The Greenville enterprise. (Greenville, S.C.) 1870-1873, July 24, 1872, Image 2

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v"' ' wiDnu^mTiLwi "'* For President, HORACE GREELEY, or raw tork. i<br Viae-President, B. GRATE BROWN, or RiBtovai. J^Qct Aorrtb ii CiAiiutoi.?Th? Advertising a|iiiy of Mum. Waikrr, Kvahs A CoaiwiLL, npmwM by Eoivtu T. Loo as, Kaq., la the only authorised Agency for this paper in Charleston. =r- ? /j*r ? , . i- 1= Medleal College of Charlaaton. We bare bean bAndad the Annuel Announcement of the above institution, by Ono. E. Trescot, M. D., Profeaaor of Materia Medloa and Therapentiss, who la spending the autnv mar in Greenville. We will allude to it mors lully next week. The Nut President. The administration of General Grant has been ao corrupt, despoils, and regardless of the r!ghta of ths States, republlsan principles, and human liberty, and so eeotralising in all lis measures, that a portion of his own p*rty, headed by auoh distinguished statesmen ee Trumbull, Sctiuss, Blows, Da-via, Sum.xbb, GrielRY, Adams, Cox, and others assembled In Cincinnati, a few weeks since, representing all th# Stales of the Union, anJ nominated Hobacb Greblby of New York and Gbatx Brown of Missouri, an their candidates for ths Presidency and Vice l'reeidency, of the United States, in opposition to General Gsant, who was warmly supported by all of tbera at the last election. This la an event, in ths bie? tary of parties, which never occurred before in the United Slates It ahowa etrongly bow utterly disgusted this bonest and patriotic portion of the Republiean party are with the adminialrAtion of General Grant. They have ttied him for three year* and found him wholly unworthy of their confidence. If his errors and faults had been ordin ry or exourable, they would have pardoned them, as partisans, and ?ustained him before the American people, for reflection. But his faults, his crimes, we may say, against Republicanism, the Constitution, morality, honesty and patrl* otism, have been so glaring and flagrant, as to drive all honest, patriotic, disinterested and pure-minded men from hie party and support. The only alternative wee left them, to choose between a mllitary-despot* ism, trampling on the Conetltution and laws of the Republic, the sacred and guaranteed rights of the Statca, and human liberty, or to break from their party and make a noble effort to rescue and eave the Amer ican Republic, These members of the great Republican party, and former supporters of General Grant, are to be counted by hundreds of thousnndsseatfeeed throughout all IheStates of the Uoion. They have modeatly styled themselves "Liberal Republicans." Wel| might they have assumed the toubriquet of "Honest Republicans," in boldly denouncing Ibe corruption and arbitrary power of their chief and military hero. It required great honesty, boldness and patriotism to do eo. Tliev have done well, and adopted a platform on whioh all honest men may eland, whether Republicans or Democrats They have chosen as their standard bearer in this great contest of honesty against corruption, and Republicanism against a centralized military tyranny, on* whose whole life has been distinguished by lion esty, truth, patriotism and principle.? Horace Greeley has shown himself not only to be an honest man, nobis hearted and magnanimous, but a man of great and wonderful ability in every position in whioh he has bean placed. The Baltimore Convention represents the Democratic party of the United States; have wisely, patriotically and moat disinterestedly adopted tlis platform and nominees of the Liberal Republicans. With great magnanimity and unanimity they have foreborne to make any Democratic nomination for the Presidency, or to avail themselves of the ohanee of victory tendered by the divlsioo in tiie ranks of thair opponents.? Never before, in the bialorv of perliee, has such an occurrence happened. One greet party adopting as their leeder, the candidate of their opponents 1 This Is a most convineing proof of the dangers whieh tbresten the Republic. In ordinary times, no party would have done tills, or been justifiable in doing it. But wlieo the prosperity of the country, and the very existence of the Republic sre endsngered, it behooves si I parties and honest men to do as the Baltimore Convention have dons?sacrifice all party ties end self-ioterest for the preservation of their government. IIoiiacb Greeley cornea before the oountry, ee General Andrew Jackson did, the People's Candidate for the Proaidtney.? When General Jackson was first nomioas ted, our older politicians all over the couo-? try were opposed to him, hut seeing his popularity with lbs people, they auon fell into line and nsarehed on to victory. Just so now. When Gbehley was nominated at Cincinnati; the politicians laughed at it and awvre it would never do. But In less than six weeks they have ascertained that the honest yeomanry of the country, both Dem. ocrals and Republicans, eVe for him to e man. And be will sweep over every Stale in the Union, as President Piereedid, when he heat General Scot? out of his boots. We bellevs Boorr received the vote of only four cr five States and I'ibbcb all the others. Grant Is pretty sure of Meseschueette end South Caroline, but where he can find three asore States is somewhat doubtful. Improvement# by