The Greenville enterprise. (Greenville, S.C.) 1870-1873, May 25, 1870, Image 4

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mm? m ^thrfrfc ^trrtnj. A lint And Inst f hey Ml together, hand Id hand, ? The sumet fliekared low ; Tba fickU m* orept op tha etrand, P Aud eeugbt tba attar flaw. T nl lie aang a eong, a Hula eong ^ No other poet knew, g And aha looked up and thought Men atrong, gj Looked down and dreamed him true. jr Tlie fiokle m? ervpt op the (trend, n Aud laughed ft wanton laugh? e< Took up the song the poet planned, it And >ang the other half. ti e . e, * P Times change ; the two went divert ways . r< The evening sbadee loerease je On him. grown old in fame and praiae, Aud her in household peace. The eeho of the false sweet word^ HI He spoke so long ago, 1 j Has passed as paeted the summer birds o Before the wlnUr snow. ft It But as to>night the angei's hand] Loosens the silver chord, m And calls her to that other land W( 01 love's suprtme reward, ^ 8he hears but one aonnd, silent long, si A whisper soft and low? (l The echo of the false sweet song IE lis sang so long ago. tli Ug* jjl ISmtmrnm* %% ??*** t 1C Hadn't Jlned 'cm Yet or Wo heard a good thing recen ll* p! that every member ot Free and . Accepted Masons will be apt to \ have a good laugh over, and lor that, wo send it out on its travels : V A rathor verdant young man, J1 whose features exhibited every ? symptom of having been slightly . tinged with the emerald, qnite re^ cently entered a jewelry store in New York, and gazing earnestly ? into the show case, roicarked : "You've got a heap of mighty pretty breast pins thar, mister; what mought ye tax lor 'em?" P " What sort of pin would you y like to look at?" inquired the uier* chant. "Well, dunnol" said the visi- c tor, pointing to a plain Masonic , pin, (the compass and square,) ?> "how mnch is that yere?" ? "Five dollars, only, sir," was c tin! reply. " It's a very fine pin, eighteen carat gold, ana? "Yon haven t got ary one with a little gold hand saw laid a cross it, hev you?" interrupted the n< would l?c purchaser. b; "I believe not, sir," said the li merchant. t '8 " W ish ycr had, it would suit V me exactly. I'm just out of my ai time, and gwine to sot up as a car- fr 1>enter ana j'incr, and I thought tl 'd like some sort of a 6ign tu w^ear about me, so folks would w havo an idee who I was. What ri do ye tax for that ar pin you've 01 gdfc yer hand on ?" w "Seven dollare," said the mer T chant, producing a comnnss and n< square surrounding the letter G. a? " Seven dollars, oh 1" said the bi youth, "I'll take it?sorry yer ti didn't have the hand saw thoogli. ol But I reckon everybody will un- in dcrstand it. The compass to mea- la sure out the work, and the square m to 6co it's all right after its done 01 measured, and every darned fool ol orter know that G alius stands for ol gimlet 1" ; in A fkw days ago, a gentleman, ai whose proboscis bad been lost, was al invited out to tea. " My dear," bi said tlie good lady of the bouse to c< lier little daughter, " I want you tl to be very particular and to make ti no remark abont Mr. Jenkins* z\ nose." Gathered around the ta- m ble, everything was going well; b< tbo child peeped about, looked ai rather puzzled, and at last startled is the table: "Ma, why did you tell ui mo to say nothing about Mr. Jen kins' nose? ho hasn't got any." ? ? h< Edwakd Evekktt, when a young w man just out of college, was invited to give an oration in the city tl of Salem. At the dinner, Juthce hi Story called up Mr. Everett % the following sentiment; ?