The Charleston advocate. (Charleston, S.C.) 1867-1868, October 24, 1868, Image 1

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VOL. 2. NO. II. \s YO would t men sh<ul<| <lo milo you do yt; uvcii so to them.*' CHAH i J 10 H TON. S. C., SATU H DA V, O OTOH KU 1 0, i,S<iS. wuor,K NO:m ??i-lw l?lvnvlcvio.n Adv?cale. : \ i-i i li.1?>t - \\i> i ri ri: \ 1:1 M w-i'.\i'i II,? If? ri I- lil n u ixiiliY ?\ A. WURSTER, ?:..?.? i o r.i no M i y i i s c. s r n r i (One ?lour .N.-ttli ol't'iillictni.) I i'-?- Ali li. en-.M |'i. ;:.I,i> ..ii!,.. M.r riliir.'l'i. wlietlnr ir;i\.|.i.): LI- iuial, lin- .'ir. ilulfuitizoil Amonts. I IS-?.- I'l'l' ll'IIIIS Ol Mil.-. I l'itillll ;.n 1 l.lto .-I a.'.v.t li?.ni-, si o liihiilo. '"m tin- i liiiih-ton ?ilvpciit?. Randolph. ip ii. lt. MIM. i ninty. O, liitllittishdn '-- '.lu- ninityiM ,!, n,i HUM- w.lcoincil pty iuuluiintcil soul Tliy iiiiini. will evelin.>!v lu' r?ili? im r1 ve.liiur.- IIUHHI-?IIIIII??U',1 scroll. lluinlile ns win? thy lo i. i enrecr, H lu lu (\ promise prou.I mill lilli A tod I reeilinn'.i ;;i iel on,I I i teit.lslnp'- ti nt Thy lniinhonil nu.I Hiv worth ili-cliuo. They emil.I nut hrook iii.- win il* ut lire Timi foil; Triillhpriuiipteo, from thy tomtue: I tl followers ot th.. purent -, Their false heurts hy those won I.? wi re Mini; Kotisetl hy Hiv lmiiniaeo (lite nu,I st i-, mv*. Tin y P it it- ]>.>u.-i MU.i ivitroil llsswiiy. Tili?lr emvioi, in letifrue ? Uh \V i-iniir, Kt Ul ll lil croll s i.ulm, ? unisl olh'y, 'I ii. y ihm ,| not tu. el th. . m. .? In \,u ,. Like iiii-u v. hu seel, ii lion n 1 liitrj Hut I..iin.l lin- cOWIOils, An.! ilhl ilu-li- Uee.l ni nun .|. i ibero. ' ? I ototful liliiil Pf ehli ;1)iy . Alli I ll? ?it! Hie do. .N thai li-eit thy prlili An- Pi-i'ii nu.i M, rey iie.| fruin thee. Ai..I i unir ithil I'ul-elioiiil ili'iceil, M?>l Murdin' -l?t ibtiihit thy nain' , A e.. 1 i ? ?\. i, i. I ? lr r. : - thy - on- <|: M :"-,. J V'i-t .lii-iie. Iii,!.' lu i- lu ii.I in stinnn., Anil l i. e.? flin- ti.? .i|upv lu i- fare? \ ieiri-liei . ... ra?-. ' t!:o tv ni I li lift dill sh1* p- iii?t Idt-Cvcr! uh, hi-vi tue !? - 'l h.- ni art j r ni.?... I n, n vtnlii- yoiii so I .May yel iptise Vi it-nldicO iii tu it- . iiii'.l lr? the viilei! iliai unlio.l your h ui -, l in' !.. ur; y, hali ,I ihrohs m. hiiiri?; Hut Mil!!' M.. steep hi- c'n'ivt' m ti ii-. Hit cUmt. ?- ?/.vii tr th,m brr, r,-. Storming of Fort Wafliier. .'ANNA 1 IITKIN-ON. in her now honk. .. What \nswerV" pnhli-hed hy Tickuor i\ Field-. ?hus lolls the story of tho famous nssaidl bf ibo colored troops upon Kori Wagner. Under the load ol tho <_rallani Colonel Shaw. A-: tho negro here first proved, beyond all ipies l ion, hi- I'iipnelty as a soldier, the ai doh will alvvuvs possess a special slgniiietim Miss ,l>. pictures iiie sei ne with hei* wi-!!-kiio\vii . kill and lidelily to (ru:h : This talk took place hill? in ihc a;;"i ii".! mar thc hoadijiiarlers pi ile- libinuiandiii? tioiu'?tl: and tho nun diii'etly "? . ?:?. ! :?>! prepai'.'ii.r i lc wmk of ii,.- cveniiiir: Some to chan a bayonet. Ol' furbish up a iii'., :, otheis lo chat ililli l?uir?i <?Vi*?* the eluineesl timi lo Pty plans fm- i!?? morrow thc nipr VO'V, wh'h'l'i was I' !' them i.'"\vr to dawn on j .oii'i'tli ; M ?d >....!. others to -i; down in ilieii' "<nt< atid write letters to ?le dear ones at; ?homo, i i iii ki titi what aright, they kiiew, lo-a j dual farewell -lor ile iiglii impending Avlis I Ko Kc a lloro? (UH' -dr i>. r. ad a chaplet* in a little hook i an id fioiii . onie ijllhi liia -id.-. Kalam h i o aci oiinl - per hailee in iiiiiielp?i ?on of 11,.' call ol' ile ( -ivoi. I Captain! to nome 'up l il "J l lOP. Through thc wlu-lc : ti-'iii'.i.ii there bad hei n a Ireiiieiidous eanmdiAdhig nj' the lint fi'Olll lld' oillihoais aiivl thc land for- v t the sn ioi i!h. i. "_. ulai cn LT: ie 'i I hi?? s \v?,iv !" okeil. and In -li.hied einh.Mikincni.s t-"?i and i oit^hciied hv I he iin?ea.sih'jf fain ol .kho'. ttiul ' shell. Altdut s?\i.'ci.ick llieiv panie inovliw np thc i.-land. liver th" 1 Mut ii M ir samp- mid Under thc hurnhiu sky. a .-taiwan, splendid appear ing set ol'men, w ho looked etpial 0? anv dar bi,o. ami capable ol' tiny hen.ism : men wlhtui n?th'nio ciiiild dania ami lbw tbintr- sttlalun. Now weary. I r .iv 1 -tailed, w il h I h<- mi re ll iel the rain of (wo days' tramp; wtakened by tho ?ueessanl ist iain and lack nf fopd, hiavlii? taken liolh'ui" for forty oiohl hours, save sonic cracker.-! and enid coller ; with ytips in their ranks made l>\ (he death of emmades who had fallen in hallie bul a Utile tine- tn fore; under all these disadvantages, ll was plain lo he seen nf what slilfTlhese limn \v< rc made, and for what work they were irmly. As this regiment, th" famous 1'itiy-foiin'h. rame up the island lo take Ils phire tit tin bead of tho storming pm ly In Ute nssitiih on Wagner, it was cheered on all sides hy thc white soldiers, who rceo??Ulf.etl und honored tho heroism which it had already -howii. ami of which it w as soon lb give sie h new and sublime proof. The eveiiino, or ruttier th" afin noon, was a lurid and sultry ont*. Greed masses of clouds, heavy ami black, w ej e piled in the western sky. fringed and lhere by nu angry red," and torn hy vivid sircants pf light h lng, Nm a brent li of wind .