The Greenville enterprise. (Greenville, S.C.) 1870-1873, February 23, 1870, Image 2

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??BPMWII ! ?!)e Q R E ? a ^ II I K . f. WKDHEflM^ nl|V 3F5n3j XT rU^rUIB OX AVUtlVUI J-UUOflJ* A telegram from Europe of the 17 tb, states that tha Diet of Sweden hae passed a law admitting dissenters and Jewa to political* right*, and that the Xing signed tha law immediately. Veiyr eoon religion tolgra> tion will pervade all the htaftt?ha ofEu rope, and he Ullewod, wedowht not, eeeaw or later bj the e**?r*ac? of Church and. State. Slate religioua establishments hare been the curse of mankind, since the world .began. Pagan or Christian, so-called, fpr we cannot believe there is any pure Christianity in that limb of a church thai ia chained to a civil or military government of uninspired rulers. Intolerance or violation of the right* of conscience in some form, and persecution have been the iova-iable fruits Of each adulterous connexions, and efer will be, in the nature of tbtngai This fact has been illustrated by (he Romish Church that has allied herself toall kind* of gotrof'nitents and need the sword of cruel tyrant* and fanatics to propagate our creed or to defend it from assaults and to sustain power Such, too, has been more or tew the spirit of the Protestant demoninatione that hare married themselves to tings, f>otentatea, or powers of oad hind. We l>oaat of religion* liberty in the Unl, ted Staten, and deaerredly. *o far as mere constitutions and law* are concerned; but even in this country there iaa con*1 ant ten., dency of tome of ibe reels to ally themselves with the government, and to eontrol and be controlled by it The Methodist Church North has been for some years an illustration. In their General Conference and other depositories of power and influrnee, they have suggested political measurer and been governed in turn by the measures of the government or dominant political party of the country. The love of power is-afctoral to men, whether professors of ralnrion or no* O.wl if lV,n r. 1 l_.l ? : ? 1 "v., ?..v. .. %mv .vi mi vi iviii gutchl* ' ment or doctrines thej profess have ? prlnciple or hook in any part well fitted to connect with a'wurldly power, they trill seek the connection in some form, hence the politico-eccleriatical acts and legislation of more than one denomination in the United Statea during the war and since, and even prior thereto. Bnt there is a good deal of the spirit of intolerance and a hostility to religions liberty perhaps, in every part of the United States, and this, too, in the minds of many men who do net themselves know of what manner of spirit they are ; they are ready to denounce every and any body that presumes in their hearing to advocate his favorite or peculiar religiousopin. ions, unless they correspond with those they may approve from prejudice or education, are very apt to show anger if a religicue discussion is carried on bofore them ; at the same time they are emphatic in prpolaitotug their charity (oh, much abused worafl for all denomination*; their charity woula seal | the mouth of ev-ery minister or private j Christian from ever advocating nay <Jialine> lire doctrine of his Church or denomination before any body but those already of the I same way of thinking, but these same very j charitable men are apt to be exceedingly tolerant of the discussions of infidels ana scoffers. The State M llitla to be Organised. The Columbia correspondent of the Charleston AVmw furnishes the annexed statement as coming from Governor Scott, at a chance meeting of the former with the latter: " The GcTcrnor was asked if there was any truth in the report that State arms were being distributed throughout the counties, lie replied that arms had been sent to only one or two places?York County was mentioned a? one?where the 4 KuKlux ' or some secret organization had Lecn mal treating Republicans, bcatine them and dcstrovinir Ihetr " To tbe question whether arms would be generally distributed previous to tbe time of holding the general election next fall, bo re* plied that tbe Legislature had pawed an aot providing for the organisation of the militia of the State ; and as it was his duty to carry out tbe provisions of tbe act, he intended to see them executed as quickly as possible. Ho wished to see tbe militia organized nnder men who could be trusted to preserve order in tbeir districts at any and at all times, whether tbe disturbers of the peace were Democrats or Republicans ; he desired to see all classes in the militia, and it made no difference to him wheth-' er a Confederate or 'Federal commanded them ' in fact, it never occurred to him to ask such s question ; all he wished to know was, ' would be obey and cxeente tbe law.' The Oovernor montioncd one or two Confederate officers i whom ba bad either entrusted or intended en* trusting with militia commands. " In response to the interrogatory; Would nut tbe arming of the militia and tbeir presence at the elections tend to provoke a disturbance and canae bloodshed ? be answered that he thought not; (bat tbe knowledge that tkcre was a force adequate to check all disturbances would deter the evil-minded men in any community from commencing or instigating a disturbance. ' But now let me tell yon, sir,' said he, ' you may fast assured that after tbe next election the Republican party will never go before Congross stating that its voters wore intimidated or prevented from voted by Democrats, KuKlux or any organization whatever. Tbe Republicans want to have peace and or* dor during the next election, and If possible they will have it. If the Democrats Can beat as fairly wa will submit; hnt we will not be driven from tbe Stake, aa some propose. We from the North have eome hen to Stay, and intend to do so. If the Democrats choose to practice their old tricks of murder and tantim- | idatton, the result will be terrible to them und to the State.'" . ; . / . t j, . * Btrango Vindication of Character. A man known as Kit Ttimwe in N?w Toik, and famous-as the keeper of a dog pit, after allowing religious services about his premises by pious persons bent j en converting him and his vielous associates, was casually visited the other day by a reporter of the Htrald, who found Krr reciting hi* grievances to a small squad of listeners. He swid he had bsen robbed by an attache* of the ohurch next deer, (meaning an assembly at another dog pit aext to bis, where religious servioes had been aieo harried on,) had been called an ignorant dog tighter by some of the papers, And all for why 1 Because suns one said he was converted. Us was eat converted. Hs bad beau an hoe set ofciaea, sad Leas eagaged i in tba rtspeeteble buskoea oi eatsbiag rats and fighting dogs for twenty-sight ysAra, and ha was determined t# continue the business undsr lbs old Arm nam#I [ legislative Newa. The letter of J. B. II. gives the latest sad , most interesting arwr frwm Columbia. . . . . . . - ''J* *f#r i .. ??mam?mm. Th? Carolina Oellegee. ?. i%! jjullkfo# 1 on^i^to Mm Doe^e** Collefef* Verel " *?.<>. kfe? SenUanaf 1 SEtr'wXn^T"' " Tk* tdlUr of th? OrwDflRt JWnjiriw, tk capital paper, by the way* and which aa been recently enlarged and improved.) 1 #&'"&&??. ^and among albar good thinga, he epcaka of i the edncalional advantages of Ihia eectioo. , I? aeeina a little atrange to ua thai, from hie elevated position, being near the aaonntaine. Colleges i?t Due Weak, In awoepiag hie compaaa round from Spartanburg to Piokeoa." . It w$e an unintentlopel ?roieeion in our hastily written- article, occasioned, we auppoae, by the fact Ihet we did not aet out to remark specially upon ma Item south of Anderson. It gives ua great pleasure to roCOgqlso the high claims of Ihoee Institutions thai have Contributed iboch t* tha education of thd jrfoitb of cur State. Perhdpa but ohiltatou had the eemd effect on many w< our reaaers ion n uia ob our irtenda la a Dm West?only occasioned these to think * the more of the Colleges at that place. The stsry ia told that, in the glorious days of Rome, when a great triumph was eel?- t bra ted. it waa the enalom to Barry through t the streets the bust* of the meet renowned g of her alateamtB Bad bersae. On one ooea- 0 don, the managers of the procession re- 0 fused, or neglected, to haeo that of Batmw j brought out, hut tba omission only caused i the people to exclaim: "Where ia lb# * statue of BbutvsI Why ia it not oarrled J with the rest!"4 The result was, that more ' waa eaid and thought about Bavros (baa al ] the real whose images were displayed ia ' the street?. We remember a beautiful application ol this story by Wit. C. PbwtoJi in the Senate of the United States. Some member. Id an elbquebt speech. had dwelt upon the gldriona roll of Southern elates men, hut left out all mention of Joon 0. CaLnotnv, as It was supposed, from some ' personal prejudice. Ool. Pbksto?*, in replying to the speech, told the story wo hare | cited la his fine etaarical style, a ad applied I it to the apeech of tho anti Calbobn member. and rrtninil'itlilm kl??? k? K?<l 1 - , ???? IIW uiVU|IIV ^ the fame of Mr. Ciuoua only th? mora conspicuously to meaoory by his total omlssl< n of all maatioo of bias, for everybody would be sure to think of the slighted , name of the grant Caroliuiaa. The Georgetown Times and tha Enter. | L ' prise. Ool. B. H. Wnso* of the Georgetown Ttmn ' thus kindly notices ns I ! " The laM nam her of this excellent jonraal | entries to tu this week considerably enlarged and greatly improved. We may almost eay we were present st its birth, when, in 1854, onr then young friend Wm. P. Price, now en bon. ored and distinguished member of the Senate | of Georgia, sent forth its first number to the world. We her? ever since tbat time i watched with interest and satisfaction, its upward aad onward progress in the sphere of legitimate journalism. From small beginnings, -a fabric of fair proportions baa been reared, which reflects erodit alike upon the young man who started, and tha worthy young men who now conduct and control it. Tbat it will go on increasing in siso