The Charleston advocate. (Charleston, S.C.) 1867-1868, March 09, 1867, Image 1

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VOL. 2. NO. II. \s YO would t men sh<ul<| <lo milo you do yt; uvcii so to them.*' CHAH i J 10 H TON. S. C., SATU H DA V, O OTOH KU 1 0, i,S<iS. wuor,K NO:m S?,bt tfluu'UVtOu vocale OnAHLEST?N, ?. Cl.;, MA V'Oli 0, 1 ;. A. WEIJ53T?5H, tiriti ?r. l?. Fi KANDOLrir, } Associalo T. W. L?3W?S, S MdUors. A l?i-.iiK:i?i s am' l,iibi;,\n> i'\rn:, l'imi.tsiii:i> Wi.cki-i \ i So.; i -s Mni INO Mill i I. S i.a? i alio 'i N. ai li. .H m<)()!:!.. T i:i:MS i il si r.M '1:11'i |l .\ : three Dollars a V> ili--: payiibh' in advC;; ... sis >' .ir, rime Mm ih*.1,0". i;A I i'S KO'jt AIA l'diTISINti. Adverii-u'iiient > will bei nsbi t ed al ili rali i l'hai ali pOlSolls Jili? luldpr inili!ai\ ai rcs( hy vii-ilio ?>r this Avi -hall ho tried Willio?i Uceee-M'v debit . aia! iiO ertici <>r uim-md pimi-limoni fluii 1 1>C ?al?h l;c'l ; an i in> sentence oi'aliv niilitarv cbiibuis si. ni ni-1, ihnnai horeh\ ani h, ii i ;, 1. riilcetp big Un- li io or li! mi I.V di' a \ pr' ?mi. sitali l'i- <-\o.?ti I un il it i- ai'i'i.'N r.l ?>\ lin eili.-m in r.'irn.ainl hi" (ho disiati, and the l?lw sj ari f. .tulaI ii.a- (or jh'o inoli/ oft lid aiin\ shah libi ho nifi hied by this Ai-i. ose?pl in -oijir as li?oN eoii ili.-i \vjih i s jn-.i\i-ii>n : l'no i h i. 'l'hai 11.? -vili i?.or of. h al h nudel1 l ho id'Ovis'iOliS or this A'! shiill Ir yhrribd tnlb ehi et wiChoii? ilio approvai ;of ilio lav-adcnt; I hai ti In li !!.< |i'oo> tri '?l Si ah - - hall li (liiihii. :' i .\oi'hiiii : etUJcloU; <l!'.0 oi' sai-i ,1 a l 'on t? tv|(li S|A,MV|;|U' ? ' V!< sani Sdni>. (avoi?u ioaoC ol'ioli lira - o? l'.r?vh'f ivo- , ??i"m.?(? a .-qnaii'. I.b'ilaoi''or? H.iiK- proponimi, l'or spn liliali i'i t'iv.hl wecM an i ? ini- pi-I- -una:< : fot' .-lai hionl- ni' >i\ lilWiilh- mal a i i \ ; - ; or square : jVa\ lib-nl bob.': reijliii i ".I i:: ailvan |,i'.t' --ii' :ral l'jidiie eeodm.- Ii\.- Ihirs. .-|n a ve' Mi'ni-i-o-. P' a.-u-. l? li : Loti. ( -. lini l'Ni CI ' jiV'c ; i'iii II iii-i-rii'-n. N,'),nl1ii, :ri,...ivO. ,iinu il a< ; ' w iil ho ijllmli i >? in o ; r a- atjli'l'll- ' '.1 or o'.hopM > *'" So I'ul.lhauh.n ilia.l. p..i,-!l>h- naaic All liooif-o'ljaoaoiuji-oV . whether tfiivcuiia or |'?i : Uvd auvn.-. . iva i-ili "!' \i.iha(il\ or r-.i'i --. Hi.,.. A ii ?lis r. ?ullt ! '.'. w !,- ? a' . I il i \ in sah! Si !'. .f oli ivar r;i-f ila'y i'tf oh'viiplii ex,- ' si ,i:;t- 'li-iVi'ia-hi-nl !.-;::'-. ira UiaV: ho ?ls ha- ih'li'. allunai!"!! ain.l il|>iapv;ih ailil ( . :. ,;r shVill liii ve ii|'ja-oVoi| Ilio sa ino, an-l ivlii -;.i 1 sialo, liv a volo .'I" iis i.i'iiishbii "UldCr sMi.| ( onsl;itl||)oi . hall l.av. Milharv Hill. ->1<\>U<\ 0u> oiarm?u!. m i-?o-Cm tin, |,b Vrosiiionl soni" in hi- volo ,.,' ,h, "!'Vm? S,:il^ ' ^ ? Ju?\\'ing liill. " ".' o'ol l< ?hi ho ; v iiihiVviSvhcii il iviik 'r. i.oitiaioly pas ver the v. t ". in Ha I liiitsi'. Vty a volo <<l'l.".."