The people's recorder. (Columbia, S.C.) 1893-1925, March 19, 1898, FIRST EDITION, Image 8

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An OTtrwork?! H rain. ii From Vii Ketor?i FUfeei^ , Determined to rise la his ohoaen p fession aa an educator, Ernest Kemper, o Pjer'ceton. Ind.,. overtaxed himael? men tally ami physically. H? W?ni ambitious bis mind waa always' oa 'f-'B w?rk; - Fro early morn until.late at night he cont' \ially pored over hisbooka. Few persons, even! with the strong conEtitutlons, eau keep up under sue' ?train. * . In addition to .his studies, Mr. KwiWir was teacldug a school some threo ?HW* from bis home. Finally, his excessive stw?y and tba exposure of going to. and irftju Behool ia all kinds of weather underuiiiM'i his health. ; <c He was taken to his bed with pnou!w? i"t and bis overworked brain almost colli.pA ' i. Z:<JL ?GT?t?l w??h? >>?. TTsn r.crlou??y'lil. ?> Catarrh bud tuken root in bis syst om and. bis mind was lu a dolioato conditio . KJ was sont to Colorado v. -ct .< *ie ? spout thrco' months wll).<"Ut reoe ? -**i :ig >any .?$ .lt. ?The: ifi-not ed sp-.-^'Uiist frdm Jleve land t?eated ?u .Vi ~w?iuouunv<?il, und then a fliospl tal in Chicago was tried, but all abso lutely wi* h o ut benoilt. .Hally lils phys1- i', ro oom mernie J Dr. Williams' Vink Ova-study. Pills rn? P?v1? Peo ple, and Trom the first box bc bcg'td ?.> im> lyrovo. When bo bnd taken nlr i 'fr- ea bo was completely cured. This fainoti* blood und nervo medicine bad aooomplisl j.d what all his former oxpoaslvo treacmelt fulled to acoomplish. Mr. Komper anyjwhis ca tarrh bas en Uroly loft bim; bo \p strong again aad weigh i nibo pounds moro than ho ovor did. He gives tho pill.?. I i entire credit. Ho is atuttlng toaohinr; .>. feels abundantly ablo to oem work. To provo that, tho above I' every respect, Mr. Kemper mude duvlt as follows: Subscribed and sworn to before tho 10th day of September, 19U7. R. P. WATT. Notary Public. Wo doubt it these pills havo ad oqual In all tho raugo ol medicino, for bulldiug up a rtn down and dobllitatod sy9<<. :i|. ?via and ....a the ciuo lu ?in am mo this Tho?Cycle Path of li\t>. Lot me moralize-and doi ' iv errupt me unless you want to leno ii ... money? j To-day we are nn lnfar on the wheel, held up by some friendly hand, ?progressing slowly, filled with vague fears and soothing syrni , To-morrow we can wtddrie a little, though we suffer many fait i. ; Thw next day our line ii 'ralghter, "roe call ourself a "Wheehn Join the L. A. W. and own the a. ". j Then comes our ra old .'youth. Wo scorch-and sooner brial??r nre laid up for repairs. Afterward we ledrn to ride .nore se dately, and we think ;serAusly of life. Now we begin to eschew* the solitary iipath and seek the br md -'oad where I two may ride abreast. VS <. try and dis cover to our delight S?IIA* .7e can. rido Sv.tb. one hand while th" ;, ?SD?S the Si?l?u?F rt- ::? Then we enter the 1 -: ni riding. In a . l.'jarn to ride over ngami' , other period of wobbling, but even re do aa well as-tho 'est. ?ow corner, rito P'erhn)?xfi&?w4i: IfuyTvi'? Jpecome so e] h noe the strait and n And then '. croak, ?k. ''her encorn ai a pretty rute of tan-V W? M RY Ot There is Pr rlar and jProfnnit ert that w path. Yellow :* "Vi?" .r? (ill ri Kilt 1.. I?TO Totter oi ! ?. potter .? 50 cont:- . fou. J. T. Sin'.j .nlr proper pinn . ?ina, or Snlt-Kl" your breath ao l ios ut drud atot i ne, Sovannah <.' : mt If you .. or ll in p ;. "Totter. : by mall I Tho long Dights in Alaska gi Y os tho poker flayer a good sr- ow. / "ifbe Test. Ii. B. i. ?or CO year.? I \ ?tarrli and . ,ir ?.50, at ii: hld, by Blood I wonderful i i i Spain doul u pvyBr discovf." rac Ats ! tho 'M.di i? troll n,. i en >nth. C'enipl ?IWB of tho St? ID region. V ? threo TIT : ' m?? it-? <Iu9 Stood a euro core ' V Rheumatism, ? (ula. $1.00 arge bottle, S ..Us, or rea' lor price, express ..a Co., ALI ..' ia. ro^Booka M seut Ire . wIshostlMi Columbus had America/. . .. Ile Aw.