< " Fame follows where ever it (E verett^ goes!" c< Mr. Everett arose instantly, and P pave the following: "The inem- tl hers of the legal profession, how- " ever high may be their aspiration, * they can never rise higher than fi one story." A Fowl Jokk.?" Dennis. dar? a lint, what it it yon're doing I" fi * Whist, Biddy, l'se trying an n experiment." c " Mother 1 what is itf" a " What is it, did yon say ! Why 1 it's giving hot water to the chick- c ens, I am, so that they'll be after t laying boiled eggs." * 44 Wht, Mr. JoDee," exclaimed c Mrs. J., as her husband came stag- < cering into the house, 41 you've i been drinking I u No, indeed, pon honor P' II h-avn't tasted a drop. Been seen them fellers go rouud J on their velo-lo-locipcdes, and got 1 dizzy." ' What is the principal difference between a swallow and a cat I It ( is an admitted fact that u one swal- ' low does not make a summer," but : any cat can make a spring. Wht do the whales visit the Arctic seas I?For the purpose of supplying oil to the northern lights. ?* ssssss?5?!r! All day yesterday and up toll ) 'clock last night, No. 88 North fterry street, "where John Sbep ard had been walking since iast uesday night, without cessation, eep or r&t, was literally jammed 'ilh deeply interested spectators, hortly after sapper a living ream of banian beings poured tto the room and filled every ook and corner. The air, breathi by so many, became hot and lipase, and showers of perspiraon fell freely from the faces of io cariosity-loving crowd. Shepard, however, preferred that the x>m should be kopt warm^to the itting in ot too much cool air five him cramps. At 10 o'clock a wore a rather melancholy look, id seemed to be almost complete' fagged out. He kept his mouth pen, and his eyes had a glassy nnp? r#npw FT a - ' ? r J MW? v? (uoiveo AVpi loving, with his head hanging iracwhat forward and downward, here was a continued buzz of oices in the room, and the crowd onld greet him with such expresons as, 44 Only 20 minutes, Jack 1" Keep up your courago; you'll lakeitl" 41 Give him the bote !" 44 Got down 1" 44 Rub him p 1" lie continued to stare at le crowd with t'?e utmost indifrence, and seemed bent on actmplishing his object. His train continued to fan hitn vigorously, id occasionally to punish his legs ithcr severely. When one of te judges went up to take him Dwn, the crowd gave a vociferous all of applause. He was taken < om the plank just after 11 o'clock, id upon the floor and dressed, uring tho performance of which flee it seemed impossible to keep io crowd off his body, so eager j ere they to observe the w nder i) pedestrian in tho last agonies of i is peculiar iriumpu. vy nen lie as taken out, the crowd made a , ish tlirugli the narrow door, and roke down the inner partition of te room. Attaining the outside, te whole street, as far as the Meinnics' Exchange, to which he | as taken, was crowded with peole, who soon dispersed, on hndig the door of the establisbmeut osed against them. [Naehville Banner. A Lake of Salt. The great Iluraboldt salt mine jar Austin, Nevada, is described y a California paper as looking ke a lake frozen over. The salt as hard and as smooth as ice. fere it not for fine particles which re condensed troin vapors arising oin beneath, and which cover te crystaline salt to the depth of erhaps one eighth of an inch, it ould make an excellent skating nk at all times of tho year, except i the very unfrequent occasions I hen it is covered with water. 