The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, February 07, 1861, Image 2

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- rrvT T l -??fry- '"* " i:?~ - - * * /1 < p.- *. - Jfd ? i 1 >) s~\ i * # ' T A 4I L,.?, M l I , rn i \ .Jh* a ^a ^ rn " _L IIJ WM. *1. TRIIM St VJ-? tMIER. : ... V IV? f 1 Jlanted to South i UN ~i\ crn ftigtriAglciricuUu , sr. rc, unit jiHisffltomj. $KL ?S p A i\. ,! ? 1 * KR AIV^U M. . . ? VOL. XVII. Carolina Spartan. Price, Two Dollab* per annum, in odvano< $2 .60 at the end of the year. It' not paid til after the year expires ?3.00. He subscription taken tbr less than six men SI The RellrluK Nrnatorn. Wc give bclojv the remarks of Scnati j or Clay,of Alubaui.i, iu retiring from tl un- Senate: Mr. Clay, of Alabama. I rise tonnnounc ths. for jUy colleague and myself, that the poop PARTANBURG, S. War I*re|??fIoiin at the \or(li. ijr Wc copy an article froin the New York le Timrt. headed "Supplying Anns to Traitors." It comes from a paper that made e, itself the organ of the Italian revolutionist, lc When that cullant neonle. hv a vote nf'ilu. C., THURSDAY, Important Statement. Wo find the following communication in tho'ltichuiorid Enquirer of Friday last. If * true, it accounts for the traitorous and treacherous course of Gov. Hicks, and .. FEBRUARY 7, 18f A Herculean Tank. In order that the world may appreciate 1 he magnitude of the task which tin; n<! an,j aft rim Secretary of War and ( Jon Scott y^ lave undertaken, mid may admire the ad :?*4 i i ? H. PenNacola Fort (Heal Ion*. ?he followin?f description of 1'eiiO'icoU The its fortifications is copied from the New l?w? ' k Herald of it lute date : jijfcre o NO. 48. Blockade. dcGnilirin of blockade, hi intcrnntimm! 4 the application of i'drce l>j one b*l(Ut to the port* of another. The uternif the term hue never been ex tan Jod IU?J WW IVIUIIiWU UllWU^il *1 aur risk. Jab work of all kinds promptly executed Blanks, Law and Equity, cont iiuiully on hi tor printed to order. Advertisements insert") at the usual r Tun Spartan circulator largely over this rtodjoiiting districts, nnd offer* nn adtnirahle and contraots mode on reasonable terms, tllum to our friends to . o.?c.i customers. From the Edgefield Advertiser. ,,urB of Alabama have adopted an ordinance i separation, and that they arc all in favor tnd, withdrawing from this Union. 1 wish it' be understood that this is the act of tl ft'es people of Alabama, in taking this motnei una tous siCp it is nearly forty-two years sim 10 Alabama came into this Union. She ci tercd it amid violence nnd excitement, cause mam by the hostility of the North against tli instititution of slavery at the South. It of populations, resolved to assert their indent pctideiicc and govern themselves, that jourto nul regarded their cause as holy. Now, ie when it becomes a pai ty to ns despicable a 11- tyranny ns that of Austria over Italy?when ;e it feels itself part of the usurping power? a it assumes a tone thatcvcn Francis Joseph id could scarcely have got up to. For those 10 who arc resolved to resist a sectional party is tvrannv?a tvmiinv u-liii>h nmr ?i.lnU #1...; ' should arouse the people of Virginia and |t Maryland before they arc sold to the en- M cmy : w iiinii.iNOTox, X. J., .Tan. 21, 1801.? Mkssrh. Kimtohs: I learned some rather startling things in I'hihuh tphia day bef >re yesterday. All the generals of the H ide '' Awakes w re in consultation on Mayrland and Virginia affairs. Hy the avowal of ciiiiimun xpmi wuicii animates mat galnit pair, wc would remark that the States T rhich are already out of the Union, and hsrl rhich are to he "whipped" into obedience The > laws which they have renounced, are ks acr< jllows: bor Dec. 20 ?South Carolina ordinance ?U.<] asscd. posi Jan. 0.?Mississippi ordinance passed, laui Jan. 11 ?Florida ordinance passed. yart rr.nBArui,A BAY. ^ 'ensacola bay has rare properties as a tweet bor. It in now accessible to frigates, douiii ; bar is near the coast, and the chmnel block ms it short and easily passed. The I a*- fyr th is perfectly latidloekod, and the road- nioti, I very capacious. There are excellent uio*t tions within for repairing, building and wider ichinir vessel*, and for docks and dock- po-tc j Is in healthy situations. The supply of from intcrriicinc war, much Ic-.* to one bei Confederated State*. Should tha lant majoiity in Congress institute A., adc of the ports of the seceding Sufc*, ie purpose of compelling their sub'tnisthe meaning of the term blockade be greatly enlarged, not only in its appliestion than usual, but the purmd aim of blockade must be departed as an instrument in Kotli.t? IMPROMPTU LINES. to Mrs. Marina G. Blakk on tiu: Kvk of Marriage. Tbou hast taken tows upon tlice, Loug anil lasting as thy life? Tbou liast bill farewell to childhood, And art now a trusting wife 1 May out thou never know a sorrow, Never sigh from cold neglect, thy husband prove n fortress this same spirit of hostility at the Xort which has effected the secession of Missi. sippi, South Carolina, Georgia, Florid and Alabama. It has denied Christia communication, because it could not ci dure what it styles the leprosy of slaver It refuses us permission to pass throug the North with our property, in violatiu of the constitution and the laws ofCongres lh*si??lipd to lirilfl'pt. t.ll!lt tirnnnrtv I I !? W J - -J J V.V. ..Uvnv..v., h rights ami disregards their interest more s- than any single one uinn despotism ever la did? it finds no higher epithet than that u of "traitors." This paper is in a Slate i- that, mote emphatically