The Greenville enterprise. (Greenville, S.C.) 1870-1873, September 18, 1872, Image 2

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?1)t0ttln:j)ri&?. ; oltccMVtLLK, ?."o..; ' '' <! <f| 1 -tr 1 ta=as wxsvmuY, (xjtkmw it, im. JL' i HORACE GREELEY, I ~ ? n? TMt For Vioe-President, A B. GR4TZ BROWN, . jlnjtiTrwnTr Logtz*, this W?<k, for Ik* oxolotioa of Iw^I l?f tdltofiiKiad Mot eonfin*d to ](x*l MilUr. The late boor ttwhi?h new kdvertieements N*? lo hu canted thla. We give Gov. Piiit'i letter of eooepieaec of His Congressional to?iulio?, besides several communications in reference to tke ap. proaahlng nomination for the State Senate * ! > ' ' V *- I .1 ' II " m JL? . BepobUowa BpeaktugOn Friday lust, there was polUioal speakiog at the stand neer the Female College Spring. It had been aoooaooed that the Regular Republicans would on that day have-a grand exhibit of oraterieal display for the ed ideation of our iRepublieao people. About 11' o'clock" In the forenoon, thoae desiring to hear from this main body > of the Republicans of the State, their honesty, (t) Ac., repaired to the above place.? j Some <evenly-live peraona were IP'attend* aeee when the remarks were begun, and soon it increased to a hundred or more, not beyond that number, though H did ewetl a tittle by tba Ume tha esS? cisee were over. 4 It was ?p?ilal that teveral prominent speaker*, among them Judge 8. W. Mblton, Messrs. Elliott, Cain. C. D. Melton and others would be present, but no one from a (liatane# put iu an appearance exoept Mr. F. L. Cabdozo, candidate for State Treasurer. A telegrnru was received aiatinu Judge Man* ton and some of the othera had been de? tainod oo account of sickness, but would artire io Greenville by the evening train. As this was the Bret meeting of the Reg. ular Republicans in Greenville, we attended the occasion, and preps red a more lengthy statement of what was said, hqt more important matters have compelled us to omit the report. The speakers, Messrs. Wilson Gook, Jas M. Allen. Jas. M. Runion and P. Jj. Cardozo, announced themselves in support of the regular hfo?es ticket, and abased and villified the tiokel of the Bolter*. The entire ooeasion waa without spirit, and produced no enthusiasm for tho regular ticket, in fact waa almost an entire failure. It ia very hard to form an opinion aa to whether the Bolters or Mosea tickot ia strongest in Greenville County; but wo do not think the situation favors the latter. At night Mr. F. L. Cardoso attempted to address an assemblage in the Court House, bat tbe Bolters drowned his voioe in his efforts to be heard, and he therefore was forcod reluctantly to quit the field. This was, we believe, regarded as a victory for the latter party. Republican Nominations. The Republican party ofGrcenvillo County, through their delegates met in this City, on Saturday lost, to make nominutions for tbe vari- j ous County offices to be filled at the ensuing 4 election. The convention was not held in tbe 1 Court House, as usual, but assembled at the Allen School House, in the nortb?cost part of tho City. Wo learn that there was a good deal of wrangling and disorder in the meeting, which seem to bo incident to tho deliberative meetings of tho party. Tho ticket will bo found elsewhere. Mr. J. M. Allen, the nom inco for the Senate, was, we understand, uoiniuatcd by acclamation. The nomination, as a whole, is regaded a weak one, although about tbe best that could bo produoed by those bringing it forth. The supporters of Moses and Tomliuson appear for tbe time to have for* gotten their diflerenccs as regards pay certifi eatcs, honesty, dishonesty, phosphate bills, to., as both parties aro represented on tho ticket presented for tho action of their Republican brethren. o o Nomination or w. II. Prrry, Esq., for o Solicitor.?At a meeting of delegates ap* pointed from the Counties of Greenville, Pickens, Abbeville, Cconeo and Anderson Counties, composing tbe Eighth Circuit, which met st v Anderson on Thursday last, l?tb inst., W. H. s Perry, Esq., the present able and efficient So* t Ifeitor, was unanimously renominated by the e tho Conservative party. Each of the Counties was Tally represented, and the proceedings were most harmonious. If re?eIeoted, which wc havo no donbt he will, Mr. Perry will continue to give that great satisfaction in the discharge of his duties which has heretofore c haracterized him. The proceedings of the Convention reached us too late for insertion in full. Court Still in Bkhsion.?A considerable amount of business has been disposed of during the past week. And the Court, the Juries and lawyers are still engaged earn, cstlj at work on the Civil Docket. The session will probably close with the prea? col week. Sals or Hank Stock.?Five shares of stock of National Bank of Greenville were sold last week at $104 per share. The Columbia Carolinian ?Mr. Jon a W. ? MoCuli.ooii, who is connected with the above excellent Colombia exchange, is now on a visit to Greenville, in conneetion with , the interests of the paper. This journal is ( one of the best and soundest in polities is ] sued in the State, and those wanting to c subscribe for a good news daily, ootfld t scarcely do bettor. Its subscription list t hers is good and improving. Mr. MoCci- t i.oucn will call on our business men and eit- I izena to afford them an opportunity of sub* 1 scribing Price, $8 per annum; $4 for six months. Ladies' Festival.?The ladies of the Methodist Church will bold a Festizal Tkit timing, in the old Court Uouse, for the benefit Of the New Methodist Churoh. Admission, 25c.; j Children, lOo. Doors open At 7} o'clock. Visiting tub " Ortr or ran Mountains" i roR iiis Uialtk.?