-hook Ihc leaves or .-lined the high, rank ;p;ass on the hillocks of sand; a portentous and awful fitillllCSS lilied the air-the sillines.-, feb by ]i\n.u!o before a devastating sim m. Quiet, willi thc like awful and portentous calm, the bia? k iPgliiient, headed by ifs yoting, fair haired, knightly colonel, marched lottie des iin?d place ami action. \\ In n ?\ it hin ai-n?! ; i\ bundl ed yards bf lite l"i : it " a- balled at thc head of ihc i eu'i mciits alreiltiy stalioneil,. ami the linc of bai lie for Uied. Th" pfosp?i I w a uieh as hugill datuit th*' eoiiiagc ol "ld ami tried veteran.-, hui these soldiers ot a tow week- seemed onie impath lil I" take the odd .and to ina kc light i,i iinpos Ihihth . A imMly rising ? round, iiiketl lo a iniuderdiis tin to w ii Inn ~] huh d: laie i "f th" biiltcfy ; a ddt h libbi liU? Ihr.-.? feel of water: a str?it?lil 1 i?'t ol*|>:?r ll|)i>h thirty lori lils-h ; an hnpfcirnabhi ; floil, holli hy u di'SpH.ihi and inviii. il.1 . ? i?. ?.. Jliie tho linn ivi'iv addressed i:i ll foxj brief aiiil lijiiiiiii'V word- KV Weir hOroioio ?ni ?iiandor: Inn- Ho v xvore hr-uu ;ht (o jjrloHl'v Ho ir w li?lo va.-i hy tho lint re ol' I heir de".I- : hove I lu ir ?.HT? -linne Willi a |iti>)< xxiii !i ililli. 'I'linuu'li nu n. wo m.' roadv in .! > ? m nohh'Ve 11 ? i \ 1111 il i -. w.'liliy the yaiil-. !" Ito;,. i?,,. word nt oulnina !.. 1 W.T. ?'htii : .. Wo ii j*? ordered and i'\|.i'.ied lo ta!,.' nattery N aimer a; tho point of tho bayonet. Aro you ready ?" "Ay. ny. Sir! ready!" xxiii ll," an-woi. And ihe order w on: pOalinu, duw \\ ilio lino. "I.Vady! I |oso milks! ( hai'.u'havu!.. : - : I'm ward ! I >ptiblc-ipil?k. mai oh !" 'itt li I ti Wiiy limy wem. under a seal tel ?mr lue. in ono euinpa..! lino till xx iihin ono hunilr. d t""t nf the l"ii. w hen tho sturm ul iloalh bioko lipon th. ui. I A .'i v fruit heh hod Im : li its jrroat shoi and -hell : every i ?ile \vhi//oil mil il- Sluirp-sln^illfr deal h-l!e'i:hted lliOssim'-oi'. Th" men w avenal hot foran in-iani: - fm - w.u.l lufward they wimt : plunged into the lilt oil ; wailed throtioh ihe deep xviii irr, lip loiifrer nf muddy hui', hm slamed erhiison \x ilh their hlooil { ami eonimcnocil li) elhnb the parapet. The foremost lino fell, and then the host, ami lim next. The "intuid xvn? -Hewn wish ih.- xXrecks ol" liliuiati'ly. scai loii'ii prostraio. silent, xvhero. Ihoy i""lI - ? m i-ollili^ miih r the very loot nf ')?? lix 1>"; i ton rado- Wlm swept onxV;iril |o lill Iiieir places. . hi, li Vii' the pilcd-Up inna nd - i)f d. ad ami tlyliiir. of w ounded ami slain, to tho mouth ol the hatten : seizing tim ?.MIII'-; bayniil tim: the ""mo;.- a! Ihe'! phils', plant i'm.' theil lhi<r illili stl'i-ulim;- Hi'oim'il ll j their' leader hil th" willi?; -xv.nd Iii hand, hi- hine eyes. hla/!t!<-. hi- feir hiet iiuit?He< h?- olear viii.-, i-tllini? "ni. .. I'ofxvard; m\ bruxe boxs!" Ilii'ti plunviii:: int-. Hip he'll bf haiile'lmho t h!m. l?ii'WaKl il wa--. Th.y lulhoxe.l him. uained (lu aie:!e nf (bo I'oVl. and l"iiyh! " here he hil. mound his pioslniie body, over hi- peat .lill heart --.-hi.'hliim it.? il tutti (.lU'iiee hy their living, pulsalinr' one.?- till they. to... we're stricken dow a : i hen hticki th bexxn. hallen d, mai.-. !.-d -heroic, y: u\ei eon io .: he i emmi ni xx a - heilt iii biieiv. A- the men were elainhi : i.p lin i ara pel. tlli.'lr e.dor--t r:.'eanl wa? shot dead, tin '..dur- Italllli'J -laim-d and wei in ibo ihn! heside him. K rei bli in l ie, who xv liri 'tis! h.' bind, sprat,forxv.iid, shl/eil the stall fi'thi his dyimr hand, and mutinied il ii|i\vard, A ball Struck hi-1 |o|jl ai in. x ci ere il midd fal sha:t"ie.| hy hi? -ide. hi-' h ti halal eitil :h! the iltur and earrh d ii imw.inl. riven in lin mad s".eep of it isa ul! and d-atli. ll.e inri ariiiind him found liroilW and Weelo hurrah and th"-o h. ii i nd him pro?? .d iiuue ira liai it Ix lol wald In I'.d ?ow ?u< h a leader. IL' kept ii hi- phire, the eolo?'s lix it iv.;? - 1 in >i.;.- h (idol ...l.t. ?- . . .. '.'.*??.. -, I ?.?.,. .? o ?. . .-.-.??,? .? ? lli? slippery steep j up ttl th" walls ol t lu fori: on ibo wall it-. '.i. plnnlm-r the thiij iili. ie the men made (liai brui. .?plriidO -land, and inched away like Miiixx liefnh furnitee heat, llore a liay?iiel thiiist pu lillti iiiiil hiniiiiht him lUixv'n, a irreal xvoiim in Ills hrave hiea-l. hut ho did Hoi vii bl drnppiie,. tn hi- kite"--, ple-.-im; hi- I, ..1 ?, i >'. >i arin upon (Iii! ira pim'' wound- l?rneii him sell a;!!iiii-| a lii'ad eoiiii ;ili ?I .-.'I'I Ih'w ; au in-piratinn li) ilio inj I a bi m i hilU: dii'al" eli. Ill" foe. Al last xvhen the .?hatuTe?l iai.',.- f. ll l>|'t< l> tittil, idy juill -lowly rein ,ii? -. i- . ? - - ,e. li Ih'i-e xx hi) wati-h' ii lem itii a l\ imr for lin . htitiilrod ri ul s nrriiitui bi ijVety mitii . xvoiiiuleil ii.iiiiV'rbiji-tiiiil I " v-a- paiidull xxorhin:.' hi- xx ay downward. fjtUl 1 "ldii. tiliifi the ihiv. beni eii'iileiuly mi saVliij/ ii ihitr had rarely, if ex er, lit ?eli -av.-d hi i'm. . >oine of lim men had i-taw !.? I. -"iii' ha 10 i n i'liirieil, sumo baslily i'ailfilij np ai. iielpeii jiy enuii'.'itii - tu a -h.