The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, January 30, 1862, Image 2

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* ?lif <Enrrlinn ^partau. sFa^wXh"ioT?. i .-v /v. ^ ^-^v. vn' Tor?dh?>v, JunMtrv SO. Wifiil. THR CAROLINA SPARTAN. Owing to the nbseurv ofthe I Jitor Lad | ^roprutoi who iu now iu th" ir*iiv, some 'lalittrt-.* have occurred ih the f,i t-' r.Viot. of the paper, which he smocrev r< ?r*t? ?inr-t\ lvi? departure, e under tgnci bv nrrai?Jp,p>eiit3 with the Propru i tor, he"vv concluded to take charge f?the different departments of the office, rod cl> , lipato thomsvlvnAto secur*. if;: r.uitii/uou* 'iaw? To accomplish this object. they %>"*v^ effected arrangement for a regular supply of paper and ink. mil with the N", posinj? force at their e.'>jM"ithd. [ rein:?"" u> rfhc readers, regularity, ui?U such intdli igraoe as these stirring hmea may afford From the Potonwr. and a'-nhoird withut our State, w? have- received a???irjr>,*eri ' Vrora competent rcrittrs, that they will fur 1 nieh week1y;,fluoh iteai.i ot newa ar u>:?y incur at tbetr. respective !o<\iliti?\ f r. ,' this way, we trust to u>?ke tb?- o?a?<t \y interesting and acceptable to its liberal patrons. Tu our effpvt; 'U is nlodrrcS for ?hn :.ri vancomeilt of tho intorcrtg '>1 th? pipir. ; *f are bu??, ha' r? thill te'vive th? li^rir ! - .7 co-opcr*1 of !?b firienH? Thus bo l.icvin?, w? invoke. tho ain of th? fi?ibs?*ri. bera. if thoue loilebtci -srill ruakc pivrocot, . *? xHo.ll full tbaukful, ap<i nmrr. pr. fr.ntH ly assured of our abi'iti<? to r*<l?? m ipltdpcs herein unconditionally ni*de f M KIjFOIID, TH08. 0 r VK.RIvO.V Our Corrfaponoent I.. Our manj reader* ni'l tji doubt with our eW?9. regrrt this* the ic'ere ting letter-. - t tha Spartan, signed I., have tm-.-i; uvublv j ? his ryplanu'ion Oiswerk v ill *?*? .?fy he cause Hit long 'silent has beer. o-?jig *' a tenure apell of Typhoid fintr, bu' a now happy to say bou recovering. ia-i though I .alotr, ir# hope sure Dfttfto of Geoifre Sptouse. ha1*? juat tima this morning to n - m " >.< 1 death of thm brave v<duntc?r. of ?he o?'a 1 <v ati??, H r V , who died at Richmond A .< . . on the '23d of January Rib rernaina ore *o be brought h?me on Saturday, and v ill be burn d i at Canoea'a f?mp Ground. qu next t.jbba'b , Peeth of Harvey Jprlnhlfregret to learn that thin young nun. a native of 'bis Pn'trict, died of hi.< wound." re t ived at tho battle of PrainevMl". Virginia When ha was. he she begged his friend who ? temp'ed <? remo--e him. hut e?uid not ?o retire with the army, or else he m'gbt loose lu.< i?e j Refuting to do fo, tko Yankee# approarhei. ; and ritw him Not satisfied with taking 'he , Ufa of fci? friend, 'he Yankees ad-aoi'd and | pierced 'ha unfortunate victim of their interna' , tnittilea. with their baronoU; ti>n?-e through the body Oi ifce auhacquen' da v. tHa reinforcements. under General IAOjt;'rr'', bime up, -"haa Mr Sprinkle vnu removed and taken-are of. H? improoed for several days and but for a dU*a?? superinduced fr-m * rn caute tnigh' hate recovered \v? m> >u-'however to record hit dea'b. aul tender m"tt - ? acerely our sympathies to bis bereaved pjr- I it# He whs a ye-ung man "f .oh' r and iudus- ( t ;iom habits, and to far at we know, worthy 'of the con&dcn-e and e9t?,ffl wf his follow, country men. Headtjtiaricrs 1st . S. C. V. ? - reMi' RTVUY, Ar.vMt" T*" t Janusjy 2ljt56? i At a -ueetiag of the Ferguson F;arg?r* r .-Id , tiiie day, the following preamble and i?b<i1u ' tions road and unanimousl- adopt- d Whereat Almighty God. it 'he tiiap*c*a'i n of Ilia divine providence, has oe?n prr-.ev to . r-rtsove from cur ranks by death our much love 1 i aud highly esteemed fallow wl.iicr, T O. Lav 'a. * hire integrity art a gin?lem*r. ?"'i pitriotiBia as a eoldier, no one for a uiotnefj' . pieetiontd , Ther&fcre, Rtiol'.td, That in tk?- death ' our r.v^'r'. 1 ^ Lay ton, the f ergua-in Range/B tip. ' -euccd th? lite of a kindhear'ad frivud nu'i t - . ; r-*lfiter. wboae lo.e of country wmj r icmcur . rate with his willingness to endure the tiocfl. and b&rdihips of a soldier r life to detsnd vac ?oi; UJ. ti's iutcu V'tioiiQj* irom jv ~*r: l>y ?n *4oprmciplod ?ni ignominious l. Fc.tcivcJ, That while wt how iu humble suh? if#ion -to ?he will of Him who doeth a'! 'hi g ' well.-W* f?jn Wfl'lld pane* to drAp a ir ir: he bier of one who. in the bloom t life md -full -rtgor of tnanhoud, has bo u to ts.'y r iVto t."m ue by the rulhleo.. baud of l>-ata. Rtjalxxd, That we tender o<u ' ndol?rand VartfeU ttvtnpvhies to :h? bar* evert :aT.'; *ud friends of our duo?ecd hrotliT and poju' '.hem to the word of Hioi who ha? pro noise 1 'o -to-nfort those that mourn h(*n',<.rd. That a copy of thej? rrfi>l?'iAn? h< f' rwer led t? fh'- dietr?r?"td family tf<L> d* eeftd, and that they he p-ibli.?h< d si 'h? tjuardian. at oluasb'o. end request th? per anbury paper* to cpv Lieut T B MAHAM-V. Chiii K. 1. fmuAjir, f lerh Camp IIi?niy?toj! HrAI arADiERA, Pi^HIASI Prm*; r r. i ^ Januaey 1U. 11*^2 i The following I'ooimiMe- has been ippnti"ri dr?Di the different me !.. >:: ?f ' rjlAf I T WARI'S, from h'partaDhnv-, r"mundrrl by I W. W lift tin*. f<r the f jrpore of driving up RS"?e r.erobi" >" * ( -r " > d *owp-irv to be ghv>.i <-I ?j i . : he obge! rod through out our ?o * i' Cept.C A Perry.