The Charleston advocate. (Charleston, S.C.) 1867-1868, April 20, 1867, Image 4

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i;?mihi i!.ive 1 e. Gi T\V? t?Uw l'air O? ?t?i>ls, Tw,. '?:;:Jo p;ti?*> ?d' bo -e.-\ (?-nlght lhvt'.?i e : he Aro aro dix ??is;' l'w o Mule v.-'!- bl I ired Ill a itiutdlo I' "t aro lyb? . : 'l'iio nark, ihey left lipon i! . . >V M?d\V nit fool hinch li'.vii >i ?liii'ig; j |yc\s? |?:i! . x\ ??!, , '.pper i,,H ' :j;li?\V i na IM ? li\ ol iii". ilb\ ! Ami ..fl time. J ahm? - wbh That lio, Wore uiUcs aw.u : So brui am I I mi '.ir si? oil 'I ii-, ir l? ??ivy i l'.jiiip a' ph) ? Tliei walk a'1 "ii tho m w i Um }?t;< \N I. io ia plenty lu s. "I'll."*, roll i np ?ii m ai .>!'.- |.. in,!. \n I lobb* i ?nib ? ?os ; Ami t ! ? v : t a' Uigiii m lift llh' :'. . i In oVoi'y siitlpo ii dines. por ?a I Iii- trun',. ;i?. -?:<:??-. I'\ . ! ??oj TiVjii socks of w h ile a ie i l.i j iic ; If call.-d t.. p.;t ; -.- I ... i i.w .i ? O lioil. w h.?i .Jioui? I -i >'.' I mourn t lui iii ri* I-i hot i o hight '?'li ce pair-, 'ne .el if : ?. ?. I mourn beean? 1 thou ir mdv (Hoc My ii( i riii'Or, "o tho ya;. " < 'nui.I I;-op b. i , ?rpo! - ?iii td- \ .??fr. Klein :> t?! \ i i r gi'v> ; Yoi well I Un v, ?.h.-NI sui!le to ow j? Sonic li;:!, i?'. .- ?o-bay. We inolhei s w ear? ." ?hid v . r, Ovef our I .ail nf ea,; ; Hill ?nov wa i-pt aj. < i j ll o -. ! it fio onOs; l.Ot cae!, Ol1 111. IM ; Kor wine wm; J.I ..m- ii:, b i . b.o?.n;,'? If a.. I ht lc hum- \V, reih, ..... \ r- -lill N\* o? h tin. A (ouching biol? lotit ?ms boo ii roliilo'il to us which we arc -ure will bo th,, pc?, moler of serious thoughts in life iniijils of all wh.? hall Imar of ii. in ?. distant eily ihei'O dwells a Indy of ietjuoijieui ..ind culture, wh - is celebrated for hid' musical ac. . t 11 .?i-lunen;-. s! ?? i- owned lo bc peer!. -:, in ni'.tsh ni (jirel .- . and thc fii'st performer in private or pn'mc. ?'.ut her talents at e cm -c. rale i t.. ( hri-t, an ! she is a devote! hd'oivr in lia? snViiig ot ?souls. Hy liio providence < ?'(.bil he was lcd to eouimet hineadf wjili :t uiissjbii cnterpriu' in the oby. ah ? whim 4d' w'cht to oller her sid", ices aha :Od<ed for Un- care of the wof-l class in the school. The superintendent was 'si ruck hy the meei request, ami hue. hot w hellier tb ni tr li die il tb pride iou! ?> b-.?.>: ii icm\? or tc a gracious ami priiisCworihy courage, lb pointed her to a class < ! fourteen boys wlio wei o'-rd lui Uh .;. ' on aging, talking, ami lil rivi iijj in ?i l'oi'iiel'>vl tho foot tl. and told lier ilaire was iipiterial lor tia' tire and haihi'nef jd't ba Ps word. t ?I i.iiigilattiilld. she ace. Kd the ?mr ?. and w. : : o\, f lo see w ind could be dj mc. Tia' M?porln letnlulil int I'O'tc ? 1 !a r. :.'