The Charleston advocate. (Charleston, S.C.) 1867-1868, April 06, 1867, Image 2

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i?tli ?\?v Inv?i' 1 ; (if I heh lat? liinslofs'o' I ask lliat MtisshOhusils may bti-dai.'l the mole position slid has occupied fot' (lie lri>. few voav-. 1 u-k you to rejci t Ibis itutonduieiit. an i b\ so dd'um say io Ilio people (>f (ho c?nniry, say to IhO wot'ldi, that the promises made hy da' govern ItlOltt of 1 ho 1 li it ed Stale- lo ila- bhiolvS when tlmv wont into tini lie... sh?tU l'i- re deemed ; tiiat voti boljeve ilio ! hmh-of (his coihiiid Imvc ubb?y vindicated (heiy manhood aii 1 their i> '.Iti lo b? lo : niid that the people of M as achii < : t . aie lih w?lliug (u siiliniii lo ?t?P. 'thing hot. timi which "iv< - c?niph'h j'.'.'-! ice ti? oVdr.\ man in the l li hod Slbh ; >.!" Aio :ha." Lien. t-Mtdvh'^ i? the I'V?'c.h? 1:1 As the [pi. h-Ki ; pi?- m. ?h 'fu - diiy pigli t ol i i i ..' h, paid ih d- iespia,i to Cenerai Siv -. ?. . ; "!. ; ! in the foliovving sj?eccli,'.vSiiili a? idi ; :: !? ro.-l \o our mimer?:.- rea a rs io i'.:! '.Mil p?r toitis bf ilic Malo ; a- lof ' ' p.e-- u',. at least our htvjl .< : . aie in hi-.. keep ill*! : " M. fri'. I:-.. I ' . . ; ir Visit. d Iti . < li il: ' tin* te- - cirulilN urn. li i- \oti. pi A noi mino, lb Iake ; part ; - .. ; in iti ?lio politica! a. tj > 1 i'-' ' ' o ' hi In lo see lien every citi -u "I N?.rih Inni South ( ai oliua. Ubi d d'i'Ha li b lias a full ami fair ?ppi <i'(\ ?U ' '" ns l'jl jlldgtlictit and ? 'liso.. a e pi:i\ >. - "a'.. . This d?h 1 -h .i; cud r. ; : j . ;'-m. T??c ctibned t?v--. ! fai- eoUiiUiv Ita'. gained ji-t pr.i.-o fpi' f. -i a' ?ihtplo conduci ?birbi : iho vvn.f; m,? | li ?ino th,. vece fit agilalion of.lli'eir (y< ii iiti'i politi cai cifraia hi-. ;.e li*. Ih idv '.. , o-imeni 1 can truly betti- U'slii?ipii; iti \ .-tir pu tieni f .ih. atan \Vito.h sore!) provok ed to retaliate ? hi el acjs of v ;. '.. e and (iU?jliiiaiihpl you bave b d ?ic \ ur-elves with unfaltering dontidi'i l'hai th? day of your dcl?\:in i:oo mi m?' distant. [Cheers. ] bel un1 enjoin it.h.ti ymi idi, in tliis hour of votir tic.S'., . pgr my era noe in wi llblningh VViudie nlny oitii.dtis pl Lhoivpn'.U". Ih-m -mb. r ihat ilio -tiv-ugth of the; nation ito? in th Virilio, b; b.i-'.ry . loyaltA . . \ must t r\ and v ii: limit' ilio h 'jif - id'your ViomU and ivp ! 'h.' foi- tl > ii.i.;- i>i' tin: . sceptical by p"-,vi!. .< \. iir-"!v. s worthy of the id in\\\ - vhi'li > on h.'c h.d'ii Wlielievcr :.:.\ iar.m addition hits been made to lip- voter- oj a ;' !:;:> tin- s.tdiie ilpp.1 ? lo-li-h 'li - ha/.eh.' il e\pre--ed l!i;il ar? in?.v heard will; refer* hoc to your selves. Those alu'.uly cnliituoi.isc ? ;m easily t.ln ined til dny coiisi letphlo change in the i'-tahli-lie i orficr of things. Solar, iit this dbliutiyi '".piietieo ha .down licit union. lih idid p'dver are safe in tao li?n so?'dhb Svhi.i earn tlieii hread bv tile > v.oal of til bf.ow; [Ap plan-..'.] Norn.' .,..< tlio c i ot Ilieir birtii mori- loti \\\ : i.oije will itof t. 1 it Wit ii ..'ore ?. nstaiH'A anjl \ lib r flian t host; wi;o-c iain.if miiky Up tile i-Ulp i>! a WA lion's wcaitii. I Apph;u-c'. j So ! g as tiic d' stidios of thi> . >'o.; I v a : in li.c hibiihs ofdhom vvlio-e ho.a. s ?.re iliade s?i??ivd hy jh-iiiat; who . hi'mutie- de pend oh lib' co iriu wdf.i whit h tlioy are iimiidad.'di ; <>; ! hag may defy all enemies, v. hot her from without i?r w itiitn. [ ( > rea! ap; tint1 o. it vvpiild he lii'dicdit, under the nio.-t fn\oiahle eiivm.i-'.aii e-. l'or ai.y raifi- of Ipvli ti> Oll'P'igo iis Voli have ii.