The Charleston advocate. (Charleston, S.C.) 1867-1868, June 01, 1867, Image 1

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VOL. 2. NO. II. \s YO would t men sh<ul<| <lo milo you do yt; uvcii so to them.*' CHAH i J 10 H TON. S. C., SATU H DA V, O OTOH KU 1 0, i,S<iS. wuor,K NO:m CHARLESTON, S. 0., JUNE 1, 1807, Tr A WKRSTEH, Editor. 13. P. HATS DOi,VU, ^ Asftoointo T. W. LEWIS, S Kciitors. A UKI.n.lot .-> \M> l ivrn.vtiV ?\\?VU. rrni.isui.i' \\TTN I \ .vr NNj'i. 1 SS Mi I i is?; SlUr.l I. M AK I A 1.11> >l X . nv H. JI'H.M: MOI'?I:. THUMS OT si list rin\ ? J'!.;- Dollars a Y'cai'i payable in luhtitjec, six Months.i o 'Ihr?.i' Monih.1."". ['&' AU Utters (<> tin t'hlilorfi or Pul Uslar, sholdd bc tllccctcd to " Cluir!ist"n Adc cute. l.dcKjliu.N 100.'' <. ballest?n. S. ( '. Si)d/lc copies;oT tho Adc -cdc may j ho hud al .Mr. Howard's lin store, undo: Oil I" olliee al I i'll Cetil S Ojioll.'j /i'm j UA l IhS l-pil Al'YKU 1'?SINU. Advctl;-cimr.!? uiil iii.' iinji r't-i al Hi" lat.' of si.vI N i v-i i\ i. i i vt - per ^jiiiiiy;. Th'' Space nf tell ll li*' rt llleviil type ?? n. i ?ill - j a ?.?liare. I.eau T r.dvt-rti-t im n'- ii tte : tan., prhj'ei thai. Hoi' standing advertise-, nient el" I'ljilit w.rk- niel liri S . vx rs per square: tor standing iiilvert'pe; nunn ot'<.Jx months ami upward-, roil ?I CKS/is pei square: ptiyiueiit iii OVOry m.-:av <. bondi reqiilrcd in iid\ am e. HroV-Mmud an.i Hddhcss (.'ards, hoi ex-!,.:' thc line?. Sin a year. Martiage-. H.-ado. Ur'.i'd"U- and Hit-rat \ ; iioliee?. m.; Oxm'ftjihg ?ive lines. I ll I v e; \ is eaeh in?, r?i.iii. , N't. piiiuieiitioii ivllcethig upon pi i Va te elia: nctei'\\ ill tie!?i(iii\\ eil ?it ?'Ur cohiiiitis; Cillic a? advertisenieiii ..<. . ? r)i. -i-w i?... VJ)" N'o pldd'eaih.ii miltie wi: le m.* ai--" ppllslhle mun.-. All llee'lised pr. h?rsu? tl;,. M, H. I I nt jv li ' w hel h.-r t ra-.. "... , r ?oeid. ai e ?'u; aU'.lmrf-1 /.-J a ;. ;;! -. 1 fo\V -!l. . ?Hi til.' li'elM'] 1 V? -.-ii U M i ! 1 >. . tren tildi j Uli a .'lay (if ia ' ?eek '.'tie papers ie- . 'pdl'tOfi Hie appi a, am e oTdojiloi s'oii 1 kn ; liel'.ire a e. mi t in liiohmond, a lu iel' judi- ; cial pinta'.--., and iii- lU?oratioh oil bail : his passage mil .ft In-i. Hilt and to hi-, li?iiii amid Um' hux>.as ol' Iiis rebel tViom . - ami th?' waving ol' hamlkeieiiiel's iVpiii window- hy re he i wbindn ; I I tb'iietj ( i?roe ley figuring meanwhile in tile scent/ a - Hie iirsi on Hie li-'. . !" He-e wi IO bailed . him. alni a- prominent in the eon rt. t.Vn the next ?lay. Hw1 --.nie | npers annoiihee that while a moUvril slale-man was Using tlie fundamenta! right of A morion!) citizenship--(Veen mi >.!' speech-in Mo Hile, a muli Hiokr up Ids audience, ii ri hg] in upon it w ith pistols and muskets, kill-1 ing several pei's n ii ni I wounding more, ' hud dispersing tltd assembly^ Su.-li are ll.e . .. em - w. -rill wilne-s in the desolated Sot;'h. M, now hile hundreds of thousands of the b?si son-, of northern fainilie-. sleep.Oh unavenged in tlieir p.-t t riot ie gruyes throuobout the relie! (erri-d tory. Sotm- assassin^ -onie prisoiplmep ors. lune 1.n drought UJ justice in vi ii- j tlieaU. Ul of the ?av... ; not one of Um leaders of the crime, liol OHO r?ally Responsible imbi.lia- keen brought '.<> condign pnnlshnieiiU The ppTdieiaiis, t?;-: idbniiiist j'?itot's of the ebbh t ry . I di ve these ni.'UU'is in lulu.i ; tho people look oh , -oder .'Sd-. : ' yv ? dun with w c, p . 'M the fa.,,, and 111 g tot- their ns ' . ' . ''hil .".?