The Greenville enterprise. (Greenville, S.C.) 1870-1873, February 23, 1870, Image 4

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. I g"H frlrrtrir ^ortrtj. Kr Nobody. .1 know a funny man. As quiet u a tnoosa, Who doe* the mischief that la dona In everybody'a house. There's no one ever sees his face, And yet we all agree, That every plate we break was cracked By Mr. No bod ee. 'lis he who tears onr books, Who leaves onr doors ajar; He palls the buttons from onr abirU, And scatters pins afar. That squeaking door will Always aqneak, For, prithee, don't you see, We leave the oiling to be done By Mr. No bod ee. The finger marks upon the doors, By nona of ua are mad*; W? aavar have the blind* uneloatd, t *. To let the curlaina fade ; The ink we never apill; the boot* That lying round you see, Are not our boota I They belong To Mr. No bod ee. 33unioron0, ' ? 1 i " 1 - ' l ! 1 I ' Words that burn. Rejected communications. Tub place for good pork it said to be " on the Rhine. What is a parrot's natural lan guago? roily-glot, was supposed. Editors ought to live cheap? tlioy get44 bored " for nothing. Josh Billings says codfish are better thau umbrellas to keep you dry. Can a woman who tells fortunes from a tea cup bo called a sau-ccrC88 ? A sufferer complains that squeaking boots 44 murder sleep" in church. What a difference it makes whether yon put44 Dr." before or after a man's name. A Norfolk paper says there is a man in Norwich so ugly, that witli six frowns he can kill a bulldog. 44 What, is pride, my soul" 44 Walking with a cane when yon ain't lame," replied the intelligent boy. 'm ' Never confide in a yonng man, ?new pails loak. Never tellyonr secrets to the aged,?old doors seldom shut closely. A. YOtKG gentleman, speaking of a voung beauty's yellow hair, called it pure gold. 44 It ought to be," quoth an old bachelor; 41 it looks like twenty-four carrots." At a Highland hotel, the following unique bill was presented to a gentleman who had made a few hours4 sojourn at the establishment: "i\>r eating yonrself and. horse four and thripanse." A uoy who beard the quotation* 44 A littlo learning is a dangerous thing," wished to stop going to school, because he was afraid he should not live long enongh to act past the dangerous point. A subscribes writes to an editor in the West: 4%I don't want your paper any longer." To which the editor replied, 441 wouldn't make it any longer it you did; its present length suits me very well. An Irishman, who lived in a garret, being asked what part of tlie lionsc he occupied, answered, 44 If the house were turned topsyturvy,, I'd be livin' on the first floor.'* Tiiic attachment of some ladies to their lap-dogs amounts, in some instances, to infatuation. An illtempered lap-dog, biting a piece out of a male visitor's leg, his mist ess thus expressed hor compassion : 44 Poor little dear creature ! 1 hope it will not make him sick I" An Irishman, swearing before a magistrate, against his three sons, thus concluded his affidavit: 44and this deponent further saitb, that the only one of his children who showed him any real filial affection was his youngest son Larry, for ho never struck him wher, he wot down /" A oooo story is told of a certain 1)roinincnt railroad gentleman of 'hiladelphia, who is equally re i ....i.. - iiuw noil iui ii 10 auuivj w uimko n joke. A railroad employee whose home is in Avon, came on Saturday night to ask for a pass to visit his family. 