-li.-i i. ni iutt > ranm nf lim lin- : a lm-pital lem. (hey eal'' i:. il' anythinv' O?ithi In ar that nainewhi" xva- hm a pl mo xxii 'i " lil?ll i iiiilil lie *.o Ml lil and expire, without a haede:.'. a Mil "'-. en. ol' i Viii a dl "p ol e..inin t xx a!?i t iv.u'-h'it paieluil anil i!Vitt*? lip-. Aiu-ii ih. 'V xva- .Ihii, Ile had' ii -ina'i li. ld .'l t th |i'< p" Ket. and forv-iii rn- Iyimniil lib |>(il III ll'i-l'?.U'i-r 'lille: i -! nt w atehill'! lliriiiit'b th tb-' p'-o^'v -- of ibo man aral 'lo- ila*;; iiiiil r< jiixilllio i?x'lXtlIllS !.. Ills lin le-- e;,'.:< I- . >>!i ?..'.ilion--. t?l:te?< .-nidi.)- and while xx i i 11 I Hit) iv ol xx il- exeiliiiieiil livi'i ihiMleeil. ?ti Ivar le-t ihe . o' irs w hi. li had liol x ii i?ipp? ?huii'u! ?Xi la-< I ni" tin- ?j lonni I. Nu'x Slid lien Iii pau-ed at some inipei hVeiil : il iva* xx hero (lie ilOatl and d\ iii': xx i pi'.i i'i sO Illil I, l.v a - !.mp"! him lu niai," tlotoiir. Nxivi ..'tnl il" n 'm resii'il a luoiiio lo iifesM his ann ti jh)i ! i\?rahl>:i hi- (urn ai open In ra-I. 'tin- i ain I- H in siii'li tm r. o' -. i I evouliifi shainw - wi re }ral! erbio ii il ii? 1,1 th u ihey eouhl si-areoly n a v lu- eo'tir? lOnjr hefoi r il xi a- Othh 'h Slowly, i ut i ii folly, lui p!i:ifrjivi| hi nicoll' wahl slop h\ -lip iloXxn lin- hill, iinh I illl'li M VOSS Iii" '.mund lo III" don) Ot I hiopha!: iiiiil ilnii While .?tim: eyes liri ?il eneil-(lybu; hand- and rxni ihailn -imop. w ria- Ihroxvu Ililli il." au in loi wlill" tlyiii<r ineu Imhl ha? k their in tim et? rnili? - (o elmer h'm "a-ped out. . did ? hut du -my dui v, hoy .- and Ibo ileal old ll a'j nixei ..nil lotielieil the ftroiiii - and tlnn. a xx ay fi mu the roaeli and -iv of ils fue-, in the uii'ht of il . ih lenders, xx loved anti xxi ie tl Vii 1^* fol il. the ll.lfT at I: foll. Meanwhile, other Iniopfi hud oimo lip Ihe eneounter; oilier re;>lllu'illi". fit rovo win what llie.-O iii"ii had tailed m Ira In ? " llli'Oll<ril the m.irht. and th" -noni, and I let lille ri eeption, ibd their ;;.*ill;tnl L''i - in vain. Th" lie xl dav o Ihr/ "I li me XX eui u| bifr th'' budv "f the hernie yniuif; ehiel xi luul so led I ital nturvolmi- li "a liarl. without him. A iliieh, deep and wi had hrrii (lu::; hi- lindy, and tin. >? ul I w |y-lwo of hi- mmi li MI fid (lead upon : ahou! him. Ihme: into it in oneronmion le ; ft i n I the w ni i| -rnl hack Wil -. Wi hair 1 ii d him xx nh lu- nijrfiers. ' lt w a-xx (il dour. Tin fan, wi ii I.e. . ealham breast lie peiio?l'ull) i'ii?iijjli ne dr ir -latrlx inonuinenl ol ebony,. ll wa- XX'l'H (loilO. W hal iiiortj lulim.' . I Ol' -urha lilr what fall nene W tir olin bim XVllfl had i"i iv lil willi I lulu had ho a*ud believed in lin III. had led Ho ni lo .!. .-(hali lo lie xvii li (boin xx hen ile x dit d'; lt wa \n U limn Slavery iuirii d i I mi n, hlnok iiiiil wi,:.:h. .. hki.k ?.nil << liiiii i!| ? *?oii'niMjii ??tavi . I et I .Uteri A ?i! ?? th-m. Ililli i 'ai U ?;iul v hi-- he un i .! ' I " : : i 1111 f in ?i lili' h?jlor Ilian |ln< ..'..I. A Fronoii View. IV / IV I A'.',' ./ ;i.V/J /V7 7 / / /l./V.- ('(it //. ('/SM ni' (tl 1! I'O/.ti'il 1/ 1/1. !//.'.>, ii y A i uni !'- \ i Wi: ?Miiin?iiil i Iii- f..l!..winn; I,M,-: lo mir j ivniirrs. h xvovllty an utii'iilivo l'eiithiii li-i c*.?ini,i;;- i'iniii (|i|. pm ,,|' ;, j,,.;! \' f{ mil pal I ini ;tI?vi ono ol I?M'! ii!|)iH a'tid iilOsi i inl.-li:;.-ni .-I livliijj I'rciudiiiicii- |.unoiiliiyi\ II i- ;tddr.--rd t.. ih.. II.-n. J. \\ . l'otii?y? i (ll A l li.\V. Wl'-ai'V-. Srpt . .?.. ',-:S. I >r.\n sn.- ? i ?1( put i< :i v. .. u,:,t ?,, | I'i iiliei'. ali Hi- ir oilits <>i illil lil )>:,'<? th.ii ., I'vi's liNi'il ?in I liv I aili .! S'-P . iVjjlj will Lc '. li i -ii.aii ? iiii-.. .... <|ji,ii v. i. jom-lies I ll? III..!.- rio-. '.I I lill (I il!' IlllitliilO .-I IT?S>I?? ! "i Hi.- Spaniel ii'Viililiioil, !..- i; ?nviHii'.< lim It-Milii|?Ii ol" Mhi'iiy aia! ot|t!a?!ly iliroWvl.t?; 1 Hu- "--lilli. pur ii ls m ii" .-' lir-i;i jmr , li MI' .. w lii'ii hollis <!' ii- liiliitlsiho liiiui-i "I L'iVillaMllhll- roiniirv i- .A |i|or|ra, I , \l I'lK litr IViilll l|H'* |liiss|iins Ililli , liiviiiiiMs ol' ii-iiii.--. ii li ilijlh-lill lu nuil. r M'.'llt! hil'.! rh' .-I i-i-! ii III ni i .i'll.-ra 1 Ilium ran | ''.Iii Ml M? ?T Illili th' !. . an Lr h' -italien ,M ?f I Vt! ti' Mic ' limpien - ,.| |.,-,. Up! p|!(i,. t,, I, V <';.li ' titi'lr.l l.v il,'- ".iva! M i * lees I V' lt''!- li lr-- i ...Lin. his i-.iiim'r. U ?,1,. , ntl) i], ?ifilly tOOsiahiisIl fl r..l'!pat i '"ll ' ran-!. ii"! I.-- ! Iiiiil winn v\ "-i.':...|,,.; ?...-! hliiiii ? ,,: ' "*'"" i?n< '? a far I."'- ' " "'ri r. ::t.'i lliaii I j yopi1 'I .. ni', ilmi-c w --. nu ..'i,,.i.iiliiliiiii ll' in I" I'"' ?li- li. -'..h-ti \ Auuil* I,,,,, .1 , ll Vyi'lI lui' I!' I'll,al -hr Wtis ?rntUil?il, -hur ie . \\ li" iiail I", rn Ih. fir-I ": .. .if p,.I p, I,.. ? lin- lit-i in pi iii..., liv i it<-hi? iihu-'.ll' nlinvii. pill Iii-', hy liijiiiilr-'ihii;- Hie -anu- )i'(><'i'l'at?i)|i . in rh il lilr Wiiii !. Iv I,ml -h..w u :n ramps. ! . SVashimiiiiii v.-iM ?.. (he lid-,,a nuiles ?i pl "-pr!?-y 1" ypinl pjll'.Ule). i li'.- ?