The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, October 17, 1861, Image 2

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I ?'<* Carolina spartan. I . \it A M iflM? (S a l|- V>?L-.>.l.'.y, (rclubar ]*, 1SG1. u >ttier Company. E?- \> .10 >; i to hoar thai oualhor Vuluulwt U?* \>ecn orgAuliwl at CowpctM Hatt. Ilio following arc the couiuiis"lu'rs: Wm Jk. Smith. Cnplai'i; and Lieut*. 0. C. I " tlcn-igs. W. Williams. and It. M. ycvuggt. I Tlivy I'.gw number over eighty men, but us L ' !( ' by liin aJreriitsnoat, the Captain pKttiflM i<> have iii? q itnpuay m full AithiriguI.. 1. linDV allow. Ai tlmy e.tpcct to g > i:11o iiu* mediate acvvico (tit Means' Kcgiuicrit.) our ft. will have another chance to exetcisc I. their generosity i:i lilting then out. We have ' - uu doubt but iL.u they niilchuotTully respond. Camp ok Inbtrtotiox, > Near Columbia, S. I On. T, ISOI. ] Mr. Editor: The IV lowing inform uiou limy bo of some importance to those irlio ouri respond with friends at this Camp : There are three Kcgiuii n ?, uud other companies ni this j. place. Communications are addressed to the i Camp, without designating the lleginient. ? Cue post master attends to the entire mail matter*. It is important that all comniuiiieaiions for this Regiment should be directed to tlie care of the Captnius of companies. Hhh Ite^i tueut, S. C_ Y. \Yo louy utovo very soon. at.d -unless they aro so directed, the post master at 'Columbia will be at a loss how to forward to proper parlies. E. Military Election. LL Col. Wiu.J|.\ llishop wus, on Thursday last elected Col-wtf to command the UOllt Kegirneut S. C. MiUjV. Santa Kusit. Tbe lit lack upon Santa Unsa was made by about l.ottUof ouv men, tin let- couitit tnd of llrigadier (.letter a I Audcrsou. It was a volinitocr service. The enemy lost between two and iliree hundred?our loss from fifty tv seventy. The citetiiy's houses were burnt, their guns all rpikeJ but two. and their provisions destroyed. 1'ort Pickens never fired a gnu. Tne particulars of lite whole affair hat tint transpired. Tiie Sl( h at Limliluund Knot Camp. Wo aro requested to state that on Saturday next, l'Jth instant, a teeend box will be sent to the Camp ut light wood Kit i Spring. All persons inlCve.-Ucd in the viok at that place, and willing to contribute, are request# 1 to send the articles to the house of Mrs. Jefferson Choice. President of the Soldiers Aid Associtition, by Friday next. Any articles of bed clothing will bo acceptable : comforts, quilts, blankets, pillows, bed-ticks, &c., arc greatly needed ; also, hospital stores of tiny kind, and any suitable cook d food, that will bear transportation will be thnuklully received. Solilh-rs lid ;ui;l llt'IfcT Assuciatloii. Stcund Month'y /trport tj' tLc I'ic-idtiit, nth ending 9/A Octobir. _ " It is with great satisfaction that 1 make out for the Society the Report of the last month, far the (wo fold reasons, that "itch snccs-t has hitherto attended our elforts, ami that u promise of still gyealer usefulness opens before us iu the future. The society lias been maintained with patriotic aider by tho Ladies of the town, and niucli has already been accomplished by their continued efforts, but at the same time sincere thanks, are due many persons ntiui llro District, who have sent in liberal donations, and joined with us tnosi heartily in our work of labor and love. During the past month tlio Society has received contributions frotn the foil wing persons, viz. (Names and articles boetoforc published from week to week.) Received in'money the pan month 510. from Mr. Wuddy Thomson and 51''!*. 10 from the young Ladies of the concert. Clothing gircn to Soldint during the j att Month. To the Cherokee Guard, Cupt. WotTord, -0 -Woolen Shirts 2 Flannel Shirts and 10 pairs Draws. To Cap'. A. K. Smith's Company, Iron I>ist,-.zt Volunteers t> Shirts, 6 pairs Woolen Draws. To t'npt. D. 11. lt.incaii's Company, 2 I.iiisey ': . ' opt. Walker's Company, 5th Regiment, 4 ] v vj yarn Socks. .1 /ticit* now on hand. 12 pair pants, 5 Linsey Shirts, 7 Cotton do., 7 o;' >u Draws, 59 pair Woollen Socks, 2 pair Lotion do , Hospital Store*. 8 Comforts, 1 Counterpane, 17 Sheets, Red ticks, 15 I'illow Cases, 8 Towels, 1 1'illows, 1 Dressing Gown "J Rotties Pickles, 'J Put ers Farina, J Hottlc Florida w it re, ' ) do., Catsup. Cloth fur bandage Ac., \c. EMILY CHOICE, President" An officer of llio association recent ly return* O't troin tliu camp at. Lightwnod Knot, represented to the Socie v, tin* situation of many of tiic*eicK in Col. O. E. Edward's Regiment, and suggested that a l?ox lie shipped next day con'lining the Hospital Stores, t">w on linn I. with all additions! contributions, sent in, in time, and that a leeund box be despatched on Saturday next IO1I1 instant, this was agreed toby a unanimous vole. A box era accordingly dispatched on Saturday I_ih tu iho Hospital arLigbtwood Knot, containing thu following attioles: K> Pillow ('uses, 6 Cotton Shirts, 13 pair Draws, 3 15c I Ticks, 20 Sheets, lOCoinfmis. I Counterpane, 10 Pillows, 1 Jur Pickles, 1 do., 1'ciehcs, t#5 pairs Socks. The Ladies of the association terrier their thanks for the following additional Contributions. Miss Laura Snoddy, 7 Lin?ry Shirts, Mrs. Pr. Kennedy 2 Comfort* and I Counterpane Hollies Wine, Mrs. Stevens - pan Socks, Mrf. I>r. Russell - Hollies lllackberry wine. Mrs. Choice i (Jo., <Ir i|c W'iiic, Mr*. M'rig'.t i couifort, Mr.'. l>. W. Moore 1 Comfort, 1 IMiow, Mrs. Ehipp 1 Comfort, Mi* es, I. c-jjo Ea,; ? and 2 Unities HI ac I; berry Wino, Mrs. G. Harris 2 pair Socks, Mrs. .J. Hams 1 lloitle Florida Hater 2 papers Corn rftar?h - Mis. Ivlward l'urkcr o pair Seeks, Mrs. A W iugo I do., Mrs. Lewis Camp 4 pair <!