44 You are in omploy of the rail road?1' inquired the gentleman alluded to. " Yes." 44 Yon recoivoyonr pay regularly?" < 44 Yes." 44 Well, now, suppose yon worked for a fanner instead of a rail* road, would you expect your employer to hitch up his team every Saturday night and carry you home ?" This seemed a poser, but it wasn't. 44 No," was the man's prompt reply, 441 would not expect that: but if the farmer had bis team all hitched up, and was going my way, I should call bim a darned mean com if he wouldn't let me ride." Mr. Employee came out three minntes alterwards with a pass good for tweltre months. ! . LI.1,. -i1 I ') 1 UJ Li* Tbo BumI OttoUtlta forVtMatrr* ] Tbo Ohailoeton Daily Nmi, of February 1st, 0*y?: In a f?w ihort month# Tkt Rural Carolinian boa, by ita altrootieo appear* . inoa t*4 Ttri?d iii|?U of never foiling merit, beeotne a Miafirt Agrtoalteral Magazine, and it thU day wutiootlf looked for and attentively perered by Ha Ikoo Ntndo of reader# a* If II bad boon publUhrd for a eentnry. Ita dorotion to Ibo preotfeal and ooionllflo development of Soathera griealttiro giro It a pooaltar character and | value, not only to the people of the 8outh, [ whom It more Immediately affects, bat nlao | to Northerners .and Eoropssns, to *bon ! the So a lb la aort of Chios or Japan, but feeently opened to their investigation. Tha number now before ua Is a spleudid illustra^ j tion of what brains and enterprise aan do . whan aided by the sjmpathy and iatarest of our antira people. With sixty-eight pages c I of rending matter (four mora than the usual i number) it baa not an artlale in it tbat " weald not please the moat praetiaal farmer, [ and yet there ia much to enterta'a and in* * | atraot tha general reader. The illustrations a are useful aa well aa ornamental, and the I j likeaera of DeLeaeepe Is worthy of being 1 preserved as a life liks representation of a , great man, tha moving spirit of a wonder- s tut achievement. The typographical una. 3 cution ia euperb, and tha publieatinn, aa a whole, la one of which oar regenerated South may well feel proud. Acts of thbOkkesal Amkmolt.?An Act to Peeignate the Oj/tcer by wAout Bale* Order- [ ed by the Court* of Common Pita* and Judgeethereof, and the Court* of Probate, ] thall be made. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and } Ilouse of Representatives of the Slate of < South Carolina, now metand sitting in Gen- J eral Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That ail sales of personal or real es? (ate, or other interest, hereafter ordered to ! be made by the Courts of Common Plaas < and judges thereof, or Court of Probate, ' shall be made by the sheriff of the eounty ( in which said real or personal estate or olh- 1 er interest, is at the time said aale Is order- j ed. Sac. 8. That in all ealee by eaid sheriff* under the order of Courts of Common Pleas, i exercising common law jurisdietioa, or on* ' dor the order of Courts or Probate, the fees of said sheriff shall be the same as now 6xed by law, for ealee by sheriffs under exar eutions issuing from the Courts of Common Ple?s, exercising common law juriedietioo; and thai In all sales under the order of Courts of Common Pits# exercising equity jurisdiction, the fees of raid sheriff shall be lbs same as those now fixed by lew for sales toy sheriffs under exeeulions issuing from Courts of Common Pleas exercising common law jurisdiction. Approved 27th dey of January, 1870. Thb Obi.kana Family >R Fsancx.?The I favors the Orleans family are