The Greenville enterprise. (Greenville, S.C.) 1870-1873, June 22, 1870, Image 2

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rfMfcattii ni 11 mwm n QREIwyitLl, fro. vzdihdM, Jln-la ihe. "1 - *-- ! .J-i H I I 1 '*h? Air-Ida* Bailroad. Naxt Saturday will ba, lo our nplaloa, om of the moat important day* la tbo blatory ot Q repay Ukaifr . aa4 . ( ,U^ ap^y.. rote wni dojida, flrat, whethpc^re ma Mafia capable of noderataodtag oar Malarial ih tareats, and as ting accordingly. IT# Ut4 mat with few, vary few, cithern of the eOunty who do not approve of the vote ft* auhacriptiea, [ bat m tbo day of aetton comas, we traat thai ? none will be abbsnI from tbo pelli with their J otea and thai# iufluence in Its Ihvor. Bvery friend of the Road, of every class and sol or, can exert an Influence, and should not fall to do so. The main thing Is to turn out fa the , > k ; a day and rote. The matter Is to be decided by Totos. . A t 4V We can rote oureelrae a thriving, prosperous people if we will. Wa siocorely believe that the single Item ef Blackberries would fully Justify the auheerlption asked ef the eounty. There waa one county in North Carolina, lying on the railroad lending to Wow York and other Northern oitiea, that, year before last, sent sixty thousand dollars' worth iff Blackberries to New York. Qirrsti!!* as* other counties tn this State, on such a road, could do the same thing. The Union Befbrm Convention. A convention of delegates from mast of the counties of this State met in Columbia on the 15th June, representing those who are anxious to bring about a reform In the Stato Goveminent, for the purpose of seeuring and maintaining the righto of ad! parties, classes and celors, and in opposition to all corruption extravagance and bigb taxes?this was the avowed object. CoL W. M. SnasKON, of Kcrsbaw, was cleota/t Pro* irtnni r?f I Km Hnnvanfinn and a^.lna.eoJ the body in a brief and patriotic spcocb.? Speeches were made by several members.? Geu. J. B. Kershaw submitted resolutions' which were referred to a committee on platform, as follows : i 1. The Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States having been by the proper authorities proclaimed and ratified by the requisite number of States, and having been received and acquieaoed in u the law in all the States of the Union, ought to be fairly administered and faitbiully obeyed aa fundamental law. , 2. The vast changes So onr system of Got* eminent brought by the international war between the two sections of the country, and following in its train are so far incorporated into the Constitutions and Laws of the States and the United States, as to require that they be regarded as verities, having the foroe and obligation of law. 3. Tbia solemn and complete recognition o' existing laws brings the people of South Carolina into entire harmony upon all questions of civil and political right, and should unite ail honest men io an earnest determination to establish a just, equal and faithful adminlstra. tion of the Government, in the interest of no class or clique, and for the benefit of a united people; therefore Resolved, That tho Convention nominate fo ' office only member* of the Republican party now ao largely in the majority. Gen. M. C. Butler, of Edgefield, chairman 1 of the Committee on Platform, reported to the next day'* meeting of the Convention tho plat- ' form proposed by Oen. Kershaw. aa given 1 above; also recommending the adoption of the following resolution : Resolced, That this organization be known a* tho Union Reform Party of South Carolina. Brief speeches wero made in advocatiog the 1 report by E. 8. Keitt, Gen. Kershaw, Qen. 1 M. C. Butler, Jonas Bird, (colored,) J. P. ' Thomas, Berwick, (colored.) I J. B. Ker8haw asked leavo to amend the report, by striking out " verities," and inserting " accomplished facts." Leave was grant- c ed. Ho then proceeded to explain why the I movement waa so late. i After some discussion, a committee of twen- I tysone was appointed to submit a nomination ? for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, wbiob resulted in the final nomination of Jtldge R- , B. Carpenter for Governor, and Gen. M. C. ( n.... i 1 ?. /I WteJ K I', *? i t1.1. ii iur liii'Dienuii'Uuvemur. This closed tbo politic*) proceedings of the ^ Convention, and was followed by an adjoorn- j aieat tins di?. We shall again recur to the proceedings of this Convention, having only * space at present to give the results. i Whittomore Before Congioss. On Saturday, 18th, the Speaker of the j House of Representatives presented ihe ore- ( dmtials of the expelled dealer in eadetships. I.ognn objected to swearing in the person claiming to represent the State of South Carolina under these eredenlalls.? Fatniwurih soggeeied that the ease be re ferred to the Committee ou Elections Lo- 1 gao did not want the case to go to tbe committee. The individual had disgraced himself, snd the joornal of the House so ' awnvasaa.1 if an,) it ama a /tnaation f/vss fVa cajii rnocu i v I nii'j iv w tin m ijwrvviwu ivi ?"