The Georgetown planet. (Georgetown, S.C.) 1873-1875, May 31, 1873, Image 4

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S03?LEB0T}Y. ' i ..?? v .o um ? mtm$0w^M m i r ? h i?^p^^e^urfts embody, Ijero?b^dv^ lis?'i?n?- to' -some bod% mi r-is ??J?ng so soft aad low, ft goinefcoefy. ??&07&, fose* O? V 1 - - i* t f 1> ? though the shadow be, P&Satoos^^ey^see? :i, JJp?gfei $yp&?ss somebody. Ko $nc sits up to wait, T&o?Qgh sho la oui so late? m i' i >? Two shacws j?f??0?!^ * A ? ~ ^ Moonlight rcv^Wf?aW-fe> | ??? .?^rrtr^/^e^^iomebody. >v Two, sitting siflfcby- S*dfv f ^ -, ?j ? Si llG?t ??rfth th^ebbin^?tide, :>^ >] ;;?(?;j ?^18^ .-? j gomeljody, somebody %*> ; j? V Males lofe to somebody, To-night ' ' GBOWXNG OLtB TOGSXHSB. 3&~yo&kat$rI am thinking, to-morrow : ? We aliali pass, on our journey through >'.? : ?? ??'. ? ? . . m .^ne?more of the milestone thatbring u? :?.,- ^?ilnea^r thegoal,.my^ood\v?fe?? ,?.!.??>. ?liie.g?adanniversary morning . O? .our wedding day cometh once inore. j&?|i^eV^in||RiU?&d us still waiting, 31 r ,^yho had thought to have gone long before. ? r We are oW, wife; I know by the furrows Tml& hm pik)w???a .y?ur brow, once so fair; 1 X ;know by ?ke crowft of ?right^s?ver1 * r He hae left for your once raven hair : r " a brighten t our life at is <hWn ; ???w by the graves in the church,yard, j\ ? j'^f W^u^tedv&tdeadyestennorn. [ i p<3&u? way im been humble and toil-worn, Your guests-has been Trouble, good ^sj^^mj??^^t??ae trials and. serrowsv. ?. ?*.11 mad?*t??> your record through life ; ,. l (?$utj mav th$ th??jrht cheer you, my dear one; ;; < ^^&r^?t?enc(| ^andls^weet, clinging love f Hare m?d?''for ?t?e Eere such a heaven. ;r. , I have asked, "Is therebrightei; above?" Ili lififs Winter^ sweet Wife, we are living, Butit7s storms all unheeded will fall, r ,??h?^ fV&?^ we, who JtoftjvioY^and leach other . j ; .... *J$H&%1 v^&^&mb ^ to ^ M v-.v ~ Hand in hand, we await the night coming ; ^iviBg'?t?nks^down the valley we go; Fosto.loveaa?togrowoldiogetiier I? the highest blies mortal caa know. * ?S?mi ?a?sf?l to b?^ss us, ?M ?ghte?i our hearts ?ay bay day; it hope is n?i always fruici?n, ^W^l?^^wedv?^dJ^TO^ bet the & . ^?rresi " ~ ~? \ ; ?: TluA^arnei^ite'wdr?d w^ awaUf; ' . ?v* ?iMK j -?i ? Wbf6hooi> and a skein of wooi, Stt?ed, and soiled, and soil; Old tU^ 4o&8ay,ajid I doubt you're - ^41 & ^9 ! ?8 n^kth!?*5tormy night, tip in the yards aloft. Jdost like it?s folly : bo^mato, look- h4rcrr^ When first F^nt to sea, j '^^^^^^^f^^jxi? yon far-o?f strand^ ^ , ^i?ft^ i^^^^^k-ring on the smalli ??ft h?nd,<? ? a .j / *f j *-?: Which'^e^?so cl<^ to me. I toq r> a- ' . My wifer^God?bl^ h^ri The day before;; y, She.?at b&t?& my fbot,;ir., y :/l? a: the st?nJ^ht;Ms ed l^r yelW hair, Attd- the- dainty imgersy Seft and fair, Knitted a baby's boot. - The voyage was over?I came ashore? What^ tMnk you, found ? there ? A grave the daises had sprinkled white, , r A coUag^empty and^dark aa~nigbt, ? '^ ??