-W. ii. McCaw, Esq., Ed itor ol the Columbia /'hauix, is (topping at the Mansion House, and aspects to remain In our midst isreral daps. He Is not in robust health, and l? seeking our pure inouotain air and water In recuperating himself. He pip* sides over the columns of his journal with ability, as many of our citiaens know. We wish for him a pleasant and satisfactory sojourn. ' i Cousrv CtiAiKua <?Mr. William Bcat- | t:? has oesn appoiuted County Chairman of i \ tbeOsmoerstle party for Oreeorills. Bmjafb of Pbibobbbb mo* tub J*k?Oo I y*oierdaj altera oon, four pramwrk wwW 1 wbImm oi iba United bit* OlH, ooc- 1 fta-4 uMb. Onmiilt >11,. nj^rWte^w* | wd tbroa oalerodL m?.l? thrit omap*.? I Suss x OB? % NNddlf;la wofinf vos.ool*, dirff N't*1?' 4<* dwJad Mr thdpaa Chtef of Polio*, a luiter of AwWtant P?U*| ud HwalalwiiFI of tbt llrwU. All of IboM oinn roaohro Ibb aad moSWMo aala? rtoo, and iboM tobh^ilUMV aui bo Wi' ? iQdlii, by eXieiaaUottVnote Woo Hoooood by IkO Stew BaaM W Iswloatha M DraxgiaU aad AyStetertw, aodor tbo rooent law. r * it-" ' 0. A. Pics lb A Co.?Tbwo p?tkiaw adTCrtilA in SBAikil Mlanui lk?*t Iks* sas A mmm tm for standard Sowing Machine* j and aloo that , they cut and iMk?ap all kinds of gentlemen's olothln'g. Wo re'fer to their advertisement laowhoro. '/l,t ** Taa firat ba!o of Cottoa ia Plekatw Qoon tj, of Mio peOO*ob. aooaon'f growth, waa, profoMil Mr. W*. 1 Pkslu^ earft'd *o Now Pickens oa iho 10ih loot, and weighed 41.8 lba. I Mr. Lawrenee Leohardt hands ? a OOttoa boll oonulning afawo looks. V jo1 J*? Ormng*.?Wo 0r? requested to state that a mooting of l bo Orange of Patron a of Haabaadry will bo hold to tba Odd ^Follows and Maaoaio Hall, on Wednesday boat, at Wbioh it ia expected there will bo a full turn out of the memhere. The ugtoero ate urgod to bo prompt, aa considerable business will bo traniaoted. Citt Pikakcu^?The Bnanoial transactions of tho City of Qroenrillo are published this wook, for puhllo examination. Tbo amount of roeoipta ia I14.171.U: exnendirnraa. 1U.. 6.17,09. Assets, $9,116.73; indebtedness, $68,099.6$. Bead Report. Trial Justice.?F. B. MoBbb, Esq., has been appointed a Trial Jnstioe for Greenville County by Governor Soott, vie* J. P. Moore, Esq., resigned. FOR TRC CRBBRV1LLB BKTRRPRIfB. To tho People of Greenville. My name having been announeed as a ean* lldate for tbe Senate, I doom it proper to say, that, if the nominating eonrention shall place ne in that position before the people, I will teoept the nomination. I shall do no the nore readily, as I had the honor to represen t Oreenville, as her Senator, in the first legislative assembly that met after the war. My slootion then was endorsed by a highly complimentary majority of the phpular vote, and I received gratifying assurances thai I dlssbarged tho duties of tbe responsible office, in s manner satisfactory to an intelligentand patriotic oostituency. Before I had served out the Senatorial term, the Legislature of the State was suppressed by a Military Government. Congress pasaed tbe reconstruction laws. The present deplorable condition of r>ur State affairs, is tha result. If elected to tLe Senate, my determined efforts will bo to reliero tbe people of the grievous burdens of high taxes, extravagant salaries, and all useless 8tate and County officers ; to obstruct and expose all oorrupt and swindling legislation, to repeal all oppressive and vexatious laws recently enacted or any of that character of more ancient date, to guard tbe pub* lie treasury from official plunder, and to restore tbe utmost wise economy in the administration of tbe State Government, to establish ] rreater simnlieitv in the lnw? nmil.tini, lines* and practice in tbe oourta. to abolish the | nonstrous and extortionate costs and fee* now istabliahed, to promote education unions the . ><>ople ; to promote manufactures j aud, obief of " ill, business Agriculture, and encourage emi* [ration into this State,aa tar aa theae tbiogs can ( to aided by judioious legislation ; and muoh any be done by earnest and peHsiatent exertion. Especially will it be my aim *o repodite or ignore every fraudulent bond issued '-y be corrupt officials of the State, and all spu- | lona claims on tbe State Treasury of whntevr character; particularly tbe fraudulent iay certificates of Ur. Speaker Mosea, that can whom his associates in plunder and cornption now bare tbe insulting aasuranee to ?k us to make Governor ol Soutb Carolina.? should regard it my duty to eboperate with II men and every party in all efforts to reform ur State affairs and to secure, by tbe Messina f God, abiding peace and prosperity througir ut onr borders. G. F. TOWNES. For tbe Greenville Enterprise mr. njra T ?