than any other, y. reserved to herself the right to resume the h powers delegated to the Federal Governhi ment. It belongs to the grout State of s, New York, who in her ordinance ratifying ?K? i 11 - - - thoir own journals, the lllack Republican Governor ot the " banner State*' (Pennsvl (j vania") appointed, as soon as he was inaugurated, a coiiuuitteo to wait upon Gov ^ llicks, "<// thr 9iuji/c*tinn of Altr IJittroln I (pintc from the an abolition organ; and one of the "committee-' is McMichacl. j ed? tor of the Philadelphia Xortfi Ann rintn, the leading Mack Republican organ. The Committee waited nnim iti.? - ian. II.?Alubatna ordinance" passed | g'?o< To-<lay or to morrow, (lcorr il lilil lit" uvi | ail C <d to the numl>cr, and ltd ore a month ha> b >r, lapse :, Loui-iuua. Texan and the great gov date of Virginia will certainly have meed- and d and exposed themselves to the judicial upp Tath of Sinallcy. Within that time, it Vol ' more than probable that Arkansas, North and 'arolina, Missouri, Kentucky and Tonnes tiul it will also have been guilty of "treason or 1 Water in abundant. Those projortiea, tilitie Mu<.c?luii m.c position of the hnr- It i as regards the coast, have induced the nde tl i rum.-tit to select it a* a naval station, all ac< a pi-ice of rcndeivous and repair. The coutn or arms of Pensaoola La}' receive the ity of low Waters of Pea river, Middle river etilarj Kscauibia river, eleven miles from the naval f. inade HANTA ROSA I.SI AVI> A?l-n U^J?n. .* now the accepted definition of blockiat it must be so efficient us to prevent ;e? by sea to the blockuded port. Like ibsittd of w*r, the interest itld hauiiui" the preecnt age have contracted, not fed, the sense of these phrases. The forces of the Uoited States arc totally quute to the blockade of a long Hoc of ri-ir n.?? i# ? - * To shield tbeo an 1 protect ; May your liven like morning clouds Ai'inglo softly into one, Floating onward, upward over, 'Till your labor hero is done : And then, may crowns eternal | Adorn each s irit-bow, Transcending far in splendor .K'en thy radiant beauty now ! K. W. 1 January 2Stli, 1801. ... , .... r.v|,?.vj. refused us any share in the lands acquire mainly by cur diplomacy, our blood, an our treasure. It has robbed lis of our property, an rTt'sed restoration, it has re fused to d< liver uji criminal? against our law wh tied to the North \*ith our property, ? t. with blood upon their hands, and it threa ened us with punishment and inurderc v.iv v uiuniuuuii, ultkir'u mat me | (?\v*-r.-* <1 delegated to the Federal Government d should bo resumed whenever the peaOe and happiness of her people required it il Our State made propositions to cotu?* to a j peaceful adjustment; but her eomniissioi.ers I o wer tre:.t with scorn and insult. She I ?r then took the position that she could not ! t and would not permit the forts and arsenals 1 '1 to ba held by a (iovcrnment whirl) \v.> ' - -r~ ?< n Annapolis, with assurances nf " sympathy" and "promises of aid." It i-s obvious that, in the event of tJov. ' .1 Hicks' resistance of the wi-hes of the eiti- ' lj zens of Maryland to convene the Lei;i>la- ^ tore in such 1111 extraordinary crisis as the (i present, lie is to he sustained hv the aho- ! litionists of Pennsylvania! And it his j party of suhinissionists should not he able .v usprision of trcusou," us defined by the S euli Snialley. \0i The States which have already roused euu ?e ire of Suiasley, and arrayed against sou. lein the military ardor of the m/ interim w;i> eeretary and the venerable Lieutenant- f.,ui ieuerai, have the following population, this coording to tlie census of lAOil: hay frte. Slavt*. Total. ^ aiili far <liua l.s<; |o7,ls.", 71"?.:i71 >ant? Horn Inland is situ.tod East by despo thwost b) South fourteen leagues, and aeleet ipletely shuts out Fensjcola from the goncc It in s > low that the sea in a sale trade, lion its top. It is not uiore than one monni th of a mile wide. The West point of probn island is at the tnouth of I'ensaeola -Vnier The latter is not over oncand a qtiar ol'gei mile wide. ficed i?v uu\j uuu willi ii me ceuirei tiflin at Washington should resolve Id one or two ports of the South for ?ej, in the Interdiction of their foreigti , the question of blockade within the in<rof internntional law, will, in ail bility, become European, as well as ican, on the principle that the interest untl commerce are not to be sacriin a vain endeavor to compel the [From (lie Charleston Krening News.] Sublmtli .sellout Agency. I know you like good news, and 1 inn gla< have good news toTed yoU?it is this The So Carolina Sunday School lui"n i? now a "ti fart.'' rf*is now in working order, and 1 vroik in right good earnest. It takes the j>1 ftf formerly occupied by the \iuericau Still School Union in our Slate, and is now I lie < Missionary Society in the State that iindertu *i? nUnt ?v SUuitliv Si'lititil ill ovol'v Southern men who attomj>?t??l the recover of their property. It invaded the hordei I ( t.l Soutliern States, hurned the dwelling i|ltl( and iiiiirdered the tamilies. Ilahitual vit x,.,l Inters ol'the ri^nts of humanity, they hav sat exhausted all that human ingenuity c lace di vise, and all that diaholieal uulie ea '" x invent, to heap indignity upon tis! an ^ ; make uj a hy-word. a hissing and a scot throughout the civilized wnrih. Yes. \\ v 1 hold in;: them to us against lo r people. ! -< If tl??* forts wore the property of flu* Foil :> eral Government, Southern taxation helped ?