The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, December 06, 1860, Image 3

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-*Cr fcULJ JM-II Turi Hill I II m ^iutw?.: It will b? gratifying to nttf readnfe to learn * W oar L?|M?lnr? if MHyit worh, ud tkoir disposition of buehagse toUn HTtifti commits teee, Indicates ndeteuai nation to meet the Aublio expectation. thin early im the erosion. Varlone Wt'H>i( preeenttpent* and accounts, WO Ilrortj piyiu^ ttd referred to tho ?ot." Mr. OnnWen: A rM^atJon to tuqqjre qpd report ,? the expediency WfcMpealing an aot for tbo 'eetidiobwut of a aenhad system of registration of birth*, dtoMif e?4~ manages, in the State of South Carolina, passed .In the year 1M2. > Mr. C. D. Melton w as elected Solicitor of the 'Northern Cirenit. . - inane W. liny no was elected Attorney Gettcrhl-he meeirhA- X^y yotrs. Thahtjtesriag gentlemen were elected on iTelMNt^ Qemtnissiouerx in Equity. j 8. J. Te wee end, Marlboro'; B. A Campbell, iLmmi; Sitae Johnston, Nowl>erry , S. T. ' tfclaarst, Qeergetuwn ; It. Goudelook. Union ; .John H ." Horry ; J. JI. Pearson, Riobland. Mr. Farrow: a petition to incorporate tho 'Spartan Ce^nlry Troop, aud to atlacii the same 'mc mi. ? ' >??-? ---*- * *? f ; ..... b Uc^?k|r nhneHu'eedtUe Mine a of the fol lowing MlunCB wl the CAuim'rttce on behalf ?T tW WM uaPwtri Artftbgc meats: Messrs. Bawt, frvaholip, fchanuot*. Lowudes, Mac farUn, Ky?n nod Iiaviuc. 1'' Mr. Onfjr^ A resolution to require thctnan gers of elections ai ouch election precinct of this Stoic, to count publicly, on the evening of tbe Same day, all rotes received at said preclnct, and to return a true statement of the aaote to the Chairman of tho Hoard of M imagers on tbe following day. Adopted. Mr*.Farrow offered a bill to repeal an act ontitled an net for administration upon derelict ostatafr? referred to Coinmitteo on Judieiary. Tbe first special order was taken up, being . the resolution appropriating SlUOpOOt) for | log tho State. Mr. Alston remarked that as this measure ' soraswhat depended on the bill to establish a Board of Ordinance, he would nio .e to pass it over, an J make it the special order for Tuee- | day, at 1 o'clock/ There being no objection : raised, the motion prevailed. The neat special order was the bill to nstub lish a Board of Ordinatiee, and an Ordinance Bureau, and for other purposes. Mr. Cannon hoped this bill would nhu be postponed until Tuesday. Several Senators would be absent to-utorrow, and a? the Senate would attend the College Commencement on 1 Monday, no business would lie transacted. Mr. Alston was opposed to postponement. ' The Senate was just as ready now m it would , be at nny other time to take action on this important measure If weare to have ditlieuliy. ' it was necessary that ample ions should be made to meet it. Mr. Canuon had no desire odebite thoques. j tion. All lie a-"ked for w is time lor consultation. In the present slate o! affairs, we should act cautiously. As the bill now sto id. there was no telling how long thiscontompbite 1 t trdiu nice ItuArd was to last, and if pressed to a vote at the present time he would be coinpell - l to vote against it as it now sends. At the same time, he desired to he understood as being he rti'.y readynnd willing to support any and every measure necessary for the defence of the k7.s.v. T!?e question l?cing taken, tlit* further con- t ideration of iht hill was postponed until Tuesday uext, n? 1 o'clock. J.J. McCsnrfe was elected Treasurer of the Upper Division on Fritlny Iw-t. The Committee of Ways and Mentis r "port en increase of Governor 3 salary to a ; $o,Q0 for house rent. ^tr. Allen gave notice that he should n-k i leave to introduce a bill providing lor the ' purchase of (wo submerged propeller oioatuers, tor harbor defence. Also, a It;iI to provide for the establishment of the foreign diplomacy i f Sunt li Carolina. Mr Alston, from the Committee on Military ' and Pensions, reported lit; House l>ill toc-tahlish a Board of Ordinance and an Ordinance Bureau, and for ot her purposes, uud recommended its passage. The bill was read a first lime, > and made the special order for Tuesday. Further from Ci tus.1.4. LbvvcNwoUTtt, November - '??IVivate letters from Liwcenee give another aceouiu of a 1 Interview o: Secretary lteebowiih .Moing'tuicry. Tho writer says that lleeh foil 1 I .dout gouiory trying a miu named M L> >.i ild lor an alleged otfouce in favoring the eve ;u(i< 11 of the fugitive slavo law. At tit; so icitvtioti ot Mr. llcebe he was set free. On being exjatstuiated with Montgomery, is reported a- hiving defied the power of the Territorial an 1 l-Ydcm! Govevmneuts. General Harney and Governor Mcdury nrri Ted at the Fort t .is morning, an 1 will leave for So*iu';rn Kausas to-morro.v, with one hundred dragoons and two pieces f artillery. Captain Uain, in command of a body of troops, started 1 rout Fori Kilcy for the same destination to rendezvous at Mound City, vix 1 - toon miles from the Mt-wouri S tit inc. So- ' oresy is preserved Ity the o.'hj.a? i.t r jjar i to I their plan of operat ions Mouign tutry, it is -ail, m;'; 1 >\v: 1 s th> omuissiou of tiic hi e nutrdc ami mu ;ii that no fugitive slavo c > il 1 l>> 'ak 1 hioa to Missouri. Ilo said lie w nit I ciuti.t t * his op erntious Against Missouri, an I Kansas and Texas. If the troops c unc in 1 g h lies he would dodge, but w >u'.