enjoying. says ' a Paris correspondent, form one of lbs sig , nificant signs of lha tlmss. Many of tho j moet eminent men of the French empire j are staunch eupportsrs of lbs family, and it la generally believed that MM Jutss Favrs, ( Jules Simon, JSrnest Picard and others will \ strsnuously exert th??n?s?l??s to secure their I ultimate restoration. It U said that ths ' Emperor drsads ths family with ? sort of ] phobia, M. Denuncques baa presented I second petition to the Senate, praying a re- < peal of the laws whioh axils the houses of 1 Bourbon and Orlsans, and whlls it la deemed certain that the petition will be rejeeted, it ie believed that it will help the feeling in ' fevorof the latter. This faeliag has been j strikingly manifsatsd on ths ocossion of the ftineral of ths Dusheas D'Autnele, in Eng < lanl, when hundreds of Frenchmen crossed 1 ihc channel to attend it; and again at the ' celebration of the mess la St. Ferdinand's Chapel, at Neullly, which was attended by 2.000 persoos. QulU as imposing ft demon elrstion Is also anticipated a Chsntilly where atill another funeral service ia to he celebrated. ? ? Mr. Walter M. Gibson, a former resiJent | of our District/who was lately on a visit, in company with his daughter, to their relatives near F?.ndleton, arrived in San Fran* eiseo by the oterland route on the 19th January. Ilia daughter sailed in the steam er Idaho, on the 22d, for the Islands, in i company with many Mends. Mr. Oibron remains in San Francisco nntil the 28th oi February, engaged in organising a company \ who arc going with him to the islands to 1 cultivate sugar on sharea. There ia great \ activity in the islands on aeoount of ospee ted redaction of duty on sugar. The Islng | baa appointed all Amerieaas for hia Cabinet. Thie look# to annexation. The prieee of pannage to San Francisco arc now fixed: By atoamship from New York, $ 100, first cabin ;$50. second eabin, including all ex* penses. By overland, first' class from New York, $160 ; from Wssbington City, $189; avcwnu maw, fiuu fVO. AimgrftBl UCKat, |75, all payable io currency, IA rider tot i Intelligencer. A mkktixu of tho member* of tho Soulh Carolina Institnto aad of tbo Charleston Coaoty AgrieuUnral and Hortienltnral 8oeiety, we* held in Charleaton on th* 9th, at whieh farther arrangement* were made (or the contemplated fair on tli* 16th Notcid ber nozt. A resolution waa alao adopUd, that tho President of tb* South Oaroliaa Inatltuto b* reqaesled to Invito a con ren lion of tho various Oooaty Agricultural aad lloohanlaal aad Immigration Soelotioe, to bo bold In Charleston oa tho first Too* day In May a oats to oonfar opoa tb* qnootlons of immigration, labor and tbo furthor development of tbo agriooltural roaonreta of th* But*. Skwm*i.w Wmm.-The editor of the Khvm Courier, writing from Columbie, thue refer* to Ibe greet neoeeeity of placing boneet end 1 eepeble seen into oAoe; M We here to live ! under tbte Oorernment until it la Modified by tbe growth of publio virtue end en. lighteoment. Whatever eheoge may then 1 be effected will not be ewdden, ee It by megte, but gradual, end by earaeet effort at the ballot-bos. Hie good tiate when principle eh ell prevail wll* none, If at all, ia this vary way. Ualli the country ia peepar ed lor tbie, let a* bar* a* good a Government as poMtbl*.* Col. Joaaru inn, of KdgedriA, an old soldier of tbe Mealean war, and who ale* nerved faithfully daring Ibe laic war, died of tho prerailing epidemic, meniapctia, on ad Instant, after a abort iltacea. Hie ega was forty-eight. ? 