The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, February 14, 1861, Image 1

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r \. - ' .. - ~~ " . i % / J 4 t # rift * . * ' 'v j| " . ' * . ij **j9k j ! i i'ij_i _iijigg??wj# | J tl WM. H. Tit: Ci v_y j IMMI10H. " * ' r === iKU J crated ta <$? L/iJN 1 ^ _ luthern 2tigftfjr/|?aMtic$, ^griw ' ; Y WF ,1 m \ ilturr, and ptefdlang. (A Jti 1 ?a ' A X ?? i1 i f n*t .AjvwrnlB..:^ VOL. XVII. ?ht Carolina jtyari Prioa, Two Doll am per annum, in at 91 SO at th? ead of the year. If no 111 aiter ilie year expiree $8.00. Ho oabaeriptiou taken for less than si ? |wm sufficient tolcu<l to this ond by the whom we here represent. Irance, or ^e 8eP?n,ttt>U i* a fact.. It is in t paid uu- ble. It is perfect, complete and per I [Appluuse.J The great duty which i t monllii. 1 ;.J ....? ? < - " SPARTANBURG, iir - - people [4"ttal Ditpntchet from the Charleston Merc FROM THE CITY OF'WASHING ! revoca pctual. WasiunOton, February ft.?Tt is is now dent xpat the Northern Conintissionei |. C., THURSDAY wry- ] | Montoo.mkuy, February 5.? l>uri 'ON. ^>ti discussion to-day oil tho adoption j the rules, Stephens, or (Jeorgia, said tli evj. the rules were uiaue on the principle tl -g | they were a Congress of sovereign and i , FEBRUARY 14, ii{! "T^^ouiheri^ of The London Times, of the 18lli ultimo, lut Jias u long article on the "impending crio^* lut in America. It hays: ill- H'Snntli 1 '!ir.?rit?.? - ?. r.r :i "*?^i aaSnmBruir ~. ~ 1861. . v \ . > %<* Km What ll^e Vot(()u sftktei fivT . y \ \ * * | Til*" grand' fWin<]^^>^ {principle oT all (jov^-i^idMt lu^tlns country, lies in the con NQ.49. 1 ^ " Cjrrw?Md?? ?, . *"J no Charleston papers of Saturday bring as an >iuiportjiut corre.stxjp4<ft|pc between Mr (?nlnn/?lf PolhiAtn* nf fkii* riAH# * ?.! ?k? Money may be remitted through pu at our risk. Job work of all kinds promptly exe Blanks, Law and Equity, oontinuallj tor printed to order. , v Advertisements inserted at the ui Tiltt {Spartan circulnter largely ove rto^Jdining districts, and offers an adiui toad contracts made,on reasonable tc: 4iuiu to our friends to ,ctu.i custouiei U-- ~ w iiu|>vcvu u|iuii us m iu proviuc ior utiuasterB a government (or tlieir future outed un<^ protection. Wo can ami r on hand, extend to our late Bister States who i deed united with us by similar iustit sual rate? a cordial welcome to unite with u? ft r this and |ormHii0n 0fa |ICW Confederacy. O 'r* " mc~ sponsibilitics arc threat, but let uh c rtna. ? , . , ? , r8> or to place belore the country and the our actions as a sufficient justiticat tnese j thc'ltotder Stato* Convention are ans ; secu-! for dojuy'-bul the Southern members should j claro their purpose to press action und ?rc in- auire all to show their hands. Ex 1' utior.s, dent Tyler will be chosen President ol jr the Convention, though he docs uot desire ut re- post. ndeuv- Virginia and Kentucky aro a unit : world dcui&uding cquulity^n tb ^Territories 1 ion of, alt?r acquired. Thev sav that there i lious ' dependent States, and that therefore th , je. hiust vote as States, j rc_ Resolutions wore -introduced providi resi- 'or l^e appointment of a Committee to [ ti,c port a form for a Provisional Covernmei ! the Wasiukoton, February 4.?Thecauc of the Virginia Commissioners to the R t in der State Coiivoutiyji, last ni^ht, determi lcro ed to demand thevquality of the South s tin 1 ..11 'I' it.jSIT i is - V..V..UU ocwuiO) uf uvurgia, ?y i' lorida, Alabama, M ississipp?7 Arkansas, Louisiana, follow, if a Southern Federation ng be formed, aud take its place among the re- powers of the earth, there can be no hope at. of keeping the border slave Stutos. These will be drawn by a natural alfinity to detach r_ themselves from the North, and join the ln_ sluvchokUng federation. North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Virginia, i i*--i ' ' sem 01 tne governed. Take away the cur-I , ncr atone of piiucip'e, and all laws tall of [ themselves; and Uovcrnuienfuxists, by its own will, iui monstrous usurpation. I A union of any sort, a Confederacy of States, or communities, especially implies | tlie presence of this foundation principle. The idea of such a confederacy or union, ! in antagonism with the consent of any of ' the parties, is simply to conceive an ab i - ?, - v/vaiv^v* v? vuuv |IV1 K) IIUU IUX? Secretary of State, Hon. A. *fi. Magratft. The former wishes "to know what eourse : he Is to pursue in ease the government, .at | Washington takes the same ground in re* lation to vessels and cargoes owned by citizens of the adhering and seceding States jf the late United States, as they have in unifying Foreign Ministers will be taken VIKST MID THE KIM CONIi f Troirt the Charleston Counc Montgomery, Ala., February *? 