>l Iu-ai t alni, commue b? Vcop; ?. ? pe.'d ol the people reui.-nibe.';"" and ip i 'lOginiiiivJ io iemand w hat i . 1 '"' kighiliuadi ; rd vi ha1 Un- mora! eo.i-e OjUehee ol'ibis illili <1 of '?joilioViV We an- not , . m. sd who deminid idooii ?i? ;.?. atbheiiteht lor the great .-.long- ol' the rebel I toil against not only tliii cbfintry hut humanlly. We asl; not fmf liid deal lt Of .ieiiersim Diivis, or of am oilier ol'Un- eapiial eulprils; 1 nit we ilo demand, in the daine ol' the American p opie ami of Un- morai sense of thc Chi i.-lian world, that tin- institutions of just ici'add law lu- rC'-p led ; "trea son He made oilioltK,'' innl future traitors i'orewhrh?d. S'o '.oval iii/oii doubts the I reason of ??ll'ersoh ()nvis. Tlioro hut one course for tho country in respect to tils ?.a-c winch could he eouipnlibio with ilie dignity of tin- laws lind tho n i'.ii.- shjVty, That course was a lair trial hy thc pub lic tribunals, u verdict (d'u.uilt c. abd thc pronbtihcchionl bf Hiescnioeo^ of th law, tito sentence ot'de??h. The 'bailey" : of mercy could tiien -n'erv. no ; thc et'iinc, unparalleled. would tildi hayh been branded, thc lav. -, vin Heated, i for moro:- j fui intervention is itself law hil.) tin- pub lic conscience left uiipcrvcrtcit. and future traitors warned Nothing of Um kind lins been donef Hut what has been done, and what must bc its consequence? What else has been (lone lait a virtual previirioni ion with the most solemn law- of the lan i. ii practical evasion of it at every possible point? What lu'ure t. a: tor cnn !*.:;?!. in th" wh"ie hist? ry ..:'H . rebellion, a silt1 gie direct warn.:i :: Au ' (Ve huiv have future traitor;. l'n ;?n?pti|pM;? denni-' rcs linty j-vb'.c it exp's'iii rt ;? ru: ... the the- ol' rovo!* Soiiie bi] these dgCs a'; tie.' capita';. . r it: sv?:t(C iii' Hie rem ito -.< .-- ; (toto; of the land. They may . ..j.aibite '. ! lie dar. of of the exi m ime;.t : they can ? reason that tlibttgii the rank ami tile of j j indi' follow ers may peTidt. and (heir inha?Cst sbbbrdbiides die ..a thc callow s, they, as h-uders. will b<?> safe, ifoy?ii badi comes t<< worst, and that truckling- op-, ponents will Stand up. purse in hand, ju thc courts of thc nation, them; ami the terrible sw ord ol publie justice. 'I Iiis, Wc ailinn, must be t Ile cn-c'|Ue!|oe ! of snell n j! -Hey. Tho! Atucf iciui pedpb'I may have to n;e Un- day < !' tins Kick-! mond la ree. Hal the j ? vs taken Upurl COUI'-C :d Uiehti?OUjl, lad JV.vis bci'P'j lori,c from t!.< I ributmi to prison, .-en-! leiic. d b. die a-; tim nov- dem .n i. '.hough j pardoned the nev w ci;, i ., futtin tr.;.- ! bu- could fail to tia- . a e. io reason justly Hud a second crime of (Iii1, kidd might not fuel similar cloinenc\ '. among a tliduglitt'dl people. 1}.nstrUv-'j expressibly ..rru'el'li'. fol' the pa-1 ; but the! history of thc rebellion is olds i hg with law and ot' ivhol?sojho poH'-y. whtch threated national ilclnorah/.atidn unir? fearful Ulan H..- war froth \\'hieii wo have ellicrgc't. We afc sine t!mt thc people cannot appro-,.- ti.. -.- t!!-ad.;-< ! im-.-i-: urcs, lu their \yOrkshop-. tu.tues, ami sanci naries. tm'.V arc Uijhldhg ii iii'} fe? 1 iiig deeply al ,-ut tin m. Ti: ir i pinion should be lilt.lied i-l some W; V. They . Ijfi mil m.'. H..-,- will md 1 .? willr|ig ijlj?t Un ? ' " ? ind iiic.iin! shall ! f. iehorcd., pto Mitbd. it; tito ol' Uiis vr.-ale - criminal. ?UL.detu hi-b - ry. They eal! m-t tor hi-bb o 1. but U'iey their dead. I nt of the Ihir .