4- in.i im Squalily Life Insurance Company, - i 'lii to I. Xi cifill Offic*, It*. 1015,, JlaiH Str**t, Kith. mom?I, Vm. [J BASONS why ry mm abonld Imsn la [\ tha Equality LI fa Inwuei Company, f Virginia: lit. It la mora Llbmllo tha Inaarara than u&is&su&ssfinsx. Id. It alraulatea it* moony am on git Iti patotfa, who ara thainaomra. Condon utbLtbny ra continually getting tha haanlt aC the fapid ceumulatiou oflha Company, the tfoaty bang invested by tha Beard of DlrdatbralhHOngst ha inaarara. - M. Tha loam of tbla Company eraaSTibair 4 4U< umer comptiiNI woo declare dirldoiidi it the ?a4 of Ik* eeoond, third and fourth ear*, bat tbla Company at lb* and of the drat Dd erery year. DAVID D. CLARK, President. TH09. M. wrURR. Vice-President. JOHN Q. WINN, Secretary. Gen. JAMES H. LANE, Actuary, ' ' Dr. F. B. WATKIN8,1 . AAty^1 Dr. C. *. W. DA WIS. | *** * Judge JOHN A. MEREDITH, Counsellor. moncTon*. '' J. B. Win*toe, Treasurer and Searetary R. f. A P. R. R ; Wb. J. Johnson, of Johnson A lunt, Wholesale Groeete | W?. H. Powers, of Winston A Powers, Wholesale Grocers; Attest Ordway, Treasurer Buckingham State Company; J. F. Gibson, Superintendent kdams' Express Company : Oh arte* Y. Marts, Morris A Co.'s Sugar Refloory ; G. A. Peris, Superintendent Manchester Cotton Milit; fohn It. Tyler, John H. A John Tyler, Jewtiers; Moeee Miilhiser, Wholesale Dry Goods; Thomas 8. Baldwin, Clothier ; John M. Godlln, Cashier Planter's Bank; J. R. Dowell, Superintendent Western Union Telegraph Company; Alex. G. Robertsaei, Cattle Broker; iroorge i. nerrtng, woolesale Grooar ; R. L. Brown, of Brown, Jnnee A Co., Wholesale Oroeere; A Bodeker. Draggtat f 8. M. Bonds Mum, of 8. A M. Kbacnbaum. Pry Qoooda. Equality Lift Iuwum SoayMy. /VAtaMMi (t? Pamphlets 6^/ore ytm inmre, it it to four interest to do to. Agtntt canted rserymhtre. BENJ. O. IICRIOT, Geo. Trarolling Agent, Cbarlcaton, S. C. Sept M 18 tf NEW YORK ITU iinnni luniniev bill UMMIU uirui. Dividend declared in 1868, 68 per Centra*. ASSETS, Si3,000,000. NO COMPANY in the United SUUitin claim to pari or advantage* to thi, ?ld and well-eetabliahed inetitetion, which baa been doing buaineaa with tha graataat sue seas for abont twenty-fire veara. It ia Ur icily mutual, and never bad etockholder* to appropriate a portion of ite earning*.? It ie under legal mtpertneiou, a protection to policy holder*, which la afforded nowhere but in New York and Massachusetts. lie manager* cannot apeeulate with the fuode of the Company, but are obliged to Invest aa the laws of New York requite trustee# to invest truat estates. The ofllleiel reports, for several years past, show that this Cora pany haa been better managed than any Other doing buaineaa U New York. An iovcetment ia tbla Company ie aa aafk aa anything earthly can be. It offers security itiu cheapneaa, and haa advantage* over my other Company in the Uoited H tat as. Kohrenet ?*iay be made to the following rentlemea; Gov. B. F. Perry, Col. G. Y. Townee, Tboi. M. Co*. Tbomee Steen, II* [lealtie A Co.. Wm. T. Skowute, Jaa. P. Moore and L. Williams. For further loformatioa, apply to the un let-signed, agent for Greenville, or <0 J A3, it. 8COTX Attorney at Lew, GreeaviUe Court Ileus*. " W, H. CAMPBELU Sept 8 16 tf B.v * w/vWTav^ JLao X. Wi'VjCiSSf /4\tn,!W(?)ra7is,ia7r AW UtAW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. ' . a . *- * * e , a WILL PRACTICE III ALL COURTS OF THIS STA1E ALSO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Offioe Greenville 0. H., 8. 