? to IV: a tal in (}ie .^piiittoi hy > '< toll. Where:'.- ,!" giti Sialo l Ipvi'llinH'iihs tir iulerpiaie prhii tjlioh lite ?r pfopefJ l \ n< >\v osisi.- in t lo- ioli 1 Si ni ?s "!' \' ir glniio North ('arohna. Sonili ( arolifia. !' t ieoiria. Ali-'-i--i?i i. Alahaiiia. Loliis?- '. 11(0 Thirty ' Il ?-! '"..: .{< . ami Umovn , as ioiiitet'ia ma! v.ho? .j'ii?| aiiiolo i -hall l.a \ e dimoine a l'ill'I oi' ( ho ( mi -1 il U i",i ot' the l idie I Static. 1 Siale -hall heileelaied Oliil'dlil Io lei >l i -et, ' a ; , lion in dm vros... ! s,..,.:i. ? , ami Ih j. r?scniiiliyos idiiill lie adiail i;i;d Ihoiei'i. mi ih.eir (iildn.u (?i? oaiii pr. ?-\ i' ed hy iw. alivi 1 !:e!: :'! ! ;': n allei- the pi-? i,'i> '. l!rVei|?ie.|js ... I! lli? shall he im|k'rii live in - ,id s;;,:,: idod. that m,p, , iliaiii'ehy s;:i i [irO] ii iS?il a !ue. id ii lelit !.. the Colici it Vii ioli "l'ihe liiiihd! Spi (eh i d* ? Ilo! (.Y.|;\eid hai (0 ii:.nn- a ( '?iiSlid: ii?li l'or pii.v of -aid lihoi Siale., iioi i ; ; 111 i ; li i ! '. ? ' i i : i in Siali-, any il'ivil '."o i ; aironi - whio'n may osi- ts t Ilo lei ii ?d?li! ': lin d i'ioV i-'omd olllv. alia, l-'lorida. 'l'i \a- aiiil A t ?.an-: : ivhoieas il i- p?ross??v (Ital |>?V?IC(; and Limili ord? r 4li?ii|il he l'iil'?rriMl ili Silid Sliilcs uniti loyal and rojadiliCiiu Siate o-ov?rnnioii(s 0:111 be lob?lly psiiilfl?sjibi! ; tiifrtd'ore. Ho it i nai ieij hy the s.-naio nj) I | ! ! -. Of l{eplc-elltali\e- of the l'ili! ('il Stili i's oi'i Ahicricii il? Congress assohihloil. That ' . l 1 . ', said fidici Stai es -hall he divide'! imo '' ' "' 1 ' 1 .... .. ' . . . , , . . unti ilio o ?'iilh of sitai ! indttai'v disine s and limdo stth;eei (o (lib ' 1 '. he hv l??vi' ?uhnit ted t" -,i mihtar.v anlhoi uy ol l!n- I 11 il od Staio-:. as heieinal'tei' p.j o-? l il.ed. and fof tiri piirpo-o Virgil liii -hall Const it ide ili" l'irsi districi : Noi'h ( lifolihil and Siuitfi C:.r .. ., 1 r . : , i- 11 atei iti :.'d re-,"ii?. its subitici lo ilio piiiii' ollli? Ibi? socon l disi riot i 11 corpi a. Ala-' 1 1 , , i i . , ,1 ... I liitiiiui iidtiio' ity ed' the'/1 ni e<jl Slatod ?i hamu and ! h>rid:t the ihud doltuT: M i-si-sippi ami A 1 han-a- I lie fourth di- - ' ' ' ''"' " '"' '.- ?"a,. trie! : and Louisiana ami 'I'.-s."- the tifili -"'i-''1 ^'d?' ih.- Suine ; and in ; 11 hloo.tlojis ,. , , t" a! \ odi 0 tinder snobd'ii'ovis ?n?l'gi,?V (pstrieti 1 Si,.:? And he it I'lirthcr bil?ided, ?'^"btit^iill la-rsoils sliall be O.U'dlod to That it Sii all he tho duly oflhe IVe-i-leM V01' ' li,>,U> h ellli'led 1" , . , ,1 . 1 .. 1 .. . . \ ole tllider the pio', i - !. 111 - of the li ft il -ce to ilSSlgtj Ilio C"?iunan I <>l each "I -aid 1 ,. . . ' ... ;, ,1 , , limi of this ::<-t ; and no bof.-.on sladl lie distriels .-.:. pllteer 01 tpe army, liol I - low the i:ii(j> of ib'igiidici-i ii'iiiifid. aiid 0? detail a -uliich-iit ihiliValy I'oi'co Ioni- r,1": ,'' diiie spi'li 'illleer to jii'i-ibfin hi - diiiii- 'i"':'' !. ' ami olili le., his authority williili !'