The Greenville enterprise. (Greenville, S.C.) 1870-1873, February 08, 1866, Image 3

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" * -a , * T " v i * * V"8 L^tv * * * *$ ^ V. ; ? - d ' J/L+t+f***' > 111. ??* v?i| opaa it Viia!-Th? Now York CU* Ma (4fctod by ptWito Mlloo O'RUoy,) boa an attlclo laudatory of tho FonUno, ood urging IHtkku m4 Atnoriunni to contribute to tho Foakia (hods. VYo quo to alngio oiniuou - V pnoonge: ."Wo toll tho AnorioaA pabllo?and tbey , karo horotoforo found u* pretty aecarato prwphoti la everything relative to tho Foniaa MM?mat DC I ore no nmu ui<n ? ??? iMMwiw m Irirh Republic existing on the JlM* ?f lb? earth, with a' lt(, u army, t port f ertry ui exit, n naty of privateers, end tacit encouragement both of France and the , United ft la tee In the provocation of belligerent* 9 acta against Great Britain. Let no one ask u? for the present where this republic will he lo* sated, for we eenaot answer. It mart ho called republic, to warrant the flag and fleet, hut 'w(U really only he used as an immediate basis af operations for the transfer of no tire hostilities to the Canadian and Irish roils. A word 'to tbi Wise M onougn. Ana now, wphw ?u?|olil nnncs grow excited, tho wile will await derolopmenU, firing liberally of their means to aid tho cause; nor will they hnre to] tarry l~f for fulfillment of all that wo heroin foro* I kadow." ; ;VBnaoriroi. 8b5timixt.??A boautiful extract below is ft urn tho pen of Hon. George S. Milliard I o " 'J1 " I confess that increasing years bring with thorn an increasing respect for men who do not " ' nr. u thole words are commonlr Md. Hetrea U to be a plane Cor thoso who bavo not auecoodod on earth; and it if an re that eeloftial grace doe* not thrive aud bloom in the hot blase of worldly prospirity. Ill iiimui sometimes arises from a superabundance of qualities, in themselves good?from conscience too sensitive, a taste too fastidious, a eelf-forgotfnluces toe romantie, a modesty too retiring, I will aot go se far as to say, wi^i a living poet, that "tho world knows nothing of its men," but there are forms of greatusss, or at least excellence, which 'die and make no aign f tbore are martyrs that miss the palm 'but not tho stake; horoes without the laurel, tand conquerors without tho triumph." A special despatch to the Charleston Slows, dated Washington, January 38, says the Hon. Wm. Henry Trescott has been invited by the solect llousc Committee on Freed meo's Affairs, to appear before that body and t give tbo views of His Bxocilency Governor Orr against the freodraeu's futhor occupation , ef tho Sea Island cotton lands of South Carolina, as is authorised by tka bill which passed the donate on Thursday/ Tho Bill Axing tho legal rate of interest at ten per cent, has boon passed by the Georgia Legislature. Mr. Alexander Htepdcn* decline* 10 mnkc any public address upon tba state of the conn* try Under present elroumstanees. He alio ftdhorti to b(? determination not to allow his nana to be used in connection with the recency in the United Stale* Senate. "MtrUon iu? Mniter Urox Us.,,?The Charleston Daily News has the following paragraph: Mr! Ward, of New York, In soma remnrki before the Home of Representatirea, on Thursday Inst, contended that