The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, January 31, 1861, Image 3

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i?twga-r-: -v4-i>FROMTIIE CrtY OF Cfi^BLE *"* THE MILfTARV Sc. New Oklhanh, January tii.?l-'irtj wlaarad at this part to-day, with of aottoa. * * 4 * >'' STON The Vi llain I Stale Caim-uljoo h? n-V C e?l uiUii iku 411% ot MarvU. i Tho Virginia LegitUlurw bilk t>a**e<I i r a!ii|>a am i,uri/.inir the Batiks to luapand specie X) bales nn-nta i Tii. Mim... r..v .i.?i;.A r?.io ? 1 CHANGE IN BUSINESS. i Mil - ? ;5 M'KINNEY & POSE _ | JtoTICE. ! rpiIK CO.MMI88IONKKS ..( ibe 1W will I I meet Hi ih,( fariili, on (litllril Tiwwhy \t , in Petit urn v next. t?? i>r t i < nt oil ilit thlldrao ? liittt MO ulj on illrli In wt.rk- Mil l llni-e IliHI ?r^ Administrator's Sale. BV per^uissiuu of ibi? Onliimrjr, we will cxfin*io c.ilo at pultliu out-rry, oh ilie lot ilny of FKItRI'AIIY next, ui ilic lut.- resilience '.i 1 REMOVAL . t SCHOPPAUL B?HEEX8, Hoot and Klioo MitkerM. NEW GROCERY STORE!? IM Bft?K *A?G* | AcqostJanuary 23*?On yeatvrdi House psitoeU. by u vol* of 87 lu 0, rem declaring, ip vlovy of men mid money bo dered to lb* tleneml tioverument, that i Kentucky, uniting with their bret the South, will resist the invasion of thi th* South at all kaiards and at every ext Muvau, January 22.?A battery of thirty-two pounders is being const i-uv.-to< Also, preparations are making lor tb? liahmeut of a canuou and shell fouudry. llatwaiu* OO HI? n . ?,,v . v*ui M0 iv? VWV*IVM III iVy, ibe B!< indicate au overwhelming tn^oiity^to i>lutiou? . lutHliiiv Swi'Miuiingieii-i ahuivat ok ('ait. iiasati am.?Among , ' pBjacncci** by the Art go at New York is *n ?*- biincaii N. Ingrah.itu, U. S. N., of Suntb I ????of lina. njiuitj. A soflrton Mauuikii.?Clark Mills, 1 *|1^ ?*!* '''* ?*lehratr?l sculptor. was marrltvl in I ,?r5' mure, vu the 1-tU, Uivhlrs. Susan E. llo?r? ) entubTbu steam snip Columbia of (lie Now , |_ >11 ' lillR. is Hi ill imlllil" Siilliw-..'^ 1?1 ? 1 Mr run. W AVISO formed * Copartnership, will c?1 B tiiiuc the Jaro- at the old Stand of M. T. McKINNKY, arco J 'jye>t*t uf tU< Ot'Uif llou**, where mAy be ton Ksq., nl all time!* a well selected Slock of IS.11 Olioi^e C*ro<M?riojs ^ ol ^ m prices us LOW tis eun be found in the umrt j loo Kin.til will lie i>ui in ilie linud* ?f roiiie per>?? niii to Ik* kept nt ilie lowest bi'l, and |?ui?4 for i l?y t h?* 1 'oinmigxi hi -rH. tnj?ne<| l?jf order of the Board of Couuitiftgioiu-r-' of tin? I'oor.' . A. WINllO, Cliuuin.iu, jiro. tern. , J. l?. I. v.m.ui m, tk-creiiiry. , Jan 10 41 * tf ml j I^Iai^blo ar<l. !; HARE & PALMER. of JOHN II l.ll'^OUMD, di'CMHvtl, llie/olluwing property belonging to the estate of ilocea-st'il, *i* : A B^of of t urn, l'o?l<ler, Wlivut, i'oUuil, ll?M*NC?, l uu.i, ait?l oilier tatilc. Oxen anil Ilo^s, 1 Wagou, Family Curi'ir.gc. 1 Iblggv, 1 I'art, < 'oilon (iiu, IIouhol.ol.l anil kitchen Furniture, Faruiiug Tools, i.o Torino iua?l<* known on <1:13* <>f nuU*. rjlHK Hutoscriber* hire forine?l * o>p?utuer- fl 1 ship fur the purpose of csvrryiigf on ibo J loot nud Mioc Mnklat BuilaeM in llu> town of Spartanburg. noil hire removed tln-ir HIIOl* to tfi? room formerly Ji. by Tllllil.K .t HC1I0I i'AI'L. on Cliureb ? (luurb?l?w lli-chilm * Jewelry Store, IIOOMS OK II. J. MOU>.<>,\, l'l)v(o|{i?(>|iUt. hu j riiuroli Street. u?xl to Miiu-UireeU gp amir*. ? where they would ho pli i-wl to nerve the clii- V ti'114 III thin illiti il liulHinv ilinlrinm Tlif>W will r. M. BOST, ) J5HFK**T>'CM.V Inform* kU rtk?i M*4 \ tlM (.ubtio thai be lias opened ? New Vroccrj Mere - * . i a at the aborr looUtwa. w bar* v hit in store ami ii JaHy i*?*l?; iug a choice ?(wk of ( rovcrfea^ ~n??Jir"i wanuarj ? i nr V'UUTt'UI pMilit Ui second rending to the Uouse. terday, by the casting vote or the 3 peal comas up on its third reading this ui There are thirteen members absent. Montoomrky, Ala.. January lib.?Th Convention of Alabama, la-day, passed dinwoe annulling all military commissic authorizing the l.egivlnturo to lill the vu thus created. The Convention di-cussed an oivlina thorizing the Governor of the State to lOO Will ' ? Baw AcororxT.?We regret to find the fo ing paragraph in liiu Charleston &brem ? the 24tli instaiiL * A terrible accident occurred, on We< io Slate jay the barrack* on Sullivan'* I.-land an or- VHtc Ktrawiuxki, of tho Columbia comj ins. and vriiile in bead with a comrade, took up hi; cauulos volver. ami jestingly remarked that he ? shoot his liedfellow. Tho gentleman add uco au- the barrel of the pistol, which reipovo i .....i :? - 1 "* A? wu will l,ow* S*oll ior Cawli, y ol ami t'an'i only, w? will pay, in DARTEIl a ini-a CASH, the market valuu for all Country I'j l'ri- duoo. M. T. M. KINNKY, tuny, J!. POSEY. ? re- January 'JM, 7HOI 47 tf mold . _ m _ ,ws8- CASH! - CASH! WHH m vix-s rki:et, Spartanburg Court House, So. Ca. ; #fr J. II. GAIUtlSoN. Acini'r. 8. 8. (1 Alt RI SON, Adiii'rx. Jan 17 4-j 4* 1 loadtiuurtc'ix. - - - ?J "... ? utuko to or.lur liirlit awl ?uh>UtuliaJ Horn* utt?l co s*Ij???-.- of t he Initio nn<l molt approreU utiles, t.'r ut (lie lowost poK?.bl?e prices. Tun b?*L at out- H. tcriala will be k?-p? on 1imu<1. , U Hfpniriinj of every description "Will also be Te v>c?utu?l by them wiili nrninoaa nti'l promptncit. They call u|Kjn 1U0 vitiirim uf (lit (litu-ioi to support lioma labor nu<l enterprise. , Tliey will warrant nil their work. A. &.TI01T4UL. If. DElIUt.KS. e?n? --? f> A. SCII(UM?AL*I. ~ *-*?- ~ mmwwmv (?# which lie irtkm monfiun-u sitting ?