The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, March 20, 1856, Image 2

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THE CAROLINA SPARTAN?* BY GAVIS & trimmier. DnroRlr to Sout\)tx)\ liigljts, politics, Sericulture, nm* iHisceUom). $2 PER ANEUM. YOL. XIII. SPARTANBURG, S. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1856L \ * NO 4 Y A*XJCi WUfcU.Lil.Nil OlrAxvlillM. j BY CAVIS & TRIMMIER. T- 0. P. VERNON, Associate Editor. Prie? Two Dollars per mmum in advance or #S .50 nt the end of the year. IT not paid until , after the year expires $.1.00. Payment will be considered in advance if made 1 within three mouths. N? subscription taken for less than six months. Money may be remitted through po?tmu*lcrti at ?r risk. Advertisements inserted at tho usual rates, and asntracts made on reasonable terms. The Starta* circulates largely over this and adjoining districts, and oilers nn ndiniru' Ic medium U our friends to reach customers. JoS work of all kind.* promptly executed. " . Dtanks, Law and Kqu'tv, continually on hand or prin od to order. A W A RKIOR AND REVOLUTIONIST. | Among tiic prominent volunteer chiefs ; nod lenders who rendered themselves conspicuous at tho battle of Now Orleans, for i thoir conduct and gallantry, was Geceral ! Humbert, the victor of Casllebar, and lend- i er of that desperate and chivnlric expedition from Frnoco to Ireland in 1798 lie ! was often detached by Gen. Jackson on acouling' and reconnoitoring service, at.d j rendered himself highly useful in many of the more important arrangements that lectured a know ledge of n.ilitaiy service and art. The following sketch of this eccentric i gentleman is from Wall Iter's "Jackson and : New Orleans:" He was si stern soldier, familiar with the routine, as practised in the heat disciplined armies, a linn believer in the potency of science, as applied to the conduct of war, an exacting martinet in all the ru'es and punctilios of the profession. He was a tout, squarely, and compactly built man, of the most rectangular upiightness of carriage and rigid exactitude of movement. | His air was thoroughly mililaiy, ami Indies* neat and well-tilling. To the day of his last sickness, he never abandoned the old uniform of a genera! of the French re- | public. It is within the recollection of many, now in the bloom of life, what a great sensation the veteran general was wont to excite among the icsidciits of the old square of New Oilcan*, as eveiy day' nt noon, clad in the same old, well preserved military frock, with the ihapeau of the , French revolution on his head, and the wool of a general under his arm, he would march with nil the port and precision ofatr officer on duty, to an ancient cafe kept hv an old comrade in arms, on the levee, mar the Frynch market. On aiming at the cafe, he would salute his old comiado with a grand <tir mililairc, and then, laying his word on the table, would proceed lei-nscU to arrange lire domiuoo for a gaureai that Tftry quiet favorite diversion of elderly Frenchmen, with any lounger who might happen to bit present. A glass of coguiae, fi^nently replenished by his faithful friend ami host, would serve to give spirit to the game. Tims would the veteran spend the great ?r part of the day, now ami then relieving ' its tedium bv vivacious conversation, mid exciting reminiscences exchanged with his sidniiring comiade, until his prolonged po talion*, producing their usual effect, would arouse him to m <re active, but h--.s digni . tied, demonstrations of his natural ardor mid military enthusiasm. Then he would appear in the character which attracted the ! admiration and curiosity of the little Creole boys, who, fired with military pride and ' ambition, would regard with intense interest 4-le irrand irencud de la "Kcnubliouc Francaise," ?5, flourishing his sword, he walked down the streets, shouting, at the top of a powerful voice, snatches of the Marseillaise and of the Chant ilu Drpart, and other revolutionary airs. Alas! tho poor old Gaul had outlived his generation, lie had descended from times of military emprise and ambition to an era of trade and money-scrambling. Mammon had long since displaced Mars in the world j mound him. If, thus isolated from the hustling crowd, he was driven to the use of that oblivious antidote, by which the gloomy present could be momentarily banis:.ed, and the glorious past, with all its exciting scenes and noble associations, brought vividly to mind, due allowanco must he made for the weakness which cii cum dances forced upon a gallant and sturdy old soldier, who, in his day, had played a conspicuous part in events of great moment. Yes, that old soldier, who died twenty years ago, in poverty ami destitution, who was indebted to an old quadroon woman for his only allen-lnucA hi sickness, and was buried at the public expense, bad once been a proud general of the French republic in its palmy days. To him was intrust ed the com nand of the expedition to emancipate Ireland from English rule, in 1798. A more dosperiito enterprise was never conceived. Its character, events, and results I r. l 11 i .1 ? ' iinto iiMiiiu n |i.inmci in iiio expedition oi Nnrcisco Lopez to Cuba, in 1851. For a long time, this design bad occupied tlio most anxious deliberation* of tlio French republic. Tlio presence in Paris of several : prominent Iiisli patriots served to keep | alivo this feeling and encourage the plan of