H. 0. Mark. Mr. H. C. Mam, od? of our popular uptown dry goods merchants, anticipating a groat ruab in tb? fall, of purchaser*, has extended liia door*, in or Jar tbat lha largest native, or even foreignar, ean gain adaait tanoa. to aaauiiua hit stoeks, without trouble. He liaa replaced his old doora with new one*, making tliern doable, instead of single one*. The alteration produces a dtf. fersnt appearance to Mr. Mask's establishment, and that lor the betw. Those who like to observe Improvements aie invited to gcr# liitn s call. ml* ifc-Jg ?? fekwtth * MHl fthl XHtW^U. ^ ilABtkil ItHii ik# mm wnk lhifte?a mmw OwOh^M hi MO W**c wp woaw wwom muifva WW i lllblllte^ >>W boon plaoad ?k <HO hook*, and m th^y all MM H iHptr?klj, Wiipl la ?9( IkatwtM thm twk tiM war* log > that, w* ouanot kit ball*** that tha laaraaaa I* from tha growiag popularity ?f tha Bulirprfii A Maad la Clarolaad Towaahlp Im ak* pramM to nHpaahih of taa ansa**, with th* monop. Lai thorn* ooma aa, wa wailw thaw gladly. Wh work v*?y hard to prki aa aoaaplahla pa par, aad daring tha Fiaaldaallal Campaign, oapaalally, will da oar haat 9a laWraal aad haap poo tod thow who favor aa with thalr patroaag*. Thla waak wa glv* Nlaataaa Column* of Now* Mattar, plainly prlatad, aad wa shall ooatlna* t* glv* oar roadari all of tha avwllabl* ipaea, not oaaaplod hp paying advortIanman ta, In aaws, mipoollaaooas aad othor mattor. Wo aaaaa torms, la ad ran a* ; For Om? Tear ft M For Rtx Months 1 For Three JKeaihi... M Qroowrs ud OommlMlon Merobanto Mr. K. F. Laboussblibrb, of the Ira of Paoi B. Lalamb d Co., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchant*, Charleston, 8. C., U now la Gr**orlU*, and will remain la tbo City for aororal diji, for tho parpoM of soil*ltta| basin***, and beooming acq oa in tad with oar merchants and basin*** men. ThU Ira 1* a good on*, sabotantial and roltablo, and wish** to gain soma of tbo largo bufinosa of tho np-eoantry, and a* It bring* to boar In IU transaction* all of tho facilities and advanta* go* of any other bouao la Ita lino of Charles* ton, wo hop* oar people will extend patronage to it. Beeldoa furnishing Qrooeries to any extent to retail dealers, they also eell all produoe shipped to thea, on ooaaieelon.? Mr. LARooasBLtBBK is stopping at the Mansion Ilcnse, where be may be eeeu. ? ewe . * Charlestonlaos In our Midst. We have several families now in oar midst, from Charleston, spending the summer months, some of whom have routed furnished houses, and others finding comfortable boarding plaoe*. | Our good society should cultivate the aoqnalnt 'anoe or tneee Tlattora by calling on than, and otherwise endearoring to render tbeir stay pieaaant and agreeable. Thia rigorous inonn| tain air, country scenery, and, the quiet rest they will find, we wish could induce more of our low country friends to spend July, August and September with us. We know thai this is not a Long Branch or a Newport, neither do we hare the ten thousand follies and extravagances they would find at those watering places; but we have a sentiment that is mutual?skies that are blue, fields that are green and hearts that are warm. fSB* We would call attention to the oard of Messrs. Geo. W. Williams k Co., of Charles, ton, and Messrs. Williams, Bimmik k Co., of New York, which appears in this week's issue. These houses are welt known for their responsibility, integrity and business qualifications, and scaroely need recommending. Their facilities for handling ootton and prodnoe are almost unrivalled. Wa observe that our friends, Messrs. Foster k Hunter, are prepared at all times to advanoe on consignments made to either of the above named firms. Death of an Aged Lady. Mrs Maut Anuksson, aged near 80 years, died at the residence of her son-in-law, Wm. L. IlorxiNS, Eq, in the upper edge of Laurens County, near the Oreeuville line, on Tuesday, 16th iusl., and was buried at Fork Shoal Church, in this County, She was a member of the Methodist Cburoh, which she had been eonneoted with for many yeara, rod a good and pious woman, her funeral being preached by Rev. C B. Stewart, and attended by a large number of sorrowing friends. The Crops sad Weather. Since our last report, the weather bat i been very favorable for the erope, both of cotton and corn. Good ehowers have fallen at proper intervals, all kinds of nlaoLa da. veloping eetUfeeiorily. From present in* dicaiioot, a large crop, a perfect cornucopia, is expected in the (all. We hope no one will be disappointed, bnt our farmara will realize their moat sanguine expeetas lions. ? City Registration. Mr. A. R. McDavid, City Clerk, will open books for the registration of the voters of this City, on Satnrday, 8d a!t, preparatory to the holding of an election for Mayor and Aldermen for the next term. Bee notlee elsewhere. Removal to the Country. Ex-Gov. B. F. Penny, having removed his family to his country residence, some eight miles from the City, in the direction of the mountains, will spend the summer months there, ile rides to bis office every morning, and returns at night His residence in town is occupied by a very highly esteemed family from Charleston. Doath of an Xatlmable Lady. Mrs. Mautha McCai.l, an as teamed lady and the mother ef Mrs. Qovarnor Pxaar, died at her residence, on Avenue Street, on Monday night last, having been sick for a