>l whip s n ill pirti. s. From Waslihistoir W\sutHc?TDV? Novo tibar 'J ?.?Secretary Floyd authorizes the denial of tlie stateuictil | which has beeu extensively published, to the j effect that he has declared that he would resist, I with the federal troops any attempt that might j be made to siczo the United States forts iu the South. A largo number of members of Congress arrived to-night. Also, Seward and Sumner, of the Senate. It is expected that the se-slon will be the most stormy ever witnessed here, l'eo- , pie here are iu a terrible state of apprehension j and doubt in relation to tho secession movement. Vet the city is lively, and all tho hotels , juro already pretty well filled For llac Convention. 1 At the Sinss Meeting of the citizens of Spartanburg District, held at Spartanburg Court House, on Saturday, iJlb November, instant, |the following Preamble ami Resolutions were .passed : Wukukak, the recent election of \hrnbam Lincoln to the Presidency ol these United States, by a purely sectional parly, utterly J hostile to the rights, interests and prosperity! ol the slavelioldiiig States of litis Union, leaves ' South Carolina no alternative hut submission or resistance : Therefore, 1. H solved, Tliiit this mooting. tut willing to \ wuhnti, do most cordially approve of and ratify /lie action of our Legi-lnture, calling h Con- { of (A?o people of the Hune, to *co thai Voutb t'aroliua soflur go dririineut. 'i Scsvlrsd, That ft can eg no,-; vii of no con ' tiluticnal, ratioual or effectual mode of resi-l- 1 etn, other than to resume all the powers delegated by the Hiel* 10 I he Federal </oc?rn- ! meqt, by M-eadiag from (lie pre-eyr I niou nnd establishing oyr separate independence w u J fcjovercigu State, And the following Ticket w#s unpuiiooualy ! nominated to represent Spartanburg District in the State Convention, l?y a Committee of I Twenty-Four gentlemen, from rarioux ports of j the District.: ?ky. J. 0. LAXDIU'M, SIMPSON Hunt). Esq. j)H. B. F. KIEOoliC, lUe. W\l. CCKTIS. I-I?I>., l>?r, 3. H. CAKLISEK, f(2r.*. Ji. 1J. FOSTEU. Tbaae nominations were endorsed by this | large. ,Vsn Meeting without a dissenting Tuioo Nor t'J :?' ? .,v ?vr 25 Young and Likely "\rEOftOES FOR 8AU3.|iiire a| flu* j 1^1 Palinattu Mouse, ttywutnhurg C- I!.. C C. April 3C-W-K r r liL*?. IPk% >/ "This listenl? BtesolreJ," < rpiIE firm of CAMP ft CANNON hu been I dissolved hj mutual content. uvd the Note* tu Aeoounta iuay bf. found M the old stand for settlement. Persons knowing themselves to be indebted ere earnestly requestod to cell and settle ny the 10th of Deecmher; after tliet time thuir aocouuls will bo found In the hands of J. M. Ki.roni\ Esq., for immediate eolleotiou. NOAH CANNON, Doe ft 40 if J. P. P. CAMP. A MKJUOAM STOCK JOT UNA I..? /V Tub Third Volumk cotumcuoe* January lev, i^l* l>e voted especially to mat tors relating to domestic animals. The largest and ohenpest paper of the kind in. the world. Published Monthly, at No. 2"i Park How, New Vork. Price, trl per year, in advance. Specimen" copies gratis. r> O. T.FNSf.KV. Editor and Propiotor. OTIS F. K. WAITK, Associate Editor, lie,; ? . 40?3t DISSOLUTION Of PARTNERSHIP. mnB Partnership heretofore existing bo I twcen JNO. W. 0 ARRKTT and Al>A M MILLER, us this day dissolved, by mutual constant. November 29th, 1800. Fiu'ther Notioo. T WII.L continue to Keep on hand I tIts* he*t HtM'f, Ml* 1'TON and "^>-3 I Pt)UK wb io'i rim l*e purchased, nml ?" ~/T will sell lor CASH only. ADAM MIL LRU. Dec 0 40- -it LIMESTONE SPRINGS FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL. rjAilR present Term of this Insti- ^8^^ |, luiion will close on 11'/ */>.VA*.SUA )*, (fir I2t>i ihki. Dr. Curtis will accompany iho Young Ladies, with his family, to Columbia l?y a special Train, on Wednesday, to Charleston, ou Thursdny. tunl to Savaunnh on Friday. The will re-open on the THIRD WKDNKSDAY in February. 1*01. WM. CL'llTIS, Principal. Dec 0 40?21 SALE (IE HOUSEHOLD & KITCHEN Furniture. XT SpRR an V-sijjnmrnt nnide?ggga J by Kb v. KDWIN CATKR. aTj for the benefit of his creditor*, we PjW will srll. ?/i .S'.l Tl'ltHA J", thr 1"?/A ySSSS^jb astim , .at his I ( ? ro-idence, in iliis M mil fif pl.