striking "pfrjide Albion" in this her weakost point. The French never doubled the assurance that tlio Irish wero united and harmonious in their devotion to re- j publican liberty; that they wero i.s hostile ; to the British dynasty as tho French were to tho Bourbon rule. Various plans of invasion wero proposed, and gicat preparations were made to carry them out. Failure apon failure, disaster after disnster followed, and frustrated all the efforts of the Irish patriots to oigauizo an efficient expedition to proceed from France. One greatj difficulty was to obtain a leader in the 1 Frcncji army of sufficient experience and prestige to take charge of such an expedi ! tion. They were all willing to go with a ! i large army, but none would venture with i i a mere experimental force. It was in vain the Irish patriots, Tone add Sullivan, represented that the Irish pec,pfe were united iu tbc cause; that they on I; nooded a small i uiscipliueii torce and arms to give direction to their unconquerable ardor; that a largo army might either create that jealousy which nil people are prone to feel towards foreigners, even when acting as allies, or might induce an entire dependence upon a forco which they regarded ns sufficient to accomplish the object without their aid; that a people, to appreciate their independence, must achieve it themselves. These aro precisely the arguments which encouraged and emboldened the companions of Narcisco Lopez in his expedition to Cuba, in 1851. Franco was then (in 1708) crippled in power and means, with tho oh! world arrayed in arms against her, and constantly threatened with internal revolution,change*, and discord. About this time, loo, the I)i rectory, composed, as it then was of a more philosophic and conservative class of republicans than had wielded tho destinies of tho nation for some years before, began to adopt a inoro pacific and prudent policy. Still, it could not hazard its popularity bv discouraging, even if it did not afford material aid, to the ontcrpiiso of liberating "oppressed Ireland." Olliecrs and soldiers of the ariny were, therefore, allowed to volunteer for tho expedition, and arms and millions were furnished to them. At this moment, Humbert stepped forward to volunteer to lead this foilorn hope. lie had served with distinction on the Khino, under l'iehegru, Moreau, and Hmnouricr, and was an ofltcer of acknowledged courage and ettergy. Repairing to Rochelle, he immediately set to work, in conjunction with tho Iiish patriots. Tone, Teeiing, and Sullivan, to organize an army out of a heterogeneous mass of adventurers, who had assembled there, composed of straggling French sol-, diers. Iti-di volunteers, British deserters, and a few carnet enthusiasts in the cause of universal fieodom and republicanism. To obtain money and Mipj li?.s fer the expedition, llumbeit was driven 'O the expedient of a military requisition on the merchants of R H'hcllo, who were glad enough to pay an illegal tax to he rid of so discordant and adventurous a free. After a thousand annoyances, difficulties, and troubles, being compelled to shoot several of his men to euforce discipline, llumbeit succeeded in sailing out of the poit of Rochelle with his motley band of iibcratora. The Irish 11iunivirate, as they w?.re calle I ?Tone, Teiling, and Sullivan acorn pa nied him. They were in tho highest Merits, and almost certain of victory and sue cess. They wine assured that the people of l-clan I weio ripe for a revolution, which was to rid the green i>lo of the Saxon. S ? confident were they of this tosult, that the Him c fi*'? ? ! IIUICIll 1>1 UIO 1H.1IHI, 1110 WUOI0 organic ilion of its civ it admiuUtialinn, hid been discussed and carefully digested aiul prepared. They looked even beyond this. When they bad gained their independence, and extorted secuiitv for the folme, they would next demand indemnity fir the past. They would reijuire the We.-?t India i?laud> a* compensation for the woe and poverty which I?ngiisli misrule had brought on the island. Humbert was iinpn!>i\e, enllitid nslic, and aeUulou*. lie could not doubt such tamest assurance of his Iri-.ii confedoratc?. He hated Kuglnnd with intense earnestness. Treachciy, falsehood, pride, avarice, grasping eovctousness, and reckless bintaliiy, were tins characteristics ho assign ed to the Knglish. Despito thc-c feelings, however, doubt would frequently cloud the bright piospcets of the expedition, so glowingiy d tinted by the voluble an enthusiastic Irish. His impressions of the character of liis allies wer not elevated by an enervation of tlie conduct of those engaged in the expedition. StilMio was embarked in the enterprise, ami determined to prosecute it with courage and energy. Humhcil effected a landing at Kilhrln, on tlic sourtliern coast of lie-land, in August, 17'JS. I lis.force consisted of less than a thousand men, including a battalion of good French soldiers well officered. At lvillala, he arrested the Protestant bishop, and detained him as a prisoner, treating him with a respect and courtesy which did not please the excited and wild mob of peasants that soon began to pour into tbe town, greatly perplexing and embarrassing bis arrangements, rather than adding to his strength and resource. Ignorant of their language, their peculiarities and customs, llumbcit was almost driven mad by the turbulent and unruly character of his confederates?tho oppressed race