*f SI'U AM?Urow^H'Wrtit'J Mi j ti>hrtl; COffPSBd -ttio, L*go*yr*, t?d Jw*; ICON?Uuu, biUee, uui IIiouMkH 94U? LSSK.S?.New OrUna* ?n<i Cub*; :.w; UU-e; Prmnwl, Dried, Mil Xfrundtcd FrMU; KK Muni aril; Pepper; Spine; ickcrel i?n?l Knlnmtr. Flour, Me*!. Corn, Pe 'oei; Kelt?Liverpool Hacks Mtd Flue T*ble 1 ABBESS, iaAiaiBa, bote * 1 the amis find munitions of war from Veruon Arsenal, and distributetliera um troops in Ihe cities ami towns ihroiighu >|ll Aa ordinauce was discussed, vesting t islature with power to confiscate the p of pe rsous who are oueinics to tho Stale The Soonto has passed a hill roquir free negroes to leave the State by th ? next February, or be sold into slavery. New Oblkans, January '22.?Pates fr< <Pl?? * h\ f lin ?!...? ? I v<? n<u <I1IU on )( < 1VIUKI II worn on. Mount |l;lj| olt 11,,, pet-nun of Mr. Stravrinskr,1 ongtlio |?g j? |j,y groin Kvor^l'ui lent ion wu*]?iii ml Ala- wouded man, and he was yesterday conv j to the hospital. It in greatly feared tliat he Leg- wounds are of a seriousnat ure. roperty | wo iiriuherw of t lie same comptuiy ' injuricd, while working at the guns yeslcV' ing all one imving his fool, and tho other his li ? 1st of T >ry badly mashed.*' ? u I? 11 i n hut" r 1 rim ~ t?i ?r-irTr r iui Vera < Colli It) l?itl CottOII Hit lUld. ru? 4 LL fsora^HS indebted to the uttdersicm 'o.le- /\ c'uIht l>y Notour Itiok \< cuuiit. will jilcn I the call ami sc'tllo the sunie itmuv-diitclv. 4>wl ui T. M. UINNKV. his Jaauary2S, Ifflil, -17 if J"? SHERIFFS SALES. mini, FOLt KKUUl AKY IHtil. BY virluo of sundry writs of fieri fioi-m, me directed, 1 will sell, hol'-tro llic ('on I1....W. .... ?? M 1 J, I ^ w so I U AVISO foruicu a copartnership, ami in tcrnliug lo supply all I huso in want ?>t' a ini'inrillo i') murk the spot uliPro lie tho ru? main* of iluiir ilcparunl relations ami fiiemls, a* vlimp ? ? ciui bu piucltudlit-'l any where. Their Stuck c?msisl? of >i< >> (;mi:nts, ' ,!rJ Tablets,Tombs, Tombstones, Head 1 SrAliTANBUlUJ If .Jan. 21. 18GI. \N eh'cfjon for Captain au?l First J.icutvn nut, to cuuuiuui'l lUc Morgan Kitics, to till | | the vacancy ?> ? ion- <1 by the resignation of I | Captain I.cfir ittt I l.ieufrniint Wiiistnith, is I tmrolitf L. I. . I. ).l ... ? '?*' ; "?riv Oil tuider hi'* thanks to his friemb* und p>urou? i?r r-|( tlie encouragement mid (iiironugt received the w pi-1 year, during the lute iirm of Tliiclo & Si hoppuui. and hopes by strict personal iitu-ntton to business to merit u continuance of the Mine. .'an 17 4o ly. C Ali 1>. 'J 1^1! K euli-cribiT respectfully informs the reKidi ii'.i of Spsrfnnburg, uiul cm rounding country, that lie will open iu u lew days, a leeue. Butter aud Kggs?in nWt, all th# t?> urn articles usually found in a firat-clas# Qrory. i intending to conduct a strictly - CASH BUSINESS, ' pledges himself to sell aa low ac any stiwr use in dpartauburg, and I here Tore ukM t dak J. M. Ufcw$ll give the higbeat market prion Flour and Com, and barter for all aorta of untrv produce. March 16 a If ] moil anil some of bis officers have been ?ed by Indians. Minuitnn narrowly escr ang killed by three of Juarez's men, aud for th' -apital ontbo 5th. Kiuhmoxd. January 24.?Tito Souatc, indefinitely postponed tji# (potation of a Oieot on the 18tli of February. Tlie j: ingn were dull. W\sumr.TOJ*, January 21?A"si?tai master General Lhtndasdicd this uiornii a protracted illness. i .1*ii-i : Cui.vmlitJan. -y. -Two hundred OliptUI*- , ipod l??- twenty hales sold today. hstrente*> ( >' 11 c l started c=- ? ? AIS.NOI K.N'l'S, to-day \\c arcauthorized tontinounco ('apt Fit djouia- ^ .y.siiKitSt)\, as a candidate for Maj< ll'DC'COU the 1st Battalion. Jim 2 J?4?J it Post- Wd uro authorized to announce t'.ij t V\ ' ItTlN S. 1 'ItI*M MON It, as a Coiididuto for - > i .mouiiuj ililU I U?-?"I,IY mid FKUIIUAUY ucU t>a(s 1 :?T ncrv* "I ti 1 more or 1l?ound<- I lands ot \N in. Hunter. V.vuns nml mhei ~ sold tin* pro; o. ty of Jwliu Cliuntloy, ,-it t suit <>l J. I.. Wollord. Also, ANK 17dncns of I and. more or loss, hounded >r 0j- lands of J. J. Yernoii, II. McMillin, Mrs. Baltcilger uutl others. Also, -70 aen s of I. more or le-s, hounded limls ul' \V. I'. l>ickMiii, liiijnli \l\ersoii a others; sold ms tins propoitr of.l. .1. \'?-rn ' M>4- . > ? 111 and Fool-Stones, Fumi'.iirc, Mar>\v hie &c. , Tin y arc nKu Agon s lor Iron Hailing f >r (Iravv , Fviio-'i. Ii;.' iniutf, .v<\ I'.r.-MIH* wi-!imi;f anything in our line* will ' ill, or jciiU iWir nrdorH, wliioli will Lj " j?r?"inj 11 v filkd. UH'II MID I1AKK, . * \N M. M. I). l'AI.MKK. \ .Ian 10 tf n ? ... .. "I. ^ ' i ikltiioo* J ? - ? ? ? ? ? ' 'UUI UH Y iui' IUVI1 r ilnjr <?i lYbruury m \i. fit Spm tfuiburg O. II. i l.icuteiuio Trihuuier aiol Noughts, tin I Cor- : 1'. K. I'mnMii ??rc appointed lo manage ! ' the election and return the result to me. (I W. H.LKCK1, Col. SOili Kegt. .S. C. M. W. S. Hat, Adjutant. Juu _'l, IM'.I. td j ta x i :s7 | Wl' 1,, not pfov'.l nii.?Kv hindered. ntton 1 Slock of Choice Groceries, IMIOMSIONS, rJ (xoodM, iVc*. u*. !I frotn n ilcnjrt t? plrnae, Im? muy gi*e i-ntirr * tit infection. audiiieicbjr rt-ccire a w ><t' j>uhlic |>u'Voiia^w. 1'. S. SMiTlI, Aohnt. *** I; c 2 > 42 if ll" UNsO! r niK ftr piirrerntiiiP 1 New Tin Sliop. "MIL U.-Dl.RcjUJSKD bi? optued ia Sp?r> [_ iLe ?b i?e busineaa, which lit i?J- c4*T j ing on in iu Ttrious biauohet, ?n4 hopes!y ? Strict attention to Bnslnetis, Ui iu punctuality and workmanahip, tt BIlU eir patronage. Uite him a call. 3L0QFING AND GUTTERING ! Voslinaster (lenrral r??lt took loan Clerks of (li? l'ost Office Depart mont In -assume the duties ol the War Depart me PcusAuni.A, January 1W.?