The free press. (Charleston, S.C.) 1868-186?, April 05, 1868, Image 3

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TELEGRAPHIC. Our European Dispatches. the great debate on tbe irish church question?views of gladstone and 8tan ? ubi?continued bise of cotton. Loitdon, March 31.?The debate in the House of Commons last night on the Irish Church was the most important of the present session. Mr. Gladstone (a portion of whose remarks were telegraphed last evening) made a most masterly speech in support of his resolutions for the abolition of the Irish Chnrch establishment, placing himself in line with the most advanced members of the liberal party on this question. After giving reasons for the past inaction, he showed the necessity for the immediate consideration of the subject, and explained the tendency and effect of the reso lutions which he had introduced to meet the emergency. He dilated on the great effect for good which a termination of the ascendency of the Irish Church, as a State establishment, would have in removing the jealousies and mitigating sectarian bitterness. In treating this question, he said members of Parliament should avoid all party feelings, and act solely ^ for the public good. No one could deny that each ;of the church organizations in Ireland, irrespective of creed, aimed to do good; but the church, as an establishment of the State, had miserably failed to do the country any good. Now that the penal laws against Catho lics were no longer in force, the number of Protestants in Ireland did not exceed one-fifth of the population, and it was a great injustice to compel the whole country to support a church for the benefit of so small a minority Members of the House of Commons were urged to disregard their fears and prejudices, and when the Irish people asked for religious equality, grant the demand, placing their re liance on the justice of the act. He praised the Roman Catholic clergy for their firmness and loyalty in opposing Fenianism. In re gard to measures for the disestablishment of the Irish Church, Mr. Gladstone said he did not intend to press the question to a final decision before tbe new Parlia ment met, but he should urge that the government cease to make appointments to fill vacancies in higher grades of the Irish Church, in order to leave the case clear fer future ac tion. Had he not believed that the House was ready to deal fairly with the question he would not have resorted to that weakest of devices? an abstract resolution. But he hoped that the introduction of these resolutions would be fol lowed by active steps for carrying them into effect next year, so that perhaps the present generation might see them completed. After sharply criticizing the proposed resolution of Lord Stanley to postpone the consideration of the whole subject until the meeting of the ' next Parliament, Mr. Gladstone closed with an eloquent appeal to the House to vindicate its character a?d dignity by its course on the im portant question now to be decided. Mr. Glad stone was loudly cheered. 4 Lord Stanley in his reply owned that the government fully recognized the gravity of the matter under discussion, but he regretted the attempts which had been made to place the question on a false basis. The ministry did not seek to shirk the issue by trickery in man agement, as had been charged. They only wanted time to consider the subject before act ing. The resolutions before the House were vague and general,- and the plan as outlined by Mr. Gladstone was not at once practicable. The disestablishment of the Irish Church was one thing and disendowment was another. The House should wait until the commission on the Irish Church had made its report. Here was a question which bad been postponed for thirty years, and right honorable members wished to have it settled in a day, and asked the House to commit itself by pledges. "Was it right for an expiring Parliament to leave this legacy of resolutions to its successor? Before taking his seat he oflered a resolution that the whole subject of change in the Irish Church be left to be dealt with by the next Parliament. London, April 3.?The House of Commons is divided on the Irish question to-night. The Liberals are sanguine. The course of the min istry, meantime, may be to appeal to the coun try or dissolve the Parliament. Liverpool, April 3?Noon.?Cotton opens active, buoyant and advancing; sales of the week 163,000 bales; exports 49,000 bales; for speculation 14,000; stock 313,000; American 192,000. Corn 41s. Other articles unchanged. LrvEBPOOL, Apr? 3?2 P. M.?Cotton active; sales 25,000bales; Uplands ll|d.; Orleans 12|d.; stock afloat 382,000 bales, of which 213,000 are American. LrvEBPODL, April 3?Evening.?Cotton closed at a decided advance. Uplands on the spot, 12 al2?d.; to arrive, 12$al24d.; Orleans 124al2gd. Sales 30,000bales. Corn 40s. 9d. Naval Stores steady. Manchester advices favorable. London, April 3?Noon.?Bonds firmer at 72ja72|. Console 93a93?. Paris, April 3.?The bullion in the Bank of France has decreased 17,000,000 francs. Our Washington .Dispatches. progre8s OF the impeachment trial?AN AP peal from the chief justice sustained? the strong case?the war SOUIH ameri ca, ac. Washington, April 3.?There was no legis lation in either House. The court resumed the evidence regarding the President's speeches, and on that delivered to tbe committee at the Philadelphia Conven tion. The Associated Press copy was correct ed by Colonel Moore, the President's Private Secretary, and one reproduced from original stenographic notes was admitted. The Cleve land speech was next taken up. Mr. Chase