-' T1 huroett, T F '"ur.?. | Alfred Sucmorc, FTnw?>n .''.bnen, ' V V." >orJ. ) We.tbingtnn .Johnson and Zednok 1 i>g*r:On motion, W Johnson or a a nol -'! *. 'h? '"bnjr, end J W Wood, r?>'i to i< ; ,u j . f'KrtUr erf, fbftt o?iri?r 1' re *vor> T?h.n otroijmiitinros irjll aH11, ?! enrnr fp<n?t in our liar of teins for ?li? purport- / , iSoidufp prtyer, end 'h i* w m* ** ?hn hi#** \ogt of Altoigbty'Ood upon nt, ?nd ?hv V tovt (piitl* end proferf us fur 'b<? ti"n?- > ? w < ,??jiem to i'?inpp fttschid, Th?t nt> V* L 'o puf d' *o all j r.straorality end profen* jwMnng, 'h*r? fore r*aolv? not to rouatenen-'* ?r> oicmber } the' mey. b* gmlry.of 'betenu fUiotrtd, Tbet v* request tb- editor of rhr ; f erolina, Spartan to publish 'he pr' . 'fdi'v , i end resolution* of this roiaicitii* Y'.A.tFHVOTON JOHIWOy. ?"ba "urn .T W Wqod, Secret my Col J I. Orr vnll be roU'^fd f t'ur ><o i mend of bia rtfl? rrgimm' for'be pi vn' * ?1 ft to tmliiog h'9 in !>? ' jut'fdr. i Vonjr?M 1 ^V*^1 rf i war i ' m m "" 'Viri'nla CvrfMpoadoftcr* #?th i'.MlXK^T. S C V., V\.l Jwiuit 14. Ie02 / ! */.v. S?'Ar-r?H : (tiring to the imprudence end ulieost vanton initairuUon of many army I nad sptei ial n? n per corr*-p*>fc iu J itnnutalv publishing th" r'ren^th. pintitian. ) muu'ei uioHmi nta. loitifi ".ttr/PH, i . ot our i army a' eetuous pom'*, wiucb * aid informa lion rm?'y tv(t (hila 'o lull :a'o *1 r head* ol | hf enemy. gv^a'. ? 'V.epr* uUi"e au'l car- , bnirMprnrnt at' ir opera'ic-nj. our roominnd j tag v}enerai<i kr?v?> i>0" -? <"0iap '""a ni restitv. to thMt strihfpnt uu?l eliec- j tir? ordera, t'otbi-hn,* an I prohibiting mv , ntc.p'ipfr or *pri?Htc ' urr.-ipondenov * rat j vr, ot' a in'uv in any *ite Mint nculd benefit M?t enemy rtlet'*e to our 3'reagth. poiuMon. 1 : Kim ring that I might unintentionally iO ! my btJPihtv ruiouiuoiMi'i'iaj to 'Ik Spartan, i UliotiOa s,oia? fjC'n or j'uti'txieQtQ. that wight oo' he legitimate end j.roper. I *'t!l be u> pell <1. fKPu.-'ujb'.t. ttMi'-.p ur.. corrrrponilei c? j Whenevri I <->11 *ir?d >. gather any ?toin?* ot j at-a of mfrt'i', that vili be proper for m' ro ? >?ntuttitiiMie t" it, in?i> *. 1 will 'still r?-a Mmt? ?cejmiontU'i to imp }C'.i n f?-w iinpit f ?':< ciparlati I ano g'ad to " jt'alo that ?}??? b"il'b "< n>ti Figiijipa' ji< go-"! a? w? ill >' a soniibly xpoet 'lb- Iim.i tar. 'it; n*>' h?->;n ! vr,f\ < ? ; {' an : '.? .poll t b? * al'mr hi .a b'?: ? r?rv -'Iih .go ablr ! ?;* nigh' : a^i to ill- *f hn 1 a 1ir? ?.ii! 3ii'>'Aw^n'hfi > mid c 1 [ r-...)** * !' ? *h? Ti t ?;f |IV' >t * ll( m-w '* j?- i f -a-sr.;; ?? j-: >t . ft'-n-r'i ?)si. ~>;n ng j fr"'r pi<k?t iu' ' I*." 1' iid..' a ft d n> t .' t .' j dt.'y. 'Us' ? >oid"> hi.-. f'? p??r m ' * ?? ) ro'y > bi'ii *ip .?> i' op ?b'ot i i<n% bird .?hspp and privaM^nn tha* ?!iv !'<" "> g >. and ?"bftfrfully and willi ?:jr'y porfovi" ?i? du'v v's'srt'e'i of them, wi'hftU' a murmur A better Rogitvunt, m l a nobler pi* of mm j hoii 'h? .'?li Regiment ? Voluo*,.i-rp - in r.ft vrb?rc t> found iu !;? forfe ifti?'? s'rv rYftnvc'rr.l.v, R ro-i-r.ipft/id^TS'-.p of tli Carolina ." p?r,a'l ??f Rnhn f I". I brn.i Ano'brr of th?- brave .i 01? of f par*aobtirg ' b-ia fill-n a' bin po.'l in \ rnmia Rfthm-t T' V'llkonj. ? -11 ?>f ^ illnm 1 AV , .ni or. IV I't', d?-pari ?1 th's life 0-! !>* ! inj.tan*. J 'it ' ulpepper >.irt iim;r, -it Typhoid fere 1 li'ir that tv<ble hand : f * ivnorj battling fm lite and liberty, tl;<- Morgan Infantry, baa lo. t auotb*:'' of tt,< mo.-' n'rom'd members Rob-r* P ilk "ft." hid i ivo?-'\ mjiprl to Tiinhoo'l. ? boo i? pfnrnpt'i fifftdft'l bta foun ?r% a - all, ?n ?bn 'Jcfftjioft ^t tV.?- rob'-' "Id ' om njonwraiihj, . '- nth ' na ?nd Y r rn, nod ' truly .I' d faithfully n i *U" per!r't '1 nil our. tluLiPR, and ondnr" tb?' hasdshij-.t of tlst ! po'.dier. throngb. ?Ii?- n.-a-:ir.g rtm| t g-., ? h;-h ! 'hr gallant arm "f ?h?. F toiBBf. hi. ; . vjftr talitrd, by p; patient tindauatad and ht' f j "ft'iriigft. and jh< plrry "f it* -imnrien F1 p ' ?ii", *la#. haa bortiviid the t'ftnd tv;.e \ "f | noble iihrvtun > TTidftr hftj ," ind brought P'trmw and .?a'loo.ts * the hftrn<? ar, in rr Pting -lrrn' of brother# and p.t'ers - o-?n tlift b:id nffiT of dipin'ming btt rrtnan* frorr | h? ?oil of ?ho t*llf T>ftHvn'.fto. tb*jt b?.? en. , rtf?p beai'le bin drpartrd trothi-r. nni ? >? th? ! elod of ' :. ? native . ? ? t-jR h?-? b?-ep per formed I?e *! of iho abft-f notir* hti c?rv for fftffr years, a commumcan* nf tao Rap' '"turrh at ee- Fri; jo"', and mairtaiu??4 a* h ma and in the 'atry. an unbleraiatK I cbna J tnn chir*- f?r F^ad ^-"i"rn .-* C . Jan 2-'. 