The Charleston advocate. (Charleston, S.C.) 1867-1868, April 06, 1867, Image 1

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VOL. 2. NO. II. \s YO would t men sh<ul<| <lo milo you do yt; uvcii so to them.*' CHAH i J 10 H TON. S. C., SATU H DA V, O OTOH KU 1 0, i,S<iS. wuor,K NO:m ?hc ha vie:, ton 3\ cl?vocatc, OnA?LKST?N, v. 0., APRIL 6, Ii;e7. A. webster, tiditov. u. f. Randolph, ^ Assooihto t. w. lewis, s Editors. A liid.icidi's ani? ?nTi'j.AU IVu'i'.u. rrmi-ini? w I ? i\I \ \i Ni?., I--- Mi i i r? ; i ni r. r, mai; i ' \ i 11< >i s l'.V il. .u pi.i: Mnok?Ki TKI.Ms i'?K SI lisi iil i' l li ?N 'i'liroj?' Dollars :i YOtir: payable ?li iidvaiii ih Sjx Mondi-.17'. 'il ini- Mont il*.?.Tu. l? A i i;.s ini; r.i: i isi \... IV Ali htnrs lo ihi / ;./a- , / (?'.-'' iislier, stomi,/ l? ili* /, / io < 'non, s? ,,, j J7r ... .</. . j.oi k-Uo.x ?iMij": Uclrh sioii. s. ('.. : ! Ailvi'idsinnV'iiis Will li?; in-? li'*! :ii i!!< rjiio \>f m:\i.n i v-i i\i ti ni- per sijiian?; ilo SP?ti'0 ni" U n lini - ni 111 v\ I \ | r r.- : 'r , . n M|iiarc. l.hngl'r a. I\. : t i-. ni? :.' - In hej santo pt'Opoit imi. l'i- siaudhtg : i 1 \ c ri i - - taciti "i t'iglil week's :t|id ujiw.'U'jts Ili li j I <;i'.xi's pei stimilo:, f??r standing adS'.eripv- ' lucili.- ?i'Six lljt?ill|l> ?illd iipwalils I <>;;; ! ( , ini- pi r -ijiniiv : payiiirnt iti t'vji i ;. ili -' an? ] being ft-ijturcd ili tubali < . l'ri >!'. --i'itial and Pu-iiie- ( .itih. u"t in OOcOlilg live lini'-. i?.|il ii \?'!|?'. Man i.e."-. IVatlo. Ili iigHilis iiild jiilt'Vfi?y ' liotU'Os'. |it?l exceeding l?i ?' lint'-. I'll TV fi ni- ! i .i' li Insevi ioli, i \ N ? pubi ica* itili l'?lli't'l jn ?4 il poli priva:' il iar | a.-t.-r will ! hilbwod in olir columns, eh ber . >..)"' N?! piibl?cittlou \\it>?u. ? j [ pmi>i:.i.' nanm. ' Ali ii. i-n-. .1 pira, liiif- of ili, M. |v. i Imr.'li | s\ lai Ir. r lr.t\fiin nr \<<> A. ari' niir aa'.ln.r-1 i.m il ii?t>iii>. i 1 1 Mill Id'. I ' ..; - i ? "j , >Vll d Otlil ? 1 it l'I V ? '1 rSi ? 111 li < ? C ,'tl l'i>l i l lit i !' 117,r.-. /.v. Tho founders pf this Ut- i pilli IO based the -aim- "li Ila- .- d'-cvident truth, "that all ihol) il re ercjiicd bipUil : - Ihat lile\ aro ehdOw'o? by ilo ir ('ivat. r. a svilii tort?in inalioiial-lo light-: thai il ain.'iiu' aro Ufo, lil . riy, and tin i pursuit ofImppiue--." and j - H'/ijvoos. It i- -ot forth in tho "Ih.-1! ambio .'I- lite l'chial ( '. m-t il ut li ni of 17^7. tbat il wa- cr laiu.d. ii"l hy Ini' ' sewrol Stato-, (if tiilUibitailiS thoio"!'. ; but by-tin p-omo of//,.. rmVrd .S7i(/i'.s.,,,j "in order t" form a none poi'lV'Oi l*jlb>?. e-;|abli-!i jllsliee. imuiv iltilnosiie tran ipiility. pr>.\ i le |VVi' ;!ie ettinmiin d. Ibii.-jin prolin 'te ilio geiiei al v. citare, and li? -e elilv Ilio ?>)essiiioS of liberty t.'it "ftiumler-." ami lla ir "po-!t rity :" and H'W.o.v. ('Onoress by it- u. ll-cii-id-'. brodi ami iliiiiosi ti n a 11 i I m ni -, aelipli,: (which action ha- had the -amtion of the loyal people of the opiilili'y I ha- pi" viiied. by the t'ttiistiiuljonal AiiiiMidiiit?tilt pfojvos?ij a- " Art. 1 I." and by the ri - cent Kecoii-t I nei ion Hill" for the teof jgani/ation of the . i\il powers of llaj States lately in rebellion, and for tin- re - newal of their rifji l'Osi' ili ill ii in in ( \>n gre->. and il'/o ro<.