The Greenville enterprise. (Greenville, S.C.) 1870-1873, July 27, 1870, Image 2

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% ?l)c (tniyeyvist. 1 w.t Oi I * ? I ' & W *=* 1 WMDMS0A\JVigf m 117^, b The Greenville Enterprise \ li the L&nnit ItviDftMr. and t Enjoys the Meet Extensive ? Cirsmlntion of any Paper Pnbliehed in the City and County of OreentiUa i - i i u Judgo Carpenter and Owl Botler to ? Speak in Greenville. a Ob Fridaj nut, Sttb Jul;, at 11 o'oloek, A. C M., these distinguished gentlemen will addross the ci tie ens of Green* ille. Let the news R be circulated, and a general assembly of pee- F pie of all classes be present to hear theso able i| * speaker*. One great objeet in giving the election of Oererwor to the people, was said to be, that the/ might tee, and hear, and be- b come acquainted with the candidate*, and be g able to Jodie fbr tbemaelre* et their merit* If the people care to know who thejr rote for or against, lot them come and see. The War in Knrope. b We give a general summary of tha week'* t] new* from Europe, aa to the war between ^ Franco and Prussia. Aa yet no great bat- Q tie has oeeurred, and avan some bopea are C| entertained that the storm may blow over jj without much l>lood?he<l. but the general .. opinion is that thers will b? a terrific slrug- t) gle. .,j <: <, U;:. . . p July 19. Telegrams report that Earl y Granville, ttie British Secretary of Slate, gj had a three hours' conlereoce with N a polk- ron ; result not known. King William made e, a speech to a great crowd in Berlin, and eaid he was not responsible for the war.? Frusela has been epoiled by great victories> possibly a reverse might new oome, but he* S hoped for snecess, relying on a good army 8 and people. The result was in God's hands ^ July 20. The French Senate waited In a 2 body on the*Emperor, assuring him cnconr- h ngenient and support?President Rouui * speaking for the body. The Emperor n warmly thanked the Seoate. e July 21. Turkey seems to be uneasy? u has ealled out iter reserve forces and stop- o< ped the telegrapii in all directions. Tur? pi key baa declared for absolute neutrality.? oi Austria la for neutrality. The Prussians P< have fhnk old hulks in the mouth of th? 01 river Weeer, to prevent the entrance of pi French ships. v; July 22. A correspondent of the London ni Timet was arretted at a spy at Met*, but ju vu released end expelled from the French y< lines. TW French Emperor ie reported ill sj at St. Cloud, and would not join the artny for tome days. __ " July 23. There is a report that Russia had declared war against Frunee?not con* ^ firmed. Two hundred French soldiers re- P connoitcripg were captured by the Pius P eians. Prussia is prepsiing vigorously for the war, and has put hor whole army in * motion. Martial law has been proclaimed P in the Rhenish provinces. The French Em- '' peror came to Paris on the 28d, and receiv* ^ ed the legislative assembly at the Ttifilerhs. f An ffdnllMnan inaf ritlnrnott i n f London from ft trip on the Rhine, describes ' in the 7fmea the difference in the temper ' and manners of the French and Prussian ar * miet He says the German army is quiet( 1 grave.- anxipua and resolute. On the other ' hand,?the French are yelliog, drinking* ( swaggering, and literally " spoiling for a fight." The various men ara apt to get the beat of a fight in the winding up. J The Emperor of Franco issued a proclama- ( tion to Frenchmen, on the 23d, in which ha trios to throw the blame of the war on Prua- ? sia. t July 24. It was officially announced, thai t Russia would be neutral, so long as her interests do 'not suffer. On the 26th, a body of Prusaians crossed the frontier and had some s sharp aktnnisBing with the French. The lat- r tor retired from the field, loaving ten killed and wounded. This action, it ie said, proved f that the Prussian needle gun la superior to the e French chassepot, Bescrters from the Freneh army ere vory numerous, end were continually coming within the Prussian lines. The London Timet states, that a projected treaty has been enbmittod by France to Prussia. It ? asks the consent and aid of Prussia for Freneh acquisition of Luxemburg and Belgium? D France admitting and recognising tho late s acquisitions of Prussia. Suoh a treaty would hardly be accepted by Prussia, or tolerated , i,.. i* I KJ vtuvi L<iii j>unvi9t 0 - ( Sow Turnip*. 0 We suppose every farmer will cultivate a I turnip patch, but we fear that few will ap- ] precist? the importance of enlarging this o crop, and making an effort to have enongh i to aid in feeding stock, and aorne to sell.? t In the probable high price of com and ev? 4 ery thing else that is to feed with, a large turnip crop would be of great value to every one that cultivates It. In the " dry year " of 1846, when the upland corn in al) a the middle and npper part of this Slate was ? almost an entire failure, the alarm produced was so great that turnips were resorted to, and proved a great success. Ilogs were partly fattened oo them, and cattle were fed with them a good part of the winter ; . in fact, without turnips that year thousands of stock would have perished all over the country. Most persons in this part of ths world are not aware of the immense value of the turnip when eatensively and properly cultivated. In England, the single county of Norfolk produces a turnip crop estimated to be worth seventy-five millions of dollars | J a st think of It One eoaaty, not larger, perhaps, than Greenville, producing a crap -.sV fkan ?Va sall.a a. worm wvio Winn ?no cuviic ?vt?vu orup vj ^ Henth Carolina and Georgia, with that of < North Carolina thrown in. The Mme 1 ecnnly prodnoee also largely of other eropa. The fnrihera Ultra Actually improve their land by tarHl*, Ihey feed them on the grt>nr.d to #be?p. - There ia no crop, perhaps, in which the ] nee of commercial fertilisers pay# to wall as turnips, the Peruvian Guano especially; two hundred pounds to tha acre on tolera l.le land wMl produce a heavy crop of tor- ' nip* in a favorable year, wliieb would be ' worth Mora than three tinea a crop of ' wheat from the same amount of manure.? 