-; imL tub ?wand kly . .y Gazette I Western North .ir or 40 cont* h Forvico. All the . lally of tho raounV un ou trial US '? >-:its _V ?... investigation appears tjfp?) bldowalk 1 JHIKI iV ell a Living best and i*.hcj'>iiost In tho Now South. , $3 to SS jura?? -.r?e. Easy Terms. Good |>ls and t ' if ros. No blizzards. No i) Ilustra ted paper, "Land urlnths, for 10 fonts, in ??FtAIlSON, G. P. A., Quo on .'Inlcinnatl. it mny monev give employ . ; ?mjV-^bill collectors. Coiul in One Day. V.?.'.?9jpglQnlulno Tablets. All y*i aonOV If lt fulls to euro. 25o. it: >d bo?m ls launched lt fre ies home to roost in tho sbapo of What Hploudid Coftee. bodman, Willama Co., 111., writes: Ino packageSalzor's Gorman Coffee asting loo . 1 grow 500 lbs. of better ban I can bu/ In atoros at 30 cents a V. ? \ji A. o. 8 lakala of ijfi) coffee and big ?ned and n_ sent you by John A. i'lT^a Cross, Wis,, upon ro |rmpaand ^hla uotioe. cop house- u i'ihont Blue .vdor. At all Grooero. B. Kichmoud. Virginia."^ suffering I wus cured ' by .RY THOMPSON. S01-.3 Ohio l'a., March 19,1801, . . .T [?.?T?os and all 6toinicn*'mnitM<_ fin Cora round. B? m pl a bntUa T?berMf?. Co., BAvaanah. fla, junarlo i rouiio yield? lao if im. ?lod grain to acre- torfnfottna jr ed stock Write, Ationiirod xii, Prop.,Charlott?avllle, Va. tnd XJquor Rabie cured tn ^0 to SO day?. - Na pay till .~?ed. l>r.?J. I>.Ktenhen?. ?.eb.-uion, Oblo. .i CARROLL -P. WRIGHT? " United State* ComaP??Ioner bf trfkbor' XISL B?n Honored Abroad. jg Carroll P. .Wright, United States Commissioner of Labor, who has just been honored with memborsbip in the Instituto of Franco and .Juonbrary membership in tho Imperial Russian Academy of Sciences, is one of the foremost statisticians -.of the world. Few statisticians, Bays the Chicago Timea-Herald, have been as careful as he to present bare faots and to present them as fully as the statistician can. It was he who originated the now famous and much misquoted saying, ..Figures do not lie,,but liars figure." CAHROLL D. WRIGHT. The noted labor statistician began life as a country schoolmaster in New Hampshire, his native State, aud. went from pedagogy into law. Dropping his commentaries for his musket he wont to the war, and, after fighting to tho end of tho strife, he resumed his law work and was admitted to the bar? In 1871 and 1872 he was a Now Hampshire Legislator, and was soon thereafter placed in charge of the State Labor Bureau, to take which position he gavo up a practice cf $10,000 a year. In 1880 he supervised the na tional census in Massachusetts, and his work attracted much attention for .its thoroughness. In 1885 he was made the first Labor Commissioner of tho United States. His published works make a very considerable library of labqr statistics. How u Porcupine Fights a Snake. ( "Several^ years _ago I was an ?n torested spectator at a combat between a hedgehog and a hugo blacksnake," said WijpD. Ingrahoin, bf Memphis. ; ?fl came upon the scene just as tho hedgehog began tue attack upon tho spake,"which was lying stretched out ] I?.? rr ad asleep. The hog advanced j ,K ? y upon th* reptile an&seiz?d j j?i's io its ivtvs&& giving it ? sharp 1 f *i:'f ?Li ii o quickly withdrew H - 3 hoot, at. [I, rolling himself into ar Rot,^ariiJ7 ball, awaited develop-' ft. Tho ysnake, upon being thus rudely ?vV.k.ened, turned in fury upon