<. \V0 fOeobnize in those h-ji lative pr.?\ i-ioii-, wise -lalcman-iiip a regard- the fntiirb: jtisjioO tcinpeicl with niercV toward- ihe formof ( iiiiilies ?f ilio I' liioll j alul -1 fblig-j nari nice-, toy the protection ,.f al! ho al ciiixens with, olii distinction of lace, oi'e(ilof, oi |?fo vioils coinlilioii. in Ila i lijoyinOnl 01'e(o ?v right conferred by Ilio ('oilstilutioli, .and. \\'h< <ts, >N'o rcu'ard Ilio jgroal Na tional lb-publican l'arly Under ili(i jriiid ing hand of IViviiic I'l ot id.m e. a- tin Savior of our country from the peril? i). the late rebellion fur ihe desrtuction o the UlliOn, ami a- the only paily whost principi08 otiti jusify us in oommiliini ihe present ami future iniercsls of ||u country for safe keepings 'Thi / ' /'?// <, /t?solo (I : I. Tlull we give our cordial and mil ir sanction to the action of (longr?ss f< ilio reiiiofalibiV of thy I'nion, and to il wise and jusl principle- of ihe Kcpiihi can parly. II. That, in order \<> niako the I a bo of all <mii- |(.yal fdiloxv cili/en-. more ef fectual ibi* carrying ?-ut l'ho provision^ ?l' CVbigross, ibr tin- restoration Of law timi order, i?i our Malo, as well its l'or Ilio poaee alni prosperila Oi' Olir tail ir? . ...;u ify, ?e ilo l'orni an association I" ' e known sis (he i'nipu l? puMiean I*arty ol' South ( 'andina. III. Thai we pledge Olir '-aere. I honor, olir h i tune-, ami our lives to servo our country. I i> preservo her inslilulipiis. and. especially IP njd her iti keeping hivioinlo the national libili. W ha h ha- heOll S.iefCd \\ pldtlged lo iho payment *>l* ttu' nation al (lolit hlClllWd to S;|V0 Iho libibiibs <>f Ila' coilliirv. ami lo siippross rebellion.1 and Ihal the pp?ph; will upl -ulVrlhi fail II lo lie \ dilated 0'' impaired : but all debts incurred lo shpppri the roboliibn. :js llipy were unlawfid. Void and of m> phhg^;dij)hs, -hall iioM r he a--uni?d !>v ?lio rhjl'eoi stat. -. iiOr -'nail S?ii'lh C":i?*?.? lina l-e perniiti? I to pa\ .mv ?h ht wlmt ev er. v, !deh v\ ;i . r?ni i d to aid t he i . - hellion in aa\ form. IV. l'hai ilio imi ion owes to the lira ye . men. white ami Colorirli, oijoiti'nrniy :ihd navy, a deht of Instimi gratitude. for [lo ir heroic -et v ices in defbiu'e of the ' [.'on-titutnm ami tlie I'm. n. and. that IV ||i |e W e ellet i -' I. \V j ( !| ? toil jcf il lli'j ' t ?O?| ; die tin Uio| ie- of t i.e ! a Hell. W C plcdgCi. to lleir widoivs ami orphan-, tho nation. tile ?Mld p'oteel io)i. V. 'l'ha' a-f republican iii-t ili;1 iom e?ti ioi he |>m -> i voil. unle?s iplhlltgt'?jCo l e .chorally d?tiusod anion., all i/lasses, v.e Vili vUdiiipiil, (d'olii' h'gishiiiii'e, a litii bfni -\-t em of eoiniuoii school.-.:, which: hall he ppi ti to all. Wiitioib, ?II jd iiii't ii pi if race color, or p.'eyiiuis endi: i"::. - iil'li -;.-teiu io bo Supported h\ a general a\ upon all hind- of prppci'i) . \' I. That wc will lav or a lihdr.'b sy's eili of piddie inipiov etia iit-. stiijji a ail-load-, canal' . and odici' w,.|k?. ui.ij : I so -Il eli -i v\ s'ObiOl' il \V" i.iilie' I . .11 .:, '., ! - >r the sanie, a- wo! givi; all our hdlov iii/.