The Greenville enterprise. (Greenville, S.C.) 1870-1873, November 02, 1870, Image 2

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. The. Store of Tf?tye i OKKKII VlLLK, 8. o*.; tntmiT, iwiiMi a, i?t?. The OrMtrlllt lattipriM Is tk UfiMt VtvtMMr. tad KM* lilMdit "sassissr aid Couatj'Ir fmivilU. : IciiMfil. We hare reeered the Ca> ter|Mrlee Office le the reeaia rer the Mere ef lleera IllTee A See, and appoille the NaatUa He??e, ewtrainee Mela Street, eetl helew Dre. Harrhat Ac IVanhaU'i Dra| tere* Attempt* to M?k? Political Un of tha Trouble la Lauren*. LmI we?k we publlthtd the full of lh? deplorable occurrence at Lauren* Court Bom oo Tboreday after ih? eltt tion. We foot lite iletemole |I*m by the Lauren*ville ITeralJ m trm, and we Mill regard dea aa true. Ttiere Ita* Been no contradiction from any authentic or retpon ibla eouree. The r?vinge of anonymona correapondenta to Ibc Charleaton Daily Aa publican amount to nothing without the production of facta. Wa do not belicrc that the cditore of the Herald would give, knowingly, falae repreeeatationa, and aa (hey were on the a pot they could not be aeieteken. The facta, therefore, mutt he aa etatvd, Hid Hie blame of violence and bloodshed rtiti Of on t Va negroes and tlieh-1 Iniligaton Tho negroea (th? armed militia) commenced firing on the people Without any joalification or exouee, and mere)}' beeant* I hey heard the aound of a pistol which went off accidentally in aome man'a coal pocket; they were not fired opto. but began aborning in their arroganoe upon the whites and all others in the public square that were mixed among them, boys aa well aa men, and wounded several. The whites made a charge upon the building whence he o> groee were (hooting, and fired on them, fa return for the shola received ; 'heoneequence waa the wounding of a<mie and two killed on the spot. Immediately, as usual, tale* and exagger ated report* were carried to Gov. Porrr, who telegraphed the President of the United States, calling upon him for troop*, I and' of eouisa giving him lha most gross and Hnokingly perverted statement of fact* The President ordered troopa lo be sent lo Laurens, but LaiiKoa wan spiiet and calm undfr the eivil auihoN'y before the ord.r for troop* wa? isaued, art.I it may be poesible that the President will be convinced by thin that ha baa been humbuggtd onee again. It ia a cruel eutrage and (bolt of many of tba Radical* to misrepresent the unfortunate occurrences of violence that occur now and then In some paria of the State. The eager manner in which they do thia proves that I hey are no real frienda of peaee, and posaib'y only desire trouble aod r*juice at it. that ilicy may procure aympathy from tlieir party leader* and per petuate their rule in the State. The North rrn Radical papers take up the false phartfea anrl amir A them In it.. ..... ,.t !.. world, and thus fonlrllmH (heir influence io mlarepresei.ting the white people of the fttACe. I We tliiiik It wool J he well for the people of Laurens to rend ? delegation of good end truthful'eil izens to Gov. Scott, and lot them proceed' to Washington City and lay before the State and Federal executives a full statement of the grievances they have suffered from the oontioued riotou* proceedings of the negro population and their ringleaders. The white people ought not to submit to the perpetual misrepresentations of the negro haderr. They ought to produee evidence of the real facts to satisfy every honest man in Woshingten City. ar.d io the world, that the blame rests where they say it does. We are satisfied that the real agitators in Lsurens are the whito leaders of the negroes, and the moat dai geroua thing to the peace of the Htate ra the negro armed militia. We hope it is true, as reported, that the Goveraor has ordered the aims which have teen dial * II* ntcd to be returned. If this is the asm we shall not soon hear again of shooting affrays between whites and hlac-lca. One thing every good citizen in the State ought to be neolvtd on, if any drunken rowdy white man, or sober while man or men, e<>tnmit aggr?g*lve vio'ence up..o negroes or whites pot to show them any *yn? nalhv nop anrno.iiun or concealment, lo aid theni in any w?y lo art-ape lawful punishment. The w hite man who commit# wilful violence on a n#gro or another while man, anleia in aelf defence, i? not only violating the law, hut bringing avil ronwqjienee* upon hia race, lie maker owr enemiea njoit-e at the opportunity of alandetlng ua and keeping up the excite naent ofi wJrieb l/nd mon ride Into office. m. ? ?.* i Greenville County?Its Peace and Quiet. Although we have our political diviaiona in Greenvilla, we have never known more peace and quiet in the County, even before the war. We bare beard of no complainta of the man*, gera or Commiraienaiw of election. To the credit of all parties concerned, be rt raid, that there ia every reaeon to believe, that the election, ia ita official management throughout, war boneatly and bonoraely conducted.? There wrre a few negroea who voted twice, and rome that voted under age, but not by the knowledge or concurrence of the manager*We hope all violatora of tb# Election* will be proaeeuted, and we rbell probably not kava tbaaa again committed lo tbia County. A Harrow Eecape. A- w ?a.? . - - -- -- un nn'inwuij m?)