The Rock Hill messenger. (Rock Hill, S.C.) 1896-1921, January 26, 1900, Image 1

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Hill MESSEN6ER.I I"l t0 the Interest of the 9 ;#pe^wdrti.e South. ... 2 WHITE, Editor & Pub. ? fC ^3^0*0*O4O4O*O4O4 \ Rock Hill THE (In, Afro-American Newspapers 1898-1901, ne.45#?? VOL. V. ROCK HILL, S. C., FRIDAY, J ANCTARF 26,1900. A Good Advertising Medium, B?tes furnished en aggjjgjjgfc Correspondence of general in terest solicited. SSaT Agents Wanted. oeO40404O4040^0404O*C< NO. 3. I? Of ill, ?j. proceedings of The House and Senate. 0>l BILLS ARE INTRODUCED -? , robers ^rc Working Hard and a ft* . neal of Legislation is Bein* 5ENATB. tr The Senate's morning j it, ! to the considera- j le tire hill introduced j v . ii::, which came over j cesi?n. There was a j '. !'s ? na rh>" measure but itt . " . j i by a vote of 21 to j .' L- : . . .:. : at llo'clcck and j :. lered was the wide j s&ssion lasting nearly ; . . . night session being j .. passage of second y the morning session new mils were intro Ird: relativ* to new school dis ;.; fi rid; Manning, to regu on mortgages of ??; Marshall, to require all j . t?) - taxes to the State i m ty auditors to return | ?ts as to townships in each Marshall providing a capita M? MX foi iik-hland; Mower, a ? io the examination of the j - . : Slate treasurer, comp- | ?rm : . md the commissioners ! [ukin? fand: Connor, to amend T >:'7l : ? of the second volume j ,. i. relating to the State ?*ntbry: Manning relating to th?, v : -?:r:hs. marriages an? | a amendments to the Sen ?o reduce the salary of the . , . isix -ti - were agreed to I passed ?is amended. This -:t?ary of the inspector at introduced by Senator Mc-1 by request to amend the conn : ?i- ar law so far as it relates . . ' :.: of the supervisor was ? .. ?ii the calendar and Senator iaa ; I moved ro strike out the en , rords. saying hp thougla the oughj by all means to be 1 . : . hi people. The bill fixed :-.. !: of supervisor at four years sea i ??;* two. rmi] Day.- The session of the Sen i' voled principally to the eon . ion of the second reading bills i . alendar most of which ~"er% pse?i to thc third reading. The Sen ; a; (1 until Monday night, and [is probable that several night ses vill be held :n order to dispose !*! nuny matters before the assera . blowing new bills were intro ?Sston. to give preferences to - in hiring convicts. This is - ? which nas passed the House; bt to amend the act relating to ?rporaiion of towns of less than datants: Archer, to repeal an rewiring cotton buyers to accept c.'.?nt.on weighing less than .'?00 . nmmittee OR education reported (?raydon's dispensary bill ! recommendation. v--..tor Henderson announced that : received a telegram from Char ds siving the sad news of the death barnwell. He offered r?solu Sympathy, which were adopted potion, the Senate, as a further ? respect to thc memory of Gov 5 Bllerbe, adjourned. ntii Hay.-When the Senate il was after a recess since ; '.: and the Senators seemed dis set down to steady work. Sheppard, president pro tem., v ;lie chair in the absence of T' a.* Governor Scarborough. ^proepfHlings were opened with ; " '-y Rev. J. E. M chaffey. The ? *hicb .vere on the calendar as f : - for last night were pass r ami continued as special oi - , - ' Howinp new bills were intro ; v the Senators named: relating to duties of sheriffs: '? ' relating to duties of county 'rv Vldrich, to authorize pre .' : .: -i at regular or special term ? . to appoint a stenographer; v io authorize use of Chester chain gang on Chesterfield . ' railroad: Mower, to defining rights of sink ommi^sion as to unpaid tax: ng law as to land : ' : nus: also a bill to amend r^U.owi^ WM? were passed: . . \ \: - to require the county 5 ,"r !>! ^xington county to in ; faking fnnd all funds com te ?V lum*s for past indebted- . 1 empower ^ ork m- : ^ aers ro borrow mon I 1 ; : av-ross Catawba 8* bill to create a sink 1 '. vonnty; Talbirds ? :;- salary of clerk of ! V' ': Anderson's bill to ! I '.works, sewers, ? ?:- - "V' * and towns: Ver ? f%: Blrv If"1 <>f N>iU W* I H . ho >] money to ? it? rch. Greenville ; " ?sc as a school ! WLw^ ? 1 :;' l" amend law to > ? ' i>o kr . o fa-* ! 0f ; ;- ?*?y for thej . r._ .;. 0 authorize the! W?t-?V-ew - ' tl!ected for ii,,.; ' :: .':;;i^a.i bonds: aa t*a. J.i'^eJ? ^empt Kj,^aa reK4?f derks 0? R^??r-^a?;;^:^ ot the ttat? ?^?y'u; reported K apeIt objectea to the immediate consideration of the bill and it went on the calendar. HOUSE. NINTH DAY.