- to pay for t hem, as well as i ?r those that < remain with tin- Northern ('mifoderaey. n It seems, though that as soon as we move ! n to assert seif-ttovi rntnent, these model! I nI ul,lining ealJ this Jun Jamental ri^ht j n in ropul lieanism, treason. New York stops j e arms tle-f ilie I for (lie inhorc I n...aI ro nian.'toh' i lie* majority, tlm\ are to haw : M tin' M-rvii'i's ol 1 ndied \\ idc ' Awakes frmn Pennsylvania to assist them , ^ iti the operation of hand outlin** SouthiTti ! >lave-'?wtiei> ! This is tlie Lincoln m >?le | of dealing with the herder slave States, f| and it is an iiuproviuicnt on John liiown.s .. . i n iEverywhere, in Black l'epi.blicnn cir- : elcs. 1 hear en Ioniums on Virginia! 1 | ,, in!idt. hi.s.H"? ?S,HO?J ]?."?IVM T litlmum, Ill 4-;*..2T-l y.VUUT |)).)| ~ lion i,:;sn.o7? ^ ^ Tiio Si.i4.which will c ertainly placi j .,r-ll letn-a'lves, witliin a few days, in t c sane.: ? j.\|S rebellious" position. contain llic following j ;irt, unde r of inhabitants: I j? j Sf/tvr*. T'IjI. | nfe rittr i'lClvENs. miwsn 'lie }>rincipal means of defence to the efI nli of I'ens cSla ha and the naval sta- . 1 is l'ort 1'iekens. This fort is a first J"#1*' i bastioned fort, built of New York ? iii<-. an J situate ! oil low ground on the t jioint ol Santa Itosa Island. Its walls forty live feet in height by twelve feet v'cw< hicknoss; it is embrasured for two tiers on'y : :uns, which are jilaced under the bomb- Ww-?hl >n oi recusant states in Conl'edaracy unls. The position taken in pe, that :ts there is no prospect of subing seven States these being ill pt*sesfucitrly alt the military approaches to capitals, a dr facto independence is islied, irrespective of the Au.crieari it the quest ion; that if one or more ports ire blockaded, and not the whole, it I violate the Constitution, by giving a settlement. T<> go into tlic high ways ridges, nntlbring iti those that are in < arki utui now. .is a t 'arolinian. you are glad to'know I tv e are going to manage our own all'airs in ovru way, atul do our own Missionary work v our own men nail means. Tnis you appn 3>ow. as a Carolinian an i a South t'aru Christian, this Society (which i> a purely hei lent one) appeals to you tor ai t in its gi undertaking. Tills t'uion wilknevcr inter nml Wore all this for many v? ars, and msgl have lion; it tnuny y< ars loi.jrer, under tli oft repeated assurance and fondly cherishe hone thai tin m' tilings ware n<?t t!u* actio Oil J* I ? k.j,l, and feeling of a majority, but a ininorit ivc. patty. I'tia Hut the failure ol fln-sc promises an u>v our hopes have coaelu--ivoly proved to t !*,1 that there is no hope The platform ' I?? ..A. ' ? ' i' j sots to work <? iv organize her tuili ary. | ? ;m l other Nor;hern Stato* sound the martial , <1 noto. Well, lot it 1>0 called t >ii? it i> tho name that has charnct rized ov? ry v eflort toassei t sell <!ovi-ruuu'Ot. Turn tho |?a?jcs ol history, ami uotno <?t tho imhlost '1 characters t hat adorn thorn commenced their i career as " traitors." and uover woro onno 1 hi< l us patriots until tlioy made uood their have not heard of any e innnittcc bcinj; j, -iiit to y<mr <lov.riior; but they aro .Jubi I' Sunt in the belief tit it the I.eeislatnre has ^ been Jaek-o'-tho-lanternej into n p<v*itiou which will render secession impossible until alter the oreat national hand-Culling on the 4 th of March. J Ilelbre Cod and man I assert that, alter 1 tb it event, is the determination of the | li;:i !. I "lOillblifMn 1VIrl v I.. ? ?? -i iti>ninni. i tl rvrci-i, I <>iii-Ihht, i.Ji*i :tli!.Ih?; o*iii,4"l I I I "'.l'J | J"'1"1 ii^iui'i, l.??OT. I'jJ.Sjii'Jtt.gnu j "a)| J. 1. ? ? ?.4-J*.? j | KJ Tin1 Stat - which will almost certainly ; Fed >111 init a similar act of daring before the doll th ot March, hold the following number son I "individuals" to be coerced into paying nier ibutc an I "of 'vinz the laws." wal f L-irhrtir. The guns fiotn this work Pn*'e' ate to every point of the horizon, with ' k and enfilading fire at every angle of roach. The work was cotniiieiiceil in R and finished in lR5vi. It cost the -*'lr$ lera! < lOV.Tnmcnt nearly one million of urs. When on a war footing its garriconsi-ts of 1200 soldiers. Its arrua- ^ )t, an!y a portion of which id within its is. consists?of made cnce lo some ports of the I ruon over ?, all the States being considered by rnuinant majority in Congress as still >ers of the Confederacy.?Evening lunteer* from Literary ta* Htitullous. mator Cunnon, of Spartanburg has aurlieation for nnrntiuainn tn f..rm - wiiu any arrangement oiyouri nnreii, :>ui aiil in every possible way. Having clung tlie missions ol I ha Stale, 4 need uicii in ca on llie work. These 1 can get if yon will I niali iiic the mean*, ami not without. Ii is% a* well lo toll a plain story in plain Itingu Pardon me, then, when I say ?< < inui m??r .Missionary money?not io rend uhroi.l. hu spend in your own State. I waul y.ui to come a meinher of litis Sunday School Socii nod ten dollars will conslilule you a me n for life, and one dollar a member for one v< jy |J l?* I IViMlDilV'ill | I >\?