The Greenville enterprise. (Greenville, S.C.) 1870-1873, February 28, 1872, Image 2

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Endow meat of Farana TTnirorcity. Among lb? Torioua public cnterprio** that irt pofcen or la Greenville,, aai ia thia Simla, therm arm few thati appeal ao directly to tha cilisena of this mod surrounding Counties, mod thia City is particular, ma the Endnwaswnt of F irinan trniammailp, whish tfmls ? and have bc?n for the pajit jmmr ?sd more, bean made to effect. The del mile hmr.c long aioce been preiontel to thm public; mad w.e are plemaed to learn that the work of meat*ring lands lor the purpoae hma been quietly and eoengeUoally pushed forward. A few days slocc, Rev. J. K. Mxndzwiiau., the State Agent appointed for the purpose ol canvassing tha State to raise the amount desired, by securing bonds from the friends of education, or may amounts that mights be donated, visited the City of Grtmnville in pursuance of his labors. Us was aocom panied by Joaaru Cox. Esq , well known for his aucoees in work, who waited on our citizens, and many bonds wars scoured From Mr. MaxDaxaau. wo wars pleased to learn that they met with much enovurage* mailt by eucceas every where throughout the Slats. About eighty thousand dollars have already been executed in bonda. and the prospect is good of rafeing the entire amouut iu a few years. Every one hails the establishment of a free University as a generous and noble work. Greenville is more deeply interested <ia the success of the plan than any ether place, sa d at least fifty thousand dollars should be contributed by her people. Every citizen is directly or indirectly benefitted. Property holders, of whatever religious denomination, will have their property enhanced in vnluo. Urccnvillo has for years bocn attractive as a summer resort, and when such liberal educational facilities are offered, there may be justly expected a larger number of families to enjoy these facilities; and from twehty-fivo to fifty thousand dollars will doubtless bediatribntoil fn nnr htinrrfino> finucni ntlrf ?tnroa Annn ally by students and others. We will listen with groat interest to bear of tho increase in the bonds subscribed. Organization of a Young Han's Christian Association. tlfforts are now being made to organize in this City a Young Men's Christian Association, in which tho pastors of the various churches here, are interesting themselves, anJ will cootinue to aid and assist. We do not see why a society of the character indicated should not be formed upon a permanent basis, in Greenville. There are a large number of the members of the chur? chet who are in numbers sufficient alone to sustain the Association ; besides this,., the students ot tho Theological Seminary could give a membership that would put the question of success beyond a surmise, as to numbers. A meeting will soon be annuuoed for the purpose, when we will state lire plant and operations of Associations now existing io other cities. Eulogy on Gen. Lee. As previously announced, Gen. W. K. Easlicv delivered a Eulogy on Gen. Lie, in the Court House, on Thursday evening lust, at 7}.o'clock. The occasion was opened by an appropriate prayer from Geo. Ellison Capers, when the orator of the evening ad dressed the audience. Gen. 2. maintained his high character as an eloquent and gifted speaker, and compared his subject with the Father of his Country most truthfully and ably. The hull was tilled to overflowing; and those present felt the power and influence of the character ot Lee us delineated. "V ' Capt. Samuel Stradley. This gentleman, whose friends are numbered by the score in this and the adjoining Counties and Western North Carolina, has purchased the stock in trado of his former copartner, J. A. Divtn, and will hereafter conduct business alone and on his own account, at the old stand, on Pendleton Street, near the Depot. Tho largo and extensive experience of Capt. Svraolkv, together with bis thorough knowledge of business, and popular manners, guarantee him a continuance of the largo trade heretofore enjoyed by David <t Tho community will be pleased lia.a a/tk',, ..,,1 u/-.? o ~~ - v.o I' ??V UI-WUvillo especially, whore be bae in times past contributed so much, both in business and in aparkling life. Bwiss Bell Ringers?They Drew Crowded Houses. The Pkakk Family of Swiss Bell Ringers, both popular fend meritorious, visited Greenville during the peal arid present weeks, giving two of their Concerts. The first was given on Saturday night, to s crowded house, the audience taking up all of the seata in the Court House hall and part of the ailse. The music of the Bells was listened to with much satisfaction, which every one praised as delightful and charming. The other performances were, to a Gremville audience, also novel, but none the less pleasing and diverting. Tlia delineations of the German and Irish characters, besidos the singing, repeatedly drew applause. On Monday night, the attendance was even larger than that on the first exhibition. It is unusual that our people patronize public entertainments so unanimously as they have