-n- an climi :;nd fair chance id Laic ii them. \ II. That we will ah-, ili-b! li j ion m. h pKidiliiadhui ?i' lie. law * of ihe siate - will do away with impiisbliiuOnt f?i! Icht. except fof li.'OI'l. all'I i lUpl'?-o ! ! - iiciit of vv it iie-M'- except l'or wilful id.i cu-c ami. e-pcially. lo abolish i htiro v timi for?vef, the htiiKarolis omdotn id ptlibshniehi for or'phe. or anv dhcr cause. Vili. That as hll'gc land hibuppolies . ml oily to inak? lite lidi richer, ami: igficulfhrul, coiummeial. and social ip crc-!s of the si :ii?i ilio h M.ifij.ltlnVO si id ili'dl* i'Vel'V pl'.M' ti'-ahle iU'ilieetUellt I'Oi he di\i?hm and sale ofiiudcouph d kiiids nito-;g the ,.rcr classes, and ti- an cm j oiu aveiimut to immigrant - lp solile in mi! i-tatc. IX. That the law- of ejectment and Histriniil -jiudild he -o mollili, d :is t<> pro let g(pi:|ily the landlord and the toh vit. \. 'l'hai j i"vi-iou should he made for! the exemption iif ilio "i.r man'- h?itie -tcad." XI. 'I'hat Ihe intcrc-ts of the -tat.' do- ; Intimi a revision of the entire Coi Id of lav. ?. ami the fi|-ofgaiii/i:iiion of the ta uirt -. XII. 'I'hat the ititic |s. noi only of .he-tato. Out iii' the whole country, de mand c\ civ po-?ildc '.Miaranloc l'or (lie iiclhciuii V of all ihe l ights Cdiilcfi eiJ |||> .... on ihe new Iy cui ranchiseli portion ol our follow (uti/ciis. and ihal in the u-coflho -ai red right of the elective fraiiehi-c vv c will -cek lo c?dvaie to oHices oflriist and In. only (hose who arc truly hoal. honest, it ini ciipaiile, irrespeciive off li?o, t'oli?r, ?11 prev ii m? ?a'Ildii ii ai. XIII. 'I'hat cm-idcialion? ?f justice ami hiimaiiity deiiiami prPv?sioip hy the l.egi -latinc. for the protection ami -up lioi'l of ail the aged, inlirm and helpless iioor. irrespective ol rac'i', color. <>r pre v ions ci'inliiion. Xl\'. That we will not support any candidate for olilce, who will not openly ciidor-c the principles adhpted by ihe Union l.eptiblieau I'sirly, X\'. Kciving upon Divino I rovidenco for wisdoiii in Otti* council-. cllicictu'V in action, harmony among ourselves, ''w ith mali.v tonar.I- none, ami oliai it \ to all." | \?o pledge oiir earnest an-l lioSi oll'orls * ibr (U? return di'poneo timi prosperi I v to . all our people, and an early lepre-onta- | t ion of our beloved State in I lie t 'oogre- s 1. "I" the I 'idled Stales. I, i ?.M.MI'l IT.K. I, II. d I |)t;|; .MDtiL'i:. Chairman. i Mi ti. C a in. Id sii. Id ti Sj j : d. An VMS, .1. p. M, Kpi'iNd, j i I'" 11 :; Mn i i u. P.. [<\ L'ivi.-n t it. I. N. II uni:. Ii, ( Di h.viuii . d. Id Mounts P. p. C.vniiPxA, I. 1). Pun i\ S. 1.. Hinni , ,. |t W. .1. P.m.mi:. I I Mll?.' I ',| >t li 1 |-_-\- Al !< 1 ] < I At the ratilleation meeting oh ('ithlal \ ideeii .bulge Kpping reiiiaikod as l'ol-ii lown: J, / ',-/, ?-/.s dini / . / ,.,,- ( ; (,>, Us .---AN e are ' : ti?sdiiddnd i'd-, allotnoim id piiii'v into! pra ti,-il elleet Ilie v t ea'prii il. -:< : in n i iii (lie Ihyjii pebjilp ol' Siip'tli ( .-indimi h\ I llie loutn ess Of die I iiiij'd Si ales. i - 77/i / '< > 'of the i-t h.-grant Of itnivcr- i -:il -mlim-o to the oh,red man. ?77, I .-, . ,,/,,/ I' e jii'olei lion given to all 1<>\ :d j - men l'or iter -.p. oi |i. I'iee jb< ?