-The House of Repre sentatives had another short session and killed a few bills, among them Mr. Wharton's to take ?hp oftV-e of county dispenser into the primary. Mr. Venter's to confine the operations of the lien law to the cotton crop. Araorg those which passed were the measures to cede a part of Sullivan's island to the United Staws government. Mr. Pat ton's hill to sive Columbia clear ?ties io the city hall property. Mr. Wilson s bill to appropriate $10,000 for 'he Chickamauga inonument md a bill re organizing the system of health regu lations in the State. The bill providing for the hiring of convicts to counties was sent back to the committee, not on account opposition to the bill, but to perfect it in some particulars. The following new bills and resolu tions were introduced: N. G. Evans, a concurrent resolution to authorize the attorney general to in vestigate the sale or lease of the South Carolina and Georgia by the Southern; Efird, a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitutionaffecting the method of paying school funds; Stevenson, to authorize the hiring of convicts to counties for work on the public roads: Dendy, to authorize com missioner of Oconee county to co-oper ate with authorities -of Hebersham county. Ga., in building bridge across Tugaloo river; Fairey, to validate the municipal election at Fort Motte: Ash ley, to regulate the sale of whiskey; Wharton, to authorize county treasur ers to pay certain school claims: La ban Mauldin. to devolve the duties of j supervisors of registration upon city and county officials; Magill, to protect primary elections: (-rum, to require treasurers of State institutions to be bonded officers and to regulate draw ing of money from State treasury: ; Richards, to regulate the appointment of beneficiary scholarships: Prince, to provide for the further codification of j South Carolina statutes; Prince, to I authorize registers of mesne convey ! ance to record options, etc.; Patton, to ! protect gamp; Lockwood, to reqire j phosphate commissioner to live in j Beaufort county; Est ridge, proposing i constitutional amendment repealing I clause relating to lynching; Mehrtens, : to prevent sale of merchandise in de ' fraud of creidtors. Mr. Mauldin want j ed to recommit the bill relating to the hiring of convicts to counties. The bill 1 as it passed Tuesday was preferable to the original bill, but it was still not such a measure as the people desire. The bill was recommitted by a vote of ! 43 to 35. Mr. Moss' bill to increase the number of judicial circuits was made ; special order for Thursday of next j week. Mr. Blythe thought Mr. Ashe ky's bili to reduce the tax on fertili- > j zers to 25 cents a ton a menace to thc ; educational institutions of the State. ! and he wanted it taken up and acted I on at once. But it was decided to wait , until the report of Clemson College ] j should be sent to the general assem bly, as that institution receives the in ? come from the fertilizer tax. Mr. ! ! Wharton s bill to provide for the elec : tion of county dispensers was next discussed. Mr. C. E. Robinson moved that the enacting words of the bill be stricken out. Mr. Wharton claimed ' that the present method ol' selecting dispensers is favoritism, and not Dem ocratic. Let the people elect compe ; tent officials. Mr. Crum opposed the bill. Mr. Yarn spoke in favor of the . bill as ? means of stopping the vices attendant upon favoritism. Mr. Mob ; ley said that the desire of the people is . ; to take the dispensary out of politics, j The House killed the bill. Mr. Verner's bill to limit the extent of liens and mortgages for agricultural supplies was taken up. The bill provides that ; 1 all liens and mortgages given for agri- : cultural supplies shall be a lien upon and cover only the crop or crops of cot- | I tor. grown on the land upon which said lien or mortgage is given, and upon no o^her crop or crops whatsoever. Tenth Day.-The House of Repre- j ! sentatives adjourned until noon Mon ? day. Little was accomplished at to ! day's session. Eleven bills passed third reading, there being no question i to any except Mr. Patton's to confirm to the city of Columbia the title to the : lot whereon stood the city hail, but af j ter a short debate it also passed third I reading. The bill regulating railroad 1 fares was* killed. This practically con cluded the wo'-k of the day. The hour of noon having arrived, the join me morial exercises to the late Governor . Ellerbe were held. The State officers and supreme court attended in a body. It was three years before, at the ! hour of noon, that he first subscribed 1 to the oath of office as governor, in the ; hall where these exercises were to be held, and just a year previous he had delivered in this hall his second inau gural address. A few days later he was confined to his bed by the disease j which wrought his death. The Senate wide tire bill was read first time and referred to the committee on roads, bridges