'The Convention. was called to? twenty-five minutes past 12 A. M., W. P. Chilton, of Alabama. Thi t>f the gavel suinuiovod members boats. The aisles were cleared, an Mr. CHILTON then said? KKSSi menisci ves. With confluence in tin _____ nest of our cause, we will inaugurate South a new era of peace, security an 4 1801 P?r'ty* [tlrcat Applause.] * Mr. BOYCE then moved to ai 'll" a to-morrow. lie, however, wit ^ ? ' the motiou lor the moment. W On motion of Mr. RHETT, the , oir vention went iuto the election of a j nent Secretary. I just- i hope of any settlement other than a jx for the | able dissolution, and to this end all ef d pros- ; wiH he made. A number of delegates arrived this a djottrn j noon. The Missourians declare for a hdrcw j settlement forever, or a dissolution. | delegations are caucusing to-night. Ton- j flic Abolition caucus now sitting at pcrmu- Capital is opposed to any compromise. : attendance is slim. Thov*ri> ?l< ? ? uiu iiiiuiunui iicreuiier acquired, luce tlic xnif ifuiiiioii ot'uuy further nogotiulini Forts The sentiment wan universal that in ca j this was refused, there would he nothii ftcr- left lor them to do, except to endeavor Full arrango the terms For a peaceful and fit The separation of the slave .States from t I North. the | Orders have ju->t been issued for the c The j rollincnt of all subject to militia du'y irm *1- ' - * * !1S i-iui^uuu, i/viuwure, win men r?c uisso[1S ciutcd from the Irco States. Such an l}lU event '"innot be regarded without dismay |(j, by the most .-launch Abolitionist. It would, to in fact make the Southern Federation the |aj real I'nited States, as far as territory, jlL, present and prospective, is concerned, and reduce the North to what our ancestors would have called a "Rump." The people j|( of Boston or Philadelphia might be dis | surdity and a contradiction. Those, (here- , Core, who aim to perpetuate the exisfeice | of the l'nion, regardless of the feulingsttr wishes of the party governed, have miuply 1 resolved upon the despotism of*lwOTl>ers j and, relying on their supposed power, : would make force a cement, when it is, in , fact, the main agency of destructivencss. j But when the Government became n thing, not merely opposed to the wishes of with regard to all payments of duties here is uiispaymcnts, and all clearances as in* - < ralid." The reply of Mr. Magrath is Tery able mil elaborate, and, as a State paper, will uld to the high reputation Judge Magrath Has already justly earned. After going into an able preliminary Gentlemen of tiif. Convkn I nominate the Hon Mr. Barnwell man of this Convention. All in the nouiinution will say "aye." 'J tion was carried unanimously. Mr. BARNWELL was invite VJhair, and alter simply returning for the honor, iu the briefest man aible, called the Ilev. Basil M. M;i VtiArlv of flm linnfluf fMtofnk I M? tion-? 3,r CI11LTV>N nominated John Hooper, Esq., '-dttor of the Monty asthair- *? 0 1 . . ? favor of 03 Secrctar>r ?* "l0 "invention I'hc mo- ^r' "??Per was u.iuniuiou*ly elcc acclamation. d to rho Judyo WALK Ell, of Alabama, i thiuks Doorkeepers aud Messengers In J ted. 'T" E*" At tlic suggestion of J udgo W ITU ', of South Carolina, however, the (\ j n" ft " ww J ' otl. l'ottcr called the caucus toge/lier. oiuory | The Pennsylvania Commissioners j j>earcd in the Convention but scenic ted by ! take no great interest in the proeccdi Delaware is fully represented and sli moved . by the South. The Muryland Coiuuiiss i elec- ers held au informal meeting to day, | the sentiuieut generally expressed am [KltS, ( them was that the State must follow UVetl- ! irinin me imsuh i ol loluinjin. The regula are still pouring in. We have now ncai ap- 000 oi'thcm in our midst. ' Washington, February .r>?III the St U ate, to-day. Mr. Johnson, of Tenneasi 11 i niaue a veheinent speec h against scccssic and *',c Miles Taylor, of Louisiar presented the secession ordinance of th State, and then withdrew froux the llous m ? o....k e 1 * irs | unguiaiteu lor their abili y and enterprise, ,|y but they would belong to a couutry with ; hardly u greater future thun Canada. | Kvcry natural advantage would be on the side of the slave States. Look at the :e? j uiap, and you wlll^see what a narrow slip . ol country composes the Iree soil of the Anieriean federation. Only the sea-coast :it from the liritish frontier to the Delaware lc- (a few hundred miles) belongs to it; all the a people, but absolutely ami avowedly hos- ' tile to their vital interests, and subversive | ot all their securities; how it is to be ex- } peeted that a people, having any will, character, or manhood left?any intelligence to see and know?any sensihili ios to feel? any courage to resist?will submit; is a B matter very difficult to conceive by common 1 reason; and none but a people, vigorous with f undeserved t>roM>erilv. and raoimr t?? ?n?ii1. 1 ri^w of the new relations created by the ae* icotssion of the State, he makes the lob filing points, which are condensed and ar* ar^cd by the Charleston Eveuimj Neva! 1. That the Government at Washington ihould adhere to the rule they have laid lown in the case of Peru, under their coniti action of the law of nations, thut a lie 'm to Government exists as roearils vessels to open the session with prayer, tition was most eloquent, ami was to with profound silence. The C H AIK M A N suggested first business before tho Conventio permanent organization, ai d ask I*" was the p'oasurc of the Convention ceed to take such action. Mr. 1111 KIT asked if it were ni a_ _1 * _.L? a r* i .% ^Ti T '"' I l',m authoriiod Oic Presidout to m i .. 