- ;. pf,-. ,- 1 .hilt w hi. h i- w i ll w .a :;, i/c?m jim-i-. ! ? I i-iin iliul.'istain) in:.i mi ihr neii'iiiv nf-. , In- a < IVII w ara | mph- -i,,.u\! finilul nn.rr I . lix ii".i than ;?t't. r it i-imti'kt wiiliii ?Vio ii li>es? j li i- ll:iiui;a| that th" pu--i..i.- wi,;, li have hyi n rat-ail shiiitlii H..: hi' ?it onie it|ipoit>oii; : lt' t ley a r.' the wUVrs Wh?i'h .-iii! i..--wild ly alii nail al'irr Ihr .'air ha- iihiihtl. I am , , mi. l(ieii'|iite, :t<tiiui>l|i'il al ihr l?oise wh'uii!, tho I 'i'i. lat' ma\". W lia: does n-tmiMi j mr. however, is (imi (he]?' lili?! illly i"-p.. i-. ? li.mi ilpi jlinijilij w!i..m t'hry havr' in\?-i-.-:, i ', l-l W iiiiil lill-rf'- l-l r;i.Ph' l-lihrif I llili ; ul a hali m w Illi li ha- I.n isiivnl in spite ..| ilie.lii liy liL'hliii^ iitrhliisi llieiii. llnVe lin n j. slio'i'l a lin eal.11 hi th" liiilrd Slatr-'r hii.t; ..luv i'.i;i'i -n-.inn a ti|iiin!\- I'msiV ii JV'N'II ll," Smith -rrrili-d. w hi ll i' Hf i" iii.' i uimi in .>>>.>. .v.......i.?mi,,i i lie int?--: lily i-f lite ripiiUvv. Tim Smith line..' ht with ?a >n ra v." worliiy "fa helier i'iin .>'? Inn t!," Ni ni h ili-playril au tiiiui^y iliiriiiit I j M.r fOiili'st aiiil a inntlci ?tiioti tiftev llii'viv j liiry w hi. h ha- nwitki'iiril tiih :'.ilmii :ni"U nt i x the' whule wiii'iil. N'elllii'f ( ?reei'i' lipr I .'"ti"' \ rall -leiw ill Mei! hi-t'iri"- -" fail'ililli ul"!-', ..u-a pa^r. theil ?iu'siif liiiiriiliiiiii J?raiif,. , a lal " ? in in lil. ai.'! i i ii' hr VO etVliipiliiiiiiiti , v' ar .' 'rh !.. : ve . . r \\ ;.- il t.i u'e.mtren ',. \ jim I .uti ; Vi ,| !.. ?. hi;.- !'.'. J. It'.ll li ?. iii: lpt1.'ill I" "pl"': N-" -mit ...!:. o- . ' ?'ar- ! ^ :ivr tin- p; ?vi'" v.- i-f t!..' .'..ii'/aii .-i- anil, P ilir, ut tl,. OM Wu::.!. \V| it w;j - iii i.iil i i'i 'in I Sf 10 t-i |M!a wa- i.:.i?. '. ile : ? ?itt I? '?' j U'.p. r: ii," lluii.n. Am) ihr . mr.ny i'i ;|| rn- ? rrihn ? i flu'ij ir'-r! (-hi dr. :i tn ?ithlui' : li.; j W'hru -iiVrl l w;l- ahi.'i- hril. alli": I lim plan- i. di! - nf lin - ill! itr Wm M. it ??I- pr i !!'.: pa ' iv I'" - j . i au.-, i! \\ a- peri --ari I.? hnvi iiiiiii' \'. |ili id- j ' pill il i !'-:n i-lu. lari w I ii ! : ha-1 Inf ? hi iiy \ ?a ; - i ( enii.-piirtl ji'/a'itisi ilni I uimi . Iii Ann t e-.i. , f i-I ! hr rm I',l I l ni lid H?' ?'lili ?'t '.?.?illilUi V. iliiir I : wa- nu p'.ai " im- ].. i\i'' '.-"i iniliili'iiiiji A r.-i-tr w hi' h Iii i d hy M.'iyer.V V a- a pn pi tea' ihn at !.. lihai'.y. I'n'mi) a 111 ! 111 ii ? ! ii y wnrth" hitHihl ' lllv w at a fi eil w liirli "..-! ?:. -ar. hilt u i.i< !'. iun-l I..- rjiljiiiled ii - Iiii' lil.'-! pfOOmilS ul pn--r .-iiiii-. a- th" ?in'!!'i'-I ruiiipir-! ni intnli'iai linn -, i h' virfiVry tif ihr Nolili wtis lin yhi.iiry nt . h lll/iijiim. ! t I ,'uiiiiiu ililli liol ln.ii m n p len d in :' i'OW nully ii.amaf. if that ;:..."! and vji:|iiiMI> ? iati'Siiiaii 11 ii ? ? li v? tl iii' I" dat . lin- I ?uu.ial w milli nui ha\r rai i d lin jr hiauls i I hi' Si un h Wi?111?! Ila-, r I.-'' ; Iud It.Slfiflo i i|'l.;!:!\ . and I r 111 ? I ' I : ' ' i 'I il- di.'Ill- ul 11? uni Hilt tint. \\'(' -h.mid liiiAe .-i en mithin^ ml ire ul j pits yiv'iJ.* lui in... p.'ii' V w ld. h ha - 11 iiiimalrd i In tiaiiiis I which Ila war had stranifh i|, Silaie -nVi'- J . ii'lnilty Wiiiikl la i .i? aili ha ve -u prim ipi! i iii':-- j ^ (.il Us le ad. nur Wim il il haye lit eii iihtjiil j j lihiiv? liit' I 11 i < > 11. I'Aety une wniihl haye , j ti li n prtiil'.l tu lr a pai I ni' I In- "I and l.'rpuh- | [ li", lui'" u eiti/eii ul tie ponimnii eiiliiiliy. I lifoiilllialrly. ihr lirpi and pru.h u! |...:'' > ni Lia "li v a ithamlniieil. Men I"! ;ei Ililli Ihe I'liion Wi lli hei'nfi nd thin:.'-, mill thal ill?'Ve. i'iin '"' n j' < ltira hie I 'iiloii w il lu ?ni a pn'- j , fl fl i ipialill nf all its rili/.riis. Ami In il'lV. aflora viiiurvwhi.h i u-i rniiiiiih iiltioil li) hr di i i in . Ihr t!iralr-l in.rn -!" of lill' eotiiiiry arr ?fijain ?n slake. Simnhl Mir lleniorruls sjiOr??il in flfOllltj! liie?r randidalr. wi Vii lt I 1 liff V -Inp Iheie? Nu; (hey woiiiil a",iiln al oit?e i'evivt! ihr nhl iiiiil t,'!;il tpiCstioll nt Sliltr ,-uVrl ri vf||| y. i'lm.V Wolllll haiu-h frei'ilolii lunn pfililiiial Uh'l 11 i ey woiiiil auaiu n i'iitr an eiiiioliletl ('itslf; liirii??? nM I a p. nt Ili hil.-:in a wind, (hey wniild. a- dunne. Hu- Hays nf ?"tillioll?. havr a Seul hern tiri.sloeruey whlt'h vvriilhl I (lill il ihr I li Uimi ail nillir Not llUtlitl l|o|lli I nair and i|i'^lii(le th" I'liioii In it - own pi nhl ? j j 'li ir umk ni W ii - hi lie l"H and 1,Mi "nhl W ul lld i hr ile.-iinyeil, and Amerirtt wimhl in yttltt j ? havr n.i,iia.ii d un emu iiums tlelil. which i wa-. imiieuVi I". I.alhrd in il- purr-l hlouil. What would lie ihe le-uli of such aurlee-l linn'.- Au Inces-aiil -niir.a prrpciuai agila- , limt. Th-- Kr pi 11.!;. a 11 - j!oiil(| hardly lu- ?x* j pi .ii d lu -lill I I hr li i - i !\ i - lu he ll .lill I lied HU iii ri\ il lilr liy lin.-, w h..m ihcy had i uiajU'-r ni wuh ruin-, iii" h! n u wlm limjilil li'f'j I luir r uiuii i y . w im haye (iislcil li hi 11 y. w Im have niii.air.I Ur. ?n,d lui ve h ann il their sireli?lli md Huir redil-, winihl ??l .llllrl- Ihrlil rill - IO 1)0 fuhhnl ? ii I.. ? I I it ?