. di - ' -j t riot of \, ;.!--li In- i>. .-: --m iird. Si, And ho il l'iti dici' eii?bied;. l'liitl it shall he ilio ,,f oach oilier , ,. iisijlgtiod ;is aforesaid, to proloid all - sons in their righis of poison: und prop- IhAh ' Hi (Vildwidb .-Hy. lo - , ; pr,-, iiisiti'i eel pip, disorder < d-oigia. \n il. s (.? t!,e d/^Aob,V. ;.- |o| Aiid \i(>!v-m e, and io piiiiish orlcaiiso to uhvsii ?m iHilliklsc-d. i'.l! di-itiii .;- oftho puhlie ()v I ho :[ 11 h of .hmttai y. I Mil'., jlislii.ji pcib ir?iidcfiiiiiii?ls, ami id ibis t'tat he ( huh m.el. in Aihiiihf, cigid or ioli min may tilldW looal ;\ il tr'diUimls to (tike i-loi - v. ho had wiih'ha.\ 11 IVoni llmdoeal jilrisdiii b-n of s m! lo liy oiioiidcrS, or. and ii imranl 1 iiul.-of t he Mel h.o.'d-i i-'.pi u 1;. n in his judeeidoiii il may l;ii> iit'Ces cbpiil ( 'hureh. South, and 01 ganiy.od tliom saiy for the lii.-.l ofol'.'imh i -. In- -Tall into the \Yr- o-ni ( o-oiy'm and Alabama have power looi.iaiii/r !:ii!i:.--!\ - N??s's?oII Dl-lflet oftho iVlClhoi||s? Hpis -ions or tiihiliui'i.s ftir that purpose : eopal ( hiin-h. Al illtti little t'biih'ielit't1 and all iule, feti t ee amh r color oj' Clcveti iaratdters, nine from the Sonili hiittibri?N viih die t'Sofeiisf of military aiid I wo from (he Norlh, recoivbd iloii :-.tit iooit \ liudi-f ibis .\ot - hail be mid appoint ments. One of the Noi lheri tipd Void; hrothien. sla'ioiif'd in A (la Illa. Ibi1 n-a " ! <'. ' ' ll I'u.r'h i iiiM-hai, -on - iiid.uoM n t" Ibis coi-|-espoudclil. do 'litjildc lo any ollieo tuiiihr any such |uo ,'i-rumoiii - w lo ' would 110 iiis tin iioidhb.' . :!';-. o u in Km ih if the tliiiil artlide ofsa'.-i eoli W'i >i )< in < i 'i > 1 o.' i: 1. lamraime olinoti tin- tippoiidhienli One of (he \ I -it dbi'iiiot 1 fii : i ? ? > 1 Soulluan brethren, on Iti- andai al hi lirst appointment, mei till array <d'furious opposition, llibl, being intimi.lattal Ily I lo i a .. withdrew fr?in ?li?' WOt k, an. I in a few nipnilis i. 'ii! m-.i lo th,. \|. |,. I'hiirCh. Soiuh. Mi- ivi imi was hui?otl '"; Vviili delight. ami lm wa- icoOivhii ili Co Among ihe Spankers, at the neont ( Ibtlgrcssipiut) ItunpCl hlieo meeting in Washington,was Senator S'alesi oi HI. : ho itnii?iihcoiiioiit ..l'In lianio ?i eiision fi n>> litt! ilrprisj iti -omo jii:i?1iei us the Senator hasit?l lu tai mi?od lof lib t minorate habits : hu! tho foll?v?ind t-\. Ilio aim-ol ht- lolliiviiu1 biiuhroii nsono 1 uh.. |fa,| o(,.,j :,. lr,x. i',-,,,.!,, (-i iVo1" ' ''i)0,t *?t"."<lift inOCHng will wore not wnntihe. lo IheciVeol that all the UM ' ^>h']n u!,;" Ui,s ,VM,,V !:,,"'n -mi-ui.lo.i hroiht. .." wouhl. sooner or !U?(I to llu' -!V:'1 fM.'V^*?1 lhf lf urAU>' lai i r. -< ' t In i r o. | o>- ;m. ? repelli jilpMviso. 1K "I1 ' I ni- p.a-on wa-a i'oivi.oi.-r. only a i'ow "Senalor \Vilsiai hf io.hme.! Senator \ oar-- -ine.