10 ''e." | the necessary jiftnor appointments, istoiie , A Her which the body adjou. nod al , morrow at I'd M. that the n Nru8 a ? 7* ***7 c j jj jt Seward and Mason i to "pro- 1N TIIK 1 -NI*KI' STAT KS SK.NATI III the I'nitod States Senate, oil it better day, Mr. Seward pres nted a men: >rio ike all I The Convention organized this luori by electing cx-l'resident Tyler us l'rcsid till to- l'rnyor was offered by the Rev. Dr. ( ley. Mr. Tyler addressed the Cunvcntio a speech of half an hour's length. Lt i 1h> published. 1'hur- The Convention then sat with cl? 1 I ruin ! dourAI i',,,...,. , .... r rn? ?i I .Mi. iivuiiuiiv, ? ijuuisianafTCiuseil iin.r withdraw, unt 11 recalled by hisconstituen cut. j The Committee of Thirty-three pficsc Jar- ^'d a report, which whs debated. ! Inhianaimii.ih, February 4.?The <Io n in ernor has appoint' 1 Commissioners to t! s to W ashin<:ton Itorder State t'onveiition. Nt:\V Oitl.t \Ns. February 5.?The <T JSt'd tutu 1 louse in this city was opened yest? day lor business.'.aider the control <>t t to rest, stretchinjjfar away down the; Atlantic, ts. and along the (TOlf* of Mexico, is in the it- hands of the slave owners. The mouth of the Mississippi is theirs; the Missouri and v- Arkansas, the^reat arteries of the exit cine |le West, are theiis. V irginia pushes a spur of territory to within less than a hundred miles of J.akc Krie, and thus divides the * Atlantic free States from the West in a I manner highly dangerous to their futnr.. doss with the apprehension of its loss, would 1 possibly deceive themselves with the no- 1 tiou that they can have their own wiyv, and , coerce into submission those who have de- * I eiared themselves a^aiuat their Government, and whom they would rule to their ruin. 1 ! .South Carolina has simply insisted on the ( J ^rund lead in x idea whieh constituted the Inundation stone of the Confederacy?that ( th.> (;..VMrnn.o..( ?n. -H-U -1? =? ? =' ? jf foreign powers entering or clearing from his port. The rule then laid down was 'that a civil war, where one party bat poskit^ion of u part of the country, and there nit officered the local govern incut, the ju-isdiction ol that party is perfect, and for;ign vessels must conform to its decrees." li. With regard "to vessels which are iwucd by citizens of States which arc still liciiihers of the ennf??il??r?nir Un?n ?V?~ mj u??ici a nrereuirj mm. aim men roll to ascertain what States wen heated, lie made a motion that t Mr MUMM1NUBII moved t<* u temporary Clerk, and that the l>el from the differeut States be rc<jit hand in their credentials. Agreed Upon suggestion, the Chair nj A. H. Lamar, of (ieorgia, Tc Clerk. call the ] o?-\ih?u eit.zuis ul tlio Mate ot .New i repre- ami said tliat alt tm^li the Sen ite t i effect. her was the largest legislative clrunbi Appoint erected since the begiiiuiii<; ol the legations except the House ol iLejires- utative cste i to memorial would cover a space thirty to. tun s as Sur<;e as this clumber. II yjhiintod already presented a similar memorial uiporary names, all urging Coiieili tioii committee who brought this uieiuoriu York, i muiuahi ? inn i (invention ' J a,h?ptcd the r"h? of the Continental < r ever ' "rvAS- Am ?ng those who cou^ratuh world ' .v'''r il'tur his address, was <'liaso, of <t > litis wsal^ ^Ihio would adopt Vir^ii -oi"lit l'1-itfyrtu when if is presented, e had ' Senator Wilful I and others have i , with ' .~r:li'hed to Montgomery, urging Alexai The' 11 Stephens for President of the I'rovis 1 were a' Southern Confederacy, in order to i has State. IjOrisxyi.i.K. February 4.?The Sena !*' has jwissei! resolutions appealing to Soul 1 enters to stop revolutions, atol protestii "'l s against Federal eooreion. The Fegislatu , will ro-a-.-einhle on the 'Jl'h ot' April. 'j'C hear the responses ot sister States, ami ' r make application to Congress to call a N l<"'~ tional Convention. L'Oll- ,, ... J union. Indued, it in doubtful whether the ] connection between New York and New England, on the one hand,and Illinois and 1 j the neighboring States on the other, could I ~ | lung snivive the total separation of tne II South. '1'he North would have a territory ' an straggling as that of 1'russia, and the " Western region would soou find it advau,l tageous to dissolve its union with the East em In f b? iiimiii t i nirt "II ?l." - *" v. u IV> Viiv nuivil UUIIVUU IU* existence solely l'ruiu the consent of the governed. fcjhi has reiu-tcd her consent any longer to the rule of" the Federal (Jov- J eminent. The right of secession is the due result 1 j of the recognized principle u{n>u which the 8 Confederacy was founded. So long as we ) consent that you shall govern, so long way 1 you govern and no longer;?and lea: you 8 " I I I !- .1 I > ' nuvnu ?*] ?uv "nited States," Mr. Magrath states that 'such vessels are of course bouud by iuulicipal laws of the country to which they jo long, and it will be for the Government >f that country to im|>ose upon these vea>els such pcnulties as it may choose to proride for what it may consider violations of ts municipal laws. To such a policy, if it ihull commend itself to the Government of I... u.