-w to do, in the moid ijit-d'?siing politicai event-, wdtiiout be'uig dv'?p'y n. '- ? hy ila ir ino pol lane,' alai n '? i . . i. t la advi.-e yon us a fi ieiid, aiid ti <i|ie ti ( w iihoui e?cpo.rteoco in public a !'. ! b 1 <1 prc,soi \e al ali lime, tiie ntlubst liioilyVaibdt dfivv pression. telnpm' intd ciUi' iiti. ti Ayi'iiil evpfyihing like '.i 'ic e . . nnpatie ne or ii,Ov>voi uni. l>o a t ..iv e i ', ? a \ ilir ad viifiuu'piii " ca-ioti io i'oiiipiain of t?le. hdisj disii'sj?i ol ?-how n to ihe?n in your diseiissioloi. p".'iVitte ijj' public. Ai.d lievViiri: iif tho-i' who non! i eudcavii?1 ip excite iitiimosilit. s bclivj-oii 'hp v. hit-.-ami black un e-. The piosperily or the Sodth. the web farvi of the ('oUiiiry, ai;c nitnniilely a-so i'intod ivitli itti' haimon, ami od feel ing "V iiieh -l.oilld e\i-.-l 1 <-t .Vcell 'hepco plc of both race-.. Whatever seriously impairs ilio interests of one race, must result injuriously !" the other, fntolli i^eie e, culture, capital, arc not less osSeutkd timo hUior j niy\ yel wiiimu! a pro&perotib, coiitonU'd find happ^ labor ing oht.-s, .'Mioiol v lack - an ossi'iitini oie iiiC-ot of strenptli and rep" . . Voiiiiavc already shbwti \ i)iii' npj>i>>eintioti of your privileges li\ the Oagei'ii0s>, with which you have hiiiplbybd the iippnrttiiiitic.s liitely given ti)y<ni to ednc;dc yi .ur-dv< -. it will imi ho hm;, bed r. lib! while race >11 the Sottili w ill set'how deeply 1 hey ai " inlorei-tod in the i ?ne?ih ". iudiisfry, tin if' inul progress of ?tho?v colored pop ulation, in lilts mutual dependenceH<?s ili.- seem it;, of all. Abundant lime and opportunity will li" a4'.brdod, and amide notice will bo given; .d'idi the successive steps to bo (tikett in i>f organization of Ilio Sitilo ti?v?iiiinents within niy eointuitnd, It: will not be oicssary, nor can it be Otite I'-1 wise lhati injiiroiis tel yoursot vos, for you t.' p. .'.<. ! voiirregulareinployinotitstVitd itSs'O'iiations to ut temi to political af fairs. I promise Voti iliiil lyilliOiil any such sacrijieo Oli your part, every man in the. ('ai d'ttias entitled t'? a Voice in ila- decision of the { rout ipiostions to bo pit-sod upon under my -tipr i \ i-mm -hall fili ve' a tair elilinee lotici hi- pail, with oul ! '. of idlidruitoo from any one. S\\ i dim.'.-, i wist', ybti all good nljilil." 1! i-ia-i I' cViehjs; j i ;, > \ I ; ? i . j ( >vr on t 11 ? .-'; I 11 : m t <>:i. \t a v.- vnl m etilig of the I hoi id of' 1 : in I in- bit \ . 11.-. e. u->r t h'f -aid : ; I ijoslro tu sitato ! ' \ o I thai ybiir cblii-j nupxc, maimt.nt nit-. ani agi' inf eri1)-!- will ail remain p n ali/.c.l tinid ?lIV p..hi bad relation. i'irO tv-cbdhshed ail i iv-in -lati I with tin' I ?Vji rum.'lit at V. i-hia.p ? ni. idi 1 liiiiil vitti - o repr?'> efdVlljiitl in the < " '' '-- ' Ilii' I ailed I a, -. lyhil 'imi - a ' ' ' at ioaai Amen I- , ni.-at W'i'h: pbtji ''.l id .s.attb favolimi as Si a i oli ... idi vnlii ion in tinit ifivi; it|\ .'. i 1 ;? l'M't'.'i-id, a- it well is . V a lo ri ,'i'i goni iemali here. I oppo ... 1 ii- :i Idpiioji. bi|i ilio to t of f ongrijss iveOiUii, pa t. ?m . a-'.i'.m'1 t.itili ibis . mulli' i a e ?ni'jiit'i'od territory, a con ipldfoii people, an l e<:bisii[U0hily that that body has a righi lo diciate term-, ihe pover e\b "- in that body lo diciate il lose tprtll-h il i- sOctile fur llm next two \car.. jitld w)lbn Ihcy place IhOmsolV?S ?