- C?li voi teli l'i olii Ih-man < 'all'- Vales oi, I Ili noi-, w h.. -ahi ho ino! sigu?i? oiioisih. It wa- noi t<> ho exported. , !l' l'Mg*' 'A'?"*- ami ha i ma lo hi iiiotoibro,. li?iai he roiii.I mocr fully into eoveiinni with (!< I stoino two montlis ?ho spiiii of ih.. r.?:i,i,.u r-y in whioii-la- ' '" l*l?o tibie, o!ot|iioiil ami noblc Scii \.rv limi!-! ami Hi. ii ti ivi* ioti -.or ?u iVoin .\la--aehu-et tin the kin ha -. titH'ioitl ?ii diodi-ni. Thi- left us wiih :' 1;' g:'"'?<ie railv ni ito working nieil in ilo1 a itti' - oj1 hi- Ilio hrai I . ram.' to itti : - -T 1 :<\ f nor. I w ani \ oc trim, embracing Ibihariad'bol tion ?if tw?> 1 ! :l ,;'!l ''"':l b-aip-amie.' lUoetihgmi With al! m, hom i.' ahi Villi* ?. lini ?lio l iuiiioialil e moot ing ? i i libi tako | Ilici . Ma','-, al; I. a \el. wr ha I UOl a -invio '.!: !. iheui! :. ( hteyeiii' Ir;'in ; ho -lato l'btir i<;. at h n woha-1 i\<y-imhl libiib-let'- ir .hi- Hold'. :;.i 1 va ?ai ly -even i. !- ', i ineui'ooi "'ir third of ??p'til \v h j t o . In e mhanplt?tiiig -'uh rosili is ?n ? sliorl a limo. v. ani i'o?dy t<> o\. laim. " \\ ha! h ili liVid w'foll -hi " mini-im - wi n' l'or!'' i.? om .-- .?r |.m-o. !!':on- -a, h s i runitinb'i ed in a iv pi r lll'S1 Ilii \ e n Va'. - tim i -aM lo \\ \Uo\i limi Ite ?:> tue ! Of wailing, when hi - frullili furni-h . iiini w itti Iho pio . . I Io i ra-1 h Uefiillv' iiiul wlnjii he -b:ned il i ho l'ill's i him-r':' io hi- fidi heiahi .to' ho y-;i's I "o. Ilo'.. '!-, m> p'id'. Id;- hiiviihi: In -n ; ' lieo d lo anioni , di it-s. Alilo uih tic lia 1 oiiiisideiv 1 llitlish?f a moderaiediink. r. i; wa-pahl!-lte<l Uilonli ' . "i'-f'iu' IhoteSiiiiii world -imo iho ?mi I h land ' hai ho wa - a druuL;0'd. 'I'lir! e d i\ - .-: ,1, li'.-a Vloth'itl?st :. Tiu'.y. Ihe\ svjis fanno lindi an ! error ilio in thi-. Ih ?' .. : il .\io. Ila ir livr- in lli?ir I: ni a l'ai ii'i ; w htm drunk of lo! I ili;.;- ove.'\ liiiiids. Th-'i wa- ma a day from I li? ! .';. kii?>w il. Ili -j<rrrh. < wmi r noi liv nioilienl li.ri 4lar.(e?l jOUl on lindi- pm il- , o lent. hut loti;: a.'d hoi-l. 'l'ho pi a;rie did "ti - mi--hai uni d i hr \ o\ r i "I ir r r'or 'uiis, n?i fit mi sii i'.?m . an -m di l'or lo in when In? ihai ihry m.i in (hi?r.'er of phi-sdji- bhiatlc a foraar?? iitdvoincht- The gieat al viol aro. Ihd, iiitiiniiiiiioii hy m > eoinnn >nw fai: li of II iim.i-. had '.; I .. ; ::! \ - ! j ki tiiiis.'i?iey Ay?ui iiitayaril itilo jil.'ioos, li'.'O ye'irs liouoii'd him in ad hi ? piihlii! w,i fb ihr\ v..' e sii?Toiiudhd hy poiiuinS j ppsilloiis. and !: litui ii ii\ pr?nn!-oil that! "! a . a' i iti.: on; 5 !: e:... riti .-. raid orarli v." i Qk '.? and ali who lovt|'?? him---- Kalief ?d.- p'.vpair.l io (lieJjg^vth?'o!iii'''on "--hr w ori I uo\or Im?d ?liSO ilivViivi. ll-i t?iov !i.