-.. ? - * - The Ulerk took his seat at the le; credentials of Delegates from . wore first read, and the genlleuia Renting that State advanced and their names to the roll. In aljl order, the States of Florida, Georg isr.ina, Mississippi and Smith 1 were called. The credentials i respective Delegations were read, roll signed hy members as follows : k. The j the representative of the largest com Muha-I a | in the world?a commerce which i ii rep ? I other country would he paramount 8I??iko other i rite res t.s. I l.ippily, however, i.iheticr not so. lie concluded by say.ujjj ill iu. Lou had advised the ^cntleiueii eoniposil Carolina committee who had brought on the i Lit their lial to ^o home, and spe> k lor the I and the vote tor the I nion, in contribute money to pre* rve the I uiou.aiid wl moree ' cl,!atu 11,0 t'onservativcs. in any 1 Secretary Black will be nominate 1 to to ail donate as one ?l tin* Supreme Court it was ' "I'p'y l',e vacancy caused by the dcall at he JlV1,.7C !!a',k"hl /, (|,e 1 no reacrjl Government anticipates iicmo- scc^!i'un of the State of Maryland, and Jnion P?'"vi'lin? moans tor the protection of their ^aVa' School. Six month's supplies i.Mi all abundance of shot and sh? 11 have iu>t b .moiu'.k, February 2.?The I'niti the revenue cutter Lewis ('ass has liui ,(( surrendered to tin- authorities of the Sta i ol' Alabama. Ni:\v Oki.kans, February 2.?Advic the from'I exas state that the Legislature are that State had, under a Kill of Itijrh the legalized the State ('(invention informal and ! ealled by some ul the members of the Le oen islature. ... ...v ...v M>>hi?ivy i4ii iiiu i iLiira hi L>" j the New World would be in the grasp of the Southerners. Instead of cxploiing tl' the iiahospitable regions in the ueigborhood of the British frontier, which would be all es that remained to the North, the slave ownol ! ers would earrv their "undeniable properis, ty ' into lands blcs>od with every advantage ly ; of climate, soil and mineral wealth. Texas g- has territory enough Jo make three or four I . v - - .-in.uKi vii 111 nit: kiiowieugc Ml wliat your Government shall he, with what powers, ' : ami how limited, we here bind you by a written instrument, to which you are re- c quired to swear. You are to swear to the ' Constitution, not to the Union;?not even 1 to tlie Government;?lor that is a thing 8 which may fluctuate, and have many ca- . prices. It is to the Constitution only,? 1 the bond of compact, that you are sworn; ! v v uiwu uwki, mis ovaiu iios no rignt lo object." 3. "The last class of vessels which are >r may be affected by the interference of lie Government of the United States are hose owned' by citizens of this or other klaveliolding States." The right to navigate the high seas, it s argued, is an attribute of an independent lation under the law of nations, and It. W. WALK '.K, 8. F. II VI.E. H. It. 8MITII. COLIN .1. Me J. L. M. CL'KHY, jJNO OILLSII W. l\ CHILTON, j DAVID l?. LI THOMAS FKAltX. ri.ouioA. > JACKSON MORTON. ,J. I'. ANPKIt: J. II. OWKN>. OEOKalA.% ROBERT TOOMBS, 'UKNJ. II 111 other expeJieutj Jailed to ii^ht Jo RE a, lv,,,n OK I'llII. Mr. Ma< ?n moved that the memni JWIS, printed, lie understood it to be u i rial praying for the adoption of the Ci den nuiendinehU. lie did not thin i')N, at Uii> tiuie, when six Statea had au and others ware arming, the 1'rctt the new Administration had propus. hi., |,i*;i,I II,.. , .fit. V 11 I- ....... ! . 1 r the phased of the pr.? -'ice .ship, (. i sti tut ion. If Virginia secedes, her <' ial be ' ?u?*sioners My that a luri^e force will iii uio i tv coiitr.itat Alexandria, Va. j t | The President will hand in a rep! k that ! C"'ol,ld 1 lav lie to-morrow, stating t hut L-cded 1 W|h enter into no no" itiations as t<> lier (,f di??p<wal of property id' the (jovcrntn d any 8UC'h aj> forts, or any other. ' i (icnt Scott h IS llPi'Il 111 i*??ll I'lrniu*.! 011" | A letter from I luiiry A. Wise aiiuotiuci th-:t Virginia has one hundred nnd twent live thousand men e<iuip{ied aud ready alius. ju. I'rotki (MleaiiN. the Ni.w ()ui.l.1'ehruary 1.?The I.o cm, isi.uia <'oiiventi jn ha* decided to take i iiiiin.'diate stej.- to send reinforcements , ..II .1. I ?i i - ' I ^n-.u .>c\v .uexico is about lo be ,j , admitted with slave institutions. Arizona . will follow. Mexico must in a few years to k(" comptercd, ami the Southerners, lords | ot the most iiiaoniticeut domain in the , world, would control the passage betweou ! the two oceans.?L,timlon Jl'ttms. u- 1 belter from 4oustil-<;eiicral DeLeon. ana Cut you must uU-v, if you would govj em us. The Government, no longer able, ! or willing, or carry oat the conditions of" j the Constitution, affords the best moral : justification for withdrawal of the aggrieved 1 j party or j>artics. Legal justification, there i is need of none; the tenure of govern- J in nt and authority I held simply * i through the consent of the parties. In taking her course, South Carolina i 1 i u* imcrrcu mat "the (ugliest evidence of he independence of a State or Nation is ia ts ability to prevent the execution of the awa of any other State or Nation within Ls own territorial limits." It then becomes a government dc facto, vhile the acknowledgement of the United states that a dc facto government is one 'which exhibits any evidence of stability, tiid the people who adopted it were earnest mm hi.I* ('(hill. |.