- ami frcoj > i doni ! > meet in puhlio to di on.-- their j I -e\ pj'al ri i-jp -. and iutetv-ts. j \ 'I lie e, ;,o-, ,1 ti.tin ami the l?-vnl white < man ol the south having now received m ft 'mi ( oiigie - . the ! ighi and pinvi r o pto- \ (i? I themselves, it behooves t! eni to he i wat. lii'iil and ciivat.i-p,.'. ., tha; ibbse I rights will noi l o idi k oh ii\Va\ h\ ingoili am Ibgi da:i a bl'ihh shrewd timi ,fi!'\ li del i!d\ l . I fw c allow the! li t < < iceeiv . .< it- .an.', oloet tin in io control il io roof gii li- v i/.-'t h>U < !' Il o -tale, aiiil I'iiilpiild ol'tlie I IIOM e> ? ; i ? 1 * t ttt ion. tiny Wi||lisd spell sdlh- a I lo hite.mave in framing iho law. that v m o.l'.y.ou v. ill I he dang, r until il i- t t. ... late --ye-, too luto il will he W hen l'i 1 he v. oi king man. whdlhei1 w h.ilo or ebb o or. d. lit.d . .mi that he i? a-aiti 'b.a . le I I. iilV, hllltiU.V l\?!U lo iii.d.ef the milllO of pe r la.'. ." "I a;;rant law-." alai 1 lie 1p" like. I say up alii, ihideioi'd. il heh,".ve-j I i; - to lie the alert, and .-r-inv how and 1 .'.-ie\er. iIn-great liboh ri' jib?i'iy and:, i 'luitl hi -novel upon ids hy ( '< >ngi, s's : IbV ; i if v.e fail to pietoet imp elves iiowj ( on- , _-.IV- -. mid the people of the Nol'.llelM State-, will he led to believe that We : IV , unlit for freedom toni fs?lf-oSiveintneht. ! Ibdiieiilh'iT. I'a'.t i.-k I l"iu \ -aid trilllil'ub : !\. l'ue p: ! ,. ,,|'ph, 11 \ i? ?tornai vigi-i 1'. r Ila -' n a-on-, a Itioe! big of loyal < l'i!i/iihsjpf S>.u'h ('tiroli ini, in , ?pe. ti\> i bf rtit'o or dbldp, wa- call-d iii''take ilits|; ;:- .pie-tipn bid fiderai < (den wa- appointed topri pare a platform ; up,.a whh It a I uion h'oplihlioan pai;t.\ . . ni 1 .. atd/e in lliis dity for Iho pi'o. (Odium'bfpiir rights aiid <>ur liberties. 1 I'h; p!al form ivtls then ?ul-mitle l I.. Iho uem-r-il ifieetliig iigaiii. and umaiiiu- .n-l v i adopted. i I now hold in my bau I ibi- ppadotis iltiidmieiil.the Maona ( bat ta pi'Sditili | < ai.'lina - .and suhinit il t. > \. ti f. >r rati- J lienlioii. And while m\ limo will only1 p. rmit ide lo speak of il ?li gOlitM;al ??i iiiS oilier speakers whp will follow ino will explain b? i|ie:iniiig inoro, fully. I bail n?I.V say that ii wa- prepared with gl'Oai .-ai,, and adopted only after i dai uro de bberai ion. It was pupated with the special view lo have Ilio prim iph s laid down upon Svinoli all trim, loyal iucli eot-ld -land, whether whit.- or eoh.iv.l whether froth ihi' Noiih ,.r South, the l-'.a-t or We-t?whether from Kurope, A Ii ua or A ineiioa : so tliat this great eoiintrv would irtlly he. "The land of the free and tin- home of the brave." af fording a home and pr?li-pi ioli to ilio Op |il'esse of all 11:11 i ? o i s. l-'ellow eili/etm. it isalia-adv Uioolcd bv our former reb.-l maslers, that they w ill not iillow a colored man lo Le oledl cd to oiiiec. They will ilghl, ami i at her die than silhliilt t? i il : timi Ihat II icy will, when one,- ugnili in convention assembled, Iranica Constitution which will etibolUilliy redine the loyal voters id a minority again. They hold they have a right to frame a Constitution -indiar to New York, where no bolo?'od 'a.'1" Cpll \oie unless li? I' ssi'ssi" - real vfiU?i'v lo the limonili <>f $ 200 : Inti e\ <tv w lille man cali V?to .vii boni lli?s propbrty tpudilicalion. Or ili?v will imitale (Ito Ma-sticliu ?ci Is con. .Ululimi wliicli prcstTibes timi every Vo or i olisi la? al>lo o? r?itd ami wri.lis lo*j ioiliorwilii -u.