-Two colt are mounted at Fort It.irnueus. The 1< was saluted. Fort I'lukcus b -inj; i by allied troops. TUo commander of the Floriilu fort telegraphed to the Mayor ot New t>r.? 10,iioti iucn to take Fort I'ickcns. Baton Kotur.. Jitnunrv "J:!?i'.?r f of the ' jur 1lkitlalioti. Ian 21 -111 I ?y. to nu \>'<>rlli I Irnrii I IB bill is I _____ __ r?no star ! _ _ _ _ _ _ M () I / O N us Ii:ih I | rc<lnc?Ml hi-t jM-ico t'if Picture* t :au? ivr i ? I livery one can now I.jivc n clmiice of I linj; u J" >?'?1 l.ikvtic*- in o.i I of :i li.iricsij : the h'UlliUU lin e ?1 i\ inc. (in-< iinwrvai, j n< tn- >uu i?i 11, K 1J. Woffui 'u Kxi'i'iiluif, mi I cili'Ta. Aim, -ros of 1. itnl, or Ir-.^, lmtliid 1 la:.% f V. I. -'"'ill V .1 ' ! II 'i. .. i'l ic A! - <>. (V> icrr- of I *11 I'l. uioro or 1' s. hniiTi<i?'il lit lids Oi KooilHtcl Ailrll, N L*. W r n .'l o. ns. sold .is i ho |>ri?|?ort v < f \\ d mi \ 1 < n;11i i :K Uic suit ?f I. <1. II irl-iii arid oi lor-1. Al> 1 li 'j':v 'inj h:irues>, 1 t v. ? !iori?<- w 1 so''! :i- ilio ]T"j -t ty ot .1 "i "j li K igali, ui i 1,1 j suit of Joint lloiirtr. IIkvkiii'u. \I.a.i, 1, ' 1 ~ 1 rp.liS In-iiimi'.u will cutii!iii ii''c ilx l:i -' ? -I' ll :i liu" lii- M ii i iv in .iiuurv. ! w? I. uuilcr tiiv ?iiii'C?i'.t? til' VI i > VI! \'l I.. Ill 11,1.1!, l iHiiniv ? ! ll -i :vill -, :i -1 ???-?t by bcr ' ilaugtUor, Mas SALL.IK 111 ILK'.!. from tbt ' j \i *i iinl S li K>i in < "!i:irlf-inn. The Trusle|"< i-hi i iitiii'li-iiily ri i1 imkii'Ii 1 tin- iib-ive Teaches I ; ? 111 vvrrv W-iy Will i|it .'i!:r I !? l.i' i'?li;irj;?? "f ] ;l|il 0 .11 I'ICl il I llin'c ScLiJ. 1 :i' it . IiOUi 1 be i i. i. II .i 1| ill the t'olln*itig times tinJ |>li?eci?. for tin? ii'ii - ' ! culU. hiug the Taxes ol Spartanburg l'i tr i. ' -r i'f ;j ir 1 s'.o. vii ; i -v I'.i.i I. ["ri, l-i Jay of Fcbrttary. Is- I - l-in iiimti. J'nv -i I-iy. ji': ortmoti, l.inw'tlorte S|trimrt i? i.iy. iJi< "J?i I. iti ( irrison's O..J Store Moti i y, lili. at Spartuiihurg 'ottri Hoii^e. i Tut i.iy, 'th, in the l'otvuoOti, at I'acolet . I I. , i. i'i- the r nitnj evening. at J1 ill. \v. I 1 . \ t l ' ll I.M III. Vt.mi r. I.............. . .. - . .W.I ua a . %a a.iuu.iull r J All I' Partnership her??t??for* boI iwren .IM). >V. (lAltKKTT uuJ Hi AM MlM.KH, i? iltia U>)' bv mutual ' c >hHCnt. November 2'Jth, lidJO. ( l^urthor IVotloo. IWn.t. eoiitlnvje u> l?ecp on lmitd . , tlm !?.--? 1 $,?? <; Ml PTmN uiid 1'nKK which cHii be pmehused, "? ! - J\ /T i IV, ' - >..i- I 1 IJ 1 PROMPTLY ATTKN OED TO. ~ . -i n. T. amitb, U TOSITE TIIK POST OFFICE, AND NEXT TO MR. AUCUEU'H KAl'DLLUY SUOP. Oct la %i tf Dr. .J. Bovee Dodn* IMPERIAL WISE R I T n fl assemble I in this city i\. K\ i? Morton was clcvtol I're- I lit. A -111111 fifteen win appointc<l to report *11 dr of Secession. Adjouvuc.l uutil luitrvhi RAkkitur, Junitary *J I? The hill colli n volition of the people ot North t'u.oli 1 1 f,? both Homes of I1.0 i. ^isl.itin-e to .la; Vote ou its passage was as Inllow In t . ate?ayes ?7, woes In the ? ?1 noes -7. The bills ate tlis-iiuHnr in ton ticula.s. hut will he nia-ic t?itgr.-u. K ovcniui : Come ope come till, lii.eovl" Come short toul trill, ditnuiC" <" >mo cw !? mh ill. iv. Count fix.n or not nt all. P II Clin- ' -nil- to II. J. M'H ..'tN.S Ciillrry, uV i p.i-fo.l '? \reln r*s. ? [ p . :Lj Court 11 use. v. The | January > 1 17 lie ; m.- si;, i C tic;ip ( i ior par | I On jiii'l Tu?-s<liiy, m ilio iv*>i i"iii.* of W. WkiiwoNi tlie following i?roj?erly, viz: I bug !iii?l liuriu-.-. I | 1..w ?. ? k uU'l 1 . 1 fing II } i lie aii'l i J.p. ?M :i- 11? |>r ijhii A ill S'l-i'. l a; t !n - .? .iii f <. I. W i.r or J A l'o, I'l icjl'-l i?'" J?ij. K/.i!l. I Mill - 11 mil' I r. I' ??l" 1- .ilii. | w li TO'ill .1:1 * I i f . i i I \ 1 uti'l ! i l?in - "ii ill* imrili ?i.|" it' I'm Yu l.ivi r. * ? ? I In* . ! I ' )(<' U I ' i 1*. i 'i. I : ii * i 7 i i III > r nl- It* Ii'iiin it'll t'\ lll'l'li I.I |I I' 1) li:| \ ivolt * '.t 11 :iiui hi licrf. I i iii? of - '? < -i -1> 'ill- >111 '.I .11 1111 ill' II. Ill I 141 \ J.J'OM-SV In Icuh I'liv r.i'r <>1'I :i?i 11. n- will In1 'Wii hei1-'1 Imv, 111 u :i~- l- .lt il'! a- iliy -oliool t?f lIlC .-HllO I- ' . dIau' Boapilitijj etui lm bud oouvcuicut t > flio ' N , li'i l my ui 5?ii! |i? i Mnirli. The Ac-i'lciuy 1'* , Ihi'iM t j i- it I'lrjri- m 1 ri iU'e l?ricl; ?:incMi;r. ) ! :? mlh -ilililil. mill < ,ui Ullil'lit Iv tllC V"' i l'1"*1* ;i 1'iMinliiijj lioii'.'-i. o'M I Stall's ol TiiIIIon ,i i'm: \ skssimn or kin i. months. J. I l?it ClilS* - S|ll'lliu^, l?i I' I 11 Hill \N I 1 II lYi I iiiarv \rilIiiiioIif m> I ' ^ ~ "" . - - " "" ' I" I'lfniwn, l.-i: t'..c S.1111L cvciiir^, ut iiuund tree's. | Thursday, Tth. ut t'ri) > Anchor, >:nni- ??\i.-ii 114 in t early next morti? ill . ut Ambrose V\.???.>n. l'r ! iv. ' lii.nt Ilxl..villi-, in the forenoon. I. tie s i'i. >\ !.i Mmvv Wiiflyr l n Saturday. 1. :? On , in 1 !> IVirvnodu. i ?? 4 :i: St > Oi?l Store. M 01 I 1 y, t Lilt. ;it t.'.iv.a a Oi l Field, in Uic j foi eiivMOi. ^ u- t ? n- . ADAM M! LI .Kit. . ?) : 0 40?if /\ CJlisiurjre in liiiNinoftti! *,,t on NEW ARRIVALS OF UKOCERIES ! f* FOLGER & BRAWLEY S Hy \ LNt! pur buMvl il?>- entire iniercut of Mr. J. \V. tlAl'KETT in llie firm of liAKKKI'T. PoLCKIt > . ?? ~:>i - * X X A JJJ It & , LKK inii'lc from a pure an?l unadulterated Wine, which hi about double the ueual ength <>f uther Wine#, and is imported by ly one house in the United State*. Aleo, un the following valuable Koota. Ilerba, &o.t i.: Soloinoti'a Seal, Spikenard, t-otnfrey, Ce? (Uiiie Flowers, Gentian, Wild Cherry Tree ik, and Ilayberry. WE CHALLENGE T' 1 W *?"