ruled against the admission of the. version published by the Cleveland Leader, as it was a condensation from long hand notes. Senator Drake appealed from the decision, and the appeal was sustained by a vote of five to eleven. Two other versions of the Cleveland speech were admitted. Most of the day was gpent in discussing the arjt of reporting. Two attempts to adjourn to Monday were defeated. The^ourt then adjourned. The impeachment proceedings to-day devel oped nothing new. Butler continues to do all the work, losing papers occasionally, apparently for the purpose of keeping his associates awake by helping him find them. Indeed they do motbing else. There was a Cabinet meeting to-day, at which General Thomas was not present. The Reconstruction committee will consider the Florida constitution to-morrow. Instructions to Collectors under the new tax aw aie in preparation. Bevenne to-day $1,370,000. Advices from Paraguay indicate important successes by the allied forces in the rear of Hurmartie. The aUied forces consists of 40,000 troops, fourteen iron-clads and twenty wooden vessels. The Paraguayans have but 12,000 men, and the obstructions preventing the ap proach of vessels have been removed, ?raguay advices state that President Flores was killed a confederate of Flores* son, Fortunata, who had been banished. The Minis ter of War was elected Flores' successor. Further South American dates say that th alhee stormed a redoubt at Pumeata, and suc ceeded, after a heavy resistance, in capturing it, with fifteen heavy guns and a large quanti ty of stores. Strong, the alleged fugitive from Virginia, who was released by Judge Fisher, on the ground that Virginia was no State, and sub sequently arrested on a requisition from Gen. Schofield, has been discharged. The discharge was based on defective papers, as it was not shown that Strong was a fugitive from justice. { The interesting pointe were not discussed, though Judge Cartter incidentally designated Gen. Schofield as "the executive of the Vir ginia District." Attorney-General Carrington will have Strong rearrested when he can ob tain a more complete requisition. NEWS 8 U MM AR Y. ?A political dinner-table dispute at Tuscum bia, Ala., between Robert Cunningham, late of the Confederate army, and Mr. Collins, of the Union army, resulted in the death of the for mer, who was shot by Collins. ?The statement is a startling one, but it is 6aid to be true, that San Francisco, with a hun dred and twenty thousand inhabitants, pays more money into the internal revenue of the United States, than New York city with its eight hundred thousand. ?Thatcher, the New York weather prophet, it is stated, takes his observations from the top of a five-story hotel, upon which he has erect ed an apartment about the size of an oyster stall, in which he resides, and at the window ! of which he forms most of his predictions. ?The bankrupt law has now been in opera tion about nine months, and during that period there have been filed in New York two thou sand petitions; in Massachusetts eight hun dred and twenty-five; and in Pennsylvania over twelve hundred. ?The Supreme Court of Missouri has de cided in the case of the County Collector vs. the Washington University, that under the new State law universities must pay taxes, not withstanding their charters for perpetual ex emption. ?The Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., an Episco palian, recently reprimanded for preaching in a Methodist church, preached a sermon on Sunday evening in Dr. J. H. Weston's Baptist church, Madison avenue, New York, to a con gregation of over two thousand persons, while half as many more failed to get into the building. ?Pictures bring high prices in New York, notwithstanding the hard times. At an auc tion sale last week, one entitled "Charit}'," by Dubufe, brought $4400. One by Meissonnier, "The Philosopher," was sold for $3600. Gif ford's "Home in the Wilderness" brought $2200. "Early Morning," by Sonntag, sold for $480. A flower piece, by Roble, brought $1500. ?The Erie war is ended at last by the re fusal of the New York Legislature to legalize the late issue of stock made by the Drew party. 1 he fnllness of the vote?eighty-three to thirty two?shows the deep interest which was taken in the subject of the bill. The New York Ex press thinks that this result was due to the poor way in which the campaign was conduct ed by the Drew party. ?A bill was recently introduced into the British Parliament to do away with public hanging, and it encounters so little opposition that its passage is said to be assured. Upon this subject a correspondent writes : "The change in public eentiment on this subject during the last five years has been something wonderful. Even twelve months ago such a bill would have stood no sort of a chance." ?Steel rails are becoming quite popular on American railways. It is stated that the New York and New Haven Railroad intend soon laying some four thousand tons of these rails in places where old ones need taking up. Steel rails,, though they cost considerable more than iron rails, are cheaper in the end, through their strength, firmness and slight liability to "be rendered brittle by cold; and several roads throughout the country have already many miles of track laid with them. ?With reference to "short letters," a cor respondent writes us that he has read of an English coal merchant writing to his agent at the collieries a letter containing simply a ";" to which the agent, with equal brevity, replied with a ":" The correspondence meant "see my coal on," the answer being "coal on." We have now got down to such exceedingly