The Charleston advocate. (Charleston, S.C.) 1867-1868, June 01, 1867, Image 4

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?iuniUi Nivele Tho MoUier\s l.nsi toft. Vii Till \ Al l i i I A SINOl I 1 I S' N1 I h i i iv veins ago lia-il UMS- Kvcit to eif fel Oto o i i \ ol' London, ii'd li bout lodi' .t?S'll Will's i'l Ugo. tb' Wils di. ss, ,l iii :. dark frock, which 1ml bis mulei- iippji'rcUij add which appeared to bas.' beer. |iuK|ti /or ii perso.U ev id ci? h talki ihiiii ti.?. : wearer. Iiis boots weio covered vyi/di dust froili lld' high lead. lb' lui 1 >.:. ?ll ,old had .villi n buick bali b v. li Ult coil ti'aistod .strangolv \\ilh tl; ?.? lili . l?a'j covering ol bis I'oa i. A stiial! IHIIKIIO, ' fastened b.- tl.. ? mi .'l'a stick; and iiiior.v il . over the sh-.mU.lei,' was lia' vv'tioly .: bis' ciphpiticiit. As lie appi hj I b . M in sion House, lu pulisod to 1 '.I a! t' .building, ami sOaieil hil?iselfoieihi','if; j , .of one of tho doors', lie wa- abbat to ? rest awhile ; but the coming in au i ? , Old of bali' n dbzeii j er-ou-, b, -f, Ito ha ; .time to tl nish untying bi ; I lin i!e, mn 1 him leave tb'1*, spot .' r the liest open space, vv her<- tho dOi'V'" boro in pun ilO-SC'l. Having taken from lin bundle a large' ! .quantilv of bread ami cheese, w h iel i !. scouted to cit with a ravenous a phi t itv, he annis.'I hiuiself b\ ibokijig ..' Hu bui?ilinb before liihi, with nil the curiosity of one iitiaceustom to ?.. similar objets. The uppear.or c of the VeSuth spn;? ab tracted my curiosity, and lieut )\ . [ici kg i the door, I Ktbbii be Iii nd iiim-willii it his j being the least conscious of i ly 'pre-, nciji He now began iiiihniagiiu: his pocket . and at\er a deal of trouble brought oiiji ab roll of paper, which lie opened. After! , satisfying himself thai a birgt loppct coin was safe, he put it back : g nu. say itig to hiniscll. in a low voU'o. " M il er, 1 will remember ybtir hist Woi tls oj .'A penny saved is twopeiieo eattn-.b' I: filial 1 go hard with me 'be h itv ! int SN it 1 ? yon, Old friend." ? l'leased with his remark, I ?n u.iv . touched the lad on the shoulder. 1! started anil was tibold to ::i"\ away; when 1 sai,i : - .?My good lad. you .iceni lire.:, aub/' likewise a -t ranger in the cit;. d V?*s. sir," he an- w< red. puttie !.b blind to his hat. lb. wa- a pibl ?dio'.d bil ? move forward , ( "Von need nc.? I (?fr ry away, my boy.'' , } observed. " {inned, if yob are a rilli-j ] ?er. ami willing !.> work* I Culi. |icrl??ipjb i help to timi '.vim', you ie.piiro," The boy stood mule .i'll astolii li ment ; and coloring to -rn !, rn extent **> t to show all the freckle-; of a sutlbttiili face, stitininei'ed f?id : - "Yes. sir." " I wish to know." I added, with alli' the kindness of manner 1 cou lil assidue, ." whether you tuc iinxiogi-i * ? fuwl work, for I am in want of.ft yo :'.!i i i assist toy .T-ouohnmn." The poor boy i'wisteil Iiis ' undi.'ubopi, j j).nd after having duly i lr. e ! his ba'..di to his berni, niaimged '... :. : a>vk: ward kind of iii; :.'