. ! h i :.! i, her ?or olhov (Utl'tt s. I am a h. .;. ': ' A giaih. ascii roil of thgt, and assent was' -tiyeti. '.T?icii i k?ipliid like lo v,.,. volt lake ..Tye :r ha' -." Hat \ : were rerr.os c i. .?.Tinhi, L o . il ' .... a lady, I won! i pr: hui r- : . ? l'un i hace used, where 1 e.i'h.''1 lu-lindlv oveb',' <|iji'l > f> . i i , i' , i ,' i . wasrcniove ,. and . [> el, te t.ti.r. wu away, or hailed ?np) tip? :'. .c of - on ..listant o.atc. lt was well i. iw-j'i that : ll of l hr m Wei'. profane, .".iii die poid the fi -l t?i tin Uioruthg id (li i-ttading fi ?hr..tbai bdii>iis j vice. ( lue lad -.ii'! lu I, r. "If y.?it i'm Iv lund where w ? do. yu vVouid -wear h .. : wc hear 'Ae:!"l-. .; al! tho lime and arc UScd IO il." Al ill.' ?..:.< '<' liiO .( --?oil she prom:-. ? 'J. in a b . --U ii'thcy would iihsiii'lii frbin -v.?'!itin:?' dilling (lie week, and tell her ... m.! in 11\. M <t l.or.l'-> day tiiey were nil in their pia- . -. ami ev ery one ih'khbw Ij?lged lim. I.'i> h-\i \ he'i-ii j guilty ol s wei li i lg. tl. ii iud I ail hai tried: to give it up or to avoid li. 1". .' some weeks llii-. ti ?a! v a c riic'lbh. and s??ute .success at!>.:: !.. 1 Ute ellie:, linc siild he had let an oath dip out twice. All along instructions jhwi ' ec ii given; and (ho gifted w itiati lia. t yislt et I inc pj.-.or lu-:-: al tia ir home.... She ?md gabicd iulliieiico oVei' theiiii and her cia-- 'was orderly. Upon oho Sundae uioriiing hs she Was going; lo r sc i ni lim organ to lead ti: . worship bf (bil, Olid ol'tl." ela -- ilcci?slcd her. and said, "lie In: 1 not sword I.ti ting i lie? wii ?ic week, ami ?ml -aid his pi..yc^s every ba;.'.'' I'la rc was a fiiiliu'ss and richiicss iii ?he voice that day win n she began. - We praise tine. ( >. (ioi:" theil' was a nteWowue.-s and sbflh?ss in ihe nolc- o( tito i hst ru i lio 11. uni ?Ailie stop illili pray " wa- (iniehed. Mic ?ole. ed fdr^ the ret u rn Of (ho next Sundiiy. timi the progres.-of ihe gi>ot| work hiigld bc w?lncs.-ei?. Ihtt on opetiiiig theIp.'ijii'Vohh morning of that we !,-, -he saw lin- sad tide, that thc poor hoy had leon caught in tito nincliim i \ of a miii where he was at work, and killed 1 What was done iii (hat poor.soul? Who nhsll tell or conjecture ? Wa- it the brea (?4*ft*u .w,*?.k*v4.,ti.?,?ii?i?M?? f*T**?!?w",*?" (hitig ?film wind winch Idowolh whole. il lidcth. l?h<.l which ws?fled i lie pc? l'unie from :i flower ol'Ute 1 ?ord's planting. Was th:il soul imbued with lim new principle I ofgraOe? NV hy hoi believe and hope stielt! was thc ease r Such things lire enough to eiicourugoeilori hud ie cairne thankfulness fol' tim e:iicae\ Ol' Almighty ,grUC0. But ; h?d?iy idouc eaholoat'ly declare (he result i in jsUOli C.O-es. ll m.t\ be that til" black ami he i\\ liv-wheel >vns tit?.- passing; char iot of Immanuel, which in an instant bro'., oiftho lend shell ol' carinii nature, broke upon tito pl't s?l? O?O.oi ?'hpl ?on. and lc! tl'.'