< ..I Anniinol I'lli/.j'il . i hr cIcetUitl nt Ilma Iii) Soi ii)OU| Cilliiillly hr I i-.'ai di d a -' a liri'" hi ni i ii il war. 'iii.- itlcelioii of < ?onoral ( , i, 1111 IVOtllil I.Ihe I'tuitl at \ a ph'h.'i ul^ ! pi ,i.. anil ul ?.e. univ. Om ? nutviin e.! llli'-l T 1 * . -1 ? * ?N no opportunity iVir lin ir ambition iii i-. Ilio Soiiiln rm r- wniild Ulldli .-tami Ililli tho separate liberty of Sinic-s Ls nul sovo ?t'itfll illili poinh'lmr. ?lll?| Ililli lIlCI'C i< itJlOVi ' ju li pi lly funn|y a ol ? ;it Ann i ?< :i n ruillll i.V. l'-'i"iv I * ? - ? i ? *_r Yh'Unian-. lauii-iaimimi. m Hu1 Uki*, iliry would lie Americans. Tiley VVlilllll I>!.?.?.tm- llCCIIStnnifll lu ll'Spl-c'l theft I" How -eil i/eli - willi.MU ri '"lilli tu Hu- i (lilli- Ul llleir skin, .'uni Hiev wi.u?il li nI'ii, iilidVii nil lilil??-*; lu ilulv value rilin-.iii? ut ninl hillOi'. ll wonjil Im nu lunger nu ol'?_!iir?*1iy loiiniii 'I ?'iii "I pression : ;i M i.Mill Lr -, hippy ami eiihtrht fill'tl (ji'liilM'till'.V, i'ln i I \'(Ililli bl' III) IllUt'l! 1 i..|"M.i. or prit ili'M- : ! Inri' wi nih I Lc ctjlitil liliv-'ly Illili Hit! #iiin(. ?.iljimi? p. i- ilin ititi - li 'ii iii In- - "im' i uiiin i y. \oiiii ifinl Sui:' !i Windi! hi-lo ii?.ill, lu- iiii U'ly ;M-i.'.M';ip|iioal .!i-. Ifi'oni sen,Iii sea iliic wi?nhl I'1' ??'ly I 'li.-.ii- ul lin- I itiiiii u!,ly Ainer ililllS. In ohpiisiiit.'IIciloi til ( li nm fur ihcji' esliiiil ':ili- lilt! I'opillilioiin.s have -riven ;i ijot.ile cx a np!i- ri respect iiiiil dpcijlllllC. 'Iii,, vtol Ot ?.' \'n K-liiii-.j .uni th,' \VI|,|,.i n,-ss. ilu> cuih i '.iiiilor ulilio Anny oflhi' IVloimii', luis tx I hu i' hy liiiii-,if in lin' v :tf vvlih li lu- sn siic I ?liilly ,.|"|,..i. I ,|,, ,",( ,p,.?,|x )".r,. ul niill |i iv jjkiry^ :i President is ii civil jiersonsioe; hi In hccoiniu-r tin- jj rsl ^t>ltl ii*r Of lils couti lTV ll"' Onilvrill linssjioU'ii himself possessed . I ' Hii' vinni's whait i -.inuit lu- lui) hc-iilv niilleil in :t republic. (?n iiii".sidenisu ki'vniai* ho railed il Wilsllill-ilnn. I ' i il imt lu- fm Lrniii n Hint Lincoln, witt) AIH W mci! sn well, muy bc salli lo have. Ii-iyiiaied ( ?rant ns iiissucccssor, when, iii M.iy. Isi'.l. ho invlli'il "'ill loyal men ami i.ililuts I" ful it) w tim example ul Mn- mntlcsi -1 n ral ill Ul'' ln-iiil ol' tl"- itiiilvi anil sink all ""'-ni' OMI :! lei nfnnr fur tim sake ultim ...".ny I 111111111:11111 1 "u," he ?ujilct?, "in ?oi'p y.-'lio- intlii tum. Itttiiipill mond Imt i- ' Imr." toH.sUc t ! Illili ? I'll Vi1 ami Myal nan." WP-1 , ,.," p. t,, iii!' I'iMiiiiy, Miyo lia! . I nilli kn1", lino tu appi i :'".!'. I .i11* -in i- lil ii ..ii iippieciiii!.! f?rniil S A; lim - r' iiidi !' ' !!'HI nf I-i li?-? III, Wliiii j) \V?is al I mi'fi I I" "'li. lin- HviiiljuliS ?eimlill li?, Hit' 'I I' - ? ' I . ! ! . I i I a 111 . 1 1 k ' il lilli' |l,it I ?Ut , lilli "I '1 n li i..I liim-clf |i| Hos ihtiniriU re. ami ina?o 'Voly illino y l?lil li) lite hilt re-is in'I lie I ii jilli/. I .. I-- a-/.;,./as 'n ?, , lin. nui had iml-r . I well. W III ilio Atnerieilns j Iv li j?.-t in i -- ri as o. Iiiiil limn jiliieulii. A - fur Mc Horatio Sovniiiiir, I il., mi w ??jj n impiii " inin hi- (piantieS. Of hi-emu.-, IlllillU l!:' Will' il lino- |,..| 1M' 1 . . 11?_T In lui' til li.lj. . lui! il is evident cnniioli timi hi- v'm ... y Would In- Ilia I ul lin- I minn, i al le parly, i wimbi he Ilio Iiiiniipli iii"(luise \vlio ci-lcd ?..ii-; Um despul?'in ni' Lincoln ; who iivoki'd roi-Ojj?ii mediation; wlm siiiniti-il hroiiirh cvciy inn?' ut tho ilia) thu .war Wa?' watrcil lui lin- li.I.'in of iiii! ri tie ks! ami 111?. onslaVih?; nt lin- w hid -." and :, I s : : i ! : : ; ' v. i ...' .. .4.- ; .. ? .. ?. i' v . ; . r.?. v ! : : ? v, ; \K' \ >.<\' hm. I i-i peat ii. jim an- ti n- '_ri I t'nl in America, n liam i- wo aro reproached fur uni- Irivoli v. ami jii-ily. Hill lion- i- ii poini where vc are liiij j??il?y ol i?'ivoiily. Ile. wlioevoi' ic wa-, wlm iihaiitloueij mir i'i)iui(?y in In i ln ni lii|i*i(i"! In- wlm snwi'd di--iii-ii m. Iiii \ I,.. s-?iii?>ht i.. ;?? ol -11 .u i : ors In ihliTl'ci? in . ni ? i\ '. w; i's iiii a in in ?s always I'm- u ? ?i" y. '. .i i dy du wi- ii'I'ii-e lu li-d-n lu lin:. Iii wi ni-xi-j' ( him. Wi'l'oiuii M- ul io;: . ? t ?h jcrili.ji ul (lie Ila.";. .\ ' i, : ||ie. I have I'liniVilelii'O in lim ifOiiil , ? , t l in- Ano i i -an jieppjc. iiiiil (lu nut i) jil j fl -il" i ! !'. 'll Ut ? il !!'! al ( It-iiul. Will '!...!.. a \ i- -"'ali-.. - wini; lill liiii N nit h ami ];. \\ i . will i lilly \i'!i-l"|- Unir old mm ,,;, .'. HuVo ii", ilu- lanni e- had I-IUIIILII of ?vii -..i-..' 11 il Vi? im! lin- nn-i'.-Iiaiil s h('i'n . yr! iiil. '.y ciiiitl jli I'i' d'.' Ami wlii-ii. hiiiihs io ile ti ttiinpli of Hie I'ii'ioiij lt )- p" |ii|? t" luaii'li pea- < . : i ! . 1 > .-ii in ?- nell ii l?lliive i ii-i'a'tiiji'itt' and piu-p -; ?ly a- He' wm-lil ha I \i '.' -' i ii. '.'.id Hu' pu-pli' silll'i I- ah this 1.1 .ei-jsji jiy lin .ll-- of a I'i'W iilii'i.iiutis I ?ul I ii ian-'. I u, imt !"? nepi i-.-d if I i-'-.pi o-i uiysi'lf i i!li lei-yor. 'hionji'li I have !.? mi lin?tlcil w iih .vii-y kitiihicss. and aliiio.-l ?iilnjitoil hy a i'i'iill nttnihel' .'f y?.ni' i "iiipal l i-i - i Ihniii:h ii |i;,n.,. 