<?th?5 beside t?e chaM". ^ Tho little boot, 'twas unfinished stHl, ^T^e^an^ed skein ?ayj?ea^ . 7 vS?iV tue fenitter gone away to rest. }Yi*k the babe &3?eep ?u he^qmet brcas^, ; :t Down in the churchyard drear. ?S -??-!?-???.*???? SEALED PROPOSALS in du??eaiec I ir?Jh be received for mxty days by the ? ' Cha?rmali of t^e?oaraof Trustees o? the . 8 I^jQr^hah Asylum for ? SETE AND BlJEJDlNG for the above named institu it^sMft accordance with a joint resolution '; * & Genera! Assembly, aj)|>royed Feb '^n^lp?J?L[ I>.??e7?, to incite.?r^posals-^ ,4.'.'^^.^^^?p?'builduproq?lrt^.^y said" Chai m:au of Board b?ai^ Orphan ? vinni pj???*s?l? Sfollerei Til ?i Sxat?! os South VaH('?>?>;a; ' 5' ; Gt^n^ww-? Coumy. ?8 / ... ! MTheiS?a^ St ? Jni??n ?oirvy, of ; Ch:uie?tOJi, o;.,?.v JUiuUv^u?t io r?e/~So ?grasi hl?u Letters "o? . Administration, i V?tirihi? iv?l ?mnexc<I, &i t-.tnui and i,? .Xhfit9 ^ai$, i&? ?or? Ut ca$e and afb?i?ii rk^ a? asid'etti?mv the t?ndf&iasd ?cod (??b^getowii! r?l^?r?day, ?he39th loft May wxt, after' rM?fc^tiqg t h?iw^. at, }1 ; o^lo?k im the? ^ ,a. fcxs?icw cau?e, if any they have. wfry&?'Se&i A^imhMmti?n should not ?begnanted. ; ? ,. (Syerf leader my hand, this 7th dayr of May, Anno l>omlnl, lS7?. : O. BUSH, umr I0?3t> Probate Jud?e;: sriM ?if ?^? ^ Bess? ii&tce ?low Fulton Brooklyn. blOv! TUO <"lJ :ir ;;? / ?;> I to i^^?Wi^oA^tf ler?Sf by. the ; day, . \lT?rut arid f?o!d S*M.: - patronage *>? the ?raveiii?r ptao?ie ' p suited by, ~<Mrn5S. . FAT^feKSON/ urophetress. formerly of Philadelphia, ?>a. ?'': 'maylfc?vf. attractive Opening OF Tbc undersigned has just received and is now pre])ared to exhibit those who may favor, him with a call, ?b large aiid attractive a stock o? SPRING , AND A^'i<; usually brxVat/bt u> thi? M^iiivET, which lias beew carofuflv .selected for him i?j NfcW YOliK and ! other Nociera. Cities^ by -.Iks. of. long, experience.... acknowledged good fct?ic. Ho fcels satis : .?m? in saving that, his 3u>ck of ' Dress, t?sto hite men urooas NOVELTIES. HAMBUltO T??IMWlIGS; i?N?N SUEfcXiKG . , , ' - ? ? PII;v.OW 0 ?? . . . LADIES Wi???E SKI??TS, SI N U^?iUKLL?S, ]' a 3 0 I? S < AND GENERAL STOCK O * Will compaio tavorab?v point of QUALITY, ^TYX-Eand E. with any in this Market. A railing tmnsei? of thi3<piethou oi\iieturi?ug?i? thanks to the Friends & Customers For their liberal patronage in the past, he hopes be able to merit a continuance of the eame. aprii 26-1 yr. READ, MARK, LBAM AND rj; ?-7-:o:r?r^T?. I* Xsa^artssit News for the fick and XntLieted! ... .. -;0:_^_ ;? ' roara traft! Not siiic^fhe intrcK?tictio? of mocleru S Chemistry and analytical research into the hidden, mysteries of the Vegetable Emg??m has there been discovered a me??cal product of such extraordinary cuntir? the FAIN C?KER TMs justly celebrated medicine was dis coveted and pr?psatMi by an old distin guished Physician in Calcutta, during the war with India, tbe Professor connected with Her Majesty's Naval Department. . His practice was confined to those of ^e f ^ereicaees; whick^.uauaity: resi?t fro?n a H^^^?