(juardly atri brbgtd.ty upon (hal plaiforn'n l ibf?itiiO; db noi propo-e io go t,. the Supreme ( art or any whore else, for the ptirhbse of disputing (hai power; bili in good failh I will ac-ept Ilio terms, hliniil liiiiiiig a. ilioy uia\ be, atei openly, fairly and sipii?feSy urge Uioir adoption before our people. * I liave ih .Uh r ih. pfUibge ol idtrblipig my-cifa- a volcf; of casting tiiy vot? at tite ballo boxi por of becoming a caadidate for the ktiniblcSt bllieO illiil?'r this organization, ami. therefore, the cut occasion may lie regarded as :. eep: ? b\ even lho-e who arc in tin' habit pi jdisifusiiiig' me as (he expressions of an iii'tix i'lual entirely di-iulcre-ted an i an\ loiis only lor thl1 wollard of hi- peojilc. 1 i? 1 >. 1 Ivob ? >u...l imuM it 'ii. Sina i.i> wii 11a i un Ahi-idenAf u I.i.a iblit- or ini: lb i t 11 ipN ': A coirli pond, t.t in Alabama a-ks ihi> sudi, ieiit t > give an elaborate i phiipn. it won 11 id:,enn lti.Avii.ver, lipit ii is ex pecting too liitich ol human nature, to suppose jlgii ihe aristocratic Icadois of ihe t\ I i lii<.n. stieli as Tiii in!..-, fohh. I'iam lihettk \V;itde iiitinptiin ,v l ib, will fai ili fully oigaii:/.c. develop and rente, sent a Slate goVcrniheiii that kiioWs no distinction <pi abi'ohiit of colpi', 'liu ir ac.piic-.a i ce i- only ipie to their Ibvo of power. l"ta \ are willing to Uscenti by any hol !cr. l.i'pii.g to hick it away when they get tip. These lordly Southerners have had their day. it is jiow Over, and li ley >h .aid he isiid on the shelf, they arc utterly unsuitable to have the des?i liies of ilio loyal tiuisscs coitimiiled to thc?i. a- liorso-pbwmr i- to propel a New Vork I'oiry boat. The times domami I' IV I/O '. VviioSO political habits aie Ito! l'or.,,. d. men who an- m>t fossili/.ed in p|o--hi\,iy and lebcP.ioi,, but who-e heart- a .d iniiiils arc l'eoi piivo,?molt who can be moulded I \ the advuncod tddllimoili of lue mil ion. l'ho ari-loctacy of the Soiitli must he ignored by the hoal masses. Ihey must follow, and Hot h :id. I'i:e\ wore Hot true to tin- teli ibi men biifid'O the war, ami they will not he true to ihe hlmt; matt alter it. A few nristoCI'iltlo while men in Sbilth ('?ir??pia .always controiled the siale, ilio nominated each oiiii-r lor all iliiport mil bll?ees, ami .-o kept power \yhere they wauled it. The idea of pop ular nominating eotiVoulions was scoiilcd at. The loyal m:i-.-e- of ine Sottili have tllOir eve- open, ami it is hoped thtfV will eomjiief. i lio Siiidmirs l-dr.-l ( ilass. A youth once threw hi- in ad upon my knee in ihe bitterei t agony, and said, u'n. cousin I if I could mily describe to you tilos? tiw fui feelings of insatiable j lliirsf ! l! is like ten thousand devili gnawing at my vitals !" Said I, k,Why i'l you not l>o perKiiiitlod to break oil'1 rioni those habits of drink." 11 ? - replied,] "It isiinpoSsioh\ I would give cvoryllliig 1 own to )? able to do it ; hut i'no ringing ! lire withiii can only bo assuaged by another drink, nini another, nini another,\ ami ax?'i iiKii '. alivi so it hiust go oh till Oi'.atu ! ibi! it is hopeless, hopett'ts }"\ Anil lie a uoblv * youth, wit It eOllejjhile education and native grave, of excellent family connection, ami having just cono pletcd the study of law, with line oppor tunities for honor and Usefulness opening before him. Ina few weeks from the lime of that conversation lie was found in I he sfrl'et, was taken lo ihe abu-lmii-e. ami there died in a few days. Is lliOI'O' than . -m li record in eded io piove the danger of taking the tir-t gi?--.'; i out Its 'i\'i)ipei'am't' A?uniier. 0' All letU rs ! > the Kdita)'* tir ?