- new mau. created by lee Nijlyj Spirit^ iVeOi 'I'i'.cse lhin?j-? aie ?UOUgl? to make thc, lab. i?t r for Chris! G?rions and eiirhoal ;, :. day hs day tl:, la-t opportunity may ? be aij'O'ldc i U. its io Uv*. ..Ik hold the Lamb ol' liod."-/.'/,itcpjHtii ::. ci Vt? Y o un CH?i.r>RStW iii;, c III: M I M \M> mr. m:-i 1 TM fi LIV IT iuLOtUBL Phi . : 11 uv CHM <.i:? v.\v?.?:>i?. r. - mere rt, ;tdhtj): i ... tefl tifii he.1tert|U|uij\ ? :tml ftiS' a .suViUlei;; i : i e. j.a'n any i < ?:: !>' MA i \:-:i\!" pi'vd ?si I I'M ? : i im;-: - i \ ; i i ; \ : s A V i;.\ U ! l.l'.AM i i: h. bl PPl NO ' I T. So jilli \N ! dfeel, laiiladeiidilip ; JUST ISSUED. A MfisT IN ii.i' l's Tl N<. IA Mi IA AN I? SPNthVA -S< I K)i > i. li? ?OK* THE CHILD'S HISTORY ti . A M hi IU ('A N C< CN ILK I' : C 11* THE BROTHER SOLDIERS, nv Mu.-. M A KY S. Ki ?blN.i IN. W'ek. . ?>e OtslMii(l\ mi hand Sni.tlay-s.-hmil . lid The<.!.?-.>ical ?V. -ks ff Oil i ail (tie Piiblisli; I ? KLTiBBALS&CO.. No. ::: KAKI; Kow. N" l w Y. I:K, Koo? ?. i r.Nci.iMi A M i ? ? i.MMblb I?L NH; il T st n o OL A I' TUL MILI l'A ll Y HAt.!?( KN Ob N . A - l ill: SA \ ION m ip >( ?!.. \Vi;.N TU'OKTII MT. Mr. S. L. '.'de:, pr/iieipiil nf th ' Ciiiifle.C n Ct n.mci- Li Seline I iiil' .iver - ; st ct ?I Mi?nd .... W, due-day. ami h:i|?'a> evenings fr. i m T"I?. fi OVh.ek] In :i?ldilii.n ?ollie t: Oj. | al lcm. le - , f an cur-., pupitji will lil t'e.o ; .hiv iiisiiu>'te;l In \yrltjiig, < < 'lhj lie! I i a lei 11 a i ii m -. Practical (hts hies ?j P. re'... tve.. pio? ai ja- |h. mi ai ..:"??. fm-tuc ' \-il ice.- .'xii ? M;.tile ami Mechani- . . al pui-ldl-. I't.r tenu- o npidv al tin Hall mi thc ni:.!. . -pee'd:cl above Or ai nb |>:>.y School corm r M.'. ;l . .? ?nd ll?i*el| St.. ?e ki iv ?le- Post Ollie. Pi : -..:?- ,.;-:.;::,- ... join liv- IV ..k-Keepimi fi .ehr- !|,e |',| -I HIS. ?IM Hi ill! Iii . vJL c.: 1.1.ION. /.-.'. <t. .'.'...v .o. M"s( r. l'n: I'! - : ll!! - IK V i I !? N \ ! I Itt j; Jj ts joh vi til': lltiki w..!..!>...s ttii: Ivojis ji.' \MHIAI. Tl tv: I K's; Vf. di K ON i iii. i- At;\i ANO C \ ::i>: s Viii .hsf T'-V?ilA Kl . : HM I". ..c.. . -e.. . Th,, iiik't Terms and I Iii' hidst re ?ia. le hist ni. - i "...,) Addre- ; I".. ii. s- i't ?KhK. I'uh'ddihig Av m. Anl.i.rn. X. Vi Tin: I).vi l.S i ii; A l.M.l.j K ' i i. VOLL Kill A SA N'S ()|; "SUNNY BANK:" ..'I ia- iiunmrt.iiv admirer- nf Mari m Har land's hooks .will he plctjscd IO learn of iY, in-w work I'roiti h.i ei,.ott- nnil gli'icd 'j wai i lt i fjiinls . Miriam ' iii toni: and (lidiiiealiull til' .hai'iieier. and th - |>ioi t,? ij?<. sjory \< itnieli more pel feel." KI.'ICI: 0 ;;?. 8,. KL. fE.?TE^.?HJ,.. & h e r, ADVEETISI.NG AGENTS, ;; KA i.i\' KOW, < ii -, i : ! i. M A N .- I l?i?p/r Marian. \% i i: - - \ r. . \ r \>:u.i.A i - ;? i'?iM?oiiri-?ii?'?l < \-1 ll n i ..