short letters that Mr. Stunner's "stick," written to Mr. Stanton, seems almost to be prolixity it self. -A New York letter says : "In the event of the removal of the President, Mr. Seward writes to his friends here, so I am informed, that he will at once leave the Cabinet . In Wall street Mr. McCulloch's friends are in doubt as to his course in the same contingency, but those of them who sustain the closest business relations with him appear to be pretty con fident that he likewise will resign his place. Horace Greeley is confidently spoken of as Mr. Randall's successor in the Postoffice Depart ment. ?A nobby dinner party for twenty was given by a lady in New York Wednesday evening. The cards of invitation were engraved in gold and enclosed in three-cornered envelopes with gilt edges. At dinner, the table cloth was of white velveteen, edged with gilt fringe, and the centre standard, a massive epergneof gold, with small baskets hanging from it, loaded with lruit, fancy boxes, bon bons, etc. A large bouquet of rare fio wers was placed near the plate of each guest, from which was suspend ed the bill of fare, printed in gold letters on white satin ribbon. The waiters were dressed in crimson coats, knee breeches, silk stock ings, and powdered wigs. ?Baltimore has a new line of steamships to Europe, the only one now bearing the Ameri can flag, and it feels reasonably jubilant over the fact, as announced by te legraph. The first steamer arrived on its hither trip last week, and the occasion was celebrated by a grand procession, a banquet and great rejoicings. Forty years ago a similar demonstration was made at the inauguration of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, an enterprise which has render ed a thousand miles of territory tributary to the trade of the city, and enhanced the value of property within its limits from $25,000,000 to $212,000,000. The important commercial consequences which must follow the establish ment of the Baltimore and Bremen line of steamships are estimated as even greater, in view of the commanding relations of Baltimore with the principal producing and consuming regions of the country, and the popular demon stration was manifestly appropriate in celebra tion of one of the greatest vic^ries of peace. The trade in tobacco, cotton, rice, etc, be tween Baltimore and Bremen is very large, having heretofore been carried on by sailing vessels* and the establishment of this Un mus increase and facilitate the business to a great extent. One very creditable feature of the new enterprise is that the main impulse came from this side, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company alone advancing half the capital One of the most sagacious and substantial corpora tions in the Old World has also joined in the scheme. (FKOM THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS. ) POLITICS IS THE STATE. ?MEETINGS, SPEECHES, RESOLUTIONS AND NOMINATIONS. BIG MEETING IN BAENWELL?WTBE-PULLTNG BEA?FOBT?HOW WEIGHT BAN IN?NOMINA TIONS NEWBEEBY?THE REPUBLICAN 8 IN CUESTES?THE NOMINATIONS YOBK. BARNWELL. Our attentive correspondent, Q. E. D., sends the following interesting report of a Radical mass meeting held at Blackville on Thursday last : The meeting advertised on last Friday came off to-dav, ana, after devoting the greater part of the day to the nomination of candidates for the Senate and House of Representatives, ad journed. Mr. C. P. Leslie was nominated for Senator, and W. J. Mixson (white.) the two Haynes, and Mayer, who were delegates to the late convention, and a fifth (a white man), whose name we have forgotten, were nominat ed for the House. Late in the afternoon pub lic addresses were made from the balcony of the Market Hall by N. G. Parker, Mr. Sawyer, of Charleston, and Mr. Leslie. Mr. Parker said that by some hocus pocus, with which he had nothing to do, he had been honored by the people of this District as one of their dele gates in the late convention, for which he was, and ever would be, most grateful, &c. But we do not intend to follow him, ana have merely recorded this one sentence from his remarks, as Mr. Parker's own version of the matter of his election. He spoke but a short time, and was followed by Mr. Sawyer, who delivered a very able and conservative speech, considering his foreign growth and strong Republican sen timents. Mr. Leslie concluded the speaking in a few earnest but temperate remarks, and in dulged in some of his usual facetiousness, which did not fail to provoke mirth. After he had concluded the crowd of negroes, not more in number than one hundred and fifty or two hundred, quietly dispersed. The younger Mackey was here, but did not speak. BEAUFORT. Our correspondent, . Y. Z., writing from Beaufort, under date of the 2d, says: A nominating convention met here yesterday for the purpose of selecting county officers, and making a ticket for the General Assembly. Four or five white men and fifty plantation darkies, with Wright, Whipper and Smalls, wero present. Wright was nominated for State Senator. He received all the votes from the outlying Par ishes, Sfcolbrand being on the slate of the Beau fort delegation. Wright waited quietly tili the convention assembled, and then procured the nomination with ease. Poor Stolbrand was obliged to come down to representative. The following is the list of representatives: W. J. Whipper, (colored), P.. Smalls, (colored), Philip Ezekiel, (colored, a tailor), W. C. Morrison, (colored, tinner), C. J. Stoibrand, white (tailor), George A.Bennett, (a bankrupt tavern keeper), white. It will be seen that as usual, the talent is monopolized by