^W^PN^?lgi*. indeed .^U f 9fiie$jdi^>B^^ ti^^i^^wt. and e? ?r*K?tic medi?me. *Tha treatment of t?i? o^t???t'wf?h t?^n^m?dfcmQs.of <l? day failed to:ma?e;a enre, or- to re ?qv^ ihe ( patients*,.ffDisappointed an'd kdof ti??d at the result and stimulated by the promptings of a ?nrct humanity for the su3Bferii?gwii3r well a piPoXessi?naJ pride^ he. a?ter much labor.and study, compounded Ins sreat Liniment called the PAIN CUR?& Tills Medicine is remarkabiQ for the peculiar property it possesses in being an inteiTial and exter nal remedy, at the same time differing from all other medicines in its action in arresting diseases. It is taken iaterna??y for Colds, Coughs, Cramps, Fever and Ague, Hend-ache, Asthma, Colic, Acid Stomach, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Sick Stomach, Pains in the Stomach. Diarrh a. It is used externally for Sore Throat* j^ SweiJ?i?g of the Glands of the Neck, ??ead ^a<^he^ Neuraijria, E'ace-ache, Tooth-ache* P?i?s i?ftfee Back, <>r ^e sSid? ?r ih i the He??rtr-St?#* : Ne^k?>? >Lumbago,, Kh^?ma tism, it is especially goo|d--rains in the Bones, or- m the Mu???s; -or Joints ; for Stings of InseetR Snake Bites, Itehing I Humors, in t?e Skin. For all these, and te great remedy. C^D&?lON^Bo?t?e you ask for the ?^ai?i 3 ?; Ko family should be without % It is the only Pain Eil WjQT ~J&ty]Go3^ of fi?t n?in?. ? ... .. FOR SALE BY Driggist a A^thecari<;-?r'<: ;??>. -. . - _..-?/"? ? .? ? JLtt OM?y at ; ''-Art?niey '?n?'?ounsei?cr at Law. \ a& ? :'?/aa? ^t:y ' ; ?hSt?ltii,1 S. ?. ) i? Will jMctic??'?ii i?t Wr?e^?oUtte!i0f il r. iM?m??toi? .??! .?..?! ; fe: ' Will practic? iti tre Courte ?f fheTh?r? Circuit ' ? ? >] '"' : ^ Stephen R Gipsoi^ [ Office in the Georgetown Court Mouse. ] . ?ll business entrusted to this oftlee will oe promptly attended t?.; rt* {Usiti mm A E aXd ;c.oi:jsrs'?t?ioii - ???: .. i (^EOrR^TOWN.^.^;-^ ?. Will .pr?vf?Uo? ih]all the Courts. of this ?ate,,,,. .... . ? >?. fi . : . .* ' ~ S. ?? Swalis, Attorney * Counsellor at Law. Will Practice in all the Courts of the State. Special attention ])aid to Collec tions. KIN G STREE, S! C. april26-lyr. Sam'lT. Atkinson, At i oxpne^' At ^aw? GEOTGETOWN, S. C. FF?OE AT HIS RESIDENCE, COR u?roiiHigh-market aud Broad Streets. may 8-lyr , JAS. A, BOWLEY, ?t Law; . GEORGETOWN,' S. C. roar 3-tf SASH AND TOJSBS, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, STAIR FIXTURES, Builder* > Ifonifch?ng Hard ware* Drain Pipo, Floor Tiies, Wire Guards, Term Cotta Ware, MarUc and Siato Manlio Pieces. WINDOW GLASS A SPECIALITY. Circulars and Price List? sent free on application, bv i>. P. TOALE, S&Hayne and 83 P?uokney Sis. march 29. Charleston, 8. C J. F. EJSENMANfy Merchant Tallow M.ui? Stkeet, E -W-asbxsgtox, COLUMBIA, S C. : ? ap*.5-2.. ? " "' '**?? ?" '??