1 Now la the tine to ba preparing land for turnipa, by frequent nad thorough plough, ing and pulverising ilia ground. August is ^ a good month to sew; about tha tenth is a ( favorite time with some experienced farm- , ors in this seetion ; bat a little sooner or ( later will do well?better sow in the last i day. of the month, or early in Sep- 1 t em her, than to fail entirely. Rutabagas ought to be towed in July. As te varieties every farmer can suit himself. Seed saved from fine, large turnips, ought to he need.? ! I?wmmmmm [f any ara oot eeppltad, thay may proeaN ha boat eaela a%t Tijxiaa (rami Ihe eeed term la OaeenvUW. iOurraefera. \j rafrenea lo flie adverting colfenaa af war wpat?wM*now wtufa* to pr^iurf thamtf tHle implant *ep will n<A a a eg lad ad the praaant year j- and, In taoh < ha fatara prosperity of the country would a largely prenoUd hy the cultivation of urnipa aa material part of every fanner's ??-./< }'. i ' ' 4 i ' *"* a domination for Congraas. |, A nnraber of respectable eitimi Hiti rf. |n?Ud aa to Invite attention to the fact j bat coavntmi of defegatM' from the , ounllca composing tha Fourth Coagresaion 1 District, baa bwa called to meet at , Ircenvllle on tha accond Tuesday in Assat to nomioate a candidate for Congree* Every county of the Congressional Dialrict, > la thongW, will send delegates; and next ileeday, Augual 1st, would be a good time o appoint them, as has bean already tugestcdin tha call published In the Colnm. la P&amix. We Me it aamrested be the Winn?t^i-? 1 fines I bat the delegate* assemble in Colore- 1 ia, instead of at Greenville, on account of , he former point being more accessible.? i don't see the necessity of going outside f the Congressional District to nominate a , tndidate ; and as tbia City has been pub* 1 hed aa tbe place of meeting, why alter ' ; besides, tbe people of Greenville wish to e visited by onr neighbors oi Oeonee ickens, Lanrens, 8part*nburg, Union, i ork Chester and Fairfield, in order to ] low them one of the prettiest little cilie* ? ight under the brow of the mountains, they i rer rambled over. < c Death by Lightning. 1 Wc are pained to learn that Jont? Rums t mtkr, Jr., third eon of Mr. J. R. Rmtss, r , was struck dead by lightning, on Wednesday evening last, 20th Inst, about o'olock, during a severe thunder storm, at I ia home, 12 miles below Greenville. He < res killed outright, bruising him very * )uch, and setting fire to his clothing. An ( lder brother was slightly affected, who 1 raa standing some fifteen yard* from de- 1 reaed. Hie flesh wee much torg and is 1 laces crisped up, and bis brother, on rnn ng ap to him, said that a stream of fire >ured out of his moutli. The body of the j ifortunste young man was immediately j, laced in wnter in order to endeavor to re ive liim, but all to no purpose. A horse J )t far distant war also very slightly in. I red. The deceaeod was only about 14 t< pars of age, and was a promising lad. We * rmpalhlze with his family. * udge Carpenter and General Butler As we informed onr readeia last week, ; udge Oaupkmtkb having changed his np- ^ ointment for Greenville, will address the eople on Friday, 29th Inst, at thTs place. Gen. M. C. Butlkr, who is also a fine pester, will be present likewise. We are ( leased to see that Congress has removed , iia disabilities by a two-thirda vote. This oet not look, by any means, as if the reinblicans and the President in Waeliiogton elt any oppoeilion to the Union and Rcorm party in this State. They knew, beore voting on the bill, the position of Gen, 3uti.kb as a candidate of that party, and he Republican Congress have voted to pialify him to hold tbo office of Lieutenant3overnor, if elected. Telegraph to AbbevilleWe learn from the Abbeville Prett and 'ianner that the contract for furnishing poets or a Telegraph line to that place, has been ;iven out, and the people there expect soon o be in telegraphic communication with he outside world. We wish it were In onr power to make a irailar report fcr Greenville; but if our leighbors have a live constructed to their ilace, it cannot lie long before it is extend? d here, therefore we keep in good heart. Judge W. II. Campbell, The Abbeville Prett and Jtantttr, which ;ives a full report of tho College Commence* aent at Due West on the 13th and 14tb, peaks thus of our talented fellow-cititen: "After prayer by the Rev. Dr. Boyce, the inniversary Address before the Amelian Lit* rary Society was delivered by Col. Win. H. Campbell, of Greenville. The address was an labornto discourse upon ' the Philosophy of listory,' finding its true solution in tho Biblo. >t was a scholarly production, equally worthy -f the bead and heart of the orator?abound* ng in striking thought, and graceful, well* urncd periods?delivered with clear artitula* ion and pleasant intonations." Hon. T. J. Robert son. Wo have received from (he above gentleman . copy of the We thing ton Olobe. It ia very gratifying to aee in the reporta of the projeedinga of the Senate, the efforts tbia gontlenan