and ferries. The following were among the new bills introduced: Whisonant. to amend the relating to to barbed wire; Jackson, to prohibit the hiring of children in payment of ; obligations for debt: Jones, to amend the law relating to tax sales: Wimber ly. to amend the law relating to incor poration of towns of less than 1,000 inhabitants; Wilson, to require thc State to pay to counties and school dis tricts taxes on land forfeited to State for non-payment of taxes; Nettles, to bond magistrates at $200; Caughman, to include towns of not less than 140 inhabitants under act relating to re turn and assessment of taxes. The building of the State capitol, stopped by the civil war. will probably be completed at a cost of $250,000. A monument to cost $10,000 will be erect ed on Chicamauga battlefield. Fourteenth Day-When the House of Representatives assembled at noon j a quorum was not present. A poll of the House was made necessary. The roll was called a second time j and the members came in from the committee rooms until a quorum was finally reported present. The following new bills were intro duced after the House was ready for j business: Prince, to prohibit the sale or man ufacture of liquor in this State; Patter- j son,, to abolish the State board of con- I trol and to regulate the sale and trans portation of intoxicating beverages; Patterson's bills were referred to the judiciary committee as have been all dispensary bills; Crum, to amend sec ton 4 of the sinking fund act relating to unpaid taxes etc.; Dendy, to validate the municipal election of Walhalla; W. H. Thomas, to provide for the forma tion of lodges of fraternal orders, etc. The rest of the day's session was oc cupied in the discussion of 'Mr. Pat ton's bill to amend the act defining the method in which towns and cities may increase or diminish their limits. Af ter a lengthy debate final action was postponed. RACE GLEANINGS, The Genteel Negro. There are thousands of Negroes ?n Virginia and all over the South who ar?? as refined in their ways and as pure ly their lives as are the blue blood ar istocracy of the South. An indecent, uncleanly, boisterous Negro is as re pugnant lo them as he is to the most refined white man or woman. With this element, the respectable Negro holds no communication, save as he comes in contact with him in his daily work. To this no well-bred white C?an or woman will dissent, especially those who employ first class Negro ne-us? servants. And what is" true ">Mit this class of house servants, i3 squally true about a large number of rthm. who are engaged in mercantile pursuits, or as teachers, dentists, drug gists, doctors, lawyers, etc. We are a part and parcel of the louth; this is our home, and we lunch interested in her welfare as are Mir more favored white brother, and .ve are opposed to lawlessness and dis order. This -being the fact," we think >t injustice for the dominant race to; make us suffer for the disorder, bad manners and offensiveness of the lower classes. Thus far Virginia, to a great extent, iias not sought by law to humiliate :he Negro, regardless of his. worth :or education, but the proposed -"Jim Crow Car" measure seeks that end. Now, it does seem to us an act Qf Injustice for those who have the power so to do. to humiliate the "genteel" Ne gro because of the short comings of a few. ' These ''genteel" Negroes have made' men and women of themselves, and are striving Throng'! th. ir schools, Y. M. C. A., churches," literary societies and journals'to raise-their less thoughtful and more ignorant brother to higher planes of thinking and living. For the legislature to enact a meas ure that would compel refined Negro men and women to ride in cars with the lower and baser classes would for ever destroy and block the noble work that they are doing. The prosperity of our Southland is to a great extent de pendent upon the elevation of the Ne gro, and the '.genteel" Negro's influ ence over the ill-mannered members of the race will be lessened when they are humiliated by law to the same lev el as the unmannered. We feel certain that the breed of no ble Virginians is not extinct, and when thc facts are presented to them in their true light, no separate car legislation will be enacted that will humiliate re spectable, well-behaved Negroes. Race Items. With the advent of the New Year came a train of good resolutions and the turning over of new leaves. Many of these resolutions have already been broken and on many of the new leaves have been re-written our short com ings of previous years. But the fact that one resolves to do good and even breaks the good intention, shows his desire to do good. It is -said that the road to perdition is paved with good intentions and those