The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, December 13, 1860, Image 5

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?? i ? , [From the Southern Uuertiitm. J An Appeal to tlic Sou (la. NO. V The S?0/iI fii t fh'-aif't Ir a re the t/ui'/n now, Intuitute the time is fjroju'tivns to the movent nt, ami the s>/mention at no Jar i/istant </ny is inevitable, I do not believe that there exists oil the luce ol the earth too nations who more cordially detest each other, than the slaveholding nml non-sluVv holding States of this t?. i. ?... i....i i. ?. ? ? ? iRC^fuuiiv* 11/ nrw* uun nimimi UI'UTU Izlllcoin's election ; it is ten tiuict) wor.-o, if possible, now. Lt takes a long, long time to cool international hatred, even when the ca'iscs have cvinutl, ainl luuiud interests have shed their cooliujg iudueuec upon it. With the people of the North, it has maddened legislature, poisvuicd the tountuius i olj is t ice, eclipsed reason, hlin led judgment, benumbed scusibiliy, suhdued delicacy banished courtesy, deadened humanity, leveled distinctions, neutralized eat lis, jus titled extortion, whitewashed bribery, tiouorcil theft, sauctilied butchery, profaned pulpits, desecrated churches, and in divers respects j w -t at dcliauee all the laws of tJod and inuii. I la not this true'( l.o.?k at their mis-natne<l : *' i'crsiniiiif /??/?v/y .1(7*.'" They alone \ verity luueh that 1 have said. 'I lu ir title ! is a falsehood. They imply a breach id"! Oath and constitution in ail who enacted I tlieui. They harbor runaways. 'I hey shock justice and the moral sense. They (some , of them,) make it criminal in witnesses to 1 .speak the truth. They make it shockingly c. iminal for a white man to claim his rights, and for no other offence they east | c:t!C ) iur Honor :tun .our ii^nn hujulong; and why wait until \ x Can endure uu longer? As a South Carol nian 1 should vote against lu r having any tin lowship with . you, it, after having stood hy t seen her < tight yoU' hattlea. yam eoine, \v itli (ho din of Yankee heels upon your net k>, to link your destiny with hers. 1 sho tld be jcal i ous of th.J more than coiuruhit I Jove of I yours, and fearful . Iiat if your tat k-inastorB I should thnow you a pet word and a eruui of comfort, your lirst love would revive in all its loitg-rhorished ardor, and you would desert the Palmetto Confederacy for the glorious 1'ninn. Coiuo, now, and she wiij receive you with open arms, and thank you lor your countcuanco. NO. vi. i' T.'i- f! -II them tSftifrx xhtml / /'"lift thr 1 / iii'ijii, htrnuxr it touts theju in/in it< uton ' tin in it is worth to tin Ml. j | What is tho l'nion worth to the slave-. holder If Will soinn honest, 'utolligent, ^ candid man nmwcr this <|Uc.-tion '{ It is > usually answered by rhapsodn , and liori 1 : declamation; but these are times tor some- ; ( thing graver. I grant that it i.> a great and ; glorious ltcnublio to the people of tl. * North, and thoy cannot say too much in it. favor ; hut to tho South, it has been hut a ( torment and blood-sucker for forty \ a; . Pojou say that you can go over all its vast i surface, andho-undi r laws of your own mak 1 v ing? In u)l .mat time, you have never 1 * been nldo to make a single law, hut l>y sul ferance of tho North. Whenever her rej?- ( roecntali - c<s choose to unit- against you, J yours were impotent; and they have never " failed to unjtr, when tb-? higher locai jit ( forests of tlio tvo section? ouuir it: conflict , Our struggle, b>r most of that time, has' been to secure the election of men kt the North who would protect us from oppras- ; siun and extortion. As to receiving at their ; ijauds any grt^af boon that would cost t!.i? 1 Iiiiii into prison from two moot lis to tiflccn I years. That is personal libei ty, is it ? And, j moreover, tlioy impose a tine on liiiu ol ! from one to live thousand dollars. Name the oHonec, not capital so sorely visited, a.- ! that ol man's saying "this is my negro, and : 1 claim h in. ' -May (lod deliver mo 1'roiii ; all eoniieotion with a batch of ju lieai monsters who can thus legislate. Look at their tariff, l.o >k how their courts decide i all ((Uestioiis wherein the master's and the | stave's interest are brought in issue. See their vo'sions of the Constitution, of ih ir : oaths, ol tin? Look to Mali son and j his eoufrcrcs in Congress. Hear their gin- 1 rying in maiiMcnling. .* eo their nioiis their raids, their murders, tlieir liou-e banting. Mark Montgomery, fresh Iroi.i Huston, the second Jlnovn. Sec tlu-ir nm iv 1 gatherings in the city. High, low, white, 1 black, male?all on a i vol, all tongue i toviug, all furious. See the conventicle ?<! , preachers, profess >rs, students, ? i men and children, in the North Cliu cli of .New lla- ' veil, subscribing for ISharpe's lilies. ,vcc genteel ladies in common plot with dirty negroes, nay, united with them in connubial ' ouds Listen to their insults, tlieir sir- j ^ >ms, their dares. What means these bed la n scenes? Why, j ?,er oiis a thousand miles from these people i "jwii slav. s, and they wish them set free. ! W1 I cost the owneis$J, l00,<K?O,U0O to set tli'Tu tree. No matter, they must be set free o lmM1 Wl" ,urn 5""' women dui'i-.-! Jlutorphan children own a hall million ?f them, and these cannot be set -tree N } ,uatter, they live among those who dc o v" ^elu? ani' they must be burnt wituud pc isoncd with the rest. I) oes his I lory or i ?iu ,I,Cu 'Ornish any parallel to this ? Such arc tl 1)C,,I''C on u"? s'^e ? 