_ ?i i -? * J jnr. manor : a see in ine issi tliua 01 your aluable journal that I haro bean announced is a candidate for U>e State Senate to supply c be vacancy oocaaiooed by jbe withdrawal of x-Qov. B. F. Perry. Tbia announcement raa unsolicited on my part. Brought forward ntiroly by the wishes of many dovoted friends, nto whose hands I commit myself, my platjrm of principles baa been heretofore pub- ( ished in yonr paper. Bst as I will l>e absent c rom the State the balance of the month, I eom it due to the people of tba County to j tate, that I am a native born South Carolin- t an, reared and schooled within her borders( [ od have always lived iu the State, exoepting c our years in Virginia, daring the war. From he war I returned home in Spartanhnrg Coun- * y, penniless -nd wounded, and with a shatterd Constitution, whieb unfits ma for the duties if my farm. I came to yonr city just after he eloee of the bloody straggle, as soon as ny wounds would permit, embarked in busiless onder the shadow of my Alma Ifater, ind have endeavored to perform all the duties if a good eitmen. I therefore submit my ? ilaitn to the favorable consideration ef my ellow-citisens. T. B. FKKQCSON. sob tub orbrrvillk bntbrprira. j To the Citizen* of Greenville County. j I have been slow te believe that the vile j lander, that I receivod a bribe as a member < >f the Legislature, could possibly injure me, I ir was intended as a systematic effort to do so. ' My friends tell me that it is stilt?ire dieted by 1 lertain cowardly, secret anemias, who, with- ( mt daring to affirm its truth, give currency te , be report. To each of these so-ea I led goa- J lemon I desirs to ssy, you know the report to I >e a matioions lie wheneier yon repeat it, aad 1 [ dare one of yoa to affirm its truth. 8. 8. CRITTENDEN. \ For the emavllU Enterprise. Orbbmvili.o, Rept. 16, 1872. | Mr. Editor t We respectfully suggest to tbs Nominating Oonventien to meet on the 21st < inst., T. Q Donaldson, Esq., as a gentleman we*! qualified to represent the County in the State Heaate. fie ie a oitison whose whole life has been spent In our midst, whose cbar- ! acter lor honesty and integrity is well established sad above reproach, and who is thoroughly identified with us in seatimsni and In j MJIOPV, *UU wuiw U? Ofl DMA IOU HIIIOU UMI'T? pect to mort to an/thing like demagoguiam or poliUaal elap-trap fnr the pnrpoae of promotion, so one baa been more deatded and oat apokoo in denunciation of the corruption and maladminiatraUon of the preaent State government, or more eemeet le hia alforta to j promote the beat intereata of the people. If oleoted, ire feel aaanred be wilt make ua an able and faitbfn! repreaeetatiee and do all | in hia powar to reliare the people of the bearj harden* now praraing npon them. He will therefore reoele* tko a?alnua rapport ef I KA1TY VOTORK. 1 Mr. Mdiltr t I ku4 jn i totter tonwltk ?? i planatioa of the Roborta' A rat Tronaoctioo". Qoo. Mow, 8bt. SooU tad Twtwwt Ptrlwr mm 4mMm osptoln bow atnlbtng o#br ?m hateMtibMteaddolUrtmn l^itteU? w to tkm ttobort^ Anna Oooapoi^ Tilt hat two ro not eandidatoo, bmt orofy trne Ropwi.lleaw will await vitb iataroot tlw lowontra tifto thing to ' ultkt," eg I *m la aw wsj eewmoUiI with the transaction referred to, oitbor dirwetfy ?r todinHy, Mimi awars tbst there U anything nou to 1$. * ? demands woro Mod* opoo Si la eBfch bo payments made, and Consequently no voectasvs or records wbatot?r or* on Ato to thto oiw, Very respectfully, BIL*S 0. PARKER. Forth* Omnvttle Etoterpriee. MO BWti: Uhilttrn oar Atormin. olios -I* Hfjor PortBOBN t branch tor th? LoyBotoro, BO ho woo eomtoa?ed early iaiWooovooo; b*i the Qsnnty Convention dld lot woftro 60r wbhsw MoJ.?r Pergu* *>B, to o poUitood cord, withdraw bl? eairvr frpW the Odd .ebmrlully aee?pi*d to* sets of the Convention, a,od woo Heirr mined to eopport iu nomloeee 13y hit ucgent request, wo aeaepled the situation, and followed him; determined, however, to press bio alaimq should emergency occur,? It has arben, end WO, thoroforo, present Mnjor T. B Ferguson before tho pooplo os candidate for 8tale Senator at the enea ing election. He ie a live mah, perfeetly conversant with the wants and wisbea of the mercantile. agrie* Itorsi and meohanical interests of oar City and Ooaoty, and will be supported by numerous friends in each of those elaites; and tiiey intend to sustain him?"Convention or no Convention," we Intend to ran our " man "?disclaiming however, any intention at dictation.? Should any " Lapsus Lingue" occur, we are not t be held responsible. ' wiTMunnma ninrvwo Ut.ii d States Congress from Mid Die- 1 trial," and that y?