who walk therein are constantly, stumbling over them. Better is it to intend good and attempt to do it. than to make no attempt whatever. One of the first things which Con gress will put its condemnation upon ls the ex-slave pension fraud. We favor a law which will give to all railroad conductors full constabulary powers to eject or arrest all disorder ly characters who take passage on their trains. ' Notes. Cardinal Gibbons performed the reremony at .the wedding at Utica, N.' Y.. of Miss Issabella M. Kernan and Clifford Lewis; jr. : At the Mollineux trial at New York a chemist testified that he- found cyan ide of mercury in the powders given Mrs. Adams. Governor Taylor, pf Kentucky, has filed a protest against the committee which is to pass upon the contest for his seat. Chicago will operate its waterworks and lighting plant by power furnished from the flow of water in the drainage, canal. ? . . 1..:' ': President Deschanel. addressing, tho , French Chamber of Deputies, urged ' a truce in party warfare during the Ex position year. Mir. H. A. Earnhardt, while sitting, around his stove together with several of his clerks and "friends a few nights ago, noticed his dog chewing up some' paper. For same pause or other he ex-. amined what the animal had in fis mouth and found'that it was masticat ing two $5 bills. .Xhe money was se cured and pasted the best possible, on other paper, a part yet being intact.^ Salisbury Sun. : _ The York (Pa.) Traction Company just organized, is projecting a network of trolley lines through that portfo?of Pennsylvania. -V;* Genera! Butler's Advance on the Boers' Entrenched Positions. i ,_ i j MEETS STUBBORN RESISTANCE. I - 1 The Brit! ?lt G rad a al ly Forced the Kc? PIS i Back-Heavy Artillery Fire Covered the Infantry Advance-Burgher* De. fended Their Positions With Courage .Fighting Uphill All the Way. j ! LONDON (By Cable).-General Buller be ; fran 1?3 final move for the relief of Lady ! smith several days ago. He succeeded in j crossing the Tunela River with hardly * any opposition on the part of the Boers. ; General Buller's forces tlien advanced, and j all reports showed that the armies of the ! republics made a fierce and determined defense of their entrenched positions. On Sunday the War Office received the following dispatch from General Buller: "Spearman's Camp.-General Warren has been engaged all day, chiefly on his left, which he bas swung forward about a couple of miles. "The ground is very difficult, and, as j the fighting is all th? time up hill, it is difficult to say exactly how much we have gained, but I think we are making sub stantial progress." A press dispatch from Spearman's Camp, dated late Sunday evening, says: "After ten hours of continuous and terri ble fire Saturday Generals Hart and Clery advanced one thousand yards. The Boers j TYPES OF BOER SOLDIERS RESISTING I ' maintained an irregular fire during the night, but the British outposts did not re ply. "At daybreak Tuesday morning the .Boers opened a stiff fire. The British stood .to tue guns, where they had slept, and the engagement was resumed vigorously. The field artillery poured shrapnel into the enemy's trenches. "A rumor that Ladysmith has been re lieved enlivened the British, who sent up a ringing cheer. This was taken for an ad vance. The first kopje was carried at the point of the bayonet, and the Boers re treated to the next kopje, which, like most others, was strewn with immense boulders, surmounted by mounds on the summit. "The British advanced steadily, and the Boers relaxed slightly. The latter did not show such tenacity a9 previously. Their ? Nordenfeldts fired at long intervals, and their cannon fired but seldom. Apparent ly the Boers were short of big ammunition '.All day the roar of musketry continued. The British took three Boer positions on the mountain and found shelter behind the boulders." A dispatch to the Chronicle from Spear man's Carno, dated late Monday, says: "General Warren continues pushing the ?neray, though necessarily he is making very" slow progress, the Boers being nu merous and strongly intrenched on the . kopjes they hold. They have several good gcitf mounted, but the greatest effect is produced Ly their Maxims and rifles. "Our infantry is working over parallel ridges with Lord Dundonald's cavalry ly ' irig well out on the left flank awaiting de velopments. General Warren's artillery re opened fire Monday morning. The Boers did not reply and our fire f became less ? hot. The naval guns here have been quiet. ' "A Boer prisoner here has boasted that .. it would take us three months to reach Ladysmith.'' , The censorship is very strict, but the j latest telegrams allowed "to come through j confirmed the reports that the