-. of their ehi'.dren add (mildred's children, that a' l.-a-l the fortitS of law -hall be r,-pe.-ted. and that the head of lin- rebellion he property labeled before all Hie world. - iV,rt'.s?;.|.. .b/>s,e(//e. Kislu-r-- ol' M OW, Henry Ward P.eooher. get-, ott' some good practical hints on the ijthsiioii of wlibshould preach the gos j iel? In u-im.: men tor our work in (lie South, we are lind there ?ir? ninny of our tuicdticaicH. colored bi'elhren, who eau catcii fish. The idea is Utils illustrated by Mr. Beecher : A man gbh-j fort ll with a splendid jointe.1 cd. a loin:, silken linc, un ex quisite and ulitterim: reel, and ali ntaii h?r o''curidits baits, and walk- w ith full , ' isitCCOSS to the appointed ,'"']U'" l}s|i sn"uid he lukcii. And brook where .1 " . ? -o -i ti. e Jb- gather: bi- lirsi throw is lin;J m . I sick his linc and his so? .. ?'l Un' into ii bush. He gainers back ttl? bm aeain. and his third U.ii'oW U into Hu mud on thc oppo-ite bank. And li? h.-c. his hooks, (incl snaps his linc ami g. ; . d? manner id' thies execpl fish. \ml he i- .'.rv to ? Iii Iii? tba! one So, eminent Iv tit. ii'ine Hi ih?rottghly lurtiisl.j I ddt so specially opintm I. -ie mid fail III lit mission. ()n the other hand a poor plain. worUing-niiiui thftt hil? toilet through Ids appointed hour--, timi leeds soinotldng iv iv hi,, (abie, goos to tho hist bush and eilis him a pole, (did talo s a piece 'oT twine tor ti lino, ?UM pots on tho ?oiiinioh?sl h i ipi of a hook, and goes t" Mm brook, timi drops ibo hook into tho Water, an.I instantly ho pets a bllh, an.i pul!; om a tish. I lo throws ii bi lino a ain. ami iinun'iliaii'i? Im gets iiliotlior t i! ', ano pulls out another ilslt. A ma 'it ft ntl i hg J?v - ivs. oj|t, ought nm ty have ..angil! those tish ; ho was not appointed t" ?I., i.." lint h.- did eal ell tin ni : ami 1 say that tho mau who cati catch ?is!) ottglii to ti-.i. lind thai the hiaii who can n it blight not to. Now. to want to preach, a" I to 'oe able to do it suce .dbl!v. lits - an to he ? pi.cae' : and il' tee. thou sand ap"..? I,..;, ??i i', - w s as long :IS fi;bni li -ri' t.. the celestial pale. . ilphhl refuse i" {jive a man permission to preach, vet. !' :u- h.;- thc dc- ii'0 an l the ability, he is 'jilKi I. and In- is -u daiucd. to lu- a preach [d'or thc A hoei'dcl * '?ii' 1 M;ii 11 > t . 111. Th;0 l?t.h article ol'our Platform reads. 'Thai i' i- jiisi and proper " : " thal i" capilathdl or poll tax should ever bo evie.', in lld- State." Their arc two reasons why this plank -ItotiUl be Striekel) from our platform, iud are -o grave ;1Ul? Si,lf.t,vhj|.|it ihm i i .on in rc to Oplisider Ihohi, in the |iopc| "mt tims,' ol' ?ny colleagues who stijipoi'-j oil iliis article hi ny seriously consider I lie bad iell'eeis ii may have, if al lo weil I o stand, upon thc weal ol'thc common- ' vealth. !";.;. I will brie ll \ consider its "jus-j ici' anil Itidv it will he tieeesstii'y t?? td huck f.? the first piiheiples .d' gov neut. All govcrnnu ut is based or > > c i to : c on^eilOil*trie" lYHitw' lei's 1anding hiUween the governor ho go vented : tliat is. ibo lat ter ?on o spppdrt ibo gpy?rti?neiit, v.Idle il"T? 'oriiier agree to pi'otect ilie governed. hose inn tn it I iigreehudits not only inelu sl phy-v.i!. l ut d 1 sci pecuniary support. fie- vot. r who I,a- mi personal or real ? ta'e propel ty Mlhji et to taxation, is as iit??h a paity lo j his mutual ?grceiiieid ..'.'erred io. r.s he who posasses thou :lhi.lsr f dollars in taxable property: illili I h? !..