| 11.liv; e lin !y ll r.lint.,Id 'I \\ till ptlt| ..r substances 6f "feater ulioraiivii power as io an ?ie'eliiat tintldoio fbi' <li-eases | Sarsaparilla is roptitud tt> nu t.'. Sm-h tl re med? i- surol.V wand'.! foy Ihds'O vi'bo SliiTor. ly?tii Sirntm>c.- ijoiiiphiliits, and thal eui' ,\ hi,Mi w ?il accomplish lin-ir .-nu- niiisl prove, a- ilii- lia-, pf iuiiitcusc ?i'rvlc'O tu this larav elaSS ?'I "Ul auli fellow .I'lit/CHS. How e< Uiptoteli i iii - i ..mi.nuinI w ill du ii ha - been prove ? h) oxpehiiioiiLoii many of the worst , MO ->'.,. li" li und in tlir follow ii >.; "ol npla int s : Sero fa hi. S?foUilous .swellings ami Sores. - Kin Di-i';:1 'iinpir . Pu-tull s. t'h nh---. Luipi!..m. Si Anthony's Fee. Ups.) or V.ry- . ? las. IVttcr Ol' Salt bin uni. Sea ht Neall. Hin.'.w.?rio ole. s , ',:/-'..?. I *?'/!'. /.<"( ?/ ? i. * is expelled I'rinii i i syStluii t\\ Iii" |.o.I..nuiil ll-" ofthis iS|ir saparilla. iii .1 lh" padcut i- hil in ??>iuptira live IieiiUii. /VII ' . iJf.u .(>*{! ure caused bj SercifujU iii IIK?'.IOO'I. illili ao-Uti- otien sdoii eureil hy Lxrae: ? ; Sar apaiiria. I iiiu (ii -eat ti i Iii - invaluable iucdlohi?,i hc'timi-c > "'i hilve tivoli Imposed ?pGii hyd .onie;?i'm..; iMeteiiilliej lu Iii' Saraparilla, win!" it wa- not. NV lien you linvO used ,\ NI n' I !. i j i ami no! lill linn, will you kjihw ? \ ii ; "a- ! :?' ii -ana; ?ila . I '.ir minnie par tioolai- of! li" ?li-.a-. . i' "ino-. we nier yon io A.?;' .'.m.ii'au Alumna", wjlileli die a' ei.t l? low mimed will furnish grailsio' ?ill w'lid ? ad for il. .\Y I ifs I \ 1 il\i. i ?. I't ! I s. fm-thc cure ol (?osijVi ness. .laninl'u-c. I >> -? ? ? ? t - - ? u. In.lives ilull. l)V; .?!'.. 1 "lil S". (illili 'll, li.-a^Hrti". l il? s. ['ic mmiiimi. Ile:iiil>iiiii ai i.-hm . liblivj I?; pl'-deied Sioniiaili. 1'aili. n- lilacs doti Ol'ihl-l'.?.wa ls, idiiiuletley. I,.?.-- <>t Ai? -1 petite. Liver ( olhpliiiul. i ? i < . j i - \. VV?rU?u ... m. \e,;rnlv.ia. an.i for ;: D'mm-r Lill. iii?-, au ingar coated; -?.that the iiiusn ? . .-an tal.c ll ? iii ) !: m am1;.-, and they j ,-." iii" Loi Ap"ii<iil"ui lim world for ?di tie j pip-pi ?.? of ii p!i.V-!>\ lo-pareil Itv .1 < . A VI i: A ( ?... Lowell. Mn ?md -id ?jv ail Lr:!'.-,l-'..s. ViGK'S ILLUST RA TiID CATA* L?GUF bi: SQQ (is, and Floria! Okiicic FOR leer, I I- i ? w i-.i'll:-a? ?1. li coulains neall) loo , patti -. b'O tine lilu.iran, n- on vu od ol' (iuiirC /?'..? m'rs. o.-,.( I'? ;/< (.//.? .f. muid /:< tch'i'r' ( ' i/o/.< (I /.','../.-. /-/'/.//i , I'm- iVoiiiLpiccCi Als?? descriptions ol' tile LlS'iis? I'miw iu- v\'p \', ,.i i \m.i;< . vovvn. ( w -iii lilli a,.d palin uh ee: ?on- f. .r e:.!t nie. foi; l'? you];* u.,i half the .- -;. ;r !'., ,? ld all my eu-;, m-, r-ol j Sit?; wi'dloiil L-in...'or ?1 red. A?hires. j ,'AMI'.'- Vii ix. II?, m -it :;. N. \'. j .lt. * \ i:yi\\ i ties'UV WA Ki? mi' iti'K will iiinu-i? il in .. ti xi: ? ? . i ?ata i I"A i i" i:.