>>., Mrs. Wheeler 7 Cotien Shirts, Mrs. Pali nuer 2 pair Socks 2 Towels, Mrs. J.ewi* Groin d Mhects, the Mis a* lloltzhoti'cr 2 J air Sock*, .Mrs. Jesse Cleveland 2 papers Corn Starch. By order of i he President MKy JKFFKKSON CHOICE. &ew Y?uk. Oct. J.?The steamer Fultou, which arrived y?;?teiday. brought 1 111 hales of Cotton from Havre* The Fulton did not biing tht larg qunpiity of arms expected. Eke had ^^cx*. her ini.r. ens* - ahout 2,000 tan -W tr* I, e ci e t j i nglif tor the fed .1 i? ,r Faiufax C. H. Va., ) October, 5th 1801. ) Dbau Start an : For several weeks 1 have Lceti expecting that 1 would be able to jyrito you ot another fi^ht and an another victory for the Army ot the l'otouiac. The North boasts that General MeCloilun lias one hundred thousand splendidly drill cd troops roadj and anxious to take up the lino of inarch uruin for tlio City ot lliihin ?nd, but very recently, the Vankoo CJ? tierals have admitted that they are alVuicl to bring their troops from their fortifications. Our Ceuerals have wlvaticed near thein mid offered buttle, but I hoy refused to fight Now we ha\o fallen back a little ways and yet they seem to think they em invade and mi1 jugate tli.? South by acting ou the defensive! This is ceitainly a novel uietliod for " crushing out a few rebels." if our batteries on the river prevent the passing of vessels MeClellan will very probably be compelled to come out and cotmucnce offensive operations. President Puvis has been with our army for several days. lie has reviewed a large number of our troops, and wherever he goes, the greatest enthusiasm prevails. The PresiI dent seems highly pleased with the drill and general appeaicnee of the troops. <!u--tuvus Smith has been made a (ii iieral in our army, and is everywhere spoken of as an educate I gentleman and able officer. lie graduated at West Point with distinction j? has served his country in many eapaeil ties wiih great cHicicnaf, and will when 1 circuuistaiiccH prove it, make the enemy j feel liis powerful arm. The Yankees continue to insult and injure in every way possible, those citizens of MihitlL'ated Mrv i.i n.l u lm -n ~ ' v" | iii sentiment. The Legislators are arrested ' and imprisoned for not declaring tlicni) solves in favor of Lincoln's inf< rnal policy The beautiful daughters <>} l.dtiiuore are I insulted by this vulgar soldiery of the-Nui tli, ' who instead uf being severely punished > for such disgraceful conduct are praised and cheered ou by the fanatics. Su.-h tyr} anny cannot last long. The Southcjn ar. j mywillsoon relieve our oppressed sister, but when and where the blow will be struck ! must be left t<> our (5ciier.ils, who know their duty and business belt r tl.*.n those who are t olishly crying 'on to Washing' ton." From all quarters we hear ol the success of our arms. Today we learn that (!en. L?e has soundly whipped Ho.-cticraiiz, and driven his army fio'.n the important valley I of the Kanawha, tlen. Lee is second to no officer on the Anierieau continent, and his friends arc rejoiced to know that he has had an opportunity of s! owing his ability. I'e lias bad many difficulties to ' contend w'tli. His ariuy had to be organized, drilled und disciplined?bis provisions bad tube carried a great slistanec in wagons, and over roads which constant rains an I a 1 mountainous country rendered almost impas sable. lie lias proven again that lie is worthy the confidence so long bestowed upon liiin by those who know his worth. The great victory won by the intrepid (Jen. Price, has completely aroused the lukewarm Missouriuus, and they are rally ing toour flag in groat numbers. (Jov. Jackson has oidered the Legislature to assemble in Lcxingtm, and it is expected that an or liuaneo of secession will be passed. Let her do this, and then confiscate the property of her enemies, and soon M issouri will be free again. The health of our army i< fist improving. , and the ranks which have been thinrie 1 by i the cruel hand of disease, are looking full again. Snowy winter will > ion come, | and we will have to go into winter <jnarters?perhaps on the other side of the \ river. x SNOOKS. ? ? 31 itiison's Hill. It appears from the 1'ielumnid Ihsp.itoh that the federals, true to their inturui in stincts, arc purning the dwellings ami plundering the property of citizens of Fairfax county, ai.d families are Hying from their desolated homes for places of safety. A day of reeoning will surely eomc, ami if we read of the times aright, that day is not fir distant. A report prevail; that the enemy, alter burning the dwellings at Falls Church, wore driven hack toward their fortifications by our troops. Certain it is. that Col. Tom Taylor's Lentneky rogdniont drove the Hessians from Munsoiis lliil, a i'cw days ago. The correspondent of ihu h'upatch speaking (if this brush says: "The regiment was formed in line of battle ui the footed (he lull, and two conpanics, one on cither side, deployed as skirmishers. It was the work of a moim-nt, and the column was ordered forward at double quick. I pthc hid tlicy tumbled with tremendous yells, and d ?w.i the lull vvcntihc \ unkeesas fast as their legs would I carry thcni. Several of the enemy s lior^'. | men started also, and 1. aping over fences > of a brakneck height, made hasty tracks ' for the distant lortilicut ions. lint few l shots Wi re tiled oil side ; one Com pa I ny of I hi; Kc-utitok ions discharged tlo ii ri ties at long range, and since of tin; led. r.ils were killed. Alter giving them a big scarce, and se dug tlieni same I staiiee on their journey home, Col. I.iylor withdrew from the lull. Init r in the evening a par. ty often went hack, to recover some prop| erly, and >tcoiu| their errand without being molested. IAifairs \i.ono tiu. I'oTomvc.? Fairfax < ourt i I oils*', October Id, lfbil.? I have nothing new to add. Matters remain in u.atu All the sick and heavy baggage have been sent la I he rear, ami our army, to light marching trim. 1 rcatu | it i -nth' ?n n? anm ? w niiin^ mii advance of tlm cui'iuy. hemic a report lii ii Uic i ederul.