which he had conn; to liberate. They set at defiance nil military subordination and discipline, and even ridiculed the still' carriage and neat appearance of tho French regulars. When tho officers assumed any control ovgr them, they rolled their eyes, pouted their lips, and cracked many a joke lit the impudence of the ''interloping foreigners." At last, however, having by dint of superhuman efforts re luccd his command to something like order, Humbert commenced his march into the country. His battalion of regulars advanced in military order, but it was tlauked, and followed, and surrounded by the disorderly host of wild-looking, ragged peasant*, with their long uncombed hair hanging down their necks and shoulders, barefooted, with signs of starvation, of poverty, misery, and oppression in their countenance, carriage, and habiliments. And yet, they were full of enthusiasm and patriotism, and inarched gayly along, swearing, hurraing, singing in ihe exuberance of their joy and liopo of the rescue of Sweet Ireland" from the vile Saxon. Nor was patriotis i their only inspiration on this occasion. Whiskey, tho inseparable concomitant of all such enterprises, was an important element and agent of the revolution. Its importance in this rc*|>eet is appreciated even in this enlightened ago. Tho patriots of Rillala celebrated their imaginary independence, as too many Americans do that real independence which was declared on the 4th July, 1770, by getting drunk nnd falling by the road -ido, so that Ilumborl's advance was marked by the bodies of tho victims of alcohol, rather than by those of the perfidious Saxons whom be had cotno to annihilate. Ammunition carts were loaded with whiskey barrels, and c at every halt there was a general bibation. o Mingled with tho men, who thus eticiun- j bered Humbert's march, were many wo- li men and children. Tho small, regular, 1 e compact body of disciplined soldiers, look- a ed even smaller from being enveloped by p such a rabble. They were perplexed and t astounded at the conduct of their allies ? of patriots, who would bear no restraint, submit to no discipline, who all wanted to i be ofticers, chiefs, and leaders, who sneered I . at tho generous devotion of their allies, and ^ frowned on any assumption of authority by " them. Humbert saw at a glance tho folly ^ and hopelessness of tho enterprise. "Wo shall all bo taken, and probably I ! shot," he remarked to his aid; 1 but then !' ; Franco will bo committed to tho enterprise, 'j i and will bo hound to avongo us. So ! Vive la Republique! Vive la Jlepublique! ? j En cvunt! En event!" ' And thus tho enthusiastic and heroic! ; Frenchman advanced rapidly towards Canj tlebar. Here he encountered a considera- ' T ; ble forco of royalists, strongly posted with j artillery. Tho French battalion steadily ^ advanced on the royalists, but a few dis: charges of tho English guns scattered in ^ j every direction Humbert's nuxiliaios. Char- ! j giug gallantly with his Frenchmen, Hum- j i bcrt succeeded in putting the royalists to ^ flight with considerable loss, and achieved a brilliant and decided victory. lie then 1 ^ made a triumphal entry into tho town of i ! Castlebar. Ilerc he was joined in greatly i '.x ! augmented numbers by tho po isantry of I j the country, who with scythes, pikes, and every rude weapon imaginable, crowded / ' into the town and made it hideous with I's their wild revelry. They imagined that j tho last blow had been struck, and that j Ireland was now free. Humbert was com- j polled to tairv here for the reinforcements (. . daily and hourly expected from France. , i These rciiiforcenients were rapidly proceed- j ing to Killaln, but unfortunately the fleet , j under lJompard, which was conveying i j them, was attacked in tho bay of Killaln bv the sonadron of .Sir John Warren, and , ! ? .: i-. .i > ?-, .. i" viiini'K iii'Minu'u. linn was i imuDcri ? i j last hope annihilated. j ( Meantime Lord Cornwall!*, with a pnw- ! a I erful army, was gradually surrounding |, Humbert, as ho !iini<elf had heen surround- ' p , ed by the French and Americans at York [ town, Virginia, some fifteen years before, i p As the rumors of the approach of the tj llritidr began to thicken upon him, llum- |j bert observed his allies rapidly falling oil", u and slinking out of the town, until at last ' he was left in the village of ltovle witii hi . French veterans, and a few of the liisli leaders who were t?> far committed to : f, retreat, llirmlictt called a council of hi* t, i officers, and proposed to fight it out, offer- ' j, ing ihoiifctdves a sacrifice on the altar of 0 Irish independence. Hi* officers, who had been disgusted with tlte enterprise from j >( their landing and first acquaintance with their allies, were not s > enthusiastic and r t devoted. Under their ml vice ire deter ? : mined to surnndcr. Accordingly, Lord |, j Cornwallis had the ratisf.iction of receiving t., I (lie sword of the French general, an event t| well calculated to remind that distinguish- i ; ed llriton of a incmorahlo scene in his own v | military history. Humbert was released c' i on parole, ami finding no prospect for p i promotion in France, came with main ,, other soldiers of the old French republican ! school, whoso republicanism was of too t, I earnest mill uncompromising a character ^ : for Napoleon's views, to New < Means. When Jackson aniveil, in 181 1, to a-.