...v.-er. thiil !. '-dd be very thankful. I theniinned not a v...rd abott! v.Iud I find overheard willi regari' to ilie j enny.. but inviting him Into' tie.? lc .uso. I sent for the couchman, lo whose care I en trusted t he new ? . iin?r, Nearly a inbuilt bad passsed fitter this picoting and ?oiivcf fi ion occurred, wbon I resolved to t'mike Soine implincs of the coachman rogiirdtuji tin- conduct of thc fad. " A better boy nov if . ame iou. the house, sir ; and as for wasting ?itiytltinpri bless, me. sir, i know li >t where be ba been brough; up. but 1 really liilioVe he would consider it a sin if he iii i not nive thc crumbs of bread io thc poor birds every tm ?ruing." " 1 am glad ibjheid1 so go*v.i .'iii ?iib '-nint." I replied. l> Ami as ibr his giaid iiiitiirc, sir; lih'rc is not a servant muong us ;!..', ...|,'t ppeak well of ilos?plb !!>? rc..'- !.. us while we sup, and In- writes al! oui' loi tori >rns. Oh, sir. he has L'I" t inore learning limn all of us put together; and what's more, he closon't ihind work, and never talks about our secrets after !.. writes our letter-." ? t/d'-rndned to s,-,. .J,.., ph myself. | mpK'c^.'d the .'..laefruan to -end i,i;?? (.. the parlor. "1 uriderMtaml, ?losvpli. that yoii ('jifi read foul write." 4' Yes. sir. th: r!,-. i ? r v noor. dear mother." " You liave Itftely lost vottr liiotlicr, then?" "A month Hud verydsi.v when y on wein kind em.nub lei lalo ide into your house, an unpioteeted orphan," aiiswired Jo? ?eph. '. Where did you go ?ch ipi?" b S'.c. my mot hm' luis been ? vvidovv, over inn?e 1 cit ii KM lie I il lie i-. She wits n daughterof the \illitgoschool itiatder, and iiaViug id maintain lite ?iisdi herself willi lier needle, she took tho oppoiiuuit v ol hoi ?id ure lie rn- nts to teach nie not on ly IO ?cad an.! wi ito, hut to Casi tip a?' counts." " Ai..; d.i.i .-?,0 give Voii i'll.* peuhVi w'liieii was iii tin- p.-, rv that 1 -aw you unroll so carefully at the door *" Jose'""- ? annuel, lait at length j replied vdu emotion; and ti lear sit ii rt ey! idhi iii- eye .? Ves, fiif, it y as the very lay' pcniPt she gmo tue." j ?. NV ell. Joseph. So Satisfied tint I willi 5'ouil ?Hiti?liOt, l!?:.t not oi|j\ do 1 pavy.ur a inouth'sAvngos willingly ?Ur t.lte tilde you hilve beeil !"-r.\ I ut I must beg (d' yob to fi:UKI the du:!- -..f.. .':'-. ?! by. ele; I, |d ?dir dhiib whieli situaii 'ii V;, . v<....,uni?; viie?n' by tin death id' a very old and tV.d'dV.l assistant." Joseph thanked inc tu the aied ituu's Hftin'tjig au ? i wie* asked h? Hike1 eave bi" his fil?n sinee 1 hud piend-ed to proyk.'e him wiri; suitable ekdlihip h r his new oeetipa'.i' u. 1: w ill !.