* I ' "?X?I I ' I ilS *1 til i> <>| duration of war against the lives ami ii ri v stitutioiis of the Southern people. It in only r? preaches us us uuoliristiuii an heathenish, :i ml nnputts tons a sin an crime, t ut :ui<ls v,uj?l- insu tin^und. liostil i to to our domestic tniiiijuillity. In its dccl.e ''v- at ion that our no^mes are entitled to lilto '' v- t\ and equality with white nu n, it is i ''i|l -pirti, it not mi laet; a strong ineitenient t - title to natures stamlanl ol tmhillty by the i- uii^ht < !' the sword. '1 lie Northern lie I publicans imagine that our soeial fabric is d in a highly iiiihtmnia'ory condition, and d that it nee U hut the application of a .spark 10 to produce an explosion. This i> their , r- conception. Next, their lively and hope- j 1 Ihl ini.i^rii *ition pictures the people of the j 11 South, niter this explosion, coming ?o J o them on trembling knees, and heooiiij; for j - -- i i ? ; aeal on tin* South?:tn 1 then Mary- ^ l.tini aii l \ ir^inia will repent in sack- \ cloth nii'l ashes the precious mnuicnts they \ have waste*!! They are perhaps*- tli on- K Iv States that uill he inva*le<l in fore ; ami | 1 /iniffri't.- "i ti'rhi< iiii/s of \\ i?1 ? \waks will inundate theni, an 1 -wep out their slaves. Jury orr rnuir/ihii/ ilril'i.i'f umr fur (hut , j fxi/iosr. Without war tin1 Black Iwpuh- > i: ..... . . ii i! i- ^' Vv V. Slirr*. r.'?; j rkanxri,, mil.710 lU'.I.Oii'i 410,775 i p,)r| 'ortb Cituliai, 079j055 U2S.:S77 1,008,8421 ?p|,|, |is-*nuri, 1,0*5.a'.'O 1 1 ^ 1 <7 l,201.2Ui' j'W(, rntucky, 0-'. 1.707 225.002 1.150 i'.i | onnessoo, S5W..528 2M7.012 1.1)?),?; 10 yfK. i,M;V.'7,'? 1.050,575 H'J.* It will l.o thus v\ti tl?-it the Verm nit ll<'? Iruoo.'iul hi* warlike adjutants will have ",u loir llall is lull. n .rlifMi! irk- trim,, it i- r.. ' Cli Cnm. COIlip v-t wo pounder iron guns. . . "3 logo, -ly-two-pounder iron guns. . .17 . . itiijr-four-pounder iron guns. . . 4W *** item-pounder iron guns. . . o p|y Ivc pounder iron gnus. . . .18 "<t . livid pieces. 8 . - tltink howiizors. . ... t vy eiglil inch liowitiert. . . 13 it wyi teen incli mortar. . . 1 hare vy ten inch uiortars. . . 4 ,u_ _ any of students of the Wofford Colin this district, to be at the cojamand ? Governor. Gov. Pi Icons in his reiy* most cheerfully acocde to your sug: >n and take this occasion to say, that aid Le a do.p injury te thq S*ate to our litorary institution broken up by The hooks arc opened and vro are at wn JMeasc send in your coui rihutiiitis to \Y. llujlics, Corresponding Secretaty. t>7 Meeti ' street, Charleston, <>r 10 the ollioe of the St ^Secretary, Saprtanhurg Coujt House. Tli your name will lie enrolled, nud\<>u will oouie part of this Society. 1 know that tlu' time - are hard, hut we. i appeal to the liod of Nations for a viuuieit f of our rights, should remember tint we, v all we have and are. are in His Iriuds. I *4 It till !il I I'll <4t ill*-I I 1111 W ..II I 11 t N II I "t'lVl' ,r;v insurrection, sirsuti munlcr an 1 other ei iine s Ami, ina^or vate tliv insult, tin? same jtla "}i t't.rm denies us equality with men or fre an* iji'orocs, ati'.l brands us as an inferior ran '!lo e.?j> the climax of insult to our feeliuc: ami this menace to our rights, tliis jjart vh nominated for t!j 1 hesid. ney a mm wh ion not < : 1, einjur-1 il the nl.itform.ami proin?sc ''J1' t ? enforce its j run-iples, hut disregards th m'i ! iu of your ' sirts. tin* oh.-Mt oi * pruti etioii. There never was a war that | t- was not w 1^1 <1 on a false idea j uml this i? '? (In delusive one that now beckons on the > lb-publicans to what they think an easy s. victory. The idea lias taken firm po-ses v si,,n nf t1 em ; and as there never was a i" p op!e who would not make eoinpn ?t, il : ' they thought it was in tin ir | -w.r, >. ; ?' these 1 leptlhi e his will hazard one Calil I l> i ("lied before thev will ho iiio, .l if -.i ; in .in wituiu uissuive in a year?with , war; tin nay carry the popular .-?oiitinio??t. ] by llauini .. the "stars and strip'-*." War j ' is imt hi . their police, but their necessity. i In ir jilatt'ni'iii sundered the I niuii; and ^ they are j 1> l^e I to moovcr every State that J has been lost, il'thev must wa le throu it el l >11 oceans nf b.orxl. M I secured, Virginia i- their next , ' I " object. She ui.Jst lie cnii'jui reu or b >u-_'lit?-| , .. Lijfl ietubei\ J that, in onler to accomplish their urpose, they can command an aruij <;.?? ! t'about I'J.UOO limn, who are now scattcrl over the entire continent, from the uio*t ^ iorthern boundary of < u to the Kio '1 i ramie. Asa vm-pt ift ?rt , they have, ers iay-be, Hickman's eighteen million!* ol huh ayonets : l.nt when the ft_'htin_' begins, it not thought tliat tli unrulier of the 1'oiinsyl- { bar vi. .? hi 11 . I .. i( eight inch mortars. ... 4 ",c ecu-inch stone mortars. . . 4 T)' *1' iioi n mortars, . .... /I are n life o jial aruiauicnt, .... 21U <| ,.|,J 'he fire from this work completely cov youth the Navy Yard, and in case the latter i W as 1 hv the Federal authorite*, it wouid po?iti hold out loii? against l'icketis The iutel! on the exterior of the hay is three miles to out uuug men 140 wig mto me active uiititarvice oi'tbe Stale. 1 heir constitutions ot huticietiily matured lo/ garrison r Geld exposure. Betides, we ar? y interested as a State in training uur is in the paths ot iutellectual culture to prepare thein to ui tintaiu the high on tais State has ever held in those cctual struggles which are as essential independence as is the piofessiou of I it shall he given."' Let us nut excuse ours Ivos, then, been our country'n c.tll is upon u*. IJt?.l, who j; us our country. is utile to take are <>t' uours, unU lie never torotkes that poop? t put tlieir trust iu 11 im. l?c culls on u- tin' then let usrespon<l. lie -ays, (ee?l :a> Lniul Gtxul men ac 1 true are in wai in 4. 1 hey "JLiTe rtin 1. sou'i me." Natv, t Uui-: i.ii-. me the means mid 1 will Hcml tiieai at m This comes front oncol to trJclluw cim us ' i f your ( i>iis itution. ami ill reijuii<wii 11 .ut "t hit oath I \ ap;?r villi; .mv hi I to pr ;uve Ii;l,ii slav iy i:i tho Tenituies o!" tli I 1111 < <1 itl'S A lar>ro majority o( the Northern peon! h ive ile I n il "l.cir tip; roval ol the pin my. lorin ;:ini o.tiul.