? Home to deside for itself. Parneworth insifted that it ought to go to the committee. Logan said he did not wish it to go to tbe committee to be pocketed till efter the Adjournment of Congress. He wanted the question settled now. The election wee not eonteeted; the question was whether tbe House weald admit bin*. Fernsworth could not see hew the Hottee So*Id as* without a report to ge upon ;-there traa no official record. It is true washers remembered some week* ego, but they con Id not go opoe that Ix.gan eaid to reft r it wee to treet the esse with more consideration then it deserred. The House wss familiar with all the faete, end it was a (were question whether tbej would allow him to occupy e aeat in thia Coogrees; whether they would stand by what their own mora) sen re end the sense of the people prompted them to do. He moved, the Committee of claims Letog entitled to the day, that the ease he postponed to Tuee dep. Agreed to. Obi field offered a resolution that when a member is expnlb-d, or resigns pending a resolution of expulsion, ths case should be reffcmd to the commit lee by wkioh the reflation ol expulsion was considered. Rater, ed to the Committee an Kales. tW Senator T. J. Robertson, (a the Resile, on thl lftth, ashed te take np the hill removing political diesMHires, eoverlog |,00f> names. ftuusnfr sold the bill W^t^oW wholesale in its character ; it was poifpon ed. ? v , ..' *; Northern cities ^every nicely dneeerf up, and (hi) Himnhn flighty T?hM & briers', or to IriTil about the little city of OreanvUle all day, fte^ffug for a market', and eery few finding it, at a contemptible JJCka t?f. prhep foiyjd, ^ -. - , , But leaving alt figurative#, ,^at? the people of (fr*eo Rh% the poorei' class*# ea- j pee tally, {end aaeet of?a beleag to that] elaas.) refloated oa the great market that (Will be opened far the labor and gatherings of their hands, if the railroad la built 1 We oaa, bj a simple rote practically, bring the merketa of Columbia and Augusta tlx the centre of Qraeqville county, and every dmo however humble hie capacity and In. formation can understand tha advantages to arise from it; three lieve been spoken of agaio and again in the columns of the Enm terpriie, end in public and private difoosalona throaghout tha county, Bnt there ia more then advantages to he gained?there are dlsedvantagea and Iocs to be avoided j for it Oreenvllle feth tu secure the location of the roadi wa not only fall of the Immense benefits It would ooafer upon the whole eounty, bnt we shall lose oar prevent prom* mence the nret plaM Ih population and capital in the up-eonotey ; boaiaeaa ot at' ki'jub decline, instead of advancing ; our tnaiket will (brink; our Inaltlatioaa of learning dwindle ; our ag* ieultuial progress be cheeked ; despair will cocnpy the niadi of many of our oiiiaena now th? moat hope ful and enterprising. Mary of Ibe beet ol them will, aa the)' now confess. foraako I|n country, if it aliowa ilaelf ro far hehiod the age, and ?o incapable of helping ilaelf when iueh a grand opportunity is offered, [ The bwbeerlption lo the railroad ia not a gift, but a purchaee, and we maintain a great bargain for the county at that. The atook acquired will, aa aoon aa Ibe road gela in running order, pay at least the Internet on the subscription, and will aaeurediy ba worth more than il eorta. No railroad of lha cliaractar of the Air Line Road, conatl luting a general thoroughfare for travel and traffic fed by other mads, aa a great river is fed by rmalier streams, has ever failed to pay good dividends, and lo main* tain Ibe value of the stock subaorlbed ? Tbe Georgia Central Railroad, and nnmerout other*, are examples. Tbe GretDfille and Columbia Railroad bat paid ita stockholder* well only in the VeoeAt it baa conferred upon the bnsiaett of tbe country; tbe peculiar management of tbe Read before tbe war, and tbe war's ditstlcrt, preTcntcd it from paying dividenda ; but it witl not do to compare tbe Greenville and Columbia Railroad to the AirLine, any more than a spring branch to tbe Mieeioaippi. Tba Air-Line, if eenatrweted, bo waver, will eanse a connection to be made, in good tint, of tbe Greenville Road with Aabevilla, and tben it, too, will become as a mighty river that " makes its waret a blessing as tbey flow." The Quetlion of Taxation and the Air-Lint , Railroad. There Is grots darkness with romo on this point. Tba taa for another year, if we succeed, will be only abont $4,000 for tbe whole county subscription, And tbe elty of Greenville will pay two-flllbs, or $1600, of Cbat. Tbe tax tbe year after, will be more( but by that time the railroad property in the county wil! pay a large part of it; and gentlemen of the highest mathematical talents and candor, assert that-Greenville will be more than relieved from any tax to pay tbe subscription, by tbe county taxes which will be paid on the props erty of tbe Road, and tbe increased value of other property, besides the dividends that are to arise when tbe Road is completed. So that, in fact, our subscription and stock in tbe Road will turn out to be a clear gain to tbe people of the county, instead of a debt. VB~ Attorney General Hoar, of Mass* thuselU, lias resigned, and the President ins nominaUd bis successor. Ths Wash nglon Star has the following regarding klr. Akerman whose name is now before the ienate: " It seems pretty certain that tbe more radical Republicans will make an earnesf (Tort to prceore the withdrawal of Mr. Ikcrman's nomination to the Attorney Generalship, or, failing in that, to prevent lis confirmation by the Senate. This aeIon grows out of the part borne by Mr. tkerman during the late rebellion, in which, it is alleged, he voluntarily took an letive part for about eighteen months. It ippears that the legal and political disabtli ties imposed npoa Mr. Akerman by tbe Fourteenth amendment were removed by the aet approved on tbe 14th of December last, in whiah hit name appeared with about 1,600 others. The opposition to him would seem, therefore, not to be baaed upon ttriotly legal objections, but rather upon the ohoo*iag a constitutional adviser from that class, while plenty of men, at least equal in ability and reputation to Mr. Akcrmaa, and without any taint npon their patriotism, could be had for the place." . i ???