-' num-.-.,- -a:;, lo reina h .v.. step by sie ii; titi : j's-uv I i ; . .? ? ? ' (J ' Will '1 -' i" .!.;']. ! .. !' ir.Vi- If .Iii!.; ! . ' . iiiole!Unjin ile !ibs'>l?itels .v ..: i. > \ <. .i to i pehdy:? A'. '.emili: ho hr. i .nw .1 a -?::. hthiiof iliijiiey?io lie il. p..-ile I in i'ne bun!-.. I' -o happened t?iat bib: .-I bu|! eliji l ?;:. bum r-. who curried On a > nmv- du] ? (?ii'siiii'ss. re.?".iri-.1 an aeiivlu paitm-r. i'liivs pi.'rsoV) wa-- i'd' . li;.''!;-, and .?o'bsidviabiy advrm- d iii ; . Scrit [!v iu-d . be I. .''-i' I '.>? re'rv pe?d'.y. ind Hiviirittb'y lUsj?lthi'gikl lbs ivorkiheh d' the.\ wei-..- hoi i .'miall y . ?,'vuphli ms iii A wai if tin i di ii! :' '? . . here wu-i nd per-m 1 . . :;l'i ileoimnehil nit Joseph : au : niter oVorco:i;?:<;' ?he .eptlgiititiei; of my part mu. wt: w.e, uu': .villing to be deprived ot's.. Vi luilbl': ?di ; .sislant. Jose jib wits duly re.??iv?.j i billi die linn > l" Uieh'in! Ifiiii'di libers A: (.'o, I'l-osperdy :!tb".i.b .'. .!.- ;;. \W < nw .inderi ak i ut:. and ticvcr sitd?T|be ?i p. ti ne's diiferenhe to appear in his tri i h sito . iou... ho .-?> completely won t e eotili s.'iie,. of his senior par: m r. th-Vt he left nm the whole of his b-nsiu .s.-.. ?is he e\ >re?-.e't it in his willi " c.. li to ilie v : ry u?.t penny."~ (7?W.W-./M /A'j/i'i/i \ :i:-:is,r IPXJC^ "V xvi: JB WT , wm mimi t??timw fM jj oller- i!,e lt: I Hr. lb.-.- ? i i.t hs r i; .vt i'b N vu i:Ad. Jil iVdsyi i'm: iirisfi Wotli; <?? mi 1 ''?' > s i'd: - l'ut". Iths r \Vot;u ON' l?t l'A i: M Asp i ! v |;bt!?i I i?f His: i l'AMtl.Vdll.i. l.iet !h"iK. eten ? |i: Ail-!:-.-'. K. d.Vif !'CI;Ki-., t ddidtin A-ci?. Auburn. N. V. nu: l'.MiA n:.\h!j;. run.\ni:i. iMiiA SA\ > fyi1 ''SUNNY BAN!K:" " 'I'lm mum r-m- a ! ni:Marton Har land'- biM>!<s w ill be pleased to leiiriibf tVits new work fr* un lieH elidste and j/hicd ili'.'ib li eijiiais . M 3 rid in ' ".a tnie: au 1 iielhi?';ul*>ii t character, und Hie plot cf !tn. stm-y b tuite!, more perfect." PUK H 'tj 7c. /d<>N"S Hld iii".. HIN'. il'. A .'db . A now HeC :.' (iyhiji iiiid tam- Hiiol? cm ia,iiiialt lii'arlv ctl'i iici'ims and .'finies, pt in !. ail ,.\ \\ lu ::, ? >. \\ v, Knapp. Nen:,': n. H"'my. H.;:b 11 iit'tlinotnl ami "du r Hi anii'el??I * ia iheir ie'ViVijl niceihii;si lt i-- one of I bc Lest !.Us ever pii!i? d for sieh sei vices as wi ?ia- |V?r Snailav ^.im.ns and Social Me,-: inys. Hrii-?-;' t'ai' i- i'..\. ;s. ;(n i'cplsi ?'.'?.'j? pei' lm/eii. s..?", jier I"'?, jipin I ?.'over-, .'!.*. cen: -. s I per !>??/? en. !?;fU per b'.?. i !>.:li Kiiibivs'. I. i lib. .V.? cent-:. *n per I ><./< ll. IO pe, 1 O. M idle I al Hie It?t?tl I'll?.'? . < o'nipi?ed bv i.ttniiee Wat? rs. Author ot s. bri t./ Nbo, I ami -'. . < ??o:.