-.e-. all hi* HOUSEHOLD and * I " Lll'CIlLN Fl. UN 1 TURK, consisting of CHAIRS, TABLES, bedsteads, a pine bureau, ca p.;ts, crockery-ware, !u:ii\cs siikI Koi'ks, yiLUuYJ3> .yUJitfS, coMi oirrs, &e. _ \ I ttn A Vtiluublc Of THKOI.OUlt AL ami MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, Containing luaii) Five Hundred Vo'unie*. TERMS made known on day of sale. Sale to commence at It) o'clock. A. S. I ton SLASH, A**ignee. W. 11. Mil FINER. Ag't pt Creditor?. Dec G 40?2t IMPORTANT SALE OF Ifegsroes \.\D VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. \ l ' ll.I. 1k? aol 1. at 11.o late resilience V> ol SAMUEL PILE RAM. doe'd, Itf5 near Woodruff's, on TC/'S/Kl )', <h? 1S7? uibr , ?fiff.,) ami il:?v follow- ) ittif, il mo ? -w ny, all the Pcraonnl Property helo ijting t" mid Dec n-e 1, oonsi-ting of ^7 XE(iKOS']S, many of llieni young ami very likely, HOUSES. CATTLE,* lions, . ' -Nan.I .SHEEP. CORN, I LOUR, 'U-L Out W'ODDKlt ami MUCKS. .. J-J I I L'A It It 1 AUG and HARNESS, 1 lllCOt and HARNESS, 2 itoAD WACONS, PLANTATION ami BLACKSMITH S TOOLS, HOUSEHOLD & KITCHEN miMITRE. with -t . h arti 'It s as arc usually lound on a well c >.t '.i.e. <. I I '.trill. TERMS: l'or all s tins under Five Dollar*, < 'mall : I' >r all ums of Five Dollars, and over, n Crodil of 12 tool, hs In* given, purchaser to give Note, l> iiv.ii : ittlcrc i from tittle, with ai lcu-l two approve I Securities. A. I). \V?MM>RI i'l-', Vili'iinistrator MAKT PlUiilAM, A lutinisir tiris. lit c G 40?2t IMPORTANT TO STOCK GROWERS. hi.. voi.rmk of the AMERICAN STOCK JOURNAL ti IMMENCES J.ixr.u:)' Dr. lcvUl. If is j devoted exclusively to uuuiets r.laiing t?? the care and management of our domestic atiiiti ils, ami is liy far the larg-l. cheapest, ami most wi'lelv circulated i>:i|ter of ihe kind in l.. wrorl I. No Stock tirower can apfouj? to be without it. ft if Sixtoen larjr tavo j i m'?, UhoI-oiucij I llti?l l iitoil. 1'Ut'11->li>11 \| iiitlily. At No. "J"> I Park kow. Now York, at SI per .\c.\r, iti ti-1 VtlllCC. .mi C'-j'itr I) <\ I.IN>I.R\ . (-alitor unl Proprietor. OTIS p. K. >\ A 1 1 i 1, A.--'folate iiilitor. I'oc ti 40? ft 5' 1 H 2: 5 P s- ? ? , -In I r * ? j. ^ = fe v ; " 5 J ? 5 " | J ? ^ 1 s 2? ;/. in* ? c ^ ? 1 ^ a? * ? ^ ng *? " * J 5 * ? h 3 - ^ ^ * 2 s R 3 a ? $ - 7 " 5 2. 0 3: T 5 < ? ? - - h -S * - "5 i x 3 3 ' . ii t ? 3 i 3 3 3 = 3 5- ft 3 n * = s ? B 3 N 2 ? * H * j 8 1 0 . * * g f ? 5 s K , 2 'I 7 '7 .J C H Regimental Orders. VN RUU'TION will liv held in ilit* :> >(>i I' .'jyuM'ill, S. ('. ij., ' ? iitt ItMth duff ?./' /'hi 'A' \l IIEH ii'j I, f'.ir Colixul, to ciiiiunnnd *i?id Ilogiineiit. to fill tlic taotincj pcoa?ioiic<l by (lie resign afiou of ('.>1 II Vandyke. < 'hjh aii.* and 1st tiAd '.M Lieutenant* <>i I'mimpivniei, are Itrrvl;! ordered i?> meet uml ImM >m Election on iIiiii (lay in flieir respective Companic*. I'olls hi open a.' 11 udo' I, i. M? and close hi 3 o'clock, I' M. Managers tnoeL at llonmr's OJd Field die in'il dny. aminl the voles, And tranimil the result to tjie /Irigudier Oetiornl of tli? '.Mh llrieuli. 1'jr order Brig. Urn J. T. OLKNft. A. J. Foster, Lipid. Itol 30 Hog. S. C. M. L Nov 'J'J y.i ? on 1-i i ! 'j i i-. ? i An A?* To Prorido for the calling of a convention of the I'oople of tlx!* Htnte. Skt. 1< li* it tn'ftoi by tUm na/t mid limit of ftrftrfnnFuliw*, not? vat owl sifniny iu Gaitnil Si *Tmibly, H ittl by I fit iyi!h'irity of J be aamf. Thai a convention of tho people of tho Stato of 8ooth Carolina ii hereby orduinodjobo asKcuthlod iu tho City of Columbia, on tho 17th day of ?occiuber, in tho year of our .Lord one thousand oi^llt hundred end sixIt. far llin iiiiriiaxn /it taLimr inta nnf. y? - - t?K ; ",,vv wvw siderution the dangers iuoidcnt to t!io position of the State in the i'edcnil Union, established by the Constitution of the United ^ tutes, proper fcr providing against the same, and thereupon to take care that the Common wealth oi South Carolina shall softer no detriment. Skc. 2.?That on tho Gth day of Deactuber, in the year of our'Lord one thousand ei?ht hundred tynd sixty, tho M imagers of elections tbr tho several Districts iti the State ahull, after giving public notice as in C.&OS of electiona for nicniliers of the Legislature, open fho Polls and hold elections in their respective Districts for Delegates to the said convention, in all respects in the same manner and form, and at the suite j pliytcs, as elections arc now conducted for i Moniderb of the Legislature. \ndidl persons who arc qualified nud entitled, by tlio J Constitution an?l laws of this .State, to vote I for members of the Legislature, shall l>c qualified and entitled to vote b.r said Del elates to said Convention ; and incase of any vacancy occurring, 1 y death, resignation or removal from the State, or refusal j to serve, of any jasrson elected a Delegate to the said Convention, tl.c I'resid ! ing Officer of the said Convention shall | issuo his writ authorizing and rcquiriugthf managers oi Klections in the Klcetion Districts i:i which such vacancy may have occurred, after giving due notice thereof, to open a p >11 ami hold an election to till such vacancy, as in cases for the election of! .Members of the Legislature. Meet oa tho Ttli and declare the election. She. 3. That each K lection District throughout tlic Vtate shall be entitled to elect and send to the said Convention a j j number of delegates npnl to the hole I number of Senators and Representatives i which s.'M'h District!.