- a i sunie the ilcfcnco of the city, Humbert was tl 1 one of the first to tender his services a.s a t; volunteer, lie proved eminently servicea- o l?lo during the campaign. Having no " | regular command, ho was always ready it for any detached service, how perilous and o 1 difficult soever it might he. Mounted on c a huge black charger, it was his custom r ; every day to emerge from the American fi lines, ami trotting down the road to a li point within mu-ketvhot of the British t< outposts, to take a deliberate observation of h their camp through a field glass; after o completing which, he would wheel his 1 horse and leisurely return to the American it encampment, disregarding tho halls which n frequently rained around him from tlie a British hatteiic.-, and report to Jack-on q the exact condition of the enemy's camp, s For these and other services lluinbeit was p highly complimented in Jackson's des o patches. The ol 1 Frenchman, in return, j declared that Jackson was worthy to have commanded the army of tho Whine which b distinction was alone necessary to complete It his m litary greatness and renown, lint ' e though thus eulogistic of Jackson, the p vereran did not include in his good onini >n tl tho mass of the soldiers whom Jackson i Iiiii! the "misfortune to command." Ho \ could never ho persuaded that the rude, ( , dusky, awkward, slouching bush lighters c i from Tennessee, with their careless, uiiiuil* c< ' ilary carriage, their reckless, undisciplined, ti ! barbarian stylo of fighting, could ho con- o verted into soldiers. What particularly 1 annoyed him, was the habit these "saura- h | yes" had of thinking for themselves? dis- n cussing the merits of their ollieers and tit.- a expediency of orders from their command* w ers, and as-timing to reason and judge, it when their only duty was to net and ohey. u A disagreeable illustration of this habit a was brought home to the general on n b certain occasion, when, being ordered out for a reconnoissanco with n detachment of ii Codec's men, ho brought them under the ; ll severe firo of a lbitish redoubt?whereupon ll theso independent, self-thinking soldiei*, r? not relishing or appreciating the necessity ft of losing their lives in so unprofitable an p undertaking, quietly wheeled their horses ol and returned to the lines, leaving the st veteran cursing and swearing in lha field n amid the shot. When Humbert reported , w ! this "infamous conduct" to General Jack- ii son, lite General could not refrain from a at , smile?but seeing one of the men of ibe g I detachment near his nuarters, bo called ol i liiin, and frowningly asked, "Why did you tl i run away?" "Wall, General," replied the a : bush fighter, "hot understanding French, k 1 and beiieving our commander was a man 1 0 f sense, wo c?m strutd his orders to retire itit of reach of the cannon bulls, and so w? list kinder countermarched. The General j lad some difliculty in interpreting this xcuse to Humbert, who shock his head, ,nd continued to tlio day of his death irofoundly skeptical of the soldierly quali ics of the Teniicsseeaus. m ltl, The Use ol Torture in India. In the Edinburgh licview for January, i just published by L. Scott A: Co.) is a relarkab.'o article on tho use of torturo in j hat part of British India known as the ludrus Presidency. The facts are made iiowii through tho official report of coin- , lissioners appointed to make investigation iito alleged eases of torture, "submitted to j ho Governor in Council of Fort St. George, n the 10th of April, 1835, and pro; en ted , u Parliament by command of her Mnjcsy\" This report forms the basis of tho , rticlo in tho Edinburgh Quarterly. The oviewer says that the Indian Goveiiiinent I i chargeable with something more than ; assivo acquiescence in the toituro system 1 ihieh formerly prevailed under the unlive ' overnmenU; that in Biilish India the hurors which formerly prevailed in Oude have een perpetrated; and that the British ndlinistratiun of the land system, "although ' ir more merciful than that of the native overnmenls, has not been Mich as to put u end to the traditionary evils which have ttended tho collection of tho land revenue i every part of India." And this position ic reviewer proceeds to establish by the icts narrated in the report of the cominis* j oners above referred to. In a debate which took place in the | louse of Commons, on the 11th of June, 854, for the creation of this commission, was formally alleged that in the collcc on of the laud revenue in the Presidency ; f Madras, the Government oflicials weie i tiie habit of employing torture. Tho al-1 gatiou was denied and even ridiculed by . ie Hoard of East India Directors, by many tern born of tho House of Commons who ! ml icsided in India, and weic supposed to ! o familiar with the administration of the iovernmcnt there, and was disbelieved by majority of the House. Tho statement, owever, was solemnly and earnestly rc- j catod and persisted in, and in the end the : 'resident of the Boaid of Control was coui11 - ? . ? encu to give ins assent to the mvestiga- i on, though still declaring his own disbcof of ilie allegation; and the commission ( as a; pointed. The Government of Mad- ; is is represented to have cordially co ope- j itvd with the cominis.sii.11. Everything | as done that could he done to ..ceilre a ill investigation. Lord Harris, the Gov- J inor, who also disbelieved the statement, ' isued orders to all