0,1 the other, thore is !,<J r?t"liatory legislation, no j t-emiing ofjr 1A,1Ullc wl,l!c nK? a| ' lever cstutc k i >ijiu \ aruimu waste rreea 1 mtgroes '" ^'do. -Neg rocs claimed d?avv? oi sct 'ro? "3' our courts .?.ie .Suitluwc i ia" a,|d-the Southern man | has etjital jii-t'ic '"in corner* iV>nri-t*?.-fTrTri of ",,,5's M,,d violence, to tin litii I jfihe ino-'bt l? SUls i'i our courts ibr his just debts v.nt recovers?nunc in<|Uiriri< whence ho i ?r what liis creed. .\o uiuat, no bribi 'y? no contempt of luw, j;o twisting of OKtlu ' 'hey are taxed to enrich their cncuiic: > complain, and they are oullo i blush *rers. Phoy are robbed of'-j' JO,WJ(J, (Jul wo rt h of property, oft heir -const itntiouhi righu;,t d their territorial privilege*. Thoy thrente !l to dissolve the l'nioii, and this is cal L'd bully iug. They yield much and endur e long for the Bake of the l uion, and this ls called c ovardice. Hut enough ol this. I 'ow long can such people live together und nnc government? llow much more i. to.'oi a"t must the one become, before the pu.ic l(-'c of the other av ill wear out? You k iv 'just reached the . the point when you are much despised lor your spirit as you a e for your property, j They see that neither t nation, mbhcr\ ' nor invasion can rouse y "t to resistance. I ynd they have begun to-di. ike the lush o\ei you, dare you to fulfil yvur ?h eats, and tell l that you shall ,4 cat drt." i our attach incuts to the Union 1 kn >w is very strong ; I but the w< rid docs not k*n?v it . and it Mil; ! write you down as the most arrant cow. p!s that ever disgraced the curll ! omi d<> not j go out < !'the I nion, or derh re waragainsi I your oppressors. You nin-t ris<;ami viodi ? i , 1 * ? I North a dollar, we long ago censed to look for such a tiling. It' wo oould get a Presi- j dent who oould veto South-devouring measures, and give our politioians, trod through theiu our people, office, why vrc gloried as though wo had all \ unkccdoui under our thumb. Hut so tar as it is trout being true ! that you cuii travel over the I'nited States 1 with all your home-born privileges, the 1 truth is, that there is not a civilized coun J try on the face of the earth, in which )0U may not travel with greater privileges than I you have in the Northern States of this Union. A few years ago, a man was traveling with his slave in Prussia. An at tempt was made to emancipate the slave, and a Prussian judge decided, that according to tin.* law ot nations, tin* relati n nl master and slave could not be dissolved hy the nic'V tcianuiMi'v snimirii (.1 iln> twn in i J J ~ j tii.U country. S> all Kurope would decide, i Iltodly a year bus l olled over our beads, in j the last thirty, in w hich some tourist in the Northern States lias not bad bis slave taken from liiin uud set free. Many years ago tbo brig A'utrf/n ii? left Alexandria with sixty ?>r seventy slaves on board, bound ; for Charleston. She was di iven by stress : of weather into Ileruiudn, and the nntli.iri. tics of that Uland set ull the negroes free- ' (>ur < loveriiiiicnt demanded reparation ol the British government for tbo injury done to the owner ; and the British government 1 made reparation. A few years ago, some * eight or ten slaves we. e shipped from some port in Virginia, tor New Orleans. The vessel b r some Cause touebed at New York, but the feet of the f laves did not touch tlu soil of New York. The were taken from the vessel and set free. As this case did not come within the pale ol the "peisonal liberty law" of that State, the courts condescended to hear the master's ? leu for bis slaves. They decided against Itlui ol course, upon the principle, I suppose, that the ('oust it ot ion snp( isi <! d the law of nations, and tin y su>? r.-eded the Constitution. I lie iii... i. \i ..... : :. ii i i I in* i ? ?i v-'wii^riri^t 1 ;i.> muhiij 111" a' i 'i, as lli?' ri_ lit ol property in thosts Slate-. In i every church where majorities rai . tiny have usui|?cd pipnl power, w.tli tit *.'*- i v1 > 11*:*i clcliicii-y to Eolith m chri-i! his. Willi all power?* i v 1 uinl !? - i.i-t leal? in their Immls, \vh .t i- to i ? **i us The 1 iii<m ha* iioihin : in i: : * . i 1 ..r il to the people ol' tic- >**iiii i! v : ech has it coat the South ! I w .11 i *t a ?w* r ii) i'uuild iii! .l' it'i'.s, I a'i anse yo'i w .1 i i. i believe u.e ; an i Cannot a . .< < it without weary inx or hew ihh-i g tin- i with tigums. I will 1*11*1 ivor. by a lev. _ .simple lac -, ami illu-trati i oj nil the j eyes ol the honest y-'niiianrv an i > >iit!i nl j i the eountry. for whoso hem lit n aitily 1 am ' writing, to the treiiiemlous extortion to 1 which they have been subject d I'm lour ami I'oity years by the things call. 1 f"> ji-- ? Suppose, plain farmer < f North t'aro ina. you should go t ? Kentucky ami hu\ one j hundred lieu*I of horses, at one hundred I dollars a piece, lor sale in South t'aro,ina; and that when you canm to the line,an ollicer should meet you and d mainlofyou how iniieh your horses cost ym. You tell him ! the price. "That won't do,' says he; "show j your bills ol sale. Youdoit. "All right, ! says hehand me over S-,-?and you ! may bring your horses into the St it* ? otherwise you can't." "Why, what does this mean.'" say you. "Well," say-, th ollicer, "the Legislature has p issed a law that every loan who brin_.s Imr-s int*i the j' State, shall pay into the In .snry twentylive dollars on o* cry huiidr* *1 loll*.-' worth ?in other words, u, * 'h '; ?t t)r ' valid'; or, in c* .union pa. I -i , 1. - t an ( nil fii/ii-n 'I'ity (or tax i *ii n i brought into the Sta-e." "An I .!: i? ill this lorT' you iu.juire. 