< r receive! ?oioeriod. and | '.'. lil wa vs im No vi tid- obligation may 'oe oithtrl i! 1 dcal'tu' ;>cc/piPi. >/. according to w h:H ' t'..' ;:'Oen.:ne:,' crodU'nr hms i iv 'siiiiub ' inri id": and as ..ur ei'i'iiiioi'-j-i- tile I lin- i o-;.ii!ouw ealt'u of South ('afoliiia-; i,..-i -tamls in need Ol')Hc>i)iiiir>? sup-! j -i I .it is that -he sjtoiihi demand ' it. as well as for ii- to ..bey. Tin- ?!.... 1 inc laid dow/it ly '.he ancient le ?mans.' that not only the property hut tho life ol' e\,-iy ei(ix.en belonged lo the state when l.ome demand-- it. i- one that we mod el ns do hot, am! cannot wholly dispens? Willi. I lbw nuu ii more valuable is life I (iii ii "tin- aidiighty dollar?" a few thou sands ol' which our beloved slate tc >:uit' s Ivy v a; jjf capitation m poil tax. "it is proper." lat us iljso consider lilis a-sei'.ion. Aet'di'dutg to the census oi'lS'dOi th. population of lids stale was 7o;'..' jo : of which iuiiiibor it is supposed thal loo.inn? are now voters; ami of this lidjuboi' dbl niore than purt fourth are p.s-e-ei1, of any taxable property: so that e.xciising the capitation lax. wc liml that Ut rc is jottr(h?? ol' the freemen pf South Carolina, or 7.*?,0(u) voter-, wodi 1. wliile receiving all the benefits accruing front governmental protection, he ox empted from rendering thc hitter any /a ?.".o'"cu support ! Nm" is the argu ment which ha- bOch prefer? , d aga'tURl lld- lax. viz : tlie corruption of Hie lot box, temible : for it iniudit w illi e.pml ?clvanee Pe applied lo general taxation or tin- ideation of penurious jicrsuhs wi,. ,ni ,;u lie slipp'-H-d to value tlleif limncy more tim.) ll." |>?"'?'.V : :"" (lins th- argument. ?'.'* ?j "?'.vihiiig pio\ es o...? inucl). hut, beside these eonsideralio'.ns. wi have licohllCii in Article I 1. f'that '.ii ;.r ami destitute, ?ldse aged ami in man persons, houseless and homeless and labor . should ;". provided ibr:il tli?- expenso ofthc state.-'' A?-.', riling lo tho present ral io of the lux, Ibo treasury \i\ this wholesale indulg ence would he impoverished in th-' <: ">iitit ??Sl/iO ??rio : ., mm t?tht will he jquit? sidlleieiii lO'otjrry tito humain pro ? Vi .:',<1 . 'I' th-- 1 1 Iii Mili. ;.- int,, i-tVect. ? Afi i?i,i\eidleiiieii di' tile t'onyentidh, i ...,. j .. af'/* . ... I .(?.? . ??uv -.o; i. ... ..... . yi , . |im." . M:,y in.I .?otuingi'ii' i 's arise ; Wilt! h wiji tax lite lilian? i.-.1 iib?iily <-t Mi? ? Leg.dalmo lo provide iigt?insf? and in h' i-- ;i "proper" i"'- us ti) ??ip?se ttpini the la gislatii!'" tin- luunahe discharge of ti.', ditly .-. <. owe to th.' ?MiiOiin people'' xv ; ' iii**1 "houseless; and hohiole.ks'' while jive in tl;.- preceding article wiiliold iVoin j th-;uil [J ie UU'ai?s lieeessaty to Uni dis. : ..'.arg.-ol'this .hil \ r /'/..' preparatory t.. UH- ('o?nniblt? i on veution. I.. S. I.\s?;t.i:v. ofort. S. C.. May I i. 1*0, ; K.?r tit- Advocate] A < ? ! ort? > 11 -- I. ' 111 111. i -. IdvingsUute's Zambesi and it-* tiilaila i'yeS : iialofr's S?ottrees ol' the \\ Into Nile, a lid Du Chnillu's Visit t.. As?hitigo Land iiivile mn- iittentioii to dmr d?ifoTcni [)oriidii,s of tin- vast Continent ol' Africa. 1'hesi- distinguish,-I O.xpioivrs agna- in ' ile s:id |??( nie ol' tin' nd-orv and degra dation of tho native, populations ; II con dition, in large measure-, tin- result of con tact with tin- civilization of Kurope. Phc eoituhereo upon th.