1 am I'cproai'llcd willi l.i'iii'.r au \iu? !?? Hil, I ?!". nul forfici thai I am a sti'iin as i?. ihr nilled Slates, and illili it ilof 11.i lici'iiiim ino tu iniiddlc willi yutli' prlValc niai ni- Inn in w I'M 11 Iii I?' .Voil I Iji?iijs ul'niy .wu e.ilinlry am! ?d'Kuiii()Ci What runoeriis: rn- i.i iiii- i'lccil'lli I* Ul" inimi -!.-- of ijciiioc aev Uunii::h Ih" Whole world. Since Um Vjiii riOaii have imnlo 11 u ni-??!\ >.-. l.imw n lo ? ur ama." i l'?lll'opo n- a -l' a: ptiiplo wllll'll ,i , , . i ? \ i l'y I hi li I?.wanl- iiinini aiuiii" iai ional unity, -it.? " tin y litlVti tilfnlhlieji diivorv, since limy have eiiii-fu'en Ire ml ulcr ?|iile ii :n \i iilmiil ilijlirv lo frceduiii ur <'(|iiali V. ilieV have liccoiucilic IciToi' nf ah.sulnic i'oVi liinieiits'. and tin' ininlcl and Ih" hope ol iii: people, hike'st ?mu ? ) ml sicsniK'l' wtilcli u ii' - a ivliole lleel. -i. it'nilcil ami i('|itihli; ?II Aniiileii ?haws Un- old World tlllcl' il. Iviji/nii.a relies west waiih The ynutli i liam e. .'-pain. Itali, and UeHillinv. the \ ?u kini ti olilm w hole WOilih lisiyc lil'ir cyi - i\id mi you. Tim (lelcsil of Or ti n.l will Im a .a UM- ul ii-ji ??i-in" to ii ll I lie ul I y u roh ie- un the ' ;*l|,ii< t'UUoril will lie thal nf Hherty. ml only hi the Ulllll'd S? jil US hut all ovel .'.Hi-ope*, l>u not. Iliereiort', wondt'i' that i'i'ci?cli (ieiiioersicy seiul.s yeti ?is ntusl carn -I pniver.s lor .siieeoss. 'Pill! cry of ?Itt: re. iniiliesins of i lie Old World ls " Mtirfah foi irani, mid fur lihei ty !" F.D. LAHOIM.A YB. I-; i'i.i KI m s i .M M !- H:ilf a eenilify he ore ihe w;ir fur Independiime, appeared in London tim ll rsi issue nf Um Gcntlenuin'i I/'O/O..'/M'. On tim lille jiitefi! ivas Um nuble nai'n- di-v'u-e ol' a human hand grstspllt"; ti ii.ipmt nf Mowers, with Hie legend, "IC plnri ina itninii!" (Mir failuis horrowed it astin liol to of the eilis! tir of iniijdiiij/ Sillies whirl Im \\-cary, downiioildon world was roach nu fori ll t" i-la.-p. Ilia! il hi?jrltl revive it? aii^ui-liim/ lito with Ihe .sweet fra !_. nt neo o iiierly. la t ns lonni the world's inanifoh york is one work done hy ninny hands, i'stn /i* I io plants, ami Apollos wlm waler-, an (philly ("How -laborer.-, M ?th dod. -JjHttimorc Si iiivt; to iii tike everybody happy, and yoi ivjji make at lesisi one so-yourself, I'Vxtraordhiiiry vjrlties ?ne ever defaniei li\ lim - who want the i'oni'.i,i;? Lu imiiati li-, m. Lud nra nco. Hov nnicli Iii? h; :i?t nmybeiir, ?nil y- t ucl hreiili ? Mow nnu-h ??ch muy n'tiHVi ili?l mil 'lie! I ?ttlOHl loti Illili ll ll illly pilhi 1)1' licito Hi - nui,n inidt liiliij?s ??iii-<-nii inoiv ?Ijtli. i>i mil CIIOOSCH his nwu timi-; un ?nat ?, worn, All evils univ lui horno. Wv i-iniiik ninl shudder ni lin- sul;*enii's kiilfc KlU ll IICIVC lccoilue: limn the i i liol -lei I, Wlil'.se ril^e ihicuiH seillellili;; lorine . |illv?-| in;; lil. , ? I 1 In oin rtl'IISC tile Im loi- |?:llle ' ??!VC??? I lill! -lill, HltliiMIull tl le I reinlil i ie . llosli III) loi n. 'rill-, ni m, i un in liiiriit'i I Wo IHM; n sorrow j is|uj{ In oin- we -,, ! Ami Irv ti ?li e In,m Hie npprna1 hin;t Ul Wo m.'i'k ..onie smti 11 escupe wo Weep mu? piny Uni ? lion I i o hlilW lulls, tln-n .mi h. nH ? ure stli!, Nul Ililli (lie pain i- nf UHKllilrpnr . slint ii Itul (Ililli? U cnn ! ' lin] ile Wu wlml oe; Hie iiluuit tii'.otlier lile Wc holli " S'liiscr, ?U-iill ' limn uni own Anon li faint* mel hills H! dimity ?ttlCe, I.cnvInp u . sluillieil, ni"I 11 loki ", mel ntont ; lilli uh . wc I!'I not ilie T. ?? linwc ive mourn ['lils, also; run lie borne. ht Illiiil, to'.: i I Vi; tlircinpli n'! thini;s. riiinlne; lilli -t, ItcrciivciiiHil, puln ; ni! pi iel lind misery; All woe um! forrow; lifo lliillels lis worst Oil soul ii't'l Poil y -luit \ic eiinnol illc, I .'.tnio.h we ! . sick, und I li eil, und Iii int; und worn ; Ia?! nil UiiilKS can Po linnie. Street Mnnners. M A S V ;'. man wini i< Courteous in his plate ul luisinc-s anil in I lie drawing-room, seems lo ti ny, i ( Ile' ci ni I lort e! ol her- while in Hie street. (uMii'i lally win n he i- in ha-l". My fil'lilij? lo uh-'i ve the simple rule. .. Keep Iii thc riu'lil." "'cai emiln-ion ami dis contlori lui lu w ^dodging ?ipoiit in lucoiing a in il lui Ince lo lace, ("ititi Hot il ly a collision in gel)iii" by, iiiitl it.liii.\lliti uj> nYiiie tUp cur rent.- in a eroWtleil sit i wliii'li jin < huis the easy lin'.' -of bulli. . Kl'CpIO lile Hghf, as llielau directs," is ii:* applicable |ij ; stl'i-Cis j ami s'uli'> til Us a - lu bridges. j w in n ve ai' passingIliriiii<rli ;i ? Wdvilcd sired, \\ llb hot. lime lb "ol tu HP' d' pm liv walking bl.SI. bl u- im! u,.| a II-ry .,'. ii li i lu i-'c in lienl of ti- Who are not irb|n? in Hie depo!, ami Millik llu-y are wall<liiu -lowly pr-i to hinder II-, or thal Ih?y purpo-oly walk nour the cil;;i -lune su that wc caiinoi pass (hem without going hilo the .