the States lately in rebellion hare the rights only ef the criminal who pleads to the jadge for merey. If this be the state of the oase, and if Mr Ward Is one of the jndges, then may Q< dhavo tnerey on ns, and ward us off .from evil. NOTICE To Freediuen. AH the Freedmen are not awara of the fact that they are liable to Work on the Streets and Roads, an especial notice is published inf'irining them of the feet. Every male between the ogee of sixteen and fifty jeara is liable to such duty for twelve day*, and in lieu of said duty a commutation of three dollars has been affixed. Thooe who do not pay it will be once ordered out for duty. ?V J. C. BAIT.EY, Clerk of Council. Feb 8 , 86 2 | ij ' DR. J. W. HE WE Lis < UPPERS his professional sertfflBS^riees to the eitlcens of Greenville, i WTHs operates tor VESICO-VAGI B4 NAL FISTULA, and all other dia eases of Women requiring Hurgi- J ?al interference. Fee* doe when attention I I ceases. Reference required wben called I< out of the District. f MT Ofltce near David A Stradley and |ft Dr. Wiltberger'a Drugstore. V Feb ? 36 IS* | NOTICE. ? A LL persons are hereby warned agaioet iiii. trading for a NOTE given by the Vuadersigned to JAMES THACKSON for VOae Hundred and Forty Dollars, dated . . t January Id or Rd, 1866. There is a credit ft ?a the above Note of Forty Dollars. As ft he property (a Horse) for which the Note am given lias proved unsound, we will Mfi4 pay it nnleaa compelled bv law. G. W. PARKINS. H a A. PARKINS. . IV " HYMENEAL. Maiiikii, ou tho ftt?I ult., at (he rr?idm<j? Of I>r. J. p. Millar, by R*v. H. H. Held. Mr. EDWARD MlLLKR and Mi*. ADDIE SHODDY. 'I , I -L? GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT. cobrbctbd wbmklt, bt GRADY. FERGUSON <fc MILLER, i mkbchamtb. ; , GRKKNVILLK. 8. 0., 7KB. T, 18M. APPLBS, l>ri?d, ^ bmh?l,....?J 00 @ $2 SO BACON, ? 10., *???( * ? 20 c. ii i tv uadd tt Ik 1a . wauii ?v? ?? y w > ** ww v* BLUE STONE, lb * SO c. BAUUINU, Gunny, ^ jud, .mine. BUTTRK, ^ lb .. *? c. BEE8WAX, fllb - *0 e. BHANDY, Cngnlac, $ gallon, n?*. >? Poach, M ? W 00 @ W 40 CHICKENS, & head,...?. 20 c. COTTON, ? lo., 30 <$ 34 e. COFFEE, ^ lb., Rio, 44 e. " " " Jara,,..n..H ~ - 74 ?. CORN, ? bufhel, ?1 24 (? ?l 50 CORN MEAL, W burbot ......fl 60 CANDLES, ^ lb*. Adamnotme,?.......... 60 c. m ,i ,?i )>portn U a ? " " Tallow 30 c. CQPPERA8, & lb., Engli.h, 24 e. " " u North Carolina^...... 10 e. EGOS, "ft (logon,. 20 e. FLOUR, ft barrel, ?17 00 (g> *18 00 OOLD, |l 38 OINGKR, ft lb _ 40 e. IRON, 8weed, -& ?.??...... 15 c. 44" Country, fl lb 12$ e. 44 Horse Shoe, ft lb... ..?. 12$ a. INDIOO, South Carolina, *p tb $2 00 " Spanish Float, " " 3 00 LUMBER, Fine, ft 100 fe?t,....9l00 @ ft 50 LEAD, ft tb 25 e. LEATHER, Sole, $ tb, 00 e. 44 Upper, " 80 e. MADDER, $ tb .... 30 @ 40 e. Molasses, Sorghum, a gat, 40?. @ io?. NAILS, ^ tb, by the keg, 15 e. OA.T8, -a bushel, $1 00 PtfAS, " 44 $1 25 @ $1 50 PORK, a lb, net, -....12 (.uUe. POWDER, a tb - $1 20 PEPPER, Black. ft tb 80 c. PEACHES, Dried, ft bushel...... $2 00 POTATOES, Sweet, ft bu?heL~...50 <$ 75 e. 44 Irish, " 44 .X 00 RICK, a "> - 10 STEEL, Cast, ft *>? ~ - 40 ? SALT, Liverpool, a - W 00 " " " bushel, $3 00 " Coaei, " " none. SUGAR, Brown, a B> ? ? @ 30 ? 44 Clarified, a ?