1 lie expanse of crystnlized salt is 3 less than twenty miles in length, id twelve in width, without a reak or flaw for the greater por- ' on of that extent. The stratum I solid salt is about six or seven ichcs thick, under which comes a .yer of Bticky, singular looking lud, about two feet thick, and tidier this again another stratum < fsolid salt, as transparent as glass, t which the depth has been found i some parts to be six feet. In immcr, this salt plain, glittering fid scintillating in the light of an most tropical sun, presents a rilliant appearance. The frosty ivcr and solid salt is as white as te snow, while the crystaline poron, when exposed, reflects daz: ! _ _ t--- lit- * ? uig pi lauiukiu cuiurs. iiua im* ien6o deposit is remarkubly pure, eine ninety-five per cent, of salt, id five per cent, of soda?which purer than what we commonly 30 lor onr tables. A New Orleans wife, left at ouie one evening by her husband, ho had " business down town," ;cepted a friend's escort to the icatre. The fates decreed that pr buoboad shonld occupy the sateeat, wuh another Udv. the rcasion ot his urgentuusmess.? As soon as the wife made the disivery, she leaned over and whisered viciously : " Churlos,* who is iat hussy yon have with yonlf" Sister to that fellow you have 'ith you V There was no need of irther explanation. A paper is going the rounds bout a girl in Chester, Vt., dying roin tight lacing. An editor com nnnfrinrv a*i tbn ba**a utft.a*? >?vUMl?g VU MIV klK/b^OOJO i 1IIWO oruets should be done away with ; ,nd if the girls can't litre without >eing squeezed, we suppose men :an be found who would sacrifice bemselvee. As old as we are, we rould rather devote three hours a lay without cent of pay, as a brevet sorset, than see these girls dying >ff in that manner. Office bours ilmost any time." " Wkll, Aleck, how's brother [ke getting along f" u Oh, first rate?got a good start in the world ; married a widow who has got nine children." A fbiknd, the other day, called & thin young lady a spare girl.? rhere are several spare girls iti most large unmarried families. .. f Am Iowa wife put starch in her husband's beer, thinking it was arsenic, and was surprised that it did't stiffen him. J A. J. ROSS & CO., J MAljrUFACTURJSRS ?v DEAL**? TIT JAPANNED -1JV2> PRESSED WARE, ADD COOKINO AND 1IEATING STOVES. AII klbdi of Tin and 8heet Iron Work Done On tbo moat REASONABLE TERMS, And with protnptD?a?. Store Nearly Opposite the Post Office. Fab 16 39 tf B.~WHERLE, DEALER IN COLD AID SILVER WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, 18 ft 82 Carat Bolid Haptial Rings, SILVER & SILVER-PLATED WORK of all discretions io hi? Ud? done promptly. tfl Oct 27 23 ly W. tf. CAMMGR, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST. CORN BHELLBRS, Cotton Gins, Lock*, Sowing Machine*, Umbrella* and Paralols REPAIRED with promptness. Charge, reasonable. Corn Shellor*, for i*U from $10 to $12. I am al*o prepared to furnish Steneii Plate*, for marking clothing. Blackamilhiitff. TIIAVE in addittoa to my u?ual business, opened a BLACKSMITH SHOP, having i competent workman hired, Larkfn Westfleld. Work in this line will be done satisfactorily. Ready made PLOUGHS always on hand for sale. Stand?In rear of Old Court Home, at the Randolph place, baring romorod from my viand on Main Street. 