JU' autio;oaiVt, striking the hog again 'ant'.' av.a?r? with its fangs. The wily hedgehog,' securely intrenched within its spiny armor remained perfectly motionless, all tho while, allowing the snake .to keep up the attack. At every stroke the jaws of the smako would become filled with tho spines, until, at last, exhausted and bleeding from dozens of wounds caused by the needle like Bpines of the hog, the snake gave ; up the battle. This was evidently what the hedgehog was waiting for, as ho immediately proceeded to roll over the snake ogaiu and again until he had completely disembowelled his vic tim."-St.- Louis Globe-Democrat. KLONDIKE SKY-SCRAPERS. I Cathedral and Court House at Dawson I City, Metropolis of Ute Cold Ifield. j These are not very imposing struc tures certainly, eays the New York Journal. They could not be called "sky scrapers," but tho citizens of Dawson City, who have gone to court fortune in tho Klondike, dignify these tiny houses with the names of cathe dral and court house. Tho judge does not bother about striot formali ties, but he rules, in this hastily built little temple of justice, as carefully and as justly as if he wero holdiug court in New York for a sensational murder trial, with leading lights of the bar present, and hoing sketched every hour for tho papera. In the little cathedral nearby thero are no gorgeous appointments resem bling a stage setting, no mnsio by highly paid artists. The little wooden chairs are not remarkably comforta ble, and the music must be mado by the attendants at service. Women in that part of the. globe cannot be accused of going to ohurch to see the style of hat her dearest foe has juBt purchased. They all wear O A ? ILE D lt A Li AND CpUBT HO?SB OV V?S^l SON CITY. fur. hoods. Through dreary'/ eno^rV _ fields tho Klondikors plod'offer, prayers for their dear oneo at di'ome,' ..ttnd to ask for snccess ijx their celf bamahment. Anti tho .potitions riti? to^he throne on high juafc ns sur ol y as if ?they pieroed lofty ceilings and ^stained-glass windows . to .reaoh their j doatirj^ation. ' s The following ia a characteristic Rood's Sarsaparilla testimonial. Facts like these have made Hood's Sarsaparilla America's Greatest Medicine and endeared lt to thou sands ot homes scattered all over this broad land. "V7o lllce to-tell what Hood's Sarsapa rilla has done for us. Our four children had diphtheria. From tho very first our little boy Itaipu, thea seven years old, was Is America's Greatest Tdedicine be gold by all druggists. Ol, six foi UNIVERSAL CLOCK. ; _1_ It Shows tbe Time at Any Point of thc Kurth'? Surface. L A novel astronomical clock for the Bohoolroom, In which electricity sup plies the power, has recently been pat ented. It shows the days of the week and the hours at nil points of the earth's surface. The question of Inter national time is n puzzling one to school children, but hy having this model-con stantly before them lt Is believed they .will .gradually obtain without effort definite and accurate ideas on the sub ject. A round globe, whoso surface represents a map of the earth's surface, TF.L?.S TIME IN ANT COUNTRY. ls revolved inside a stationary ring, graduated for hours of the day. An other disk, graduated for the days of tho week, ls also revolved, so as to show through an opening two days of the week at a time, and a line of de mar kallon, carried by the map disk, indicates the dividing line between thc days of the week. Aa Exchange of Twins. Besides the ordinary rent poid to the landlord, lt used to be customary in the Highlands for the tenant to give to his master one of the calves or lambs If it happened that a cow or'ewe should bring forth