considerable time ; bar funeral wae preached yesterday at the Episcopal Chareh, of wkieb she was a member. Dissolution. As will bs SMI by an advertisement, Msssrs. G. K Eiroin and G. O. Wells, have dissolved copartnership in lbs menage* meot of thsir Bookstore. Mr. Serosa will continue the beeinsee. Masting of Baptist Association. The Transylvania Association will mast at Osp Creek Church, in this County, 24 miles above the City, on Friday before the second Sabbath in October. The lotrodue* tory sermon will be preached by Her. A. J Gobi*, and the Assoelational sermon by Her. Jambs Bars*. Pardoned. William Durham, colored, convicted of manslaughter at the May term of owr Ceert, sod sen teased to two years in the penitentiary, has been pardoned by the Oeveruor, opon the recommendation of Judge Oaa nod the Jury before whom be was tried. Speeoh of ban at or DooHMte. We regret eseee4i?g1jr the! the able ipeeeh of the above geatleaan, Mm the hHhiwi Deaocraite Convention, baa bee* orewde4 oet by original aitiele*, that we ro?14 not well postpone, without loeing their intereat.? Although late, the epeeeh will be pnhlleheii I next week. ! I fort* la tboH, arnaibU and clear, and pre* miM fftaMH mimitotki ososot forth la Philadelphia, which aaablce Ike Mi on, bereefckofc td|M? otm and trace pic aado wn? Horace Oracle;, the peace candidate la this epafML race hoc ao obeoure elation In life, and hae alwaye been noted at an epca adeseatc -of the peor, dowa-troddeo and oppreeecd. He hac been the earlieet and atroagect adn eate of freedom before the war and peace after it. Unimpeachable la hie private character, hooeat, jueL learned and gcoerona, ha 14 a Worthy aaac didatc for oar eapport, Hie atterencee are worthy of the aeaa. " Be J act. and cpare the eoaqnerad." " If alaated. 1 will tr?st all alike, act aching whether they were peblleaue or Deaaoorate." " Let the North aad 8eeth ehaka hande over the hloody eheem which heeeo long divided them." "I do act believe that ho the victor belongs the cpoile, bat to bee ret and capable men belong the offlove." Mr. Qieeley baa never baeely aenght tin, end will not eaertfloc principle now to obtain It. Ha helda out futfrifciif the Loutorflle Medial Pol191 {hm\rtK*yj i*> ? ?# M?(too MM aoblo IwilkHiW WW ooaftwrd* by t f?vit? iinjbtin. iter i?? IMIWIW MM Jttn W? f|M *?aU (~ln^n nM/a / Mm to all of tho Bp tola mm> wry my poor hat laoarvtag yaangaaa will kriMM to obtaia tk?roa|b medloal adaiMIaa. Aay mm wiahtog to taka Uraatiia f this BeMafcatiia ak?aM write to Dr. B. 6. oiilutt, dmi of too Piaaly of too LoalavlUe Modioli CoUogo, Lee lev UK Ky.. wbea bo will rooelve 1 college catalogue, with toll Information to regard to all toat U aeeeaaary tov him to do to aooaro mm of tboao Sokalarahipa. With pro par dollaaoy too aaMoa of thoM who bave 0000rod tho Baaaidary Seholarahlpa will ho knowa oaly to too Doaa of too Voealty. Ia aooordaaoo with too old Hippooratlo oath, forbiddlag pbyaloiaua to charge too famUiea of aaoh othor tor ayriwi rondorod, tho Vaoalty of thla Col logo will aiako no harfl^tor toaohtog aoaa of phyaloiaaa, aid m bo pi^Molaa ohargoo a olorgyaaa'a tomlly, tho eon's of olorgyaaoa will rooelve tho aama prlrllogo. Tho toozt CoUogo aooaloa bogina Ootobor lat, 187J. As tho lootaro toa ohargod tor o?Mh atndont who haa not obtotaod a Boaodalaiy Beholareblp amount to tlM annually, too pahllo oaa approoioto Um extent of thla bosotooUoa. To Olty and County Boaldanta. Wo aro anxtooa to ohtola tor pahlloatlon any traoaplriag Ineldaats, anltabla for publlcation, that aay happen la both town aad ooanty, not falling undar our obeervatlon. Parson a coming In poaooorton of too to regardlog oropa, largo ylolda, accidanta, politioal movements, a to., eto., that may Intoraot tha publio, will plaoM report Ibom, althar by writing thoua or Wra ?oe?, and reoelva oar thaoka. State tha facta, and wa will re?wrlte them if naoeaaary. Arrived. Prof. W. H. Wbitbitt, a abort ttmo aineo elected to All a obalr of oao of tho Protoesorahipa la tha Sou thorn Baptiat Theological Seminary at this placa, arrived in Greenville laat Thnraday. Prof. W. will aaaume the diecharge of hia dutloa at tha opening of tbe next aeaalon of the 8eminory, which la In September next. In n former notiea, we hero already Introduced him to our peoplo, and they now rejoioe In hla acoeaaion to the community. Contract lota it. Mcsara W. H. Watson, of GrconyiUo, JC. C. FxATUtarroN, of Anderaon, and J. B* Mm.vobd and Mr. MoCablan, of Abberille, who ware atalcd by Governor Oaa to be in eympathy with hia preeent plan for tha ie?> demption of the State, publiah carda denying tho feet. Oommunloatlona. The intereeting article of " B." will bo found In thie iaeuo, and will be road. The produotlone of " M.,M and of "J. D.