-il'o\c.l. t ho ?? \ il and ivlh' h-n- il?hi s li ifi he?f Coi! ip irviut'li and follow l hl'tsli? l'i. i *<M it>l) i : i t i cj?l'U't di t>\V ii> : liandie Ilio linrleail thing. Ih- in- ! led lo li^hl ii out Oli (his Hill- iti Ilio i-! hour of his e\i-lo:iro. Ilo Would io ni :hl as soon ihink til' drinking fili' a vviilskoy. f"i' t in- lai : or w a- holl ami ? ?am milioni Ilo was! a-proud of having taken llu pledge a he w a-tif hi-, ow ii w lib and ohilth on." I ito ut -. eireiion lU.l lt'r lIte e.pmI - : Irage law fo;- the !>is|nVt of ('?.lunibia \ -. Uiiii h. Id .ai Si :: lay. tur ?oi?t inst?ld. am! i'i'sulied in t!:e elect it ?li of (ho l'optili. . 11 11 -' : 111 I 1111 ; 11 >i 1: 1111 ? > ! Ih'.iii canidide lor mayor. Mr. ( harh - 1>. | 1 b?.-l?>!i. W'deli : and t'V? n r<[piiii|ie;iii ami four tldmoi'iiitii' ciautpilnti'ii. It is |h fio-i a cdmpleh' lepahlioan v'etory. ihid-'olpc tion pa-si iblf. liioilv. tiiociilofeii \. trr-. '. ol ; .< ::' I ii na Ul ti ? \p< clod lh '\ h'a h r - ha-1 pr? A il ?iriili -io aeon , .>:. :a?'t I d w ii h 11 en. bandi r!s corps thus rolait'S, in tht'd Vd'/.s t il III II ti,," /', all illeideill "f (us p:is-a.e ilpotlgii Wi lorn \dr. dtia. ilia-Iral i ve oi the igmeaiu e and spiittittll di'siitiiiioii ! : <?.:! pi i\ ileo lor I In idera'.ele adi ' in'elli p-nily. >: !:o kn "An ail ;,.d!optd up lo I In- : ttrgeoii. 1.1 aid. "t ioli. I.aildel "A i -he- io st o Voti I ail : oil ..,f umililo am! e'.fdeumi;' at the froni." < pieci iblU 'l'ho ai tam.'.eiuer: iliade Tlllcsijigebli i'tiuei liiiavtiul, certain of: . hihl'.if jiolii e ?fllih I iistrici vibidd : lig'titiug. and of wounds to d ? - -. Hat ' ! t v. ::! d d|s(ih'h:inct' liad aiiV bbcii tier, biiiider met him with ii ipicci':soi I I. IViii Ihi'ft! luis a! lib tiinO of a smile. "Aieyoii wiiiingliipracii i' Ulj.' Ihiisl did'.gor ofa colli ion at a little oiih-ido of\our dal \ ': ' he asked, ills. mile-. , ii w as immg'.'i n'.e I l-y "(.'hi iainly. W hat is to he d.oim i ; - tinned the suigeoii. "An old voi,em. in a hovel ;".il lime. 1 ilia! lids day lyoiild soy.n come, and would like sohia tiiedieinr for her daugh > t al'.-u? pivparimr Ibr it hy ?.i:rani- (,.,-. Thmv -he is, with a pipe in her iiioliih." A'iid(hero.'she wits, hrdivii, ?oaiso ami difiy : I '.-h',"; lulfiilv like a. heing with a soh?! lint slit )o in 'li ivi?r? -at ;s '.at'on and hy the citi'ci'ul siiiily of lhhir 'hit v. N ' eolia! iiiiiiiliei' oi' voter- in tliis l)istfii ; i'vor w' itiI th(> polli;with it bijili-j . ) -on e of t he 1'e o ,o!?sihi!it v tipdji Hii'iib 'i with ?m>re e'iiii 1 an an cioils loou, j^hMilv^^h' !'?>' il' thai -howed -ho h., 1. alter all. a heart io Iliad ilul the edi li voters ? f < ititi -hoiow n oil Minidhv w llh -otuelhl'i;.' l.iothell\ aiotll ll. 'I'h? siir?rCoti followed her into her mii la-i. Hi such p.. prati, n and by their (M.]|h|0 f|(,w.L .,,?; f(lUI?i their ihe dmigh. e-..-mplary condite! at (Ij? polls, they haVe won a victiVis '.or their hicC whioh will o\ire .;i.o an a.u< imi of prejudice Puld lta\ e dispel lor. a Voting woman. VifC.V ill,? near dealli. indeed. "1 ean do nothing for h.