-h other stilaloeOtiiriyaiu'i) is will placo ilioni in power in ibis Staio main iWeVer. Nov. . my follow Oili/eiis, I ?*?< you. will ydii fii ve llieln Ibis lianee? (Orios of oho,'' duo,''), (len. Wliile Ilampion ami his eoniVres ? II \. a thai the w Ititi." an<l eo|pT0d nem ' ia\e the sain? interest?dito stilile dosli iv. ami timi Ilio iwo racc-i musi prosper ti perish logellicr. Aito! he exluuts linif people ih ir> ihoso of the eommu liiy whom they have kiioWii. ami hol lo ixperinietii on th,e syuipnl hie-- of sll'?n mi-. If -nv-. ii\ Iniii ?ii<| Ihs'?tristo-i ratielu eUir. il. who held shivery lo ho i ?.l?vili*' in-titiiliiii. inailo aie! inaii 'ina . I h\ the Almighty hliiif-elf for their1 p. eia! hem-llt. kii that lhe\ oOtlli? rovo! | n it lie lies ami luxury. Ile ni I vises voli 0 ?fy incili iiliiliiil until you fun) \our 1\es .!( r. i\, !. Iliil w la ! e w ill you he , fyotj liiul yourselves1 deceived '( Villi \i!l he in a worse siali' of slavery (liiiit cat w?'ri.' i'vol" hefproi and with no! 1 air e noi;power t? bxiricatti \ olirseli esj, j s'oI'oon will pity you?iiolio.iy will help j. .is. Von villi lini have tiuule the sav-' jigs of your foriiier oppressors true,' hid ydii are unlit l'or ffoedoiii; and soil*-] i-vei nie.elit. Aia! v on. my while fellow eilizens. I dio i liitl heh mg io the oligarchy hie. ha-- tuie.I ypli wllll rods stronger han il< li?t hose thai have ludtl voli ?li I j a nl..! sliivei'y and thriilhidui?it is for' oil : i.-o to ht ware how v?li pill agalli . issati)" class int.. pi.w.-r. Have ypll t rgotten Hie .ie-p..ii-ni (hai rhiguctjjl ver phis heii itiful \:iu>\ dm ing Un- w ar : : lave \ on forgotten that a while mint's . |V'and liberty wort* nothing in the eye- i Iti e-e null, hi e.-tll-e it eo-t I helll ?loiti- ' < ig'f And thai the li!,- ni' one of their > iituaii chattels was ol a m eat deal litd'rc > ?n^'ipieii?e to them hUt-misd of its mom ' lai'N value. Ami h.e'iee the whole |e- I elliotl wa- nolliii..' hut a rieh man's war i led a p>-or man's fighi. t If the rebellion had -U Veeded. do y?ll I iiihk t?hd (he Republican form of g?>v- i I'iiuiet'it would ha\elom_- survived? No. i 1 W.-llld SOiiil have been converted into I illbfc dOsjjiotio government than was I voi' kliOwii lo ihn world. 'l'Ite unlimited I ilplit!I'clilOs of the olden linns would ji I*, e !n i n lenient liberal hi c?ibp?if-i -on o it ; and the while laboring man ' i'Otitil spoil liaVo been driven from the;, otititry altogether, lie wise. then, ihy i ellov ciiiV.ciiS' ioin in witli t!ie colored ' nan. ami lake the organisation of ?lio < Oat. itilo your own hands, ami keep ; 1 ioni p.'wei lh.o-e nu n who would only 'I eek ti i pu'. you in a dogra h-d position. ! i ]...>k ar. >und you?look al the dost rue- . i.ui caused by llicir mud folly?l??