1 " t,r?5;ii Ep.vh, llorlda. A irttcr tr**3 C*dar Kcy. T "rids, c?a?o.p'h?? j Tli* v-aaktop r*3t'ed l a' plar* on ?h* 1??1? matim*. ?nd deef ro .H pe~ora! css'Ib, arojdy loaded an'J toad-.' for tfa, abn?j? oO b^a ?f oot'or1. a fito'ity of ppir't?of turpoa'ic*, rv' fad wharf. Tb? Ciwen.1* ni ''?d*r \?r.>r* an* m'>lrpf<"l. cor ai>> priv.v propt-r? ak"j .'!?n- 'ua? tuna ?h* unor"; '^tc 1*ft >rxr .-U'k l? aro *Li?* ?hf ?? i? ra' '?rraronian' bap r <!itvd th* au'linr?' o* b>i> ibs? ?b<?y **i!i r" ?iv? o" tr vr copper ' .a iu pay men? of p.' * ??? . I'anio., therefore. *"h? , red', hereafter j"?>d leM?r? NiV'li will h*** prrC'if*' pilvoi- r-.jt? ? pay paa'ag" nr the- * 1 n n' ho fi/vrard >d .* * >/>cv k ~ ~ - -T"? i.ti Kcntu' liy. v> b*v? tin pleasant >*? ? from Ka?.tu*t * A c vioti of 1'iv forces 'i-vlab* i f?K4 r 2" bt 'f had a '.nfofjog. aud ho . ir/.jr f aj 'he aromy The ha ! 'Till p's"? ac-ii*. .?oinoraf-* T o i. u. ..'jpr. 'f ahr ; i>,? hundred inhal-nan?? w.'iia'fjd :u Vn'jfki -vin'y o4 to.lei pnu'.h o{ T ranVf ?. and ttbou?- half ?bat i'atanse fin? h?Tona*?. m line, and five ou'rr ryria of runberla?id r?v?r 'loo /ollic.'J?r had hecu ir. ' >? finity foi eomrj;o tu'l .-id . 'length ffl !5i.n?> fby ' t o Y tsjnitp Tj v a.' iinit of rho 'cnr, > * p ?b'.,,u 'd # rrday morning T nav . lauo tha' Zulir ttn-. on'. < r h-neu'o 'ri i r :.i u a . ! i : ii tbo i ^mhined attack 'leuorap .- .bt-pf md ] Tb'????a. wifh the :"?p 1 ? 27 kii, "! an i d-d ' o??e.a?d*. henidoi ranny p ??ontv. ' . ; na ioj.?. in odt re/i nom ?.? . .-ra" i. ?n ?y k-o. f!;o aco'if v'bwb has b??n rocuvi4 . ,c. hron^h r,jfc fir - . > auhfi'jiitiai'; *? ' I I ->> ,! P ir troopp, under rouimaod o' "toi (? n r??-->rgo p ' .-:??erd-?s. 'iivbr! ig ; onemv ou ' uj'H/ m.rnwg !ii?. 'b- 1 "h TL^: f"i' '5 bora nfwmpocl n i t?*rocg po.?: H'-o on f telling T;,i. w, ? unburn ? h:-h flow.' .* >';'h it)' umber'and rr r. ?r d ji /> Rnrncrtr' on 'h* W< T>ic attack w*.? isade bv "ur ,r"-ph .ifirt repttl. *d by ?ht rnpri number* <if tl o rr?n?. Pnrjnjr 'Im* a flair. 'on. 2olli'*l,'0?i wii" nUio. ufif-v ?lnrh u disorder'; rc'rtat f 'b* pur' ''f fh? 1 onf'-derjtr fom?The enrm., pur>u"dto mir ouvenrh ; in i 'bore .it'nakod ?vjr h->?.*t'*'nrkc I and siie|l?d o?jr nmp our troop* abandoned i their r:?rt}'.,lo?jnp 'bfir .*?t?! 1 ?. ?. amori'ini'ten. j A'" . and ornnmeD' >i ? toward* Kn<>i iMo Xho numbri t' allied and ""ind d ; r.a o'if :?ifh <. f i1''! af i~v inrrdrsd No men '4'>.n ij Tftdt of }nijnm?r* Wo b&re been u.nhle to a/ *r??it? pr? ' ifimi the p/iajtmn ?f nor camp, or. i fb? d;.? r a on f ore.- wfiyb vn ad-'a-: "el aW? 'he fi-\ I'li't 'W? understand 'ha* ' :iftend?i rie r,o t.'io nor^b or . o> .,>rpnt h'jnk if 'be ' smbt.r ta".l I n* enemv j ^nw>r on ).,?hir.g freer i* mn'*'l m 'h* *Ji: patch df eleven " ! f r?"Milli \t * small plar. "pr^fcif '> * mouth ?f I . hi?p i I'fli ( iv.,; i. 5 I amp wn? prwhahiv near fh>? point Ifim, t.jr i iro^pfl ?tre le-j ?> ! a'?h *C'?r * oiarli of huiif fl? ?eu nil" h? iitiii'? e'iperior t *e it lie ?n?mi a'ron^tj p<n'< I 7' e 7ciiiora'.i/u': > the rrpulet ?as J i*eev,""d 6; ihe fa.i ji 'lao. ZoiLcoffbr, *uJ this j wa? it ill CUrtk^r ndiUd to by th* disorderly r* trrat or batik to ?h?ir oi?n rntreu'ihsd j Cimp When tliw euemy followr-' th$m tliore, tb??\ found whipped m?u bob in t '!! b <?j' works. ?bo imcklv ?t itl?n I 'b.u,c uni tool, up ?L? line <>t 'i <r ' . .v. , ,H, fbo bxttl* m 'or,.- dtrcn ui .t*i and will tloabfir.?e bo i>'r .rvju r? I o'o it wilt do fc-i p ?i loi bmoe? a .' paper o ' rr out for ii?ji>iulvt inotvrsn's under a I'. ;?rc .irtr'.m ee. and ?o Vilk aboii* "hipping t "t'W adi) Viittktt* any (til) buf .11 rrittcrid'ii should has had in r> sensible ideas. Tbu' is -?ry fji ignflCi't bi|' i n ' fur !* aaid i f itOi'li oft as b* observed th? '.'barge ot' Lord l.'.f-in * th? bi?t:? .? p.alatlars So it m.iv be rs 1 ol ?ucb attn<:ki> at! tliat 1 islitog t"i * *t They may by - - . boroi- bur th? l>?<*k m i- Iil> !!.< ?x b i !,tr i-.nii ot " I'tftcTi -"Miit,". the w I mi'Jtrpd atteuip' of * toilful "' :t>tn vi If ?-n ; drn h'td vi>t<>8 tli*' ?fT"V. in H?? ?vn p- '>n, lie would pro^Hb'.v 1k?vi- 'lioHt v T'in? M 'if '-V.;* rr"*r??< vhteJi <? ro?.t MjfXi ioniltv ?v J v' Nirl ' ? 1?vi'n ? ?n t'.irj ?l)'-r will n >i v :ri in > Tin- *?!?? ?from Siuwi ft K u . v 1> w < will >'M i? ohotif 100 m ! *.?, i?' nil region Rfhtnn?'i fn'/Ufrr HaHlr of < pr ? '. Pttt i . "? ? ? \* Tivim M * d:.?pirifl to tho 1 i?,< , f > friend in Raoxviltf, rit<' 'In*fnllomrg ?r?"??in of th" lii'' b.ii'Iw >' I V: ^ <" - I " 'itn ' ri'ti'i den l>? 'he h",i V ' lo. v .mpvI i r tV'rtijnc TH?'.ii-') \ enRih ' ?!' opposed . V.?? nh i'i' Veen h-io I i h'l' tr* aft'-rwAida trr< 'nined. rtrnhtri I f-"n tf hotlfHO'1 ')?n /o|li-..fl\ * *.< K : 11. i ? If! . II the oofjun. t?PU 1 . iMOlvlljn ? h-f * c I wli'-n 'fi-n '"nrroll .-ip.-imtrd - itntnui'l <i; J . ?ho r?imh??rl*n'l 'Wi n;>om thrc hundv*-'!, rn' >f *h?- eif fr< ci fo u t > : . hiittHv*-! "Th* lif(c?nlli '>'<* ..nppi. i i id TlipiaK'n* pro??.. '?1 n ; 'n "?ir *?. *li? nvtr r-i'l- i> *n1 Mrfliin:'1! bif'?iri' i?