28-tr FOR SALE OR TO RENT, . A Comfortable DWELLINO, containing seren Rooms, and all noeesaary Oot-Ruildinge, fQh?^9BHBr wilbln a few minutes walk oi Furman University. For partienlars apply to T. Q. DONALDSON. Norembcr 2t 27 tf TOWNES EAST, -LlSSSSiSJSTrS ATT AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. PRACTICE IS OKEKSVILLE ASD SUU ROUS DISC COL'S TIES. Office O^er Julius C. Smith's. O. r. TOWRta. 1 OLID D. K AST. Ap 27 r 40 If ?. P. JONES, saWSPCtiMRSSfEB?? ASF HiAW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL rRACTiCK IX ALL COURTS OF THIS STATE A LAO, IN THR UNITED STATES COURTS. Office Grconvilla 0. H., 8. 0. Jul, r ; 7 . ly*Tho State of South Carolina. OIIEENVILLE COUNTY. In the Common Plans?Equity Bide. THOMAS C. HOW Kit, Administrator, n. P. F. 8UDDUTH, *t ul.? Oill for Salt o/ Ileal Em tale, to Pay Debt*, itc. UNDER the Decretal Order made in the hove case, the Creditors of the Estate ol Mrs. MARTHA LOVELAND, are required to establish the rank and amount of their claims against said Estate, before the Clerk, within nine month* from this date. W. A. McDANIEL, 0. C. P. Clerk's Offlee, September 28th, 1889. Bept 89 19 JOH N B. B E I E RST FUT&uimrn&iEiiB. - J AND gives his close With a large esperienee, he Is eonfldent L B'r'n8 sallsfaction to tho?? mplojiog *him..-"WpfBHflgfe Order* left at thia will be attended Mar 30 ' 44 tf SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER WOULD reepeetfully inform the public that he hae Removed to a room Id the OLD COURT HOUSE, where ha will Tie pTtpSrw ?<rrre?i?v cuaitMiiere m Tjeierxtore. Being a Pro/tttioital B*rb*r, he hopes, by attention to bueineaaa, together with politeneee to all, to merit a portion ol publio patronage, la CUTTING, SHAVING aNI> SHAMPOOING. *d 80 * 86 t - If TUTTS VEGETABLE junraa hu Cures diaaaaaa of the Liver and Sfcaiaeh. TUITS EXPECTORANT A pleaaanl eu?-e for Coughs, CoM'.Vt. TUTT"8 8A USA PA RILL A ANDQUEw? D"LlOHTthe crest Alterative and Bty) Purifier. TUTT8 IMPROVED H A 1^ DTK, Warranted the beet dye in oee. Thaw ctaodard preparalioue are for aole by Drug gtaU everywhere. Oot 6-ly. " watches, clocks. Jewelry, Peritcopic Spectacles Ac WILL order an extra art lot // / Tor may person. Spool*! *tten -It Slion will k? (trw to RBPAIR ifiiby^IKCl fl-M VM?b?a of imij d?? erlptiop. Beat reform#*# given. JAMBS O. BLACK. J?n? St ft tf COM FOR F nd C?r* for lb* Rup'.urod8wl Root p*i4 m rooolpt of 1ft ?t?. Ai droeo Or. K. B. FOOTS (A. lb or of N*4ici CoRooa Son**), V*. lift Losing to* Arono Now York. 7 WAY with 8p^i^14 ?* m?i j\ row. imII;, without ftootnr or modioln* twl ro?t ptld on roooipt of Ift oonu. Addroi Dr. R. B. FOOTS, 13ft Loslootnw Areno Now York. Mor 1ft 43 >' ft4? Japancsk rabbit?, in Ban Frat citco rofttauranU, are baked rat*. k. \ 's* ; Equality life Insurance Company T iJJT rBi ^|g B^S H D..1...: 1 /tar u. ink j /.>!