\di-\ lis?ei. st,',(u'd t>< di,- - ,' 7 to " ( '! ", } Mini '' ?dtWoti. I.Ot k l'.o\ I pp." t InirleslOii, S. ( '., uhe fflinvlc.iVtcin :\avocale. . Is oil" o the x ami CHARLESTON, S. ('.. APRIL G. 1867, Stato Convention, i he ( oininiiiee of Thirteyu. in cdiiipjo a'.ee w il li in-I I m l ion-, il ?ali a ?OhvO.'n* lion of the Inibii Kepn! pail\ of >. ulh t aioliua. to met t pi ( hai le-l, i, on Tue-hi\ . tin.' Tth of M.i\ . at k o'clock r. m. 11. .li bili NitMud . < hairninh. Hat roti lo the l? 3Ut h ! riit" readers of southern paper- lire;of ten told of ti.e ihveU'inie hiitfod of the Sofiil lowufds ihe South, l'ho roeeni a< t for the pid'pOse of securing:! more . IlieieU! ?O\ el III ml it to the Slates leeelil IV in rebellion, is regafi grilli! Osi ile\ elopeinelils of injustice, nialiee, that an ungenerous foe couhf ill iliei upon its prostrale ami helpless %'?' ltins. It wiil be noticed howe\er. that mm, but those wliti were fyriiierly en emies pf the goVidmuii ni. makeaiiveoiip plailil against ii. Congress lam been .leueiou- in lis treatment of the South, e'.en lo a fault. WItile a! the -an.e l-^ne. no Olitili has foeoii -pared by the -t j il '.'.s- ,' I !,lii'pi'i'P:;1 ' 'ti pi- ii" in' ''C'riVs'i* and Ihe dt'iu'cst int erest - of I he Si people, lint our government would 1)0 slrangeiy chlpab??, ifit iiidi?bi jhxitoej il - r, al tri' udii /< re, w ho have been slif feri tig evi ii io Urn peril- of marly rdohi a- a puiiisluhctii l'or their Ibysiliy. I II people of tin N'olili ?uWO he. li coijsiaiiily making eonlrihutjinis ft?f the helielil of the Sonili. TliCV selli in fo liberal donation- p'f liiblcs and 'l'e-la mciit s dufing t be war. and ho ioiiei vx'iis the war (dosed;, Iliim they -?nt lOiiohVa.-i, am! -u-taiiied thein in their olfort-i lo givo to albwithoul distinction of color, ! he un ans of fdm-a! ion. and the l-'ived nien's Ihiroaii ha- been dealing bread to ilio hun .'.ry w In i is r lYcedtnen 0|' -malli? erti w hites. In addition td all other aids exhibiting this kind of haired of ill? go\011)11)0111 |0 Waiils tili- portion oflho country. t'Oll gress ha- jiist pa-', tie- Southern 11 It-: 1" Ildi, which provides that the l-'ieednieu's llurcau shall use out of the uncxpci.doil money of the {iri'si'iit appropiiiiti.i)is, wililtoyer i- nee. -ury l'or I he relief <f all de-thiitc am! In Ijiless pei'StillS. It is true that sonic of the members of eotiirfoss looked upon thi- a- a dilhgiTpili viola tion of the Ctiiistitiition, lo send bread io llu1 starviiuj?, u'evOftlieilcsS the k'.i.ii ea 1 s i at rie l il through Wllli ail overwind miier jhajbriiy. I; was a measure gi'?iilh needed to prevent starvation aial untold siufcring lure; and by it ( Ohgross will lie tit IH li nil the scriptural fctjiilreitiriil : gif (Ililie enemy hunger, feed him : if he 1 thirst. giyO him drink." \\ ha!c\er may be lite verdict rendered by ihe sensitive and jealous Sondi in their judgement oflhe-e act-. I lie res*, of mankind w i 11 not fail lo mark und iippr>ve the geiici'ous magnauimily of IliO < io.crn ihent, and it will make a brighi pmc in llislorv, to be honored and admire' by coining The lime has lecii ! w hen king4 cot ton swayed his si-epici* (Ver the whole country, and the eroilOlihg 'subjeclsof his authority loll flal tpon their 1'uees, in obsei[uious SllhinissioU ut Ilio crack of Ilio -lave master's w tip ; (hen the Concessions of the North, fele jifstiy regarded a- sigus of abject seirili iv. lini now slavery is dead, and ccton (tothrOlicdj and the South without iili Iary or politieal power : the gencii-itv ; of a gl'elfi people is UOl likely lo he in-ill- I tcrpicti d. If it is thought lo he ttlOVi- ? (IcilcO of weakness or Mattery, (hos?Vli?j ; thus judge, w ill learn their mistico. ' | 'liic duly loyal of the Southern Stales will bo the Itisi lo coniplaiu of il.? noble