>- -in..;.. .?: . 'flii; .MI i'd dd- r,'i S,:ni,f>ns ?00/ ../..?.' l-edhirt. d . is-pie-sly foi'Thy ML Til? ?IUSP. i'iwiiil-d i'.i Miii Li'1 tn m. aiid protected in Airilnghitieijis :ne jij-o h. in.;- inad" .m a o fies of val:l!lhie --1 jtA'OSs h\ i-uii"cut pul pi Oi'aiiit . oiiili Mi dt'tdiid and ..>ihe: ' hu .-ii I t ? in., ni- .-i s .mini- - i.e. - ao- : I ii iiiing cliihs ,,f siihseriiiei lill'. Mi'.idlOLUsh No. 11 I Xa--an SI feel. N. V 'i'h|s ?- ihr njil-fit Methiitlist ii. w .?.aper !?, .\ ot ld. I! ? ? pt!'.i'-!i,-i| l.v i'm- Los ms \\ i. '.M A', .'o ? oi l '. ? lu'.. e< inp..-..,I lif lWch'ty j ui-liiLi-i-s oi'ihi! Vt'iiioiiisi i-'.piic'Qpu! i ?ujreh. t|id i j ile' j'<'''i>giii/,|-ii ohriin ?-lier.ii in Sew I-.;. : iee A -nci.,'.!..n uml. rlalo le- il sk :p|i| (aire Ol' ?iii l/iii-iii ??iii -, 1 iy fdr liuj .?la ?ii of lie- M. modi-' ( ddu'cSi ami thc eau ?? i ?I < li hst i wilie.m l-ci-elViti? iin,\ f.e ?.r la vai -I w iuili.'Vei'i'oI'llicir -? rv i.-?- .. i ' nlil.e ne -: ..'n-:- M !h<>i?-l pitpcisillle /A r-'i'i lia - m-vi-i ..-? I veil any -lippi?: I fri ?in life P.....!, 1 'oiioorn, iinli-. tiiti'etorei eiiilrely di'i?endeiil on lt I ! ?wu p-itfoiuige. If, alic;- paying iii?. Iieees ary c\? eu-?.-?.f puhhdiiugi any prOllli. lee; ue. 1 he\ ale paid ?olin N'cW liilg 111 11(1, iliiinU. N.-w Iliiinpsh'n.-. I'1 o\?den.-c. Ver rinnt; ?ui? La.-l..Maine 1'mil', ri-n?-?--. i Mm Iii e vi.n vso.ioi us v 1. i-puhli du d M-eUly , ai ....''....?.j oe;- y?a)', .-'.,. .../;-c</7. ?fl n,i :>.. A ?I ii ?iveiling lii-ic ?.ir-in i he M el I io ii-: Lpi-eopal (iiar?'ii lii'eiuilhori/.ed Ag<>iij o whom p.iyiilclil mav Le made. ::. .Ml eoiiiiiiiriileaiioii.s dcs?g-ued i'm- puh ieiliiOU -ll .ul"I Ix- add; i - ed. to ! ic- //,/'.,'.,,.. ind Iel I ?.'l's mi liildaesi sh nid lie addie--, ,', o Ilm A [h nt. . I. All h'ni;..|-a|iliie-. account:<i of revivals ind ?.'. her mallei- Invoiyhl;; lae!-, nm-il.e ii'coiupauied with ihe name- nfl In- wri??1 <. \\ c widi a.-.-nl-lu Le pal lietilar l<. vii'.?.'ihe liaincfi ol' -iil.-eriher- m lull, and' he mime of llie l'o-t OiJtoe. 10 wlii.eii papers ir?- to he -eui. in .-mil m:mner thai there can ia m? inliUiiHlcrshutding M"'tl- -I I I HIM lliiWI?lll?limiM<r??ip-i >-T? ll i? i -, II \V \ ' IS TAITS BALSAM OK WILD \\\\ cn I ".K I; Y lias been used for i i in arly 1 Pdf a Century, willi tho most adoiii-hmv. sllceeSS in (airing. Coughs, L'ukl.N', Hoarseness, Sore Throat, luihicnza. Whooping Cough, Croup, Liv? bi' C?hiplaiht, Bronchitis, DlfileUlty of [irealhingj'Aslhinii, ami (ivory ailee!ion of The Throat. IVuuga alni Chest. CONSCMI'I'IOX. which carries oll'moro \ ieihiis (han any ht her ^t^eiise, ami which hahlcs tho skill tit the Tliysician hi ?1 groiiioi extent than any other mahnh . nilen, \ IKLDS Tl ? Till? lilC.MKDY ! \yheh all others pro^'e liielVeciiiiil. AS A NlKDICleTK, KAi'ii? i\ 