baa made in behalf of the appropriation or the construction of a United Statea Cjurt louae building at thia place, and although he aa dot been ahlo to get through what be de- j Ired, yet wo have not the leaat doubt but that y iiceesa will t>e ultimately attained by htm. 1 On the 12tb, the Senate eoraidoring the > livil Appropriation Dili, Mr. Robbbtsox of* tred the annexed amendment, and upon be- ] Dg voted on, the Chairman declared it loat: ' " For a United States Peat Offico and Court 1 louao at Oreenville, South Carolina, $25,00(1, ' Provided, a anitable site be given the United Itatea; And provided further, That aa'd wilding shall not coat more than the ram lereby appropriated." Senators RoBbrtsor and Sawyer, by their ^lightened and liberal coarse, have proven themselves the only representatives South Carolina baa at the Government In Washington. Catalogue. We have received the Catalogue of the Duo West Female College, 8. C. There have been in attendance, during the last scholastic year, 149 pupils, which indicates its prosperity.? This Is a BOit excellent Institution, under the Presidency of Rev. J. I. Bobrkr. The list of ixpenees, ee published, ere very low, and the management la each ae to pastioularly eonmood the instliQUon to those having daughter* to edaeate. Who Are to be ffileoted. By referenoe to the Bute Constitution, it will be seen thai the following officer* are to >e voted for at the next general election In his Htarte; Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, aombera of Copgress, member* of General Isrenobly, ffioboef Commissioner*, Judge of Probate, and Coeety Commirsiuner*. United States Court. This Coert will be opened on Mondey next, 1st August. The jurors have all been properly summoned. Death or Good Oitlns. We regfotto announce the death of on* of ||rMn*llU^ b^i *Hia?^ Coi ^T. L. |^>n***. wh^ raided h? th* lower rortia* of U>* Couoiy. H* dM on Batnvda^ Mght j lut, it th* rc*M*ne* of Dr. J. L. Woonaroa, ( Mir VlhhHMtei, iml wh b?rl*d on Hon , doj la*t, *1 Piirritv Church, Rer. 0. R , Bnvm preaching th* funeral sermon to i , cry largo concoct** of *ju>pathising t friend*. Hi* complaint waa eoaaamptioa, ] from which h* bad been *affeiing for i number of year*. H* waa In hi* forty-flr*t f year, and l*ar?* a wife a*' ' r*? hwolly of i intereating children, b*aide* a numeroua ? and re*|>?et*b1? connexion, to noonra hi* * losa. An nprlght man, a determined patriot. and Christian. Mailnmin t? ?? - * lo his last reward. t ?? a Municipal Kleotion. We regard the approaching election for r Mayor and A Mermen, as the moat Important . municipal election which baa occurred since Greenville we* incorporated. Thetqaeetkms I with which the next Council will hare to deal, t will be more important, and mere rlUlly af Fact our future prosperity, than any whleh , bare ever pressed themselros upon the at ten- , Lion of a former Council. Wo would, therefore, nrge erery oitlsen to attend the public * meeting which ia celled for Seturder next, and to see to it, that a ticket, composed of our beat men, ia nominated. Let it be understood that we will run but one ticket. In this way, a alone, can we hope (or snooess. Let It be t! borne in mind, tbat no ticket, outride of this g Domination, will be roted. Commitment for larceny. * George Garrett, oolored, was on Wednesday last, arrested and carried before Trial Justice y tfoons, on the charge of J. II. IIathb, for mtcring his house, on the 19th of June prox- () mo, at night, and stealing goods to the ralue o >f $75. The accused confessed his guilt, and n failure to glre bail, was eommittod to jail. The occurrence took place near Lester's Fac"7 The New Fee BUI. Wo are indebted to those superior publishers, ifcssrs. Walker, erars A Coo* well, of Charleston, Law Stationers and Printers, for a tn :opy of the New Fee Bill, neatly dona up in a v :ompact little pamphlet. It wonld be a good b) :oxt for Judgo Carrxutcr and Gen. Butlrr t, o contrast this outrageously oppress ire Foe n Bill with tho old law of Sooth Carolina. it Fork Shoal Factory. The contract for building the Fork Shoa' g, ractory, located in Dunklin Township, in tho jC( >wor part of this County, baa boon warded t|, o tbe Messrs. Pussyah, of Anderson County. f,j 'bo main building ia to bo in (1 intensions, 100 ur >y 50, two stories high with attic, and the ma- m trial will bo of brick, and ftrat-class In orery ^ cspect. Tho work ia to bo commenced this g, rwk- _ in Death of an Interesting Child. ** Sammy, infant aon of Mr. Ssmukl J. and lira. Elizabeth Douthit, was " called up tiighcr," on Saturday Digbt last, aged twenty- ?" one months, and was buried on Sunday, Iter. S. A. IVaasu preaching tho serinon at tho 9 Methodist Church. It leaves behind heart* 9 atrieken father and mother, nnd little brother 21 of a few months old ; they hare tbe sympa- n thics of our citiiens, who attested their luter- '* est by following in a large concourso to the D graro. D AJisappointmont. We are eorrv to learn irorn the Lecture I Committee of the Greenville Literary Cluli, that Hev. Dr. E. T. Wi.nki.k'i will l?? prevented, by recent illness, from deliver- c in; the Lecture announced for the evening g of 27th instant. The ume canae will pre- I vent Dr. WlMKLM fiom attending the Bap- c list Convention at ttiia place. r . .... 