'lo eiuu.l* people of Soutli Carolina to uoa proiitaide business in hor-e raising, or, as it is deceptively called to "protect" South Uuroli- j niau's "home industry." They cannot ia -e HUeh horses as yours and sell them for 1 -s $1 l.~>, to make a |*rotit on theui, but if | every humlred dollar horse that is brought i into the State can be made to cost SI-">, then the South Carol ina raiser can d<> a | ' spletidiu business ?he can put his pi ice up; ' to ?1-4, oid soil tor a dollar u hoard lc.-s I ' than the importer's horses eost hum H it South Carolina, we suppose, ean . t supply I ; a tenth part ol North Carolina s <1 mate! ( for horses; how now i Why liutnlre 1-Jnl i lar horses in Koiitueky ar?* worth l.V) in North Carolina. Now, the droveis Lo^in , to import a^aiu?pay the State per head and make S'Jo per horse -till. Hut the South Carolinian, without any Iniyinji at all makes thirty live or forty dollars per head; tor wc have seen that without protection, | he Could have sold at^ll.). in ti 10 toeau i t tueall the 1'aliners a e huvii^ horses.; ?itnj ly sayitiit. "why h.o-? s h ue run up j mightily;" and having i t il .it it is the law of their State that h.s run thetu j up. Nevertheless, tl. i. ii tii v do not k now it. they are | > Cv .> ? m i t r every horse they huy than tie", mi !.; t() pa v. in t!i mi i.iititue lie- trr isiji v i.? up v. ili, useless iiion y, whieit must n . Silt ' pose the I. . >! tore orders . 't spi lit in voiith Caro.ina lor eve: v one in North Carolina: the elfeet mils* ! j South Carolina inu:' ;;i'ov. rich . ; -v , v. In!. North Carolina is at n stand-still, inscttsi U i -iukhiT or itope. {. j 11. ly n -in-,'. Now. this is precisely 'he ?vine wlii !i has I -en ') played I y the North upon the South t , 1* >ur years, except that the pv.t-ed.n . iK?t to your neighbors ju.-t t.v. r the lire, hut to strati_ rs a thousand niih s of:?not to friends, lntt to enemies; not on one article. hilt linon I'M'Pl nOioln , . .? .1 I 7 -- -i j 1^<>',,r"i||l>i , wear or iwe that conies 1 Voin itl*r<ut>]. .Not , t duty ot L'"? percent., hut SO, til, r>(), and i even I tut per cent, on some articled. ! 'NVhv," ?ay you, ' it inu-t uae ant to mil-j iocs upon million It !? - ; and this rs the way the North ha* hern ?etiii,-.? 11? rich, while you have he? o j.;*t 1 i\ i_c t " ?onil'ortnhIy ; and loiihiucr luu the kind ,rovidenco of God, in Riving yon artich rhv'i the whole world le -i-, ha- L ' :ou lr."l hopeless ru n lot a_'?> A. li. I<0\<;>TIIKKT. To Southern Pn Wishers and ICdiiorsj il!t!'. u'. criher, *' ? " ' ouai - i j. o lion under llio ! ?* 1 *?o? 1 < 1 > .? > . a>, , ' ii Hiving iio inii'Diioii nor <Uvir.> > rve , I r i! lie encmi* i l<n ' '.><) f'| i iy , i devote !. j wS tlo tune to the tuioiies-' ia illieli a pultun of hi* lime >* U'?w engaged, W :oi:iu;.?r'?Ni>!-NT. roN-rumi tor iti: h I'Oin Kit KOK sot l ilKll.N .lOt'llNAI.S. ; In addition to I.i* pi t rni onjageineiu , li< i* irepnrril to mako nniiH|temi;.in with several j iucr joiirniiis f nu ? -?.i? m.i "iijj iiii 1 vnrip'l pxpfiiomT will mkiMo lmn t>> 1 ^ i*<?hnrsf?s llicin jTuii I*I ull.v. \<Mrtu EDWIN II EllIOT. riinrlcMon, ?S. I Nov 21 82 4w Blanks! Blanks!F ? FOR SAU: .AT TllfS OFFICE I GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! NO 11L VNKS!!! GllAND ALL-t'ltl/K SiMlliMi: KoR OCTOBKK, IMSO! GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, MtfUNNEY & CO., MANAGERS. Authorized by r/'tcial Art at the I.e^mlatutt. K VER V TICK KT .1 I'HIZH. IIA PIT A I. I'll l V ! * viiiiiuuii Halve.*, (JnnrlorH ami Kijjlnhs in Proportion. i To he drawn each Satimfty in I Kill I, in the' t'ily of SaVannali. < nr^ia. Class tl'2, to I;- <1 t\\ ii October l?, lHtid. ('!; <, ?.{, to liu ilr-i'vn October I . 1 t'1 iss !?I, to d .i >vti t let o her 2d, IK-It I. t'la?s to drawn < ti.ioher "J7, I SMI. MAIiMFirii.NT SriSKAIE. 1 Prize of JsrbJ.Mll) id S$lWl,Otl.l 1 II'.m, 0 in lit 0011 1 " tl.tifol i? ] ? f?.(>tll> in A.tM'.t 1 " d It 'll is 4,IMUt I ? fi.O.Mi is S.tMilt 1 " li.tttitt is 2.IHHI | I " 1,0iHt is 1...IMI , 25.1 tint Prizes of >H $2IMI.tMii> 25,(MM) Prizes of ?2 ft,CM Ml ' 50,!itw Prizes atiiotinting to . . . ?J}75,0!.(t ; m u.i. nr. on a ir.v tijis yoxr/f. Certificates of Packages will lie sold at the j follow intr rates, which is the risk: 'eilifieatc of Packages ) > V, hole Tickets ?SII M Half ? |iM " lt'? Quarter " . 2" ! " " It; Highlit " Id TI1K (iOl.ii MINK I! ALL Pit 17. KM AND NO lil.ANKS ON The Three Number Flan! Which takes place every Wednesday and Saturday in Istitl. 78 Nl'MHHKS Hi DHAWN liAl iaffS: I prize of : i : : S25.IHMI 1 I'ri/e of : : : : ti.iiliti 1 i'ri/e of : : : : I.tain 1 J'rizc ot lit Prizes of 17-. are : : T.oimi I ? Prize of arc : : tif <t PI Prize- of I 12.5(1 are : : I .".(lit 1GJ Prizes ol i<?' ;it?' : : In.'J' 0 G, |*t j/,.. Hi* -j., in. ; ; i. jj Prize* "I' ore : : 1*. ia''? ??F I at : : Prizes of JO aii" : : !> ! ' prizes of m : : 1 . > T ' ??> Pi i/.. ? .if ai : 1 -i ? i 'O I'rijc 'of 1 I o . 'i 1\ !/.< - illilolllllii ... ! i'i W'JIOJ.E TICK H'f'.i Sit A litis /A j /> i.\. N OK ritlNU Tlflil Til 1-1 KTI I'K'ATJ s. 11 in*' *r llit* money I" our a i : - - I- r iii? ickois oI'iIitimI. on ioo?i|'i of iviiir i ih?-\ will ?o furw inir-l '.v fir*! mail. I'm. 'lasvi - c:iii Hi".* ti.-k.-i- i?iiiliti]r it, any lijjuiv tlioy may > :^n it??. 'flu- lis! of <li i? ri tuiinliiT* >tii-1 p :/? ? \\ '11 1 .Mil to |iurcliiiMli'? inline liuia-U iftarr lln .haw All i iiiinuinii'a*ioii< -ii ' ilv i-onti'loiilial. Onier- forTie.eis >r Oil>*. G\ Mail , i S I'fl'r-J, l.i lie < I i ! ? : ? > 1 i . McKI\m:y .s. <v. Sav.iun ill, l!i. * )rl. 1 1 " J l f. Wool), KIM) V A: CO. \< d: LWV ii;:: wi i.hsm m si \n MIITI HI. S < * A I*I ? \ i. i iii/i: s! Woed,Eddy & Co., lYTanfip.cry i f'.ie M .nui^a'i's' ?Ml' . -. ! ii ' .! i Oi'liuare, 1 Si. lot \t.