-r: ii i- tod laio." ho salti to Iho moth 1 hat no tiiere afghuii led. i he rei uh ri' I libi gre.v. experiment will pive mo.- cohlid.elici' I" lie- liiOll of progress in Ten!ie>.-oe. who liavt< ju-t ildt iilf'd, 1'iit h'i\e;'"l y?l tiied. manhood KUliiiigOi And it vili arm the loyal inon ' of the iioiiH-econstruc(ed Stiites wiih ir rosistiidu cmiiiigr and iiicis ili support oi' iilO eo|; I e -ion:,! plan of re-1 mat ion. I sViis afe?rod so, Vou baifit a par -oii. lie you -lie returned. I am imi ; hm ! ,. ill -end for ihe ar my chaplain." -aid the doctor. So the chaplain caino : and. standing by llu'dy ilig r.irl. he risk -il. tenderly. "Have you tiver heard of Jesus f" I reckoti I have: he tives in Huston, lor.'l lie ?" she answered.' P will convince Ili?i pebple Of the Spilth ' ;...! |,j instici ihofi! is saft'i V ; llull Id Cx- Ho?.s 1 le live iti IV?stbii V 'I'liis tolieh cipile due italfthi ir people frinii iiartieipii- ing eviilenee of spiritual darkness should , Hoii ili ...e., rumeni is iniiieccessary, iin- haul Ilis disciples in lloston lo still more I j ii'lle, aiiil under o\isiin;.: ebetimsiauces!etirnesl elforts to -ive ihe healhen (d'our I iiupOssililc ?(treat ?iopnbiic, ] own lami (he ( io-poi ?f C'hrisH 1 ,11111( *.- I >r; I \ or I < > i Al < 'l.i lit'- an iihmil.ignicd nilgau < . The v aliie ( liorii of ii clioil is i i>\v\\ ili iis power In illihV Oli a certain occ-mi,.,,. a me .was ''iu> ' '-:,[ ", iml ?!1 \ ' ni I,- l.uihei I.. .M.'lai.r- ( Uul TUil[ ' ? i,s ""'""big, placo, uuik. Hum Wlm .ivi,.-. Ih- al oiio.. hastened ^ 1 ,,ol,s< ' (>l' * :5<HM m,(? wl,,'n M ??iicli ?o ills - i.k-li .1. ami found bini pre-ci- ?-<''-? <"' -i'.'ir,,,, a , i, |,-| ,a,K ai, I III;*' Ili.' listini pi,',i v syilipiooisof |,,,,Vl's [i . . '??., '* ?'*? |,,siV l'"~ iloalll. li,' inburili\llly ??Olli i.v.'i' liini. <(T]'l'Ili' Kin;.-s l.ighwuy ?T prnb.-. lUiillsolihilij/. g.<<VOUlle'ia|ieo |W a sorrow- " Im'<'?""V? nilniilignlod IiilUltilV. I l'ili ?Xol'lllisiiioi'. Il loused .MOluilOllliUI "?''?' I-:'!'" "| a ekure|,', u w l.i.'li ii,mi li: s!up. il : In- Ibokb I e,! me i'-t,-,' < >i 1 .'.il leu . ami - ai. 1. Ilus liiilslliit'C will ii"l -.!' iii.'irily alialv.l. il' il cxislod ; ioni. I". li'.' Iiohi ni' < ioli. 1 nevei \. ill in-. ? /', 'l'In > I >il?Vo ( > Lullie i i- Ibis villi ? Why ?Imi you lel ni," ile|i:u i in pouch ?" \\ < < a,:'t spui'e v .?a yet. l'hilbp the reply. l.urniug round, li" Ihrow litiii^oirj 1 lu' widow-ol Ilio liisd nullebl'tlic bund ii|i-m his ho . timi w-esi li I wit II ( ...i "hio steamer -I leu. I.vlle." is ti godly l'or hpwnid ni' un iiplir. lb- wont ?Voin 'V"",:|"- 'i?TstK'iigih in re;ugnstiljin Isi hi-> knees l<. ilio beil. ii ni I I. ?U e'-. i'riOnd htvuitirully shown in her iteephut of Iibr liy Un- haml. A ita ili he .-.ii. I,? bsorlbw lo a syuipn?hi /.ile? friend : 'Mii'tir Luther. wh\ ihm'l yoii hi iui> ''There we ri' sov?n others inhilo \vM i|e|i:il I ?li |VO.i ows," silo stiul, altera nio.aent's pause. "" l'hliiij) ! wo etiutioi -|>ai e v >>u ( Ono of' i ii,'so. liv ing in v im munti. w?uui ><'< " U:1 '?i" l'p'.v. .sihiiii'iily l.