*, seventy live ihotiaatid r ?;?4. haw creased (lie river ahd are now occupying, with Iheit lui< nil of I rfnx oounfy up to Arooiink Hriilge. [ The aipik* point niiinista. uhly Co an o and S li llie wuhiii a few days. ( Af-'A-noni Kut n-r. A , jVLOIXJ.? " " ? AdvertiHement. major h'm, 11. thimmiku, I>k.\u sin :? lu ax much ax 15. F. Uaiox hax decline 1 aiitv further rcfutnlioit of ujv publicutidi, I ? m I ?' CjaimccSMiry to pursue ilie c ?ntt.?w> -y any ! liiM(l>uuleu lie hud moro succcs-slul'/ i doled my position. On eiamiuuiiou ui my com mil ideations and his reply, it is very plain for every intelligent render, losco lie not directly denied uiy statement, ant! further, ll.ut 1 by lite language and admission contained in liia coiiiinuniciitiun, that lie sees hiuisrlf coin, jiTeiety detected in trying to refill rVmy -taiemeuta In his first r? ply, lie charges me with " malicious allegations uud false siatetneuts," and in the second reply with irresponsibility etc Now if 11. F. Hates had discovered my irresponsibility in the out set. it wouM hate looked more reasonable in It. F. Mules, (as lie has known me all bis life time) to have detected toy irresponsibility at first, aud so slated it - but finding himself so pur/led to re ftite uiy statement, he is compelled to change his sentiments, and attack no- m another point. As to responsibility, it is a well known fact in the community in which we b-.tli reside, that he has always regarded me as a responsible and " citizen. '!!' prove this I will stale that in the year of 1 sent a petition to the l.vgislutuie of this State for ibe otHce of Census-taker for Spar tnubtirg Hi trlol. and that lie not only signed my petition, bat wrote a private letter lo sonic one o! the members of the Bistiact in my behalf. Also, last April, when the ' Hatesville Vibutitcci w is about leaving tor I"nai le-tuii. he ma le application to me lo take a position in hi- stole as clerk, ii? all hi- clerks had volunteered and were leaving. By this ii i- very plain to see j that lie then regarded me as a competent and responsible per* u, lolly liu-l worthy enough I to take charge of his store, post ottioc, and Mr Spake*' blacksmith books. All I ask of the impartial and ini-ll.. gent read r. is a fair investigation of the . whole subject, an ! deci le on the question ur| eordingly. As it was i 111 i in At c' 1 in my last article, le has a< knowledge <1 marly all the statement* j contained iu my liist article. to :i very rcliai hie g" titletiinn; .at least, lie only objected to a | very s/nnll clause eoiilaineii tlicrein. It 15. K. Haas as lie si 1 in hi" caul, Iodines any turilier coiitrover-y on tin' subject, 1 will al-o dismiss toe -ubject. In can.i elusion, I would respect; nil.. invite the impartial ami intelligent k :.L'i' to a thorough investigation of the whole snljcot, mil le .do according to the true position that endi one has occupied in the coalroversy. 1 w uM also relet' to my certificate publish' 1 ;ti e n..e .n with a former aiticlc. Aiso. 1 would impure who J. 1*. II en ley is. and where he resides t I saw sin 1: a n -me on Mr. Spake'* oertifieate, and know of iiumu !i ! a name in the c uimunity. \Y. t\ GOSSl.TT. *J. !?. II 'tiley sliouM i ave heen printtd J. ! l-'ctiley. It was a ty p m/ eror. K lilor S|i irtiiu. Klatlirr tiniimIiivt. Aflcr glancing at our telegraphic dispatclie this morning our readers will he amused with the following pniaigiu| lis fioin the l.ouisville Journal of the oil; in.-t : I l'ossint.i: t,'M*i fitK or New \\ ? ileal n frotu tlie St l..?ui> Itepolilicaii, ofye-l'.iday, that a letter was teoeived iu that city from New Orleans, in which it was stated that a licet of seventy v.-ssels, large and small, was , then coming up the Ituli7c to attack New Orleans. 1 lie ed.lor did ii it sve the letti r. I ill : this i said to he the substance oi .t. Nor is it improbable. It is well known now that an immense ll ei sailed li'oiu New Yotkiu -o in; -t i i.u. i m n> uurtiiat iioh. ily knew its obji el oi it !?.- 1.1 i ion. lott the impression wis general tint would bring up on the Southern cou i, vth eu has doiihtloss h< eu the use, an I no surpii-' llei i he ex I i ess, d u N ,".v ( h '.cuo- llns a l r I; hceil Cap! ai v I by the 1 1 State !h i !. ^ i ? - ?? Coiifi'drraU* Sdctdlntiv. A-;' m lilet ol general III! I'll i! loll I lie !'?; '.. mornt Kxaminer publishes the following ah struct til' ibo lu.v regulating liie t'onfed i a-e St ill elections. Tito i*li-c<i >fi fur tne'iib >rrf of l'oiigrp*s, In !> In* d mi i lie Ii > /1 : in ,\ i .?'? /. is;, whicii electi >11 -hull In- fntiihii'tc I according t liie pi-riu >iiii*iit t"iailiiirinii mi I tlie 1 iw> ot tlie i bovci at Stales in Inter I' r tint pnrp.. e. In Smies uliieli may ii ii liuvr provided by Imi I i such election, i lie same will lie held are oni In liie laws beret olnrc existing ill swrii f*lat for I ho elect ion <>t members of tkc House of Kept cscatativ cs in tin* ("otigio.-- ol the I 11: ( * I Sl.i erf. Tlie nppnintment of elrciors f.>r l'resdicnl ilii'l Vice-President is also on the day of i!io ('on^rrs.iioiuil electi>>a - Ueji-n It- .' i/i .\ >i'im!j<r Tlie electors are in me i in ilieir respective Stiiies on thtfi it IIVi/fi< /' , n m',, : ii I proceed lo vole for l'ie*i lent .m l Vi > l*ies dent. t.'ongrcsH is to assemble in regular m-ssion, nl I lie seal of Ooveritiueut, on />< i/hf" />'.'> . >./ , iifh'ebru '; >/. isti'j. iiii /:,r,* nth of Februai y, il i* provide! thai the President of liie S-n ate shall open liie reeliticaierf, niol tlie i- te* lor l're?i?lo!il and \ i c Prosi ii lit -I.all lie c.uin 1 lei. Tlie President of tlie (\.nfcder:l P Slates is 11 :i 11 l>i innny i.iiUdI oti iht It, ';/ / t / / ' hfii lit/, 1 Ni_*. k tidci'sutiN I'l'orluttiuf iott. I.oI'Ihvii i.k. Sept. -J. ? The loiloM i:ig j?roclnmntion lias jusl l??en issued; Kfcvrii hi a.ns: t nIn I liy liie I.i g -lauu r nf (ii s .ny iiut ve Stale. i lie eb, i sum eonmiiid [ of tliis llepurt iiirtJl. I e.'tne |. eliloi . n r i,j make laws; nnd, Milling. In pi. art y. or ' liie*. Rltetnfo* of tlio country have dared to in\a le our sn 1 K i t u ky e u lung r. Site Ii us \ nil iy >t ii veil lo kei p t lo pea r v> . 