\. K. HIlKil fra.NVISSH YttTOW, IT. II. -It. <OH M J. CK.YWFOIID, II KKN k a NISHKT. Ia LEX. ii. .SI LoriSIANA. JOHN PKItKIXS, Ju. 1>. F. KKNNi: a. declolfct. !ukx. k. si\YH CI! A3. AI. (MX HAD. UKNllY M A It MISMSSIIM't. WILLY 1*. IIA It K IS, 1 A. M. PI.\YT WALTEU HKOOK. IW.S HA U It A - - '" * 1 1 1 < * " 1 J 1 * l( ' his < on ill ' Crittenden nun mil aiol by his vote for Clark's resolutio 'EVENS, the Constitution needed no ntnc-ndi Itut that the Constitution ami laws * K, be ento.cel. lb (Mr.S, w inl; ha i HOW. his constituent* to c ?iitributc money Sll-M.l., Cniou Me would like to know lining of that. ON, Mr. Seward said that he meant th i YUiin | . ' v ' "v,,v' nciits y w; 1 ls oihcers aflc* I^eut. II ii I >s known of the result ul the < in-uts ! 1,,,'?-'nco Inyo ml inference. Lieut. 1 tt|]tj ' hopes to leave lor Charleston to tnorrov ur-i-.l ^ disjmluh Iks been received here fi luTite ,vli*ble source, saying that Lieut. SI UK>a . niCr has evacuated j'urt l'iekeiis an J rive 1 at I'hildelphia, but despite the sin , the dispatch is doubted. .... - - i.' iiiMu^iii Liiut nicri' 1.1 i [all. neecssit v tin more troops ju-t now. ;on- t'out I'aJietory ucspatehes have heen recei lull *'il here I'roui that point to day. <)ne slat f. that hustilitics hi t\v< en the State ami IV mm 1 e'al troop* I It 1 aetu.iily luaiu ; hut tl.i,ein not generally ereilited. The steauish ar- tlalve ton pa - <1 IVu.-.eda yesterday, ai itee rejn rt> that all seonio I ij iet there. Tl I l.niie I States s'eaiecr WvaiidottC Was ,-t . I i i . i "J I Al.l XANIHIIA, KilYJ'T. Ih'C 17, 1*G0. Dkah Silt: , Regarding it as the duty v* of every Southern man, at this crisis, to , v "define his | o.-ition," I enclose for puhli' . cation in the S >rf/i 1 'nrnlniiui,extracts frout ,s a letter writtenh me to Mr. Breckinridge, M' in August last, after riceiving the news of his nomination in this distant land'. Now that the r suit which 1 theu an tieipated has arrived: the doti*rit?iii!i?i<>? lias been especially deliberate and circum- 1 spect. She has argued, entreat d, and j eour.celled, deliberately appealed and ex- ; | pustulated, and finally, warned with timely k notice. She has called her own people 1 into counsel, when she found counsel no longer efficient with the usurpative par- J ties, and appealed to them. And, with J one voice, her who'e jioople have with- . drawn tin ir consent snv ln.i-rnr ?.? lu> ?r?w_ 1 ii its siipjHjrt," exclude* the right of capure on the high seas, because of any aleged violation of the lews of the I'nitcd Suites. The letter of Mr. Magrath cou ludes as follows: You will thus see that should the Govirnuient of the lrnitcd States, in relation to brcign vessels, change the rule which it tas declared applicable to its own vessels, t will be for that (t ovcniiutnt to uxnlaih t? JS' JfiL WILSON, |J.T. I! \ 11 It IS J. A. V. ( AMl'lUiLL, Dol'TII CARilUN \. It. B. HIIKTT. 8?. C. O. MT.MM 11. M. IIAKSWKLL, W. 1*. MI1.KH L. M. KK1TT. T1IOS. Wl J. CilESTNTT, .In., W. W. B >V(M The CII.VIR then suj*p\stoil i priety uf electing a permanent Hi M-r. ltllKTT throught it best peopiu advance to the I ui liuid* by which the credit of the (j< incut should now he sustained. Mr. Mason mtid that he lutd not ,IMi hit, ...... , !iiiu the injustice to suppose that ho r UK Its, the money to yuhsidiz.: or dciuotalizi portion of the South. lie un-uut l the pro the army to coiitluet the fi_ht i5.ret.iry. Mr. Seward .-aid he meant to advis to elect it, after all (.'niij^rosional conipromi.-r Illy' "I ? .11 uat imilKIUIIU* , i the Senate to-day the number ot militiuvetn .. , , , , all the States an I territories. Suuth ( (j t ' ulint is set down at thirty six thousand , ' The lt-publicau caucus to night, on e hum in 1 -i'-ii promise, hilled to organize. The Senate Committee on Con fere lo n:i\ , . IMS agree I unanimously to report Kit e th it ?closing ports oj entry where the I ^ ' ted States customs are interfere 1 with. i m iinciioiot hi iiu* .-aiui- position, immediate i in abreast ut i <ui I'icken.s. ' ir- '1 be authorities nl'tlie Stale ?>t" l.oui-iti j yesterday, took >si ti nt" the Feik I Kill- Mint, in the lower [mil ut the eity.and t! new ('u>t 'in ll'iii-te. The SujieriUteide nice lh Mi it and ('wilertor II ileh both, I i_?'s day. td'ik the oaths ot allepianee to tl 'ni- Sovereignty nt Louisiana. i A motion was ni.ele in the Conventio 'V ih rin expressed is tin- more strongly coi?' tittued, ami i have only to ndd, that as 1 i:l' was one Htitoiitr the tii.