>n "lug to nrge upou me lit* nee- ptance of the nomination " Thia unsolicited and nnexpeetei esnres. , ?ion ?> confidence, oa the part of the Dem[x-ratio Convention of thia Congressional Dietriet. ha* made a deep impression on my reelings, and I ean assure the memb-ra if that Convention, representing the C'?nn> Li?e of Y -rli, Cheater, Fairfie d, Union, Lauren". Spartanburg. ftr>-riiville, Pink-on snd Oconee, that 1 highly apptecinte the riiatiagaisbed honor they bare conferred oo me At thie lime, and tit der existing sireumstanc-a, it is one of peculiar and ax. Lramdinary distinction. The intelligenee, edueation and wealth of the State of Ronth Carolina, eomprieing 40,000 or 40,000 vgl-ra. powss'Dg. in a great measure, all the eommeree, agriculture and manufneture* of tha entire State, ere unrepresented in the Onngrree of the United Stales, and on. |y partially represented in our State Legislature. This anomalon* condition, in a government purporting to be republican, has existed in Sooth Caroling (or the last seven years, and brought Ihs Stale to the lowest depina o; pniinc?i mum) and to the verge of banlcruptoy and rtdn, the loan of Meillth arty and pereooal Mearity! This Oont/r^a iooal Diet riot in the only one in the whole diet* in whieh there it t eh?n*? of eleetlng a rej*re?<*nltti?o' of the while people, ft r|r?t?ii. therefore. I ehtll he>e the proad dietinotion ol being th? eole repreeenletter of the virtae, inulliaenoe and wealth of 6oulh Oarolina fa Ihe Fa'Una! Cots greet. ? Tor the Greenville Enterprise. Mr, Editor : I should he glad if General Mow will esnmine tlie fol lowing, and explain, if he can. He say* somebody K?? been lying on him. Here are facta and fig urea. Did he sign theae certificates? For what were they issue-1 ? Who are theae people who have drawn $17,640 27. and lor what service f Who knew lh ee thirteen men, or any ol them. aa employees of the Hon** f How <lue^ Hon. S. J. Lee, member of the Hou?e of Representatives, from Ed g-fie Id, draw $2,67400? Were Ms service ao much more valuable than those of other members, that he ahottld be prefered to them ? For what servicea via he paid thia sum ? If General Moses can explain thia matter, let u? have the truth quickly ; if he cannot, the people may be aure that Mel<on and Cordoz<> can never make an honeai Governor out of etich material. If he haa been dishonest as Speaker of the llouee, the eltHoga of office will not metamorphose his character, nor will the moral influence even of the two pure and virtuous gentlemen named be sufficient to accomplish the purpose , par OKBTipfCATaa Redeemed in Treasury, Issued by Moses. House, $676,641 40 Redeemed in Treasury, issued by Senate, 210.929 86 1 loint certificates, by both, 71441 16 _______ 1 3rand Total aetually paid in f cash and Treasury notes, $968,912 48 j These are now in Treasury. , Following, by Moses, issued io January ' sat : foe Meyer, $ 1687 40 [ *61 er Eininger, 848 19 . I no Htergs, 973 23 , ?en Singer, 1440 0?? , I F Markle, 847 48 ; I Richardson, 1494 3n I Matthews, 1982 6<i 1 Haggtrry, 1726 6<i 1 Kipidr, 2234 76 iain'l Bar nee, 1464 88 ' A Hoffman, 784 72 leo Howell, 898 26 ' ffta Tibbett, 1440 <Mi $17,640 27 : 1 J I>e, Member of the ITonge < .?{ Representatives, from Edge field, 9674 00 $2??,2I4 27 The above paid at the Bank and Tru l 'f Company, the Financial Agent of the Trenei < iry, and turned over to the Treasurer Thee# things should be considered by the >eop1e, and especially the Republican voere of this Stele, and they will want a ] ruthfut and aatisfaetory explanation No t [uibHing. No oaths under the shadow of < iny Cbnreh will suffice. Very respectfully, WM. E. EARLE. Letter from Gov- Perry. OrKBtrvtixb, S. C.,s?pt. 11, 1872. 1. H. Rion, D. R. Duncan and 8. P. Ham- ' ilton, Etqe, Committee, <tc.: Gentlemen: I had the honor of receiving 1 four communication of the 9th inst., Ia*t ' sarening. informing m- that "the D- tnocrat* r Convention far the Fourth Congressional CHalnrt had unanimously nominated me aa the ?and date ol the Democratic party for staetinn to the House of Reprrsentaiives of There mut be t change. Thle condition bC aSkire casual U*i mash without >h? wwiUb It, therefore. ??eheo^4i every eu l#t?i his country, and Values its PMM ? <) prosperity, to t?s w kileeft anil mtkijanj and #ry at# flee aitbnary to reatJa republican prln#? pl?a aid the pB'rliy at ?4r Htlsrninrft b?i? B?at*ai.Ap^iefil f?r..f.a0d|y |K prr^ed wfch these j*eiim*itOT did ant feel my??ff at liberty t? ra'nee. a few day* inoe, the m?ai iai|<>n of the Dseioo'allo party of OrwRvill? County ae a oendldate foe tha Stat* feoote ; ahhoagh it was made ngnta* n*'?*Nwet pnMm.U.4*,'## m. eonnt of my* and di*iot If nation 14, enter again poblia life. But ay iriendt wH that | cent# be of service In ret'fom fag the 9>a?e frwtn tip degradation wd mlo. I I?