<intes t' I lie party iiithclal tive elect mi. It is the soli um \e ili' t >!' tIs K' people vl tile .North that the siaveh< hiin IV III) . . o.j .> a , l?. Itll 1?> !1 i lfl-.o ??.. V l> ... ? I !> S lUiJirru voii'jiK?t is :tu im. , > lid tin-ill rai><* an 1 1'ijii.p iiih* army, ami k* Invo it ? >iii^ l?.iok ujx'ii tli in ! am! lixi'H.liiti |,ct tin-in tin n haVe t.i linvt i- tin- va^t i-xp.-n liturc.s which war will en oiitail up ii tin-ill?tuxes increased, cum c m r c iut r.'Uj t. 'l, tlio arts an 1 inai.ulMc : <- tmvs stagnant ninl credit ^iikv -then the 1 'J. ."-OUlil Will I c | . llliitted til _ ? III peace, i lor il ,?!i 1 < inimical, Linoli.Jcaiinot >Uh-}> j in the \\ hit llou<e. A rill I canimii <ni llu* acio^ tin- I'otmnnc e m! I hit hi* ^ cli.nneer \vim]o%v tain out ul ten ehot.s. Ci lll^ii-liait(l?>?l Out tu7<*. The -viz tire oi* arin< intended for the A South-To Stated, shmild eonvineo every ti Southern mail th at ill Smith will have t > 1; in . i - u -i ? iii no muioriniiy rc me <l. | list ?? <ron?|it?r :i ] ?>t nearly twelve i itielillions, tw< ive t hoits-ind tin n, though ai I the 1 by 11 ielannn's v<il;ui:?,,,v* are not sulH- vrari lent.? 11 </.-A/??/.'?.i (' institution, 1S/A. nvi A Yl.sir T.t 0 AUIItAI.DI.?Mr. Join M l'A lam, of Iila-^ow has written ir letter ! otn Madmna,?the point nearest the Is . . ]||ti; illd of t 'ajireta,?dated dan J, iti which | unt, anil bcyomi tlmt there tiro no fncil arms. < for a hostile tlect to lie in safety. All " -I torts in i'cnsaeula bay are ere this quire risoucd bv .\l.ibantu troops, who were latent.' ited there by the tiovcrnorof Florida other FoItT m'uak. younj 'his fortiilea'ion is situated on Foste.'s . ik ami tluanla the U\nt side of the itli of lYtivie >1j bay. It is a ba-tioiied , ,,? v.......... _:.i. n ' when Pho-Joy is oouiing when wo will rotlie services of a II iu different depart?, uud is e<|ua11y honorable with the It is a mistake to suppuac that the 5 n:un of our Colleges uiu-.t push fortiOW into the rants of the urtny, or nay never again have uu opportunity, day in all probability, is coming there may be occasions, nerhans too 4?rs imjcii in tlie warK lor sever it years. nm well u< uuninte l with the wants of your St , It cuoiit in,all sincerity with a i*-<nii- 1cucy t ni.iiy will be the hearty responses. Yours in the cause of ? tirist, W. T. I \HRO\V. Slate Se 'vetary So. fa. S. S. 1 uioi ?o* *- ? TlIC IiilY ALtlY OK III K N.tVV To Til K So ?The following is a list ol the olheers <>l late I'nitO'l States Navy who have arnveil this their native Stole, or are 1. noan to lie j ^ . ....... ..i. ' .?| . ?|v . 11(1111, .11 it 1(1 hi' (?u u,,. lawel and l.-rumh ] with ignominy, and n>i hat .-i^iio.l to cxoera.ion ami ultimate .1 ;>tru< in?}>. Sr. arc we looked u.iou more ? 1( t.s than men? Is it ex) ceted that wowi or e;?:j exercise that o'io 1 like virtue thi Inarctli all things, omluiotii all thingst.i which tells ns to love our . neliiies, ami hlei | then, that cause u ? Arc we ?\j> . ted t ; iic denied the sensibilities, the sentiment (>!1 i i tun irtuui-s hi amity ami im iian^ wiii | i tlx-it lie iit-iv'l into. 1 In n tin* ]?cO|ile o! L'- the Smith will lie ruco^iiizcl as equal-. | r ami " treason"' atnl traieirs" n i l.niji.r lull tin- staii'lin^ eaj'i >u l'?r Ko|>u!.licaii iu-\vsit j.ajier lesulers.?- South - ?? - ? <s A Mail I>"V Arr \rui.n uv Wm vk.-. ; 0 ?N.\uumv Ksi M'K?We _ain the follow s> !uu imr in!iiriii-i11 >n IV. make iiini.t lis 1 i?I j eii.lenee I v t lit* tlce-uee li ??l the swopl aii'l bayonet. It srciii,- thai I l'r?.\ i.leuee reserves this ordeal through b which every people a>j>irin_' to iinlcpon ( h h nee inii-1 pass. It is the test of th. ir e titness lor the hoonat which they aim. If \* worthy of it, they will maintain it if not, w heir ih-.:r.e latiuti ciisties. 1 he coutliet of e* war-is lot! t he solution of national siijM-ri t'i "lit , r infe iontv. The North <lou >ts otji li ? tli s di"T?l*c- a viVit (iuriballi: | y ' I I.nui 1 tlii'truly .rival man surrunndo I f y lii.s own la i ily, liis brother, a lunik, ! s a caj ' ii.i. .iii 1 a lew IVicii-ls, ?!.- ' (| us.-in ' I'm ! , the hi l.-nt> uf tli-- time*. >u i , - . | ol v lii< h eutmin,.. . . J - ii ly ii't wi-er. men |( j ouM 1<a; .tl- ' I inystory. 1 v.n w , mint i'V <?an!..ii ii in a manner i\h rii be r , , . . d! it mill's a it man, an-l puts a pi nn ni .n , .. ko III \ * < . i at ''as.'. 11 did himnr I.. ?!?. , iMtiu \?i fuam??njry UU WUliA l.o loot in tliiok c-s. It is otnbrnsurotl , .. ill. tu tut two tiors <?t _'.i is u'lil.*r t>oui Unroot , i . > ? t r.ia l t 111 l.t?, nil 1 11 1-. onctlorrM burb'tlr Its , . i - . ? *uit u uuw:it o?ii>i>t.'U to (j?ans. mil hi Unio r ir rei|uires a ^irrisjn of six ltan !ro 1 liltv m ii. Hie work cost the Kderu' I'iriiiiiont nl out 84Ml,tjQO. Its jrmisrac .it ever) j> >int of llic horizon. It is a . rir.ctivo work Tin; lull armament c"t"1,1 ' f ?I? < 11?; when they will h.tve a fair oppory tur distinction ; ut any rate tlie true to permanent distinction in any pur>t" lite, is through preparation ami ed>u while young.'* iu;iu: Shall Maine Oo?On this ion, the Bangor (Muiuey Dr?H<*crat ii'iiLs thus: _*t- - - _ ? n .% * [their way homo: Captain?1>. N- Ingrnham. I oniiiiaiidor?II. J. llari?ii-no. lAcnteiianls-Jumc- II. North, John Hulld Thou. 1$ linger, M.-x. F. Murlcy, .1. It II. ilton, \V. ti. D.uicr, Tims. IV l'elot, Phi Porcher. Passed Assistcnt ^nr^oon?A. M Lynch. Ma>>ier?W. I). Lvans. Assistcm Sttrjrean?