-t to unfurl the ban:l' m-r of Southern resistance to Northern u" aa^rt ??iun, so ant I ready now to uiako ntf one Of the 'forlorn hope'' in its defence, should the attempt be tuude, by force or fraud, to trail it in tliednst. A < true! (rum /, (h r tu Mr. lurckinruhjr, n j | i,/ I min "'"J 1 villi. ^ ' j cmcd by those who assail her institutions, deny her rights, hteal her propel ty, aud 1 mediate h r destruction. She Kays, govern yourselves as you 1 please, govern as you undthey please, those * : who arc still willing to submit to you. We shall not trespass upon your rights and coon- j try. We simply propose to save and rule our i ' own. We offer you peace, and amity, and ( ' ..... iA > --- -? * * - ' brcign nations the reasons which have inIu>jcu, at this time, that change. And it will be for such foreign nations to deternine how far such reasons arc satisfucorjr. In regard to any intcrferenr ; with resids owned in this State, or any other State ivhich has or may secede, you will, ot rourse, give the earliest notice of it to thin I lul rtl.innt the permanent 1'resident first, thought was the proper mode of pro lie wou'd, there ibi , nominate in t! of his colleagues, one in whoiu tin' reposed all confidence, and who hi as illustrious in tfcc annuls of the Confederacy as he is true and fni to the cause of he .South. lie 110 the Hon. Howell Cobb, of (Jeorgi nomination was received with <1< Tliis he as^euiblinj; of a Convention of all tli ceedinj;. ph? of the I'nited States liu< 1 failed lie name for all to stand, as ho should do hints country the lireach for the 1 nion. is been Mr. Musoit said he now un lerstoo broken Senator. He meant, if negotiations I ithful to to use war and bloodshed to preser1 mi n a ted I'nion. The liiion was jjoiie, and a. The tempt at subjugation would restore it. jafeiiinir wanted his neonlc. wln? w. r<> m.-.lit.t I iiavue having received tlio I i 0 !>?'<?- . \ , . " . . (l( ( lent* r*-ply to his counmiuicaUoti, Suit ' for Charleston this evonini;. ' j Tim President of the Telegraph Con j "V Wo,>t South this cTonino to arranao I' iled a"a'ri? l'10 Company with the now t r tin*. tiri?mout The War Department approves the < j'j duct of Major llaskinsin surron lering . . ilafon liou'o Arsenal ; while a Court liur In n est- to day, to n-move the injunction ol'socio, t.ol Irotii tli- members, with io;;ard to matte ! that hail transpired in secret -essioli. I I ijci- motion prevailed. the A ooiiHiiittec- ha- been appointed hv tl lov- 1 invention to secure to the State all tl ! Federal domain within its borders. Freights have a Ivaneed considerably IIIC , late. I'rel'e ance i> ai veil to Ihit sli ov of A met lean b ?tto.i.s. /V, y " Tor seven years past absent from tho r,s . country, anil In in tlic per-' mat collision ot tu' its politics, I can regard dispassionately, tlii> crisis ami its actors; and the convie^L' terns ol tuy mind and heart aro with you 'K* in the simple now waging. Should your ticket be successful, as 1 fervidly trust it u' may, for the perpetuity i four institutions cr 1 hope to witness the inauguration of your nam-, an i commerce, ino miercuaujje ol 1 ' business, and such communion as the seve- j ! ral civilized nations accord to each other, j We aim at no revenues for previous wrong. ' Whatever our resentment*, we shall suffer 1 them to cool. We prefer to receive and e respect you, as a foreign power; and have , t no desire to shed your Mood, or our own, ' in an idle conflict, which cannot restore the past condition of things, and nmst \ Sympathy of France.?Mr. W. G. *wan, of Xashvi'lo, has written a letter, run which we make the following extract .howing the inclination of the France Gotrniuent. 411 have a letter from a distinguished gentleman in 1'hms. who is perhaps more :i: :*t .l. ^ i- c *? > > cheers from the crowd iu the lobb galleries. The CHAIRMAN asked l.uw t should be taken, whether by vote o or otherwise; whether the ballot individual shall count one, or whet Totes of all the membeis from eac i shall count hut one. Mr. RHETT. As there seems t one oninion ?innnn o | i r* y ks ami restore u broken Union, to undci these things, the vote Mr. Seward said lie meant nothinj f States was attributed to him by the Senatoi of each ; \ irginia. He did not Itclieve that her tho shed woald be nocessury. He behevi h State people conbl settle it. The Union not gone, for the Senator was here t o be but loin it. ? i m . \? ?: i .1 ? " rsUtiil '"Muiry heou ordered in the cx-v Commodore Armstrong, for having ?uri I dctval the IVnsaoola Navy Yard. Tw? ?C ' army oil'iccrs have so tar rcai^ncd since bio k! "^cession of *' lUth Carolina. L;d the l^c ??natc Johnson, of 1 ncsscc, made a vehement speech aga secession. In the House Miles Taylor iO 8U8* | sontod (lit* Louisiana Ordinance ot Se ! sio'i. and the ?lelf?"utii?ii ? a di* Kiyinj: report.- prevail it! the city, to tl run- c fleet that til?Iii?ha- he^itu at I'tMwmco nty in consequence of the Hruoklyu having: the tempted to land troops. This, howev* ' needs conformation. 'en- I 1" the (Convention, today, a resolution inst 1 establish a .standing army tor the Stn pre- ; of ho lisi nia was made the special ord ees- tor Thursday n? \t. : ?. v ......a..* l:. - - - ! ailnnnistrat 1011. Should )ou tail, anil onr '10 j < uuso with you, then, also, shall I return to lll? enlist as a private in the battle which surclt" lv must he touijht. "jno arts if Jon's," when r> the baleful banner of Muck Republicanism is substituted lor the at is and stripe* upon lo our National Capitol and a President, not i o/'tin I iii'oii, hut ol tin \orth sits in tho chair of IS uxhiwjton. Very sincerely, your friend and fellow destroy >?