* W iuii3 i no i|ii i''iun 01 < >!! V ltl i Hi Hi- i, .1 I lion <u lliv" jTOOjtle, mill pruvide* I >i* I li ui ch in iskv uiaunoi'it- ,n \ n in ?lti-ii?ii takes pi.i?o on Fc'j nu v . body seems glad ul llie l< -till. iiosrn\. J .i>mii y -* \ i \> aminee. ingol Kdward Kvt'iM:. (' Wii<lii'[., tm ronce, K. 8. Ti beyui.d t'la-. I.. \\ i o .1. rived in \\ a-li.ii^toii willi a niuiniiiotli pel it ion, signed by air ill 1 I.Hot) er^ oii Kx-l'resid'Mit Tyur. tins IV cc o . m from Virg ilia, nrnv d i.ere liii.- i.oi. i ii ,,vi 1 unraviNU a Fassn sum rice ton if CAMP&WVA'i '"* < II I' cmi* m?t]v i:ijj a supply oft urt\ ru ' \ .1( c,j i I iii i. * * (a roecric i?.*iont'r V \ls I, 1 \? /I . M:l I \f.?r- II. i ImiV ill III I I gii'1?Rrlieocii. Sold as I Iks propirtj of I I l?. Smitii, nt the vint dt < 111" i \ (.i.tcs ii ( 01 iu-rn. A'.-o. i n - iM Tho?i!iiv ill 1 - ii !-tt:I" r I 1,'iu'n, *>il l?u*lit ?(" i'til'ii. f- I i .i - : l.o ji'. iijii Ity nt' P. liv ii-.l '.Villi-, ut the Hull ot ti Ii. Winj Also, nbout " 1 l.u ?h?ld of C >ro, - '1 UuihII nt" I'u Mi* . 1 !!"( S??M ;i? i lii* j. Tirol l'n 1. .if:: on, ill tin.-unit yl Itriiu-. i . <iwki< I., m. , h. ? > Sin iiii "-I 1 ' 1 - 1 f I ? t ' v_ ' I'll I t'li-" Willi tli" ultoie, \rit 11mir, 1! -tur.v, <!(>.) ;raj liy. I'ii^UaIi Ui.un:i,l mar. - - - 111 00 I:M 1*1 : j?Willi t lis? :il v. with .i. ti .i ,-irv. liut.-iiiy itii l I'lu'Miiv . y, 1J "ill I" I 'If H, i'Xtl'lt, - - - - - |ll nil r,K I'rin ii,T, - ? (Hi !,- i M - " . - - *Jl> ihi Lil- r >iii.ti '"-it, - r>o l. i Si m./h f. uiu funt M-.ii ! : in Jntiuary to 1 i i 1' i . iy in M.iy. JnO v ? ; >n lr?m i.:...I \i T i *. . .... v ? ?i nu .I i m tnriruil 'Ii.. - l-.\. 1 _i. it. rtt t 'o?livillr, in Mih forenoon. 1. ii atu?- .?t I..m'Utiinn'a Storo. W .lay, i-'th, :ii IiiIiIi^ud's ! Thur.-'lay, I lih, at Morgan *, iu the fure* ; noon. Smiefvi'iiiti^ i.i Holly Spritip. I-ri.l ?y. 1'nli. at I >. n s Mill*. Saturday. 1 ' >) . ni 11 *U Springs foren.. .? Sumo evening at l'ol :n i s Mtlla. Tucvlay. ! h. at ^ act ilu*c Spring*, fareno a. _r _ .... . x >M vviailllUC I Ui <*roe<'i\v ht the ni l hIiukI. wii'Ur the tutor an<l si vie of FOLGER & SRAWLEY, ^ where they nix- nutr receiving ? large supply of ric Su^ar, Coflif, Molasses, Salt, flo pU ninl a great many other kind of (IHOi'RitIRS, ml which uiakc* their stock the largest aver uf !>. ottjjli! t .- .hi- market, ati 1 w hich will b? a>>14 at ? ??. m ?v vr xt, XJ MJ TO PRUDUCB niEIR EQUAL!!* We do not prufeub to have diaoovered avmt sth "kuown only to thclndiaueof South Ama," him] a cure for "all diseases which the sh is heir to," but we cleiia to present to the blic a truly valuable preparation, which every :elligcnl physician in the country will approve and rccoiutiieiMl. As a remedy for IVTIDtri'T rnuoiTMnrwin" St. Lull!*, Jiui. J*>. Sj o. i il ii>j .ii ,-li Jiiekjiuii, tn WcJiu'mLij , ?av ili.u me tioii vittcti'il seven Delegate* lullie Moui (J lui'.il Convention ol Si ceil.isg Slii.iv*. UlllilUCU Jill* Mill to r.ii.-e lie,. lion J-il. Davis was clec.e I M>j i i of i lie Suite. IIoston, Jan.- >.? At theunti-s!uvet ? In-t mghlurovr ?ih pjtien ti|> nti.erj. Helves, atni tiic meeting >v.i ; ilisj.ov <1 luityur. Tno pojialtica i.imle u iloinot lk?r linat *' - 1 _ .4 ?.ii- t-5- . ?imui 01 i'? from S '".iowii. i .nl ami I'mslicd. on i i'ii ('?>; ' I T.!. 1.. i .: i\ a. ami 1! io. r\ vol. \S.^K ; A<_ a' O. it* ,ns anil i i In. An or I'A I!-. . >u! l?i's. mill si,|,Si :i 11f 11~ I'i.ol K. io1 . l i ii ia. .iC'IIL'i ill .S Al.I 'I 'll: I'i'u. * ! :?i . j i KIT:. W. Sj ; < . ii n . r. i' vi' -. :i'i 1 Nilt'.i niei'iinj; ' \ N I 11 S, l-'ui i . K i sous. No s. : ilioio. In iliry 1 < |? imi:-.mtiily on Inn.] ? li\ in Ii* ' n i y and .ii u Sir?l c! 1*3 1st a 11 in i __ __ __ __ - a __ _ _ F m /^s. r r-i \ y ys "-! ys. rs. Juu 17 -1"?? 81 Ail in iiiit-:{ rjilor's 2 ) V^U" i ioti of tlio < Ir-Iin ivv. w,'j<T" ? ti ) -\ !?> i* :?' |oil, . ontcrx, .ii/lln- r<1 L1ZAI : ! ,i X > : ! _ 1 i 3 /ikSLy rW 'TOn*. .11.I t ,ijv**Mnj in tfurni 10 SCCOIIII I : i ; v m Nu vcmbcr. It?rtlcr ?>!' S. llOJ'.o, i hr. I? Ji'imi, Svc uu.l Tro?. J.<:i ' ?t X ST. JO.IV* ii!CII SCHOOL >ical, Mathematical an.l Military. ... TITT. ' '.VTLil VACATION 1 li... : i- ril .ci-i's b<? ; i . .i i lie J ..I t>l January. ime ?\ >?in ' .it < ' *. ' VfJu.-e-lav, J'Jth, :it W.Ik in'-*, in the forei 1131*11. I.atetho ? itne vcniirr nt Fitmerrille. T.mrvjiy. -in. at Tiiorn'i. in the forenoon. I. it ?nnto ? \?Miin^ :ii McKt'ivcj'ii. i". 1.1.1 V. -Ji.J, ut iii. 1*. M uiiv't, iu the foreIII Kill. tSiiuie ev. nii?? nt It. I'rier's. S it ..-i * v. 'J 1. it I'.o.linjr Miili, in the fore UUCltl. S.iinu eveninjr at Hiving vill?. Sli?r< Pro(i(? l oll CASH, or COUNTRY UltODL t E. of Tbi* <lolil< die the firm of GARKKTT. FOL- eai (ilj* \('<). lur^i Irpaiil to FOUitll & BRAW- c*j I.IIY, v?h> will pay nil demands again*! ihu firm of l? vuin.rr, Foluek Ac Co. They fcol f'liinkful fur tin* liberal patronage i-x'-wi.-i to tlu'iti hereto! ti\ and hope bj ilriil ' ^ attention to huaiucs*. Mill I v keeping lb* \ t?ry HpMt (jrood* S i.uu lorn vunauturiiUN, v\k Lung?, Indigestion. Dyspepaia, Diseaaae the NwtoHH System, Paralysis. Pile*. Dis- 1 *es peculiar to Female*, Debility, aod all scs requiring a Tonic, they are UNSURPASSED! For Sore Throat, so common among lh? frjiy, they arc truly valuable. For the aged and infirm, or for parsons af % ak constitution?for Ministers of the Qospel, *)ers, and all public HDcaker*?for IUnl>. 0 I ' ( -, Oil I II ? I" - U ( by the iii.iyor, wli i I'mi'Ii ? ?(* tiii* rc.*i-.-f.ii ? sue i in eiiii-n. ai at ha, .Inn. Tfe i*. s. at of trttr Jiri k'nn - -.1 il i 1, . I1 re icf of fori I cki n>, f< i la. * W VSUI.nmon, .'iiiitrii-y 21.-?On i < o" New Vi*?k, initii .. > io rile aiiilivii , i t j.xo;i i.e.- i . i .<ui|i. I\ i>< 1.41.1, iiluloll, .it*.a. lie !..i .* r? 1 c Judge ol liic f. ('on i t?