-I reel. They ilo liol know wc arc behind I hem. mc- what : i mc our car- 'ju. 1 )u uni ju-ih- (hen) a- il \ nil had Hie sule ri;tlii ul way. Keiler-for n- lu lake a back Street il we arc sholl ol' lime, rather tii:iii lose our P inpi i- and knO?'k men. women HJiii children imo the goiter in oiir headlong "ll voil ino n I?,ly, o.i ",,.,., "iii. " gentleman ulm jroails upni| your ilross, mr \ mi an- jtislly eiililled to only shell a j n ol i'll of Hie wall; ns your hoop-skirl would c.o cr. 1 A hail ciiciiiaehcs upon thc space ol'others. I li*volt carry au umbrella upon, do liol i nn j blindly against a mau coming Inwards J oli. I or run thc omi- ol (lie sticks. Int?) bis eyes us bc pa--> - you. 11' you chery ail umbrella ur j cane tinder your arin, db upi proj -I ii leui I'.otipiily behind td repel tluifc tvho crowd up in thc n ar. lid ii"i spil upon Hie sidewalk I il'i'. um : lu- doiic. sp'u ill ibe -ired, ll wdli prevent ' fear ioi I he pai l i f ladie- '<.-'. tin '.. hirts, lie ! i-bijl'd. ami disgust un thc part ul eve y iier- i . ?n ul rcllueiueut, lady ur ttcntlcui;.u. No! J Ulan Who cjeel:- 1 ni i;u e> "'mic. . -hullM Wall, j wh'ire dei i m people a c found. Manx a lady '.- di c.?.? and geld Ionian's coal ha- been Spoiled by lld- Viii! habit. I in nut stop tn p d long -torn - in the inii 1 ilh.! nlThe walk w in-:,- peuple ai" ciiiwd'uc_' hy, but -ti p :,-i I" lo |||i> wal! m- a doorway, lest j un he thc iiiiioeeul canst! of many ?iii inn ti ri I curse. Alway - have your IhotPihlS iiliotll you ; keep cou! ; gracefully vichi tl lillie tu escape ibe -harp elbows and thc round, heavy shoul ders, and you will give and r?crive plea ure in ihrcijdhig (he hibyrliiths cf a croAtdcil ; t lioi oilghfarc. - /W/n /'< r. -.--4 Preparing a 8er?noni I have been sill inti here for upwards "f an hour willi a hook on my knee. Ililli upon thal a plot ii of paper, whereon I have bien Hol ing down -onie thoughts, for the scrnioli whicli I hope lo wriie duiliig lin- wc k, and tn preach next Sunday hi Illili lilli'- parish church of which .von siaft a Corner of a gable through (he oaks which surround thc t Inn ?- i yanl. I h?ve not been able lo Hunk very coiihreiedly, indeed; foi' iwo lillie foci haw been paltering around inc. two huh! h.'ind pilllhig at mc occasionally, and a lilli'' voice Cul real lng Ihai 1 should come and have a race upon the green. Ol'course I wem ; for like ino-! men who arc not very bad. J have learned from the little owner of lilt) bends and Hie voice, lo love every little child. Sev eral Hines, (un. 1 have been obliged to gel ' up and make ti dash at a very small need Which 1 discerned just appearing through thc gravelpand once or tw ice my man-servant has I'oinC to consul!, mc ahoul inallCr.-? ciui ncCPil wild the garden ?ind the stable. M;, ; M-rumii will be thc heller for all ihe-e inter ruptions. I do not. mean to say that il Will he iibsolulely good, ihougli it will bc a-good as I ('?in make ll i but it will he thc better for the races willi my little girl, and for the thoughts about Pty horse, thanh would have been. If 1 had nol been Interrupted at all. : 'rh': Itomail I aHiolie ( lunch incant it well. .nit ll was far inisliikcii when it ihoughi to i maki! u man ti belief pric.-l hy cut ling him . nll'l'rmn domestic ties, ?mil ciliancipaiilig him ? I from nil the worries ol domestic 'ile. Thal i 1 might, be the way tn get men who would -1 preach an unpractical religion, not human in . 1 interest, not able to comfort, direct, sustain fl through daily cure.?, temptations and .-or I 1 rows." Put for Hm preaching which will ! coiiie home to men's bu-ine-- and ho.? om s : . which will not appear lo ignore (hose things . which must of necessity oceiipy the gretitesi part ol an ordinary moi lid's ihoughts: coin . mend nie lo the preacher whi) has learned ? by exp?rience what are human l ic i and what I is* human worry. -77<a Jorrculnnts ufa ('oin \ (ry l'ar.-uit. 'I has a'?.??O inhabStanl--. lfH(orostih(i Sketch OK I'"I. I I!, AI. i ; \ i 11 i i; I \ i. \ ' M A ii ION. M.\I!"?N. (h!. T ili, ijjiiS. jil e ? "i; : i ?M!- .uiy ?s i jlljy ui?v? li ' <T i?*?Uli al iiiti-iisis, l?epublieahi-lii m np ?. - rn n . -1 In-re. mil willi I Htidlng lilt' ''?'Sf eliott s. .I our .. best liii'iul.-*' lu load out" people astray. Thc I )I "I<II I al.- pi IP a ni' i inn ?. i r m Wodbc-duy l'isi rcrihe.!ivb\ve<l purpo-eiu gniherlu.i In' il? coloHa! pl i ?J ?Ve. Tliet brought IbfWthu lilcir lu si speitkers amoiig ile ni \\. ii?'i(Hil! Walle llainpl'ii am! Iiis |!f?ltiei 'n Iii? lilith, iMi?sb 'm 11.Im I lu lasl mea. il ?. ?'h inan avenel thai lill- i\a? "a wi1 He ??m" iiiimliy." ami thal fu v?. a w illin? lh<?- .Holli i'm fin l'oim'iy s-.I. I, lu ihC i \.'Ipslii'i n' '.. eiirpel-hajij* ' fs" .. >< i tiwags," Set-, ||r m u?? di.' in'psl ?li 'f*i'jn ?'m! I?hlilU! -p?.'?l; .e lli?ve I \I-' lu aid ivhliour CXCCb'liiii:. an' i ii l.iinp iii:. < i . 11 hi- pillit . il snell fl (lih'V could lu- iii. T'h'? I lein? ci!1.! 1 ?H iliis | i ' ? ai;? lu-an il?- st"'ry I liai lie ever spoke I! and (lb ititi I'.-ii.ii- 'i'.-a\a-. m'ich lu ild! ni' '-' ' * lh- H? i eli nf W a l' il mp l?m who huit h'ei'ii utler'ijg filme nf hi-s?; ssto'il sentiments au.I iii?vfs'ug lit? planters' not to employ tlios? who Wonhl \oh' a lie ptlhli! tu Ih'k?t. il??\Vn came th'? lairg ii plat im m frhni ?h tiiey had l "-cn Indi lin? loni! as in fVc'Oi ami preachers, iloeims.' Iitwyers. <jfci ., came ilown will-1 a erasli in1 UlntlPT cailh. Thc lir.