* marched *.if ? enlfs "> -i" i :!i ! * w-i5 rrpi:i,nsij ?ronp . und l?n??? I'ovtifii'iittori* T h ?v '".ir. ontf ?nL, V? r<tr? fed to a>. l> .< i 4j roimde'l h*. tlir ?nnrri hot ,. j croas th* Curahorltntl tnir, ?-Ium * i 1 mi irr ;il|Oiv_r ft<- Tht.i wis - c* >>i j., night V? i it ? l :r hciV' . t?r>?.. .. pi , , ,t ... .o . tl- ? - 14. ri .ip'W' 1 or ' *n in? > *Nc viv? r l> m nt' kn-?irn wh?*?h-r the ? * v .. > riv*r f ' I rnwfll'. . > hane anil i^iiinun- w > * "in : i . i. -e?n Moriop. Ttu *'>i '.' i o '%V?ti yrisintfii dtir reg ravnti wtri ill, dgtgfil Major* f ifj* ?ni Hi! 1< mi'lfd. i. ' m*-r in th' hip rt?>ri 7 ?ilic>f??': r. > :ly n ,. n.*t rfoffiei Our for'?.? *#r' ah" it < ? 'h vj.nn'l ' ng, ?od it >tj . ; . ?V I Him Tlrni(ii<'i. Hlf HJfOMi. January . I" * '*? J' 4'? i ill Cnngr'Si to flay thj? a ma.-uugp h*.1! b? en fivf i by ? h'gh fftTirnrntpt nft-t*'., ,?tm?n^ hat th* hiipi.idt ? ? pwrli'ion ?ia i pr- -1 .t failure, uo.1' of havirj; hero ? r?. '? . <i K;fHjt'op. January 1 . -1. fi'*" " ? Knop !).- 'his tuorning ^'invH the ro} or' hat ' mt''n ' il '-a! :?-i u' V ^Jtirelln. and rtf* "< "u: J' st'?r much ?iig?raiad Tt ? 'tapo.jiMp to pVn ?p?" .. ?h? i :r:i *v of :!i? ifwu rtatrn'ir Tl-Uifr 1 pflorsl ??? 'ha* ir. officially | rcpnrif'1 in f'.i'uUco 'wind, -s - w nffirially I r. in'ra-iiftod A lir^* po,t4na of p. irn.iri'fl<c ir? v bolir *pd tn iia' -j h^D In?* iu 'he It' * F r??t?? tv.)ihV.i|c|'iD. ATashi>>'. J?n T'v Hi .* 'an"hi, . r 'iv;n . of h a'-, fi'o I i i : ".f'o-lj. a Uf(< ink r if iftwrfi, iafull uniform, paid 'h^-ir re#p?ct t i n Tap tncr'lt n; j.t. ?iv n th< - * i i ; of ' war. and a igoro ;* :?" r?og M aUv-rv. are pk aaed "i'h th# n* ? :v r.\! ' !.< ' .?*. h?3 n ?at intimate jvfctvi f'v'h o ,. , ri f been M. ?.m4 . .Tiu- - -* : v id bar., rri-vv -..of. .c l.ii th--- nr . tart ij uiadv iteapeT h? thia *by Cuatro! .h- u!d l?i"i :*a; 'i f. .*.t. - cr. . fajl-tadt it 'is .v i" :r.* or r? i. ? '.th <V serai M '5MUu theaecw. of *n i i - ? nc la- orei' * * \ t preclude# *he p-'* ib *.r f ?aj r cu :v ' the ".'p* a'-d *h .?i. . >: ' 7: .*.r. .nfiib ? wretch i "n ?im n ' t . ? i* rh* utsvoit difficulty tb*t '? itrnment * > g.')Uf cur. : i"h test f !> " 11 Nr V VovV V ? 1" " ?. ! rri.<) n ! >r ' i.?. ' <i :r?*?.r- i- 'Ti. ?' 1 * I n . .. 1 1 ; i '. il... .ivi i?i >. 'ilsr, -ifjrn Mc'. lulli'h' i' 1 th?n ?il.ln. 1 1 ro j >p; '? : 1 *- '* v . -l*" ; : C " " f' ' i "T v. . 1 n rii r ' > .? i i! I b?h;u I tr' *f i. Ark m * . : ; *L Indian ' .otry > ?!! : ? re. p?..a ?h' b* t n?, rr. i n*'.. 4 wilderu*A3 1 >-.>u . p.v., he tni'tTI we??y-four oUri : iwnn ex- ' il? m 1 du.i'li : tr, jt I ? . : i., !,( ??> ; ki'l ? 'h * white ti >? iv a -1 -IT r I)K fn'bo loyil Meek w-r The tr'trd ' hjt. ir-n * ?*irn 'bi5 r'? " n leujjhed he.niilv. uvl i. I . V* i in.i . . * oi|i \ ?nr own plan. ? n' Ml ft' . *<" , to i* ik|( no rebel mi big *t Kmm: ?-- - - WrstMn firms. **AaiivfT r,?. Tannery *1 TLn? v? *!'.? All I) . H hr?D It ' i |1 I(|I rtf. .nit 'h- i r^ginn"u:- h it?.r < T' : ".i 'haxn . M?*?j?ipp? utv.' "i 'ii" ?ij.> n?a. MillSf.iios; 1 br ?. ! nusTil < : U irnijM'Ufl ? .-) prtfon*t*ii ai v f.-aru th * * huE'li*'! 1 * -h r?" j'l >! hie f?rc?, if *f Mr.nti cil*. m "J ? ?.-.i cqmprQi>n?.? ?r?5 -n' bin) Ih* f n fa'l?raif? spiked'b^ir mnw ?D<1 ?hr' * v to"> ?2i river The cqme" b i? 'i3<' ?r n 7h?w aL"? s-"-' a he i* rho'.-an'l bOi;tr ac . mul-9 "'I *:IM? TH/ < >!>. \i ator?.i v?r? h'unri "t ?h*ni r In fh'**fabO'i' )f 'b? ??r!' If ' firn'Pj: an'i.-ra** - v fr?* ; ?i ' ? .?n of fh'? f ? 1 ?)' Tf' ;m I n !>? Tiftt'oii ? Ml U-r? ip " eqiK-i T'rpor'ii Mira Tl- 'r!u.jr '?? 'T^vi t) * *: Jitnj; .' i 'T*. ' Mi'dp* ; n*?t > I \ v' . . ' I j'-d ' . hri'Ibj t! - !?' . K Hu?.!l .t cp r*t I ' ft ? ' ? ? ' *1fvr'1 ille atj'i f n' ? ? -*ii?rr . ) i < lli t" " i J | \| xn*- k ?i? i ?*id Ab?." ! I ^ KV *?V k F. KIHCII, )| I A <)HA.N'>r o# It'/iftfi onl/tcorm. ? <./ / m /*? /<*???/ / ?#? 11; r-.r I'm i r iih<I / > t my if't fA? bi'tl- ,V4raj UJ /< ! 'J il"J imp' *- ? / * // fV,- /.,/ 6y fA? iiu'Ki-r, c ' I. '.Kd \t'p i*a-* ilfirvj in h::S a < : f f-i'n. "dtj. . i? f/. . -a rnnutl* an 1 r?- on li?> ' in.", p.p?, nu?l t*? ;. i lim.t in r pHtf ) Of ht U.I'! I Cir l lorn" dun '?I ( :! : r .1 of lair, \* fvaifu'- k.< a'rt an i a* ci ti?.i >ie fat?? 1 i In i-n r'fl ?n't,?;u in - ->n h ?fil" ni-ti l?v. a? gallon ?! "Hi U nj liiiCi. old K, ?. I . h' i up nil h?| * -< hi !i -v.-r rea-i . fo f df '"n'in* who.t po'en' iarm.: y'.-i IAr wou <i b? (| (tbi' * i , I i i tu pi' > ? I ? m htff, on f lie irtf-li Oi". .'hnt u|i Jim wo. '.ikfsn ii ! *?, in a rtabin I'| JI U in iiin : iit.r, p. WmIi % not bio trifh * un i' >?/'" ? < . toro. j A'-i ; '*-i : k?* a ff.'i ? f'l' > 'li h i hit, , 'V I!,.. -( # > it u . -f-i - l?igb, 'I'U it' ' "T,' *' ' rough. ' b\ I ,? t mi t'Jl.11: . o ou i. an;ii >1 i i I ' \v ?>Ug'i: ; T Iil9 i' im.i :i ' "i/. in 1 04 Uf(j DliU big, | A ' ill . ' I 1 *' It", t I I IllQ'ltfc |? ? II f . I. t'li,- i. !. /!> itii'l 1 TV to I be ::i V / " i i ft'-. / !i'^,""i ri''" i' Vol l ju /fi / *. i . ' i ill .?!? '"I V - j'.