- epasts-runt and t'ie -lav.' tra lo-aro felt thousands of . iles away in tho interior, "making night hiiieOlis" willi tho shrieks of tnur ?'0-tl inen, and tin- eries ol'women and loren driven from their blazing huts, 'le ?he flag ot some Christian nation, l'/ies? expeditions have i'mele know n Hist fi* ts <d' hound jess eiipabilii les, a .??... r tuilicd the existence of a v ery i nge pop ulation in \'.v interior i neither'delicien! in tie.- virtue of industry, nor incapable of social iiiiprovenu-n; ; and that .?'.Ulong ilie;ir chiefs are nu-n ot' the most l.indly manners, humane dispositions ami g?n ?rons aspirations^ tlUxieitis for a higher Civilization thad has yid dav ned upon Miali I? nighted ep iidry, W liv should m I all Anica-not by a ij . i' ans tl(e - andy iloscrls that used t . bri th??ilghti ''Ut ?(is rich nial fair as !li.\ land i'll the globe--'bc peopled by inductions ami peaceful tribes, wot'ship pi.iij?'the find id' love, and iidoriiing the doctrine oft'linSt their Su\ioiir? Thc l>.otni-c ol' lier renovation through the p. wer cf the gospel still stands, ami lite results timi have followed its faithful promulgation, ?ire the snr.- pledges of its i\iitilnieid, and tin- promise ol'a glorious ttilurc. (lu the Weston coast al ne. within thc hist lliiil \- years, sollie two lllllicliOil . uisiuiii elli?relics have been organized jiiid upwatds of lilly ihousand hopefU Converts have been gathered into thosi cliiirchcs. I v o hundred Schools, sever al -. miliarios, and a college at .Monro via, tue iii operation, and not less Unit t ?v oh ty l hon s a i. 11 native youths are rc oohing ti Christian tmining in those in stitutioiis at the pre-. nt day. Thirt; IiliilerCnl dialect-, have been studied on ?and red ticed to writing', illtb most o which large portions nf sacred scripture a-, well as other religious hooks, lull been '.ram-lated. printed and circulate, am ma the people : and it is believe that sonn- I,ho :. ledge >.!' thc Christia salvation has boen brought within th reach ol' live millions ol'immortal being who had never b?l'ori! heard of thc bim ked minie ol' the Saviour. Kright Christian ligiiis now begin t blaze up at intervals, alon", a lim- of se 'coast of titre.- thousand milt's, where ut lii'oki n hight fi innerly reigned. Th iiliiisli Odbh.l o!'Seit ea Leone, and tl Ui'public ot' Libo ia. the result of Ame ?cali benevolence and iiegt'O capacit; are thc most proniiii?nl centres of ililli euee. On thc banks ol' thc far faun Niger, a native African Kpiseopal His! op. once ti poor slave boy, Ind rescue educated and converted, now preside willi un i'llicionl ministry Ol' Iiis own titi* l?to count ri mon. At nhl Cnltdmr, tho Spirit bl'vloil lins boen piilirc.d out in ?lt ospe< ?ni iiianiici', nu?! on tho heights ol' Sioirn dbi Crystal Mountains, tho gos pel ha- hoot) pinch dmod to tribes wibi wi r.' Unknown ti? tin1 civilized world ni ? til within a low years post. Pressing es am tho halls ('or tho lain iti m ....... b.incntOil, Christian freud - : inbu tinibhg their own }>?'Opiii in tins i ? n! ? v. the cull from Africa i-. yoi moro I'l i'-'-in:: ; while Colored inch have ah j lolvantaiio over other missionaries ivhieltl it seems bspbcihlly dosi ruble tb employ.! thom Join in hastening the omis tri limphs hf tile Redeemer's Kingdom. The Africa ol'(ho futuro is Africa lilied with! schools and churches, and the richest j fruits of a Christ inn ci viii ait ion. A MIMI, ttl M M; V l.ol I ?j OUI t WOOl?. I f a pilgrim h o boen shadow. od My ;i trot' ilia, 1 lum- nur-od ; I f a cup . >f olear col, I water; I havo raised t.. lips athirst : II I'vO phUttcd lilli' sweet ilbWi'l' |<y an else tn?, barrbn iv y : If I'vij whispered in thc midnight ( ?tie s\\ t>0t wen! t,i tell of day ; j Kn: one j nor bleeding bosom i. a woe -wept chord have stilled ; li a ilarli ami restless spirit I with hope of heaven have tilled; ll I've imbil! for life's hard hattie i 'nc faint heart grow hrnvc and Stroll!' ? Then, un (lo.l. I thani; thee, bless the.