ih. Chief of Jov.i, o linJ Pob '? ,on baing giVen him J f W" JlwlrtJ jurtKt'. That A?y person who hn. he or may hcr?af?er ,mrc .u.? D-ovii on. and B.ippi c. representing himself as U'ont o! the (iovernment who .hall demand or Croat .ho Government ot . tncru a Wh er pneo fherelor .h,? rhe actual c? an K?' p- M?r. thereof. a alb, 1;ol? wUkcLlZ . a impruopmco.. aud all pr,t * b' ??ed and turned o?*r to "^*?2? i ?em ox a reacunobl.. price therefor ' I , A^rlno lh* nainut? <>f April 4. J krmop south executive council chamber. t"? <?? > >?* '???r ': *c . oinril'n |QS 'df>Plsd ?>/Ihc Gotcmor and *- * ; ? . ?A*E Sfl(n? CAROLINA, Apjtrawa*., orrcr,. TV, ?, * // April 8, 1862. t i" o,?/ rctcd. fion tTf ?!"j "u',ne aeeepiod the oimjtaia. on of BriK?d:er Oenwnil in the CenfWerate < service. I havt- lli? linnur hnmli _. , __1 _ . . - - .? R? my commission us kt^jutar.yand Inspector General, with wh oli I was Invoked by the Geucral Asseuioly ot the State. \ In taking lento, otfccinllj, permit uia to ex* t pi use my thanks for many nets of kindness and , i be Uniterm court cay which bM always born 1 extended to inc by ?aclt member of yeur honorable body. With the kindest repauds and beet wishes for your success iu the great work before us, 1 Lava tbo honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. R. GIST, Urigadier-Genernl C. 5. A a -a * EXECUTIVE COUNCIL C All HER, ArKtL.l, 1R02. R*toli:d, Tlmt the Governor and Council uc-' cept the resignation tendered by General S. 11. Gist as Adjutant and Inspector General of thin Siiwo. and request that he will act aa Adjutant and Jiispcctor-Geiicrul utttil he alutll receive orders front the C? n edvrate authorities, or until the Governor and Council shall appoint his ! successor. Ruohed, That the Governor and Council sincerely reciprocal** the kind feelings .?ipi eased in the loiter of Goneral Gist, an?l express their regret at being compelled to separate from htm. it., j " ' *sj i/i we* ui me uvrnior ??<i vounru. ?. J. MdtiES, jr? !icrd?ry. I April 10 A y ^ NOTICE. ~S Having boon appoint*} ?.y ihc i,rgi?ia. turo aa one oVUie ObiMaiaaiwoors to r.??ke proriatoua for tfiV4?Mitu(r (amitiea of Soldltr'a ia th? aorricOi'v'Vroi.y giro notice thai I wilt bo in the Vfllago <> ovory Saturday at Hartly, Agncv A Co Peraona applying for tolior will bring certificate* from iom tollable peraon. marrh * A2-?tf A. .T T?A*TET ' ' 4k ' A tjLiia April 10 *\ OLWBMUM^ "TOWirTAfcl *1 ajuLft rsstaiiSiisss^^y ^ ^teht" v ..'> /^.