?( iMt, whilst Mr. RtaUi ( on-ln-Uw of Col. T. K. Wamb,) wa* driving down Pendleton street, in t carriage, Mctnpinwd bj Mr*. Krtll, the home* suddenly took fright, running away and turning the vehicle ovar, throwing it* occupant* out npon the ground. Mr*. Kvalb wa* eeasidera bly injured nnd brained, from the affect* of which *bn hu* baen confined to bar room since th* occurrence. Although seriously burl, wo re glad to atnt* that she is improving, and will *oon rocover. Mr. Rtal* sustained less Igjarha Iba partie* bad been married hut a day or two, and war* on their way tv witness a marriage in the Baptist CMrcb. ? .WJt>AV|S is literal 5 ?wte4Uit an* ~ A eece wf-eoMffcianmle iv^dli^ *ltk trtdalMr ?1 rata **4*?. ?Hariri la n^nt^> alik a ejftiaeo of tkle OewntJ, by portico a| a dieton** and > of ao tfi, grant a dartfUr, thai we cannot .forbear giving Ike we gather tWa. A rccMent of the upper part of the Coaefy (aw*, by ?V w*jS +*duuf* ** ilia recent election, a nominee on the regular Republican ticket, a white man) reectv? eJ e letter anm* niwiilu !? ? a ? I la Hi* York, styling llaclf "JtOo fiehtr * ? -, R*. M. Liberty Street," who oondudt." 1 ed, or peeleeded to oooduct, o Dollar Store. , ao popular of late ; thW firm held out the | oeual Inducements to purchaser*, which, In seeeral Instances, were seerptcd by the person in question, receiving rcveral ml< ale* of do particular value. Later, hover* sr. he received still another offer fm*? the New Toik parties, in itliirh they pmpqecd to ship hiiu a bos of what they 6*11# d M Querrs," pretend tag t key Were very vaV' uabl e, sod fiolh the sale of Which a large profit eould be re?lis<tl finding speedy and ready sole. They Informed him, however, that on aeeoonl of their value, he most remit In advance to th?m f 10.60, time being allowed for the balance of the payment Our Greenvillo man, soppoaiag be eould make a fortune at oner, forwarded the aum r. rpilrcd. After wailing rev era I days, and ' not hearing of Lie goods, he wrote them by Express. To this they answered, by ship ping a nicely dovetailed bo*, about flva inches wids sod ten long, weighing proba bly six or seven pounds, market " $00? C. O. D." ThU was oljrcltd (o by our speculator, ard wrote th?ro by mail, saying hat time was lo be given him.. Dul not heating anything further from the Dollar Store parties, on Saturday morning laat, bring impatient to enter upon hia po#ees~ etons, ettr Republican friend proceeded to the ftxpfese oflrtce in this City, after having With a good deal of vffort rahed the ninety doilara, together with f?nr delists and fifty cents, for trnneporiation and other charges, where he paid (o Mr. STtvB*a the Agent the above amounts? #04 60?-receiving hit bo* of " Qoerra." Immediately repairing to the company of some friend*, (we do not know whether or net they were to come in for a part of the profit*,) lie opened the box to find some email piece* of iron, a little larqer than a tnau'a Ihuvib, each nicely wrapped up in fancy bit* of paper, of no value whatever ; and, it is said, which can he picked up by the, near ship building establishments! Imagine our of* flee seeker'a expectations vanish I Seeing I at e glance thai he was most badly sold, he proceeded to a lawyer, who garnisheed | the Express Agent, restraining the Utter from iM|)piig tlie am on at ptid him ; end la the meantime will take cleft to recovtr it. $103.00 i? quite enough for achort lesson, n<l we have no doubt it will have a lartlag I .ffeef. X Sweet Witboata Baere. r Something like a enow beep, beautifully I large, finished in shape, the ire unbroken, of Undoubted'g)>odneM, typical of joy and terrestrial blies. Our riddle, if not so strong is as sweet, yea, sweeter, than Sawson's. What inanimate thing is prettier, more suggestive of sweets, and what so abounds with the delights of imagination and ta?te, or so pleasant, loo, to the mtmorials of the fortunate, as an elegant wed* ding cake. The reader may he a wore, but If otherwise, he may be informed, in broad English, there wore a wedding at Col. Waki'i, duly chronieled now in our hymeneal column, and it will be understood that we received from the fair Bride, with the notiee. one of the biggest and nicest cakes that sver came Into our printing office. Especial Hotiea. Messrs. David A Stsadlky's Notice sp p?ars in another column, calling the st'ontion of those indel ted to them, by Note, Lien oa Account. Tkry mrt in earnrtt. , ___ >M Ik# Athens (fla.) VtUkaaa. Wa had the pleasure of a brief call from Mr. E. J. CuaitTY, ? f the altur# pop*1*. Frl, day laat, who wa* on a abort vUK to Green I ville. The Watchman ia one af oar very brat | exchanger, ami to become aiqnainled with i Its eondurtora, ia to apptectate it a#ill mora highly. Mr. C. report* hia section of C?e?r~ gia aa being in fine condition, )>oth induetrially and politically, the mhltea