\: MAI::.'' --hw M Ito. o. Hill ." "A 1111 s. i : " M Cpl i i . : n c. ?.? tikis I IVS M kl ui'i -1." A . Ju-' issued liv ?. M. i'l.'l. MA ?NH. Aptin.:? No. . <) lirofulwhy, N. V. JUSTIS'UJ}^): A M OS'I' IXTi.HH- l!\*. I AMil.V AN I. > ' ' \ ! >.\ V -S< ! 1< ?< ?1. b< a >K. i^THf: CHILD'S MISTO RV v Al KW ?('A .N ( < l.N I'HK i : Mi? BROTHER SOLDIERS. uv Mu-. M A KV S. lb ?b! Nx ?N. IV;.'" T.". e?llts. Wek'-e).Iifiliiitlly "ti band Sumlay-Schoo ami iii. ..bern a! ?oMik frblit all (li? Publish N.TiRBALSdCO.. Sd.-V. t'A lik I''.?'.< \?. ". > r ito.'. ?. ? yr.lrs t v u ..<.. ,..>. . i-m e i.\ ? \. 11 .i. t i i i iii i iiotvo ????. ii, -?> i ? i?i' nu ? i; :? nt li 'i -tili-".ni.'.:i>:i!<i alterativo pubei tts In alloid :iu eilt ctllill a ni ?tl-0 l'?>r di-< :nr ip.U?II.1!-. li'JMilili ll? t il'". Suiii li IO med? i- Minii waulci! by ili?se v\ Im siltier Iybiii Shuiiiniis complaints, ?uiil ih:il onO Vi I it. h \v ill a. vi no ph - I' 11" ii ? ii IO in tl st p? >>v >.. ;.- tlii- has. ti?' ?nial, II se ?yi'V?- 0 lo ! !.ds large .i;!-- DUI .lilli Cl Oil lo|lt>\\ eiii/i'iis. How e iliiploti ll (Iii- i "inpound y\ i!? 1<> i: hil s boen provoii lo experiment ?ii inti i ly iii* i lio worsi ene- t<. lie tell I ld in t lie lt il pl Vi ht > > i .! ll | >l :i i lil - : S?i'?.'l"ultl. SeioflllptlS s.Vv?llhiiii niel .SOlCS, Skhi 1 MsOnST'.S; Pimple?. I'l?iilios, |t| lehes. lli Upli ?hs. SI Amhonv's j-'iro, Huso Or Iii \ - -pei.,-. K-itOror Stilt Uheuiu. S'.-.tlvl Hoad, l?ihgvi ..tin ol ii. .\... hits '. '< N .>.'ttt* 7i. . ;s'. is expelled (ruin the sj -tem hy (lie prolonged USO ul' this Sai - sapaiiliin id ?I ihe palien! i- led in couipar.". iivo health. /". : ih /?. xa'Si* ibo . aliped bv Sovofiila in iboHloOd. : te.l ai. litis etien M.,' n eur. d bv i:\ra. t v. Sa silt ,i ?da. Iu> ni?! ii- int dbi1' ?hvaiuablo tiicllloiiic. 1,101'ainti yp? !-. iv- i-...n iiiiposcd upon bv soincihitig pn n nd;., tu ne Sarsapliii??: .\ IdiO vt x n.,; V? h n ypti li \e med A "i i ii's- t!ira? andi noli ?I I i bi-?ii vv iiiyoit lui'?vl lie vii lie - ? .: s.ti'-eiia i i ; i a. (. di' m : - ?le ii.i)' Av l.t'eiovx l; .! i .id i'"' ?i. mils ii:\ inAui ?i .nu i -v i C?A i I .".ll Si mi;;. ,;. | |,;i hil lc-, I'itv?. I,i:? i,.dal. ? nc 11 tiiyi ? M 11 ii ; i i . . : - .i li'ijmi I ?ber. 1er. .| mich. I'ld: . pf MurMd pen .i Ol' Uv ' .' ? fpatVtio .pl . I.,-- ,.| A,,. . ! il 'i t . lllplli'ult . I ' I . 11 . I . Wee. un. '!'. \. m d I', i Diuuer Pid I ? ' rm .-.'> '.. -o ihm the inosi ...mri pleasantly. and thov . e,,; I ie fi \i i '?? . t in ?he world I'm- all Hie i . i M ? id a lairaly phi 'sie. i 'i i'pai'i'd bv ,1 i . Av ri: ,v i >l.n?-. .md . titi IA all hrmr:ni? Lowell. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED CATA LOO be Boeill, and Floral Guidii FOR Itt V,". n i.uivv jnibinlo.-ih il oonfgiiiis nearly ?I.HI r'/nme Fh?rXfrs .i/.;/ I '< ./< [at ;i .v. anita iWavti/\ti (.'. rm, it l'fiat; .