* 1 .11 t tin ih'.ii i t [ ii . i . i.4 "> *t !l | I , Huuging s.'".in'i , nil i . ? ?n?li?t LI... khi'H ) . > ti pi ,?v-l * in i". 'itC .t'.y iii'in^ p'.i't V. II' " i i - >.' ' *' it* 'tirfu i i c " .i ' fi: t r . - I ?. is: >f i ' .t: ; tit ft r if. '*lt ltl 1 liiind A . ' 1 : Ti >' . ii' , W l it', I! n;?i? * . u i in t iji^ ?_,, H :.t t ? t i -i"t * it 'i i .An ! bit* p.iiiin h* i ,?i' met with i . in [ Hi irt'.it'.i wu bink upt.*htaboon itmuil wi, } i' < w i : in", nil I ..i.. ! ; I! m .t i , Hii? ir.'rv * ' fi' 1 . . -i i\\rsu', V'o '?im mi ii iniij like .i 1 at nc ' At* > 'I i nti a !. , jii ' <i .-t t. #"oi\it ; ir' V I '' i MI'l V . * .> ' ' 'Till '?l i* i; . L? t i "ii Li.- 1 ?!' ? ? ,'i ft' jj V i.ti: t M-'irri in# 1 i r - \\ .? *li i j. ttni hm Ilinlbt ipriog In hl.i M -vuntlliighr ? '/ -if I brui, W ' ' ' "1 I J ' * ; | t 1 ' ' '1 \i;i *.' 4 r t fl . I * i f ' y ' . . ' 11 - T ' Ii'in It. ij , . ' : ' m'l >. 1. 1 \ r.. 1 u? r tj ( *" :iiV li. . ir .? i 1 : * ; nViti'ji 1 ' Ti c I'.r. K-fi't- in It 1 i>.- li " ' n?T it" i t' 1' c , H' , ?, fi i'i i 1 r T l" r t . it M i p "I ' < n"'t U'l tn? P- ! thought * bt - ?h? if ! m j i r ?j \ > ? Mwi-niw ' ? >n 'h?' Wiit' t ' i* I ? f, ' " i' ' " ' \n 1 ifar- it <?!>' i i i l??u {-' jf ?i? .< ] >1! .. Hjjiim 'ji?. ei-quf i iil.ii n !? p?ui>?'l jmi hrforo \ I hi' '\Viin? IIoiim'" dior. Al l ?h? .1 ill' i i rp' if ! ' fh- Dfvi. : si i I. .. l:i. nil . r- ; rvh' II l oi i" i v . i ? nc' 1 f ?. ! i" - * . - . *; Luciicil) ? t r rai ; > ghdsM ' . ^ That bid he*rtc?M?d to han. m . *. dim Thuf form b"?t*.t h'r* mni'i'i 4-i . <iro*d, V. it?> largo "inon f?tt and hu?? liorc* *v * s hfad. Mr t n.',iin ms i?;rod willt * ffrri>.l?f i > i <; ) ),<? S i". - . - n" ':i ; i all tilting, Lilt* ?' ? i'; r o? :? rS? * ?; \ Vi.ii?n, "i AVifh h i divadful ' ! i. i"'? A.* fbroaTcji'd " malt* i ?ug in n* ; , in >. . Hod? <" i mcrohora. without ;# .in. ,1 Mi""' Mir H?,i ?h \t- ' i >' 1 ni."'n " "h .? c.". i. " I }.'! Oft ' f t ' I I 1 v?tlf * lid , j l.l! 'I ' L II w i . . j- i. ii. i . ?, tn I iri 'd Mr.- T. J h p.' i'l - i. !vi " *'' -'i'.i h' u'f .i I *-;i . T I . :. .--I. :ng. V .i i '.. c.itlf :a a -ha r in 1 ,M.:" I * 'i'l '.. v hu op . if -i at are . T t ad if - f ' "a-l ? m t '"tr-". iV'i tif, 7 , i ? f fv. i' d -1 . - * p.- i-f 11 . i .?-. % i n'.'t . i L.i ' . .' rilj ?L: *'?- -g "i'l epoi"', :. f f " in: { a -n't v i ] itrn?v nihil .. .! - 1- b uu n' it no.a, s. * . %. . I "f hu or*, , 1 ! ' r ' 1' n 11 >, _ i n v "1, ... 'ten i. I . : i lng'ii If i ?' ? < ppee'l. .i . ' ' * in "*s?i r no* i I ' . ' lfll'V t. ' I" * . I"! . i . ... '.iv. : ?': . 'in' t*'i . .. . . , 'i'i * f * II 1 .1 . - - M ... *4 . . - j i. * i, ? - * i i ] .. . 1 *' * Vi kr? in I' * i.' i i f r i I- . to huro , I'.- n !(; '..i .wi ? ijr n '"io . it i?eem.< ' * r ? u < wojM.-?tfil * ? : . : : m . ' i :.' ' 1 ; ti nil*- i J iur. A '-i ' r' ii' i ' " n ;t, 1 ; '-nv > J- . . "i 1 It f i T , .hom. An-i ' i." I I T 'iv i. ? n r > metv'. V- ; V n * V p I oti -c j: ; is i p < ! Of .t 'uru; ' ? -a ;'i 'i tn >. I ' fir ..t . t y . ? '. . v. n l- i ' W : : . i > . ; i ' p <* i ro'Ti t: r 'ip Af j, p i ' * ft .'.'? ?i 1 ' I < i i ?. t If : .* j" 'i"* < ..jH nly '? f" ft! "'j is "*" ? i h" i?ft TTi' . '' t. .. -jfy. t ' .1 inv :<.a8-?nTj?Jf ? ! . V S . t I,:* I' ' t.l I1' . #U t K\ 4 ff! ?A''l4> * 1 !( * I . * .-t-j. n*v *v. ir> i. ?r umph H ?jn ' * ' j r?'.v if ? . l?f f\ A H ir .H? ... 4 - - , - I Jt . 1 . * V . . . > ' . .? f ?>.(! V , JSu?*B ar * i i; i I,.ah'l "i". i gran i ny " ( . Kr 11 * f r < I h y ' t 8 i ? > I V . < i, ^ V - "V < ?h'- 1 , * rrtt, t'f ? ] T r \ | . / i " ' p n In 1\\r ( . i * ' ?w ? , > i , ,, . T ,\o > j*?ir : ?'? 'I h# ? h > i >\ r . w?ll ' f?" t r - , , t . i . I . . , . r ?, 1 - -I r> ' ? " J i 1 'i-i>. .. im i*i svt wjic'i ViimHij; V 4/>?*e<l ytu j.U in a f j Bt8W. ith Jt? isnjj ui Rck*?uii floptical trap ! ,?i ptngi- jN| i frw I'ivinK Liiuibug , a/vl upiitufcl r^p r"^. I lion 1 cqjlci ">ut ir<* ' ||^ . !ljporritir?l |>r?*ck^n ' ;iut \liii icOi:'|tuKVt? aOi'H'-'-lici. | ^,(? > lunrrifu . ,?.'ir to/ion* t? o?jU'(u>v Hu'lfftCttt [ j, Hut ,Mt i?your uliume, N > > io*?>i v cnifi*, ? r? pr<> . !. .it 1 'li'^iiicc i-n tin- * u ? i hi ! k?c iimiiii* Hi HI'UIK'f) t'litli tint tl ( (' I . I I' V weia t . (la In plunder tt." 'J' . t.< ' 'I ?. ( va'lk . ' /"i > ft' iil t)i?> juun? ytii<'k''ii? 'in-) c-i : > bene. ' i-?> Vi lit * >i ' vlu" 1 T'.e, H'i'l ("J' \ i? ' in ui pens. t ; the i tii" I'n^ri ol r?i*ti?rv. ii>? "?it?'i pin- .--K in be r -uoifl f"i , mi' ihi** ii ^ uu i * 11 iiy | mm ui'. , S t !*?"i tii?y vi? rt. tit11;ii.t in i in^: i h'-n ' Orti ii i n i tn <_ nit mi .ii I'vun tfu prt-tcn'" i ' iin;ii <li-r t?i>ii M< iit'' ti ui I Army * ! " I w n..t ti Agbi. I f I r'>ut*'l i"fo!i'cA> ill'i Ii i VMfi i ' i^l.' I.) v?mw hcliii 'l with- -nfu.*' n th? pla::m en of M UlWIf ?*MI, ,i I'm in . i at>!? pi.-l. of t iTflfifJ M f?-.i for i ui j ?