>. . _. . * ?invr|#?v V^HCW, itU. 1VI9| JiW^I miwd, Til. "T) BASONS why tteij ot* should insure in 1\ the Equality Lift Insurance Company, of Virginia: 1st. It 1* mora Liberal to tha Insurers than any otber company, and will raotnaily become Purely Mutual and belong to the Insurere. 2d. It circulate* It* money amoogat it* patron*, who are the insurer*. Consequently they are continually getting the benefit of the rapid accumulation of the Company, the money being invested by the Board of Director* amongst the insurer*. 3d. The loans of this Company are a* liberal a* otber companies who declare dividends at the end of toe second, third and fourth years, but this Company at the end of the first and every year. ? DAVID B. CLARK, President. TnOS. II. WYNNB, Vice-President. JOHN Q. WINN. Secretary. Ucn. JAMBS'H. LAN IS, Actuary, Dr. P. B. WATKINS, I x, .. . ... Dr. C. H. W. DAVIS, f Mcd,cttl Advisers. Judge JOHN A. MEREDITH, Counsellor IMKKfTOHS. . J. B. Winston, Treasurer and Secretary R. P. A P. R. R ; Wm. J. Johnson, of Johneon A , Hunt, Wholesale Qrooer* j Win. H. Powers,of Winston A Powers, Wholesale Orocers; Albert Ordway, Treasurer Buckingham State Company; J. P. Oibson, Superintendent Adams' Express Company ; Charles Y. Morris, Morris A Co.'* Stfgar-Refinery ; Q. A. Peple. Superintendent Manchester Cot top 1W ill* ; John II. Tyler, John 11. A John Tyler, Jewi elera ; Mom MiUhiser, Wholesale Dry Goods ; i Thomas 8. Baldwin, Clothier ; John M. Oodt din, Cashier Planter'* Bank ; J. R. Dowell, 8nperintend?nt Weatern Union Telegraph Company ; Alex. G. Robertson, Cattle Broker; George I. Herring, Wholesale Grocer ; R. L. Brown, of Brown, Jones A Co., Wholesale Groeers; A Bodeker, Druggist; 8. M. Ro?en% 1 haaas, of 8. A M. Roacnbaum, Dry Qoeods. Squlity Life Insursnee Company. /tf /Wani'm if PmmpMlef be] or* got 1nrwr?, it it to four internet to do to. A genu tranted e?e*ywAere. . BENJT. G. HERIOT, Gen. Travelling Agent, Charleston, S. C. Sept 33 18 if R. HOE & CO., bianapactubers of ' Warranted Extra Cast Steel Patent Ground Circular -Mill Mulay and Gang C A WT G O t\ *T o. " CIRCULAR SAWS. With Movable or Ineertcd I'eeth. WE CLAIM fur onr I*atenled Circular Saw the following advantages over all ."there i Xbe sbaniu of the teeth are elastic, and exert a unitoto) distmeion In the sockets. The stability of the pla'o U in no way affected by Inserting new sete of teeth. ? Each tooth, iudoycudcntlj, may be a<Uustcd to the cutting line. No rivets, keys, or other objeclfotlaLJe appllanoea, arc employed in eonne?iioo with to. teotb, wbich are aa simple in construction, and at easily used, at a not fur a bolt. In abort, all tbp difficulties heretofore cx perienocd in tha uao of movahla tooth for saws, art fully met and obviated by tbia invention. ALSO, TUTTLE PATEHT 44 CHAMPION M CROSS CUT SAWS. CROSS CUT SA WS, or all xi v Da. Saw Mandrels, Gumming Machines, he. Sand for Catalogues and Price Lists. R. HOE A CO., Printing Press Machine and Saw Manufacturers, New York, Boston, Mass., and London, Bog. Feb H v M Am i Fever and Ague ; A.'NfTXTiOT'E Alwdya Steps the Chill*. I This Mediates had boon before the Public fifteen years, and is etill ahead of all other known remedies. It doea not purge, doca not sicken t';e stomach, it perfectly safe in any dote and under all circumstanoea, and is the only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fewer Mia AgllB, IWUBUK Itll ? JJD1 ivur Ull4imim tm n?Url?. 3 Bold by U1 Dmyytoto. Fob S %f 1, South Carolina Railroad Company. Columbia, 8. 