-. l*Uih>, I'm li-.ntl-piece. Als., .lese! i; iimis ul' the 1'iM-i I" i < f \ i i : - ,\ sn Nt '.?.i \ i \ . - ?i'dvv?i. IV lilt lilli :: nd i ia I n ?IS? Cot iou? fui' cid! uri'. d lcd. Addie-. .1 AMI.s \'|VK, Ul - li i . N ti lt. i > l v ii;'.itv WAUii Ul.Ifllli: will rurai-i i >. it ii: toxnui : i i?>: ? m HU) ?.v.liiuiils ,.< lill', siivrnooisT? Fortuiuhd;, X^eAoas u>t(\ ..Aro/ior linnrn V-.//.-.S-." i cpoi h d i xplo-sly i lim M I .i'IH ?! ?l> T. revi<vli bi- Mm lin < ii rn. ami proteolotl by Arraii.i:('mc'.t> .. series ..t \alaalil-' pitOimm-n.uhcM beini" made tor a viOXS '>.\ liiiiiieui jni? .!'... iitui ((ilil'iCiiii eii I'ntMv: ftl.c'i li i: vi vi:. jiayaUle i advam ijiiihal I'lfiiii un- Ur L'b.i)iitl?fi.t?>ijs ? if a |.-.vvid tuth.-.c ti.rmii.;/ eiuiis of o;l'.-'.1i'.iht;r Addi-.--. lin: MI; iiioDi-T. N'u. ll t v..^:,., s,,-, cl. ;>'. V ??N'S HERALD. i hi- i- tin- oldest Methodist new-paper ?a wbi'ivh it ts pidiishc.l liy ti;.- UosrON WI i rv IN AssdoiAi'loNi eompd-soti ol'twenty nieinl't-r-utilu- .\ Otlibdist 1 -ipi-copa! ( iuireh. and i- the reoogni/i tl urirae. t ! our elm roll i i N'.-.v I'.i.alamh i'h?- A--i.c:.,i:?.-n lindert a ky '.Ile l i-!< am! e n c hi' pubiieiitioii i ?.!.. ly for th? belo iii of (he M-:hedi .! i"!.. r- li aiiti lin- eau -0 el CilV'.:-!. Wid)"",! IC. C '. V i.i^ illly lie n?' |V idlier >b :'.i..?.!:'! papois.tlu; /A r-.i.'-Mtas never ret'Oiv ed any support li uni tin- I h mi? ( 'Otieerui nidi-, iliereiole, entirely dependent unit: . wa p?iir?naji -. ?i', alit-r pavia:; lite m-.-c.* -arv espouses pf pnMi iiine-. any profit,, acerbo, i boy! are ?'iiivl ibiliii Ne,v> Hiigiaiid, Maiiilli Noy.' Ilamp-hirc. ihiri'iiioiii'O. Ver ne iit. :'..:?: HaM Maine <'oi.liivnees. 1. hie III i: vi.i> A sn. 1"' i; NA I 1- published ?s.'.r.o i.ev voa'r ttti'-triithti iu od .J. All ii-avcllimr I'rcachc; i. ni thc- -tlotho di-t I'.p'n-"p.*l ('tiuioli aroi|u(horded A^ ait?. lu wlibiii payment may !.. math-. ,'{. Al! coinnuinicaliun- do.-i<ill?(l fol' ptlb lieatibii rhoiild he ?ddresR?ii t" tl:o fatiior, and l"tters on binim-ss should !?.. nddrOSsed tr. thc A'lttit. H. All biographies, accounts Of revivals, .iud other mailors involving niel's, mini bo aoomiipaidod willi the uiihiesblt lie wiltoiSi V? '' W e '''.i"1' a;;eii!s t" he ??aiti.-ular lo Wilie tlii* name-"f stibseiihcis in full, and the aiune bf ibo ?*?sl < dbe !.? which papers ?it'ij lu .-"-nt. iii Stiel) in fi IU I er that there ran br. no mif minor standing' i r l S i'-?H'Sj li A I.S A.M OF WIM? ( ll ll,'I? Y lin boon ns. .j Iv.i II aili I lull'a Century' willi ? lie mus? asfOniahi ? fhieees!" in culing. ( 'ouujis, (..'oki?, 1 lo?rsenos?, ?Soi e Thront, Influenza. Whooping Cough, Croup, Liv er Complaint, Bronchitis, DiHictdty of 1 h cathi;.-. Asthma, and eui y iil?e?tioii Of Tho Thront i Lungs ami Chest. t ONSIMFI toy. M ilich earlies otliiiorc victim-, than ail* Other disease, im.I wjilcli bailies ilia skill Of th.