|i ii I i'ni"-l wiiti vigil-m* t'i'1. f ..v tares 'if c'ltileulivti ull nvrr * ? xi li?. . . a:-- Mr ? huiH up \ j.u i wiili lying prrten liunn, i i,| li H"i- -no !, . i'hJ ' T?in' " > ?'"Hit ' .1 "* . ' ,' * ml/ il i fi-.a*. I . ' . ' i" I ' .m j fwl } j Of lining '.ii ' ' l'i the f-.a i'l 'a 'ii > . *v "-i "i /' tit"? :** ? '.iit'int " * .ii'*.* ill * I'i'i; ' 7 " n' 'H.ff '!' hat ? i , -'i . i t ' '1 * ? * mg fiat j ' i * r r . ii-n" f,..i- V'-'i piil.1t If ( itx's no olil H.i II vi Snirnrd lo boot, i, r. r * p nil i 11 - ^ind * > > w- ' til' v * A V. . I, ,|T 'I "in o* ilH, H?'W n*< ^ixc iqoi'w, t| /aith to dVni 11 he grnutrifothis pitiful eiltf ptooluMlii r ' i ' tij; i : I vi nyl : by tin w.'i'il I .il'V u a '! . j * . . til * .' ' r | . i i i ' ?' I.i .i j'..' ."ii: pi ' i . ''iMf, wijrii ii i, th? > . . ,. h*Hp to areoroplish rottr objects infcrrttM e ' tHi* * i , 1 T .. i'I. ia I \ 'I . . v p. 'l. ;| . 1 .tt |,. r- r i ; ' ~ : ii 11 I ' ! . -? ' - ? tv! ahsi i-Hi pi'tftt! " '!.? ii * ' m . *1 i ,\ h -. I ir 'i i i i'i i . Y . ii I ,*} ' i. f >i j ni'l nl t : v 1. . , ' [ no*.a rbe frtiit* ->f irun grojaioa and I M *?n i *h? I'm rr>- ' H III I I A HI . r. ' 11' ' I|| I t I n4 r *. n conrlnaion, ~<jwi idtatins I ' nil ' "" 1 d }? : 1 Id" t"t li< n . 'll- ll'H ' u in r t! i? ' "? hti . i. t? '? -ryr'. in. mad* ir? t" - 'a'.iM * h?' id T'? i ir 1 - :?'i? 1' n. r, . n U:"K. ' _ ia\ r in* : i i ' '. I m ! - iq^ mi 1 . ill ! ninj; in' if ' n?\ ' - *h f an ' . i I . m' *r V i I'm* i. ' c ' i. i > rf - h*jrtf? i-1 -H i "i . i :i k I ill and > X I r ? J n ' j i*' < ?! t 1 r\'J . . * i - i ? . UII . | no 'i i ' i - ilai.. <1'.n ; Kq i -i't- h"!. i>* *' 1 ""mp |? .up. bn . rs' i d- gi id- i i'n M ? [ h.< I. 1 h'irlvl 1 ;*f pn iji t hT' tpi' "!' ! tTilf rill i .i-i lei" 1 'r ( ' II . p d* ?' * i i b! aw, | all } v; 2 l w .V f. 'i ; In 1 r ? >< an li" i \ i i?i*ii' le <"? ? r vn ii iai'? i n i lb" r-?'h. . '. ii . '.i nfii'. iM' aiMih in V .'4- -.1 , n ! -d the /l .in. ! T" V II", f'-r I' " I" If '?!. ha crifa of tht poqr, n.i Otorv iog for j rci hi .1 ' Ml 'll" aill'1. O" ?l w'.IO 11' nil 'i -I d;.ld. [foi an' b" ?*" J i',a'ioh? f'l'l ' ? v'-i ir ?}, ll"U'l j -1t " ?n v "i- : ? h? F i" n ?i *h 'n.- ?f '! . g..m ' HhII till \ >'i ? ' in ; ' " ? i !' 1 at-i'" -. >11 g ir .<itf v, i thou hi "i n'?. 'o * mereil* h i n. * i: 1 'h? sl.vni-mi 'lii-n 'numjili ihll! henM V .'IV > >!.' r I ,i Tat, . > V..I t' ?!> bud 10 tht I " all ' v I I VIII r 'h l ' II . . III'! Ill" hi-jar. ' .Uil'f I . hall fall, , 1* lllll W-'jl I.III nfr .11 In I'll in* to h(U lli imT" finiahod atj na t iioa fa^i;^ri?!i fc- ' * wi-l! *" . t" h !?-ft ? "i'.vtt ' ' ';m kiH mind n]> h wlieve ! ''iiifl u: : V fr< { > II 1III 4 I'JiM"! suad _ '.. . 'i : ' ?.i ! :i.? i!'? 4 jT- v Smi.III I'OA. By tho fl extract of a letter reete??1 ; ,r' i. .. . litnv !iit evening. i' ipje-ti that the ' ' . in , >.<< (1 ft givf Ju ifP . i in ? 1 Hilt >u Homi, " hii 'i *-y hi1 us :>: ?'** th ti ? ,.) k, mi . ms i n? to ti it u l.i'i' r! ; I- Ifl 1 V 1* ITS' I i ' i,i>m with -. ill { x )u ' ill- i i.i I > th'> i?w. r o:u i <U(l! 1 IK" if h' i: i flu;- < T'l ? i-i - n n m 1 ?t m-T ? t r* Royii, from the i.iunder 'ieu u-'kiog the mui 'vai ' 'In ! -it iii'jri >? w'ri i?n<-il\mg n *rh Hi i (i>i nit mi tin h? I'Hi niiiuor . lei i i, led r j ntiir' \i?- what h coniiitittary x* :; ??? V ? ph''titiibro]>i1 Tl i.? lo be hoped ?t; ??: * 1 i -i peron.r f u??.-r b' r Ir.a 'f dis- CO . ? . ? i ' i-?'.irn '"""Hi! he.i" hy oo ij> i ?{ a i in.' n* 11on ur thee*';.- ?n'l nui.? in :jM n.'*- thr V'fifi -i.i tremble and brink in: . >17' v n b ii<>r i> . ..u' n'y .*u ?.*.? from *i prion on fd>i>' aud iirv p tl]? protection o: *!; .r I >w??V4 I' . ir*: * tl r'.'i i ? ?;.? on ? tu ' h- <1 t->r?*?ur;? nt all ' Ifir^ir iMFH T L'<?t JYv | icil hefKKfn heir *nd ini ; . c.i ? >t 'h> H'irn.o'ic expedition. . ? ! i 1 ft, !v>?rd . <? mi h'ind: < i troopc f>ur - ?... .-iIh >t it ashore oil fh N??r'ii i fn ' 1 ' :< fro?j . orr? '.IK' > ft. fe?'pcr I ni n?"! f<< prrtont tier fail nf f ' ; I'. I.- x rfWt /' : / l< > I n> I k . mhi,ii r The I . ( , ,, itllli'il . !...! I * ? - ' 1 -* ....... . ... - . 1 TH'I r II I' 'T V J . U ? ..I,.".' ' f;'?): *. \\ . "... tej . r.-v- *!i:. t rr.i.. ;,.f U-ii'iraor* p.ip<r. h.i pbtot, io <? ".. i w ? igssi of utTfn ftr Mfht * n i ry ,A . i Mi c ;U ' , I ' ii' ! '1 if r/ * ' r 'h m ir> j j II I ' I ll I 'WW " 1 111 ' MOKE CAVAUtt WANTED. t >Mh iiftoon ur T??ot| uort KcrulU, for tbe C?Tn1t-y ' tnpwwy, commanded by ?t. Al?in Dtan, will Gt received, if epplio* lis null*.- -tu'in to llio ('wptwiu, nl CAMP Ml'TON, I'uluuib.a, S (.' J, M Klfvrtf i? | lior.i' i i . t.isit? I'm port# to tli<>s* g'/ii'g \ j >'i> to ounp. tut in tMt 47 At 54,-JO iniNVAIfl). ? PERRY BURNETT, I f.?i r r txnr'H<: nt>'THicT. in'he I f tr'? 'f South P.iroli' a. !nl on 'be Pith I .! I r I I VHi:It. I -"'l. rn! in ill* ?<r " ?! lilt' < * ?!>' -'l-ralC *CC"t<ll'IK 1 I'rr i'" 1 Ku!>., iui<l 'luti. on ?l?? o'Mh />f ; no 1' T^. M It Kit. I H<". 