| t>?> to eh4 nomination Thb embarram a ?, a 'Wi la de?e?atalag ay day ? But aa Qrevnvllle wee represented Ujlhe Oongree4?enl Convention, end eontmted to ay nomination, I feel that It lathe nidi of the Ooaaty I thmM eoeept the higher and more impossible position now eseigned trje. " . . ' :: In ttN|>tin| the twd'r ad ma, It ie pro|ter that 1 lionId ?Ut' *1) mi f?eliag* ?n<t prl? eiplw are la sympathy with that great i parry, wt|oae pvrpoae to between th- ? ? aceUon* of our enaollyy.nd the two ? ?? ? which life In lb* Southern- Simee; and wh..-e r 1 tu is. under the leail-rehip of Hor<te? OictUy, id poiys ?li^Hf??Tnniriil'ol lie amiuptloea, reaiore rspublioan prlncl-' pbi, and pro'i.oi? the peace end p-oap-rity v?i all oi-ii-.ns and i'Ik^i .The Radical partyr"N6rth ""d ttou'ih, * a and know Hint their mi*'* an a party dapn'nds-bii ing up the batred ol I!? * North to the South, and the balfrd of lb* oolor-d race to tht white race . When these li?lr<U and pre. jndicra arc crushed out. ib? Radius 1 party will lore their juo*-iidane? in tlia Harrrin to-at. Tbn onlorrd p?>|:(e will n6 lo? ger he tit* political ilaro of a# fish and deiditoing office reek era and holdera, who ?r? ba-ely and muat treacherously urng them for their o?n |>t om -tion ami plunder. Th* interea aa dpghta'oftlicoo mad people hate been a >ei ificed and b?i rayed by their ( > ? ended Irtende, gu i dians, earpet-b*irx>-r* and scalawag*! I he moptve appropriated for the edneaiibrt of lh#ir children have barn stolen and rquantlertd I The ?rr* a-hools are doted I The hundreds ol ih'-u-ands of dollara appropriate*! to purchase for ihent homes have goo** the- tame way, to enrieh eoniindrele and leave them homeless ami lioosehral Their tax- have l?een increased, untl', the i-utden U oppress!** and intol erahiel It la a well known faet In political economy, that the iabo tug classes have ultiiuaiely moat of the taxes t<> pay, al. though in the first instance levied on pro party. The merchant ad-te the duties he pay. to ih< price *?f hit bo-"da M>d tli- eon" miner the lax. So lha lax on land* n<i personal properly cause-.the owner lo charge higher renia and pay I era I or lahor The two beat and sincere*! friend-" lire colored people ever had ar? H?iraoe Greeley ami Charles Sumner. These uentleoien have urged I he colored people not to anlag onia themaelve->, as a race, to the white people; hut vole independently and for honest and intelligent men. Their political righia are secured by consiitnllonal amend", menu, and they liava nothing to fear ex cept tha he.d men ihey put in office, and who falsely iell ih?m that there ie danger in voting lor or ronfiding io their former mast era and iriends. How any one. who loves his State and values civil liberty, can pre'er Geu Grunt to Horace Greeley, la atrange, pissing strange. In lime of profound pear* G-n. Grant issued his proclamation, ordering (he people to dispense and return to their homes, in eertniu <ouniie- 1 They were ai home at that vety time, and no dialurbtmi-e had taken place for months previously! The civil authoritiea were not re*iateo nod were capable < ( making any and ait arrests reqniiei. But- notwiih tan-ling all this, the l'i asideni. immediately niter his proclamalion. sent his military i>ilo seven m eight counties, and made arrests wiihoui warrnnt, and the persons arreste<l, in> o-ictil and guilty, were tunned off '.o jail, and the snc e<l wiit of hat'Cas eorpus denied them! Til your communication, notifying me of my noimuation. you express an ea< m-st wish lor me "at once to enter in a thorough and rigorous canvas to secure my election, which, by the Convention, i* deemed a mat er of vital intercs', not only to tl,? Concessional District, hot to the whole Slate " fn obedience to ttiis injunction, I will, as toon as the c~oil is over at this place, visit til the oo'inttsa in the Congressional l)i?irict, and extend my aequatmance with the people who have h-en so kio and oonfid ing Io the meantime, I eliottl"! like t" hear irom my Iriends as <o appoint aienta they uay eee proper to make. With great re ipect and esteem, 1 am li ulv and ajne-rcly your., Ac , B." P. PERRY. GhKKnvillk, S C., S-pt. 18. Coiton is selling io day mi cents. NsW Yor*, Sept. 18. Cotion quiet; e*hs 1.67*2 bale*, at 2t'4 3*21 Gold, 1M|(?18|. CaARLHrrcN. Sep. 16. Cotton dull and luwe ? ordinary lrt(g 164 ; * ?<? urd nary 174@17J; lo* mullln.g 18; uiiddlmg )Hi(a!Ui ; receipts 2.3>P2 b?iee; a>?