progress of : the British was very slow and difficult. The telegrams, however, left too much un .fcaid to enable a realization of the precise .disposition of the British forces. Meantime, the very moderate total of the - :BriHsh casualties and the small proportion ,of deaths showed a very different handling '? of the troops compared with many ot the j previous engagements. It also furnished j proof of the correspondents' statements : concerning the growing skill of the British j soldiers of availing themselves Of cover like the Boers, i An incident of Sunday's fighting was au ? attempt ot the Boers to turn the extreme British left. The manouvre was defeated, however, by the artillery and the Devon shire Regiment. I The Times's correspondent concurred ! with some others in saying that the Boer* j used the guns captured at Colenso in op posing the British advance. The first public exhibition of the friction which ls known to exist between imperial officers and colonials is described in a dis patch from Natal, which states that a num ber of colonial officers are resigning their ? commissions and intend proceeding to i Capa Town to lav their grievances before I Slr Alfr?d Milner. _ True Dream of a Neighbor's Death, j John 'Morrison, of St. Joseph, Mich., dream? ct ?hat G. A. Reeves, a neighbor, had died suddenly. At breakfast he told the dream to his parents. Soon afterward a messenger called at the Morrison resi dence and informed the family that Mr. Reeves; was dead. Alleged Embezzler Caught. Charles L. Foote, formerly Postmaster and--?ity Treasnrer of Fall River,-Mass., -charged with the embezzlement of $6000 in that city, has been arrested in Chicago. 'Foote'tas eluded the authorities . for over three years. J Body of Gtsorge B. Eyre Found In the delaware River. He Had Been Shot, Bmi Bi? Body Weight ed Before Hein*? Pnt Into the Water-Motive For Deed. BRIDGEPORT, X. J. (Special).-The Cor oner held an inquest U to the death of George B. Eyre, the Che ter clubman and athlete, whose body was i<>uad fcp the Dela ware River, near here, Sunday. >j? the in quest Dr. George C. Laws told of ?the dis coveries he made at his antopsy on byre's body. They prove the crime to have peen most brutal, the murderer most deter mined. They indicate that, although tEje dead man was stripped of his valuables,, some other motive than robbery incited the > deed. Eyre disappeared on December 21 last-, while he was gunning on the Delaware. Dr. Laws found that a charge of shot had been fired from behind into the unfortu nate man's head. And it had been ilred at j such close range that a hole two inches in j diameter had been made in the skull. .Some j of the shot and two gun-wads remained j imbedded in the brain. No man could have lived an instant af- j ter receiving so terrible a wound. Vet ' Eyre's savage assailant rained blow aller biow on his head, smashing his -skull into thirty pieces. Then the murderer tied a weight to his victim's legs and dropped i him overboard. But, happily, the weight became detached and the river gave up its secret. From the character of the gunshot wound i and the direction of the shot Dr? Laws is ; certain that the gun was fired by a man 7^ 'ir I S TAT lr ARTILLfcRV THE BRITISH ARMY IN SOUTH AFRICA. .~ j taller than was Eyre. This is all that is j positively known of the identity of the j murderer. The Coroner's Jury found a i verdict, "Death from gunshot wound at . the hands of parties unknown." Eyre's > body was taken to his former home at Chester, Penn., where for a month his mother and .sister have waited, praying that he be restored to them in safety. Chief of Police Berry, of Chester, had 1 two men under surveillance. Chief Berry j gives much importance to an anonymous j letter he received a fortnight after Eyre j disappeared. This letter, written in a j woman's hand, without attempt at dis- j guise, informed the police that Eyre had j been murdered for jeaiousy and that his ? body would be found just where it was j found. Eyre was the admirer of an estimable young woman who lives in Philadelphia. He called on her the night before his dis- \ appearance. She strenuously denies [ knowledge of the anonymous letter. LUNCH FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN. Sioux City Schoool Board Establishes a Cheap Restaurant. Sioux CITY,. Iowa (Special).-There is a 1 lunchroom tn operation in the basement of i the Sioux City high school building. The bill of fare with the schedule of prices is as follows: 1 Hot soup, three cents: hot stew, three cents; milk, three cents; beef sandwich, j three cents; cold beef, three cents; rice and milk, three cents; pudding, three cents; cake, two cents: cookie, one cent. There j is no toa or coffee, for the reason that so many parents object to their children drinking it. There is no pie. It is figured that pupils of the school, for whom the lunchroom was planned, can get a good meal for nine cents. Many of them take part of their luncheons and get a howl of soup. TOWN OF TAAL TAKEN. _ i Eight Hundred Filipinos Ronted-Plague Case? Increasing. MANILA (By Cabie).