>ur tratio, y<?ur securities, your ! people; lesson your advantages; convert ' your prosperity into bane. We shull statu! j siinsimply on tho defensive. We offer! your peace, lurbcarunce grnnl faith, uud j generous intercourse. It is tor you to decide ( whether, in return for the extended branch of olive, you thrust rs back with the sword. ( If you so will it, we shall not shrink from the if>uo; but will maintain the irrmid iimiiuir wiiu ino poiitj 01 tno rrencD c.iuKHnor than Mr. KaolLner, and whose ooinnunieutiona with the Emperor arc not of a character in which he Says, iinong other things: "As to th-3 interests and prcteusions of he Southern States In the eyes of other lations, * * . he Southern States arc all right,-and uuiy omhiund Zi/mjHithy <tml Jrictufohip." _ ?, >"V ceive that it in eminently proper I President be elected by acclamatior The CHAIRMAN. All who favor of the nomination will say,' the contrary, "no." The response w: ral and wholly affirmative. Mr. COBB was then declared 1* of the convention, unanimously chost the applause of the people. n, i 0011- t'ii. i'liwuii nam me remark OI II1C that the tor in favor of co/reion would und< i. Virginia, and show her that all thi are in about coiiiproinisc and concession ui ' aye to to nothing. is gene- ? ? # - Tiie Attack on WAsniNoro: resident Jcs.)ac|j fr0|U Washington to the A :q, aund t (t uzetle says: < oena- , ' "n . drew. talk ^ne 'jOU'!i|ana member remained?I " * ligny?wliu was elected by the Kn mouti \0i|,'n,<r party, and made the deelarai that "he would remain until he should recalled l?y his constituents.'' The report of the (Jenimittoo of Thi lexan Three Was taken up and debated, a which the House adjourned. * I. *. u^Muiiuii, micnin^ a COIUUlKlC'i* inquire into an.I report un>>u the cxpediea tou- of exempting from taxation for live yea ?v- certain kinds of property, was introduce tion V resolution in regard to citizenship w he referred t the af>pmpiute committee. [ .S' inf /-jmf li to ( 'lutrfi sfon Mi ri it, uy~ ! The Southern Hank of New Orleans h * placed at the command of the (Joveriior ^ the ijtate SoO.tMltl. >huilli! it lie rei niI I 10 citizen, ' KbW'lN Dk.LiKON. To l>r. U. W. (Jlmiks, Columbia, South |s Carolina. as Catciunu Hki'ohk Hanoino.?Several ol the more rabhl Black Republican 7/ journals at the North, such as the New ,IS \ ork C'fwrirr, Trifiunc, tSun and Tunrt, n| talk very flippantly ot hanging the seocders 1V ot the South. Ilaiiirirur is a imum ttoi? foaiulatiou principle of civil liberty in a hemisphere?1-that tiovcrmucnt rightfully ' ] exist only through the consent en the gov- j ernetl ? Mercury. Tmk Km*t African Kaimvay.?The ' first African railroad urns inaugurated the 2;?th .I uric last. It is called the Natal | Railway, an<l connects the capital of the colunv. 1'i'tcr Mnrti?tMir.,li irnK Tiik Idle Populace of Lonpox.?The Loudon Timet oo the 11th insL, has tbo lollowing: V esterday the east end of the metropolis presented a sad appearance, in coi>s<H|ucnoe i>f the large number of destitute laboring men standing outside the workhouse doom, oid parading the chief thoroughfare*, seeking for alms. At the Thames l'oliee Court, vii motion, mo i;nam?nn a] Messrs, Khott, of South Carolina; 1 t?f Aabama, anil Anderson, of Florid Committee to wait upon Mr. Cobb, , tify him of his election and^ escort the Chair. Mr COBB took his seat amid g plausc. He said in substance, as ft Accept, gentlemen of tho Con* my sincere thanks for the honor cc pointed it i* now asoartniiicii, Ir^n roliabu t alker, ces in lliohuiond, thut the course -pu a.astho l?y General Scott in ordering troops t and no- c'^? tod in his purpose*! concent him to here of all available force is ow:'ij} t< in formation he has received iron /cat up- ri^htj<juartert that if in tlnv* approa illows: election for members'of th-.- Virginia" mention, ^ dhvention, a majority i-* hosen in inferred secession, that Convention, when a isoy^l -M< ? > I < j?i \i r.ll y , morunry >. i Hi IivucffI-ai'l,r"'r*'nf,nn rfiW,UU0 to promote o this cuus,; Southern independence, has ration j 5tM' ljul'1 liquate of the IjUffbduiuro. ' <f the i i'he tfovernor has signed the bill lo i. the iz??K the suspension of the Hanks, ailing j ",0 was to-day defeated in State ' but an effort will ho made to n favor r"w lo r^Oousidur it is believed will be : sseiii- i Ooswlul. ljl" tin-r\1^cin,n > v>t' the public service?tl *',u tiovcriior " to accept the loan Oil sue pas- t, r,l)S j'ur re iuibursciucnt as lie nil ( | deem eijuituble." Sa'" i At m stA, February 3.?The Savann; ri\^r has risen >! feet inches. It cu t'u- tinues rising slowly, l'eara are eiilertaim ,or" l of a freshet. suc" It is stated that several rifled cann. I i i . i i * j n o O ~ llc two can play at, ami it i.?. ncccsary to cufch h- t y"'?r rabbit before you can cook hint, it Jv i-. neccMwty to capture yuiiv man beforo ^ von can ^jatig liiin Hefore those valiant ijl Knights of tho quill go into the business. n * we wouhl advi.-u them to consider the^rerij ply of t ho renown Hilly Buwlcggs, vphenu^ wu*-inturiiic<1 that fjlou. wa- m$m)lt tiling alter hint to hang . hini~ "1\ih hen," w?;,i i,.,1 _*_i- i? 11 * .i 1--? v,~|.v ( Town. The whole entci prise bus Keen succcssfuly carried through by the colonist no foreign aid ha"iu^c been receive<1, and ' very important advantages ul% oxncctod to ( front* t!p? sdVe and tion'tit'tjW^cii^lie interior aim the oust. ^ Atr.ftjl'fllniFdion was of/eourte an extra- , , w i,'i ii , n*v? h ."