>k ; li'Ottiui \<>ur Ih'Oshlcs an I notice the va- i ant ihaii's. tin- ihissilig; members of your apiiiy ; Idok at tile inaillitai, the ividOws, unI o: plain- ?li Ila' land, and lin n tisli ourselves, who i- il (hal has done all '1 hi-.' Will you give these men who lioill 1 d>> penam-e in sac|ii'lpili and ashes, in- complete political control in this "init agaiii, as if none t>f tliciii woi'o dis ran hi-e I. and the c?liIr?l of lite balh-t i va- U ill in (heir hand - 'i A - if I he sltiVckt es vere -till on (he anus of iheir former lav.'-, and you were slid spell-bound in 1 lie lhraltloiii that the era of slavery had a.-i 'iround you t Sipl'.-rl Un i:, iievv inon and new ineas ires so Unit your t|iieenly eily will rise j ike.he I'laeiiix from its ashes, to wealth, Old lower. Vis. lei ( hai lesloii oliee get tfai'slarl. and sliO will soon eoinpeli- in! I rad- ami eoi ni nere?' with the larger cities | f ?r North, widoit aliliotigh once far hehiid in imporlauee to ( ', luivo Ihrogh nieaus of free institutions, free, pres. ami freedom of speech, gone far; alum! of her. \\j invile all : we invile the son of the j riiiliil and'dispirited planter, (he son of'] tin- lienri-sl rieken iiti< 1 impoverished wid ow, in fact, nil classes whohave lo shirt 1 in Ilio world anew, and who have to put i I Hoi I' shoulders to the wheel in orlici" lo i iva in an liOh.csi livelihood, wo ih vile llteih | i I ? > join n - in <>ur eilorls lo rcgoiiOfitld ! Id | poor blighicd, slave, oiifsod, and war- i scarred Stato. Of will you, soils of old i Carolina, still pm-i-l in following ila? fortunes Ofybur Kh?!!-. your llulehin- > sons, and your Harkers? Olt? of Mi?in | j a Itieiuhor of your Staio l.ogi-dalure. I . hoard boldly doolaro in opoil colili, lad a few days ago, that lie fOlhoinnlly l?ok ilio dalli (o suI?poiI (lo- Constitution of Ilio Culled Slato- ; and lllill la- liad In oli forced by military .authority tu swalloyi the itmncsly oaih. I ask, will yoji still |? follow stich mudinoti, and bring how fh'S- I illation upon your country and your selves!' I hope uhi< Khdorso llich hcar t ily. our plat tin in : a--know lodge I hat t ho coloro I mail ivi io ha- -neh a Viisl majori-1 ?'y in Ilio Slato, ha- a fiiilit lo oa-| In volo !i>r w In ni ho ph a-o- : and ?h?ij, in . jtisliooto Ilio great hiten -I- ho has al :i -take, ho hasa riohl to ho lepre-eiiled i i li t In - comici I - of the Stalo, and in it si hi iv j ma king assembles. Ilo hut this simple i acl of Justice io the Colored liuf?i. and all l will he well, (duo- then, one and ail. I join out* standard and slatid upon our platform, and peace, prosperity ami Imp- , pinoss \Vill agalli [trovali throughout the; land. ji I'ur the Charleston Advbeate. j | 1 \ ? 1 j >i 11 >1 i< : i 11 i s--11 ) lit Siinit(M'. 1 'l'ho -pirit which has moved tin- PrOcd-l' imn of ! ho mei r?poli- of (he Slain, ha- ' -tilled the poop'c of SflhttOI", a lid a Uiosl ; leei-led e\ pi e-- it ,<\ w a- made on MotlditN j! night la-t. in that oily, hy the lately cip ' frUiiOhiscd citizen-- ofihe commonwealth; 1 it a pul'lie lil??t i tig held at the M. I-'.. 