-, liosieiau lo a reiilm extent than any other unihnl\. mien. 1 I Kl .US TO Tl I IS PK.Si Kl) Y : when ail others prove luelleeliuil, AS A MKDICINT. li.VPID IN i:i:iii:i*. S??TlllNi* IN IT FK'i r. SAFK IN li's AT ION, / / l? i ysi iiiM s-scp : \ while a- i preparation, free from noxious j innI'l-tlisiiis. poison . or tnhc'T.i ls ; uniting ' .i l l. science and uicilical knowledge: cbhi-i liilit?fV htt thal li ViiliiahlO lu thc v<-;;ctal?lc lotijjiloiii '-'a tine ela-.-, ol* diseases, ii is ixi '< >Mu A JU. i: : ami is entitled, nui its ami re?oives the Rim erai < oiiildeiicO ot' thc pnhlie. SK S M1 Md; ill Ai'( ilKl?. M . I'.. ot* H?rnum. N. Y.. writes fis; follows-,?A '"AV i Sr.\ fps llvi.-VM ol uni? Ci pl*, hf: Y j : '!.o tem. ll seOhis tbcliro j M Cough hy loosening ami eh'?iishig tim Um ;-. : 11 vi I alhiOuig ir' 'tali.m. tims reinovin"; i th- oin -c iii stein) ' ; d tying up inc coo", li ami i 1- living tim piase hehiml. 1 Oohsidet' ihc iialstiiii us good a? any. if not tho best; ? "ongh ! iueiiii Iii ? with Which I am acquaint" " O ? -, s- <>1 i< . i t < .( 1 Ti 's t i 111< >i i y. li-rn ! : i.v. li:.\\< i ? I omah t . Ihfster oftite ?joiitli ( obgregaiiotijil ' hm.-h. Miiijgopbli. ! l'mm is.:, m, i roi:;. ,):.ti. I. ISO I. (ieiith tnei: :--| ebn-?der lt a Uitty which 1 nivO :.> ?idliii'iiig hlubaiuly lo In ar tustihioiiy j to the i utiles bf |)n, WiS'iAh's ?Al. -.iM Ol' Uni? ?in inty 1 haw used it- w hen I iiitye m . a-i' n !'".. iiti* r.-ni-.-dy fer l'bliglis; Colds, j ilii K> . .. Throat - I'"!' many year?, and nev er, in a ::i?!am-e. ha- it fulled io nimv ami' i i'- ide. I have frOipiei.tily beeuv? iy , hour.-i Suttlriltiy. ami looked fOrwjud lo ? ile- ilpjii fi ybj'1W li diinbiis on the follow in ?? I ..lily willi sad?ii?js'giviiigt hui by a liberal ilse win, h wi-a c pi cidi.-ir!y oXpiiSc'd P .:';:.> ly uiisotieheil. 1 ->-i i y<>u this tc-ti moic.?-.!. win ? ybti tir? at liberty; to iw In . a'tiy v\ a\ you ?i,liob;se? Perhaps tho Ila1.-,un j dbes nih ?fh i til?;|ier?sOn.?? alike* but it alw tiys nm.o,-- my lOitiseness.-and Iiis ino tor t lie iiilliister's liai I working day--the Sabbiiil . ! Verv trull tours FitAScts I omn i i. i h'i t rt h i n* 1 'h is-?l ici t Oil Tesl i Monv. i.o, M).. April Isf.i. Mc? -i. M. ni V. F< ?w M A ( < i. i ?eui h.-m?ii :- .cciim' liiiliicrous cert moates in tliii lu uer ? mint-mg the merit- of j i ibu Creal I .ti jj lieincdy. ?VISTAIFS P.AI. s.\ M i ?I v\ 111? Ol I lilt lt Y. I mu imiueed, add I iiiko gf'?i jd* af-hr? in '.diing ptibliOiiy lp j ho great ?iel' li a.-i-<>mpli-h.-iI in my f.iiui-. ly iii y<iir ISM I Miring d|?j .siti|iiiier of illili year my - nlb-nry A. An-h.-r. dow I'-.