deeds. Wo can loiig and ehoih' billy bear any amount of snob develop ments of national hatred as libs, ami may the blessings i>f illese who aro ready i" perish, continue if be upon a govorhniehl so bravo anil Ibl'honring in war. ami so lenient ami generous in peaeei Moro (rouble on Ilio Street ('ars. Wo regrel to loam thai on Monday of tliisAveek, ijulio a serious illsluidiaiiee w as occasioned by colored persons la king passage, like while people; upon Hit1 street ears. ThU trouble, at one tono as sumed a serious! iispei't ihrohgh lhe inter position of tbo p.,lice, but Wus finally brought to rights by Ilio prOsoiiee and idd ?t the military. As ihe tUl'pibliiig pai ties against |lie city regulations Ipr OXOlpbling pel - on-of eolor Iroiii tbe ear-, are now in lite elisi oily of the militai \. will're the ea-e will bo duly examined ami deeided' h i all eolie, | m d pemo;ib|\ ao (piiesi'd in the restili, no viblopeo be Used tt> secure. Ill this rOspeo!, eipml rights in our cily. Tim people ofClplflos1 Ion have not. as yet. hceOntl. accustomed to the presence of colored pel-oil- a- oil i/.eu-. They have hum hoed ',he negro race as slavi'S, mid a- -mil. could endure (heir prc-eiucwith pleasure in the suiii.e carriages and rooms, if nut even io elu so f pro\hnit\ lo iheui-cK es ; and wliOij accu-n.imd to ihcm a- fellow idi/.oti-. tlu-ir w ill -..on be ai grateful lo (hem in freedom, a- w hell t lidcilmod With the incenso of -la\ my. Those who were our linn liieml- in slavery, will noi trample upon our oblisi it hit* mil limit- in frocdoiib I. ' us patiently wait. ami in ?lite time the law- ami fog?iultolls of Olii' slitto will dSseafdall dlsihidiioii ?ii ihodicedunl of color. Coining events oasi their shadows before, and the gigantic systeiii of -laveiy. wit'ji tin h- otit-r-evlli-. i-. do'dited'to utter destruction: ami the etpml rights of man. us i/poii afe do-lin ed t-i receive tini\cr-:d aeki|o>v'le Ignietll ami rc-pect. l'.\eiy onw itrd step fdi'O (olls another; e\<ry Minili bf vdeibrV herald- a future tiiuinph: otic .after il hi ii her. the foe- of humanity an- \ .-::i oui-he-i' and who ' tin ijobhl I'm- iin.-il. gi'brhVus festllf v The doctrine of Iplidtui wjKi ; hm In o I i- to I e v. rir ;i i ci; ; la w s, V.- ; ami the ei\ d tin I ; liticai tight - the weakc-l and liliiiiblo'si person an- to be sacredly guarded by our IV h r: l( oi: stit..!ioii. To this, ihe -h-n- id' tin- tiinbs ilioitti, towards this the nation i- stead ily pioorc--ing ; to pfeyeni it- iioOdin pli-him ut ihe - i Iti-hm -- nhd pri.h-o! man will lrivo in vidli : to ha t n il ev ery Iriicdicarled patriot should tili'liest |y labor and devoutly prav. i lie Howard Univer.fify. The ihirlv -ninth ( 'oitgn will he em balmed in l'ae oralcful n-colleei ion -, ..f coining gi'iieratioiis, by the ree-ud of ii . noble, ami impartial legishiih/o. || h; givi a pfptoeilun to the iiiiioii men of the So ilh. and conferred the t ighl of siilfri?gi? hord without distiiicliou pn the account hf race or cbipr, 11 also |oi >k an adv ipiid e I, ami imperlimi step iti esteti lino without a ?ke disiinel'ioii the means of od libili ion. thus aid: n.; lo break dovvl) ilid iitijiist and cruel prejildiei!', thai has so huig denied lliosii ol'Afr?diin ih'cohl a phme in the ui iv er ii ie- of oar pi 'tint ry. A bill was passeil at lity late ( on-iv-s to incoi poratc I low aid luivei il\" in the Disi riot of ( 'bluhibia, i- ii iiiiitsure p'i' iiicah'iihihle nuiiiiidih. |(s provisions tiro e\lremc!y liberal, liy it- clmrter tin I'niii'ersiiy will heopen lo all pcfsoiis.of w hatever c.?h>r or i ace. li will eoliipt e hehd six dill'ernl depart men'.