-. Y t ile- precious gi fl of soiijj. .MOM MUM ro rm. I'.U NDKU of Avtr.i: t.AS M i i li'UMMi.- At tlie recent session! bf Ubi lies Annual Cnid'on-ncc, a com mittee was .appointed lo raise the neces sary funds amt erect a inonuinoni to ihe menlo!')' ?f Phillip Embury, the founder ol'thi- man now lie in a beautiful cohh eli'ry in ibo pleasant village of (?'uni bridge, Washington county. A hundred! vears iigi), in his own house in New 1 nih, j he organi/.cl tlie tii-t Methodist society; Iii America. lie als,, erected willi hi own hands the hist Mhljiotiist church in; titi - country, and ministered in it-pulpit! until a regulativ organized blorgyih'iii? was -cut front Kugln nd. Then hoihbvod into thc -ci tion of lin- State which i-, now Washington county, and while al \vor/\ in the field with a scythe injured himself so that he died nf tlie wound. For a long lime the whereabouts of his, gi ave was uncertain, but hVonty years! ago it was brought to light, and the remains removed to the burial ground , ol'A-h:iro\e Chiif ii. which then stood in the I own of Salem, an I iasi year, when thc Conference lioh'.l its session a; Cambridge, tho bones v. ct e c\humed. ami with fitting ceremony, conducted by lb-imp danes, deposited in their presold 'rosing phuc. Now it is proposed by the Cdhfofenbe to erect over then! ii monument worthy of the man. ami one' which will point out his grave to the I children nf thu Church for generations, to conic.- 7Y"V '?'?mis. A < 'hikl'.s I Mi ild?S?phy. A little girl of live, on hearing il announced that a day of thanksgiving had been appointed, and thal there would bc seri icc iii the church, sup posed tba' if lhere was to be preaching I ' j lhere would also he tim usual Sabbath j school session. Hoing- told that it would not be heh', she but-! into tears I and exclaimed, "1 don't think much of tho Governor or thc President either, td go t ' work and make a Sunday, and I leave out tin- hoist part of it.'' At one of ibo mass meetings' in Ceor 'gin. :i colored speaker folloiyed nj) liefs ; dud V. dohn-oii in lld-- sharp style: j ''If Governor .lohimbu is really \our friend, a'.nl wishes I" sec all thc people prosper, why don't lie accept the K Cooli -U nct ion and Supplement td bill ': There I is a reason thal he should be thankful j 11 tnt bc has Ihe privilege ol'coming here . , to-day lo ?peak t?> you and to advise 'yon. Ile luis reason to be thankful ? i because ho han liol been hung " , I'm- j|i?< A iv.M-uiv . I i upubl i< \-i 11 1 '. i ri \ . The recent .-mts ol' Congress rbi- (li? ii??. miit government, uiul speedy rdoon si ruction of the Stated recently in rebel lion against the government tire me?is i|res looking to the restoration of Mle Union in th . spirit of justice ami upon .'? '.basis of .equality:. Slavery lias pass- , i ii away, ami it only leiuninK to (tcstiov .?.s spirit (uni to crush the institutions which it established and nurtured. The Republican parly cxpoetfl mid desires the restoration of ?he Uuhm, but upon sui.