* now enfith 1 fa send to ' the JiO 'islature,' and the delegates totlie said Convention shall be to the same freedom of urrost in going to, returning Imm, and whilst in attendance, ou sai t ' invention, as is extended to the members of j ti e Legislature. She. 4. That all (roe white male eitiz lis ; oi thw State, ol the age of twen' one years j and upwards, ami who are entitled to vote - for member-* of the Stale Legislature, shall be eligible to a seat in the said Convention. In the Senate House, the thirteenth da\ of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, ! and in the eighty-fifth year ol the sover- t eignty and iii lependeiice of the I niteil States of America. WILLI AM I). P<IRTISH, President of the Senate. .1AMliS SIMONS, Speaker House Representatives. /?*- sfi/n </, That the Corks of the Senate and House of Representatives he, and are hereby instructed to pulish the "Art to provide for the railing of a Convention of the people of this State," in one newspaper in each Klection District in tin* State, once a week. until the day of election of the i Delegates to sui I Convention; and that it is the sense of this (leneral Assembly that the Matinjtnrs of Klections are boun 1 toproceed to pvc the u-ual notice id' election, j and to hold the same, as directed hy said Act, without awaiting further instruction. I WM. K. M ARTIN. 0. S. lOHN T. SI.f ?AN, C. 11. 11. j J X compliant* with an Act, passed hy the Jtut Legislature at its last Session, calling a C'iniMiitioti ot the l'coplo, an Flection will tie lul l rurnStfA V, the SIXTH 1> I ItHCEStHKR utxi. Six members to be circled from Spartanburg District. A1II 11 u ?' 1* !-? : Spartanburg C. II.?W II Trimntier, Jo-oph Foster, II II Mitchell. Wohber's IJox.- Franklin Damp. O 1* MeArthtir, Win. Webber. tiroen's,?Henry White, jr., Ileury Dodd, t lliver Clark. Morgan's.?Win. Uullenger, John Wheeler. I 1'. >. Montgomery. t'ashv iUc. ? L F Anderson, D A Climiih'.in, I. J J ihnson. Hobby's. I' t' I .a v ton, J S lingers. Finn'.!. II Floyd. W oodrnfTs. -K S Mien, .loini- lh< w:oti, A It ' W oodrutt. lliving-villc?W W Ihigwvll, J I'Fowler, F.lijali liarnclt. Wilkin*'. ? T S Lipscomb, Samuel Litllcjohn. Smith Lipscomb^ ottiig s.?.lames Scrttgg.s. 1 homas Foster, John Martin. , t'athcarl's.?<Jutn. Sumner, Jolm M C'ravy < \\ iley Lanlotd. Fort l'rinee.?I S Collins, Sam'l Turner, Jai cob Frey. tileiui Spiings. ?.1 r 7. i in merman. 11. White, j .VIviii Lama>lei*. Johusou .s .1 A Vi-iod, John Miytield, U \V j Illcmlrix I'.dh -on s.'-Stephen Kirbv. J. F.>h?nn. Win ' Webster. t'rnsn Anftior.? M" II PvIumIcs, |Vm. Sheldon, j Franklin Mater*, 1 Tin-in .1 I. IS Itines, J T I'unlrt'll, Enile ' II"u I. i It-niiy'*-William ('--an, S.miuel Means, K W Otis.* I (Sri ?y Fond.?I) IS U-ir>, RurrvP Harris, l!<>I bcrt I'lirii-r, Foiling .Mill. ? A K Smith, John Turner, Ibro { Cannon. i"unijiii'Iniiii s. li ra, White, Calvin Foster, , Tliouin.'- It-iiiiiir. Itirli iI <ll John lli iiilcn, James Footer, . Haniel Mnrph. t 'mipobelLi,--.1 M Jiu'V* <n. Mm. Mori, IS F | Aiversuii. Johnxouvillo.?Theron Shainl-. James llari ii w-n, John I huntilo , i Vornoitsv ille? 1 F Oaslon, llarvy'lcn, i Michael Smith. | Limestone Spring. ? II Lockharl, (' 1* Petty, ..ll? (ioiidcUw'k. t'herokoe Sp,Inge. -II II Turner, J dm F|? ton, Marct - ISryant. ' (JfiTin'i Olt| Field.?Win. Alexander, W II Willi*.',Aaron Floyd. Hihh'Ii Spt ing.--S N Huu.l I). W h Chapman, Wm ti High i Moore's Box ?A I? Fay, James Fupo, J F ) Ferujrg*. I t rawrordovill*?W II (irishani, J 1> Fixings, ! fi J Pearson. Ilollv .springs?<1 W lleene, J J N'ownun, C'alvin Tiiisley. Noliui-lo.? Matk Ittiinfli.O P Leonard, An { drear t'oun. lie)ijlebeui.- - A Alexander, Moses Foster, J J Fo?tor. i Heididie. ? \Y T Hiller, Jeptha Turner, John Kemieit. (Iiiheri'a.?J W Uvrrjf, John Klder, W J White. V?v -IH?lit T. (>. '' VKUXoX. attorney at law, \ \ ^ II.T. l'lt \CTHT. in tin- Wi'-lcrn t'uv'oi W Orrni ? VV? ! ? cornvr of (\?1. W. \V I HAKIMS' brick UniMing. over ilir mufi' of ! Camp Cannon, hikI opposite tlie I'shm-iiv 1 ll"U??. A|?r?l 12 ft Jjf 0- . ? Cotton in Kiiijf. >V*<2 WILI, 1MY Full Market Pr ice, I . -? x . - v*' . . f In Discount and in Trade, for any 1 * V Ajiiouiit of Cotton i * * *%'S NOW OFFERED. 