done the Swisa Bell Ringers, and it is equally rare mat they have been so wall repaid for their atten uauco. _'.U^LL< ? ? ? . Sale of Building Lots. Tno? C. Govis, Esq , bag purchased, from Capt. Jonx \? kstsikld, five aoree of ground, located on Washington Street, north aide, and west of the rtsidenea of Mr. Wm II. and whioh lies al?Ag the portion of the Street recently opened. The price paid ia five hundred dollars per aera, making for the whole, Mr. O. experts to make several loU of the purchase, and will kikely build one or wore reaidenoes ou theu). Others, we learo, are eodeiivbring to invest in the same locality. , undtr-ldkool Addreae of Rsv. Warren KeudoJph, D. D, of JTfelUdelphUk. ' On last Wednesday evening, tbia gentle man, a* announced, delivered an .addsdea on Sunday Schools, in the Baptist Churob and it is said to Have bd6n an execHent one; the number present ww's good;' considering the short notice given. * j " ' him tor InnMttrttona of l?enrntnc. 1 pa^1lyL|>ro?p*riry dpon th? literary lot MUloi thf*h>gicA**minMa?, tec.. odtha All ?f iy&Unoq*?i>IL ofHk* City will Uka part in th? meeting. Qao. CUraa Dr. M*w??? And Dr Bftti, baaidaa ntharaf ni tha ?aptU' Chur*h, nrw tx t*t* r?maH^f *> tha In tha aftarnoon, at 4 o'clock, thara will alao bo a prayer-meeting nt the Preebytcri an Cbureb, o( a aimilar character, to which all are itriud, Thla ia the day Mi apart Hjf We' TJenerat Araembly"annnatly to h^ obaar^ftd fePlh* pi^oee \odteeted ia aer* rice* of which will be united with thoae of the fegnidr prayer-nWeting ofthe ?horeli. It ia to be hopld T&lh meeting* will be well attended, na very great interact* lay in our school*, which should engage the moat hearty InUreat of arery one. o i.'., > ... . /. >. Another Wit*. A'Verily, it reem* that there are lawrndiariea in Oreeacille, ee conflagration* her* are oaoomiug oeenrreaece 01 ewry nrgni or so. At ebuot twelve o'eloek on Sunday nlyht, ittblt on the prnaiatt of Capt. Jobs WutfiBld was found to ba on fire, being entirely ewneumed. In tMe Instance, there re good raaaooa far aoppoaiag who the la eendiary la, and We do alneerely hoj e that ha wUI ba found oat ?nd convicted and seat to the peniteatiary. The loaa to Mr. Wkflrrmn W, wd learn, near eight hundred dollar^ the atrueture was a eaperior one and contained the hay kept for the owner'* own uae. Every on should ba on the look oat, not knowing whose turn oomee next. : l.:j ..~ki>.? Sale of a Valuable Farm. Mr. I. L. U?uar?f Highland Grove Town*lup, baa pure based tbe valuable Farm ownad by Mra. A. 0. Fkastbr, advartiaod for several months in the /faierjwise. There are five hundred acres in tbe tract, ranch ef it ie river and creek bottom, which Mr. O. has secured at a very fair valuation. Mrs. Fbastbr ro-. tends investing her funds in the thriving and prosperous Stats of Missouri. Public Sohools. Tlie publie Schools of Greenville Coun'y will be resumed on the first Monday in March next. AH .persons purposing the teaching of these schools, must possess a Teacher's Certificate, or they cannot draw pay from the Stale School Fund, and no school will be accepted as a public school uuless it lias an average or eighteen pu? pile. Cheering Sunshine. For several days past, the weather hae been clear, the genial rays of the sun warming the earth and atmosphere, causing many to plough up their gardens and oommence planting Irish potatoes. The eolds contracted during the recent severe bad spell, many are recovering from. If this kind of weather continues long, the peach blossoms will soon be out, and we have no doubt they have commenced to swell already. Delinquent Tax PayersThe list will be found in snother column, as advertised by the County Auditor, J. M. Runion, Esq. This week, several changes have been made in it, and especial attention should l>e given the list by those who know they have not paid their taxes. The sale is to take place on the second Tuesday in March next. ? ?*? Beautiful and White. The Liberty White Lead which Messrs. Gowsa^Cox A Markley have now iu store. Paint yonr houses with it, as it fresh and cheap. They have a good supply on hand. In the House of Representatives at Wash ington on Die 2flth inst., on motion of General Young, of Georgia, the Senate bill re moving disabilities was taken up and passed without reading the bill or a call for the yeas and n?)s, fSF" Read Sheriff Sowtiiirn's notice te tax ^ 4 i payers who have failed lo pay on Personal Property. Republican State Convention. The Republioan S'ate Convention on the 2lst inst., met in convention in Colamhia, for the purpose of electing delegates to the National Itepub'ican Convention, which is to meet in Philadelphia in June, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for President and Vice President, with the following result: First District?II. J. Maxwell, 9. A. Swaiis, W. H. Jones, Jr. Alternates?P. II Frost, J. F. Green, B. F. W'hltlemore. Second District?E. W. M. Mickey, Robeat Smalls, Geo, F. Melu'yre Alternates? P, P. Hedges, J N. Hayne, C. D. Hayna. Thiid District?R. B. Ejliott, W. B. Nash, J. L. Or>. Alternates?3. J. Lee, C. M. Wilder, L. Cain. Fourth