|es i60; toelt tv.701. We are loibirlted to announce T. Q. DON\ LD50N, Esq., a randldale lor 8tat?i Senate at Ibe ensuing election, subject t<? rbo action uf the County Convention which meets on tbe 21st instant. THE Mends of C-d G. P. TOWNES. res I?e?i tii11 v announce him a< a fit p-tm.n to turee-d G"V. P^ny in ill- esnoidncy for th? Stale Senate f and i? heiel-y presented L<> the Nomina'in* ConveiitiO'' ae enpn- ntly fit lor ilie h'gh posi'ioti nt Stale Senator. To the Vote r? of Greenville. Gov. U. F. PEItRY having, in c-nnntion, been nominated for Congress, will, if lie scoepts the same, leave a Vacancy lor Sta'e Senator ; iher-fore, Major T. B. FERGUSON is hereby an noimced a* a candidate for Slate Senator at the ensuing -ie-t'on. He is a man of Intel led. determination and inlpg'ily, a in# ran neither he tonight or sold. He will he sustained by many warm fri-nds, and they i ask .or lum the active and asri aat support uf the voters of GREENVILLF. COUNTY. To the Members of the County Con vention of Greenville Gov. PKIlRY, having been nominated aa a candidate for Congress for tha 4'h 0?ngr- saional District of the 8'ste, and having consented to run for that offlec, tha Coll nt v ftni VAnllnn m-tll hie at Gr?envlll? O. H , on Bnterday, the Kiel Inrtant. at 10 o'clock A. M., to nomli ontn a eandiJate for the Rtete lenntn, In his plnee. JOHN w. 8TOKK8, | Pre*Moot of Convention. O. G. WzLi.a, Secretary. 8'ptrmbnf 11 th, lift. For Solicitor The friends of ABSALOM BLYTHB, K-quIre, lOtptetfully annnnnte him as a Candidate f-r the office of Solicitor ?>f the Stli Judicial Circuit, at the easaiog aire tion. Per Sheriff, P. A. MoT>aVID announce* himself an independent candidate (not for President) for Sheriff, at the ensuing election. July 81 , IS !* \ For the OreeDTUl9 EatorprUe. 1fr. Editor: In babalf of tba many friend# rf flfyt. Jrmt, MT'liAt la berahj t?apHtfbl|f praaa^adjfctba faiiutios ConranEaiJbr Stat# Upafcm, 14 ftli Wb vMboqr jE' k i DEfoOEfrijtBtfghlOM COUNTY NOMINATIONS. For Stat* Smate, i ila&rv .aiitiiaU For House of Ropreo&ntatito*, JOHN H. GOODWIN, ' { A JAMES MoCULLOUGH, 8. 8. CRITTENDEN. J. P. MQuHB. mter. For Solicitor, ? / \ i- W. .Jl;< PEKKY. 1 ~ ' For Judge of Probate. 8. J IK)UTIilY. , For Clerk. . . W. A MoDAtflEjU .... For Sheriff. . / J L. SOUHiklRN. ? For Sc/ionl Commise(oner, JAMES II TAYLOR. For County Commieeionere, A. R. MoDAVJD. W. 0. GOODWIN, WM. J. WEST. For Coroner^ WM. 11. G'?OL>LK'n\ Aug 28 17 Id pni iTir a i ntuTivnii. rriHE FOLLOWING PUBLIC MEETX IN OS will ,-e bold in the County, al which the Candidate* of the Conservative party will adarcaa the Citisons: iAT Lower Battalioa Mutter Ground, Sept. 24th. Jno. Charles', September 25th. Holly Springs, Septomber 28th. Bethel Church, Bop tern er 27 th. Butcaville, September 2Sth. Greenville C. H., October 7tb. Chick 8prings. October 8th. Bates' Old Field, October 9th. Cleveland's Mills, October 10th. Lima, October lltb. Green's Store. October 12th. Gowenaville, October 14tb. Double Springs, October 15th. By order of the Executive Committee, T. Q. DONALDSON, Chairman. Q. G. Waaim, Secretary/ 20-tf THE UNION REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Senate. JAMES M. ALLEN For Legislature. W. B. JOHNSON. J MINIS SULLIVAN. FRANK A. WILLIAMSON, W. M. LENDRKMAN. For Sheriff JAMES O. YEA KG IN, For Clerk of Court. J. B. HYDE. For Probate Judge. O. P. DILL. For School Commissioner. Dk. J. F. LATIMER. For County Commissioners. JOSHUA PRUETT, D W. HOLLAND, BYKD ARNOLD. For Coroner. JOnN P. SCRUGGS. Sept 18 20 . Id Clerk Wanted. A YOUNG MAN of good habits, who desires to study liw, can effect a desirable arrangement for two or three years with a law firm in full pruitioe in this place. Apply at thia oOre. ' ' 20 3 Li canon Tax. THR third quarterly instalment of the LICKNSK TAX is due on (A# 1st October, and those liable to pay the same are notified that it most be paid by the 10th of Oetoher, or be subjeet to the penalties of the law. W. W. llOBERTSON. Troaa. Greenville County. Sept 18 20 1 A CHANCE FOR BARGAINS! W I are uow closing oat oc entire Stock of DRY GO0DM, 81I0BS, HATS, HARD WARE, Ac., at coat. Those wishing to par. chase would do well to call and examine oui ? . Or, we will eloee out tbe entire Stock, end rent the Store end premiaee to en; one desirbig to go into business et thin piece, wbieh ii one of tbe moat desirable stends in tbe County. For farther perticulnra. apply to THOMAS H. STALL, Agent. ALSO, To ell persona indebted to tbe above Finn; we would say, our business MUST be closed by lest of Ootober, end we would earnestly bog of them to 8TRAIN A POINT and settls by that time, as I bare NO POWBR TO INDTLOB ANT LONGER. T. IF. STALL, AfCNt Fefrriew Store, Greenville Connty. Sept 18 20 8 BEATTIE CO. WILL HAVE NEW GOODS THI8 WEEK. -Se?t tl , o 20 1 . S I , . H. Ml -|-||.I > .ifi *w\\ v \\ TBSlABESraVi; If t w ????, fdmthf JSveMng. T8/A ?'iw/a?4>J _ &okmapj?\c<ni* all t PATRON 1KB TBI OCCASION. Psiob o? Awhom.?AMU, Sfto.) Chflgi ' 9 ' . ?. ... I-V ,lU> ' '* '>;l jft ? b ' i HI ri^iUujb W.*1 raP ? PQb) , fa "S-S* ,3 of /gi L sg?a?8b IS ? 3 rH ^ I?? r, fa ' 2mW ' 8' it2i'8 3|?gg? ! l?aP? : . m ; K ? W 03 < ** jOC^ ?W C2: S*-1 O QC OFFICIAL. STATE OP SOUTTT CAROLINA, f Exactmva Dbpartmbst. J IN pnmnRnce of an act of the General Asecmhly approved March 1. 