- ?" siri ?.'i|'?)m '? ? " '?"?!<?'" 1 '. 1?rrr- , FACTOR, General Oommission & Shipping Merchants, Front Si, Georgetown, S. C. -:o; Part?cula attention given to the sale of TIMBER, NAVAL STORES, COTTON, RICE, and MERCHANDISE.--Also, to receiving and forwarding goods.?-Safe pens fbr storing timber, &c??Brick ware- ? house4or; storing goods, &c, &c. niarch ^). r ^ . " : WflBt?fflBiSffl I'] ; Sitiger i Sing?i* ! Si?iger !? ? SEWIl6MA fflM?l TBE SINGER MAN?^PAOTGEING COMPANY, OF CHARLESTON, S. C, have established an Ageu(^y in George toTvn for the sale of the Celebrated Ma chines. Our Agent Mr. ? GEORGE F. ROGERS, will take pleasure in giving in sti^uctions to all who purchase SINGER MACHINES. Examine the Singer be fore purchasing. Mr. ROGERS can be found at our OiUce in Georgetown, S. C. THE Singer Iviaiiuiacturing Co., CHARLESTON, S. C. aF.EO?ESS, ; Local 'Agent, (at Western Hotel.) George town, S. C. ; : : >i? : Ji ri^arch ' W.'W; Sh?7kle?ori?, Wml Aiken Kellv. l?CE?iEIfll S HM, J Factors, ?ei?eril ^Ccmmii&si?h ;:.; ..?: ATLANTIK VaiAliF, . -t CliarlestoB, S.?C. Particular 'iitenticn ?v.en to tile of ! C() TT ' . "ft 'CT'? nd % ? \ STOBES:: &iMi?W ? ?f VE>- ! SE?K j f.r a j I Govemme?t of the Unitod mirh?i* Stated* Presideat-^TJ?vaeee S, Grant, of Illi nois, to ?ia^h iti, 1877. ' Vi^Pres?d?i?t?Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts. ? ? [? Secspetaryr r ?f the Stat^-Hamilton Blsl^^f Nestori*, ...,/u<>..iVi. ?u\ Secretary , of ??ea^u^?W. JB. 'f?^ds?k^ i?k?^chtt?etts. ' i:-^Smmikf (*%^i^^^^l?inap, ,/:. .:Se^?tary,of tb#{Tayy??. j&L ?Robe boo, o? N?w Jersey ?,.... .... ?.. ' ^retary of ,? ? Interior-rC Def?no, of Ohio. v:'' ?? "; /{ fc Post-master General?John A. J. Creswe?of Maryland. Attorney Qm&xs^?00tg? H. Wil liams, of Oregon. ... President of the Senate?Henry Wil son, Vioe-President ex OFFiciq. Secretary^?Geotg? C. Gorhan, of California. - gnij>?- ? : .?;? ? ; Speaker* oithe Bouse, oftRepresenta . .?ve^J^oies JUainp, o? Maino; CierkT-r?dwaiil McPhersQn, of JPenn-; svivama% , -! J Congress m?ets annua?ry the first Monday in December. The present Congress (the 43d) commence March 4., 1873. . . , . ; the Supreme ?jourt of the United States. , Chief Justice Associate Justices?Hon. Ward Hunt, of New York;-Hon. Nathan Clifford, of Maine; Hon. Noah H. Swayne, of Ohio; Hon. Samual F. Miller, of Iowa ; Hon. David Davis, of Illinois; Ecu. Stephen J. Field, of California ; Hon. William M. Strong, of Pennsylvania; Hon. Jos eph P. Bradley of New Jersey. The Supreme Court holds one ses sion annually, in Washington, begin ning on the first Monday in December. United States Courts in . ; South. Carolina*. Circuit Judge?Hugh K. Bond. District Judge-^-George 3. Bryan. District Attorney?David T. Corbin. Clerk-?Daniel ?or?back. Marshal-^-B. M. Wallace. Terms for holding United States Cir cuit Court?First Monday in April, at Charleston ; fourth Monday in Novern ' ber, at Columbia. Terms for holding United State Dis trict Court?First Monday in January, May, July and October, in Charleston, for.Eastern District; first Monday in August, at Greenville, for Western Dis trict. [The C?urt held Jat Greenville exercises Circuit Court powers.] Government of the State of South Carolina. Governor?Franklin J. Mose?