District?T. J. Mackey, J. J. Patterson, Jas. M. Allen. This latter Gentleman is the Senator from Greenville County. Alternates?J. 8. Moldy, P. J. O'Conoel, Joseph Crews. State at Large?A. J. Ransier, F. J. Moa8*8. Jr. Alternates?R. 1L GI eaves, R. H Htin The Columbia Union, in commenting on the nctmn of the convention, being dirfati*fled with the mult, thua raye of it, and it ia good authority on the subject : "Only ?uch men as oouki make the moat noise on the floor, without regard to the important mission upon which they are to be eent, appeared to atand any chance of an elretion. " Perhapa we ought not to be surprised at any tiling that ia done now-a-doy*. but we confess to a liltU vurpriae at the result at Mined thug far. Take five, at the most, of the fourteen names on the ticket reported by the Committees, and what is left! If the Republican* throughout this State do not, before lix month* inure have paaeed, realize the faet the* they have made a terrible mistake, then we are sadly at fault." vox tux. (HtUMiriLta BKTiStrauB. , ' I Mis "t Iocendiarids la ttreeftvilto. Mr. MtNtor?The frequency of Area in Greenville, under circumstances showing that they are the aats of some dlaholkal incendiaries, eaMa for prompt actio* by the City CooitcH. Th \ eitiaena look to the Guaaeil for prompt and energetic act ion.-tTh? first etep ahenld be t? otfer a reward for the detection and proof to eon Viet the went chea, who ahouid be shut for at laaet thir ty years at hard labor in the penitentiary. Will the Council longer hesitate fa (heir , duty! Action t* called for by the voice* | of MANY CITIZENS. LofiiUtire. fnmatllienfthi the bill t? make ftprofpUtiona Md ?ei?e supplies fbr fife fteal f*?r ohmmOncing Htp^ndber 1, 167^ mad* their n|ofk oa the l|ft last. ,Tbty ?hy that the deicioaieies in previeua approadiationa Ntaount i#f#5(t,000^&? dmhiquent tauea, in the last three yean, amount to $l,s The preaent embarraueil condition of the State flnanaea ia attributed to the failure to l*r*k+d cdlleet a s^tfroieol aaaepnt la peatyeard; abd the da^foot of fbe Legislature hi paat[ yeara to proride annually for deficiencies in the rerenue now makea greatly increased taxation necessary. The comqdttee nf?ti Jhht tbo debt bearing intetul ia.SUJ)?4.Uflfi.83raiMi that the interest required ia $7,19,694,64. The expense* e( the State for the eorretot year are estimated at $1,459,'900. The committee roeotnmend the paaaage Of the aabetitnte, whh aa amendment "making the interest oa theddbt payable la oumnoy or national -bank netea. In-the Houae on the 20th, Berber introduced a bill to create anew county, to be cat lrnA U.I..J. ...? -r . -r Hi ? / vu% vi m y?rv vi avguavia vuan v- ] Mr. Owens, from the finance committee, reported favorably a joint resolution to authorice the paymcUt of commissioners and managers of elections, at general eleotiont during the jwi 1871, which waa Ordered to he ehgreeted for a third reading. Mr. Doyle introduced a joint resolution that certain persons be authorised 10 transcribe ao much el the records of Pickena aa relates to Oconee, for the benefit of tbo latter oounty, which waa referred to its appropriate committee. On faotion of Mr. Lee, the epeetal order waa suspended, and the bill to make appropriations for the pay ent of the pee diem of the members of the General Assembly and the salaries of the subordinate officers and employees, was passed to a third reading. , Mr. Small* introduoed in the Senate, a "hill to provide for the sale of lands purchased by the land commission of the State of South Carolina. The bill empowers the county auditors in all counties in which lands have been purchased by the laud commission to sell and transfer all such landB, and to execute warranty cities for the same, and requires them to advertise tor sale all such lands in tracts of from twenty-firo to fifty aeraa *al one dollar per acre ; actual settlers to have the privilege . of purchasing tbo tracts upon which they ' have located, the purchasers iu all cases to pay the expenses of locating, papers, stamps, recording, Ac. The committee in the House, on privileges and elections reported unfavorably upon both the Sennto bills to secure a reform in the present manner of conducting general elections ; and the committee on railroads reported in favor of the ambitious little scheme known as the bill to incorporate the Spartanburg anil Port Royal Railroad company. It authorises the construction of a railroad from Kn?rt?n. burg to Port Royal, and in raid to b? a pet device of the ring that recently obtained possesnioo of the Spartanburg and Union Road, In the Senate on the 19ih, the ouhject upon which the most discussion took place, wan the reeolulinn to allow per diem to Phin B. Tompkinn the contestant for the seat as member Irora Lancaster. After amendment it wan so adopted as to instruct the Clerk of the Senate to draw a pay certificate in favor of the contestee from the commencement ot the session November 28th, to the end of the contest February 15th , this to be in full for all demands; he may have on account of such proceeding*. Several biils were passed to a tbird reading, but none of gen ral importance. The bill to divide the State into five congressional dhdrioin, w ?