1870, entilled " An act providing for the general elecion and 'he manner of e-nd.ictiug the aune amended by an act approved Ma>ch It, 1872, an eleotmn wili he h-ld in the a-veial counties of this State on ?he THIRD WEDNESDAY, bring the 16th day of October, for the following Stale, L-gialaiive. County and Congressional officeia to serve for the next two and tour years, m provided by the 8iate Coustitulion and arts of Congress of the U-it-d S>ate?, to wit: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, A'torney General, Hecre'ary o' Stat', Slate Treasurer, Comptroller General, Superintendent of E location. Adju tant and Inspector General, menihersof n<c General Assembly, Solicitor* in ilia several judicial circuit*, a>ot for the varimia county offices. together wit ft one member of Cons grass to f-preaent the Stat* at large, and Representatives in the respective Congressional Districts A* lli# said elsntion the following amend menia to the 8t*ie Constitution will he submitted to the voters for ratification or rejection, to wit t 1st. Amendment relating to change of time of holding general elections. S'rike out all? f that potlion of Section XI of Article 2 following the words eigh ieen hundred and seventy " occurring in he fourth and fifth lines, and insert the following: " And forever thereafter, on the first Tuesday following the first Mopdar in November, In every aeeond year. In such manner ?nd at sttolt p'anes a* the Legisla ture may provide." The manner of voting on litis amendment absll be as lollnws: Those in lavorof the amendment shall deposit a ballot with the following words written or print'd lltereon, " Con*til*Uional Amendment?Fe?." Those opposed to said amendment shall east a oallot with the Mi-wing words writen or piloted th?ie<>u, " ConelitiUional Amendment?No " 2d, Amendmer.t relating In the fur'he* ine<ease of the pub'ie deht of the 8'ate, a? follows; Article XVI. "To the end that the public d-bt of South Carolina m ?y -ot e. . ^ - i ? - - Iierenner "? liicr6?Bi'n Wliuout 111* ?1ue OOn eMerntion. and 'iee ?-o> sent ot 4h? p'oplr of the 8iai*. ?h? Gen-r?l A-s-mlily is hrr*l>? f?iiid-len to croat- an? forth-r d(l>t or > niiiifptlioK, i-iih?r by llir >o?n ol the crrdi1 ? of ili? Stale, hy g'lHtanie", on?lor-?meiit or otherwise. nerpi for lit? ordinary and our root. l uiin?n of ih* St*te, without (||mi I suhinii lug the question an lo the Miration of anv new <M>t, guarantee, endor-ement or loan of ille rredi', in tbe pmpb of ?hi? i 8'ata. at a general ?l??iion; and nnlem two ibbda of I lie qnalifbd v?t?ra of 'hi? State voting on. the qoet'ion shall ha in favnr of tu'ther d-M, guarantee. endorse merit or loan of ihit eiadit, oon? aball ha Created or mads." The manner ?f Toting on this amendment ball ta aa follows t Thoae In favor of tha amendment aball da , posit a ballot with the following words written or printad thereon, " ComtltntioAal i Amendment, Artiele X VI.-" Yf." ! Those opposed is the amendment shall east a ballot, wilb the following words written or printed thereon?" Constitutional Amendment, AttieU XVI?No." All bar-rooms and drinking saloons shall ha eloaed on the day of eleetion, and any person who shall sell any intoxicating drinks on the day of eleetion, shall he guilty of a misde* meaner, and on eoneiotion thereof, shall ha ' fined in a sum not less than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned fur a period not lass than one month, nor more than six months.? Tbo Commisaionara and Managers of Election, and eaoh af them, are hereby required, with atriot regard to tha provisions of tho Oonstii lotion and laws of the State, toucbiog their ' duty in such case, to eaaeo soeb eleetion to ha held in their respective eonntiec on tbo day aforesaid, and to take nil necessary steps for tbo holding of such elections, and for tbe ascertaining nnd determining tha parsons who shelf bars been duly sleeted thereat, according to tbe rales, principles and prorislons prescribed by the Act and Amendment thereto, aforeeaid. In pursuance whereof, I bare hereunto sat my band and caused tbe great real of tbe State to he affixed, at Columbia, tbe 16th day of Sep tern tier, A.fD., 1872, and in tbe Ninetyseventh year of tha Independeaee af tha United State* of America. [ ZTiT } ROBERT K. 8C0TT, i i uonmor. F. L. CARDOZO, 8?orotory of fltoto. | 1 >08 ptflo 14 Rkm?val.?J H. HcaoniLD, Kaq . kn r?? movtd hit offico lo the mono over ihe Diug> urc of I>r?. M. A. Hontu A C-o., forroor* 1y by Dr. J. P. &mv?on. LZL" 1 _ 111 . r Election of City Offlo^ra. ON THURStMY. SsptewWr 19th. Inst, the 0 tj OnunciLo' Greenvilla ?111 en* ler into An KhjKOTlDN j^or bile following Mad Cftj O^rti f CHk nil Tressnrer ; uhief of BplWt and Polfi-men, and 8uperkt^wdtKof SwmU CjUdldfUii for these rtioMwIU It* th-l?Wpplloatl.ii. with Olfrifrf Oddneiloy Ihs'sloch, P. M.. of M?i d?j. By order ?f 0<>?*ell A. R MoDAYID. CUrk Council. Sept. 17. 1879. 