11. Iter neighbors. Our S ur i?, now in . led 1.\ I i .. r- - i I. <j <- null | r | iiiV-n-IM III 'C iiit W.fllU- I ill ii. ill seek tn < oiii|iiiT her. \ > ti n ?mm ?t N, n k i i* in I ?ng.*r it- hi I Air n? I hi<.s ,iii> a*., I en* i;i ry I'll" in v i ti'fn in.i<i .hi I <11 wilting. vri.l In* i*X| filc.|. I'll.- Ica.lur nt the hostile lotci.*> w lui now i?|.j>im i*Iii-h i-. i regret in say. it l\i .line', i in. unking w n tut Kentucky itn*I K ir irtil-. I. " ill pnJl illHtfl'OllPft ut' opinion tip iivi rlookdl. Km iv oiu* who now rnilii*-. iolh<jii|i|inri of otir Union ami.our State is u I ieii*l. Ititllv, l ili'll, lll_v 0 "III I \ llll'll, Ullllllul I III* ! flii" our latluMd lu\**l, which Lit- **:iii*M I ui n | so long. I cull you lo arr.i? f?r self-ilofetici*. n'i 1 for I thi'jiro'ifiion of all I loll m tlcir to fr?*i*in*:i l.?*i hi trust ii. t.u.i mill tin our limy, us Ii i ' our failici i. Iioui.iii Anhi usmn, Hi lg uli 'i I ii ii. I'. S. A. Nr.wfJuxs:* K\i ii ;i,in. V corn**?pun I n of ill" Niiwynrk l'i ib , n<\ writing on hoartl tin* Unite i >. ni*? i ig ii, loinuokv, 11 .mipton Il 'it l-, Sojilciiiflor 17, \\ < nil to morrow morning, inooinpvtiy with >o\?*r il ol the vessel- Iluii lian* been m Hat'emx lull*), lo an import mi | Mini ii|>< ii the u Ii n coast fliers lo iilicnipt to achieve nuother vie lory similar to i liil >0 siiceo-slitl at Purls llalle re1* ui??t I'IhiU. Ii will bp, it I hiii ?ioi (trcs'ly iiiisi.i1 . n. h 11 i 111 j? - ii ; nii'l len-. K- nmiuili, ,1 ino trioiu|>li iiiilv lo our foro Slroi < vii'iory Httniu (iprrli iij.Mii our I mi.. it * o^cii lo ns n cliuiiii 1 1.3 w cli ?o will l> pnn b.oltu lonlllip spviTost iliat i-oi- s-iou id nthumsfic r.llos tr< c r re" -i L?' JJHBLL-X.I-i tut ill i: ti gage life ut uvur \tw I Oi-leaiiM* New Oki r\nh, (It*!. 12. ? A nnvul ? -g?-- ! titt-iti begin 11?i-? morning u! 3. 1-". itt the ii? .ul I ul ilio !'us>p , wiiicli Ittsii'iJ nn hour, iui<1 win iignin rem w? t! .it DuVluck, outiiiuuiu^tur nuuii: lime. The luilvwiiig tneisnjro whh sent by. Com mo lire 11. ! I 11. it. tiiv N.iviil ticjiiiri iiifiit : "Four m k'i>\. 2 p in ?l.'t > t ii i v Ii 1 at in 'k e-1 tin- ih" kmli r.- v?;n in\ 1 t !? ii? I, mi l a cceiltnl, iitie.- ~ m rv hluMi in lo, hi il.iiiii^ litem .ill lie i mill1! :it tin* mhiI li? . *1 l'.i*? i rxi'vpi ilie I'iclilc, which I Mink. I ^upiutcd a prize IVi)iil lli> in. itlill at; or I g.n litem lusi in I lie !>iiii'i 1 peppered llteia well. No caMialiics <ii ouv .-idv.*. 1: was :i complete feuo! CCS i." The enemy'* l'<iri'c i? represented io have hecu t tiliont loity g 11 t * u i I in' i y one tin u mid men ! white oili iilliein >11 n % I o lli i I cm le t hut SIX ' (ecu ciuis mi I i'ihiiI tin1 * hundred men. li i.i report! <1 lli it iIn* irun sic niter slink ilie I'rehlv with lu.'i' sio>-| prmv ('oiniiimlorc llol lilis will .nr.v- in tli.sci j at hi!: p.-i 'V o'clock In', I'iii-I lit'i- from lite \aial ri;-.lit. Niw i >i: i i. W". let I V.- The priz. - e plmcl were ilie schooiu i Jon-ph II. I.oo.k* mi l the 1 .niinch. belonging to Kiciunoiid. laden willi cutlussc-. The Vi-?-le shiiI; ? i.<iL.' \ inc inns A ipianiiiy of lumber belonging l" tliosruciuy, nl the head of the Pas-, was call. nine I by ! fire. Three'' ol'our i-x j cdilioti m lived hero last night. lie 1-1)31111:1 mill Ihe Ith cUmlc' The I i i i f the liiii. ii S.emiier !h-riiiiid.i r iiiinii;: iiie bloc ad Si a nah is piiloi y pivcii on!. It is I. I to 11: i ? pi oeeeile I Innii i Lord Lti"lis' imiei i.tide, where i: w a letai' <1 hy n person tin ;n I'li-iiii, - n. I'liiiii.-cli iil. II r I freight is said to ti iiitlm of 7o tons pow Icr, 1*1 iitii-hi 11lli*> ' 11 1 i min ill. OU.iM'li pairs ul ; shoe.-. I.i' ge |n *i 111 i- nl clolhiug, blankets, <|iniiiiio. oiol iiiorpi.nie- II -iiiomtraiir-c.s against j her completing her e trgo ami sailing were Moid' l.\ Mini-ii i A wills in Loudon, hut the I Foreign Oliioe did not I el at liberty, n- -re i ih ii- obligations, I" arrest her iiiila.viul vov<;ru?'t-n] i'rlc i. I.oi i.svn.i.r. i?ei. 12.-- \ special di-piti h in the Si. Louis |? it ., from .lall'crsoli t'i y. >et. b. rays that Llilc ?1 oihl is enici t lined there I t i * ii i ill Price i- in I.;- w a, -.ii'h Willi lite III.I.II b !y ol h - al :iy. Iliol ul Hudson 4'lly. Ni 'V N i i K, < Ti ' \ 1011. i . i ..ecuI'm d in Hudson i ity .n Mm i i _' .t. helween the Harui-y 11: i! - - ipi'iii'-rcl at the I'm ed Man A I? ioi 11 a lltl t hri lulu'I i'ed eil I / IIs. w 'i "a I: ' is to ire 1 may lead to -et ous re-ults. \ iiiiui bcr oi porta (is wurc seriously injur I. iu ! 1 mg i he i \ nr. KSx* 1 (*2? nciilriili!., \ i i t-si. | l'i;Tltull. i let 7. A sp? . a 1 -j noli : ihe Frcs I'i - I l oin 1 u iy? i hat ol. Kan kin a turn.! i of ihe I ni i! i : r u i.t. la: million/ t L\ 'ion's Hov.. nmeiii n? rai?o a ri'tfiiiu-iii "i liiii'ois in i.uil.i. ti .> . i - * i i i yes-e. ii i; V i t- : n. in v . i i ?\ I : . l? leei: ttc'i i ality | ' i .i . i from Swi?!mi <>n?l. Kit it ion i.-H'O.U V . in. .try contribution!- i I'or the -.imy c luintii- i !> received in Kiclt- | llloi; ! ill 1 . I . ' Ii i ' ?, I lie \| , iipi Con trihoii' lis i <' i\(m| ila< > in "ti lit t- I to $|:'(l,- f , 1 iu va'ii". and i lit ii In 11 in ti ni other ! I S: ,i - to , ... i. . .' i.t ! - ! j l!i? . . ' > . I . It i? rep i*i I lr . "ii til III 1 i .?_ II. li .1 II jll- ! I 111.I I, I llnn'i'. li .1 1 ! i _ . li? III: I ~ i'i*l I"! y "elViril lui'i i'.iiii ' to :in i rupture ill i mm r !u. i anil IKal I,mi l.iu:i? 1i.ul i \\ n .. i^' ii I in* I . I mm I lit i HI I i .li? i In i.i - . . i i (iiipI .