and circulation, is miiaiu. unniTiui on, in mo injt year or so, been converted Into a city, (although of ( romr distauces) bot notwithstanding that little | drawback, is rapidly growing in population , and wealth, and fast becoming the centra of ( trado for the Northwestern section of the State. i and there can be found no better medium through which a correct opinion of the condition of the upper districts, than through the columns of the Enterprise. As an advertising medium It is valuable, for it is not only the 1 largest paper published there, but it has a 1 large circulation in-the adjoining district* afid 1 adjacent counties of North Carolina. Its ehlcf i editor is Col. Q. F. Townes, a gentleman of scholarly attainments, and a fluent and forcible paragraph writer. Its proprietors are , practical printers, who ar* endeavoring to still j furthsr improve thoir journal. They have our | hearty good wishes for their success. Pub? lishod weekly by J. C. A E. Bailey, proprietors." M< The Pope on Religious Liberty. The London Catholic Mirror gives an so connt of a conversation of the Pope with the American bishops now in Rome, in which he said,referring to religious liberty, that in view of the iact that hi* Church was es tabiishsd by the Lord as the ark of safety and salvation, religions liberty could not be | recognised in principle, sinoe all were bound I to her, believe and obey Ood, but it might . become a social necessity from the diversity of seels, as in the United States, where the ] unuren (meaning hia of courts) is left frea ' wiib the rest Thus the principle of relict 1 ous liberty ia held wrong by the bend of the Roman Catholic Church, and only to be ' yielded from neeeaeity. Tliiaia no new dee ' trim- with that Church. It confirms all 1 that ia charged by the oppoaera of Roman- ' ism aato the inherent intolerance of that ' Church, wherever and whenever ia any f country they have the aumerieal strength and power to proscribe other forme of Chrio . tian worship. The Pope carties out his ' principle of suppressing all other Chnrehea at Rome. Mo Protestant ehorch ia allowed ? to exist in Lire papal dominions. Kecrwee Courier. Mr. Roaaar Yeono baa sold oat Ma Voter- , est In the Keom* Covrit to Tooa. P. Hovt, { 11. A. Taoaruf a ad Ww. C. Kanti Ool. < Kami will continue to control the editorial ( columns. Potitieally, the principles of the , Courier trill undergo ao ehaoge. It will, mora than ever, (aay the now proprietors.) be devoted to buiidiog up the weeU places of the country, foeUring the growing ioell nation to engage io manufactures; the adoption of an inproved system of education ; in? improvement or agriculture; the application of machinery and manures to its eneeeae, sod the development of a health/ sentiment In (be social, moral and religions world. Thsse are'objects worth/the sop- : port of ever/ newspaper in the conn try, , and we heartily wish the Couritr soeoess in < promoting them, aud in advancing its owa 1 prosperity. j The Federal Court House and Foot Of- * It gratifies n* much to see that United j State Senator Kobkbtsox has /reseated hi the e Senate a petition of oitnens of Sooth Carolina, a pra/ing an appropriation for the eroetion of a k building for the aeeomxtodfetkm of the post ' u>si, United States eeorts, and ether adUsc r pertaining to the seretee of the United Mats* " at Oraoavill*. J We higs the vsty -great wont of a Vslhd , States Ceswt Uowee and Pent Ofeee wMl be 1 applied by an appvopriaOeo boo Congress, I if the representatives ef the State will argee ' t&ls matter as we soafiAently expect, we hare , fed doaht thalr eforts wttt he crowned with neeeas. 1 ,'*d s ' n The Ijltorarjr Olub. ? HltSEEf 3 Hm]t on UMsubJect of A* CBcufnan' Gown nnd k inland topie%kkl^ wai fog ill, nine j| an iMMilf* and lut+ostif^ di^Mpseton, nSrtiieh dlV.'Dr. WillI^ms and tirtrO "other* took part. Wo notion this (act as evidence gratifying to as, of the (rowing disposition to bo fonnd-n public journal venturing upon the same ground. lias pasaad a reswTuUpo directing tbn.Gov irnor to proclaim n dsv of thanksgiving and grayer an the ratitcaiioa W the HGkankb Amendment. Thanksgiving for tka d astro tIon of all Mtptodcnf* and )ih*rty of J#?e Mates and the potdblt surrender of our gto 'Ions American institutions to Oh ] a CM Ja? >anrf? and other Oolorvd heatker p institu* ions for the sake of which the hswo^pf !77d fooght-nevem year* to secure thelr bleeinge to themaeivsa and j>ssttHtf Wsbeps here Will be. prayers to tba Almighty td tvart tha dangers sad threatening aaraa pf he Amendment, We have boa* n great md flonrisking people without that, fo; near i hundred years, ' . . ?. t * . v . - ' r >4 I Mexico. i, Revolutions in Mexico era so frequent that1 bey scarcely attract attention abroad, and nev. r surprise any one. There tab been great lorifloetton in die United State* npon 1 the rw throw of Maxim Mi an and the deatrnctioa f hta government. If the Mexican* were oa<> >ai>ie of eonplng on a free republican government, it would be a matter of rqfoleiag, bat ixperienns