>? The Working Christian. ? Organ of the BiptliM or BOOUi Carolina. Tbe aooond volume of this excellent religion* end family aewapapcr, will begin, with tbe first number in July. It ia now publleb* ed km Cbnrleaten, end baa mm able corpa of editor*. The Proprietor ia aaaiated t>r Bar. J. L. Reynold*, D. D., and Rev. L. ft. fllincb. Tbe " Sunday School" Department and that of " General Intelligence," are ooadaeted by OHref P. Gregory. Doting it* fret yaer, the paper baa gained a eltenlation of 1,600, and It *4111 gaining ground. It bid* fair to be one of tbe moat popular and ueefui religious paper* lb tbe 8outb. It is derated to the latere**- of the people ef Sonili Carolina. Sketches of lie Ing and deeeaaed minister^ will be ponllnn. ed from week to etrfc, during lite next year. B'gtdee religion# readme, It will contain raluable raadtcg on Education, Agriculture, and in fan! erefy ?nhj-et that bae a bearing an the prosperity of oar country. H ?a probably the b#?? medium in the SUte for general adrrrlUing, fotgg aa It done Into efi tbe buainWa cooler* of tbe State. Tbe following eye the trrtM of enhwetlp* tlon, in advance: Single copy, 9%M>\,8?r eopiee. $11.16, eleven, $50,06. We will furnieh ,oor own f.sper and the Working ChHtHmm, te aubaerihere, fori one year at $4.00. jJEKtopMT^": Of Torfofpa this aeaeCd." Ifr. Thptoab flteen idee* 2 Sr:f??KS cfBp r IWfowll, go at Wft and gdt /tor c?cd to flma. I ' * g?aa<2\v?olnXfat tba WftrtfHy Aapaljf p fc*T*T*|V"lll fc?i?t?i^? of || u dtea and' (ent1?*i?a fcrasailt, notwlthatandtaf Q tfea W|? dadaetton o*c*jvo??U bjr a auriigi fc, oarenon? parfo{wad ip ona of onr abarobaa.? ol |Ay aehflarly and masterly manner k/ the aeoom- ai plished speaker, who. If ho hod not already e*- Q tabltabed ? high reputatlpn ae?n <4* scalar . m and flifUd louuAnt Qntor. on thii occasion* Ifhlly established hit claim to ho so consider* a) od, lie was warmly congratulated at the con- a oluslon hy the learned p ftifetiors, fend other in- ? Udligeat friends who ware preeent, and the* ft qaeatly Interrupted hy I*rata of applauao from tl the audience during the delivery of the ad- tl dreaa. We would like to preeent au outline of the speech, l>ut eould not do the leaal jua tiort to ita merit*, without occupying space in oar columns already filled with other ? matter. The leading argument . wan to prove the overruling nroridenca of God ia y the history of aH nation*, maintaining the fact that the Bible alone In ita prophecies c and revelations, furnished the key to unlock " the mysteries of national events, otherwise e Incomprehensible and without meantng or h design to all who reject that divine Instru- a meat.. The task was ably end eloquently n performed. r., ^ Distressing Oocurrence. 0 Uuitad Slate* Deputy Marshals W. II ' lloi'xca and F. Williamson, in arresting Mr. b Jack Wabp, of tliia County, yesterday, for 8 unlawful distilling, the latter, making some 11 show of rrsi-taore, or at least attempt- ^ ing to eaeape, wa? fired on by Mr. Moi nck several tiuse*, whilst tunning off, two of Uie (] hal's taking <ff ?t and reverely wounding g Ward in both thighs, brenking the bona in 0, one. We barn that Frank Williamson w threw a stone at Ward which struck him y, on the thigh, and the latter spoke of this as d| probably breaking the bone, but. it ia at the place where the pistol ball entered. ll It ia thought the wound* are not mortal, h! Aa the.affair will probably nndcigo legal cl investigation, we forbear eomment on the Ri circumctaneec. Cub* '' I * % a |j Aflar much talk and fuss about Cuban mattera the whole affair Las Icon dropped by (j the Bouse. The pasaage ol the resolution, that " the Previdtnl Is hereby autlioria-d to remonstrate against the barbatoue manner, CM in which the war in Cuba has been eon t< o, ducted ; and, if he shall deem It expedient, to aolieit the co operation of other govern - menu in men measures as as may neem to Btccasary lo secure from both contending w parties an obaerranoe of the laws of war J raooguited by all eiriliaed nations," ^ amouata to just nothing at all. T1 An Item for tbo Lad lea. V Madaaia J. Winbkbb, who. has a Millinery ,r end Ladies' Dress Trimmings establishment at S02 King Street, Charleston, has es. ? tabflshed a branch of her business in Green- u rille, and occupies the north room in the old H Ooodlett House hnilding. Her variety of La- J* dies' Goods and Triintninga is a large one, (( and the ladies of both City and coantry t| would be pleased, we know, by examining bcr \ stock, r i ; ,< , M. k Tavora. ' 7 IV# bare received a pamphlet of tbe first ~ grand annual lair of the Cotton States Mo- * cbsnical and Agricultural Fair Association, of * A tf JVIiafji. n?.. which will ?Ainmani?a ah T.??o- i) day, October 25, 1*70, and continue See days, f' Tbo schedule of premium* amount in value to J 811,000, besides $,1,000 which has been act u apart for ohjecta of interest not provided for l< in thtS aoeciai list. We acknowledge tLo receipt of the ealaInguo fur 188ti-'70, of Washington College, of whieb Gen. It. E. Lte i? President. It baa an able eorps of Faculty and oHcera, 21 in *' number. There are in attendance npon the J College, 34* students, 21 of whom are from li South Carolina, the balance are principally T from the Southern Statea. We hare likewiae fi received the Oummcnoement Calendar, 1870. ?i The Baccalaureate Sermon waa to hive been 0( preached on Sunday, IVth (flat., by Rev. W. T. Btuartr, of Atlanta, G#. The Catalogue of the ofHccraand etndenta r< of William Jewell College, of Liberty, Mo , j| for 18?Jl?