1) . I. <fc L.TWITTY. NOVEMBER 28,1800. We would ask especial attention to the facts, that our Stock of floods, is full, fresh and well selected: That our Goods were bought ut the close of OCTOI1E11, when the NEW YORK KAI.l. TIIADK WAS OVKIt, AN1> A FT Ell I'ltlCES I OF (It M ll>S II VL? GONE DOWN FROM CS to per c*??nt. That we pledf.e ourselves to sell good Goods to (UK?D CUSTOMERS, lit the verjr lowest, possible prices. 1>. I. & L. TU'lTTV. .it s r m:< mi vi ;i) 1 li'om Kenluek.v: CL??VI.K SEED. HUT. GRASS. HKUDS till ASS. OKt lAIlM t! It ASS. TlMOTin. I). I. & L. TW1TTV. Nov JS ?' tf t Strayed or S?>ien 1^AUt?M the Sulxrriht, on Sunday ? morning, i in* _ ;:i nisi., a origin 1 ;. : i ii i.ii. -sh.,i .>? rimi. n 'Ts\ I si'le hi 'k s>re midway the Till!'?age ami height unknown. An \ in! >t nt'tti?in conec. niiig Ii irse will he thankfully received, and suitably r w ii-'h-J l?y the u?i lcrsi-_'iied. or J. < Lauforil. W.i ilrutl '? 1'. (1., S. t'. Nov 20 s;'j?if W. < 8EXTOX. Watches and Jewolry. J. A. HE NN EM AN. has just KEcsivift a - lot <> v CiOLU AM) SITA Kl< E JI'.HStlNS iii want nf ii reli.ild iiiue|iiece, ? will liuii it In their intere I In purchase of I.iin, as he w irriint.- iii :n in give Misi?liii'iiim, :111< 1 can sell ihum che.ija-r than they cull be snhl clsewli^e. rs e-: .j is\v \' of every d"serlptinn mid lit t style. Ei'K/iV nrr/< /.;: /.< u i i:it \ \r/:/>. Watches, ("I >ek- and Jewel; y. i? p. i i ro?l neatly, an J til roasoiinhlc priceHnoli Store, Illicit ii?tig?\ Main st. Nov 8 I* ? : :*3* E # _ H. J. MOUZON H AS KK.MO\ KI? IMS AWBHOiVTE TIIOTOLltAIMlIi <; a i, i. i: if v I A HUM lit- <J I -t.ari'l eti I'hiiri b t- i eel '.i the ^ i .riiei of M iin ar I ' itl st i el -. ??\er J. II. Atelier's Saddlery Si up. " I >r\. when-In- lias listei| tifi a -ujierinr light, lie is now better than ever viepai.-J |o i?ive those who wish a 1 / irlurt t ilth li:lllils<>llil' II. J. M * I I * 11>?t j.-rHj'1 -i, 11,tm S:rt, . pj. ,i. C. //. Aujrti*! tin it* 1 >i*-4?-iolii( ion. N'OTIi'K i- hereby given l?> at'. )o*r? lis in j licit! tvl Co I'K \N \ II VV . that the firm I liil* Ikvii cliK?"ilv<< I In nineii .1 . indent. ami tlial immediate jiivmcnt in ii ~ i In* iiin-ii.-. \Y. I I > K \ \, Oct is tf \\ 11.1 l \M li i:\\. <. i- i *;i rl ii <?i |>. rillir. -ul -orihci j.'ivr iiili t-il it 11 - \ vr i 1 coiiiinnc ciic liUOi KI5Y III MVKSS. un 'lcr ill llaliiC of R\ V \ I I A K IMS. al ilu* room l.iiclv oci ii]'!c-l bv I'l'.AN I". \Y. j where their ft lend* tn.iv alwav - tin ) a fall a* j imriiiietit of ( IK MCE (?R(X'KllIF.S, aii-l ill price* to which loan* ran W.lh reason iihjrct. Wo w i-li ii <1 -liiielU an lr:*' m l that vv * will sell 11 ill \ I Oil V .IS 11 Dill - i > a leu I. WILLI v l II. IIAT, t?ft tf J. C5. IIAKUIS, Jr NEW GOODS : ~ riA^IP i?\'P i'?^I r *ti LU.UI, iiuir, ALL ! ? ? 2, i ND lo.-k ii Hit- NKW an.I < IIK\1*~ r, ^ \. now cKliiltilod iti my More ? r. DllY <;<M>l>s, 2 rTi / [DOMESTIC GOODS:! ^ f-W 1 I <>??>?, 1 I | i11 ^ j C AI?S,tt3c. ~ < - 1 * AM' TilK I. MHiKSTS I'ui'K A Z2 } CLOTHING! CLOTHING! 5 f-i n To Suit ami 1 il Kvrry Onc.^ - m 22 at \>T>>.NJ?I;IN" I.??W riticK.rt, ri <FOR CASHll AT I. H ADLER'3 i IJ f| * U(AlM)lA(m?, UxtdXtULK, 8. C.? > Sopieutbcr 2?>, 1W*X f yf 4 8qua<lron Court will b? bold at 8part?ttb?rg Court li<?u?c, on Vridey, tUe * of Ueoemhcr next. Tlie Gotrri will oon- 1 niat t?f t ho following oHicor^j . Uij. It. K. MulX>WKI.U l'reddent. ?r Cait. HUSKY UKOS8. Ka I'Arr. Wm. M. KfkftUtt; tb, I "aI?t itn UWKI.T Cap* JOIT* W. BRAVO. KIIWT. JUNB3 FOSfKK, ' Likvt. K7.KI.IK S(J l.nunr. FOSTKIt, LIRL'T. IIAUIUSMX. Jciiuk Anvoc'ATK W. F. NOKI.LS. The ? ourt will forthwith transmit* c"pv of it* proceedings to CoL Mubrjr Thomas, at I'u- c iouvillo, S. W. T NollHIS, Nor. 'J2 8R?tils Judge Advocate. A Valuable Real and Per>onil Lst.ite For Bale. . 11IIK JleirsofP. IIOV. deed. having consented, wc will l'L sell ilio In!lowing pru|i?riT, to , ihr highmt bidder, on 77' A'.S- . D.W, tkr 27ih of XOVKMHKR. *t loc late residence of the deceased, vis: ( One Tract of Land, *'[ Containing 1<M) At'KKS. nv?re or f> including 'In* in 1 V|i o ' <! running or.lor, anil at aneligt- '''l tide place tor ciiNiotn. A? <>???? o(h?*r adjoining ilie %Ai same. conta ning J?H? A' UK"*, ini'tv or less. I KOAU WAUUX. 1 t'AUIlYALL. SO|tMD- c"! .STONES. 2 BLACKSMITH S VICE*. I LOOM. 1 SIMM Ml >1 At IIINK. I LOT (UN It A1C- Ml UKI.S. ami gome oilier small articles. A CioJit of 12 month* will he given on all "tints ith vo Five Dollars, interest front <1 tie. Titles will be m:i?le pet feet, ami posses- w-(| siott given immediately. . A\ M. 1*. IIOV. Administrator, ( ELIZALKI'll HOY, Adm x Nov 1 So -ilw ro, e"t r% ? ? C.H. hLANIiiAN&CO., 7 no "iiLJiLljilijJAj 3-? o?' OFKEU for r:,le. atcosjt, rm 7, iheir large i>lock of ^ | boots, ?y' ? jT?g5t ssi?t:s. a.i: tin 1:11, TRUKKS, &C,, Tin th>< rn:<r or .i.\xf\hy iwi-cm- ?g ever;, hiug kepi in ?? tie "l-el . ? ?>? HlldK B Hol'SK. Al.w, .KM) Sl<loM Mok> 111< i*. 41 1*. li 11 inlpm -ilxii otter* for snle flevernl \t 'KK?5 OF 1.A N D. ninl FI \ I! <>r SI X 1>W!'