-h? nl'i?ieiiojilii nl'her hm hand, Ile i ; .',, ,,i,|, . ,i -anno soup: ami. J looked up ti un,meni in lith r de-pair, nini iyheii pi n! | . jako il. Mclaiieihoii f,.jj d?iitl wjt libiti :i sliegglo. Slio Imil deelim d. av -iin a\ing.?- Ilo'ehlldren : I havi Ih e. When lity ?lio ' Ih'iif l.iithbi1. \vh\ Will \iiii ii,.l I-I : hand's li,-d' w a--li-.mld io niv I'M le ile. ino pd.ItinAi' iilid he al | diale ho)ho.dw<> weeks a . . <,, 1 said, in in\ ts\Vo a,ini! -pare \,ei \, i. 1-hilli,,.- i .nioin-li. t?. o ntd?ilihoi' wh(|> had obiiuvin, w'i - ila- reply. \ [ (eel as il'i tvpv/ ifoiuj v.,mid i'rb itilo Ih,' Ile: Me1.- - ?iravo with him.' M\ l?liie Fieiidy, tiino ''i'?iil?ip, '.ake lliis ol" I w ill pi-i years ,.ld, looked ii|? and said, '.\lotlier, eonnnuuii'ale voli. ' IVbil iniis^i imi l'orget we have limi still: Ile to()l< tl?e Siitlp. I le e.iuime.ieed t<> ' I le w ill take ea,e of Us.' ( I." said s'ae, eiowbeller. Il.i regained his w?u- "how he edinlbrled ine ! If it wore not iod lieabh, and labor d l'or \ear- td\eiv i\?r Ih? hopes whieh roligjon lirings, ? ilo w a d in the etitise <d' the l?eibi i,natio,i. j ma think I Coutil live." Anil, wIu.m? 1.nth, r returned home, hcj .'e! io l i- w ii'e with Joy.? < ;,?'! gave me mv le blliOr MohtuciIl?ti | 1 'il t'il 1 l?ls. baek in di'eel tillSWOl |b luavr." i . -n ( i (hie who was un hoard '.lie dl-latt'd -,? ^r.^. .-. : .. ( 'umili,,.lore,"' snv.-? liuti ''sit? rolled ,--itu\\ <)i ?S i ?? ? '< 'i i. 1 r'.?'blh tifiuuim " ' "".' ' ' ' ' Manva,e ready hi idler .Mosea* o,x<ui e.1 '''./;"' ?'i''-' " " 'h'^'i'P ( .h'.w ol' specoli, " when urged lodo live, ala.; H' I he de,,!- ,,| many who liu'ii-'dtiiy in speaking th Ihe inpcirii iilj|?t>,,Vl,i^ ,,|V:,k !IW:,V i,,th;" lini i; is UP? tdo.pii'dl woiils timi d h'inmn and Divine, by whieh llicy -,, much as a Ibciiiio' Inait. AH the br?i- 1,(1 ,n;,,!'' h,d- ,'<>,ovfr l?t?lii illOi'U'ib io Ih." ivi uhi eoi) hi lllnl''> meli ni, iey he.,:. Il waiiistliewaiu -ae's ?i?^'r Ihb'i.g , d'ilio sletiiiief^ l'ivsol' .icsiis1 jo Vi' ?iow?'ib'* Otti IVidh a "'''-''t men got a-lime in (he boat, ni' iiO?l't lini! is wh-.ily Ids, and l'alling di- v""""^ K!'Vc help in gelling; leetly ou the Iteaii w?> seek t,, hiHii-' '^li?rs ashoi'e.*' The resi wer? soon lit aipu' l li.' nenie d villav.e. oiijiiy-d;.* a gijo'tl I.Ovc :'.,r d,-u-and love l'or |.rdosi j ?"|M???|'i u l,,'n t!l,A 1'"^' :' '? ??''? onl spOi'.lin'j; >!,>..'i toe.en'.al I nrnii".:-. ,il':iv,,,1M''' to li s''"?' ?h-ir less l'olilliialo ?ivo lite inosi e!\e,ive eh-;.e.. lo ?lii' e, id, mSluilIlC ! Hill aretheiein-l We-t llpS, A d>ar V0,Uibi g'ii'l win,-e hear! .le u llliiilV men \\ln> tue en oyillg; ilair own j. <>d l'or,une and ili>iug liti*e in iioiliiin*'' ili ...nehed. was hardened will, ., lW . lo aid o| libi s le s l'oli incile r1 Are there nd auxietv iorlmi' worldly, impeoiie.,1 ! "?'' pro|'es.,,is ,,|'reli-ion who. while h., iathei . She pi:,ved <' !' hon iti iVgony : bui 1 p?'hi ibr heaven, aie doimr bilie pf lo - l.ow -he a?'