~ mi. Tin. I 'llnlV I, ' I i lilt * a i' I ' ' lr It* II in |n|li;ir, r I ' ? > ....i n < ' !?!rii a| ;i> i; . ' i niur. Hood, l.'dily .V. ( ,i\ 9,o<J< i- . t. 1 5 u yV r*3* ?S < >. -**?.'>< > !),. t < ^ .v.i'i.r,/ , l? 17.7,. Ji 7 " M'MIH-ii'S?101 VWN ISAl.l.i. i S. i i.u\'.ixvrnii, PUI/.I: *. ^70,000 ! ! Prize of c*o.?.i'o<? | ti5 Prize* of f 1 ! ' 1 * 'JiI.IHUI I 06 ? l'J.i ? ] "i.ti:"i [ Go " S'i ' ,, fi.'lt l | Go ? j I * a :? I ". I l a. : ,1 .a . I - ?" on " 1,o?us i n;,t: ;u lio ('ill 44 I ill'I j ;_V?'.ui I'ri/CH amounting to SI.171. ' .r.VKi.v i I'lU/.i: vo I:Y::I:Y -J tmklis. iMiiiIu Ticket.4* cJti; llul.v- c;?>: yumicrCertificatt-s of }>a<-kiig? in the ah t, Si In \ ill lit: Mild ill the follow ni|_ rale:-, w!i;ch i - he i-k : Yriitioate of package of ? ! whole tickets S-l'H fm " " half II'.' ||' " " 44 'J'< t|ii.H ut 7 I 7 > 44 44 44 52li eighth . 7 .'17 . si'i.i :M)ii> :-i< si i:3i::: TO UK nH A W .N /;.l I 7/ WEI).\ ES/tA 1' i\SOT EMU Eli. ("la** '.li'lniw- N Vii.i'.r 7. isifi fill dritws N \ ! . ! I. 1 HiiO, CliMi Mil ilrawa Ntiv(n<l . i1. I > HI. i I *1.1.-7- .1 ' ..II' '\ II. lit 1 V I " ' V771 OA, fin/.r. /<> / I /AT /II" t i c k i: 'i* s: 7s NL'\ 111171iS 14 liKAUN UAI.I.oT4 I ( 1". i/e <t i siJ-VOOO. 44 r,,!iiKI ; r, i 7.", ! 77 | I Pruc of SI '."Oil ( til 44 Sloo o 44 l.",OI ! 04 0 44 l.'Joo i '. I :: 1 1 44 1.?1 hi t .*>,/>< 14 44 0 44 ;;,>o 2 ,j-j I 44 50 44 I oil | 1.1IJ l'ri/c.4 Amount ;nir to 7 *i7> 7 77 7linle t iekci ? S10 Halves 9-7 ijiianei'? r ' ("el l iftc.iti' ol'j>a. ka; 111 iht4 u' ovo S lii ioi 1 In- Ira'.vii vucli Welti --il.i;,, i.iil 'c buhl lit 10II.1 t ,;ig v.'.n . which i- the t : -?K ? eriilit'al. ot |i tT.ivp "I 1 wI- 1I1 1 ickria 111.' o 44 U . bnli' To.oo 44 44 44 ll*5 ijiifiiter 44 17 7 IN I HI IICUIXII Til K 1 Is oil 11 III . til -i. Eni !i.->.? 1 |m- :?1:> it 1111 of money t?> mir ? 1 r wha 1 }<<ii ?:<h 10 j n. hie; on. I. I 1 fry ia winch you wish i' iuvfo- 1, n 1 wh r y on tvi-l. !i 1' vrs. \Vh" - -r o.. ' - - i-a 1 ? , ,-ipi ut \. In .1 iii4 ei; I what i : . mil, 1 el li. r iviilf tin4 lien c. y i.;,'4, tin- ili iv. .11^, a j,!:. .? . ,\ ni g, 1 -1 li'-*l lit ! y tin4 1 'iitu 1.11- oni-. ?, .11 -I'll 1, 111 I. all I'XJilai lit -II. I ' I'll' h i". will ;i'.i4 no4 v. 1 ' . at ui .- ; 1 In, tuul give Ihoir l'ool , ail I 44 'a'44. \ !1 ...j 1 1 1 * 'rii .111. * ? it'* " *' --' 1 \ll | i'ueg of * I ' hi i na . > ; ii. I iii- . ill or t'..- .h-i.v ii. ii | i !. i n- II ill: H- of 1" ! Mir Niunii i I., in ri? *, r.ij . n I '?ii, ''i '. ilrnw evei \ - ;M I.iv IioIa lickcls Sin || ij iirt.'v* fur TioUci.* or iVi i n-1 i? ' PC ?1 In wood. ! ::?i?v .v en . u ii t: M lf ii >r, \Y oo D, J 111V \ i'i .*1. I i.. , M i tK<V.TIie ilr.-iwiii/? oi W . >?! K i .\, i | ulnr* colli iinii Ii i .V r ill miIt will ho soul. IVi'i- of cxpotiai .. g:is nbovo. t?irTliP Drawing" of Woo l. I'.Mv ,v < ilturies nro |nililinlie<l in tin- sew i k f i-riilil. New Vork Tiini><i, N > vv Yorker aals ng, Now Vork lix^ress tiixl N< w n in k Ne<V>. U<rv. 1 ? if 1 Ague Cure, ??H THE ?PKEDV Cl/KE Or Intrrmittriit I'evcr, or Fever mid Aunt*, llrnnltrut Fcvrr, Chill Fever, l>timb Acne, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headache, ntid Bilious Fevvrn, indeed rnr ik? ? ?>r natiitu biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria of minsr.intic countries. No one mildly is loader culled for by tlie nee cecities of the American jicople than u Mire uml wife cure for l*'cvcr and A one. Such we arc now enabled to offer, with a perfect certainty that it will eradicate the disease, and with assurance, founded on proof, that no harm can arise from its use in any quantity. 'I'll -t which protects from or prevents this disorder met I < of iimiciiso scrvieo in the communities wlu io it pvcvnils. I'rrn ittioii is l,< tter than cure, for the patient escapes the ri-k which lie must run in violent attacks of this lui'.c ful ilet , taper, 'l itis "Crms" expels the inia i latic poison of lT.vcu ,iyn from the system and prevents the development of the disease, if taken on the lirst approach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the l>ot remedy ever yet discovered for this class of roinpluinfs, lint also the cheapest. The large quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of every body; and in bilious districts, where 1'kvku ami Aoi'b prevails, every body should have it ami use it freely liotli for cure and protection. It is hoped this price will place it within the reach of all?the jioor as well us the rich. A j great superiority t>f this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and cer- i tain cure of Intcrmittcuts is, that it contains no (Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitution. Those cured by it arc left as healthy as if they had never j had tlie disease. 1'Vvr and Agucis not alone the consequence nf the miuMiuitic jioison. A great variety of disorders nri-c from its irritation, among which iir" Neuralgia, 1!' iiniati-tn, (iont, 11 < idnehe, J.!.-..I ? <, T?Mthii I *. I ini - lie, < ritairh, Astlii ri, Palpitation, !': iuful \f- ion of the > fcjpl en, Hysteric*, Pain in llto llowels, Colic, | 1'aralv is and Hera iu in- t < i the Siotmah. I :.:l i I wliiilt, wh'-n ..:ii . in thi> i niv, j mi? i : t i i iijfrl nit'' t T \ ' f, i r ii iktiic J?'I iud- I til. 1 i.i- "(nil." < ; ' 1* tin* ] t-<-it from lli - 1.1.mhI, ns-cl < \ <;iii them ail I alike. It ?i<i in\ .h. r I : ri n t.