.l.l.lN* Hol'SKS in Columbia Term* ,1/ Icrntc. Ap* lv ;i above. . <! ??li del IS | SPLENDID n.IOr.KSALE STOCK OF r] l \>ri'i?> ii I >i*?v < | HAMILTON, EASTER & CO., no lMTOKTMUS AND JOMlEllS OF mi* /OVCiCIU ?!'!) C'>00(lS, 1 o.x rm: rrrrn floors of Nns. I i. Jul, AND Jul, BALTIMORK-ST., J is i B. r i >i o R i:, 1 in\ ri ! : TIII; \ITEntlon OF WIIOt.KSALi: IM VKliS lo I il? ill IVIU.K \\l* M'l.KN l?l l? AMHuftTMKNT Of J_ FOREIGN DRY GOODS, k y /.'?'! ! / ?>'" l/.nr oirn 1 iifirtiition." si:i.i:? n u r.v one <?k tiii: fium, in the esc MAN. "FACT I KINO DISTRICTS [?' O I? 13 U n O P E 2 Vo AND WHIC H, IN Varii'ly of Assortment, <*<>?><( 'I'cislc in Sch'cHiouM, AND MODERATE PRICKS, I'.CWllT UK EXCKLI.KII IIV ANY IIdI'IK IX Tllk I I A I T i: I) S T A T i: H I July 19 :!0 3m *J| THE SPARTAN BI KE " in 1^ H MI i * > i c 10 !! S" Xa. 3, Hriek Kange, Main jtrct, ex A I . \V AYS ON II A TV I> ne __ i i*j \W t'.I.L ju'lfi'ie'l i?.-??riincut of Ti Ti \l BuoKS muuT to the , Colli pi nml "In- - 11 >ln ////; .!//>< / / /. i.\ bars a..- wy ii.i-iuuMi 11.. it. - i olioto- Tai ii'iy * i <>^ J let 1,1 (In STANDARD WQHKS, E :i ! i j?i I i the y.miip nil J the old?to the prave I n it ? i * I i lit* (ft*. '('Ik* St;it iuiicry iiikI lilmiK Bunk Pr(n*' l iit'iil rmitniiis all ample supply. || u'liVMiiiiiul i r I : i ilii- n--c< ?it" all 'lit* niiprelemliiip .ii itlie nm-t lu-! iliiiu*? ?owuihuiing lii i.riri' leulul Willi ill" Useful. The siih-criher ler* i few K ?i wiili i iriiiiluT ii! ftvnriii* ntillmr- in .i.t< | appropriate as memeutoo* of friendship or in ; hell- ill lit* ! |||| Mr will - nil lmvr rttitilv it [ icacing v.itirt* oi j (|? I. Midi: .. " Je ritilUBS I\ ritAMI>, ' mil ii.t\v i*tiers '///./' M'tl'l/DlSO tti ditfcr- J J' "! ' ^ ^ I iiII. In- ?1-. PAINTS or i>!t mi.l ? \TF.It ' ( < Ol.OU.S. in plain jiiill fine .'Mil, with ail the ; j iii itri inl- Ini nitvw i.Ni; t n n i' \ I.* rmu. * j / l'n he !n:'.y - a'i-tUil wmihl require a personal j i ?* -1 ei-t i.tii, which lie C'lflinllj nitrite-. A. W. M'ALKKB M if 1 0 ' s tf I , ' .. j MOW KIltM. rpilK uttler-oirne?l have formed n copartner- j | ship. ami will ootiiiniie the at the j ul'i mand of ?'\MI* (' \NX?>N, on the eoruer | * of J.unions titi'l Main-Sirri?ta. where may l?c ' fouml, at all times. every article usually kept in a FAMILY GROCERY STORE, of i),? li-*i <|ii<iliir, end al the cheapest price. '< We Will keen ulwuvf on hand. >?11jjf.11*?-*, C 'olliu', rrpa, ! Rice, Flour, Corn WcaL A af* ; an I in fact everything in our lino likely 10 he I called for. Hive u* a call anil see for yourwives .1. 1?. V. ('AMI', J Sept V.T> M if T W. WVATT. I ] or A CAHl). ; "ri TIip Miib*eril*r lakes pleasure in recommend- ' ,''1 login his oil friend* ami customers, anil I lie jnililie generally, the new firm of ('AMI' ,A ; W V ATT. ni altogether deserving of public patronajre. and brj. further arnll au?l a trial, know I *n iiur us In- ilies i lint they will give eat iafaction to ! all who may favor I Item with their patronage i III] NOAM CANNON. ? ]-(. _'() ]XM> I - 4 m I j lift j ji- 1,,/i iii.i l Clerk of Ike Court, We are uilivriicd to uaouoct XW- J. Wi EDBER m i Ca uitiUK f?r Cterk tf fk (fkirt | the eoiaing ?l?9tiu?. (let 25 81- O j Wo are authurited to Announce to Uie totcn j S jotrfHi.Ihii j< l)ij?lri ( tb?lJXU. H. WALKER, q.. in a candid for Clark of rLe Court at F ; ensiling elcctiou- . r . April 12_ ft - te J] LV - ? m I t I A ^ a If MA* ? 1 n v w miiuunmo mi nqbonnoq j. d 11/iiua j N, Esq.. c*.ivlidiit? for ro-?laeti?a Ut tl? ico of Clerk of the Court for Spartanburg. at t ensuing eUotiou. "* ? April 12 6 t? 1 RARE CHANCE': Kxooutor's# Sale. TNDEH ike Will of WM. P. ?0UL J Mi llKK. Jowi'wl. 1 Htu auiriied to itoll In* VALL'ABLE .ANTATION, l'kit Tract of Land contains Kiflan lluited Aeroa, 'v 1 -*K>vi) i* situated ?u both dues of kilo Tyger Hirer, in Greenville and fp*r. iburg Hist riots, about ilea trom flroeule C. I( . an.I the same from Spartan burg; ueiy two Acre- \b2; ?>t which is tirst order of g. r Hirer Bottom, all cleared nod in cutiilii.u, and ike Hirer ca? t lt<l, sod rousidcra- | > ditckiug done on both sides; about 60 ^ ret ol' Table Land ele,vre 1 and part in cultl- * null: tlie balance in tit arly all g<?od quality Chestnut. t ink and Pino baud, and lies un- * unionly level. I'll is lias lie. n ku-nrti an the Cnrson Gold T ii", and there has I ecu gold found on nearly 1 jry portion of it, and (hare is a groat probaity tliat tbere in a vast deal of gold on it. Ni-ci'snlly coinp It the sale of the land, and a- early a dal a* possible it wtil bo sold, lb or without any ^reservations on accrual of | minerals. f>tte Imlf eft lit purcba>e niney tnunt he cash on a short eredit, and the halaneo mi any isonable time, with note secured, and interp >yable annually. Any person <lo.