(Mini. K. Linnint*. Midshipman?John (irimhnll, 11.^F. Per n II II,... ... U' M *i*l t <n >i* ii th- passions, the reason, th instincts < motif 1 lave we not pride and honor.' lin ?c 10 c eo of shame, no reverence ?*>r mi ancestors, mid euro for our posterity? i I av we no Inveof our home, of family. of fr end' Must we confess our baseness discre lit tli lame of our sires, dishonor ourselves an degrade our posteiity, abandon our home: flee our eonntry?all, ail for the sake ? ' v' I'nion? Must we aim-e to live under th ' passed thru_:li lirrc about 1" o'clock yes 0 terday eveiiuiir from Ih-cutur: " The mail euro r between this place ami c Iheatur, wlicu ahoiit l'ort\ five miles from here, on his return trip, was startled at J henriii" the howling of wolves.and turning . to ascertain the proximity of his danger ' " iliscovercil, at no -neat distunee. a pack of; ' a hundred or mote wolves, upp .rentiy fren I p i i _m i ? i . . eaj .n ity, it regards the > ?uth as unlit for or unworthy < ! the uidepenJeiioe it aim- w it,:in<l the iiidieat'mus now are, that the -< I eople nf tile Southern States must staild II -Stiiiihler to shoulder in the assertion o| their |> I htieal itr>. i'lie seizure of the arm.- in- ti tended tor the Soutli wa> authorized, wc n have not the slightest doiiht. I>y the tiov- u en r ul New York, it is an net made upon 1 .. i - I... ... .r ? ._ .1. ... ochI iiic:i \vl. i had > ut mo uti this mi.--:* n. I j Ik-ii ho j-' if i in at ovory iiioul next him I v .. ir.aml pointed out mv bo 1 as on - ofth rtwo I .. * i?tl| i Iws iiwii rivnu. ! air j?!oa this li >n ?r , rou !'.v in I pratiTully?pride in the cjuii- j v <" ! which tJarib.:: ii coal 1 not .-j ah too ^|(j tl< ii. I ii' tin in a: I. ovi 11 in .r than li.o . Ct'Y? tut rial as^istunv. which if had rondo: . ?! tul\ ; and wit !i oratitn If to my c nmtr, an u ,i. " i... I - -i-i - he tort n not complete, but a sudicicut nhor nt guns are in battery to luake a no;T f y defence in conjunction with ^J'n t l'iehens. l>clo\v this tort is a Wat r al1^. 1 vry, which mounts -otne eight or ten ^'u'n is. Tl?e interior o! l-'urt Meikic it pro- Pr[,sr' 1 tin-necessary shot furnaces, utfi J s ?1 lier>' quarters, magazines, &c. I'as* 1 of I'O] FOItT liAUIlANCAS. ? 1 i. N- .... e ... ,)f 1,1 n iuc iLiiuat 01 una great rRTidUlKm^ to rapidly progressing, what duty docs e owe to herself? It is a melancholy nortifying fact that, for some reason, c has ceased to be that thriving and crous State which she was twenty, r and forty years ago. l>uriog the ten years, her per ccutuge of increase pulation has been much less than that y Southern State, and less than that i*. it. vnvuvi) I . .H I II1' 111 , ?. I. ?l UlKiT TlIK (ioVKKN'.M KNT IjOAN.?On Sat day lust, the bids fur an additional loan five millions of dollars were found to nearly triple the amount asked for. \VI viewed in contrast with he bids wh were offered about a fortnight since for i same amount, the question will readily ai as to what the marked change is to he 'PI .1 c:-. - ? ... luii of ourown ^overnni -nf' Mustwcaequ ur- ; i'i tIn* inauguration of a President tdu ,,j i s.'ii l>y cos federate ami hostile StatejH. political 1'aitli constrains him to deny n ,, n our constitutional rijrht j,.|, Must we con-cut to live under a jrovi r ji g mcnt which we believe will hencefoith h j.g administrated by (hose who do not oid deny us justice and eijualitv, hut brand u i !.?! U'l, , .... 7.ivu wiiii nunri r, ami wirn lolling tun?u.-s. | 1 r.ij>i? 1 !j, !< .;si'n!n_' tin- m-t between tin in ' and tlie Imrrur strirkeii mail carrier. View- j ' in?r thus his danger, with desperation lent | 1 y despair, tin* mail carrier immediately put whip tn his horse, Imping t-? ir 11n an iitjjc ore the huiijjcrin^ wolves could oyt'' take him; hut the wolves jrr.i-1 ual 1 \ iraiind >' upon him, lie hceinnin); t<> think that his " sainls of life had nearly run out. when su 1 a ? .- i/uiv, a- contraband oi war, can he < x- i tl plained upon ii i oilier conjecture. I!ere, ti then, i> .New N ?i k. the S ite that, with w more t inp!ia>i- than any other came into! ti tlie I uioii with the distinct understanding h that .-lie r< st ived the l to r< a>siime the 1 h power* delegated to the IVhral tioverti- tl meiit, whenever she thought proper, com- I t> milting an aet ot hostility upon the author- 1 u no ii.i<i ,-viii nif ivuii inrir :i>suruiCi ?i oi j 's " n ir hIihIiiij interest in hiui ami Lis ?mn- ! y in tli I '.mi!.' crisis. Si; 'in4 ili.ii !? ? i I 1>< '.i- il: 1'1'ly I'U^aifeil with Lis ilimit'iiM i ""J1-' iniitIlly rc-.-oipt ol letters, 1 left liim wiiL ! "iii is two s< orel.iruai. to take -i (jui?t surve\ <?t ' is island 11 tin*. An 1 as you aro aware o! - ul ii- aj'jui lu;ii-! 'ii i nt riuiiKil in lintain *r? > any Miii ii-n attin k <>n him, I soratnb.ou . *"'1 |> tl.e h i^heat rulo ? t; seu | the u inc .norm 01 i-eusarom nay, anu Mi | ,,} l\ lrotjtinjr the entrance t?? it-* tnouih t<xcer w u'k is creeled on tho sile ol' an old iu,j v ni.-h fort. The tort i* a hnstinued work; it of her.vv masonry, ?n 1 mount* fnrty 3|,,, j?, e L'tins and in tline of war requires a ; valu i ri-ion < ! tun hundred and fifty men. The | e;ni, uncut flu* wor!; is fully mounted, ' count it.> magazines are in j;ood order. In j,r,,p(| rem i f the fort i- a redoubt; which is ,, eh of the Northern ftatcs with two .lions, New Hampshire and Vermont; re believe we such fact, when we i:it, in proportion to her population, i the poorest State in the Union, her lion in ; roportiou to that population the le;i>t of any State. Our State, ry and town taxes are also heavier iu irtion to our population than those of tiler St.lto. til.