> in.mi- ; I'rant-* ami |u- U:<\ 11 : temper.irily ! i i?*' . - i-i 1'. I ? i - : i< t . if tliki-li i . - 1!\ r <'.-il\ \\ i. ' .1 fn tin? in- I l< W 1 1 1 4 . 11 1. 1 lr< i:: tl. - V- t 111, ' < in. tr m ill'., i n: qt.a-ility to i i; n in : * il . I if . r it i- < v? n mi-to . vaii.: ; (' t i n t'. , . t . and :> ve "ill ni r ' i It i li.l' Mnitt hi.;-, ii tlioy avail | th n. Ives ? (" : 1 j. .?? ft ;i tlii - I'liifly al'ltr . AyePs Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, j art- -'! oouijwi. i -l t'.i it <li>c ?- vi: ni ili< r.itii'.- f 1 tli. ir aclimi ran t tr. 1_, with . I ?.r ciai' lli.-ni. 1 i licit prnitralii priipcriii-. - i li, mil i *? a-i-, aiuliiiM. i .?i i i i v | .itii-ii .f i |,i.. .11 i?il* nistu, nil t<a-i11.:: i <li i . i -I a. ii n, :ui l r<-i- int? it- In-i.i i I.i < il A- a < ii-i iici- af tlli-o pmp i , i inv 'i-l who i- i .- i ) i! iuii with l a. .a ot phi .1 .! ! . -. is a wished to find hie ii l ,i . l?\ a tamcdy .il i.tieo so i simple n* ii.v . . Ni ' i i i' tvory-ilny complaints t.f ti rv I , ,t .' ,i ii. nv fiirii.:il -.Mo ami (lnngi . i.s ii, i. is. 'I ho Ufji lit he low ti.itiic.-cl M plea. ' t ' furr i uulis n v Aim-ii.- ii Almanac, i n tail, it i? ci .. -,-i. . i f t! : t an ml ilirci tinim fot tin i ti in ;'ic foll-mlii eni.ip niif- t'i ?- i, ffcwwifra, // ni":1.' arising from ttinontered Stoma '-. Vo. '.In i. I'om ill i"ii .\,i,r/ni timet it ii of / ti itf .-. I < luti ttrv, Imtt ?</ daw* ft i. J 'h <-, ,::ul i : 1?. r i. 1 r-niiipl ints, mi ii.: fn in a in" -t.,t i f tin- ! on . r Mtu. ti :i of ita functions. They are nn excellent alterative f .r t'.i- ri . '<avail of the lil>. nl and tf e t>->i . t . of ! ... a.. ; sltcn^lii to tlie system dvLiiitali il i j Jl-i..: -. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, I , !! t:: r i: \: ;> ( ? V Couch-. ( i.i.;-., lit i. a-i, llnarsriK t tan; >, ; i. 1.. . I :: : nt < '"lt<-urt?p<"j:i. nit ' i r the rt ?; ' f of Ch :i?;s!11|;tivc* l'.t- . - .ii ltd;.;:t< rtl st:? > > < ! tin' i i -{* : t.. - I .ii, i : . ah'.-ist e\ i i*i . 1. k: i, \ he I i\e 1. i ti i . :i . R i dl ; ' e t! of t hi Iniifts lit it a a1 tr . . ? per", il'y oicr cm-v i tli . -lie ii i . it -k. .lis too pp.. i t to i -en c nl tll.ei, at Ivhi-ti i. viitni ate k wii, tl.c pi. .- tin lot 'tl it fc e !..." li.i.-'.c to i ttiplny fur Oic ili-tri - nt; ami oetipi . t! lions < !' tfic linlr- n. ry i n 'hat..' i -'i our i liu.atc. While many tnfi Hor retnrj - thi it mton the community hmve failed i ;* n < -.arih 1, this hu.H j;aii.( . fi: a -1 a hv very tri rn i l>- in lit i on the .afHicteil they can nevei foi^et, and prnihi>. .1 muticrcas mi l too i. m. il.ablc to be fot : ii. PlturARKIt ItV AVMCl ^ CO. LOWliLL, MASS. n. I. '.. TV, MTV. .-t-iittaitlmrg I'.. I". !?\TK" I lut w- -. .Hi', ati ! I.y all l)rn_xgisls cvci I.i- ci. ll'.W II M>. IT \ T.SON \ CO.. < h II n .. ilesali Agi lit-. M ty 11) '.?? if Lnvszs rv \iT> I! ; ' PitT:i;. s'?! r / i.i. , i- i:i - i . . . o: -i-i - f\. A ' i v I I*i ; 11?i, i \?; I i i 111 < i nnyt 1 I ' : i ; I : . . -y i in i - i. .ii i- ' : . . -Ii. P. !|i i . I*:i :i . " i .. ' i - II * I lii' ?!l I ?. I ' J . . i . iIn- >! , iii'-i iii i t<? i-illirr. I lie Ii I l>II Kit is I1KINT1SH. .! i lvi ' I if >, v > 'k1 t c: i I It 2.i:i'.:\ - > :i'l r-ii J <" i ' I.-i i> A- j i v ?< 11" n N* ') I., .. II. \ i 1}? i. in ,.n> i< il i S II. I.i i'f-1 !!. i>i .- 11 111 iiil'iii .- bi-< 1. ;. I' !u.- . ! I SI i .22 III M <!.'.] 1 III I. \ lis I'i . . i?i. i .i l. Mi'ji i U'liu- illii.liil -1 I I i III l I 11 f i I , llllullt illl - . II . .1 !'l I I ' I. *. J1 .t I; .I Tl11 .Ik* f 'II II >11, I '. . I llv'l] 1 .1 . I'l |'\ | It' II - 1 ?ll I I til In- t - t i ii u I : i! I.iiii I '! Iv. Pi i. SI. iV. May 17 1 i ? \ 4 * I! 'v i \ i i'. '.rii' ?111' \ P \i ii l|>.\. w liich 4 \ Y > " " I nil I ill. Illl A II I .Til liro 'i . . . I. - i. tlie mi hit v .ii vi-rv . i m l . . ii I i i ?-r\ ' v. ill -in ?. >11|.. it. i i.i M ii? l . tilt* ' V - ' i - r. i... \ nsii. I t Urn / i-r 11 O Y i C E ? 'i .ii.- i. 5 k i i i'; \ i t. . i aiii i.t ., ii.Ti-, : i 11 i ini; n i ..i i .n 11 i\ r in i. \ ;. v I ' . i I i- . . ! I I i;ii?!.i" I . I. - V| | | ,| 11 *rra<t1 s . , I i l I: ! :il of ' N i I' <i. ' i .i ?< . i.< I in.iV.? in.i. > 'I.. \vi' i. 11 . i 1 in ii or ii ij if Ill>\? ^ ? \ >l ? S^ll ,VT i general . noot ? Drug*, Modl< i iio 1 . i'ori n , l.i ii In I' lini", ii!--, ?'.? . in'>? i iml ii fishi. . .v. iii.imrsn s i Aug"* 2 C- < J SUL1IVAN,- ELFORD & WINSMITH, HAVE associated themselves for the purpose of practising Law in the l?i*trict of Spartanburg. Any liu.tiurw intrusted to their cure will receive prompt attention. Office on the Public Sqnare, adjoining the SJ'A R T I .V OFFICE. C. 1\ XULI.I VAN, Laurens. J. M. KLKOKM, Spartanburg. .1. t\ t\ 1NS.MITII, Spartanburg. Oct. 27 86 9m REED & DUNCAN. % 1 A T T <) H N K V S A T L A W A N 1) sour i ron* in rycitr, VT SI'AKTAMSIJIIU II All business I intrusted to them in Law nnd Ivpiity v Hi ' lie promptly attended to I Mlice liext tloor ; Manly. Agnew .V ?"o. J. I*. IIKKI>, I). H. Ill' NT t N 1 ? . .. ! I.i .9. 1. tilford, . i magistrate. attoknky at law, ami kdi.ici i >n is mjritv, HAS removed bi" Otlice from ('Imvuh Slicel i<> i ii?? office adjoining t he Sjiurinn Otlice, ! '?ii ill-' Public Square. \'l bu.-iui'xs intiii^ti'<l to his rare will meet i with |>r<)iii|>t attention. " j Feb H 1y T. <?. ? VJ&KNON, ATTOILVIfV AT LAW, WILL PRACTIOK in the WerHiru Cin*"'1 tlr> icr?Went corner of Col. W. \\ . HARRIS' brick building, over the rtore of Camp ?V Can lion, ami oppo>itc the Palmetto 1 Hour*. April PJ ti 1J c Wri^lil A Orr, ' I ATTORNEYS AT LAW, |l 1 Office in Maj.