1:1:1 n:r. sutrniixii IN 1:1 1 ? pi T. SAKI; IN i rs ?pKiLVr?i>N. IT /s i A'sr/,'/'.I.S\S7v7) .' ?Ahile its a preparation, lie - friiiii hoxio-ii.' higredlsiils, poison . "i- minerals; unit hip, cience timi medical khow'ledgci; (rom bunni!' all Hull is valuable hi Hie vogelabli kingdon! loa (hie class of diseases, il i /Ai OMPA?iA?iJiKt ami P ci0il lo?I. mei ?ts ami receive*; thc ?on ? tal confluence of Hie public. SKA Sit ?ri: TH A'ri III: ii, M . 1 >.. of Iii mian. X. Y.. wilie- ns follows .. W i - ; A n's llAISAM ol' WILD i'm.KU' V.i\e. nub el .-al -iii ?sfaCl ?Ol). ll s'i'i'lllO" I'lll' Hoiigh by loosening and elonnsinji Hi am"-, ami tilhlolng irritation, lim- reinovlllj tin- cause In.-lelol of drying up (lie eoiigli an leaving tlc- ipi-e hchhtd. 1 consider Hi Hal-am a- good ns tiny*, li'iioi (lt? he-i. ( 'otlg nu tl's iim w 'uli which I am ac<|unh)le.'' "U'l irtbliltM I (>(.? ' \ \ ? 11 IO? 1 Y. Prom lt itv ; PuAScis LouprTi,; Pastor ?fih South CoiigrCg's?i mal ( lunch, ltridgepof ('ona. Ibu m. i ri mr. .hm. I. 1801. (iciiilchien ir- 1 nbir-lder ?I ii duty which ow e tn shlierlhg humanity tn lu ar i esl linon ie iii- vJHues of Hin Wis TAU'S IJAI.SAM d Wno? in hui 1 have used ir w heii I ha\ . .e. a? 'nm for a n_\ remedy fdr Cough si < 'oid or Sure Throat for in ?ny year.-, and nevei n: a ongle;, lilis il tailed io reliev incl . ni e nu-. I hiivC fi e(?iienily liei-n vcr i ,.i e en s-a: m da;. . and lo i?,i d forward I the iii'livery Of (wo -.rni"i i- mi I he follow in il i? willi -.; 1 misgiving, hut hy a lib?ral us i Ihd-al? my ?lO?rb'iil'SS lia- I li Vt i lt :i Itt ?i'll ?eui '\' >1. ami ! In.\e preached willah I i .mim ?id ll lo my hri-HoCh in thc mini tty. and io pul.?ie speakers generally, as . ?iain : ciiicdy for tho hlon?liiiil 1 iodides t w lii.-h w ... a .. peculiarly exposed Ibllhely ua-oi: died. I -end Voil till- I e -I iiioiiial. which \ on ai, .u ???iel ty lo lise I ?i i itv w :\y','yi ti Cjj... ly-ihitjis tim l!al-ai dee ? Ii?" al. ?ill poi'sOib alike, bul it al w a \ i ? ..v ? - ?hy 'a ;-ene--, aiel li: - me I",? |- ll ii tuifter'.i hard w Olk'lhg day I he Sahliath. Very tidly your's, TUAN, i- 1.?mot.i.i. ?.'url tu r I ' 1 1 :-U ?1 ii Mt ( '( 1 ' ?.N >ss( Mo ti y. P\tl,'l tl I l>. Me.. April ._>-. lisijl, NiosSr. M i ii \s . Pow rr ,v < o. i;,0ll?? illicit :--SeC?iig ilium rous .-eriilleati a die Manie einher endorsing Mic merit- . ?.al i.r.a: Li.ii'u ifeinflu,, VVIMAlTS li A I SAM O?' W?I.?? i H Ki! li Y, I a.'.': imlneei id I bike great pleasure in giving pnblloil i . t!'e au nt eur,- ?i aocohipiLlh d hi my fain ? . hi year h"?;. Iiiir'uur? ilie siuunicr ol'th: year my ?oh. Il?tirv A. AroheV, now Hos iiiasier iii Killi Held; Sonn i ct County. Me . ts litliieki'd Willi -pi.:'um ot blood, (ioiigi " likness ol'luiigs. ami'.-.encrai ? I. ? ' > i 1 i i y. ? . itch -.. ilia*, eur faintly phy.