|,roaehone -la-o ,'heplv H''"gl" ilhl oli.ef- ll.ilher'r CaU Sititi he l'hrisl itili ' Ih.rii Oiti'.AT vNii 1 .ri i i i..- A moni l?VeiJ ami leVelene.-d lipuli ilii.s Mlilijeel so near lo her In ari ': Ihil ai lenglit .suni'iuuii|iig; gli hcr eour ago, she re-,,!v "d Io-peak with li?ui oli .? alhei-l oiice imi a jilitin ijlo tiltdndiojinni iiiatlcr. bather 1 wish (.(iut,ll.y,ll.ii, oo?hg'doA'iuirch. Ilead.ed io -peak to you." s|?. sdd with a heating ii\yhi'rc are yoll going:" In ali ami Itdteiiug bps. phufell, -ir." -Well, daughter, wind i- il < " Itn lisli.t .-What to ,1,, there." l"' ple'-anily. xvoiship?ioiH*' tliClairdenml hciii'l could contain it- ? |'ray. u bother i-your < !od addili sell'ini hoi jer. Ian-ting into an hginh of i Oa I - , In- said. onle. Your sou I, l'ai li bi1 a little < Iod?" "lie is botili -ir Or,?your . j . now he be both?" 'l'hai man ol' lhe Wbild l'eli his hcaii ; p. ',,..,, ,,,-eo/,-ir. thai the Iu-mvcii iereei I :i> u iih one of ( 1 oi !' ; ow n iH'?'OW I'heav en- ('.iiinol C(ihltlin It I lit : ami so I le eoiil.l only an-we,' will, elibkipg voice. ,;.,/, < ,M, j|Wi,j| j? mV ,??? heart." a l)hh|?ldor. I will/ Ami she led him l'he alhe.,-t declared thai Ihis simple answer id'ilie conniI'Vliicil bad more ol io .josns. lioinetn?icf IhiSi de n- land, til' .leshs. ?p,,,) his mind than all the volumes when yoh ihiiik ybu eiiii say notiiing lo pl(. h-arned .loci,.,- had w . it ,en upon Hie wm -innel's lo Inni. Tin' 1 .i w, .inol iv< . Tin Pun - v.\i. mi 1'oiM.viN.-- ll is There should be choirs in our church j unfoldunatOh a coininoli error lolii our , -. '.he very be-! Ihal can be pr,?eiir iniml- look mucii inward, and lo the net I'd. and Ihcre simuld be congrega! ional o|' belicv ing. in-tead ol' Olii Svil I'd h? ?lii! singing ; and the iwb should ?jul niav be 'object ?l' lle?iof { inaking " //'<// shall I combined. If tiny are not combined, believe?" insiemi of H7<<</ shall 1 he timre is fault and sin somewhere. The lieve?" Illo gical huplirv. Which i> as praise of ( ?od ill the sanctuary no more if one should look at Ihc system of-iron' belongs exclusively lo the choir than the pipes lying under ihc oily st reels, nnd : ail way-t rack belongs exclusively |b I lie condueling ilie >Vil(or Iliit) every lioit-e. locomotive. 'I he lliick is for llie locoino- and. for retting Ihe l'oiinlaiu which Silp live. but only that it may draw Ihe train plies t loin. say. "Ah! it Is these pipes of cars behind il. And t lie \ able of a Id- which bring llieli1 cryslal dreain In us: coiitotiVo is solely in its power lo do lids we owe all l?> Ihcse pip. -." Bill vvlml if wiiiu. Suppose it to as-uuie exclusive ihc. Ibiinlaiii failed, or Ilia siijiply IVoin' righi !o I he I i a, !,. and iu-tantlV il becoin- the fountain Wjifi Clll i?il"s