subordinates to give very assistance in their p mcr. and the mplest piovision was made for the expends of the inquiry. The land tenure which prevails in Madis is peculiar. It is known as the "ryot ' errv system." The ryot, or cultivator, olds directly under the Government. The olloction of rent, tax*, or assessment, is in lie hands of Government oflicvis. The ioveiiimetit, in fact, is the landlord. I he ystein is .similar in the l?oml ay l'rcsideuy: but there tlie tax or rent is lived by a cinianent assessment. In Madias it is liter wise. There i - no fixed assessment, nd "il..s . . .0 la .1 .1 'I .. . i f w m ii?v iiirit) "I UIC CUIIl'C* jr as to the amount of his land tax, as t>> lie cultivation of his laud, and as to the ern,aiie..ce of his tenure." JJo is a tennl-at-wilhiu the most dependei;' sense of lie term. In the arrangement f a!! de lils. tiio <ioveruinent, through its own Hieials, is the dire -t at; 1 immcdint > act >. . For every increased valuation, foe every iteifeionce tvitli the liberty or the mode f cultivation, for every dislutnance or hange of tenancy, the < ioveininenl i-> died! y and immcdiaU !\ responsible." t hereno, says the reviewer, "the startling qu sioti which t! e Madras < 'onimi.-sione.s had .? try was, not whetliei instances of latinjrd oppression, even in the revolting lorn: f torture, had occurred in the Madras 'residency, hut whether (.iovorniiienl itself, i i's capacity of universal landl id, was >t, through its own native <.}}} ials, chargehie with those atrocities." And the inuirv was limited t<> the last seven years, d that, says the reviewer, "our wounded lido Iris not even the palliative that these annuities were perpetrated at a remote criod." J lie inquiry was oiiginaily designed to c confined to tho tiscof tortuie for llio coltction of revenue, hut was subsequently \teiided to a resort to the same cruelty for olice purposes; and upon hoth counts of 10 indirtment against tho ' 'ov#_m anient, it i painful to be oblige'! to record that a erdicl of guilty lias been returned. The lommissioners declare, as "the only coplu-iou a', wbicb any impartial minds i >u: 1 arrive," thai "personal violence, prac sed by tbo nalivo revenue ami police | fficiaU, generally prevails throughout the 'resiliency," and that this "personal vio sneo" is, to all intents and purjroscs, torire. The) add, indeed, that it is beyond II dispute that ' many of tbo practices hie 11 undoubtedly exist must cau>o acute, n mij'uiiii> or even moment,uv, agony; n?l that in no few iccorded instanc* *, fas | peai> by the calendar*,) Oven death has ?l!ovvo 1 upon their infliction." Tho evidenoo in the case is overwhelmig. ( if persons actually put to torture by ie police, J7 coinpl.lined 111 person lioloie to commissioners, and 1 111 by letter; in .'vcuiio eases, i!09 complained personally, nd "79 by letter. In ir-tVronee to the, rnctico <>f torture in tho formci service, out f 109 answers retimed froin the various ations in the Madras Presidency, .90 were ennui, not a singlo one was negative, hilo no than 79 were unhesitatingly i tho aHirinative; and out of the 1-1 anvers returned to tho queries sent out re arding the use of torture in the collection 1 f revenue, while 17 oflicia's expressed icir disbelief of tho uso of torture for such purpose, and 7 professed to have no nowlodgo on tho subject, no fower than 9 ret'iinel an unoquivocnl affirmative. Xl?f? kinds of lorlurc employed are tluis do scribed : The two most common forms of torturt appear to bo tho Kiltc (in Teloogoo called C'heeratat) and tho AnunJul, which in the same language is called Giwjtri. Tho kilte corresponds with the thumbscrew of tho European toiluro. It is a wooden instrument somewhat like a lemon squeeze, between the plates of which the hands, tho thighs, (in women also the breasts.) the cars, and other more sensitive parts of the body arc squeezed to {ho laM point of endurance, often to fainting, and even to permanent disablement. In many places the kitlehas been superseded by the more simple plan of violently compressing the hands under a Hal board, on which a heavy pressure is laid, sometimes even by the peons standing upon it; or of compelling the sufferer to interlace his fingers, and delivering him over to the iron gripe of the peons, (or policemen,) who sometimes rub their hands with sand, in order to giv? them-a firmer gripe. In other cases the fingers are bent back until the pain be comes unendurable. The anundal is a more purely Eistoin torture. It consists in tying the victim in a stooping or otherwise painful and unnatural position, generally with the head forcibly bent down to the feet, by a ropo or cloth passed round the neck and under the toes. Tho posture, however, is varied at the caprice of tho executioner. Sometimes the poor wretch is made to stand on one log, the other being forcibly tied up to bis neck. Sometime-, the arms and legs are i curiously interlaced, and the frame, thus violently distorted, is kept bound up for hours in a condition little short <>f dislocation. Sometimes a heavy stone i> laid upon the back while thus bent; and it often happens that the peons ainusu themselves by sitting astride upon tho unhappy sufferer who is undergoing nnntindal. Mure than one of the witnesses dt-poso to tho intlictiou of this lorturc under the fierce Indian sun, upon a number of defaulters placed together in rows, for two, three, four, and oven six hours; and this in the immediate vicinity of the cutcheriy, or revenue officer, and in prescnco of the tahsildar, or native collector- nn.1 f tho no??r.,i.i...i ?'