shews that they are not qualified, tad therefore it war a aoUfertuoc to them to loee the pence and liability which would hare teen Secured to them by the empire. A violent civil war, on a large scale, Is now pending In Mexico. The government of Joark is Without power to keep the pests; five 8tales are eaid to be In open revolt against tho strn . tral government. Removal of Disabilities. Congress baa before it a bill to provide lor the removal of the political disabilities of all persons who ware engaged in tho Confederate war, except those who were oiero bere of Congress or of the Cabinet, or other high office in the Fedora! (service before the war. The bill providaa for relief by application to the Federal Courts ia the Stata in nhiab the parly may have been a citizen. fo ? loo and Baow. Last Friday the weather changed to as. rare cold. On Monday, the thermometer it this plaee was down to 14 above Zero. On Tuesday night, Boole quietly oovered the earth to the depth of two inches. To day, [Wednesday) ia still cloudy but no snow falling. Tho old aaylag, wo hope, will prove true?mush aaow, a good crop year. ?? Public Sunday Softool Moating. We are requested to state that a pablie meeting of the Greenville Baptist Sunday Bebool will take plaee next Sunday afternoon at half-past, 1 o'clock, on wblek occasion prises will be delivered to the children and several addresses may be expected. At the slosa of the exercises a collection will be taken up to enable tho School to mmihaa* bm> f-> brarjr Book*, which are very much needed. The pnblic are rcepcetfully fnriied to be present, and are solicited to cuate prepared to aid in the good work. X>ooal Information. Person* coming in posteesion of local in/of' aaiio* of any character whatever, will pit*** communicate it promptly to our of)Ice for pub iication. Simply give the facte at occurring, no natter how plain the language, we will re-writt if neeettary, at well at withhold names where it it detired or unimportant to the statement. Store House for Bala, Any person wishing (o make an investment, would do well to refer to the advertisement in an other column, ef the offer for sale of the large and commodious Store recently oeoopled by Hiohtow^b A Allkn. tySeveral alteration* have been made In the advertisement of A. L. Cobb, Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, aa regards the times of colleottag Taxes. Seethe advertisement asehanged. Colombia Correspondence Greenville Enterprise. Pattar}e of the Code?Educational Bill? Bill to provide pay tor School Teachers for 1869?Road Late?The manner ef hold ittff the next General Election?J). T. Corbin?Ciri! Right* Bill?Indignation Meeting?Adjournment. Columbia, 3. C., Feb. tOth, 1870. Afeur*. Editor*?Since 1 lest wrote, the business ol the Hoom he* progressed more rapidly, and many important and leagthy bills have bean disposed of. The Code has received ila third reading in the House, and eras sent to the Senate with atntn iments ; ind one of ths most important, was adding Abbeville County to tne 8th Cirooit, and iddieg Edgefleled to the 6th Cirooit, and ilao adding Newberry to the 7th Cireuit.? leveral other amendments were adopted, rhich I will not to enumerate at bis time. The Educational Bill has passed both louses, and is doubtless a law. The bill >aa several imperfections hi it, which are ipeo te criticism, bat it Was severally eoasded that it waa batter to have an inoparent School System then ap system et all, I ind trust to time and practise to perfest It. Oa Taesday, IftLh last, a spirted dieeaa lion eneoad in the House an a joint resolouoa to provide far the peymeat of Nhosl Leaohere for services rendered for the yea r 1869. Torollnson offered an sAsahbSkt that so tsschsr should receive more than thirty dollars per month. Other amendments ware offered at forty and fifty dollars per month?all taillag. The hill Anally passed, allowing fivs orals pes day for each scholar. a Dili to provide for the repair of poMta highway road*, paeded if* second reading Id the Howe. Tha bill differ* vary lilU* in lit provieian* to tba old Road Law of the Stale. On Wednesday, ltlth, a Bill to provide for tha manner of holding (be next General Election, paeaed iu third reading ia tha House. The bilf ia similar to tha bill of 1888. It abolfihes tlia registration books, end require* tha managers of aleationa to ufroiaiaiar so oath to ail paraona offering ,o vote. Tba oath reqniraa them to bo qualified to vote aeaordtog to tha Conatlto jon and lawn of tha 8?ata and the Unit ad Mat**, and that I hey hava not votad at n? ither precinct during tha aleetlon, Alao >rovide* penaltie* for bribery, Intimidation, ke. It ia ganarally believed that tha day if perpetrating tha latter offeoaa baa panned iwey, and that no eooh method will ever ia resorted to again to earry an dentins |u raw Rapubliaan Btftk Carolina; and tha ight of suffrage a*sat hereafter ha regarded a aaarad la all Amerloaa alUsane, e| tha ighl Id Ufa a ad brahtha ear native air j nd ha that woold attempt to leWWI* aith, ar to throw *ay Impedimenta he tha ray of a free aserata* of that right, will laaaaforth ha regarded by all honorable tad reap latebla altmaaa, ae a ftUo? leader A* law* of hla eoemtry and a traitor to ha liberate# of the people. On the lath a raaotulloa waa (ntrodneed, abioh ie aa fottawa Retolved, By simE? OomiKLoD. Litutmj^^fmiur^l Au IndinitloD meeting was mII(4 the kin WMmf b the Ball a# tba tlonaa ?f &ruiMplilWti to (oniLder the raaolotion $f?