0 Crouds.?Mr. Swanoalk it spending the 0 summer at the North, with hie family. f Mr. Joit.v Mark, who has been sick for ?o long ft time, Is improving aery r slowlj'. ' c Wo bad a light rain on Thursday last. t Our friend, Capt. J. Mims Sullivan, is n spending a time at Chiek spring*. g Every voter in the City rhotild register, f Two of the coolest plaeee in town?Hit aisoN A Marshall's and M A. Ulster A ] Co'e. Soda Fountains. a - ?... c EST One Thousand _jgF| J52T"* Volunlocra Wanted * For the French Army. f3^T"Seo Advertisement in i Another column. ?Ff Eoll of the Neptune (Colored) Fire Company. T1IOS. IIIIIKK, 1'resident. 11ENRY TUCKKR, Vico-rrcsidont. FRANK FISHER, Secretary. HENRY BATES, Treasurer. '' 1st Director, If. Ai.btos. 2d Dircetor, 8. Jotisso*, 11 3d Director, A. Slows. . ? 4th Director, E. Brows. Axuonr, Willi* Willia>-|. ^ mkmbxrs. c r Ross, B Holly. " H Fullinwider, R Preisly, si 3 Page, ij Slow, M Arnold, , II Willianks, " tV Brier, Z Turner, h< F Anderson, W Press ley, r Louis, B Tug* I llorreo, II Adams, P Poor, Wallace Williams, W Pressloy A Burden, I) Carter, J Simmons A Bronsoo, M Moore, M Farr P Parker, H Washington, M White, L Bates, W Dotson, ^ E Johnson, A Walker, H Johnson, W Allon, i B Simmons, A MoseUy, J Jones, B Alexander, 1 W Blown, J Mo Call, e Marion Wbita, T Parry. , Til* Winnttioro Nm*. of the Iftth inst... j lhna noiieo* Mr. Edward P. Stores, of Ibtn t City, row canvassing the Fourth Congrea> tionil IMstrlet; " B. B. fUoksi, We call attention to the communication of Mr. Stokea, who an- ' nouneea himself at a candidate lor Cengrete, with Demoeratie principle#. We had the ' pleaenre of converting wRh htm yeeterday, ! and feel certain that he has both decided political principles and great faith in thefn ( " We copy from the Yorkvilie Bnquirtr aa followst 4 At Mr. Btokes ia comparative* ly unknown in peliliea, we have made en qutry aa to hie antecedents, forth# inform#' ; tlon of tha public, and hava ascertained the following facta: Ho ia a young man probably between twenty eight and th-riy years of age, and a netiva of thie State?hia ' father nnd grandfather before birn being ' alao fio'sth Carolinians. Mr. Stokea graduated at Harvard College, Cambridge, Mae aaehuaetta, studied law at the Uolreiaity of ' Virginia, and waa admitted lo the practice ] of law in the courl# of this ?(atc in 180A < r n % i mini n . .i.iiiiii in iimiiii i.i i, i Fox tko, Orwnvlflf Xntorpriao- At Mtt|| of the oUl*on? of Greenville rovrnablp, *haM kt UreenMlle C. II., ?n tho 3d July, !SPO, on notik of-Gen. ff. K. Saaley, Jj. H. flhum?to. ?M rolled to bo Cbab, an??>ri illbogeo r^qpefted o net m Sccretkrj. Tko Chairman briefly toted that the object of tbe meeting wai to appoint Delegate* to attend a Convention ot bn Coeatj- of Greenville, to, ipeetat tbe Court ton?4 oir tbe flrat Monday* ih Atrjpflrt dext, to IftMUaU f?a ?V v?puiup?v? ivi m? uo^iiinnvrb, una or County Ca(iffll?iI?Mi^ School Coiqinfsfoxier Ud Judge ?r Prnfcnte. bfen? A4?y ffered the following resolution, which mi adopted t Retofred, That tho Chair appoint aIx Delegates to attend tho Convention, to hi let la Ireenville on tho 1st Monday in August next, o nominate Candidates for tho Legislaturo md for County Officers. Tho following warn appointed nndor this oaolntion: W. K. Kasley, W. If. Perry. E- 8. rvino, T. Q. Donaldson, 11. P. Hammott, .conard Williams. Jhe lollowing resolution raa ofiered by Col. W. H. T re soot t Resolved, That tho Delegates to tho Conpty Convention bo Instructed to suggest to the Convention the propriety of nominating Dole;atea to the Congressional Convention called or this District, on the Sd Monday in August. On motion of W. II. Tre scot, U was Rciolred, That a Committee of Three be ppointed to write to prominent citixens hi he various Counties composing tho 4th Conrossional District, roquosting them to call be attmtioa of the voters of their respoetive bounties to the importance of appointing Delgates to tho Convention to be held in Qreenille on tho 2d Monday in August next. Tho following Committee was appointed; f. II. Trescot, II. P. Hammatt, W. K. Easlsy. Ou motion of W. II. Perry, it is requested iot the city papers publish tho prooeedings f this mooting. On motion, tho meeting adjourned. L. H. SHUMATE, Chairman. 3. P. IIillhousr, Secretary. For the Greenyille Enterprise. Mesne. Editor??Some weeks sinee, thore ipeared in tho Greenville Enterprise- a comnnication signed, "City of Greenville," in hich I was called apon to allow my name lerod as a candidate for tho State Loglslaire at tbo approaching election. This commnlcation, from the unmerited compliments contained, I felt sure could only have been mnod by tho hand Dt partial frlanddbipt and ?t regarding a seat in the Legislature of >uth Carolina at this time as a desirable ob? ct of itsolf, niy first impulse was to deelino e nomination, Sineo that time, manjr lends, in differsnj parts of the County, have god my acceptance of it. Now, howover, a feting of the citixcns of tho County has en called, to be held at the Court House, on ties-day in August, for the purpose of makg nominations, and I have concluded to tide the result of that meeting, if it is at all e expression of the will of those In oar aunty favoring retrenchment and reform in ir Stato Government. Tho sueecss of the principles l advocate re more to ino than a seal in the Legislature > nd I bold it is the highest duly of every oitlan of South Carolina, at the present time, to so his utmost efforts to eecnro for onr bc>vod old commonwealth, an honest, an ccooinirnl, and a Constitutional Stato Govern,.nl V' . - - nrj iruiy, yours, 8. S. CHITTENDEN. .. ? Tot tho Gr Ma rill* EaUrpria*. At a meeting of llie cilixens of the CHy if Greenville, held at the Court lloucc on Ultirday, the 23d July, on motion of Col, I. P. liammctt, L. II. Shumate, Esq.. win