bring largely In the majority, aa well a* enterpriatng aid prrfrerafte. I 4? m Bridge Contract. The City Council hna awarded the contract for the coo#lruction of a bridge below McBaa'a old aow mil), aa adreitie* d, to Mere L. W. Watson and Thomah H. Pari*, for #460.00, to be completed I y the let January o?xt. Meaara. Horer A Co. All the fancier* of (upcrior good*, will read the advertisement of Meaar*. IIovbt A Co.? The reputation ot thla well-known establish* m*B#f**lM aeleatlon* and trustworthy dock*, continue* to attract tka ladle* and gentlemen I of tba City and trading visitors. Wa have looked at tbeir auperb supply lately received, and do not wonder that tbair store is always a fashionable resort. Betarned. Mr. Jcmiii V. fimrm ku just returned from ? trip into tbe fir North. We are indebted to him for late Northern paper*. We hope to obtain from him tone particular* of hi* observation* in tbe genuine Yankee land. ? ' Scattering Vote*. In our tabular ilatement of tbe Election, which ia published on the fourth page, we hare not included those who received scattering rotes, neither have we tbe candidate* for Congress for tbe State at large. They are: J. P. M. Epping, for Congress, State at large, received I.'<07; L. Wimbusb, for the same, reeeired 1,304. Henry tlnntt, for tbe Legislature, recelreu T votes. Wiley Birhop, for the Legislature, recived 14 votes. K. L. Ilarhin, for School Commissioner, received 19 votes ? ? 4^^ ? |f" Mr*. Wurman, th? wlf? of R?r. W, D. Woittibr, who MppKn th? colored MfO.odUt Ohorch in I hit City, d!ad or Mobday night Wat, tar Wa return thaoka to Ms). T. O Caorr, for a botlla of moat excellent Ctder( w??l and dalietoua. Dr. B. If arlt will preach in tha Prrabytartan Church, on Rnnday next, 6th (net., both morning and afternoon. h & .fiMWfc with ?U .Wnd w^.Uo ill* Alitor. T"iti ij nil! - a4 ft high stand lor tl4 jolftil Whilst nfc d*r kU twtnl, aiklai U of weight Ml sa, 4 of ?lfck tft? pMfl* of fUHbU k? WDdMlM by Messrs. 1. A. Diipuitii id! W. H. Williams/ Bsbseripttoo fries per 'With ft *# ootftt or It b sod : loorljr prlstad, ood la ofto oC tbo Isftgrat wo*hlloa of tka 8U|*. It* advertising patronage | Is lihanl sad feasdaoMo. Wo jai|( It to ho, pay log iostltotioft. Born well, being a rick County, and sltoatod Ml Ckarhstoa and ( Augusta, sustain* (# Joomftt* which ar* tot only obliged (o (Isftso tkshr poisons, hot otaa> ' their proprietors. It Is enterprisingwed pn>grwoifvial ptftMbbef ftft ttdBfft oftamift^? job * 8. Ba9cm, editor oftd proprietor. Tb* Tpfmpmpfhie Jommml, puhllahod Ift Charleston, by Menses., Waijin, Kvana^a CooaWsLL, Is iiawl la tbo Interests of tb* pnbllshars, printer* sod binders qf tb* Sooth, and for asoeutioo, compares with Northern printing. The** gentlemen, w? belters, are tbo leading pobllibers of (ba Bosth, nog ftVb , nlllM to tk? poaltion. fb?) ?Im ftf< | ttihtaf npfHet for printing other*, ltd tar all of Ibtir dealing*, are prompt, reliable and efficient. The September 0 a Other afi the Jo**ttml contain* a wry awvnta portrait of tky lata W?. tiiLLMoaa 8i*ms, accompanied with a abort *ke|chof bis life. TV? always welcome liarialta.' Sural Cmrollnan. Norrabar. Thie tevoilte Southern agriewltural mag* aaloa galea rtrengtb and Internet will* ovary succeeding nun bar. > Tlilft n oath, va bav " Maintenance of ilia Fertility of tha Soil." ( by pra^aaaor Hi'gerd. of :fia Uoirwifity of , M ireimippl; ,5* Tha South and b ?r Raeour- ( e*e," by Hon. Alfred Hugerj ''Plantation , Economy," by Col, D. Wyatt Aiken ; Tex- ? aa Grj???er," by 8. B. Hockley; "Southern i Peachar," by P. J. Pcrckmana; Manure I'Ua, t and How to Vac Th.iu." l-y Ah* T. Lao J and a bundled other articlaa ofintereit, 1 which wa have not apnea to eV?n mention. The Jtural rhoaa maolfrat *igr>* of regular 4 ly in craaah g pmrferlty, and' yet botr the 1 puhlhhrr* loniline to ("pl-ly it at tka mar vellonrfy low ftgniV rff f 4 r arthhnt la a ' miracle to u?. Their circulation muit far < ' i 1 aurpara that of any tiHgacina of the ehira ( heretofore ir?u?d at the fh-nth, or the. | would ba eoft?| el lad to rtdure espenae*.-*- ^ If any of our reader* aaa without tha Jtn j rml. tliay ehould at onoeeiichreejlt to Walker. , | Evan* A Cog*will. Ko. 8 Broad atraat, i Charleaton 8. C. < Beat XaUUo for Bala. The adeertlaement of the property offerad for sale by Mteaia. Kaklk A Blttho hna undergone chaig-e. Tha teim< have baan made eas;cr. For whieb, *e? iu another eolnmo. ? Contract for Building Jail Kitahan. Tho County Commierionara bava given tba < contract for building a kitchen on the Jail premise*, to Mr. L. B. Ci.ike, of thla City, for I $9*0, to ba completed by tha first of January. 