- inro ilu* I iii-i nit. :i- r j 'i i-il ii: the I'iim-ji.ti I Miii i. i? ^ I i s , Tlte i a?c i?i' Fri'iuonli t Wiiii" jton, Oct r. -Nothing luil the iui| ' i ll i\ c 'i i "f tlie | .I i . iii11: e t will lu 1 .eii i i.^ i, v. tin i .i -iijn-. I ' Attorut)' Gene ml ia tint mi"! in i ,< |i\J rr-.-i'.|| lit 111* lip II 'I 'n'r; uiliir i 1**" <11 * i i'iiihv.-il. He line-, ii i i'i ! j i 'iiiuiii. ' 111- i "! Ill juli it H'.-om hfttlm ^ . j N t IVII.I . > lul i' I \ . i \l ! : I ' . her IJ \ , .t 'I . ; t: III ' . 1 ' I . r ! . VI . .! ft... I, tile !i, I i'|.i I i! .1 | i i? ii Tin ii i : ii..lei Ai. It i .1. i. r .. - II. I : I ; - . . ! I .n ih i. .. .. IV- : NlllM- :i ii _ i'i !! .11. I '.!i en i h it. , i. n'\ i i ! t!i.' i no. ...('. t i i \o i i , I ^ I. ' iiioti riii'l C | i t li vii h' -i tl .i' i .ii I |'I lll'l w . - I ?|'? .. i w ii .1 I'. i .'I I.i" . ; .1 !' 1 j... li I" t. ... t :. i . ... . . . itt !?. . I in- Mi nij i.i- \ . '.ii.e I.' * i v . . . ... .. i_. ill .. 'III'. I II 'III 11 tin it ., l\ tu k ., \ ir ii t In i .t few ?!:iv.? -..u-i :;i > i ; r w .1 -out to ' '. liM't ii> 1 tin* iri -t < ! iti Ma: tin- I<1-. ' ut :h it it .! ? I hi-> in Ovvmi rti!i?ii\ i.l 1 In.- into, wliito two tiiou-i in I :r in - i < ml' io i' - ii;i. o i ll 1 iiiitlor cumin ni'l 1 1 < ' '!. i i iiinjilii - \ M.11 -I1.1 wlmu 1- colon : . f 1 i\ lick V 1'i.iiin lit 11 tli" M.-m. .01 w if. ni. 1 <i.-tin_ ii-!i i lor lit- I r tu1. v \\ o aro ;ti- > ii.f ii;i 1 t!i:i? wli.i'e ooiintiv i- in .1 11 1/0 ol o [O.toiii .it, mi tlunisaiol- are ru-luo.. t 1..0 -t ui.'n l ni llie t i -\ 1 rii-.r. Ill- Suite tin.ul. Ii:i v in . hi tli- ir |.o?1 ?ion tli in,, atxl c.union u? llio Stiito, will nio-:i\ join Ma/ flin - 1 .1 < a- tin \ .ii" cliiotiy 1.1 .iti ! in that |. n I.. 11 ul tin- We t: ici|.iti n, therein:.-. , t h it t ll" llllr - ol allil III \ lilt I'll I ii I\ I n iiii*k\ w ill t>e | rot:\ noil j.; ivu: i w i 1 I Ii -10 11'. mis 1 1 1 if. 'I'l'ilitit 0 i>t" l{"s]it'?*l . A1 1 - |>i- 'tal 1111- -I.ti^ 1 1 < It. 11 in- ti ?l ! I i w i'.il Kn..t SininsrH, -. nil I inn, at two O I*! Ill k , |. Ill , . >t I II" - III. > 'i.l ' I I. I ' I lir- ekuni'i w i- u| |... ni. I 1 Ink riiinn, tin I 1' I., r.rni kinnn r. . I . > u.n . - S : - 1 ; wlo-r.nij n li t- - j ; mi 1 uolicio1,0 :i? win < Mian . . 1 I j- i-il . W to 1 1 i' I a l>. I 1 lit \ .0 \ 11 1, 1 -j I 1 . 11. > ; 1 111 1 I lii', .in V. 11 !. c . II 1-. .1 W ii V III i It J.I I l ,| 11 On ii. | mil l w .1,1 .. a . A . In* 1 . 11. ti n| I10111". 11I > > in 1 ilci. 11 I t. " t 1 n io" in-1 .ii.l,.., 1 " 111111 y, a; . 11 : iii i miiii-h i\ t . : iuM ill. in .1 |i r linn- i?i ] ?il ? . o i- I-" i uii I -i i\ i * !i in ' 11' iii) r it- i i . . -fi'ii.i r.m-li ! I i I'iiii I'l', li - 1 . I' ll li A V i '. I I ' If I M-! CMff In I I A .It "t .! II I? I I, ..I II.. I . -.1 siiii]| . 11 iii i?'ir 11 i i. ' nt if Iii nl ii uli i.n ?ii ' li ill ' tif |i 111' ' III I till' tl't llij;i !l Of wllns* 'I . -'I.I i .11 I Vfi^ III 1 I. til 1 I- III v. I - I || - I (iron . \ f t A. ?Ii ?iinl hi o .i . it . . I lit' liis i V II ii. ii IV ini Hi- i I i. i i 1 i II u i11, itI r |i i . i I i - .! lif ' -C IJ it II " I Am, il I II 'In . 1 f tlilllf li '. I'.iil \\i I if ? Iii !'ij<f in o ir t'.mi[iuii I i. i i . 11 s .i.i I if i If i tlifililf it'll - I > i it Ii i I 'li- it ii. i ^ iliff ? 1 li all in i - - i . (i ii tf I. ir- l.i in iv lift f ul'lf r bf r *ii1v fil it;' i li- fri I Ii it is i:i f nl 'iff nf intf 11r .t'.iiin.l ri'KplVt I'll lllf I If I l fl' I, A A .1 I I' li'llrtl biol^f nl'iiin ii u.iif I i iii \ l-iy.n. li. ,'I'l, . ii.. i " <' 1 pull. I > I li I : III ! .1 tl I . . I ll I- "I I >1. V !?. r I, iiii I Ih"i i - i . i ' i' \ .tl .1 i > i lu> will ??l J'i v; U-li i ! i . . iu )?'* ? * ! T 11 Uklih ?! AikI tl lliAl Wtf funiali io i In- ! mi i i i , '.i c-i] v ' i I'-rc . i nr i <" in i k ; i .I-:I oi u.t I ><?r t i| t> ti IV I'll'" I 1 1 ti "it II. r KM vN, Chiimiin. J I h. UKOCKMXN *'i in' rr FOIt MAJOR. The Fricudd of ?'ij>imn WILLIAM II. KAY, j rwpectfull}' uiiuounce hi in as a Candidate to till the vacancy (occasioned hv the jirouiotioli of Liul. t'nl. I)i.<ihu|i. in the ollioc ol Majur of the 2u<.! llitt.illj it :j',iii K'^iinent S. I*. M. MANY VQTWU8. I'OK .>1 1 JUK. NY i: arc autl.ori/ed to announce Lieutenant JOHN F. MttSS is n Candidate 4*-'C MAJOli ..r he 1st Mait.ilioii, y M. We me authorized to iitiunuiicc t"<>|,. 0. i I-. 'lOW NM, of UroeuviUe, a cnuilate to r jir< cut the Fifth Cnii/ruMtioiiul l>i.-trict in tiie ' undress ?JI the Colli. derate Sinii Sept 1 1 Hi?to Tlu? irieu Is . i t ..], JA.MKS I'AltllOW res. |'CCll'ull\ tut >1UI1CC liim us 11 caii'li I it<* to rc|>ro ? >11 ili *?i!i i District in ilie < '-Hi) -v" t lie outi 'K t air Sun 's. July IN I'J ? I A >< >K Arr T1 MS. I AST NOT I' II: rpil!' sub.-cribcr. In-ill'-; nunjoi'l ! in have I iiiniiry lo furry mi In liiiMtirs- j;ivrs this, his /</ '. <" , nr .'ill in cuiiif t'orwanl ini'l /'<?>/ ini. fl?f the; will I'm I iltcir Accoolil iit the Lull <il'J M. I il I fur collet" i'i'1. 1 \\ KS1.KY WYAI'T. Orl. l'i :i'J It. > < > ! 1E0. \l.l, !? '? Inn i having claim-- :ij;a:iist IIi<I ii'iilii> uf Free Solionls. will hand iIiimii in liy t li-? "Jiil i Oct, (Siilur lay) so i lull ilii-v cnu be paid. A. WtNUO,See, Ocioiii-r IT. I sil. Jt. rusT orrin: sr\inmnbi k<.;. '? Tonrn u?, is?i. n\\IMi K|> In till' ]ill-M-lll llilte lll'lill'il lltl - iini.. |iv ?,.| . i I' 111.11- Hull, Fairla x tII Norinlk \ i . ,i A ci-tii?. uii'l ilti r c\ l aiiiiii/. iiihI n,. I I r.iti ! it'll "I Ilie : 'mi'-., it i- >\ Viii in. ? | 11: ill inn to i > any olio oi ilie aliovo |ioii::<. I n i?v l>el it my Iu?y " charge 1 i roll is oil a! i -! n jle loll 01 s for llic ii'.mvc 'Icst in .I i.iii. aii -1 \\ .'i <lo > Ir-en ilat?. n.i 17 :? J. li:I:, r. \i. i ( ii i, rim V ;mmi:ki:s For l'ii|?lain (inrn's iiailm ol' I.iiilit 4 5 l< persons will t*i tuiAcli llieno ties A ^ to IS i'Ii i wi.. ti . I a li.