&s93 *s:.?,xsrsae i Thar* aeema to be a misunderstanding on iko part of mnm of the lumbM of the XttAi** ++m. an kUK *K>1 It ?A| iinflQMihU until the excitement coated, to rtMoo with than.: Aftj* tha meeting w?t called to : ordef, epeeahss taafe d?Kv?r.-d bf- lflwira. , Jonaa, Ranrier and Small*, denouncing the : with an abla argument, and adrainla<erad a j tel.log rebuke fur the ignoranea displayed a* to the meaning of the report, and showed conclusively, that a* the bill left the Hooaa, la was, la aanv reeueeta. unconaiintln??l and inoperative, knd to enforce it wt would I. have to Mil)Tort all tha eatabHsbed prisi-| oiplee ?f common few. He waa followed by Mr. Whlrper, who reiterated tbainipat>c? thjlt wet practiced id th? dlecrltmn* tlena by'ibvporiste companies ?W two " colored eHixm*., sad uirrttd thai he had ralher see all,the derisions oi Suprei*e Courts and principles of aoraaaoo law subverted. Uiaa to submit1 to it longer. - Ira was followed by Mr. Swells, who defended Vho Committee, and stated that it waa fortun ate for the Bouse that there waa 8eoate to take e*fe of them and reetUy'thelr bluadera. "the .meeting adopted a very a?Ud and eooeilMtUU-ry resolution! pod-alter all. very Utile ir.dlgnalion waa express ed, for it was evident thai the amendment# of tha Committee had made (he bill Juat what Ibe Home Intended it ahould be, feet in their seal and exaitemanb had overreached the Constitution. I will ata^e, aa briefly as possible, tome of the OoaeS (hat have produced the neneesity far this bill: It ia almost a universal practice of railroads and steamboat agents in tble Stale, to eell to celorhd people flvbt eleae tickets, and titan the captain of the boat, or the oonduetor, will consign theip to a seat to the smoke box or with'the cattle, and ft la impossible for any decent, respectable colored citlren. wife or luwrkUr to exposed to oil Vho uSeeeec and vulgar lw? guage or insults that any ruffian may choose to offVr them in those placet. How all decent oiliaena ahonld be prelected la their morale and good behaviour, regardleaa of their color, and no railroad company ahonld be allowed to obarge a colored citizen for a flrct claw ticket and thea force him to a aeeond claw aeaU or any aeat he oan get, simply on account of his color. Another discrimination complained of 1a' that ia many sounties county com miss toners and incorporated towns refuse to grant license to a colored citisen to foQow a business where, according to their laws, a license ia required. N? sane nsa can for a moment expect a people wno possesses so dominant a , power In this government to submit to these unjust discriminations when they hare B In their power to puoish the offenders: and until these discriminations cease, before toe law and la the courts, we can neVer have a harmonious and prosperous government. It ia now probable that both 0oases will rescind the resolution to edjowru on the first of March, on account of las portent hills that have been delayed in tha committees. If the Appropriation Bill was reported,all other matters coald be delayed until another time, but doubtless it is held in the rcmaaittae to seen re the passage of several other important Pleasures bet ore adjcutulng f and If we are delayed longer than the fisst proximo, ao ope Is responsible but tha chairman of one ?r two ia?>,. tant committees. r J. B. /i. 7'A? ITi/eoar, (MUt 4 ?V? Manipulated equal if not superior to an]/ Fertiliser meed fa (1? neighborhood. Crawfordville, Ik., Ootobwr 27, llfO. Metre. Wilcox, (iibbe 4c Co. I i I bare not replied earlier to your inquiry aa to relatire meriU of the (ertilicere need In tMa vicinity, from the fact that the efope of eatten were not sufficiently matured to enable me to fbra an accurate opinion. We were then In the midatof a drouth without parallel for duration and severity in the memory of the oldest inhabitant. Not a rain from drat of May till laat of August, and the mult of my obscrratien la, I know of none whteh excelled your Manipulated in capacity to endure long and severe droutha. I used the Manipulated on very thia gray soil, with atlff clay sebstratum, at the rate of 260 lbs. per aere, and shall make about BOO lbs. seed eotton to the aere. I left a small space unmannred, whloh will not make more than 160 Iba per aore. J have had no met, even on ground ortiiiepoted to it. I therefore, conclude, In view of these facta, that yoar Manipulated is at least eqeei, if not superior, to any fertiliser used in thia regionend there were a number of varieties used, too, at that. Respect fully, JAMES F. It BID. Ladik will find relief from their