*sci it !.. c< g l i i.-sui* I. .In i Tin ? * in- ?'i ^nvj^r.HY b I U K i liwlig ..I I I i.o; v ill tn.. all Imii iii ui" I \ill.1! r v l'ru Alooi kis for tin wcicj, tuoli M0t>rO| \l , . 1 1 Oil.' I* a . i':ii ow. 11 < *a 11 \, \o. i?i tlio 1. : mil > ? ! cr? - io 'v 11 !li<* ( vsii m vsti li.ii ;II^ 1 J ",c.v IMJOpoi1* nrring tncli H? in ?/.. : 1 foiV I lie ! c~ " mn : " *! "I 1 u i in,1 J lifcv 1 iiiii ii 11 * .k !u ihcir i- <1 c-i'i-i.. - , W . I niLfut It <*nir - I. ... - An' 1 Oil V. V II, S ! 1 ; of . W'i * !*' . -i ? I I 1. | U \M ISIWIN, Priucijial. I'i 2 * U if PB6SPBCV A Or'l ? ' '"T:W U>i>-'J -W w*i ?. arncifc-i^^ U ' j1 ' . \! < ..Ml rli-M 1 *. J ?V I ! < . I . ... ? TiU'xlur, 'Jilth, us I'etU in the forenoon. 'Mm sum1 e\enni? tit Craw!i>r iville. \\ 1 ie- ! ,iv. ni lie ilville. forenoon. *1*<i < ?if.%r ot VcrnoiiMi i !e. I .. .i 1 _ . ;.i Gen. A. G. Uuinar's, f re. i. | \ :?? ..? \ li-r .'.II 1 f* ll ' llvslll ! Mm!. . j til in i M._v: Tiie-'liv. ^ liu-nl i_\. 1 Tkui ll y, mi I nr?lay ol wirl W eek, nn I ?>ii ! '. r i\ tiie i ! Ma i i. Tl.niulay, iho Jvil? j I of March, Tint. J.v. Iltli ol April, ami on I S.lMivia M v : "? . '. i ii '. > T . t It..' - > l!i? markets uffoid. an<l SIXi lNG AT snORT PROFITS, It', tumult li continuance and iticrea-rd patron H. I'OLGBK, *?> July 20-21-If A. BR AW LEY. 1 )issoliil ion. <1/ ? ? * StI N'OTHT! ?? li<Tchv pi von t<> all p<-rsou? indoln ed t.. UK \N x It AY, ilint the firm Ii:im been ili.-?-?iIro I hv mitt nil consent, ami that . ~ - cper* Tailors, Seamstresses, Students, Aft*. *ml all persons lending a sedentary life, >j will prove truly beneficial. As a Beverage, they are wholesome, innocent, I delicious to the taste. They produce all e exliUtrating effects of Brandy or Wine, thou I intoxicating: nnd are a valuable rsroefor persons ml.lined to excessive use of ong drink, and wish to refrain from it. The/ s pore and entirely free from the poisons eon- . ned in the adulterated Wines and Liqnors * ih which I ho no..fl-o.i-i jjreine ? ouri, rd'ose 1 hi .t:>t Heal ?n .u ? .Illvi.-Clll III. .Mr. Albert Itu-l. >! Aikin ;>?. il. ni.: npolojr^ of Mr. Iiiuiu. of imhau-i, in il. to-il.ij, lor wor?ls sp r.ow in >l .iiu. 1> fascial liie lmm In titnLr a salisiaolorv nation Notorious r- r-ult is ami<:|'i niea-mos linvc been I tk !( lo tV: ('lit i In Congress, i?.-la\. ut iinji Was (lone. Kx-President Tvlcr. of \"u , an in -wiili ili? V . ?"< i r liitC l (' .?!. i.'t llt. o".llti . ,! til.II !l,.M ?' !! ;l" < lic-i i- i, . i.I. .. lot Mti ! 1,1 "*< << !. ?li iui.i i u i M-i i f 11 itlpr I ' vll' .t.. u]'^ o il 0 I ! . ..i ' i!. I. r uttn re- J. 1 . t'. \ <! t-xj.l i '1 N . \W \ 1 led. as Jmnmr; 01 17 tlur', ot laucc - fsTMAl ? tnnu CP'.sHi .' \ i' | L ' ' ' >!. 11 i ' >M \!! ! - | can & > , I u if > . t' ) ;! !>i ; . , !.. . . , il.o &*l itc ... \ I s\. "I i i ' \1 \ l (he 1 ."'I ' n -iitiii "1 ll< ?l SKII< VI.!' i I KIm' , 1 N IT UM.1T UK. n !?>. . ri'.'M -I IV i Irxti to. I*ii lilt'--* "I liiillliv II 1' 1. Milk '.iw? Xiv, Ill nr I'J lii'iul ot litij"-. ,\ if ( ?ri I i i 1 i v, 11 Mli ?if 1". ' ; >ry. in ?t. Ti-.i . of - :ilo urn !?. ! . n ?i i. >11. t * .1. i? v.r, at, Jnn Ji -Hi :{| ill ' ?: - 1 . ?" ' ' !t!r V<3 >1 i*. '! ? >?.. I ?< ? . rf.*. S. 1 tis Win i - i ! l?> Mr. S\MI RL I.AN i|. I > AS ! . i> .:i iRn !>cj?ar??ient. T i. . ! . . . w iili j>ricc- fij W !-'h ii I'.IC ! 11 > : l iUST t>: i*UlTMKNT: Sjii'llifj*. It i I'; 'A : ! \ i-: r it met ?c i lit . ,r . . >.i. i IK* tuju-i tion. : : : : : : i (Hi oNi) I rll'AK I Ml. NT : j wi',. I iil? . -P'l iiml nil who I til | I 1.1 ki* I ) <' i ii m il? li v nr uTi ill it Ju, v 11 j - ' , pi tl.i i.iii - in in il ,,tl tnxi-il; mi ; .1" ; ; ilin> wlii i . Imvo' iliiir rvtiivnu n . . 1 t'lil j iv 11. 11* Tiim" <ir? or ho fore t!i?i da*. I Mil! ll ' li.l ' i l?i W.'ll !*? til i?l' wil l ililVP Ui>t ' in I-i ilnMi" jottitnn, tn hive cM-'utirtn- i -?! i^ ii (limit, ri* I shall hp Ciilof'-nP'l tn liavr 1 ill - in ti- \ >j. 'h> "In .:! - ? i* jitw. f..i >.ii_r'' w II a- l> .1 r i\ i-wont ions, tlic Slivi' i i:f i i. ci j' t a S n .'c T \ cxo'*utinns is p jiirl I .. .. i - iiMiutrvtiMic |?4Vinc:u liiH-f Uf II1AUC. | W. K. UKAN, I n. O t 18 31 tf \\ I LI.IAM H. RAY. ( 1<?-I 'ardioz'sliij). 1/ rI^!!ll Milifcril'tfrn give that they wiil 'r* | continue the O ?U> F.KV l'.('ijlNES8, uuilvr t ho n?:ue <>f Vl* HAY & IIAlilMS, Z nt lit - room lately ocoii|>icl l>y bll.VN' & RAY, in, -i-?- - c- - ' ? ? These Hitters not only CURE, but PREVENT sense, a.1.1 should be used by nil wbo lire la country where tbe water is bad. or where ills ami Fevers arc prevalent, Being entlreinaoccut and harmless, they may be givea 1 elv to children and infants with impunity. Physician*. Clergymen, and temperance ad ates. a* an act of humanity, should assist ia -catling these truly valuable B1TTE11;* over land, and thereby essentially aid ia banish; drunkenness and di>ea?e. . .va-.n? hii-> iieiiui; , .4IIU J't the Virgiuiii plmi iii i<::i iik-i.. Touiwro, Canada, January J:*. TVc of (Ills city, uunuuiico |>o?iuvely iii n u lish UoveriiUl-'iit ui'i-ml* to urUiiuu'.ts iudepeiid ncc oi'ilie Sui.ihciii i'out'iti nun us lorimd. mllvkmkntil at fout >i miki:.- v \i> who left Fori Huiiitor yr lei.lay, eighteen of Ilia c iiiiitkk'c (all lulio. ri a i \y i t this morning, lie any* tlint the deio.tti of the laborers not loduurn d? In ?; C I LtVlMLL IllvJi] , l<u.r j Npiirhnburg Dj>(ricl,S. ?? ur.v. w. ruiiTi.s, Li. il., \ . Ui:v. ? ;. A. CKAWI.iA, i>. D., i 1 "no1 r.ii'V ii i ( r JjlllL ci. II: III T Tcn-i of f!?" s S-Jpi .1 will , I I in i cv ? *? TIH:K^IrVV, H !