10-1 OKBINANCE. Thl 11 Ordalooi by <hs Major and Alder* H man of ths Oh j of Gfeee h> CounMTsssemhled, ndhT the epthorilj of the miss That the Ordldenee passed the *?oend of May lest, requiring owner# of Bogs to kw> them ep, is bsiwby repeated < Dose ud ret flei onder the Corporate ^--~"~~-*>avi?enl of ths *ai?l OftJ ot Grr enI 8EAC. JvH'9. on the eleventh day of grpirnlitr, l? ill ye*r of oor Lord on# thousand sight hundred and f?wutj>twe. H. P. HAMMRTT, Mayor, A. R HcDitio, City Clerk. ''epl 18 10 ' > i'tf ; ' > . ' > The State of Soutl^ Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. By S. J. DOUTRIT, Jmdyo of ProbaU of fid Connfy, Wll KR KA t>, JASIPS H AfiIRT ha# tH?*d a Petition in that L-tiera ol A>tml?intra<io<* mi Wll and singular Ihf good* and chattels, tights a-d credits ?f NB1TIG A ?M IIHY elans ol U?* C?unty ' a lor rax id, daaeaaad. abouM ba gran led to , . kirn The#* are. therefore, to oit* a* d admnn Ink all a?d singular kb-dr-d a?-l eredis lor* o' lite said lr^ioi'4, loli# and ?p|ieur In the Court ol Prolix lor siid 0?"n v. to l>a li"ld"H a! Or?rn*|ll? Court llon-e. on Hit* 26th day of S*fibtmbtr inat to ?hnn cacisil any, why ilm m!>I Admlmai aib*n should not b? granted 8 J DuUTIIIT. J. P, O. C. Office ol Judge ol Ptob4le,;de|?t~iii*>Ar ]2, 1872. 10-2 AOEISTT FOR WBBD AND SINGER SEWING MACHINES, UNEXCELLED and warranted to rlr? par loot satisfaction, and will aall tbew on credit payments, made aaay. Will e?W beep a goad assortment of Clot I ib, Cawiirrores and Gentlemen'n Furnishing Go >d?. Will eat and make ia the hast and IWtest styles. Unexcelled fits warmntcd. O. A. FIOKLB 4. 00. Srpt II IV 4 TAKE NOTYCET <m LL PERSONS INDEBTED Wto tin* F.R.MS of BL A. HUNTER & CO? AND OF FOSTER A HUNTER, Are especially requested to j?av op. as we are under the necessity of making this call mi order to effect A V II A Ntt E f A OU K BtJNliVEM^ M. A HUNTER A CO., FOSISR & HUNTER. Sept lOih, 1872. l?-tf Tho State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. sheriff's sales. BY virtue of sundry Wrilaof Fieri Facia* ( > me directed, I will ceil be'ore i he Cmx t Hou?c door, on S*le*day i'm October next, between the hour* ?>f 10 o'clock in the forenoon and & o'clock io the alter* noon, J3ne Tract of Land, containing One Run^ died Acr-a, more or lese, lying ?n waters o* Siiod* fiver n?ar Wila.m'a Bridge. mlj.iin' ii g lands of Elijah K-kew, John T<dlers<in and oth-ra. Levied on as the puberty of Catherine Wilson, Kxeeutiix, si liie suit of ' Jasper Wilson, Executor ALSO, One Traet of land, ooalafning One Hundred and Twen'y Anrea, more or Use. together with a Cotion Factory thereon. kn<>wn as the turn* Vistn Factory. tog- thfr with nil tool', mm-hlnery, npfitMnett, *n l appurtenances thereunto l>?lui>irlnir.-* A io. one Tmo. of Land, containing Tweniy Aero#, more nr leae, togeth-r with n Criat M il the eo?, n 'j .inln/ the Fuctmy Tract, id known ?p ttil* O'i't M'li Tract. Also, one other Tract. known nathe Lester Home 'land, containing Three Hundied A?ne*. mo'eor leap, adj ii.lng tend* of BaUeville Manufa?otiring ilmnpiiny endothei" L-rie>l on a' the property of Le?ter A Bo'her", at I tie anil of M L Mar.-hint and others? S il l |oop-riy wi|? he mo d ItlM 0> to llw ' f the mortgage of Wyntm, Byrd A '' ? upon raid property. Itr-aold at the riaktf ilia former purchaser. ALSO, Oaa Tract containing One Hundred end Fifty Acres, ware nr tees, and knoM as toe Paper Mill Plaae, adjoining lads of T. L. Fowler, 8. R. Hatchings and thara. Alan, one Tract, known as the M&??ld Plvtc, containing Thjaa 11 and rod Acrra, more or leaa. adjoining lands o Wo Bates A Co., Mrti (Irisham and others. 1/kd on aa the property af Utlar A Brother ?' the suit of U. L. Mars bant and others. AL?o. On Tuesday after SalrslsrA' Letters Ftniiirr : 1 llola, 2 Two%H'?i>f^'*l{on*- ? F'iur-Hor?e Ffagnne, ' B'tf/f / ^ Two lloree W gi?n Harness, I Th*T,*p Hkont p'wer, 1 old Hpr ng Waginit Corn 8b?U lei-, 2 pair Seaie*. ghotat J^hundred feet tllrRorv UltoiBer, llHint s?un?ire.i re-l W?l?ui Ltunhor, ihoM 4 y* 'r4d f?#t M?? pie Luntlwr, about 16 hui^d PopUr Lum?>e? , ah >ui 6 hoodie/'"*1 Oak L?im? her, a>>o??t 1 hundred fa-^Cherry Lumber, ei*??i 4 haudr-d feet P*" Luml #r, llieet of Ho(>, I Barrels. 16 C'dred old (?o*t<>n Tie", 60 patterns ol???K*in<, 6 Ploughs and Slocks. 1 MorUeif Maehlne. L-vi^d n as the property 01 ?'Pr 4 Bru's, at tba suit of M. L M1 rehr4 *t i\m? '{ 1 large Mirror, /*r'?r Vara*. 1 C >ws, 1 larua Family (W*<# L?ev|rd on as the property of Geo./- at the suit of K H. Bobo. / / tut, One Treat, e>>th stdar of Middle Tygwr Rl??r, oodUIoI/ 'M MN4 bounded h? lands of Lewis Parmer and etnsrs.? One Tract, oo/,n'?g aersa, store or less, lying on hrsfbM running iaSe Tyger and Paeolet Hi*/ sdjoiniag lands of W. A. M?oney, Ti/y? Bsllswgsf lad others. One fi .Aino* 140 sams Uln. Ij ocnvered to Wm. Falter by f. Om Tract, containing ST4 leee, lying on both itdM of the oad, being the homestead of L. ceased. Levied on m the prop. . Dijkey, at the salt of D. W. .... -r >h. Purchasers to pay fer tptri, I. L 80UTHKRN. 8. O. a lcv.% Oreeovllle, 8. O., Saptenu IM