1 Tba contractor expccta to bava it1 finlabed In four on Ive waaka. Joaeph Crewi. The Phvnix M)i " Old Joe" Inrned Hp in Colnmbia on Sunday la at. It la ev.deot. therefore, that he got mfoonl of I-aurma. -4 -Vr a company of United 8talea trooje haa been aent to Lauren* Court Houre. ? The eilix-nt welcome their preaenee, aay* the Jit raid. 1 i Rkv. Pa. Rlut.?Thi* diatinguiah-d dl ] vine, of Greenville, S. C., preached a aeriea | of able aermon* in the MethodUt Church, ] commencing on laat night a week ago and , continued until 8unday night. Aa a prxe- i tical common aenae preacher, we have tare >y ever heard hia equal?certainly not hi aaperior, whilat In rtyle and elrquenee h* deaervea at leant the diatioetion he enjoy*. Hi* act mens have left their lirpreaeion upon our people. Truly can we aay, a good man haa been in our midat. We earaiatly hope that the Doctor may Hod time again to |ay our city a viait. We aver have a welcome for thoae who like him are " going about doing good." [if.Ian (Tinn ) That*. A Rimx MaaoatTv i* CiiABi.x?To>r Citt. Tlio Chailerion Daily Ncaa of the 29tl? ultaay*: Laat tvardng tho boaid of eanvara*ra, having made belter prnpreae than on any ? : ? -. - I mj, nniMi-<j (he vote* lor the 1 eighth ward; mini we are able to I my be ore our renders litis morning the remit of P 'lie late election, aa far aa the City of ? Charleston ia concerned. The majority for " Reftirm is smaller than was at first expect- J ed, hnt still shows an exceedingly gratify, ing change for the better since the mnnl- . eipat-election of 1868, when the Conserve, tivea ware defeated hy n majority of elgh- ( teen. The peoplo have don* their duty, j and although their success in the ally Is not , sufficient to influence the county vote, tliay have dona enough to satisfy Ihemsclveatliat | in the municipal elections of 1811, with a I good representative liekat and plenty of I systematic hard work, they ran elect a I Mayor and Hoard of Aldermen who will economise the revenues of the el'.y, reduee i taxation, end carry out in every particular I the broad principles of intelligence, Re- * trenchmeot atd Reform, Toe entire number of votes east, as i shown in detail in another column, is 10,* V98. Of this nu nher Judge Carpenter (the Reform candidate for Governor) re> i ceived 6610, and Governor Scott (the Radi eal candidate) received 6823. giving the Reform party a majority of 347 votes ? 1 General Butler (the Reform esndidsle for t Lieutenant-Governor) polled 6718 votes? I 18 voles more than Judge Carpenter, and I 431 votes more than bis opponent, Mr. A. i J. Ransler. 1 C. C. IJowen, Radical,/for Congress, re- < eeived 6447 votve, beating his opponents, R. < C. Peforge, colored Radicsl. by 8174 votes, \ and R. 8. Thaiin, Independent, by 6242 a Mr. Edwin Bate*. the Reform candidate I for State Senator, polled 6706 rotea, beat- t lag W. II. Htihiw, Radical, by 1866 volee, c and Cain, ftadieal, by 4218 rotea. r Thraa flgnrea, of eourar, r?|ata to the dtj C ? a of seasonable GOC fafru iiiMviuliiTi C^rf Follows JClorer. S Am. dSfeftM Capron, CommifioHlr, l)rjrartmint nf ApHmltnn, Wnikington dtp, J}. O. 8m?I km Ikh Any, la ob?1?eM to yoer Wlataf Wheat, IwnI Cava, OwU, K;? ?a4 India* Corn?for eWalnl eadtefllrtfil aiianeJT, ind (kt peeallartliee of mltlvtllM. la Jaaaary, a aakna eoet ?l knrl-jnnl ainnara w? apread e* elorer tod. A doableteam of koreet, withe kinvjr lurn plow, bad-, dad up tha earth' The eiorer root* bald tie oil together ia fhat tba plow laid tba ground ap at aw dtogfrrffdb'degree*?wltb (bo manure "BandtWitkad* la between etch layer. A bekvy rata tail wad loaded tba laid, but tba water weald pot Ibw off?IP waa bald a* la ar pans*, ill wa? a warm talaWwatev Mbd wltb animalcule. Tba wlpd chitted; tba thermometer went do fa II dagWcr below tba" Inerkig point j tba earth wai frotco; tba laid or plowed ground became a olid man*; tba earth contracted. Tba thermometer rtaaa, rid ? tha tea comolcneed (6 evaporate, the sertb expanded f the bant-yard Manure began W beat ' deeoll^oetiion telr In lha attftef abdV iltM ton ofar tba Bald dflrib^ ik? flidflOK | pre rant t lb* natth itprMwU the great and wonderful machinery manufacturing (iftci.? ! Wbon frecaing, it J urn* all white. j . Op, the 25tk April, M. roller feroled the ground. The big plow, with dodhle team, aai , pal In again, and track oat In parallel* four feet apart; eroaaed iba line on longitudinal* alao fonr feat apart; checked the Held, after which it looked Vcrji ndugb?*od, manure and rarlH being taaaid hp la grant Oonfueioa. Fire graina of corn war* dropped la the -roaaing* and cotarad with a boa. A bckrj rain fall, flooding the rirer* aad avertUolag he bottom land* of the Quunlgr; but it dlj to barn ? thin Held-?it wa* abora the flood* >n up-land*. All the water wkich fell fbcreon remained ; It cotfld Bbt get away; it filled the eater-furrow* of Weary check, and wfea n!>porbed by tba prepared cowrpheiion ; chemical notion began; tbe yowag corn aenn peeped >at at tka crofting*; tbe boa waa appliad at >acej a narrow, long bwtl loageo plow wn ran roaad l| beth Way*, and tbn middle broken vat deeply with (be nni. Tliia brgke up the iod, and miaed the ???IIy with the manure.? Long wbila fooU ?f Meed* were thrown up mi expired to tbe reft. A accond hoeing, ind twice through with a Are toothed horaeho?