> 44 ' SHOT, Ib........?.,,?.M....M.rt.M..M.H.. 30 e. SODA, ft lb - 25 e. STARCH, a tb .. .... 25 (& 50 e. BPICE. ? lb ....... 10 c. SHIRTING, *, & Td, by the bale,....,.., 36 *. TOBKIK8, ? head, ? 76 . <8> fl 00 TOBACCO, Menufactured, H lb, Tie. (g) $3 00 TALLOW, ^ lb .. .. 30 c. TEA, Gunpowder, lb M..J1 00 ? Hyeon, 5 " $3 00 <3> $3 00 " Blaelc. " " ......... $2 50 <& $3 00 WHEAT.10 bushel ........ $3 50 WHISKY, ip gallon tl 75 ($ $2 25 YARN, FkJtory, V1 bunch,...Jf3 60 <$ $4 00 REIDVIL.L.E HIGH SCHOOLS. * i TIE lit AILS. UKV. R, H. KKII>, iWiwr of Mor.l Intellectual Science and Ancient Languages; F. C. Johnston, Professor of Natural Science and Mathematics; Mist Nellie Johnston. Teacher of Music: Mrs. Adda Johnston, Ornamental; Mrs. M. C. Kilgore, Primary Department; Mia I* A. Cohen, Matron. j Tuition per session in specie or its equivalent, ^8.00, $12.00 and $16 00 ; Mueic. $20; Ornamental, $10 eaeh ; Use of Piano, $2 60; Contingent ia Collegiate, $2 00. Board, including washing and fuel, $10 per month, to be paid in provision* at the following rate*: Corn, $1 per bushel; flour, $6 per hundred ; bacon, butter nod lard, 16 cent* per lb.; or their equivalent in money. sojue. Rev. W. B. Careon, Principal. Tnition and Boar4 the name a* in the Female Department. Commence* the 4th of February. It. 11. RK1D, Pres. of Board. J. H. EV1N8, Boo. A Treaa Feb 8 86 I ANNUAIj meeting or thi STOCKHOLDERS or mi S. C. RAILROAD COMPANY AMU OK TBI SOUTHWESTERN R. R. BANK. The annual meeting of the Stockholder* of the above Institution I will he held in the Cltv of Charleston, on the Mcond TV$*day in rebraary next, the 18th day of that month. Plaoe of meeting?Hall of the Senthwastern Rail Road Bank, on Broad street. Hour of cooaeaiag?11 o'clock, A. M. On the day following?Wednesday, the 14tb?there will be an election held at the aame place, between the hours of V A. M. and ?, P. "II., for F1FTEKN DIRECTORS OK THE RAIL ROAD COMPANY, and THIRTEEN DIRECTORS OK THE BANK. A Committee to rarity praxiaa will attaad Stockholder* will ba paused, as tiaual, orar tha Road to and from the meeting free of aharga, in ac?ordan<Ot with the reaolutioo of tha Convention of 18AJ. J. R. EMERY, Secretary. Fab 8 36 1 A. W*v? f* ? '* I ? ... ' RRRUMPTIO!? ?. [ __ TU* SPARTANBURG EXPRESS. The nndercurneJ take* ploacure in announcing In the former friend# und patrone of the M br#rtA!?B0i:O Kxraxas," and the public general)*, that the publication ol' thle paper will bi reeumed next week. In the literary and moral department of the paper, the fiditor will be asalcted by the Rev- Dr. Wnrraroo?t> Smith. We hope te ha able to present a paper which will be well worthy a place in the family, and which will Contribute t<? Inform the mind, elaeatc the character and purify the tacte ef ita renders. Tho latest political snd general int?