*' the latter from Newberry County, reaehed us too late for thla week. Bpeooboa of Mom bora of the Bar. The tribute paid to the m?mory of General KAfLKT by tha Greenville Bar, la publiahed on tha Fourth page. It ia a noble tribute, worthy of any Bar in the State. -4 ^ ? GoVKRNon Paanr baa already furniah ?d ua with tho manuscript of a sketch of Gan. W. K. Haslet, to appear among his " Kcininlsoenoes of Publio Men." It will be lookod for universally by our County people, and ail those who knew the subjoet. It is to appear in our next. For tho Greenville Enterprise. One en villi, July 20th, 1872. A called meeting of the Literary Club was held this afternoon at the office of J. C. Smith, Esq. Mr. Birnie, as Chairman of the Commlttre appointed for the purpose, reported the following resolutions with reference to the death of Oeneral W. K. Easley, which were | unanimously adopted : Whereas, God in Hie great providence has taken front among us General W. K. Easley, an influential and publio spirited eitisen, and a member of this Club ; be it therefore, lie?olvd. That in the death of General Easley the Greenville Literary Club has lost a prominent member, the Bar a distinguished brother, and the community a tried servant. Resolved, That the Secretary be directed to enclose a copy ol these resolutions to the family of the deceased, and that they be published in tbe City papers ; also, tbat the Secretary set apart a page in his minute book, suitably inscribed, as a memorial of the worth of our deceased fellow-member. J. A. UROADUS, D. D., Presd't. J. C. Smith, Secretary pro rem. ? ? For the Greenville Enterprise, Mr Editor: Horace Oreeley, whore honest name Is familiar to tbe Inmates of svery eottage in this broad land, has baen nomlnatad for president ?/ it?i?ma ? by two of the moot noble and Intelligent Cooveotlona ever assembled in tiiia country. Lat na look at tha platform, and tbao compare tha aaodldataa in tbia graat contest Tha Cincinnati platform and aandidataa bring no politioal maaaurau in oonflict with tha fealinga of aoy considerable portion of our people. All partioa can unite on this broad and liberal platform, and Join in thia great movement for proaparity and peaca, without a aaorifiec of principle. It offara juetioa and peace to all nationalise, all colore and all oonditione of man. It edvoeataa maeaurea beneficial to the Seat and Waat ; nnitaa In friendehip the loog separated North and Sooth, and promlece Justiaa, honesty and peeee to tha nation. By adopt* log this platform and accepting the candidates who are its standard-bearers, wa ara offering a compromise, which will afford a wiaa aod honorable aolallon of all the dlAeultiaa which ara threatening oor country. It bridges over the bloody ebaem which separatee the North and Sooth. Tha platform recognises the equality of all man before the law, without raferasaa to reeo or color. It plodgoa itself to easts la tha Constitution of tha Uoited Stales ae it now atauda. It raquiraa the retnoral of all political dteebflUlee It demand# that the military shall be made subordinate to the airil authorities It advocates the one term 1 principle, nd ft thorough reforta of the ciell eerriee; reoogntstag hoaeety, eapaeiiy end faitbfulneee M the eftly elalaaa te ofllee. It approve# of eeeaeaay la the ftdaaiaietra* tioe of the Government, It denouaeea re* pad la Ilea la every farm. It refere free trade iad pretention to the people, where they properly belong. It larltee all patriot#. rrgardleee of their prerloai political opinlone, to aaite with true and good men to put down aeurpetlon, end to leeure the locoen of tb<?? vital principle#. Tbia plat. ' to ntuou in? olir* branch or p?*o?, knowing full wall that tb*r* ?*n be no r?> form without It. # nil d**ir? pesos. to 1*1 no throw off th* nuworthy shook Ie* ol porty *nd show th* tattoo that wo or* ain* o*r* roon, who hnro th* ooorag* to saorlfie* porty to obtain good government. 1)mbocrata and Republicans, whit* and oolor*d. throw astds porty, and giro Qrevley and Brown a hearty support, for thoy will work for lb* intoraat of all axeapt th* eorrapt, thieving earpil'bauor. Having spokan in favorable term a of th* poaoo candidate, l*t as examine th* olaima of th* war-on-th*?Sooth oandidato. Orant aaid, at tha eomm*ncam*nt of hia tarm of office, " Lot a* bar* peace," and haa given na that " p*ao* which paaeeth understand* ing." Proaa th* liberal Urma propose-1 on th* anrr*od*r ot General L*? w? aoppocad that Grant, whan slecle I to th* highest offloe In the land, would b# kind ana coneidarat* to the exhausted and poverty-stricken South, and ha did >cem anxtoua to fulfill with fairness lb* duties of bla position ; bat Ewer and flait?ry bad thair uaual effect vengeful and unscrupulous men tempted him to opproea th* famished SouiIt, and ha look lb?ir evil counsil. No inerey was shown to the fairest portion of this land, sod by marring this limb the whola body suffered. If Grant had possessed tb? generosity of th* Roman emperor, who, after great auoeess in war, in hia addr*sa to tha Seuale said, " I wish I eould give back their lives to the slain," "You must treat the aonquered with such kindness and consideration as to make it a monument of your sUmenoy and mine," be would bave woo the love of all. By fslrnea* and liberality to tha South, Judgment in the appointment of officers. and attention to hie duties, Qiant could hare united In the bond* of friendship and Ceace this divided eountrj. and covered imeelf and hia office-holding relative* with glory. He ha* thrown away hie chance*. He tells his fHends what he will do fur the South ; let as see what he has done and what he has neglected to do for u*. Has the South flourished tinder his administration ? What, in heaven's name, Itee he done to advance the welfare and Interest of our people? He has upheld and encouraged the miserable ring* who have robhed and plundered u* without mercy, because they