(1? bit thia corn bad done to it, except a ittle thinnjog.. , It waver had any Wceda in it;. it boob ahaded ,thj ground, which* kept iLf noil moist ; the leaves j eroracd each other iw the rows; the ataRs' aiyod well in violent alnda; they were well anchored; it reached from 10 to 12 fetl lh height?averaging from two to three etalka in the hill. In the eeriy part of July, we had a dry spell, wbea corn in the bottom began to torn yellow, and ahow aigtie of suffering, thia Held continued a beautiful deep green color, and weathered tbe drought. It waa forced forward when young. On the 10th September, 163 bundlea of fodder, 0/ two ponnda each, waa gathered?below tbe ear?from one acre, and 166 bundlea of tops, of Arc ponnda aach. Day-before-yerterday the corn waa gathered in a two-homo wngon?a ntnure of ten bushela in the aback a? the above acre monaured three loada, or 30 bniheia of good corn. 1,336 (he of fodder at IJe.. *18 84 30 buabela of bread oorn at $1.23 37 60 Shucks aa food for cattle in winter 3 00 Stalks aa litter for Cow sheds.. .? 3 00 Total ralne of the prodactof one arro..(t6l( 84. Besides the above corn orop, thia acre anpported, ia full bearing, eighteen winter apple treee, eight bone apple treea, aeven cider apple traea, foar peach treca, and ten plumb I iter. Thia held bad teea rcat In i for three aari In wlnva* ?? w? J *< ? , .H ? '"f ? ?? .... VMIVKt Ubouse manure. Bat while retting Ift ;ieM In elnfer bey, wet ehout ote-tnd-bnll to he per ten. " And tlx years tbou elielt tow thy lend end shell gather in the tried thereof; t>at the seventh year thou shall let it rett and lie still that the poor of thy pooplo tnoy eat, *nd what tb*y leave, the beast of Ibo held ball eat. In like manner lliou shaft dea| with tby vine-yard and tby olive-yard."? Exodus, XXIII. Man never discovered a principle. TTnder the Divine Government, all prineiples were created at the beginning. We are permitted to investigate and work out plans baaed upon oertain laws by which tha trwo principle aball be carried out. Marrow, bone, gluten, veins, blood, sinews, flash, water, ssio, hair, eighty hearing, smelling?yes, the very finger and toe nails are atrengtbened and sustained?by grain. Chemical analysis will show in which of these the grain Is deficient. The constituents of one field, we will suppose, are bone, ikin and sweat; while, by skillful manipulation and judicious fertilization, the aoil is r.ade to produce such grain as will mnka a perfect man. How ean wa doubt, then, that there is animal life io the vegetable kingdom f The luman constitution eannot be right until tbo gricultural interests of tha country are made erleot. The cabinet counsels of a nation ara oat peaceful when the minister of sgrlcultnre anks high among ila members. A very good laee for tha study of chemistry Is between be handles of ? good strong plow. The prep>r pise# for entering Into the details) ta in the Uaborafery of the Agricultural Deportment. At the request of a German gardener, by rxpress o hag of peach seed baa been sent 'rum thia County to Hlbomla, near Jackson* rille, Florida. A beautiful fair flower, juat arrived from iha Highlands of old Scotland, has been ran apian ten, in marriage, to bar loeer, a farmer in tbaaa mountain*, from bar nativa and. Hire and barley will ba forwarded aa toon la (bay ara obtained. Tba ellmate and noil of hia Connty are admirably adapted to tba sultiration of kotb ot tbaaa eropa. Chemiatry anon( afr,?uliuriata, ia what inatomy ia among artirta?wa muet all cut tome aort of a figure or buat. I hare tba bonor, air, to ba your obedient errant, LAKDNKK OIRBON. a- ? Tiik EaamQuaKK.?The earthquake of riinradny aeema to hare been generally felt hroughout the New fit minion, aa well aa in ! ? New England State*. In Montreal, ae. tending to later diapalohr* tlia ahork waa tev*re enough to ring the belle in pohlie HiUdinga. The judge* and other* In the tonrta vacated their room* precipitately. In Juel e? aome ehiraneja were Injured. The >eop|* ruahed Into the *treeta, and great ilarm prevailed. The eourae of the earths iu*ke waa from weal to eaat. At Toronto h? steeple of At. George' Church was dieinetly h?o to away to and fro. Tha walls >f buildings wrre shaken, and furniture relieved from Its plaee. At Ht Catherine'^ Canada, It waa noted that the vibration la*t :d Ircm thirty to forty acoond^ DS?Prices charged ?|? I>| * . *<4> <*?> ' I U ^ djfciee Jf / tarda}, 7?ji life Columbia /flfonlx.) ad the attidilioa of. affair* *rieu?l/ dia-> ,#ua*?d. lie eaprieaSf hla aarifeal <1 sal re id fwwwe tie peace, had ftomidM Ufe# allla Me power to acoomptleh that a ad. The eolorcd guard la eharga of the State arnr.a haa bdef ruaefll, and tike -o?r* of (Mi framed irtr leftWUnlV?l^*feM*N.