* Aiultna g| ii iuuuiuiu. 1 (it'll hit lilted hi l1IUTrxtl\ I ho enormous that the (joveriiuieut prude ly declined the largest portion. Now I rate, though more than Ins boon hereto! I asked in times of ordinary stability n I prosperity, is nevertheless maeh less tl Che rate asked about a fortnight ago It is a lamentable foot that nothing 1 Since transpired to impart additional ? ?h deuce in the public mind as to the pen ere | - ; ) " - |M -iin. nt- I f? 'licy must destroy our domestic trampii lj,u ' lily ami imperil tin- live* o| our wives an ;,r,. children, ami ultimately destroy our Suites ltll| ; Must we live by choice or compulsion tin la|) der the rule of those who present us th j alternative of an irrepressible conflict i ias defence of our altars and our fireside? afi- "r the manumission of our slaves and thel li;i. ' admission to> ?eial equality/ No,sir, nevei 1 tlciily .1 tree presented itself to hi* "ladder^ i t il vision for which In- to le for dear life, i '' and finally o lined the asylum t?l his hopes, ; j with the savage beasi* close upon him, and '* I jumped from his hone on to the limb ofl e the tree The wolves came up in a nus " incut, ami alter howling witli diappointineiit | ' for a short tunc, at the loss of a warm sup- i r per, gradually settled down in quietude to j ' watch their i?reV. The carrier remained ! itiri ,,i a -state tliat Has simply exercised u thi> reserved right. \\ e sec noothi r course tl h it lhe Southern States than to begin at ( al once, measures of r< taliatiuti. \V e would <1 like to have peace, if wo can get it on lion- b orblc terms. lint it' the property ut' the u States or tin ir citizens are Ihu> seized, peace li is an impossibility A Southern tiovern I w ueiit must speedily be organized ?its pie- I hi paration tor the issues o! war m selt defence tl In ill. r I.K'iiiw < exist l?>r his enemies Iruiu ie nj?j>.>sito coast, 'l'he people hero i?j<u H|kl t the idea ol any hody ol men being I imJ | 1 aring enough to attack him in frout, an i ot > aii_j other way it wouhl take a body ?.it witl leu houii to work their way, even in dayght. over the granite rocks, which, sea- 1 orti and honey eouibed to their soiuiuits, the re evidently ol' volcanic origin Paring was ie dav the ticncral wua vcrv much ein?:i.?- iV.? iliaty l> I\) t Iturransas Sum : csten- j i?*|v repair* hnvu recently been completed j w]l(>yi li i redoubt, and the flunking Unwiu.Ti W LS ,, t iip and runnier .scarp can be mounted cudiu ti very little labor. whosi m tli. t f. \\*INs1111* Ot ruoMK.?l>r. Wt'rthip ' \ celebrat?Kd Miifsacha-ietts alhbte, who p<>i absented t<? be the ' stronjieu mm in time a.iriil " l\ ntfl *i cmuiri.if i?? ?Ku t.oi' * ? - ? ? ? , 40. there were but thirteen States . j cr centa^e of in create of population jreater than our owe. Kor the decade, ij: in 1800, there are thirty 8tnte* per ceutago of increaae is beyond >f Maine. \'e shall not in this articlo undertake int out th ?hat have for a loug buck been operating to the dntadvan nenoy and prosperity ol the republic. \ must confess that wo arc at a loss to (let the real cause of this apparently renew 'Confidence. It must he greatly owiny the fact that an immensity is l\ i dormant throughout tin country, ami t holders, rather than continue that mm munerative pol cy, nre willing t t embark liny .investincut, which promises even slight hone of securitv. IVu.<hiu " ,\ e iiovct: i lie tree men of Alabama hav |I|(, proclaimed to tin? world that tin y will not (.,j and have proven their sincerity by secedim tu from the I'liion, and br.ivinpr all the dan ,i,r "crs of a .*'pamte and udcpcndcnt iiatioi |?. anion o the | .owe m of I lie earth. As a true am n>. loyal citizen n| the State, approving of lie in action, nckimw lodging entire nlleeintiot ! and feeling that I am absolved hy he f,I roni all lav ol>! jo it ion to sin? t ; lie t 'on ' in this awful condition until nearly morn ino, with scarcely any clothes on, having - thrown oil nearly all his wearing apparel, j hoj(ii|o to increase the speed of his poor " animal. At a'xnil the dawn of da\ the ' wolves I is i pj.eared, when the mail carrier r 1 nearly frozen to death, fell from the tree . ' | to the ground insensible. In that condi r in n our informant, who came aloiiu a liort i ' e. _ i i .. i i i > inii*t l??* promptly iiiu'lt*. Thr coiiIumoii cm ami dinnf iitietiuii which im vitably roult It from iin-->u?|M tfiit rlcctiiMi ut hijjli official, | b inn^t hccaiviuHv u'UarJi ii u^aimt, ami i vo li rytiling put in (lit- po.nihlr eonliti mi Ii 1?m- tin- icvcro <?rd< il whicli awaits ns Tim ai cutting otb (lie munition ot war li hi North n < rn |' m 11, will be lollowt 1 h\ a block -i?!? \* In fir nil lilvf ii||i|ilifi from lluropc llfif j li ill.'r i . i* I li?? ?l tli *i r? fl?.? .1 , i, k>ut I ??;? In evening he mixed with hi* sun lend*, and conversed lively ; and when nee V oiii-elve- in his ?iWn renin, feeding the test re willi roots -his only fuel?lie spoke ?l ?y i i iy :111 1 warmly of the llrttish people, at v lid o! the stand ilia le hy l.ord .lolin Kus- niil* dl hi I'avor of It 11\ After supper, iunre wei ritin r. ami then to hed, where tor h >ut> , the e -at dietatin^ t ln> two -ivretarii s. I i p >u r .. . . i ~i - ? ' 1 - " "I ? ""n' ' of one William Thompson, who is con- lug h ?ed with the llhieagn tivuinasiuni. The cling of strength ??ceure<l in that city one dcrot last week, at a gymnastic tournament, State* rhich