# reported by the Committee cn Enrolled Bills and pnseed after considerable confusion, and llie losing of a motion to strike out the enacting clnuse As passed, an amendment' was adopted, of fered by Mr. Mob'ey, which changes the relative p >sitions ol Greenville an 1 Fair, field. Colitmbia, February 2.1. The Senate was engaged from two to six o'clock this Afternoon, in the discussion of the infamous Blue Ridgo bill. The majority of the finance committee reported on the bill favorably, but Nasb refused to sign the report. Corbin made a long and powerful speech in opposition to the bill. He called it a scheme to swindle the State out of its interest in the Blue Ridge Railroad, and to swindle the Stale out of two millions besides. He showed that the bill sought to absolve the company from its two hundred thousand dollars of indebtedness to the State, and to swindle the State out of eighteen hundred thousand dollars more in money. Leslie, Arnim and Wbittemore spoke in fa or of the bill, and Cardoso and Nash against it. An amendment by Duvall to strike out tbe words "eighteen hundred thousand" after the words " one million," was lost by eight yeas to twenty nays. The bill was finally ordered to its third reading by twenty-two yeas to six nays. Those who voted nay were : Ilolcombe, Wilson, Duvall, Corbin, Cardoso and Motit| gomery, Bieman, (Democrat,) and Nash voted } ?y?. I ft is romored that Governor Scott will veto | the bill, but in that event it is likely to pass over the veto. The revenue bond scrip authorised in tbe bill is already printed, and in the hands of.Patterson, showing tbe confidence of the Ring in the ultimate success of the scheme. The House passed .Tervoy's election bill.? Tbe metropolitan potioe bill was not taken up. Tbe House met in night session at 7 o'clock, and resolved itself into a committee of tbo whole, and invited Comptroller Neagle to make an address. Neagle, to whom I need bardly say the invitation was no surprise, made a long speech. He estimated tbe expenses of the current year a? follows : Ordinary expenses, $(150,000 ; interest for tbe current year, $718,000; Legislative expenses, $400,000 ; printing, $300,000 ; deficiency.?400. 000 ; total, $2,408,000. This would require a State Ui of fifl??p mill*. The aggregate Ui of the last four year* was twenty-eight and one-half mills, being an average of seven and one-sixteenth mills per annum. Adding fifteen mills, the Aggregate of the five years would be forty-three, at.d one one-ball , I mills, or an average of, eight and two-thirds mills per annum. The taxable property of U>p State, be said, is one hundred and eighty three million dollars, of which eighteen million dollars is exempted, leaving one hundred and sixty-five million dollars. The Legislature should have levied larger taxes in former yeertv Now, he said., the time bad aome when the trouble must ha paet. The Legislature had auth6fl?e<4 large expenditures, and but small taxes, lrtvfag the Stats officer* no 1 notion but to issue bend* on nno* ersrlit I Bowon MV4gei/ attacked NMgWs rpeeeH. They were aekod, he Mid, uj vote on exhofbi tent, and unprecedented t*x levy to pay a debt of which nobody knew the amount. If* warned members that if.tbay voted thia tot, it would not be safe for them to appear before tbelr eonatituants. The issue or the next oeifapaign, be believed, would not be oofweon Republicans and Democrat*, but between honesty and rascality ; and be predicted that the raseais would inevitably be hurled from power by ?n outraged people. "III Tu# LegpUtnro wi^j>djourn o#$he tVm Gnp*nt||llllui of ^rau;, i(|pek. The gjttA ferer preMili iwn>| <$he Ch?| Tbgroth* ((of ^py. jlfott <IM ifUcntly, Ohio. 8?nl?r Pool, e< North Corolla, kw bemerrbtM ft tbo long*. rrp*r w ferent kind* of rows for solo. The Prince of Wolea, oiooo bio roOororj, ia the KOKt populor man in Kngleoi. | | ' Alabama hia aix cotton factorlea, which work up 20.000 bale* oF cotton annaaHy. 'i of Dnporor moa tmpress or urttll in Mr * Madrid. 1 i Mm ltirj Pat I (fa, a slater of IbdfyttoHtfn. Jan. L< Potigru, died reoently id 1 Abbe title County. Tbo etew of tto Kearsago got (*ie Mod red aod ninety thousand dollar* for dsatluylafr the Confederate siaamor Alabama. , ' ? ){ ! The oOeial report of the offlaora of Wilmington, N-C.? showa the debt ot that city te be S5Ut06>;i*. U ?SJ Qiadatono entertained tba Hob Robert 0. Sohenck, the Amerioaa Minister, at didder , en Saturday evening, 17tb iast. ( , l; A bill hat bees reported la Ae Mafire Legislature, giving women the right to rota in Presidential election^. j Tbo spirit of leap year la> moving. A Rondeut damsel oi seventy'firo has Jnst eaoeatd* ed in capturing a youth of sixty-six. The majority Ku Klux report recomasonda a suspension of t tbo JIabtat Oorjm* to tbo end of thd present Congress. A young widow ia Louisville has been nal for tba amount of hor dress material that so captivated the Duke Alexia. An extensive war is raging in the Cburoh of England eo to whether tba