~ Drilling aad parading of colored com pinlea, at a lata hour ol the irght* haa ale fceen hr^hlhited. <v? irtjaformid lhi( tWe captain* of tha I different mlihli companies in (lie t)l strict served nv.fch ma o>de* from the Got. eruor, yesterday, tran'rlng tlwm to return the arm* leaned to them. Tble it a move ?n thre right direction, and w?ll tend mate rlally to nlldy the excitement. It ie pr> siimed the order lias been ? teudad throughout the Slate. '? ??? ? Awoso huh InDiane.?Lleot Hernd?n telle ? that no trlhea of aborigine** are foaad in the deepest foreeta of South America, from the Andrl tu the Atlantic eaaat, that da not here end uaa Doet. Ay ere medicines and Lowell eottona. M Tremont," " Siffiilk," " Boott," are eeen (temped in large red and bine letter* upon their garments. while AYBH& PILLS and CHERRY PECTORAL are among the treaa* area of their habitations. Their natire aoil fumiebea them all their,-food and moat of thair remediea, hot they sutler from a?me nfflietiona Which ant haVe the interpoaltion of higher kill.?Jtr?/('??/, Lib*rig,. Vo. , 24-4 laeonvAae'to Butt/nrka.?Doare, Ssabes, blinds, mouldings, and all the materials oeeessary to finish a house in proper style cam ha obtained tf the lowest market ratea direct from tBe manufacturer, t. Jty Tools, Charleston, 8. C., who Has the largest ami most compter# manufactory of such articles In the Southern States. tfae his advertisement in another e?L odd. 24-4 " Oat without toll, lovely without art," are those. who use a* a Toole and Restorative, SUMTER BlTTKRS, the great Southern Ton id. Man spend their lives in anticipations',' lYI dvturoiiqlng to lie vastly happy at si.npe dlrtklt penou, ttgco they by v* time. But tl? |trm?l tin# tiu one advantage o*cr every other?-ft I* oar own. . Tbarffoaa it M well for nil tbnl are puflcilng from bodily ailment*, incident to inulnrlon* ihflitenrrr, to avail ikrmiclm of the raelcinl effect* of the OLD "CAROLINA BITTERS." Wraia^'i Cry* tallied Worm Candy nevar fell* f CoifxniA, November J. Sole* of O'.iton yoiterdliy 16H balu*??mhfc dling ld@44*e. 11 . . Nt.w YonK. October Al. C 'llon quiet?aale# S.WXl bah* ; upland* lcf ;g'*IO tif . k bxtrinnan. OHober 81. ronton nii>1?llin*c 1#; nnl?-a 2Q0 bale*.; tc friptlll.' Flour fi<ni end faiily wllve ? Wheat In demand tor higher gt-adve; low grade* d*?U. Corrv? while 6<i@B5 P?rk ftrm, at 21.1)0. Shoulder* 16. Whwky duW, at SB. A rat)** a. October 81. Cnifon netivaf-middhng* U|@HJ; rale* 1.8U bale* ; rec Ij U 1.2*8. CiiamlB'Toii, October 81. Cotton?opened ttnk, 1jot f* now fi-iher ?middling 16^(^16^; anion 400 bale*; re* eeipt* 2,1.55; ?a|.?uU 2 266; at?ek 26,T.tvwr?? L Oo'hb r 31 Cotton e|o*e<l fit in?upland* HjQ'J; Or* lean* ; ante* 15,000 bnle*. LATEST QUOTATIONS OK SOUTHERN SECURITIES, IN CHARLESTON, S. C. ! Corrected Weekly by baukvr and Broker, No. 26 broad Street. NOVEMBER I. 870. Slnlr S r t w r it i r ? South Carolina, old ?(u|8G; tie new,?@68 ; do, rogUl'd stock, ?mj 68. IV/jf Stemrilif*?Augusta, Ou. Bond*, ? Cqt 78; Chnrleatou, 8. C. Block, ? (u, 50; Charleston, 8. C., Fire Loan Ilond*,? @66; Columbia, R. C. Bond*. ? @ 60. HuilrnnJ llnnilt? llluo ltidge, (lirrt mortgage)? @60 ; Charleston and Rn/annah, ?(n) 60; Charlotte Colombia and Angntta,?@85: Choraw and Darlington,?@82 ; Greenville and Columbia, (1st mort) ? @85 ; do, (State guarantee) ?@ 65 ; Northraitcrn, putt due, wiih hit.,?@87 : Nov then* tern, new, ?@87 ; Savannah and Charleston, (lal isort) ?@78 ; do,(Slate guarantee) ?(a(6V ; South Carolina, ex-rnnpon, ?@7d; do, ?@69 ; Spnrtaaiburg sad Union, ?@56. !/..:i i e l . r>i??-i?? VUWri'HWf and Aaffdnta,? (c$4t ; Ureenville and Columbia, ??p^21; Northeastern, ?(<C 13 ; Savannah and CWrleitan, ?(<$31 ; South Carolina Ruilroad Company Sharer, ? 40 ; South Carolina Railroad anil Bamh Miami, ? f<$ 4if. t'.xehnng*, <fe?New York Hluht, one-half off. Par. Uold, Si.11 (04 91.13; Silver. ?l.8:i<g) ? South Carolina Dank Biff*. Bank of Charleston ? <S$ ? *Uunk of Newberry ?(cl ? Hank of Canvden liA? Bonk of flpor^rtirwn.. h(t$? Bank of South Carolina 10(9? Bank pf Cheater . ...... 11 to ? Bank of llnmbnrjf 11m? Hank of Stat* of S. C, prior to Ififll 48m? Bunk of State of 8 C. iaroo lfifll-62?...3i^_ Planter*' and Mccbanlca' Bank of Charleston ?(S$? People'* Hank ofCharlerton ? Ot ? Union Bank of Charleston ? 0 ? Southwestern B. B. Bank of Charirrlon. (old) ?@ ? Southwestern K. K. Bank ol Charlerton. (new) . ? (it ? Htate Bank of Charleston ? uy ^ Farmers' aud Exchange bank o( Charleston ....... J@? Exchange Bank of Colami>fa ira? Commercial Dank of Columbia ^17(4? Merchant'* Bank of Cberaw (IW ? Planters' Bank of Fairfield 00? State of Houth Carolina Bills Becclvahlc ........ 80 (ft ? City of Charleston Change Bills V6@? Bills marked thus [ ] are being redeemed at Ibe Bank Counters ol each. ENTERPRISE PRICKS CURRENT consirrrc wrrkly, ar ME8SRS. DAVID b 81RADLEY, MERCHANTS. ORKP.NVILLF.. 8. C., OCT. 10, 1A70. BACON?Rides, y ">. - 26 e. limns, " " 25 e. Shoulders, y #>,? 24 e BALK ROPE, yih.. 8r BIJK LAP8 - 2* BUTTKR. y tb.~ ?20e. BEESWAX, y lb 260 30e. CHICKENS, y head ...16 to 90 e. COFFEE, y lt?. Ri??, 22 0 28 e. CORN. V bushel 700800. COTTON, Middling ...1*1 ROOR, y doaen - 20c FLOUR, y sack, ?4 60<ft?6 00 GOLD .41 10c. INDKJO, Spanish Float, .-$2 0002 26 " South Carolina, ...41 7602 00 IRON, y Ih, Amerloan,.. 7|?. IRON TIER ?e. LARD, y B>, 26e. LEAD, y lb 26 LK AT II fell, Tf* lb, Bole, H#B.ioefc,-M?*74 9. 44 44 44 44 Oak, ibfatiO e. " " " Upper,, 70&74 e. " " " Harneif,,. ,.,,.60 (tffrbc. MOLARBRB, ^ gnl., Muic?*?