>.. "J 1. ri.innn. m , . . ? c nhi'ivu* ara ^ us* *ii?. ni - i .i. - i a-t .t iif .ou It.iIStilHl "11. l ill it*a v I ovlt* '? v?r tii cm 41 i a an?l < >nu.?iri * lisiliilr. il? i ir:icl<T l>.r 1. Ii. :u li.Mltlilu! IIIUIIOII 1 l I . , , nint ii- a la -ii ilvi.H iI . ami . i.-n. -.i J|_1 IIL \(( t'iJKS. i:i:tir. v. m . .l.m. \ No V\ 1::.i:? ri -n ?\ :u i?.. I.?.M ? , ii . *??h F<>hriMiy n<-\i f >r :i M jn : i . !! t!* \ i1 iIn* i 11-ti ! I rom <'o!. .1. J. I (M ir. t? Cli muni I > 1 ?l I' ; Tin- 1.1 tin1 *<"? Ii lirjjun- U . ^ M. I :i; < Iinw Ill-ill ii-i,: C'i Iijiiiii;-, \V c . I > . i . .. I it' its I * ii miU ii'liu I.:!ii. 111*t li H . f t ,i: i!.. IP'-*, i-ntiiji.iri v mi'livvnu- ir- hi ) ' n'c!" \ A. N i,..- i?'i .. --l -i i? ? ; The :i' iv<? with II:i' li Grammar, iii-n Ili-K.rv. : : : 7 ?" itiluu I?I:I* ' j ri?<* a' ivc w.ili N ii i i! I'll I ? pliy, - j V-ii-iiiKirny. A'.-I'll. >. ' i.ti-i y. Sur,rv in/, Vr.. : : : : : : ^ 10 'n'; i ?: i:*r11 :>i:i'ahtmknt: . I'lio .il \ \! vfii \n ; I L IlK'iHlgi >, 12 5" u I i > Ii vi 11 In- i . tin- ii, c\tra | t j cli ir^o ?!' : : : : : : f> (Ml ... I I i i' ir - Ifrt Ill":; i>. I'.ll 1 ?!? ? h'tj'C thai ?!: will i .-i? i > 1 )iny tlicir T:ixc*. .isi> 1 ?ave ii. I!?? ji . hi! ii cc?,?ity ol if uitijr executions. mu I *.?v? tt.?.n civ*)* the cost* u ti!4 i iTln ?H tin :-* till.; ii!" lluitc oweuti illn i aii<l t'.e lit -ii .|i . tli.* * ii.4i*. 1*.uC when l*i, I 1 *:ii c inj. !*-l ! > my ! :iy, 1 iu? i'ii w . ?? 1 ' ?ii All i a; i. >v.!l i i>?j.iu tcil u> l.i? : ) |ni?iii] t in t r <-it . ? ' ivu*. Every return j nut*: l'? i; ? t uii o.i'li, uiul i .tc!i l.ixiuiv-r ! > | ! !ii? i. . t.i tin currmiii? of lii- j return: .ml il liy pi*ll>i!ity cannot aiti-iul i ....... ?v ..' 3 ...4.^ i? ? a unu u i Uil II* iortiurnt of cuioicK (ihocKnies, (4i?-1 ftt y>ric<'? I? which n ?iie cnn with rc&aon \\. w i*h it tJi-t'ti" lv u?i lr; - ??>o?l thnt w?j will ell only I'OR < ASII ot ii?i!i|.ii\ ? W li.i i \M H. R \Y, | Tl ?>ci H Jl tf J. t.. II IKKIS, Jr. j W i f r> V? sa n n rJ TamaIm * ii.vuLha wiJDim'IELD & CO., Proprietors. 78 Willi Am Street, New YuA. Fislipi- & Ileinitfiih, SPARTANBURG, S. C. A tig 16 24 IF n'I'ATK OF sot' i ll l'AKOLI.VY SPARTANRURO DISTRICT. IN TI1E COUKTOf ORDINARY J "O O ' general. Our reporter learned from him nnutl of some significance: tint all /A uo,,t children will Itc flit of lo-J it/. 'l'liis hit) getting ready fur warm wurk.--,M ralrt TUESDAY KVK.NlSOS MAIL. Baton Hoit.k, La., January-fi.- At uleti past I o'clock to-day the \ote on tli nance of immediate secvuiun was dec! follows: Yean 11H; nays 17. 4V"4,11,1 Youn;? Lri li"*. uii'l liif liinuiion <?t | I'riui'.} ;i -* i?? ikCfj' t!i*. n- ;i > utiuTii S ! id laci j ()I| u j,er|t.c. equality writli ih^nn'"! n t*a f" j arc! iliomn^li >y?ieiu* of o<luciui->u iliu sent ?l:?v. yvill coinineU"! il lo i!:? continue I j.i.r; nail c >nli K n :o i>l this aii'i (bi tiui i"? ut? Stata.s. IT. II MS; (payable in advance.) ""J1" I I n bKSdloN oi i ivt: MusTild. uic?l us Hwinl, Lmlcitij;, ^ ir-hii???, kc. . 'I'uiiion in all Kn>;lis!i Ilr'unclics, . . ll .... . v iui iv i . >i ' "if I;i li .11 > . . . j . I lie ; ?>l e'.o. t nil >): . 1 in. t.l : !.? It. nt. i.'ii \l list lltllll, ' I Jr..nil.I (ill till* J l: t I I i.o I I -U I''..I hoc.I tli vo C-. all.I ir.n n. i t!?e .. lit * . pee- t.? l'i ig i.Ucr Ceiioial W. J T. -mi. miji- | I >3" order <>t .ling ! Itrig Con W. .1. T Cl.KNN. w. ii. i.i:?; .. <\.i. G'.iii iu*/i. M. <: M. Wit 11 AM IT I'tiv, \.l Hint. : ? " *? " ,f ,> 1 Ml \ > t - Cl' j \!l uim n.'i r 1 I'l.r I lit' S??|?li''' ' . III.. l h" ,l| :i ! .. If * refill S. li till 11 \ \% 1 I I1I-IM !* tW.i Se?tiuiiH <>t ilimu I'iw M tiI i: null. \ M N I?A\- s<"|l< ? H. kc|>i n<> unli'r tin? iiuenilrtii'-i' o! tin- I', ncipitl. ui t!u* I'ri'iin \ I'cji il[.;cnl will l>r r li.i !*.'?'i| "J-'i cents 1 ii 1' tii'li I i'f ; u!l others V CVlllfc. l't- ... wishing to enter tills rtbooi, mny ascertain tin* I', i - 1. t . ij j lif.iiioii to tip iin? i:t\*>iivntr' r uia ?>r uih?rwitfc. ilu-y j w ill ?t?ii i it|* 'i.<' i" i?Murli* ill writing, Willi :i;i lliori'i t -u j,:i tln'ii nam* to ?tii<l return AM tf:til-tor-" IV li K "stale nio-l In' iii.i> 1?> known j at iln ii i.t .1' in i';i:ijj returns. Tin; Tnj> ivpi> ho111>1 r it it l-i\i i <>ii the t'olli'Of'ir ai well j ii-< i Ihmii--!v ? -. i! iliov would attend l In* tn\|> ij i ?r- in ll.i-ir iiu- fli ii?? nei'.'hlHirhootis. ii'tlino i- - nertiUy a gr> ?<t throiiy at the Court IIoiim ) ity- \ It i^'cr* ctiti have a cli ltic<* to ii .kc tiu'i." ri urn? u tiny ot the ThursJ i\ it OV? II : 'llOll. II. f'. I'i M 11 P T ' * ww itouuvo guvi UCVVC/11JT. ; j. a/Tii:\nkman. r ins J I .ST IIEI'LII CD 1 FINE LOT \ <i K ! w '? am) 11'0 no WATCH?2a.|? Petition for funds. >scs L. Bradford, and wife, and other*, *. William Bradford. \TIIEREAS Mose* L. Brailford. Ja?t. Orr. and wite, t'jrnihia and Joidin. aud IV. Matilda, hare filvd their petition iu (hi* urt, setting forth that William Bradford ha* t been heard of for mor* than twenig year*, d is therefore 8itjij?oi?ed to he dead, who if . ing. would he entitled to one-third ot lit* ?e? 'd* of the land sold bv ord.?r .?f ?i>~ i no iiowa oi tin- passage ofilii* ordinal received at New Drleaits with great onilu The pelican tl ig was unfurled, with tin of cannon, and other ions, 8t. Lorin, Mo., January 27. A Dom caucus was hel<f liore last nipln, which : compromise resolution?* similar to 11 Senator Crittenden. The indications n the State Convention w ill he strongly coi live. Lorisvn.i.r. Ky., January 27.?The I I.... 1 ' ice \v:i> Tuitinii Primary l'cj>nimcnt. . . 