- Two companies of i the Forty-sixth Infantrv, under Major '? Johnson, aud three companies of the I Thirty-eighth Infautry, commauded by j j Major Muir, defeated ?00 insurgents at i j Taal, province of Batangas, taking the I town. j The United States gunboat Marietta also ; I shelled the place. The insurgents had I four cannon, two of which were captured. I I Two Americans were wounded and ten in- j j surgents dead were lound on the field. The plague statistics now show a total of j fourteen cases and eieven deaths. Navy Asks Army For Hi fies. j The Bureau of Ordnance of the Navy has [ ? made requisition to the Ordnance Depart- j ment of the Army for 1200 army magazine ! rifles and 2.400,000 rounds of ammunition for the use of the Marine Corps in the Philippines. Requisition will soon be ! made for 2000 more army magazine rifles 1 Mr the Navy. Cubans Who Want to Vote. Civil Governor Nunez, of Havana, Cuba, says the Cubans who have become Ameri can citizens expect to be allowed to vote at the coming election. He estimates their number at about 25,000, and says they took out naturalization papers in order to pro tect themselves against Spain. Two Michigan Miners Killed. Two miners named Kratt and Sweet dropped nearly 2000 feet in the Atlantic Mine at Houghton, Mich. The accident came throng h another accident at the engine house disabling the holst? Both men leave large families. ' fHE NEWS EPITOMIZED. W?ish i nerton Items. Officers of the State of Washington are accused of having been instrumentai in the kidnaping by British Columbian of ficials of an American named Everett, and the State Department will investigate. The Navy Department has prepared a tariff for Guam based on the schedules now in use for Cuba and Puerto Rleo. The Hoo9e passed the Senate measure to build the League Island and Mare Island dry docks of stone instead of timber. The Senate resolved to make an inquiry as to polygamy in the United States. [ Colonel George M. Randall, Eighth In fantry, and Cplonel James M. Belt. Twen ' ty-seventh Infantry, wen nominated by the President for brigadier-generali?. A delegation of Puerto Rican? appearer} before Secretary Root to urge measures for the relief of the people of the island. The Senate bili increasing the power? of the Director of the Census was passed, with a proviso that the printing must be ? done by the Public Printer. \ Representative James S. Sherman, of ?3ew York, has declined to accept the sec retaryship- of the United States Senate. Postmasters* have been notified that the postage- on letters to the Philippines has been reduced to- , wo cents. In tho Senate Mrv Pettigrewrs Philippine resolution waa tabu d and" au amendment to tlie r?solution ft Senator Hoar, calling on tho President to furnish copies of the instmetioo?*.to the Peace Commissioners, was defeated; The vote on the latter was 41 to 20. The War Department reports that ex ports from th? Vort of Iloilo during the months of Febrimrv. March and April, 1899, aggrated $54$t?87. The House Commu?e ou the Judiciary fixed February 13 as t\e dato for a general hearing upon the propped constitutional amendment granting woVnan suffrage. Our Adopted I*fe>Twlft. Cuba. Hawaii aud Puerto jfcico will have American exhibits, under "?id Glory," at the Paris Exposition. \ General Maximo Gomez visited the Span ish Club at Remedios, Cuba, aud\sked the members to hoist the Spanish flag Wer the club, which was immediately done.^ General MacArthur's troops arepurtr:t. \ many small bauds, killing numbers of % t*. Filipinos and securing guns. < General Otis at Manila reassured a ? . V gation of Filipinos who feared the Un .. edi \ States would force the friars on the people. Nine Americans are believed to be pris oners of Philippine insurgents inTayatas province. The total customs receipts at the port of Havana. Cuba, for the year ended Decem ber 31, 1899, was $14,072,114.79. Rafael Salsado, the Cuban patriot and the first Mayor of Santiago de Cuba under American rule, is dead. Domestic. Two daughters of the Rev. G. N. Day were drowned in Shaffer's fork or Cheat ftiver, W. Va. They were crossing the river on horseback. The horse fell down, ;hrowing them from his back. The father 3aw the accident, but his skiff sank before he could r^ach his children. A church in Leavenworth, Kan., has ob* I fained a Ci cuit Court judgment against j the Chicagc and Great Western