<lo OOfa 70 44 44 4 4 New Orl. Byrnp, 41 24 NAILB, ? kei $7 OOfao 00 KYfc, T? ou?bel I 00^1 24 BAItT, V **ck, Liverpool, >3 00 BUOAK, Ik, Brown 14 ("<*> 20 e, u 7, a CUrifled,. 20 e . n ii ii Crutbed,,. 20 e. 8HIRTINO. Mven-elgbU, bnle, ..IOp. 44 44 retail... |}Je TALLOW, y lb lOft* 14 e, WIIKAT, V buehel $1 40(^1 OOe. YARN, Fnetory, by hele, fl 40 " 44 bunch $1 40 ^ are extremely low foi Miii?|L?* tfc* arming ot the 99th ofli Oet#J>?r, Urn RnfiEHUmf c?jer*. ?t CW?*f < Ch?eh,N4 0.f. RY>Ltt, ifSMiiub.1 QforKit, and MHf AKlhkL., Meond daogh* ] trr of Col. *Th?d M? M. 9. If urn, o\ ] & ^ .4' < ? IHw.?efc? H>? aa?U ?-- "-- 1 W. D Thomas, Re*. THOMAS p. LIDK, 1 Jr., of DsrHngt- n, R. C., and Ilia* CAKhlE UARJtlNS, ot Qrneu villa, 8. C. mm mf I) i, 1.1 it . .1 I.I . A Body Md Miad DUaam. Such I* dytpepala. The stomach end tbc brain ara too Intimately ?UM forthaon# to 1 suffer without tbo -other, aa that dyspepsia and, datpoudanay ara Inseparable. It may be added, fc-o,that irritation of tba stomach ia alaaoat invariably accompanied by irritalloo of tba temper. Tba invigorating and tranaaltlalag one ration of IIOSTKTTKR'S RITTRRS ia moat powerfully daralaped in eaaaa of indigestion. Tba lot afloat of tbia agraeabla tonio ia tonfor ting and encouraging. A mild gfaw par. vadea tba ayatam, tba abrooia aneaaloeaa in ' tba region of tba alotaaeb ia lessened. and tba nervous restlessness which ebaraeterlses tbo disease is abated. Tbls improvement Is not traosiant. It la not sucoeedcd by tba return of tba old symptoms with superadded force, as ts always tba care when unmedloated rtlmalaata are given for the complaint. Sacb doaa seems to impart a permanent aoccsaion of bealtbfal invigoration. But tbls is not alL The aperient and anliMlious properties of the preparation ara scarcely secondary In (sapor* laaea to Ita tonic vlrtoea. If there Is na overflow ol hila, tba aacrulion is soon brought with* ia proper limits, and If the Idleary organ ie inert and torpid It la toned and regnlnled. Tha affect apon tba discharging organs ia equally salutary, and in easea of eenattpatioa the cathartic action (a /est sofllcient to prodaaa tbe desire# remit gradually and without palm, Tib Bitters alto promote healthy oraaofatlon from the surface which Is particularly desirable at this season when sudden spells of raw, aopleosant waather arc apt to phock the natural perspiration and produce congestion of the liver, coughs, and colda. Tht b?*i ? '/*. guard again*/ nil di**n*t* M bnditg vHgfMrr "wrf tbia tba great Vegetable Restorative essentially promote*. 24-4 HotieeMADAM JULIA WINBERQ, respectfully Informs the ladies of Greenville end vicinity. Ill At her beautiful Ptoek of GOODS will be old at AUCTION In about ten days. which will constat of an elegant aaaortment of Fancy flood* of every description?alao lailith for Christmas Psrscnte. Alao an elegant assortment ot Paris Millinery, Silk Velvet, Boaaeta and Hats in Beaver Plush, Vclret and Stvaw arlmnifd and nntvimaied. , Madam Winberg'e eircaatahiaeef eompelTv her te lata fbia method of selling, for whieh a liberal patronage, will be thankfully received. Nov 2 24 J Auction Salo. WIT.L he sold, at aunt ion, at Julius C Smith's, on Monday neat, 7th inat., One LADIES' SIDE SADDLE, One KEW1NO MACHINE, Lot of BOOKS, Lot ol STONE-WARE, Lot of DOMESTIC CARPETING. C. F. WATERS. Nov a 24 1 Mis* Rachel Dickinson WILL open a SCHOOL for hoys and girl*, in the Basement the Pregtiylerlan Church, on 4&W the 7th November. Nov 2 24 4 THE 7 Ladies' Store. W. II. IIOYEY Ac CO. ARE PREPARED TO EXHIBIT TO the Indies a Large and Beautiful line ot DP. BOO aOODC, Conaiating in part of: ROMRAZIXE, FKFNCII MERINO, (all colore,) ALPACCAS of the beat liraaitr, Engllah SATINET, POPLINS, MELANGE | LUSTRE, ALL-WOOL DELAINE, (black, vbita and colored,) DKREGE, CI1KNE MOHAIR, AMERICAN DELAINE, Ac, Ac, OUR STOCK or t ?ass?, aas? CLOTHING ia LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED. AMD, FURS, SflAtTLS, I CLOAKS. CLOAKING, VELVETEENS. CLOTH*, CA8SIMERFS, AC., AC. A Complete Stock In onr line * ad gaarantred ?>f the Be?t Quality and Lowcet I'ri<*ea. Not I 74 tf JI fZ Z AOM llOJir./^ jo| plttd ( oot.t?I jsar|Sfit| nijjL pFl 00 V NOSVWOHX H *|RMI V til OA|f) *||0S> III u AM mm 'oortorw iha r..w , MOI|9 <>) ODdUtp ? 81 )I1BA\ 9.1V ||y .Cpoq ?j9a9 dKiiAjd OI ipfitouo a\o( |[99 (>) pOIIUII.I9pp 9.IB 9A\ O IO'IAV vqxuoo unff uo 3jjoxs (j-qx 9*iL I )B (|O0 )8tilll 8IMBtf.lVt| )IIBA\ Of|M |(B OS t )UO |(98 O) poill 111.19|0J) O.Ml < pu? 'spoof) JO >|9?