the colored men. The following county officers were nomina ted at the adjourned meeting to-day : For Sheriff, A. Williams (late a sutler at Bay Point); for Solicitor, P. L. Wiggin; for Coun ty Clerk, H. G. Judd; for Probate Judge, J. D. Bell. There was some talk of getting up an inde pendent candidate for Congress to run against Bowen. But it will not amount to much, as the League is pledged to support only regular nominations. Several letters have been re ceived here from prominent Radicals in Wash ington, urging the election of Rev. M. French. But Mr. French is not popular with the leaders here as in Charleston. He has told them too many truths, and is far too able a man to be used as they desire to use their servants. No ticket in opposition to the Radicals will be run herej as the negro vote is about six to one. NEWBERRY. A large mass meeting of the Republican party was held at Newberry on the 1st inst. Col. Montgomery presided, and the meeting was addressed by Col. Charles Montgomery, F. J. Moses, D. T. Corbin, R. C. DeLarge, and D. H. Chamberlain. The State and Congres sional ticket was endorsed and the legislative nominations ratified. For State Senator, Col. Charles Montgomery, white. Representatives, James Henderson, colored ; James Hutchinson, colored ; Joseph Boston, colored. CHESTER. At a meeting of the Union Republican party for Chester District, called by the chairman of the central committee, and composed of a few negroes and one white man, the following ticket was nominated for members of the legis lature: Lucius Windbush, senator; Barney Burton, Pervie Alexander and Barney Humphries, rep resentatives. Lucius Windbush, the nominee for senator, says the Yorkville Enquirer, is a mulatto grog seller, brought up from Columbia for the pur pose, and has no local habitation in this part of the world. The others are all black-two of them having been delegates to the convention. YORK. At a Republican mass meeting held in York ville on Saturday, the following nominations were made: For the Senate?W. E. Rose (white), of York ville. _ T For the House of Representatives?P. J. O'Connell (white), of Fort Mills; John W. Mead (colored) and J. L. eagle (white), of Rock Hill; J. H. White (colored), of Yorkville. -? I ^ t ? BICHL AND. A Republican meeting was held m Columbia on Tuesday night, presided over by Mr. T. J. Robertson. About fifteen hundred persons were present, of which number seven-eighths were colored persons. 3JIr. Chamberlain was the first speaker. He said that all property in the State should be taxed for the cause of education. He praised the new constitution, and eulogized Gen. Scott, of whom he spoke as follows: He has no friends to award and no enemies to punish?a man who will select officers to see that justice was fully carried out. He is folly acquainted with the social and political inter ests of South Carolina; has been at the head of the Freedman's Bureau. Second to the duty of supporting the constitution, is to vote for Gen. Scott. By such means the political sal vation of South Carolina will be recovered for ever; and 1 believe that the day will come when the laws and social influences of South Carolina will be so just and so humane, that the poorest can walk ?r?mon- end of the State to the other, equally protected with the richest. ?nr. Chamberlain was followed by Mr. James M. Allen, who said : The constitution adopted in Charleston was of such a character that God smiled on it, while the constitution adopted in 1866 made Satan blush, Ht defended the constitution throughout, and, in conclusion, called on the military to preserve order. Cdonel B. S. Pardee was the next speaker, and after Km came the Hon. D. T. Corbin, who approved and recommended the Charleston constitution as "a wise and most excellent doc ument, under which they could live." The speaker compared the Democratic party to Captain Scott's coon?they would come down as soon as they knew that the Republicans in tendedto shoot. The Democratic party opposes t?e coietitution because it extends to you (the colored men) the same benefits that it extends to them. They ought to be ashamed of tb en action, I tell you the right of suffrage follows enumeration as a necessary sequence, and woe to the party that attempts to take it from you. I have ao desire to stir up strife, but brotherly love, if the white men of the South will give you ju&ice, extend to them the right hand of fellowship. You must learn to read and write. South Carolina has been great and powerful, but nothing in comparison to what she will be if you carry out your constitution. Vote for it ?pray for it?fight lor it?and you will succeed. Let no threats prevent you from attending the polls. He closed his address with a panegyric on General Scott. Maintain your rights?pros per and be happy. R. C. DeLarge was the next epeaker, and he was followed by Mr. F. J. Moses, Jr. Mr. Moses gave the history of the Republi can party, which he said, bears upon its ban ner the motto, "Liberty and equality." The success of the so-called Confederacy would have added another link to the chain of alave I ry ; and that forever you were to be naught but hewers of wood and drawers of water. But when the first gun was fired, brave men from the North sprang forward to defend you ; and, let me tell you, the majority of these men?who never falter?belong to the Repub lican party. There exists no party so igno rant as the Democratic. They are displaying their ignorance now, when they think the Democrats can control the country. They are the remnants of that party which attempted to place impediments in the way of the Gov ernment