*, Jr., elected to serve for two years from Oc ! tober, 1.872. Lieutenant Governor?Richard H. Gleaves. Secretary of State?Henry E. Hayne. Treasurer?Francis L. Cardoao. Comptroller General?Solomon: L. i H?ge. Adjutant and Inspector General? I Henry W. Purvis. j Attorney General?Samuel W. Mel ton. Superintendent of Education?J. K. JiBson Superintendent of Penitentiary?J. B. Dennis. Superintendent of Lunatic Asylum? Dr. J. F. Ensor. Private Secretary to Governor, and Acting Commissioner of Agriculture? . H. D. Byron. Legisl ature. rThe Legislature ineeta annually^ on the 4th Tuesday in N?'vemb?r. Pret?d?nt pro! t??? of the Senate? Hon. B?&i SftraSlsio* ; ;\ Clerkr-t J-Woodruff, Charleston, j . Speaker of tho House of Representa tives?Jlon. Samuel J. Lee, of Aiken. Clerk--A. ?^ Jcm?s, Charleston. Supreme Court, South Carolina. Chief Justice?P. J. Moses, Somter. Associate Justice?A. J. Willard, Columbia. Associate Justice?J. J. Wright, Summerville. ? - Clerk?A- j?L Boozer,. Lexington. Rep?rter?J. 6. G. Richardson, Suin ter. - ?& 4 : ?M *m -iV' : r Circuit Courts. : Wifsb Circuit^l%o ?ount?es of Charleston arid Orangeburg. f : . ? Se^onil. TCircuit~--Thp counties: of Alken, -Barn well, Colieton and-Beaufort. Third CfocujJ;?The counties of Clar endon, W?lBanisburg and Georg !town. Fourth Circuit?Th? counties of Chesterfield, Malbor?, Darlington, Marion and Horry. Fifth' CircuiWThe counties of Ker shaw, Riehland, Edge?eld and Lexing ton. Sixth Circuit?The counties of Ches ter, Lancaster, York and Fairfield. Seventh Circuit?The counties of Newbeny, Laurens, Sparenburg and Union, Eighth Circuit?The* counties of Greenvilfo, Anderson, Oeonee, Piekens and Abbeville. Cix*euit Jukigesw First?R. F. Grahm, Charleston. , Second-rJohn J. M^r?:Bl^kville. || Third?John T^j^?en^rSumter. Fourth?C. P. ?owiis?nd, Beni^eibt& vill?; * ? ' '< "? Fifth?R. . Carpenterr, Ck)l?x?t?a. Sixtbr?T. J. Ma?^ey.. Gbeste-r. ;.c, Sev^Ath?Montgo^eiy: Moses, New berry. Eighth-^Th?napson ?C C??k. 1 Solicito^ First ?r?r?i?C. W.-Muttis, Charles- | ton;: ? : . ' : . ?\ ' -vr* ";v *$t^l W? Second.;:. L. Wiggin; I Beaufort ... ! ' ThifjJ Circuit?Samuel % Atkinson, j Georgetowt?. j FoJirth Circuit? . D. McCoIl, Ben nett* ville. Fifth CircuiW'H. Eunk?e, C "-un bia. Sfarti* arenili?W. H. Brawley, Chester. Seventh Circnik?W. 3L Fleming, Spartwbttrg; Eighth Circuit?-Absoiom Blythe, Greenville. . MsXESil of c0xgr288 ist CON. D? st. Joseph H. Ifciney, Georgetown, S. C. TJ. S. ?FFIC1AX3. Henry P; Herioti, Collector. ' T. W. Di?ke?soa^iifepector. Blair An?erson, Postmaster, W. D. ?MoT|??iD????sei?U?anti.? '; - toreri , W^^f portee, I^ ?, Co?awla&te?eri Wm.0, J?ri?a, "Jr. ?