-t Tad-ld. Soiiierscl <'.ninty. Mc. ; ., ( ai'.ackcdi ' lt 11 -pitting <>l blood, eotiglb I Wi tl.i.c-s ol n.""' g'-ncral debility. SO ' mm ii sb thai ur faiimi p^V*'1?^?'1' <h*lared lem :.? jiaVe Si-:ATr.n i ONSIM.".'\?' lb- was imo-nm ni. ;.i Im.-nt fora mini-'I her of iiioiitlishiii reeeived nb bciielii from j 'i:. At leligtl frolii the solicitai ion ol him-1 -.if and oili-s. I was iiuhici'd lb purchase I One hot i le < WIS'I'AIPS ?1ALS.\M OF Wi LI) Olii-l?) . vvhicii I" m-li; <-. I him so j iu.l?i ii thal l' 'l an b..iilr. which ! lil . dibii ?in .'c.-1 mid lilia lo his usual stale! j of healt!). I tl?ll ! uni .a.' .ly rt,.oi,unend ! ; - i-.'; r?hiedy '.?>ih.-r; hi lil,.mi?|iioli, foi? it j .-. 1 ilihiki all parpm-ts io h.- - fill-: bul?AT Lt ? li i vu:<v< n: ; in. mitiS ! il...' at ove ::. tem, nt, getillOlneii, is my j vbliiti'ary otbng t?> you in favo.-of yoi)i, and i I your di.spo.silL s ..vcr. you:-.':, | Axion.w l in MI K. I'll WK <>Ml>OLL42tA Ti OT TL K iu e vitim HY ST?TI1 . FOVVI.K iv SON. k? itMOX'T SlitKIlT, PO?TOX, \st> v(,u . \-: i-.v ALI I>J:'-(;I",ISTV A1 ^ K IO I i ? W I N G MA( i 11N KS. 1*1*100 : Win linisn, $?.>;*) and 850 j willi exi-iyS-lijto'$100. The only lirsi ehi-ss liceiis liml warranted machine t-old less than .-s? Ui'ui. .Killi ?. OLA FF, AOKNT, 1( lil MONT, bos i, is, Iii), ral t ii to denier'. ?i."i" Thft)'/ Anioghi" KUibroldor.S' done I t>*i onlcr. I Tile 15 th Tlious a nd NOW READY OK Tl IK Ono Volumo. Prico $2. HURD & IIOUGIITOX PUBLISHERS OK > I AN I>AK1) il UV KN IKK AM) .MIS ckliLANK?US BO? ?K'S. .si' i.'?!1 KKOOMI-: sr. NEW YoitK, PUBLISH SIX MONTHS AT TUE WHITE HOXTSB WITH ABRAHAM LINCOLN. n l ' / '. i'd t; i 7.' \ / /. . .i l{ TIS i '. I Vol. (Orno, Prico $2. Road What tho Press Says: ?.Ht.- ivas inore i ii a ti a painter, for bc was i render of human nature ; nm! he si tulloh lie character of thc distinguished subject of ifs tiri mini ho became ihoi'bughiy heqiiiiint .tl with it.-- w'uto is t r.i; (J A/.I: I i T.. " lt presents th?' groin mau al home; III thc V'-'-.imn of unrest rained intereohrso : and ho ?buk iliat lias hoon pnblishcyi ii bout him will five posterity SO aeCuralO an ?doa of him ?is Iii-." -ll vhi roan hu lissi "Kike ii modern Hoswi ll, Mr. Carpenter iislies lip hi< hi-ro. phi tn and with all kimls if sauces, we have lum alono. Idle, and hu y. in his Cab! liol, peaceable a nd ?intiigonis IO, as judge, solider, law vor. rail-splitter, rilic bf Forrest and Rooth, actor himself, .??.??y fat li,'1', the imminent imsbimd, iliosto lu far,', what tho book doo? nt jis'l'j of Mr im'oomij - P*'<?l>ftbly not worth told. ..-,\ i xv fony TP!si-,V.KS8* CARPENTER'S BOOK ?S A SI?TESS. .11 UKI) & HOUGHTON. KUHKlslIKKS 0? HltOOMK. S'JUKK?, NKW YOUK. ST .MY MAIL, 1WI AOE I'AIO, l'Oit TWO DOL LA Itf. A.g?