twins. This seems a little hard, but the' gain was not all on one side, for the master was obliged if the wife of any of his tenants happened to have twins, to take one of the babies and bring lt up in his own family. As cases bf twins happened once in every sixty-nine births, this adoption by the master must have been a fairly- fre quent occurrence. German "Bulla." The Germans are about as brilliant in the use of the metaphors which occa sionally crop up in parliamentary as semblies as the French. Here are some sentences reported by a German paper, which seems to show that forensic elo quence ls much the same tn all coun tries: "With closed eyes . you have watched the flood rising." "The peri odical sanitary'reports are submitted to us after a decade of three yean" "Wc do not bury the battle ax. On the contrary, we shall give it. renewed life." "I speak, not as a deputy, but as the person sent by my electors." In Still Waters. Lighthouses in Denmark are supplied -with oil which ls primped on the waves during a storm. This explains the fact that two or three vessels are to be seen round each lighthouse bi rough weather. Chew Star Tobacco-The Batt. Smoke Sled KO Cigarettes. Thirty-six moonshlnnrs of Arkansas have surrendered, t In other words they have ac-, kn owled god the "coro/' Mn. Winslow's Soothing Syrup'* teething, softens tho gums, rodi " tloD,allays pulu,eures wind coli Fits permanently eored.fKpfi ncsaafter first day's uso Nerv? Restorer. fStriaLbi . br. H, H. KtlMt, Ltd". ?Bl A.roh gtf J , SIOD Reward. SlOO. ie readers of this naper will ba' Th? learn that there is at feast ono dread? that solence hus bees able to cure fitages, and that is atarrh. Hall's Oat Cure le the only positivo cure known to the medical fraternity, ?. iiAarrh being a constitu tional disease, r*?iiulro?ya constitutional treat?' mont. Hnll'sOntarrhyjtire(?takenInternally, acting directly on the. blood and mucous stir faces nf'the BysteniJ^horuby destroying tho foundation of tho dlsfespe, and giving tho na ttent strength by bu/ldtng np tim constitution and UHslstlng natuyo in doing its work. Tho proprietors have ITO much fa th In Its curative powers that they offer Ono Hundred Dollarn for nny cas&thajt it falle to cure. ? of to&thnoai tm very sick and I ot av?rai days lt seemed as it ho would never bo soy bettor. After a while he began tc lmprovo and In a few weeks waa able to po out. although weak and misera . All St gnvo out, jawOysA ?oT?^aad i oblo to ?et, alt control o limbs. Ho h ot feeling sic radually ills Limbs told us it was lows an nt i everything tfptil be waa in tinually ol p he was y. He lost his body and nd complained all tho time. < After we had tried many different reme dies and had about ?Ivea up all hope we commenced giving him Hood's Sarsa parilla. In a short time ho ceased to com plain, lils appetite Improved und at the end,o' three monjdis ko was ablo to attend .school part of jfhWj^po^^Kpw he is well and quite a sta?aK?ttVa^jrrtff?fed boy. You i cause it accomplishes wonderful or f $5. Prepared only by C. I. Hoc Delicate Hint. Deni nble, in his "Little Tour in Ire land," says that when one of his party went a-flshlnrj, lt was to come home In triumph, hearing a glorious salmon, Its silver scales glittering in the sun. Nat urally he was lu good humor, and well disposed to pay the fisherman who had accompanied h!:n. This was the dia logue os the two men stepped,on shore: "Boatman." said the happy tourist, "how much 1? tho boat'/*' "Sure, your honor, the boat'll be In the bill. Your hor.or'll give the boat man what you please." "But what ts generally1 given?" "Well, your honor, rome'll give two shillings, and some elj hteen pince. A tailor* d be for f^ffifrffl^ff*" p'nf>p " IIow much the n^MSpSl^^ 13 not known; but cuiclj^^?U^i^;?icllned to be classed w 1 thjl^^^to'my tal 1 o rs, Tho World's T^o^?