-t in ii. i,a.i is of 0 1 i V- M iort?, at Glenn 8| ring. Col. M M?re will jt \ ill inf??rtitt4tiott about iliic niipniiy i? ii-iy no in^uiiing. (?oi 1 * o- InI i*i i i t >s WiMili'tl. 4 I 'ir.ii|inti \ \ o'uiil is w i oijaai/ ! ii 1 ' -n oil - 1 > I It' Il I "II 1" .?. t I I t Ill oil fl III Mollis IG'n'* lii-n i'i i- ' i.ti ,s ; i t vol In o i ' ( > nil in. - i ,t 1 ' . ft ? , a a Ion i/ i i ooiVf a i i \ ii i' I It nia ie i 'I: i io lie i i signed i r I.'I'. (' So. . \V. I> \v i mis, in* il. '1 Soriip -. MM .IAS S I! I'll, C ; i (?.;i IT if LHEItlFFS SALE J. i I,, vti. i. ir.i, - ;i. J > i < i. ' I. .i v. "I I r. h . | ) 'I '"l.| or t ,|, | 11" 11 Sl', tfl I If I si ijf .1 I , I ,11.1 I II ' I t 111 Nov; MM; I i l'N Ai t.'i Ittlo i< idence < !' Del tiilnnt, the folr lowing | I ; My. \i. 1 I i i .iy llt'l- f. 1 .-s.nv all I j s.. r .. i l..: I 'oi u io. i ; , i 'artiling i la, a -luail it ti i "in. 1 .-jitiirniio wiorl, ] Loom. 1 III- ! it ml Stead, I tliiut. 1 1 orn Mill, 1 Trunk, .\o . ?< l > i I'-oiy "i l ai. -.v, .i.? ,| . lit t iu* * ii. I l \\ in. IY11 v i. < T'liii' jf'il". c.1 .1. I It. M. Gi:\THY, I. o. : I. . -I ( . < :i. I'J. 1- 1. < >r<liii:irA "s 11 11. " *a i, \ ri:, \ s. J mie* 1. ... I i \ ; i , I. 11. . |, l 1.1 . V. .. . ... .1 I. > ( ) > i v i i i i. ii o o i' i ii .- i. .. .. ? < ol .-s .1 . . ,f 1 \\ I I. : II. ! >1. , I I il I a ti a . . \ : . . I. i.. ... . ... < . .n ii I.a . I. oil. 11 i . ' t.'O \ I . ., ii. . Win I I in,-! ... 1 'II I to I. .. IWl'l. la i *?\, il lit.or. si |'| flu ?> . HO I' t I. ...ii' !l lltil-l I, fa I ill a ill. i n .,. r g viiig I if I an I - out , \ . !i I a ' ? ' ! Mie i .II.-".-. it 1 > ' "l III' o , y. e . inc iLo j'tir,' is? i,.< noy. By l i - II. II. W . i .. .all. I will . t to > : i;.i 1..i ,,|. ^ 1. Gli.V : IIV, s. . u. d l'ho State of South C ilium. 1 "s i i : i.;, i: v. .1 .1. 1., O 1,1- .V w . 0, , ?. T. A. \\ ? , 1. 15 I I I' l ' III.!. Ai . ii \ t. 11 . , . oi of i It i oiri i n i! I-) ' . I w > lW ,, t.,l. .? ?- i' i in M ii lay . I In- 1 I. li tli \ ; .N n.iii. et iioxl, l.ic io.."? iii^ Ileal l.,i.tic oi - . i il . I . \ I.lll .> i ,1 'i.i i i. tin a n !li^ 'J < .ul in o or if. . ii . it a -lako. lino ;o S ?. I.. -7. .". -.itOi'. t. ,ee N, i! K. -i.'i m .Ue. "V, ill , S a. 1. 1. . 15v 5; 11.on .? . . ti i ._( ? ". i roeK ili<* line i > * >n . I ilea V ?. . 1 -tone. 11, nee S ?\ . i" t *i n. r l.< I N nitiingacres, in m m* le li g ii'i _ i I - i.. ni. .ion. e > ?"*. K I I - .a , in. i. , , i. _.1 " . i? <<am, ^ v i o. in.. > in He S I p, I. o u. ij.i , tii 11 c c N, J ' . 1. i *" 1 I' 11, t.l n ; I nee .N 7l>, W I i. ?, 11.e v, .1- i* > N >, i ?: me; I lien v > - VI . 0 *i nk : t heneo S i i, \\ .>!'l m i<i?; Iiii'iiee I Is, U ?.'i1 . etoiie llnnee > H iii. W . i?. . . ii. ui; iiieni'O Si ' - ' I "I III . I. Iltit > l, I., i '.-7 I.Cglllli.l 1 l.i I \ niiiiiiiiing S<? norc.i, in . ?? .i""?. i iiiiii^ . i K 11. thence si I '. Ii r.? a :e N i . I. i IetoQO mi 1 ..... I It'll! - It .1 i. lit' 'll llll ' I I tl ), "I Ui . I'.il t'l . 111 ii N J I. I.'17 -iinil", in ?i i N .. v i-. ourwoo.l; Ilienco N 18, W 20,7ft R 0 i " ill ii? i"i N I. K > si'ine ... .i ii ii i ill lie beg lining. i.i ?i \'. I i ni.lining III ii ere , iinirc ?>i le* beg mtg nt at una N 10, W ltl,WI It O; lUenoo - ' . \i i 1 i I'll tlienee with (ireeiirille i nl .. ike in <.t road thence 888}, R 1,7 I e . f N 7 1) I ' i.s the beginning. I 11' \ i i ntiiimng 1 ' I iii'rei, inne <ir i' inn.ii,: .ii 1* imi 1; ol i n i I, thence .t ,. X\ i . i. i Ktone; ihtnov 8 I}i841|i0j ilod#{ ill . it: t Ii t lie > hi uiliiirg ; .i-l in the I. ,ui lung. I i ii.ti ^ Sold nil a arc lit of ono nnd two yen i -. vt.ili 11?* ? i ~ t ti'.m the iliy ot nal.' I1 ircllU-ei-. In g : 11 Imlitl llllil I tt . n | i*ii V ml Mll'filrt I >i" i lie | 1111-11-i-e iiinliey. ex<V|il the nnt. vtiiit'ii I* in Im | i. l . .iv;i. I'm !. i-ei - io |m v Inr till. -. r s i tiiti i . \ i. in . i. i. s. t>. i .lunn t~i . i s t Mhve, 11 :. I I: Ii 1 Si. I. Del 17 M -It I I .1 .1 > ! : i V. MRS. MASTtRMAN i >' r , . I, i, ml J-.'ilriln Mhs. \i A.- ri:\l \ N im* mi h m I a >{. ?>?i - |; |'lV III ill III T ) III.-. \ .,11 Dial u\|. . iiiiuilili I . / ?,.'/" 7 / I /. I T\ . S i.' ..liu-.t* ilie i iiiiiniio I ?i?|>i>or? of Iter i. ii n-N. \lr- \| . - al- i \ :> ?i i l".?r lier si?irr*. I lie Mi-? < \l \ \ \SM H>N, i.i ~,1. M.ukci-xirnM. ii , u ri. n ants oik \% 11; > - > ' v I,i,'iv, l'fc\4 % BB .lit W OltXi ,11,. # " ]> .\ ,|ti. i, 1.' I t.v Have 1 .... - ,i.i ,,n I)., l 1 no* H 1 y ' ~ AwKi^neeV Hale. BY virtue of an assignment to ue, by D W MOO ltK, we will sell on saleday in No vumber uext, (4th)the following pr rcrty, vu 1 new Uugfyi, ^ 1 2ndhand buggy, 1 Family Oarriugo, 2 llockit way s, 1 old fuuiily Carriage. 1 Jit I Iniiid ('.unity Carriage, Terms yt -u < : one tli'rd cash one third du 1st. Jutifiurt ii^'ll. one third due Lit Junatr 1^ >'J. with interusi truii date. Purchasers t give l> >od mid good ttccui ity bcfiic t iic pruj ^rt_ is deli vol cd. S. BO BO, Oct 10. 1801. A. W iNiiu. i lie State of South Carolina. I'o ill/ it nil si iiyului I / tin ililHtiyers uj the (JeHerit crii'H.1, for the District <>/ S/i<irtiinbury : IN puie'iance ! un Act of the General A*Keru i Iv Simc, pu--n' I 'in the l'illi l)cc., A. D. i*-ii. :i11 act ol tii" Confederate Congress litit| 'T An Act u> put into operation tli Government, under .li/ permanent Consiitutio : ol iIn* t "mifo lei .lie State* of Americu," you ur horehy i i' iu.icl, after giving legal uotice, (an l> ing duly <|ttiilifiv<l.) to proceed to hold a | !-:ie? lion tor a Kpresiuialive in the Cutigros : ni i lie oulodciuic Slate', for the oth Cougroi! ! si dial I?i-11' t. on the 1st Wednesday in No | vctnher next and the day following. til the mini | place, to he conducted hy the same Manager* i and in the fame totitiner an the Flection o \1 onli t" ot the State Legislature, and afte 1 having determined >>n the per.