1 .'hutch. The. speaker on lie- occilsh'di 1 i nl of Iv lueal nm for the hiislorn par! of , In- Stale; some of '.lie ihosi inlhien' ial I it i/.eli- v, ere pre-etit ? the Ibilg-iigO law-' naker -. OXCiatlOffi and breakers --t he I meo potent, grave am! ruling seignois i Ade thole. Kol" OIIOC, ill tllO Itisl0r\ of i \etit ;. -tern. -oher. iinau-wcialde truth I iViis spokoh in language (hat UOUO could i ni-take, ivltil? the IVocilhiOli Were Oliligttl >(icd a- to Iheirnew rights. re-p--nubili- : ion and d die - umh r 77.e Sldi/iut ( 'hurt or I low conferred upon them, in the. provi-- I oiis of "-d'Iie Military Reconstruction l liiil :" Un- late uin-ler-of the-laves, ""thai I Aere." sat with tin in to be told thai tin y < iVere the cause of the change so un Inoia- ' I ile ami radical before them. The -peak- '.' r reviewed the pa-l. its prejudice-', I V- I i^ahuibsi, interdictions, the Oauso of (ho * iviir. il - re-nit. j ho elisi h.cos given the j s nmliUhr (O'.S'f>"0?/CM <>t the ?i<}?thfh> t|V ! -land on eijiia! ground wilh the tilirttjjii?i '"'/o'. their refusal to act wisely!, Ihoir I< Iciiaill at lit mie in I he wi>i l, of I-elude li! a- ' i lion until (Vnigl'?ss was driven to the : |ia--age of an sud. ivllicll delhlCs lite w ay- | limi liicaits ofrccoiislriiclion not to be r0|00lc<l or defeated. lie made some . soothing- allusions lo the methods which i would be organi/ed lo nullify Ila- power c invested in the |lO\i Iliade citizens of the ' i South, am! eouu-e!|. .l |ho lYe?dlii?il to beware of ---ii-'o! n conversions," siihdhji', especially .those, who an- by iheir own act. forced "*lo -lami out in the cold." hi* , well as the troop of prctoiidcd friends, , whose act s gi\ e I ho lie lo their protesta tions; lle g:i\e ilictiv a graphic picture of th? true, trini and fearless friends v, ho have watched tin- interests of the black UHM), as ihoy have -tomi by them through evil a-' well a- good report, ami asked ltieni il' tltoy would 'dicirny a trtisl so sa cred as Unit which made them free, indeed confided in ?libili by a Congress' who dared lo say the biillvt is l/u' ritjhi of tin1 jYeethiittHy President .Johiisoii to Ihe contrary noi withstanding?" The earnest "".Noi'' of iliO atittjcncc! iitisiVoi" ed the question. The rumors of another war, (A weak in \ enl ion of t ho enemy. ) rceei ved wither ing blow s of sarcasm ; (he allies of those WllOSO rebellious -old- ale ever in arms. wore buried, mourners ami all, bo\ohd the reach of n resurrection. I Only one Ihing was left fiw the Sonili., t'odo; UO'pirOSOO in Ilii! donuihds of (hi* liOUr< liei l'or Ilio pr?seid ? i;h?( hanging iii><?n ilio impossible ?tid s?i/.e hold of Ilio iiioviinhle. The IVc<k.Um?;v? were oshovl il ?" vigilance. I" spinti biiahl rivoi" choir l>ri\i11 ?>;? -, (<? mule in purpose sud deter mino leti |<i In- tlu- ?lupOS of I lie ja\haw k U's ol* Un ir legislated preiiigntivo. ' The I Mat form of (lie l'idoli Uophhli nii l':iri\ of Sotilh CVirhlinu/'us'i'|<mi?Ml il a ina - ihoelittg of lilt) colored eiii/.eus if (.'hurli'slbil, was reati lo tin- meeting and received (lie endorsement of (ho on Ihusinsiie crowd. * While nniiji," said lhe speaker, "will he done lo di \ ide. dis I riiej and mislead you. it remains with yoii to show thai Ilii' malice, indigno or devices of all -hall he of no a\ail : lake oiitisel id* your friend-, and hear I ho ad vice of (lie protendi nii\ Imi. <>nl of all, learn w i.sdoiU. I'he fui lire