-ieian diiehirc . .ato ?..a ,. a " sh.vriib coxai'Mcriox. !!'? wa- nie:' r incdlcal (rcalnlciil fora min brr of months, hi t received no hciielii (Vol il. At length, hein the solicitai hm of Inti i If and oile r . | ? ?s indue d lo jiui'elut.' ..... hollie ot' WlS'l AITS I'.AI.SAM <> SVll.l) f l 11 ) H KV. w hich heiieiited him - tiiiii'li ihe.: I ohtained ?iii oilier iKillie, \\'Uh iii a s ?mi ( time rc.-lorcil Idhi (?> lils lisiiiil si iii "I health. I think I eau -aleiy I'ccoiiiniei Iii- f.itne.lA I" others in likeeoitdilioji, for ?sit I hink, all ?I pm pori - m he 'fill-: <?i:i..\ ht M. i.'t jil-;nv i*i>i; i III: TIMKS ! I :.. above slaK'inenl, gciilleiiicn, i- n rollin! arv ?llbi-iiig to yon in favored' y dj balsam, and is ?ii yoiir di-po-al. \ - ever, yours. AM-IU.W A licit icit. rina: <>\i: DOLLA li A IIOTTLI v\\\v \i:i.i' io S Lill W. I'OW LT. \ St IN. I ;,' l ui M< >\ r S nu.i r. Itosi i >x. .wo nu: -AU in AI.i. nut (UIISTS' Iv.\ Hb ?ii; siiwiNC M A (.'lil N ll: PricC: l'lain liliisii, 8?l? und S.'>i - w ith e <lra<. .'.< IC IO SdOl). The only fir la-- jjccilScd and warranted machine -o ?S8 Ihan is.'.o plain. ,101 IN I?. ? I.AIM'. AdllXr, lou TUL.dON r, Ko, ION. (?hcr?il term- to de?il?ry. ?? Tiie new A mogille Kinhroidnry dbi n order i \ i id NOW READY OF TUT. Ono Volume Prico $2. HURD & HOUGHTON; PUBLISHERS Ol' STANDARD ?IUV KN 11.1'- A ND M IS ( Kl.l.ANKors HOOKS, NO .|;V.i I i KOOMI-: Sr. Xi.w V?llig PUBLISH SIX MONTHS AT TUB "W3rT.irjriKi Hcoxjsjg WITH ABRAHAM LINCOLN /; )? /.. /;. r.i/./v.-.v//./.'. AiiTiS7\ i I Vol. l6mo, Prico $2 Road NV hat tho Press Says: '.ll'- wa- mor?'tlian a painter, for ho ua a rendel* of human naUiro ; and lui studied _ lin- chaiaol?r pi1 tin- di-timmi-hed suh|o?( of , hi- ail lu- lu-..ann' thoroughly iiejrjtiaiij .? : ? .i w.itli il.- - Wt>i;< t.-1 i.i; C.A/.I:i ri:. ..ll i ?rc-ci it - lite jireh I man al I mi nc. in tin freoddiu of unioslrainod iu(orooiir.s> : an-1 ni) hook (lull li.i > hoon |mhli-hcd tihoul him w il! jj Ive' i "> -1 < ri I y so noeiir?le :ui idea of him us tin-." di \KI Ioi.h '.Mice :, Hindern TioSSVfU, M r. <'ai|.;">t'-i dlslios np his hero, plain and with all Kimi of suti?o?. vye have him alon?, hilo, hud Itu sy, in hi- ('al'im-t. ?oaoonhle and aiitn^dhls ii<-. a- jud-.;.-, soldier, lawyer, rnll--pUller. eritieof Korro-si and jjootli, aol hr him-elf. UUiiry father, (ho immlp-nt hii-hand. tin- sin ry-lcllor ... In faoi. vvlml (li? hunk doo iioj loll ?Sf Mr. Lincoln i- prohahiy not worth heinu'ti'ld." - .\T.\V YoilK l\ X I'lM'.ss. CARPENTER'S BOOK IS A SUCCESS. ill; HD vv IIOUO MTON, ('(.