^-?iiiiffH. The actual length of ; the telegraph ie world is ?&p#000-kllome ?o>?jhg ne?'i? 300,000 kllo arlne c' ^iJCb^totaT" nU^'?knoH;?i 4,050." ? Kurop?^g?P.OOO; Asia, dla,1 oGO.OOfJ^irlca, 100f _|x? l?ngth^o?i.all tbes? wires Joined together would permit of tho establishment of twenty lines of telegraph between the ?aii^h\ and the moon. oana KP?joYt? Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acta gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem, effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of. its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac ceptable to thc stomachy prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all * and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in. 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro? care it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HB SYRUP ftft SAM FK?KQU00, CAL v IBUIttViLLE, Kt. SEW fOUC. ?LT. like every other crod; fl ^?nshrtient. ;M weeds fe^iji^ nitro phbsphpne acid, and not ?e^.thafl?f 3% of actual Msdicine aro at liberty to nee this testimonial ir yon desire, as we fool wo cannot say too much in praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla os a blood purifier and building np medicine." Mas. B. E. ANDBBBON, Cumberland, Maine. Economy is also a charactoristlo ot flood's Sarsaparilla. Every. bottlo con tains 100 DD.HPS, and heneo thero is a solid fact concisely stated in tho familiar line, 100 Doses One Dollar. ires when all other medicines fail, d & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. J Bcworej>f J^P.I ITV! t | Never give a remedy containing i C3 pi um to your children. ? Refuse to accept strong, poisonous M cdicincs that are not ^ j?\tone nauseating but dangerous. NORMAN'S Neutralizing Cordial ^3 aves children from premature death. C arries health and a new lease ^Df life to numbers of sufferers. i^osy cheeks, good appetite, restored IO {gestion, are results of its use. 11 is the sovereign remedy for All affections of the stomach and er bowels. Absolu tely cure DYSl'EL'?- V. nd soc. at druggists nud dealers, [NORMAN CORDIAJUr.Qr?PA?D'S. 1 .. ^CiiAWrEOTGiCs. C. km INDIAN WORM PELLETS ^^ipi , Thc Best Uwr Pills. A WS?Saa?, io and35c. % "One to tan 1 m lor. WV en Poole, the famous tailor, was nu i d man he was nt Brighton on a Vi: ?lon, and one afternoon went out t .ilk upon the pier. A young mau tras nlso upon the pier with a couple f ladles, to whom he said, as he saw I i'oole coming: "Now, you wouldn't lake that good 1 looking man for a tailor, but he ls. ust listen while I take him down a notch or two. I'll tell him my coat, which I have just had from him, doesn't flt." As he spoke Poole approached and po litely acknowledged thc salutation of his customer, who, walking up to him, said: "Hero, Poole, now do take a look at me. Does this coat flt?" Poole took In the situation. "It cer tainly does not flt," Bald he, and pulling j gut a piece of French chalk, he proceed ed liberally to mark and cross the con* I all over, nnd then observed, with the ' ntWmt urbanity: "Now, if you will "k;ni:!y ?end that coat to my shop the a lt ij vu tl cs shall be attended to."-Tld Bits. SCHOOL AND LAW BOOKS WfeY . We buy. ?ll and exchange all kinds of hook?, furnishing new books at uubllihers' prices; second baud at balf firice. Send Ut of :.\poka wante?'or for sale. P*>nit-i-.'t. i & Jerome'* now Crtrn Code sci Digest nrepai.i ru, *? 1?3 prominent liv" lng North Carolinians fi. <"at?1.