.t lagers. These tortures are often used simultaneously; '.lie kittce being applied to a man's bands, cars, or thighs, while he is actually undergoing nnundal. Flogging in various forms is also one of the ordinary instruments for the collection of revenues. In must cases tho defaulter is hung up by the arms '.o a tree, or to the roof beam of a bouse, as preparation for the lash, which consists either of a acourgv of leather thongs (called corticchctear, and sometimes jcrbuml.) or of the tough fibics of the tamarind tree, or of the coir rope. Many witnesses complain ~f having been dogged to laceration. Various other minor, but yet most de grading an 1 painful, species of violence, are detailed. One of llieni, th'jmhiiitivary, consifts in pulling tho person about violently by pinching lito thighs, whelhoi with the kiltee or by the hand gripe. Another, Amihwsaretry, is puijiiig a man about bv the oars. Occasionally a man is held aloft from the ground by the ears, l?y the hair, ami even by the mustachio; ami the latter torture, in sotno instances, is applied so savagely as to tear away the mustachio by ibo roots. Sometimes a sort of bastinado is indicted, sometimes v iolent blows on the shins, the ankle*, die elbows, or othe? highly sensitive points, lholongtd immersion in the water tanks or the river; t'orei bio compression of the arms, the thighs, and even the ho.iv, by tying a coil of rope round them, and then applying cold wat?*i so as t>> cause it to conliaet and sink into the tlesh; binning with hut iton; hanging heavy stones round the neck; the stocks; lying two or tuoie individuals together bv the hair, *u that every movement is attended with pain; placing a necklace of bone* or other disgusting or degrading mat?*iials round the neck; tiusc are a few of the minor iullictions devised by those m isters of the oriental schools of torture. If we add to theso a few practices like Used at home bv amateurs of the turf or the ring, f >r the purpose of "reducing fle?h;" tucli as starvation, prolonged deprivation of sleep, compulsory driving up and down under a broiling san, forcing the noh ?ppy wretches to run long distances, their h inds being tied to the a\le of a bandy or country car liago, we think the catalogue of torture will be admitted to be tolerably complete. Ami yet there are other device*, that evince in their very conception an amount of hateful ingenuity which, however possible in an individual, it would bo oitiicuit to understand as forinirg par'. <>f a system, were they not seriously detailed by the witnesses examined before tho commission. Will it be credited, for example, that it is not uncommon to apply to the moal sen-i live parts of the body, (enclosed in a cloth, or a cocoanut shell, or other similar reeep taob\) a biting insect or reptile, such as the pool la 11, or carpenter beetle, ami to leave it to gnaw the llcsh of the miserable sufferer! That by a further refinement of cruelty, meant to comhino both pain ami humiliation, the defaulters aio sometimes lied bv tho hair to the tail of a donkey or a bull do? That they are occasionally hung up with the head downward) And that it is an ordinary practice to put pepper or powdered chillies into the eves or the nostrils, and to apply the*? and similar irritating drugs in other ways loo revolting to be even hinted all After this description of tbo various modes of torture, follow numerous instances of their application. The*? our limit* forbid u* to copy. We must refer the reader to tbo Edinburgh Koriew. The reviewer alludes to the well known fact that native testimony in India is not g nerally reliable, especially in matters of personal suffering. And this, in forming a judgment upon tho*o horrible atrocities, com milled under tho shadow of the British Government l?y its own official*, should be borno in min i. Kvery Christian man must ' wish tliat the whole evidence coul i be proved untrustworthy and false. I3t ? this wo legiet cannot be. These sue tli I instruments of torture. As we hnva see i above, the majority ol the officials a im that tlicy use them, and scarcely any den their being resorted to. All the testimon i has undergone the scrutiny of the coinini I sioners. Some of it was derived from th i Courts themselves. Some was "drawn froi i j tho official returns of a class of Kuropea i ! witnesses who would he deeply interests in concealing the facts if it had been pos* bio to do so?the collectors, sub coltector ; judges, magistrates, surgeon*, and-ollu I civil servants of the Government; part fror tho testimony of merchants, clergymei and others unconnected witli the rulminii , trhtion; l>ut by far the most curious an , interesting portion consists of tho writte ] or oral statements of the aggrieved partie i themselves. Native testimony in India i proverbially deceitful, and there is n proposition which tnav not be establishes in an Indian Court of Justice bv prepare w itnesses; but in th's ease, the Commission 1 ors themselves declare that the variety an< ' extent of the evijence precludes the possi bilitv of fraud." They say: 4 ln consequence of a certain nolidcatioi disseminated almost simultaneous over th w hole Presidency, without any previou warning or notice, 11)09 complaints wer preferred