*llir;?no?, foreign snd domestic, wijl be given n * weekly summary; while special care will be taken to afford all possible Information relating to Mrioullure, the arte As an advertising medium, rare inducements are offered bv the publishers; having made arrangements with the Editors of "TiiE (Jhbistaiv MbssKmokr" for publishing that paper, advertisements intended for the "Ex reus" will be inserted in both paper* for one prico, thus affording a double appearance and. circulation.' TERMS: Taa SrASTAXsvano Ex paras will be published weekly, on a sheet 22 X 28 inched, at (2 fier year, or ?1 for six months, in spool# or th? equivalent in correaoy; pay* merits to be maths upon receipt of the first number. Remittances by Express, or mail, if regit*, tertd, will be at the risk of the publishers. When preferablf, subscriptions may bo Said in provision's; or other marketable prouce, for which the highsst prices will be allowed. WARREN DuPRE, A. M. Ei>m>a. T. A. HAYDEN A CO., PUBtsiiKaa A Pko? rairroas. . Spartanburg, S. C.,' Jan. 31, 1866. Feb 8 36 tf Ticks! jacksu WILL RE SOLD, at pnblic suction, on MONDAY, sales-day In February next, at Greenville C II., two fine young JACKS, well bred. They may be negotiat ed for any time previous to the day oi sale. C9~Iiiqmre at tbi<s> Ofiice. Feb 1 f *. 85 6 JUST KEUE1VED ON CONSIGNMENT, A Small Lot of Ready made clothing; few pair LADIES ENGLISH GAITERS, VALISES, BLANKETS LADIES SHAWLS. CALICOS 8ATINKTTS. BROAD CLOTH KERSEYS,GEORGIA PLAINS HOOP-fiKlltTS, FLANNELS HORSE COLLARS A few BuaheD Superior FINK EYE POTATOft*. We have on baud, CORN, CORN MEAL PEAS BACON . LARD - . . BUTTER PORK VENISON HAMS RYE, Ac., Ac. All at very low priooa^ . alao A Large lot of EM IT* GRAIN SACKS, COTTON RAGGING and ROPING. DAVID A STRADLEV, Grocers <k Forwarding A Commission Merchants. Near Depot, Pendleton Road. Feb 1 $6 tf NEW FIRM. flNIIE Subscriber having associated with them. J. P. MILLER, Kaq , the business of the firm Will hereafter be conducted in the name and style of GRADY, FURGUSON A MILLER. J. W. GRADY, JOHN FURGU30N. Jan 2A 86 3 n :n. ml T> T? uriuoiivjuiu ot buiuiuuitt A. A* GENERAL 8UPTS 0FK1CR, ( Columbia, January 28th, 1860. J ON Btld After Wrdneaday, 31#< instant, tlio PASSENGER TRAINS will be run daily (Sunday* excepted! as follows j Leave Columbia.... 6.00 A.M. * . Alston 11.00 " ? Newberry...?. 12.50 P.M. Arrive at Abbeville. . st.SMt " " Anderson......... 8.10 M " " Greenville 9.00 " Leave Greenville 4..10 A. M. M Anderson 8.80 " " Abbeville 7.45 " " Newberry 1.10 P. M. Arrive at Alston 1.55 " " ," Columbia 8.00 " There will be about seven mileeof Sluing eti 11, between Freehleve and Alston.? Paseeugers will be furnished with Tickets , through, including the Road. Stage and Ferry. Sixty Pound* of Baggage only all j wed J on the Stage to one seat. 'J. B. LASSALLE, Uen'i Superintendent. Feb 1 35 tf nananHaraaHBJDRannK Notice. TUB MACHINERY ConMstln*of SAW mill. cmisT mill, oonxirr oin on<l TilREiMIBR, formerly nperutad by my father, IlAtUliWT, IIL liS< IN, hit* be<-n recently Repaired by tin Uiider*i;/neJ, wlio will jjire il prompt, attention tor the accommodation of the Public. WM. A. IIUDS(|N. Feb I 85 8* ' , I _ ' ? > ^ STATE TAX COLLECTORS \ Nt) COMMISSIONRRS to APPROVE JT%. PUBLIC SECURITIES,are hereby notified tbit the A?t of Dcotmber, 1804. "To rniae supplies," Ac., (Sec. 8.) requires ' The Treasurer to cause the official bonds of the several TAX. COLLECTORS of this State to bo examined br the COMMISSIONERSappointed in their respective Tax Districts to approve public aao'tritles. and if the said bouda aru found to be sufficient and satis factory, they shall re-ntlirni their original approval thereof; but if found insufficient and unsatisfactory, they shall require the same to lie re executed nnd renewed with tfond and sufficient, sureties." The POST nPiririi1 * nnntfcu ??. T? V 4?4/*y v/? csuil Hl.