-ou duly elected 1 you ini C'Tisty li" Miine according to Law, un , del- y nr liuud and - ai, to the Governor for th { time heing. G en un lcr icy hind ind I lie seal of t he Slate in I'duiiihiu. this 2dth day of July, in ih year o! .,ur Lord one ihoii-aii I eight huudre< a id sixty-one, and in llieeiglity sixth yea of the SuVi reign ty and ludepeodeuce of th Slate ol South Carolina. K. \V l'K KILNS. Wit. It. lit vr. Itept. Sec. of St ite. Spartanburg <'. II. ? \S. II. Triuituicr, J. 1 II. II Mil-hell. | \\ ehln-r s I'.ox - Alfred Harris, O. 1'. Met'at ther, M in. \V either. Green's Henry White, Jr., Henry Dodd tjlivii'i lark. Morg in' ?Win. H illinger, John Wheeler, 1 S. Moingoiuviy. *" t a ti.i ic- i. F. \udct>ou, Jas K. West ' claul. L. J . Johli-idi. Ilohhy's t". t" I. ay ton, J. S. Uogers, llarnt K Fowler. W 11tiff - !i S. Mien. Jonas Urcwton, A IS. U It II Isiv ingsvi.'.e?W:n Hush, John I*, llrown .1 j t*. Fowler. W .. ii T. S. Lipscomb, Samuel Littlcjohr Smith 1... tnli. \ on - .1.uiies Scruggs, Thonuis Fo-tei i J hn M in ii. iii mi - Sam. Suintier, John McCravey V. :ley l. ilil t 'it Fritice J. S. Collin*, Samuel Turnei ' I ii-.. , FK-V. <.! it Spring. Ziioniertn an, D. II mill, Alt in i. ineiu?ler. *.l -i n-. 'i - I m. II. Sli nnls, Joliti Mayrtil W. ff, ll- tiilrl I -vit - Si j-iieti Klrhjr.J. F. Slonn, Wn i v.. ' -,-r. < -* \n !i.ii-?\V. II. K'mkI* Win. Slivld.m Franklin W > -". 'I'liurn- I. II lliu ?, I T Faulre!!, F.irl II. .-I. ii iiirv'- i i .:ii i a i. Sun ol M.-nui i i; w ii *?. . ^ i.ia 1' ml !' I> K-i>*. P.iirrcl liurri?, 1 , It . ii i..l -A i". San I.ilui Tuuier, iI r 'in :i. l" a iu;1.ntii,.? V. .I! Wliiic. Calvin Full ". .' in- 'i it'iiimi*. It- ii : i II.- ir l-:i, .litinc.- F- *ler, Man i i Ma - j.Ii. ? a upliell M ' i k-rtn, Win Wet, 1? Ah i u v (i W \ ilk r. (..!.a -n .In .ii- il >'r..tul*. laiiH-s SI-t li III. .1 illfl ill ' II Vl-t- .1 S Collll!*. \ rrn -ii-h 1 1 i' 'ii !->ii llaivt-y Untitle I v i-C K 11 Ati.uger, M.iotuul Small vice M | MiHirI I ..... i r'nj;.? II I ucMieut, C 1' l*cl k. i e - - -II II Turner vice F Cnn Kj?t it iir\ ml vice .1 Turner. . I l h i ! . .ih H 11. t-l. U 1 v .Hi*. .-i i'..u i. 1 ?oS N Siii 1-1?'. W l> Cli ij-tu m iim : ; v i Mm I. v \ C ::\y. .II-.-1 - lluj'i-, J S'-rup Cr . N .'ille - W il tr:*i I i? l'< t !.i I Pel. Ml. il . "i ' > ". .1 .1 New mil C.ilviu I.; -! _\ . - H i >| , k P-ouiictl, ?> !' IjCiiiuiil, \i i. '. -i P?-C iv iv. i \ AU-x.iiuk-r, Mu-i-s Foster, J V -I oe. lie .i i !e -W T Miller. .-< j?i.. > Turner, .1??li Henu 11. il.'. t' ?I W It. rry, Joliu KlUcr, W 'A hit . IVup H J2 1 ?"v k: P OF SOUTH CAKUL1XA r < m [ A 'y . ' /N ? z t ' !*> 'A -V.: " V il 11 -Ii r.-.r. I'TIVK PEP U'.TMKNT, ) t "it A 1. I Ittl'.iN. > l*T. "27. 1 Mi!. I /;>"//'- K.XCKLl.KSi >. / '. IP. PICKEXi i, t\l i > !> )'<?M M. 1X1/ u.,:,' IS l.\ i> " i EH TUB ST a TE <> S >1' ill C 1/?'?>/./.V l \\ i rca . in! rm ? i ii it been rocpivoil n : li?- p??[Miriiii< iii iii ii I w * ii m irru ?l.tvo. ill it ]>. iv nt Nil. ami \ ii rm. <>t Par.iiiglon Pit i io . v?.i? iriv?l .iii-1 e<invi<-:pi| of mi auociiii .11 -hi > .i- i i. * t ill '1 ^iri.v nt I lie State, wv Hcntciicwl io lie iiuo on the 8lli of Xoveuiln ii- \ ir. 1 t( . 1 tin a tin* oii.iiii lv ! I tIto iitl i'i'i iv Ii Ii ii| In in in t'i.arjjo: N ivv i li<n i t i r . t. I N I'll'KEN'S, Ootit ii . -tl ?tie Stao nt S -in i t'lrilinu. >1. Kerch . i ;ll Sl.'ltEP POM.All I i It.-.?j , K i a io I vl. livi'i^ into any ,Iai in tli -i >1 iv, i - I I.'VI- ;t. .nt tWt liigh weigh h it nt; tiiin iiv i i.i'l ? g'i'y p.iumli; nh.iu il.ttiv v .r- i?l I/.-: liA+vet y Muck hi?vy whit kcr.t n M- ckiu. i tlioy n|it>r?if|i li t ears'the :n v y linn; v.-i'v lull, re-c ling forolie i I , ti? : 11 % I tio^^-il >n-I ti_y tin* urn* nT tob.icci i woro oi i i ii k c ( .I'ti uiclcr in\ liuii'l m l tin* i?*n 1 of tin* Stat it i . i i--i u. mil, in.. "J7111 tinjr fit Se|.ietn'ct hi tin- vc r - t i'ur 1.1.ill une rig! It -". Ii i' I ii ti.x' y oH' an I of tin* I iiileji -mlcnc i?l til-' Statu of ^.iiitti t nt-ilitia, the etghtv in b V. W. Pit KBNs.* t?y tin' Governor: .i \ im ? v tVciclnry of St:?t< Coluber II tf liOOk A I Tliis. IHilvt Miinlcd lor 'otiHr?l?*rul< Svn l< r. I\ M : i ; :i i i/i- I i pin )i I-.- I'l F I'KF.N III > 1*111.1) .7 ' vr-1 It II'I.KM. fi'i? Ili<* iimv t tii.* \rtny. \tiv juT-'in liiivhijj toicli pun tin* willillp l . will cull u \ TOl, l.l.t- ?N .** Min i', where they will receive it t:n { I if in ca." anil i.. I) in Inrinili our Army i t in' \\ ?*M w ,i!i ii in .it-!i in*.' led we:il> n M>*t'nl 1 nj{li m viei >rv : i SpriugfirM ?us won lijlho Hiti - I win: those in gnnil <ir<ler, either Hiii i- percussion. \\. C. ItKNNKTT. ' ' " -?-r-i? . I. >V. < iiVi'et t J S Dr?parr<l Io furnish h f*'.' Ji ;L4T#B g .ill kin ?n i.i>\ IIM ' \ . I ' i:.lWH can in* lr> I every iniiriii g ex'fjilivl ni tiny llit'il. ' Market 11 < .- -? i of 1 \\ W\iM - ilrneerv ft 're. on l.n.r- *< ??treei The <,ASil mil ho recurs I tor oil solrl. Jom 37, ISgl. tf % K0 / r- , r. **-? < * - I ? H EORUim * r j v ". Cfateora Rifles, Capt. Wluldcn, ar? to Jl be i?*? eased tor special service, and recruit* ' arc wasted to rcf?ort as soou as possible at > Us Wees' inlet ou the (.'vast of our#tate, vhara ; the company is now stationed. A list - will be found at the Book Store. I For further iufomation apply to f. L. CAPERS. , (^y Transportatiou tickets will be furnished L" meruit*. i Oct 10 81 it v1 Piano Tuning a nil Kc pairing. JOSEPH FREY,. F1103I COLUMlIA, ISKilltMS the Ladies and Gentlemen of SperUtubitrg, and its vicinity, that be is* here prepared to tuuo and repair l'iituos, Organs - and Melideous. * , As for his ability, be. refers to Mr. Eslk, i, Professor of Music at the Female College, e Order* left ut the PuiiucilfJIjuec will meet ii ( with promM attention. ?? ] uci iu 81 * tf " SALE OK VALUABLE REAL AMD " PERSONAL PROPERTY e i IN pursuance of I lie Will of Phillip Hrewtou, ,j- | J deceased, I will expose to sale at public r ouicrv. lit his late rc-idcncija on the IMth day I of NOVEMHEU next, nIlf>ee-K>:AL AND,1 1'KilSONAL I'll* iPtlU'l'A of sai^ 'iecvuettl e ok / THREE c cit nut til hi SpM-fuupm g District, on waters of il Tygev river. / r i tinv eoiiiainiii^^liiX^feH, more or les*, i: anoilier coiiluiiiwfO ,1) acres. more or less. The largest tract coutains forty or lilty acre* of hoituin. ?ai.RO? l<( Tiikfl.A' rV?