^ii?s Waul ed LL OVER THE COUNTRY TO SELL THIS HOOK LIBERAL DISCOUNT WI ADE Ti l ID J io w i? EWING M AJI I?M'?B 699 BROADWAY NEW YORK. FOU FAMILIES AND MANUFACTURERS THE HOWE LOCK STITCH. T11 KSK WOItUX-RK NO \VN Kl) SKW?NC! M ACH IN KS UV;-, a tea nial //? ft iahest premium al tho 1 M'0);((r.s /'d'/- ('/( I.'>),<! ot, <md six first j premiums nt tin X. V. .State Fair of \H. GO; o)id Are celebrated for del; g thu best work, us ing ainnoli -i na i ?cr needle lor' tin - si mic thread I Ha ii any other machine, and by tin- introduc tion of the most approved machinery, we are non-aide lo supply tho very host machines j in Hie world. These machines arc made at : our nen ami spacious Factory at Bridgeport, ! (.'omi., under tin- Immediate supervision til' ?thc I'rosidoiil ot' ihe Company. ELIAS j I IO NV ll, .Ii:., t lie original in ventor of the So w ! iug Machine. They an adapted to ali kinds jof Family Sewing. Army Clothing", and to tho use of Seamstresses-, Dress Makers, Tailors, j Manufacturer- of Shirt-. Collars, Skirt.-?, j ( leak-. Mantillas, clot hing, liais. ( aps. Cor sets, Hoots. Shoes; Harness, Saddles. Linen Clbbds. I'lulu ellas, l'arasols, etd They work I oipoilly Well upon -ilk. linen, woolen and j colton goods wit li -ilk. cotton or linen thr< ad. i Thcv will seam, quilt', gather, hem, loll. : cmd. braid, hind, and pi riorm every species of Sew ing, making a beautiful and perfect sllleli. alike mi lilith sides of thc articles sew ?cd. , ii,,- stitidt ihvotiied l?.\ Mr. IIowi:. niui i made on this Machine; is the ihn??! popular j timi diiraliie; 'find ail Snrimj Machines ur< sub I ica to the iirVncitilc inventt ?i l>>j him. j SEND rou <?I:<?T.AK. AGENTS WANTED. The //oicc Machine Company, Gail RUOAUWAY. Coin Kot'ltTII Sr., N'. V, limos, CLERGYMEN aro furnished with Hie Illustrated Phrenological Journal; devoted to ijthnology, IMiysiology, Phren ology, liiys'togiiomy. l'hsychology, cte.-at i luh rate-. S1.?? a year-Single No.\s SOotso I'd others, $2ii year* I'reniiiims, ot Molo? dcons, Pianos, Sewing Machines and Hooks are given hy S. R- WELLS, Publiahor, 380 Broadway, N. Y .lt s hrhnfiil < I delight tn. ?"V ?T' "^??^??i ilVeiliie renders i sjqries, faiin. ' , ^,oV|.,o chases, enigmas, ami exquisite WOOii . * .iims. ll is beyond comparison tho boslj?? enile magazine mer published.-- lie Halo ?'.X pres-. livery boy and girl in America should htiv? i. ii'.?Ms : Two dollars a year ; Single o; .pOOinicn Xumher. gi c.-ms. s culled from tho rich and vvid? |??ld ot oar? int foreign lin rature. From lim immense Ibrelibusf bf English anil Contir.oiital magu illos and papers lhere have been taken thc hoicest short stories, thrilling adventures, s-qui-ilc p.s historical sketches, seiend c articles', racy essays in biography and iticism. Tho -elections aro all maila wit ic object of mooting tin' tastes of American .adel's.- I'hila inquirer, ii.uMs: .--ingle Niuiiher. 10 rent*; ?5 rar. ICKNOR d'. FIELDS, Publishors, ROSTON.