\ V-Uf lector, and of each Chairman of t in: Board of Commissioner*, must be furniened to me without dolay, *o that information as to the penalty of each bond and the names of the Sureties thereto may be Ibrwa ded. if Com miasioners should adjudge any Bond to be insufficient and unsatisfactory, they willimntediatuly give notice thereof to the Treasurer or Comptroller General. WM. HOOD, Statu Treasurer. Starr. TiKAsunr Okficb, Columbia, January 22, 1866. Feb 1 .15 2 t ? CGMPTKOLLEll-GENF.KAC'S OFFICE. TAX CULLCCTOltS sro hereby notified tbat their bonds inust be approved by tbb COMMISSIONERS to approve public securities, in Accordance with the foregoing' notice of the Treasurer, fa/or* thr firvt of April next, otherwise they will not be authorized to proceed to collect payments of taxes after making their assessments, JAM ICS A. BLACK. Comptroller General. tw All r*per? in the State give one weekly insertion for two consecutive weeks. " Feb 1 35 2 Di\ Miles MWILL PRACTICE his profession in the village of Greenville, and its vicinage. Residence, Main street, first door North of to. Jan 11 82 . > 2in S WM. E. EARLE, MAGISTRATE, GREENVILLE 8. COFFICE over McBee's Hall, next door to Lanneun's Picture Gallery. Jan 25 84 In FIFE INSURANCE. :o; II O HI E INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. Cash Capital?Two Million Dollars. ASSETS, 1st JULY, 1865?$3,714 698 06 LIABILITIES, " " ? 118,697 76 :<v.. C1IA9. J. MARTIN. President. A. F. W1LLMAKTH, Vle<i President. JOHN MuGEE, Secretary. J. 11. WASHBURN, Assistant Secretary, W. H. HOV EY, AOKXT, WreenviUe, S. C. Jan 25 84 tf STATE OF SOUTH f! A"ROT.TWA GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN ORDINARY. A. M. Peden and Thomas A. Peden, Executors, applicant* against Jane I'eden, Martin W. Peden, David Peden, Heirs of James 8. Peden, deceased, Mary M. Boyd and David Boyd, her husband, and the Heir* of Elizabeth Fowler, deceased, and Darid Peden,and Mary Peden, heirs of John 8. Peden, deceased defendants.?Citation for final Settlement and adjustment of Ketate TT appearing to -ny satisfaction, that MarJL tin W. Peden and David Peden, two of the Defendants reside without, this Slate: It is ordered and decreed that, they do appear at a Court of Ordinarv. to he hold.-n at Greenville Court llouao, on Momdny, the ninth tint/ ?f April next, to shew enure why a Final Settlement of the Kntate of Robert Feden, deceased, should not be had, and the fc>ale liilla adjneted, by "introducing Testiinony showing the true value anil real oharacterof thecouaideratiou of such contract* at the time they were made, so that regard being had to the particular circumstance* of encli cere, such Decree may be rendered as will efTeeleubatanlial justice between the par ties,"and on failure of parties to attend and I object their consent* will bo taken as coufvased. Given under my hand at Greenville C LL, the loth day of January, A. !?., 186:f. ROUT McKAY, O. 0.1). ?one iiwiiibmiwwwbbww?? SCHOOL BOOKi^H | GREENVILLE BOOKSTORE, r^j NBXT DOOR TO MANHOI XOOUB. THE largest nnd most varied AiMirtnfnt of SCHOOL BOOKS cvrr opened is S| the up-country, consisting In pert of TIIE SERIES OF CLASSICAL AUTHORS. llarkncse' First and Second Latin Books Grammar ? Bullion'* Latin Grammar Andrew'* and Stoddard'* Latin Ornminnr If Keudrick's Greek Ollendorff lvuhner'.