-'7f>j hee been eent at, and contains A) the namea of 127 students Is the number o attending this institution appears the name ij, of William# Mclvpr Edward#. of thi#j>laen, ||j whose lamented father. Prof. P C Ed wards, was loved to well by na all. Prof. John P. Lanneau, 'orm?rly 41 Ftieman Unareraity, who removed thither in 1868, fill# the chair of Mathematfea. The William Jewell College is under Aba control of the ?>' bsptieia of Mlasob-l, and show* a pioapar oua eondltioo, , <*e The Kupbradian Society, of the tjnlveralty al of Sonth Caroline, have extended at an thvl- . , iation to their sixty-fourth Analreraary Oele- " I ration, which lakes plaee oa .Manday, Juno Al 27th. Mr. B. M. LawtoJi, of Burn hell, t* *n President ; Mr. W#, ft. Lteoe, of Anderson, la Secretary; ??d Mr. J. Sanunt, Caivrox, of lh Cheater, doliver# the Valedictory.' We return ed our thanks for the coiirteey. -ge The " Ugly Ctnb," ?f the satwe IrWfttaOM? i* baa al#e awor*4 ae with an invitation to jat- .*d tend their Annual Celebration, on Tburtuajk M J art a IfllVt Thn rksrftniaM riAeaaantaJ follow* : " Pretty Man,"?Doll Baby, (J. T. >>< Scibsls, Columbia. 8. C.); " Ladies' Man,"? rj C*n?, (Hamilton (i. Ewart, Henderson, N. C.); " I,a*y Man,"?Arm Cbalr, (John A. Wttonn, York, 8. 0.); " i'oae?it?d Man,"? M>fr..r, IM.C Robert *on, Pairfteld, 8. C); "Ugly fan,"? Boot*, (John A Pa her, Germany); h "Baby."?Candy, (B M. Law ton, Hawaii- h n*h, Gn.)t " Pool,"?Cap. |Th<H*?>* bhwd. tl Anderson, 8. C.); " I^ater,"? Diploma, ^Al d ex. Hamjson, Georgefown, 8. C.) si The CUrionorfhic Society. of the Mine In- * titoiion, hn lHcewlee extended n* ?n In- e vltstion to iltstd their Fiaal Celebration, u on Tuesday swenlos, Juu# 88. 18TQ-, PreaL B dent, Mr. J. Richard Lynn of Union ; See- * retarv, Mr. O. J Htrfll, And?r*on ; and Mr. John T. BaHwlr, of Columbia. Is V?t?. lielory Orator. It would give as pleasure ] to witness their exercises. 1 Lardner Gibbon, of IhU County, * has our thsnks for a ? ?py of the monthly ^ report of the Department of Ageieahors for Mareh and April, 1870, whiek ssnttlH e muyh valuable Agricultural information. ' The TypopropM* Jntrn*l end Ad**rl*Mr. Kubliebed in Charleston, by Mssara. Walker, Ivans k Co?sw*n, contains mneh Informs ' lion essentially useful to publishers and C" item. It is the beat mags sine ie this that w* receive. The quarterly .f?W- * ber for Judo Is gotten np with Its ustral skill aod taste, which Is wet ..rdmory. We also ' A La .altk re >.sJt I a Swat mu 11 wi?? h.uv? mwi ?*? ^ W# nh??r?? that ihia wkIiV nninW of f Hearth m*4 Jf$me ?n?ulnt Mir ftrft of a a? t ilea of aketehra enlirl'd " Jethro Thronp'e , Blight Tfi?>?ighfY,,'by Jdhn Th-mea. Win* lb ito other than PMrolr?m T lUwf. Tbr &'M< humor iat will MUm ImmI eouMry \r ?? the ?Uj. eoaduct bim, U?r(9w*h t*? arual ekperiopa'*, a*{f rrtlore htm to M* I horn* a ladder and wtoee hoy. edtitfled that J the pea oriel, hei.ret and temperate lifa of , ' i ed ?t fWa W. ?dd Ma#* fa tho htaa-t? ' tawah* - v!i- 1 T /*rr ? more. aa 4bf 1 J*r **4 ?? J aaothar in-law, Mr* WUIiama, died at the j aame plana the aeme day. , iiMjpj i-.- , tMi i Jfeeere. fMOtorEL J take tb^ liberty to Aglet the n^iet tut bead tbi| pomrdunicA>*y i ?ttltabl?%f reqi^to tbelbtnm#^ ^f reenTille ft) the next Legislature. They are >lh ?aee of education, InUlligeqoe ai}d high lereeter, know the interest and the toemtzx nee with that Intftrait If that nnonlo of reenvlllo wish good rrnd true men to repre.3;i.nv> Intake this sugguatiun jag .sut wmWflih bilitv, not knowing tli:it the call nesppad. PVlvhfe itwtfoii Is dodbflertr the post r honor at thill* present jtmctttre of otrr ?ft lirt | pet every good cttizeta owe* a debt to ze ointB.itjity in live*. X trust ley will content to serve the people. CITY Of GKEKHYlLJJt. CSBSSSB ?'rx - < Tiuirti.-Tbo Rutherford (If. C.) F?W?ator of the 13th Inst., says : Horec^thleves and robbers are getting very old In their operations, and our county Si tirsed with a gang of tbieres and robbers, rbo aro bleeding our citizens to On alarpitng xtent. Only last week a Dr. Cook palmed Imself of! on the good elfizons of Otter Creek s e physician, epondlng two weeks in tbal eigbborhood, end wilding up his operationi y stealing a horse from a yonng^euan, whosi uly depewdesce for his family was what bit arming with this horse would produce foi im. He also stole a saddle from aaotbel ood citizen, and (bis was after a bold attetnpl a day llgbt to rob the bouse of Mr. LbncMtr. who was absent at tbo time. A yhtwg IIHott, who was at Mr. L's, was sua pie lout tiat Cook Intended mischief, and remained acre to ace what ho would do. Cook tried to et bim off, and finally broke a quart pottle ror bia bead, pushed blm dowu and attempt il to rob bioi, and would bare succeeded but >r Mr. li'a dogs, who attacked Oook, end roro him away. Mr. L. met him a short dts. ince from the Loupe, and Elliott informing irn what had been done he gave Cook a sewcre lubhing, when he dopartad, and that night :u)e the borae above stated. We bare seen quito a number of suspiciousinking persona around lately, and wo are satflod that there is some organisation among em, 'and ibat tbetr plaas are systematic foe licviug and ruVbory. A Farnnwovsx Setts for #20.000?