0* Mot 13, lgyo. ' "d */Wr !* * ?? '* m?7. ? Poaaonypr Train* upon tb? South Carolina Hail. rw* will run the following acfaedulo: \ fob cbablomtor. rutm i"ly*c%r[00ioa ?3oP? iXJ**K--r:rr""saa>?48jS / ' V BOB AOOUBTIA. i' v, UayalolamWU... ArrlrOl A?|???b ? '1? ? SSSa3Ss^-r=i, 4.. p. rlbmtiif**" tmaib (bubdatb bxcbftbo.) J 60 p ?a Arrinat CharloatoB ?? ? _ Arrlf ?t Anjpitta 7 |. LooriCbarli too ' * P " k, Loot. AuMm "'1|y aoo ? ArriFt otOolo?b'? 00 * camobm *oai#. u ?. ! Ml CotaaHa Poaaanfrr Troloa ** LM Omd<H? * ? -+ V":? JJI * ? - 4??W? ? QftlraM* -1 w j. Lm*? CoHI?*>?A a 49 p m (A??- - fl?trniH?W % Charleston Advertisements. "I*" " " -->'* 1 B EDMONDS T.BROWN, iPBHsBHSPsHPr *r In Men'f ? Bo/*' BMg AMD SBpSMwj ?OOD9, tupwvism a"?' 'KOifilBHll Ladic8'* Mlim' and Children's HATS, 43 HAYNE STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. Mar 30 4ft 3m ED WAKDPEKRY, PRINTER, STATIONER, AHD DEALER ?H LAW, SCHOOL AND BLANK BLANK HOOKS on band and made to order of any pnttorn at abort notice, binding and Ruling executed in One stylo. Wnde A Co. Printing Inks for sale at the manfifacturera price. No. 155 Meetiuy-St., nppotih Charlriton Hotel, CHARLESTON, S. O, Mb 23 44 ' 6m? ?? ^mh ?wxw voy mim vi7? PROPRIETOR. T. HAMILTON JOVNKR. CLERK. HATES Of per T)?y ..48 00 Aopper, Breakfast and Lodging 2 00 Single Meals. 1 00 Sep | lft tf Nickerson HouseHotel, COLUMBIA, S.C. THK undersigned baring RENEWED bit lease npon the aUvt endearer to make it one of the meat agreeable Hotels in , the South. A eat! tpynticitod. Free Ptpnibas to end from tbe Botel, > " WM. A. WRIGHT, Proprietor. Sept ft 16 tf 1*~ | Greenvillo A Colombia Railroad. Oasiaai. BuPEBtiTEHunnr'a Office,) Columbia, January lfttb, 187ft. { ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, Janu- < try 19U>, tbe following Schedule will be ran daily, Buoday oioeptod, eonneeting with Night Train on Bonth Carolina Road, np and down, and with Night Train on Charlotte, Columbia and Augutta Road going South > Leave Columbia.. I till I " Alston 8 40 a m - Newberry.... 10 lft a as Arrire Abbeville 3 00 p m ' Anderson 4 20 p m < ? Greenville ft 00 p m 1 !??t Greenville........ 6 44 a m ' tehnes ft 26 a m ' " Abbarilla ... 8 Oft a m Newberry 12 3ft p n> . , Alrton... 2 1ft p m I J C(iluin ^ UiV Aflfluuioditlon OK ana altar ivvn*. -- Train trill run as follows : Laavw ColumMa ? 15 pm Artl.a at A(?iU 3 30 a m Laavw Aop|U ?? It p a Arrlra at ColamWa ...I 30 a m This Train anBiMti with tba Owwrfia day Pasaangar Trains at Ausita, psd tha OraanVllto Road at ColarealO, as oh ? *, I 0 BQUKVlolKT, 8?p't. ! 1 Pah 9 38 msSsa, N. W. Cor. King & Wentwortk St*. CHARLESTON, S. C. TlfEOL.QGICAL, Scientific and General Book Huan. School and College Text Book*. 8or?ojot'? Instrument*, Drawing Paper*. Book* Mnt po*t paid on receipt ot price. Mar SO 4k 3m Columbia Advertisements. MARBLE MTTING. BOVi\E At SPKOU I/, COLUMBIA, 8. C., CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE MONUMENTAL WORK lu all ils branches, of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. Sept 8 lrt tf COLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAHOL/E A. rplTE Proprlot.irs take pleasure in announeX log thiaelcirai.tly-fnrnUbod Estatdishmuot now open fpr the acsoinwodation of guests. The table will always be supplied with every delicacy of tbe season ?both trcm the New York and barleston markets, and nd efforts will be spared to give perfect satisfaction, in | every respect, toonr patrons. FREE LUNCH in the refectory every day fiom 11 untii 12}. WM. GORMAN, >? 