<iritig to rebate one oftbe finest | latitat ions in the npr country, will tin i this a rare opportunity t on! v on account of the fertility of the noil, ovoiiienre of loeation. &r? but tlie mineral | 111# ih vt'fv trritut tinil u-lum I ?/.t - l'?f I y i" jiiuiinrjF in-*!. 10 snow cause. n ntiv tney it. why the prayer of said petit ion thouUl not j?r??tii? .I. It is further ordered, that they nder in. ou or before that Jiy, an account of r I idvnntrmvnUi mad? to them by said dsl?sod, in. order that the Ordinary nttiy know >w to pay ool the balance of I e fund'- n' i-ing m tiio sa ? of said real estate. Given un r my h?nd nod seal of office, this d day ot Dr ot?er, A. It.. IHdt). ,.\0. KAKl.ti HOMAll, o. s. i?. Oct 2"> S4 Sm STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. i In the Court of Ordinary, s. K. Vise. Administrator, Api^ioaht, rs. 1 John S. Vise, and others. Defendants. l'etition for Finni Sclileinont and ltwrce. ( T appealing to tny satisfaction thnf the i Heirs >d W ILI.I VM YISK, deceased, names ! if known. Defendants in this ca>o. reside about the limits of thi- State . It is thcrofore ! dorcd, that they be and Appear kt the Court Ordinary, to lie hohlen for Spartanburg Disirt, at Spartanburg t'ourt House, on the JlOth IT of January next, to show cause, if any exists, why a Final Settlement and Itocrce of ? F.state of Mrs. Harriet A. Duekor, doe d, mild not be made, or their consent to the ute will be entcrod of record. Given under tnv hand and seal of offion, this >th day of October. A- P . 1*M>. J.NO. KARLE BOM AH, o. . n. Sow I Si- 3n? i' v f' - ? J rs- vwiiier a liberal bitl i will sell ( ( The place i.< well watered. healthy. an<l the lp* hr?i rate; the table land can all be irriic I at any day, wiilt very little work. I ALEX McllKE. Ktecutnr. si Nov 15 .'17?Aw Greenville C. II.. S. C. \ JOEL 1-:. GOODGION< , mUGCIST,: I Jlto M?n or I lie d.oltlt-n .llorlar, ] I'UIINEK CIIUKCII AND MAIN STS., ?, Iparianburpr, S. C - , : o : ? Mood Food, for CoiiMiniption, 1 "MIKOAT n-id Lung di?ratr!t, nucli as n llronchilis, t'ougiis. AH hunt, ."ice,, Mr 1'hc effect* of the DLVOD I'OQH In f..n- fw mptiou are : to soften the cough, hiace the r,"s. strengthen the system, allay the prosting night, sweats, increase the physical ntul ^ tltal energy, cncrtch the blood hy restoring T ? lacking red globules, increase the nppciiie, i restore color to the skin. t For t>alc by J. E. GOODGION, e Nov 1 o?*? ? tf P'K't of Golden Mortar. t Tarrant's EfTervesccnC Seltzer A i? I: 111 ic nt, ? S a new general rlrcogt hing aperient, jonthining efficacy, economy, ami portaity, prepared ou nn entire new principle, ] tit a late and accurate analysis of mo ebrated Spring in Germany. T!ii? muchcrtni -1 preparation removes Dyspepsia, or I ligcHion, Headache, Acidity of the Stoioach. _ si of Appetite, Nervous Debility. Nausea, or mitiug, Affections of the Diver, &e. For c by JoEL E. GOODGION. Nor 1 86 tf NEW C< >TAur.N KUSI111\ SIUOPFAIL & BEIIRENS, j toot mul Shoo Makers, i AIIE sub-crihers have formed a copartner J _ ship for the purpose of currying on tlie ^ uc?t ,ttitl Siioe Milking HiinIiicss | i tlie town of Spartanburg. ul the well known M?MS OF II. J. .MOl'/tlS. Photographist. ou urch-Sireot. next to Main-Street, up stars, ^ icre they woul?l hi* pleased to serve the ejtiiis of this and adjoining districts. They will ike to onJer light and sun-lamia] Itoois and oes of the latest and mo-t approved styles, the lowest possible prices. The bust ofin.t ials aill l>e kept on band. Repairing of every description will also be ecu ted by them with neatness and promptss. They call upon the oiti/?-os of the dts ct to support home labor and euior|>ri>e. iev will warrant all their work, m HOP PAUL. II. BKHRt NS. j A. SCHOPPAUL would most respectfully I tder his thank- to hi- friends and patrons for I . iMi' in.ra^f ii.'U. and pa:i-mage received the -t year, during the late firm of Tliiele & lioppau'., and hopes by strict personal alien n to business to merit a colli lit nance of the me. bept 0 -7 ly. I SiAl'L UF >01.1 il i.AKOLiNA. In the Court of Ordinary. irvey Wolfbrd. \ vs. licmgu Stal- ' lions, and octets, I>e'endaiits. Iiti ui for of Ileal K-taleof Hii-ha Stallions, deceased, to he ps'd over to ad * t unnistrator, etc. 1ARVEY WtiKI OltU. Administrator of a the est ite of El.lSil V STAI.l.lONft, tca-ed. having petitioned this t ourt. pray- | i! tout a -uHiCient aniowiii of the proce eds of ! sale ot the real estate of Klisha Stallions ^ eased, !>? paid over to him, to enable him to | ish paying oil the debts of said deceased, the ^ r?onol estme heittg insufficient for the satue: is thcroturu ordered, that tieorge Mslliom, |sy Ann < t shields and her husharid Simpii tVShields, and the chiluren of l.oui"a and !?is Harrison, deceased, if any, defendants this case, who reside wiiliout the limits of is (state, be and appear beb-re the I'otirt of ditiary to be bidden lor .Spartanburg I)iset. at .s|H?riunburg t'ourt House, on the -8th ( _ * JOSIAH GOODMAN'S t?ADY-?UPK 1 Einmectiatoly Oppo?lte . g Urby & Wilson, Spartanburgt'.H S. C., ' rllK ftuto*rfib?r Wouid re*p*Cifi?