-The ocinnatf " Enquirer eat#: A rather-in ' resting ease ho* been commenced in the ipt-rior Court in lliia City, inasmuch as it rives some old reminiscence* growing it of the cnslotn of slavery, now supposed be wxtinct. Tha plaintiff is Henrietta ard, a mulatto woman, formerly a reels nt of- this Cl'y. wlio lirii gs auit against b Ward and a woman named Rehreca oyfi. for the n covpry ol $20,000 damages he plaintiff set* tip (hat ia 1863 aha was .siding in this city, and bad I.eon living ere for a numb. r of yenra y that the was e?, and the (aat wstt known and nth. n'ioated ; hut despite litis. Went au3 re woman Boyd conspired to dep.ive her f her lih-rty for the a?ke of gain and rerard, and fin li.-rir.ore, that the}' succeeded, he claims that she was abdue'ed fr.?u> her eacefnl borne in this city, ami cmrt-d to Kentucky where Ward held her in scrvi ide for a period of fe-ven months He ten b?M her to one Gerard Bnmsea, 'Of liasissippi, tor the sum ot $2,060, This entleiuen took her to Texsa. end worked er as a common field hand foe fifteen ears, without lure, reward, or smoHimrnt -eke remaining titers in the bond* of slavery nl'l ber shackles were kuockad off by Ir. I.lncoln. Rlie, therefore claims that sha entitled to recovar f.cni Mr. Ward the ii value 01 iter sari ice* (or the fifteen om* she wad deprived ofliheity by bin nNwftil net. The' c??e Is one which h k> ly to attract some attention.* Dbatii or AxotnEn Citizkx?Wo are ftnin called upon to i echrd the death of an u??*ful and honorable citizen ol nderson. Mr. A. C, Jackson departed this fe at hi* resideuc", in this county, on hured it ni?ht last, offer n long and pajn il illness, nge<( abort fifiy years, lie ii rickcii dowit In the hrt latW an attlve life, nd is a scrloua Io** to Ills family and the immunity at huge Mr. Jackson was a ttive of Spart inhur/, * e bellave, and had sided in thiscAinty for the past ten years, r waa an alder of the I'rstbyUrlss Church : VsrirAnis. an adorned the piofotaion of a liristian. He wis a worthy member of io Maionlc fraternity, and was huried with te honors of the ancient Institution, on today morning, [Atirfrrton Ixt'llit/tHetr. Tnz following gem from tha writings "of ? arvs has of lata been goiny the rounds the press ft wm beautiful bo/ore; t|ia i?th of it* author makes it sadly appropiir now ; " There is nothing?no, nothing?beauI and good that dies nod is furgou?o.t infant, a prattling sliild, thing io its idle. Will live again in tha better inoughts those who loved it, and play it* part. <>ngh its laxly be burned to Ushsaor boil in tha deepest sea jTtiere ie sol ao ani) a<Mad to the bos*? <> heaven but does I blessed Work On earth in. those who lorI it here. I)eadt Oh, If the good deeds human creatures could be leased to tb*ir luroe. h->w boau'iful would eren drathap >*r! for how itiuah charity, rnercy and pu find slf-cilou w.nld be seen to hsva their owth in dusty graves I" - - s4<lM r ? O01 vo I'iout Auiwo?The satvs of tickets i tha Grand H*ndsr*m, JCy Frit* Hchruit see increased rao-t unprecedented iy within ie last law days, now that the time ol the rawing baa auuroaakrd ah star. Sort it ia r? to oofti?i ui without fad. Keer jbody rlio >'* tickets and yieh u> gft mora, and *?rvb(XJj' who has pnnr, bht if-ilrti to al>tin ihem. mint hefty ftp. Delays are darv ei ou?, and it i? not |><>VebU there will b? tiuket left left day* before the drawing I m ? At a meeting of the stockholder* of the Kins'* Mountain Railroad Company, 1r 'ork*lllo, IXth ine'ant, ivwaa reenlved to id Ike Bhclity and Boatti Carolina Railroad Jompany, by guaranteeing Internet on theii Kind*, or otherwise, ur an amount not a* eedlag oaa hand red thonednd dellarn, ia uah manner and loam aa they may el?ot. bivord a ihjiibt.-r-Mor* d|p*a?ea are tb< eault of a derangement of the Liver }han rom any other oaoee. When that organ h lieoaaed. every part of the ay item aympe hi tea With It, and general proetratlon and leeline ie the remit. The beet, safest and peadUet remedy lor Llvrr Complain I. inj 'II Urn HwHW that fellow, in YIJIT* fSOKTABLK L1VK& 1'lLl.s. they ar. >oo(?lierly adapted lo the ollmale of the hmfh. They are eold t.y Drngglrts everj ahere. ?-? OexEKviLLE aan Cntuwnt* Rmflrtsn.** IherifT France made a raid on noma of tb< >roi?erty of ilie flrrrnvllle and 0?t1umb1( Railroad, y retard ay, atlheeuit af M?eer?. J Boyoe and H. Beanie, of Ureentillr. Thi unning of the tretne will opt ha affected >nd if Ie ihnoght the roiftlrr will be rat la iaotoflly arranged In a day or two. {PW, M .it P?err?b?w'.r ? >..*; .i Madams Tbwonaar of new York, it ft laid, ie going Into the wholesale tqa buci iam. Rbe hae taken ? waman into part leaahln, who will Hvn la Canted. TIk capital of the firm ie eaid to be 1600,000. v ?rillW w T ^ V N sfLntion to As follow? lxsjportAt feAtc- i tjpfc?_ from Jie Seeretffiiespf th4V?sAan !