11. II. BADENIIOP, J PBOPn,ET0IU* Sept 20 1? Jf_ NATIONAL HOTEL. rHrEMLAiwwsriOY? /s\ ? m ^ fc. i'' ' Charleston. | A d v ertis ements ALFKfcU A. BAKBOT, /aomssw jyoDia. visa CHARLESTON BRANCH or tbb HAVANA SEOAR FACTORY, - LA VALKNTINA." FINK Havana Tobaooo Manufactured Etelusircly by Cuban workmen, will, with kill, produce Segara equal in Quall.y, Style and Fragrance to (be beat brand* known. K&- Order* nnacoouipanled by Hererenoe*, will be eent C. O. D. 118 Bast Bay Street, OSARLBSTON, O. a. Mar 30 46 Sia* "cIas. hickey, QiliER, PORTRAIT ANO PICTURE FRAME MANmOTUEER, 345 King Street, wumJB8wm9 s. 0. LOOKING GLASSES OF ALL SIZES FITTED TO FRAMES, OLD FRAMES RE-GILT BQUAL TO NBW. MirSt 41 In CHAS.DCARR & CO., ? ^isipiaw WARE ROOMS, flaaal St., neu1 Xtag, Charleiton, S C. nAVK always on band a large assortment of English and American Velfcf, Brns ols. Tapestry, 31 ply, Ingrain, Venetian and Hemp CAKPBTING8. Velvet, Brussel fnd Tapestry RUGS and MATS. A full assortment of DOOR MATS, comprising Coir. Brush, Chain, Alacante, Sisal, Adelaid and Plain and Fancy Sheep Skin. FLOOR Oil, CLOTH8, from the best makers, of all widths and great variety of patterns, Table Oil Cloths, in Marble. Oak, Rosewood and Ma* bogany. Mattings, Cocoa, Manilla and White and Check India. Drugget and Crntnb Cloths. Patent Step Ladders for house use. Parties residing in the eonntry can rely on having their orders promptly filled, and it diagrams are sent, can bare carpets made up, and Oil Clotha cut and fitted to rooms and balls- Mar SO 45 3m Fa VON SANTeST ItlPORVKR or PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toys, Dolls, Games, Children's Carriages, French Confcctoncry, Firo Works, INDIA RUBBER GOODS, Such as Clothing. Nursery Sheeting, Ac., 229 King-St. 3 doors above Market, CHARLESTON, S. C. mar 30 45 1j* JOHNSTON, CHEWS & CO* Importer* and Wholesale Dealer* In STAPLE AND FAN0Y DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND SMALL WARES, 4i ajA'ffssrss BffiaiszE'iF, CHARLESTON, S. C. Mar 30 45 0m 8TEA.fl BAKEltY AND CANDY MANUFACTORY J. C. If. CLAUSSEU, NO. 10 MABKET STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. ALL kind* of Crackera, lliacoita and Cakea manufactured dailv of the r.eet Southern floor, at lowuat mnrket price, liua at hi* EnlaMiabmont an extrneire r ,i IV n V p A r t n 1? V ? ? - - ?~ v m v/ ? X Their Candies are made to order, and at all times fresh ; warranted pure and to stand the ciimate. Orde>S will be promptly filled. Mh 23 44 3m* Edwin Bates. Geo. Em was. Taos. R. McOahaw. Chas. K. Bates. EDWIN BATES & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN - ' DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, 122 and 124 Meeting*St.. CHARLESTON, S. C. Mh 23 44 3m? CHAS. KERRISON, v, LATE 1111 Illllilll !MY ?D?E)80 252 King Street, OHARtSBTOIT, S. O. lfar U 44 In J B. ADe?RTC(T, IMPORTERS AMD DEALERS IN HARD W, ittft ??v nnwfl ? * ? ? i/vAuunlf %jf Uf Pj U AR lttUWj BT K?Lf ' ill AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, 139 Meetlng-8t. ft 62 But Bay St.. CHARLESTON, 8. O. Mh 23 ' 44 3m* ramici u en iJ 17S, 177 & 17?. *l0? 