1. T 'ii<l I'vire'"unip .lolin j , Idglii Knot Spiinen. Hour ('Munihifc. 1 C , ?'i lio.:i ain In. - > frvin ?:* l' taloan'lli it foi c"r. nn-l hhH HVttJfP.TT has 1 e^u or 'I t'j return to 'j?ic lletf'lfjuu *ei ?, but Iihh n \ <?i ii vr?<' a fw i I HnriipM i.i fe-.t 84in'Se* Ii?jrH cniipintivu, l?:.? -. <yr. .ni.'l about Si ii >1? .ig?. hu'I bl i'n i iarV Imfr? nn'l hw light atfipjmgo in hi* ipeech, uni by pro-i.oi it f.iruur wlicn tnlitlrl. will pay ilwe ulwVf rew.irti of Thirty I'ol- in f"i' 1.;:i|.|.rehvii*loii and deliverj to 'he i u r." of ih- plili Ilcgitn??nl S f V It. T. Itltt'PKMAN. no plain ' "luio'iri'Jing It, I h IP-iun-m S. f . , ? onilmL-'- IVri y, > l-n 17 " if ih NOTiCE, . ? * -' i ? r i. ii ' i i < h .? 1 In 1 -t S;>i tii.i .. i':r?h'lj< v. il'. j i ' i > :n . in' | ; ?(ioi . y :#t *!, and tb?>i?e j fy> !? i> i > .. i, i t < v !1 . i . e p - ! v li Mil ? Kl-IJAH Ii iHM.IT. *v I in Ui ?lr. r? Jin-', i; iit I AOIilMsTliUOIt'S MITKT. I'm ii i k?I >( |t*-. H II. P' II \NT. ii!? i erehy r^uo^'ed -'I -i- in 1 iiiitke peyiK :i'. "I !i. ?i? jitti ir ? I i v it J !?m,( pre I ihem in i irlv day proinph ntteit'ed .1. II KIKirv. A'huinua'r. ,1 ? J " ? I NOTICE. Vf' ?i . : - if. ued hitting di <>!il the <i"i " a. Mocr I ft aitnury. innl. <>i ' * : ' iifitti'ng it'?tk "f tVc'? ?|?>: a( j,. ivir ? t ( -ir nih V.i . i. rnpjr.-i .ili iS>-.,? indtht I ' ' * 'J !* "." BOt>K k- :?ui\'. t?. t: .! on t *e w > v v ti,^ii\ . ? ' i ' %' 1 nri. j n Tin; jihiiiviui: i cmii.i; ii if f: acnunni it i iJ i( uuilUULi 'HI. : r- ? > i U" ! ^ 'hi. I ?' ' /J y . / . it i'? \ TAJ. r>K > ! I A. > ai II- ' ? H Mti'ldtiu. rs, tj' <1 ''Mch" .11 '.f I 1 Mlfelf '"'1. ft "!." f *'*?"* 1* Iff U J" r~ "iti> 1 i- ? -Mpirift' u-U'Urr of M : | \Piano and \ pafa/tng ufatlWM i' " Hv H Ij' ; lev\ ' ! -1. V . luv M)ti 'i!i;.? ? ' 1. >' ijkid v- .- ? xxv. ; 1 1 I 1 ' . ' lal ' h't ] *.. - X NOTICE. t o I ir lurtJiuii Trn^lcrs, ('oiiiaiiUcctf O. < T "?1 T >' V . -, r ; ' .r" ' *' S i.v.s. r/?/ - i.... / \/:nrn t ; 1 ?K.s jnil i" . wh>? i r r? n i ir? I ' ' ??> .innjftl r??fit < -. r .. |iu'y t'-?r .-'vans / I*.t > '> .in 1 ;?p ' - ' ' * ?, -lis . i is:. \ T AX "h t \ U* 'i *?l\T, i.) nili" thtir H"iurnii of the j t .t. i:> tlidi hand*, |Kw?iiijiiaor nwl)uv< I lii- ':i: _ is.. : i.*tli, t.if |v:irl|. ulacs, j t -n-. . tli.iVf* nvl mi mint -it | |^t 1 . . v?-'l i |. ,),] ,,,:t t"r 11 i Ilr j (J, f 'r? llOH'.i-t'i iTc tlti* i.TIH li. Ol J.'ft ' ,!, 1 "l* .1 J 1 .?.. D<l . ?tt :. cnrtiAmtU of mo>1 ?thrr-vi j j#| 'I o fti 'li Willi > air 9pr^lti?-] I ,, i ? : ,i > a'.! till- Kills > ^ -I n? o- i? i ps-..{ erty. j ii . ; i-m'. t'-v hi? oi j V W IJ I or i.ui ' i .7 8>_ji~ 'I i , ->t 'i .ii iirsit . r?i?rt. . j ; > . ' i?*n' nv?n return , ?n-l . I?*.-- i . h. - . . ar? I*1' -r fv ?"* v, * ' mi M'.ifi wil! nut ri ?-i c ' . ? *;;?.r t - .1 nU'.l r ST'>P.m FAKUOW, ? ;i ... i ' -X V > i i Xftm nry M t'< i . i.'. ! & JE5T ? :: If TMI: hay HOOK, j ' IHV :?1 It! :Ti>11-: TOSl'B'St R!BK! ? , * rMJRMS on* r+?r, ? . Piilrr | S. !' ? \u>. !' !??}? : i w fl , ?B? ; '..I.'. Th" i r li i :>. >.? i., >111 fht N- 'V<j i j M ?: tl ' Tl." -y hir.ii * ' f I i . . ill ' ' Ml 'llC, j Y im a.l ?:h?r r> i : 1 , . J M-.? v jh V. < ' . ,*]- r*T*'".i fV'#tn wii ii i iiOl > 11 1" 1 < ii* : , i ' r Hi? ! > i wfi-i lii_? l.-r-'v rctiu'h? 1 ' ' un F.'ir "i i ni|.in am I>ftr.p?tches m | i - f.rn ' i' ,? i *. rfcat | J : r \: u L i "i mil Fori.". T u* ; ." qiK't' frolll * >. t>'r. I*11V 4.1-1 ; , . . U I (II A ' v. T 'i? r.i-" i?'ir i il in f hr i,# wipit I :r- .t N"iv Y?i k i -*-irif.?i?n miii nihtroi' 'H ' ; * Tlif Wilminr' N i. Ii? iy journal im?j* ' t, T.,c N >.'li> > 111 . Hi-.ik hm b?c .Ttii* the ' , . n r,At vu, i in!' i \ lanj;-- p?pvr< receive, n: , cm' urn lie i ..< I,- ia from h- Rump ^ iv?vntu*nt. ;?! .11 a* iiuQi'^n new;SuhicrH* i [ ? > link rnnv rely upon j v: t* mi- prr.mpiiy ttwl ! [> A i Ire4- ' ?u^.i<",npuon win : l tnJf.S K HATHAWAY, | ,[j r lil'ir joH I'rftvi. inir?? Town Hindi Notice. VT i ni?f i : H ' 'ho U>th in?i , s* wo.. | mammcu , ....?jhvl that t.t'y *.. J ft. j nyoh ir d'.r," 'o :?w. ovevy ccuo t It I nun,; .thttj tot } tl - i.j mr? * .la- | U' In iu'i.|'uv?" - 1 <j"* ii of fspnr K nVir-.r^r .1 I- ' nV?LANT?. Ititeftd'f I A .1 M Ci-r'oKii, t It % ' d< .Ft., '.j. liti2, 1 M >. 1. \ i t, '1 I-1 \VT vs** v?.~*iv? n, vr [. ? var.?.\, j if oth? > c "> > 'iiurt'iMv.i rf f ( f?? I f >?J III f , >Iarttlor, \ I .OKhVOOti . Ti I 'ill*. I. T. . vn < 'opi *4, ' 1 I fttl JS;* 11 >-.> I 'in**, <. ?V ?p?r?unt*ur^. . .'?a i?iy i. WANTED UMkMtU'CKLV. rOOl? IaN.vKR. *r?p!y. *;? Krotj ; k t < OW?R' ' \kfc \<.Q rs\ '?kf?hwrv f'? ? , - C n ? I - 41. f tf "tSjSHTi *HX, Sf Mi providentially kinuUrci. reutt ut ?Uc following tin#** and ptnira ; |iut)ki~! vi collecting tLr T(A X K 5 t>! iknrg l??tjriaf for tl?c ywrlltl, tit : \t H i'tt-cs. on ' a?;? i?T, till Itb Keb'v 1 >V'/2. K'otui-itUf , iHk, n> Jruy*y I'au'i, iu the loft< 11 -tainc ?t LiLiciivnr Hpimgi H J'tiur? la> . t.'n> 6tU nt # oki not* ( rid*), 'i?