^'s LJrick lluildiiig, next j door to lb,bo ,v Edwards' law ollicc, upr1 airs, i Spartanburg. C. II. J. I?. Witu.iir, Spurt mi burg C. H ' ' .1 ah. L. (Inn, Anderson C. II. i' .1:111 '! 4o I f| Farrow A Wliiliior, |< ATTtlllNKYS AT LAW. \A rili. pr-ielii e in the Court" of Spartan I ? burg mid adjoining I?i-t 4 ict liter. \i > i'a iitan iil itn 1'. 11. I Oct J1 l ? If v* d i.i.j v jo\ ?:s. en .UrtW. M.mUK. ? tl.i>\vi;u,. en. y r. 1 1 r 11.1. 1 in at J cm* :i !>? - a* nil ">f i lie C'Mirl . | liotii i'. 'iti'j. Hid nn]?'i i*>r, liold nt t 'i??.:i|ia?. I' >lk Hill ... Hid at llcttdervillVillo. .1 i.i 'i . ill.' \ N t .. i.l w I.l ill I. li t f '. :111 ; . in .i.l imi-.M'j.? iiitrimii'il i;i> euro III W li^llll'li N.I". t iii \ i -. ."'in Flll'l "iv. i - Silll|??i. i il j . . i I. hi ir, v-"i , irtaii'.i .g i f . S. t . M*ieh 1 nj lv ) \i iliiam l.tit kivoud, T A II. u It , n\S removed in Kmitim nvir Fu ter A. .held'-. opposite t lie I'ourt i'ihih'. i hank- ' I. ini- ji-i-t i ivors, lie ti-k :i liberal patronage I'm- Hit- t ut arc. i .lulv 7 IS tf I 1>. It. lllMl.OII, F A 8 II I ?? N A It I. K T A I 1. <> R. 1 \ "til 1.1? reapedfully inf.iftn the citizens id 1 T ? .v |. i i t utile irg t lint II'1 lilt- opened a Slinl j in Itrirk lt.inge, on I liui'tdi Si reel, where lie will lie p!e:i*ed In see illi who lluiy favoi liiin with their patronage. * I .l.iu Jit 17 lv It. S>. Own], F AS II in N \ it I. II T A I l.o II. ' \ % ,'nl 1.11 return hi* thank* fur |m.-t fuvi r* I ? mi l n-k a eiiiitiiiiiiiiici* el the same. II til;1\ In I '.ml i.'.e.' Iliii .v Agiiow'sI Hardware Si ore. | .1 ail ? I>r. \\<u. '2' Ku?*?'l ! \\T ILL pr net ice AIKD1C1NE ami SUUOKRV | ?? (iu connect inn with IHiXTlSTRY, at the | . >.ii in S|iii. taiilnii e ai,.| it- tttlii i . .i i ii n i i >t: i. N J. ISi . I', iiip', i p *tuii'?. ' Ilti'-i'lriit'i' at i?r I., t". Retiticdy ?. t In arch 21 1 " lv ;Iw . < . "Iciiii l it, 1?F. NT 1ST, OFFlt'K with l'r. ,! J. VKllNdN", nrrr (Mice of l>nw kin*, t'huiee .V Kvin*. t ntireli Street. llrh k 11 n Spartanburg t". H.. S. t\ J nn 1'J 10 ly i>it. is. c\ Ki:\.\i:iiv ! I | | AS Hl.TI'llMIl). and hits resume 1 the j ' I I I dote- of lit- plnfe-sioli. I .lull 12 4-~> tf , : %\rii.r. i?'i \? rii i. mf.iucink and si r. | \ | ? i.! I I in > mil iu > 'Mi,i l. Main Street, nj.iniMie Putin no House. A2 22 if. < . ilrclillcr tl Son, W \TfII M \ K I. US, 4 SD Mnnufueturern of Jewtiry, Rfpiircn ^ of ?"? >-kH .in \r. All ?urk iutrusteil in ilieiu will uiuet w;ili j'i in tness and I iK'?|iiticli. M irei. iS 4 if 31ATTK ESSES. 4 T .I'll". .' HA'.llU it SllOl'. over Hardy's ^ V !l- . ? it ,v .v. can ilw:iy* l>o found is | I i.i? I. I I. - r-.-vi ! MA I'llFSSI.S, of Jill i -i.v\ made ot i \ci,ll*'iit inui. ils, ninl m modenitc juice-. I'. l. l'i .'.II If 1<V Kop<\ i:\T\W HEAVY EES NY BU.i.IM., !\T;inilln E B i: 3i i* WOP i:. FOR SA 1,1' 11V . iKnriv X Co., Si-j.t <*, it * ign of the Anvil 0 I. I) K I T I. K i!. ' \ M'* C i. I -.( will ?' in 1 I l.c ] i rose lit ic i ..ii \ ".ii lliviii,'?ville i n Mondays nuil Tin--duys in Ii week. ninl nil oilier lUy i?f lii own i s'1. !. in .In- i, rili side of Fair Fori i. near i .1 atnl ? Mills, lie will servo mines at ' 1 c-12 11' insure !' *L i I Miller i- a deep sorel, full lirteen Hands high. ' .loll N lit: \HI?EN i ; Fej: IS 2." 'f hj\is^j & li y sis ^ ? }, ; I.ITK KM. it. I INi '.i i. 1 t 1 ) i . AM) J ;>iU?EKs !)F Staple Sz Fancy Dry Goods l'.? I Kill) * 1>H \ V, MAY V' ?llK M.i. .-I, 1A 2 lv i M. T. McKINNEY, U5.0 3AMI,i; \AI? KliTAII, I 5 - ' i SECOND DOOR EAST OF THE COUiU HOUSE, ' ' tl w' II I M II I ! / ?'?.> .-> / .i fi i . i .v n ( ic i> , . L', Si |ll . J'.'. ?! ly j I). QiicriTs Cod Liver Oil Jelly. 11'.* U?.i? from the )>tire Whito ('od Liver j *'' Tlii inlif, inn of t '<?<! Liver Oil en- c utile the ii.. 1 'it-lie .'oiniiolt to receive ami 1 retain this jrren. icmedv. h\,r ealc at I Vim- 1 JW W * J. E. ftOOlNilON | RICHARD HARE'S llulii Slr?*< t, Sparlanburg, 51. t1, MONI'MHNTS, T'iMtt*, Toiuh?, TOMIISTONI'.S, < :uvc-Stonv.*. Furniture, Mur 1??. *Sic., run |Miri'lmkvJ ?ri rutfinttlilc t*rtn$ >y chimiijj or ii'iiiies-nijr ??? ai' >vo. W.M M< l?. IWI.MKit, S'/fn rtnUn i/rnt. Work delivered free on ?' S. & U. Rail?ond. lie ween this j'lnce and i uiou. J nil. -I. lSiil) -II ly NEW (iKOC'EKY STORE Jf IN ItRICK RANUK. 0|i| Ihe Court IIoumc. J. M. BOET, REHVKCTPUI.LV informs Ills friends ?n<l the J nl.lie that ho has < j?encd \ New Grocery More '',ft nhovo locution, where he /LWD, _ -iTTj has in store and is daily reeeivV '"o :l ohoiee stork of (iroecrics, KtSEMM to \vEi< h lie invites iitlenlion ? on-i-i iii.r "t SL'ti \ Its?IImwii, Clarified and \ i u le d; i'Ol'FI'rS Uio, l.a^ti.iyni, and Java; , t\t i>\ Mhiiis, r-i.Jes. mi* 1 Shoulders; M<), \SSK>' New Orlaim mul Cub*: Va-: llli i*: Pr< s? fv <!, Pried, imJ llistii?lle?l Fruits; 'icklrs: Mustard; I'eppcr: Spice; >lnckerel 11 n*l Salmon: Flour, Meal. Corn, l'oai yc-. S.i't - Liverpool Sucks and Fine Table; j zAttuihUy SHnrs^ ; 'liecse. Ruiter nn<l Kpp- - in short, all the vnions articlcx usually louuil in a first-class (Iroery. lul?*ri !:rio to ri iiilucf a tricfly < CAS 18 15 I S I \ KSS, e pl< - liii I!' to iicil u'lfHt as any other I. -- it ->j* i riiinbur/ in i * I* *?ro asks a t rial J. V.. I;, will gWtt 'I*'1 highest market pa*ico *! I * in ml I'lini, :tii*l butter for all sorts of ountrv produce. Mivli 1**? 2 ly NEW TIN SHP ! : S^lii. ' 1)L II." It.N 1.1? h is opened iu Spar- 1 | iii ii*' i!.