>lg oSJjtiq B 9ABIj 1 ?M )i|3lnoq oi|.v\ tMnij) liuqi JOMOJ 1(99 IIBO 9AI )U9p(Jllo9 |90J 9.M 9Joj9.l?l|) 'll0|)00 til 0UI|O 9p )U909J 0l|) 00UI9 )l(Jfuoq U99q 9ABIJ BpOOf) JIIQ -0J0J8 p0|JOHBB -||9.M ? III )<(0>) HI )BI|) Xuil|)iC.I9A9 pilB 'SJJUOJJ, '8?B|| *8)OOj| (80o||? '9JBM jCjO)JOO.If) ptlB O.IB.IA p JH J | 'BOIJOOOJf) (9pOOf) AJf] JO 8)919009 5|DO|8 JIIQ 'SIIOI )'f JA999p ||B J() sciooo AvaM l|)IM P9(m AVOII 91 pllB *p99.IO( 119 Il99q 8BIJ OO # NOSV fl -WOI1X U i? o*ooi(94o)y aucLb 'eonoNT AUDITORS NOTICE. OFFICE COUNTY AUDITOR, I < N?vbmbkb 1?t, lhlO. J r|"*HE DELINQUENT LAND LHT barI In* been return, d to mv office by ll>e COUNTY TREASURER, it l e?ooi?i my ?lu. ty to advrria* the aeme for aala. Notice ie hereby given, that the whola of 1 the ae vnal I arrelr, )<>ia and parte of Iota of teal ee'ale deerrlbed In tha toll.'wfng liat, or ao morb tloreof aa will ba nce-aary to pay the taxaa, pmaltiee and aa-earn en la aheracd iliare-n. will ba Bold I y the Treaanrer of Oia?nvi|le County, Booth Carolina, at bia offioe in a?id Cunnty on lha tlilr i Monday In November. A. P. 1870, nnleaa aaid tn*ea, aaaeaao.anta and penalitee I>? paid ?.r?.r? Hint time; aiw|.???h aala wl|1 | le continued (row day iu day nolil all of] r everything sold. V *? ;| Aewi D*r?, Bonttall, Tboftlaa .1 Lot 1868 Brafdlota, Caio < 1 CosTd W for tblldrA ?M ? UaraWo, J V . 7* * Dannoa, or Garataa* dagaUBa IT# " Dos, F??r4, Apil W# " llnb. J..k? lao no ? Coleman, B 89 1888 Cothraa, A M ? Dill, Elisabeth 60 1888-9* Davit, Mara 80 1888 Farmer, J H ?6 " Uritbaa, AkiuAr 16 0oo8win, KUawbelh t ! U 1888-9 Hunt, Burdina " 812 1888 Heath, Bar; 270 " Hagood, William 69 ? Jonrt, William, A dm 200 ? Jabaeeo, Barak M 10 ?? League, Thomat 400 " Latter, L C . 76 " Loekbaart, William 26 " Maobam, Mrs M B 88a ? Meiwbbanke, Barbery ISO 1888-9 Morgan, Jane 116 1888 Marry, Nancy, EataU 886 1888-9 McMakln, Jamas 100 1888 Myers, Tbomaa 80 '< Myers, Re*-coa 820 " Marshall. Jalia 120 1888-9* McClain, Joseph 1 Lot " Micbelt, Mrs A ? ? ? Moist, LA 1 " 1888 Nealy, Margarai 89 " Pearson, J 18 149 " Potter Mary 40 " rtiillips, E A, Administrator 890 " Payaa, Abb 176 ** Plnsoo, J D 800 " Parna, C II 1S6 1888-9 Payne, Mrs 18 1 Lot " Ross, Pitman 0 90 1888 Smith, J T, Kxecator >17 ,1888-9 Smith, Joshaa, Estate IS 1888 Smith, L C and D F HiU S00 1888-9 Slansell. F 120 1808 Sloan, Adam 1 Lot " Smith, P lor M Clark 1 " 1888-9 Talley, E 206 1888 Ystnrr, KaoAelpb 76 M Tinstey, Parry 80 * Trowbridge A Co 484 1888-9 Williams, Mitcbel, Estate 260 1988 wnite, Li K P?r Mri King ? r Wtldnip, John 10? " Ward, T J 149 ' Wateon, T B 100 44 Wood ton. Mary 100 Walton, William M 44 Wadeawortb'a Ea par W Cury 14 1MI-0 reargan, H, Agent 05 1808 Yeargan, L A 100 44 Cothran, A 127 180ft Co*, M II 150 44 Pinaon, Jtota D, Agent 2rt.o 44 Waddell, Rod* ?20 44 Auatin, J'H ' It " Aeitln, Dealt; 05 44 Jonee, Louie* 110 44 Lock A Bon, Kitate 130 44 Lerry, (1, Avent 145 11 Thomaeon, Pranoea, Eatata 330 44 Thompaon.'IlM 100 ? Alexander, B K 400 44 Rrauihlt-t, Mariin 2k 44 Grady A Co J W 414 " Gra<ly A Ilawtborn 137# '< League, W P jooI a Payne, W M ftI ? Perry, William eai u Fowlfr, Kft'My nilgore, Joainb, Ealal* 174 Mmliafley, T J )40 ? Smith, Joahu*, Eatata 12 44 Willie, Sernlda |J4 ? Hudaon, J L 20 ? Jnnea, Emily 60 ? MahaflTey, John, Eatate 417 " Pike, Precilla 2 ?Smith, H O, Executor 828 44 llyelt, Mary 1 L?l ** Jlarriaon, Are'.ay 1 44 44 Johnaon. Thoinaa 1 44 4 4 Martin, J C | ? ? Maxwell, Richard 1 44 44 Maxwell, Booker 1 44 44 Smith, Porter | 44 44 Va.d-ll Mr*, William j Lot " 41 teen Wary I Lot 44 Dai by Jatuea (?g*nl) j Lot 44 MoiiUoiwxty W J j |.o( 44 Tapper Mi-ftrj I Lot * f tafia Mary KO " Fowler F N 196 Green Aldi idge (Adru'r) 184 44 Greer H aney JWt 44 Martin ]OO ? Grear Manning ]*g Thompson H M (Eat) 80 " Poster T A 170 * ('?K>p. r Casander 80 " HkII J-irv 70 Phillips WmI*j 4H0 Thomas W M 8oO M Maldi N'Kicy 119 > Cock rain Sarah 99 ?* I>ill Francis and Raj 8ft I'i'l 8(1 49 ? Green W P 900 Smith Kirphtn P 666 WiU.n B H 2AO Uann Jamas ISO " lt?in* Carnlina 1ft ? Malliger il?ry A 10 Knrl? Ihi-mn |8o8 * Pitrni Nancy HO * Parnum G if 10 ? H'i*?iii Pmteman (Eal) 680 M-llcr .fori lito " Ualnwny Jo?iah and Sarah 2"0 " Go* B M 100 Hart Thomas E UK1 )g(9 Gosiirll Rliirad 1ft Nosi.eH W M 91 ? Tnialry Caroline fto I Turner Randolph hi " W dliaiii# Ephrshn 91 " Tallj A B and R T 960 " Bnn a Tnomns (agent) 18o " Mi Mwell Klica1 etli 1(MI ** C.'x'a I'rpl* Odoiu 800 " Kdaardi iairU fto " Eilarar la Garrison 61 " Oniiiiaid H S a<HHI ?* li... as * . i on? M try 411 ? Hi>j?K?d William Mi ? Wlilirxaii Ji'hn X6 * W11H Vina Iuo ? Walton William fto Waleon JaniM F 106 M Wil|iam?J L 226 Willi- (I W 16(1 ~ Whliloek Robert 4k A'ix.I<1 William 1 l.w IMinxan iuMi.h B 7> " Dill J A 97 Mavian.i Klizal.elh 78 ? Dill Julian 7u Oreen Mary 100 0 cnn A W 140 Jamieon A ' SO ? L- ckliolif William 26 Martin Klisa 8 ? Moon W H 188 n Morgan Meredith 6<? ? M?*w|l Jamca L 126 " Morgan Jana 116 ? Manna An tola 1 * MnMakin Jamea loo Matehhaoka J T 18 Mnokay J J 2oO ? Moor MM 76 ? Pringln Jann 16o Powell 8 88 o Turner AT 10 ? Yrarulii L H loo " Payne'* Ke<ate William 160 ? KoOerUon Allen (ag*nt) 48 Moon W M Slo Maya 8 J 876 ? Mleknian William 16* " rtiuiil. K iea T Mx "mob JoliUI 40 ? Smiiluih I.tne?y 76 ' V any eirors exlet la lh? above | at, they sat ba eonertrd ui on application ai mv [ifflct previou* U? the hIi. J M BUNION, Auditor GrreuvtlU Oouotr, Nov 3 '24 I A\TMD WWWietWA MILLINERY. Ml *8 MoKAY ho* jnri f 4>% now ruppli** of l)onQM^HokK, tlnU, Rtlibun*, F^tlhrri, ^plr P ov.n, A?. AI*o InUnU* BBVV H?u ind Pur*. (R*?l BIT ?a(I imitation,) Hair Got o J?l WU* MH.1 i_?c? D.hmi*. w(Hen 0iiv "IrT i fT?r? ?l "?ry low nilc?*?. 3?o? i 94 If