cell themselves Republican*. He has turned a deaf ear to the pleadings of our best oitiMos, because they were not hi* partisans. He has had four years to establish peace between the white and colored men of the South, but ha* given Government appointments to corrupt and unscrupulous men who, for selfish ends, have stirred up strife between her citizen*. He Blood on the house top and cried, ' Let us have peace," and baa given th? South blasting and bitter war. He has in lifted a horde of partisans and favorites in a orusade against the happiness of our people. His Admin* istration ban placed paid apies in all see* tions of our country. An unooosidered word or false accusation may give our ci* tlzens over to the tender mercies of a party Judge and a packed jury. 80 far as we see, he lies no remorse for his psrt in the downtrodden condition of thia section ? Parker, Muses, Scott, Bullock, and hosts of other Southern office holders, are Orant'e supporters because be haa been their friend. For ua to support General Grant, Is to acknowledge all the charges of disloyslty brought against the South by its malicious northern enemies. Is to lick the hand that mote us hardest, end when we were weak and unable to bear the blowa. Ambition blinds Grant to every thing but his own advaocrment. His idea of generosity is to give office and the people's money to his friends end relatives. Gen. Beast Butler, one of thu warmest friends and atrongoat advocates of Grant's re-election, says, in a speeoh delivered in the Boston ratification meeting. June 24ih, 1872, " Thia campaign is a continuation of the oaa commenced on the 1 Oth of April, 1861 " 8enator M?r ton, one of his corrupt aud unscrupulous advisors, says, in hU speech in the Philas delphia Convention, " It Is ths old battle over again between the boys la blue and I the boys in grey. We must never stop unI ,11 I -? ? * mi ?c iiito puv agwn mil wicxea rebellion, and thia can only ba dona by lha re-slee* lion of Gen. Grant" Garrilt Smith, smith* r friend of our Preeident, aaya, " The anlialarery question ia not yat fought out "? Does thia mean peace, or doea it mean four mote yeara of wart Wa of tba Bouth want paaca, and wa want it now. God In his mercy grant that we may not ba cotnpalled lo endure the injustice we bare Buffered for the past four yeara. Let us look at the charges brought against Grant by Northern Republican orator# and papers. Tiiay say his moral char* acter is such as to set a bad example lo the people. That ha ia too fopd ol liquor ; ex* travagant; given up to amusement; encourages speculation, and engages in it.? That lie has been guilty of dsecit in making fair promises to the South and not fulfilling th am That ha ia a partiaan President That ha has appointed hie relatione to the exclusion of better men, and hat attempted to retaia in oflSaa at laaat one of them guilty of fraud. That ba advocates aentralixalion in all of hia acta. That ba knows offioara appointed by bim have bean compelled to submit to an a-ieasmrnt on their salaries for the purpose of eleeting his adherents, and haa not prevented it.? That ha haa taken large flfu, and compensated the givera by appointing them to of* fiee. That ha haa u*?d the military to interfere with loaal elections. That the strong potola urged by his partisans are the reduotion af the public debt, and hta wiae foreign and Indian policies; to Una they reply that ths paopl# have been taxed to reduce lha debt; that his foreign policy haa oot added naw laurels to hia brow : User tell you to nk the Mattered and booarleM citizen of tlie frontier If hie Indie* poliey bai been wiae. Ue ia auoeeea a* * aoldier, but ft freet failure a* a atftteaman. Rome of our honeat frienda fall ue to aupport Grant* or he will reran.;e hiinaelf on ua whan eleeted. To all aueh we any let them " bid farewell to every fear, and wipe thefr weeping eye* with a alar-apangled pocket handkerchief," aa It le now probable that one Horace Greeley will prealde at ' j lha White Houm oa and after the 4th of Mareb, W*. B. The Oolumbla Union, of the 19th laafant, 1 I aaya that Deputy United Btetee Ma rah ale Canton and Andereoa, atelated by dataehnaeat of United State* cavalry, bare ?rreeted T. W. Pleaee, George Tamer, Sum L?r Turiw itmii C ? v 1 Mark 8m<ih, Wm Whaelee, D. A J. Ball, R. 8. Lowell, John Tarry, Wm. Tarry. 011rar Hamilton and Jaaala Riddle, of Edgeflald county, naar Ninety 8lx, charged with violations of the enforcement aet. They aiibeeqoe.itly appeared before United Btetea Commiaaioner Rooter. in Oalatnbia, nod were eneh balled in $9,060. William Her tor, erreeted in Lexington eouoty, on almi|ar charge, bat bean bailed in $10,000. H~ STATU A WD OTHBB ITMf. GtSsral Banks has ssponsi| Qraalay. Dr.^Jbaaph Flshaa#, on a ( (ha first Rhpolson's soldisrs, fifed in RUhssoad. Vs.. I last wash. Tha Winnsboro'Ncjrd has ha IilllHl to with wlra-frasa root frown through it, and tha lattfalt "R. O." plainly sot on tha sortaaa. B. Gra?s Brown, who won slab raOsatly, rlsitad tha Llbsral hand qoartsrs la Waw York, on tha 17th lost., tha first tlma sinaa his indisposition. Kt'Gon. I. L. Manning pnbllshos a loaf lattar la tha Oolwwbta Oaroliniao. la whlah ho firs# his support to Graalay and Brows. U. 8. soldiarsbara baan sant to Robaaoa. N. 0., ostensibly to raid af alast llllait dta Ullars. huh It Is said, raallo to orsmoma Ocoanryatlra votara. H?r#tfUr, all paraona aantanaad by the United Statea Court to terma of loprlion* mailt, will ba aaat to tba Naw York But* penitentiary, at Albany Porter, ona of tha paraona aantanaad to tba penitentiary from York County, oa tba aharga of Ku Kluaing, died from apfaal maningitla on tha 11th lout. Obkuntilli, 9. 