** i v. '* isiucs*. which he in- ' i !i*l- e>* *u in i: vaiioi:-. braiichc-s, ami ' ic liopva y Siricl lo Business, i >**'i in *. ?* 'ii; .ml woi'?. in?!iij>, to merit In I* i itroii-t'je. (live It in) a call. E007TIMG AND GUTTERING l'i'.t >MI" Tl.\ A 1'TFN PF.L> Tit. irx.. t . Smith, owosl'l i '1 UK I'M? r ill I let:, \M? NKXT To >111.'s SAPI'LLKY blKtP. <let. Id I'd tf 3VI o Iv. o 31 rr. i o * o c o .1 /' /: 1 'f i *> b: b: v, ii.;: v \ !> i; i: r 11 I 'm I. * n ,* *.'. ', ' nlilllilii'l, ?N. ( 'oaf* . inn .* of i!'. k'nds iii:iTiufio:ure*l daily. f / I ' '' ruiiif n'at, l? inirr, anJf>Hck I ' . I . */ ?!*.*/ ?/ '. \ '. ii , \.i*i : i*! I v- n I Fancy Goods of 11 descriptions. 1> 16 -Id ly ril.' ., i'Mula. 7n;;:ors, pernia|.?:rlt<ra, Venereal, &c. 7 \ !. .! \ ( ;.* ii i IN r. pi itfnllv inf*irms it In* hi-* returned to his . in - ilits! I !.L!'.. A1. V . aft cr an absence f - i i - .n >' ! i'e. an I ti*ndcr.s bis roll--. a! ,iS*.'i t> the iifllieicl. Pr. refers t the uinlreds of cures he has effected iritliiti la-', few veins a- proof of his skill iti he no l:> ' -i* Ii- s. ili u'.-v "<>. : '"*. W?it. June 7 11 ly 1 >1*. .1. t 5oV4'(? 3 1.111*1: >ia ti, m a\i; .25 IT T E itS, VK M tunde from a pure and una Liberated >\ in *, *lri h i- ihout ilouhlc the usual ilremrth n her Wints_ .n I is iii.iuii.i,..i K? milv nop In m-e in tin* I'titi <1 Slates. Al?o, ironi li w t ig I'triK' j'imiih, Herb-, Jtc., i ki/ : ,s b> n - 11. Sp;'.ij:ii-i 1. t'oinlVey. n- ' iiiiiii iK- Kim-1 > i: . i i. \V )! ! ("In i ry Tm 1 hark, ami '. -rrjr. ' j wi'ii\Lu:sr,i: T li K \V O i: L 1) i i ritniii i i THinit IZ<1\ .\1;ZZ XV? In nut jii i toss to have ili?i- iv< rrj mine r "Utmwti only in the In li iti- it Smtli \ncrii-i," :it I a tire t r ".ill iliseases which the ll.-li i* heir i i." I 'll m.' claim In present In the j nbiio i 11v." .'i'i- Jn-ji ii.'itinii. w liirli every inii 'ii v.i ni j'liy*i it: in t h' x>t \ w II approve nf mi I r.?i.nnucr. I. As a reni?ly f ir IMIS'ii: ( ON Si OPTION, X\? i\ l.'i' -. In l ji' -ti :i. I>yv pep-i:t. Diseases I (lie Neiv us *>\-tela, raraly?ie, I'lles, l?isi i- - j" I i" i ilr-. Debility, ami all ju ring a Tonic, they are U '<* SURPASSED! 1'i-r Sin ' Ti.-nnt, -o common among the I'lergv. 1 im ti il\ valuable. . i- 1 atnl iuli. i t. i t >r pet its nf a i ',i i \ i : iiiinti - .'ni Ministers of the li .-ipel, l,:i i .Mi. mill all ji'iMic speakers- t.>t !' .okK pers, Tailors, ^vnnnlmtiti, Students. Arnii?, an I ;?? ?- a- leailiug a sedentary lite, tli - will prove it lis In-in tin il. \.-v licv . Age, they -irvw 'i ! miihc, ;unncrnt, ; allil delicious In the taste. I'iiry produce all I the exhilinuing effects ol' llrandy or W ine, i nil!' hi; iutnxieating; ami arc a valuable renieilv fur jn'raotii addicted to excessive use of strong <li ink. ntul v? isli in refrain fnun it. They I ire pure ami eat irrty free from tin- poiscis conialneti ia (lie adulterated IVinea and Liijuon I wiili which the ttmnttj is flooded. The > Hitt*: s in.! . r'y CURE, but PllEVBNT i 1 >i a c, alul sli.'ull bo u- I ! _, i who live ill i on ntry where the water i- hail, or where 'hills aiwl l*e\ei-s arc tit. I! : . rent recti i i- cent i. 1 harm' -v, they .n , 1 given freely to cliihlren mi l ini-tnts wit!: impunity. l"n -ici-.n t .e -g\ in. ii, ami te n;., rain e\?d- ' i -. n- an id i-t in. ui ' . ?!i ! as i?, fling i e-c it..', \ ..u.i 15HTI IIS ,er ! I.. ! ! an I l' r -enl:a'.'y a 1 in h in -h' I I I . ' i ? 1 1 4 I I I * ' . 'lib. ~ M I ' ' ! I . ' > ( i 1'ropi ietoifs, , TV X il p., s r. Nov X ,vk. I 'isht'f i\ I l??i nit .-i' \i; i win i;t;, ,-s t'. Aug if' :M ly No Iacum1 for RitidiU'vs. V <> ' i. i ;?n.' s nun A * HI. roil! *l'! rest )? tiair lipiiti liuld Inc will iin r? i - frmilli wr.!l jr oilier a >'\i V " ??-'V I " l?nj . 'I I. \ v iiMp j'repir il'.n im Won fully teat- ' I. " . 11- m?--ii? nie i , riiicil l.v titU'ineu >f lii/li i.nniclor tin i I m in, i Vii^initi. Fornli^ FlMHKIi <1 Nui 1 if.' -tf I'liAlianvtlllliM. > < > ru i: is I(I!t'.r,l!l OIV UN. t lint 1 will no? tmy any | I<1,1. ii< never small?even lor tnrit*? I ntnuie.i I,.. .INO. IIBNKY FIT/.SIMMONS 'OUl,E, without nty written w<.? r or cpnucol. I % Mils If. nOfIR, Ok IS 31 -tf < ntrinittee. The only si fir a:wl sure remdy for Hofttf, H The German Horse Powders. M 4 RELIABLE MEDICINE for all interact! r\ complaint*, Losm of Appetite, Hide-bound, jfl IT.!Id, Yellow Water, Surfeit, Mange, ColU, " H (lulda, (,'ougha, and all derangement* of Ki>lin-.\ - nii'l IMgt'Hlire Organ*. It baa reetor- ,:Lm '"i >" pcriect lounaum lloriw supposed to ber~jH broken down and almost worthies*, all trswuHB of Kmw? having been removed by the u*e tflfl these Powders. It is perfectly aafe te give mH ull times. It docs not contain any d*lMerioai^| uiiuer*!, (please observe this.) as nearly all tbe^^B mixtures purporting lobe condition powdMtH < ? ntiiiti injurious stimulants, destructive of aBi^B the noble powers of the Horse. If you vdo||^| y..ur Horse, use no other thou the "GKRMAn^H IIOKSK POWDERS." It is the only conditiomj^B medicine upon which any dependence can htf^H placed in tlie treatment of those complaints which it is used. It improves the lungs, regn<?^^| lilies the circubition of the blood, improves th^^H digestive organs, softens and loosens the skia,j^^H imparts a tine gloss to the hair, and improvegd^^l the geueral appearance of the animaL TheflflH proprietors beg to caution buyers not te be ina- ' B |. upon by persons offering other kinds as j^B ing .