during five or six years of war. The speaker denounced President Johnson ; and declared that the Democratic party was a dis organized band?no two thinking alike. The speaker then proceeded to discuss a platform which had been adopted at a public meeting recently held in Columbia, in which colored men were ex-communicated. He hoped his hearers would remember it ; and when asked to vote with the Democrats, to say that you are not "free white men." They would resort to many tricks to prevent you from voting, but pay no attention to them, and vote for the Constitution and the Republican ticket. Dis- | trust every Democrat, and touch not the hand of one of them until after the election. You are making history?you are the people who are to govern this country ; and have it in your power to raise the grand old State of South Carolina to her proper position. Disap point these Democratic ofhee-seekers, and show to the world that you are their equals. The chairman returned his thanks for the interest manifested, and declared the meet ing adjourned. (Dmmrad Exports. NEW ORK?Per steamship E Souder?131 bales Cotton. 52 casks Clay, 60 Empty Bbls, 60 bales Yarn, 25 bble Fruit, 9 boxes Fruit, and Sun dries. The C si a r lesto Cotton Market. OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, 1 Charleston, Friday Evening, April 3, '63. I The staple has an upward tendency, and the early transactions were at an advance of ^ to 1 cent ?b., which, on receipt of te'egram*, still further improved % cent ib., making the advance of the day 1 to \y2 cents lb. Sales 1500 bales, say 13 at 23,14 at 24, 12 at 8 at 26, 17 at 27, 142 at 27^, 143 at 28. 43 at 28#, 4 at 28 161 at 29,51 at 29796 at 30, and 32at 31 cents ib. We quote: liverpool classification. Ordinary to Good Ordinary.26 ?28 Low Middling.29 @? Middling.30 @? Strict Middling.31 @? Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, April 1.?Turpentine?Has fur ther advanced 10c, with sales of 317 bols, at $3 40 for yellow dip, and $2 05 for hard, per 280 ibs. Spirits Turpentine?Market firm, and transac tions limited in consequence of the small quantity offering. Sales of only C6 obis at 62c per gallon. Rosin?The lower grades have been in fair request to-day, and the sales reach 3836 bbls, at $2 20 for common, $2 25a2 30 for strained, and $3 for No 1. Tar?Is 5al0c higher, and 154 bble changed hands at $2 20a2 25 per bbl. Cotton?Market firm and prices advanced. Sales of 37 bales at 24??a24%c for ordinary, 25c 1er good ordinary, 25??c for low middling, and 26c lor mid dling. Baltimore Market. Coffee.? The rumored sale of 4000 bags Rio, re ported by us on Saturday, was bark Winifred's cargo, since arrived, taken for tue West, on private terme. Only sales to-day were 170 bags Rio at 17a 17^4 cents from second hands; market unchanged. Brig Water Lily arrived to-day from Rio with 2300 bags. Consignees per South Carolina Railroad April 3. 553 bales Cotton. 175 bales Domestics, 555 sacks Corn, 40 sacks Flour, 6 cars Lumber, 50 bbls Naval stores, 4 cars Cattle. To Railroad Agent, J W Sprague k Bro, Goldsmith k Son, C A v?r?l, htreet Bros k Co, West k Jones, Mrs A E Hoack. Crane, Boylston k Co, O W Williame k Co, Graeser, G Fo?in, Mulkai Stenhouse k Co, Chisolm Bros, Col Hunt, M Bristol, J E Sloan, G H Walter k Co, Adams. Frost k Co, J Wilev k Co, G E Pritchett, J A Enslow & Co, H Klatte & Co, H Bischoff & Co, J & J D Kirk patrick, Mowry k Co, E H Rodgers k Co. Consignees per Northeastern Railroad' April 3. 115 bales Cotton, bbls Naval Stores, Lumber. Mdzp, &c. To F Simmons. J Marshall. Jr. H Bischoff k Co, Ostendorff & Co, Caldwell k Son, G E Pritchett, W M Bird k Co, J C Bradley, J A Quackenbush, Adams, Frost k Co. Williams k Co, Kendall & Dock ery, Wagner, Heath & Monsees, and F A Sawyer. Passengers. Per steamship Em?y Souder, for New York? ? Domingo, Venturo Almai. W Dunborn, Frank Abel, ? Zigler. Mrs Zigler, Mrs J F Worrel k child, Mrs W F Friday, Mrs E L Andrews, F Andrews, Miss Lizzie Andrews, Jos Andrews, Master Andrews, West, Jno Cleary, F Tavlor, L 'liobert, Jas White. J Murphy, Chas Corlton, E Foy, E Murray, Charles Turner, Jno Fannon. Wm Yong and son, Wm Trap mann, Jas Fannon. Correct, and 23 in steerage. forine Hews. Port of* Charleston, April <t_ Arrived Yesterday. Sehr Ann S Deas, from West Point Mill. 38 bbls Rice. To Kavenel k Co. Cleared Yesterday. Steamship E Souder, Lebby, New York?Jno k Theo Getty. Sailed Yesterday. Steamship E Souder. Lebby, New York. Steamer City Pomt, Adkins, Palatka, via Jackson ville, Fernandina and Savannah. From this Port. Bark Alexander McNeill, Andrews, Liverpool, March 16. 1.?8T OF UP, CLEARED AN SAILED FOR THIS PORT FOREIGN. liverpool. Ship Amelia, Conner, sailed.r eb 12 Ship Richard the Third, Scott, sailed.Feb 28 The Moreno, Black, cleared.Feb 28 The Eastham, Leach, up.March 12 havre. The Wetterhorn, Stmson, Bailed.Feb 9 BREMENHAVEN. The Dorothea, lam beck, sailed.March 10 DOMESTIC. B?JSTON. Brig Webster Kelly, HaskelL cleared. .March 6 Sehr L S Davi*, Bishop, cleared.March 20 Sehr Myrover, Hughes, cleared.March 25 Sehr CE Raymond,Higgins, up.March 27 NSW TORS. Bark R W Godfrey, Godfrey, cleared.March 25 Sehr Rachel Vanneman, Vanneman, up_March 28 Sehr Menewa, Dissoway, cleared.March 24 Sehr Carrie Holmes, Holmes, up.