-, or school,: Normal ('pllegiali'j Tlieidogieul, Law. .Medicine ami Agrietilllire. ami such otiier- as ihe Hoard of Trustees imp eS taldish." It' an ophiibi) may be e\prc--ci| on Ihp slilijcoi, there -ceni- a p< cubar 111 hess in beg'iiiiiing the work of proper ly educating ihe black population in ii'itiihiittfton. Now that they have here the righi pf si??lVtlge, and ns illtelligOliOe on Ihe part of lliosii w ho vote isessmiii?i lo tile safeguard of Ihe Rbpttblic, t'dli gress did well in graidiiig io them the privilege of founding an Institulipn of learning of hi^h grade, lobe su-laiiicd by their own proper exertions ami pat ronage, in which they may secure tho ad vantage of a liberal eiluealioit. Without Ilo-, einaneipatioii would, in the view of turisi per.-ons, be of very doubtful pro priety, and would he attended vviih many 'iricvous conscipicnces. The University lakes ils name from ihe ilhlSlfioilS < hm >ral (). ( >. Ibiward. who is the ( onuiiis dbner of the Kr?edin?u's llureaii?a phi-! anlliropist. a patriot, ;i Christian. Menili ne, ortVoodmon. WC lenni limi tt inceli tig ol' lite l?eed ineit look jilstce Itele oh Monday nip,hl l'or ilic pin p?-.- of l'ormili'.', :i \n\viy l>ls?t fol'lll, passing resolutions, iMc. 'I Imre urne plobahh l'ioni Iwo lo Ulivo liuti (lied pr. -elll. d'Ile incelili- HC?lllcU t"> Lo conducici! principally by ? t'oloted nuiii Ivy Ilio minio 01* Suspor?U?, wh? l?i? iiccn leaching school lieto l'or some lime. Ilo olfcrcd ii -el of rcso?nltons the suine in purport, if Hol in word-. :m ilio- e adop ted l)S Hie moi ling of colored people in CliarlOsloh a few days ago, ttnd he en deavored lo persuado ilio colored people (hai lltOlr only friends were lltoso who 1 had fougliiy hied, and ?lied t<> sci Ihclii free: and Iliid I In if gl'Ctllesl enemies urne Un- e w In. held (lioili in Livery and ignorane boTore and ditrillg UlO war. Now we liappCII lo Know vonielllillg of this man. vi ho should consider well his iilticcodcnis heforo making -neh speeches in public. Hi- father. \\0 hcileVO. is a bulohot'. co-. W e h iiivo Un- mailer lo our colorcil i'ilimits to (lolerniine. why he has lakeh I Ills sd? Idoli turn, amllhey nitty he hide I > t,, judge in Ihe f lure how much coliti dencc to put in (hose ivi to are trying t<> rai-e Un ir pa --ion- ag.iiii-t men in wlnun (hcV have hub ul to put their faith from long Oxphi hiheih (a tittle too long-I'.n. ) Wo ham. al-o. Utat contributions ivcfo called for in aid of a ("lull'leslon pa per, v.hieh i - -aid I" l'o phltlisiicd in their intere-:. \\ e heii i'\ cordially otl'er to tllO colored people of this Di-lrh't. Olii cOhthtus l'i?.f charge for imy cnutniuni ealiou- they u i-ii lo piihli-h : ami v e will gjvo Un ni every advantage <ji\cn loollb of oil i/eli-. ll is tine wo limi it hard t<? get along in these time-, hut we proihiso not b ?isti IhOitI for Un ir little earnings to cm l iell OHI so'\ e , Upon. \\C clip the ahove from the Orange burg A' rii ?i' (Ills iveek. We ihank tin .V- >'-s f..r its iioiloe of this importati' inoclihg o'.' of ihO UoptibliciliiS of < >range burg. We like the specoli of .Mr. Saspor la-, ami Ildiik i! contained the true doe trine: vvOc otifdss i; does not weigh unici in our iniiei- whether hi- fallar was; b; iattclici'l" ?r a banker, if his -on i- ?> i Aio 1 char ni or. an 1 -;> 'tiks the truth. wt have nb - ale; for weighing :inythin;. hut '/ ii" ri* in a UtattJ And. by tin i. . .. ...i 1 .,..( ...!% ! . ?...I....... ' friend - lo IrpiiblO theiu-el ve- about win I tlieil: fat hers wore. !