0., July M. Cotton ia Bailing totday at SO oenta. Naw Tons, July IS. Cotton firm; aalaa, 1,44ft balea, at SS| for middling npUnda; 221 for Or Wane? Gold dull, at 144QI4|. Cuabuhtoh, July SS. Cotton dull?middling nominal; aalaa 9,000 balaa. 333SaaUMU?3 PRICES CURRENT. Corrocted Weakly, by Maura. Ferraion A Mlfler, Merchants. GREENVILLE, 8 C., July 24, 1872. BACON?Sides, fl lb 10 ? 104c Hams, (Uftr cured, fl lb.,....18?? 44 country, 44 44 ..16 ($? Shoulder*, M lb, 8i(d( c BUTTER, ft ft 22?? o BEESWAX, ft ft 26 ? ? CHICKEN8, fa bead 124 @ ?0 c COFFEE, fl ft, Rio 26 @ 28c " 1b, Java, 83 ? ? CORN, ? buibel fl 20@ ? COTTON, middling 2to EQ08, 18 doicn 124?? FLOUR, fl barrel, .80 00? lY00 GOLD, _J1 08 INDIGO, Spanish Float $2 00 IRON, fl ft. American 74c LAUD, fl ft .. 14? 16 LEAD, $1 ft 16c LEATHER, fl ft, Sole, Hemlock 80 ? 33c 44 44 44 44 Oak 46 ? 60c 44 44 44 Upper 80 ? 70c " 44 44 llarneta 60 @ 66c MOLASSES, fl gallon, Muscovado 80?? 44 44 44 New Orl. Syrup...$T 00 NAILS f> keg ..$8 00 ? 8 60 RYE, fl huabel, $1 06? ? SALT, ft sack, Liverpool 82 40 SUGAR, fl ft, Brown 124@14e 44 " M Clarified, 14? 18c 44 44 H Crushed 184? I8e 8HIRTING, seven-eights, fl bale 12e 44 44 retail, 124??? TALLOW, fl tt> l24o WHEAT, fl bushel 41 60? I 80 YARN, Factory, by bale .Til 86 44 44 44 bunch fl 86 Ir you desire rosy checks and a complexion m n<1 fran (ran. Pimnl~ !lln).l... .nd l'?? tinna, purify your blood by taking Dr. Pieroe'a Golden Modioat Discovery. It baa no equal Tor thia purpoaa. The Human Hoof and iU Thatebing.? If the tnan deserves well of bia country who makoa two bladra of graaa grow where only ono grew before, aurely he who produoea a glorioua crop ot balr on a comparatively barren aealp deaervea tbe hearty thanka of the obliged party. All honor, therefore, to Profeaaor K. T. Lyon, for, unqneationably, hia renowned Kathaikor aocompllabea tbia object. Gentlemen whoae whiskers are she of making their appearaco in force, or the libera of whoae moustaches dlaoleae theae " magnlf. oent diatancea " for which Waahington duty waa once ao famoua, will find thia IIair Pbrbuadr.r tbe moat wonderful encourager ol tifcroua development that bee ever yet been invented. Both aexea are advlaed to nee it, aa, by all odda, it ia the beat artiele for improving the growth and beauty of the hair, keeping it free from eoorf and dandruff, preventing it from becoming barab, dry and gray?giving it a rieh gloaa and endowing It with flexibility? that Toilet Cbemietry baa ever evolved from tbe vegetable kuiadom. A 8tubborn Fact Thore ia aearoely any diaeaae in which purgative medioinea are not more or leaa required, and muob Buffering might be prevented were they more generally uaed. No peraon can feel well while a coative habit of body prevalla; beaidea, it Boon generatea eerioua dieeaaea whioh might have been avoided by a timely uae of Cathartic Medioinea. For tbiapurpoae, DR. TUTT'8 VKGKTAI1LK L1VKR PILLS are oonfldentiy recommended ; they are mild, aafe, prompt and uniform in their action.? They contain no Meroury. Pcreona may eat and drink aa uaual, and they may be taken at any time. Millkn, Burks Co., G a., Oct. 26,1860. Dr. Wm. U. TuU t Sir?We have been engaged for aome time in aelllng your preparations, and it affords ue pleasure to say that in every inetenee they hat a givto perfect aatiefhotlon. We ean more particularly apeak of Tour Saraaparilla and Queen's Delight. Liver Pill* and Pain Allevia. tor, m being all tbey ara represented to ba, having uaad them lo oar own fatnillaa with mark ad sacoess; and would advice erey family to heap a supply on band, as thay may ba tba mean* of saving maoy dollars In doctor's bills, and allaviating mueh pain and suffering. Vary t.. ly yours GRAY A DANIEL, fem. Dr. Tutt's Hair Dye Imparts a Natural Color. Xidrammtr Xhladitt l Tba hot solar rays that rlpon tba harvests generate many distressing diseases. If tba liver ba at all predisposed to IrragwUrttes, this is tha season In wbiah billons attaeks may be anticipated. A weak stomach, too, Is weakest in tba summer months, and the less | af vitality through tha pores by excessive perspiration la so great, that a wholesome tonla, combining also tha properties af a dlf* fuslva stimulant and gentle exbilirant, is in many eases necessary to health, nnd under no ciroumstanees should be dlspeneed with by the slokly and debilitated. Or all the preparations intended thus to refresh, sustain, aad fortify the humeri frame, there Is nana that will eompere with HoeteUer'i Oelebrated Htomaeb Bitters. They have been weighed la the balance of experience aad not found wanting; hara been recommended from the Irst as a great msdisteal specif) o, not as a beverage, aad la spite of Interested opposition from lanaawrnble quarters, stand, after a twenty rears trial, at tha head of all proprietary medicines tateaded for the prevention aad ears of all erdioary eomplaiate of the stem ash, tha Hrer, the bowels, end the nerves. Ia the unhealthy districts In, f SMIr;m the ?OS rtaava nt tiallfMaU !