l>r. Winship perlormed his 'great faith, M illar teat of lifting nine kegs of nails treacl ghui-g 1.1HIU pounds, and raising, with State: aid ofliarne-s on his shoulders, 1,017 to *>7i nds. He was succeeded by Thompson. dispo iiiu uuiruucui 01 .uaiue; i>ui sach b?vor present condition, whilst sho will to the I'niuD with true heroism anil ion so lou? as the other Norther* ? shall observe the cotupaot in ^ood yet she cannot ho toloraut of aocrct riery in any of tht"1 middle or Western s nor can she afford to tctiti for them f hrr out in any trade they may b? sod to in ike aiuon^ ttieiuselvos or with I ' -- - ' .Sfilfr*. A Loxfi Walk to I'ay a lir.r.? stick to a promise made it'Lincoln was el ted President Mr. Payson Weston, of II: fort! isgoin^to walk from Hoston to \\ a ington. The distance is iT" miles ami I oonlract makes the incumbent upon .N Weston to perforin the journey in ten da ami liis arrival nt tl?n stitution ul" ihti I nifc'l Statrn, I witlnlrai from IhmIv, intomliii^ t?? return to lit 'J'o bosom i>| my moihrr ami >li re !>i-r nri< ee- maintain liur foitmmH. irtsli In out! of tlie I,Mulish rolonitw a foinpcl Ik- itivt' oxamiiiiition was latrly Imltl lor lit Jr. piirpnso <>1*:i|>]m?i1111nif lit persons to soiik* n V*. tin* (iovrrilllirlit oilier*. < >ne of Ih<> rami (1 ml<- .11 utw i i 1 1 >, ii ' i; i 1 iii' , iii i cull ii ' i 1 iii v to a Iioiisi five ini}<*.-? distant, win-re lie re covered -nllwiriitU'. j ?i? vi'i-is to our inform ' nut's Icjiartuii-, t<i relate tin: story I In- li?n>e Was rlijs, | I?a |ii>tIimi id tin wolves, and is supposed tu lie lust, to^ctln r " , with the mail. I li >/ i Wiff.i/ luirtt) /? filler lie* caption, "A New Keittnrc of iho <>l cii'ivi 'ii 111 i war, ami ?! hop \>>r;h < ( I'.'lina, \ ir-jiuia MaryIan I. K > iitm-k v, it Teiim an 1 Ark, will a ri ru. ni/f their -ii?:ti n e, ainl prepare <1 thciiiM'lves )' r (11 < j >i r t 11 i ??\ nit olid Intake |> Itthey arc iv>nlve<l l>> lie with tli Smth. Ii let thcui jrepare to aft their part in such j. a manner as will hilly vimlieite the polit- >1 Kill - tat lis of t lie ir people.? ( iiiifhiiKin. \ , ? i ' - > ' "Hi i >> in'ii i aw a Kelt w li i, til v* is tillit*l ; hut souiO hours helore doe i? i.iv Ik- u;i- .it work with them :i_rnn, .-uul n 1 I e ? ri-i'i IJ u-it 1 two hours alter j JcT: ivi i" k I uii iiiion this in:iiit]v to ex- suci l.iIn how iii icli In- has to do, mill tocxctlttC l,lh mi lor utiv disappointment to his corn's- mm ond. n!>. Sionora Teresa, the general's also in. lit. r, is i very pleasant atld'unalTectod in^ 011114 !.i l\, l>ut speaks no Kn^'lish, neither pcti ?, coiDtuciu'ing with tin* last lilt i?f tt;c the S( t?.r. then wont on adding weights 1 ry al lifting with harness on his shotih I not h ? ami hips, until the numbers stood nor t ressively, 1 l,73t>, niidd i?> 2.<>;> ?. 2,loG pounds?a Tory re- I sacrit knhlo I 11, the latter, to ho sure, lie! Main experimented with dumb bells weigh-! mid f ItHl and lt?"> pounds. Another com- l,et il ing gymnast., name I Curtis, "pushe I and t vuth. Wo would excite no unueecwnarm aiuon^ our people ; but we wonhl ave them insensible to tbeir condition, foubi we have theiu betrayed. If the 10 State* have it iu contemplation to ice New KnglanJ for advantage, let e at leant take time by the fore-look, 011 them with their own weapon*, t he rumcmbcrcd that Maine has 1111 Sniltll 1l!W fdtHt.n " I will leave the State IIoiu<e in I noon on the 22d day of February, and v V he obliged to walk IT mile* a day unt il rea bcji tlic Cupitol, A inati is to accoui him in a to act that ke fulfils ec'liieiit. I iii 'i.ih" ui.i'i * 111 <n ( ij nit- wmpi t riiin :i< with two ?'> thus Vennieo. The exnini lill ner II clever man, hut not always :i eerie In* Hpeaker. sternly impure 1, * 1 > > you not kin t |?:i- sir. tlint there is hot one If n in Venice? his. " I llell e.'^N lliu^t he \i TV sern ee there. I was the realty reply. The caiulhlntu passer Anieritvin llrvnluiion, ' n ijui'hork pajwr >:iv?: I " \V liih? tin1 North mill dip > < n n li ;?ro oil I In* 1 i'Vc of civil irnr, ii i* inii-rrsi ii?r?> Iimiii oh v ivi-i|n mi it 111| 11 i*nrii'ii.ililc nuili.irii v, ihit die .. lr ili iijj men of I hi-Si it nf \| i'up urn |i ;>ir,, in/ dtp ivi-, for nn'ir\ii'.nil lo I iip Hi ii i-'i \mj ri?Mii' I'tnnn. li m tUo liui.-l Imj cl'nl iiiovi | I. incut of the hyur-" .1 Tiinviiiv N .1., .Iniimtrv ! \ Hill !ii? liivn itilI in tli?? Sonntc |mii-!iHiu? lolouy ti iIn" <l? livi'i \ nt urm~ <?r iniiiiiti'Hi" "I wur lii m\ J, of ibo - 11n - Sin'n. nil I pwiiflhing onlint- ? inon' in ill *ii v i'i m ? lli i; ?- niiioMt I r \ i i ?vir-< H i I n |. |.| iv t. it lit i i ;hI" of , J i/. n*li p. 'I i - li i i?i ;lu r >1. MU <ti ; he is taller llin tir-l i? l.illicr ; has very much the look of a i one ii?? yoiui- v;n| >r, hi his re>l shirt, ami ! nj?o ronz . not <lark, complexion ; h hiils lair hail i he a very strong man ; in now twenty ^ra >'l Z'\ mi 1 yo ' ire aware lui?* already i eon i :in^nished him . It in the late campaigns to 1 I l.iit pounds, and then 150 pounds in h han 1 with the pulley, and lying down Tin hi his hack put up lit' pounds in each mil let id. But the lent of the evening was the frM' ' n<l lift of Thompson, and tho judges so e ' sidared it in the award of the $200 priie i l/jfho lint. ginc* ? Rkm un* or Okncral I.rr.?The Cow* ? nf?P"int*'l to the loniiiri* of GorUrry f'r- m i iimhclnnit l*l*nd Oenr* the Suite ol hi* nuiYity hire received ? on though Som h t'urtlini fmtn CoKhiiI - Clwinn. the present Chief Mihttry f.n. r nt thni Rnpuhlio.?fcrhm nJ iK'puftk. /