{" BErRE8ENtATTVE5. Jas. A. Bow?ey. Charles H. Sperry. Charles Green. County Offickbs. 8. T. Atkinson, olicitor. S. R. Carr, beriff It O. Bosh, Probate Judge. -, Clerk of Court J. M. Lesesne. B. O. Bush, Henry Joy, County Con?U?i??oners. Thomas P. McDowell, Auditor. Sam']., IL Carr, Treasurer. Sk?B.;Gii^i,^lv^tGpmroi^ioner^ S?ierr??a Johnson^ Coroner. Trial justices.-?J. Jenkins Kucks, 8. B. Gipson, Georgetown; Wi?. L. Webb, Waccainaw; AYm. T. B?ssc?lie?, North Santecw . ^ Dr. J. Tunuo H arrim?n, Health Officer, T. ?. McDowell, Jury Commissoner. James Murrell, E. Capers Rainey. H. F. Heriot Commissioners of Elction. Municipal Officers. Geo. It* Coiigdon, Jntenclant. D. J. Wilson, Peter "Wbodbury.. John W. TarboXj A. Morgan, Warden*?. C. R. Anderson, Clerk of Council. John B. Lembow, Marshal. Jack Anderson, Scavenger. Jas. Porter, P. T. Braswell, Inspectors of Nova! Stores. B. J. Hazard, J. M. Lesnse, W. S. Croft, Port Wardens. Prince Coit, Jas. A. Bowley, Neptune Bell, Pilot Commissioners. Fire Department.?Warren R. 3 lesion, Chief; Warren Atkinson, George * R. Congdon, B. A. Munnerlyn, Assisuints. J. H. Dein en, Preset. Salamander H. & L. Co. S. W. Itoquic, Preset. Winyah Steam El?cine Co. W. H. Jones, Jr., Pres't. Heston Engine Co. ^Sherroid Johnson, Prest Star Engine Co. Greenville & Columbia Eailroad Passenger Train Schedule, Daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains ou South Carolina RaiiiOad^iip aod down, also with Trains going North and South on Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta Railroad, and Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Rail road. up. Leave Columbia at - - - - 7:i5am ?<* - Alston ------ S:05 a in 'i: Newbcrrv.10:40 a m " Cokesburv ----- 2:00 in " Belton.3:50 pm Arrive at Greenville - - - 5:3t> m down. Leave Greenville at - - - - 6:30 a m " Beiton.9:30 a m " Cokesburv.11:15 a m " Newbcrry.2:30 pro u Alston.4:20 m Arrive at Columbia - - - - 6:00 m ANDERSON BRANCH AND BLUE RIDGE DIVISION. down. Leave WTaihatla at.5:45 a m " Perryvil?e.?:2 a " Pendieton.7:10 am :- Anderson.8:10 am Arrive at Beit?n at - - - - 9:00 am Connecting with down train from Greenville. TIP. Leave Belton at.&?# m ?i Andcvs&?.4:30 m " Pendieton - - - - - 5:50 m " Vengrville.C:35 m Arrive ai Walhalla at - - - 7:15 m Accommodation Trains on Abbeville Branch Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri days. Anderson Braneh on Tuesdays. Thai's* days and Sa&^d^s. { | * 1PS0MA? jDODAMEAD, General Superintendent Jabbz Norton, General Ticket Agent Papei-s advertising by agreement please copy. September , 1872. Wilmington, Columbia and An gusta Railroad The following schedule will go into ef fect at 3:25 A. M., Monday, 7th instant : DAY EXPKKSS TRAIN?D?iiY. LeaveWUinirigtoiv - - 8?25 A. M. AiTive ?t Florence, ' - - : '9:55 " .