olergy thall wear white or black gowns. General Joseph E. Johnston is said to be engaged in writln^^ history of his own campaigns during the late war. ^ The French language has about S2JH)0 words, ths Spanish 30,000, tbo Italian 35,000, | and the English 40,000. xno rnirroau omciais at umana, Intro telegraphed that the mow blockade ia mined, and that the train| are running oa time. [ Baron Van Offenbarg, the new minister to Washington, from St. Petersburg, a ill Isata soon for this country. Strasbnrg Unirersitj, where Goetbe took his doctor's degree one hundrod years ago, is reopened. It is reported in Washington, that John W. Forney will supercede Cresawell as Post master General. i * IU7 tin' t.i. i: A gray eagle was lately shot at Nakomis, Illinois, while carrying off a pig weighing thirty pounds. It has Keen estimated that during the late, war betwoen France and Germany, 250 cart* ridges were fired to each mau struck. President Grant's daughter, Nellio, is "coming out" next year. So is her father. [Chicago Timet, A rnilrond and steamboat ticket agency has been established at the Charleston Hotel, conducted hy Mr. A. Buttcrfield. On the 20th inst., a fire occurred in the town of Marion, consuming the rssideneo together with kitchen and smoke house, of Mr. Samaol M. Stevenson, loss, $3,500. Judge H. B. Carpenter, the " Reform "sapdidato for Governor of this State at the last election, is on his way to Now Hampshire, to stump the State ia behalf of Democracy. Rev. Jonas Byrd, colored, who stumped the State in 1870, in company with Judge Carpenter and others, died recently in Charles* tun. The Spartanburg Etw Era learns that Mr. Wilson E. Gossctt died suddenly, in that County, one day last week, at his residouco, near Batesrille. Napoleon, it is now stated, was a counterfeiter a good many year* ago, and proof of the fart has boon found in papers left at the Tuileries. Mr. Dfttnm, of New Orleans, inexcusably lost his will just before he died, and his heirs am now using bis name in an emphatic manner. California is going into the tree bneiness in earnest. It has hired a State tree-planter at a cost of fifteen thousand dollars a year and expenses. Several caso of Mcningetis have recently occurred iu Spartanburg village, nearly all ending fatally; it is brought on by cold and exposure, the Spartan says. The wife of a California clergyman, during a lengthened absence of her lord, supplied his pulpit and attended to all her household csres besides. A big snake entered a Mexican house and swallowed a fawn, whloh was fastened securely by a rope. The result was, that the ugly thief found itself hitched, and bod to stay tbers until despatched with a knife. Ellsha Weaver, of Weldon, N. O., got in a weaving way the other day, and ate twelve biecuiis, twelve pounds of ham, and drank seven cups of coffee. The landlord gave him a dollar to stop. , About 150 emigrants, all white, left Wilmivgfpn, N. C., the other day, for Texts.? The/ were men, women and children, of all age*, the men being considerably in the minority. From England is announced the death of Mra. Brottell, of St. Jamea' Palace, in her ninetieth year, a faithful servant for seventy years to the honsehold of George IIP, George IV., William IV., an?t Her Majesty Quocn VictoriaA matt visited Berlin for the pnrpose of assassinating Bismarck. An apothecary from Pan en, who is a Polo and a fanatical Carbolic, has been arrested of sa*pieisn. lie former!/ served in tbe Papal zouaves. ; i r if" It is reported and gsnbfally believed that Bishop Lyneb, of the Roman Catholic Church, Charleston, will be promoted to the ArchMshnprio of Baltimore, lijwto vacant by the death of Archbishop fepalding. London advieef of tbe 2?d. stpte that the Alabama excitement Is rapidly subsiding.? The Tifntt it the only' paper that alludes te the s*h)t?t, and urges a dip'ouaaUo soigtler-, John Bright approve* ef the Conduct ef tbe Government in the controversy. 1 jnouuv vw *?.yvi9. hn?e beOh taiWl #??* u MM for IMMBDI* ^TK CbLLlfcCTlCW,fortV*>"e???|*ow*j (?reen?llle, Bo tier, Auntie, DuMt. Gaittt, Or ore, Oak Lawn and (Tairriew. Wl ' 'I P?rtiet who bare not paid Taxee on, Par* ortaf Property, will ?aV? considerable Ootipy eatliug at toy Offloa ud leUlln* ?h*?aMa<~? I am not deelr.ue o* ?"?f any oat t?y ike normoui fjoete whtoh win oecnr by Levy.? Pardon w?U know that nb PtnbuS Pro party in exempt from Taxation. _ . j. i/. south mm,- ft. o. d ' fiherifl'n Oilee, February 28th, 1872? Feb 58 ? T t<MMnftflfa t ion. rEis! IntNlkJjliv U iee IT?mUU ob d tllar. to?}? levied eg To paj the inttifrt oq 2|V jLm?L_. hL_ "debt 4 ml I la. To meat deficieoeiec I mill* Count* UK... .'.... If mill#. ilhfrrr ittflo'fffc To dth muat e added fax to pay alleged iiidebledoeea ol the Blue Ridge Road 4 mill*. TlijM bod State Debt under VUteyoBill dndBe. ??king agran^ telelof.w. mil la. Or, oTtr tarn and a half fryer wnf. Stat* tax. If lo this be *Med the corporation tax, capitation lax, *chuol-tax.an4 United State# UV%e^i4 ?