\ Bible Society, Bible Rouse, A (tor Plate,Now York City i . ir , ? . ' 91 " The Committee Distribution bare in- ?L$ 1 auxiliaries. end so far as practicable all othsrt, | C to receitre ti? rndnrermmt of tke Agent from . "'"if* Slate the requeue art made, together I * With full information ottb^.f^H Jtbicfc cn- c fqtco each eaae. TJ>er arc especially desirous a "j' to' know the extent of destitution, the etlbrta '1 mode by applicants to help themselves, or to pay in part for books received from oOr DeI ppedtery, or to ion|rlb*tte he the cause, the number and character of the population to be supplied^ ln Ano, *U that may assure the committee of the propriety of these requests.'', Persons needing Bibles and Testaments for Sabbath-ieftrvoie, far distribution' am^ng att riadert oHKe, mnst apply to the officers of the Bible Society, in-the eity or oowrt house town ' or to Branch Bible Boole ties ha' the country 1. where they reside ; and. If they cnanot heguppHadr the officer* wifl please request me to I procure books for their Society, So meet the demand, from the American Bible Society. To meet the demand for the Word of God in ' this State, the Bible Societies and friends of 1 the Bible cause are tornattly requested to In. . , crense their efforts to raise fonds for gratuitous work, and especially to' forward Without ' unnecessary delay, all fund* now no hand, of r. i readily collected fur hooks or on donatjon account, to Andrew L. Taylor, Assistant Treasurer, American Bible 8oelety. Since the war tbia Society sent to auxiliaries ^ind.other benevolent institutions in South Carolina, over ; fts.000 vdlnmes of the Hofy Scriptures, mostly , as donations for distribution among white ' I and colored persona, and every patriot and unnetian should esteem It a pleasure and a " privilege to contrlholo to tbo fund* of this 1 i truly Christian Bible Society. Collections from pastors of cburohes, and contributions of any amount from all friends I of the Bible, will be thankfully received and 1 duly acknowledged. 1 Please address roe nt Colombia, 8. C., !>efore f the ol?s? of eaob month, and It will afford roe pleasure to serve you. Yours truly, < K. BOlXES. Ag't Am. Bible Society for Soulb Carolina. I Columbia, 6. C., May, 1879. 8 Tuh Prussian needle gun has been im proeed by altering the mechanism so a* to simplify the loading and increase the force and range of the iialt. These lmpruv? run nt* have been sanctioned by lbs King of JVmeia, and between two and three milBoris of rifles in possession of lbs Govern mcnt arc lo he remodeled. ' The eccentricities of great men are some, what skin to ths movmrnts oC comets? lormed to do good by modes unintelligible 'to vulgar minds?hence It is their fa'e to h< h miscomprehended. But no one can he mistaken as to the great cnrailve properties possessed hv the celcbtaud OL!> CAROLINA BlTtimH." Wineman'e Crystalis-d Worm Candy aver lailnl ]>tni!?i tba cereqaony of deuonttlng tbo ' graves of Fcdei-al anldieiw at Arlington Uat . week, a poor widow ai tempted to place a . wreath on the grave of her dead aon, a Con ledorata soldier. 8he we* brutally ordered t awoy by tin; Committee superintending tb? , alfnir. *' , " Litems tbo luxury of doing good " by r-commendinjj to all w ho suffer from Dja- J pepsia, debility, rour stomach aud Indian ion. SlTMtElt BITTKRS. the groat e Southern Tonic?it will otire them. Ix a recent rpeerb at Abbeville, Judge 1 Orr staled that the new route through town j Tor lie Blue Kidge Railroad bad been s?|a? f i ted?that the injunction granted by Jodie , i Melton waa a temporary difficulty oitly-?and (hat the road wowld ba eompUtea at ao eat ly day. ' . , Ii la a Tonic and win atrenlben you.? Reduce tbe tloae ao it ac'a a* a gentle laxative. an i continue on regularly with 8IMMbN.V REGULATOR, and you willbeeome (trong and hcalUiy. Nkw York, June 20. Gold 12)@lvf. Cotton quiet ; aalea 900 boles?middling up i..j. nil * IBaCtimoms, Jnn? 20.?Flnttr qnitl, firm 1 nnd uncharged, rxc?pl W??i?-rn estra, vlilch is quoted m fi 25(?f!78, Wheat ?t?hdv?51iiryland 1 C601.76; PfBinyl*** iiih 1.66011.00,- 0??rn eatier?white 128? I .Srt; yefiow 1.1201.14. Oata *le*,!?. at J ft6@70. Pork 81 00. Hhon) Icr* 14. Lard l(j|(if i"i. WhUky 1.0401,03. i irAttmnK, Jim* to. ? Otion lower? middling Uj ; ea'et 250 bales;, rroejpt* < 188 ; doi'lc 6 OlM. ' Ltvraro't, June 20. ?Cotton lenda up* wards?u(>Utide, 10$ ; Or leant 10^. bale# 12.000 bait#. ENTERPRISE PRICES CURRENT. -? ; CORftKCTBD WrEKI.r, BT 1 MESSRS. DAVID k STAADlEY, MERCHANTS. \ UREBNVJLLK. S. C-, JUNK 21, 1870. , BACON?Allien, ^ ft 20(g,25 e. j Ham*, " " 25 e. -.Shoulder#, V lb,.... IB ? , PAT.K ROFIf.^lb, 1Q? UAflOlNO, Oonny, ?.yd 2S0S5 e. . ItAOIIlNO, Dundee, fl yd. 30035 o. PUR LAB&?4.,. ? 15 BVTtRR, ? ft.~. 20026 ?. BKRBWAX. ft lb 15? 30c. C1I1C K UN*. ? I,tad, 95 0 *0 e. COTIfEB. ft, Kio, 22 (& 28 ?. ?>**,? fciMi 60?ti M ; COTTON, Middling, df*. K008, M dozen, ......lie, PLOTTR, & tack, $4 OO0?5 00 ,101.1) ?1 VOrt^S 15 JKLIOO, Kpauiab Vloat, -.S3 0003 35 " South Carolina, $1 16(at2 00 IRON, ft. American 74e. i 1 IRON TIBS I he. LA Kb, V ft 25*. LEAP, W ft 20 e. l.KATHBlt, ft ft, Sola, Hemlock...360374 ? , ? " " " Oak,?...456*50?. 1 " " " Upper,, 70@76 e. i " " " Ha me** 50056*. , 1 MOLASSES, *$ gal.,-Masoovado, 600 70 ' ?, a ? . " " N#w ?'V bitupj _*! ?6 ii a' un, ? na|.> ............Tl OOfiAS #0 | i KYJb, %i baabet,, ...1 7b fa I b% HALT, V nack, Liverpool, $2 00 8UOAR, ^ Brown....... 1? fog 20 e. t * " curiae, 20 > [ " " " Crunbed 20 e. ' 1 8HTRTING. Mven-elfbte, M bale 12e. " " reUll I6e. TALLOW, $ #? ..Hi fa lb e. I WHIiAT, * buabel |l 60 I TARW, Ptcto^, by bale,..., |l U I M " buoeh. 00 , J JLA .. . i -II 1 L !. . ?I Hovr TO Hotid Can* a ? Ptevy on* ?he f r bee *oy e*p*r?vnoe in Ireildiuir, kaawa %o' \ hiatoirow ibat toe ihonaand and one liuje Heme invludel In tba A?a w<>H /L*i?hinq, make folly hell Ihe ?Mt nf a hmiee. and ' that ill-ad vieed eapanditaro in thU dtrrcrtloa > nftea iuna Ibe l>l)l far abort ibeeefimate ? , To avoid ?ueh IrouVj? and dia?