(t)i1kifur? feiV friuil*, ciwIowm, m4 llm |*uhU? |n*rt|?.. i y ??f tSjxti-t anbury. tbk! iif h? reevivitTft ?n4 wilr ^ xinntautlv karo on hand-a full k??trtfcj<ihi "AT * ' Elea<ly->f acle C^othine/ UOOT*, KI1UK& AJty HATS. ...... udcofihe ivfjr k?l wltte M? . ? 1 i cheap u tho cheaper i. He it ako prepared u cxcoute all order* promptly and in ike neat' ?l possible inuliiier. rail ntid m for ?* elren. J. St'IlONTH ALL. ;K ~ Late of Dull irnore, ?4 Sept. 18. , ux < BOOT AND 6E0E-MAKING V Henry Thelle Itv ttli't ItA.HtiE, CUCBCU nr., Id'ABTAKH' I?, SONTIXL'K to tnaoafncture ROOTS ?od suor.s, ofimip?rfor t kexen calfis. irt or-'cr at ron?cnnbie price* antl of ?KRK?:. r KITS. T.iejr wahbot VAT?ub nd wot-a* wiftir T *:ikt?i] for j.. ?wtora. tbey hope by unreniiiiug atieni'oyi -u. I |?rwmptuc?s to increaae he n?? aiit ?? ? of tlirir nitron*. lit'i'.l huso boNK a8 tisual* 8ept -7 21 A? Arrival ) E C l OTHIN G. S H 0 E S, & C.FOSTER & JUDO H\\ h commenced receiving their FAJUk GOODS The tirft arrival ia a Large Stock of Fine Clothing, rnvMUtisn nv PISE BEAVER. PILOT AND CASSIMER* OYER COATS, From ** to **7*0.00, Back and Fancy Cannmere PANTS, Black ml Colored Silk Velvet. Satin nnd Cassimere r'ESTS, Shirt <. Collars, &c A good assortment of FINE SHOES of ?u>crior quality, fur Ladies, Gentlemen and 'liildreu Also, Jllant.rtf, Bleat h ?d and Brown Shirt' ngs, Wide Slu-oling*, \e . Ac. Dl'ONN < JrOOclfS, ixpooled by n^xt freight train. Ail of which we aro prepared to sell at thn uwesl market prices Terms and quality being equal, they aro not u be undersold Sept 13 27 If PllUlftM^N Hotel, CORXEK or CHCR' II AND QUEEN STREETS. :* II 4 It L E S T O \, NO. i'A. INlie above house has been leased by Messrs. GORMAN A McCOltD. and bos bwn Uorouglily renovated, and the proprietors will ndeavur by industry and attention to givo *?- . ire satisfaction to their gucts. Through fiwerngrrr for our fort. This house is located in the busiuoss portion f the city, and adjacent to the N. Y. Steamers nd Steamboat landing-. Charleston, Oct. 4 31 6t A Y 3, 1 HO O ! ! SECOND ARRIVAL SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. 20 Pieces, Black and Colored Silks, 75c. yard. 0 Pieces FINK Ml'SHNS, 121c.* yd. A HI) WIDE BRILLIANTS. 15c. yd. .<HM) YARDS PRINTS, a 12Jc yd. {,000 yards Shirting, G 1-4c. yd. SUMMER SUITS $3.50! AS THIS IS OUR SECOND PURCHASE Tills Season. ?VB HAVE BOUGHT MANY STYLE8 <>F O O OI>N >:? I'EU CENT. LESS THAN /:.!///.}- S/'RIXa FlilCKS. CALL i\l> NEE OI'R STOCK. A. TOLLEEON H SONS. April $6 9 If Change in 15usinrwK Z HEW ARRIVALS OF GROCERIES ! FOLGER & BRAWLEY UAVIM1 pur based the entire in'timl of Mr. J. W. OAR RETT in the firm of t vltllKfT. FOLOEK & O., wilt c?u:inu? the ( *r<x*c?ry 1 liisiiiosH, .it the ulil stand, under the n.tme and style of FOLGER & BRAWLEY, tliero they are bow receiving a largo supply of Sugar, I'olfce. Molasses, Sail, .nd a great many other kind of OltOCKltlRS, rhich makes their stock the largest ever trough) in th>? market, mil whieh wilt be aold it Vt?ry Sliuri 'OR CASH. ?.*r CO US IKY FROHt'CK. The debts (I ic the firm of <? ARRET I. FOLifcR \ t'O. nuist be paid to FOLMRH A DRAW,EY, who will pay all demands against th? iim ot Umibi.TT, FOLOCH .V Co. They feci thankful for the lilteral patronage Men le i to them heretofore, and hope hy strict itlenlton to buniiifai, and I j keeping the (jiocxlm he market* afford. and SELLING AT SHORT PPWITS, o merit a uomiuunnceanu :?icr? i-oii imtr.innire. K. W. KOIXiKUr July 2# 21-tf A BKAH UY. _ rut: STATU OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Spartaxiu no Diatbict. IN T1IK Col KT OF ORDINARY. IVin. R. Lipscomb ami Ldwatd Lipscomb, Exrenters, Appl'la, y?. Smith Lipscomb, ?n<l uilrtrs, defendants, Petition fur final Settlement ami Decree. IT appearing to ntjr satisfaction that Smith Lipscomb, and McAalroath, ami wife, Amanda McAelreath. defendants in this mm, reside beyond the limits of this Slate; It in therefore ervlvrol, That they appear at he Court uf Ordinary, to he hotdeo for Sparanbiirg District, at Spartanburg Court Honor, >n the 22d day of November neit, to ahow nuse, if any they cau, a l?y a final settlement ?nd decree of the eat ate of \V illiam Lipscomb, Sr., deceased, should not be made. tii?un under my hand and Seal of offioe, thie iOth day of Angunt, A. It., IHtlti. JNO. KAHLK BOMAR. ft. e. d. Aug iA 26 Am ^JTyI iTtforeif,' ' MAGISTRATE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ami s<ilicit)?h in kqi itt, f T AS removed his Office from Church Street |1 i? the othce Disjoining the Spartan Office, nil the Vnhlio Square. All busine-* intrusted his car? ?)U meet nlth prompt attention.