-toi the native*, <nl ma-^. h) oC 4'ukt "ufst triotff rb im^WkrcT? the number of unemployed laborers relieved in a few days swelled to 1<>IK)?of whom 1100 received trifling aynstanec on MonJay. It,\vu^? nnnouneciftliat on WedoesJ;TV only ^wOhicn would*.Bv nfleved. At ^ noon, a vaj?t iichubor of uypr Wuiuw , thinly iu*?y yfleflng fr.rtd c^lJVi'liiin- j irorjjhinl u>^i -bWi iu l}ic 0a-i (/. They reuse until throw o'clock m prlioii nfrt nlwAiiiit#il in :it liw.l 'IHlO upon me. I shall cudcavor, by I and impartial distribution of the of the Chair, to merit your commei The occasion that calls us together dinary one. It is solemn and imp We meet as tho representatives of eign and independent States, win by aolcuin judgments, dissolved the ] association that bound unto the old Union (tl'ttin ?u..? i i * the fair hied on the loth proximo, by vi.tuc < duties powers vested in itself, will supersede vlation. Letcher, the sitting Legislature, and is in>or- theariue.l volunteer companies to seiz iressive. hold possession ol the Nat onal Cap: Hover- hence the organization of the ininuU > have,1 ai,t' 'he hence the arming of the soj Political ! counties." A 1 ' 1 I of the Uioil February, ?Althoug! tiov. 'a,n" proportion of the dolomites so order1 known be elcoted arc what is oa 0 ! " I 'nion men," yet there are very jt,,| * straight out submi sioniats. These cle< , llie? : as I nion men mean to exhaust every I or a hie means ol preserving the I'liinon, jZKL j unless the constitutional right of the So J he fully guarantied, they will go for st SIUI1. SllOilM till! IVaee (!,in<rriw. Ii..u i miu mi 11 .-iiijmh'u .11 i.i\ii[>uih mr v uaii 1 a ton. j Tin* Milloil_'ovillo corre-jiondriit of tl ' August* I-luniiii lf, statos tllnt an a^riit W a lli ljiiaii Company i? now on a \ imI to (In or nor Mmwti, and that ho will no^otia 'on" to Miiiply tIcoruia with any quantity bl:1 arms. U111 ? * us \\ \i)\iissiti.\ -Tho (fni't Stat' J,,ii ? ..../ i n?M<i.r..?>i i t - -? ?? 1 ..... ... It.nnjf I > 111 v naiH?- I>W I Y catch llarny liftn^ ? Siuymth Stirs. * of T11 V l,AI..MKTT<> Ft.AO I>|S| Iw\A KI? IN ,v. Oo.NNKcrUM r. -The Vale College boys t,. raised a Palmetto ting on the Alumni tow0f ir of that institution, on Sunday, and barn-ruled all approaches to the top of the building. This was done in relation of the sup| .?sod insult offered by persons who em nvt ini-Ks wiiu me iron norac. tint tliey unto had to give up tliQ racik / , , AtKKtTlON fN MKN AND WOMF.N. J Women nrc'said to hnve stronger attachmoots than men. It i* not to. Strength of attachment i? evinced in little things. ' A man is often attached to an old hat; hut, 1 did you over know of a women having an 1 attachment for an old bonnet??J'unrh Alter fuur 'clock thair number luid increased iOOO. Tfie work ol relieving thciu 1 .isted iuhii}' hours. 11KSIO.NATION OF J AS. L. COKI.XT We are glud to learn,^through a letter rrvreived lrom Jas. L. Corlcy, that he resigned his office of First laoutenaut and A^juUnit in the Sixth Infantry, United States Army, a* soon n* he heard ol the secession of v, vnv v?uaw i.IXat IUU l') termination, it isunncuoMsry tor met 'They have already boon announced; is sufficient now to nay that t hoy h Wp ready been announced; and it is si now to say that they have been d llliS ue- Hkctah I AN Jol'ltNAI.S .NOT Nk\ dspeak. I'Kli.s.?Judge Low.of tl?c LundV'oui and it Louis, lias decided that a paper, puhl uve al- in tho interest of a religious soet, is liReiont h*i(>*ihijh i*, and that legal notices pub) eelarod Li such pa|>crs lire null u:.d void* v.U'A- session at Washington iuil to effect >cl 't, St. nu'iit, no doubt is entertained horn I ished ( t|lt. Convention will consider further e not a tiuns hopeless. The <|iie?tion of aece-s? ished will then bo referred to the people, and I probably be carried. , III Hi I'll.MH III. I S|ir.H?HI_J III I'llUl itlo- Phillip* late ilrinoii-tiiitioii ii. Huston, mi hat "NN e lear that before xoeiety can I iter- peacefully m 'wstniifrif, anil the I n i< lion math- to take t lie liie<lieiim "hat is hoiie: will I ly meant for it.* <;ooil m?7i junjih us I'hiU J must L< siijtfir- *. < 11 j111?vt '1 ne^roe* to wear tin- accossioti cocLj>: ado before Southern students. tli.-re i* sueli a scarcity of silver nl the l'hilmlel|>liin in i it t I hat sufficient cannot be procured l>s to iillny the more precious rucuU in its ' coinage A I'krpkti al I'krkumk?The ondu-1 I riiiii odor of music is astonishing. Win n | i Justinian, in f> IN, ivhuilt what is now the ' I iuos<|ito of St. Sophia, the mortar wash char^'H with iniuk, and to this very day 1 I tho atmosphere is filled with the odor. South Carolina, his native State; and that ho ban received the appointment of Captain in the regular army of this State. He lias been atationed, tor tho patt throe yeara, it Fort lien una California, but is expected home in aboat ten days. [Charlriton M>r\vry. I ^ - - . - - - ... . ^ V . J ' - ' . * "' "V-? t .