* )+ of lout tight and thn per cent to pay dui'lng thk coming'year. Obbbbtillb, Feb. St. Cotton la telling tA day at SO}. ' y - ? C? aw.?iTeirj February 26. Cotton dull?middlog 22 ; receipt 677 bale*; aalea 100 ; a lock 21,24$. : Ntw YAbk, February 26. Cotton quiet ; aalea 1,506 balea?upland# 1 DMt>, at ttt reManiet of Pr.&.H. Symdrei, (near Sypintaa' Mill*, 14 ifllekoae Onaty.) of CgnrtKcki Tracheal]*,.JOHN HAMILTON, Infant ton and! ?nty tihnd'ot Dr. and Mrs. John H. Ueen, ofdletovilla..: - )!;:!? i*. b Pear little UaipJltOB I be; *u the FOi ?(Mil wbo know him. .Hia'aprlgbtlinaM, nia dear, beaming little oownteoanoe, full bf Intelligence . and affection, eq endeared kim tbht 'Iwaa b?rd to reairn Aim who was too light and Jpf of hi* parent* to tfctf roM dlayV but And called him, and we bow in bamble uubiateston to the mysterious dispensation of Mis Providence, knowing that lie wbo ao htavily afflioti will giro anauini?g graee to theea who tru?i . in mm. " Our dacliug, thou baat left ha I Vf o thy log# ao deeply feel; Bet'Ma Ood who bee bereft ua! He cap all our aorrowe heal." "' I in II.. ij il 1 ? Bewnro of Calomel. And all Mercurial"Compound*. Better fai batter endapj dieeaae, than tamper with tbii mineral poison, no matter how carefully pro pared. Its extensive use ba* already provor the cause of great and distressing Injury. Dr TUTT'S 1)1 V?R PILLS contain not a particle of Mercury, and can be taken at all timet with perfect safety. Yaioo Cocutt, HIM., Hay 9, 1889. Dr. Wo*, ft. tittt} ' ' 1 I have boon a martyr to Liver Complaint for three years, and after employing the best of Doctors, and spending almost all I was worth for different kinds of medicine, youi agent induced me to try your Liver Pills. I have taken them regularly for sweral weeks, and hate keen so much benefited by them that ] feel confident of a perfect euro. I considei them the beet Liver Medicine ever discovered. J. CJtApOlT Dr. Tutt'i Hair Djft Color* a Beautiful Dlatk Dr R. Y. Pierce^ Bnflklo. N Y.. sole proprietor of I>r. Sago's Catarrh Remedy, has for over three years offered through nearly every newspaper it) the I'nite-d ' States, a standing reward of ffiOO for a case of Catarrh in the head which he cannot cure. That he has treated thousands o< oh see and had no claims presented for the reward, fretu any one who hfti made a thorough use of his means of cure, is strong and conclusive evidence that he ponaeeeee sin e means of caring tliia loathsome disease. The Catarrh Reined v is sold . by all druc gift*, or sent by mail on receipt of *0 cents. Progress of the Revolntion.?A new light dawned upon the world with the in t reduction of Plantation Bittkks twelve yeirs ago. Drastic pur gation went out? restoration and renovation coin* in. The eyrs of the people were opened to the great lack that ,the way 0 ""tyre disease is to strengthen and ruptH>'* its victims not tu p*nce them at Its mercy by depriving them of the littfe strength they have. It >"on became evident that as a means of infusing vitality into the feeble system, regulating the sec eiipns, curing indigestion, and ?e forming a hilirMK hshit of bodv. no medi. einul pi'Hf>nraei<jo then known was at alcomparable to the new restorative, 8l?ice (lien hundreds of attempts have bean made to rival the Bitter* They have all failed, and the Otasn Rkvolumoh in mkmcal TRKatmknt. which vti commeuoed in 1861). is siill in progress. Nothing can stop it. for it is founded on the principle, now uni? versally acknowledged, thai physical vigor it the uiost formidable antagonist of all hu? roan ailni'-nia, and experience hat shown 'that I'l^wtation Birrtns' la a peerless ipvigorant, ssjwell na tha heat possible safeguard against epidemic diseases, :?rr? Yuh are troubled with n bad Breath.? annoys your friends as well ins yourself. You would like to get rid of it, but scarcely know what means to adopt. We "will tell you. Use the fragrant Soxodont | it will aieanae and beautify your teeth and leave your breath pare. Burnett'? Standard Flavoring Extract*.? Lemon, Vanilla, Ac. Charge tout aerranta and dealers, aod obaerra that tbay do not sub atttute in thair stead any of the pernicious, unpalatable extracts With which the market is flooded. Burnett's Standard Flavoring extracts are established as the strongest, purest and the best made. The Terrific Duet Between Frkteia and France ie over, but thousands of battles between Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters and Dys? pepsia and Liver Complaint are now going on in every State of the Union. The issue of eueh oontests is never for one moment is doubt.? The conflict may last longer in sotng eases than in others, bat the leading Vegetable tonio and altaratire M tha nlnetaaath century, invariably triumphs. To Otenert of Hortee and Caflle.?Tsbiss Derby Condition Powders arw warranted superior to an} others, or no pay, for the our* of Distemper, Worms, Bote, Coughs, Hide bound, Coids, ce., in fcorseS, and ^olds, coughs, loss of milk, black-tongue, horn-distemper, Ac., in cattle. Price tweniy-fcve cents. Depot 10 Park Place, New Tork. Carbotie finite, recommended by the leading Physicians and iks Piesident of the New York Hoard of Health, as tba most wonderfal Heeling compound erer' known. Oires iastent telief to burns, cures ail kinds of sores, cuts and wounds ; and a most issralnable sal re for *11 purposes. Sold every where at 26 centsJohn r. Henry, sot* Proprietor, t. College Plaee, New York' Hrdynia is Opium purified of its aiolMnlag and poisonous properties, discsrered he Dr. KlgelAW, professor of Botany, Detroit Madieal College. A most perfect ahodyne mm) #4 o thing opiate. John Parr. Chemist, Hew York, i Chriitadnro'i Hair Dye is the safest and best. It corrects the bad effects of inferior | dyea, while (ha blaek oswbrswk tints it pr?due** ere identical to nature, j Paptery M MeMen Lane, new York. Pmii'e A'irdt oif.?