* >( ( I ii\V itiiglti timi to, m a" pat orna I filiations to slaveholders. W'e are glad the \. <;-... opens it-, col thiiUs to the col,,red people Olititi. I )j S It i?i . and h.r. c no doiiht I hey will nvilii tlloMl-elves i>fi|ic g ?IToll . Oll'cr. WC of ho paper in Chafleslor that Ints' be >idrii)|itioii!i to aid it." in i)y. itiigi'burg'l'u' atr. where clsoi Our siili siOrib r- /-/ v. but do not ,- ,))!r!l,?l. , and we suppo-e i: i-ihe same w il h others. The llingi of the A' alami v'Oonirb biitiom ." ' cnrii'hiugourselves'1 from Uie "littie earnings of ila- colored people." coin - with an iil gritcO; t i fijiy (ho Iciist, from that Class who have I.n luiving and U'ljittgi, holding ani robbing Ihoiti of ih ir earning-, and i verv thing dear to humanity for geiternfibiis ; ami saying il t .o. |o tho-o vv ho are devo; ing their lives lo t he odiu'idiou ate I elevation Of (In1 col ored people, and 1 loo. without fee or reward from th, iiii Tim frcciiincu ol'Or a ii go burg, ai el -e where in the South, will not boat a tosi bi disi ilighisli between ih'.s. and ti'iw fri'ml-, wlieihor i'roni the Norlh ol- South ; and m.wthey have I he ballot in lln ir ow a hainls, wo tru-t Uiov will use it w so';, as f: o, man. Tho African Mtotliociisi Clnir-clp I 'l'Ili1 i aiitor of ?lio i( 'In (sliun A*. <yj>'<7< r - .\ \ - : W e -hall he at scent I'rOni our oiticc (luring ne\l weeh. havi::;; rpCc?vcil a Ve ry cbrdtsil iiivit'tiiidii from lb-v. (??lbori I lav mi. Uev. I >r. I'iiav , r. ami others, lo Vi-il Ihe New I'.Uglaild ( ollfeicnee of (ho M. I'U ( h ti toll which liieels at Wulthaili. Ma ? , oil the .:7th in-1. 11 i- very kindly indicati li Ihat Wc SVtil Iti* sUcCOSsi'til iti lensiyciy Inlriiducing the i'lirialmn R? 0o/vii>?',oiir ( liiirohi ngaii. among our white friends in thai sotdibii, and nn additional promise is made, w hicll is niWiiys ti?c?pta hie io a po-n- Methodist preacher1; ii i de trillilo thai while people as \v6l? as colored should take Ihe fj/tridliaii /,'< corrivi: It is impor(|iiil thai i\\6y .should know more of our yearnings and slrug gles for a higher existence. W'e read, and supporl very (Mem iveiy, the papers puh li-hed by white men. and it i no litlle sati-fae'iion t i see ihoiti read and lender sonic suppoi l to our ow n." Ii may not be known to all <if our rend ?rs hero, (hat the Methodist, K. Church, at I'.-.c Notili, onici I a ins a kinduml iiroth Clly all Ction for the A. M. hi. ( hureh, ' and this has often boon exhibited by con - 1 Iribuliohs lakon among oiir people* lodi ki (he African Ch'idoli hu its ??io is to do rgO<l. II is io 1)0 r?gr?t led ihat al the. South, tl?e African ClYiirOli is imbibing thO -pint "l* prevailing ingratitude to northern IVion Is. tolti in some instances, uniting With the previous slavi-holding Church, lo opp?se the .M. l'i. Church in ila southern work. But this' sialeo?things w ill n?i always exist , us many ani loarn 1 ini', their error, by searching l'or the real 1 cause ?f Utis opposition loan anfi-slavery church, which has dolio so much in \ indi (aition ?l'the rights of humanity. How I bo Chivalry hiwullo tho Advo Ollto. We were no( a little unitiseli in learn ine* froih a friend, how near one Of the forced Unionists ?l'ottr city came lo foie ing eontaniinated by Olii' prijier. OllO'Ol' our subscribers was employed in a store, and his employer happened to be the firsi to take up the paper which had been thrown in by the bar Her, ami glancing al the heading he iuiinedmtelv dropped it, and went for the longs, and with these, holding the -In et at a Safe distance. In deposited it among the rubbish Of Ilici lee k yard. Tins is tin- way the South ha- alway fooOU in l'i1' Inibii of