1 i-i;iHui I<ch8uiih on iho l'i mo, . . "J.. iitiuiel j tiriu ' I'l'HMiufi in \ ocjl Mu-i-, . LU (C.) mi 1 Ji I l.iv -mi* oii ilie (iuitar, . ' French. Italian, German I'r.iwinjr each, oeriitu , , . Uise til i iiiiio Stationery . . u. " I The only Vacation i.-< .'luring the W i ire that ,i ? iiioii 11. h. U-Ll ,a !lr. t'nrtia will leave Savannah n r -u'' l.iinealoiie Springs, no Tuesiliiy ni' a-gi*la- I'.'ih, Chariest ?>n <.n W.-.lm ?..I?.v .1.- "ii.i. .Mi^iiDoMiortf {la>>:<a! School. D ii.< P"|"11113 n ? \ciwl wrill npen it (I - ? *! i | -itiii "ii t!.v -il M? ti<l i v in tun irv. mi i I) 0 i | fii|.or\i i-n iif ^I r. P. I <1 '. in,I. |i i? 1 ii mi ; 1 hi An I inch ?K I; -: ? Inn It < >1 th n ;,ii i Ii-11 ii i, in :i |il? -i- nit .ii I i> till I, v ? r ' ii. n I on ' in a ijiiiol a11 1 ,?rili'il\ ncii;lili ii*ti, ...|, I I iutir pnn-ons nnd friend* >! ilii- cute j ri-? i-il | liM?lirt> ill r.Oornilieudlllg tlli* >i .nml i >t! fbr ' cit i/rll- < ! till- 1111-1 :i !, ,|||ill;.' ilir-11 I -. In-lic Feb. ; '"? :lH '1'CV <Io, tlnii it will be conducted v\. .... 1 . fill IN* - li i v ?? ? . - 1 * i riiii !}' il, .ill'. *1 11. li AMIIil.'.Mi < ' lit. i*. i 'I i I . ii i"". - I VTii. 'I' WtLKtNS, >'< \ a;. 1 Trea?nrer. ri ; l?,-c 1.5 * 4! i-tf i f i: i i > v 11.i: 3Ialo lliii.ii School. j?* * V i i i (< 1 i* i i? < i |?: 11 *, lull. I \ 15. I will i ikr it :? > i *f>'ri-.l favor if i! c \1 . .i 'tut iJ.* l'.iirict will -iv* 1 lit'- ul! in- in. -rii; i ; .u ilu-y ?"t:i -H f" tin* I rn- J % vi Ini !* ? i ,:iMi- to he :n\i U in 111-ir tilt litmii .-?-i 111-tAll iivim* 1 ' nil.i nil h r ftd yi' i.-i .1 ?:( li.ilili- ? > I'.n t:i\, vxorjit tli villi' iii iv In- pii'iril in lie iiiiaI'Io to |>nv. froiu , in iimi otherwise. K. i'. p. j .101:1. i<;<><>!><; i< >>. , r=? a* rro? 1y:KS??SS in wnnf of a reliaMo tim--piece, "\vtl! lin'l ii to iheir inte.-e*i to pii:oli*-e of lilto, im l?e warnta!*- rlo-tii to give sntisiuclion, Ufid i .i-i o?U them cliw i; i ; tt.aii tlit"v c:iu tie , i > i " llM tlv Hl.l'lf, j FIM: JinVKIJiY f evi doscrijition an 1 latent *iylo?. /:r/' auticja: is ii auuaxirn. i i V. ate n -. <'looks nn I Jewelry. repaired ucut- or' s. an I nt reA<onable prima. ?? < * tary. iti ?lie case of Jm. Orr, and wile i yn? va. William llrndford, and others, and tying thai lie dmtributivo share of the said liiawt Umdford iu ilie proceeds uf the aale tl,o land aforesaid, he paid (o them aa kia ;al heir* and representatives: ri:c?e are therefore to cite and admonish the d \YU.l.lAM BHAOFttKD, if living, te ap-.* ?r before (hi*t t.'ourt, on or before the 8<>th v of \1 ircb nail, and establish his identity, the prayer of said petition will tie granted, 1 -e.? ' * ' .... ...... ..|.|.oiun <? i mi nuns ii mors t 11 ington Convention of I lie -I r li February, .them arc Bell, Guthrie, Wickliffe, Slot and Jits. B. Clay. Momtoomkry, Ala., Jannary 'jo. Tli 'T. J. Judge has been appointed t'omtni ^ ?f,o Washington by the Governor of Alah /t.reat in relation to the Forts, Arson tin, ( . House, &0. Baltimore, Mi?., January - *?. ? -ThoC ton oorro-ipondent of the .l?irrwi/? unv the Mouth Cnr..l!i.l?>.? I? 1 Wiifl- ('oluuiltili <ni ilit* Ill* will !>< Ii;i 1?J ' Anions ' luko clmrgt* of nnv Voting I,olio* on his r ruliead, ,J;m 111 17 o lion. HEMtV T1IEIM snionor r an..iU. mi ^ ^ fry ---jV svi#f '? h.rtJ X : s i int i * ^ ^ v> , - ...o. m i ... . >iin ? iii-iv itiviii- 11 x i r |U tlu-.r pmroniigo. Tlie ??? ? il c him1 ?>?" u into. "M-n.-iioii i- >i?i' in plate.I in iliis Si-lioul i- a pi i il lirnl mill ili"r" iraii' in f\.i\ ilopn nielli, Mint it it. nrr -n t in 'omonln u lion >1 ft X I'll Iii-it"! Miry. I ! 1 ? illli'lili.'li I- III I 111' !." tht ilriolwrt scp?e of (lit word, ktvl this coiir w? will In- piii-nc.l irri'^poctivo nt? prntit. Iu<"i lii-i'in, i?l! wo < in >ny i- <'/ xi uii.l ynu m Imm tml lie ili?:ippi>illlC'l. H I'lltST IM'I'AKTMT.NT. A * i? - i :? r. r. in v w, \ r. i i. rAl'iius, \. p.. ii- _ Mi r \ t f 1^111- " ~ i ?v; t' iii nr,I !ll:<r M '.V/MI V<II.I ill.- ; . 11:i . >f itiii, , luiiv Mil lI AK% K\i:11 i>i > ,,i, || Hi<' liflil will In' imr. in?- I miller ill Mijii'iiiiIrii U'H.'e "t T 1. l'\i'Mi?, n-ci'iillv ?*11 <?--ii \i- i I'rin* | -il. ri-.-i. r. I In- ruiiilui't -ii without pri'tnilice i<? -?n. I . - ; xJ^LL U \t the si^!i oi lii<> <?oltlcu Morlsir. ' I iHlMlll nil Kfll AM) MAIN STS., S u;i rl a n lmi'":, S. . ! " " " IMooil Food, (or (on?tini{>tiu?, j t I All !'.< ? \ I' :f. 1 SIK'll ?? n 1 | i; 1,1. . < \ wt kin. i I !? ... >t re. liiick Utngo. Main ft. Nut H ! Hl'OMOVAU "i H. J. MOUZON j HAS KK.MOVEh HIS ill I11BROTYPB A PHOTOURIPHU L (i a i. i? i: u v I _ . (,.^W=- ?. H.c ??>e OI me int><J 10 wulch i? rut it lei ii? afore**! I, paid over to tl.e p?. inner*. i.ven under my hand of office, thi* -Utl? y of It eeinWr, iMill. J NO. F.AKI.K HO MAR, o. r u. Fun 8 1 ' fttu isttller's ^elrbrated Munich Bliifrs ^onSAl.Eot GOnDOION'8 1 Wr-v 1 ?.?- # ___ ..?.v. ?n-> uim: jorrcic'i mil niiiiK-1 Dodge, enlisto?l u-< a aoldicr n Moultrie, charged with heinsr n eone-p of the New York Tribune. He v. as con to leave the Stale. JIai.timovk, January - > -Gov. Hid Appointed lion. Hcvenly John oii. Angus llrnilford. Win. Holdshoro, John M. t'r and J. L)j\on lloinnn, nil Union men. (V 0 oners to meet the t'ommissinnei - fron States, in Washington, on the Ir! of I'ch They reprcseut e\?ry nortion ol ilu> Sr?? ,|,d;'"'l M AK IOI(, lis In-; ^|>:ii*< s?i?l?n l'tf < ' Hm i ?- u-! ovi:u ii \i:i>\ a a?; \i:n '*. ,_. i>fi< Id,, Jiiunnfj ii lu I ilium*, i 'runrv' 1 KH ON^lie Ml Lit 111|>S. % k | \ |?, 1''IMIIM ... , . p. ?r)imj{i Arnlimolic ? y? oil lit !' ?.-* '? |?or ii. l?:i\ :u <> . ?? k? |..T ?luy. Cj j SECOND DEPARTMKNT. Iin !is]? In ilnri ir, < tt;_'t , flijil<ii'\ mi ("?