ailed to the chair and Dr. J. P. llillhnnat quested to act as tecrelary. The ohjecl if the meeting being explained by the hairmnn, T. Q. Donaldson, E q .offered tlx otlowing resolution : Krtotvcd, That this meeting respectfully equest that their fellow citizens of the City 1 Greenville meet with them on Saturday, he 30th Inst., at 5 o'clock P. SI., in public neeting, for the pnrpose of nominating uitable perrons for Mayor and Aldermen or the City for the ensuing term. After considerable discussion, in whieh Messrs Hammett, Easloy, Lester, Donaldon. Pickle and otheis participated, the ree ilution was unanimously carried. It was moved by W. T. Shnmate that the lity papers be requested to publish the proleedings of this meeting. On motion of W. T. Shumate, the meet ng Hojourueu. L,. II. SHUMATE, Chairman. J. T. IIilliiousb, Secretary. roa TUB UKBBN VIILR BNTIRl'KIrB. A Suggestion. AIe?tr*. Editor*?Wo would moet respectully suggest to tl>e Convention who meet in na>t Monday to nominal* candidates for nerubers to the Legislature nod County of* leers, that it would be wcjl to appoint brea <l?leg*tes to attend the Oongresstonnl onvsntion to nominate a csndidato for ongresa. Wo frost thai thia will be dooa. frd that tlie meeting Will inatruet t'.em to ipport the nomination of onr follow-eitl* in, RoBftrtf McKat, Eeq , whoae nam# *i ear by many suggested for Congress. MANY CITIZEN^ ( ' : ' - - ' ' * ' * ' .... -i ? , ori'TV*-1' "f FOB THR 0BBKNVILLB KXTRaraiSB. Register to Vote. Citizen* of Or*etr*Ul*?If you sMkit to ike any interest in the eoming Mayor and lonneilmen'a election, yon muet register.? ill should feel interested, aa thie will be he meet important of any election we may ver have for throe offteen. The hooka fee egiotration are opened at the office of th< Jity Clerk. Mr. A. 8. Jhmesn'a store. II ton will have been litre oixty days befors he 12ih of September ne*l, yon wilt be onit'ed to vote; therefore jrou. rtgUlai tow, and if yon only atay till the election fou will be aotillod to vote. The bosAi will be opened until the !2th of Aogact giving ample lime for any one to go and put down Ma nsmej It ie no difficult teak Voo will paaa the place eeveeal time* b* fore the 13th of August?step i* and regis ter. If yon neglect it, and the contest la Major and CounoiWnen becomes exciting and your vole would decide the eleetioe you would always regret it, and aay, If J had only thought to register." Well, now jno't forget thia time?don't go to the polls vol* in haad, and the managers ean't hot your name on the books; It will do n< food, for I tell yon unless you pot dowi your name on the registration books, jot will not be allowed to vote. It will mik< you mad to be refused. You will euro* infl swear you have bean here all yonr life but it will do no good. Then go register; 1o your duty ncd all right. O. K. i VOU TBI JMIJIULU KHTKIU'RISK. $ A ?uie. ^ ? IT OWYN. - A rose Wit bra botfir, t i t Cast down her dyw-urops bright, And folded up bar damask leaves And hid bar face from sight. I saw her fade and languish, Within her pfaeo alone; - , ; ; j f And why T ' ficrtuso thy radiant fbco Was fktrer than hot own 1 / v , A HI/ boat above a brook? ' I saw her tear-drops flow ; - A sorrow bowed bar graceful head And shook her leans of snow f She grieved, my gentlo Annio, That thy sculptured brow serene, Ilad won the crown of beauty, From this ancient valley qoeen. For the Greenville Euterprlst Jfestrt. Editor$?I am gratified to leal that it is proposed to bold a meeting of l) citizens of thla City on Saturday next, SOI | inst, at 6 o'clock P. M., for the purpose i DoiiM?iviu| ? ucict iu u? Tuieu tor ai n ensuing election for Mayor and Aldermei It is certainly of more consequence to a the citizens of the City now, than at at previous, election of town officers, or pe heps than any one that may occur for long time to come ; that great care and pn dence should be exercised in the eclectic of prr.per persons for tho^e offices. The . should be gentlemen of matured judgmen business experience, and of high oharaote Many important matters are expected I arise, which they wilt be required to a< upon during their terra, which may an eeita;nly will affect the interest of each oil izen. and the general prosperity of the City and it is of the utmost importance that a' the wisdom and judgment that can b brought to bear, should bo exercised in dli posing of them. Among others, it may b mentioned, that the present Council hum by resolution, obligated the City to sal scribe a considerable sum to the capita stock of the Air Line Railroad. The unan moos vote of the citizens of the City, rat fying a similar subacription made by th County, indicates their hearty approval < the City subscription. The money for III] subscription will have to be raised as it I called for, from the sale of the City bond The next Council will be charged with th preparation and placing of these bonds i I . u..._ .1 .? - .. . "v, ?..u nirm vunnicirr, BU iii.i they will command the highest posaibl ( rice. and must be dona with greal caulio and prudence. A mistake in lite beginnin might be fatal to success; th*n there ar manj' matters connected with the locatloi and constrnotion Of the road through th City, about which they will be consulted and from their position ae the represents Lives of the people will necessarily exercls n oommaoding influence. It is hoped that the bulling of the Air-Lin Railroad through the Qlty, giving ns dircc communication east and west, and other rail road connections and extensions?which it ! expected