|>poinlm?nt, ' buy y*nv KHbdv, dnore. taabea, tttodldlnea dime* from ili? pianufaetarrr, P. P. Toale 1 Clierlettoo, 8. <X See advertiaeaient. J J\jn? 19 0 if* I In . Li> .III km ?II I II JW'W* are aatheriaed to aoooaate MIL. WARD W. 8T0KB8. of Oreenvlile, a Caadl* j Dtriled Sutea, at tbe eoeuior electfaa la Oa- ' tober ?d*t. 1 > PR1NOIPLBB DIM OCR ATIC. May 25tb, ItTt. 1 tf 1 II II ' I I I r -.?MTfcST QWiTATIOXS OK VI QI*I1E*N % E quiu TIES, J I m otte|M VftjAly Vv Arm: KiaLr at Ah, , r KfBroker, No/IB Broad Strdfc. I F *- #Lvm.. S[ State S** ur ill n?South Carolina, old I L 8(a)?I do new, 80? ?; do, regiet'd etoek, *' -?80 . r*Pl n tssst 'barleeton, B. C., Fire Coan Bonds, ? @78 J LEj lolambla, S. . Bonds, ? (at 70. w~a Railroad Bond*? Bine Ridge, (Iret mortnge)6n@ ? ; Charleston and Sa'anneb, ? @ . ; Charlotte Columbia' and Adgnita,?@87 : lk?M.Md Darlington,?@83 j Uraeuvllle nd Columbia, (lit mort)-80??; do, (State 1^ varan too) ? @74 j Northeaster*, paat doe, A ritb int.?; Northeastern, new, ?@88 j Larannab and Chirleston, (let mort) ?@80 ; lo, (State guarantee) ? ?75 : Booth Carolina, 1) X-cndpon, ?@78? do, ?@78 j Spartanburg JL\ n'i Union, $tf@~. Railroad St oe k ? Charlotte, Columbia ,nd Aneueta.? (?43 : Urecnrilie and Coluin do, 2??; Northeastern, 10? ? ; Savannah Ij did Charleston, ?J? 36; South Carolina lailroad Company Sharoa, ? ? 42 ; South ? < In rutin a Railroad Bank Rbarea, ? ? 44. [\'| Kjcehnxgt, &c?Now York Sight, onc-nlgh th iff; otio-eighth premium. Gold, $l.ll@$l.?f Silver, SI.04?*1.08. - Month Carolina Dank Dill*. a 'Rank of Charleston...: ?@ ? V_> IBank at Newberry ?S? tank of Qamden..... .60?? lank of Georgetown 7?? A lank of South Carolina.... 1 <1?? J\ !ank of Cheater ?$? Trli atik of Hamburg 'n?? lank of State of 8. C, prior to 1881 82? ? tank of State of 8 C. issue 1801-82 12(a)? g-^ 'Blasters' and Mechanics' Bunk of f Charleston ??? ^ ^People's Bank ofCharleaton *??? '.Union Bank of Charleston ??? 'Southwestern ft. ft. Bonk of Charlesfcrtifold) | V Southwestern R. K. Bnok ol Cha,*- J lesion, (new).. . ??? Mate Bank of Charleston 8?? farmers' and Exchange Rank of ? , Charleston,. ?@8 ~T J Exchange Bank of Columbia. ?? 6 _ll "ioinmorrial Bank of Columbia ......8?? '-us Merchant's Baok of Chefaw............ ?. 6?? t>Tl E'lnntera' Bank of Fairfield 4?? ftR itate of South Carolina Bills lie- nisi coivable .........par. ft'O 7ity of Charleston Change Bills....par. c'c" . ' i C Bills marked thna [kj aro being redeemed it the Baok Ccnntera oi eaeh. i The Living Machine- Tt Injure tbe main upringor a watch nnd every 1 portion of the work become* disordered. Tho luman stomach i? to the human svstem what -hut elastic pices of metal I* to a chronometer. tinducoces tbe aotion of the other organ*, and , ' ontrols, to a certain extent, the whole living ' ' neohin*. The comparison may be carried 1H" jrthor : for<as tbe wcakneea or other iropor,- fl"" eetlont of the main spring I* Indicated on ho face of tbe titne-plece, ao also Is the weak- h?f' ess or other disorder of tho stoinseb betray put d by the face oMhd invalid. Tho cotpplox I >n Is sallow or faded,- the eyes nro deficient n lustre mad intelligence, and there Is a Worn, J nxi'iax expression in the whole Countenance rhich t?U as pUinly as written words could m> lo, that thai 'jrrnt NOwrtsAtay nrrjon whose At flioo it Is to minister to tbe wants of tbe iody, and to sosfain ntld renew all ttb parts, 7?y i not performing it* duty. It requires ranoating and regulating, and to accomplish it his end llostettor's Stvmarh Bitters may ba \ raly said to be (Kr ear thing netdful. Tbe I,re- ? , len muln spring <>f n watch may he replaced / >y a new one, nut the stomach can only be cpaired and strengthened, and this i? ono of " 1 be ohjeot* of fnmoos vegetable restoratives * ? rhich for eighteen year* has eon waging a '"*r :ucccssfal contest With dyspepsia in all cli- 1 nates. As a specific for indigestion it stunds nil ilnat. When tho resource* of the pbnrtnaco- <>f t eeia linro been exhausted, without, at best, the loing more than mitigating the complaint, a hoi oursc of this wholesome and pal liable, yst &th lowerful, lUmtsobiq tflircta a purlecl and per* wp nnncnt cure. In all c?a4* of dyspepsia. the J-nl ircr is mofa or less disordered, and upon Ibid ? mportnnt gland, as well a* upon the stomach <ind bowels, the Hitlers art with singular . listinctr.vss, regulating and reiuvigorating _ v ry secretive and assimilating organ on vh oh bodily aud mental health depsnd. |J Junel 2 4 f J xiATTRaaasG ftl A UI'j A ML) AtfcfAlKfclJ, 131 ^ JAMES M. PRICE. K] o*s him cnfl al hla residence, near the ... 3AILLAHD SCHOOL HOO.-E. Ul J una 22 6 t 1 ( Notice to the Public. ft; Til F, Huhrrriber lie ing now engaged in bia i |?| original buaincea a* CaipruUr and Builder, ^ would inform Ibe puhlle of Greenville and ad- If joining Counties, that he ia now prepared, ... with proficient Workmen, to tako " CONTRACTS AND JOB WORK ll if all kind*, in that linn, and rxe? nte Work n good ?'vl>'a"'' the most expeditiou* manner. N Bil At,?' %&] cl fll HAVING employed a compo wWI ' ^-lent FOMKMAN in the * p< BOOT AID Sill! BBSUtSS, * rbieh will go on ai formerly, at the well ! HI mown Stand, at tbf Big Boot tjign, where all |.< )rdera for Cuatom-Work will te promptly *' illed with nealneaa and ueapateh. KTUDUKl) WOlIK done as B ?p?? ialify.? nl 'all and examine Work, and give tha new 41 lootmakar a trial. ' .i. ?