0. Jul; 4 ' 1 ly* SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. WOULD reepeetfolly inform the public that ha haa Rrbond to a room in the OLD COURT HOUSE, where ho will ho prepared to receive cuatomere ae heretofore. Being a J'ro/tuton+l BarUr, ho hope*, Oy attention to bueiaetaa, together with politeneae to ail, to merit a portion ot puhlie patronage, in CUTTING, SllAVING ANI) SHAMPOOING. Jan 20 85 tf MARBLE CimiNQT BOYIKE A^raOWJL, columbia, 8. 0.. CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE MONUMENTAL WORK In all lU branohea, of ITALIAN AND AMKKICAN H?j>t t marble. f NATIONAL HOTEL (9dD3i\SnlSDBlXAn S3. (0. f' miu9 PROPRIETOR, p. Hamilton joynkr, clerk. RATES Of Board per Day |t 00 Supper, Breakfa* tad Lodging...,. t 00 LH 1- II L. - ? w?ji? mmwmm . M . ,. , 1 W lop 1 is f tt Nickerson HonseHotel, COLUMBIA, S.C. Til kevfef RBlTBfrKD btc )mm the above Fopalar H?u% will wdwrtt to Make U one of the no*i nwuMi HeUle h ike loath. A eefl b aotleited. Ji'ViM Omnlbea to ul from the HetoL VM. A. WHIOHT, " Proprietor. ?* 18 tf ?ijyriiirweiypirgr Greenviile 4 Columbia Railroad. \ p*m*MA% Sor?ai?y?nvunr't Ornom, 1 aa4 rfowo, ud with Might Trata oa C harlot t*, Colombia ud AnguURnd going 8omtb t Lo?~o Colombia^............... T DO * " Al.too. . *? 8 40 a bi I J 44 R??k?r7.,..?....?.? 10 10 m Arrln AbboTlIle 3 00 p a " Andornon i M pa il.. SsuSt xrr^2 s: : >: ?sr:t_= S ?:: " Newherry 19 35 p m < Alston 9 10 p It Alrlri Colombia. 9' 4$ p as Ths Train wilt ratom from Helton to Anderson ?n Monday and Friday mornings. / JAMBS 0. MEREDITH, General Superintendent. W' M?(k Carol laa Railroad! Co. 0 en era! Superintendent'! OOoe, > September, IS, 18W. > THE following Bcbedble for Passenger Trains wQl be observed from this dMo t j pr ;Af iWsjer IVsia t, 1 Fj Tieeriqg Oditd|| Mis Arriving at Colombia at 40 p m Arriving atColutaWo llatt Tkt Camden Train Will em^nn. * e^ednle: J (Mondays, Wednesdays add Saturday*.) Arrive atQolambia 11 00 am- Leave 1 45j> w ( JWnitag* Jfie erjttmf.) *"* Leave Cam deo 656 a as. Ar Khi(c?*aie lb a m 1 M Kingsville 3 lft pes. Ar Camden 06 p m I II. T. PBAK1. I v General Superintendent. OhwrbtUi (MmMi A iipita E. 1, 8in??BIfTEN0ld?r8 OFFICE, Op|fcm&, 8. a, January fS, 1?*0. ? ; LNK OoMMltt 8 1( p Art I re at Augusta.... S Nan l*are Augusta _...4 15 p in Arrive at Colnmbla...M.M.n..M. -1 SO a u This Train eonaaete #101 the Georgia day Paeeenger Train* at Aagurta, and the Green* tilVe Road at Columbia, each way. C. DOUR SIGHT, Snp't 1 Feb 9 S8 * Lv * lj Chariestoir Advertisements* tJ \Jx7 w W U/?y > l^* Olr?o1*rs, with detailed atatementa, farnlaliflA 9* application to tk? GeMjal A gcnU,< *'vv > '?** B. S. RBETTft SO*, , V . CkarUato*, ?. C., Of, to DaVTD AtlTftADLEY, > Ageala at GreenriMa, Si O. 1 Jan 20 M 8m ZIIMII, INK ft (H IMPOSTERS AND DEALERS IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,, STRINGS, Ac., Ae. Agenu of WM. KNABB A CO/8 PIANOS, MASON A HAMLINS MBLODEON8, SUlnwaj A Bon'a and J. B. Dunham'* PI AIIO MS llbiUO O I Alfinx U l)II AH. REPACKING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 191 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, 3. C. FERDINAND SOCBAUM, ; | New York. HENRY YOUKO, 0. U M'oLENAHAN, CfcnrlMton, 8. C. No* U 17 6a* daniel h. silcox's JPUREITUBB WABERQQVS, 170,177 * 179, XlBff 8treet 1 CHARLESTON. S. C. 4 Kmaiuhip in DOft.