-March 7 Sehr WapeBa,-, up.March 16 Sehr w Smith, looker, up.March 21 Sehr Wapella, Hawkins, up.March 27 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr Oliver Ames, French, cleared.March 24 He?DQU?ETEBS secos!) MnJTABT DISTRICT, i Cbaeleston, S. C., March 13,1868. i [Genera&Orders No. 40.J The Cfcmstitutional Convention of the State of South Carolina, in conformity with the act of Con gress of March 23, 1867, supplementary to the act of March 2,1867, "to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States," hating framed a Aistitution and civil government according to the provisions of the aforecited laws; and having, byan ordinance adopted on the 9th day of March, 1868, provided that the said Constitution shall be submit ted "for ratification to the persons registered under the provisions of this act (March 28,1867, section 4), at an election to be conducted by the officers appointed or to be appointed by the command ing general, as hereinbefore provided, and to be held after the expiration of thirty days after the notice thereof, to be given by the said convention;'* and having further provided, by the aforesaid or dinance, that at the same time an election shall be held for Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Adjutant and Inspector General, Secretary of State, Comp troller-General, Treasurer, Attorney-General, Super intendent of Education, an?* members of the General Assembly, and further that in each Congressional District of the State an election shall be held for a member of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, and for two members at large; It is ordered: First. That an election beheld in the State of South Carolina, commencing on Tuesday, the 14th day of April, and ending on Thursday, the 16th day of April, 1868, at which all registered voters of said State may vote "For Constitution" or "Against Con stitution/' and also on the same ballot for the State officers and members of the House of Bepresenta ti ves specified in the alo recited ordinance. Second. It shall be the duty of the Board of Regis trai ion m South Carolina, commencing fourteen days prior to the election herein ordered, and giving rea sonable public notice of the time and place thereof, to revise for a period of five days the registration lists, and upon being satisfied that any per son not entitled thereto has been register ed, to strike the name of such person from the lists, and such person ehall not be entitled to vote. The Boards of Registration shall also, during the same period, add to sucn registers the names of all persons who at that time possess the qualifications required by said acts, who have not already been registered. Third. In deciding who are to be stricken from or added to the iegistration lists, the boards will be guided by the law of March 2, 1867, and the laws supplementary thereto, and their attention is spe cially directed to the supplementary act of July 19, 1867. Fourth. Any duly registered voter of this State who may have removed from the district in which he was registered shall be entitled to vote in the district (county) to which he has removed and has resided for the ten days next preceding this election, upon presentation of a certificate of registration from the disrrict in which he was originally regis tered, or upon his affidavit or other satisfactory evi dence that he was so registered, and that he has not voted at this election. It shall be the duty of the registrars, upon the application of any duly regis tered voter who has removed or is about to remove from the precinct in which he was originally regis tered, to furnish him with a certificate that he was so registered, and to note the fact in tbe registration books of the precinct. In defau't of the certificate, the affidavit of the voter must set forth the dis trict and precinct in which he was originali y regis tered, and the length of time he has resided in the county in which he desires to vote. In doubtfu cases, the Registrars or Managers of Elections shall require such additional evidence as may be neces sary to satisfy them that the applicant is legally en titled to vote. Blank forms for the certificates and for Ihe affidavits herein req aired, will be furnished the Registrars and the Managers of Elections, and when used will be attached to the ballots cast by such voters, and will be transmitted to district Headquarters with the returns required by law. Fifth. The said election will be field in each dis trict at such places as may hereafter be designated, under the superintendence of the Boards of Regis tration as provided by law, and in accordance with instructions hereafter to be given to said Boards in conformity with the acts of Congress and as far as may be with the laws of South Carolina. Sixth. Ihe polls shall 1 e opened at such voting places at six o'clock in t ho i ure noon, and closed at six o'clock in the alternoon of each day, and shall be kept open during those hours without intermis sion or adjournment. Seventh. All judges and clerks employed in con ducting said election shall, before commencing to hold the same, be sworn to the faithful performance of their duties, and shall also take and subscribe the oath o? office prescribed by law for officers of the United States. Eighth. No member of the Board of Registration, who is a candidate for election to any office to be filled at this election, shall serve as a judge or man ager of the election in any precinct which he seeks to represent. Ninth. The sheriff and other peace officers of each county are reqi ircd to be present during the whole time tnat the polls are kept open, and until the elec tion is completed; and will be made responsible that there shall be no interference with judges of elec tions, or other interruption of good order. If there should be more than one polling place in any county the sheriff of the county is empowered and directed to make such assignments of his deputies and other peace officers