/. June n * ^ TUEHIP SEED. J 1WI8H lo inform Ihe Plentere and Farm- tl era in the up?c<>iinlry, that I hare on lb* way, and expect to arrive in a few deya, nl OMR HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS |j| o? rn? voi.t.owien __ Choice, Selected Varieties ^ TU11NIP SEED, ? WHICH I WILL SELL AT C Whtlmnle nnd Retail : J Bern Tap, the beat fur Kreene releed. Tallow Aberdeen, good for lata winter and rj* eprln* oaa. leoteh Ashar and Globe, improved variety, for table nee- On Prnaaian Hanover Iwaat T>rnlp, excellent for table nee till fete in epring. y?Whlte Jtnta Baga, rptendid for Otock. ' Parpla Top Tallow Xnta Bagn, good for ta- I To ble and stoek. ' ' j''A Batly Plot Dntak, eepeeially adapted to an(onto and fall uea. 1 Pawarapiaa Globe, improved variety, for la\ 0T ble nee in winter, or for atock. ur , ' TH0RAS SiTEEN. p.. Juii 22 i If ? - Notice J It hereby given to all whom It may e*ne?mr that I will apply to S. J, DadiMt, Probata Ju'liff of Greenville County, no the me ltd of JmIj ant, for a Goal Aiaehargad Guardian ef the lato MaHY a ARNOLI). Ha?ea?ed JAME8 McCULLOUGil, Ooe.dla*. A Jno-TI. 1870. M DbOJWON'A Vr~U B^k e* 1 /Farming now aol. No form-re library Sg n*nnI t? WMboWt ??. Rnnfld in nWh. rite*. P14 i Sheep, At*) Half Moroeoo, R. Ore /*T dei a received at I hie o^nea. Good eauveee 'the weenie wetaUd. For termer apply bt ^ tES, PICKLES, PICKLE6 eeoNefl frech supply ^Plsin ?nd Mixed PiikUs. Pucsllllli, Chow-chow, ser Sauce, Catsup. Ac. FOSTKIl k. HIINTRn'S HON SUGAR, LEMON SUGAR. j f REST.ON'S Lemon 8?>gar. the beat Mint ijpj; is made, daaimnl* lor a cooling drink, >\ i F08TER A HUNTER'S. RESH Oh?eo'*te and Drsaleated Cocoaimt, for ta'o by H foster a hunter. t ? ** - 4 * ' A1S1NS, CnrranU, Citron and Macearoi nl, tor aal? by FOSTER A HUNTER. * *"* " * ' INGER Prrlrrvea od J*lHe*. at FOSTER A HUNTER'S rOSQUlTO Netting and Framea fof ^ L child'a crib, Ao., for rale bv Foster a hunter. iHII.OREN'8 and Mi*acs ' Hoop 8kirtfl, 1 at very low figure* at H FOSTER A HUNTER'S. H NEW Bi d fwb lotirf Luc**, Lndica' L Lace and Thread Collar* and Pique minings, for sale FOSTER ft HUNTER. I AUZE Flannel (?M wpol) for Infanta, r lafanta' Waist#, An.. Ac., at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. AUZE and I.isle Thread Undershirta, r at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. Un 22 " if Madame J? lViiiber^ ? BPPBCTFULLY inf.,rata the I.adies of ^ Greenville. that sho has opened a l.rnnob iness from Charleston, consisting of I.AKS' DHK88 TRIMMINGS, MILLING Y and FANCY GOODS, L/*CE GOODS, , a complete assortment of ZEPHYR 1R8TEDS, Ac., Ac., and many other artsi in this line ton numerous to mention, all, an examination of the stock it solicited, t- Stoic in Goodlett House Building. "TfcS. un 22 ' b .4 ?? ? -????p-pi r> Notice, f conformity with the requirement* of the Intone! Revenue Laws, f herehr gl*e i.e to all persona who may claim a cun, one llOrso, two Kcge of Whisky, I a lot of Empty Jugs, which were tetrad Ihe CMy of Greenville, on th* 18th June 0?the pirtv with the Wagon gave hia ne ea llurria?f??r violation of the InterRevenue Li?a?to make anch olaima ore me within thirty daya from the first Jiicaiion or this notice. 9 A. L. COBB. Deputy Collector, 3d Dist., 8. C. ? une 16. 1870. 6-3 10 State of South Carolina, OKRKNVIM.K COUNTY, i ... S.J. I)OUTHlT% K$q., Judy* of Probate of mid County linERKA*4, M*?rE Picks-it lis* filed T n Petition in my OtHee. graying that ' tera of Administration on nil and sii gn? tli* goods snd ohattels, right* *nd ?r*d.f JOHN ill of County resold, deernsed, ehould be granted Vx? In-s* are therefore. to cite snd admonish nnd rlhgnlar the kindred *nd creditors h* mid d**e**-dt to he nnd appear in Court of Probate for said OnQelj, to he dm st Greenville Court Uous*, on the day of July next, to *h?w rarfee. if anj? y the Mid Adfmnittratioo ahou d not La ntei. ' ^ 8. J. DOUTIIIT.J P. G O. >fRc "* ol Judge of Probata, Ju ie 2<>, 1870, una 22 6 2 LAHTAT10N BITTERS This wonderful vcgcible restorative Is the ififit-nnfilinr nf Uia fnnhlft nd debilitated. Ah a uiic and cordial for the *cd and languid it ha** 0 equal among stomach;s. As a remedy for le nervous weakness to hich women arc cspccilly subject, it is 1 per sorting every other timulauit. In all iiitatcs, tropical, tern* j }rato or frigid, it acts \ a; specific in every iccies of disorder which ndcrmines the bodily rcngth and breaks down le animal spirits. lVhcrevcr it is Intro need it becomes a andard article?a me- ; Icinal staple. It is to-day le best and purest tonic, ad the most popular icdicine in the civilized orld?-be sure and get ic genuine. Hold by all ruggists, Grocers and ountry Stores. une 22, 10/0. " '5 . 1y NOTfCJB o Dili Idem ?ind oiiIractwrs, ic* or t** * fhiiuri* Maanraimriuno Fork 8h<>cla, Grtenvilla County, I. C . 13th June, J87?. *11E above Company having recently formed and nr*aulicrt, pro| r w ?<> I-KT OUT CONTRACT, the BUILDING OF A ROE BRICK IIOUHfc, Tor ptan and apartI>ooo, refer to William Periy, Esq., Wlion. c M 'he Company rtto rrwp?a* to LBf OUT HER BUILDINGS TO M 0Y WOOD, plan an$ apvciftoationa of the Utlar, applbloo can M uada pi the oSae of tba Com jr. . 1 D. D. WWORH, OMh ; 9. M. 0?., Fork Shopla, one ; A 1 / ' Notice. oeting of Stockholders AirLine Railroad. GENERAL MKMIKO ?f lha STOCKL HOLDERS of the GK0RGIAN AIESS RAILROAD COlfFAWT aM of the I-MVS RAIMIOAO CO MB AITT OF " rwKTJV, *7V ">**. ?. for lha tr?aaeUoa Of aaeh taaataaaa aa '" T fWrWCta ae 8