^Spp JwL Keep, (OMiudy on btnd 1 Hi 11 * well (elected Hloek of BflBl ruiutitum, Which he offer* *4 kbdaeasonable 1/1 PRICES. N. B.?GOODS CARBPOLLY PACKED 10ft SHIPPUfO. Nov U 17 ly* 8AMUEL C. BLACK, STOCK AND BOND BROKER, NO. *8 BROAD ST.. CHARLESTON. "jp ARTICULAR nMenUen^ given to pnr Jk (IMM lira MM 01 OKUUTItS on CmmIoUb. IpIoh?Oongiy AnH?lly. } 1M IW TO Kit. I. T. BUI8T. 1.0. BAILEY, TII0& 8TEBN'. i B?pUob?rtl, 1M9. 19-11 Yhmwrnm, IflHI AIRtt.I*$5i'(BOS, fl. (0. BOARD,^ Par Day : $9 90. ; m^?8S&BX??m. Proprielmi, Kept 29 19 tf 'THE MILLS HOUSE,' ?BAA&&STOaS. S. ?. PARKER ft CO- Proprietor*. HgXWt^CLXtts H0tWLi*'T" BOARD, PER DAT $4 99. Dm I 29 tf t MJ ? >t4 .. .. ..^i. ' CHARLESTONHOTEL 0HASI.BST0N, S. O. ' K H. JACmOW, Proprietor. AHHWTAITP), 1. BUTTRRFI ELD. (lor oorljr of Ik* r*vDion lioUl,) and W K MlLLCl 19 * ShaSTSSSE? stifi naiioi, :AP' 1 i ffiaB " CAROLINA FERTILIZER" is made 1 ptMoiMld bjr Viriouii.cbemliU. oh Of the Qiuo in iU Ortilnonjc properties. Tb?M Pbosp tmals, and poiwii qualities of tho greatest value Professor Shepard? mm ' mm m- ami. - La?or?tort or 1 Analysis of CAROTTHA FERTILIZER, pen Mo lain re expelled at 112? I, ? Organic Matter, with soma water ?f combination JSarr%iAl;-.lj! r Phosphoric Acid?Soluble, - I ft Insoluble, - - - ' 8 IT I TaOTVO^mI? Sulphuric Acid, It 01 Sulphate of Potash, Sal phot* of Boda, Ij Sand, UMts Is On the strength of these resnlta, I am glad ti FERTILIZER, examined. } I Wo will fhrnlsh (his excellent FERTILIZER t Geo. W. M illian TU Dap U1 DAVID & STRADLEY, ' ^ WILLIAMS A "WUITMIl Jan IS , 3 mmmm i J(AN UFA CTURED UNDER tbe direction of Dr. N. A. PRATT PhnipkMt Company. SOLUBLE PHOSPHORIC ACID, in tho fo r DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE, is 'he valuable in the ratio ot Salable Phosphoric Ac Tbe immense deposits of Pbocpbntic Guanos olina, by Dr. PRATT, consists mainly of Insol able as a fertiliser by being ground to powder, dition as to make its insoluble phosphate sola taken np by growing plants. The insoluble PI of no more value to tbe plant than the original . of this Soluble Phosphate which any Fertiliser { acta, and consequently tbe cheapest Fertiliser I Soluble Phosphate, f Impressed with (base troths, tbe SULPHUR PANY have erected at Cbarleafcrn tbe first exL are able to offer to planters the Hiykct per cm aay market. Their Fertilisers are offered ander two forms 1. ET1WAN NO. 1.?Fare Sola! cent, of Dissolved Bone Phosphate of Lime, t* 2. ETIWAN NO. 2 ,?Peruvian per eent. of Dissolved Bone Phoephate, and 1] addition of Peruvian Guano to adapt it to all eash. WE ALS ( DISSOLVED BONE, o^higb grade, for pla facturera to tranaport tho Sulphuric Acid tout rat* for oaeh por evotage. "W^J3KK* JUAuK NO. 14 VIII.; I DAVID A STBADLET, December 79 WMTliTlBii vsmi on, F03 PUT X FIVE AND TEN G FOR FAM SAFETY OT Burns lonoer than ordinary SAFE. Read what Profbeaor 6HEPAR -LABORA Ifetirt. H'm. M. Bird d> Co: GBNTI.BMKKNit by you, and deterained the ' fire point,'t inflammable, to bo above ISO dc-greca Fabrenb degrooa Fahrenheit. A* tho 'Are point' of tl quired standard, the Oil ia to be regarded ai u uiuul'y. Very reapectfally, WM. M. BIRD & CO." avn nra STRICTLY PURE < NO. 203 BAST BAY, AND FOE Harrison A Marshall, 1 January IS ~FARMERSf" Inert at* Your Cropt mud Improve Tour Landt, bp nting PHffiNU OlIANO, Importod bp M dirtel from the Phttnia ltlund<, South Pmcijtc Ocean. Wilcox, dibbs St, Co.'s MANIPULATED GUANO Prepared at Savannah, Oa., and Char fee ton, fi. 0., which hat proved in the toil the beet MAS VMM Uf VSJC. Guano, Salt and Plas ter Compound, ALSO # PREPARED AT SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON, i For Solo for Cooh or on Time, by WILCOX, GIBBS & CO.. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ?T For farther hlorwKon, nddrooo M nboro for otrenlnr, or rab?erfbo to SomiAmm AfrimUnrUt, pnbKohod by W. C, Mooaiarphj * Co., nl Auguot* nod StfiDBib, On., nt U?. per nana*. DAVID A 8TRADTJCT, Agent*. Qreonviltr, S. (X DM )? *> tm B 1 .A* VERTISEMENTS. -T ; AtI ^< > *??? ^ ^ ajfr from the Phosphates ot Sooth Carolina, and is beat Manures known, only inferior to Peruvian hater are the remains of extinet land and aea an> to the Agriculturist. We annex the analysis ol rnx Medical Collegx of Socth Carolina. onally selected: 16 7C e: pelled at alow red heat, - - 16 50 66 80 a - 2 60 Bqeiralent to 11 27 Soluble Phosphate of Lime. Equivalent to 13 48 Insoluble (bone.) 24 75 Phosphate of Ltmo. Equivalent to 23 65 Sulphate of Lime. 80 3 50 II 06 o certify to the superiority of the CAROLINA C. U. B11EPARD. Jr. 0 planters and others at $60 per ton ot 2,000 lbs. is & Co., Factors, Charleston, C. | Agents for Greenville. 14 4m m mm ?, AT CHARLESTON, Chemist for the Sulphuric Acid and Superrm of SOLUBLE rnOSPIIATE OF LIME, 1 basis of all good Fertilizers, and these are id which is in them. which were discovered in 1867 in Sonth Carluble Phosphate of Lime, which is made availand reduced by Sulphuric Acid to such a eoubie in water, and thus made capable of being loophatc found in any commercial Fertilizer is Phosphate rock. The greater the proportion contains, the less the quantity required per is that containing the highest per centage of IC ACID AND SUPERPHOSPHATE COMinsive Aeid Chambers sonth of Baltimore, and toy of Soluble Fkvmphatt of Lime known in lie Phosphate, guaranteed to contain 24 per JO per ton, TO per cent, diseonnt for cash. Super-Phosphate, guaranteed to contain 26 | to 3 per cent, of Ammonia, with a suftcient Crops, $70 per ton, 10 per cent, discusnt for 0 OFFER ntorg or rnnnofeetnrera, who may desire to mix bis is the best and cheapest method for manii* aiucd ia the mix tare. Will be sold at a Axed s&r. CO?9 AVERTS, IR'S WHARF. Agontflj Greenville, 8. C. VZ 3in iiT~& co.'s Et lumiiMTiNe. JP IN rALLON PACKAGES,\ ILT USB. fARNTEED! I OIL, AND ABOVE ALL, IS PERFCTLY b says: TOBY OF THE MEDICAL COLLEGE,) Queen-Street, Charleston, 8. C. ) ?I bare examined the sampie of Vestal Oil . uie temperature at wnitu tbe oil becomes elt. The United Slate* standard requires 110 tie Oil U 20 degrees Fahrenheit above the rede, and lhoe supplies a great wanfbf the ComC11ARLKS U. 6HKPAKD, Jr., M. V." SOLE PROPRIETORS, LK1LS IN OILS AND PAINTS, CHARLESTON, 8. C., 8ALK BY kgenta* Greenville, S. C. 34 ' 3m BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE or lukee. I AM now receiving my supplies of this Manure, hod planters can rely apon getting an artiele /ully np to standard, st per analysis. All boughs from myself or aa'nerised agents,I wMI ga area tee ; ae every cargo so sold is analyted on arrival here, and the high character of tbe ManurS tally kept up. J W nnnanvr Hole Agent for Hob Mo Carol inn. No#. 1 and t, Atlantic Wharf, Charleaten, 8. 