to the other polling places, as may in bis judgment best subserve the purposes of quiet and order; and he is further required to report thes^ arrangements in advance to the commander of the military post in which his county is situated. Tenth. Violence, or threats of violence, or of dis charge from employment, or other oppressive means to prevent any person from registering or ex ercising his right of voting, is positively prohibited; and any such attempts will be reported by the Reg istrars or Judges of Elections to the Post Command er, and w?l cause the arrest and trial of the offenders by military authority. The exhibition or carrying of' deadly weapons, in violation of General Orders No. 10, of 1867, at or in the vicinity of any polling places during the election herein ordered, will be egarded and treated as an additional offence. Eleventh. All bar-rooms, saloons, and other places for the sale of liquors by retail, will be closed from six o'clock of the evening of tbe 13th of April, until six o'clock of the morning of the 17th of April, 1868; and during this time the sale of all intoxicating li quors at or near any poling place is prohibited. The police officers of cities and towns, and tho sheriffs and other peace officers of counties, will be held re sponsible for the strict enforcement of this prohibi tion, and will promptly arrest and hold for trial all persons who may transgress it. Twelfth. Military interference with elections, "un less it shall be necessary to repel the armed enemies of the United States, or to keep the peace at the polls," prohibited by the act of Congress approved February 25. 1865, and no soldiers will be allowed to appear at any polling place, unless as citizeus of the State they are qualified and are regis tered as voters, and then only for the purpose of voting; but the commanders of posts will keep their troops well in hand on the days of election, and will be prepared to act promptly if the civil authorities are unable to preserve the peace. Tiirt&nth. The returns required by law to be made to the commander of the district of the results of this election, will be rendered by the Boards of Registration of the several registration precincts through the commanders of the military posts in wbich their precincts are situated, and in accord ance with tbe detailed instructions hereafter to be ?tiveu. Fourteenth. The State officers to be be voted for at this election arc: L Governor. 2. LieutenantGovernor. 3. Adjutant and Inspector-General. 4. Secretary of State. 5. ? omptroller-General. C. Treasurer. 7. Attorney-General. 8. Superintendent of Education. 9. Members of the General Assembly, a3 follows: County of Charleston*?2 Senators and 18 Repre sentatives. County of Colleton?1 Senator and 5 Representa fciVGS County of Beaufort?1 Senator and 7 Representa lives. County of Georgetown?1 Senator and 3 Represen ta ti ves. County of Horry?1 Senator and 2 Representa tives. County of Williameburg?1 Senator and 3 Repre County of Marion?1 Senator and 4 Representa tives. County of Darlington?1 Senator and 4 Representa tive?. County of Marlboro',?1 Senator and 2 Represen tatives. County rf Chesterfield?1 Senator and 2 Represen tatives. County of Sumter?One Senator and 4 Representa tives. County of Clarenden?1 Senator and 2 Representa tives. County of Barnwell?1 Senator and 6 Representa tives, County of Edgefield?1 Senator and 7 Representa tives. County of Orangeburg?1 Senator and 5 Represen tatives. County of Kershaw?1 Senator and 3 Representa tives. County of Richland?1 Senator and 4 Representa tives. County of Lexington?1 Senator and 2 Representa tives. County of Newberry?1 Senator and 3 Representa tives. County of Laurens?1 Senator and 4 Representa tives. County of Abbeville?1 Senator and 5 Representa tives. County of Anderson?1 Senator and 3 Representa tive s. County of Greenville?1 Senator and 4 Represent ativts. County of Pickens*?1 Senator and 1 Represent ative. County of Spartanburg?1 Senator and 4 Repre sentatives. County of Union?1 Senator and 3 Represent atives. County of York?1 Senator and 4 Represent atives. County of Chester?I Senator and 3 Represent stives. County of Fairfield?1 Senator and 3 Represent atives. County of Lancaster?1 Senator and 2 Repr?sent atives. County of Oconee*?1 Senator and 2 Bepreeent aves. Fifteenth. The First Congressional District is com posed of the Counties of Lancaster, Chesterfield, Marlboro', Darttogton, Marion, Horry, Georgetown, Wilhamsburg, Suinter, Clarendon and Kerthaw; the second is composed of the Counties of Charleston, Colletou, Beaufort and Barn well; the Third is com posed of the Counties of Orangeburg, Lexington, Bichland, Newberry, Edgefield, Abbeville and An derson; the Fourth is composed of the Counties of Oconee, Pickens, Greenville, JLaurens, Spartanburg, Union, York, Chester and Fairfield; in each of which one person shall be elected as Representative to the Congress of the United States. In addition, two other members of that body will be elected by the ballots of the registered votes voting at large throughout the State. By command of Bvt. Major-General En. R. 8. CASBT. LOUIS V. CAZTAttC, Aide-de-Camp, Actg. ?set Adj t Geni Notes.?