(int. as gn.,.1 n? the German Horse l'owilers (it ie not so). Buy only of the foHowiug~'^^| places, where you will be sure of obtaining this 'Ji^H valuable Horse Medicine. Prepared only by/V|~^ E. II. IIEINITSH. |M For sale by FISHER ft IIEINITSH. ^B N?v I 86?tf B Delays are Dangeroas. I IOSK no time then in preparing for eon tintj geticles, and provide a stock of MKS: iVINSI.oW S S()< 11'iUNG SYRUP, the great ^B remedy for infantile complaints. '^B For sale hy FlSllKll it HEINITSH. .? Jellified Castor Oil. A I,L tin- unpleasant effects of Castor Oil arar?^B l\ obviated in thin preparation. It is re pird-'.l a- of tin- iooht tiHefttl improvements - ? n Pharmacy. Children take it without any ibjcction. Fur sale by V FISHER ft HEINITSH. M Nov 1 3 ">?tf Pharmaceutists. S sTATi: or SOI Til 4 AROLK A, jB In the Court of Common Pleas. D. 1. & L. TW1TTY, ) ^ * ,jfl vs. | Attachment. Reed, Vernon ft Duncan, 1*1 fTn Att'ry. ^^B ITTIfKUKAS the plaintiffs did, on the IGth y y ilny of \pril, file their declaration against v^H lefen i int. nil- i- -:> I i- in from ' ^B ui' 1 without the limits of this State, and hasnei-Jj^H lo-r wife nor attorney known within the miiic :i; n wli'.in nc"I'V -aid declaration might be served: It is there Togo ordered, That the said ilcfrnI irit do appear mid plead to the said declara- fl lion. on or before tlio 17th day of April nest, whi'di will l??:ti the year of our I.ord one thuti-arid eight hundred and mxty-une ; otherwise ^B linal nml absolute judgment will then be given itlul awarded against him. J. li. TOLLESON, C. CP. April 10' 4<| The St:itc <>t South Cart>liu^J In the Court of Common Pleas. vs. ' A11 ac Inuent. I KOP.T. U'VNNB. j m lb ho. KJw*r<ls & Carlisle, Plff*s. Att'y. fl II fllKllKAS tli** plaintiff did, on the liotb '^B y f d iy <> i-ilier. file his declaration :ig the defendant, who fas it in said) is ah lit from and without the limil* of this State, and li:,- in- I her wife nor attorney known within the -ntiie upon whom a copy of the said de a might he mtvad: It i- therefore ordered, That the said defen- |l 1 nit do appear ami plead to the said dcclara- jfl tion. on or before (he 20th day of October next, H w hi ell will 1>.< in lite y of our l..o.l one ilmu- J| -and eight humlrcl and sixty-one: otherwise final and absolute judgment will then he given aud awarded against him. J. B. TOLLESOK, C. C. P. V iii 4<) m STATS OF SOU Til CAROLINA V In the Court of Common Pli-as. V h i. ft l. twitty. es" I Attachment. fl 11. F. V Kit NOW * I P.oho, I'.dwants &. Carlisle, Plff's. Att'y. I \ \ * II ERE AS the plaintiff did, on the 25tb B v v day of October, file his declaration 1 against the defendant, who (as it is said) is ab- 1 -vnt 1 r iii and without the limits of this State, I and has neither wife nor attorney known with- .9 in the same upon whom a copy of the said de el irati .ti miclit lie served: fl It is there! ordered. That the said defenlaiit do nppeur and plead to the said dcclara- V lion, mi or before the 20tl. day of October next, I whv-li will be in i lie year of our Lord one ihou- I - itnl eight hundred and sixty-one ; otherwise il ami absolute judgment w ill then be given and awarded aguin-t him. m J. B. TOLLESON, C. C. P. '"B Oct. 2ft 31 4q 1 the state of south cakoluia. i In the Court of Common l'lens. ^ BENJAMIN K. CAMPBELL, 1 vg. > Attachment. P1NCKNEV It. BO BO. j v . T IIEltEAS the plaintiff did, on the 22d | y day of November, file hi? declaration ig.kV ' 'he defendant, who (as it is said) is ab -? ui from and wnli'.ui the limitw of this State,. J and has neither wife nor ntternej known with- J iti the ^nii upon whom u copy of the said dts- 9 duration might he served; 1; i- therefore ordered, That the said defeu- t; dnnt do and plead to the said declare- >/ ti .ii, on or before the 2Jkl day of November 3 iir\t, w'liih will he in they tier of our Lord one We thousand eight hundred and sixty; Otherwise final and shsolute judgment will then he given 1 and awarded ufniuu hint. I J. li. TOLLE80N, Clerk. 9 4t|| fl Solicitor's Report I t>.-? / ' !r*r OjRcerr anil Ojjicct, fail Tirrn*, f80t>. H The undersigned begs leave respectfully t* I Report as t" Diitiioi Offices and officers. I That lie has during the term made such ex- I :? 11 "1 *'*c so\cral District Offices as his A limited time and indisposition would permit, 9 aud such us he deems sufficient, from his pre- 9 vii o- familiar ?iy with their condition, r?jpWl'.^9 ively. It giys hint pleasure to report that I i c en tri prompt, fhithfhl and so. I e H.iiit".luting in the discharge of their official I i. i ilieir offices are in all important. I intrs, organised. and administered S| 1 < oding to Low V . -I which ?- re-peelfully submitted J. 1*. KF.KD, Solicitor: v. n : M urn. .'Id. 1 Mb I I Tito World Outdone! f|v;i: MKiut INK called ' Inflamm*I tr>i > ll'dirpaltir/' which has eftc < d - ninny cures, and about which there is -o tun li eveitemcnt, i- now on sale hy JOEL <i(i in this place. Fur Kidney and l.uug Diseases, Piles, Neu.1' an I i eumatisra, it has al- J i -..ui,. most astonishing cures 3 here. For folds. -. all affections of ths howcls, Ileuilache. Towthaohe. .larache. Sprains, 1 <'tu>. ltruises, ac , it arts its if hy the touch of I travelled, more or less, for the ffi 1 - ten yeei with this remedy, and nowhere 9 have I found anything like its equal, li is a * v? iffcble preparation, wholly of my own die j . Him perfectly -wife to uao according to S il?e direction* vrliicli accompany each tiotUe- <Jtf For aalo hy JOKf. E flOOUOYON 11 \v I> A \ IS. Proprietor Bl Box 4ft-U, New York Post Office. March 29 4 w I Mae Inner) Oil, I IA.M: U tv FISHERY HE1NIT8R. .J IS