^, At Columbi^ : , ^ . <? " At Augusta, .;- - 7:42 ? Leave Augusta, - - -* 6:35 A. M. Arrive ai4'Ohnnbi?,? - 11:25 u u .At Florence, ... - 4:15 " At WiKniugt?h; - "- 10:25 " . night express * ? a in, dai L y?S Uuday s Excepted. Leave Wilmington, - - 5:45 P. M. Arrive at Florence, - - 11:85 " <? At Columbia, - - 3:40 A.M. " At Augusta , - - 7:20 " Leave Augusta, - - - 5:50 P. M. Arrive at Columbia, ?- 10:20 " At Florence, - - 2:12 A. St At Wiiniiiiifton, - 8:00 4i ?AS. ANDERSON, may 3. GcnJ ^up't. u Soutii t aroliii? ?iiilroaxl Company. <;cLUMBiA, S. C., Sei>t. 26, ?872. ?lii?iigz of Schedule U> go inlo e?fect on and after Sun?ay the 2Gth inst. ST??L and PASSEXOEIi train. Leave Ce^imbia at ' - - - - 9 a. m. AiTive at Ciiarleston at - - 4*^30 p. m. Leave.Charieston at - - - 9:30 . m. Arrive at Columbia at - - - 5:20 p.m. NIGHT EPRESS. freight and accommodation train. / (Sundayg excepted.) Leave Columbia at - - - - 7:30 p. m Arrive at Charleston at - - 6:45 a. m. Leave Charleston at - - - 7:10 p. m. Arrive at Columbia at - - - 6:30 a.m. CA3?i>e>r ACCO^nroDATio:; tkaz?c? Leave Cssndeu - - - - 7:20 ?. 5f. Arrive Coiunibia g*-:- - - 1:2:55 . . Leave (W?m?B ?t - - - 2:2?? ^: y. Arrive at Calden at - - - f>:55 p. m. A. h. TT.LEK. Vice Pr^idnf. [ THE ?STOW* PiiSl?, Published Every Saturday Morning and furnished to SUBSCRIB ERS *t ' $2 PEE ANNUM. THEPLANET Will discos? Tratlif ully & Fearlessly All questions of . PUBLIC IMPORTANCE, And avoiding the disgusting and offen sivo features of personal abuse. -1?:o: THE PLANET will be dovoted to Politics, literature & Science. It wiil advocate .the GREAT PRIN CIPLES of the Republican Party, The party which guarantees to every citizen Liherty, Epal Bifte & Jb?sb Before the law?blessings which have been vouchsafed to us by a kind arid b?n?ficient Providence. -:o: THE PLANET WILL Support the Administration, Both State and Iffatlonal, So long as they adhere to the great principles enuciated in our, party plat forms, and maintain an honest and economical administration of the public funds* * ? . *t .? * ? ' * . : '. - f ??* / * ? : . r i ?..'** i i ' ? * >. . ; ? * ? ' ? ? ^: 3 :~? No pains or expense will be epard to make the PLANET A Live INTe wsp aper : And as it is the only Republican Paper In Georgetown County, Or even in the First Congressional res trict, it will endeavor to supply a want long felt in that portion of the State. It will contain the T? A TES N"ETVVS5 ?0* only ot the County and the First Congressional District, but of the State and the country. It will have a regular correspondent in Washington and Columbia, and by every means possible to make tho PLANET such a Family Paper as is needed in every household. -:<Oo: e r m s?Invariably in ad vaiicc?S2v00 a year. -?:o:? Agents wanted in erery Coun 1 fcy, to whom a liberal per centage will ' }>t: allowed for obtaining subscrif^ious. Ad?rese. 1? I & PLANET, ? 5^orgetownj