|{i.isni;i:s. .150 HnoOMt: S nu.! r, Nr.w YOHK. SKNT HY MAIL. I'OSI'AfiK l'A I I>: ? "OK TWn I ?ul - I.A?.S. /K-g'(3iil s W?i/nl od ALL OVER THE COUNTRY TO SHU, Til IS KOOK A LIBERAL DISCOUNT MADE TJ i ii] HO WE SAWING i\LAOi:i:i?srEs 699 BROADWAY, j M;\V YOHK, FOR FAMILIES AND MANUFACTURERS THF: HOWE LOCK STITCH. Fil KSK WORLl).UlCNO>YNED S KW I NC .MACH INKS Wjere, atcdrditd the liiolicsl pre m ?it m at the World's F?ir in Itondon^ and sixjirs1, preniiuiiiS di tf\e .V. V, state Fair of iii;. c/((/ Are celebrated for doh.g ihe i,est work, us? 'mi; a miteh -malle r needle l'or tliesiinie Ihroact any Oilier machine, ami liv lite introduc tion of lite mo Hi approved ihtieliliicry, weare now able lo s?ipplj tli:0 very best machine* in thc \v<>i'l(l< These, machines arc made at ..ur new ?ind - pa. -h m - Factory at Ih'nl^epori, . min.. under the ?inmediato supervision ot ihc I'iesldeiil Ol' liie Company. Kfd AH 11< > W I il lt., I he origina) inventer of the Sew in;- Machine. They are adapted lo ali kind? Ol' I '.nnily Sew lng. Army < lothing. and to thu use of SeaiilsiresHC-", bress Makers. Tailors, Maimlaelurers of shirts. Collars, Skirts,, i iofiki?. MailtIllns, < lotliiug, I lats, ( 'tips, (.'ur-. -et-, 11,001 Si Shoes, 1 i arness. Saddles, Linen O'.ls. I 'iiihrclln.*. Parasols, eic. They work 'ijil'tlly well tt|)oii -ilk. linen, woolen and 'Oti00 goods Vt ?di -ilk. cotton or linen thread. I'hOv ulll seiiiu. quilt, gather, liein, tell, ."? il. braid; hliid, anti perform every species i -ew in . making a beautiful and perfect. I li Oil, alike eu both -ide. ol'the arlicles sew .d. I ke Miteh invented hy Mr. IIOWK. and nado on lliis Machine, ?-thc most popular md durable. >tn i rt fl Si wini/ Mi?i'hiuc'sa?c sub* v?'i (Othc )>?\l\cij\ti ?ni'l nh litoj ?nm. SiiNh FOIt i li;< l t.Ab'. AGENTS WANTED. 'J'hi lloici'Machine Company, Olli) Ilito.vOWAV. ("olt, Fiii; tty 11 Sr., X. Y, .'hms. CLERGYMEN aro furnished; with ilio klli!s|v?te(l IMii-?it?logicol levoiod i" Ethnology, ?Mtyskdogy, IMireii lOgy. I 'hy - in- 11< niiy. I'h-yehology. cl e.--at lilli "ales. $1 ."><. a year-Single No.'s 20 ets' 'ootliei.- Si a year. Premiums, ol Molo cohsl Pianos, o.ewiti.g .Machines and Hooks rc "?ven by B? R. WELLS, Publisher, i}?9 Broadway, N. y. .lt ? briitifui m' delight fui oiitertaliuueni for veniie render-: stories, fables, charades, (buses, enigmas, and exquisite wood engra ne-, li i- beyond comparison the ??si. |v .n'de inagiiziiie ever published.-BiilVaio s press. hvery hey ?'.nd girl in America should have Ti nu-: Two dollars a year; &ln#le ot leeimen N'uinber, 20 cents. SATURDAY eiiih <! fruin the rich and wide held ot eiir iii foreign li'oniini'c. Froiii the orehouse ot'lhiglish and ( ont ii.eui al ninga - ne- and paper- there have heen lakell 11 if loievsl -Incl -lillie-, thrilling adventures, ,qlii.-ltc poems, historical skeiehes, scieuti . articles, racy e--;;y- in biography and ii ic.-ni. Tlc -. le lions are all made w it ?. objeel ol" ineciiiiv. thc cistes ol" American adel's.-/./,;/./ In;nlr< r. TI::;M-': Single Kunibar, IO cents; ??s? ?i 'ar. ICKNOR & FIELDS, Publishers, BOSTON,