$afedt and best Iftnminating Oil erhtr made. I>oM M Ink* fffe or explode, if Ihf lamp lAaphet or broken. Over f50,000 families eonttnue to at* it, and no acetdsnts of any desiriptfoft he v#bAe erred from it. Oil House of tQfcaaies Pratt, eeteblished I7T0, New York, ( , , ( .r Uu j . ; , Tie Pureet and Hkeeteet iCed, Liter Oil i* As werfft* Hlttdi ff cJeiel^s; mdtfW 6* Me eet-sbove, from fresh selected live*. *y Cas. well, #as*rd k Ce* Nf*._Y?>rh. I* b ?V iutery p*n? dad plant Pktieau Ako have oacetjakea IP prefer It tdall'otkeTs. PbyalL mtfpfioe te nay ?f the M*V*i MtUd tfldvoa oqaal to ao#;"Vaf oalll'tty HUUf'i PHloUbt* la iMItllliMi wa*? ranted roto^d? for Paiofal M?i4n?UoB{ and SUaplapMMH la or tetania. Sold 0T?y. whoro for SI .0# a fcottlo. Morgan A Rlalay, I>r?gg1*t?s New York, Ootierfl Agenta. ? Mr*. IfuMbw'i *#?kee Syrup. ? It iu muu - ~ i.m - ?uj n?iu C Stomach an4 Bowel*, Oni?I* : ?SB'jfei3roS million* of mother* tu toot if jr. . Fob 7 40 4 j Oatefor?*ir^' For so to by ""a"9 ? S?"Hj , School Notice. Mr. J. H. TAYLOR, who to yi '1 Teaching la the Baoomoat of the ' Presbyterian Churcb, givee lotice ' 'IHPtkil ho ho* mode arrangement* j *wkP with -the School oathorttiee fbr the patron* of hi* School to hat*-the boaeflt of -the Vim School Fan*. Feb 28 . 43 . ,J Aores, and all fro*h, and andor good fence. U nofffifed fo| Koift.J!; | '7 *! 1 "Apply to ~~ E. 8. IRVINE. ; : m*8 : 48 ( I\of ice. q^fll PUBLIC SCHOOLS for Oreenrille X Toirnahip wni open'oft Rf6ndiy, tbe 4th of March next Teictn^l prdpoaing to t?acb Public Rchook, arc reqaeatad to notify too of the fact before that time. I \ * J I M, K. RORBltTSON, Chairman Bderd Trnataea. I > Tba pay will he $55, $35 and $50 per month \ for ttrat, aeoond and tbfrd gradea. . Feb 58 43 1 ( ! mm8TitADi?Y!; nf i SUCCESSOR TO i DAVID & STRADLEY, [ WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE HiS FRIENDS, AT THE < [ * 1 OLD ST JIM), : >\ ^ Y. , WIlEttE flE WILL J SELL THEM i AT l| LOW Fi&UMS, Feb 28 48 tf J LAN I> 1 100 Bags at Cost. ' SAMUEL STRADLEY. ! Feb W 43 In 1 W ! ? I Treuiury Department, t Orricn or Com ft holler or trr Cukwrnct, ' __ Wahriwotom, February 14ct^, 187J. WBEREAS, hy satisfactory ?v idence presented to the undersigned, It has been made to appear that " THE NATIONAL BANK OF GREBNVILLB," in the City of Greenville, in the County of Greenville, end ' 1 8'ate ot South Carolina, has been duly org So- t ised, under and according to the requirements of the Aet of Congress entitled " An Aet to provide a National Currency, secured by a , pledge of United States Bonds, and provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June 3rd, 1884, and has complied with all the provisions of said Aqt before commencing the business of Banking under said AoL. Now, TDiRirois, I, HILAND R. HIJLBURD, Comptroller of the Currency, do 1 ! hereby certify that " THE NATIONAL BANK OF GRE8NVILLB." In khe City of ? Greenville. in tbe Couoty of Qreeoville, and State of 8oath Carolina, Is authorised to eonmegce tbe basinets ef Banking under tbe Aet , aforeaaid. ' 'Sy/s iMf/sMtv f hereof, teitnett my . ( REAL ) W e?d of ?^e. iKs ' ^ 14tA dny of tebmary, 187?. HILAND R. HULBUR1), J Comptroller of tbe Curreaoy. I Feb 28 43 9 t ' ' - 1 ? ' I . > , - C I,and for Sale. i UNLfcSS ditposed of at pri-^HBK^F KURft rate sale, tbe^H|R KSSife following KKALffUEE* K8TA YK, belonging to Dr. J. 1(7?oOLANAlf AN,' Will be offered At publie auction, befbrer tbe Court House door, on Baleeday in April next: ( TRACT No. t, containing 600 Acre*, more or Ida*., t80 Acres of wM<d> are ia a hi^b It We ef eerttlratioti; about 100 Acres of flfst quality Rirer Betton. On this Tract Ida NSW FRAMED HOUSE, NEW BARN, Ao., and plenty xrtgboA Houses fur servants. < ' > T$t ACT No. 2, oeatataing 170 Aetna, more or lest, lies adjoining No, I; of tbis,,aboaf |0 1 Acres In cultivation, a large proportion of ' which is Creek Bottom. Ou this Tract are two ^ Settlements; alto, a good site for a Mill. t Tklt Land lies on South Salads Rlrer, 18 <i miles Dona Greenville. TERM8.?One-half Cask ; tbe remainder I In two or three agonal instalments, pith ten a per oeat. interest, tseared ><y a Mortgage on ( the premises. ,. a JULIUS C. SMITH. " Feb 18 U Mo I STATE OF SOUTH CAAOLIHi, \ QKEENVILLK COUNT^, , By 8. J. DOUTMT, Ktynirt, J* if* of Pro ' t / **" ? ?"? i >: A WHIRBA8, ASA CUNNINGHAM AM , ll?d a Petition U A/ OOa#, praying 1 that Latter* of Adai*li(r*tlon oo all and 1 lingular IS* good# aad abaUala, riKhta'4af tyadita of T. B. CUNNINGHAM, lata 6f U4 ? Coantv aforaaaM, daoaaaad, tboald Aa grouted " to AIM. ' * 1 fH?M are, iLr?