Headache, Coativeneaa, Swimming in the Head, Colic, Hour Stomach, Komlesauoao, etc., etc., by taking Simmon's Liver Regulator. icrsons living in uanealtby loceJitios may I avoid all bilious attack* by taking a doee of Bwmom' Liver Regulator otcwioiiUjr, to keep the Liver in healthy action. It should be used by all perron*, old and young. It ia not unpleasant, to a purely vegetable cowpound, ia not iqluriou* to the moat delicate constitution, ana wilt keep the Liver in healthy aetlon. * Atlanta, February 10. The legislature met in joint aaeembly ye* terday, to elect United Slate Senator*. Foster BJodgett for the term of fix years, teumtehg March 4,1871,race!red 116 vote#; H. P. Farrow, for term ending March I, 18T3, received 109; R. H. Whitely, for the term ending March 4, 1871, received 110 vetee. The nbove named gentlemen having received the reauiaite number of votes, were declared duly elected. The Democrats made no nominations, and , generally abstained from rating, preferring to rehr on the admission of Bill and Miller. I Henry P. Farrow, aow Atterney Qeooval Of the State, i* a native of Lanrag* Biatrial, ?. C-, woe educated at the UoivertUy of Virginla, a?*d W a uaion wan. Q over nor Bullock eent a me?ego to. the Legislature thi* morning, making an elaborate argument, establishing the Ami that the act of Ooagrn? of December ST, and Morions te tha reconatrsetioii acts, do not ronder Invalid aHJ of the ordinary law* passed by the several Legislature*. AR contracts entered Onto by (be State, or hp toryofstinos under State authority, ere legal and binding. The Qovuraor chocs a* fellows: The impression which to eenght to Re ernaled that local laws are invalidated^ State bonds repudiated, and corporations organised npom i the basis of the lute Legtelutute 1* without legal fotindation. i* entirely mwllsia Such an impression to only created tor the pnrposo of misleading the public mind and dafeatlng the fail elect and true tote? and purpose of the reconstruction act*. Arguments upon this point Mem to be en per* wous in f?e of the materiel fast that our bwodn are anfanttc M higher rates tbaa thorn of any ether Seistbero 8thte, and bond* of railroads which have been endersed under the authority af the LegMU tan "I IDW " polling M u?r nu TUMi Foster Blodgett this mora teg nddroasod a lottdO to tfco (Jooornor MuMtlo* Mm to withKd tho oortiionte of bit oteothw te Imitw. . Blodgott plain* hi* pro flows polltknl cvmtm, referring to hirlkf Wte Indtetod by Clitteoi opponent* for tho porpooo of brook g down and dotUrojrteg bit iufluonco, tad olooet o| follow* i * Although tboao wko p?oe*?od tho tedtot ont aUndod to tor ooftass it .WOO only doww for poHlloal offset, nod roots unsupported by noy proof, yot it is tboto, ted oorsr, ootU it if withdraw* at I know boon trtaoophowtiy woisr Urk: PtCTOKAHT in tho iMffho. Itlowoortoia nod piowonnl ooro for Ortrtp, Oi Ooido, *f U is pgroooblo to tho Uoto, and ohfU irrn uko it MdRlj. O* W F^ar Drwogiot owl got it *4 OOOO, H M*y onto tho liU of \ourlKt1o one. ' Fob 1# it-| i . 1:; ? * <ur f 141K?? t P >' fjtow ' Womaw on 'C?akui ?The officers of the tbe .Irl^wbo CJj^^ 9 of these now laborers io the brood field of fleuM. All were disposed to (two the AteiUtiaa win without number. Mrw Woodhttt nd Mrs. Chlia rmived Ihwtr ||lj)yfai a q?li?, burioeaa-liko Buiiw, dflNMd their mw istcrprtw, talked fi neneTeT mailer. InleTTTgeally, , ??! lW oughly poaUd an all iba point*, and alto* getbaa nachra vary ftarorabta tapreariba. ojfltl^ [Jb lb* -Efttwdtf. J .-'flu; .f.l f .1. v' i|" ^SSLL^ -X IL WWW ">? ommktrii.ii, s. a, Ftf>. n, 1 wo. I G?y*9 apwd Mi at ??nJa. Middling, bob eloaed aull at St cents, with b*t r.wlalee at (tie Tetter flgura. . Columbia, Febrnary St. Very Utile debg in cotton to-day, and bw"" ?n<?; Yon, Pebrdbi**!. 1 Oottae lower -with ealee of 4,400 balaa at 24fc dvW quUL at 1SJ. "J CHABLrinroM, Febraaiy M. ItroetpU ?f cotton today 896 balaa;' tf porta eoeeiwiee 629 ,atoak 19,611 l Market doll aod uominuL , LlTMfQoi, Febrmry fcl Oottoa cloard dull, upiapda \ 1 }<g111; Orleaaa 111; aalea 10,000 balei; apcoelation and rxjvort 2,0<X). k ' LATEST QUOTATIONS OF SOUTHERN SECURITIES, IN 0HARLK3T0N, S. ? Corrected Weekly for the ENTKR^NWE, by A. a KAUFMAN, BROKER, No. '26 Brood Street. BBftRTTARt tt. IttO.1 ^MK ?South Ckrnllnt, old 85@8A , do new,80@81 ; do, rOgUt'd stock, ox Tot?@78. CSty amemrBH*?Augusta, fla. Bonds, ? 8Mi Charleetoa, 8. C. Stock, (ex qr int> 66@ ; do, Biro Letn Bonds.?@76: Coin in bis, 8. C. Bonds, ?@76. ' Jloilrond Bmids?Bhso Ridge, (first mortgage^?? ; Charleston and Sarannab, 68? 60 ; Charlotte, Colombia and Augusta,?@00 ; Chorew and Darlington,?(3)80 ; Greeavlllc and Columbia, (1st nsort) 76@?; do, (State guarantee) 62@? ; Northeastern, 84 J@?; Savannah and Charleston, (1st mort)?Or,80 ; do, (Stiaio guarantee)?@64 ; South Oaroliaa, ?@82; do, 73 ; Spartanburg and Union, 62 Mmilrand Btotka?Charlotte, Colombia and Augusta,?@66; Greenville and Columbia, 2@?; Northeastern, 7@8 ; Savannah and Charleston, ?@*6; South Carolina, (whole shares) it??; 'do, (half dv) SI @?. Kxrkatujt, Ac?