-?gues sent with first order Southern Dook V if TI,>,ige, M. M. Smith proprietor, Raleigh. Noni' < J. 'HM, , MOT. uvu..a.|>uuiniiT;n pnmgj fiCCOnU Schcol ft kv Booki a Specialty, M GENTS WANTED .'"^r":'?a.:?rir g\ Class Publications; moral, \iHofu KH4\ if namentafifcevery house- fS',m\ fi.-,?., ., . hold:;' ?|uV4 terri- Big- MB??*;?, tory. " ,\Vri?y?t?pnce, if you aro lntoroat'ii STflrijir?jtD ENCYCLOPEDIA CO., NOBF?li?jr^i^.?- - - - VIRGINIA. rJIAT.' ?OB TAYLOR," TENN., SAYS. axvlUe, Tenn, to your letter of I did receive great te'a Cough Cure." I tqdy for coughs and [?? Yours truly,' )DEHT L. TAYLOR. )'nt 36c., or sent direct. t^koftel K.I'. MEAD CJYCTB BICYCLE tb, $141? #40. * LS of t? and 'ti to SIS. Bent on t. Free nao nt? for our mew l?jrtle" and maka SWl?EK-Mhirh abo? .TThrel," a BOUT?ulr p while they Ult. 'ANY,. Chicago. CHARL8TTE COMMERCIAL OLW0E, mmar?^t No VacnUnns-tos! t lon? OnaT" < If you no?d ! tua before bi the roost corni dealer or ma! CORN Ml Very highest u rad ly low prices. WOOD-WORKING1 Planom, Mouldo"), Band Bava, Laths, efl ENGINES AND BOT! Talbott ?nd Liddell. Eingeborg Bia? Huller, il delivery, low prices. V. C.. BAD No. 1826 Main St., ColuuJ IF TOD airs TH KM HILT. Ton cannot do Ulta unless 7011 umlrj and know how to cater to their rot)? " you cannot open il yiara and dollars 1 perte ace, io you moat buy tue koowl* by other*. We offer UiU to yon for ou YOU WANT THEM TO PA OWN WAY. eran If ron merely koop th era M A div ?ter to bandle Fowls judiciously, yr ?wmedin* ?boat them. To meet tat Milln? a Book ?via? the experleaoo . of a pr act leal poultry ral Mr for V twenty-frre years. It waa written by 1 all bia mimi and Ump, and money c? j ooaaoC Ghlakoa r?latni-s-aot a* a past! bttainas*-and If you will proOt Tsars" work, you can save maxy 1 ttasks your Vow Ia earn dollars tc i ta, tbnt rou must pe ablo to dot?e Poultry Yard sa soda AS lt ? to remedy lt. This book wlU L teU* bow lo detect t*d cttro drasasBi 1 fjSja.*ad also forf^c-^obin which few* j saOTid^owr<S??ni ?qtjertto^naka'rt L aso? sostpaM for twsuty-tlTO seats bi 1 ^_ Book Publishing Hj ! . -L / ? ?ONT LIE 1 Malvern, Ark,, uacdl>r. M. Ur* une beti >es?t i OT P. cc duri ino., aly trouble ? t - Menai ..ieijv-. *ujt? Kittie! ?>4? T^'V^fSS ?t - Tho c.nflsm. ? . t tbe met cara betwee . ?be ana of Great irrego?c ity tates plat ;V.".'>nn;oHyfor some timo _ C K. at:uii. the female usualli suddou lUahes of heat, fulla] headache and other evidene tional disturbance. Tho t By m pa the t leal ly rosponds, at. Irritability and melancholy,; dis cou raged and has a se na (J B?ffocatlon. . . ... . At no time In her lifo doce moro constant care and wi. ness, notabas more need fl invigorate and strengthen hi should be kept regular with I mons liver Medicine, and ll Squaw Vine Wine is used di of thia critical period, lt willi enrich her blood, soothe and | nerves and thns relievo the enable her,to pass safeW thi gera, prolong ber life au tl ado ?Sd joy In her declining yee Fullness of Blood il Where there ls great def blood to the head, the blood brain become greatly congel exista flashed taco, frlddineai stooping, and throbbing pul* increased by movement. It ] by living too freely ; too lau, xnorning,*eotnbIced with atw Menstraa'l derangements in females often occasion lt. Dr. Simmons Sc Vine Wine ls especially made for this it cores. FARM Balm's Bede aro Warranted ti, ! . iq E. W.ltcr. l.tlUTMllM. aiUs'l, Salier'? rant; Hfabloell, WU.. ITS bath, barter . Randalls, Iowa, br frewin If wa;... tits tb"? ???'aoi?, lt jou doubt, writ? tb" '.OOO nen cuitomert, bents J DOLLARS WOJ " . *?e ?? rara farm eu : ( 71 - J V ShsapJ ? EST SCALES' LEAS] IONES Or Bl N G H Al