within tho space of three months by parties, the great majority of whon could have had no means of acting in con ceit, poor, ignorant, and penniless,d wellinj at great distances from, and totally uu known to each other, and using even vari ous languages; vot these complaints, oiv and all, speak to similar facts, detail simila practices, ascribe similar causes for tliei treatment. If (his be a concocted plan, i is the most singular conspiracy in tin world's history; but indeed tho above con ditions preclude the possibility of an; other conclusion than that tho act* of vio leiico complained of are commonly prnc tiscd." All this?and tho half of the Jtorror i have not been told in this article?withil seven years, transpiring probably only : few months ago, under the rule of a Chris linn Government! It is appalling, anwould have been incrodibU had the fact been derived from any other source than i nppottUOU l>>" tllftl ifUVCrIIUI?nt All comment would be lame after tucl revelations.?A'. 1'. Commercial A'lrcrti SCr' ?... The War Question. We are quite certain that wo need offe our rendu: & no apology for transferring ti our columns the follow ing able and sensibl nritiole, from the London Alhcnaum?at English Literary Journal of unquestioned iullucnce and respectability. It is sti*fac tory, especially at this time, when othe hading English newspaper* are indulging , in extravagant iligh'.s of Dobadilisiti, l< find rational views of our intcrnalion al relations, entertained by our eotempora iv. They will meet with the approbation of eveiy American citizen. And it wouh only excite the laughter of our readers, 01 ' thi- side of the Atlantic, were we to assur thenl, that there is no danger of a war be I ween England and the United States 1'ho belligerent bluster of a portion of tin British pros* excites but ridicule in thi country. But such remarks as the following will meet with general sympathy; nut m.iv fairly be regarded as an illustration o Aineiieart, as well as English sentiments ' Common politics lie beyond our pro vince. We gladly leave to our potverfu ! and sagacious cotompuraiies the duty o i , ...i; ? ?-'tu i .in ? 1:1 uie scale ot nations We concern ourselves slightly with tin lights <>f men and the wrong* of women Kveil the lluKtian War has had fur in oub .1 secondary interest. Our labors fall, ven happily for ourselves and for our leader* in the calmer regions of intelligence ? re gions rarely disturbed by intrusion of tin tierecr passions, and acro-a which tlie tlasl of battle pas?es as a softened light, and tin roar of bombardment is only heard in i sa l and mournful monotone. LleG'io w< , can deal with politics, they must generally have pissed into history. Hut there nri exceptions to our rule; and the question o i possible iiipture with America is certain 1_y one of these exception*. Stiro'y such , itiplure is unlikely! Yet the air grow heavier day by day. The idea is bocom ing familiar to many minds. Passions an , rising. Kvory mail appears to bring u ; nearer to the cataract; and unless the govx and moderate men of both hemisphete j come to the rescue of their governments, i collision turn i ike place. liuler snob in aspect of ev. nts, every voice to which th public Mill listen should be raised. Th in no cautiously wo ourselves a barn in it 1 ordinary tiints from pronouncing on th course of our national policy, tho more w feel bound in this solemn moment to up peal to the true feeling and sedate unuei ?i mding of our readers on both sides c the Atlantic against the levity, the pride or tho incapacity which would urge th two nations into war. "War with the United Stntcs! The idc of such a war is incredible. If theie be ii the catalogue of mortal calamitfc* a 'wore than Civil War,' it is Kticli n conflict a might arise between Amoricajuu! Englaiti A civil war has generally smno basis ii reason. Some grand piinciplo is At staler The sword is drawn in defeace of frocdon ? in defence of property?in defence c religion. As in our own civ^r.jes^r cei tarn degree of romance, of t IjirvAidjund < intellectual activity, often s oingjHfcW** th conflict and flourishes after iw^iS??th blossom and t'?o fruit of a splendid an i deadly contest. But n war against Ainer ! oa would have no single redeeming poirt l'liere is not?and there never ought to b any real ground of quarrel with th United States. Tho interests of the tw countries are identical. Their moral prir I ciples arc the same. They Jinve neither I language to separate nor \ toI?|(ion t i estrange them. The *ame blood flows i i'tbo veins of their people. Th#y have ? d common history?a coiniuon literature?a it common tradition. They posses* the same ie Bible. They read the same Shukspeare u and the same Milton. Blake conquered it and Cromwell ruled for both. They have y aa equal interest in Italeiglr, in Vane, and y in Penn. Nay. their present state is as in* ? separable as their past. They still live by e | the light of the same old Saxon laws. They n I still drink id the same intellectual fountains* n | regardless whether the springs lie on the J eastern or t!:? western shore* of ?h< Allau i tic. Irving, Bryant, Bancroft, llawthorne, *, ! Longfellow are admired with aa warm an it , affection in England as are Thackeray* u i Tennyson, Dickens, Jerrold. and Mncauiay i* I in America. A war between England and i- America would be a war of brothers?a d war of friend against friend. It