will he mado from the City?togett cr with the natural inclination recently man festcd by persons at a distance te movo an settle here on-account ?f tbc climate and oti cr attractions, that the gaowth of iho Cil will bo much more rapid in future than at an previous time.' Then, on ' this account, tt greatest care and judgment should be exe1 cised in all the public improvements, loci tion of new streets, Ac.; so that tlicy mi l>e commenced right, looking to their futn bearing and influence upon tbo City at it uu grow and extend its limit* ; so that trade mi bo accommodated and encouraged and tl City beautified ; and in tho exorcise of th duty, a due regard should atao be had to the influences upon the property of all the cititcn each location being protected aa Tar as poas bin. Tho policy of the City governmer should also be to preserve the best order I I the least inconvenience to tho people; nr perhaps the most desirable of all, is, that tl city should bo governed with tho vrcate I economy that can possibly be exercised wil , prudence, nnd that the taxes be reduced to tl ' lowest possible rite. This is the snore nece sary in consequence of the amount that w I havo to be raised to pay the interest on tl , subscription to the Air-Lion Railroad. ] order to accomplish these results, tho olecth of the class of persons indicated, is indispens blc. They must bo intelligent; they mu have experience, and they must be gcntlciu) of high character, i A ticket should bo agreed npon nt an ear [ day, composed of gcntlemon possessing tbej qualifications, and which, as near as possibl meets the views of the voters. Already i havo noticed two tickets proposed, and befoi the election there may, and probably wou be, many moro, if the above course ris n adopted. The writer has no objection to ar gentleman whoso name appears upon tl tickets he has seen; but as there will likely I many more before tho election, in order securo the result indicated, and tho election i a Council composed of Much gentlemen onl as the circumstances roqulro, I think tl meeting proposed is the best, and perha]: only plan of attaining that result, by oonce: trating upon ono ticket. Let all tho eititens attend the meeting i!iicn on# I* ueopiy interested?and let a tick bo nominated, whieb, M near as can be, rim the views or all, and lot it alone be voted. A CITIZEN. James P. Moore, Esq. Mrurt- Editor??Now that tho timo , drawing near for the voters of Oreenvll > Coonty to put forth her boat men in nominatic to ropreaent a* in tho Stato Legislature, behooves us, as discreet oitisens, to notnioa .only such men as will represent the peep with impartiality, sound judgment and abil ty ; therefore, in looking over the tong list men of the above named class, we have n< been able to And one tmortg them, that wou look with an eye singly to the Interests their fellow-ell iaeas, any better, or with mo good jadgment, than the namo that beai this artiele. lie is a gentleman of floe eduo tton, and ie at home in cultivating the soil in tha halls whore the sage is wont to be. lie a man that aspires not to worldly honors, b seeks only to do ihet for whleh an honorah and confiding people would approve of. \ need such men now, If ever we did, institute good and wholesome lews?laws tb are binding npon each and every one alik to be instrnmeataiin having onr taxes redne to ? reasonable amount?and that barmoi inav be restored between Aiiinmnn tidnnli r--r1 to know no South, North, Kut or W*#t( th ' this party spirit, wbloh U now distraoting o 1 eonntry may bo burled aa one of the evil* th ' wore, and that the colored man may find th r. r. those whom they have been raiecd np wli I are their oaly true Meidi, sad that which i for the white people'* good, t* for their* al , and that dear* P, Moore, K?q., ia the a | who will *ee that ju*l}ee it meted out to ail. We hope, on Monday next, (Saledny,) wh the representative# of the different Townahl of flreonvllle Connfy, which are to asseml in the Court ITmiae of this City to nornlnn r auitahle candidate* for th* Legislature, a ? not overlook the above name, and at th* sai time, that he will permit Ma nam* to be ui ' for the honoahle position, a* he will he aa ported by the voters of the COTJHTT. 1 The total reoeipU of th* Ueited Athi ^ government from all eouraea, since its < 1 ganixetiod, March 4, 1789, to June I 1 1869, a period of eighty years, were $1 1 409,000,000, and the expenditures $11,24 ' 000,000. General E. KirLy Smith Is Chancellor ill* Nnahville Univemity. - ii 1 For lUo UrcoiMrllk Enterprise. *; Bears Vim, 8. 0., July *id, 1810. Jfutrt. Editor*?The psopto of Boiler Township request that^yon }?ive notice lit rough Iho Jintorpria* that lh#y have oho. sen Capt. O. W. Lester, CspL U. M. Smith, and Wm. A. Hudson, Esq., to represent (hem as delegates iu tha convention to be held at Greenville Court llouae on the first k Monday in August next. Very truly jours, Ac , THOS. R. LEAGUE, See'ty. roa TUB OBBBNVILLB BHTKRI'niSE. Hoe Oat Tiekflt. Dr. R. D. LONG. for Aldermen, Ward No. 1?R. McKAY. ? ? 2?Dn. JAS. HARRISON. B. " ? 3?T. Q. DONALDSON. V " ? 4?T.C. GOWEIl. * ro ? ? a_L. WILLIAMS, >? u " ft?S. 6TRADLEY. J' For the Greenville Enterprise. * At a meeting of citisens of Oantt Township, jj on Saturday, tbo 23d instant, for tho purpose electing delegates to the Convention to be held at Grteartlle Court IIouso, 1st August, r* the following geutletnca were elerted dele* gates: Samuel Pay no, L. T. MeWhite. W. C a" Vuatgin and \V. M. Moor*. ? W. C. YEAROIN, Secretary. ?