(1) The territorial subdivisions hereto fore known as "Districts" are designated as "Coun ties" bv the new constitution. (2) The Districts of Charleston and Berkeley are united, and constitute the County of Charleston. (3) The County of Oco nee is formed by the division of Pickens Districi SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. THIS COMPANY HAS NOW ON SALE, FOB THE accommodation of Merchants throughout the Country, "B?SINES8 TICKETS" to travel over the Road ONE THOUSAND MILES FOB $25. They can be procured at the Company's Ticket Offices in Augusta, Columbia and Camden; also in Charleston from L. C. HBNDRICKS, General Ticket Agent, April 4 e rath Office John-street SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, \ Charleston, S. C, March 26, 1868. J ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29th, THE PASSENGEB TRAINS of the South Carolina Railroad will run as follows : FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.6.30 A. M. Arrive at Augusta....3.30P. M. Leave Charleston.7.80 P. M. Arrive at Augusta.6.46 A. M. FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.6.80 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.3.60 P. M. Leave Charleston.5.40 P. M. Arrive at Columbia.6.20 A. M. FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.6.00 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.3.10 P. M. Leave Augusta.4.10 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.00 A. M. Leave Columbia.8 00 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.3.10 P. M. Leave Columbia.5.30 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.5.80 A. M. SUMMER VILLE TRAIN. Leave Charleston.3.40 P. M. Arrive at Summerville.5.16 P. M. Leave SummervUe.7.20 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.8.35 A. M. CAMDEN BRANCH. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Leave Kin grille.2.20 P. M. Arrive at Camden.5.00 P. M. Leave Camden 9.5.10 A M. Arrive at Kingville.7.40 A. M. (Signed) H. T. PEASE, March 27 General Superintendent. ORTH EASTERN RAILROAD. 5ENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE Chableston, S. C, March 30, 1868. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE THE MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS on this Road will run as follows: Leave Charleston.1.30 P.M. Arrive at Florence.7.00 P. M. Leave Florence.3.30 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.9.00 A. M. Tbese Train? connect with the Trains of the Wil mington and Manchester Railroad going North and coming South, and with the Trains of the Cheraw and Darlington Railroad. S. S. SOLOMONS, March 30 G Superintendent. OFFICE CHERAW AND DARLINGTON RAILROAD COMPANY. CHERAW, Mabch 30,1868. ON AND AFTER THIS DAY THE TRAINS ON this Road will run as follows: Leave Florence daily (Sundays excepted) at 7.45 P. M.?after arrival of trains from Charleston and King ville?and arrive at Cheraw at 10.30 P. M. Leave Cheraw on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri da\ ? at 8.00 A. M., and arrive at Florence at 11.00 A. M. Leave Cheraw on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days at 12.30 A. M. (at night), and arrive at Florence at 3.00 A. M., in time to connect with Trains for Charleston or Kinqville. Passengers for Wilmington will take the 8.00 A. M. Train from Cheraw. S. S. SOLOMONS, Superintendent jJ5F*The Darlington, Florence, Bennette vile, Che raw, and Wadesboro', N. C, papers will give four insertions. 6 March 30 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. CHARLOTTE AND SOUTH CAROLINA BAIL ROAD COMPANY. ?Alt I SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, Columbia. S. C, March 31,1868. ON AND AFTER 1HIS DATE, THE TRAINS over this Road will run as follows: Leave Columbia at. .4.00 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte at.11.00 P. M. Leave Charlotte at.11.35 P. M. Arrive atColumbiaat.6.00 A. M. Passengers taking this route, going North make close connections at Greensboro', Weldon and Ports mouth, to all principal Northern cities. jf?fTickets optional from Grenwboro', either via Danville or Raleigh; and from Portsmouth either via Bay Line or Annanwssic Route. Baggage checked through. Connections made both ways with trains of the Greenville and Columbia Railroad. CALEB BOUKNIGHT, April 2 Superintendent. CHARLESTON CITY RAILWAY COM PANY. OFFICE CHABLESTON CITY RAILWAY CO., cobxzb BbOAD A?TD EAST BAT STREETS, Charleston, So. Ca., March 16th, 1868. SCHEDULE OF THE CHARLESTON' CITY RAILWAY COMPANY. KJNG-STREET LINE. !0.,i Leave Upper Terminus at 7.30 A.M., and at inter vals of ten (10) minutes during the day till the last trip at 8.30 P.M. Leave Lower Terminus at 8 A.M., and at inter vals of ten (10) minutes during the day till 9 P. M. N.H.?Leave the Battery as follows: Twenty $20} minutes after the hour, and ten (10) minutes of the hour, from 8.20 A. M., to 7.50 P. M., except at ten (10) minutes of 9 o'clock, A. M. Every other trip from the old Postoffice. BUTLEDGE-STREET LINE. Leave Lower Terminus at 8.05 A.M., and at inter vals of ten (10) minutos during ?he day till 9 P.M. Leave Upper Terminus at 7.30 A.M., and at inter vale of ten (10) minutes during the day till 8.20 P.M. N. B.?Leave the Battery at fite (5) minutes after the hour, and thirty-five (35) minutes after the hour, except at 9.05 A. M, until 7.45 P. M. Every other trip from the old Postoffice, SUNDAY SCHEDULE. KING-STREET LINE. Leave Upper Terminus at 9 A.M., and at inter vals of ofteen (15) min utes till 7.00 P. M. Leave the Lower Termi nusai 9.30 AM., and-at intervals of fifteen (15) minutes till 7.30 P. iL N.B.?All the trips are to the Battery, until 6.15 P. M. The last trip of each car to the old Poetomce. BUTLEDGE-STREET LINE. Leave Upper Termina? \ Leave Lower Tu minui at 9 A.M., and at inter-1 at 9.35 A.M.. and aiinter vals of every twenty (20) J vale of every twenty (20) minutes till 6.45 P.M. | mmmtes tul 7.30 P.M. N.B.?All the trips are to the Battery, until 6.15 P. M. The last trip of each car to the old Poetofflee. 8. W. RAMSAY, January 22 Secretary and Treasurer