would be n a war against the aflinitica of race, against is i the unity of religion, against the inter* s ; changes of trade. It would be a war in 0 favor of barbarism, piracy, restriction?a J war ngnin&t the bounties of nature, the en* J lerprises of genius, the advances of cirili??i tion. Such a war would bring sorrow into 1 evert Anglo-Saxon home in Europe and America, and a feeling of shame and humiliation into every Anglo Saxon heart, iu ii whatever quarter of the glol>e it beats. Such 0 , a war would close the Gospel for nearly s ! half the Christian world! e ; "We say nothing about material inter* ' ests. They go for much; but the moral 1 j interests far outweigh them. The inter* change of thought is more important than r , the interchange of cotton. And for what ate wo threatened with an interruption of | our friendly relations with our American i< kindred? Is any principle at issue? Are r our lil*rties threatened?is our property i i unsafe? Not in tho least degree. Only t ' three slight and miserable causes for quare ?el appear?a dispute about the construe* tion of a treaty regarding that interesting r savage, tho King of Mosquito, a dispute . | about toms wretched sandbanks lying off rt-r:??- _t .... .i-- -- ?rtuu n <ii-jiuic ituoui me attempt to enlist troops for the Crimea. The first s two are quite insignificant. We might aa i weii go to war about the sovereignty of i Eel l'ie Island. We may be right or we I may be wrong in our interpretation: the ] ! Americans think we are wrong. There ia h much to bo saiu on both sides; and we all ii know that when private persons disagree , i about littles, a courteous and conciliatory i tone toon removes tlio caUss of quarreh About the third point?the attempt to enlist in tlio Republican territory?we a*"? unquestionably in the wrong. In neithe. case is our honor engaged; in neither case r does any principle which ought to be mainj laiued stand behind the fmnal terms of t the disagreement?thus presenting a true , ground of quarrel, as in the Russian War, j which the genius of the nation can seise and accej?. Our statesmen might? and r must?find in the resources of diplomacy ' r a means of satisfying all interests without j ati insane appeal to the sword. Where . we : re clearly wrong, wo should at once ' and fully admit our error, making whaleri or reparation is fuirlv dup. It is amid tl?* J i Washington Cabinet requires the with' u I drawn! of Mr. Crampton. Surely this i? 0 : no extremes or revolutionary request, l'er. | sonal unpopularity h:is always been consul. ere?l a sufficient reason for requiring the ,, withdrawal of an ambassador. We could ^ give a hundred Instances in which sovereign . powers have exercised this tight. Under 1 j such circumstances withdrawal does not imply censure. It merely implies that the . personal relations of the ruler and the minister have become such ns to impede the I transaction of public business. We were f wrong in attempting to recruit within the lt; Union. Mr. Crampton was the instrument c i of the wrong, lie has thereby rendered I himself an object of suspicion at Washing( ton. llis withdrawal, therefore, at the re quest of tho American Cabinet, would bo in accordance with usage, and would be m sure pledge of the sincerity of our ucknowl' 8 i cdgfiicnt of the original error. Strong n.v , lions can afford to he graceful in their coira | cessions. , "Tho other, points are Ic&s deaf. Yet, if e ! a proper spirit of conciliation presides nt the discussion, we have no reason to fear a L. permanent disagreement. We have a right f to expect that our diplomatists and pirlilij writers will approach the discussion in ;* ? pacific mood. Above all things, we depreh cato a menacing tone. We cannot rea?> without indignation the elaborate display p of our naval and military powers which s some of our journals havo thought proper I to make. Every Englishman feels that he , would not bo put down by such a parade;, and we imi-l not forget that our descemf , ..... . ... .....v. .v.. >? *.- ju-i ??* imugiuy a* e ourselves. They have our blood, our p*se iiuiii, our Acute sense of t>019011.1! UuM/ IX Against ourselves tlie threat of force it th* 0 one Argument tliat is sure, under all cire cmnstAiicee, to fail. Nor will the Aineri* | cans l>e cowed by n menace of the BnTrie fleet. We must argue our point as if no*1 ,( fleets were in existence, and take our aland [ on the ground of history and reason." !An IiJ-f^TR ATfox.? I amis Kottrnh thfle illustrates tbo controversy in regard to the j Central-American ipieslion : "Two travellers bad but on? ' of them proposed an ngrecr^ctr* ,s term*: the first half hour &? and I will ride; tiio second half uBLr I will ride and you shatl walk. JiUPttch would bo the Central-AinericAU treaty, ac11 .r. I ? r. .U. ? U-t- 1-A *? ? J inv interpret anon, [" A New York Assemblyman hu intt? ,: tiuoeJ h bill iu>o l!?o Legislature prohibit* e ing tlio pnbltcation of nnonyinou* letter* m e newspaper*;-and another Solon hiu brought ^ forward n bill to exempt clergymen of j*aj* '* ing toll on plank road*, bridge*, tnrnpikca, |Eg?~ i * _ intf e CosirntiKSTAar,?A very ucly mu, 0 wlro ?v a greet horticulturist, Imtnj; dxntd 1 i by h uiitw perched ?y in cherry tree, kit n friend exclaimed/ "No wonder, Philip, that I, you have the fi-.ort ft nit h? the country: u for you are not only your own giuiieuor, a but, e^.nl! yon own ict/rrrntr, too.* I ? .