* Capt. Chleliesler, of llio steamship Ten. nessee, recently burnt at aea, died a few st daja since. Polly Conner, a colored woman, was ; killed by lightning near Columbia, on the '! 20lh lust. ?e The Abbeville Trias reports the death e of Mr. D. It. S >ndly, one of the moat esteem* ' ed citizens of that County. ,j On last Monday, Willie, aged about eight i* years, a aon of Mr. Joseph N. Steele, was accidentally drowned in Tool's Fork Creek? a few miles from Rock llill. is Mr. W. M Baa*, a reeident of Beaufor1 11 County, S. C., died at Rock Hill on Inst * Monday. n A party of coloted or diaguised white men visited, oo the night of Satnrday, 10th n inst, near Anderson, the hone* of a colored g woman named Mary Sloan, and bursting open the door, proceeded to administer a * severe whipping to her, and after unmerci.. fully b?nling her for nearly an hour, as it i- alleged, they left her in Ihie terrible and * dangerous condition. e It is now asserted that the colored youth, Jas. W. Smith, from South Carolina, has passed an cxatuinal ion ahead of forty seven i. white youths, nod is an accepted West point '* cadet. <1 Baron Alfonso Rothschild has resigned tha 'y Parisian Consul Generalship, because the to Kingot Prussia refused to receive him at r* R?ua. i iy The Democratic and conservative party re of Alabama propose to meet in convention |y in September next. AH opposed to radiio calism are invited to unite in the effoi t to ia reform public affairs, ir g, The Queen of Denmark dres*os on #100 a year. What a deairenLle wife ehe would make for an American mechanic it the tar id iff would let her dress as cheaply here, st Captain Mayne ReiJ is reported to be des_ th perately ill. 'g? Tba lata Emperor Maximilian's Quarterill master General is now selling soda water " in Texas. [n >n The Hon. Fredetick T. Frelinghuysei.' n" who has Wen confirmed by the Senate as ;n Envoy Extraordinary and Mirlster Plenipotenliary to Great Britain, in the place of '? Lion. James Lathrop Motley, the present Cf representative at the Conrt of St James, is I a resident of Newark, N. J. to 14 Cotton it opening near Albany, Georgia. ot Judge Bond, of Baltimore, was confirmed he os Judge of the Fourth United States Judibe ciol Circuit by the Senate, on Thursday ^ evening, by four majority, thus showing y, that he met with formidable jr^positior.? lc The circuit is eompoced of the Stales of Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina South Carolina. ^ M Prevost Paradul, the taewly appointed ta French M.nisler at Washington, committed suicide on tho 20th, hnving been oflielaly preset tid on the 10lh. Postage from this country to nil parts of Germany, hns been reduced to 7 cents where it wns formerly 10 and Ifi cents. ig Ore hundred women are now preparing ihenis-lvee for adminission to the bar in tho * United States, it lo A potato neallng twiacliino has Wen in la vented in Europe, which peels six hun 11. dred pounds of potofoes per hour. The Texas State prison runs a cotton fee. tory by con riot labor, wbieb pays all tbe expenses of thu Institution. ~ Tbs At Unlit colored university is having ? $20,000 college boil-Hag constructed ft. Soma 6,000 bushels of wheat liar* been or delivered at Carteraville, at 1.20 per bosh* ? el. ut A'exanlur II. Stephens now wd^ht eer* enty-slx pounda. l0 There are In one square mile In London 23,000 children growing op entirely with* a; out education. ** " Abticlm of real merit are always worth a7 the price," as is proved by the value of ?; SUWTF.ll BITTKRH. So vny hundreds utt who have used them. ur Pais may be said to lollow plontore ns its >at shadow, but the misfortune is that in this >*t particular ease, the subetance belongs to ib, the shadow ; the empllffosa to its cauS*. Tint la pain may be rtlieyed( the affliction. eauaed gn to torn YroOi " monrnlng Into gladness," ' inarmocli ae the - OLD CAROLINA BIT* an TRRS u (b4 Wat frlf||(| of (,|a |nvwlitl. tv Children cry for Wineman's eryitalized Ip, Worm Candy I its Livrrpool, July 26. rill Cotton steady ; uplands ft f : Orleans 8|; sslea 12,000 bales. Naw Yo*n, July 26. *a Gold closed Heady at ?Of <$20|, Cotton IP- flrm?r and in fair demand; sales 2,000 ; bales ; nfiddllog upland* 20ft Baltimmis, July M. " Floor dulland less firm. Whssi declined Lea 6c. White corn l,22@1.2k Provisions ,r Arm and unebangvd. WLlaksy 1.04. ' fhiAtr.ewroi*, July 26. Cotton quiet hut steady ; offering light; P. middling 8$ ; saha 60 bales; roceipts 0* 164 j stock 6,1*0. ( #.?,* i Avousta, Jnlf ?5r I Cotton maths} .firmer end our* active, of I eWog a? 1ft for mlddlWr> ?W bile# : receipts 60. * --? -a H . 1 mmmtmrnrnmrnmrnm+mmMti i irr r i Orope in (ieoigivFlorida, nod Alabama nre vary promising. Admiral Dahlgree la dead. lla -died of Heart diseaad. An infuriated now in Olan Cove, New York, gored a young lady t? death, on the Sd. The name of the victim wao Miae Craft. * . Fifty one Morroona have recanted and are ; going baok to England. LATEST QUOTATIONS OF l SOUTHERN "8 E O U RI TIES, . IN CHARLESTON. 8. 0. f Corrected Weakly by A. C. KAUFMAN. I Drokei, No. 26 Brold Street. I JULY *?. i??o * State Seeuritie*?Sooth Carolina, old 80@?} do new, 70@ ?; do, regist'd stock. City SccHriti*??Augusta, Ga. Bond*, 79 a?7; Charleston, S. C. Stock, ? @ 48 ; arUston, 8. C.,*fcire Loan Bonds, ? @70 j Columbia, 8. C. Bonds, ? @ 60. Railroad JJonJt?Bluo Ridge, (first mortgage)50@? | Charleston and Savannah, ?@ 70 ; Charlotte Colombia and Augusta,?@80 : Choraw and Darlington,?@83 j Green*illo and Columbia, (1st mort) 80@? j do, (8tate guarantee) #7 @?f Northeastern, past due, with int.,?@92 ; Northeastern, new, ?