Railway Company ior disturbing Sunday services by working trains near the church. Marshal O. Wagoner, of Toledo, Ohio, the infidel whose conversion to Christiau ity was recently announce'!, lias burned, his fine library, consisting ot the writings of infidels. The British bark Inverlochy arrived at San Francisco. Cal., 143 days from Swan sea, and the British ship Kilburn, 150 days from London. William Hummell, held at Williamsport, Penn., under the charge of quadruple mur der of his family, has confessed. He re fused to give any motive for the crime. He i will be tried next March. . j The Evening Post, of Louisville, Ky., has 1 ? sensational article declaring that trea- ; son and revolution are in progress. It says j [that 100,000 men would go to Frankfort if the situation was understood. John H. Cook, a well-known undertaker j of Baltimore, Md., was married to Miss ! Ruby Becker, in pursuance of the dying j wish of Cook's first wife, who died several days ago. Miss Becker had nursed her during an illness lasting several years. Albert Learned, formerly acting City Auditor of Pittsfield, Mass., was sentenced j to serve one year in jail, having been found ' guilty on a charge of forgery. Edward Moore, an employe of the Hills- j boro 0?ai Company, mistook his wife,Rose C. Moore, for a burglar, at their home in ; Hillsboro, 111., and killed her. The Supreme Court of Deiaware has i ruled that woman lawyers cannot practice ! before it on account of a Constitutional ' prohibition. Attorney-General Knowlton, of Massa chusetts, formally suggests that confine ment for life supplant the death penalty for murder in the State in the cases of ! women and minors under the age of eight een. The training ship Dixie left Norfolk, Va., \ for San Juan, Puerto Rico, whence she will ; go to the Mediterranean fora cruise. She has nearly four hundred landsmen on board, and the object of the cruise is to i train them for service on men-of-war. All these men are American citizens. Foreign,. The Mexican Government is taking strict 1 means to prevent the introduction of the bubonic plague, and has forbidden vessels from Brazil to enter any Mexican port. The Provincial Government of British Columbia has declared its intention of so amending its alien exclusion law as to hereafter permit Americans to hold claims j purchased from Canadian locators. The officials of the Bank of Peru, at j Lima, received from their branch bank in ; London two boxes, each of which was sup- j posed to contain $25,000, but upon being opened one of the boxes was .found to be j filled with bags of shot. The whole Rhine district is threatened with floods, owing to the masses of snow and frequent thaws. A. number of the Moselle towns are now flooded. The 3Iinister of Bolivia had a conference with members of the Brazilian Govern ment. He claims the State of Amazonas is aiding Galvez in Acre, and demands that Brazil send troops and vessels to subju gate the rebel Government. The Duke of Teck, who died in Surrey? England, had been insane since the death of the Duchess, and had been constantly under restraint. His death was hastened by an attack of paralysis, which came on suddenly. The Russian ironclad Poltava, of 10,960 tons, ran ashore ?ear Liban, on the Baltic. The Poltava was built at St. Petersburg in 1894 at a cost of Sf5.490.000. Foreign bankers in Caracas were thrown into a fortress for refusing to lend money to the Venezuelan Government. The Emperor of Austria accepted the re signation of Dr. Von Witt'cka Cabinet and named a nev* Cabinet, with Herr Koerber as Premier. Tho epidemic of influenza in London has been productive ot so many deaths that the coffin factories are unable to keep up witt Ihelr orders. The reserve stock of coffins has been exhausted. The steamship Leon XIII, arrived at Bar celona, ?pain, from Manila with a swarm of Spanish prisoners. Tho men were ir lamentable plight, having been poorly feel and housed on^tbe long joy^;,.,..' ,v ? ... ' - . " V" . . . ' . ' r???? SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time at Jacksonville and Savanaah. Eastern Time at Other Point?t Schedule in Effect December 10th, 1890, xoRTH*yuxi>. I DZ?I?. j Daily* Lv. JacEson^?Je,(P?ant ?j's. ~ 8 (JU a; 7 45 p .* SavannahT(So. By ?..: 12 15 pl 12 05 a Barnwell.: 4 02pl 4 00 a " Blackville.- 4 17 p! 4 15 ? 44 Springfield.: 4 40pj 4 ?a " Sally,.:; 4 48pf 4 47 a " Porrv..j 4 55 a Ar. Columbia,. _*L*LP' *??-? Lv. Chariest*>n7< So." Ry. ~. ~ il 7 tn? a! ll ?Wp 44 Sommerville.I 7 41a 1200nt M Branchville..I 8 55a 155a " Orangeburg_..1 9 23 a 2 50 a " Ringville. 10 15 a 4 30 a Ar.Colombia. ll 00a 6 00a Lv. Augusta^ so. Kv. ) ......... ? u> p 9 30 p 44 Granitevill* .. .*. 3 31 p 10 15 p 44 Aiken. 3 20p!. " Trenton. 