|^v ^1 CiOO^^^jLff'JlIBgK ] A N T? ? fJf' * -<7 . $ for AHOUHK and W>tA?4hp town Cll^ } taaburg. c^%? bought on ^iwwlili ll, Cati oii C. J/M/DHD, ?q.,?r W. *; FARROW, Agent.f / F roar %? t/ 8 4i ~ MAT'fitisiBfi. ' , ANY one in uepfpf MA.TTRE8SB8, will do Weil to ?lMipon \ - 11_ mir eo . ?: J D^NTAt IVOTTCXE. < MY Office ie ofer Bobo,~fcdw*rvle, and Car- **' little's Law Office- ..tterm* Cejih. Ri umr la?1-ly 7 C. LEK, b. D JL_ [R, Ai'cri<)?f! * rpi!E Hubert il?r will ecll mi AUCTION on JR ti?e lUib J?j of /April u?fl, thrir (Mir* Htock ol'^|f>rch?JMH3W, )onci?tit)g of Vaj-toij* cloutae of good*. Per- F1 ions io want of aooUs will do well to attend j. laid Hale. J. P. MA.CUMS0S A BRO. " lb April > 4 211m Dissolution of Copartnership. r|MlK eopm tnorsbip heretofore existing be1 twven SULLIVAN, EL FORD A WIS- D SMITH, is diswltai bf tjw v?i hdrawul of J. IT. WINHMITtf. E*fj.' The business of the ** Firm will be settled^ J. M. ELFOUD, K?j. UtDDI I,* Vino un-mnrt ui.inquo nuu .YUIIlKi | l>{ PERSONS wishing to purchase MARBLE I W for their decetupwl Friend* and Relative* ttau in s?>. hy Mr. WM HUNTER, i>> our authorized agent./ / HARE & PALMER. A April 3 V 4 tf >1 STATE OF Toi'T11*0AHOLI^A. U -PARIANRUnO DISTRICT. u Citation for Letter it mi' Administration by J no. Karl# lloitiHt . ?*.p. Ordinary. H |jtl ' iiKKl.A.- ]u; vset\s HALL has filed g{ " f bis petition in tnv ?!T>-e. playing that Letters of Adtniuiairais^ft. <ui all nad singular yt rh# good* and chatties,y rights and credits of \] II RAM HALL, the IHmriet afore. U attid. deceased, IhuoTd bo granted to bint. These are thchrforo to cua aud admonish *11 Mid singular, the kindred and creditors of lbs said deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Ordinary, for mid District, to be huMcn at > riparian burg C. 11., on Monday, the 14th April neat, to show eOUM, if any why said Adiuini*tr&tioa should not be granted. J S.IRLK E'.'MAR, o. a. v. March 31 4 2t ^ TAXES. . rRXPF.OT to attend *l Spartanburg C. H., J to i.illi'i't TAXES^.-'hule.-dey in April. *' rfiurs t .y, th?* 10th <l*y of Appd Thursday " 24iii Mv of April, vt4i||?l<'?d iy,(ia-dl.iy. at ~ which time tl?e T.W H?.)t >KS tnuiit el>?c. had ; " all Mkooj who fail to i.? ?he their rot.irne uud ! pay ihe?r Tax##. on <>r bei?re said Saieed-iy in | '* May. may expect to wettle with the Sheritf, on > 'Jj Douhia as well uesinjl: I'nx Execution*. 1 ( sj wil" attend a' the Village on Fri-Uty, ibo U.?ih j "" day of April, to receive ;ho returns aud Taxes * of the Village. , R.C. ?OOLt,T. f. * April i 4 tf TIIE T AROCEU-BREI) HORSE. ' TUIP1/CTV U I II I V l\ L. I 1 j r WILL atnud the present 4 acuson, commencing tbv 1st fctrtf A4*RIL, inst., and rod W ? r m ioglbo tat JCLV, at IKS i HV V .SYAtiLK. ni-ar Lime-tone Springe. j Mar?n em mated 19 the cans ufflM uadtriigMd ^ in b<- well carta f..r *fd led at tha low rata u "l forty cents per dpy. / t il? will be lot to inures at Twenty Dollar* tbe y insurance, pijaUeThe 6r*l ot' I'ecorober If f< f. mare is parted With the money \rllt bn He- d mantled. 