-New York Sight, | off par; Gold, ll?@121j Silver, 1I3@116. 8a%(\ Carotin? Bma* Bill* Bank of Charleston,. - ?@ ? Bank Of Newberry ?(a? Bank of Cased en i.... *6(4 ? Bank of Georgetown.................. 6@? Bank of South Carolina ....?i. 10??Bank ofCheoter 6@-? Bank of llasskarg..,?.................?ft?? Bank of State of 8. C, prior to 18tff .....66?? Bank of State of S C. tssne 7801-62 lfi@? Planters' and Mechanise* Bank of ru.. ? People's Bank of Charleston ? Union Bank of Charleston............ ..?@? Southwestern R. R. Bank of Charleston. Cold) ?0 ? Southwestern R. R. Bank of Cbarltdai} (ww)???(w* . ?,>? . PUt? Bank of Charleston..,. ?0? Faroiora' and Exchange Bank of . : ) Cbarlaeten....? ?0i Exchange Bank of Columbia.. ?.IO0? Commercial Bank of Colombia.. 2(a.? Merchant'* Bank of Cberaw $0? Planter*' Bank of Fairfield. 3(a)? Slat? of South Carolina BUI* Re~ ceirablo par. City of Charleston Change bill*.,..... par. Bill* marked thna [ ] are being redeemed at tUo Bonk Counters of each. ENTERPRISE PRICES CURRENT. coRicrr** VUILT, BY MESSRS. DAVID &STRADLEY, MERCHANTS. GREENVILLE, S. C., FEB. 22. 1870. BACON?Bides, V* lb 18020 .. Bam*, " " 25 c. Shoulders, lb, 16 e BABE ROPE, $*tb 10e BAGGING, Oanny, %l, yd ....280.15 *. BAGGING, Dundee, ? yd..............20026 c. BUR LAPP, .. IT....15 BUTTER, lb, .....20 0 25 e. BEESWAX, 0 IN .......300 ?2c. CHICKENS, $ head,.., _20 0 25 e. COFFEE, ** lb, Elo, 22 <3 fa e. OOkN, VI bushel .. 41 tO COTTON. Middling,.- ?22ie. EGGS, ? doaosv... 4?e. FLOOR, |l Mek, 44 OO0$5 00 GOLD, _..4l 150$! 120 INDIQO, Spanish Float, $2 0002 25 " Poatb Carolina, $1 2602 00 IRON, 1ft lb, American, 7105?. IRON TIES, - .. lOe. LARD, 1$ fb l 25030c. LEAD, ?l fb 20 e. LKATUKB, *1 lb, Sole, Iiemlock,4j037* ?. " " Oak4506# a., " " ? Upper, ?. " Harnesa,.,.... 6606C*. MOLASSES, 0 gal., Ma*eoTado^...?O0 7$ ? ' * " Naw Orl. Syrup, |l 25 NAILS, 0 keg...... ...47 000$ PORK, g/oaa aiyl net,.... .12*e. RVW.# bushel,. I 20Q1 40 SALT, ^ Liverpool, $3 00 SUGAR, 0 Ik, Brow*,....,,,. L..U 0 20 e. < ? " Clarified,... 26025*. - ? " Crushed, 25 e. SHIRTING. eeaaa-aigbU, ^ bale, l**c. ? ' " retail ,16 c. TALLOW, VI lb 15 c, WIINAT, V* baebel ? ^.....41 75 TARN, Factory, by bale^.....^. 41 00 - M bunch 43 00 *L' LJA-J. Irrttable Innlida. flfDIOWSTION vx?t only effbet* the pbystca bealtb. but tha disposttieaa and tampers of It* rietirn*. Tba dyspeptic beeonaa, too, lo a measure demoralised ny hi* suffering*. He I* subject in fits of irritation, sullen nans, or Ana. pair, M tba ea*a may be, A preternatural sensitirene** which he cannot control, lead* Mm to talacoaslrue tba word* and act* of tbooa around bias, and hi* latapaowna *vaa with tboaa nearest and dnareet to him Is not an frequently Merited by exhibitions of teetineaa foreign to bie real nature. These an tba man tal phenomena of the die*u*n, for whleta tba Invalid cannot be Justly bald feeponsible, bat they oeoasieu much household dleeomfert. II ia io in* ininMi of in* ?om* nrei*, it 11 NNitiil to ftmllj harmony M **11 a* to tha met* of lb* prhMiytl ?*ffer*r from a rtth not Ar, n?M from Mfiwt inaatitgr, that th*a* Onptoma of mental di*tarhaaoa bo drouipdy re?o?od. TbM eaa only ba dona by re mating th*ir phyolaal cauaa, a derangement of tb* function* of th* itomach and it* allied laeora, th* Hear and the bowel*. Upon than* thro* fopnaMBt organ* HOSXKTTER'8 6T0MAC1I BITTRkS aat imultaaeoa*ly, producing a ^botohgh and Mint try obange la ttmbiaaiHti mL/ Th* rogotabla ingredient* of whleb th* preparation ia eampoied are of a renorattag, mgnlatiag ?n<l wAerftfiM ehtractor .and th* *ti*aalaat which laod* aalUity to th*tr retahdtof rktoa* la tha pnrmt aad h**t that ma b* aatraoted froca tha noil nhole onto of all o**?*l*, n?~ round nra. Hi dy?paptla mm Uke Rh gonial whwllw for a iagl* woek without experiencing t at lab 11 improvement In hi* general health. Hot only ?n hia bodily aabrtaga ahato front day to day. but hia Bind wilt reww rapidly from iu mtlnnnm and trrftabflMy, and thi* happy nl|| |is#ir in h i.t co w >t ? Ahainuj **F| A disfatc* from Rob* mjti that sine* the - tb?mblidk.?fttarfKoumtoteiHiCouncil a?vear ofl&? mej|*r? ififr* dioyacd war b*r? lep bpstyfct gP. V. t?J?. ft* l*rj{*?*V , P^? Ti*t fri rauR^ 5olpp1Io*Uoo. 9-tt Tma a**t ****t*a of the General Conference of lb* MethpdUt Kpleoopal Churoh, Booth, la Uwmi, OB tb?SA.t, ot February, at tb* ^ "M Dibd, is ar**B*in*.iT?B. f$th, 1870, CORNELIA TOWNKS WBSTflXLD. dancbter of Capt. John WejtfWId. a^ed two J*ar*, *! a month* aad tweire day*. -< Swdet bab*, abc ta*t*d of life'* bitter ?op, Refneed to drink th? poi?on op { s. Out.(anted liar littl* bead ulft, DWgaeted with tba, end died. <r. Ait n.t ?