(-. tattor'a 8loat?h Bitten ?ij kii ?Uim4 m I kM An* f* > Mr*rv uti* <*i (* t\f ln|*? W? B?wWw?c "ww ivr ??* ^ vi imvr# itlMi or roaltteat foror. Tbo pwplt wbo Inhabit thoa* diatrleta, ploo# (bo Moot ImoHoH confldor, oo (a tbo prtpontlog?? oonddonoo that io iMfiml or*ry yo*r by lb* rooolta of iU operation. A* bitten, oo aollad, of lb* Moot porolelout obarootor, or* aprtnglag ap lib* fangion orory old*, tbo poblto la boroby forowarnod (tiait tbo drnn-ohop froada. Aak for Hoatottor'a BlUora, aoo tbot tbo lobal, ate., *ro correal, tad raonmbar tbot tbo (enuloo artl* el* la noror told In balk, bat In bottlet only. July 3 0 1 L f-f To? Bharitf, W?, thm frW. of JAMBS 0. YIARODf, UMMMkla A Candidate for BhrrUT, at tko %> art antkoriaod to IHIM J. L. SOUTHXRN, Baq., a* i oandldat* tor i%illlttoB, ?0 BfctiM h| OtinrJU Co?ty. f May 8 1 td Tor Jmdfo of PrSfeMo. MB ate aathorlaod to moon 0AHUH J. DOUTHIT, Baq., a* a candidate for ro election m Jedge of ProWU for Greenville i County. l-td For tke Stat* Smt*. TBI friends of Colonel B. 8. ORITTMDill, ttiohm bias a candidate for the State Sonata *l the ease lag election. May ? 4 U Wg>rc aatboriead by the Woofs of JAMBS V. MOOllB, Esq., ta onnoonoo bias as a candidate for a soot in tbo State Bsnats, at the ensuing taction. 1-td For Clark of tho Oonrt Wo aro aathoHaod ta state tbat ROBERT MoKAT, Esq., 1a o Candidate for Clark of tha Oou t, at lha ooosiag alsotioo. 11-tf W? aro aotboitesd ta anaaoaao W. A. MaDANIKL, Jtsq., as a candidate for *n siaatico as Clerk of the Court for Oraaorllta County. May 8 1 td For Bolioitor. The friends of ABSALOM BLYTHE, Esquire, respectfully aoanonoe bias as a Candidate for tbe office of Solieltor of tha 8tb Judicial Circuit, at tha eoseing alsotlon. WE are aatboriead ta anaoanaa tha nana of jaucn moviw v? -- - " - __ m~ma*niu, ! USnQIOftM for the office of Solicitor of the Eighth Judicial Circuit, at the ensuing election. 01?tf The friends of Colonel W..H. PERRY an* nouoce him as a Candidate for Re-Bleetioa for Solicitor of the 8th Judlolal District of South Carolina. 80-tf For County Commissioner. Many friends of A. It. MuDAVH> Esq., believing the public good will be promoted by having one of the County Commission, sioner's resident at the Court House, pre* sent bis name to the Nom;n*ling Convention, subject to ita setion, ns one eminsntiy qualified for the pines. Jnly 17 11 tf The friends of T. C. QOWER, Esq., announce him as n Candidate for the office of County Commissioner of Greenville, nt the ensuing election. 9-lf " Many Friends " respectfully announce Mr. WILLIAM L MAULD1N ts n candidate for County Commissioner, at the ensu ing election. 6?td THE friends of W. A. HUD80N, Esq.. knowing that he has discharged hie duties honestly and zealuosly, and acceptably to lbs peopla, announce him a* a oandidete (er re-elaolioo as Couoty Commissioner for Qrocnvilla, at the ensuing election. COL. ROBERT ARNOLD, OAPT. WM. GOLDSMITH, B. R. JOHNSON, Esq. The above Ticket is nominated for County Commissioner*, and the gentlemen composing it are respectfully requeited to allow their names to be used TAX PAYER8. May 22 8 tdl2? . For the Legislature THE friends of WILSON COOK, Esq., snnounos him as a candidate for the Legislature at tbe ensuing election. WE ar* authorised to announo* BIMF.ON H. WESTMORELAND, Esq., aa a candidate for the Legislator*, at tb* ensuing election. May 29 4 td WE are authorised to annoono* F. B. McBEE, Esq., as a candidal* for tb* Leglsiator*, at tb* ensuelng election. 1-td For Behool Commissioner. We ar* authorised to aoooon** Da. U. O. BERRY a* a Canditale for School Commissioner of Greenville County, at th* ensuing election, 11 ?tf We ar* authorised to aanounc* Capt. JOHN M. JONES as q candidal* for th* offloe of School Commissioner for Ur**nrillo County, at th* ensuing election. July 19 10 tf WE arc authorised to announce JAMES K. DICKSON, Esq., a* a candidate for the offloe of County School Commissioner at tb* ensuing election. 6-td WE are authorised to announoo ELIA8 BKAMLKTT n candidate for the offloe of 8ohool Commissioner of Oreoarill* County, at th* ensuing election. June 26 8 7* MANY Friends of Mr. BERRY LEAGUE, respectfully announce him a oandidate for School Commissioner, at the ensuing eleetieo. June 12 I td WE ara authorised h? * ,v ] V? ?. 0. MoOER, Eaq., to announce him m a can didate for re-election m School Commie* loner of Greenville County, at the eoauing election. ft?td WB ere autborlaed by the frtondc of JOHN If. WOOD, Eaq., to eonottnee bim u a candidate for Bobool Oomnleeiooer, at the eaeetng lection. -V td* THB friend# of Rdaeetioa would reepeetfahj nomtaote Prof. J. B. PATRICK for Sehool Oomaoiaaiooer, at the eaMoiag eloe> tioa. Notice. A LL peraone are warned aot to trade for a r\. certain NOTE, aeeered by mortgage, dated Mtk Vobmary, 1878, far One Haadred Dollar a. twelre moatha after date, glroo by the underelgaed to loeaph M. Ohaadlar, aa the aaaae will not be paid. BAEAH B. L. MITOHBL. Jaly SSd, 1872. 12-2 Wanted. TWENTY Half-Orowa HOOS, for whUh the Caah will be paid. Apply to 0. W. MARSHALL, 1 . . ureosruie q. h. Jmljr l?th, 1871. SAWYER'S Improved Cotton Gin, XTTriTH AttyaeubU Roll Bo* ud Swinging J f?"t? *?r daap, wet or dry Gotten. AUo. the eelebrstod ?rUw#M fila. J*- Hsrlng eeeoptod the Agoney of. the ? u ordori far ud (Ornish to the Pisotere tho store Otoe. ?