* Greek Grammar Ay . Fnsqttellc'e French Course r.-, ^ Telrmaqnc Ollendor^rt French Grammar , l)e Fivu's French Render ' Elementary French Render . , Classic Elementary French Reader Finney's First French Book : Elementarr French Book First loesons in French, hy Graen emrennes rr?ncn J^oilonirj Spoer's and Surenne'n French and Eag? IflQB lisli Pronouncing Dictionary 9MH Wilson's Primary History OH First Book of History * ^ SfflB Parley's Common School History of th? ' * ' . World |H Qunckenbos' United States HQ Primary United States sJM Frost's United States Pin nook's History of England " Ff*nce Sw Ureeoa " Itoue . ! . Z Sander's notorial Primer -ij? jC o^Hj " Primary Speller ?|p?l Union M Tlaren's Speller and Dcfintt Walker's Common School Dictionary v , W* lister's ( Iteid's English Dictionary > Scholar's Coiiipanion $B?J Sander's Series of Headers, 1st, id,id, -J jpHp 4th and 5th '' Mnndeville's Scries of Readers, 1st, id, Sd, ^ 4th' and ."ith Cornell's First Steps in Geog. aphy " Piimary Geography " Intermediate Geography - ; " Orninmar 8cl?ool Geography ' r^' " High School Geography a ad At- '~*yA las. , ..'4 Col ton and Fitch's Introductory Gaograr Colton and Fitch's Modern Geography, " American School Ge Ksp ography Mitchell's Modern Geography and Atlaa j|g " New Scliool Geography nod Atlaa ||K Smith's Pi hnary Geography Huai-keiibos' First Lessons in Grammar " English Grammar 'JX ' First Lessons In (Composition gp " Course of Composition and : ^ Rhetoric -i Kerl's First l essons in Grammar jjjgj " Common School " Is Bullion's Practical Lessons in Grammar |g " English Grammar " Analytical ami Practical Uraoaa>> Green's Introductory Grammar " l'irst Lessons In Grammar ^ " Elements of Grammar " New English Grammar " Analyula Parker's Aids to Compositioa Graham's English Synonyroe* Robinson's Table Book " Primary Arithmetic " Intellectual ~ " Rudiments of " " Practical " nigher M % 11 Arithmetical Examples Qnackonbos' Primary Arithmetic Davie*' Old School Arithmetic " New " " Oroenleafs Common School Arithmetic Smith's Second Arithmetic Loomlt' Elements of Algel-ra " Algebra Davles' Elementary Algebra " Legendre llohinson'a Elementary Algebra " New University Algebra All the Higher Mathematical Works Mathematical Works Vfbately'a Logic , " Khet-orlo Waylaad's Moral Science Dagg'e Wiuglow'rt Moral Philonophy Tir i. _ j?_ I. a r? uy iqiiu n " Int?Ilect?nl Philosophy Haven'* Mental Philosophy A VARIED 8TOC1C OF SCIENTIFIC AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Rpenoerino PENMANSHIP, wade of fine paper?copies set Copy Rooks, without copies Composition books / SLATES, PAPER, PENCILS, PENS, INK J A large Stock of MUSIC end MUSICAL ' > / BOOKS J . , GUITAR and VIOLIN STUINGS, <to I LITHOGRAPHS, rilO TOGRAPilS / . anl? ? rilOTOORAPri ALBUMS. tkhms ca?h. + Teacher# orc.apecially invited to eall and examine. Orders from School* solicit-jW ed, and liberal inducement* given. WM. E. EAELE, &F Next l)oor to Mansion Unua^fcr'