/ B-.i iw WUI VI J11U|IIV)UHBI> <?1,500 to H,tM per year on be rollili by ?J}> enerirntis nd tntettlgeot mea, in aeeartag at no* u Agmsjp for the Beet tad aaeet Pop Ndnr BOU&B avaryanmahed. TUi lia nn opportunity ofMAKWO MONEY nod doing good. Clergymen, disabled hpUUefa, and afl. other* wpnthi ?? AKcuofTWiU p# apply, fbr farther particular*, to J. 0. DERBY, Southern Publishing Agency, Cor. Reynold and Jackson 8ta., Augusta, Oa. Feb 13 40 * Notice T7*XEQUTO&8, Administrator*, Guardian* Hj and Trustee*. are hereby notified that they miwt make their ANNUAL RETURNS op to the let of January, 1870. or I will be compelled to iaaoe Rulee against them, if net done previous to the lat of May next. S. J. DOUTHiT. Judge of Probate Court. GreeavlHe, 8. C., Feb. M, 1870. Feb 28 40 4 ' Notice r hereby given to all a bom it may concern, that ire will apply to 8. J. Doulhit, Probate Jndga of Greenville Connty, on the nth day of March next, for a finel discharge as Executors of the Estate of RANT>KT,L CROFT, deoeaeed; therefore, all parties having claims ngainat said Eetato, will preatot them to ua or the Probate Judge, on or before raid day or be debarred, THEODORE O. CROJT, 1 G?OttOR W CROFT, \ i5"?01?"' February* 17th. 1870. Fab 5 40 4 Notice . IS HEMfBT siren to all whom ft may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Prelate Judge of t+reenville CMitjr, ? rA? 19(k Hoy of JJmnk notrl, form Final Discharge as Administrator of the Kstate of CHARLES 008NBLL, Sr.,(MAMMA . JOSHUA PRUITT, Administrator. February 19th, 1879. Feb 23 <9 4 ' o Notice. Halted Statu Interna) Kerrnne. Andtimt AwMet'tOfnot ) 7m DteuioM, 8t> District. S C.t > Greenville, 8. C., Feb. 8th, 1870. ) TG^OR the convenience of Ta* Payers of X; the 7th Division, embracing the Cona tits of GreeneiM* and Pickens, I will be a*, the following places on the dates stated below. for the purpose of receiving the IN* COME TAX RETURNS for the year 1869. also the SPECIAL TAX RETURNS from May 1st, 1870, to May 1*1, 1871; ftrnv. suiia. p i "* ? I CUIUNIV MIIH, Arnold's, S*tarday, February 26th, MeCulloegh's, Monday, February 28th, Pairriew, (StalFe Store,) Taecdey, March fUmpsoaiTfTlc, Tbnraday, March S<l, Batesville, Saturday, March 6th. Chick Spring*. Monday, March ilh, Oowenavifle, Tuetday and Wednesday, March 8th and Bth, Mash Creek, Tharaday. March 10th, Lima, Friday, March 11th, Marietta, Saturday, March 12th, PickantTllla, Monday, Ma'ch 14th, Pickens Conrt House. Tuesday and Wednraday, March lath and 10th, Table Mountain, Thoraday. March 11th. II EN It Y C, HACK. Aasiatant A feasor, 1th Division, 8d Diatriot. South Carolina Feb 28 rt<iryi 40 - 1 STATE or SOUTH CA&0L1HA. OREENVrhlE COUNTY. By S. J. Doutkit, Esquire, Judys of Prokoit of said County. WHKRA8, Lewis MeCtmley kaa Med a Petition in my 0?oe, praving that Latterf of Administration on all and singular the iroeda and chattel*, right* and oredkls ef DAVI9 0AKRKT, Ute of the Coauty afeia*ald, deceased, should be granted to blm. These itrt, therefore, to cite and admonish all sad tlngshr the kindred and creditors of the said deeeamd, to be and appear in the Court of Probate fbr said Connty, to beholden at Oroenrille Court House, oh the id day of Mterek asset, to show eaaae, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. | B. J. DOUTHIT, J. P. ?. 0. Oflea of Judge af Probata, Fab. 17tb, 1870. Feb U tO S NOTICE. I WILL SELL, on Bales day Sn March neat, THE LARGE Store House & Lot i. ON MAIN STREET, Lately occnpled by Hightower A: Allen, Terms made known on day of sale. J. C. SMITH, Auctioneer. P*b H 4 THOS. a MARKLEY, COMMISSION MERCHANT, / 17 Dey-lf., New York. Quotations ud laiomiiint prompt. If |lr?a About ALL JC1BD8 of m?rthuidiie. Jan It 84 tf Columbia, s. 0., January,1870. Tbo Charlotte, Colombia and Aoguita Railroad Company having boon formal by tba eonvolidation of tba Charlotte a ad Booth Caroiiaa and tba Cohimbia and A agnate Railroad, and havino ii*a*ata<l * ? ?? ? -?* ? ? ??* ?1 ?? Ul?? ?UU VDIT WOnIfege ?? " eetire property of 195 mites, ieeluding equipment, U now redeeming all th? bond* formerly inued by laid two oompaniaa by on exchange of its flrat mart wage bondsTbeie koadi bear MTM per Met. hiliwil, payable in January and July, and are amply secured by 4 mortgage on property whleb tent C tails mors Lb an three times the ameeni of ids so tfseed. The present pries of the Hock and the bestsees of tbo reed giro Mm pie gssnatM of Ike aseerity df tbo ebUgatloes f?r a pisiaeiel Is'sua srwfiwafcp^-*** 57* , - nr w*. JOKMTOIT, PraeMeet. *eb U ? to JtTilW eptl/Uiwr iwtf l?r>? ,Vwb?( M IM * A* ?- V*? - - -> * *- r. K?"*? r . ?*> VAjjvmw nun am Ami mm ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ v * * Jr-? - ?r 'f: X ?' ' * 1 <: "? . ii.'Zi .*; ?. iH# ;v y \ 4 ; ,?W tv Tt? * x h t) a o a SHOOS *... : i . ilj UQSl sa OKIAO *:r ; ^ v ff. ' "Pf'.'-i'T ** * y*r *"* - v--.w s - "*?' w '\4?sV ll'W UMWUU 1W .*: ' ^ -ff?rX. .1 v*? .'* r smwis * 0 V JtMi v1 JiO-{ A T-.23 HHO HOd ..*? il* ' ,C'-M HOOH HXVN .- r :>.. ; (XL aaano KI '* * < ' r? ' " $ -J J J 5 2ft mum ^ i '?? ? >? ' , y' mym ui JL JLCW Vr rJlj IX Cf >?? f ' ' f it It V 4, - X)ftpi ,w39 if* ' t?I . ?. i*' '. > i." ;,<*>. -i-* ..v ?** i-t ; AiWtijt'j ? . r > - , '? < ?..< . j nun .TT l' VM -4 MO mm IJW O u w ''c . > M ^ l' *' ^ ' ' i t'^% T' frt-TT *';v 111/ 41 ? m m m mk I 1 j\ I I mi U OA KONSMMOO XM 'am luynfiTf mi * *? 4 ?t'4 J ' < * f f 'at? sua ii