* 7tli, At IV'jWt Orpot in iJU? noon. - .tut e*~"z.?. at Kith Hit! H Klondny, tb?* Hull, ui 01?uu ^j?rib?* Tuendny, iUh, *r 0 ?>j?* Anchor. \V?il i^p.iay 1 -lb, a? iiobb) s?iiic La fort Bon. IUAT1V nil li?nd. uiie ly lit BEST CORN MIII. ON 01 fi Sllli: OF I'ACOLET. U V frte*l- ?ill hi: jjK-1 to U-irn tfca? Mr i ? I!. i.'. v *!" i.- ! i uploird I) . 1 {: v '.J II.' . f i 11 ? i mining nrdei I am now ready ft Knitr ?i.i< piw?y> bt> at Ihe Mill "e*dy fv ; ' '!> . n '! . . . i.- ' . ft ; 1.. k wiili 'pr /lopiotria. *?>*l tuorhamral skill i I . ... ' }' .. beat Mill. I ./'Hi. in h" fctauW?1OM' COOLY s v _:i ;c rim No<ir?-. \1J lVi -> ; art-. b?r?by noli5ci nM t<* l ade fi.r h NOTK h<ibv?## forty f?re 4n<j 'i\ ' 1 iui, a-r. i ?.ie ft:' 11:a dollars. All ~9f j ? ;.. "a are f.-<:o!icet*4.' ftno in faeor of Oni. S N, .ih.s AU'l transferred ?.> ,) hn M'Firlkttf said nntt?> *?ori- to he dieoharffed by other . iv . I ?; I.I. - .1st < KarUnd and ?tu'L aro to be con aide red I 13 filji J ; i v TH'"'MFSOV Tt v >i GroceriesI Groceries ' \ ' ). iiii'f ib' rt?? i .e<i n??w lot of Ml UAR. vt '>I ,\..s.w nr/v U? a ? , a , I' I', i. I-TT g'.ipp'Fricr I A. *' w ' \ i :1 \ t F^' U \ X. ( 01 J.rss \\ v > I'LOW MOPJ.TI.S, and manv o?h?r luablo attic)**. AL^(> a tint lot of FI.AX I . \i;i\w> from ti>? ra "in in.? HIl'IR K SUMMONS , "N. C. Jan I'i It ( 01J on IS itfNG YKT : \\*? -?III tafcc ruling nsarkrt rat**. In HYt HVM>PF.I> BALI> r;.TTW * 01 A L T^ITTY Man l+lflte, ,f ! ' ' . ?* ??' ?- ?ctiitiju. at l\*riry 'W<>M,>rd'r '1 lill.vlity, the Wlk, lit VVul+tm I}|?V? IB tli? "CflV/fl Saiov fcniig * 'Vts'. 1 ri4?/, iL?- 14tWj u\ Cntitii* Old Fivld, m ttr* H r*i>n'?'>?? H .Shu?? vD'i'g. at W '>'?druff>. -Hiitir?l^y l.MU, ?t ('ranfoidflvilie,' ia th? H fttikoi -mo? irtni*}, ik' |tf*tb!?-bein H Monday, (hi' I' 1?. il 'iw A. (' K?mu'ii I (V.I) |np?l?X)1l. rtivo* at Vei'uvns vill* 1 'ivftJuv. ?lr- *'!?, h? Rci^iille in 'be Kin ?"vr(?it?g. al'J?iib*nic H \Vrdni !' . .'?">i'? A ic # Hmir (taubig <?' ir< " : H U rg?a*4t? "5 th? fore H Holly H I -it l' irnil.i. .1. BcWII ."pringfl in ti,? H t "n i H mh ' I'olUfdi >jl[| ' h-i"ii Sj uiign. in the H ' ii 1 i it lVitk;us' gtore, in (ti? ti'tuinf. *i Finger fill* H ITS, "i m i veiling, ?i IUovn'I. 1. tho kAtk, :it MeKtlify'l, H S|) 1 Uj, lit Marc , a' K" lmg Mill*, in "ii H ' ' I A? rpir" nburg '"ourt li(iUH,ua?ilt(i4ir in I li ' t 11., .ir.i Mh\ . and TUuiaduv, IX h I Ma .: . Ti.'.r.<'l?y. 27Ui March, I "li ' Ypi . an*' ?; TWr*U?y tl*e -4(h t/f H pri'. I'I I'-o ka will lie Li pt open until and H li lhi. till dnv nf MlV. til al.irl. !? ? ? ? * >: < v clost Ar.d all 4b? fill u-.t on- I rf(urui| i-n' 1 > pov their Tm I by i.r of; -i 1 itli tiny of May, ^ ill iMityft H iOui t>? double T itfi", aud Ksecutioiij H Mil fjgun..! f)kO*e i?!,o Lw . I .,;.- i>'!<tvn nod ii 't paid its tlmsc wiii> .ttt i douUe fl 'v.ruiiou >?; ?:o?i iIk ? w..-? ha*c mad* n<> H j.' therefor* *? J r.f j. .*i j-i t.ixh m iskiuyr th? ir re H >.!% 1 r* aru .-:! ? id, --n nvii, an-1 nidi lui r;,3*r ' { I his n!??.' .? merit. Ai fl 1 <i- . "V ?; t nd if any by possibility "! . i ?n'j? -i e, rutinot a'tend lb* I a*-p.. -?. tb* lav r>'>uiree ?l:air return* f > I ? n. 'i -at ft, tit du* before row.* I ishe ml up ' > I h' 1 ill tl'ir, which i* t,> I,- top.irty lit re I i,. h - < -nipti -!i r-* ffo-e. All trioMeri I t i ' 3 t*i > 'he Irt I tifltilur, JMtlt), to ?li?r i - uiujt r ; made known ?i ths. I - " ^ 'ii n. i.i i-iy? i: woali do veil t >rjrs ot^t to tl?t I i? '.ii/'f'C ? tl.rrp totturtlisf? uriiriiboiuoacJ* I Lnl ?f tin on for i t-xrrvr on ibr t"??llr,-toi b\ I . iii-* !ht. a Tf j-or' ?t all theli'e*- n? jtrora in I jhhftfholdl I i ee ttrp^ I ^ ii .< * ? p ?y lute fr -in tii- ages ot l,>l* I t il-- tt.e dl.- kb." i fr ^OI . ** - -'iii. Aul cicx th-Me ?h ? 'V- r 1 .ire fom ;tr niy tin** :n ib* k*!* _ ii: V;-j - t r i nfodcmiv lit < -?.*? ^ xi.t~:*vc lm liur'l tu v an-l >)>? ?a>?" prr roqiiti. nt \ *at J *' *4> f* T** leu It!; Iter .1 laaC vesti: f r< ^4 K. T t Hii.irr 1 V,", UV BIT AX? TAX. 4 ?' > iK'V'Cr r<i't-'-r JfuprjIV \ in w.o i i d t. Kprt?.?g J?cot.'' urn hsreh* iIti I ? make tbeir retuOi.' i ? tue "fl or by I ;. i >tif. . T-> t'fk' It' ?'e the busi ' . i ui iWe it ci?r? eonient. * ? pwtiblr for 1 t<> repitft then t.\?a f t- I r. - a'ignd sl tbt foU<*>rii*X liniei > i' . i '-iiy, 17th instant At -I I : "-0 ifiir i.i) , l^tb instsnt. i t. . ,-i 2('tb i?-t%nt i p-it.i'ibti n C II.. on Wednesday 2Cnd i . ii . t!a i i #' urns wtil > ,I, . ef .-ij 'a ? I 'll p* 'i '1111 f h .11 tiie I.nw pro i . Til" 0 V \KKNON. AlIl.liIMOItV. tiRS. MASTERMAN | '/. -i >' / i. up ptwif \r\neral At/irenf/ 1 k I i" a|A>TI.)1\1 AN l.? on Laj<ii a ^oo4 t J <-1 i.i- Von may J.C it find f.'ietn of" / f'J./i f"{' (,'f.l l.ITY :.c i..t 4 Jb: n i >u[ i-t of her tends. *>I.> i.- also V^'.-nt f>tr ber sistsrs, ths - >! K A A8HTOy. Mwkrt-Hltff. n IM'FiiCTI KKKS OK MUS I t -. i . > . ii -i variety, and I A.\l V ll.llfl M OHUbHS t'n *11?? . ar.itlie?. TI'dfla f : 11 be ptinoltMillv allnnrfial 4/? VfnCS