8tre6t CHARLESTON. S. CX KrruiLUiKP l^inP u JjiiL K-P. ?1 of sStM fffl R *UeU< ? jl?.^I 11 u rtjRWiT'aB.s^ , ftillL Whloh ho offoro ?tA|i t gj?? reason^ . T71 PRlCEf IA ^ 5 B.?000D8 CAM'ljy ^ILt, I I OR 811 i Wot >4 - ? * ?? II 1 Charleston Advertisements. Old Carolina Bitter*. & iDimncBiaieffwii. woitsncy . . . . W? uk? pleasure io offering the I OLD CAROLINA BITTERS * TO THE public. They are compounded with OTa>1 M? >nii annlalii ?nni. of ihe best Tonics in the Pharmacopr* As evidenee of ih# superiority of our Bitters over sll o'here, we have certificates from msny of the leading physicians in ourStsis^ who have proscribed them la thsir practice, 1UE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, General Debility, Chills and Fever and Dyspepsia. We do not offer oor Bitters as a cure for af diseases, but as an Aromatio Tonic, they have no equal. For sale by all Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Principal Depot, GOODRICH. WINEMAN A CO , Importers of Choice Drugs and Chemicals, Charleston, S. C. Mh 9 43 ly GEO. W. CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF 8ARSAPARILIA. GEO. W. CARPENTER'S COVPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF RU011U TDPE CKLKHRATT.n PmrPrnr. CHARLESTON, 8. C. HAVING ample means for conducting my Lualncav, 1 sm at all times prepared to make liberal advances on Cotton, July 28 - 10 ly samuel? black, STOCK AND BOND BROKER, NO 28 BROAD 8T., CHARLESTON. T} ARTICULAR attention given to pur* X chaee and sale of BKCUR1T1FH on Commission. Information given ekeerfolly. VIM TO R?v K T. RU18T, 3. 0. BAHJET, THOB RTKRBL September SI, 1869. 19 -tl PAViuOlT HOTEL, ? IB A\ 1R It IS 0 ? Itf , 0. ?. BOARD, Per Day - 06. R. HAMILTON, Sapertntendent. ?n. B. le. BllTTKRPIRLD, Proprlotr?M. Sept 2* 1? tf TAR#** <fe Cq . ?. ? JzIS?5B*"* ^ o?. ^j*i<LE&iva% s. a l JACKSON, Propr ?for. (8TANT8, A. BUTTIWFIJCLD, (f?r. rljr of lb* Pavilion llot?l,)and W. KB. 1 TIONS, originally introduced by Geo. W. Carpenter, under the patronage of the medical faculty, hare been ao long extrnaiveTy need br physicians and others, that they are generally known for their intrinsic value, end can he relied on as being most valuable remedies in all cases where ?ar*nparilla or Bnchn are applicable, and cannot be too highly recommended. They a?e prepared Mi a highly concentrated form, eo as to render the dose small and convenient. Orders by mail or otherwise wiH receive prompt attention. GEO. W. CAUPRNThR, HEN3ZF.Y A CO.. Wholesale (Jhemi<-a4 Warehouse, No. 7X7 Market street, Philadelphia. DOW IE A MOISE, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. C. Nor 17 2f If I. F. CHEYREUX, AND ARCHITECT, EflAKaSiLlE WM Corner Meeting-St end H^rlbeck's Alley, ?2i,?&kaSE033, S, 0, PLANS MADE TO ORDER, AND FREE OF CHARGE, WHEN WOBX DONE BY ME. Dec 8 20 Jy ZD6B&1H. YDI1S Hi.' IMPORTERS AND DEALERS TN JLf US1CA L INSTIi UMEETS, STRINGS, Ac., Ac. Agents of \V3f. KNA&E A CO.'S PIANOS, MASON A HAMLIN'S MELODEONS, S ruin way A Son'j and J. B. Duubcm'a PI A NOES TILTON S PATENT GUITAR. REPAIRINO PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 101 KING 8TEEET, CHARLESTON. S. C. FEU DIN AND ZOO BALM, Ifcw Tork. IIKNKY TOUNO, C. L. Al'cl-KN All AN, Cbftrl?*ton, S. 0. Nov U 77 6m* A. B. MULLIGAN, AND Ci E IYER A L COMMISSI!)! MEBCHANT.