treating the truth, when brought within their reach ; and by tin- mean- they l'onici themselves and I heir dujibs iiilb I he disgrace ami ruin of the recent war. It' free speech and a pee press had been lolhrutod lune in the reign of Cotton and -lavery. the people would have been loo wis? io Itavi* ven tured upon the chances of war to perpet uile their supremacy. So in regard to the recent elfoi'ts for reconstruction. If I he people here had l ead in?i'C lIlUH one , class of p?li (leal papers, they never won hi liUve hocII induced to have rejected the ('?insitiullohal Amendment, to have so soon repented of their folly iti their pain ful but forced aOijniOseOtice to Sherman's j Military Bill, l'ut iioh? afe s? blliid sis (hose who won't sec, and hone wli? fall into the ditch deser\ e le-s pity than Slicb. hu- their inisfitriune. \\ iiliam < 'uilibcrt, a colored seholiir Ofiliti 1 MI?fi I- -ireel stiltool, wiio, bollovhog hi Uni I' liteiihit' thai In- nnisl '.'drink deep" freni the i stfoain of kiitOviedgc, illehetl several fo'ioki ,. from hi- t -lh'W -tinleui-: luit beingiietOelOtfo in- wa- arraigned Io t. i. hi- Honor, wlc> I > -kod hilll Up hu" a Week ili I I??, fells, W 111* 10 ?;.? . can tear mil. We iiuike ilio ttfo?Vo oxlrabi h?in tho Police Report of tin" l)(tUt/ XclCS Of lusi - Saturdav. This is 11 new phase in school go\eminent lor it teacher to send itti of ! fciltlitig urchin to the .Mayor'- ( 'uni t to he punished. We suppose the noxl move 1 will lie lo send dailies of .loll?l to the hjekdtp io-tndy their iiioruiiig lessons ; XVliicli iiiigiti no! have been reel (ed to the -sulisfaetion of the dispeliser of school .'oolll iU-tice. I on l iOAINSt ( Vil.t ill. Wadt* Hampton in his recent speech at ( 'Ofohnbhl said : A -'.router prejudice has aiwiii's e\i-l i't.l al Ilio Noi'tll agallisi your people here, ami it exist s still. A curious in-laiu e of this prejudice came under my Own ohscr ' valimi sonic year-- ago in Philadelphia. I'as-ing[through that city. 1 with me t wa. son ant-, for whom I til I fare w a - charg e.l on the K'.til : but the ticket agent told ine thai they would hot be allowed to ride in tiic saint' ear with my self, as the P 'oplo there "did n?i like lo ride with nc L'.ioe-." Ihll, -aid I, "you make h i |?aV lull pine for I he in. and one of them is i lie iiiir-e of niy children." " Thai makes no il il fen in'/," he replied, '-you can't lake tin-in into tin- car." I l?id ii?in thai I had paid (heir faro ; ihat I thought theiu good oh?iigh lo ride with inc.ami therefore i|iiith good enough t,, vide' Witti his felloW-cili /ells. ( cue; ti) I lainpton ought to conic t<a. < lutrlcsion, just id Ibis lime, and try and allay the prejudice of our white friemla here iigaihsi our riding in the street ears. ; If we an- good enough to ride in Ilio sana* Car w ith bini, why not w ith li?s "fcllow eilizeiis" in ClmrU'ston\ Philadelphia in this regard scenis now indite in advance of t'harle.stoii in the t rent incut of colored people. This Issuo. We reprint in this issue the platform for the In ion Republican Party of this ; State, as it has been demanded for a inoro extensive circulation in various sections. 'The good work is progressing finely, and enthusiastic ratification meetings are be ing held in dill'ereut localities. This platform will bear a careful rending anil is received with great favor among the people. Laid oviui.-? We were obliged to lay over until next week our Idler, giving an ihlet'csling account of Ilio Republican ?rgani/.itti?li at Marion. We regret our inability to insert (his. and other vahmhlo articles, whii'h will appear in our UOXl