-t lh?ui??'l lilil? emu lo my min.' wa-, "O Lucifer,' still of lin nmri"ng. how ail ihon lallen!" An ihf eul orel huly wh'o was pre.-enl. ami hail pro! abb1 hi-a) '' nf i lc rai I lupiake in Spit)lt Aineilea. accosted th? f'iarshiil ol' the day, ami desired lo he ?'.l'ui n?, I "if Hie earth hail .-wallowed then' "p." The mai-hal replied. " Nu; liny are y il (in the land of Hie tl vhiyr."* " ll|e.-s me." -he rcltlrlit'il, " I though) certain I li?-; we*i: f/??M< i.'i'./-.'' OUe nein was sevelel* crushed; aie' ha- -inc? dil il. Several olhei wyr h brui 'i1. Nmw llh.-lair'ii'':* Hi -i: ku i -. mit' df I Inj pcaK?i - i'.ooiv gol up riid said, .. N'. '.("r-. p'ml !' V?fi linty nhl rt eh tie pr er!'dior shjee. ll - ?iraveil h'-Hl'V /ur Hu >?...-. "s nf 'h '. Wc bellin! ii.V-a , li4 lil'.st attempt at a jn|!lij",'ii gtithitrhi" , .ni'! He la-l wc stew ot him ".itv hi- liOOls. Sime then he luis h. eh , ? ? ,.\ ,v Ile i- nm- . 'l lld! c villi itu nui believe ie' preimiivr: inlet - Ipl'hlg vi'll! public- (tXlk'fijijl bc Iii: ubi-! lions i.?!!'.. -e-, i'iu i-e wi re yhriohs spec? li? - niaile. an.1 ". ?.I many ii|ii-li dosei'lbill illi! Ih'puhHeati ranks. Snipe ol' thesped h. smacked m \\ ar. au?! wi ic nut rel Phial' In i Iii |ieiiee-lbvhig pcopP these ? b s ii i o .. '- a.- a consi-i|Ucl|i c. On Hu- billi Insbihl He I'vpiibHeihi !'. i 1 . nu ? lin?, anil rallied (heir torc?; ?is iii.,; will mi Sh? vein her' lld. Hun. ll. l\ \V l?i;ttt;im?ro wa- Hu- principal spoiikcin Snell a day wa: bevor bri..o- witnessed iii Mari?n, in Iii lisna' clouii'-ill alni forcible style, Slr. Win?. i- ri" "ii-t fi . \%&>% : %,-?'? i -, kf&VP ? !-' ; - :.-??.>.O'n pi-?li-il?-i'il IM-III..I-. mill " lui it ii.;.'; pee?ll?iriy hi- own. Mi-; ai.:umciu- wore. i cuU vi m hlg I" I hC nu'-! tibdnriUi! relii 1? ?.? I " heal d him. NeXl caine M r\ I'm \ i-. a yur-? maii in yea rs < bul. iihl hi rciiAoiii ng pow? ?s. Ile show cd ?i ca! depth oil lioiiglll, tl nd. on. hy um-. leliioVcil every shreil ol Il??pii III ia I wa- h it by Hu- i'ortiicr spcidO'i'. T<? cap ?lie 'lliiiaX. Hu- fejy ol .I?.im i iiiiu.-y Adams tu I the I Hmtperatie Iis? ? -nt ive t m m nil ic?'- iii vi lainiii Wa > riiiul. Mr. I*. I hen i n I. inned (heil j bf th ir orrin' ia silp|ii?j-?)i;? that ?he \m iii. i ,i people d. shed war. or I hat I lu v ?.'iiuld i fir. aw ay Hie |irin<-i|?les fol' w hieb hdilibil; iif o r (rea-liri- a nd I i mu-and - of oip' ? n mt . \ m. n live had i.e. n -J'IVCII. ( >; lier - peaUer - Wi ve pre-i III. ?*. r'? ,!?..- xylllilit' we cop.I Ilea. II. I!. H o rn- aub .Mr. I ..... Mo.-e -. holli of whbiii addressed th! vtisl au I dieucth Al Hu- i losCof !lli' ne-. I.'iig th' rc \\t a pro eoS-tioii fofiipal. ihu| w ??li Mm -lars am' -!i i?>? . ivaviug over them, they imirelii'd l?> "ihr nm-ie o| Hu-1 ir?..n." Tin b? wa* ?iniie a iiiiiie ber ul whim lh'|ilihlicaiis in aili'lldall<-e al I h.- m. . ' ia;;. Tim Ililli W ill long lie I'elih'ln hciiHl in .Nlarloli. ami wc nu t we may have other d' nibu.-Tii'aiioiis ot Hm kimi. A Ni IN Grant's Temperance TlKWi-: journals that were wtitit; i "mtii .: a??.', lo' veil, uiider -ide remarks ahiml .. linl iHcd I'rt'sideliilal candidate-." |li? ' hiirges nf druukeiuiess agaiusl(.!raul, vMiieh llihy ha'' not Hie niaiibnc-s cpi nly lu mal'e w ill I'.-I well to read Athhirhl IN'iii er's Icsliiiiouy on this boin!. Heh, K. i\ Stpiicr reports him ?IS s:i\ ?n? . I prbpoipiCC Hm .--toiv of ( leneral (Jriliit ?i i ni cu'i ?( i a ir-i ' :.' lalsehoml ! 1 lin vo know n him i-ince Hm eoini'?cuceiuciit of ibo war. Our rehllliuis - hile ctmipoialhig mi the M ? - i --ip pi Y ? ?'.% intimate. They were cipially lilli niate on Ilanypion Poad-, on lip' .bun Hiv''! . a?-'don ibc Putuiua.'-.- Tlu-y ?lave beer, so shitt'i! ldc war. holli irr Washhigtoi.i liiiil Annapnli-. I have .shared hi- ho-piia.iiy. and In- ba- ai fepled mine. I have uni him under nh clrciori-iianecs ?*?'/ fatigue ami of it tivity. in sunslilnt! and in -imin. in despul? ilCney ami in tldnger. and have hail every iypp?'ituiiily nf h ai u'mg lii's lin'bii ' am? l?'now ing hi- eoilduei, and I say th u. ih "'liig the whole period ol ir?y aeipiainiitoee w'-'tli him. I have never known him lo taste ii'o'r I ta ye 1 ever beard ol his touching iiiV/xdeirting li ?piors ol'any kind, ina even wine. lu ciun loon with lill theolPcers of thc army n'f'iI the llavy who have served w ith (?en. ("r.?-l (mit -hared hts: intimacy. I have been holli shock ed and outraged iii retitling ai"! hearing I hot illlCgaiioii against bini: and had ley pus. timi been ditlereUt, ami had il nut been thar m.vinotivi'fl ini?lit bc uiisundersto'oil or mi' repicscnlcil. I would have I uer ago ilp iioititcCtl Hie slander on (itiii. tlraill as il ile serves. M uni r.\'i ION.--" lt ls easier." s hy s Philip Henry. ''lo?o-lx miles lo hear a seriue.ii, than to spend ol au hour (p ,,,,.,] ilnlhig oh it n hcii I come hollie. * SPSP?Npi'.i?.--Thirteen |>(.'r'.bdie;ils of tn, SmilhCfli l'.apti-t ( her h lui ve hocen duwil Within 'wo years, for wain of So says thc /,'. f?//.>i(^ //. ,ol,i. A Wer'crn editor, in iespons?fd -. |iiti'i;i". ber w ho eritlnbleil Dial his nmruiim papij w as intolerably damp. says. " thal it ?. ?,,.. i enuc Mum ;-, *o um !' >? mi ii."