-h terms and conditions only as shall render it Impossible for its enemies to renew tim civil war or to involve the country in sectional strife, lt will bc imo to its friends in thc South without regard to color or previous condition. I'hc Republican party is thc parts of freedom and progress. lt is its purpoM; to aid in securing for the South freedom of speech, a free press, and a system ul* free school. These desirable results will he Sought through thc action of t Ymg ross as far as posible ; but our main reliance must be upon the wisdom and virtue of 'he pdoplu of the respective States. Hy the ads of the 2d of March, nial of the -dd of Mareil, lSdU, provision is made for die enjoyment of tito right of voting by all nude citizens, twenty-one years of age, except those wlto have been convict - ed of n-lotiv and a small class of rebe's wlto arc excluded from ollicc by the third article ot'thc proposed amendment tb thc ( -institution ol' thc I idled States. The negroes ol' the South ley thc meas ures ol thc lb-publican party, as express ed in those iuds ol'Cougross, ar? elevated lo thc full and equal rights of citizens of tim Stales to which thc\ belong, and of Me- country which hereafter will rctog or ' olor. Thc ual ii m 14'Viii i'd li ia'i AI'"MYS negro race for servil es rhnder?d dt?rlllg tue late War ? the negro rael' is indebted to the Country, controlled in its policy l>\ the republican party, for the emanci pation ol the race Pom slavery, and now, bv these nets ol' (.'phgross, for its eleva tion to a po.-,itn.n ot' equality. Kroin these reciprocal services arise mutual obj ligations and duties. The nation c ii iib longer hesitate. Ii will nt once, and frech, eoiicedc to thc* colored race every political and public right that is enjoyed by any class of Citi zens. The negroes, on their side, can not hesitate tn support the party and tho pi'ih?i les by iVhose labors and influence theil- redemption has been accomplished. Thus, by this natural and necessary union ol' forces in thc .South and through out thc whole country, peace, progress, ami prosperity; are secured. Nor is thert' in these suggestions any food lot hostility between the races. Tho wants ot a bhu U man and the wants of a while umn are precisely thc kamo ; their interests are the same. Kspecially is thia true ol'Ilie laboring classes. Thc labor, ing man, w Itel her white or black, needs tin- protection of law. Ile needs thc bab lot tis the means by w hich he st cures equal laws and the just administration of them. Itv thc ballot he rebukes or rejects unfaithful public servants, Hy the bal lot he arraigns and condemns corruptor tyrannical judges. Hy the ballot be or ganizes and maintains schools for the j education of his children, and inspires ! Iho police and magistrates with due re -ped for his personal and family rights. While the measures of Congress extend ; this great right to a new and numerous i class of men, there is no invasion of tho i rights ol'others. Thc white people of the South, with ii few exceptions, compara ' lively, arc to enjoy just and equal politi cal rights and privileges. Freedom lias given to thc North unexampled prosper ity ami constantly Increasing wealth and pow- i . Freedom and free institutions will secure for the South the same re sults ; but there must be co-operation of the rm-cs. and there must bc co-opera tion upon thc principles which prevail in thc North, and ti' which thc Republican party is full? cou.milted. Kol" more thar? two hundred years thc. siuveholding aris lo'Tscv ol' thc South originated UH policy