>?jroos, lj bead of Horses ami Mules, Cattle. Hogs, | t'orn. I'mldcr. Toots, Household tiud Kitchen I Fumits-.r-, &e. ' jguufTcrtn* m:i?le kii >wn on day of sale. SIMEON 15KEWTON. Adni'r., Sept 8 d-i ?7t with Will annexed. i"i \z Aiirm ' I 1 procured a fno sky mid side light J J llootu. he is ennlded to take as good ' t'lriiir- in cloudy, as clear weather, and set iu Poses. Lockets. I5re;i.-t puis, IJrneclets. Kings daik drapery or any eariagated dressing pt-i-:ei able. The public at large are rexpectfully invited to call soon Unitary over J. 11. Xrchev's Store. The undesigned has had ten years' experience in this beautiful profession, b\ his artistic skill las never failed to i tdcase t l.o most lastideous of the diferenl I run's ol i to; that populati1 our globe, both iu and out i Vnierica lie can be found in , ; his room -it all times und will be pleased to wait upon visitors. M. A. COOl'KR ( s-cpt 3 30 tf SPIRTIMH Ri: inni mm %m m ( < >ijjI:(;E. r|^ili' exriei-cs of this Institution will bere* | Mllllfil - II I'lK'Mlliy, Oct. Jst, 1801. i 'out -c State U ihU v. ill Lc received ia jirij rui'iit lor boat>1 and tuition. W. K. ItLAfvl*, President. j, Sept JO 2'J if '' i x >< >i^ ?vrr rriiis-d: -l f j '! 11 i -ulucriti. r ? <.oiiij.i 1 i?->i l() 11AVB j| M' IN 1. i . i.i.d i \ ( i flu ii l ii;(> ImI Iioho in , l v Inn to l'.\ V I I' IMMEDIATELY. ' 1 II V III .itlirl (111(1 Ml// lllUC T. WHS ELY WYATT. .. ; Soj.I 2fi 21) :tw STATK OF SOUTU CAROLINA. ~ : KXKt.'l T1VK OFFICE, oi.mntx, September 3. IHtJl. n TO THE M A.?At! ELS OF ELEt 'i loN.s. S 1 N i c i sueing* ii-iviuly iu the Mumii? (! Illcci inns, I lie Ii?? l w.-ts uvtrlnuiirii 11. i! it' State I 'oIikI11 urioli w * changed I y l ho two ?cls which i'Xlr?c!> are noted below iii I I iii die il.iy w i-a.lowed tor holding the j i.i-u ..I : in i i- t.iru.c.iy; Mauagvi? of 1 .. c l ii i" liiere. 'ii' take notice, :u;il . 'iin t i . i i.i- i tuc \ in us rci|ired by >? , law. I' will i.e s-e'i that (lie atbelow arc intenl* -lid . i er".i.n e .11; f?latc cUciiolia; liUI lliO t'uti.-it .1 ill |.<ii .1 ill- < i.nfe iel'iile Stale* gi\?n i o: -i -i ilie | ower. il tli y proper, to i ' n.-ii a in.i.min dny in ilie State* for held' i.iv? I . i I' i-i intit iii'in niliei - ot Congress and . . n"i 'I ?' <gvr-s. fixing the lVciliif?i|iiy in 1 ii > 1. r next. Miy# thai toe tltvtiuu in to ho .fit 1 ic i.ii.ig to I hi tonus establish. d ' l>y eiicli state. F W. PICK ENS. n \ii extract frnin an act In alter and amend thd ' ; truth -etui.n of the til-l article of ilie ' ii i.u ' ii ol' the Slmo .! South Cnroliu.i. Senator." and members of the House of Represent I IV. s shall l.o el ISCII nil i lie TUKMlAV Al iliil fill: SECOND .Mtt.NU.vY IN OClDIi!..;. in e y ir at 1 .<>r I .me I eight hun .u ou t sixty-two, atiil mi the tame dny in ever.. - condylar thcreatlcr, in such niani. i i at soc.i tunes as arc heseiti dirccI. I .vc. Extract fr< tu an aci to niter and amend the law 111 tehiii in lo (lie method ol counting votes I .n i 1 elections by the people. I I .at ii. re.iiu-r, ?n nil elections ly tl.c peo- V ; 11..'n .ti:ir< r> -l ull proceed to count the I v i i - | ii itntn< tlintely alte r the final olos- I I i't not wlie-rc tlie votes H li.iv - hrcn taken, out acertilicatc of the H V re-uli. wiiicl. -Ii .11 be signed hy the managers, it - tlient. end taken to the Court H I ii u . or place uow tinvi by law ' for co in- H ting the voies of the <1 ly next subsequent to H i of (It said eleotion, on or bweis the hour .1 four o'clock. 1'. M., by one or more ol the s.eiel managers," &c. >otk i:. i r 3 11 iS] '. h iv ing demands against the estate | of W. D WOOD, deceased, will have tUetit properly atle-sted. Those iudebted are y requested to pay up. * J. A. WOOD, Adm'r. tf , ill'. S'i VI, OK so ITU (.A UU UN A. I Sl'ARTANBURU DISTRICT. I in hi;. cut et of Ok pi nary. h Mtiihcv 1'. t;..--eti. \pp'ic mt, vs. William Gosi. sett and others, lKTendants. Petition for sale* ol Heal K-iaieot Gabriel Gobsett, Dcccase'd. M TT ?... - I .. || V. I..I.. I?I? rvin -I.iruwil IHI*l M iiiinni | llos-cii. < ( . (iosseit and Simpson H ( (i -?ctt, !> ti-ini is in iIti? o.i-o, reside from and JB wiih ui I ho Limits ot this Sim?, it is therefore IB ordere t ih ii ihey do appear an<l object to the ^B livi.-iou ur -aloof the real estate of Gabriel 'hctsMsl, on or before ihe -'?ld day of Nov? <>r their consent to the same will be entered ol record. imn m:>l< r my han 1 an 1 seal of office this 1 hihday of Annual, A. U., 1801. J NO. KAULK IKlMAR.O. a. n. %oj 18_ H 1 'ash "Want&d! I 4 l.h pev-ons indebted to me on notes and ^^B y ^ \ ai'Couuia, up t<> January 1, lbGl, are re- ^^B >1 n -led to make payment by the first day of ^^B o< TOItKIt next. After that date, if not paid, ^^B " 1 -hall iurn over siteh aeoounta and notes to J. M KLCUHI), : r collect on. 1 sol com- ^B 0 polled io collect MbNbV to carry on my shop. her is a cash ati t A n* I'd-'Jo 4w U V. ROGERS. BH South Carolina Powder Wills. ... i i I:I r I... -;.......i I ?? - ^? -- " i I ill.-I - wi-liin(C to purcb?S?^^H a:\o. 1 itcii A'.iK.ll. lli .t I..- h*f ilrpon-^^H UUv kitui-W with Mf'.m Clertlnitd \ li,*W?-h f!i.>jr Unil v-ll on rcu?nn%hl?^^H mi*, citing i?ko1op<V>;i]r entail. W. R. CoW EN, Agent. Ftxirnnbv.i g. ^faylT, if ^F>.WX