of 1 he nohlc Republic, free in fact as w ol I a - pinchi ma I ion. w i I li dilli inal iena hie rights of man' a<k now dodged, established : humanity's plea triumphant ; oil nit it stallino in the race of "life, lib erty, and the pursuit of happiness." was portrayed in glowing imagery, while the iibplo satisfaction of being in union with ilio purposes of Heaven, inspired every lenii ami every mind with iisstirnhcOs of vicbirS as porfceli as ilio fund triumph of ' iijfil o\ or a rniuj." The speaker closed with palsying de iiiiUbitiii.Oils upon those wito would sever r prevent the union of the Slates, I he 'edits of her oili/pns and the hopes of Ilio u Ili re : while he honored the defenders ?f the ling;, the guardians ol' national ibllor and greatness, the enfranehised o\ ali- l :. to w hom he looked for integrity did invincibility in ilio Inw ard inarch" if events, for : The land oflhe bravo is the land of he li ce, and each should excel each in udenvor.''?Ai.cilA. :\ ( \> lo : a < I man i~ ? ssi ]-i Ii ! ion. 1 Ion. l'.nw AiiO 11. W.u.Ki'.n. of C'harlcs o'.vn. a colored ineinber of ihe Massa hlisci I Legislature, made an able specoli m tiie duty of Ma--aehtisetts towards le- Constitutional Aiubiulinbhl. The ( inclusion was as folkiws : u 1 have heard gentleimui say. "A year i o 1 Wotihl have \oled for the iiincUd iicnt.' sir. I never would have voted or il. I never would vote for any law he tendency of which is to place the iclple'is blacks at Ihe South in I he hands <flh" men whom they have jllsl ceased o liglil. I Wotlder if the people of Ihe >Ou(jl luiyc loriioKcil (llO fact that lutll Ire 1- of thousands ol' iilat k men rushed ngerly into the held for (he purpose of liding the govcrniilcnl id' the I'ldtcd Slate-. I wonder if the poppici of tin' South have forgotten I he fact thill wher V or your soldiers, sick or wounded, need d help, Iheir slaves were always willing tiid r:i rto furnish il. If the people of ihe NOlllll have not lYnjgolieii all these fact., i wonder if there is a gentleman ill this Moor who believes Dud lllOy love ilio Idiioks aiiN heller lO-day than they lid a few years ago. | shy lo you, gen lloinen. thai the passage of this ainend ineiil. with this second section in it, would not he doing justice io Ihe relig ions, hone-!, manly sentiment of Massa afiiisetis. I-av ihat Mas.ssibho.sctissliould declare here, and a! once. ? We were compelled to go ini,? (his eonlosf, wo have -pent millions of dollars and loiU Ijdus Of lives ; we see around us, wher ever we go men hearing the marks of 11e infernal institution of American shi very, and the war that was brought on to support it ; and we mean that, so far as we have any voice in the matter, eve ry Vestige of thai, institution shall be swept from the land. Volt have here. gentlemen* ill the Sen ate I hnmher, ami on the tloOr of thin I louse, on the persons of half-a-dozen men, the marks of sia very and the war waged in its behalf. Here is slavery; here is the war. The men who helped to subdue the rebellion are in (he S?liti); Will you now, while yon claim (he right to leycishde for these Slates, or for (ho ici'l'ilOry where Slates once cxlslcd, also say. lWe arc ready to put I hem' negri >e?