>IH| "?il ioll I :||0|, I.I'll Jit mil. I?. - ikuUrif I'J ct'iilH jtoi' ilit.' 1,1 timi:d lu i-aiitm;;n i !. 11 in. I! t !?. \ . * <. , . ' ill- .,i i j i oroiiiior j.. i ?? - ; n 'i'luTe will lio iw'i . I I III, i. n s ll'\ 1 ! || I ).I H. Htll'l W1 i |,t Is i I,? ,M' 4 'ill1 i . 1. \ll in .i_ in in i . i 1111 \, imi?i i li. I I . ,1 |MIVIIt> iji ). . 11 i.iri- 1 : i* i Mr -!. mi . -1 - t. , iu ? v r. M" \ . iir : ' i. w. ; - - - - .;i.; ?>i> ! II . ... - - - I--' : 4*1. ,1\. - - - - 1,1*1 I ' ' i , I u, 1 mi 1 ... . \ . - - tii iiii i Ik- ctl? .-t ifihe luItM>l> K(H?1? in Con ' -ii.iii U : tit II It 11 thfl cmigh, t)1 ICfl ibt ; ll< . Vr", *11'l'liy ! lu'll till- sS - fill. till. l\ IL" I j t j lv i: il - ii' r a t: . .ii i * '!i | !i\ -i u .iu l i * 11 - lit til i-i er:'r, ?*ti ru-h the )>' >1 h\ iv^turing tli ' i< \111u f" I glnhiiti -i. inert ijm> tin* Appetite, f 1 mi 1 i ?iu?r < 'Iul" In I In- ? > i'i. I r tii I-y J. K. UOOIKIION, \ > 1 f .* r'1 Muri\r. I'urranl's !!!)'r. v;- mil Ncllzrr hi- i<M nji <' Sliei I to the ^ i irn<>r "f Miiin and Jatl -lr#?u, uvt-r J. Lt. \ ci.'-i - lv? >1 or;. S:m .1 w ctohe has 4 lited up? MjjH-i.. r i.ilo is Aof bvt(#T /j li.a ?-\.r j>io|..tri'<l (. ti?iiro whu wish a i-itl .;< II til . <OIU0ll>iltjr lino i II. .1 MvH'/.ON. riioionrapblsl, ?1 V i. n" ('. ?+ f*. IT. Viitftist ;{ ' ?f ri!.: m'AIK I?:; sin ru TAKOMN A. J1 CiinIi! C??h!! FTF.ll ilii? day wo will *? '! jjooda ft* ^ r\s,| only. Thu.M> indebted will pleaa* i and nUtlo. 'I 1I.VRDY AC,NEW AOO. Ian 3 48 It NOTICE S IIKRKI'V (JIVF.N. that 1 will not pay way d?*bt, liuwevcr small?even f?.p Muj. Anderson lms two d.itightoi s at nt Beverly, N. .1. They were saluted ii of their residence. after a ci>iul>liN? lit of to their father. There aro 17 women, I J children un year* of age, and II infanta under 2\t Fort Sumter. Major A>Hl< rsoti having o\ ed a wish that they should he removed Pickens has o(Tered hiin every facility they will be scut to New Vorlc iniinodinieh The .Military Committee in \v..-t. , _ WL-MHI HI. \ 1 III I .v! .school ' J.'V I'lriKi-, I lii in ii ? , W'i. j .-ol.ll.y .M?l MI. liOoDOIn 0K?n8| ,nu K I) Kl '111 V I N(' it lal'jJC Iklol*?> ? 11 M'lerle I rl ^ of I>i-111' . Msslii im*", Cheii.iriils, l'n ir? in \|c in' io I* mils. Oils iiol l?; ? St oils, 1 press. | injucry ami K111103 Ailii l?i?. Aii ul wliieli , <iov, jK, s?u |uw for v<isli, it mill .< r rt 1 a u fMjfti ot Uul Ini Mortal r" .Tun -1 HI .. 1 mile t-ji h , l'aiiii iilur iii -m< i >11 u il lip }>.i" 1 r.u JM "* ; I. it in. and 0reck ('Ainposilion, tn I to clocutioi It .jl V Il llli ll. . I JOKL p M.I.RNOEn ,,c'< 1 t'lrn ti I'oaril Trust <*?w u'"1 .t in 10 4 1 ii '?TB^insil "SoliiT. VI.I. JuT'OtlS lliivilikf ilotll t II I -< li -<f ill K-i .te of TIIOM M ' ' V iii .r ? . ? lii nriy, * tin I 1 .: i. i. i' iii'M'w, 1 a i 11 ^^ < i r,i ?N' i i:-v. i; 11 i!' l. i\- I mi l> < 'I I >i-1o< . I!?'i?l? illiv S. i : H< v. \ M Sli . I? P.. l'rr : I'-nt W i :I i ! < . Sj ?r ( I i tin.: i' : M . ' I* r > \ i4 I'ifi lei. ; rimrli in, .*?.<' : l?<'v .1. II. Th n I. I.I. P.. ! ?'. i n!, i > i ; l!<-\ Win W XViiin-in. \ i? l: 11 i i: T . I*- i i rn 'in'' i! - iv11;.iunerinil, miu W i | cffii t > . MiinoQijr, and porta* 1 In'i; . j r- ii' t 11 mm cntivi* ni>?r piiiii ij^, j limn 11 Imi? nu i i??< m i'i* amilriift of rtn- I iiati-'l > jiinir in < ? 1 in.-i?i_\. This mwlf j est < <1 .!' . '.1 .? iii'i\fs l\x sjn'psia, nr j In ; 1.11 II' 1 1 .1 :i . \< lily Of lilt-Simnaoli. , II I 1 \ Ni',\ >iis Iti-lrlitv. Nnnson. or r ii 11 g \ flection* >>f Mr or, ftp, For |' .1' II I. K. tlOolHilON. I I ?. * ?' ' -?> ?'? i'lstkm't. 1 c.,|, is n?k r.oi i:v ??k ordinary. i no Petition (<?r mIc nf R< d KmhK* ol Nancy Vik, J' 'c i?cl, ( dnrrii* I'nnk, Ap|tliraui, r*. Krdiart and ? wile Maria and others, Dcfendanta. Ii" u|>|' :ir;ng in niv x.-i i'tuciion ilmt Robert 4 V> I ..I \\\ M.l I t . I; 11 > 11 -I ("ook ' ind M .. 1 i-oi? i iM.k l>t fi'iitjania it) this cu^o, o i o i t' without i)ii* Slide : li i* therefore ?>nler- hoi I th u ti i'v tin a|i|ic!ir and nhjeer in the divis wn > 11 nr ?.?!? nf itie rent ramie nf \m.? I iiraeted by JNO I1KNKY KITZHIMMOXS OLE, without mjr written order or c>-n*ent, JAM EH H. (U^S. tot IS 84 If Citwnuflt*, ? l^inal TVot !<?*? I.I. person* indebted to the estate of ^ 1IKNKY 11 liNKII, tlcr't. ore required imtko imtnrdiwe pigment, and fill persona ding ilfiuand* njfninst ?ni<i <>?i*ie wtD p*wt them lejrollv *tte-?ti*d f<,e I?? > i mj; > "i agreed iu report a Hill to indemnity iIto<> and K.tHliors of foil Sumter fur the loani (allied hy iliem In their removal from Moult I Hi. * Ih?-<T- l r KP.orsi!N K Ml I. jit?i ri't-eiviMl ibiit tiajf for .-> i!c K. (?u<>I>ii l< Fori F>i^n '?f I Tic M ?r: Jan -I i?> i . _ lluwi |i;'o|n'iU ulle- fJ, I > r | m \ > i tit lllnl itlt'l ;'ll (i'I - ms i It I < -1 at c> 1 1*1 lln> ~.i t< I i-? it<- \\ iii tki* iiiiim-'li tie |> t\ in -ill t>> ili" iiinl?'r?i){>K'> .*'1 Ml'. K.\ PINCII, Ia w if .'tit 17 ?>i II I I. I ? 1' \ I i ( I rillCi I! If III I'll 1. : t or nv. > < . M >1 I . U > ij i ->. Supi-riii i !1 ii I ni <i i/ ? X'.iiim \ ii ; .lulgr ' I IN. Wliiiurr, Au4wwon? -s. Jwlge \ B. .1. I'. . .oi.. ^ -iifli l'?i .'liim ?'?>!! ! I I'. v 2'? #2 5ru 1 .> , i j;r? if )-I i 11 (i^ars ! < i^rars! \NoTIIKI' t'rtsh nu|>|ily, lor snip by > .fOI'i L. (SOOlKfliOi, j.lii v- if isc I. <>n lit tx'firrt' ?bc li. Ih ilny ot M*rrh t J icxi. ur consent to the ?*uio will be eu- I ? resI ?f record. 1 | iiTi-n under my band ami seal of office, tliis i !7fh?l;i\ of I?oCi mber. \ P. lK*v?. I 4 JN?> KAKI.E TlOMAK. o t? j xl 8 J J} via V'";,TUl51,1 E STONE - BLUE STOXEM F ic'ITlA for m'c 1<y ..I, ^ ..: # i