1 * ill not be responsible for any i| accident- or^tcapoj Unit may eecur. Fifty oenta t] to the Grvoui- b DKftCHIFTlOU. t? TUtCKETY id 12 yearn old this spring. Dill n sixteen hands high. a rich brown dip pled boy, P theiu>*t beMuijlul color imaginable, with an 111 uncommonly fine set of legs, ?U?d muscles iu " abuudauce. TCI ATT LirscOMB. April 2 4 2m 1 STATE OK SOUTH CAItttUNI. OFFICE OF COMFTUOLLEU UE.VL. ) CuACLKero.v, February 17. / 1IIBKLHY oernfv, tbat .10S. M. KLFOKD. Agent of the MERCHANTS IN8VRAVCK ft idMPANY, of Richmond, tueorpopaiod 1 hy tbo State .iGri^iKtuia : complied with , the conditions <m<{ requisition* of the Act of the uaaerai Awctnotu cnnuktl. " An act io rcgu- I 'ate the Agaicisrol* Insurance Companies not Jj incorporated iw the Slate of S-ftnh C*rol:on," t~ sn.l I hereby License the eaid JOS. M. EL- 8 FOUL, Agent, us &fort-*aid. te lake risk# and ft trermci all Uueinsas f Ibmhwm, ia thia Suu?, for. and in belmlf of said Company. This Li- * ceu.-c t?< continue until (he tiling of neat Semi Annual Statement. 1 W. LAVAL, 1 ( oroptroiler 0 mernl. b mar 20 2 W if RECRUITS WANTED. 5 $60 Bounty!; riTlIL undersigne l now stationed at FOBT it _| MOULTftn^eiil ?jaAjjica-jh Bounty mousy for a?OTjkJuta?*^ Wfe 52^ commute- 4 tiou for clo>11^riur(\jj*n Ao., furnish- m cd free Apy)\#^l <?llfng Office, at Spar tanhuVg C. 11. FIto dollars wity-fcc paid, to any man bringing in acceptably etuits. Apply to Lieut B J. WITItKLaPOON. j Marsh 27 3 ltj .EHTitAY. j TTTISTRATV-D from the premises of ths Sub- A I j sort bar, avag JU'ulviUs, ou or about the ? Iou. instant, a swnali^J^Ay HORSE MtTLK, h any one ukiga ftptf'g ?am?vur mtty information a in regard to lis ?am?. will be most thankfully eoeivfd by th? o nor at Rsidvina, Spartan burg Out., 8 O., and exponas* j>*idJAMES WILBOX. mar 27 J * ' 1 T O. P VKRNUN, * I ATTORN KV AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE la the Wwtorn CimWt \ Orrictr? Woot corner of CaL W. W ? HARRIB' brick building, over ike ttore o 1 r*mp It CMaon. ?n?l opposite the W?*?? April !C * It ittia^Brewton, W?ckwctt $?* JE, B^teSSt,.' u.mblly fceteker. * ;**<- '.T*~~ . Mrs. Mary Ann Coanw *f? ?* ? ? >rt, Mrs. N. C. Oray. Mr*. S. F. tUyam, J. *x ' ,w. VillUm Jebuabb. > /7r v ' a > J. W. I/O we, Oerid Lytr, *Uli?ta Lewis, .lobn i.ynos, ranitl Locaa. _ lliss. ? Moite. W?.#. H'rjHT Wfr irffohi j urray, William ** Mies. Louiaa R?igL|<fMu^ >>f-fw?"* u. L. Oweua Kent Joseph P-rkor. P. PaHecd, rice, J.J p.-due, MIm. ?. & Pnurto, at. Mc. D. Palmer.. Miss. Marthu Roberta, *?. Koberebn, Nn. irata Raid. ?. Reuben Hear. S. fitereas, Jatne? Sprduee, . M. Speights. Mrr Harriet -tituttb, Mia* urgarct StmoMk, D. L. 8tiUwc.Il, C'kitm rtbre, Mrs. 11. J, Smith. W. J. Stateos. W, , . Sbackeltord, 2 Mrs. Mary Smirk. Charttc Shamia. Alex. Tboron#, Oapt. T?:?i.e , (dropped} lout. e. S. TU inpsoo, Mia*. M. I). Thomp' Mra. H. M. Witlard, Mra. J. J. Wood, tf're.5 hadic Wood. Allfred U. Wood. M. Y. Woed. lias. Mary Walt er. fctta Waters, f. H. .n9arasoo, Vf. il. Wbitaer. * ' J. A. LKK. P. M April 3 4- v ' *'yr vRt wm mm tUMJMr . SI*ARTAJHH. RO HI3TBICT. li? Ike Cauawef Ordinary. * ? * Arjdicauu'^ J?' ~waT im*? i mrt auoy Blutuoo, Joha IVian-on. tA -4U Petition far sale of Real fieaese. rapp.wriog to my satisfaction tkei John Ubintofi, Jose pit Jlianioa. O.. W. fitfvlu, ml wife. Kliz&betb T??