@92 ; j 8a*annah and Charleston, (1st mort) ?@80 ; i do, (State guarantee) ?@75 ; Sooth Carolina, oz-conpon, ?@70; do, ?@70 ; Spartanburg and Union, 60@?. Railroad Stock *?Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta,?@40 ; Greenville and Colum* bia, 2@?; Northeastern, ?@15 ; Savannah and Charleston, ?@35; South Carolina Railroad Company Shares, ? @ 40 ; South Carolina Railroad and Bank Shares, ? @ 41. Exchange, Ac?New York Sight, one-eighth off; ono-fourth premium. Gold, $1.16@$1.22; Silver, fl.08@? South Carolina Bank Billi. Bank of Charleston........... ??? "Bank of Newberry.... ?@? Bank of Camden.. 45?? Bank of Georgetown, 6?? Bank of South Carolina ? Bank of Chester 7@? Bank of Hamburg.,.. 10?? Bank of State of S. C, prior to 1861...-60?? Bonk of State of S C. issue 1881-02 32@ ? 'Planters' and Mechanics' Bank of Charleston ?@? Poople's Bank of Charleston ??? Union Bank of Charleston .?@? Southwestern R. R. Bank of Charleston, (old) ?@? Southwestern R. R. Bank oi Charleston, (new). ?@? State Bank of Charleston- ?.....8@? V? ? A ! *-.! T, >- - , .a. u.v>? *?uw flAViraiJ^o itnlin OI Charleston ?@6 Exchange Bank of Columbia ?^)I6 Commercial Bank of Columbia...........18(<^? Merchant's Bank of Cheraw. 4W? Planters' Bank o( Fairfield 4@? State of South Carolina Bills Receivable...................... ? City of Charleston Change Bills ?7@? Bills marked thus [*] are being rcdoomod at tho Bank Countors of oacb. HP The friend, of WILLIAM T. SHUMATE recommend him as a suitable perron for the offiee of School Commissioner for Greenville County, and hope the Convention srhieh meets on Monday next will nominate hint. July 26ih, 1870. 10-1 tar The friends of WILLIAM C. BAILEY recommend him as a suitable person for the office of School Commissioner for Greenville County, and hop* the Convene lion which mode ou Monday neat will nominate htm. July 26, 1870. 10-1 tar The friends of JESSE K. STONE recommend him n* a suitable person for the office of School Commissioner for Greenville County, and hope the Convention which meets on Monday next will nomina'e him. July 26, 187a 10-1 tW~ we "fe authorized to announce Rev. A. C. 8TEPP a candidate lor the office of School Commissioner of Greenville Ctun.ty, at the ensuing election. July 20 ' ' 9 td Notice Oatr* villi. 8. C., July 18th, 1870. THE Republican Convention for the nomination of Drlegr.les to the General As* sembly and County Offices, namely : Members of General Assembly, Probate Jndge? County Commissioners, and School Commissioners, will meet at Greenville Court House, on the Second Saturday in Augvet (18fA,) 1870, at 12.. M. The different Townships are requested to send their regular quota of Delegates in promptly on thai day. Ry order. WILSON COOK, M 8. E. E., Chairman Greenville County. July 20 0 2 Public Meeting Hext Auguat Saleday THE oitisens of the different townships in this County are invited to hold meetings in their respective townships and appoint, say Mirec, delegates each, to moot at the Court Ilonse next Saleday, for the purpose ef nominating candidates for the Legislature and County Officors?subject to the ratification o' tbo mass meeting on same day. MANY CITIZENS. Jnly 0 T ' 4 Health's Beat DefeheeM The weak eateth herbs," says St. laof, so thst eighteen hand red years age the value of medleiusl plants was appreciated. In the Old Testament botanical remedies are repeatedly recommended, hat In no passage of ssored history is man reeommended to swallow eaiomel, or bine pills, er any other mineral preparation. The tick were directed u> eat herbs to strengthen them, to purify them, to hea) them, to restore Asm. In that day the art of making vegetable extracts was unknown. The herbal medicines were mere tensions. It was reserved for a latter age to suite the sanitary essences of tonic, aperient and antibilious roots, barks, and plants, with an native stimulant, and tbns secure their rapid diffusion through the debilitated or disordered m. ? crowning uiumpu 01 mi* nteuT* mode of concentrating and applying the virtues of medicinal vegetable* was aohieved in the production of If OSTKTTKK'S 8T0M ACH BITTEKS. Never before had perfectly pore aleoholle atlmaUat been combined with the expressed juices ef the finest speoiflce of the vegetable kingdom. Never yet, though eighteen years have elapsed slnee its introduction, has this great restorative been equalled. It is taken at all seasons, in all elinses, as the most potent safb-gnerd against epldemice, as h protection against al nabsaHny exhalations thst produce debility or beget disease ; as a remedy for Intermittent and other malarious fovsre; as an appetiser t as a sovereign earn for dyspepsia j see general tonie and invigorant; as a gentle, pelnfeas aperient; aa a blood depttrent j aa n nervine f as a cure for billions aflbotlons) as n harmisss anodyne f and aa the 6esf d*/mcs of heolih under nafevorable eirenmeteneee, such as sedentary pursuits, undue bodily or mental exertion, hardship, privation and exposaM. -t. M Ootnrr ths Cost.-?A det's rids In alotott any part of oar country will show mora than , ona practioal illustration of the parable of the man who commenced to build Me oeetle without conn"log the ?net. Men often loots out of their eeteuletioee snsh little metiers as doora, blinds, ennhee, mouldings, Am, and in ths end find no eonoforl in tha honse which the* hits built Ksmsmbev, thet-vforn, before building, to write I? R P, Testis, Charleston, B. O. the lefge* mean, factory of doors, As., in the Southern States, for an estimate of the cost of finish-, 1 Ibf 14