/#?t la ait# and admoaUb a|) and atnaalar the kindred and creditor* of B (hi Mid daaaaaed, to ba and appear ia Ike ? Caartt od Probate for laid Coaoty, to ba bold- . aa at araeavHIe Co art Mouaa, an tba lot day i of Mareh next, to (bow eauta. if any, why the aid Adtetaiauatioo aboold not ba a ranted. < 8. J. DdtJTHrfT 1 Judge of Probate Green rtiU County. Office of Judge of Probata, Peb. 16, 1071. j Feb 78 43 1 1 V } V ?? r?uo> ti wwXufwia K mwmamm w (bat priod thj wnSL ww?M KjHrtW to Sbtelti^?t*ltobrsT*rhMrikHBror of >oorr, SaibM aad Miada, Mr. P* F. TOALK, lhaifeatoa, 8. C. It tf Carpets for Sale* [HAVE for Print* Salv * ??: T uporior HttrgtBELg ASP /tfgLVET '' Jvuftw'amtiTH. Fob 11 41 ,J GARDEN SEEDS ItBllrtttr! *. KanMla'a . DHUO STORE. Uniroh', ?**.,. JH*. AUtr>, Cloror, Laetrne, Orchard and Blor 6ftb, North Caroliaa Cabbago Sofd, Warranted'. Carp* Atoortment of LauM<Juei received?a new Safety Zmmp, IVrtr/A Rwwi-l.n/tfc'nn ' t ?' V. WWW ^vwfftir/?u??vrv? . ih _ ' Y. offer PURS KKROSENB ?t ?fe/y Cmfs per Gallon?subject ta test. Ohina Ware and Chrutma* Good$ at Cost. 1 "Fehii 42 t , For Sale, A LL of my REAL ESTATE, consisting Jm. of the billowing: An* HOUSE am) LOT, on the Rutherford lead, containing Seven Room*. Thie ie a rery ddirnhl* piece <?f property. Op* HOUSE and LOT, on the corner el 3?ffeo and M<-Bee Streets, containing Eight looms. In v*ry conve*ilent location One HOUSE am) LOT, near the Stateffofk?, containing Four R?'OWte 1 A PLANTATION, on Enore* Ri**f. eonaining Three Hundred Acres?'Thirty of wliich ie fi-eUclaae Rieer Bottom, and Fifern Branch Bottom I will sell this aa a s-hole, or divide it into Three Plantation*,, f desired ? One WOODLAND PLANTATION, three tnd a hsU mild from the City, containing' lev-nty-Five Aerd Also. On* Tract of LAND in Transylvania bounty, N. C , containing Rig Hundred and forty Acres, THOMAS STEKN Feb 21 42 3m ~7fi0 VT0TIC8 is hereby ?)?** ta all wfiihm it LT may concern, that 1 wiM apply-So S. I. D"nihil. Probate Judge of Oreedtfll* Jo ; n i r. on <h* lSih dav of Nf?rch '' next,' aa UiMtNlsTRATOR OF JEftEMlAU E. lOBKRTS. decked. A P. RHODES, Adoiniafrator. F-lmsry 6th, IBT1 ' 41-4 - - w i w ? ^ Far Kent. i' THE A No 1 BRICK HOUSE, >siih 10 or 20acrrs ni LAND, well Improved * sSaflci Out* Buildings. S i t u a ted ihoot g miid tr?<m the Court House, on the Augueta Road. Pose. s*?o" given at CTree. A|*f*ly to JULIUS C SMITU^ Feb 14 41 tf NOTICE, j City Taxes. IfTK undersigned will be at hi* Office, la Mr. A. S. DuacAM.'a Store, until batorlay, Md day of March next, lor tha pur pees af eoeiving the, CITY TAXES. All persons ibo (ail to pay their Taxes by thai time, will e liablu to a Doubts Tax. A. K. MoDaVID, City Clerk. Fob H ft f" For (Sale,- - j FAM off-ring, at private sal*. Tltree and Qor-quarter Aaree LAND, on Rnibasv <>'d Road, about ??* fourth ta ona half nila fr??m the Buneomh* Road, nod about me suil* Data csalnc a* OUy. This Let w*B ta cold in Ooa Acre orOaa-Hxlf Acra Lata, a emt purchasers. These are taper tor luildlng Lota J X ' ~ ' 1 At so. ; ? >. .T T T i <: One Lot of LAND, well tHpated. on tha A'set aide af the River, near the GaiHerd ichool, containing If acree. Prom th1l pot a fine view of tha Mountains may he tad - This is one of the raoet desirable Vpte taw Offering. * .. .. N * t o a * vjit ^ Also, The PLANTATION formerly belonging o the Estate of Jndge J. B. O'Neall. Auctioneer, Cosnatfaeion M-cohan t and Hegl Estate Agent. V.L li iDTTF ?f" 11 41 ' If NEW STORE on main street, >pp08itk tax cltt xfffcbfc pwwtraro of dry ckrtrto. slmm.iimi lmfl ' ) br fir, floffee, 9*r, inumn, syrup# ' li??, uh>w?, matwfi, / v',.:'lir'7 in of wbid will ix sow WW for cash or barter. jahes wrlsoar.,'" r-b 14 41 '4. state boau foe lease, a*d ' _tf _ sa|.e of th( sfrxif works. BY vlrtut of authority reetrd in me hy ihr si*ktajr vmo copimueion, i riil leee*ffit. sta^k road. knpjrn ee the ' ihiuilt oe^i tort, pi kr," to tiie hi|htit hl? Irr, on sii?t)?y in march next, for the rrm ?>f fire yet re, ptxrttrinn to he (iron viawii reee to be peld nnnn* ly in adeene#, to be reured by bet# fhthj |m i*#* f#|a(it ouritfjn doytflo f ?<> ' * ^ tho- ?W!? ,im. The mcm wtB <lto bl rOqiriVod to lire a h??nd in ih# H?n?l ??? ? < TonThmfr and OaMara, wW? Throo doonrttioo joorky(If in t>?* whole MBonat oror MlTfWv* h- honteotead, and *11 liabililleti.eoodUtoa* A to ke*p the Rond in good Nptir, At the Mra? time ?Afl piic?, ilt dti Treat - La??d, known m tli# 8TAT* WOttKd PROPERTY, containing l*eo?y .?Jrw. be It ho eeme more or 1+ae, together with all the mprovemento '.herooB, with tho rxeeptiqa 4 tho wnodrB hoi Id jog, known ae.the, 1 More# Shop," tho rlgntlo rttnort wbioh reserved. Tsnwo?One-Third Oeeh on tho day of ate. Utt remainder in two egn*l teotl Iih talmento, wRh inUroot frpnodate. to.boae^, nr-d by a Uortgaga nf (ho priwiata and a? kmi with two approved ahfOMoa. 1 For arty (nrth?r infornootloB,. -apply in VILSON OOOKS. 1*1., at Oraeaeflle. w. j. wtfippnt. > %peoia1 Cotntnleeloner. t Fob 14 41 4