4 00 p; ll 00 p 44 Johnston. 4 14p ll 20 p Ar. (Columbia.( Union Depot).. 5 50p1 2 10 a Lv. Columbia,/ Blanding St .... 6 10 p. 6 15 a 44 Winnsboro.. 7 03p? 7 20 a 44 Chester.f 7 51 pi 8 10a 44 Rock Hill.! 8 23p 8 47 a Ar. Charlotte..: \* 10j> J>J0* Ar. Danville. . 7 12 ola _lJBp Ar. Richmond . ^JTTT. 6 UOa; ? 2?p Ar. Washington_ .. .1 7 35a 8 Vip Baltimore,? Pa. R. R. t.' 9 12 ai ll 25 p 44 Philadelphia.!113*>a 2 50 a 44 N^w York. ...J 2 (?n- ? 28a Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Columbia. ll -loa. h ;*>a Spartanburg.I 3 lCpj ll 25a Asheville.I 7 00 p? 2 37 p Knoxville.i 15 ai 7 30 p Cincinnati _. 7 ?ip!'"7 45? louisville.' 7 ?)P' 7 50 a SOl'THBOCM). j Lv. Louisville Lv. Cincinnati Ev No. :53 : Daily. J i 7 45 a J 8 Hi) a No. 35 Daily. 7 45 p -8 00p Ar. Knoxville..J 120a: 8 25a Asheville.i 8 05 ai H 05 p Spartanburg.; Il 45 a 6 15p Columbia. ? 3rtr>i i Lv. New York. < Pa. R. R. ? . . 3 uup? l^lour I 44 Philadelphia.i 5 34 pi 3 50 a I Baltimore.! 7 55pi 6 22a j ^Washington. (So. Ry.)...._. .1 9 50 pl ll 15a ; Lv. Richmond . ll u)pi 12ulm i Lv. Danville. " ' .j 4 38al-fi 48p ^ Lv. Charlotte. . ........... 8 15 ai li) U0p 44 Bock ffill.' ?)02a?10 50p . Chester.j 9 35a ll 25p * \ Winnsboro. 10 21 a 12.15 a Ar. Columbia, <Blanding St.)..j ll 25at 1 20 a Ly. t\>lumbia,(Union Depot > .. t 11 50 a 4 30 a Johnston. 1 33 p 6 32 a " Triton.i 1 45 p 6 48 a Ar. Aiken.{ 2 20p 7 30a Graniteville.! 2 15 o 7 18 a Augura. . 2 50? 8 00a Ly. Ooiumbii.^so. By. ).:..... 4 00 p 1 ?J a Ringville . 4 43p 2 32 a ? Orangebui.g. 5 34 p 3 45 a Branchville. ?02 pi 4 20 a " Summervil?.,. 7 33 p 5 52 a Ar. Charleston..\ ..,,,,. 8 15 p! 7 00a Lv. CoUunWa,(S?7W.>. Il 3?"a 1 25 a Ar. Perry.>^ . ! ;; g*"* -.^?$.i?&?''???k ?Vn??^4.v.......... 12 50p! 2 45a Blackville- ......... I - l 12 p 3 05a*~; Barnwel.. x Wp aaoajT " Savannah ... ... . aa0p 5 15af Ar. Jacksonville) Plant 8yt?,).. j V *0pi 9 25 a/ Sleeping Car Service. Excellent daily pasa&nger Hurvice betw^n Floridtt and New York. Nos. i and it?-New York and Florid* Ex press. Drawing-room sleeping ?$?rs between Augusta and New York. \ Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars be tween Port Tampa, Jackson ville.- Savannah, Washington and New York. . ? pullman sleeping cars between Charlotte and Richmond. Dining cars between Charlotte and Savannah. Nos. 35 and 36-U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleeping cars be tween Jacksonville and New York and Pull man sleeping cars between Augustu and Char lotte. Dining cars serve all meals enroute. Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, enroute daily between Jackson ville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK S. GANNON, J. M. (:ULP, Third V P. ?fe Gen. Mgr., Traffic Mgr., Washington, 1>. ( '. < Washington, D. C. W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK, ?en. Pass. Ag* t.. A st Men. ?-as?. Ag t.. Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ora. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. HE books of heav en are written by men. Faith is reason's telescope. Christ is the world's conscience. None love life like those who live love. The Christian is never off duty. No man *h i ts higher than he aims. Death levels (Jown, but love levels up. Meditation is the breathing of the BOlll. True prayer consumes all pride. Not need, but pride, keeps us poor. Love lights up the loved with love liness. Patience is not necessarily a virtue on a hot day. True patriotism moves upward, rath er than outward. The way to get more is to make the most of what we have. He who fails to build up, sins as tru ly as he who tears down. To admit our imperfection is to move toward perfection. The shades that hide the flowers brings out the blossoms of the sky. God takes interest in us on His loan while men take it out of us on theirs. He who says we die as the beasts is quite likely to shape his living on the same rule. Extinction oe i ?. ?J maori** Judging from a recent report of the registrar general of New Zealand, that fine martial race, the Maoris, is going the way of all aborigines whose country has been colonized by the whites. They may not becorr* abso lutely extinct for a few more decades, but their doom is sealed. Among ths causes officially assigned for the thin ning of their numbers are the high in fantile mortality resulting ?f?fm im proper food, exposure, MKT the vant of ordinary care, consultions debil itated by past debauchery, the belief in native doctors and Neglect of thoj sick, and the adoption of European habits and costumes, leading to dis eases of the respiratory organs. A Maori M. A., Mr. Nagata, in addi ing a recent conference of his men, said that drink was pa* them and sapping vitality, don Cara