\W*, Berry H. lUen?n. iieirs of Muff'1 Ooaiei. decea^-d. CLturlee IfUdton, aad/TMfei jot* Brock. *ml *Wt bey Brock,/Qpfea-i nta ip iMa reside v\ wiiil the limits of tbia State. |i in there >r? ordered that the.* do apprdr adj objee* re i?r division or sale 4 the real ewtate ef Lewie in man. deaem-d. er before the lltkdtjr r June utit, or tbere eoweoat tv the *He? ill be entered of record. Qiveu undoc n?jr baud unit MMi <f ?Am, lurch K. 18?^ w. J SO. EABLft BUM AH, . *, n. April ? 4 %m HT A TK OF S(?I T 11~ tT\ROT*?SA. sr \RT \NltOUi WSTU.ICT. rillism Alien, ?x or Applicant. ire Jfr. &*$tmia Wofford, Jeremiah W'offord,jHal. Wctitioa te prow will of Kelly WoSacd^deceaaed, Mfe?u tvnm TT AI'PRAsBINQ TO MY ^ATItirACTriO>, I that tV heirs of Jacuea W, afford. deeee. i"otford. dec axed, Wmojjr, Ldrttla Md? ftflh >rd, end Isaac KonJ 'au.^ wife. 8?r?k Aim Ford efondauts in re?18e be*ot?d the liroe of this tiUW'/It is therefore order#! thai ?ey betted oj.Jrt *r ?t the court of Ordinary, to e bolden for Spartanburg lhetfiet, at Spsrufburgt'ourt House, on the l^lh day of J&ltyt ext. to show cause, if nay they 1 ?n^ why e H-or purporting to he the Imi will eaJ-testaleut of Nelly Wofford, deceased, should not be dtniued to probate in due end solemn form f lew. (r.ver. under my hand end seal of ofice, ihjs 2th day ot March. A. ft, *1862. * J50. EABltK BOMAK. o. ?>* Mar^i 2'? 2 lis MIJL l^X >K KV7 rtRS. "MASTERMAN Church Street, appotitt General Kehrurdfr I .f RS. MA8TERMAN ban on ban'* a goo* *1 supply of-GOODS in bcr line. Y?u may lpe.:t to find themttSVPPSUOK qUALMS. be solicits tbe eoawdjkd support of l*er it-a'U S Mra M. also .Ajeai tor hyp. ?iau?. ?k? liases M & A.AAHTw, e&22. Market-street. <-ou, MiMfHerrRKws op fVltiS 9l apd. variety, and '"AKClf flAlini OUlLEUSin aUUe ranches. Orders will be pumnty^lyat tended to. JJero I great many ?pecimoir*tt band, luce J 3 ljr PROFESSIONAL NOTICE" I fHM LNDKHMONKH, respectfully tM**re 1 his earvicctf as a ARaCTICINO PUYSIIAN, to the cntii^nf of bbe Town and tieia may beWtf ofl at all time* at tbe reaieoct o( Mra fc. r. CAMP, eft Mein.?W*i h< n not engagtt ProfenaionaUy. I tfeb *i -t?62- tf W. R. DRAN I IIJottd3C?e * LL Person# are hereby notified not *x At trade for a SOTK between forty-fit* a?t i\y dollars, and one fcr ten dollar#. Atf ef * I he ettme date, (dai? nxd Warurity of which ere ?t r? coilectod,) in favor ef Cot. R. N (wins and tinifr f ^ ,a said notes warw-fo be dUcbargafV ether Ha pay meat ia Ml JOBK TNOMNOK PV'\ NOTTCB. aTwiU EESJESSgF ro, ' r%? + *<*-+ ? W 4fl \f / / . .? ?J&V *