0. Dnvid 3c Slradlcy, AjfonU for (hmrilk County. Prof, Rbepardaays of aaatyaia made Oetabor 18th, 1899: ' A valuable Manure, aad da* Madly aaparlor to tho article of taat year." Experiment made by M. C. M. Hammond, of Bcaoh Ialand, 8. C.: No maimi*?Mt I be atad aoltoai par acre. 17ft Iba Peruvian Guano?1328 Iba aoadeoV ton par aara. 17ft Iba Bangh'a?IMS Iba aaad ootton par aara. Dae 12 It >m a. cucim. a. wnm. CLACITJ8 * WITTE, NORTH EAST CORNER OF FRAOER'S WHARF OK CUSTOM mum SQUARE, OHARLEBTON, S. O. OOMMUBIOW MSBCEAMTB, And Wbnlmlc DaaUra la OEOCKEIE8, LIQUOM, *0., *0. S?pt N 1* M? Charleston Advertisements. ^ - .. . ^ JAMES ALLAN, 8*r KINO STREET, OHAF.LSOTOXT, S. C., DKALKRIN WA TCHES, CLOCKS, JE WELK Y, SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, AO. Wstobei tent to soy ptrt of the eoontrj. SILVER HUNTINO WATCBK8 FROM FIFTEEN DOLLARS AND LPWARD. GENTS Gold Hunting Watebea from $00 and Upward. LADIES Gold Hooting Watcher from $50 and Upward. AMERICAN WATCHES OF ALL KINDS. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. 29 JO 2d KINSMAN'S ? 4* 33 ? IT ?&???? & 77,, 279 XING STREET, OSARLSSTOIT, 8. O. OUR A8SORTED CANDY ii put up In 9ft and ftO Ponnd Boxes, suitable for Country Trade. WARRANTED Perfectly Pure and Being free from Terra Albe or Marble Dust/ * and Manufactured solely from CRUSHED SUGAR. A Discount ia mode for all Orders of 600 pounds. Sond for Circular. Sept 20 19 28 MORES GOLDSMITH. lannim i nnin,ui,? > MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON, I ' l No*. 4, 6 and 8 VENDUE RANGE, ! CHARLESTON, O. O. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IRON METALS, RAGS, AND ALL KINDS OP PAPER STOCK, HIDE8, WOOL, ssa?3is5rs, ittetissj, A Suitable Stock of Hear/ and Light HIDES AND SHINS For Tanners usee Always on Hand, and aril bo Sold Low for C2 H 3BFKK m Sept 29 19 26* n. msHcorr. c. wuLinra. J. n. risran. HENRY BISOHOFF & CO., AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQ UORS; SEGA RS, TOBACCO, dbC. 197 EAST BAY. CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 29 19 26* GEO. "W. CARPENTER'S compound fluid extract of sarsai'arilia. GEO. W. CARPENTER s comtound fluid extract of buCI1U These celebrated preparations, originally introduced by Geo. W. Carpenter, under the patronage of the medical facnltv, hare been an long ext.n.l_.l J U-'l.- !-t , . ivivvaj uscu uy jmjf?iciRnfl una oinerf, IIKl I they are generally known for their init iotie value, and can he relied on at being most valuable remedies in all cases where ?ar*aparilla or Buchu are applicable, and cannot be too highly recommended. They are prepared In a highly concentrated form, so as to reader the dose small and convent* eat. Orders by mail or slherwise will receive prompt attention. GEO. W. CARPENTER, IIKN3ZEY A CO., Wholesale Chemical Warehouse, No. 7X7 Market-street, Philadelphia. DOW IE A MOiSE, Wholesale Agenta, Charleston, 8. C. Not 17 26 ly A. B. MULLIGAN, AND GENERAL p nil if i c c inv uvDPnivip UUillBIddlUl fflAlbnam Sccob)h)o0^ioo CHARLESTON, S. O. HAVING tmple mr*m for conducting my buainra*. I am at all time* prepared to make liberal advance* on Cotton. July 28 10 ly P. P. TO ALE, (& isi a ir it, m e w ? s? <s^ Manufacturer of DOORS, 8ASHES, BLINDS. HAVING the large** an! moat complete factory in the Southern Statca and keeping alar aye oa hand a large and tno*t complete etock of DOORS, 8A8HRn, BLINDS, 8aeh Doora, Stare Door*, Shutter*. Moulding*, Ac., A*, I aai enabled ta eell low , and at maaufaotarer*' price*. N- B.?-Strict attoolion paid to chipping la good order. t u A. t. (JHiiYMlJA, AMD ARCHITECT, wms Owitf iMtiaflt u4 ItrlbNk'a AlUjr, ??AZR&a?Hr?S3, ?, ?. I PLANS MADE TO ORDER, J AMD FMKK OF CHARGE, WHEW WORK DOES BY ME. i DnI 29 lj