* Mnnlhetnesre' prteee, with freight sdded to this point. I here *i my oflee, for Inaneelion, on* of the store Oinr. Plea tori i-? quMted l? Mil m* nmIm, Kvtrjr Ola warran (ad. JULIUS C. SMITH, , , Oo?rt Hon?e Sqvar*. July 21 13 4 o*??*awcv>! ^ Build jjS dattgig irE^ltr *f OnMiillt, la mm, tint Ml mil KfWr tka pmi of tkla Ordlaaaaa it abal! ml ka lawful IW mt party or parttaa t? mmI aay waadaa batldtag af aaj klad whataror oa tka Mala Btroot at aM 0k?. Baa. I. Tkat baffcra aay paraoa or paraaaa ahallprooaad to araat aay Btora Haaaa, Dwalllag Hoaaa, Hatal, BUbla, Paaaa, Awn tag. Oal lar Daar, aad atbar atraatara of aay kiad wbataoarar. application lhall ft rat ba aU? to tka OHy OoOnafl, to wrttiag, MaBg W'Ma aad parpaaa to wktak tka aaU koUdtag -aa otbar atraatara la daaigaad, aod otatiag tka alaaa of laaatlaa far tka aaiaa, aod a ylwH* hom tka Mayor aod Ahftoraoa ka illifall ta OnmII to ooad * Bmrttftt to ?to? A* ttaa* of ibk atowt or rtmu to ujr Nib or portlaa wlablog to kalld i? tho City. Sic. 4. It (boll to too duty of too Oily Olork to n?mtor too opplioatloaa modo under Soottoa M of tola OrdtoaEoo. to too otto in which thoy oro preocntod, iij to 4to the Oflpki' Sec. I. All portico fhlltof to woply with too roqutroooeole of tktoOrrttaaaBO ohall to food not looo tooa Alto oor MR than Arc bond rod dolloro. Done mod rotiAcd, aodor too oorporoto tool, tbl* oloth dap of Joly, Anno Don[L. I.] Inl ooo tooaoaod eight bondrod and ooroaty-two. J. P. MOORB, Mayor, A. R. McDatid, city Olork. 1H? Sale by Marshal. BY virtue of an Order, to no loouod, from tho Honorable the District Court for South Caiolloe, I will cell to the hlahcot bidder, ot auction, before the old Court Houoo. ob Batordey, the Ad day of Angaet pros., at 11 o'eloek A. M., the following property, to wit: Two Horses, One Wagon, One-fourth Box Tobacco. Solo to bo monogod by W. H. Moutioo, Deputy llerobel. Trrmc Cach. R. M. WALLACE. Marobal for South Carolina. July MUM paul b. lalarb. i e. p. larocobblirrk. I A. A. ATBILHR. paul b7lala1 & co., wholesale grocers and Commission Merchants, AT NO. 175 EAST BAY, Charleston, S. C. July 14 ? ly oro. w. william*. i jamro BBlfVOE, /*. william birnie. i feank b. tatlor. joe. a. rob*union, f aoRt. a. cathcart. Geo. W. Williams A Co, Factors and CovUifrtnfoin I'M*. VHNUII) CHABli&STOXr, I, O.. AID Williams, Birnie & COMMISSION MBItCilANTS, 65 BBAVKS StkBCT AMD 20 EXOIIAXOB TLKT, NEW YORK. flAf Messrs. Fobtkix A Hcistkr are pre tared to mako liberal advances on Cotton aad rodnce ablpped to us either in Charleston or New York. 12-lm The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. By 8. J. DOVTIIIT, E*q., Judge oj Probate, laid County. WHEREAS, John L. Smith has filed a Petition In my Office, praying that Letters of Administration on all and eingniar the good* and chattels, rights aad eredlU of JORDAN KICKS, Sen., late ef the County atoreeaid, deeeaeed, should be granted t-? bias. These are, thereiere, to cite and admonish all and slnsular the kindred and ered!tors of the said deeeaeld. to be and appear la the Conrt of Probate for said Counts, to be bolden at Greenville Court House, on the bik day of A maun next, to show cause, If any, why the said Administration should not He granted. 0. J. DOLTRIT, J. P., G. 0. Office of Judge of Probate, July 22d, 1872. July 24 12 2 City Election. / \N tbe Second Monday In September nest, V_/ there will be aa election held for MAY OK end 6IX ALDERMEN, of the CUy of Urcenrllle, to scrr# for the ensuing Term.? Any pereon quallfted Constitutionally to rote for member* of Ike Oeoerel Assembly of thte State, end who bare reelded slaty (AO) jajri within the Corporate Limit* et the die, prior to the day of Election, and who eball hare Registered bis name with tbe CHy Clerk ae a roter, will he entitled to rote at aaid election. THE BOOKS OF REGISTRATION win be OPENED by A. R. MoDA VID. City Clerk, at hie office, on Saturday, 3d day of Ana tut, and will eloee at A o'clock, P. Ifen Batsr* day, the 0th day of August, of said mouth. JAMBS P. MOORE, Mayor. A R. McDavid, City Olerfc. July M ? ? TUKKIP SEEDS, W. H. WATSON'S, AT WH0LK8AL8 OR RKTAIL. JUST reeeired, rig: English Purple Top, Skirring'e, BelngF, and White Rvta* Daga. YoUow.?Large Aberbeen ; Robertsons Golden Ball; Preneh (llaootsr) ; Pla land and Stone. WhiU.?English Large Not folk, Doteh and Green Globe; fiat Duteh Red Top aad White ; Selading Set* en Top, freeh end of careful culture. Sold by weight, la paokagee whieh git# praoth eal dtreetlona A liberal dieoannt is offered to ike trade. Al?p. HARDWARE AND TOOLS of all eleeee, Inelodiag the lately pateated Lightning, Meehanla'a Own, and other sus ncrlor olaeees of Sawn A loo, Paiota, Colorhat Varalsbee, aad Artists' Materials. July It 11 I jMlLLlNERY_AT COST. A RARE CHANCE tOA THE UOIEt. T?OR the aext thirty days, my stock will JU bo offersd at Cost. Among the toriety mat bo found Trimmed HATE and BOM NETS, Latent ettlce Real aad India* Hon HAIR, Paaey JEWELRY. Ae . Ac 1 oka hoop oa kaad a general stock af MILLINERY, which I will ho glad to sell to the Ladies. Moo. JENNINGS Jy 10 10 1 IRltisi* A1 THE CMC* FWTMT. Owe Uroee Leag-haadle, RooaA>potot, Steel R. R. SHOYRLST two Pea. Ogden's Beet R, R. Stent PICKS. GOWER. COX A MARKLRY m* 0? Tom Pbt. LIBERTY WRITE LEAD, it tb? OimIi Fmotury. \ Jyio it ?